FULL Graham Norton Show S23E10 Usain Bolt, Channing Tatum, Jennifer Saunders, Rob Brydon,

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Electricjohn 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

aaaaaaaand it's gone.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/halpimapanda 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
first from Gavin and Stacey would I lie to you and the trip this man is one of our favorite entertainers now he's where you a splash on the big screen in new brick comedy swimming with men please welcome back Rob Reider [Applause] Patrick one has been making her name in comedies like Josh and fresh meat and the other is quite simply a comedy legend please welcome mother and daughter duo Jennifer Saunders and Biddy Imogen [Applause] funny way heartthrob has appeared in films like step off Jump Street box catch right of course Magic Mike now he's bringing sexy to the West End calm with Mike live it's a pleasure to welcome back mr. Channing Tatum [Applause] it's funny they scream like you are going to take your clothes if you don't take them off that woman will see a lot of hair adjustment in the audience now welcome to you all but oddly I think this is a first we've had you know husbands wives you've had brothers or sisters we've never had a mother-daughter combo well how extraordinary I mean that's a reason for that clung to their daughters career welcome back to rob and to Channing and now I know you're very excited to meet Usain Bolt yes I'm I've never been more excited to be next to a man's legs in my life you'll be next a lot of them [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] Robbie you are gonna be unimpressed by you sampled your you standing out with big sporting stars on you we have a picture of you this is you with Anthony Josh oh yes now yes [Laughter] Srila cui is very high and I couldn't see over it you just know I'm jumping because I am very athletic of course yes coiled spring hey go might have a look using was a racket loads of things tonight we've got at to to homegrown movies from Rob and BD Jennifer but we start with Channing Tatum's latest project Magic Mike [Applause] padrone casino here in London and tickets you can buy them now right yes actually but the first six months is actually sold out and we are announcing the next six months well if you're wondering if you're wondering what the show might entail here's a little taster you can have anything that you want you just have to ask [Music] [Applause] I auditioned a few months ago and I it's just I've not heard anything [ __ ] should I take that as a no we have an audition in in this month and in July in Paris so you're still I might get a call but yes I wasn't has been great fun sweating I believe is that I think that's in Westminster I think so what are they allowing you to show how many of the clothes are they taking off enough enough I don't want to give it all the way don't give it always not all the way you know you're just might if I ever get in shape enough again ever yeah what's not on till November what are you doing here child around if I ever get in shape again is this you having let yourself I'm a dad now like these guys you can see there because and Abby she you're found of the film yes big fan of film you thought you thought after the film thought hey let's do that a half my cousin's hen do we went to a night in Clapham to see a sort of Magic Mike asked show and very disappointing just quite sad stop now just a love of Mike not a lot of Matt you know [Laughter] [Applause] I'm in the film I mean people are pulled out of the audience just to take part in this it is very you will get what you give in the show I can guarantee you say no you say no can you beat oh yeah yeah I know I promise when I say like that the guys we have some of the best guys they're all like they all love their mom they're all like really real I know it sounds silly but it's not easy to give a lap dance like to get up in somebody's space and to do it halfway where you're like not feeling attacked like you kind of need to be a good a man BRE there are days I just don't feel like I'm not in the mood Graham but I have to go out there I gotta do I think you said I think there's something about male stripping that it's just more good-humoured like the audience of laughs and it's it's sexy but it's funny at the same time in a way that kind of I think women strip clubs are quite grim yeah because it's like a carnal you have some guy that's like just like trying to embarrass their friends yeah it's it's a good it's good fun I I don't know I enjoyed it when I did it but these guys when I say they're the best dancers in the entire world that we have class class a dancers and performance but they get hurt yes it we've had some injuries yes some I can't say on TV but there's a lot of sliding involved Splinter it's it is a wooden stage that was a bad choice on our but after the most and most common thing that takes one of our dancers out is a cult common cold because you are very close and intimate and some people don't care if they're sick they just keep coming to the show and the dangers of lap dancing did we no idea common pool but apparently and you wouldn't expect this in the show there's quite a lot of sweet tender room yes so what happens there can I show you [Applause] [Laughter] yeah if everybody would like to join