FULL REGI TEAM ! ( Regice , Registeel , Regirock , Regigigas , Regidrago , Regieleki )

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[Music] [Music] so what's up with you for today's video with a full reggie team now it was four years since i did the last reggae team it kind of felt a little bit longer than that but here we are we've got an updated reggie team with all six pokemon this time so we've got reggie leckie and reggie draco added into the mix if you people want to follow me on twitch this is where i do all my live pokemon sweeps theme team shiny huts and all other games that sort of thing check it out in the description let's get into today's video now earlier on i did a legendary birds updated team two make sure you've checked that one out so if you're missing the subscription box which probably definitely happened uh you can check out my channel and uh you know give it a watch there too okay today we've got three battles as well so i thought i'd spoil you people with this team since uh we've had a couple of days of a lot of pokemon sweeps and i'm sort of nearing the completion of all those new pokemon okay we got a battle against spicy aussie and we've got a copper line lead so i'm leading this off with my regular gigas now with red gigas right i'm running a special set we've got hyper beam thunder focus miss and i see win max health and max special attack now the interesting thing about slow start right it actually doesn't affect special attacks so you can make full use of reggie giggers as a special attack now regina's actually got the move protect this uh this gem which is uh really really cool so you can actually make use of protect and stall out at slow start i may revisit another regular sweep video or sort of strategy video in the future too it's definitely my favorite reggie okay so we're going to take the cobine out which is really nice i'm locked into choice scarf um sorry choice specs are focused missed there so i really got to swap out so what i'm going to do i'm going to swap my red kickers out but they do a double swap into ferrothons it's like okay maybe they definitely expect me to swap i don't know so now we're gonna go into my reggie still here and you might be able to see that they've got a steel type team so we got steel roller ice punch and earthquake and explosion on this set we got a max health and mac attack set and i've got item in nature and normal jam as the item now we got the uh stealth rock on the ferrothorns gonna be setting now that's not really too bad because uh for me because the riggis don't really take a lot of damage from that now one thing about the reggie's before reggie draco and reggie leckie came into the mix right they were all weak to fighting so once those two pokemon are out of the you know equation uh it makes things very very difficult for fighting type pokemon so we got a special ferrothorn here it's gonna pop a thunder trying to paralyze me but it didn't happen now i'm gonna just keep going for earthquake on verathon there's really not a lot i could do uh ferrothorn's very very bulky too and you know earthquakes my best move to use against the ride so far thought is going to go for another thunder um this actually reminds me one time i did a choice specs ferrothorn i even did a troy scarfarathon they were absolutely terrible so now we've got the ferrothorn swapping out and we got the corporate coming in so okay well earthquake can't do much that at all really i can't touch corvant outside of ice punch right so it's like i might be able to get our ice punch freeze that'd be like super super cool and uh now the corvnite is gonna go for a bulk i'm like oh oh no this could have body press if this thing gets enough bulk ups up when the body press i'm gonna be like in a world of pain right so go for the eye sponge it does three damage to qualified and cover is also gonna have leftovers so he's like oh wow what what can i do here like i know that reggie leckie could do really good damage against it but i was like oh do i really want to swap into it and take that risk i was like okay let's see if we can do that we're gonna go into reggie leckie so reggie leckie is so tiny compared to the other reggie's also question of the day uh what is your favorite reggie leave below in the comment section of the video so we've got another bulk up from the corporate here and i've got a really fun reggie lucky step and so as you know uh or if you haven't used reggie leggy yet reggie leckie is a very uh barren pokemon on the special side so most of its moves are electric we've got zap cannon electric terrain thunder cage and lock on so what you can do right you can fire off a zap cannon after a lock on get a hundred percent actually and get a hundred percent paralyzed which is pretty cool at this stage i thought well what i'm gonna do to take the corvline out i think i need a dynamaxx reggie leckie ride and you know take it out so corbinite is actually gonna swap out after like even after getting all those boosts and ferrothorn is going to be coming in so it's like okay well fahrenheit there's a chance that it could lift his attack but i know the next one will definitely take it out right and with the ability transistor boosting electric types and the electric tray in the field it's going to be doing like a heap of damage i even resisted hits right so the evs on this one are as follows now i didn't really even need to run speed on this because it's so fast but i just did it for the memes we've got