Men’s Halfpipe Semifinals | Burton US Open 2020 - FULL REPLAY

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Vail Colorado day two of the 2020 Burton US Open snowboarding championships I am Louie Vito alongside Tom t-bird monterosso and this is the men's halfpipe semi finals and as you can see the modified halfpipe and we have so much action we don't waste any time we're gonna go right to the top to our first rider Flynn Bullock womble who is our Junior Jam champion so you win the Junior Jam and you get a chance to prove yourself on the big stage ladies and gentlemen this kid right here is 15 years old no we did not misspeak he's 15 from Orlando Florida he was the winner of the junior gym here at the US Open the winner of that event gets an automatic qualification into the semi finals so you are looking at the future of American those two tombstones we got a mini pipe 13 feet high with those tombstones so riders can tap it hand plant it or not even hit it and then you have an exit to the jump landing and then into the traditional 22-foot halfpipe as you see Flynn with the frontside 9 into the backside 7 coming in switch stance backwards into the switch method now again this kid is 15 years old he competed in the Junior Jam which is a bunch of the world's best rookies all around the same age but now he is here in the semi-finals competing with the world's best can you imagine that being 15 years old dropping in alongside routers like young cher Scotty James Yuto taught suka Pat Bergen are some of the world's best we check out the replay here from young fin nose bonking that tombstone right there and then transferring into that 22 foot super pipe is this pipe bluey is an homage to what the US Open started out as and what it currently is it's a perfect blend of both half pipes you know I love it it's just feeding off of the energy all week during practice and it's just great to see the young rookie here because he's someone who probably never even really wrote a 13-foot half pipe like some of the veterans you know you grow up in these small half pipes and then you work your way up to a 22 but now it's throwing out your hey you never wrote a 13 foot high five which is a lot of these writers started in so try to learn this with these really tight yeah when you're 15 years old and the size of Finn Bullock womble 13 might feel like a 22 and at 22 my feel like a 40 I know it's crazy to think about but let's look at the weather because we have some great weather here today this is what it's all about the Sun is out that is very very little wind 34 degrees Fahrenheit 12 mile an hour winds feels pretty minimal out there because that actually is the number one threat in a halfpipe contest when you're flying through the air you do not want those winds to be high partly cloudy packed powder I just watched the women's event you and Tina did an amazing job calling it and it looks like the pipe is running really fast yeah the pipe is great it's holding up very well because there's been a lot of run through it so far and you know this is not a traditional halfpipe it's a modified halfpipe so let's get some visuals so the viewers can see what we're working with here yeah the opening section here you see those two tombstones on the riders right and the riders left that kind of dumps you into a 13 foot pipe 13 was kind of a standard when you know the US Open was back in Stratton in the late 90s early 2000s and then right there you kind of see that nice transitional feature and then a quick little hip into that 22 foot wall that thing is massive and from what I'm gathering these guys here are gonna get I think anywhere between two and three hits in that 22 footer you know a lot of it depends on how they enter the 22 foot halfpipe and how big and how much they travel so some riders may get more some will get less but that's what goes to the judges where they have to really you know differentiate it so this is let's go to the judging right here overall impression baby the way I like to describe it is how a run makes you feel does it make you feel good does it make you feel psyched when you look at a piece of art Louie if you like it your overall impression is that that's nice piece art that's the way to look at it today and it's different you know going from SLS and slopestyle now with the modified super pipe you got to go with overall impression and here's the start list we have 30 men top 10 make it to finals and that is a really harsh cut because all 30 of these men could easily make the final so you know normally you see people saving it for the finals but here at the Burton US Open semi-finals is almost just as intense as the final and some of some of the routers I'm looking forward to him and you got Nick Baden Ben Ferguson Jake Bates Toby Miller of course Scotty James and Yuto tot cyka that little rivalry is going to keep going today whoo and semifinals those two have been battling out battling it out for almost two years now exactly and you said Nick Baden well Nick Baden I believe is at the top of the halfpipe I don't know if Valentino will be dropping in we're gonna have to wait and see that's why the starters are up there they're trying to get everybody together yeah who's here who's not Valentino took a pretty pretty hearty slam it looks like Bobby's back going to drop in he took a little bit of a slam in practice the other day and we actually saw him in a sling and he was going to get it checked out by the doctor looks like he is cleared and ready to go and the youngster from down many Australia and that does not feel good on a shorter that you already banged up a little bit but Valentino is one of those young kids who made a statement last year in the Junior Jam came into the semi finals and really put everybody on notice he's just 14 years old you know we thought Finn was young at 15 Valentino being 14 a slope style halfpipe backcountry he's somebody that can really rip anything you put in front of him yeah he can ride it all and he's nursing that shoulder a little bit that's not the fall you want to take but kudos to Valentino goose Ellie for Manning up and dropping in and fighting through injury you know a large part of being a professional snowboarder is battling through injury very inevitable for me it was you know I used to talk to my dad about it it's like what's pain and what's injury what can you ride through and what's not smart to ride on you know we have some of the best doctors here on staff and in Vail that have been working with Vow so he obviously got cleared and knew that you know if you're gonna hit it even if so slightest tap is gonna be painful as you saw there because he's one tough kid and now you want to do is welcome because I feel like this I would be honored to do this welcome ladies and gentlemen Sal Masekela dudes back in the studios for day two how are we on a beautiful Bluebird magic it doesn't get much better than this and it's sad there's wind though we just had to got a little wind we got a plant down you see the little front coming up over the mountains right there it sad to see that go down for Valentino man that kid has been working so hard you see how much he's grown it's correct in the last like year and a half he literally has been going through physical growing pains but that's not the last that we're going to see him baden is one of the most unique fluid and spontaneous snowboarders alive he is one of my favorite snowboarders there's the nice slash catching a little air but hitting the lip into that air to fakie you know what I've seen him just show up to any halfpipe cold-turkey massive air to fakie which is so difficult to do even when you're warmed up and there's a huge board slide down the whole pipe wall Nick Baden another great all-around good Nick Baden came here to have fun I think so I mean that's what you got to love about the fact that like that the mini pipe with the two tombstones at the at the start just sort of like takes you out of that normal super pipe supercritical serious energy absolutely puts you more in like oh I'm here to have fun and ride my snowboard yes it's a competition but it right off the bat with that trick right there and I was drawing comparisons to the slopestyle course yesterday right you know like riders like like red Gerrard handled that course really well dusty Henriksen because wasn't your standard you know three rail three straight on takeoff cheese wedges and it was you know the best the best rider qualified in first place yesterday I think that's going to be exactly the same here in the modified pipe and it look this isn't gonna be the the highest-scoring run the judges are still looking for a great big of technical maneuvers out at the bottom but like that gets you fired up to go snowboarding yeah which is what the US Open is about he's one of those riders I love to ride with him I've been riding with him a bit back in Utah I get so excited he just brings energy and it brings positive vibes when you're on the mountain with them well you said energy and positive vibes it's almost like you caught you like call Ben Ferguson into the pipe you will be call them from that from the backcountry exactly I mean talk about vibes energy power power definitely power also keep this in mind when you're watching Ben Ferguson he's one of the best pipe riders in the world this dude has literally been snowmobiling in British Columbia in powder filming for the Burton movie one world for the entire winter he has not ridden a lot of halfpipe and this is going to show you what a natural he is he starts off with that out gharial on the tombstone to the back 180 coming in switch for a cab 180 now back to regular right there that is the international language of snowboarding right the double Crippler into the frontside alley-oop Indy grab like we said he's been on a snowmobile most of this winter and doing a double Crippler but yesterday we talked to red Gerrard right about the fact that he's been spending a lot of time in the backcountry and competing and What did he say he said there's nothing like coming to competition after you've been out in the backcountry enjoying snowboarding at that level you get to come in it coming to an event into a competition with a different appreciation and energy to come in and have absolutely it's a whole different mindset I feel like these guys have less pressure on their shoulders because they've just been out there obviously it's hard work filming a video part but it's a lot of fun you're out there with your friends you're sledding around you're riding powder you're you're logging clips you're just feeling really good and you could tell in Ben's run he's having fun right now but I mean there's not a better event to come to for having fun than the burton US Open especially and a modified halfpipe so I think this was perfect you've been sledding you know you know kind of time to decompress and focus on something else and then come here to one of the most fun events and put on a show so I was telling Louis earlier right that pipe is like a full retrospective of the US Open you got tombstones you got a 13-footer into a 22-footer I'm gonna go ahead and say that that run that Ben Ferguson just had with double Crippler x' and simple tricks like a frontside alley-oop that's kind of a retrospective of halfpipe snowboarding as a whole yeah I mean that's that's that's what's so cool about about this event as we see the frenchman liam querque look for most of the kids most of the kids in competition ever seen a 13 foot halfpipe so know that that was like the benchmark for a very very long time it's very I don't even know how to ride transitions as small yeah so Liam Torquay ollieing up onto the tombstone fifty-fifty on the tombstone that is hands-down the most original line I've seen up on that upper section of the pipe there's that frontside 1080 coming from France into the cab 1080 left a little early just clipping the deck I can't wait to see the replay of that entrance ollie up onto the tombstone 50/50 drop into the 13 footer and he had the backside 540 out of the mini halfpipe to the jump landing which haven't seen yet today either that was actually the first run I've ever seen my hair Jim take I'm highly impressed with this kid and the Indy grab off that was rad we were up filming for the Red Bull Signature Series just before this and I standing up at the top and I was like oh maybe they'll put in a little wedge that will let people kick up to the tombstone and mr. torque he was like I don't need a wedge but I did see that the line was possible I was like someone needs to get him on top of that what happened there Louie just a little early I actually think he he saw the deck and got a little nervous I think he could have brought it and it would've been close but you know you look back it's the best of two runs so he has a second run to make a slight adjustment but I love it starting off strong here in the semi-finals from Mammoth Lakes California mr. Joshua Bowman the gentle giant he's not a small human no he's a beast only 21 years old and this he's a rider that is zero to 100 he does not speed check he sends it do you think that's gonna help him or play to his advantage or a disadvantage in a pipe like this I mean he's gonna be dropping into a 13-footer do you want to pump the brakes in the top section and then turn it on in the 22 how would you approach it I think you know just you got to get through you want to kind of feel comfortable what a 13-foot half pipe to him is really small compared to a thirteen and a half pipe to me it's literally a minivan friend and you see those are just so tight the transitions a lot quicker than the 22 foot path white which is what everyone's used to riding I'm gonna getting the feeling that this this modified right it's gonna be all about originality and line selection in the 13 foot section of the pipe and then hammer time in the 22 exactly and you know Josh Bowman just you know it's a throwaway run what are you getting a little extra practice I was to do a frontside 1260 and the air into the fence was he trying to go over the banners cuz that would be he was going to go he's trying to go banner Vanderwall rad I'd like to see that line I would like to see that I'm not gonna lie that'd be incredible I like how he just gave us a little flex of his power though in that first wall that he came and didn't make it but the way he just like hmm there's the back side alley-oop and just clip the coping before you know it the flat bottom and there's the front side 1260 just for fun he's shot out of that thing like someone like it pulled him into it taken out that lady just trying to get to is insane zero to 100 indeed alright Josh Bowman looking forward to your second run for sure ran into this kid last night at sushi Matsuhisa he looked like he was ready to go Jake Bates I know he's well fed this is your call this kid right here every time you say this kid right yeah I'm telling you Jake Bates has learned some new tricks he's upped his amplitude he's focused in the hometown Eagle Colorado I'm calling it right now this I think this kid's gonna qualify he's an incredible pi practice I want to see you in practice he had a sick entrance into the mini pipe let's see if he does it right here his front lip on that tombstone back seven out at which he is taking to this pipe boom that's a new trick for him right there the frontside double cork 1260 he actually just really started putting those on snow earlier let's say January so just to come in first running the Throwdown just shows what it's gonna take to make a final I don't want to give him the announcers curse but I got faith in Jake Bates I'm still calling it I think this kid has something really special at this at this open I like how he treated the mini pipe like the side hit and slopestyle yeah with that seven and transferred in that was amazing and this right here the backside 720 to the jump landing that is cool he's different you got us you gotta separate yourself in that mini pipe in there he was watching slope style yesterday I work 1260 I think when he the grab kind of slipped out there it slowed his spin down but that's definitely a trick that I'd expect him to put down and run number two it looked like maybe one more foot of air and he could have put that down and I think that would have been your new leader that was that was a heck of a run from Jake Bates I loved watching him ride too man he is so smooth from Southbury Connecticut he's close where you at Joey åkesson Okemo Mountain School so he's a youngster