FULL Graham Norton Show 3/1/2020 Graham Norton's Good Show Business Guide (January 3, 2020)

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That was excellent,

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MinMorts 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is it The Rock or the bitconnect guy in the thumbnail?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hardkjerne 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
show business guide I've been doing this talk show for quite a while now hence the fact it's hosted by an old man with a beard one of the things I've learned on the way is it the best part of a talk show is often not the actual talking bit it's a stuff in between that's the most fun what we in the business like to call business business on the show is invariably where some activity takes place some physical nonsense objects get produced what things get touched or prodded oh yeah I can feel it and make a make for dynamite TV tonight with the assistance of some of my favorite guests we're going to find out what makes good Norton show business you just got to come down here confront your fear good show business is when everything is working together when it's all sort of coalescing and gelling perfectly there is no gram show where else can you tell his story and do your party trail if you can stand on your hands break down whatever it might be do be prepared to do that I never come on with anything up my sleeve I tend to look like I've been booked by mistake I don't know what's happening any guest who comes up to the Graham Norton Show it needs to forget about dignity needs to forget about why they think they're there and just needs to go with the flow there's something about it makes me want to kind of or does it may seem when movie stars come on the show they often have a movie to talk about but no matter how eloquent they are in the description there is not a movie in the land which doesn't benefit from a star going that little bit further in bringing it to life now we have got a little kind of Shawshank mashup so would you mind lending your voice to this I must admit I didn't think much of Graham Norton first time I laid eyes on him the blackest tip breeze could blow him over that was my first impression of the man I could see why some people took him for annoying he had a walk and a top just wasn't normal around here and boy did he drink [Music] he drank like a man without a care or worry in the world I hope to finish this talk show one day I hope Michael stops talking for just like I hope people stop asking me to do stupid voiceovers right so what in terms of done what's the best way to get height I think a new land in the mats yeah that's the idea first of all watch your ankle on the match cuz my favorite guest is always Tom Cruise that man is alarmingly positive I mean his resting faces are smile that's always very pleasing to see I like his contribution [Applause] okay let's see it that's it this is Jamie he's running he's running grasan Barker's got her the first time we saw that quality of CGI that you know like that and that amazing see where yourself at laura dern see the drawers but what did you think you were looking at do you think it was going to be that I can tell you when I was talking at Steven Spielberg with a big long stick with a tennis ball at the air just waiting in fact this you know you have to look as spam so who do we create the look of amazement so baby you look over the two of you look I've got props agenda I've got props I've got I've got I've got the Laura Dern leaf you've got as much little there as you want to put on there you go okay it makes a difference that you're all on the sofa at one time you can start to really create banter it's a very small dinosaurs when you have somebody like Graham who's very good at sort of picking up cues and played the straight man or the comic whatever is necessary just be amazed I don't know how you doing that's very good that's very about you to queue for sound okay let me say actually action [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you're going to mention it on my show it's not even compulsory for the guests to have actually been in the movie we're discussing so come with me now sandy you've never seen them do you want to be John Hurt I don't know is it a good [ __ ] yes so again on the show with Sigourney Weaver and Graham says we're gonna be talking about the film alien surely you know alien well I've never seen it I don't like scary things I didn't like it when you know thumper fell over on the ice in Bambi I'm not really a sort of scary scene kind of a person and I heard it was a bit scary so I didn't worsen maybe comes in here there we go into the little sleeves there okay that was a very surreal thing that even though I was standing behind this sort of dummy for a brief moment you feel as if it is your legs I don't because I was going to reenact it and of course cuz I haven't seen the film I didn't know what was going to happen [Music] okay okay screaming and maybe moving backwards [Applause] I must genuinely distressed bizarre and borderline terrifying things I've done television our version on Family Guy was permit the Frog doing doing taking yeah I'm not gonna be able member the