FULL HORSE POKEMON TEAM ! Glastrier , Spectrier , Rapidash Galar ( Crown Tundra Edition )

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a full horse pokemon team this is gonna be the crown tundra edition one year ago or a little bit more i did a horse theme this time i'm gonna be including some of the stuff from crown tundra if you want to check me on twitch make sure i do that's where i do all my live streams i shall be live streaming right now on twitch so maybe after you've watched this video click that link in the description there and uh come and drop me a follow or come and watch it should be fun i'm going to be taking battles and all kinds of stuff there she should be good all right we got to battle this first one now both of these actually done on the wycom so if you were one of my opponents let me know in the comment section because i had some really good battles today so we got mudsdale as the first pokemon there we got fisher endeavour body press and heavy slam a choice scarf set so i thought we'd go for a speedy mudsdale this time so we've got max speed and max attack and we've also got jolly nature so with jolly nature and a troy scarf mud style is still slow so it's amazing so we got this nagano day all right i was thinking right if fujio goes bad and it misses that could be problematic right if we get hit by a special move if i dynamax on the very very first turn i could go for a max quake bolts to my special fence and we could definitely get a ko hit depending if the opponents run like a focus size or something like that i had a feeling they could be running one since it was a lead pokemon i wasn't really sure if it could have different item like choice specs or something like that too all right so we've got one big pony here and uh this is one really a big mud style so here comes the toxic spikes from the naganodel i was also thinking that was an option as well so i'm thinking after seeing the top spikes i think well they're probably going to have a sash here because they probably want to set like another layer up or do some sort of damage however naga nadel is going to go down in one shot there so that's going to give me a nice little lead and a plus one in special defense which is really really cool there now on this thing right i try to pick a couple of new pokemon considering my last one had a lot of pokemon this one did too so i picked some new pokemon in this one and i put some of the new pokemon obviously from the crown tundra into this team to making the second horse team here also kai man this one up to you too if i forgot to match that in the intro so we got a blastoise coming in never saw the g-max blastoise coming at all so it's pretty much going to go for my g-spot here and what i'm going to do right i'm going to go for a max quake again because that's going to bolster my special defense right and that's going to give me plus two inspections so here comes the uh gmax canon eight here since i've got the uh obviously the dynamics there scarf isn't gonna come into effect and i'm gonna get out and spread my blastoise right however if i do get outside of the dynomax and if i'm able to take out the blastoise i might be able to make use of mudsdale's choice car fissure later on in the game that was the uh my thought process anyway so go for that uh max quake there does pretty good damage to blasto's considering how bulky blastoise is and we're gonna get another special defense rise there now since i've got that second rise don't say anything in the comments section i know what you're thinking since i've got that rise right i'm gonna be able to take the next attack from the uh blast rush right so that's gonna enable me to be able to leave the next turn and i might be able to swap mudsdale out and then into another matchup it's going to be really really close so because i've got blasto's um you know signature gmat smooth they're doing damage at the end of turn so go for that uh max quake there again does some really good damage to blastoise and getting myself another special defense boost however it doesn't really matter because there's no way i can out speed blastoise and there's no way i can tank the next attack so we're going to be living on 12th health there and now now mudsaw is out of its dynamics i can actually swap this out and bring in another poke hole what i'm going to be doing right is i'm going to bring in my keldeo right to tank the water type move and to take out the blastoche right now this is a pretty interesting set so firstly i'm going to get poisoned by the one layer of toxic spikes there and here comes the gmax 8 from blasto so mud style is still there i thought i could swap it in right maybe an unsuspecting pokemon comes in that thinks they can out speed mud style and get a fissure off that's why i swapped it out there and you know i did expend a little bit of damage on the keldo there but i thought then yeah that was well worth the risk so this set this is a workup sacred sword scummy water and double team bright powder set so we've got max our speed and max press attack it so go for sacred sword and blastoise is not going to be using shell smash or anything like that it's going down so we've taken two pokemon out so far and i actually haven't even lost a pokemon although i'm quite close to losing two you know i might be out once again i might be able to use these pokemon later so income z cinderella says okay send race well i don't have a lot to swap into here to cinderace and i don't have much to lose i might as well go for the scummy water and hope that out speed and hope the lands and uh scummy water is going down look how brown that water is it's so scummy and uh cinderace is gonna go down in one shot so kyoto doing excellent work there we have taken out half their team however the battle is long from override uh you know this was a really really decent team so the next pokemon to come out into this was reggie draco so like okay i really can't touch reggie drago you know at