max speed and max fresh stack modest nature so go for the max lightning there on the ferrothorn and that is enough to take it up i guess with the dynamax and the transistor that was enough to take out the uh ferrothorn which is really good now the electric terrain is on the field which is really good because that means all my hits are going to be doing a lot of damage now corbin i can't come into this i mean i was like aggies i mean maybe they'll go for a max guard or a king shield that's about the only way they'll be able to get around this right so i can go for another max lighting man look at reggie leckie's legs even when it's dynamaxx the little thunderbolt thinks they're so tiny still so we've got a dynamic egging slashers okay well this is still going to do a lot right i estimated this to do around you know half help and then i might be able to finish off on the next one if that of course don't go for a max uh max guard right so we've got the aggie sash in its more defensive form here and i mean if it was in its blade form like there'd be no worries at all i could easily take this out but this is really really taking right so obviously i'm going to out speed the aggie stage and then go for an electric type move under electric terrain does over half alpha i was very impressed with that damage now aggie sash is going to move into its uh obviously more offensive play form there and it's i'm guessing it was going to hit me with like a uh you know max phantasm right that's going to be its snap move so i actually managed to take that one just reggae leki isn't very bulky um i mean i just took that due to dynamics that was pretty much it so my defense is going to fall not that that really matters too much because i'm not going to be able to leave another hit so here i could go for a max lightning i was like okay i could definitely take actually out but then aggie shots goes for a max gun i'm like oh man that sucks so now reggie lecky right is not going to be dynamics anymore and then i either have to go for a zap candid rhyme or i can go for a thunder gauge and i thought well thunder cage may not take it out here i could have to go for a zap cannon if it goes back into its other form right so zap cannon is 120 base power and you know with uh its ability transistor and the electric train that is going to be some really good damage now aggie stash is actually going to swap out there in the last turn of dynamaxx and guess who's going to come in people it's going to be called friends it's like okay if this lands on call flight corporate is never going to be flying again right it's going to get wrecked and zap kind of lands i'm like oh my goodness and corvona is going to definitely like that would have taken out corporates like kids unborn kids entire family tree everyone so anyway coughlin's dead and our next pokemon is akish coming back it's like okay aggie sasha is probably going to have shadow sleep but what if it doesn't happen this thing what if i set some sore dance on the swap do i take that chance i'm in a pretty good position at the moment i've still got six pokemon maybe i should just go for thundercage and if it does go for shadowseek you know it's so be it i can swap another pokemon so i guess actually going to go for a stand shade she's like okay it's got shadow stick then you know uh reggie leckie did a good job there um i didn't know i didn't really want to risk it in case of that sword dance right i would have been bad if that swapped out got a free sword dance that could have been really bad and you know i've taken out a couple of pokemon i've taken out three pokemon so i'm in a pretty damn good position so going into reggie still again here i can go for an earthquake easy even if it goes for kingshield that's not going to matter at all right and now there's no corvnite right to swap in for that earthquake so you know things are looking pretty good right now so i guess that's going to go for the king shield earthquake is going to obviously do nothing uh but i don't get like an attack drop which is really really good too now aggie sash is going to change the stairs like is it going to have like a fighting type move like is it going to have shadow ball what's it going to do so it went for shadow ball so like okay reggie still is very bulky right and i take that very very well and earthquake is definitely going to be able to take aggression out in its blade form right so that is four pokemon doubt already so i've got a very very commanding lead right now uh in this battle however things did change so the next pokemon is the cling clang so it's like oh wow i want to try out this set right so you may have noticed on my reggie still right that i had a specific move steel roller now steel roller you can only use when there's a terrain on the field right and i deliberately set that terrain up with my reggie leki i get the crit and what it does right after you use the move it actually stops the terrain in its tracks which is really really unique and really really cool and no you cannot use that move unless there's a terrain on the field that's the sort of thing about the move there it's got some really good base power there so now uh cling tag's gonna go for a shift gear there i'm gonna go for another earthquake and it's gonna go down so they only have one more pokemon left on their like mono steel type team role they're still type pokemon team and the last pokemon is reggie still like okay this is cool this this this is kind of interesting