speech um I don't have any money but when I do have are very specific set of skills nightmare for somebody like you if you don't let the girl go alright we'll track you down all right we'll friend you alright we'll kill you what turn T no this is your seventh movie have you thought of tackling Shakespeare the best thing about sitting on the sofa is you meet these people who are you and you know from the screen that's your line down there see where it says Lady Macbeth Lady notes afterwards just to see how it might be you know Tarantino fied Quentin Tarantino that was exciting for me I'm a big fan of his films you know you're playing it's college right make sure that was Scottish accent okay yes his voice is way expresses himself it's quite charismatic you want to hear what he's got to say he's a brilliant guest really and Quentin whispered something in my ear okay so okay here we go yeah right okay we have some little bit of music as well bit of music [Music] we thought I had a voice cry Sleep No More Macbeth that mantra sleep the innocence sleep the travels up Liz a sleeve of care the death of each day's life sore Labour's bath bomb of hot Minds great nature's second course chief nourisher in life's feast [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you mean never normally swear like that on television [Applause] it's not just chatting anecdotes my guests bring to the party sometimes they bring actual party tricks oh I haven't done this in a while so this is just performed on her teeth take it away yeah yes sir able to let their guard down on his show I think more than any other show I've ever seen I mean it's like you start to just forget sometimes that people are out there and you're having such a good time I love the fact that breakdowns made it to fossa and there was a breakdance club you know yeah what is breakdance breakdance you know what break-dances coders very rarely are those people willing to do the things that they are goading others to do Chastain is a classic goda I suppose I'm a little bendy I can still put you know my leg behind my head I think what okay can you do that let's see now I'm gonna put my so you have the misfortune to work with Chastain before you know it you'll be doing some ridiculous stunts I would never stand near a cliff edge next to Chastain that's why I've never visited Dover with her [Applause] but I love you could a guy comes on he's obviously chosen his suit with some care he's got a three-piece suit on and he's rather pleased with how he looks I imagine cuz he looks very smart and the next thing you know he's lying on the floor doing something bizarre some weird breakdancing thing and I bet there wasn't a single moment as he was preparing in his very nice three-piece suit that he thought I'm gonna take the jacket off and I'm gonna lie on the floor and do something weird called the worm I sang Lady gaga edge of glory but I did my own body percussion should I try to so I haven't done this in like seven years okay are you gonna be the casting director yeah I'm five foot four still single [Applause] in Suicide Squad you tattooed your cos purposes do you use them all the cops know weirdly enough no one else one of them that you have a tattoo gun here if any of your cards want attacked onto you to commemorate this lovely [Music] the thing is there is someone who works on our team and they are a big Margot Robbie fair and they I want to say they're willing to do this they're very key it is it difficult to do this to voci thing no we fine yeah so Adam your moment is here this is happening I was a little bit nervous cuz you've got like Hollywood gods you know on there [Music] okay I think I was quite popular amongst two specific demographics one was both shirtless men and the other demographic was female foot fetishists you do seem happy in your work I like doing it's good [Applause] thoth a to z' they just don't last on the bottom you thought you kind of just rub them off really easy so as you can see the Tomo G is no more I actually did name him at the time according Marty after Martin Scorsese who gave Margo her big breaking ball for Wall Street so we've got great guests and their hilarious stories what more could we possibly need how about a prop what do you want me to do Gangnam style [Music] way too easy it gets better it gets better [Applause] groans cupboard is quite thin isn't it when ground goes to his cupboard you never know what's gonna come out of it is this you listen to this is that you know it's my brother Jim it's around the lips that you have to be really hard to believe are you going to do this you are are you I was trained by the amazing timing of guy I am the perfect Norton guest in the sense that I am happy to be prodded poked you know I'm as they used to say game for a laugh and we were very excited because they taught you is the matrix people they taught you how to do exciting action stunts that you could you could do a cartwheel and pick up a gun at the same time yep and in chat shows Steinle I was going to encourage Christina to do a cartwheel and pick up a card you were excited about that aren't you para ninos you [Applause] [Music] you want to do a cartwheel never done a cartwheel in my life never did one at school why should I do one in front