that arrival of Stratton Mountain School I don't know if you want to call it a rivalry when we were this kid I've really got to know him over in the offseason and great kid and strong rider good skateboarder little wall ride to fakie there on the tombstone then that cab seven little quick a binding adjustment before to pop into the halfpipe building some speed here there's a frontside five nice and floaty into the backside 900 coming in the last it Tripler taking a note right out of Benford's playbook that double Crippler was insane and in the way that he'd built as he went down the 2255 which is how a halfpipe really should be written is you're billion your speed because your momentum keeps going you're coming down those 22 foot walls and that's what he did he ended with a bang do you think the last hit crowd effect does in fact have an effect and competitive halfpipe riding I do 100% and it's also the last thing the judges see so if you might have had a little bobble up top the you ended with a exclamation point yep and it's like yo check out my double Crippler and I land high on the wall it's huge it's in everybody's face right there goes nuts it just ups the energy of your entire run you know Joey somebody who rides in southern Vermont and probably grew up going to the US Open and watching Ryder beat there and now he is one of those riders wait till he hears how you called out his school being inferior to yours though that's that's gonna be a whole side conversation yeah we had a Red Bull school contest though yeah results speak for themselves it's Christophe I respect it I respect it I do respect it I mean I was there for Waterville Academy at the time I was coaching there and I witnessed I mean Louie Louie took it he was the man that day there's a jersey in the rafters is there like a Louis room the we I mean it's hard you got Danny Davis went there we had a quite the Cooper sorry this is keep you're talking about growing this kid right here I swear has grown a foot in the last six months yeah Christophe definitely hit his growth spurt but he also hit his amplitude spurt that was huge in that backside 902 that's hit frontside double cork 1080 there it is that was a heck of a run from Christoph great to see you know I love to see Germany halfpipe riding building again because they had such a strong team remember in Vancouver they had so many great riders and now the next generation has arrived you know Andre is not competing but he's someone that's kind of leading the charge and these youngsters get to ride with every day hey someone's got to make David Benedict proud yeah you know what I mean these are doing a good job one of my favorite riders of all time there was a oh gee Xavier Hoffman was a stud half time in steel going even further back are you talking about Max Platz inator there was the plots but there's no think of it that dude was incredible I remember Xavier Hoffman had some crazy air to fakies and we have a new leader Christophe Lackner Benford three Ben Ferguson currently sitting in second place and Joey o Kison in third so only the top ten advanced we were dealing this with this yesterday in the men's field it is such a harsh cut you are literally cutting more than one or 2/3 of the entire field and you know the judges scale it's tough when you have 30 of the best we saw it yesterday and slopestyle like you mentioned and we'll find out exactly what the judges are looking for we speculate all the time we'll check in with the head judge Brando right now what are you guys looking for sir so typically we await execution fairly strong trick difficulty is up there at variety as well as amplitude so for the top section of the pipe we're definitely going to look at variety and less on the amplitude because it's a 13-foot pipe as well because there's different features in there we can add a criteria because it's a modified pipe and we can use horseshoes in a typical pipe we won't be able to use course use because it's it's the same pipe all the way down basically what he's saying is that everything changes everything changes which is awesome this is overall impression it's two quarts two or three courses in one yeah and that top that top section is a different party from the bottom yeah variety and creativity in the top section trick difficulty and execution in the bottom section well thank you Brandon Wong and thank you to our judges I love watching this kid ride right here jack coin is you know he's on the US rookie team JJ thomas coaching him but he has just a different micro writing style you can see it in that top section there alley rodeo he's got a mean switch Michael chubby right there starting it off still on riding switch into the double 10 just didn't quite get the rotation or the amplitude but that upper section was fun to watch I think that was the way that these designers had in mind when they were designing is they want to see runs like that one might say that Jack coins upper section was money sorry jeepers you're on fire I'll change the subject no he's well well played you know if the fruits there you got to pick it I can't leave it on the tree frontside invert right there from Jack coin into that alley-oop switchback rodeo early but the amplitude is not there so if you're going to do them small as I would know on some of those times is you got to really whip it because that's two flips you got to get over in a small small air time so that'll be a throwaway run for Jack coin but that is interesting right because in semifinals it is the best of two runs so these riders are going to want to put down their absolute best run to get to finals and get granted a third from Nagoya Japan next up is Kai shoo Nakagawa 15 years of age we've obviously been talking the last couple days about the endless well coming from Japan you even said Louie you're like you think that these kids are dope you see the kids that you haven't seen yet and this is one of them right here cuz I've been seeing him ride for maybe two years and he wouldn't even get a chance to compete in a World Cup with how strong the Japanese team is but here at the burton US Open this is a place where you can make a name for yourself as so many Japanese have as well I mean I remember causing when he was young I you mean when he was younger right so well I remember after watching Kazuko peidong and I believe it was 2001 we just could not stop talking about we called him the kid in the floppy hat yeah cuz his hat was too big for his head it looked like he was almost gonna fly off his head every time he left the pipe and that was his big introduction to the frontside 1440 flat into the cab 1080 talked about zero to a hundred and I and I was so slow compared to have 14 like and almost looked like he was thinking today and he's like I'll just chill he said but the fact that he had that option he's like I could I could but I don't need to and I'll do so Steve Lee yeah you know Aleut though he carves so straight up and stomped it in the flat bottom he kept it moving which was a good save you see him off the tombstone there backside air 15 using it well this is going back to what Sal said when you should see the kids that you haven't seen yet you're looking at them right here this is the future of Japanese halfpipe snowboarding and it looks bright and like we said this is semi finals but you have to bring it to make it to a final top ten yeah you got to bring your a-game in the semi-finals it's gonna be it's gonna be hard to make especially when the pipes running is fast and as well as as it is and the weather is beautiful and it's not windy and it's just a perfect day for a halfpipe contest today Telluride Colorado you haven't been there you should go there it's a great town you don't believe that's just ask Lucas Foster another us snowboarding rookie also a great skateboarder really really good skateboarder another one under JJ Thomas so saw JJ Thomas the legend he's right there giving him giving him some pointers now look you just want to just keep it chill right through here and then just you know let it ride just do everything that we talked about go out there and have fun how's that that was actually really good and I've ridden with JJ for many years and that's a perfect example of he's just say he's so chill he's just one of those people as a coach who he's a feeler as opposed to like a drill sergeant what's so hard you want to pop off that tombstone but you don't have much transition to land on yeah there's not much underneath you to catch you but he's just gonna continue on like it's a practice run up there and there's that backside double cork 1260 what a way to end a run so he's gonna toss that one away look toward his second run a frontside it was dirty that frontside air wasn't happiness yeah the us pipe riding is in good hands with kids like Lucas Foster ready to take the wheel that's exactly what you said Louie there just wasn't enough transition he pretty much landed flat on that you know the thing is is this hard because you're so used to those long 22 foot transitions and you throw a really quick short 13 foot transition and we're deep in the season like you know riders have been a map in that mindset same type of run six to seven walls that this what happens when this soda gets broken up what your your teen gets broken up like this I love it I think it's great for your mind to to look at a halfpipe differently yeah because you look out you show up this is what I'm gonna do this is my run but then when you come to a modified half might be especially one with a 13-foot half 413 foot half pipe walls throw that out the window it's a new day okay day one you feel it out day two you build build build so it just like makes your mind work and it's healthy and it's great for snowboarding it's great for your own riding but just for us as a sport as a whole it helps I think what's gonna get really interesting to later on in the competition is talking about the riders who are going to be in that 22-footer Scottie James is he gonna get he travels so far a lot of riders we see are getting three maybe four hits I suspect if Scotty goes as big as he normally does he might only get two it's all about the drop in how far he travels on that air to drop in it same with youto they both you know have big tricks go big and they travel so if they drop in early they might get a little bit more but as the week as the day goes on I think you're gonna get less it goes back to Brandon long at the beginning do you think it's it's gonna be a case of rewarding for more tricks or rewarding for better tricks less tricks in in the 22-foot I think it kind of depends on what are those good tricks versus what are those great right so less could be more yeah and you know also what do they do up top because the top is a section where I feel like you can really stand out yeah what are you doing to separate yourself from the other riders that are doing 12 and 12 in the in the traditional halfpipe yep and it's just like the rail section of top of slope style it's not throwaway it's not just here for show ya know it all counts how important you know you were talking about Lucas being good skateboarder how much do you think it affects your your ability in transition overall to be a great skateboarder at that next level in snowboarding you know I think the one major thing that it helps with is how you look at a modified halfpipe how do you look at the tombstone how do you look at your line through that because that's very kind of feels like you're skating a mini ramp but skaters have always looked at a feature that everybody might walk by a normal person will walk by they look at it differently oh I could wall ride that I could grind that I could do something different and I think the way they attack a modified halfpipe is different and it's beneficial for people who skate preach preach Louie as we head back up to the top keep that in mind as we're watching that that top section it looks so cool up there when you look at that pipe like you're looking it from the top up amazing book from excuse me from the bottom up top down so cool as next up it's Jason wall a j-dog from Winter Park Colorado you know Jason Wooley makes me laugh because if you land a trick or he lands a trick he's just that Stoke he is stoked to be a part of snowboarding being up there at the top of the pipe you know handing out high fives and he's another one that he just sends I've seen him do stuff I'm like you went ridiculous for your first around the day coming into the backside it will kick out drop it into the traditional 22 foot halfpipe there's that frontside 900 tail grab into the double Michael Chuck shout-out Mike Michael Chuck into the frontside double cork 1080 and so that right there you gotta bring up the fact do you go for the last hit when you're running out of halfpipe do you send or do you hit the brakes and see what the score is going to be you know the hard thing is is when you're looking at it and if you just bailed out you're like you skipped a hit you're like hey I'm one of those riders that travel a lot so it's kind of tough and if you're gonna go for it you got a really pop so if you do land on the downhill part you still catch I forgot we're sitting next to 50 feet a wall yeah 50 feet down the wall guy I travel I also pop a lot so I'm used to you know if I need to catch small I just pop super hard and there's the double Michael truck Indy grab and then right here then actually it looked like he had plenty of pipe to work with he did he just kind of had a steeper line on that trick so you got to give it and just get the shoulders turned back down into the pipe and I think he would have been fine but the way that he left his board kind of hanging over the coping is what caused him to clip it at least he didn't clip it with his tailbone we call that the Roman chair plenty of back injuries to attest to how bad that hurts that is not the the seat that you're looking for no it is not it is no throne that's for sure I had one of those a very long time ago and I said one of those moments where I was like yeah I don't need to do this many many many many many you're like when you see someone do it though you feel it's you have you necks back like yeah yeah I would be way taller if he's 21 years old Louie that was really really funny Rick I you talk about skateboarders another what we're gonna keep saying another great skateboarder but he's been ripping practice in this modified halfpipe even the one at do Tori he was wasn't in the contest but riding and you just saw the potential and then just watching him this week he always takes nice takes unique in different lines and I've seen multiple lines from him in the mini pipe Makai rocking wire headphones we haven't seen in decades we think it threw him off his line just a little bit shadow Danny cast to 70 into the pipe into the air to fakie coming in switch into the cab Ted perfect and there's the frontside double 10 great ride that run had it all that was unbelievable how do you choose a replay for that run because both hits and the mini pipe were amazing yeah and then he brought it with the air to fate or the 270 in then the air to fate then three full hits big hits in that 22 foot and you talked about like someone who matches transition to transition that was perfection check out this McTwist just stands up knew he was gonna land a little low and just stood up and then perfect catch on that and then here's the alley-oop 270 and I love the Danny cast call out I remember the first time I saw him do that it was unreal air to fakie into the cab double cork 1080 switch frontside and then ending with the frontside double cork Tony and I like that he had the air to fakie just start it all off it wasn't just flip flip flip but it was air to fakie and now I'm gonna throw down you talked about the building yes the crescendo yep and the score reflects 80.5 for Rick I take that run might have been the closest thing I've seen to a comprehensive explanation of the entire history of halfpipe snowboarding McTwist right alley-oop back-to-back double court ends Toby Mather yeah this is gonna be professional smiler very creatively million a picture Toby waking up in the morning with a smile yeah just perma-grit early as soon as he opened his eyes he's smiling this kid is always in the best mood is because I have to wake them up and the pride at Truckee this kid loves to smoke he's gonna get weird ready for this minute session I love it how's that though the nollie front flip come into the backside air and he's got big