FULL Graham Norton Show 17/1/2020 Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan, Jennifer Saunders, Patrick Stewart

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He’s looking quite good in those lenses

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/milkand24601 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
Oh [Applause] well you got a great trivia night is everyone in a good mood well I'm gonna change that disappointing news mm-hmm it has been decided that on January 31st at 11 p.m. when we leave the EU and sort of glorious new chapter the bells of big men will not be taught me I was devastated because for many people right from the start breaks it has been symbolized by a massive dong no one's talking about bread's anymore all we care about now is necks it Megas already gone back to Canada on our own I mean is there any other woman more desperate to leave the UK there's one Bernie Harry and Megan planned to trademark sausage royal for a range of items including clothing and stationery I mean surely that goes against everything the royal family stands for in fact Prince Charles found the ideas so tacky he nearly choked on his original biscuit he did nickname for young trendy clientele with things like sunglasses and hoodies they've already had one sale [Applause] but first she's the creator of an ad for one of our favorite guests now starring in a new Netflix Diller the stranger is Jennifer Saunders everything [Applause] in several favorite films a tre Django Unchained and Dreamgirls and as an Oscar Golden Globe and Grammy to his name now starring in the moving true story just mercy it's Jamie Foxx everybody [Applause] with Jamie in just versi this vendor stayed Adonis Creed and Black Panthers nemesis Eric kill monger and is one of hundreds POTUS leading men calm down it's Michael B Jordan [Applause] the star of stage and screen at a knight of the realm now returning to one of his most famous roles in Star Trek Picard it's Patrick's Church [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] nice nice out there they all you did a bit of bonding backstage yes I see you're welcome back to all in fact you've all been here before Hank and what a time to be in London ladies gentlemen these people have been ago a mark on our capital Patrick Stewart have you been to pick our dilly station have you seen this I mean yeah people have they have every branded it they've this is real they've made to the dilly station Piccadilly Circus I mean it's him but they've also done it on the subway in Manhattan except that they've drawn an imaginary line between five stations so that it looks like that thing that we wear and I don't know oh yeah I think so that there are five stations on the subway not as good not as good why do georgette gorks you've been in town for a few days Derry Bennifer yes about enjoying yourselves yeah yeah out you know reading scriptures and I've seen the pictures Figgis Michael would you go out and about cuz chatter postman from Black Panther he was here do one though and I feel like maybe he's a little over makanda forever now but like you'd never I don't really got that I think the fans kind of understand that the air kill monger wasn't really with Wakanda all the way so they kind of respected me but now we're not gonna say what kind of boy [Applause] [Applause] got a spike on action I think you look fabulous yes you are accordingly topping anyway but wait till I tell you Jennifer Saunders you've just become a grandmother for the fourth time but now what do they call you jam jar because I don't call me granny I will not be granny no I just I don't like that i think but jam jar sort of came a box it was sort of funny and nearly sort of granny yes but but the but children in general are quite honest quite direct very honest yes I need them you need them you need their eyesight this new eyes they have like laser beam eyesight and so instead of normally I have like a magnifying mirror you know women of a certain age you'll know you need the magnifying mirror or you miss a lot of stuff stuff and I have a magnifying mirror this sort of gives me it's like the Hubble telescope and in their report I know what's happening but you miss you sometimes miss things and I'm sitting near a window one day and a little Percy was only five was looking at me because the light was hitting my face at a certain angle and he was looking at me that oh what's the matter what's the matter what is the matter I don't know tell me what's the matter James are you growing a beard let's talk about a star trek pick hard o patterns where it returns the role of Captain jean-luc Picard it's available on Amazon Prime from the 24th of January and this is a it's a big deal that they've done this it's huge particularly for me because I have publicly so many times said I'm done Star Trek was wonderful it changed my life changed my career but I've said it all there's nothing more to say except you've got me to say they saw so just now it's it's a big deal and the Amazon and CBS have really committed to we got amazing I mean we have a ship that we fly in but it's not just sets within the ship they have built the entire ship on a soundstage Wow I mean you know you haven't walked a lot down and around areas and corridors where you all fans of Star Trek combined it is what I'm looking at you now like I want to say certain things I don't want to disrespect but just just your voice oh that's like I want to get beamed up and but but you I say when you do I kind of characters like that for even like the younger generation come up you got some times date they're just now coming into the world and being able to get a chance to see MEMS and see your brilliance I think that's amazing well we hope so we hope so we're hoping to do it and where did I actually know I didn't agree to do it we didn't I