of an audience on national TV it seems to me that if someone suggests something take your shirt off the audience will immediately start clapping and if you don't then take your shirt off your scene is like a party pooper it's unbeliev anyone could say anything get your no Barry I don't want to get it out all right more than the front of my shirt the idea was they would I you do a cartwheel and then pick up a gun and fire a gun mean why did would have banana on the floor picking up a gun but let's be honest it was just it was just people Ricki mainly trying to humiliate me on national TV [Applause] I remember Graham saying or when you watched that bat you'll be really pleased and I have and I wasn't I wasn't pleased as rubbish that's what's annoying to me is I like to think that if I'm gonna do something do it well to the best of your ability and I fill in them anyways I've let I let my fans down I've let the BBC know you know I've let the cartwheeling community out for a sort of disrespect in their art you said once promote in this film we decided not to dick about so people took a serious I just wanted to meet you so if you like to bring in the machine there it is [Music] come back to our artistic Fred now the two of you are gonna send one you're gonna have a bit of a face-off in front of it okay okay we're taking this seriously yeah we're taking it seriously and it's not it's it is of strength with I believe technique plays a huge part in not so old look Kanban is going to give us a little bit of form okay off you go [Music] the postman because he always delivers it's the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world [Applause] [Music] right they call him I see looking at then go hims a Korea the Korean because he sometimes delivers unless he gets stuck in traffic I thought it was gonna be heavier okay mind the cameras here we go some gulls [Applause] as well [Applause] I suppose what we're talking about tonight is really the kind of magic which great guests bring to the show literally magic okay so here's what we're gonna do this is called Birnam and it works 50% of the time when are you ready another youniverse this is a coloring book there is nothing weird and or bizarre about it other than it says the word magic on the front of it there is actually nothing in the coloring book I'm showing you you see there this is your card but do not let me see it but show everybody okay that's your carpet delay see it okay oh come on and don't say anything Ryan yes will you blow on the coloring book no harder than that you remember your card don't tell me this is somewhere inside this little deck but I don't know where it is so I'm gonna put that in the middle let's and put that right there now I want you to shuffle that four times ah [ __ ] let's let's see what that's Donna shall we [Applause] okay let's see here no no that's not it oh it's coming it's gonna be here okay horn I think I got it nope okay and we have pictures pictures of supercops will you blow on it will I am your card is this your card hell no just tell me your card now because this could be it what is your card you can tell me now because I wouldn't be able to take it out right oh it's an a an a of har a of Hearts yeah the Ace of Hearts give us a spell Ben as a cos yeah yeah so you guys see better than my drumroll [Applause] wait will.i.am I'm not done give me a fist bump wait a second magic fist bump keep it right there don't move it squeeze Chris prime would have been a vaudeville entertainer back in the day need a bit of Sun a dance man a bit of sleight hand you know do some voices it's just one of those guys Lee I know it says in the tin that the Graham Norton Show is a talk show but because of all this extra business I like to think it's so much more we're not just a talk show we're also a walk show where have you done catwalk have I done catwalk yeah let me just think um I don't care what modelling I've I don't count all modeling does impress anyone but No okay says many words from me cuz you know I'm I'm up and down I'm up and down like a bride's nightie on that show I went to the doctor and he told me that I had to stop bending as I went through doing this as I went through doorways because I could get curvature of the spine Oh No so yes because obviously when I'm because most doors sort of come to there on me so I have to do that and he said don't do that he said bend at the knee instead so I should have a different when I go through doors I have to sort of it's glamorous isn't it and it's not the coolest way like if I have to x-ray I have to sort of subtly well I'll see you guys later [Music] one of my favorite guests on his show is Jamie Dornan I am always highly complex with the way I walk he's incredibly nice he's the most normal guy in the world I always thought hereditary thing but I remember in my mate once we were talking about it he said you know why upper caste I said no I think it's cuz my dad does it's hereditary he said no no it's cuz you walk in there tiptoes anyway a couple of jobs have done the first day that we did the fall and I had the walk and the director or the producer writer Alan Kubek came up and said is that the character thing or your walk I was like I could be trying to cover my way out of it and I thought