all it's very very bulky there and the best move i got is pretty much sacred sword i did actually think about go for double team but since i'm poisoned it's just going to take me out anyway so let's go for sacred sword get some damage so it does pretty good damage there and now we got a thunderbang from a reggie draco man imagine getting chomped by those big chompers there like that charizard skull we we all know it looks like charizard okay so kyoto is going to go down and it's got the shell bellows the items like nice shell bell reggie draco only on people so the next pokemon is mud style so this is my this is my only chance right to go for the choice car fisher and take it out here so we got the fisher i thought about using fish and then i was like no i'm going to use endeavor right because that's going to be a much smarter plate so go for endeavour and it out it still outspeeds me with a choice cup and jolly no job man i tried people i tried my best for the memes and uh didn't work there so reggie drago is going to get another round of shell bell uh healing reggie drago's actually got a lot of help too so we're going to go into glacier this time now this is a special glacier and let me run you through this bad boy so we've got blizzard snow hyper beam and uh mud shot we got max health and max special and the iron man throat spray so you go for snow boost your special attack which is one make it two and then go for a blizzard right so we're going to go for blizzard after getting the uh you know the snarl up there the only thing about blizzard it is a bit shaky and accuracy but it is fairly powerful um on glacier after you get like a plus one i mean when i say fairly powerful i don't mean like super super powerful but any nutrients against pokemon that either super effective or not overly bulky it does sit pretty hard so it takes some more damage there from the reggie dragon of course the poison at the one round of toxic damage there too so it's time to go for the blizzard i have to land at this turn otherwise the next fire fang will take me up so glacier is going to take that one and we're going to go for blizzard here he actually crits with a firefang 2 which is unfortunate and you know the blizzard is actually going to miss against the reggae dragon which really sucks because i believe that definitely would have taken out you know plus one modest nature and you know that would have been super effective as well so unfortunately glacier cannot do anything yet there's no point swapping out into any other pokemon however glacial will make a comeback in the second battle and i'm going to tell you people make sure you check this whole video out because these battles are really really late they were awesome so uh my next pokemon is rapidash every time i use ponyta and i thought this time i'll use rapidash if you want some ponyta horn drill action i suggest you check out the original uh horse theme so i i thought i'd bring on horn drill here and i've got horn drill scummy day and uh we've got solar blade and flare blitz here so what we're going to be doing is go for a horn drill right off the bat like right off of rip there reggie drago is going to go down that was a little bit of karma for blizzard missing i was my i was something i was clenching there hoping that would uh actually land and it worked so the uh next um next pogo coming here is the combo right so like well why don't i just go for a horn drill again i was like yeah it's probably not going to land this time and then here comes the sub from the coma it's like oh no if i was being smart there and now they're probably going to be able to set up for me so we got the substitute up here and they've got the leftovers like oh man i hope this thing doesn't use like belly drum or something like that or like i'm cooked if it does that so i've got flair blitz as the only move i can land in one turret and it's not very effective it's like well it's probably going to take two flair blitzes to break the combo substitute and in that time i'm probably going to go down so i've got to get as much damage as i can or maybe pray for a right so go for that i flip it's on the como sup it's not going to be very effective i'm going to burn some recall and i'm going to take some poison damage too and coma is going to go for clanger assault so that's that's really unfortunate so it's going to get a big big stat boost there it is going to get like a little bit of our health taken away from it but it does have leftover it doesn't even matter so they've got a free sub up there so i know that uh um maybe that rapidash can take the sub out the next it depends if they're going to go for another sub or they're just going to attack me i was hoping that they would attack me because i got a couple of fast pokemon on my team now this was a uh a jolly rapidash i was running like a really really speedy one just for just for horde drill really and uh the item on this one was actually the heat rail heat rock so go for the flip let's see out speeding the coma after it's boosting uh move so i'm guessing it's definitely a bulky combo that makes sense you get the sub up you just you spam clanger and so i'm gonna take some recoil damage and here comes the drain punch from the kobo and that's definitely going to take my rapid action out the only good thing that came out of that right probably the best thing that came out of this matchup was i was able to get around that sub to run now it's exposed me to like you know use like a move to it like anything to take it out right so it's got uh it's got almost all of its health back i've only got two more pokemon left and this battle has really really evened up so going to spectra this time now this is a choice banner spectra only on pimp nice channel people we got max max feed and max thank this thing was absolutely horrendous so going for psycho cardio hoping i could maybe get a critical hit here it was like my only way to actually do anything so go for psycho i get a