because they've got no reggae still too so i was like okay in case this thing tries to set up uh curses and stuff like that i could go for earthquake but then i might start setting up my curses against me and then i might be able to get like two or three or four of them rest off or something like that and be insanely hard to take out so i thought i'm just gonna go for explosion do a chunk of damage and then swap something else in since i'm in such a good lead right now reggie steele is going to go for a medial beam there it's going to get a special attack rise uh from that i was like does it have the power here to activate it right away but it didn't right so back into reggae gigas i still have a bit of help left and i can go for a focus miss here i do take a little bit of damage there so i've got my slow start off i'm thinking well reggae still might be out of out speed here it sort of depends uh you know how they sort of are running this set run so i can go for a focus mess and hopefully it doesn't miss right because that'd be bad and it's gonna out speedy with the meteor beam i was like okay man it got a special attack boost uh reggae giggs is not going to be living that one so that is going to go down but that doesn't matter reggie has only had a bit of health left anyway so okay let's go into reggie rock right this is a weakness posse rock polish set and uh it's got sturdier super but unfortunately my studio is now gone so rock polish body press stone mist and ice punch so body press there for super effective damage and you know just a general great move on reggie rock right because it's got so much dang defense now uh reggie still is going to go for a rest i'm like of course i just see i knew that it would have rest right i wasn't sure if it had curse or not that was the thing uh that was thinking about like i've i've done a reggie steel sweep before like with curse right curse and rest and sleep talk it gets like super super tacky so go for that body presser it's a clear two head coats and the next body press will take out reggie still here and now reggie still is going to go for a sleep talk at my oh what move he's going to use is going to like a splash cutter and it did use flashcat i'm like oh no this is bad because that's super effective right reggie rock doesn't have the greatest special defense in the world lost at sturdy and reggie still had a plus one in special attack too so reggie rock is going to go down so now we're going to bring in reggie draco this is the choice guy said uh with its signature remove uh dragon energy anger power twister and high beam so like okay let's go for dragon energy and just take it out right this should almost all be enough to actually take it out and you know it it's possibly a good chance it'll get rest right so reiki still manages to hold on even though it's it's not very effective right and now ricky still can either go for a flash cannon or i can go for a meteor beam again right so i'm sort of hoping that it will use like meteor beam now it's going to go for a flash cannon again like man this is really bad right because obviously this move is based on how much health you've got left i was like oh no is dragon energy going to be enough to take this out like what can i do my last reggie which is my ray guys can't really do too much like it'll get destroyed by flash cannon especially if it's like uh plus one so i decide i've got to go for uh dragon energy i can't uh i can't dynamax i'm locked into this with the choice scarf max speed max press attack modest nature uh so going for that take on reggie seal and i think it was just enough to take it out and that my friends is the first battle that reggie still really clutch back into the game they're taking a lot of my pokemon out there at the end let's get on to the second battle now i get to show red guys in this battle and the next one too so uh don't worry about that one if you are do like a reg ice man ray guys has got one of those shinies that just never changes it just gets i think it gets a little bit brighter that's about it next battle weathers against felicia and we've got a uh fable lead here so this time i'm leading off with a regular gigas right now regular says hyper beam i thought well honestly if i've got choice specs and high peep it should do a lot of damage so i'm going to get thunder wave here not that it really matters i'm quite a slow pokemon as it is if i can get off a really powerful high beam i'd be very happy i get the hyper beam off but it misses i'm like man that really sucks and now now there's going to be another stealth rock on the field from the fable i mean when i say another i mean the first one had stealth rock too so uh stealth rock butt scans not gonna do too much and now i'm gonna fire hype of him i think i fight that out of my arm anyway so go for the compatible there the fable takes a lot of damage but it is able to live that one so it's like man that really sucks now instead of healing up they're going to swap the fable out and they're going to go into absolute so it's like okay absol this thing might try and set up on me right so they're gonna go for a sword dance uh that's gonna boost the attack off this thing by two so like i've got to take this out right because if it's got night slash and stuff like that it could be really bad now i don't get paralyzed which is amazing i fire another high beam out of my arm at the er at the o'neill center caller aggie at the absol and it goes down in one shot so they