halfpipe tricks as well frontside double cork 1080 coming in switch now cab double cork Tony are we gonna see a 12 and there's the frontside double cork 1260 Wow how do you like that Toby Miller just put the rest of the field on notice that was unbelievable what I'm excited though is he had a cool upper section yep but we haven't seen anyone do it yet we don't know how the judges are gonna score exactly you look at this as opposed to Ric I Tate he went with a McTwist in an alley-oop frontside 5050 he's going frontside 5050 stalls but then he found out the nollie front flip right and that transfer katpa fly out but then two tens and a 12 all bolts that was by far the most impressive 22 foot section we've seen today I'm very interested to see how the judges are gonna put Toby score in comparison to Ric I taped 1260 and he can take that too yes he's got he's got some other doubles in the back he's got some other line in the upper section so it'd be interesting to see if he's gonna change it up but okay so that right there tells me the judges are looking very carefully at that top section they want to see some errors they want to see some what did we say before we said like that it's not here for show yeah the crazy thing is is a 50/50 is like yeah it's low consequence but balancing axis bar on the corner yeah chase Blackwell coming in next I like this kid Longmont Colorado this is a pretty much you oh I see Toby and chase together riding yep and it's that's why they're you know really come on in the last couple years is pushing each other also just a strong name what's in it chase Blackwell yeah yeah frontside 5 off the tombstone into the 13-footer getting a little bit squirrely on that back 5 to the cat paw double grab into the pipe there's the frontside double cork 1080 coming in switch switch frontside 1080 even might have got a double grab on that I gotta watch but there's the frontside 9 opt-out didn't have the wall and could plus he had so much speed but I gotta see the replay of the cab 10 because I think he might have gotten a double grab on that you might've and just the little things like that can separate you know to switch frontside 1080s oh absolutely can make or break your run because it's different they want to see you add your own style to every trick watches stop stomp the flat that's a risky trick because you do not have a lot of transition at your mercy and then here it is right here double grab rocket then he grabbed rocket it looked like that could be wrong either way it was a double grab it was sick there's that frontside 900 so he only had he had one hit on the tombstone and then he aired out to the jump landing on the backs with the backside five or three I should say interesting I also like the fact that he competed in the Baker bans on this year and as the slippers come down to clean it up we see Rick I take in first place followed by Toby Miller chase Blackwell Liam Torquay there at the bottom but so many heavy it is still to come gents yeah we got Danny Davis Taylor gold Yan cher Scotty James how weird is Danny Davis gonna get I'm a very exciting and chase Josie Josie regular switch when he weird study I mean he's so strong at any direction on his snowboard he's an incredible snowboarder I mean it was great I think what really stood out to me is Rikai how he rode the 13 foot halfpipe was like an actual halfpipe he landed on the wall and took the whole which you know a lot of riders you see him air and then they just stomp flat whereas he actually wrote it caught roadie caught and did it top to bottom pretty smooth well why don't we get some perspective check in with mr. Toby Miller who is on headset hello Toby what's going on everybody it's nice to hear you guys's voices I don't get to hear them up there well our voices have been applied to how rad that you've been riding how much fun is this set up what's it like you know taking a break from the norms of a super pipe event with this modified pipe oh man we're having so much fun up top it's absolutely incredible you know this modified setup really allows the riders to get creative innovative and show a different style of riding the you normally see in your traditional five hit half 5 contest so we're having a blast out there definitely trying to put together combos throughout the last two days of practice and super stoked to finally put one run down and definitely want to clean up the second could have cleaned up my second hey Toby this is t-bird here how's it going my man what's going on TV vos you too my man I got a theory that I think when you wake up in the morning you immediately have a smile on your face true or false I'd say about 10 minutes after I wake up okay we can Louie can vouch for this not not a big morning guy until I get my first first Red Bull Indian okay I like that well played sir good luck in your second run and keep smiling thank you guys right on Toby that kids incredible I think all of it I was just laughing my man champions going back and forth up is like Dokken when when when their media training responsible media training on how to be like Toby is the person that you're supposed to be just like straight up Joey happy to be here as next up we have sushiro Shigeto kawasaki japan I love 14 14 years old another one you saw him about two years ago as well and along with Chi shoe and these kids just they all read if you could buy stock in the Japanese snowboard team I certainly would 100% look at that back flip the switch Chapter II met did Wow one of those that was nice I haven't seen one of those let alone from a 15 year old kid in a 13 foot pipe there's that backside 900 coming right here frontside double cork 1080 just look at the edging and there's the cat frontside switch front side Wow it looked like he just pressed the turbo button on that second hit he just doubled his height it's all hedge control it's all edge control and technique and that's the one thing that the Japanese have and it's so fun to watch you try to emulate how they sit on their edge across the flat bottom but right here yeah a lot of people don't realize it's not necessarily about being a good half pipe rider isn't about what you do in the air because you can't even get into the air unless you learn what to do in the flats exactly that frontside double cork 1080 just puts it down they're landing high on the wall which the judges love to see in the cab 1080 we're starting to get some haters landed yeah that landing on the captain ad was amazing and just that variance like he talked about like who's going to be able to like really show variants from top to bottom I was the 14 year old me and like I'll show you guys yeah you want me to land a good run you want me to do a half cab method in the pipe hosed oh sweet 14 and look at that chicken oh he's stoked as he's right up in the second place how's that hey yeah do us open first time I'm gonna taking place unreal it's my first run David hob little 23 years old calm Swiss Dave another kid that is just smiley he's just a smiley guy he was real smiley that year he ended up on the podium here and at the US Open pipe that's the first time I ever saw this kid ride and he is incredibly talented goofy footer wait for him in this 22 as well he goes absolutely gigantic but I'm super excited to see what he's going to do here sine invert on the tombstone and getting it up top Wow all the way to the flats there's the backside 900 he's got such a cool looking back 9 into the frontside double cork 1080 cap 900 you don't see that trick very often very difficult very difficult to land just so awkward you're coming around blind cab nines are an underrated trick yeah for how difficult they are freestyle get it but he got all the way out to the coping right there that's always the goal gotta get the hand on the coping Louie I'm not gonna lie I want to see what you would do on that thing you would tear that thing up I do [Music] that backside 9 has such a cool axis to it there's the frontside double cork 1082 flips while spin in a 1080 and then with the unorthodox cab 900 puts it down switch to switch to the board that guy you can give me a couple more points down here for my freestyling flat landing judges are deliberating there's gonna be an interesting score because it was it was big it was technical in both sections I thought were equally innovative you know the one thing I've been really wondering oh fourth place with a 70 point six with Dave if I'm interested in knowing do they get a half pipe you want to land high on the wall but in the mini pipe are they deducting does that play a part if they land low on there because was Dave landed pretty flat but he stopped it yeah and there's not a lot of transition up there yeah true well next up from Pyeongchang Korea is Kwon key Lee yeah he's he's this guy will send it's funny strong rider representing Korea out here I mean that's something else to talk about too is just the the representation of snowboarding on a global scheme I mean of course you got the US you got Australia France Germany Korea Japan New Zealand it's unbelievable you see it at the US Open more so than any other snowboard event you know yesterday we talked about fast spinners right Quan key is one of the fastest frontside spinners in halfpipe snowboarding nice little and react on the tombstone there in this switch alley-oop rodeo Oh nollie front flip off the tiniest of bumps in the bottom of that 13 foot section and here we go frontside 1080 tail grab coming in switch cab 720 and there's a frontside 1260 just popping off the wall a bit I think they're you know you lost a little bit of speed on that first hit in the 22 for halfpipe and so then you think I got a pop I got a pop to go bigger but you're popping off the wall which makes it harder to land how much does the shadow line in the 22 foot section affect these riders right so the riders left walls in the shade riders right wall is in the Sun you know it's hard because your eyes are adjusting a lot of times a really bright dark really bright dark and I think your pupils go crazy there's the nollie front flip I was wondering why he was just gonna switch off the stands in the middle there there's that frontside 1080 tail grab just landing low which affected his cab 7 which ultimately affected his amplitude on the frontside 1260 he landed real low on that one there's actually really rare to see him fall on that trick but again you're popping off the wall it's a hot a further drop on this 22 flips ooh just a gorgeous day here in Vail strapped up here at your seatbelts friends because next up is the 17 year old cashew Morano the youngest Hirano asia murano his oldest brother Ayumi Murano which everybody is very familiar with and then kai shoe carrying it on for the hurrah knows this winter as i you lose getting ready to try to make Tokyo 2020 Olympics for skateboarding really yes I did not know that that is incredible ok she's been riding really strong this week was over at the Youth Olympic Games right there it's the simplest of Han plants but it is my favorite just a proper Andrew really to me doesn't get better than that I should I was on the podium at the Youth Olympic was big method right there into the frontside 1080 coming in switch and there's that calf double 1080 Kai shoe her on oh wow that was insane taos one thing I will say I noticed he got that one hand plant in the 13 foot section and then almost immediately went into the 22 other riders are getting two hits up in there yeah he built the speed and tried to get the exit so he did the backside alley-oop 360 to the jump landing yep you know out of a hand plant it's hard to carry that speed to be able to air and make that transfer true so again it's a thing you don't know how the judges are going to score one versus the other yeah it's gonna be interesting to see how they score this one big backside air like that that's a nice one for the judges to see to the frontside 1080 tail grab you know it was interests I was wondering what he was gonna do for a run because he has a pretty big bag of tricks now that he's learned throughout the winter I'm just doing one calf double 1080 Stoke right there that is the personification of Stoke and he's somebody that loves snow he will rise every single day all day doesn't stop with a smile on his face judges taking their time and a sixty two point Stix puts him in six goes back to that question probably another wall up a table yeah is two hits better than one hit and a flyout we're gonna see is that a mutant progresses Brian walkabout for local boy yeah I like this kid playing a homegoing prevail is there such a thing as home-field advantage do you believe in it no because I think that it's nice to sleep in your bed but at the same time you don't ride this halfpipe all day every day because you're on the road constant that's true yep proper frontside invert but had a little trouble in the ride out there so this will be a throwaway run but if I know Ryan walking to her for like I do it's not gonna look like a throwaway run big old frontside air there's the double bite with Chuck I love his double micro Chuck into the frontside double cork 1080 he has a really good double might with Chuck it's like he throws it weights and then starts flipping it wears a lot of people you see flipping right off the beginning this is weird stall on it well remember when you think about the michael check like i remember the first time that I saw Mike Michael Chuck throw one it was in like a 13 foot pipe yeah and he used to wait spin it up at the top and then somehow make it back into this like no transition but he would somehow find it yeah it existed and kinda perfect ahead of his time he really won't really think so all he was from the he came here from the future he's an actual time traveler he he's probably watching I'm ever getting a DM from him last year no way he was stoked he hit me up on Instagram even stoked how many times that we you know we gave him a shout-out in the credit whenever the truck the trick was thrown at least a popular one no to me it's such a cool trick because the access is so abnormal yeah it's just weird when you do it you're spinning like a saucer yeah there's the dude well Danny Davis is a person who's no stranger to innovating and mixing up the different aspects of snowboarding of course with his Peace Park let's hear from Danny in his own words how the two blend is one of those things where you take a little bit from each thing you know when I was building my style as a rider I would take a little bit from Danny Kass a little bit from Kier do and a little from Ross powers you know when you're building snowboard courses that's what you're doing you're looking at whole ebowley you're looking at Peace Park you're looking at what do tours doing and if you're the US Open you're trying to make something that kind of a little bit from everything and making your own version these events influence Peace Park and if it weren't for the US Open we would not have had peace parks one of the the carriers of the torch for what snowboard culture is yeah Danny Davis he can can ride everything he's in he's a person who's stoked to get up and ride a you'll go have a side hit party with him on a cat track I love just as much fun sending it up a big cliff as much as in the park or in the halfpipe it's almost like a curiosity right yeah summits a mountain in Bolivia and then he goes and rides pipe at the highest of levels so you just kind of wants to ride invert into an and react back to back hand plants Oh somewhere Todd Richards right now is losing his mind so three hand plants in a row in the 13 foot section of this modified super pipe front one into the cab ten into the frontside 110 grab almost kept rotating but held on and there's that make do is shake it away that was so fun to watch this one real hmm style yep you can't teach stop you can borrow little pieces and be influenced but you can't teach someone how to have style yeah because you can't you don't want it to be forced I can see you do something that if I'm trying to look like you that I'm trying you can't try you just got to let it flow well here's how you let it flow that handplant just all tweaked out and smelly I think that was my favorite trick that he did the for the flat front nine tail yeah the one old clean the way he pulls it in is is really nice I like how he does that and of course the stock textbook perfect McTwist chicken wing I think if there were one trick that I could do perfectly and a half pipe it would be McTwist like that that's all I would want to