took the meeting very distinguished people and I didn't want to just say no pass I don't do that anymore so I went to the meeting in order to explain to them face to face why I couldn't do it so John Luke John Luke as the series begins where where are you what happened to you well 18 years have passed since Star Trek nemesis our last feature film so he is no longer in Starfleet there is a good reason for that which gets explained yes he is no longer involved whatsoever in space what he's doing is running a winery in France and what is this great what is it says it's set 24 or something Oh Lord 24 89 or something 20 no tyke 24 seventies something I 70 something really sure it's hard to tell the fashions they were still making wise to live for good wine - and he's got a dog and not just a dog but my beloved favorite dogs a pitbull oh oh there's dinero not Robert but OSE that's my that's my pitbull and it was he the same pitbull throughout yes [Laughter] what we're gonna watch a clip of you know yes this is grapes this is this is a very this is the very beginning of the whole thing it's the first moment that we are reintroduced to jean-luc okay it's explained you'll see yeah look well thank you sir sugar No thank you sir [Music] why are you stalling captain I don't want the game to end [Music] I'm all-in [Music] strange I didn't know we were on costume her husband this isn't right [Music] [Applause] sorry that lets draw you wait you meet your five Queens so you're back in Star Trek now but like over all the time you haven't been doing it the show as you guys were saying never goes away it's constantly on television do you ever find yourself like drawn into watching them I don't look for it but occasionally you know you're and there was one night in a hotel somewhere I'd flown in I had room ordered room service and I was flicking - and that was Oh Star Trek next generation okay let's see what's going on I'll just watch him for a couple of minutes well I got hooked and then there was a ring of the doorbell and my my order arrived my room service order arrived and the waiter came in looked at me and I thought he's gonna go away until the entire kitchen it is the saddest thing upstairs alone having room service watching himself you do that I see it's always a coincidence as always that that little awkward moment for me was on on a plane you know sometimes like when you're playing on the airplane and you get up and go to the bathroom and something you just look at you know the screens on the seats and you know that's me that's me people crying and stuff like that but it's the walk back from the bathroom as they're crying and looking at me trying to connect the two so it's always I've had those little moments and some points yeah ladies gentlemen talking of Star Trek now this will really please kind of Star Trek nerds and anoraks a little bit of trivia that I think a lot of people don't know is the Journal of I'm so flattered Jennifer so lenders this is only show to back with a diagram anyway yes Jennifer Saunders was in the original 1960s series I was yes I'm so glad you brought that up yeah and it was I thought people realize that we've got a picture of you with your evidence with Spock and Kirk they were [Applause] if that's not me who the hell is it it's like my doppelganger its Grace Lee Whitley they're not my breasts my face it was quite chilly back in the 60s it's weird whatever yes yes so if you want to but at great expense I know if I want to we've made that hair please explain this I've had this hair done [Applause] you could do okay okay well it's got a solid thing oh I see yes it sort of sits on top yeah sorry excuse me a moment well I had to come [Applause] [Applause] very good right let's move on to a movie tonight Michael B Jordan Jamie Foxx are together in just mercy it opens tonight and I mean this is an extraordinary powerful true story it deals with a lawyer and he's still working today you you play him Michael yeah I play Bryan Stevenson he's a defense attorney from from Delaware but he started his organization the eji the equal justice initiative in Alabama and he pretty much he he's fighting for equal justice you know within the criminal justice system in America that we all know has a problem yeah actually bias is very flawed there's a lot a lot of wrongly convicted you know people that are on death row and Jimmie Foxx plays the Walter McMillian the guy that I get off of death row beautifully by the way okay and and the movie takes place over the course of a Brian and Walters relationship and and Brian trying to get Walter off of death row here Jamie we don't know Brian seems it but in America is he is he know or is this film cut that's why I came in Michael B Jordan for taking this movie if you and I can't commend this young man because of what he does for us he captured our hearts in Fruitvale station where he and then he went off from there kill mugger and black panther mmm where he was I mean and he was you were bigger than a panther in there yawns and and and but even even when he did that movie he brought the narrative of what we are as black people and how we can be and what we could achieve and then the go on to just mercy which is I say completing his artistic sentence Brian Stevenson who's doing an incredible job of exonerating people off of death row one out of every ten person on death row is innocent so he's since this first case and I played Walter McMillian who's wrongly accused of a murder they said he killed someone in the city that had never been in kill somebody he never saw and there he sits on death row for six years without a trial and then in walks Michael B Jordan who's betraying Brian Stevenson and they go on this incredible journey when you watch this film and we've shown it here we've shown it a Toronto Film Festival people that are caught up in it