were betting on me getting paralyzing because i thought they may have focus action but they didn't so now in comes a reggae rock another reggie which is cool and it's uh it's shiny too actually quite like shiny regular it looks really really cool and uh here we go we got dynamaxx reggie rock now since i've seen the dynomax regular i was so tipped and i was like oh i really got to swap my own rigging rock into this run like which reggae is going to be the better one right so we got a big old shiny reggae rock here which looks real actually quite like um reggie rocker reggie steals like a green shiny too it's like it looks like minty toothpaste and uh we got uh what what and the other one i mean those the original reggie is actually a pretty good shinies right comp compared to the newest ones in my opinion now anyway it's gonna go for a max rockfall on reggie giggs once again this is max health and max special attack so i take it very very well i am gonna get buffered by the sandstorm too and that is gonna make uh reggie rock very very bulky in dynamics right so i thought you know what i'm going to swap in my reggie rock 2 and i'm going to dynomax my own so this is more of a sweeping set and unfortunately it's going to go for a max steel spike instead of going for a rock type move um i mean it was fortunate unfortunate but it was fortunate at the same time right because i've got weakness policy on my reggae rock right now reggae rock is going to get another defense rise there well another defense rise on top that so i was like well even if i go for dynamics now for max knuckle there i mean there's no way i'm gonna be able to take it up the good thing about body press i can use it for max knuckle too and even outside of the dynomax i can still go for body press right so it's uh using that mover in two things which is really really good so i can make it offensive uh you know physically or uses the fence to use it um as an attack too which is really nice so though okay let's go for dynamics reggae rock and let's see how much damage i could do this thing so i'm gonna go out and assume that this opposing reggie rock was a lot more bulkier than mine right like how the evs were and stuff like that plus i sustained a lot more damage uh you know to mine than i did before right so i'm gonna go for the max knucklehead trying to boost my attack and get rid of the defensive uh you know defense rise that the max steel spike actually gave the opposing reggie salt so getting a uh a plus one an attack there that's going to make a grand total of plus three now so ricky rock's gonna go for a max knuckle itself trying to bolster his attack unfortunately for me here that was actually a critical hit against my reggie right which really really sucks so i'm not like man that would have done like no damage at all like this is definitely a bulky set so they're opposing reggae rocker the opposing rebel is going to be small against like okay this is my chance i can go for a max knuckle here and take it out and i've got like uh that'll give me plus four in attack so i'll be very very strong right so go for that max knuckle on their own reggae rock there and it still doesn't take it out that sand made it so bulky too right and of course reggie rockers is reggie rockwell it's got like a million defense right so now they're gonna go for a drain punch and drain punch takes me out i think right i i i could say this but i believe the first critical it actually mattered there i believe i had a good chance of actually living drain punch right considering you know how much money that the max knuckle was doing and stuff like that right so anyway uh reggie rock is going to go down on 4g i think i like if i swap that in without swapping into a mac still spike i know that i would have won that match up but i wanted to use dynamics reggae rock really bad there so i was like okay let's go into reggie draco here and go for a dragon energy right so once again dragon energy is based off the amount of health he gots like water spout and eruption right so go for that and reggie salt leaves man this thing is so so bulky and now it's gonna go for a drain punch there's like okay this thing it definitely has to be assault vested right uh so it's gonna get some help back from the drain punch it's gonna get a lot too because this pokemon reggie draco has a lot of health man so now i'm gonna go for the dragon energy the sand has gone but i have sustained uh damage already so like it's just gonna be enough to take it out and it just was right if i didn't take it out then and it hit me with another drain punch that was it like reggie drago would have been walled i would have had to swap out right which would have been really bad with the uh you know the choice guys so incomes are the club fable see some choice i've got a swap out here there's nothing i do and i'm going to go into reggae giggers which is that half elf i was like okay what can cafe will actually do to me maybe a moon blast right so uh let's see what moves it actually has like offensive move now it's gonna go for a mystical five like okay mystical fire that's actually kind of annoying because i'm running a special set and that's gonna drop my special attack right at this stage i was gonna go for another coverage move but now it's like it's just gonna keep spamming it right it knows that i'm running a special set so i've got to go for high beam there's nothing i could do even if i lose three gigas which i'm gonna anyway if i can take a