LIVE: Dew Tour Am Park and Street Finals (Day 1)

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people have always been tripping out on all the Brazilians or like Japanese here comes you don't know I don't think anyone should be that surprised that a kid from Japan is killing it as hard as Yuto is but at the same time it's such an incredible feat such an incredible story how fast he has come up you know the people that don't know he started as a bird skater but just a mosquito you Thalia is this little funny kid he doesn't speak English that much pretty much is not as fair yes yeah yeah right now I'm study English growing up Japan was very hurt not so many skillful in Japan my favorite fish is iPhone you good weather good stay for so many friends fun my dad was skateboarder and he me I just cable he made it very fun I'm 19 years old you know I'm 18 years old Justin Ronnie I'm 19 years old I'm 18 years old I was probably seven right when I got aboard my parents didn't really want me skating around in the street so they were like alright let's check out some parks before I grew up in white and they built a park in my neighborhood I went and I just loved it right away and so I never really got in the street because of that there's three main parks when I was growing up they're all 20 to 30 minutes from my house Southern California is like the skate capital of the world there's so many parks here more than like any other state or like any other place in the world there's a park around the corner from my house I created a scene definitely since moving to California and like all these new parks are popping up all over the place the progression has definitely gotten a lot higher for everyone what gets me most stoked is when I show up to a park and there's something unique there like a weird obstacle or maybe like a DIY spot where it's kind of gnarly er Steve it's exciting things getting out of school couldn't wait to be at the park you show up at a park everyone's killing it and like everyone's just like going for it like that's what I want to be there doesn't matter your level as long as they're like trying a new trick you're like really going for it makes me want to learn new tricks too I know I'm like young and I wake up and I'm not like super sore thinking like that so I think I'm trying to like I guess take advantage of that and just like see how much I can do at this age now Park City we're just gonna keep getting more progressive and more progressive and hopefully keep continuing to get equal for men and women in ten years I'll definitely still be skating as long as I'm skating still I think I'd be really hope I'm still healthy having a good time it's what life's all about welcome skate banks to Long Beach California this is a do tour 2018 built by Mountain View I am Chris Cote and I am with Andrew cannon at skateboarders of the world you are in for four days of amazing skateboarding live here from Long Beach California I would say this is one of the epicenters of skateboarding in the entire world Andrew yeah especially especially in 2018 I mean you come to go to Kerry Park down in Long Beach and it's just like oh that's my favorite skater and that's my other favorites it's crazy you know everyone's here what I love about du Tour is the experience we provide for the skateboarders and skate fans all new parks this year we've got an incredible park and the street course is looking amazing practice sessions have been going off and of course we invite all the public to come skate so if you're anywhere near Long Beach over the next four days calm down skate watch skateboarding but for now if you're watching at home we're gonna start off due to or 2018 with M Park so M Park now we have skateboarders from 11 years old all the way up to 21 some of the best Park skaters on the planet are here to compete we've got ten of them hand selected from all around the globe this is going to be an epic contest to start us off yeah I mean I trip out on the age range of these kids I mean like you're saying it starts at 11 but we got 13 couple triple 14 year olds in there I mean it's pretty mind-blowing and then you know our one guy 21 years old Leandre Sanders such an interesting skateboarder he skates transition goofy but he skates Street regular he's like a unicorn there's fun I mean it's unbelievable I've never seen anyone in all the years of skateboarding that does that yeah and there's a you know there's a lot on the line here for these am skaters the winner of this contest will be invited to skate with the pros so let's break down the start list Taylor and I Josh Dirksen Toby Ryan and Tyson Zane sandurz Kiko Francisco lien pace Cedric babitch Gavin Bakker and Tate Carew so again you know the age demographic we have here eleven all the way to twenty one we've got some 14-year olds in the mix some seventeen year olds all these skaters representing the USA [Music] yeah Costa Mesa New Hampshire Carlsbad Jacksonville so if you if you have a pen and paper now it's time to fill your calendar with what you're gonna watch here at do tour this weekend so today Thursday we're looking at about a 1:35 the local time so we're gonna start off the am part final goes straight over into the am Street final but throughout the entire day of course we're gonna have a live show happening right here on this set with Blair Ali from trans with skateboarding hosting if you're looking forward to the weekend Andrew I know you're gonna be here from dawn to dusk every day what are we looking at for Friday well Friday we've got the Men's Pro Park and Street qualifier it's gonna be amazing make sure you tune in yeah Saturday at the women's Pro Street final and the team challenge watch the women warm-up this morning they were absolutely ripping and that team challenge is one of the coolest contests you'll ever see yeah a unique challenge to do to her and something that gets everybody really fired up of course here and I know at home everybody has their favorite board brand so that's where you can kind of root for the wood if you will team challenge will be coming up later this weekend I like that we're starting it off with the am Park so let's talk details here ten invited athletes one heat up ten athletes they get four runs each best run counts pretty sits overall impression Taylor and I on course starting things off 14 years old from Costa Mesa California look at that stale fish super tweaked-out we're looking at the park here this is basically what we what we've been seeing kind of traditionally in the last couple years in a park skating nothing super big I mean theoretically speaking everything's pretty big it's 10 feet 11 B 8-foot corners lots of gaps lots of you know corners you see waterfalls so these skaters get 60 seconds to smash that thing and you know picture this this kid is 14 years old he's in middle school right now round number one it makes it no problem he's like well I still have eight seconds left a minute yes next one I would call that a full run so Andrew what are the judges looking for here judges gonna be looking for creativity height on there you know all their errors they're gonna be looking for skating the course you know uniquely speed kind of a whole whole game and they want to see everyone take risks yeah that's a right there that's what I love about these young Park / ball skaters they have such solid fundamentals you saw right there that steel finish I mean that's been that was done properly you could have seen that 80s 90s 2000s today and it would still look at every era that's what's so rad about skating and you know the style aspect of it too which is obviously gonna play into the judging because you know you have 10 competitors out there all of them completely different styles yeah here's where the judges are gonna set their scale it's Taylor now so we go 1 to 100 and I don't think historically speaking we've ever seen a perfect 100 in Dew Tour history so maybe this is the year we'll see if an am can do it so up next we got a skater out of Hampton New Hampshire Josh Dirksen 17 years old for Josh nice boneless disaster this is one of the things I really do like is you see some guys come in with pads some guys not and I always hope when they come in with the pads they're just gonna blast I think Josh right here it looks like it's kind of just doing one of these feel out runs you know he's got four opportunities so you know there's kind of that if you look at contest strategy Oh Josh is doing right here is just getting himself a base a baseline score definitely yeah I mean it's all about that best run you got four opportunities dust off the cobwebs I mean this is nerve-racking you know 60 seconds on paper does not look like a long time when you read it but when you try to skate for 60 60 seconds I think that's what you saw Taylor basically pop out of the ball with ten seconds still left on the board it's a long time to skate so I like that he cruised at the beginning and they kind of set himself up for a solid finish to his run and and these kids all know what they're doing I mean they watch all the big events you know look at that Madonna solid they they see what the best pros in the world are out there doing so they're they have you know like you said their foundation their fundamentals they know how to make this all happen this is a good time for a lot of these young skaters because we're kind of right in the middle of Park season if you will you need to starting off in Australia with those deep bowl events you know Vance Park series also just kicked off so they've had the opportunity to watch and most likely compete already in some events so this is a really good you know a good kind of mid-season check-in for some of these young skaters Toby Ryan out of Carlsbad California 14 years old he'll be up next representing DC shoes just a mini guy right there he's losing the hat out the gate these little guys watch you know watch for Toby some solid style all the way up to backbone list on the extension that Stanley clear maze looks so scary I know it's terrifying it looks like this kid is super nuts hanging on makes it that's a contest make but technically you're not supposed to kick he's here in the park but I don't think that really matter cuz that was the best run i've seen yeah he just came in on Sonic the Hedgehog style just like so fast all right that's time whoa Toby Ryan no warm-up needed we had 14 years old from Carlsbad California Toby Ryan take a look at that so beautifully done then the five [Music] 14 years old throwing out five 40s in the deep end it's basically making a five-to-one they're made of 540 look like a kick turn yes simple I think when you're when you're a little guy like this when you squat out of errors like that that 540 you squat out of it it almost gave it more speed so there's your score Toby score to beat so far coming up next Tyson Zane all the way from Jacksonville Florida he is 14 as well Tyson applause super awesome rad skater his body jarda started off nice transfer [Music] thank his way around the corner I love the course set up right here Jesus like McDonough's are apparently easy now yeah the transfers are super rad on the hips I like when you kind of have these hot zones in the park cause she were the Trix are coming from that Stanley Bank the clear Bank to me looks like a potential spot for he said I'm good matches his chin right there a bit who was that up I saw the wrist but I did not see the face chin check look at that extension on the Madonna let's see what went wrong here kind of back five factory look it almost looked like he was going you know pull back three just the stick oh yeah man that was looking tough didn't get all the way around it looks like he's got all his teeth so that's the important thing there he'll be back to skate again looks and he's got a white shirt on you would see blood yeah if he if he drew blood our medical staff quick check-in no I'm alright hey okay so okay this guy 21 years old out of Venice California Leandre Sanders so interesting he skates both ways that you know obviously you you start with the stance a I'm goofy and then you learn how to skate regular skating switch this is one thing this guy grew up skating transition goofy-footed and skates Street regular that is so different and it looks the exact same and the dexterous stance yes it's unbelievable he'll be in the middle of a street line and then he'll go essentially switchback tail a quarter pipe he's the reason he's eating up this punker right now growing up and skating at the Venice Park it's relatively similar corners at that Venice Park on the beach so he's used to then you just try to switch kickflip essentially on the quarter pipe get some do you call it switch if he just does both is good he's confusing us because I mean he he dropped in goofy he did you know 98% goofy footed and so I'm calling it a switch kickflip well all these skaters will get four runs best one run count so you can technically do the same run over and over and kind of add tricks and maybe improve your score you know when we we talked about that creativity factor the judges want to see you utilize this whole park right they want to see every wall hit every extension used and I like this run from Leandre if he cleans it up at the end I think that could be a bleed potential it's it's cool to see him skating the two cuz he's skating it a little differently you know we got the you're gonna see different styles you're gonna see the guys coming out with the five 40's and then you know like someone like Leandre a lot more transfers spending a lot of time on the coping super good style on those Smith grinds lipslides all of that we'll see how the judges react sixty five fifth place score to beat right now 71 by Josh Dirksen Leandre will go back to the drawing boards hopefully clean up the end of that run so Keiko Francisco 16 years old from Carson California vans park local this dude was doing 8-foot backside Holly's at the Vans pool party basically shot shot on to the radar with some of the biggest most perfect backs I don't like no grabs we've seen that pool party I'm a huge Keiko fan now just because of that that's in this skateboarding like this horse coming out with some speed yeah that first backside Ollie was looking really good unreal people to fake your on corner you know he's gonna be feeling the most comfortable in that the deepest part of this bread and butter in there we see if he could step up to some of the other obstacles we have here so it pops out four seconds left hey that's he's like any that's run number one we're good do you think the judges like to see a nice confident pop out of the park you know what does it matter to them I don't know final impression I think for that I mean its overall impression so if you get out do a little curtsy maybe they'll give you this some more points I'm not 100% ow I bow to the judges yeah help you nice swift ground around the corner I love that up to lipslide transfer skating rails - there will be no sticking on the coping for me judo action yeah I think so far right this is kind of that you know poking the bear with a stick they're all just getting that one run down and make your run as close to the end as possible part of it too is these kids are there also I mean I hate saying kids these young men leaders oh good new leader Keiko Francisco with a 76 so Kiko now taking the top spot so from Kiko Francisco we will go to Liam pace from Tucson Arizona I've heard some really good things about Liam pace I'm excited to see what goes down right now let's see if he can set the pace dad joke it's okay dad joke it up so you can unlike some other events some other contests where you skate until you fall here at do tour if you fall and get up you can keep skating you have a full 60 seconds do whatever you want man cap up to nose grind that transfer was rad [Music] okay so you know we've had some Falls in here but sort of setting things up it's looking like some some really cool tricks are coming into play so we're gonna look to those next next three runs that's what I like about four runs count you know you can kind of set a run or two up and then with your second to your last two and four runs third and fourth runs you can really flare up here's some unique lines we've seen so far that was grandma's awesome yeah super I love that hip up to that Patal middle quarter pipe this is cool cuz this is really setting it up for the entire weekend some of the hot zones in this park what are you seeing as some of the some of the hot spots that are gonna be getting big scores I think the Stanley Extension is gonna be really interesting I think we're gonna see a bunch of people gapping over it I love that hip transfer in the middle and I think that's honestly gonna get a ton of action over the weekend so that's that's gonna be like to me the coolest one to see the craziest trick going down on that 18 years old from Ocean City Maryland Cedric Babbage student Rip's yes Cedric is gnarly you know I think the coolest thing that I like most about this current crop of park skaters is the ability to mix old-school and new-school fluidly and he speaks the link does that really well nice front people in the corner backside lipslide how she made up so these max min I like it getting a lot of lot hoping oh that was awesome Brooke 500 reverts around the corner just stood up beautifully be able to fakie very nice solid using approach using the full 60 seconds fall at the very end most likely won't hurt him but believe if you're on your way up to the coping as time runs out you will get counted for that last trick let's take a look at Cedric have it people around that corner right there and then right into the backside lipslide making his way across the other side of the bowl there's a look at that 501 80 that