critical hit you wouldn't read about it and which is absolutely awesome because the next one could take it out and substitute is going to fail man that worked that's so good like i have i really wish i could have seen the opponent's reaction there when they seen like actually scrapped my uh physical spectrum like all the sets i've used so far i really wish i could have seen their reaction so now i can go for a psych i got here and i don't think it's gonna take it out but it's gonna get very very close there right very close coming off spectre is attack isn't the greatest however komo's gonna sneaky swap in to the last pokemon which is tyrant and now this pokemon was a very very big problem to my team right um when you take out stuff like mudsdale and like things like kyoto it's a very tough pokemon to come up against so since i'm choice banner right uh i've got to swap out here because i can't lose spectrum it's a very fast pokemon plus i've got double kick too and double kick could do some alright damage with choice band when you're going to rely on a double kick spectra you know you're in for the battle of your life right so going to the rapids now here comes the crunch it's going to be neutral damage now the only reason i live that so well is because i'm running a max health and max defense rapidash this is a carmine stored power set with morning sun and mystical fire now obviously uh you as you can see the tyrant really walls me here but they don't quite know that at the moment plus the damage they did to me with a crunch i'm sort of hopeful that i might be able to stall out the tyrant's sand and get a couple of combine boosts up what i need to do now the only way for me to take out tyranitar at this stage right is for a um a choice banner double kick that's the only way to take it out like to do any sorts of damage at all so the problem about this is at the moment right was the tyrannosaur sandstorm it was actually cutting the amount of health i was getting back from morning sun however if the uh sandstorm does go away morning sun is going to be healing me up for way more obviously than this right so did i just spam morning something i didn't really want to stall here but i had no choice like i was using a double kick ass spectre you know so i had every right to stall here so we got the rapidasha obviously just tanking these hits really really well this this set actually worked really nicely it's also got passive veil as the ability too so i wouldn't get poison which also helps too because obviously when you see a pokemon setting up you know carmine or really tanky poke quad they're very susceptible things like toxic so that came in like really really useful there against the uh naganada's toxic spikes right so here comes the earthquake from the uh tyrant and it's it's not even doing that much damage to me and finally finally this sandstorm is going to subside now what i was thinking right since rapidash was able to tank the hits from the tyrant out and heal off in the sound of morning sun that means i'm easily going to be able to leave tyrande's hits now but look how much look at the difference like my morning sun actually healing back uh compared to in the sound right so here comes an earthquake from tyrant what else think you're doing right is i i feel like if i go for the next one the next morning sun i should be able to get some car mines up i might be able to get one up heal up a little bit and then get one up again the thing about morning sun it's only got eight pp and that burns up really really fast when tyron is constantly spamming earthquake and crunch ride and uh we're gonna go for another morning sun here and here comes a fire punch so they obviously think well maybe they don't want to expend all their pp on earthquake and crunch so or they're gonna try and go for a burn for some extra damage um that's the thought process i was thinking about at the moment so regardless whatever moves i was going to do i was going to go for a car mine this turn anyway so go for carbine here and getting a plus one in special acting special defense now the thing about this right is other move is stored power stored power cannot do anything to the tyrant at all so i'm completely walled uh the only way i can do is mystical fire now i need to do as much damage here with mystical fire as possible to tyrant and then bring in the spectra and try and take it out double kick that's the only way like at the moment como's an easy pokemon to take out i know that i can take that out with uh stored power that will absolutely drop it right so here comes another earthquake from tyrande is doing absolutely no damage you're all like that is after leftovers let me have a look at that damage drive after leftovers that is almost oh it's it's almost like a three to four here k which is very very impressive right so they're going to actually make a swappy into combo what i did right is i actually went for a stored power um after going for a calm mind here now i thought if i can go for as many car mines as possible i've got two up you know that's probably the most i can get at this stage because tyron is gonna come back in with the sandstorm right and then morning sun it won't be any point right so we've got like three minutes left on the battle here i really gotta try and wrap this battle up i've got to try and take out like another pokemon or two um because we all know about the 20 minute timer right you know what i'm saying so we've got some leftover recovery there from the combat i out speed it because it was running a bulky set if you remember earlier on that my rapidash actually outsped it after at a plus one and uh komo is going to go down to the last poker remaining now is the toyota i'm gonna get another round of leftovers so at this point in the game right i believe that i can leave probably three earthquakes uh two to three earthquakes i'm thinking probably two though because sandstorm is going to be coming up on the field and getting rid of my