no I just thought that is how I walk so he started working on things he started talking about why don't you think maybe take longer strides so and then with my wife and I would walk on where we live in in London and because I'm fair cuz I'm on my tiptoes I'm quite high and quite by and see my wife we said why don't you tried leaning back I'm literally walking we're going for walks and I'd look treat so that I'll show you might this is my old walk right there's the old walk excited don't get that excited it's my old I'm so I just saying oh there's my old book this is my this is what we tried right with my wife remember those commercials were mister saw [Laughter] and then this is what oh just what we settled on and I'll tell you how we got there oh [ __ ] I got there was I have to dance in just a little bit dancing a 52-degree so I had dance lessons and it was like Foxtrot there's racer classic and the the dance teacher I was really struggling with it and the dance teacher said you know what you need to do just think about it as walking as well [Laughter] literally the first thing you learn to do in life before it's funny I got great he said you know just think it walk heel heel to toe heel to toe I was like you I threw up toda like more to know I just apply that every day and I'm walking on more advice for any prospective talk show guests look after your voice don't whatever you do lose it because you'll find it pretty vital in an interview situation and again because we get the most talented people in the world in our sofa they don't just use their voice for plain old talking ok so you need a pint glass yes ok so do you need to explain what you're going to do first no don't think so no ok ok this is self-explanatory it's Olivia Colman drink Alliance to sound very British but more specifically like a couple of pins by 10:30 a.m. country oh yeah you just don't let your lips touch almost guarantee or track you're going to violence it's very honest couldn't you couldn't gotten all your songs in Japanese country no no but can you give us a blast of like a hit we'll know and also can I just say feel free because we really won't know if you've got it wrong - tamuka so - can I see commercial cutters unites all miracle taking Isaac God he's shown him it's a kunai those two sit there because I sort of create my own world and I'd sit there I teach a bit on the blackboard and I'd go I'd go and eat the teacher and I go [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] whoever I was in the ring with and stupids been there are many occasions right so whoever I was in the ring with so for example if it were you and I had to be like Graham what do you think you're gonna do tonight when we get in the ring it kind of works if you smell if there's no other rock is cooking how did that work then in in a sentence oh well that that works in a sentence a statement a question it works anywhere right when you wake up right well before you go to bed it's just you could just say it if you smell what The Rock is quicker yeah but you got to say it probably with a little bit like you know little shout that one as well mmm it's hard I generally have a microphone I'm doing it [Applause] [Applause] okay all right here we go so it's it all starts with the bass okay okay got to open your legs a little bit okay okay you got to kind of do one of these yeah lean forward a little bit yeah come back and then right here is where you got to do a little tongue thing you gotta do that let the rock and then there's a little pause is like a big pregnant pause that you have to do so the audience kind of leans in a little bit is the grand Wharton show is always fully embraced modern technology Twitter Instagram whatsapp Skype you name it I don't understand it but my guests do Twitter obviously went mad for the hot priest and it was one scene better than the Neal scene what it was aghast with just a couple of tweets these are mildly streets between seven hours and 15 days and I'm still thinking about hot Freeston fleabag I was in the Catholic Church for a wedding today and honestly it was too soon he produced you [ __ ] hell without precept near my vagina exploded never quite being able to achieve because they obviously love you the fans they film themselves watching your videos they yeah they're us at they started a radio station have you come across mister motormouth I think I know which one we thought if he was that excited to watch a video of you how excited to he's not here if we Skyped it right amazing so I'll just type him now skyping hang on is that me could you see me hello [Applause] brace yourselves a creep racism Zachary because I'm moving the camera moving the camera Zachary here is Lady gaga honey you work that you know you're so famous right now you have no idea oh there you are there you are there he's there any little a cappella bit from the new album could you do something for him a little line or something to blow his mind here are some of the blog things so we were asked to go to the living room sit down not too how much I was sweating during that moment I was like the [ __ ] is gonna happen could not keep up then all of a sudden she just pops up out of nowhere she appeared out of thin air like David Copperfield we all die [Applause] so