was so rad just rolled away super super comfortably I love when skaters do these the 180s or the reverts out late so you kind of had the pause in the 5o and jammed it out looks so awesome I feel like that is close to a top 3 run and my feeling was right it's a new leading run 77 points what made that run just that much better than the run from Kiko Francisco I think it's gonna have to be you know he just really implemented some difficult difficult coping tricks on that and and that was so cool to see all those tricks the ones you know Gavin vodka this kid is 11 years old he is the skate bacon beast an exception of the flat 40 this kid is awesome he's a miniature human psyche to see him out here that's what an eel Hendricks is favorite skateboarder oh yeah oh nice Smith grind how do you do Smith grinds so proper at eleven years old is that he's just meeting new as you've been snacking on him for a long time look at that right there she's putting together a serious run nice transfer into the deep dude okay this little guy is killing it he is the bacon beast oh my god he's taken his foot off on those airs so many times this is what 80 seconds in yeah you're like my heaven your Brides been over for an hour he's like 11 years old comes through correct that was insane Gavin Barker that is a name will be hearing seeing loving for a long time this kid has power already at 11 years old setting the tone like hey guys 540 I'm in and then just mixing it up there was such a good mix of everything in that run coping look at that flip tricks it's crazy how consistent this kid is too I mean and really the most tricks out of anybody mix the the old school new school just kids educated look at that right there back three judo dude that was insane I can't wait to see the score on that definitely gave 77 to beat me this kids already been in contests to to us any blows the top scorer eighty seven point six six for Gavin Parker your new leader youngest skater in the draw comes in and blows the field out tighter than the last leading runs that's not even like a oh I was like nine point seven five like that's ten full points that's insane another young Ripper San Diego California take Carew 13 years old nice big bonus right there all right 35 more cycle rockbot goes quick when you're running through the flop like the hustle though that was nuts that that was 540 bunch yeah full burial in there it's mental like I just did that after a fall runs up and kind of just mellow drops in calling it quits right yeah well he knew he's like hey if I'm gonna do it I gotta make a statement right now I just have a little fall it's almost like when you get in if you if you react and you can kind of get a little bit more practice that's what we're talking about these skaters all have four runs so you can pull o it on three runs and if you get that one run it's only one that's what it's gonna count but if you're looking at the score to beat right now the 87 from Gavin blocker in the draw set the line in the sand right there and that's it that's a huge gap between first and second right now yeah it's not it's not close at this point I'm sure it will get closer as our skaters keep rolling through so the first score for a tape crew comes through a 56 it's enough for a ninth place remember the winner of this event of this particular Park event will get invited to skate with the pros so here are your results from the first run third place Kiko Francisco with a 76 Cedric Ravich 77 but that massive score coming through for our 11 year-old skateboarder from Oceanside California Gavin brought her within 87.6 what was it about that run there was light years beyond everybody else in the field it was honestly it was everything start to finish mixed everything that you need you had the coping tricks you had the blasted airs 540's kickflip Indies it it had everything every wall was hit every feature was hit every single like you know oh battery judo like his it was like almost his front foot was like against his board he just kept kicking it off adding added difficulty to every trick that's why Kevin of odd hair just did look at this run and this could be like a daily highlight reel for most skaters he did all of these tricks in a 60-second window of time yeah on top of that speed style everything looked really good even just the way it kicked his foot off on that into disaster there was no lunch break it was just like wow right in and one thing that you can kind of be hypercritical on for younger skateboarders and I'm looking at people under the age of 17 is sometimes they skate like little kids yeah nobody in this ten skater field is skating like a little kid right now yeah there were no there were no children within that everyone had solid style there's tape trying to work it out so we can get run number two under way so while we have a minute here we're resetting things let's take a look at this course this is a beautiful skate park made by California skate parks and here's the breakdown from Boost Mobile there you go this is that's a that's a skatepark Andrew that's a beautiful state bar built in about a week ten feet tall with that extension the mall say hip six feet she's seventeen wide nine point six hi Melo Carter private said that think some gnarly yeah you're deep in there and you know these these waterfall features that you see right here those can both help you and hinder you they can help with speed they can hinder you if you come down awkwardly that's where you may see slams so everything's under ten feet but we kind of have that you know that space within that eight ish to almost ten and that's where you're seeing those guys just really really blast yeah this is really kind of what were what we've been seeing in the past couple of years with skate park events is under ten feet a lot of bulls a lot you know hips corners and those extensions that you see I mean this is just something that anyone would want in their town in their backyard at their disposal and the cool part about this is its brand new so everybody's had the same amount of practice yeah nobody is a local to this particular part so as we get into round two everybody in that first run before besides besides Gavin you thinking is a standout that we should definitely pay attention to for this next step I mean you know ceedric was awesome riffing I'm excited to see what Tyson Zane brings Leandre is going to be super super awsome it's gonna be good stuff quick bail for Taylor and I so I you know to me I just I keep harping on the fact that these are young 14 years old we have what four 14 year-olds a 13 year old an 11 year old so for Taylor drops back in yeah unfortunately we bounce back from a run like that you know I think a lot of these guys they get it you know they know the deal they're like look one run if I fall it's over it's lights out you know it's going to be you know especially when you see a run like Gavin's eighty seven point six six flawless run super difficult they know that if they want to win it's gonna take every ounce that they've got inside of them all right so all these skaters have four chances to drop a big score Josh Dirksen this will be his second run his first run come through 271 so he was right there in the lead for a minute say look at Josh Dirksen 17 years old from Hampton New Hampshire live free or die nice front feeble around the corner making his way around over that Marseille hip back up gap to tailslide some good flow around the course I like this dude style yeah definitely nice back disaster up there and to tail casual casual approach doesn't look like there's a lot of urgency but I kind of like that it's nice flow it's it is good fun what's a nice way to say it some flow I feel like these add a couple tricks in there just to up it up to a gavin do they did a trick a second basically honestly I really like the spaz skaters that get out there and they're just it's basically like you'd let them out of a cage yeah and you're just like oh my god they just they need they need to eat there's a bail right there for Josh Dirksen run number two scores in a little bit lower than his first run so he'll be hanging on to the 71 a 67 comes through Toby Ryan becomes that California 14 years old he had a 70 point three three to start we'll see you're picking up improve on that here we go straight in you were talking about you know some some of the guys you know when you're young they look like little kids this God kickflip stalefish back boneless on the top deck with the slickness you see that a little bit scary this kid is a savage right a low does the best buy for degreasing yet yes oh man go for it another kickflip I can't believe you went kickflip stalefish so early on and so well trick here all right that's time whoa stepping it up for Tory run you're sure he's alright you gotta take a look at that like that hot pop and look at much speed and get out of there look at that kickflip stalefish that's so difficult the timing it grabbed itself and then followed up by that back bonus that you were talking about little sketchy dude that's plastic you can you could duck there we go that's 540 yet then I say yet because we will see a lot of goodbye parties in this next overruns but that was just the way grabbed in the style like that was great looks kind of like a mini Dustin Dollin he's like no big that's one of the things I love about the contest is all the young kids are just like oh what up Toby saying hi to his friends family fans know that watching you where the support comes in oh right there 78 so that's enough to get Toby Ryan in second place yeah so we got an 11 year old and a 14 year over the top two spots that's amazing no big dude narrowing the gap though it's oh it's only a point but they are that much closer together we're coming up another fourteen-year-old from Jacksonville Florida Tyson Zane pretty good run sixty nine point three three on his first run no doubt looking to improve on that he had that fall though you know where he hit his chin so yeah the face ball hopefully Oh huge boneless really really well done was that a foot cup I don't know if it's on purpose but it looked cool regardless whoa oh man going huge right now [Applause] on the transfer up yes nine foot six inches in that deep end we are seeing such a rad rise in amazing skaters coming out of Florida just settling down a tad when a skater slams on a trick and then goes back and does it it's a little bit yeah but you know on right there it looked like it was kind of going 540 style on that last one and he's kind of calmed it down and was like oh yeah put a run down this was a good run that looked like does it come off the other festival one foot look at how well done that was all right the score comes through it's enough for fifth place does improve on that 69 33 adding it's a 73 what was it about that run that was just that much better than his first runs well definitely stayed on you know but really put it together I mean great style for Tyson and I have to comment I love that Tyson DGK in the Park contest all day that is so rad you know you watch a DGK video and it's mostly you know skating Street ledges and so it's really really cool to see Tyson out there ripping like that any any of the kids in this contest right here destroy the street folks these are all well rounded skateboarders and in the park right now one of those skateboarders the andre sanders well-rounded well footed they Andre this is what six feet tall going up against tape gather you're four feet tall it's so it's so funny even just looking at like oh this kids 14 in this gets fourteen and you're like you're kind of a giant and you're still you're still pocket-sized I like it because we get to see a lot of different styles here ten seconds left prettily Andre who once again skates transition goofy skate Street regular really good Street that is time and what's even crazier is he's skating a shaped board I would assume that he would ride a twin tip board so that there's no you know but that is a legit shaped board right there kind of squirt out tail he doesn't do anything expected morning everything is unexpected from the Andre and I love that Smith grind it's so interesting nice transfer he's a Venice Park local eats concrete for breakfast apparently I like the way it does the Smith grind on that Smith grinds basically the entire quarter piping thing comes out and still catches a bit of the training heading into that corner score comes through sixty seven point three three incremental increase from his first run of a 65 maybe she needs to add some tricks add some speed add some difficulty I think I gotta find her the judges I do you really have to fire my I mean there's skate fans just like us kind of missing some of that like you know sort of air portion of it that's a scary way to drop in this is Kiko Francisco from Carson California you ready in those dollars you want to see a huge one though nice up Smith disaster carving around that shallow in what see God Oh huge bone huge be able to fakie coming in with a lot of speed half-caf feeble I spent working the whole course his connection in the air right on for Kiko Francisco a full sixty second run his first score was a 76 I feel like he improved on this for for sure everything was done bollocks I think so too and you use the whole the whole course which is so key what's cool about this course is really no straight lines everything has to be carved into but it looks as though there's a lot of really good flow to help make that happen score drops for Kiko Francisco this guy rules the Kombi ball and the score comes through boom Kiko Francisco has seventy eight point three three that's enough to jump Kiko up in the second place now we're seeing things start to tighten up we had Gavin Barger running away from the field after that first run people are in deep are cracking the code here's what the judges want to see but they are he is still our nurse Peter and Liam pace Tucson Arizona I love that gap transfer up to nosegrind carving around getting a lot of speed nice myth grind what's the hardest gap up grinds to do those guy in Smith grin I don't even know Oh utilizing the course differently there now in there I would honest to say it up to bat Taylor golf question but like back side nose grind would be super difficult I love that transfer from high to low I think high to low is actually scarier that was a really good run it's really good skating the course differently it's getting super fast there was a lot of carving though and whereas you look at Gavin Gavin had tricks wall to wall so looking forward to seeing what the judges think Williams first run was just a twenty eight so he's gonna probably triple that score at that last run he's going super fast all his hands were big and I like what you said nobody's looked at the course like that he had a totally different visual on this whole quote yeah and then this is where around up to back tail judges are gonna take that into account skated the course differently got some extra speed then there's another look nose grab five over that I'll say hip waiting for scores to drop they come through eighty two point six six a new second-place skater with Liam pace all right now we're narrowing that gap so far Gavin Bottger without eighty seven point six six let's take a look at our top five here from do tour and park and don't forget the winning skater here will be skating in the Pro Park division a huge opportunity for one of these young skaters right now Gavin Barker putting the lane laying the gauntlet out there eighty seven point six six how is anyone gonna touch that score what do they have to do it's you know you look at so what's cool is right now top two spots Gavin came out swinging just super difficult trick every single wall then you got Liam out there really carving that whole course up a lot of you know a lot of coping it's two super different styles so Sedgwick Babbage was in second place until the last four skater has dropped and improved their scores we'll see if Cedric can answer back sugar cane come to the gap up to no slide that was that was looking really good right there still you know a bit of time do you think these guys when they watch the scares that go in front of them are they checking off tricks like well they just saw gap off that tail so maybe I'll do gap up that nose I don't know you know yeah I think you know the guys that really look at this and have that strategy they're looking at what everyone else is doing and going okay that got them a 78 how do I get up closer to Gavin cuz I can't do this but I you know it's sell over here you kind of have a cut you have a field of that split between the skaters that are just kind of skaters of you know freeform they drop in with no plan then you have the skaters with the plan like this guy and I would say Gavin Bakker does have the plan this is been competing year-round currently gavin Bakker he's in trying to take himself out currently seated in first 8766 looking to improve I need that board it look it just the little legs as he runs matters and this guy again has been under the tutelage of one of our co commentators here no Neil Hendrix he has been singing the praises of our systems neos have so many ribs I believe it I just haven't seen enough heelflips you know I want to see some more heelflips to really get that meal and maybe great so Gavin currently in first place that run will not eclipse what he did on his magical first run like 87.6 extends as your lead right now that's a tough slam right there you slam on your backside like that it kind of sends a shockwave up your spine it's not just where you slammed it kind of affects your whole body but he's 11 years old so he's gotta made a rubber yeah bounce right back here's your top five right here Liam pace and Kiko Francisco