in there feel free to this is one of my favorite moments in the show it's a it's a slow dance when's the last time you've slow dance with somebody years you can dance with your partner's next to you or yes music please [Applause] [Applause] Oh Oh the cameras are broken we've got to do that again thank you much no it really is like my favorite part of the show like everyone gets to slow dance with whoever there's like standing up smells tequila and nerves nerves there are major parallels between Magic Mike and Rob Brighton's you film there are swimming with male synchronized swimming team if you knew Usain Bolt was going to be on the show I mean you think of Stallone in his prime when you think of that you kind of think Oh male synchronized swimming you know that's just out in that comedy but this is based on a documentary this happens yeah it's a real thing that middle-aged guys getting together and doing sink swimming there's a team in Sweden this is based on a documentary it's often men or a little bit of drift you know they've lost their mojo and they form a little group and they meet up get in the pool and workout routines and do them and it's actually you see the film is it's quite touching cuz they're all kind of looking for something and there's something about men having to they support each other emotionally by meeting up but they've got to reach out and touch and it's it's the odd thing with the film as you laugh but also a lot of people said to me I wasn't expecting to feel so quite so so moved by it but it's hard telling you who you play I play I play Eric and he's an accountant and he's married to Jane Horrocks and but it's not a happy marriage and we're drifting apart and he spends all his time at the pools for me and then one day looks across and he sees this group of middle-aged blokes doing these routines and they got a problem and because he's an accountant he can work it out because of the numbers in the angles and he joins his wife he joins the team and he finds friendship in the team and they enter the World Championships well talk some more about the actual swimming yeah first here's a clip this is you and the team in the pool figuring out one of the moves distribution in the stack is wrong this to work it has to be equal which means we have to take height and weight into consideration meaning well meaning you can't be next to your man because he needs to be next to somebody less sad Archie you calling me fat well you could do it losing a little bit of barbers Mike trying to wrestle with a yak lustrous mate Oh guys guys let's do it again come on we've got to practice this role can't do the show without a flyer and we haven't gonna fly it because we haven't got Tom he's a bloody liability right that's me [Applause] very fun tick-tock [Applause] that long in a swimming pool hours you do we did 12-hour days in the pool it took a while it but even the most basic thing looks really hard so what's the first thing you have to learn right here's the thing there's Finkle the eggbeater if you watch synchronized swimming people they can so if you're in the water treading water it's about there isn't it those people can come up to there and they seen this they do it with the eggbeater it's like a Ronaldo stepping in Reverse so what you do is yes 90 degrees yes and you and you go like that but really fast really powerful Channing feel free I mean it was a girls school pool and they shut it down well while we were there you do a sketch with dawn about so yes synchronized swimmers yes very a bank it might have been the first series and we always thought was hilarious synchronized swimming yeah but mainly be able to pull stuff the marching and the nose clips and the jumping and I think there must have been first series because I think by the second series we knew not to be in swimsuits on television that's really you'll regret it for the rest if you're showing a clip because still you're not moving you did it say it again there you [Applause] those clips are essential because you know you you're under the water going backwards and so we did this last year and then went away on holiday and I thought I would impress the kids look what I can do in the pool you know but without a nose clip you nearly drowned [Laughter] and looking at Jennifer and Dawn they're in this yesterday it strike me that so be tu vas between in school when that was on telly yeah I think well no first years I was in boat not born so growing up was it a nice thing that your mom was Jennifer Saunders or was kind of an embarrassing I mean I don't mean the actual woman I mean the idea yeah well I think I sort of assumed that everyone's mom and dad was on telly I was like I said what shows your dad on I did come home one day and asked her if she was Jennifer Saunders yeah because I didn't understand that you know your mum Jennifer Saunders like and but of course not just London dad eight Edmonton yes yes so did they give you advice going into comedy and things I mean one really good bit of advice my dad gave me when a boy at my school had got told off for doing a fart in class like a really loud one and so I came home and I told my dad and he was like bTW he got really serious was like bTW don't you ever let anyone tell you that farting isn't funny [Laughter] fasting and falling over V Edmondson and Jennifer's orders because a new Disney movie it's called