know how to do yeah that's a good one to learn because that's a hard one it's a hard one yeah oh yeah I remember people to do just throw it and then next thing you know you'll you know you'll see you'll be fine you just commit yeah let's just save to the face I've decked on that trick many times too so Dani Davis officially in third place yeah Evan D 4.33 Jack Livingston is up next from Canadia I honestly thought that Danny was gonna get a little bit more on that score but third place is great room to improve you know maybe next time he mixes up the hand plants and does you know right a little more variety or a 22-foot section to find me but I think he adds a double into the 22-foot you know big a big difference yeah I think Danny left some room to breathe here yep and Derrick Livingston strong Canadian halfpipe rider that backside 360 Ross powers their switch backside seven hard you know the halfpipe you gotta flow and as soon as a little thing throws you off it affects the next and then that could affect the next it's a chain reaction so it's very hard because you have such short time in between to erase that and get back into the right mindset as if you just stomp that trick well especially when you're doing a trick like a switchback seven it's so blind that by the time you get your your feet under you you're pretty much already hitting the transition to the next wall frontside alley-oop trying to reach that toe that nose onto the tombstone well back seven alley you ponder the jump landing and then there's that switch backside 720 and then just kind of got thrown off there straight air get a little pop and then unfortunately throw away because that was coming together now it is gonna get very interesting the next few riders to drop we are we have reached the the entrée portion of the service chase Josie gotta be one of my top three riders in the field I mean as far as well you talk about that variance and that you know the some riders are you watch it's like if they just put you in a state of expectation yeah what's gonna happen his technical difficulty in his pipe runs is is almost unmatched I would almost want to cover up so if you guys if you don't know already if you do feel regular to see if you can guess because that is one of his strongest suits is that he can ride switch and regular both so strong that you can almost not tell a difference yeah well you already said that he hold it together brother impromptu cliff drop coming in switch with a switch double Michael Chuck landed a little low but still flying it out coming into this half double 1080 and to the frontside double cork 1080 you know it's hard because I almost he has a switch double Crippler that's so cool to so I was like switch double crib notes which is double ten IBM he's got so many variations well and he landed low on that first hit in the 22-foot section but it didn't seem to affect his amplitude at all on the next hit he kept his speed really well through the bottom section in this modified pipe she got right back on that edge and held it but this right here kind of went a little bit over but out it together and then and this right here looks like he was from slope style yesterday front side out 720 and there's the switch double Michael truck to the capital 10 look like a double grab even switching up the grabs mid flip what you expect when you watch Chase jo0 ride some variations switch regular you don't really know what double he's gonna throw it that was a really strong run from Chase Josie judges deliberating will it be enough for the top ten so far nobody has taken down Rick I take the high score of run one in the semifinals 80.5 you know top ten for sure for chase on this run but where exactly not enough to take down Rick I I would say because Rick highs run was very smooth but your tricks right so I guess I just put my foot in my mouth by saying that too but I still think we're Kai's flow was so nice and we look at the overall impression but chases difficult trick difficulty was probably the strongest so far I think so and you know you counter that with someone like Danny Davis who had three hand plants a flat nine no double courts and a McTwist currently sitting in third place we're we're gonna get a good gauge of how these judges are judging this overall impression in the conversation of size versus execution where do you land amplitude for me it's I think you're a size guys the international language I like I like technical riders maybe that's because that's how I ride but I'd always say it's way harder to do a double smaller than a double big so it is true less time in the air but amplitude really is a wow factor and when you're watching halfpipe snowboarding it's such a benefit for the spectators that you're like wow everyone understands going big exactly chase Josie as you said would be for sure in that top 10 it's hard would you judge that hand plant as a mistake or that he did it perfectly snack as he did for his hand kind of slipped off because he went a little too a little too fast somehow Taylor Gould is 26 years old I am absolutely loving the resurgence the comeback of Taylor Gould battled injuries for a couple of years you know PTD got strong again and I think he's riding better than ever before it's definitely a different writer now I mean he was he would come to a conscious I don't feel it my knees bothering me but now that he's no body's feeling good mentally feeling good it seems like you know post injury in this comeback it switched his whole mindset of how he approaches half my pride exactly there's that McTwist chicken wing there's the frontside 1260 whipping it around right there and the double Michael Chuck and then slashing because he has that 210 now which is that double something special that double Michael tuck with the grab switch yeah I like that I got to see that first tombstone again this is doing a Crippler but it almost look like he just threw his hand kind of like rocks open had almost like a butter pad in the slopestyle course and that's kind of what a remind me of cuz he comes in was that going for the handplant is it I think he missed it yeah there was a little bit of bobble on the fly out to the cat paw landing I did notice something there so we're nitpicking yeah because you know do a double Michael Chuck from a frontside 1260 that was amazing his 22 foot section was was flawless it was incredible that was great great run - also to build on that's the thing yeah cuz you get two runs and yet it's hard to land one of those two runs later on - but still having that confidence going in to run number two is very nice that's what I was just gonna say mentally how how much does it benefit you to just to put a clean run down no matter what it is and of one of two semifinals oh it's so nice because you're like laughing up top you're relaxed I still know how to do this yeah but I was I tended to be like a run to guy experience that so much but that's what I saw people Taylor gold going to 11th place outside I think those those two little bobbles hurting it up a bit from Abnett Kabul Switzerland yawn sure he's somebody to watch in this modified halfpipe 100% he's got some great 22 foot half my tricks that are the new school but also some Heikki sorsa esque alley-oops in there sorsa lamb gird one of my favourite like me too me too and yawns been around for a while and you just just cruises he's such a strong rider and it's just popping for him now which there's that switch Mickey in the middie and actually landed perfect on the training go for the AL gharial kind of took a little too much speed that switch McTwist man to start and that's it he's got the 22 foot half pipe there's that backside 900 coming into the next set frontside 1080 double cork into the huge double 1080 and the crazy thing is is he's got bigger pipe tricks than that - I love that switch McTwist right there but you like Len one trick so good and then you go across and you go too fast into nogueira there's that switch McTwist catching perfectly and backside 900 he just landed high on the wall and every one of those hits and he holds his grab for so long when he's in the air he's not just grabbing it and then letting go to get the rest of the spin around so firm hold on that bad boy so see how he just too much speed on that and it's in it it's such a bummer watching because that switch McTwist was so nice in the 13 foot half pipe and it also just goes to show that like while these tricks are not done consistently anymore from an invert standpoint like they're hard technical one thing to is when you run a 22 foot half pipe all year you know the speed you want to do a hand playing a 22 for half pipe you can probably get to the top nine times out of ten but when you go to a 13 foot half pipe where the trainings are shorter they're quicker you're not you're kind of have to regain the speed on how to get just enough cuz you're going way slower than you're used to so still in tenth place on the bubble then his fellow teammate Pat Bergner also a great musician incredible musician coming from Switzerland have Wi-Fi oh yeah wins best hair I feel like this is another rider that this third student foot section is really gonna play to his advantage the way he approaches half my Friday coming in switch going for that switch frontside invert and then the alley-oop rodeo nollie front flip I've been seeing a couple of those today I really like them now dropping in switched into the 22-foot halfpipe switch backside 900 stay in switch dance cab double cork 1080 and just not getting enough a little under rotated so unfortunately a throwaway run for Pat but I like that you know just a different line I'd leave the back row do pop out nollie front flip down but yes out he's got some new music he's been dropping I feel like is that it you said it for everybody man you you did it now Luke's there Pat burgers there I sure didn't set it for everyone I don't know I it's just rad how many musicians there are within our space you know like there's something about snowboarding skateboarding and it's that that that creative energy that lends itself towards the art and music we've seen it throughout the history of the culture right like so many people who can that can express themselves on a snowboard and then also that's not enough of an outlet great example Luke met Ronnie lady here last night in Vail Village tore the roof off the place and he's one of my favorite halfpipe riders you know who's ever lived I love watching squid ride most of all naturally talented to know what I have ever been around and skateboarder somehow only 17 and yeah we're about to go flying you like to fly we're about to go flying Ruka just came off of a win giving Scotty James it's first second place in two seasons Scotty James was 11 and OH Ruka came by I was like I'm gonna need that let's make that 11 and one big Crippler off the tombstones coming into the front side out of you 360 carrying some speed little backside into grab and this is where it gets big frontside double cork 1080 cab double cork 10 a mini truck driver it looked like into the frontside double cork 1260 walking you that was a nice warm-up run for me that was insane just heading the transition every landing so you know we talked about the one hit in the mini pipe but somebody like Ruka right there he was carrying speed so he did a big Crippler right here off the tombstone like probably one of the bigger airs we've seen in there and then right to the exit that is so gnarly to do a Crippler opportune stone into a 13 foot wall there is very little transition to be caught there and he caught it though that's the great thing he didn't get back double cork 1080s getting the double grab on that one and then ending this is almost too easy for these guys these days just frontside double cork 1260 and lightly just put it down thank you I'm going out on a limb saying new leader I mean 80.5 right now is your leader Rick I Tate is sitting in the number 1 spot and he's been there for quite a while is this the first rider that's going to shake up that number one spot we're gonna get a good idea on how what you made that look so easy that tombstone I mean he landed bitterly in that little like whatever two and a half foot of transition like he caught it perfectly real the tombstone is Verde like it's hard to be able to even do anything off that and catch a transition oh well that's what I get yeah me too ruk Hirano in 4th place what do you what do you think they saw that we got too excited about I mean I will say this right as you're checking out youto Tatsu cahier you look at Danny Davis he got three hand plants in and then had you know three big tricks in the 22-footer so he did technically get more hits in his run than Ruka but he's pretty comfortable and forth he's looking good in fourth place this one will be I'm interested in seeing you chose upper section he's got tricks in yeah in these modified pipes and obviously we all know he has half my tricks but said you could say he's a bit more of a traditional 22 foot half pipe rider you know he's only 18 years old that's all he's ever known backside air into the 22-footer the frontside 1080 covered in switch double cork 1080 and frontside double cork 12 that frontside double 12 was ridiculous okay and that ladies and gentlemen is why Yuto taught suka in Scotty James have been battling it out that was pretty unique way to hit the tombstone kind of ollie hit it and there was that little bobble right there in that front three I think that was the best 22 foot section we've seen today from a super pipe riding standpoint those the amplitude the difficulty and the execution were all there for me the 12 double cork tall sexy does is just so simple it he just looks like a front nine the way I mean I don't know if people can't see me but it's just like it's like so so you in hockey land so high up on the wall that he didn't doesn't look like he jumped oh I'm like gosh is a double cork 1260 and I'm like double broke 12 sexy so relax saying it when you watch him because he's so relaxed doing it you know I think that fly out the front 3 fly out where you didn't grab and just got squirrely in the air I think that really hurt him it's just a reminder that it's perfection perfection perfection is what you need Scotty James the man has been on such a run let's get his perspective on how this modified halfpipe affects his awareness all of these new costs courses really test air awareness bawd control and all those things that key fundamentals that you learn from a very young age that you don't get bouncing on a trampoline or sending yourself into an air bag or anything like that I like that he really really reminds you that like especially this top half of the course those kind of things didn't exist like the only place that you could practice anything was right here putting it on snow it wasn't like oh I've been practicing at this thing and now I'm gonna learn how to go try and put it on snow it was do or die and you know the best thing to do for it is to actually go ride a there was no there's no way around it Scotty James just the dominance that he's had the last two years Wow incredible did not lose an event last season won the first five of this season until Calgary coming in switch now switch backside 1260 Wow planted perfectly high into the cab double cork 1080 sending and ends with the double cork 1260 okay the frontside invert the best one we've seen yet his thumb was over coping the best one we've seen all day the switchback five on the fly out insane followed by the best twenty two foot section I've seen today I that's got to be your new leader I mean Scotty James utilized every single piece both sections switchback five and then does the half cab in coming in switch and this is his bread and butter right here the switch backside 1260 just landing perfectly at the top of the transition there's the cab double cork 1080 and it ends with a frontside double cork 1260 and puts it down I mean it you know Sal was saying earlier that he's just been so dominant in the history of halfpipe riding there are a few riders that stick out in terms of Terry Hawkinson Danny Cass Sean Whyte Scotty James the run that he's been on is reminiscent of Sean in the mid-2000s Danny at the turn of the century in Terry a in the 90s they're just unstoppable when they show up at an event the minute they dawn the bib everyone else is like we got to beat that guy that is Scotty James yeah and those those all those athletes that you mentioned all end up being kind of on their own Island because