both jumped up from the depths of the second and third place stories still Gavin Bocquet 11 year old in the lead but one more skater to take his second run tape kuru thirteen years old from San Diego California Tate had a rough start out there on that last run but seeing this kid around all these different contests he's got the tricks that's for sure he's doing a lot of tricks that were invented ten years before he was born oh I like that all the way around on the transfer switch car oh that was rad cab body jar that was sick that combination right there was insanity yeah that was super nuts all right so those back boneless varial give us a second catch up to calming down you minutes heel flip n D so again adding adding difficulty to already difficult tricks exactly what the judges want to see all right that was a great run that's definitely gonna move them up the leaderboard top three ah you know what I try not to play that game I'm not a judge well we do have the world's best judges up on deck right now that was crazy here watching every second of these runs that's the combo that was talking about that was towards the end of his run double 540 combination plate right there if you if you ordered what you wanted to see it around that's exactly what I would have ordered right there that was awesome having looking forward to seeing scores there's Gavin right now I'm waiting to find out did did Tate just come in and smash him [Music] you were here last year third place at do tour what was your favorite thing about do tour last year super nice and slowly and you're digging it this year it looks like yeah super all right there's a lot of awesome dudes out here a lot of pros a lot of Legends any skateboarders that are out here here this week that have some of your favorites that have inspired you and your skateboarding some of my favorites I like pretty much all the pros because they're all super good right oh well you're super good as well men the future right here and you might be skating with those dudes once again top skater from this goes into the pro qualifiers Gavin best of luck on those next couple runs man keep doing you keep ripping chica what do you want to say to them good luck all right thank you kicking power yeah Gavin back to you guys all right so with Gavin right there this thing he can rest easy for another minute or two as take cruise score comes through eighty four point three three take crew moves in the second place but getting closer very open at the heels see the gap is closing we've had there was an insurmountable gap at the beginning but now we're seeing everyone step it up just a little bit more and and these young guns have the strategy they know what they're doing exactly well after two runs is how it stands right now for an Park Finals Gavin Baca in the lead take through at second Liam pace in third Kiko Francisco right there in the conversation along with Toby Ryan the 87.6 six on his first run when you come out with a first run like that it gives you the luxury to build and add on a couple tricks or add you know height at speed so he's really sitting in a good spot right now our 11 year old the youngest skater in this ten skater draw in a solid lead I don't know what he's gonna add to that that run was insane so I'm looking forward to being blown away all right so as we go into third runs we go back to the top of the order 14 years old from Costa Mesa California pushed a Mesa that is Costa Rica Costa make at Taylor Knight skates I don't know if there's any relation but it is a skateboarding scientist with cool tricks like that that's trap speedy guy right here today is his high score so far into the deep it scoping around the corner ooh alley-oop I'll block fakie very nice I love a good front variation run not easy doing an eighth quarter fighting [Music] body jar and that is time trying to go for that fin ski nose grab all right so gets makes four years to the 60 seconds one little fall I mean up a bobble but in the middle somewhere but still putting together a good run and did it with a fall and unfortunately that's you know the last thing the judges see when we're thinking of usually you say overall impression you think okay that's kind of a jam format terminology but in this case we're looking at the overall impression of the 60 seconds that you skate so from beginning to end that's what the judges are scoring on manners in our judges they're just like you at home watching they are skate fans they want to be blown out of their seats can Josh Dirksen do that right now we will see I love that lipslides and sugar cane he's definitely the cruise iasts of this field but he's got a lot of power cool-looking style up to tailslide own eye and that one in the corner boneless disaster in the shallow end I like that I like the kind of lead up he has two tricks everyone is just kicking the leg off man judo's to lure sax man natural disaster such a good name yeah like a natural disaster judging by the body language not this not the run that Josh Dirksen wanted but you will have one more opportunity some highlights in here for sure that blunt through the corner top down so with a boat trip very right into that belong disaster I'm sorry that boatless disaster and here's your sport coming through so still yet to match his first run the 71 will stand for Josh Dirksen it's going slower though yeah we're not losing hope and we do need to notice Keegan Palmer who will be competing in the Pro Park Higgins been on an absolute tear around the world deep Bowl event so here it is your and Park final bond course now fifth place skater was insane another Toby Raphael fish this oh I like that little push in there Street action in the flat bottom he's totally lost right now but he's found lost again dude flat 40 just to your feet like just walked out of it like it was a kick turn one thing about a park like this with so many different places to go can get lost in the flat bottom I think that's what happened with Toby right there but not after you do a couple here's that run-out you like look at it's crazy no worries he's just like Oh whatevs I mean that is spider-man style reflexes yeah that was wild I'm excited to see that fourth run really hoping he put it together 78 the high score right now he's got him in fifth place you got one more opportunity next dude in Tison Zane his highest score so far x70 threes in seventh place now thank you Circle K for that score ticker reminding us what needs to happen here huge bonus eighty seven point six six score to beat can picking the foot off again a little bit geez go so high come here it's almost like he just protects doesn't look like he's going super fast but he launches I really like his frontside airs do those oh the jealousy so Zane comes through he was looking to better a 73 had a couple couple bales so most likely was not add to it but he's got one more opportunity that's why we really enjoy this four-run format plenty of chances this gives you every opportunity still the score to beat that eighty-seven point six six has been looming large with Gavin vodka in the lead as we go for the third run always fun to watch Leandre sanders escapes from Venice California 21 years old unpredictable she has an unpredictable stable I want to see some what I'm gonna call switch tricks up in this round back tale tell you over the bar stay here six feet tall modeled after the classic skatepark in Marseille France some legendary contests were held oh that was a red role in early rap idol of Jerry sketchy right a lot higher than is low yes three seconds left for Sanders you know one thing that's noticing with Leandre is some of these kids they're going super straight up and straight down that's how they're Palast in those airs he does a lot of floating like if you watch right they're covering a lot of distance how good does that feel when you air my hip and you just get that little subtle tail top oh and that's just letting the judges know you're in complete control so we'll see what the score comes through at four Leandre Sanders still in ninth place 67 point three three his high score now we're going to keep going Cisco's third run let's see one of these big backside ollie Steve's famous for I can i order that trick from him yeah that was that was a good backside ollie it's not you know how high were you saying they were the backside ollie but it was a good backside ollie I was claiming like oh that was six meant to lipslide on the transfer up that was really cool definitely not a one-trick pony he's a mini triple G's like that [Music] [Applause] shoutout right there keV I got you this dude skates with Steve Caballero Jeff draw so you know all all the legends at the compy Bowl so you can tell where he gets his influences from so project a little early but man that was a really really good run currently in fourth place so that's seventy eight point three three I think this Run has the potential to outdo the last one it was a really really good mix of everything I agree song oh look at how rad that was really well done and I would say that he's definitely winning the name contest Kiko Francisco is a really fun name to say you go Francisco Kiko Francisco's score kind of like elf is going to be we shall see is it gonna be enough I thought it was gonna time how much to get into top three you got to beat 82 six six that's Liam pace right now from Tucson Arizona in third place is it gonna be enough well he definitely gave the judges having to think about their I know they're like judges oh man he's smiling he's high-fiving somebody he feels good about it we feel good about it now it's up to what the judges feel about they're taking their time this is a big moment right here this could be a momentum shift so as we just saw Kiko Francisco ripping dropping in and destroying from beginning to end we'll see what the score comes through as 78.3 3 and here is your score it is seventy four point six six just under what he had on his previous run I was wrong so yeah I feel like it was right there and now that the judges have seen something from everybody you know they've kind of set their skill and I think they reset their skill with that read yeah with every feet they're drops we're back into it pace in the park eighty two point six six is his high score that's enough right now it's keep in third place so see if he can up the ante here I would say the most speed we've seen thus far fifty-fifty into the shower right there look at all these transfers oh that was a transfer into oblivion we'll keep our eyes I hope he's all right it's up walks it off you never like to see those flat flat ground landings alright here's another look where did it go wrong it honestly just looked like he was a little bit over just a little too much and unfortunately he just wasn't able to hang on to it he was going really fast into that transfer you could tell he's one of these skaters that I mean he will he will keep going look at the swell bow on his elbow he's got a risk on he's just landed straight to the flats from about 15 feet up he's a warrior very rad I want to see that elbow again that is or I mean I don't want to see it it's a swell bow from hell bow I'm hoping we see I'm hoping he can put it together on row number 4 I'm hoping he can find an ice pack because nothing harsh alright so from Liam page we're gonna go to Cedric favics he's been a little bit quiet in his third run he's got a 77 he's in sixth place okay the top three skating forever you got 35 seconds to prove it here we go separate up the nose slide get back at it such dressing knows he's got one more opportunity do you know you can really let it fly put back in use the last 15 seconds here then you have the pole to yourself the entire park you might as well Cedric is one of these guys that when I watch him skate you can just tell he's got a Rolodex of tricks that he goes around the world and back he's got every trick every bum this variation inverts even he's got everything and he mixes everything up so nicely it must be cool to see what goes on in internally in his brain like what trick does he pick out of air to go with and uh representing anti-hero skateboards better Cedric Babbage feels so cool to be able to skate left I would love to skate like Cedric cabbage dream come true all right here we go folks your current leader 11 years old skate bacon beast Gavin Bakker here we go what can he do to improve on an 87 he starts off with the perfect 540 every time it's just so easy nice Smith grind heading into the corner transfer out the lipslide already a power skater at eleven years old it's the one that's a one thing you can be critical on the push off the knee at the hand the front hand is 11 though so you kind of all the way around over the hip 360 I feel like he has a little bit of Peter Hewitt influence as well his arms dude cool he just went for the cab he'll [Applause] even even at 11 years old slam still hurt and you know don't get us wrong we say when a kid like that slams the same way twice in a row that will hurt tomorrow he definitely went down top - well Gavin is still in the lead regardless of the score of this last wave no quit no quit even from beginning to end of that trick trying to hang on score will come through for Gavin hey still getting an 80 point three three even after slamming this kit is heavy he's ripping out there today all right 10th ascator in the draw 13 years old from San Diego California currently sitting in second place this is take Carew look at the extension on there big boneless and he's kind of been firing it up more and more with every run he's taking third right here oh come for the Campanile he's like okay haven't you you fell on that he's like I'm gonna be fine if I borrow your knife he goes down he does have 23 seconds still we'll see if he uses this last [Applause] kickflips 14 seconds ago it's gonna chill he's like good well he's still in second place take kuru remember the top skater in this top ten right here and the finals will go to the pro contest they will get the golden ticket they will earn that golden ticket nothing's given here at Dew Tour there's a quick overview of your Republican Park right there that's given you can come skate that for free Gavin Bakker still in the lead his first run and eighty-seven point six six it's that big number and that's been crept on with an eighty four point three three from Tate crew Liam pace with an eighty two point six six and here we are in the finals of the finals one more run each time down to this here's how we got here this is your leader Gavin Bakker perfect 540 I mean that is timeless perfection right there classic look at that little guy super consistent he's fast he's got just the right mix old school new school this kid been watching Peter Piot videos since age eight well hey check it out from Transworld Skateboarding we're gonna welcome Blair Ali what's up the booth Blair was over at the what's the vibe like over at the park I know you are in the mix watching these young skaters rip yeah everyone's talked I think everyone's blown away at how young how young these competitors are this is a Blair Ally over here of course Andrew cannon I'm Chris Cote we're here at Dew Tour Long Beach 2018 it's just built by Mountain Dew and as you see behind us we're raging already on a Thursday it's about 2:30 in the afternoon here in Long Beach California the epicenter skateboarding in California so far so good here in the am Park final an 11 year old skateboarder the youngest skateboarder in the field currently in the lead and he has one more opportunity to better the 87.3 3 but with every single run these guys are creeping up scores are getting higher right now you know we were at a 10-point lead over everyone else and now we're looking at just a little over 3 points so I think this is it everyone's gonna fire it up get super excited that's all gonna come down to these last runs you're looking at skaters Within Reach Kieko Francisco with a 78.3 3 Toby Ryan right there with a 78 Cedric Babbitt's we know how good Cedric is he's sitting on a 77 so it's anyone's game Taemin's 84 33 had you know that second run was super super good will we see a score creep into the 90s fourth and final run for every skater right now I want everyone to get in the 90s to be at 90 on the last run it's time for the judges to be a little bit more generous right here we go start it off from the top of the lineup for Costa Mesa California Taylor nice 14 years old starts off rocket firing [Music] tailslide I really like this kid style one thing is coming through with the same run each time basically the same run you know not simply the judge is necessarily frown upon it cuz if you've got the run and you're gonna build upon it by all means but that is definitely a big part of the equation is they want to see originally they would have son hey we're stepping it up nice making that right there super quick that was like spinning like a top so three seconds late he's out so nine drop it most likely his best run of the day his high score so far sixty five point three three be enough to get him in you know he's maybe will climb out of tenth place here's your Dew Tour replay proper steel fishes started off and that was literally uptick Gavin's head that was a head high port Gavin shellfish counts so transfer over the hip that was your last looks of Taylor and I there's a mono Reynolds who will be competing later on this week this weekend the throat division in Park always a fun skater to watch score comes through and he does jump from tenth to seventh with a seventy five point three three Taylor and I'm making a leaf three spots it's got to feel good to know that you put down a solid run I mean that's what you're here for so that was your fourth and final run for Taylor nine coming up next Josh Dirksen