they're weeping the cheering because it's it moves your soul since that time Brian Stevenson has exonerated a hundred and thirty people these guys actively doing this work without fatiguing for over thirty five years he's old enough I mean no yes you know what he's he's 87 in that picture we've got a clip of the two of you now this is the two of you discussing the case why are you doing this why my lawyer no no as you lower down here now about my taking these cases ain't nobody gonna pay for when I was a teenager my grandfather was murdered over a black-and-white TV we kept waiting for someone to show up to help and that's when I realized that outside my community nobody care because to them he's just another black man killed in the projects I know what it's like to be in the shadows that's what I'm doing is [Applause] and how about writing Jamie that one of the reasons why this story could have resonated with you is because you're your own father was in the sense you know it's personal when Michael called me up I was so humbled and honored to be a part of the project but doing this right is personal being a black man and and the perception of us in America is that we've already were guilty of a crime and I could personally tell you because my father they put my father in jail for $25 worth of illegal substance they put him in jail for seven years this man was an educator in the hood in the inner cities educating kids the judge that he would have come to the school and talk to the kids presided over his case and put him in jail now what they didn't understand was their father taught me everything told me how to throw a football of basketball taught me how to play tennis and I was like why am i learning how to play tennis he's because I don't want you to be limited so me as a young black kid in Texas some of my childhood heroes were Vitas Gerulaitis ilie Nastase Yannick Noah Yvonne Linda so when they put him in jail however what we what do we do as a family and I don't like visit in jail I don't like that type of perceptions and so I I said I told my pop sighs I can't come see you cuz I see you as a king but I wrote him I wrote him a letter I said hey you know things have gotten good for me when you get out I save your life and he's been living with me for 20 years now same house and here's a good part about it he loved tennis so I got a chance to take him to the US Open when he got out and we watched a Venus and Serena play and we sat there and then tears ran down our cheeks but when he got a chance to see this movie he said you tell that that young brother Michael B Jordan keep doing what he's doing cuz this is so important for us yeah and I mean just really sure baby could you sit you you got Jamie involved you drove it and I wasn't thinking this you've the first film where your inclusion losing rider as kicked it exactly explain explain about that well conclusion Rider a few years back at the Oscars I heard Frances McDormand give this an amazing speech about her inclusion writer and I was in sitting in the audience and I was listening I was like wow that's something I could put in writing that's something I can actually attach to my production company the whole studio is accountable so the clusion rider is basically is it's a it's allowing an opportunity for people from underrepresented groups you know black and brown people minorities women people from the lbgtq community people with disabilities that they're heavily and seriously considered for the job and honestly half the time you just you just need an opportunity you know in our industry we work with people that we know you know we work with we work we work with people we previously work with and that can kind of create a you know a circle so this is like at leo levels to play and feel a little bit to let everybody in and have an opportunity Jannie everyone was so moved by you talking about your father and the fact you you be living with you yeah okay so that's lovely but then your mother also lives in the same house that poses a problem the reason being is because they've been divorced for twenty-five and so I was so I was a doctor in it I was adopted in my mother twelve years now I would always send her tickets on Christmas if you ever want to come you know for Christmas so finally she accepted she come we have a good Christmas and then New Year's comes and her birthday is on New Year's so we party for her birthday and then it's like now also this February she hadn't left are you trying to tell us something well you know I just want to hang out you know so now she's been living with us a trivia but they live under the same roof and what's crazy is that he's still dates so he has dates but she'll go on his side of the house just to see who's in there like I'm in my room I get I'm not gonna do as him okay could you tell her to stay off my side of the house I got company now but it but it's it's a weirdly fun house yeah Michael you did the opposite thing you didn't you buy your parents house but then you lived in it so so that worked itself out was so I bought a house and I moved my parents in from New Jersey out to Los Angeles and and you know just a transitional period yeah and then you know Kwanzaa came yeah their birthdays came yeah no no but like it does get a little awkward you know I was single and you know and you know being able to date and you know I like midnight frigerator runs down to the kitchen I don't like putting clothes on all the time like you know frigerator runs till sometime Oh what I know if your mother still tries to feed you though she does mom I pay my family is extremely we're extremely tight if that's my heartbeat she's amazing and when I'm traveling a lot and I'm working overseas she always makes sure especially during the holidays she always makes sure is that that she sends a bit of her which is food