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There’s something about these 25 year old iron block JZ’s dressed with brand new parts and technology that just blows my mind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Th3yca11mej0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Comment of the year. Let's see if it will spin third. 2 seconds later oh no I have no third now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breakneckimages πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œYours is a β€˜99, right?”

β€œYeah lets go with that”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Endless_Ego πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

new meme material right here

btw lz looks hungover af

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/g3us πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It goes faster in every gear" - FYeah 2020

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cmarston87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks boss.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ConsistentGamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was the first car they drove?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ConsistentGamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tummy almost money shifted that E36

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mimik116 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam was about to have tommy throw up again just like when he was riding in the gt3 rs in the mountains

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tueres πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up guys we're back in Florida it's good to be back I've heard some businesses restaurants are starting to open back up here I don't know what the full deal is all I know is there's been some cool stuff going on at the shop while we've been gone and today I'm going to try to do my best to get you guys up to speed on what's been done and what we're gonna be doing the one thing that's going on today if you guys are familiar with me talking all about alignment set up sometimes when cars compress they have a weird toe curve so what will happen when you're on throttle and the car compresses rather than toeing in which will drive the car forward and make a faster and drift it'll kind of start to tow out so Z's when they're really low don't have the best toe curve and our friends over at Bell race works that are the people that design and make these awesome differ a tsa's have come out with a solution the math dodging shed on his car last event and his Z was notably faster so this will just bolt on and kind of change where the tow arm hooks up it'll allow us to have control over that toe curve if we wanted to be more aggressive or less aggressive so we've got this kit we're gonna install it and show you guys what the differences with what the tow does this poor Z man look at this this is where the bash bar attaches that's me just lifting it up with my hand there's no structural rigidity there anymore I can't believe the door still opens and close this if you guys are familiar with bump steer this is kind of a similar concept so what this does is it changes the mounting point for the tow arm and because this is no longer parallel to the rest of the stuff in a suspension what happens is that when the wheel goes up this is actually kind of like becomes a longer distance from here to here rather than kind of staying the same in relation to the rest of the arm so it ends up pushing this out and towing the wheel in which we give you more bite and more speed and drift so we have one side stock and then one side that's not stock and what we'll do is we'll put it on the ground and we'll compress it so you can see the tow game alright so this is with the new adapter for more tow game you can see as it compresses the wheel kind of tows in this is the most drastic setting so this is going to be gnarly kill mode let's go as fast as we can on some junk tires will show you what the stock wheel does now mind you we took off the coil or just to be able to show you this so all right now this is the stock travel if you like it pretty much stay stagnant I think it might even tow out a little bit on compression if I remember correctly that's that's kind of what you would want for a road car like usually want a little bit of tow gain but for drifting we like a ton of togue Aine under compression so it's a very very cool kit it's only fair that if the missile Z has a titanium exhaust then out of all the cars our 32 deserves on so one of the things Alberto has been whipping up in the lab is a very nice vibrant titanium three and a half inch set up for the skyline I had a three inch before and with our B's they really need to breathe up top and I've been chatting a lot with Andrew from motive DVD down in Australia and for me to take this car to the next phase that I want to one of the biggest important things is moving up to a three and a half inch exhaust so it can breathe we still have a three inch down pipe but that's gonna happen down the road but how did how do work looks real nice I love how these mufflers sound I'm gonna give you guys a spoiler and we did start it already we