his score right now has him in ninth place he's got a 71 cruzi skater out of Hampton New Hampshire the judges like allowed skateboarding like that you know landed disasters proper smash your tail make them hear it while they're watching it definitely much appreciated that's kind of the Chris Russell skateboarding skateboard yeah big score 23 seconds ago dirkson goes down still on his feet he was going to he just looks like he operates at that speed yeah is like the very chill mode at ten seconds left it's one more trick Josh straight into the deep end four seconds left back disaster that is gonna do it for Josh Dirksen 17 years old losses due to a replay I like to be getting you this run wheels fell off about midway through but a solid showing good job jerks yeah daddy choice Madonna and then I love that look slide into sugar cane combo yes pulling it around that's a classic looks so cool always look so good when it's that just one motion fluid through a combo trick like that so that'll be it for Josh Dirksen Kru up in the athlete area is fired up this park is definitely getting get a workout for the next four days we've got legends skating we've got pro skating men women this place is going to be destroyed coming up next tobe Ryan for Carlsbad California 14 years old super stylish young skater and still a lot of power if it's such a little kid you love to see that yeah this he just looked so retinas kickflip stalefish that's in my top three single tricks of this entire contest so far just that run that little combo right there the kickflip stalefish coming around and then the backside bonus on the extension is so awesome tweaking it out conversation and finishes with a slam with five seconds to go she's gonna take a snooze the park is just on his pants right there that was how Hardy slew him yeah I just got concrete pants I love that he keeps going up to the deck of that slippery Stanley look at the wood look at that tweak kickin it out yeah this views rad set high to low transfer grab behind the knee the appropriate way to do so wait on scores to come through for Toby Ryan if he's in the 80s you could see some switch ups going after that slam this kid is awesome and I'm really excited to watch him continue to skate in the future I'm a noob I'm a new fan and apparently the judges are TV gets an eighty point three three it's enough to bump him into fourth place super six skaters to go so we'll see if that score stands you got to be hyped with being in fourth place your first ever do to it it's a good start to an illustrious career ahead of him cameras on tape right now but eight is definitely not up we're gonna go to Tyson Zane and Jacksonville Florida 14 years old repping KTR honestly Tyson's got a super sick name - Tyson same license catching on the backs min commentator curse right there my bad Tyson don't worry I want to see I just want to see more of this guy skate because you can tell he probably rips straight to you just tell by the way he skates there's really good style I like how all the airs are really tall but every grab is like accentuated it's just solid fundamentals right there so Tyson sitting at a 73 right now here's what went wrong at the very end of that run I mean you had that back smith every time it looked like it was kingpin on on coping okay uncie okay I'll see ya like oh hey mana has just in all the he's in the background I'm like let me see that board it's getting Tanner by the day here we go Leandre Sanders from Venice California our last looks is fourth and final run we'll see what Leon roads got for us hope it gets weird out there it got weird but not the way you wanted it together no Leandre once again so cool to see out there because speeding both regular and goofy goofy in the park regular in the streets the man with no stance follow an incident I don't think that he's got good stuff happening in st. Rick's at the Venice Beach Park yeah his stomping grounds absolutely mental not the fourth and final run that he wanted or we wanted from Leon Drake Sanders but no doubt Leon Jay will be back to compete in many detours in the future and if you want to see Leon Drake skate more go to the Venice park he's there every day ripping and if you live far away then just go to Instagram and follow him there if you can't make it to Venice then you got to do it so from Leandre we will go to Kiko francisco advanced park local combi bull ripper owner of one of the best backside airs we've ever seen done in the comedy book how tall were you saying those were clip went viral so ah it was Mary posted a yeah that was probably the most repost trick from the dance pool party this year Pico Francisco is in for his fourth final run doing that cash out out front part he's in fifth place right now the 78233 he's got 34 seconds come on Kiko I love it looks like a transfer [Applause] [Music] there's people going to fakie into the corner ten seconds left for Keiko Francisco will this get Kiko in the top three so far so good he goes down with five seconds left no backside ollie right now we've been talking about his back yeah he's got the greatest he's got the greatest and then over the little hip littles relative here yeah so there of course this this part you know we're looking at walls between six and nine feet we'll replace here for kiko Francisco out of carson california 16 years old representing powell-peralta and it's fitting because he basically skates with the entire powell team from then and now you can see in his influence that the tricks he chooses the way he skates again everybody in this ten skater and park final has that perfect mix of old-school and new-school that's exactly what we want to see here due to the weight for the score and 82.6 expert Keiko Francisco that's sorry I seventy eight point three three a little excited there I got a little excited I really like that run but hey so let's court nonetheless in seventy eight point three three four Kiko Francisco it'll move them into fifth place seventeen years old it means we're gonna see Liam a pace that one of the thought I'd say the fastest skater we've seen in this contest yet yeah big fan Stoke Stoke to seem standing out here it's Arizona yeah and you know you can really tell to those long flowing locks where they're just blowing in the wind is it an Arizona inhales that hair sound yeah you know with it with the swell bow with a third air to flat landing not the kind you want to see that'll be it from LeAnn pace solid result for Liam thus far with an eighty two point six six be good hanging in there podium in third place here we go Cedric Ocean City Maryland 18 years old representing aft hero we'll see what Cedric's got so rad to that he's got a brother that skates and absolutely yeah he's brother Robin will be competing in the pro division as well if Cedric can win here he'll be joining Roman in the prohibition that would be awesome to see that you should after today tonight maybe get on YouTube it's when you give it a shot what watch the livestream get stoked watch on you know YouTube look up their video check outs on the Transworld set exactly shout out so that'll be it for Cedric Babbage sitting in sixth place most likely won't improve his situation solid result though for Cedric cabbage this guy is known as a backyard full so it's cool to see him kinda stepping it up putting it in contest mode and contests like this contest like you know Vance pool-party Vince parks is this really has opened the door to skaters like Cedric who are so good in backyard pools parks around the world and we've kind of discovered a whole new talent pool skaters like Cedric like Gavin Bakker like Tate Carew to see this new generation of park skaters they're basically so good that by default their contest they can see a beta contest they're not like contest skaters they're not true you know they don't train in the same way but they're so good that you just put them in there and they're like well I'm just gonna go rip yeah they didn't start skating like this for contest we recreated contests to catch up to their skateboarding here we go to your current leader Gavin vodka 11 years old from Oceanside California representing Nike SB he is your current leader the only one other Skinner they can possibly catch him in the eighty-seven point six six could still improve here with 32 seconds to go Oh [Music] I love that I love to when they're all small and they're just like come on throw in the hands up like look at the hustle to try to make it that far wall legs here we go last looks for Gavin Bocquet his fourth and final run skate bacon beast not afraid to slam he's definitely unafraid so a little perspective here Gavin eleven years old kids not a teenager yet I don't know if he's in fifth or sixth grade he's kind of on the cusp but we're talking elementary middle school right here leading the charge in the am Park final that's insane born in the early 2000s and he got out of school today for this he did he did get a hall pass from his parents to compete your current leader Gavin Bakker Wilkie get that golden ticket up into the pro division to compete against the best of the best well one more skater to drop this is Jake crew 13 years old from San Diego California repping advanced independent trucks stench so proper well most all the way around in the back of his mind he's thinking about that eighty seven point six six what to do to beat that school we had to try we'll see is he to keep it going yes come on are you going for it again are you animal one more time third time's the charm come on you've still got 17 seconds does this mean we have an 11 year-old skateboarder going into the pro park men's final history history was just me I mean that was crazy 11 years old he's gonna join 25 of the best Park skaters on the planet here at detour later this weekend that is insanity your winner of the am Park final Gavin Barker Wow not shocking not shocking for how good at this kid stick shocking in the beginning when you see an 11 year old rolling and rippling but you're looking at it on paper and going okay the 11 year old then you watch him skate and then you're like okay now I'm not shocked I got it still 11 years old and it was first run - hey swinging he ended the event early right there dropping that 87 point six six there's your top five Pico Francisco dropping like seven to eight point three three for his high number so there's your winner on the deck right now DC is with Gavin bunker thank you very much Jimmy Coleman and bird'll Aaron hanging on down here with your winner Gavin Bakker Gavin what do you got to say about today fine scanner with all my homes and we talked earlier in the interview you said one of your favorite things was skating with all the pros out here you're gonna be able to skate with the pros by winning today you got a spot in the qualifier with the pros but you gotta say about that I'm just so high how you feeling you're a little sore looking when you got up from from that last runner yeah are you gonna go get that cab he'll flip that's what's up man congratulations I'm proud of you from third place last year to the top spot we'll see it out the awards my friend thank you right on thank you d see there's the Proud Mary the Queen Mary a lot of people come to Long Beach for tourist attractions like that which is totally cool but this weekend people are coming to Long Beach for skateboarding we've got the do tour 2018 built by mountain dew that the agenda trade show going on next door so much happening right here get in your car get on the bus get off by get down to Long Beach right now we're gonna give you some highlights right now for the M part finals this is the future and now president of Park skateboarding again an amazing mix of old school and new school all these tricks done so proper take on through such a cool opportunity to these guys come out here skating against the other em and then one minute you're like I'm just hanging out with my friends and then the next you're skating with the best pros in the world helps too that all these skaters would say this Park is just super fun this is not like a challenge for these skaters they love this thing [Music] that's our guy gavin bakr AKA skate bacon beast outside is a hot wheel sponsorship when you're 11 years old spill your chores and hobbies you see this jacket you're proud i have at my house so raised you know again it was shocking when you saw it on paper you have an 11 year old competing against you know skaters much older 14 you know that the age demo goes from 11 to 21 here for the amp park final congratulations gavin bakr basically sealing the deal with his first run what was it about Gavin's opening run that kind of put the judges on notice that made them have to give out that big score I mean came out swinging hit every single wall took the foot off 360s 540's coping tricks kickflip indies it it literally had everything that you would want in a run first run and totally blew the judges away now Blair when you watched Gavin you know the the consistency that this kid always have he opened that first run the 87 point three three it kind of gave him the luxury to do whatever he wanted for his final three runs almost looked like he just knew he had that thing in the back I mean he's so young and he's he's so good and has this trick so dialed I don't think that that even enters his mind like oh maybe I should showboater maybe I should try something crazy I just it just seems like too much of a focused contest Terminator you know yeah already at 11 years old a contest Terminator we got awards coming up of course we got em street to follow later this afternoon lots of action from right here in Long Beach California you are watching due to our 2018 bill five Mountain Dew do not go anywhere more skateboarding to come from right here behind us over there [Music] [Music] [Music] being a woman in a male-dominated sport is definitely like harder than being a man but now there's like 2018 and everything is much more equal the competitions are having equal price first which is a really big thing and even contests that previously didn't even have a girl's mission are now having a girl's division but really fortunate to have girls like Lizzie and Nora who have really paved the path for people in my generation I'm like unintentionally a part of like the Pioneer aspect of women skateboarding they've definitely been like a bunch of women before me who had it way harder but I'm still in the beginning our first started skating I didn't even think there was another girl skating I didn't even think that existed until like I went to like this colored girls skate contest and then I was like oh here they are that was like my first introduction to like then no you're not the only one and there's girls out there that are killing it first do tour I skated in was in Oregon with the men's and I remember I was like the only female to skate the bowl and then Leticia skated this street I was intimidated because it was like a bunch of other girls skating as well but is more that it's the affording there is that like age divisions and stuff but no one's wearing the same things no one's doing the same like things the same way and everyone is just different I mean after seeing that it definitely put drive into me like all right let me get I want to get way better cuz now I see everyone like trying to go for it and it's like alright I'm gonna go for it too so it helped me like kind of step up in a sense to be around you know guys that I look up to in both Street and Park all in the same place it's pretty amazing I definitely hope that I'm molding a path for future female skaters hopefully they see what I do and just take a piece of it run with it you know I can't tell where it's gonna go but I just know that it's probably so much gnarlier then like whatever we're doing right now [Applause] when I hear that detours been around for 14 years it's just like that's a statement they're committed to skating detour it's based around a skateboarding competition a lot of things to do other than skateboarding which brings that outside world close to skin there's all kinds of stuff you can do there's cool art shows skateboarding is a part and it's something that everybody does differently there's always awesome music I think it's more fun to watch than your average Duggar there's all kinds of cool boots to give to everything a bad detour is is pay it's just a really fun weekend of everything that embodies skateboarding there's not a lot of competitions like that there's so much rich skateboarding history Christian Hosoi and giving back in the 80s brought contest to world view [Music] look at detour has been through a lot in 14 years in fact that they're still pushing and they're still reinventing the grass is ey dr. Pat champions it means that it is really fun it is a great contest and it means a lot to scale [Music] [Applause] that's the doula you let's get it with the dual inner circle and where you buy some more gear you get it's that easy drop in a circle cake today check out the do inner circle on the circle can grab do early gear circle game a mission star key what are my next orders I'm gonna blast my way through how much time is left go time I'm gonna win this with mission accomplished [Music] [Music] welcome back we're watching the Dew Tour live down here in Long Beach and joining us here in the booth is none other than veteran artist skater guys the team captain mr. Lance mountain as of now minutes ago yes yes Lance is the flip team captain which we'll get to in a minute but first let's talk about what we just saw there in the am Park section with an 11 year old winning it Gavin yeah Gavin botcher awesome yeah they're uh they're good to see skate yeah we're watching them get their medals right now oh thank you so much for your time of