you know to make sure I'm eating well when I do you FedEx food how do you move how do you mean I honestly haven't figured out her secret because getting it through customs and making later I don't I don't know how she figured out how she smuggles the food into into these countries but she hasn't worked out she don't like mac and cheese I'm cross border yeah something more perishable goods have may be nice yeah it's bad did you still get Earl Grey tea sent to you all the time all the time yeah sorry yeah I do I've got a little joke about it in the first episode of the series yes yeah yeah and guys you know out there because you're worldwide I know I drink Yorkshire gold Ultraman I don't drink York Sherman when you get home do too you have a big box Jennifer you've been said things by fans were you in the theater and you got a nice bar say no because you do get sent quite odd things by fans I mean generally drawings and nice things you know gifts that they've sewn or made but yes I did want to get sent some pubic hair expectedly how was it arranged oh it was um it was what I was doing that did the first place years ago must be 25 30 years ago I'm seeing a play in the West End and the trouble of being in a theater is everyone knows where you are every night mm-hmm you can't be anywhere else so they can always drop things in and opening this envelope but I thought padded breasted Oh say and and then a slightly odd sort of cut up with all slightly pornographic letter and of course you report it and that this was a guy who was doing it in the West End to lots of actresses in lots of plays and I think he got arrested after he sent it to Felicity Kendal that's well maybe he just ran out of pubic hair send things to you we know where you're gonna be now from the 5th of March the 11th of April you're back at the Duke of York's doing blyde spirit no parasites bird yeah and you being on tour with this we did it for four weeks for the Baths festival last year and now we're bringing it back and we're gonna do Brighton Morvan bath Cambridge yes and yes well you got amazing reviews for its I'm not surprised it's a huge fun it's huge firm it's properly funny properly dynamic and glorious great fun but before that people couldn't see you on Netflix you very twisty turny drama the stranger that starts on 30th of January is this really your first ever drama well I sort of think it is I can't think of another one and then that's anyone else I think I can't think of anything else isn't for Laughs yes it is what you can about the plot because and also if you're watching it stick with it because Jennifer you're not much to do in episode 1 but then your story really takes off an episode - yes so what tell us what well I mean it's from a book by Harlan Coben who writes these extraordinary mystery dramas and it's it's really set here he writes about normal people ordinary people when something extraordinary happens and this takes place in a town I mean originally he wrote it in America but it takes place now in an English town and it's about when what you see is normal life's trickling along and suddenly someone comes into that life and just drops bombs and these bombs are personal secrets that rip relationships and people apart and it's this mysterious person the stranger yes comes up and and yes she reveals one by one well this is the clip we have is your character in countering the strange okay we're not talking about your husband Heidi what we're talking about your daughter Kimberly she's got three men on the go at the moment but listen pay us ten thousand pounds the next three days and now in other hears of this not even your husband Ian you know what I'm going to the police yeah you can do that yeah watch me I'm going to yeah of course you can but if you fail to pay your daughters find your sugar baby pages her pictures her video clips her name everything goes viral her career is over before it's even begun this she's vetted by an employer but this will pop up showing even get interviews [Music] 10,000 pounds Selena [Music] yes it was yeah it was exciting and it was lovely to do a bit of them straight-acting quite hard difficult but is it isn't it all just acting or is it hard to make the transition it's quite hard because the expectation is not to have a laugh the expectation is just pick up the glass does but it does normally don't snort it just the same I literally had to walk across a carpark and I said well all the way across the copper okay here just walk there you go that's just what just walk and I had a funny walk and I wanted to fall over but just walk and it felt like 20 miles you know it's it is I have huge apparition no just saying that's you know that's that's us yeah and comics so we have to go back no I'm good I'm just gonna walk yeah oh so much economy for me is that sometimes frightening it's it's it's it's a little little intimidating you know but but you do you do come here very well yeah yeah because we're awesome a locomotive when I could just stuff that with the plane with Xavier playing with dementia I'm saying it was like those moments between you and he exactly were just phenomenal and it was really really funny to me like I it cracked me up it was it was a good time scares me I have done so little of it I I can do drama yeah death sadness sorrow whatever but comedy really unknowns me now Sir Patrick Stewart and you don't really use the Suribachi sorry so I've been calling those no I shouldn't am I supposed to know okay but no do you I take my lead from Sir Ian I we've both shared some time with yes and he is he is so phlegmatic about all of that and and I just know it's a great honor but it's not something that I need to press when you bump into another sir when you're out and about do you then do you roll in sir circles okay circles minute so how do you become a sir well Patrick