she said she we playing her album first let me tell you the noise think about of my mouth who was not human legit almost old mama swift to call me an ambulance cuz I wasn't going to make it so much cuz they always talk about dying rest in peace me r.i.p me die dead break we did a little break as she was pasta ground rice krispie treats and cookies and I've spoken to her mom for a little and then I walked back in and she was like hey babe thanks for coming do you want to treat and I was that guy would what I think [Applause] this is brilliant mid-sentence she stopped talking pointed to Amanda and said Amanda I'm so glad you're here Amanda died finally guys just wait for the one she did with Imogen Heap cuz damn that one slayed everyone to heaven her back while listening to the song I literally had to plan my funeral [Music] [Applause] when you get two grams show you just you're just so happy because you don't have to deal with a lot of the other stuff you have to deal with our other shows you have to worry about anything you know you're in good hands easing the restaurants abroad is Oh fraught with danger ladies and gentlemen because we found a selection of poor and sometimes frantic just essentially lazy translations into English on foreign menus okay so imagine we're all in a restaurant together yeah and I turn to stand up so what are you going to get and Stan Lee might reply well I'm going to get the sausage and the father-in-law one of the funniest things I literally couldn't speak I was laughing so hard I don't think you can go wrong with a nice place of hand shredded ask me everyone's favorite towards some more hand shredded ass meat this is a special brunch for the weekend I might have the fresh salad followed by a variety of opinions so this one this bigger menu there's some smoked cow feed and then it just cow something just finish but that person took a bit of trouble this next person couldn't be bothered to toll item number two on the menu whatever tell you do you meet again we move on to dessert now ladies and gentlemen oh oh let all of a bowl of nuts which scum it's not rocket science book the most famous people on earth give them alcohol put them in front of an adoring audience and encourage them to do as much business as they want nothing could talk that well I say nothing oh my god that's the biggest flight ever if there's no there's a lot of flies on the Graham Norton Show I don't know what's what the set is built on is it is it a corpse there's a fly drowning in your beer [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna be alright [Laughter] I don't think in any other walk of my life as a fly ever wind up in my beer and I'm on the telly and you can't keep flies from landing in my beer it doesn't make any sense oh my god did you just drink the fly oh sweet God Chris Oh down in that fly I saw first Leandre fringe he's been peddling their act for so long [Music] oh let's see let's see okay are you ready super you ready you look at that fly that flies in perfect condition I've actually been inside Chris O'Dowd mouth and I came out in worse condition than that fly the legs are perfect the idea that he chewed it it's ridiculous the man is a pathological liar he is incapable of a single truthful moment and that fly is a colleague but you didn't swallow any of it it's also there that's why I have a good girl I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the hilarious business the stars have brought to the show over the years but I want you to know that I - I'm a businessman would like to join in there feel free to this is one of my favorite moments in the show it's a it's a slow dance when's the last time you've slow dance with somebody years you can dance with your partner's next to you or yes music please [Applause] Oh Oh the cameras are broken we've got to do that again ready on three one two okay now now we get to watch that back and this is I guess this is what they do in the movie so here here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're still going she's space [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there I was standing there in the church for the first time in my life I realized I totally and utterly loved one person [Music] great I'm recreating that scene from four years at funeral I'm not used as it showed that gram you know is up for laughs and he's happy to be the butt of the joke but also for me personally I thought that was more romantic than the actual finish film and what's wonderful about that is that Hugh can't stop laughing in who finds it so funny but the butt of the joke is absolutely on breath it wasn't the person standing next to me in the in the veil [Music] they was the pleasantest and the opposite me in the rain is it still raining what happened next none of your business join me the same time next week for the Graham Norton Show when it'll be business as usual see then [Music]
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 710,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FULL Graham Norton Show 3/1/2020, Graham Norton 2020, Graham Norton Show 2020, BBC, BBC ONE, Graham Norton's Good Show Business Guide
Id: 2n8LQgGYIdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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