being out of DC him we're on the no diem Gavin eleven years old 540 s dialed winning contest I was asking you kind of semi jokingly how many contests did you win at eleven and oh god I'll were your 540's no high 40s came away later competition came way way later yeah yeah so yeah it's amazing these kids are uh Gavin has run when he's practicing he had his run down he had it he really knows what he's doing it's good yeah listening to BC down to say yeah awards bode well therefore take kuru one more time let's hear it for second place finisher take crew and your winner out of here for the Dew Tour and the park taking the top spot he was third place last year so you got to get real loud and proud for your winner Gavin Bakker yeah and he's got a hipper he's limping up onto that first place podium he'll heal up before tomorrow before the pro division starts the best part about being 11 no one takes about 11 minutes to heal from a couple slams like that so we have an 11 year old entering the pro contest this weekend it's amazing and they a 13 year old got second so our two youngest skateboarders got first and second place insane and he'll be he'll be going up who's skating uh the bolt for flip this weekend who's who's Gavin going up against Keegan oh yeah I think was possibly he didn't basically as one everything Gavin's got his work cut out there too I mean this is the year of the teenager arc skaters yeah they they're doing tricks were invented decades before they were born yeah it's so fun to watch I mean you have these crazy to sit to say you have these kids out here do you know they have that solid fundamental power you know style you're doing big blocky stalefish and then you'll see like kickflip block so they're mixing old-school and new-school tricks like we've never seen before it makes it so fun to watch yeah there it's wonderful to watch every once in a while there's a few guys that come out and they'll go make it their own and they'll do that's when they really break into it whether like they strive making up their own stuff and that's a beauty to watch these guys they're gonna make urea liam pace won me a destroyer award right there he was having Andrew saying was he the fastest one in the bowl yeah he was flying for sure super fun to watch he's from Tucson Arizona yeah and I know flip and and you too you guys have always kind of seen talent kind of before most people what do you see in these young kids that are there as good as Gavin in the bowl they have all the fundamentals like you're saying and typically the real greats they learn the fundamentals and then they have that creative mind or they step out one thing beyond that whereas really the world goes wow I want to have what he has which is a you know a Neil blender a Tony Alva Martin's Ollis and it's like it's harder to step out as far as Gon's did but the guys do step out and it's still like a kids are watching this and they're looking at it like music and they're like I want that band I like that style I want to be a part of that and that if a kid comes into that has his own that's when he really makes it that's a great analogy yeah it's amazing it's like you know your lead you're leading the way of being other people want to be a part of what you have it's pretty cool to see now the the broad influences as well you know you look at Gavin how he skates I mean I see shades of Peter Hewitt in there you see see these classic skateboarders it's like a trickle-down theory you know this is probably skaters that their dad is a fan of or their mom watches and they go yo watch Peter Hewitt skateboard now this is how it's done and you can tell in the style that Gavin has already that his influences are really varied in there they're deep you know it knows his skate history yeah there's decades of video parts they can watch who knows if they're watching the video part from the 90s or from two years ago and where they're drawing from and so you get these crazy mix of styles in eleven-year-old yeah and I mean he's so young he might you know he might just not even knowing those influence are coming there sure which might be beautiful too it's like he's not specifically going I'm gonna be this like that it's just coming out because he's he's still enjoying it so much it hasn't hit him in that way maybe yet but um we'll see it uh it changes on a dime really quickly oh yeah but the guys who have the raw talent and he looks like he has it no matter what's put in front of him you can probably do well I seen this kid rip this street yeah kind of does it all for sure at eleven you already know it rip it up when he sees his name on the list it's awesome let's talk loving guts it's a well-known art show it's been traveling around since 2005 I believe yeah I don't even know when we started it but yeah we might have been 2004 you're there since the beginning what was it started as an art show with Steve Olsen and myself and Pat NoHo and we did the first one and might've been mm yeah so now I know you're constantly making our do there's a lot of your art made just for love and guts or when the shells coming up how do you decide what you're going to do the truth is the love and guts idea behind the whole thing was just a just to let people see and know that skateboarding has this deeper culture which the images behind it the graphics behind it and the writing and the stories and the photographs all built something that builds it built a culture and that's what we that's what it was really about and so I mean I've done graphics for like this one I've done graphics for over twenty thirty people and so I brought a little bit of some graphics I've done for people but Craig's desk is also in this one he's someone that we've always wanted in the show because he's the one that wrote he was the architect of what skating is he wrote the stories and he made the mythology of here's what it is and it it's more than just the ability to do something on a skateboard it's it's got a lot more depth to it and we want to make sure that kids grow up in a time where they they can understand skateboarding's there's you can do whatever you want with it you know artistically or creatively don't just don't just take what we give you make it your own yeah what do you think of events like this that really you know obviously we celebrate skateboarding in multiple forms Street Park but then to bring in music to bring in art and to open it up to the public because in in history it's a lot of times been like here's the vert ramp there's the contest sitting the stands watching this is fully immersive for the fans to come out get involved with the art and all this I mean there's parks open to the public right behind us I mean to me it you take it what it is it's like this is amazing that we're at a place where it's this big we skated contests where there was 15 people watching it and to have it be at a place where so many people can see it it just gives us the opportunity to let as many people to know like it be part of this bring the champion yourself you can be a part of it and to need 11 year old many people come in bhature what we've done our whole life is amazing Congrats here we go have you guys met before Congrats give me nuts that was incredible thank you how are you feeling amazing what's up with that new Lampe guy you got some battle wounds from that from that four runs I hit my my back and my butt a few times definitely gonna be sore tomorrow yeah but not too sore because you're competing with the pros you're competing against 25 of the best Park skaters in the world I must feel pretty cool not to psych you out at all is not fazed like it's like no pressure at all because like they're just there in your head to be there to have fun we're happy that you're here because that was amazing to watch first run pretty much just put the whole field on notice that you're here to win so what if you like to get that first run get the eighty-seven point three three know that you set the benchmark right there you only had up to go and you're basically fending off the rest of the field it felt amazing it was just like I was just super stoked to land run run is it hard to make another run after you know you did what you're supposed to do not really it's just like it's almost like the pressure is off and you're just gonna try and just do your best yeah we're time where we were talking about your influences we're all or I was throwing out influences Peter Hewitt people like that but who do you watch you know who gets you fired up to skate and do what you do out there forgets who fired up to skate is mainly drunk RDL good answer how'd you like the bowl out there today the bowl is definitely my super fun it was like I think goes a little bit better than last year but yes because it's like super tight and I can keep my speed in it what do you want to be doing in ten years skating how old were you when you learned 540's I was eight years old years old how old are you Anthony learn 540 I learned three months after McGill did and I was McGill made it up I was 24 Wow so I had skated we know I dated for about 14 15 years before the trick came out yeah Wow and seeing McGill finally landed right was it's just incredible yeah it's like wow we got to do that yeah we all have to do that bummer but we have to do it gathered the Deuter experience we were just talking about it got public marks got free honor pumps over there I've had four otter pops already today some already loving the vibe for you now that you've already won the park and finals you've got a little bit of time off before your pro final debut what are you gonna do to get involved here at Dew Tour I'm just gonna try everything out like go to all the booths skate the plumb track a little bit and just have fun on everything me too we should all roll together as a crew yeah you got to go check out the love and guts show after this and see Lance's already's got on display yeah cab and Hosoi they're all gonna be there yeah signing and meeting and greeting oh nice yeah absolutely Gavin now that we know you're a veteran here due to where you know about the team competition coming up later this weekend we do have our flip team captain right here Lance mountain but just pretend he's not here tell us what team do you think is the team to beat this year due to her there's your list right there I mean I could see why they got youto the team blinds let you get you yeah it's not an easy question I just threw the the hardball questions out it some of your favorites out there Gavin definitely petra borrows but I don't think he's in here but they chose entirely I see some Pedro we see some Pedro in the staff maitre we'll be in the contest not on TV no congrats Gavin thanks for stopping by Thank You Terry that trophy around sign some autographs out here you're super famous now you're celebrity Gavin oh you're still here we're talking more loving congratulations go snap and stopping by hey Neil Hendrix just texted he said so you got a vote from Neil oh they must be having so much fun together like him and his kids you know the younger guys just riding because it's like when you're at that age and everything is clicking and it's just you're still playing yeah it's the best you know what he's feeling yeah but then you get over that hump we got over that hump and it's all free again so but it's a good time when you're just firing off with your friends and your you got this friendly competition we've got a camera over at love and guts let's go over there let's talk to all ratings and see what it looks like they're setting up maybe for signing today yeah no we have to do it at 3:00 here in beautiful Long Beach California and that's who's our exec Christians art right there those prints Christian has prints right there as it's kind of dark as you go in there's the cab stuff right that one on the end right there is Christian's dad Ivan pops pops de SOI he did a piece steve cab has paintings and almost like comic book type characters he's been doing he had some paintings and prints to like hot rod it's the hot rod art style I liked it I liked the concept there is there a do you guys get assignments or is it kind of just put together what you want to show off here at do tour what's the overall concept with love and guts show the love and guts show is just supposed to be a group of guys that were a part of the original bull riding and [Music] mostly bull riding but it was like at that time in the early bull riding when they decided to have competitions you had to be very creative to place well and so people were constantly coming up with a new trick or something and it was very based on image and graphics and the whole part of it so it's like the concept is really just to show that skateboarding as a whole has it has deep roots and it's a little bit more cultural than just you know arts and writing and creative side you know I mean all the right guys Emile blender should be in it but we can't get him to ever come Neal blender it was so creative at its time and he led a whole new group Craig and these guys Steve Olsen he was the guy that brought like the punk look in the punk feel and that the Vivienne Westwood type of aesthetic to skating and so it's it's kind of celebrating all these places in skateboarding and new guys are doing it you know mark Gonzalez and it's just we're trying to keep the H skateboarding is creative and like go with it whatever you want to do we want to show that you know what was it about that era seemed like a really creative explosive time and everyone is really drawn to art I mean I think because it was so young it was drawing creative minds so the artist type weren't drawn to it because they could when we started skateboarding we looked at everything and we're like oh there's what it is there's there's the rink or there's the arena or whatever and here's the rules and at that time people were looking to see what is this and this was a wide-open canvas for us to go hey we can make our own arena we can make our own rules and so the creative ones were drawn to it and they and they flourished because it was so young once it's a learned thing it's I've always said this to like Tony Alva and his crew started riding empty swimming pools and so we all wanted to do it by the time we actually had competition in pools there was a whole generation like the Tony Alva generation couldn't compete because it was too late they were doing it so far ahead and so once it's skateboarding is very easy to look like the five forty once you see it yeah so easy to learn but it took five years of everyone trying it the nine hundred Tony ten years to learn so it's evolution is skateboarding the rails that packed up he did could be done until he did them and then and then it's it's it's a lot I think the creative mind starts it and then the creative mind moves past and then the one that has a learned can kind of come and do it better pretty easily yeah the next creative guys off doing something else and that's the beauty of skateboarding now because it is the kids it's never been ours it's been static wrote something a long time ago in a quote and it said something about all this concrete being here for thousands of years but it took 11 year-old mind to know what to do with it and that's the soul of skateboarding as much as it can be anything we never get thrown it it's the kid that's saying here's what it's mine and I'm gonna do what I want with it and then we go oh let's let's uh let's do that alright let's follow that and at some points we got to be the kids and that's going on and that's the beauty of skateboarding it's a it's very artistic it is beautiful and I want to thank you lance mountain for stopping by we're gonna see y'all weekend ramp waiting in the best way loving God signing autographs showing the art leading the flip team hopefully to victory this weekend and start skating never stop do what you want with it it's the best thing what he said yeah Lance thank you guys man we'll be back in a minute with more get in there [Music] [Music] - are you friends with a real robot no it's my service maybe you should switch to a more reliable network which to boost super reliable and super fast nationwide network and get three lines for $100 a month peace with the limited gigs and 20 gigs of mobile hotspot on each line [Music] [Music] in a world where you're judged purely on what you create secret walls sets to define the truly exceptional from the great over ninety minutes two teams of the best and illustration go head-to-head armed with only black paint and a white wall these teams must create the most impressive battle mural to destroy their opponent the crowd judge the winner and the rest as they say is history welcome to secret walls [Music] being a woman in a male-dominated sport it's definitely like part of them being a man but now there's like 2018 and everything is much more equal the competitions are having equal prize purse which is a really big thing and even contests that previously didn't even have a girl's mission are now having a girl's division but really fortunate to have girls like Lizzie and Nora who have really paved the path for people in my generation I'm like unintentionally a part of like the pioneer aspect of women skateboarding there's definitely been like a bunch of women before me who had it way harder but I'm still in the beginning our first started skating I didn't even think there was another girl skating I didn't even think that existed until like I went to like this call girl skate contest and then I was like oh here they are I was like my first introduction to like you know you're not the only one and there's girls out there that are killing it first do tour I skated in was in Oregon with the men's and I remember I was like the only female to skate the bowl and