couldn't hold in the excitement and it's actually louder than it was before even with the muffler I'm excited to see how it sounds and how it feels I have a lot of back pressure issues with this car as part of its I have way too tiny viterbo but we are going to be moving up to a bigger turbo on top of that with the bigger exhaust this thing should really start to pick up in the top-end so I'm excited also I get some more blitz though threes one of many exciting packages that came in from Japan while I was gone or a sweet set of yashi Oh factory harnesses that I'm gonna actually put in the e36 I haven't bought harnesses and forever and I've actually just been passed them around between cars depending on which ones that I drive so I've been like switching between the 370z the 350z and this thing and I thought it might be kind of cool to add a little bit of color into a pretty basic build and put some pink harnesses in it before I take this thing off the lift let's see how she sounds with a couple of revs [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if you guys are familiar enough with how the car sounds but it usually has this like weird resonating spot where I used to have much your ass before and that's gone the vibra muffler helps a lot with although like weird kind of gross sounds and keeps it nice and rowdy I will say you can hear the tune still needs work on it it's got a couple blur bully spots but hopefully I'll be able to get that sorted soon when I get a new turbo on here's the finishing look at the harnesses you'll notice some other improvements in interior we finally got a panel for the dash over there and use that delete panel from Newark tech so it makes interior look a lot cleaner over there I just need to get there panel four there and start putting some leather trim back in I really like these harnesses from Yoshio just because they're a little bit thicker and they have these really nice clasp that are kind of like locking I have a problem with like the these harnesses would always get loose on me and of super-annoying so these ones are a little bit beefier and I was really happy with them in my crest over in Japan so I pump to have a little piece of Japan in this car now through a little vinyl in the cage just to tie it all together that's pretty me I don't have son guys there's a part in the squinting who showed up what's up bro all right so fill me and I know you're a truck guy now which one is this is this the giveaway one or is this yours oh yeah do this is that public knowledge is that public knowledge of this is a giveaway yeah okay so I'm not spoiling you no well we were gonna do it but the virus yeah we were gonna do a giveaway to the virus runner well the problem is like most of our suppliers are shut down so we just pulled the plug anyway so how much more power than when I was in this last wow that's enough to give us a Starbucks way faster your tunes John it's pretty bad anyway oh my god here we go with the anyway we're having in me here and I don't know where I'm going and II just like sitting there quiet when there's turns and stuff and I'm like you think you'd be happy to see me but now it's affecting right bang mold believe it we pick up right where we left off you not knowing where you're going alright this is still weird that's the second things of it do you think your viewers could watch your videos and navigate your life do it is that what you think I you know I like to think about you so back the way we came would have been the direction I'd say if you guys are paying attention if you're ever hang out without of them pay attention to this video because he's gonna just just we're gonna go left and then the right is the main cut major test because that was like you know you can test my cupholders we're not have a mold it left and then right because this is where you got your fresh coffee from starves and then you got to give it the one-two because you got everybody sitting up in the air huh do we get to race this scat pack I mean it's no competition he's gonna be gone but you gotta make all the loud noises for everybody up in the air where people have to me at this hour yet another outside just wanted to hear your track any cops never never ever bro I thought something broke in the rewrite it sounded a call we got a Ian's true tracking this thing it's good to go I don't know what that means yeah if it's like I can tell you they definitely call it blue there everyone at paneros looking this thing must be loud could you not hear it bro could you imagine give me a graduation picture taken in front of a chick-fil-a sign oh my god that's really happening gorilla I don't wanna do her the injustice of filming it but I kid you know this is happening right there is a there is a she must love it maybe she graduated chick-fil-a school though how do you know it's something oh they put her name on the sign oh they must be tight with chick-fil-a maybe they'll own it damn that's sick she's taking pictures back or doing oh no she's doing so her name is probably the one on the side that's like that's only in Florida dude you're only gonna see people take chick-fil-a graduation pictures down here oh my what but you mean what we're still doing they're getting