FULL ALPHABET POKEMON TEAM ! ( Pokemon Starting With Letter B )

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[Music] [Music] what to be true for today's video where are we full alphabet team letter b three years ago i started my own alphabet series on youtube and i sort of didn't do any more parts after the letter a so i thought i continued this series if you want to see it continue let me know in the comment section maybe drop a like on the video and let's get into it if you want to check me on twitch make sure you do this right to all my live theme team battles i take just battles in general here pokemon sweeps uh shiny huts and all that sort of other good stuff check me out there people and give me a follow if you haven't already so today we got two battles and these ones are absolute fire i did both these battles on the wycombe so if you were one of my opponents so you know drop a little bit of a comment down below okay the first battle i'm not really sure what this trainer name is in another language but they've got a manaten lead now what i did with this team right like i did with the alphabet a team as i picked five random pokemon that started with the letter b so the next thing we'd probably do if you people were interested we do see so i picked like six random pokemon that started receive so we've got our belgium here it's only got choice specs and it's got steel beam max health max special attack and i thought you know what let's go for it so we're going to die to make some felder on the very very first turn here against the dar manater now normally i wouldn't do this i thought this was my very first battle they did this team right so i'm like you know what i'm going to go for the belgian meme and see what happens look how big its eyeball is it's it's it's big and it's red looks like it's got like sharing gone from naruto anyway so we've got the belt in here i'm going to go for uh my obviously my dynamics movie here comes the earthquake beldum's dynamaxx actually allows it to live and it's gonna get a max steel spike coming off its special attack right and diamanage gets dropped in one shot so that was amazing i bet you the opponent did never ever see that one coming there also getting a defense rise there in plus one in defense which is really cool too so uh beldum is gonna take out one pokemon and the next pokemon here is the frost that's the opponent is actually running a theme team as well which is kinda cool you might be able to guess it already so i can go for a max steel spikey and that's about it i'm obviously going to get out sped by frost that's it's very fast and now it's going to go for a hex there taking beldum out but battle took out the dart madison i thought that was absolutely wonderful start off the battle now since uh process had hecked that told me it's probably most definitely got a status move like willow whiz so what i thought is let's go into bronzong here and let's test and see what it actually has right so this uh bronzong's actually pretty good against the entire opponents of team uh they were running all last type pokemon so i thought you know what let's go for a trick room here and of course they are going to go for willow with so i thought you know what even if bronzong is bern garibal is going to be doing like a heck of a lot of damage to this pokemon it's not very bulky right so brother i'm going to set the trick room up i've got this one max health and max attack brave nature and zero ivs and speed run now the ability is heat proof and the item is awkward guys okabury heat proof only on people's channel so uh what i can do right so i could go for the gyro ball here under the trick room it's gonna do lots of damage here unfortunately that burn i don't know whether that was min damage or not but unfortunately frost last is gonna be able to take me out there getting the double damage on hex very very close then maybe someone wants to do a damaged cult there whether they've got minimum or max damage but uh it is what it is right so there goes my bronzong one of my best sort of counters for this team so now i thought like i was looking through the pokemon with starting with b right now look the bionicle thought that's a really cool pokemon let's use that so we got iron defense rest toxic and infestation this set is max health and max special defense with everlight and the ability i don't i don't think the ability really i think it had pickpocket or something like that it wasn't really an ability that i needed to use much so we got the frost that's actually swapping out here and glacier is going to be swapping in i went for the infestation there on the swap well i didn't know they were going to swap it just went for that because i was actually going to go for the toxic in an infestation combo the good thing right there i can actually go for the toxic and infestation now and uh see if i can trap this thing and i've got iron defense which is going to be very very handy if it is a physical set which you know i kind of thought it would be so here we go here's their dynamics on quite early on in the battle too right so i was thinking to myself okay this is going to be really really bad i need to be able to get one toxic off against this thing now i did invest everything into special events and health so it's not like a max of max defense barnacle because like if it was it would be a sure like like sure live there easy peasy right so here comes the max knuckle coming from the glacier they're trying to boost her attack and of course if chilling nay kicks in i'm gonna be in the big doo-doo so i managed to live on 17 health there and what i can do right is i can go for the toxic i pray that it doesn't miss and it does so now i'm going to get infestation and i'm going to get toxic damage at the same time which is beautiful now the problem here is it's definitely going to go for another max knuckle ride