you know leftovers uh recovery right so we've got this tyrant left i gotta take this pokemon we've got two minutes remaining here going for mystical fire hoping i can get like a critical hit and it pretty much does nothing there nothing i could have done there um it would have been great if it was like a special set but it's running obviously a physical one there so here comes the earthquake an earthquake actually hits me really really hard there for a critical hit so i'm like man i'm only going to be able to get one more mystical fire off so there goes my chance of doing two more mystical fires so this is my last one i've got to get off and then it's all up the spectrum to see if it can take it out with a double kick or not here so we're going to go for the mystical fire again there i've got as much damage as i possibly could against the tyrant rapidash did a wonderful job there taking all those hits wrong now there's no way there is no way that spectra is going to be our deliver crunch no way at all so i need to one shot tyranitar now that this is the turn that will decide the battle so we've got 55 seconds left on the battle here we go i'm going to go for the double edge it's the only move that will actually do like any damage at all so locking myself into that big choice band double kick here the first one dropped so hard it was a critical like one little foot did a crit and the second one is going to finish it off i don't know whether that crit actually mattered or not considering i had another one to do but man what a battle there thank you for the battle blazer if you ever watch this video thank you for the battle it's a very very close one there hope you liked all my uh crazy sets there it was beautiful and fun to use all right let's get on to the second battle uh we got a battle against don vergaz i'm not really sure if i said that right but uh yeah i probably messed it up so the next pokemon well the first pokemon is the whimsicott's like okay wim scott now this time right i actually ended up leading the mud style because i thought every battle i almost led with it for a little bit of visual surprise and uh early dynamics so here we got a cotton guard from the whimsicott i was like okay well i went for heavy slam here because it's obviously super effective it's gonna do a lot of damage right so uh go for the heavy step after the cotton guard i knew that it wouldn't do like heaps of damage and it's about a three here ko so my thoughts were right it's got leftovers it's probably going to have leech seed but i probably can i know that i can live a special grass type move right let's see what it's going to do so it's going to go for league seat and it's got leftovers so it's going to get a double round recovery now after this ride if they do go for another cotton guard they're going to be silly bulky so i probably need to bring in a special uh user i'm thinking well claustro could be a good pokemon to use here and that way i actually get around the leap seat too as you can see after late sea damage and the leftovers whimsicott is getting back like a lot of health there and you know my moves are going to do less and less damage and then it could have giga drain too and get even more health back so i've got to swap here you know why the time is right so we're going to go into glacier here i don't even think i'm going to go for a snarler spot i'm thinking should i go for snow but then if they see the throat spray they'll be alerted to like a special set so i'm just going to go for a blizzard right because i don't think anyone's going to expect a blizzard on glacier right so they're probably thinking i'm going to go for a physical eyesight move i was hoping they'd think that and just staying and go for late shade and they are going to go for league and it's going to land again glacier right so go for blizzard hoping it doesn't miss and atlanta i don't have a boost of special attack but that is enough to drop whimsicott into one shot there so a beautiful start to the battle there i definitely didn't expect a blizzard coming there and i'm gonna get a chilling night which is completely useless on your peptides shadow people so the next pokemon is metagross so metagross oh wow this is a scary pokemon very very scary so my thoughts were either gonna go for us they're to go for a steel type move or a fighting type move here in dynamics so i went to matzah i thought that would be the best bet and they're going to dynamax their metagross i was like man this is bit this is bad news like metagross is a very very good pokemon and in dynamics it's going to be really bad too like if it goes for a steeler type move it's going to boost his defense if he's got a fighting type move it's going to boost his attack so i need to be able to take this out or at least stall out of style max with uh my muzzle now i'm thinking here i might even right i may even dynamics my own mud style just hit it with a ground type move now i can't go for fish here obviously because it's not gonna affect it so my best play here would be to actually go for a uh a fissure in dynamics right so it's actually gonna give me a stamina boost so it's max knuckle doesn't really affect me at all but it is going to affect the uh like my the other pokemon on my team if my mother goes down right so i've got to go for dynamaxx and i've got to at least store the dynomax out and then maybe bring in something like rapidash to take it out that's what i was thinking at this point in the game i wasn't really sure how much damage i would do to write so since i was running max speed and muscle i was kind of curious whether to out speed the metagross not depending on what they were running and i do so max speed martial actually counts here i'm going to put my little hoofs in the air and i'm going to kick that metagross in the face and man doesn't do some damage there does some fire damage to metagross uh about three quarters damage to it give me a special events rise however metagross is