practice you're up you're up June and neither of you is Patrick no no no because Patrick is this little creek [Laughter] so who do you play starring in the movie I play Miss Frances who is an English teacher whose life is gone a bit off track and then she inherits a pug who is extremely badly behaved and and you know she hates it to begin with but then it sort of turns away from yeah dogs change wives yeah Jennifer who do you play I manage to be on set one day it's Superdog do something i whittled my way into so insisted on bringing a fat suit I know I wondered have you gone all Robert De Niro for it because I have found that actually as one gets your fat suit its padding yes I actually have my own padding and I offer it up to anyone that wants it you know in there so I said to Jenny Beavan edge of the costume I said well do you know I'd be quite I'd be quite good in a small part I have my own padding yes I can see now is it padding it's very expensive stuff padding it takes a long time take this the same is this what you brought with you this yes you don't see this let's see your ballot can I just say that this suit was actually rejected and I'll show you I'll show you exactly why this suit was rejected excuse me I'm just going to show you my padding this is this is the padding this up I'll get into the padding hang on it's all mostly much better if I'm in it you'll get your microphone don't put up toner I'll put it up just to hear and that's this is the padding that dawn and I have made for when we're on tour and it was rejected because I suddenly realized [Applause] you yes [Applause] he shocks by [Applause] extraordinary it's quite realistic yes bald as a cook though I send it to Jenny without realizing of course because we used to use it too as a joke at the end of the show the padding made and I I'm really but but if anyone ever wants to cast me yes it's there it's all there so so bu not only had your mother and her padding on say yeah but nearly all of your scenes are with a small dog yeah I mean do like dogs I love dogs he took a bit of convincing to be friends with me and what was the thing about the kissing yeah he had to sort of lick me on my face but he wouldn't do it and every time I went to go and kiss him you'd be like I'm sorry this who's so we had to put pate on my face degrading and I'm a vegetarian service wasn't even nice pate is from a tube yes he did lick some into my mouth that's a tough day work exhaust alive ER and cheap patek hmm what this may come as bad news to you yeah but we have an unexpected guest on the show be a gentleman soif you star at the new movie fatrick tactics being upstaged by a rubber cork whatever mind it's really tough to Patrick's about there going I've got to follow I'm a pug no I'm not Jesus can you combine yourself do you need to go I'll go and grab him okay if you'll have me oh here he comes he's such a cutie yes that's his real name is names Harley [Applause] [Music] that is case because at home what's your you've gotta love dogs I've got Oliver blip-it yeah so she's she's a sweet yeah you are this is that's in trying to bomb coming up [Applause] that's the drainer going kill [Music] because Chani going up you had dogs but it was not a good place to have dogs when you were growing up what do you mean sorry well didn't you problem oh yes sorry I grew up in Mississippi so there was there was a lot of Gators in the why he should probably cover Patrick's ears for this there's a lot of dogs going missing in the neighborhood and and there's just really giant Gator and when the Gators start to get very comfortable coming up to uh you know it's sort of the human spaces dogs will just start going down like like very fast so my dad and his friends caught this Gator and spray-painted its head white thinking that the dogs would see this giant white thing coming up out of the water and run and it didn't actually work no there's if anything was probably mesmerizing did you say your father painted the Gators white yeah yeah and he got how does he how does he do that boy stur they're just swamp people that I did you go up around snakes as well yeah Lots did you read that thing in the paper about the guy who it's not as a true story with 4-foot rattlesnake I think there's an America so he went out and he chopped its head off you know and then when he went to clear it away the head that was severed bit him because the fighting reflex stays in the snake Oh I mean how horrible is that I've killed you and you've still killed me they took him to hospital at the height the man they took him and they gave him all this anti-venom and stuff I didn't grow up a rope in Wales I didn't grow up around days we have a cat we have a cat who is who is a killer his name is crumble he's lovely to look at but he's a killer and he kills mice he kills frogs bats he's brought in he's brought squirrels him but he does it now in a way that's very sinister he brought a squirrel into the house through the cat flap the cat flap is inside a cupboard and then he brings him in he decapitated the squirrel put the body in the center of the living room and a poor in each corner I swear he is sending a message to the squirrel community and you don't notice it first of all you go to get your coffee and then you see other squirrels on the lawn terrified adorable pet this is a clip from the movie and sorry Jennifer you're not in