and it's going to get a chilling at the same time so i don't really want that to happen because i'd at the moment i don't have a pokemon that can end this pokemon like in one shot right i'm gonna probably you know have to do a little bit of swapping it so when the buzzword right this buzzwell set is absolutely crazy but more on that a little bit later as the battle goes on so here comes the predictable max knuckle there buzzword is going to be about a tank that one easily obviously due to resist now they've got one more turn left i'm thinking okay i don't need barnacle anymore what i should do right sides to swap out of that uh buzzworld and then into the barnacle i know that they're still going to get a lot of attack boost but that was the best way to stall their dynomax out get the maximum amount of damage with toxic and you know minimize the amount of attack boost they got not that they didn't get many but they could have got a lot more if you think about it so barnacle is going to be going down there and they're going to set the hail up but that is their last turn of dynamics thank goodness because this pokemon is very scary now by only saving grace here it isn't a very fast pokemon so i can you know actually be able to out speed this with some of my others right so i've lost half my team at the moment they've lost only a dumb mannequin so they are in a very very strong position plus the team is very competitive like this is a full-on competitive like you know eyesight pokemon team so now we're going to go into bear tick and i thought bear t be a cool pokemon users probably one of the better sets on my team this is a rain dance set what i did right is i did another like a double swap here i went into my buzzword like trying to get them to use close combat again because i know that's the physical move that i've got right and i thought i could stall another turn of toxic out so here comes the predictable close combat on my bus well so the good thing about this right is they're going to drop the defense and that's going to enable me to be able to take them out right with my uh betting so this buzzwell set is a special set now boswell's special buswell only gets round and snore that is it so i've got a snore rest focus energy and work upset this set got some absolute domination especially in the second battle so you better stick around for that one anyway so buswell is going to be getting a rest here and i thought you know what i might as well just go for s and see what they're gonna do at this point the opponent must be questioning what like what i was gonna swap out into and they actually overpredicted me swapping into the bear tick again right which is really really good there and now they're gonna get like another like a like attack sorry an attack though defended special events drop and another round of the poison damage right so now boswell's asleep i'm running a max speed and max special attack set i can actually go for a snore here and take them out with a snore so boswell's gonna be asleep right but he's gonna flew a little bit of flexing right flex those biceps and then go for a snore and claustra is gonna go down that was brilliant so down goes a very very threatening pokemon there i can just i'm trying to think what would be going for the opponent's head at the moment so getting a beast boost there because my special attack is so trash and his defense is so good there's really nothing i can really do about it right so the next pokemon is nine tails i was like all right well moon blast is definitely coming away what can i do here what's my play all i can do is go for a snore ride and uh here comes the moon blaster from the ninth house now my opponent is uh well up still on pokemon and of course their team is super good like there's a super super competitive team right compared to like my snore buzzwol however i've still got two more perennial pokemon than i thought i might be able to get back into this game because it's been pretty cool so far so now we're going to go into blossom another interesting pokemon starting with b now i thought here i might be able to bluff a swap here or it's going to go really really bad they may not want to use blizzard without the hail so they swap the nine tiles that thank goodness and that is going to allow me to get up a sunny day or a scummy day here so cloister is definitely going to be like a this is you know the usual typical shell smash that i'm going to get that sundaed up and giving me the chlorophyll right now on this set i've got leaf blade i've got sleep powder i've got drain punch and sunny day max attack and max speed uh adam and nature and i've also got heat rockers the item so go for sleep batter thank goodness it doesn't miss and cloister is gonna go to sleep now if i didn't use my dynomax up at the start of belt i'm not saying i regret it or anything because that was uh that was an awesome like turn one there i could have gone for dynamaxx and max knuckle there and then i could have got the grassy terrain up and i would have caused all kinds of problems anyway it is what it is i can go for the leaf blade here or i can go for like an actual like just a drain punch right so we got that close to swapping out and we got the nine tails coming in here so nine times is going to get hit by the leaf right here now the problem about the nighttime swapping in it's going to be able to set that snowboarding up again with the house i was like man this really sucks i actually have a big problem with this nine thousand swapping around the weather so blossom here is gonna it's gonna be tough right so i thought they're definitely gonna go for a blizzard they made pretty straightforward play so far so let's swap into the bear tick and take the blizzard there it's not gonna be a very effective and that's actually gonna give me like a you know a good position to maybe set up rain dance here i know that