deeper in the grass and taking different ones now six shop truck right it sounds bad would you get thrown a special well making good a little baking boot over the side of Corona you know someone like I'm gonna I'm gonna pick it and throw no no no no I'm in a high-risk category I'm old do you catch the kovat I'm not trying to do that hops everywhere down here that's funny maybe when they're gonna get on it so here let it surprises me more see if it'll spin third you just for a third I broke them off I didn't just break their wait no I didn't prepare a moment they kind of broke them all but they have a spirit radio I think I did it when when did that second gear shift see they got this down here clicking oh yeah that's that's her third gear it'll fix itself yeah they're like 300 bucks get it sign I'm going into third oh yeah you got it there there's no third second you could drive like this sound like I can drive like it does it thirty years like wait I'm still hearing might start together it sounds like there's a lot of gear in the other gears that was fun so we're here what do you think of the truck dude dude I love there now all right so today is pretty much Show and Tell show and tell me all the cars one that I think you'll appreciate most because it's kind of embodies what we do with all our cars if I kind of keep them simple and like stock ish but drivable except for the fact that this thing has a bunch of camber so it's kind of like useless for that but as he looks pretty good it doesn't like to go in reverse into these two hands it's a two hander this is the first time really driving it too with we just put a different ratio diff in the back so it's a three seven four but three nine but it doesn't make all the clunking anymore because I ditched the two way and all the solid pushing all right yeah I like this butt stock isn't it yeah it's like carbon Kevlar interior it's pretty quiet to be comfortable car you don't even need to drive it like it's love really yeah this is like the ideal daily for me this is yeah give a super Oh a MW it's better dude what does everyone drive cop cars down bro cool to let this sigh I know I know but like those new explorers and stuff everyone drives I mean like tints amout steelies on them or maybe those are just old pops who knows six sounds sick it's really hard to like shift smooth because that the clutch on this is second you drive it it is a something Milton say like 1400 horsepower clutch but because it's a 10-inch it's super smooth and super easy to let out it's not like super harsh but it's something a progressive grab we're like it's soft soft and then hard so is it still it's a clutch masters all 10-inch it's like what everyone uses on all the street super us because it's a V 160 I don't know why I didn't remember that yeah it's kind of an odd thing to do yeah especially this car because it's probably worth like I got the V 160 for this car for like 4 grand yeah 5 worse than that in the video but it was super cheap that's the losing this cars of you at 60 and it's kind of cool and different are 154 is just like never shift right but to be fair this minor we're good after the Ranger if you move on Essex slow bro oh yeah it's weird because it's like super snappy but it falls off a lot of top because it's such a tiny turbo what is it g25 660 Oh same one is on your 240 I have a 559 240 oh it's real good and I think this would be an awesome setup for drifting but I think it's a little small for a street car poor kids yeah I'll do that trainees key cool though right ready just through the gear even with a 370 that's it yeah this thing is sick I forget that I'm in a four-door family sedan I know luxury you drive it too like it's it's pretty cool it's like really control of so long yeah thanks pretty good traction have you ever drifted it's allowed is that spinning this thing's insane this is like what I would want a super to feel like you know the same power maybe a little bit more [Music] this thing it's sick it's like why is it shifter so down I think that's just the V 160 citizen oh do you have a costume tree anymore yeah that might be like part of the reason why the shifter feels like but it's also a little bit too far back so it's like kind of awkward oh hey I'm sure the training so much bigger and the tunnel is probably small cuz like in the supras I don't know if you knew this i na supra or any 5-speed supra doesn't have the same training tunnel as a six-speed so you can't just get a super-early going for the six speeding oh hey everything Sam yeah just change the whole fan tunnel so I'm sure it's the same scenario with this interesting how crazy is it that toad is like now we're gonna make it different chassis yeah for just a transmission what is this caged animal this is this is a car unit in Connecticut yeah just but it's all though for Connecticut there it's like a fantastic trip setup if everyone just was about it's like snappy yeah is it progressive you Chinese fire drill here we can Chinese all right you'll see the clutches over here it's due [Music] while you're not kidding yeah [Music] Thanks I've ever been invested in with someone ragin really no it's good it feels good yeah did you so responsive it's crazy I've never felt a