then Leticia skated this street I was intimidated because there's like a bunch of other girls skating as well but is more that in skateboarding there is that like age divisions and stuff but no one's wearing the same things no one's doing the same like things the same way and everyone is just different I mean after seeing that it definitely put driving to me like all right let me get I want to get way better cuz now I see everyone like trying to go for it and it's like alright I'm gonna go for it too so it helped me like kind of step up in a sense to be around you know guys that I look up to in both Street and Park all in the same place it's pretty amazing I definitely hope that I'm molding a path for future female skaters hopefully they see what I do and just take the piece of it and run with it you know I can't tell where it's gonna go know that it's probably so much gnarlier then like whatever we're doing right now and welcome back to do two-hour live on Blair Alexandra cannon and joining us in the booth Alex white Vanessa Torres thanks for stopping by yes sir thanks for having us awesome so you guys checked out the the anvil contest we just saw Vanessa oh you were judging it yes I was it were you there did you go there watch did you yes I did judge it I didn't realize that I was going to be judging until I got a phone call moments like literally right before it started that they needed me so that's why I need you here we can put you anywhere you the job I'm trying to make it all happen veteran yeah yeah you're the reason an 11 year old one Vanessa I did play a part in that yes he was I didn't but I saw how small he was compared to his trophy it was cute what do you what do you think about that you know I mean we're look at how young the kids aren't out there they're like 11 13 14 does that trip you out that's that the transition stuff is so young whereas the street stuff is a lot older is it though is it really that big of a difference I feel like it's for me looking at that it seems very much the norm these days that they just keep getting younger and keep going bigger and that's the first time I think I've actually sat and watched any sort of part as far as like the men's side of things there's a lot get a the winner the winner Gavin right there it's pretty much the what you guys think up in the judges booth when you saw that first run is it just like wow this has got to be a high schooler consistent consistent and hit everything lip tricks everything so he put a good run together and kept him on top so and Alex tell us what's new this year as far as the women's competitions Park Street amateur yeah well this is the first year detours doing ProStreet on Sunday yeah great women's events three women's events coming up nice that's incredible why do the women look like they're having more fun than everyone else smiles and high-fives are there yeah it's a big party on the day it's such a tight crew and it always has been such a tight crew yeah I think we're really happy to be here I feel like the women have arrived like we're really there's really like a deep talent pool there's so many girls they're coming from all over they're getting lots of exposure they're getting sponsors behind them so for the first time they can make a living they're really they can concentrate on skating a hundred percent they can make a career out of this and they're loving every minute of it a lot of contests it's like the same purse for men and women now which in the past hasn't always been the case yeah and that's huge yeah yeah that's amazing yeah who should we be looking out for this weekend any any new young guns out there on the scene or anyone that's really I think it's safe to say that Alex and I both sorry I'm definitely ready for Jenn especially we're not judging the contest so we know we're definitely not judging it but she we lived together for a while and I've kind of watched her skating just progressed in blossom and just her as a human and I think winning going out and winning SLS London like open was a huge huge accomplishment compliment for her with all the hard work that she's been putting in and having the opportunity to actually showcase like what she's capable of as far as competing and yeah I think she's definitely somebody to look out for during this contest on Saturday and you guys are announcing the contest yes we would be taking part awesome better better what uh what other skaters were you uh did you have your irons you want to talk about Nicole house yes Nicole house is so fun to watch she goes so big her backside all these are like you don't know if Nicole's gonna make it or not so I think everybody kind of leans to the front of their seat as they're watching her drop in like she's either gonna go or she's gonna slam and it's and it's just really refreshing to watch somebody who's like just throws caution to the wind goes for it and makes it look so good I mean she grew up with a vert ramp in her house so Nicole house had a vert ramp in her house so I think she like really has a really good foundation she does she's not scared to go for it yeah yeah we're seeing that with a lot of these young kids they're they're not scared and they've grown up either with programs in their back yards or a huge concrete park nearby so kind they come here and it's almost like a cakewalk it definitely takes some Slams yeah the list there and like all the girls like the if you go down the list of the women's Pro Park like three out of them out of the eight have their own ramp or grew up with their own vert racing and then the rest of them grew up with like a really great skate park nearby so just speaks to the 2018 the Adrian yeah and all the supportive parents out there yeah make your kids skating yeah build him a Verner Apple or at least take at least take him to your local parks and then actually kind of one of my favorites she's a powerhouse and she also goes big she's probably one of the only women out there that's skating this event headless I think you guys might have to wear helmets I'm not sure but anyways I think her her background was more in Street skating and I met her when I was super young and we used to skate together there was a truck company grind King back in the day we both termite all that stuff whatever we wrote we skated together when I was younger and then I didn't see her for a long time and then she came in a couple years ago and just killed a pink band or an invitational like just one just yeah so after and then she's actually just really exciting to watch because she brings something new are totally different but I think all the other girls bring to park so it's fun any any surprises any Dark Horse's someone that just might make an unexpected win here this weekend or at least make some noise what do you think well I think it could be really interesting in the street contest to see a re-airing Nisha Mira came back from knee surgery so she won X Games Minneapolis last year now she's back this is the first contest we're gonna see her at competing because I don't think she did the European leg so it's gonna be interesting to see wedding areas and then I also I really want to see Maria Duran take a con Mariah Duran is so consistently good she's always podium and it would be and she's just dude she's like she is like she's gonna win something you know she was the first one to jump on that King trail first go just right through the kink she's amazing let's take a look at the courses that they're gonna be skating here and let me know your thoughts on the the battlefields hill here very green the battlefield battle cry pink girl they're gonna do the the bumps of our is gonna be a favorite with the girls the double kink rail I don't know how many girls if you thought you that maybe just Mariah Tech section Laci there's your tech section section as far as just anything manual yeah any just flat alleged alexis was kickflip in an earlier versatile speak about my Lexus really is I definitely know she hates anything kicker to anything straight East Coast streets that kickers who are your frontrunner for the park well the parks interesting I feel like you know everybody there'll be one writer that really takes to the course you'll see them stand out and it's different every time and then that course looks like it would be good for all the girls there's a couple girls warming up it looks like right now I really like to see poppy what she brings to it she's the only international rider she's got great great it's a big course there's like that big wall that we're looking at right there and I could really picture her doing some like inverts on that and yeah of course yeah Gavin was saying it was really tight and it enabled him to keep his speed and that's one of the things you really like that's what it kind of comes down to I think it's keeping your speed and being able to get those tricks in we've got the street I'm contest is coming up and there's a lot of young up on cam I'm coming that's right or some of the young up-and-coming women in Street skateboarding some up-and-coming I wouldn't say to Mario's like up-and-coming but some are yes petition competition-wise has not found herself on the podium recently recently yeah a few years yeah yeah but I definitely think that she's capable of putting a solid line down and you know just making it a little difficult and everybody else who's involved so I'm always excited to watch her skate these contests and especially she had a really nice to trick tripleb to it's easy on the eyes nollie heelflip does she's got it all perfect nollie heelflips well thanks for stopping by can't wait to see more you guys over the weekend yeah Alex Wyse Thank You Anessa Torres we'll let you get over to Europe yes good luck judging we'll be watching and checking things out from over here thank you when we come back the groms will be doing Street and final stick around [Applause] yo they got kind of crazy out there [Music] [Applause] when I hear that detours around for 14 years it's just that that's a statement of their committed to skating detour it's based around a skateboarding competition a lot of things to do other than skateboarding which brings the outside world close to skinny there's all kinds of stuff you can do there's cool art shows skateboarding is a part and it's something that everybody does differently there's always awesome music I think it's more fun to watch than your average codger there's all kinds of cool boots give to everything a bad detour is is pay it's just a really fun weekend of everything that embodies skateboarding there's not a lot of competitions like that there's so much rich skateboarding history Christian Hosoi and people back in the eighties brought contest to world view great run for Chris we're gonna be tourists been through a lot in 14 years in fact that they're still pushing and they're still reinventing progressive CY doctor it means that it is really fun it is a great contest and that means a lot to scale yeah most of the guys I hire or skateboarders that's really the how I get the longevity out of them is because it's it's not just a paycheck it's actually their you know it's a passion of theirs skateboarding for 20 years with the building for about five now so doing this dream job our designer comes up with a design they've changed it a bunch of times we build as much as we can at the shop load it on the truck and we bring it here and we all float it and start putting everything together you have to know what's gonna work and what's not gonna work sculpting a perfect bowl it's it's true art form professionals that are here you know they say something doesn't feel right that we go in and change it to write it ourselves every park is built different but but all the walls and everything is built beautiful and awesome you can tell skaters built in like they know what they're doing we're out here twelve hours a day and getting burned you know it's a labor of love [Music] you paid you what we love our crews we're all one big family we're very passionate about skating and about building [Music] welcome back to to tour 2018 we are live from Long Beach built by mountain dew we've already seen am Park go down and coming up next the street and there's nothing amateur about the 11 skateboarders we have on our start list Chris Cote here with Andrew cannon and Blair Ally we've already seen history made here at detour with an 11 year old winning Gavin Bakker will now be competing in the pro division there's an overview of our brand new and improved updated Street course part a street course Street thing we just such as ki ago I'm saying so let's talk about this this course it looks super fun from any and every angle it's kind of a triangle shape tell me your first impression Andrew what do you think of this Street course I love this course I think there's so many good opportunities to get creative to try some wild stuff I love that there's keep trails regular rails bump to rails you have stairs you have ledges you seriously have it all and I like the way that the whole thing set up as well the flow on it is really really cool similar floor mats what we saw in Park 3 runs only one run will count Blair what are the judges looking for here on Street course using everything see who's the most well-rounded consistent difficult tricks I mean skaters are so good nowadays especially like these guys that are that are used to contest the competition's gonna be fierce there's gonna be a lot of times when the judges have their work cut out for them when dudes are just gonna be annihilating that triangle and hitting everything so here's your starless an international field Maurice Jordan Chris Colburn Henry Gartland Gabriel fortunado Yoshi tena Bom Markus Montoya Gustavo Evo Roger Silva Taylor McClung Mario McCoy and Tyson Powerbank looks like my love that in the in the amateur ranks already some full-blown household names on that star list oh yeah absolutely all over the world - it's crazy how the talent I mean these amateurs the only reason they're not in the Pro contest is cuz nobody's giving him the like your bro just you got a board now because it's crazy I mean the difference in like level of skating I think the big difference is confidence you know in the end is a lot of these guys they're coming out there kind of like really just kind of getting their sea legs where is if you look at the pros and they come out on that course and it's just it's a completely different level of confidence that you see and just like in our Park and event we just saw one of these skaters in this 11 skater list will be competing in do Tour pro Street Blair alley throwing you under the bus here who is the favorite let me know right out there I'll tell you I'll tell you right now who's consistent Yoshi tan Imam always insane Marco's Montoya you know you know Andrew how good he is Marcos Montoya is yeah Rio Tyson Bauer Bank that guy has been an annihilating ham contest for years and years there's there's three right there you got a representing Mountain Dew Chris Colburn cookie dough cookie dough such an incredible skateboarder you know you when you think of him on the streets in front of a video camera you think of just pure power beautiful skateboarding what can he do to set himself apart from the rest of the field here and turn into the cookie dough contest killer he he can do such difficult tricks it's it's all gonna be about if he can land and his run really cuz what he films for his video parts and and Instagram and whatever is insane it's on a pro level so if he can land tricks like that in this then yeah you could be the guy advancing yeah it's the caliber of tricks that he's doing are so unreal yeah it's it's pretty insane now he really is one of my favorite straight up and skaters so I'm stoked to see what he can do on this course I'd like him to be straight up throw at some point that deserves it that would be pretty racy er what the element video coming out this year it might be we've got the fingers crossed don't ruin the surprise yeah anyone on this list right now you think of all these names you think of there will be pro in 2018 if not the beginning of 2019 everybody here we absolutely hope they've all got the ability that's for sure so as you see getting warmed up this is the same of course we will see four Pro for women's this is the first year detour 2018 we have women competing alongside of the men in Park and on the street you guys saw Vanessa and Alex in here earlier today Vanessa actually is gonna go up and be one of the judges which is awesome Street she's no no I mean she's skated in the contest she's done the whole deal California 20 years old representing DGK all right cap back lip to start Maurice he's got such a cool bag of tricks it's kind of difficult ones kickflip back lip down the rail you guys watch the last TGK video saved he's got really rad footage it she's so tagged to start it off three flipped look to fakie I like these kind of guinea pig runs where these hitters are all you know in practice you're skating with fifty of your closest friends not making it easy so it's cool to see him kind of being able to read the whole course and put things together sixty seconds on the clock plenty of time to go back and forth three or four times best of three runs it's all about overall impression and your top score so they're gonna have three different opportunities out there in the course coming in switch switch from blood it's cool also to see which of these obstacles are kind of going to become the hot zones obviously this kind of rail flat rail there's a favorite of skaters throughout practice and throughout that first run for Jordan so here's where the judges will set their scale where do you think that first opening rounds gonna play into the grand scheme of this part of