i can probably live a uh one moon blast two moon blasters is gonna be a bit dicey right so i've gotta change this weather right away let's go for rain dance here and uh pray that i can uh you know out speed the rest of the team or do some sort of damage right this was a max attacking max speed bear tick it's a swift swim user so nine tires is going to be swapping out here and uh we got the sq coming it's like actually that's not too bad right now sk's obviously got the ice facial ability what i can do right is i can out speed it with a swift swim so we've got like got rid of the hail there which is not going to benefit which is definitely going to benefit the uh esq but not so much the basic right but now that i put rain on the field it won't be able to get its ice face back again so we've got the liquidation here i'm going to get rid of its ice face there and then i'm going to attack it under the rain right and i get a nice little defense drop there too which is really really cool so they're going to go into their nice form or nice form i'm not really sure how to say it and they're going to pop a belly drum that would go for the belly drive look at this team like smell smash shark closer most definitely belly drum esker glacier like this thing was and dumb manager this thing was like stacked okay so we got that uh very activation on the sq there since the swift swim is up there and they've got a negative one of the fence i'm gonna be hitting very very hard with this liquidation so while popping that liquidation there off in the rain getting a boost on the rain and obviously the defense drop and escu is going to go down it gets wiped out so we've got only three more pokemon we've got the frost that's which cannot come in it's going to get upset uh we've got the nine tiles which uh could come in here as well now cloister is going to warm me because i've only got i still crash as the other move so i've got to go into blossom i got to take a risk here i've got like i've got to risk it for the biscuit so while closer is going to be sleeping here thank goodness and now i thought should i set up the sun or should i just go for leaf i was like no i can't wait to set up the sun i've got to go for leaf blade here and i've got to get as much damage off as possible so leaf blade does around half off to the cloister whether i'm going to be able to take it out in the next dirt is another thing and closer is going to be sleeping inside as a little clam so i can go for another leaf blade here and hopefully that takes out the closer and that'll free up my bearing to be able to maybe try and sweep the rest of the team the second leaf blade actually crits there there's a good chance that and closer is going to be going down i don't know if it actually matter or not whether that was first one was min damage or max but you know regardless the end result was the same right so now we are down to a 2v2 battle here and we've got the nine tasks coming in now at this stage right i don't think i i can't risk swapping him bear ticket because i know that i'm probably going to swap into betick and you know take the blizzard but even if i do ride i'm gonna have to take another moon blast after that so i can't really swap blossom out at this point velosom has basically done its time and here comes the blizzard from the uh the nines house unfortunately since i'm running a sweeping set um it's quite bulky on the special side but uh um i thought i might be able to live it maybe like really badly but i get credited anyway and i'm not running a bulky one so it is what it is right so the next pokemon here is the bear tick my last pokemon can i get this dub people or am i gonna get destroyed by the nighttime so i thought you know what i've got to go for the reindeers i gotta try and cause a swapia so here comes the moon blast from the nine tiles and i live it pretty well actually and now i'm gonna get the rain dance up this is gonna enable me to be able to out speed the frost that's as well and obviously take out the uh nine towers too because nine times is definitely gonna go down to a liquidation and here's the baby bottle right at the end of the battle i was just on the verge of getting the dub people and they disconnected hope you enjoyed the first battle people always are happy to provide some selfie but what a comeback there they're like no joke like all the memes inside that was a really good battle like my team of memes actually like like destroyed some really really competitive pokemon there hope you enjoyed this one okay let's get into the second battle this one i think it was uh i've missed what their name was but uh this was the ballot this was the third battle they had with this team so we got a rosarite lead here right i was thinking i could go for a sunny day here and set that up i actually had a pokemon that was really good against the team right and once again it was bronzong so i thought maybe i should set the sun up and just see what pokemon are they're going to leave with so they live with the uh rose right so wait for leaf blade just to break a sash if it did have one there i wasn't really sure so here comes the sludge bomb from the rose right i knew it hit me really hard but blossom actually managed to just leave unfortunately my blossom uh is going to get poisoned and it's going to go down so now i find out it doesn't have sash it's got the black sludge as the on that was going to be my second guess for item or life orb they they're normally the three items that uh rose raid with one run so blossom goes down unfortunately there's not much i could have done i could have like i could have swapped out but i feel this sort of set the stage for my bronze on here right so i'm going to take a little bit of spikes damage now they know that i'm not running uh you know obviously i've got don't have levitate right i've got heat proofs so now the rose rate is going