when you're winning so consistently it's not as easy for you to be like yes you know if there's a little bit of that thing that happens and Scotty he's one of those people who he doesn't care yeah like you'll see on Sunday the red clubs are coming on yeah I'm here for one reason I'm not here to have a good time that's that's a byproduct of being able to win speaking of a good time this is what the US Open is all about just poach party running wild in that bad boy as we watch the the joy of the Burton US open poaching let's check in on the headset with the one and only Scotty James youtube star first professional snowboards snowboarder second that's uh thank you you know I'm out here trying but I'm succeeding at YouTube at the moment I guess that looked like you had a lot of fun Scotty we heard you speak at the beginning about how this type of setup really is that that throwback to what snowboarding took in the old days like there weren't the air bags etc like you had to come and learn how to do these kind of tricks on snow how much fun is it for you on this setup yeah it's I mean it's amazing setup and yeah I think this these kind of courses really embody Church snowboarders I mean you know I could probably tell you the day I learnt the frontside invert and you know it was when I was back in Australia having fun the piping and you know now are using them in in a competition here at the US Open and there's a lot more that goes into these events than just that five hit combo that we work so hard for there's a lot of you know you got to be diverse and you've got to have a lot of blog control air awareness in this field is uh pretty much stack full of that so it's very cool to see this transition in snowboarding awesome well thanks for taking the time on the headset sir and we'll see you on your second run and look we're looking listen we're not gonna lie we're looking forward to red gloves on Saturday I sell as you would say you know I'm really looking forward to the dance on Saturday so bring it on rod kids guys thank you sir he's another one of those sort of statesmen for the sport yeah I know it's not everybody gets it but he gets it at that next level and there he is Scotty James in the first place first person to take out ricotta there's our ten as we have it but remember we're gonna do this whole thing again yeah and going back to Scotty's dominance I mean this is prototypical Scotty James behavior you come out you put down a score in the high 80s or the low 90s and you just kind of sit in first place all day you say come and get me yeah let's see who's got it and we know that he he did not do all that he came to do that he is he is a a he's just deliberate about his practice when it comes to all this Scotty James is in first place we'll see if he can hold on and qualify it first come on back for run number two at the Burton US Open [Music] from underground activity to Olympic sport it's hard to explain you don't get it from anything else maximum adrenaline build with maximum like happiness and relief jump into the world of snowboarding terminology tricks and how it all began spectacular runs and meet the big names in history the ABC of snowboarding now available on Red Bull TV Bobby Brown doesn't need an introduction the freeskiing sensation searches for the ultimate line on skis around the globe together with his friends [Music] dynamic medium now available on Red Bull TV three locations three disciplines and some of the best snowboarders to have an experience like this together is like magically I'm the luckiest person in the world really mark and Craig explored the evolution of snowboarding in this series with an elite ala Travis Rice and a bunch of young guns brothers McMorris now available on Red Bull TV you are looking live at beautiful Vail Colorado on day two of the Burton US Open snowboarding championships and you are looking at a glorious innovative super pipe this year in 2020 and we are just loving the dance between both sections we welcome in the one and only tina dixon the former X Games gold medalist Tina what's your assessment today this is fun this has actually been really fun to kind of be on the other side and watch you guys and watch the event and really try and dissect everything I do like that 13 foot pipe because it's I think it's more relatable I mean when you get into a 22 foot pipe for your very first time you're like this is big I don't know how to handle this and so a 13 foot pipe I think gives those riders a chance who have never even been in a pipe to like let's start to fill that out yeah and what this pipe really does is showcase the overall progression of snowboarding in the halfpipe over the years I think a lot of the riders priorities these days with the courses this try to just make them as fun as possible and change things up being here at the US Open allows us to play around with different designs this year at the open we're bringing in a modified pipe we're also changing up slopes not quite a bit we actually only have one jump on this course the rest of them are transition features and of course we have our three set of rails throughout the course as well so the riders are gonna have to really kind of change up the routine to be able to get through this course so with the modified pipe coming in this year we have a 13 foot pipe leading into a 22 foot pipe this is gonna bring out a lot of different style we've got the tombstones you're gonna see hand plants some big methods on the little 13 footer and in the 22 we're gonna see awesome runs so in the spirit of Jake Burton this year with these courses we have a lot of stuff that's similar to when the US Open first began Jake was always into just cruising around having fun and not really so worried about the spins and what line people were gonna take and just having more of a free-flow feeling this year I think is gonna be really awesome so a lot of the reasons we're able to get these courses built the way we are is because of all the new advances with our tools Pistenbully supplies us with awesome machines and they work with us really well of trying to develop a new product just setting cats up different for what we're doing I think Jake would be really stoked with what we've done and what we're trying to pull off here this year making snowboarding fun again and having it not feel like this big contest anymore allowing so many different styles of riding to come into play has really been awesome to see shout out to the SBT crew and I love what he said like it's about showing the variance of what snowboarding is and Louie I know for all of us you watch the footage of the early days of the open it just makes you feel some kind of way it makes you honestly get kind of get the chills because you're part of something like its history it's legendary and I keep saying that because that's what it is like I grew up watching it I've been a part of it now I'm sitting here with you guys hosting it it's just to be so be part of something so magical really yeah just we're just all caught up in our feelings right now I'm gonna say what I think is really cool too is not only is this halfpipe the most innovative we've ever seen it complements the slopestyle course right that thing is so unorthodox and so innovative and it just changes the whole aspect of this year's US Open it's almost a retrospective a celebration of how far snowboarding has come from you know the late 80s to 2020 and true Louie thank you for hanging with us thank you for having me it was been an eventful day I can't wait to see the adjustments made by some of these riders going into round number two because it's gonna get even better all right we bring in Tina she's gonna take over for Louie and we will head back up to the top of the pipe for run number two yeah this kid right here Finn Bullock womble coming out of Orlando Florida I mean it's a it's a snowboarding epicenter t-bird elevation hi this kid is 15 years old the Junior Jam winner and how's that to be a junior Jam winner and they're like oh congratulations you won the Junior Jam now you get to go mix it up get the highest level technically dropping after Scotty James's first run yeah no pressure frontside lipslide on the tombstone into the alley oop as Finn's gonna make his way into the megalith of the 22-footer frontside 12 and thin goes down but what a showing from the youngster from Florida and something tells me guys I don't think that's the last we've seen of this kid I think we're gonna be calling his runs for a couple years moving forward yeah without a shadow of a doubt and that's a moment like he's never gonna forget that was 14 I won the Junior Jam and I got to go and like take a run right out to sky James yeah well speak of the junior jams and Scotty James Scotty James actually came through those junior jams and look at where he is now yeah Hey look at who's sitting with us now hello tell you Hawkinson how are you good it's been better but yeah I'm good so much somebody has is worse right yes so I got a couple injuries so but uh yeah it's a little healing time oh no I can ride again whatever what do you been up to the last couple of months I've been trying to you know work on the Burton movie filming there's been going a little slow I have a little pinched nerve in my neck so it's gonna take a little longer than I thought so it's been going a little slow yeah well regardless we are we we're happy that you're in one piece and that you're healing and we get to take advantage of having you here especially at this US Open as we are celebrating the one and only mr. Jake Burton we just got word that Valentino loose Ellie got hurt on his first run he's not going to take it yeah so we're gonna head back up to the top with Nick Baden T you ever laughed with Baden have you ridden with Nick much no I haven't he's a fun rider to watch yeah first run and he you know he has speed on his he's trying to do stuff different that's good but he does when he rides it just he rides fast whatever he's dropping it on he's gone [Music] and I said alley-oop off the tombstone is working his way through that 13-footer there I just like his approach I like the mentality yeah straight to the flat there got a loop back rodeo dancing with danger anything you saw in Run one that stood out to you not well he did his first tricks better on this one but like an ERG aerial should be kind of easy for him yeah I don't know if these guys ride smaller pipes or do hemp plants anymore that's an interesting thing right as we were talking about a lot of these kids in here especially if you're looking at that you know 18 17 16 year olds I don't think they were born [Laughter] what about overall in the first run total did you watch the event and I watched most of them you know I still people when they come to the end then there's still wall left yep do another trick yeah add it up and then just do that carve yeah I don't even do a hand plant or a / - just and they can actually actually do air you have some more speed you can be air up the pipe not alley you put alley up yeah and that's possible and we used to milk the pipe to the smallest little wall in the back in the day just to get more hits more more riding speaking of more riding Ben Ferguson has been spending a lot of time more riding in the back country as he heads into this US Open it's been nice to get out of there like backcountry for a little bit and get back in and a half I've definitely been like working really hard up in Canada all year and it's nice to come to Vail see my buddies and get to ride some halfpipe it's kind of refreshing it's just a really fun week and if I was going to choose one contest it would definitely be the US Open so I'm stoked to be here echoing the words of red Gerard who's been spending a lot of time filming as well yeah that word refreshing I think hits the nail on the head when you have that much time in at the backcountry and then you come back to a contest I mean you have to remember that was really tough competitor and then he took that time back into the backcountry I mean you look at what he did and likewise with red and sage kotsenburg and brought crouch and Nick Baden what those dudes did transitioning from being some of the best competitive snowboarders on earth to some of the best backcountry riders on earth in that short period of time it just speaks to fans natural ability yeah there you go T yeah and that was a frontside alley-oop frontside and not indeed yeah thing on the front side spin or a thing is not India yep so back on that it was a little upgrade from his first run is there Gary Lowe's more on the coping yep I think you should have used too many pine from one more hit the only guy like - yeah most riders have been counting - and then maybe potentially one of those fly outs but uh wouldn't speed check right here the front of this Crippler because he got that on tile but I probably think he went for like you want to get the points and try to make the final so and here there's like not really a wall but it's still doing something yeah leading up to this contest had not even ridden a halfpipe since July since July since July [Music] so today for you mini pipe you think three hits well I'm sure somebody can get four if you do different tricks right and you know I haven't written the setup so I can't really claim what I could do or what I would see no but we can claim for you there be a hand plan in there Liam Torquay's coming in next from New Zealand excuse me from France yeah this kid is he's a pretty incredible snowboarder I like this line here fifty-fifty on the tombstone he's making his way into the 22-footer little backside air into the pipe frontside 1080 to the cob 1080 so back to back tens and then a frontside 9 but he goes down in the flat bottom he was putting one together young Liam Torquay I like what he's bringing to the table here at the US Open in 2020 so today tell us a little bit about the Burton movie well you know every other year Burton does their own movie yep you know a lot of different movies so you know like you know in the snowboarding is you have different teams you know the magazine will do and companies will do one every other year yep and this year was time to make it Burton movie cool yeah I think to 12 standing sideways was the last one I think so it's been like seven years new blood of directors and producers very cool yeah I've heard some behind-the-scenes stuff about it's called one world yeah I think it's gonna be a heater I think it's gonna be in contention for movie of the year I know that you have worked so hard to keep your body in shape your nutrition is always optimal so that you can continue to enjoy and love this but how what are the challenges like as you get older in keeping yourself healthy and recovering and being able to ride at the highest level especially when it when it comes time to go back out and film yeah it's just what everything is discipline mmm because if you slacken the discipline then you fall a little bit back and I think with age it takes a little longer to to heal and do certain things so I have our first meniscus scope before Christmas I'm gonna have one next week because I need to heal my neck so let's do the other one it's small stuff compared to a lot of other people have been dragging right and yeah it's the discipline you got to have I think food is at least 60% of being you know like in good shape and then you know I do small stuff to strengthen small muscle we don't really use and I do yoga a lot and that's the stuff it builds up and all the fun stuff breaks you down but you get that's what you live for so what's your you got to do the boring stuff that's your cheat meal day looking like though you ever sneak a bag of Skittles on a plane yeah I don't weigh my feet I'll count my calories you know in a way I'm pretty picky Josh Bowman heading into the 22 footer right now and that's the one that he had trouble on in the last run to Louie Vito called it this kid goes 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye goggle lens flew out there look like he took that one to the chin yeah I wish I saw the hips were really steep though because then you don't lose too much pipe and you actually get really big airs on the hips yeah I know they frighten some people but it is snowboarding and that's what you think like Oh Ben hadn't ridden the pipe contests or pipes in so long but these snowboards is a good snowboarder and you read the terrain and then you ride it you know I'm sure some of these coaches are confused oh there's a small pipe what are