the event I would say like 60 70s yet some super super difficult tricks I'd say 70s super difficult tricks but you know one thing that I think we'll see as we go through is you want to see somebody escape the entire course knock it off their board and really just keep that flow going and he did do quite a bit of turning around but the caliber of tricks that he's got can can elevate that score here's another look 360 flip lipslide to fakie that was rad to switch from one it's beautifully balanced yet that was a really difficult trick he did it so smooth no like kickflip hurricane pretty crazy it has to feel good though to get that first run out of the way got a decent score sixty seven point six six you know parks obviously much different but the scores to beat in park or up there in the high 80s so expect some of these skaters to be trying to creep up into those high knees to get themselves on that top three at the top one will be competing against the pros coming up next cookie dough Chris Colburn from Williston Vermont and he is 27 years old this dude has been a household name for a long time is a part of the dufan if you will and hung out here last year dude is just a really cool ambassador for skateboarding I mean a nice guy obviously super technical consistent repping his a recently turned pro teammate there tyson peterson super awesome here we go well we got from Chris Colfer cookies in boardslide up the rail little backside air coming at the bump to stairs the scoop back three foot already we're seeing kind of a different you know a different look we had a little bit slower getting from obstacle to obstacle with briefs Jordan here we've got a cookie dough now just flying around this course shuttle it was very it was like a whisper of a trick Careless Whisper it was like a whisper oh just diddling the tail of it diddling whispered what a cool transfer where did that come from he's a he's from Vermont that is what the judges are gonna be looking for all those things I think we'll see all day and I like that he is going fast we're still reeling from that sideways fifty-fifty you know what though what's so cool about that is he did it first try in his run in the first run so now it's not like you see him try it and you're like I hope he makes it in the next one and then he goes through each run not make it's like boom completely different runs every time well he can't screams like the type right with no plan yeah so that I think that's going to be cool now that should not be possible when you think of physics right that's why I cook you so gnarly he he can do the impossible because he defies physics defies logic oh my god come on Cote you know that was physics defying skateboarding already and his first run for Chris Colburn oh yes 85 3-3 got all deserved good say they could have scored him higher I was saying crept into the eighties he just jumped straight into the 80s with an eighty five point three three coming up next 18 years old from Minneapolis Henry Gartland Henry Gartland representing Volcom for one this is our guy he's kids for Santa Cruz too and he is just such an unbelievable skater he's got a crazy bag of tricks he's working on a video part right now it's coming out in August so when you look for the type of skaters you want to add on to the Santa Cruz skate team what about Henry gets you excited the purple hair mainly it's mainly the look he's just a super determinant super determined really good person it's awesome he's kind of a complete package we're so thankful to have him on the program and he's got a nice back three yeah cuz I just saw right here solid back three eighteen seconds left now do you get points taken away for getting off of your board does it matter I think it just depends where yeah I mean on this course I don't know if it's possible to just stay on although that'd be really impressive if you did your whole 60-second run without ever getting up but yeah like Andrew said depends where yeah it's all about the context you know I mean if you land a trick and then you get up and walk up a quarter pipe you know it's when you see people not do you know like a disaster or something that's where people get bombed all right kickflip front 50 on the a-frame 360 flip over the bump to bump Henri's out of a Minneapolis what is you guys favorite part of this course so far Andrew what do you like on this course I honestly love having rails there are I feel like there's so many good rail opportunities that we're gonna see an insane like just different some tricks phasee tell Blair what do you like yeah yeah speaking of the rails they're all pretty low so it exactly it leads to a lot of technicality and flip I like the the stair set where there's the kicker on the one side or you can go straight over that boost sign or like like Chris Colburn just showed us who knows there might be stuff we haven't even thought of yet I love the look of the hips here I mean they're just as classic yeah be a cape said we were gonna see you know I want to see some high pop flip tricks or Ollie out into the street 25:33 for Henry in second place and now a Gabriel Fortunato representing this case on Paulo Brazil Brussels this guy has some of the most amazing style he's good trick selection oh so that just shows how good he is you go try to switch from feeble a rail slide in the boardslide I mean it basically throws everything that you know off you're like I meant to do this it's amazing when people can just oh so good off I'll hang on I think the judges and I know I like it and I'm sure people at home like it watching people right on the edge of sketchiness yeah hanging on to tricks like Fortunato has been doing throughout this run I'm an instant fan of this dude right here it's you know you look at this this this course and you're thinking all right well it's relatively I don't say small there's big obstacles but then you see the slam like that and you realize you can't do damage to yourself on this course it's big enough it's the perfect size for the performance skateboarding that we want to see he was going a full body burial on that so our first look at Fortunato agreed amazing it was a good start but he has so much more to offer as we move on in those next two runs maybe maybe he's holding a little back next two runs we'll see some fireworks from Gabriel wanting to switch 50 super-difficult that 360-foot say that is a hard way build the old hard way yes and then there's that front shoves that took them down look at the way he caught that front foot and it bleep goes down like a sack of spuds tonight earbuds stayed in I know impress this dance or trippin on how wild those things look without any cords so 64 442 not oh he'll be a fourth place and Yoshi tiny bomb Silver Spring big flip tricks representing Israel big flip yeah yeah so wait is that a start no this is a positioning that play right here yeah where do I want Yoshi what you would consider him a household name in the world of skateboarding this guy's been around he's been in for a minute and for life yeah the caliber of tricks that Yoshi has is insane and consistency wise he's unbelievable he definitely has had some off days as far as the contests are concerned but when he's on I mean it's just he's just spewing Fuego everywhere spewing Fuegos I mean super powerful like you said got every trick you can mix it up our broadcast bro Chris Posterous puts this guy right up there among the best of the best on his day to expect that I mean so clean and consistent 27 seconds so he lost his board just for a second there good hustle to get back at it 60 seconds is quite some time on street a long time it's toasty out there too you know he got away with something earlier so he kind of just threw the kitchen sink at that rail four seconds left he didn't touch any of the quarter pipes - and that's he's a he's just a wizard he's got the corner of job yeah all day yeah super easy there's that 360 flip casual over the hip 180 cutting halfway no touch that was wet approved no no toe touch there so as we go down through the ranks of our am Street final start list we waiting for the score to come through for Yoshi Tannenbaum it's a 71 point six six and upper third place following Yoshi from Broward County Florida 17 years old Marcus Montoya wouldn't you know about Marcos this kid is really really good our Tampa friends have been telling us about him one of the next guys absolutely let's check this out you see them at the am contest style tricks look at that run feeble down the King tonight sounds controlled get that you want a little trick I don't know it's so good oh look at that back side nose grind over crook whatever it's the fan of Marcus Montoya I tried to tricks yeah you're like oh we made it out ten seconds into the run too insanely difficult tricks though done really well [Applause] [Music] keep it going 28 seconds from Montoya so that's still some time to make an impression we talked about this during the park there's always a little bit of nerves on run number one for sure get out there that's why we give them three runs and this because we want to see the best possible scan ten seconds for Montoya most likely he'll call it a run there he's got two more opportunities after this give us one more trick half a trick that's okay he's gonna save it for the next two reppin Shake Junt flip Montoya yeah you flip is always found talent this is an early age to highlight package tricks look at the software that was pretty super well done popped out early and then another look at this fully popped out to control on that's exactly how you want to do it is unbelievable and that I wonder if that rail is too low for him coming off that bump that rail is kind of down there one of three fifty two six six but we've got two more runs ahead I'm expecting big things I think that that's just for shadowing right there for Montoya more to come so coming up next representing Portugal Gustavo the battle comes from Lisbon 17 years old stood as a machine yeah insane tricks flip into everything how to put together a winning run right here there we go nice no salon you know does it does it perfect landing bolts 42 seconds with plenty of time he's so good at contests he might just kind of do a run where he knows he can land everything first hit that hit that you know solid score and then just start 360 flipping and all these drinks later the stairs so next run will be two noseblunt so far the perfect run for he bet oh you could see he's just kind of amplifying and he's got a cavity right now and he's got this time to 60 seconds he knows exactly how many tricks he can get in but he wants to finish strong here two seconds left this would be last trick how dare he cook nollie flip he never perfect 99% perfect one fall in 60 seconds got 60 seconds programmed in his brain he knows he knows how much time he is he's skating for shark two out of lisbon portugal arts our front yards our friends in Spain yard scape yards now embarrassed no no actually it's pronounced chard over here he threw me off with skating like that he just discombobulated my whole brain everything went everything went awry bixton front board down the whole rail well the most technical run so far the most complete only one trick missed remember that that score comes in at eighty one point three three second place that means Colburn is still in the lead with the eighty five point three three Lou Gustavo will have two more runs to try to creep up into those mid to high 80s to potentially take Chris Colburn out but we have more skateboarding to come and coming up next new style we have Roger Silva from Barcelona you see kind of a little shuffle around okay where these skaters gonna be taking off there we see Roger Silva 29 years old also from the arc skateboards Roger on course nice nollie to start go for that nollie backside flip lives in Barcelona representing Brazil to skateboarding powerhouses switch tail 270 down the rail super difficult on a round rail apparently not for civics teammate I look super easy he's 29 years old he's got some experience switch to 70 front board at what point in a 60-second run if you've fallen twice you kind of just go okay this is a throwaway run concentrate on the next run maybe you get a little bit more practice 20 seconds in 30 seconds - yeah I mean I think I think - falls pretty much seals your fate you know you have one bobble you go back you make up for it you'd be alright but two's definitely it's tough looking for the big finish for Silva he goes down that will be a throwaway want a throwaway run say that ten times fast yeah so Roger Silva that'll be his first run coming up next Taylor at McClung from Huntington Beach California Taylor part of the McClung trilogy meaning hey you just always have to mention brothers and sisters but that's a dynasty right there the McClung family of rippers what do you think Taylor's strengths are going into this park horse he's got great style he's got a great attitude let's look at some replays let's yeah let's not go right past Rodger Silva switch tail 270 in there he puts that run together it'll be a solid score there was that attempt at the frontside flip just unable to make it happen the score is gonna come in 49 6 6 he's gonna look to those next two runs he he kind of had a face that red like a disgusted look maybe he sells like mad good get mad bring it yeah right to the park Taylor my clocks behind to Beach California 9 years old Taylor's just such a good guy super excited stoked he's got great style backside flips it's got mean backside flip coming in hot - I'd like to see fast skateboarding combo how much weight do the judges put on speed here in the street Street course [Music] yeah I mean speed is a huge factor in in your overall score I'd say speed style trick difficulty the judges are scared themselves so everyone loves some new skates fast yeah it just adds like a whole element of danger you know I mean if you're if you go and you try to you know 360 flip flip a rail and you're just going yeah it's cool but you're not gonna slam and bust your face the same way as if you throw in those extra two pushes and makes everything better using the rail for what it's there for support I like that up Braille skateboarding has gotten oh yeah more popular over the probably in the past three or four years up rail skating is the new down bro Figg it's legitimately a thing now it's not supposed to happen but that's why we like to see it happen make the impossible possible McClung time flew by / Taylor right there some some shining moments probably not the full run he wanted to put together but some definite highlight highlight tricks in there for Taylor it was a good start though solid base yeah a foundation to what could be a glorious two highlights here for McClung the fans rarely seem varial flip the V bomb did it well he did it well there's a nice pop shuvit catching it with a front foot proper nicely well done I liked that combo too because he went front shove up John the Braves would have called that caught clean caught clean yeah that went over the head of 99% of the viewing audience but not you guys this is do tour and 2018 live from Long Beach California built by Mountain Dew we've got 11 of the best aims on street right now this is your am Street final we have coming up next Mario McCoy from Reading Pennsylvania reading and reading Mario is half Italian he's 50% Italian so we went and visited his home town and everyone actually it's like everyone's off hey it's Mario Mario Mario and you're like oh ok we've been saying Mario the whole time let's change that now Mario is on course give me what you like about this skateboarding that we see from Mario on a daily basis soon as one of the best kick flips I've ever seen yeah you can take that in to any trick yeah really oh he's just struggling out there right now he's got to both his parents they're maybe making him a little nervous yeah when this guy kind of gets into it he is really on it yeah he's having a hard time out there run number one first run it's all good you can throw away two runs as long as you get one good run we only take the best run it's the best of thirty to one and you can fall mid-run get back up and still win this contest but then again he just kicked flip front note blunder to rouse yes so you know the tricks up day but yeah one of the tricks of the day and he's got two more tries Maggio McCoy I'm reading in Pennsylvania 22 years old representing Santa Cruz look at a couple looks here at Mario you can do that you know you got a very controlled kickflip I think honestly I think that was him going you know I've had some Falls let me just throw this one out there see how it feels at least get one under the belt a little confidence booster yeah way for the next run he's feeling a little better absolutely sixty two point six six from Mario and coming up after Mario we got Tyson Bower Bank from Salt Lake City Utah twenty three years old reppin stuff about Tyson not only is he a great a great person but his skateboarding is just on another level how come there's no an 11-year olds here in the street final I I think that with Street skating it's a whole different beast because you know on the trainees you can just blast right you can utilize that inertia whereas you're not getting on to around people brown back 180 now at eleven if you just don't have the muscles and the skeletal structure yet already some same tricks the star and still has 45 seconds Bower ring on a good one that was cool looking nice frontside 360 Tyson has won many and AM contest I look forward to someday seeing him in the pros well if he wins here today he will be in the pros she is the scoop on that back three insane so far so good he's more speed dude he went back 180 fakie five-o and then he attempted back Smith back three in his