favor out with me that'll be very good so kfaba goes for a third mystical fight dropping by special attack by three stages reggie giggis manages to get another high thing firing out of its uh arm again massa it's adam must be getting sore by now and cafe is gonna go down so that's really good getting rid of that and of course i've got a crit you know right at the end there which is kind of funny we should have gone crazy earlier on anyway so the next pokemon is the uh intelligence it's like okay is this this is going to be a normal uh you know snipe shot set it's going to go for the star shot and of course of course my your reg use is going to be going down to that one which is interesting there so uh that goes down to a quick two and that takes out my regulars now i still have i still got the reggie drake i was like i can go for choice scarf twister right if i can get a flinch this would be like complete galaxy brain right so obviously i can't use my um well i can use my signature move but it's going to do no damage so go for the twist there look how much twist it does and i get a flinch this is so hype now i can go for another twist to ride hopefully i know that i won't take it out if i get a crit it'll be nice but it was doubtful right i had to get another fleece on the italian there almost takes it out and unfortunately it gets her ice beam off and fires the ice beam out of his finger at my reggie drake i was so close to getting a twist the ko there that's actually a pretty interesting strategy there trying to flee for the twister brings me back to my days with my mega rayquaza twister only sweep okay we're going to go into reggie leckie now this thing's going to take this out easy out speed it and it's a big set with sucker punches okay that's cool it's going to give them a little bit of shift damage there i'm just going to go for a thunder cage here and take out the intelligent now thunder cage is a really cool it's a signature move it's really cool too it's the second most powerful trapping move right because magma storm be the most uh powerful trapping move so i'm gonna go ahead and assume it's the second one just off the top of my head on the spot there right anyway so yeah venusaur's gonna slide in i'm gonna go for lock up there uh target acquired on venusaur's face and i'm gonna fire off that zap counter right and then venusaur right it goes for amnesia so i'm like oh no this is bad this is really really bad so i didn't waste any time at all i'm going to fire that zap cannon off against the venusaur i mean it does pretty good damage considering it's not very effective and they've got a knee drop so i was happy about that so getting that 100 power lights which is really really good now so uh venusaur's gonna go for a second amnesia and it's got black sludge as the item how am i gonna get past this thing so i was like okay the best thing to do here would be go for thunder cage right because i can get some fixed damage each turn and you know then i might be able to just keep firing off zap cannons and take it upright unfortunately for me venusaur is going to be packing earth power and reggie leckie is going to go down in one shot i was hoping it didn't have a ground type move like earth power or earthquake right but uh that's how it goes that would have been really good with thunder cage i could have i could have possibly taken it out if it didn't have any like healing moves of course so now into reggie reggie's still here and uh reggie steele's got explosion that's all i could do i didn't want to use explosion but i really really had to ride now there was one pokemon i was actually quite scared of especially with my red ice and reggie still being the last two pokemon so getting the explosion k off which is really really good there and venusaur is going to go down uh they're paralyzed from the zap cannon actually enabled me to out speed the venusaur two which is very very handy right so the next pokemon is the rapidash and a shiny rapid actually looks really really cool it's like looks like it's got a storm on its back so we've got reg ice here let me explain this set it's a max health and max defense set with assault fest maxell the max defense with bold nature run so we've got a smart strike there from the rapidash i'm gonna go for a rest here to rest up right the stone uh the stealth rocks did actually hurt my red guys uh that's about the only pokemon that really gets affected by a run so i've got chesto berry as mine i'm going to wake up right away so i've got ancient power right i've got blizzard i try to make like a really really bulky set i've got charge beam and ancient power that's my moves so rapid actually going to go for a smart strike in they do not want to go for flavors because i don't want to burn up their health right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go for ancient round hope that i can get a boost and of course some damage run now uh rabbit actually is going to go for a flare blitz i was like man i this is going to be very close where i live this or not and i didn't leave it unfortunately to get another ancient power boost up if i did live that one it would have been almost enough to take out the rapid actually it would have been very very close there but a crazy battle there at the end uh with the rapidash i was scared of that the whole battle if uh you know i lost my four pokemon let's get on to the uh third and final battle uh this one was against uh my name is jay and we got uh we got an injury