we gonna do our trick list oh yeah and then like oh you have to think for yourself and improve and like see what all the guys are doing and try that up to a knee and that's freestyle and that's like you know the like people like oh you allow you to be creative yeah you know control that trick list away and look at the terrain and right after the terrain yep so Josh Bowman unfortunately that will not be enough to get him up into the top ten Jake Bates coming in next from Eagle Colorado went down on a 1080 in his first run but he you look like you mean you called it like this that this is a dude that you feel I could make the final easily yeah this kid's got something special he's got great style that's where it went wrong for him in run one what do you see here today well I think it just took off before he was top of the lip and that's you know that's the risk if you wait long you land better if you pop too early you normally land flat yeah and like the pipe riding is more than just doing the tricks is actually between the walls it's like riding is how you ride between the walls in the house how much you drift down for certain tricks of how high you go from edge control in the flat bottom Jake Bates on course backside 720 coming in with a ton of speed to this first hit and he just tones it down goes frontside 900 instead double Michael Chuck that right there was a run from Jake Bates I liked his first hit in the 22-footer he scaled it back it's semifinals trying to get into that top 10 and then if he does in fact make it into the Saturday's big show you're gonna see a much bigger run from Jake Bates yeah it was two good moves from the in the small section too yeah and he used that hip too before dropping in so really utilize actually which that hit was actually like a quarter but yeah because he had speed and he wanted to go big on it but he can only do that kind of area see that one you get a like flew bigger than some of the normal airs and the past we had hips that would be the biggest air of the run sometimes held that trick down he did he went for the 12 last time kept it at nine went for the double Michael Chuck and there's the frontside 1080 double cork what was nice I mean that was just as high as those first tricks in that twenty two-foot walk if there's one thing to describe Jack Bates of snowboarding it's keeping speed eighty three point six Wow straight straight to the front row so he took a line somewhat similar on the other side but somewhat similar to Scotty James utilizing that hip and then dropping into the pipe well that's that's what he needed to do and he executed perfectly Jake looking safe as joyeux person sitting in 17th it's the high five from JJ Thomas and I feel it's kind of important to note that the light has in fact changed out there a little bit the Sun has kind of gone away we got a little bit of cloud cover moving in see how if at all it affects these riders in the second round [Applause] switch frontside seven they're transferring into the 22-footer into the backside 902 got on this third and final hit frontside 1080 Joey Olson puts it down currently sitting in 17th place with a score just above 50 yeah you gotta like amplitude he was definitely going on my first hit and yeah he was using the like that first little backside hit to get that speed there's that cab 720 that double Crippler was pushing 18 feet out of that 22 foot pipe I like the way he recovered too as it came across the flat bottom on that after that first wall you got a little hung up but it didn't stop me and every year it seems like at the US Open in both slope and halfpipe there's always that one kid that sneaks in and it kind of serves as their big introduction to the snowboard world I'm very interested to see if Joey okasan will become with this format too it does open up for someone that maybe does not do as well in the traditional halfpipe contest but knows how to ride slope knows how to ride pipe hey I know how to ride a 13 foot halfpipe cuz you got the tombstones you got the fly outs I was saying those fly outs to the cat pot landing it looks like a slope style jump from yesterday it's the same setup so it definitely caters to a rider who can do it all seventy eight point one and when every pipe is the same yep it's normally the same result yeah you know you don't see that in skateboarding surfing have different parts in different ways well every wave is different well said sir well joy oakerson in fourth right now a lot of dudes on the outside looking in a lot of pressure in this second run everybody wants to come to the dance on Saturday in this final can Christophe Lackner get it done I like that with a 50/50 to fakie they're off the tombstone into the switchback five starting things off with a front 12 in the backside 900 Christoph luckner came to play and run too and caught the deck on that double cork right there that is one of the scariest ways you can fall in all of snowboarding I want taxes here that one hurt clapping always hurts that's the scary thing about how I think yeah that's why a lot of people do that properly so they do land flat yeah you know that's so separates a little bit but that's a risk factor do you think that's a natural thing in humans just to kind of pop early it when you start riding a halfpipe I mean because the trick really with those 22 foot walls especially in the 13 foot walls you kind of have to force yourself right to work harder and in those 22 foot walls you sort of just have to wait that kind of what separate is more risk to wait longer because you're going to go higher but you also going to land better if you do make it yeah and a lot of the frontside corks here you know they go higher than the normal airs but at the same time when they land they land on their heel edge and then they got to go over to torch just kind of like scrub speed yeah so I would if I were judge I almost like count that in for like a flow of riding yeah well nice to see that Christophe was standing on on his own merit and didn't fully fully deck himself he was putting one together though yeah he was looking really good next up is jack coin our jack coin getting ready to drop in for his second run here in halfpipe semifinals front side invert on the tombstone into the alley-oop switch back rodeo so drop it in switch here switch michael chat like that ab double cork 1080 just not quite enough speed and he popped a little bit too early and couldn't quite get it all the way around good showing from Jack Coyne 18 years old from Vail Colorado out here in his halfpipe hometown kid will no doubt jack stoked on the experience at home a little bit a little bit more but that's how you learn yeah I experienced a little bit of failure - nakagawa kashu Nakagawa part of the Japanese contingent that is currently taking over the entire snowboard scene in slope style and halfpipe and Louie made a couple good points in tario you referenced this earlier that halfpipe riding is it's between the walls well you don't really get judged for what you do between the walls but that's like the technical aspects of it how you can handle a order how you have a car what time you pop on how much you check your day it pretty much dictates what you do in the air what you do in between the walls missile alley-oop they're so getting two hits in that 13 quarter coming at a 22 foot section of this modified pipe holy cow frontside 14 that was insane in a cab seven and then the what he could spin can you think it was man but did it grab the LA spin of course that's something to look at that goes to execution I mean his trick difficulty scores probably be really high those are hard tricks to do but when you're talking to overall impression you have to factor in all the small little intricacies yeah of the tricks that you are doing no boring we do have straps so you should be able to grab that thing and that grab I will say there was little that was outside the bindings yep that was attendee let's just let's address that whoa of the event snowboards have straps you should be able to grab yeah and in fact he did not grab his snowboard there I mean it let's be real it's an incredible physical feat yeah he's a samurai and he spends really fast absolutely yeah and you know what that's gonna come with time that's gonna come with more time on board riding halfpipe awesome showing from cashew Nakagawa good on you buddy 18th place here at the open head back up to Lucas Foster Telluride Colorado apparently in 29 do you think we can talk them into making steep hips on the mini pipe like between now and no you got a practice day tomorrow so all right Lucas Foster coming into his first hit on the 22-footer frontside 900 into a backside 1260 down on that last trick that was a front 10 if I'm correct right that was spun crazy that was a really really interesting spin that he had there to ending that run and Lucas kind of demoed that the mini pipe he roll like in the big pipe I thought he landed good and the other higher Terry let me ask you a question so we were talking earlier real quick about just the international field here at the US Open especially in halfpipe I'm not seeing any Norwegian halfpipe riders is there a next generation of Norwegian pipe rider that's that's coming up are they focusing because they're all over the slopestyle scene right there slope scene is very very strong you know what they did in Norway and the region snow Federation did know it took our what do you call it big pipes super super pipes they took the super pipe and I have two big airs there now for two years in the row really so they are focusing on slope style and big well I don't know like you say you know I ever in the naturalistic national team love their gold medals and if you want to like get good riders you need to have a half Switzerland look in America yep Jason wallet so it's it's a little sad because you know and I also thank you hopefully we'll see like a little more smaller pipe 18 foot 12 foot yeah and that helps to you you know if you're like a Grom and you have twenty-two thick pipes it's early you get in those twenty two-foot pipes and you're like I don't know how to do this it's just so big you have to learn how to handle yourself between those balls yeah well maybe this 2020 US Open is going to force many pipes to start popping up all across the country would love to see that so Jason wale on course nice little backside air entering the 22 foot section of this modified pipe into a frontside 900 and then the double Michael Chuck slipping out on his heels and it does look like that riders right side of the wall is getting pretty icy with this light change yeah flat light is not easy we were dealing with it yesterday and slope style and all the riders said it's some of the hardest conditions to ride it I think I said yesterday if you want to like be a billionaire solve flat solve the flat light issue come up with the thing we moved in a movie light on the quarter pie at one time and the movie light was so hot it started melting one side of the wall really worked yeah we really solved the problem yeah we just got this huge big movie lights right on the corner blasted it yeah and that worked something all right this next Rider Akai Tate was our leader for most of run one the first real solid full pole currently in third place he was the first rider I saw that really utilized that mini pie or the 13 foot pipe and the 22 foot pipe and was creative and decided different lines yeah I like to put it as every run one has a tone setter yeah and this is the guy right here Rick Rick hi tayt set the tone set the bar for the remaining riders in Run 1 and I feel like it's just up the level of round so is that McTwist off the tombstone into the backside alley you and I don't think this is gonna be as successful as a run as his first one but right now I think about it sit in third place for kite eights feeling pretty comfortable where he's at there you got the inverted switch frontside 7 also known as the Hawking flip what I wonder who came up with that one interesting name I didn't see his first run but doing them a twist off the tube stone is a lot of work yeah and he was a little flat but he landed really good that's it like a hard trick because when you have a lot of vert on the small wall you can't pop anything like a tree six to end on like mini hip Terry can you give us a little behind the scenes info on the naming of the hawk and flip what's what what happened there what went down is just gonna ask that the upside down cam [Laughter] brushy I don't know if I told you yeah okay first you just start calling we're in the quarter pipe in Black Hawk 91 yeah it's in Pocahontas Mac stock production basically like doing yeah an upside-down cow cool yeah the first one I did were horrible ugly no grab her nothing but brush ecologist a hawk and flip well glad to solve that one I didn't know that story Toby Miller he's loving the mini pipe and he talked to us about gave us his perspective on it you're gonna see a lot of creative stuff you wouldn't normally see them do in a traditional competition because they're able to actually perform it on the on the mini pipe so I'm trying to do some butters into some variations of a loop rodeos and stuff in the mini pipe wall trying to maintain speed and carry that into the big pipe tour you can perform your bigger tricks such as 1080s 1260s and potentially 1440s but it's going to be really really fun excited dinked Elva Miller likes nobody I think he does I think Tony Miller likes a lot of things pretty much everything I'm glad to see him competing this year you know last year he missed this US Open he actually was in on set with us during the finals helping us call the runs I'm glad he's competing this year too because I don't want him stealing my job in the booth it's a good announcer so currently sitting in 8th place right now 8th place is not a spot that I want to be in the second of a two run semifinal nice little alley-oop stall on the tombstone nollie front flip fly out to the katpa this is where things get pretty crazy for tobe Miller there's that frontside double cork 10 into the cab double cork 10 will we see the 12 or the 14 that is not what you want to see going all the way to the flats definitely sending him you heard you could hear the impact from his body that and of course we have a great medical staff that is gonna go straight up and attend to him but that's that that the criticality that we talked about with the precision necessary on i-5 is literally a game of inches when when you can when you're going 20 feet out of a 22 foot pipe the margin of area is so so slimming yeah when the 22 feet pops or like you know I was advocating making the patch bigger but at the same time like it may be pipe a little more scared that's why slope is always more popular I think that's easier it's way more risk to ride a halfpipe than a slope style yeah in certain aspects you know I'm not saying they're not charging slopes are anything yeah but just a way of the riding and that coping you have on the 20-foot wall yeah there's a huge difference between you know when I'm at a mountain there's a 22 footer and you just kind of ride the walls and have fun and get some speed to what these guys are doing I mean it is a it's a it's a terrifying game sometimes it really is and when you're spinning like that all those rotations and going upside down and you know spinning flat as well you even have one moment of getting lost then you can't open up to figure out where the wall is and then you've got the combination of flat light as well I mean it's really easy to be up there and just one little moment you can get lost yeah you got a really rekt real quick I thought like it yes PNR excellent without some sports sign on this they're really good at putting you know perspective and comparing it to other sports to impact the compared a couple times with like you know when they land how much the stuff they get and I wrote here last year didn't do a lot of spins but I was thought it was still difficult to just you know the balls come up really quick yeah yeah and when you do back to back to back spin so you definitely have you know definitely orientation in your head that you got to comprehend with well there's a shot of of Toby Miller and you could you can see he is he is feeling it auu we had him on headset after his first run you know all this enthusiasm so fired up to be here you saw and that'll fired up to be sauna feast how excited he was for this format he's got the thumbs up it's gonna be alright we'll be back