this but it BC bonding in a trick you'll hear you're under a new regime fridge [Music] the very best of luck with it okay time to meet our next guest at this man is the 100 and 200 meter world record holder he has 19 gold medals to his name he is quite simply the fastest and the coolest man on the planet please welcome Usain Bolt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at your very well through the show very nice to see you to be here Oh Channing's fangirling there he's very you are big fans oh yeah huge huge yeah they've ever seen have you seen Magic Mike yes I've seen it too kept some moves you know I mean yeah passing for that London show now starring the fastest man in the world is now the captain of the world in this year's soccer aid before we talk about it here is yourself and Robbie explaining the idea soccer aid for UNICEF is back [Applause] new captain for the soccer aid world 11 brought these Let Me Entertain You you saying you can run been can't hide stick to singing and leave the football to me [Applause] I should be this Sunday at 6:30 so obviously it's a great cause it's for charity raises loads of money I don't know you but I somehow feel you are still going to take this quite seriously I'm a competitor so I competed everything so I mean tell the team listen don't play around with me is it an England team and then the rest of the world team so who's on the rest of the world team for me my favorite people are Paris and then there's the AIA there's gonna be Sadoff there's gonna be van der Sar they've got me a few guys that so who's the rubbish with a favor I'm not gonna come we'll pharaoh is probably not the best soccer player but the other thing is you know after all the championships and the olympics we are finally going to see you head-to-head with Mo Farah yes so will you be kind of watching each other because presumably you know I was watching even training today because we changed for the first time today all he does is just run about that's gonna be a big problem he can keep going like a do so much he just keeps going and going and going cuz how are you after the 10-second mark [Laughter] because it's cute your shirt's air that you'll be wearing just in case people didn't know how depressing if someone's running off to you about this this is a kind of a shop window for me because I think I'm right that following retirement from athletics this is what you want to do yeah I want to pick something else up you know I mean challenge myself so I decided you know it's football something that I've always what soccer yes okay you know what let's pursue this in so far I can go if I really can get to the highest level so I'm just pursuing I'm just training working hard and just that's why I'm happy that I'm on this team and all these great football players so I can learn see I worry for you though because because you're used to being it's your view sting you're used to being all about you these ten losers will be trailing you now I'm gonna motivate don't make a competition out of anything yeah but you saying there's something so joyful about how confident and on the top of your game you were like this photograph says it already this is you in Rio [Applause] look at those poor agents because what was going through your mind then just thinking I am very good I wasn't I can't remember smiling in the red you look cool at a finishing line Jennifer Saunders knows this actually Rob this is we've got an early picture of you and now what's going on are you nearly crossing the finishing line I think you've seen in the evolution of sport you would be the pinnacle and I would say at the opposite end it would be this if you look this is the sack race yes that's me I am yet to finish now look to the right that boy is getting given a medal they're getting the sacks ready for the next trip because I never give up we've got a picture of a very young Channing playing American football you know you must remember this prom with a baby like that look what he could grow into were you worried Mindy football weren't you yes yeah American football oh yeah it looked very much that played one year in college but uh yeah I wasn't wasn't something that I could take all the way yeah okay you're competitive maybe not yeah that's how I felt about sack racing 31 like that is very young you could have kept going for a few more everybody keeps asking like why did you retire and the main reason I remember I was talking to Michael Johnson and I was like why did you retire you were at the top EA game and he said I'd done everything I want to do and I had no motivation I mean and when I got to after the Olympics that's exactly what I felt because my main aim was to win three Olympics that's what I wanted to do set the bar high and after that my motivation kind of just went so for me it's if you have no motivation to do anything it doesn't make any sense because you're not gonna put your 100% into it and it seems inconceivable now but presumably someone at some point will beat your world records you can see into the future confident you think they won't get they will be having heartbeat soon and a beat race so we get to the beach and it's supposed to be a hundred meters it's supposed to meet it it's taking so they were like oh we're gonna give Kevin 30 meters you know I mean what's gonna be a hundred meters are all right cool probably have a