to be swapping out here and the toxicity is going to be coming on now on the swap right i went for the trick room and this is going to allow me to try and get a bronzong sweep here so i've got that obviously brave nature no one on their team is going to head out speed me under trick room unless they have like a priority move which i'm going to make sure doesn't happen with the max mine store right now i thought about going for a uh a max knucklehead boosting my attack but i thought you know what i just want to get rid of as many pokemon as humanly possible right so go for that dynamics bronzer it's not often that i dynamic so early on in the battle but it actually worked out pretty well on this team i was actually thinking about dynamics and balance again i thought this is a way good opportunity to actually get mom you know maybe a little bit ahead in this battle so i've lost blossom but it's not over yet i can definitely get back into this and maybe square the battle up so go for the max mindset there on the toxicity toxicity is going to get dropped in one shot which would bring and now i'm going to put the psychic terrain on the field as well which is going to further power up my uh psychic time moves now there was one pokemon on their team right here which was i was thinking to myself that's probably the only pokemon you could actually swap in because the rest of them would have got dominated now that pokemon is monolithic now milotic is a very bulky pokemon maybe at this stage of the game they probably think i'm running a special set right um so i'm thinking maybe i should go for a max knuckley which is going to probably reveal what i'm running but it doesn't matter it's a milotic ride now they are pretty much forced here this is my plan from the start right to force that uh milotic out and for them to dynamics earlier on as well as me right so we've got the dynamaxx molotin now i really want to hit this monotic with one really powerful max minus on with plus one and then you know maybe just finish off another pokemon that was the idea right so go for the back circle on the uh milotic does very minimal damage but it's going to boost my attack broke now i know that bronzong is going to be able to live easy like um like a watertight move from the uh milotic there is not going to do much at all right so obviously with the sun up and everything too now the thing about that right is uh obviously the sun's gonna go and the rain is gonna come up on the field too uh which is fine you know i know that i can leave another hit from this thing bronzong is a very bulky pokemon and i'm running myself plus i'm in dynamics so i thought about this for a while i thought maybe my opponent might go for max guard here to stop a max minister but they may want to get some damage on me so they decide to get some damage on me milotic almost gets taken out there by the max my son here comes the max geyser in the rain i knew that bronzong would be able to live this one not amazingly well but it still is a pretty well considering and now bronzong dynamics time is over however there is still a round of trick room left and i can go for a zen headbutt now zen headbutt misses here that's going to be nasty um i would actually love to take it out here but uh fingers crossed or my little bell fingers crossed there go for the zen headbutt and moloty is going to go down so that was really really good there bearing their dynomax pokemon as well and also my bronzong didn't even go down either so that was a really really good uh ago sort of play there so the twisted dimensions are going to go and in comes my little pony now i had to think about this i'm thinking at the start of it remember how i took spikes damage i i'm going to set the trick right up just remember i took spike's damage that information that i got earlier on in the battle actually told them that i was running heat proof so that was kind of unfortunate there but it you know that's how it was you know there's nothing i could have done so the rapidash gala right i gotta take this thing out you know what i was thinking to myself what perfect pokemon that choice max builder right now i couldn't get the advantage of having like being in the dynomax right but since i was max health i thought i might be able to live this high horsepower like barely because it's not snap right here comes the high horsepower belton lives on 15 health and now it's going to get the steel beam off still being retro specs is going to hit very very hard and i'm guessing they're running a sweeping set and my little pony is going to be my little no more and beldum is going to be going down what man belgium was the mvp of both of these battles i think we're gonna have to revamp for belgium sweep with our steel beam so the rain is gonna stop but it did its job and i at that point too i was actually thinking about sending out the bear tick but i thought no send it in later rob so out comes the uh dura luden and i was like okay what are we going to do against do reloaded so barnacle can't really do a lot here like all i can do is infestation so here comes the thunderbolt from barnacles since i'm running a more especially defensive one i actually take that quite well so i know that i can get an infestation out right at this stage i thought you know what instead of me just uh you know getting faint to the next scent i should go for a rest and get as much infestation damage off against the dura loaded as possible right i knew it was a clear three-hit ko against my barnacle so after i use rest right um since i don't sleep like access to sleep talk or anything it will take me out but i will get some really good damage there with the infestation and maybe put it in range for me to take it out now if you remember what pokemon i've got left right i've got that snore buzzwell and i really wasn't confident that snore buzzwell was going to be able to overcome