battle here as well now out of all the battles that i did i usually lead with regular gigas right now we've got a mud style lead here and yes before anyone says i will do an updated horse team too because we got you know we got lots of horses down so i started off at reggie still this time to change things up a bit and uh this was a big problem so as i got the ice punch i was hoping for a free sacks and myself gonna have stamina run now instead of me being able to swap out next turn it's gonna track me in with the sand tune right and sand dune does a reasonable amount of damage to reggie still too uh you know believe it or not there so i'm gonna be trapped in and it's gonna be under you use a super effective move against me so my only uh my only way to actually uh maybe shut this thing down would be to go for ice punch and get a free sex i was like okay let's go for free sacks and you know see what how much it's gonna do so mozart's gonna go for a protector and of course i'm gonna go for ice it's not gonna do anything and uh you know mud cells gonna have leftovers as the item too so what is that what they're trying to do to store me out and get some extra health back on their mud style right um mud cells are a very fast pokemon either so even like say at this point even if i don't take it out which is a thousand percent likely if i can put it on a low enough amount of health right i could just come in and bring in another pokemon and take it out right so ice punch is still doing pretty good damage even though i'm raising up uh you know the muzzle defense there in the process uh we've got another attack there which is body press so obviously they went with us obviously the strategy off say they get some stamina boost which bulks up the defense then they go go for body press and you know body presses are more powerful that way so that works very very well with mud sub so down goes the reggae steel and i'm going to bring it red ice again it's like okay let's go for a simple blizzard here this will take out uh you know muzzle at this range even with no special attack eps it'll take it out right and i know that it doesn't carry a saltfest right because we've already seen that it's got uh you know leftovers recovery so mud cells around our three-quarter self maybe a little bit under there and they are going to swap it out now the next pokemon to come in is the glacier so it's like okay this is bad news i've got to take this pokemon out you people know what this is you know this is a a very very scary poke alright with chilling nay so now it's going to go i'm going to go for ancient power hoping i can get like an ancient power boost on top of like my ori bulky red ice there which would be amazing but it doesn't happen now it's going to go for a payback there it really doesn't do too much damage to red ice at all right because once again i'm running max elf and max the fed's bold nature so it does uh it really just makes it super bulky and regus has a lot of special defense already right so now it's going to hit me with another payback and they're going to swap their glacier out which is uh you know kind of bad now before i think i think i could have said i was running a assault best ray guys i meant uh chesterberry for the rest i don't think i'm not sure if i said that or not but uh if i did i was running chester bernie not a sold fest it's not that's very good on regular so so back comes in the mud style again and it's gonna have leftovers like okay what can muzzle possibly do to me outside of body press right body press won't take me out either at least it misses i was like man that really sucks now mud style is going to be able to go for a free body press on my regulars and i managed to live there just because i was running bulk like max elf and max defense that's the only reason i managed to lift that right and of course myself didn't have any stamina boost right so it's move wasn't powered up so i'm going to spin and write round baby and mud style is going to go down which is very very good light this took me almost half the battle to take mods out that was very very annoying so the next pokemon is keldio you might be able to see a little theme team here people maybe you can see one so we've got the round from caldeo and ray guys is going to go down to around that's something you probably won't see very often and of course they're going to have the move around is going to have throat spray right because it's a sound based move so i've got to take this kyoto out because now kyoto has a plus one in special attack so i thought okay let's go into reggie leki reggie leki will out speed this easy pc um the thing about reggie leckie too like even like even without even like speed investment it gets still out to be like choice car pokemon this thing is like so so fast right super super cool so uh we got the regular key i can go for any electric type move and that will definitely take out the kyoto in one try unless kyoto has like a focus or something weird like that you know i'm right it's right so go for that max finding on the caldeo uh we know it doesn't have a focus actually either because we've seen that at throat spray right so keldio is going to be going down in one shot and now i can lay the electric terrain on the field which is very very good that's gonna power up all my electric type moves and of course the transistor ability too is gonna stack on top of that now the next pokemon is the glacier we've seen glacier earlier i was like okay well is