going to have a weakness policy i was like oh man i'm i'm done here it's definitely going to be able to take me out here but man marcel did a very good job there because he just actually put it in the range of rapidash to come in and hopefully take it out right did so much damage there in dynamics so uh great job there muscle the choice the choice scarf martial actually was uh very good in the lot of battles that i did right so i've lost one pokemon each um one each like the wim scott and the uh mud sale so it's fairly even away so we're gonna bring in the rapid actually i'm gonna go for the flare bits no games here and that was probably just enough to take out metagross which is awesome now i was a little bit worried with jolly nature's like oh it's got a couple of defense boosts hopefully this should be enough to take it out and it was so metagross is down so that's their dynamics pokemon expanded too so that's really good now out come a very very problematic focus once again this is a very very competitive team too and uh my memes were like they were toe to toe with them the whole battle right so we've got this samsung coming up here i was like you know what let's go for haunter let's wipe this hippo down now i thought that i may use stealth rock and i was correct i was almost gonna go for sunny day there and then the next turn go for solar blade but i couldn't know myself a haunter i thought this is a very sort of attractive match up here to go for andrew and take it out i went for it again and unfortunately earthquake is going to take up my rapid eye so that was the cost of going for horn drill twice in a row it was a big risk there and it did not pay off i could have got some very good damage with soul of like that but you know what it is what it is right so now we're going to go into kyoto i thought well keldo should do some really good damage here with scummy water i don't think it's going to one shot but it should do some nice damage after a workup right so go for that work up there and i've also got bright power on this set too maybe they'll miss you know who knows so here comes a yawn i'm like oh man yawn that's no good that's no good because the next turn i'm going to fall asleep i was thinking about this for a while i'm thinking how much damage can i actually get to a hip hour like this is the only pokemon that can really do some damage that's like you know actually going to be uh well claustron could too but it's very very risky right so scummy water lands and it almost takes out unfortunately hip-hop on just this on the uh skin of his teeth now i'm not sure whether that was middle max damage and it's going to eat a mango berry too further making this match up very bad because now it's going to get some extra damage off of the earthquake and kyoto is going to be put asleep so nothing i can really do there i did the best i could there it does have a negative one actually so it might be able to miss the earthquake however they're gonna be swapping it out and going into likario now so like okay well this is actually this is good but it's bad lucario could have extreme speed here too so i could be a right in range of extreme speed actually taking me out too i don't really want to risk that right so what i'm going to do right i'm going to swap out the audio and i'm going to go into spectra i thought you know if west comes to worst there i should badly be able to live like maybe a windy or match really badly but hopefully they don't go for that right so here comes the thunder punch there and thunder punch doesn't do all that much damage to me and lakara is going to swap out now so now they're gonna go into urshifu this is where the battle got really interesting right this is where i really took them off guard here go for a choice banner double key look at the damage that double kick actually did to it it is a clear two-hit ko right so now they are forced actually to swap out the irish food due to a choice banner double kick spectra only on people's channel and hip how not is going to have to come back in here now i will say one thing right now if they didn't have their powder to swap back into here they were cooked they were done there wasn't a lot they could actually do like choice spanish spectra was actually very good against like the la carro that would get dropped in one shot and obviously the ursh food too so uh we got the hip powder here taking i actually created it twice uh it takes both this so both those crits didn't matter they're all like didn't even really change the battle there so it was just funny that i got chris so i've got to swap out i thought maybe they'll go for a yawning instead of going for an earthquake so let's try that one uh on the kyoto right and they did go for the on so nice little prediction there what i could do is i can freely go for a muddy water here and hopefully the scum wakes up and hits the hip powder on so fortui keldo is going to stay asleep instead of attacking me they wait for a whirlwind so it's a phasing stealth rock set and guess who's going to get swapped back in by spectra now spectra's help was starting to whittle down a lot i really had to start thinking about like what sort of times i swap it in and out because it was getting low right and of course the samsung too so my only option is go for this psycho card and here powder finally goes down there but man like if i dealt with that hip powder earlier on in the game i think this battle would have been over by now honestly like i had the pokemon i had all the pokemon pretty much to uh you know deal with the ursula and the car there was one more pokemon that was hard to deal with and that was arcadine this is the one i was really really worried about right because then it had intimidated not that it really mattered because spectra's attack was trash anyway with choice man so i've got to swap that out right now i thought you know what i don't think they'll expect me to swap into glass circle like you wouldn't expect someone to