duralit in fact i was really really scared of it at the moment like what i was going to do plus beartic like i was really scared of uh you know um this flash cannon from this pokemon until second how am i going to take this pokemon out i've got isil crash and i've got liquidation i don't think any of those moves are going to take it out i think this could be you know like unless something amazing happens yet so we got some more infestation damage by nicole did a brilliant job of putting uh dura luna blow half up there the final thunderbolt is going to take it out so barnacle like was really good at a lot of these battles um there's some important tanking run all right so it's time to uh bluff them with buzzworld right so this is my uh snore set so i thought since i'm running max speed i should be able to out speed them but uh whether or not i'm gonna do much damage is another thing zuri luden actually swaps out and they had a toxic x on their on their team unfortunately and that's going to come in so i'm guessing they're expecting like a fighting type move well they're going to be very very surprised so i'm going to go for the focus energy here now my item is scopeland so i'm going to be getting a 100 crit snore and on top of that a 30 chance of clinch now i thought what a brilliant pokemon to actually set up against unless it's got haze i wanted to see if it actually had haze first so uh we've got the painful bunker twice in a row they really want me to poison them or they they really want me to be posted and i'm gonna i like how uh boswell sort of puts his hands on its hips it's sort of like doing a little like um it's like what these ballet people do i'm not sure what uh you call it that's dancing anyway so go for another work up here i really like honestly i'm gonna be honest with you you need to get like six workups up to do any damage at all with snore if not you're going to be doing nothing toxipex pops a iron defense like that maybe they're thinking of this point they're running a physical step right now the thing about like say for example right i was running a physical set they'd be in a lot of trouble right because i've got a hundred percent crit ratio with uh focus angie and scope lens so they're going to set up uh iron defense i'm guessing i'm going to set up like three iron defense there and they've got bane for bunker and nine defense like what other moves they have i had to yeah they had that some other way of poisoning the painful bunker so my guess is here at the moment where they had recover and toxic that was the other moves i thought they might have so they're going to go through their third and final iron defense here against my bustle this has given me a lot of time to get work ups up uh this is a like a like a very like sort of interesting opportunity i didn't really like out of all the battles i really didn't get much opportunity to go for like multiple workups right so it had poison jab interesting enough and obviously that's their way of trying to poison the opponent too so poison jab has got to do nothing here and here comes another painful bunker so i know they're expecting me to attack soon and i actually went for the rest here now the key to this set and also the weaknesses set right is you need to be able to take damage right to be able to go to sleep if you don't take any damage right you can't use snore so you have to be asleep for this set to even work so the stage is set now to go for the store and look how much damage it does it all like it's three quarters damage 100 crit ratio there unfortunately i did not get a flinch but man i would have loved to see the opponent's face after seeing that snow so poison dave is going to do very minimal damage and now they're going to go for bait for bunker at this stage right even if they go for a cover they're going to be in big trouble because eventually i'm going to be able to take them out in one shot right unless they got like regenerated but then they're gonna have to swap out into other pokemon and other pokemon are not going to be like getting hit by a plus uh six snore only on people shadow people so i can go for another snore here i've got to go for a rest again once again there and that's buzzwell back at full health now they they're going to go for the recover this time not really much i can do that i had to go to sleep again and they are they they're kind of in range for me to take out the snore maybe one snore after this one so we've got the toxic now swapping out into the dura luna it's like okay during the special event is pretty crap um they've already taken half off snore should actually take this out right and if it doesn't i'm a like a max speed right so here comes the snore and duoludan is going to go down to a snore with a crit hundred percent ratio and the only other pokemon left is rise rate roast rates cook they can't do anything there and i'm gonna get another beast boost as well like they're in a really really bad situation so incomes are back in the top specs again there and obviously they're running a merciless set i can go for another snore here snore should almost take them out from this situation it's pretty much our gg here and then they do the cancel hope you people enjoyed both these battles what a crazy team peace out people [Music] you
Views: 61,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Alphabet Team, Pokemon Starting With Letter B, Pokemon Starting With B, letter b alphabet, pokemon alphabet song, pokemon alphabet sword and shield, pokemon alphabet challenge, all pokemon alphabetical order, all b pokemon, pokemon pimpnite theme team, pokemon theme team, Pimpnite Alphabet, Pimpnite Alphabet Team, all pokemon names, pokemon names, all pokemon names explained, all pokemon names and attacks, PIMPNITE
Id: E4u7vUoWh6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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