chance you know I mean it's understand so it's harder to run on son you know we're gonna take it down to 80 but we're still gonna give Kevin art 30 meters that makes absolutely no 20ms that no 30 up it was embarrassing I was tells the story that he was not given the 30 meters of Z you're famous for your celebrations when you win you like winning you like to celebrate winning so now you're in the world of soccer how have you come up with your your goal celebratory dance / move not really I'm doing I like the slide you know I mean when the foot was running these I know their knee looks good so imagine if I run slide then I hit a pose [Applause] you don't get it running have you any moves you could suggest I don't think he wants to do one of my movie I only know like basically one [Applause] right it's time for music for the last 10 years this bad has been captivating audiences around the world hunger it's a war [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought that love was in the truck put them on took away I thought that love was on the stage give yourself [Music] and then it tries to find a home with people all in picking it up Stevan is your food we are we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Beauty then for no man I forgot to worry [Music] [Applause] yes mothered injury and that was beautiful I just love what you do just fantastic absolute word and I'm also welcome back because new album that is often you album here it is hi as hope ladies German how gorgeous is that yeah and that is out on the 29th of June right so you're back in the world I saw you worth the Radio one big weekend at Swansea I guess did you have a nice it looked like it was fun it was really really funny they gave us a like nice dress dressing room area like a little place where we could get ready but there was also a fun the Fun Fair was like right next to it and there seemed to be a ride but if you got on it and got to the top it was spinning around and you could see just right into what are people gonna see it oh it's Florence in a nightie time to be alive and to be a force of machine fan because you've got a new book out called a useless magic and now what is that it's your lyrics but it's other things as well yeah it's lyrics and poetry as well but you have never had the lyrics written down anywhere before they were never in the liner notes cuz I just was worried that they were not good enough but maybe on the fifth of July I presume that you went to do lots of shows all summer people could see you and yeah will be around they'll be and that was absolutely stunning good luck with the album good luck with the book F flora to the machine [Applause] big red chair who's there hello hi hi who are you that's Charlotte like Charlotte yes Charlotte and were you from Charlotte London and what do you do in London I'm an HR you go with your soy sauce so eyes on holiday with turkey with in turkey with my boyfriend so anyway so we were on holiday and we'd eaten some food and we've got really really ill and so we've had a couple of days in the hotel just sort of getting better anyway we then got better and we went to the beach and I thought oh I know let's go on a pedalo ride through and out on this pedlow we went quite far out and suddenly I realized actually I wasn't better and I had to go urgently so I had to jump off this bed low get out of my swimsuit and I then had to swim out so sure and just poo so finally I did my deed my swimming costume back on again get back on this pedlow I was like please take us back please take us back and just as we did we saw this woman coming towards us she's got her goggles on I really want the next person to be known holiday in Turkey we try one more yeah okay okay with you hello hi hi well who are you I'm James James lovely add that what do you do James on forensic accountant Oh forensic accountant you don't work neat Jude what I walk by dogs pass through office all the time I've never seen okay because there's a forensic accounting office right with me all right I always wonder what the [ __ ] did they do so my wife is Sicilian and the first time she took me back to Sicily to meet her parents I thought it would be a good idea to try and learn some Italian and my fallback option would be like most English people trying out vows to the end of English words if I forgot what I was didn't know what to say and after a few days of basically saying nothing and we decided to take a trip to the local shops and after driving around for ages trying to find a parking space my now sister-in-law managed to squeeze into the smallest space that I think even Lewis Hamilton was struggle to squeeze in and I wanted to say good parking but I didn't know how to say good and I didn't know how to say parking and so I said bellow which is beautiful and park EO which in sicillian means vagina [Applause] tonight please a huge thank you to all my guests at Farmington the machine [Applause] join me next week to cut through years and years and stars from the new heist movie Ocean's eight they are actor Helena Bonham Carter pop superstar Brianna double Oscar winner Kate Blanchette and Hollywood royalty Sandra Bullock [Applause]
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 477,327
Rating: 4.8147306 out of 5
Id: 13PdFHCo5vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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