swap into eyesight pokemon on a fire type and stealth rocks on the field so that's what i did so here comes the wild charts they expect to kill their swap into there i knew that so that's why i went into glacier right now glaciers only uc would actually be able to just use damage up on the archive with the flare bits if they've actually got it right i feel they do have it because they've got like the normal archive moves like none of their sets are they're all sold standard sets right um you know nothing really uh out of this world right so here comes the flatbeds and gastric is going to go down nothing i could have done there that's pretty much what i planned for gastro just to get some uh you know health uh health recall on the aquarium so we got i know that la cara can't swap in i know the ursh food can't swap into my spectra however i thought you know what if i go into my rapidash now and set up some car mines i might be able to get around this arcanum right because sword power will do like i'll definitely be able to take this out so first things first right i knew they'd be encouraged to go for a flare bit straight off about right so i thought what'd i do right since there's no sand around now i think's about on being out of the battle i can go for a morning sun and stall this out for a little bit of health and once i put it in my range i might be able to finish it with sword power ride or at least i could cause a swap ride maybe draw out that urshvu or the likara right and then i could swap in my spectra then or something like that i wasn't really sure it was very very close to this point in the game right so i went for another morning sun there i thought they might go for another crack at the flavors maybe one or two more times after this i don't think they're gonna you know stay into this match up for much longer or they could actually go for another move right i want to see what other moose that it actually had apart from wild charge and flair blitz right so they actually could have morning sun too i wasn't really sure so i've got the leftovers as the item there and their health is getting around half so i thought maybe if i can get like a couple of car mines up stored power will end the arcade and that'll free up my kyodio because i i'm thinking that it probably has extreme speed and yes it did have extreme c so they went for that it's gonna do no damage and that's gonna allow me to go for a car mine here right so now my special attack is gonna be a lot stronger so i can go here for another car mine or i could go for a morning sun i thought it's probably good to keep uh rapidash in like almost full health and then uh you know in case it keeps going for flair that's there i have to worry about a critical weight too that would be really bad if i do get credit architect he's going to take a like a mountain of damage too however they're going to swap out their arc right here and they're going to go into the car like i thought that would be an option for them as well i thought it'd be about time they swapped the car in and went for a steel type move right now i wasn't really sure whether i had a mix set a physical set or whatever but if it was a physical set i knew that i could tanker like i was running max health and max fence here comes the uh predictable meteor match here and rapidash manages to take a meteor match from alakari i could go for a mystical fire here the only problem is since i've got no special attack ev's the current is obviously able to live that one if i did go for another car mine before i probably would have almost taken out but however i wouldn't have lived the meteor match there was sort of a catch 22 there now it's gonna go for a second meteor match here that was a very uh gutsy play that that could have missed and uh rapidash is actually gonna go down and they get an attack rise so okay i've got three pokemon left or two poke or now keldio it's going to be too risky i think it could have extreme speed maybe so let's go on the spectra and what i'm going to do right this is my last pretty much my last move here spectra i'm gonna go for locking myself into a phantom four so go for that phantom force they're disappearing here comes the thunder punch there so that's its only move that has to hit me right lakara is going to be swapping out and ushafu is actually going to coming in i thought this might encourage ursula to come in now since i've got a choice banned on this one and it does a little bit more damage it's going to be ever so close whether i can actually take this out now urge for our news going to go for the wicked blow here i'm going to go for another attacking movement this we've got 50 seconds left of this battle here could blow it's going to come it's got to miss i'm going to go for my phantom force here on the urge for i slap her and i actually take it out so that is two more pokemon down here likario it cannot come into this one it is going to go down uh arcanine is their real only swap in here and then it's going to be out sped and taken damaged well however there is an intimidate there and unfortunately we've only got 10 more seconds of the battle to go i don't know who would have won this battle but it would have been very close otherwise it was a great battle gg whoever that was thank you for the battle there man and hope you guys enjoyed both battles peace out [Music] you
Views: 138,310
Rating: 4.9448476 out of 5
Keywords: horse pokemon, horse pokemon crown tundra, horse pokemon sword, horse pokemon evolution, horse pokemon theme, horse pokemon team, rapidash sword and shield, Keldeo, keldeo crown tundra, glastrier, glastrier or spectrier, glastrier theme, glastrier pokemon, spectrier, spectrier pokemon, spectrier theme, spectrier moveset, spectrier or glastrier, mudsdale sword and shield, rapidash galarian, Pokemon Theme Team, pokemon pimpnite theme team, PIMPNITE
Id: WU1MMdg04tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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