it gonna be i'll live this i i'm very very doubtful that it'll even be able to lift this attack and now they're going to dynamics of glaciers i'm like okay okay this could actually live because it's actually quite a bulky pokemon uh the good thing about this pokemon though say if it gets a couple of chilling nays up the thing about it is right it's not fast like it's uh like the shadow um the shadow bird right uh it's definitely not spectral right and they forgot its name it's not very fast so you can definitely uh take it out right so go for all my uh max lining it uh it fails to take it out obviously and now i can go for a max uh hailstorm and this is most definitely going to hit hard against my reggie lecker there but i do manage to tank it which is good there's it doesn't have any chilling nays up that's the only reason why i was able to leave that right so we got a little bit of hail falling on the field now which is going to buff up my reggie lekki those circuits are getting a little bit frosty i'm going to go for the max lighting on the glacier and that is going to take it out which is brilliant there so taking their dynomax pokemon out very very early which was nice now the thing about this ride is with reggie leckie i still got uh some very powerful electric type moves to use and i've still got a bit of help too so the next pokemon we got is the rapidash it's like okay another rapid actually two right finishes in the road this time it's not shiny it's just a normal one now i know that i can out speed this i pop the zab cannon and it misses i'm like man that would have been great if it landed there i mean thundercatch could have possibly take it out but i wanted to go for the zap counter just to make sure if it had a sash or anything like that oh and then me would have died to hale anyway so i guess it doesn't matter and the flavor so i could have gone for thunder cage i still say it would have lived there because thunder cage isn't like super super powerful like uh you know zap cannon plus it's amazing it's an amazing attack zapkin so i'm gonna swap in my reggie rocky i was like okay what i could do is go for right plus i was like nah i might as well just attack this uh you know rapidash right i could have gone for a rock polish there and uh you know i know that it's gonna go for a grass type move because i thought like this is a mixed stack or a solar beam but instead of using solar beam it's gonna use solar blade and you know what that means right i'm going to get a weakness policy now i will say this too i've got a live reggie rock sweep during my live stream on twitch so if you want me to put that one up on youtube just let me know if it's a live it's actually a live one for my stream so it'll be a live bob i know also um i know some people like the music ones and the live ones too so i will be putting a mix of them up my channel so uh you know uh some weeks it might be a mix of both some weeks it might be some live some weeks or might be some music but uh i will be doing uh both of those still because i know uh some people like them and some people don't and some people like both right so rapidash is going to go down to the body press their next pokemon is the spectria so as you can see this is a full horsepower quantity like an updated horsey one so go for the ice punch they're hoping uh i just need one stone edge to miss right and now spectra is going to go for a shadow ball and reggae rock actually manages to live on six health which is amazing i thought it would go down there right so i could go for another ice punch on spectra and take it out which is really really good now at the moment right i've only lost two pokemon so i'm in a very very strong position now the last pokemon obviously uh yeah is the last pokebot so i can go for either a stone edge or an ice punch right and it's a rapidash so it's a rapidash gala so like let's go for ice punch again i don't want to miss stone edge let's go for ice punch and get some good damage it almost took it out which is really really cool and now it's in range for me to actually take out with one of my other pokemon so reggae rock is going to go down to the cycle cut i mean i still got a choice scarf reggie draco uh that i can use too so it's got the uh life orb as the item too so just one or two more attacks it's gonna go down anyway so i popped the hyper beam right and it missed and now uh rapid actually gonna go for the player off and that's gonna miss those like what and now i'm gonna go for a high beam on the uh rapidash there and it's land and rapidash is gonna be going down which is good it only had like a little bit of health left too which is uh pretty awesome that's all the battles people hope you enjoyed the reggie team the updated one i'll catch you tomorrow for maybe the slow poke one peace out people [Music] you
Views: 563,196
Rating: 4.8910031 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon regi team, full regi team, all regi pokemon, regidrago, regieleki, regi theme, regigigas crown tundra, registeel crown tundra, registeel, regidrago and regieleki, regidrago theme, regieleki and regidrago, regieleki theme, regieleki shiny, regieleki moveset, regice crown tundra, regirock crown tundra, regirock, regice regirock registeel, regice regirock registeel theme, regice regirock registeel regigigas, Pokemon Theme Team, PIMPNITE, crown tundra all regis
Id: DQmjnZ5qzTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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