with the rest of our second runs after this little Bank [Music] in every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks join the founder of protect our winters Jeremy Jones and two times Olympic halfpipe competitor Elena hight on their expedition into the High Sierra this is not a typical snowboard movie this is an ode to Muir now available on Red Bull TV died into the world of redbull TV your daily source for action sports music and entertainment download the Red Bull TV app for free and sign in to watch all of our content offline get the Red Bull TV app now Zion ride Jaime Foy and Alex Midler hit the roads to find some of the best skate spots in the world what looks easy can sometimes be hard they ended up with an outstanding skateboard movie you could now available on Red Bull TV welcome back to the Burton US Open snowboarding championships we're in the semi-finals of men's super fabulous tobe Miller from Truckee California take a hard slam we did see him walk off on his own power and we'll get you an update on him there he is it's looking like he's pretty much sure but of course they'll do their best to to give him a full evaluation make sure he's all right because on a slam like that anything is possible yeah you know and you know when he was putting it together I feel like Toby's all encompassing riding from the 22 foot section to the mini pipe he's just having fun out there he's having a blast with it and I think he could have been in the top ten unfortunately you know it's an inevitability for many but it also just goes to show what their true warriors out there these guys and girls yeah I mean to get up from that and walk away no no no joke that is not a soft landing um Toby was one of those riders that we heard talk about how much he was excited about that 13 foot mini pipe we've seen all sorts of performances and we put the other little package to a cake take us through some of these the usage of this mini pipe especially starting up on that tombstone all right that one I like Oh Gary look tube son that's pretty hard and is it pretty creative too this is up in the creativity right it's providing the riders more options to just put together a more come out is really like they could have you do three or maybe four hits and that mini because they all speed shake out to the mini pipe anyway yep so they have enough speed to do whatever they want in the bigger part one thing I will note your current leader Scotty James this is the one thing that stuck out to me the frontside invert that Scotty James did on that tombstone thumb over coping I really I really feel like it was the small little things and Scotty's run like that that put him in that eighty nine point six six first place position so in the Arctic pie for 240 2014 yeah we had the tube stones in the big pipe yeah and the first days everybody's attained nating but after a while we're like Danny was doing frontside inverts on them and you can air out of them and got a couple of mailboxes and some gaps and in the beginning is definitely intimidating in the in the big pipe right so we'll head back up to the top for chase Blackwell's run and we can see those flags moving a little bit so I'm gonna pay attention to a little bit of more wind this afternoon a little bit of a front rolling in a little bit of cloud cover now if you chase black well it was on that bubble spot in at 10 you want this this run to do some things for you yeah you want to kind of go pedal to the metal here you want to give yourself five six spots improvement here to get a little buffer heading into the finals so frontside 540 off the tombstone in that back side three fly out nice little backside air into the pipe how's it ended double 10 into the captain in the front side 900 so cleaning it up significantly that was a good run from Chaz good landing she knows to see you land for the top part of the pipe yep did it end it into the pipe wanted to have that steeper I think I see what you're talking about there's an opportunity for almost like another wall yeah with a bigger hipot yeah and we we had that in the past we had like a Burton European open 2001 or something yep artic we had them that first front double yeah pay attention to the grabs he does on these double corks right here good amplitude and like you said - he's landing really high on that wall and that translates into amplitude right because you're taking more speed into the next hit and you're gaining air rather than decreasing your air time hit to hit by entity nose point like chase is one of those people you never gonna have to question whether or not he grabs his board yeah he did he grabbed he tweaks everything out for life so currently sitting in 10th place with a sixty eight point six six I think that's gonna be an improvement I think it is question is how much I think right now if you're in the top five spots you're pretty comfortable doing all right yeah you still have guys like chase Josie though Taylor gold hot bird Bergner all sitting outside of that top 10 what's it going to be vast improvement Blackwell put himself he said he needed to put himself three or four spots up he's happy with that he does so in sixth happy zone up top as next up I like that little rally cry before battle Shuchi row shaggy no and you got to love the camaraderie of of the the Japanese like they just so down all for one one for all they're currently sitting in fifth place and get this this kids 14 years old yeah that's good you might be going to us open fight finest at 14 years old Ali's back rodeo with a side grab there [Applause] frontside 1260 Wow into the backside 900 and then the frontside double cork 1080 it's a good run yeah and his first round he said he was doing the cab to the method yep remember who do that first video from 89 or 88 I think I mean Palmer Palmer the first guy I saw do it really we need to have a session where we just take clips from movies and start watching them and recreate them exactly how's this little 14 year old madman though so what is interesting is he's certainly currently sitting in that top 10 one rider from Japan who's not in that top 10 right now is Yuto tot suka he still has yet to go but in second-to-last yeah 14 year old happiness will stay in his name zone from his first run looking pretty solid and safe yeah I think top 5 you're looking alright but right now if your Swiss Dave man David hob witzel 10th place that is a tough spot to be Oh in run 2 of a 2-run semi-final yeah no pressure when you are like you're taking the run literally for your life yep to make the finer but these are the moments that you know you trained these guys train for and you and you live for - yeah I imagine like this is the kind of pressure you want to have sometimes in a situation like this yeah it definitely helps sometimes when the weather changes and stuff though you can really mess some people up no there's a locks product here Swiss locks frontside invert into an alley-oop dropping into 22 yeah you said it there's up there's that speed check right before into the cab nine so good runs from David hob witzel currently sitting on a score a first run score of 70 point six six he's relieved what do you think if Deena I want to watch these replays again because I wonder if you rise to mini pipe and locks you know it has a mini pipe and the big pipe next to each other you did kind of Miss that hand plant a little bit a little hand rec right there and then the switch frontside nine at the bottom straight to the little tube right pulled in at the end of it yeah it's hard to be a judge but sometimes when you really put in the risk and really send it with amplitude and you have a little sketchy landing it shouldn't be that much penalty for it yeah unless you land really flat I think good call putting risk above well Swiss Dave Swiss Dave is gonna have to just sit and watch his fate in the hands of others as he was unable to change the situation I was Kwan Keely from Pyongyang Korea comes in next 26 year old goofy footer just letting the credential fly out the back pocket for STIs the only rider here in semifinals representing Korea on the men's side just awesome to see the global impact of snowboarding right back in the day it was a couple Europeans couple Americans Canadians now you got Japan it's just such a such a cool thing to see little tricks everything literally using frontside 1080 there lacking a little bit in that amplitude and just landing a little bit in the back seat there lost a little rhythm because they didn't get speed enough on his first set yeah so Quang Keely that'll do it for him he's gonna remain in 22nd place you know he had a good showing here last year in June 19 if you remember yep it's that switch frontside 7 and you could tell as soon as he landed he just kind of put his hands on his knees and you nearly landed too far in the back seat didn't quite have this you gotta adopt with the speed you can see like in especially skateboarding when they don't have the speed for a great race they can just do another lip tricks or something that can yeah like according to the speed I have and it seems like when they're set with these runs and they lose a little speed they still go for that and they it's hard to adjust in the middle of it but that's I think what people have to do that ability to improv is cashew Carano from work ami Japan are you as younger brother did you have a guys talk about when people have the goggles under Dalma Mattson yeah what's your take on that it's it's interesting it you can probably get a double impact when you have Aaron let you know when you have a car seat and raise you just locked into it if you have the helmet to fit on your head you get a listening but like sometimes you get a more impact when you have air in the helmet just never thought about that yeah but people go for style points sometimes backside air from Chi shoe Hirano wit style whoa he goes down on the front 12 that backside air was one of the biggest I've seen today though that was insane so unfortunately he's currently sitting in 13th place yeah that's not gonna do it but I want to see that again that was stylish over that hip and then drops in there it is that's as good as you can do it yeah and then he's actually going for a frontside 1440 here yeah that kid spins fast I don't even know what that means number of times young Chi shoo plenty more to hear from him at 17th as he carries on the Hirano legacy another man from Vale mr. Ryan walk and offer in that 25th position wanting to get in who doesn't want to get the finals where it's hot on Saturday at home yeah make the final at home folks calling out your name that you knew and you grew up with that currently sitting in 25th place [Music] his hand slipped on the front side invert snow is slippery some of the hardest thing it was I surprised to do hand playing right on the coping I've seen a lot of router struggle with it too one side nine into the double Michael Chuck landing a little bit too high and unfortunately Ryan walking door firkin knock what do you remember right I think Jimmy Scott had studs in his gloves right yeah I needed some of the best frontside inverts he was really good at lip tricks yeah I remember that couple years you know this really studs they're really graphic sports stores next to the cleat he's probably watching from a suit campaign in Costa Rica right now going next year Ryan Rock and rivers gonna show up he's like you guys like my gloves gloves somebody's head an RD right now with those captain monochromatic style master of the universe checking check in for a tune right now we're going seventies 70s classic rock could could be could be reggae could be anything I'm pretty sure it's rock well this is interesting right now because any day this is currently sitting in seventh place on a first run score of 74 point three thank you said you want more walls in the mini pipe Here I am so yeah give you three t you asked for it that's what you wanted back to back to back hand plants now drop it in switch switch method in the cab 1080 into the frontside double cork 1080 and landing a little bit flat that run really had it all yeah that was good because I was probably done like three lip tricks try to milk that pipe from the top and it kind of did and they found the even though that first tube stone you gotta get your hand way up and and find the I think you just had a little didn't have enough speed in some of those airs to make it like safer yeah I just landed a little heavy on that heel edge some grabs dairy a like maybe you got a little bit of impact but for now you're gonna hope that that seventh place holds Hawken thank you for coming in here and holding our feet to the fire and it's been awesome get better and hope to see the rest of the week yeah yeah come back in Saturday we would love the energy maybe teach us about nutrition and while you're here for secrets to head plants exactly cut with the gloves as we head back up to the top at Derek Derek Livingston from Aurora Canada this is his first time to the US Open what does that mean to get invited to the greatest show on snow this year has been linked was my first year getting an official invite I was always a wild card invite I have to like prove myself throughout the season getting results at all the smaller events trying to get the invite for here and last year I was able to do really well and sit in top 10 so got the invite this year and I'm pretty hyped you know like doing interviews like getting to stay here with the rest of the crew of the all the invited riders and just being in this atmosphere is pretty awesome that's great perspective to get from him I mean you always think sometimes I call them alternate whatever you're here now to be invited is here and he heard and described it changes everything the way you're treated who wants to talk to you except you when you get that call or the envelope or whatever it is the email the text whatever it is you're like I just got invited yeah that is such a cool moment backside 505 cap in makes it safely I love that backside three right there one of my favorite tricks on a skate bird or in the halfpipe is that beautifully executed backside three and I like that method on the last hit a lot of riders save their biggest tricks for the last hit he just went big and did a method and you heard it in the crowd they were psyched to see that oh there's something about doing a method right at the end and you're at the you're in the crowd and you watch that and your second half pipe riding it's so rad so Derek Livingston there's that back five you saw a little poke there and then a tiny bobble right there and you can tell the light is changing it's getting harder to see I bet a lot of the routers are changing their lenses from run one especially the rider is going later in the afternoon so he's been switch backside on this Scotty James you know we he spends a lot of switch backside 1080s 1260s he goes switch backside 720 there I'm a firm believer that is it is far and away the hardest way to spend in a halfpipe it is so blind and it's becoming one of those things those riders who do not have it it affects them it's an equalizer yeah because the best writer in the world the best pipe rider in the world right now Scotty James he stakes his he planted his flag right in the soil and said this is gonna be I'm doing switchback well catch me if you can from Hailey Idaho chase Joe see right there had a couple little struggles in his first run but we could see it was right there he could definitely so chase is really good at competitions like this and a half pipe worried it's not the traditional he won Red Bull double pipe when that came out so he could absolutely do this Swiss Dave will be watching this run closely as he sits in that 10th spot switch double Michael Chuck and he sits it down and he never falls on those I was telling Louie and Sal when Louie was in here Run 1 I think chase GOC might be the most technically savvy rider as far as technicality trick difficulty there aren't many they can keep up with him and then the way he puts it together he puts combinations together in puzzle pieces you're like well I didn't think that was gonna go there it's almost like a modern-day Elijah teeter remember Elijah's you love to see two things one chase you can appreciate it he's just how stoked he is to be here and that camaraderie from the rest of the competitors down at the bottom yeah yeah they're gold guy who's battled injury the last couple of years came on the scene very very young and Olympian you know somehow