one-day that's good and here are all the ones you yeah they're good ones one right I've ever felt yeah a little bit like I feel like a little bit laggy er than like Arby's takes up a little bit this one definitely falls off okok yeah stir if I can feel that but it's nice cuz it's like predictable yeah there's no like it feel nice is hearing he's so quick I was gonna say something but it's like soft and yeah see those shifters little weird though yeah [Music] and I like this car I'm scared to start off with it it's like the it's a good perfect daily because I got race up Mustang and win like that guy like how embarrassing would be if I line up next to a guy to a Mustang and I lose and it's not so cool noises - oh please - throwdown yeah yeah this thing is rad it's sort of reminds me before yeah I mean it makes sense cuz my Florida obviously built to be this okay cuz I didn't have a chaser at the time well my four-door is definitely a little bit more wild yeah more creaky though this thing feels like a nice AR solid I found out on the floor door is talking to Sam one of the things you can do that makes them a lot more rigid and like less twisty is stitch welding around all the door seams oh really yeah somebody died [Music] this makes such good hold on the windows it's a better had boss in that mountain bike this thing's sick you see what I mean know how it's like saw it is sawed off when it's like on-off switching - missing screen I love his manhood sir [Music] the gearing's sickenin - I love that when the three-nine it was to share I think a little bit bigger turn on this thing to be yeah I'm gonna get into danger territory for the stock fund yeah yeah we try to make it resemble the GTRs mv7 that little pops and stuff yeah it does yeah this is really a couple exceeding position - yeah that's one thing that's tough with cards like this it's they're so big I remember like this imagine they came in the car oh really yeah that that's take a big people take a look on chasers come and watch it right now yeah that's kind of cool it sound like you get a four-door Skyline have to put our 2525 let's get a 33 I guess what yours what here's this also remember zoom this car slammed and it drives as the ATA's fit is really low but like you wouldn't even know it no I didn't I didn't like just go like a little bit slow got in here as he says that you're proof well you broke open off of my chaser yeah sick Oh Michael yeah this thing is cool how much would you buy Florida put a dollar on it $18,000 I'll keep it next now we're digging the e36 do I get a peek at what I'll get the fink-nottle we're at have you ever gotten into your own car no never Wow fiberglass doors slamming oh dude somebody's never been on a race car just too excited the first time use the pig carcasses so you think you said it's first time in pink harnesses without using and I said so oh you like in this car I just a minute [Music] this stock e36 they're gonna be now everyone has no control and in your [Music] with a clean turn up or down right now [Music] if I can go back and turn it up it's probably at low boost right now I just realize that because last time I was driving I had to turn all the way down so 2601 car it'll still be fast but it's not gonna like spin forth that's great that's actually perfect now we're gonna feel like if they're not like if it just because it's such a ignorant sound and everything if it's like if it's just you know quieter it's up to be steel slower now we got full boost we got all the boosts it's a one-day like all one day this is one day had Tuesday but men to make more torque [Music] [Music] three hours away yeah just the other ninety-one dish yeah yeah I mean I don't need to [Music] there can be a little weird I thought you hold on those here to Florida drive it's been maybe like I like criminal oh good you sure you want me to do this yeah Oh easy it sounds in neutral right you don't need the clutch to start it but if you push the clutch down and you start it all right now push the clutch in I know the speedo thinks it's moving but when you let the clutch out it's like in year four not you really you really got me good this time a good one now brother what you're ready for this one what is that got you something oh yeah is it gonna be a joke Oh something good or is it something all right let's close my whoa spicy for me that yours is a 99 right yeah let's go with that dang your key doesn't have a fob on it right this is this is some cool is that gold no it's silver oh it's chrome dude hell yeah thanks bro appreciate you this'll work on my super cool alright we've saved the best for last who's that drew I mean this is just gonna pull harder than the I don't I do too much and then I'd be a letdown but it's for sure daddy I can't really see either when I Drive the same sick you know yeah the girl was definitely in this vehicle all the vents are shut off [Music] hissing sounds absurd and super quiet though yeah it is he's just that turbo it's gonna be odd hopefully she hooks it's weird how quiet it is with the exhaust on there huh yeah weird how that works I'm like waiting for you to do something are you ready I'm ready [Music] dude it pulls ah I know what I did I didn't put it in sport that's okay