how well you know it's a case of I got mine on the Queen's Birthday Honours but you have reminded me that I did have a sir encounter only a few weeks ago in Los Angeles rather fancy in fact extremely fancy restaurant tell them what it is they'll know it was the the tower bar I know you keep going okay no the towel bar is a spot yeah I got a feeling this isn't gonna work out so we're the four of us were seated at a table about 15 minutes later into the restaurant walks Sir Paul McCartney Wow good smell Oh Paul and I have a very slender relationship but it's lasted decades when I first encountered him in 1964 no when his girlfriend Jane Asher then had told him that I loved Aston Martin's I was driving a battered old Ford but Aston Martin's were my dream car she told him this and one night yeah we knew he was seeing the show there was a knock on my door and I said yeah come in I'm there in my underwear yeah like as usual [Laughter] I'm ready for you and the door opened standing there was Paul McCartney who I had never met before and this was 1964 he said Jane says that you like Aston Martin's here drive this and he tossed a bunch of keys also pretty cool and it was asked in LA we're now in the tower Baro [Applause] I am feeling less and he sees me and comes over and I stand up and say hi and we have a big hug in the restaurant and I'm very much aware that there's all the tables are full on this kind of thing and we talked for five or six minutes and he goes and sits down five minutes go by and into the restaurant walks sir Ringo Starr I swear to you they were they were out there were at the same table they were the same yes well we've at the tower free meal we finish early and I get up to go and Paul stands up to say goodbye and we have a hug and this we have a hug he says into my ear do you know Ringo I've never met him but I'm Ringo come on come over here hang on a minute he said sir Ringo Sir Patrick Sir Paul hey we've got the knights of the round has just been double nominated at the Brits here performing hero please welcome Michael key Luca [Applause] my hero my Corona my hero my hero [Music] you [Music] I love tonight [Applause] it's our music I guess they going on [Applause] [Music] diet no no [Music] [Music] it's all [Music] my hero [Applause] I feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] meet the people whoo that was terrific thank you very much just built a Milton build it was brilliant at that of course from the album Kiwanuka which is out now yeah that's here Lucinda it's your third album yeah this one's called Kiwanuka what were the first two calls this is album one yeah I ran out of them ideas for album title so I'll just call it Monday oh I'm sure I'm joking it was their first time was called home again the second was called love and hate and this one's called cooing occur because and is my third record so you know I always thought with the third album you you know you're hopefully coming of age you know you're finding yourself in the first two records and you're you're trying to fit into someone else's no beat someone else that you you get an idea of yourself yeah yeah and when I was making this one I thought I just want to be be me so I thought my toilet [Music] it's work its work there's a Brit nominated yeah and you're up for the slightly it sounds a little bit poorni best male solo nomination yes every eighteen firm but and then also up for best album so you know the album that's - you're up for - yeah but then at the end of the year is it a coming home gig yeah kind of I'm playing them a venue called Ally Pally ice on your palace and Muslim girls don't got that Jaime you've no I don't want to be here like when you have lots of friends there yeah I hopefully have hope yeah I hope you have a lot of friends there but I used to go to it's like ten minutes walk for my mom and dad's oh that's so handy and so yes I used to just go growing up I used to just go great skateboard out there go back big are they oh where are they I don't know where they are as he bought you a house Russia aggressors that is thank you service without amazing performance and they're good with her and best of luck at the Brits and good luck to you both this time for a visit to the big red chair who's there hello sir hi there hi what's your name Ryan Ryan I'm where you from Ryan I'm from New Zealand Oh lovely home of the story news either are you travelling living here for two years for two just just two years yeah I'm an electrician an ell trician yeah they're handy okay so I was at a New Year Festival I'd had a bit too much to drink during the day in the campground I was walking along to the festival and I needed to get rid of a bit of what I drank so so I hold on a portaloos I ran up to them rip the door open projectiles Beauty everywhere then I looked down and I just spewed all over a guy who was sort of relieving himself on the low I was but freaked out first thing that came to mind he looked angry he was gonna whack me I gave him a bit of a whack myself [Applause] vámanos someone and then hit them you couch walk I walk dahlias girl you contact cos vibes at this very address ladies gentlemen please say a huge thank you to all my guests tonight Michael [Applause] sure [Applause] five there Sara Bareilles at Piketon and director Terry Gilliam actor Hugh Laurie and the source of doodle Emma Thompson and Robert Downey jr. I'll see you then goodbye
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 450,937
Rating: 4.8571062 out of 5
Keywords: FULL Graham Norton Show 17/1/2020 Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan, Jennifer Saunders, Patrick Stewart, Michael Kiwanuka, Graham Norton 2020, Graham Norton Show 2020, BBC, BBC ONE, Graham Norton Show S26E14
Id: nWtVREAq5o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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