another look down in his name you're like wait he's 26 years old he's a US Open champion yes yes he is yes I'd line due to injury for a couple years there but I mean if I had to go you know give out an award for like come back athlete or the last two winners it's Taylor gold oh these last few months as well in their contests but this type of run also suits his style of writing which Crippler into a switch Michael Chuck you think he wants to make the final such a great McTwist and then goes for the 1260 hold on come on and just right at the end mix down he makes that you got to think he doing especially for that top hat especially to because that that final hit was the biggest hit in the 22-foot section you just went too deep well I love the fact that you know he made that adjustment coming off of that second wall you could tell like oh does he is he's still going to chuck it but in terms of like the top section he had it put together he really did that's a beautiful McTwist - so hold on to the frontside 1260 now earlier this year he did a new trick it was a double Michael Chuck and then he added that extra spin at the end but he didn't do it there and it looks like he just pushed out absolutely you could see on that on that replay just like you pointed out just a little bit too much pop yeah he was amped he was amped yeah it just pushed him into the flat bottom a little bit too much and you know it's like we were talking about when tario was in here it's literally a game of inches well and it's that balance - of when you're in that little halfpipe you almost have to pop and then you get into the big pipe and you're like I just gotta wait wait wait yeah it's gonna be a tough one the stomach because he lands that and he's he's probably in the final all right in Switzerland in 15th place yeah the final chance for yawn share here come in switch which McTwist into the switch front side Ingrid that was a beauty that's a really good top section from yawn chair I'll drop it into the 22-foot section of this modified pipe big backside 900 into the front side double cork 1080 that's going to be an improvement if you're David Hobbit alright now you're like oh wow I think I might have to give up his chair that was huge that was insane so Yan shares first run score is a fifty seven point six six Bell gharial right there the switch frontside invert that's a really cool looking back nine that was a great back nine you're absolutely right in the front side double cork 1080 and then at the bottom he does this switch front side double cork 1080 and it's still just as high as the earlier tricks I was just gonna say that if not higher than his previous hit the judges hold Yann shares Finals fate here in Vail Colorado is Swiss yon going to take out Swiss day I mean I was a pretty undeniable run right there question is how high on the leaderboard is yon share gonna go pretty high bounces up into third place so now that bubble it's Toby Miller in that 10th position told me other who I was just told was taken to down to the to the Medical Center for further evaluations from that slam and get you more as we get information you'd hope that he'd be able to he's okay and giving clearance that he'd be able to recover should he stay in to ride the final on Saturday yeah yeah right now four riders left to drop to good bump Toby Pat Burge net in 25th place right now one of those two and he's another rider that has some really big switch backside spins this course is really catered to pack her style of riding so there's the L gharial into the alley-oop rodeo is that nollie front flip when's the last time you call the nollie front flip in a pipe contest just now [Laughter] switchback 9 into the cast 10 double cork it's gonna come down to this Burgener puts it down frontside 12 to end it that's good run that's a great ride really really good run it's not excited at all about it I think the best like celebratory bottom of the pipe moment yeah you guys it's kind of like football when you make it touchdown pepper ger has that the end zone dance yeah I'm just waiting for like the back flip I wish we had more choreographed celebration so he starts out in the 22-foot wall pipe with that switch backside 9 and finishes off with a frontside 1260 and off the snow I feel like this is a similar situation what we just saw with the on share you went from from 21st to 3rd pepper owners in 25th place right now he's gonna be in the top 10 that's a tough run right there yeah the question is where where and what does that do to the rest of the field didn't you say something earlier about his hair so oh that's it went best hair all day that is a Mane on that man I should see if Pat wants to do a musical collapse maybe there's a Fatburger Alakazam record to be made I'd street 100% taking their time but the job look at that back to back Swiss party look the second place so unfortunately Tobi Miller bumped out of the top ten and it is Ruka Hirano on the bubble Luca Hana on the bubble and about to drop in how's that Oh so sitting in 10th fate is in his own hands absolutely is that is serendipity right there he's got to do something it's the top pipe section that he needs to improve on as we welcome in stand in the final drama moments down hence out there just up top can't I just miss Pat Burton are going in a second that's incredible it was insane lat run was crazy Wow so Ruka verano coming into the 22-footer front side well into the back side nine look at how far he travels down that pipe in the frontside double cork 1080 and cannot hold his heel edge so Ruka Hirano gonna stay in 10th i think he improved in that top section he did yeah he did and then obviously he fell on that bottom section now there's only one rider that can knock him out and it's his friend and countrymen Yuto Otsuka who's sitting outside right now of that top ten Wow yeah Dani Davis is safe chase Blackwell safe it's between Ruka and Yuto at this point yeah that's it Sten we were talking earlier about the difference in light and weather between run 1 run 2 we're in the booth and we can notice it you're at the field what's it like out there again similar to yesterday started with Sun pretty much perfect ideal conditions birds singing and then tea birds singing and then clouds and then it even got a little colder so I think that was definitely a little bit of an issue I saw a lot of layer changing going on up there kind of it's kind of a mismatch I think one of the big things that's been tough about this though is obviously these new contests we're seeing the overall impression judging which is great the time where it gets troublesome is if you do fall it's hard to tell if the judges did like the top of your run or didn't so that's one thing that the riders are kind of saying up top like we love the overall impression but it is tough because we don't know what we would have if they liked the top of our run or not we don't know if they exactly we don't know if they like that specific part right because a lot of the falls are happening a little later on so these riders are still searching for what those judges are looking for up top all right well here we are you Toto suka from Yokohama Japan he can knock out Luca harana with a strong performance in this run nice alley-oop off that tombstone to start that was much better he came out of that so clean he is hauling Wow frontside double cork 1260 into the 1080 that run was pure as the was the purest flow from top to bottom yes that I've seen maybe even sky James had it but that was just perfect flow from from top to bottom because it's broken up into two sections right you can play the first part the first 13 foot section of the pipe pretty slow and then pick up your speed in the 22 he kept a sustained speed throughout the entire run incredible look at the size of this 1260 where he land on the wall into the backside 900 and what's crazy is this the 22-foot part of the competition for him these tricks they're kind of conservative for him yeah you could see the laughs let me just let me just keep this nice and chill yeah I don't think it's going out on a limb to say that's a top 10 run right there yeah I think unfortunately we're gonna have to say bye to Ruka Hirano but that combination from when he went to the 13 foot pipe that backside 360 I mean that was clean and he came out of that perfect all of it wasn't me not a leap off for the off of the tombstone was money like he had it perfectly in the transition and made it look like made that transfer looked like us all one thing yeah and yeah Wow with room vitamin with room for growth yeah Totsuka into third place how about the shakedown of that top five in the last 78 runs yes now Dani Davis is on the bubble however he's safe is good yeah that man right there he's going to qualify first again I was gonna ask you did you guys talk about the frontside hand plant that he did on the tombstone because I'm over thumb over one of the only riders that we actually saw full hand on the coping I've never been one to be quicker to back something Scotty yeah that's the first thing I noticed when he did that frontside invert he was the first first and only rider and run one to go thumb over on that one tombstone this is a last case scenario what's yesterday I'm not showing up looking even remote half that even you know I've seen you in your glory deep in the backcountry wave into the cam he's got to be hyped up you know it's so chill about him is that that wave did the camera was like yeah I thought you hello finals I thought you guys knew Brett glove Saturday game time yeah he said when we had him on the headset he's like I'm very much looking forward to putting on the red Club well and it was quintessential prototypical Scotty James dominance right he comes out puts down an 89 points something goes up back to that goes back to the top and just watches everyone and says like come get me yeah I'm here yeah and what's interesting is the rider that just finished outside of that top 10 number 11 Ruka Hirano who was the rider that just beat Scotty less than two weeks ago well I like the way the story is unfolding how about we get the man on the headset right now Scotty James hello we were saying that you know a casual like I don't have to do anything run you just thrown out like 15 foot switch backside is just to say hello for fun well you know I gotta make the most of those opportunities to come down and do some stuff I enjoy it's pretty fierce battle out here obviously I just overheard you guys the Japanese riding really well and I saw Pat land an amazing run and everyone's bringing it so nice to kind of enjoy that US Open run that on this qualifying day yeah Scotty that switch methods got to feel good maybe on a scale from one to ten how much better is that feeling than the high five down the deck yeah the switch method is by far my favorite thing to do in this halfpipe and probably honestly by far one of my part of tricks as well as anyone in the boot that snowboards switchback methods in the piper pretty challenging and I'm still trying to figure them out honestly it's got a t-bird here a real quick question for you what can we look forward to you from you on finals day well I know where you are right now a t-bird so if I tell you I'm gonna have to come down there and you know the halfpipe in amazing condition so you can expect me to bring everything that I've got because I know that's what its gonna take to be crowned the champion so Tina when you started riding halfpipe what size of the halfpipe did you start in first one was in Australia and I probably it probably was about 13 feet they were all hand-dug so yeah I would say there's a lot of similarities between this top section in this course to my first pipe experience how lucky were you that you got your first run in the sunshine sir yes I was I was actually looking up at the sky somewhat hoping that the clouds would hold off a little bit longer and they did so I was glad I got gotta run in the Sun and yeah the flat light was pretty pretty terrible on this in this last last round he saw out a bit and slopestyle yesterday so I kind of thought I would chill on this one it's got a throwing out there is pecky in Vail right now yes Quintin Peck is here there okay it is true the rumors are true we figured out a few interns for him obviously as you guys would know he's absolutely flat out busy and I told Stan earlier on I still hasn't blocked anything good information [Laughter] just out of you know good faith in to him so but he is around look out for him keep e probably trying to poach them some other sniper was legendary and necessary on all sides take care get some rest we look forward to seeing you sir red gloves big dance in the final on Saturday awesome thank you guys so much and I'm looking forward to it yes there he is again wow you gotta love it yeah it's a return of the king right he you know lost the last event he was in he was on a run 11 or 12 in a row and yeah there's no question that Scotty James we haven't seen dominance in the halfpipe from a rider like Scotty James since Shaun White and look at the you know the Pat version of yon sure you toe how in those final runs in these conditions these riders were able to step up to the plate and get into the final can we talk about Joey o Kison yeah welcome to the show man seventh place welcome to the show literally and then chase Blackwell getting in there as well absolutely I mean it's it's unbelievable US Open historically kind of been a contest where we actually see a lot of these riders almost kickstart their career and yep not not a not a this is an example of it just that we're sure there aren't many Pro snowboarders household name Pro snowboarders in the world today that haven't come through the US Open at some point I mean think about the fact that this rice is a US Open champion he won the rail Jam in 2004 you know it's it's it's seen all walks all disciplines all types of snowboarders yeah you know flow through here it is a rite of passage and of course this 2020 Burton US Open we are celebrating snowboarding we're celebrating the life of Jake Burton who's whose spirit when we when we look back at at those those earlier years and the fact that they were just putting together with with nothing other than like we love snowboarding let's figure out a way for snowboarders to have an event and that it's grown to this you know we are we're still mourning the loss but this event is about the celebration of his life and his life lives on forever and that we have now and if there's gonna be an official day of in memoriam forever March 13th of this ride for Jake day yeah it's gonna be incredible I've seen this the push on social media and it's it's Jake is more than a brand he's a he's he's the most influential snowboarder of all time and you can see it on social media other brands other resorts it's a global community pushing this out because that's what Jake would have wanted right he wanted wanted a non-partisan day of snowboarding for people to just go enjoy what we love to do yeah and if you want to learn more if you want to register check out a date for Jake calm you'll see all the mountains that are participating snowboarders are gonna get to go and ride for free a very much these mountains are participating so that we can honor and celebrate you know the man who arguably had the greatest influence in this lifestyle and culture thank y'all for hanging out with us on an incredible day to plenty more action tomorrow women's slope style finals that's gonna be a full-on battle see if Joy's tonight we'll be able to successfully defend I was watching some of women's back they were going nuts yeah all right that is a wrap we'll see you again at slopestyle finals tomorrow for the women and here are some highlights from day two at the Burton US Open snowboarding championships [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 313,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, red bull winter, extreme sports, scotty james, toby miller, ben ferguson, yuto totsuka, jan scherrer, halfpipe, superpipe, modified superpipe, semifinals, burton, burton us open, snowboarding, snowboard, halfpipe snowboarding, burton 2020, stan, last resort, full broadcast, pat Burgener, buso, buso 2020, us open, vail, vail colorado, colorado snowboarding, jake pates, Joey Okesson, danny davis, rakai tait, competition
Id: oa9Fbs9izj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 16sec (9976 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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