move I'll do great for a real treat now see me fashion yeah yeah for sure for sure I gave you he wants a race in his Sunday that was a letdown apply this that's that loud one I'm ready - pretty while he got faster every keeper it was like okay like you better not mess with that guy did it got faster every year what is doing that I think it's a Tucson bro know what was doing that's the Tucson 100% how's it sounding like that it's got the army bro street bike music is crazy oh my god it feels like everything in the back is gonna break kitty we're gonna fight it yeah I mean it's what you want from like a newer [Music] it's weird Jukes this tires like softer sand just feel that like how crazy how hard it hooks over flr I feel like this would beat a lot of cars from a dig from a bike well that's it you can't get like caught with your pants on this thing's always just ready to go yeah well unless you forget to push the score but it's still ripped [Music] the crazy thing too this is like basically like a modern 3076 on this car really how I do the tiny turbo quick chaser update I know I mentioned Guardian raps in the other video and how good of a job they did on my Brown chaser well I got all the panels back from them and now this car is officially 100% again did an awesome job rewrapping all the panels Johan got the body kit all cleaned up for them so it doesn't have any more like fiberglass cracks or anything and I have these new fenders in the front now which fixed my wonky fitment so now I have a little bit of poke instead of being a little sunk in I couldn't what do you call it poke the wheels out any father would start hitting the bumper and stuff so this lets me keep the wheels where they were if I have a way better look and before you call me out this is the new door look at the car is perfect again big big shout out to Guardian raps Billy at Sanford Auto Body for helping get everything fitted and all ready for rap it looks fantastic now I got all the splitters back on just need to make one there and then this car out here I actually just washed I think what I'm gonna do that could be cool don't mark my words part but I'm actually gonna go I think tomorrow and I'm gonna meet up with a previous owner of this car we're gonna go make a little video together he's got something else really really cool now so I thought it'd be cool to take some photos and see what he thinks about his car now so anyway that's our quick chase our update we're gonna go ahead to the track there was an event kind of all day but was limited 25 people because like social distancing and stuff and then they were letting in extra people after 5 p.m. so I'm gonna go over there and probably get like two sessions in with the Black Sea and just have some fun tan to Ming I want to try out those new tow adapters and see how they feel [Music] definitely feels different it's gonna take a little bit of getting used to kind of relearn how to drive this car got used to having so much power that now I'm I'm sleeping sleeping at the wheel so important was ease to just be on throttle as much as possible Jana [Music] my thing doesn't feel like it washes out anymore if anything it's over grab for the next event what I really want to do is like switch back to my MA tune I've been driving around with probably like 20 left horsepower then I could have just because I leave my tune on or timing is pulled out for nitrous but I never really run nitrous so if anything I'm kind of handicapping myself but it's gonna feel sick when I turn the power on [Music] feels like my pump is wearing out it's my power steering doesn't work at low rpm look no rpm rock solid rpm we're good [Music] [Applause] I must have an initiation definitely fun event kind of a bummer that within you know three to five laps I started losing power searing and then it was just gone completely it was very tough to drive a wise fab through the VZ which already has really stiff steering without power steering so I just called out hung out with the guys for a little bit and I'll fix it up for the next event I want to try adding a little bit more power because now with those tow adapters the car has the forward bite that's always been lacking before I used to always wash out and never really drove in the car so I wanted it to but now I need a little bit more power or I have to take some grip out of the car with either toe or running more air pressure because now it's kind of the point where it straightens out mid corner but anyway I hope you guys knew the video a lot of fun hanging out with Tommy showing him the cars and like I said tomorrow I shouldn't be making that video with the chaser which should be a good time so I couldn't be back in Florida I hope you guys enjoyed the content make sure you hit the like button if you mean it that's right of this video and I will see you soon [Music] when you say to love me back [Music] when you say when you say [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 2,717,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e36, scaring, dad, tommyfyea, adam lz, drift, car, build, 1.5jz, racer, race, vs, challenge
Id: pt7gQYZtaBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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