contest room that's crazy he's still got ten seconds alright that'll be it for Tyson Bower Bank out of Salt Lake City Utah time's up so before the fans click back back 50 alright so one full set of runs in the book we have a Chris Colburn as your leader with an eighty five point three three Gustavo you better in second with an 81 point three three look back here at what I would say it's got to be something in the top five a lot of tricks done there for Tyson Bower Bank clean skateboarding his EO twos are super difficult to I mean he can he can literally do a 540 ollie like you could 540 that gap and basically all the kicks yeah he's he's unreal time to reset get to the top of the field let's see hopefully all the nerves have been wiped off the score comes through for Tyson to enough to get him in fourth place so now let's take a look at your top eleven oh it's not the blind team team manager right there after run one of three here we go Chris Cole burn in the lead with the eighty five point three three Gustavo he better at second eighty one point three three Henry garlic in third seventy 5.33 go all the way down to Roger Silva with a forty nine point six six which no doubt will be washed away with two more opportunities for all of these skateboarders and I loved it time flies you think 60 seconds are others we're gonna be here for a minute you're not it actually feels like five seconds we've priced seen skaters being able to up to twelve ten to twelve tricks maybe ten to twelve and then there's the guys that can do a thousand it just kind of depends total random staff tricks per run something tricks per moment what the judges want to see is your tricks done cleanly they want to see you flowing from obstacle to obstacle and the street course we have is perfect for doing just that I am Chris Cote this is Andrew cannon that is Blair alley we are part of the team that will be your guides to do tour and I want to say congratulations to Blair Ali hold this up man Blair Ali from trans with skateboarding nailing the cover shot who is that and what is he doing and where is he doing it that's a backside tailslide on a little handrail called el Toro and yeah I was blown away to see that and then lucky enough to shoot it and it's Adrian boo lard from France and he's a he's a wild soldier for doing that because he's slammed and still got up and did it Wow congratulations Blair and you Adrian getting the cover of trembled skateboarding an amazing feat got it this is Maurice Jordan from Los Angeles California and it looks like with a full 50 seconds left to go he's putting things together started it off of that cat back lip and kickflip back lip down coming in switch all right switch backside lipslide I like the flow he's got here yet to jump off his board and Wong it oh then he does it it's fine front feeble going 30 seconds he's got really difficult tricks it was like he levitated that's a hot spot right there that stage I like that part of the course it's never good Tuscany let's beat some time off the clock but issues that really you know effective strategy out there I think his strategy is do a bunch of really hard tricks and make them look super cool does that sound like that's effective proper strategies yeah see that 60 seconds just flew by so in sixth place it's Maurice Jordan to improve cap back lip taking it all the way around to fakie this is that kickflip backside lipslide super you know it's you're taking a chance when you're flipping into a trick in your run anywhere that's not your last trick that's a good cat right there love the looks of that you said it Andrew levitation is all levitation is always good in Street skateboarding what people look like they're floating [Music] something right the wheels and the shoes also off but we got another opportunity for them restored and he will have a third and final run coming up next your current leader do we wait for the scores to drop that's enough for third place solid score and if he cleans up the end of that run you keep it looking at top two maybe even top one solid support 77 plus we shall see does anybody know where we got cookie dough from Chris Colburn I don't that's just always been his nickname no I think it had something to do with it they would go pick him up and his mom would always make cookies no I didn't sure him pick up on the sash for sure yeah and so I think I think it had something to do with his mom making cookies and everyone just started calling him cookie it's like a super innocent name you know that's all right if he wants to bring you know hopefully if he wants to bring cookies onto our set that would be great yeah I want to pick up his friend brownie to this whole firm if you're watching looks he's not watching he's skating no miss Colburn oh I think it's a Cheverus all right he's sitting on an eighty five point three three he's got twenty eight seconds ago his boards way on the other side of the course you go getting helped out by these guys are all friends so he is heavily involved with do tour as part of team mountain do let me hear all weekend doing stuff like this almost to switch flip very close three seconds that's it Chris Colburn still your current leader that score most likely won't improve on his eighty five point three three let's just call that one like it is that scores not gonna improve house threw the dice right it was great but not great enough to if you have on already his other create scores still your leader Chris Colburn so far the creativity is heavily weighted to what Chris Colburn has done the way he reads this park he sees it differently than the rest of the field we've got eleven of the best amateur Street skaters in the world and here's one of them Henry Gartland from Minneapolis of Minnesota how do you skate Street in Minneapolis went for six to eight months of the year it's frozen he's super lucky in the kids out there there's a good group that they've got the familiar Park and then they've got third layer so they got two really really good indoor parks so he's very lucky in that sense well the TFS are paying off Gartland one it's very looks very confident and casual on his skateboard he's I mean honestly he's kind of a psycho he's the kind of guy he slams and he laughs it's amazing but he's just the nicest dude it's got that Midwest 25 seconds to go 360 flip attempt now we've got 20 seconds in order to eclipse in 85.3 3 he would have to hope for a huge finish here 13 seconds maybe time for a couple more tricks here we go off the big stage hey flip attempt yeah shifted it a little bit shifted a little bit too much he's in fourth place right now solid result so far seventy five point three three a decent score if he wants to crack the top three is gonna have to better something in that seventy eight range current leader still in eighty five point three three Chris Colburn but I liked it regardless of where the scores end up every skater in this eleven skater field has dropped one or two tricks that are fully highlight package worthy everyone has had shining moments in their runs alright so this guy's just a shining moment in general gaben ato some Paulo Brazil an amazing city it's just there I fell in love with that pop shot right there there's a lot to love about San Paulo and this guy ah man having some trouble on that 360 flip it's unlike him what happens in your mind when you fall on a trick that you've done a million times that you're so locked in I think that's when the self-hatred comes out I think that's like are you kidding when you put your palms up like what I don't fall in that tray what are you doing that was so rad the hockey Olly switchback Smith is a cool trick I really like that trick 23 seconds he's still that time awesome yo be me but I love you kind of did that slow motion south yeah makes it look so cool ain't really late over torqued that on the switch big spin a little too much overdone that's time hey seventh place right now that's 64 still kinda feel like he had enough tricks right there to better that and if he cleaned up a couple of tricks if he gets that switch biggie we're gonna be looking at score in the 80s no doubt improving on his effort Gabriel Fortunato from Sao Paulo Brazil representing element 20 years old he got the switch front feeble perfect that's all he has to do that within its 60-second run again this is that switch big spin that took him down caught with the back foot but yeah just overturn so close he's say sixty nine point three three so just incrementally improving again it cleans out the middle of that run it could be looking at something in the high 70s potentially 80s so after four - nada we're gonna go to Silver Spring and that's where Yoshi taught a bum laughs you Maryland and then he goes to DC and just rushes backside tailslide he's got a really wide stance too which is interesting nice speedo Grandpop out in the middle so let me ask you a simple question harder to pop out mid rail than it is around the end of the road absolutely yeah and it looks cool wait - it's harder to pop out the way that he went then if you would pop out over it which would be a transfer yeah just a lot more room for error 180 yup going down on the Figge clip some of these these landings have been very hard you know you've seen kind of those like dead stop landings on a couple of these last tricks fourteen seconds with Tannenbaum front side Smith grind ice keeps it classy actual light kickflip there was you said it Blair no problem it's super easy whoa Oh Parker like reflexes goes into the parkour event a bomb I like that he's uh flying the Israel flag you know there is Olympic ramifications here at Dew Tour and that's why you will see you know some potential changes in the flags that are flying next to some of the names we have here already an international field here skaters from Portugal Brazil Israel in the United States of America will highlight package from the oh shoot on a bomb expect mister run so now we've seen a lot of skaters kind of do two really good half rights and that's now what do you put those two rows together that's where you get some sports Navy I'm honestly kind of blown away thus far because you know Chris Colburn came out with an insane first run I mean unbelievable but we haven't really seen anybody else come out and put it together the same way your your teen it up perfectly for a Gustavo Ribeiro here and with that being said we are ready for Gustavo I mean exactly seriously all these guys are so incredibly talented that they all have the potential to do it I feel like we're gonna see a skater go from the fifth into the top three with this rock look at that shirt from feeble pop out so clean glued to his feet nerves off from that first run there we go you call that a backside nose round your back side over would say over correct that's the current message board argument happening right now yeah it's keep it topical he was I say I owe you I like over Crowe to technical near I think of a nosegrind I think of balance kind of like winning you know that's a good perfect example things be going down well it was a great start like he was shot out of a cannon but firstly the Ames got 10 seconds let's just relax here just relax a little only one only one squared rail in this whole park that's dangerous so Montoya he's first run was a fifty two point six six it looked like he was putting things together it was getting there and then unfortunately just he wasn't able to take it all the way but next run it's getting better and better and again to see him fall in the back Smith like that we haven't seen that in practice but if he puts that run together yeah he could be looking like a favor or sure so from Montoya we're gonna go to lisbon portugal 17 year-old skateboarder Gustavo you bet hope that they say Gustavo right now saying an eighth place so Marco 63 0.33 and now Gustavo Oh Gustavo excuse me he's sitting in second place he's got an 81 point three three with room to grow because he didn't finish his run he didn't skate for a complete 60 seconds if he can do that here Chris Colburn better watch out [Music] kicks the front board to start things off that's one of the cool things about Gustavo is he's basically flips and W crossed everything it's a flip shove it is you know it's something taking it down the long rail 360 flip G is that hard flip which goes right to the front foot 30 seconds left 30 seconds on the clock that's an eternity 23 seconds now resetting get back into it just firing off tricks bam bam bam big spin front board 15 seconds left really really good run he's just trying to turn it up to 11 right now yeah with that bigger spin flip front board that's how you'd want to finish that run so technical throughout the bag of tricks why don't ya Oh two seconds left what should I do real quick yeah who's currently in second place did he do enough to better an eighty five point three three I think it's gonna be close just right there under yeah cuz the last one he did the nollie flip at the end and although a crook varial heel is going to be way crazier just didn't he wasn't able to pull it almost gets that clean catch that's the moment where he's mad at himself that's self-talk well the score comes through it's an 80 so it's right there just under his 80 1.33 now to keep him in second place so from Gustavo you better we're gonna go to Roger Silva it's getting out of Barcelona representing Brazil 29 years old yard skateboards his first run wasn't his best so he does have room to grow you have a forty nine point six six eleven place but we know how good this dude is we know one run could be the big difference yeah it only takes one not only crook starting it off you don't know a backside flip there's the switch tail 270 running into that banner I remember him from the king of mikvah games escape here see those know the switch tail 270 was he the king did he get the crown no but I think he made to the finals against Gustav to know what make it look great that's where I remember him from yeah if you want to see this guy's skate a young squire technical at macula look up those looks like fakes 15 seconds left I'm gonna donate the no no he's gonna keep it up ten seconds to go one more trick for Silva no he's just gonna cruise I think now a backside flip even if you fall throughout your whole run if you can finish your time with one quick trick that that can be a small little dose of confidence I can carry an extra it makes you feel good yeah I felt good watching at least you just got whatever belt you know I still got it here we go look little quick quick a look at an unforced error here switch tail 270 body weight a little bit off all right let's get a look at our results so far over halfway through here Colburn in the lead you stop any better in second Maurice Jordan in third Henry Gartland fourth power bank and fit the Yoshi Tana bomb in six so eighty five point three three is your high score we're almost down to those third and final runs but three more skaters to drop on their second run Taylor McLellan barrio McCoy Tyson power bank let's go to our tenth place skater for now Taylor McClung Huntington Beach California I love that front shove and it pop shove great combo yeah it's two in a row he's got this this front half his run dialed for sure looking good I hope you can keep it going nice kickflip caught perfectly with the back foot dude the 360 flip getting away from I've seen a lot of three flips get away from kind of everybody today out there on the course if you fall on two in Kentucky roads do you try to get it that's tough at depend honestly I think that depends on your confidence 19 seconds ago from a cloth there you go front blunt catching a little bit of the up bar a little bit just a smidge oh please down 180 oh I've second - one more trick keep up on the bank just to really put a bow on there we go sighs I'm ready to finish salt like 60 seconds of skateboarding they're from Taylor McClung you have to see that perfect run but I tell you that was pretty close that was that was better so he using 10th place right now with a fifty four point three three that's definitely an obvious score he is it gonna be enough to crack into our top five top three where's he gonna end up you definitely climbed out of the depths of our field to have another look so he had that front shove up then the pop shove down I like this combo 180 up switch flip off the top rope damn bolts it's a great angle for that trick you really see everything that needs to happen to make that so McClung comes through he does climb out of the depths all the way up to sixth place with a 72 so what not enough to explain another stop what does he need to improve on there I think he's gonna have to just get a little bit more of the course stay on your boat now like you might have to dive into some more of those rails alright so we are deep into your M Street final this is Mario McCoy excuse me Mario McCoy Mario almost a little too short for him on the kickflip front look to fakie I love that little obstacle right there gyro up gap down I can't believe he rolled away from getting wild what was wiggling on there rolling through McCoy has 19 seconds go sitting on a 60 2.66 lofty frontside ollie keep it goin keep it goin Mario nice frontside flow - little hand touch some pattycake taking it to fakie that's hard a lot of control he's got to be fired up about that run he currently sitting in 10th place I would say that'll get him into the top five he landed on one fall yeah we beginning to end there's a look at that frontside flip this thing's nice [Applause] caught back foot kind of a late turn [Music] just one just one hand one palm on Palmer it's fine score comes through it does get them into the top four there's 76 tomorrow McCoy now decoding the equation as to what the judges want to see The Da Vinci Code yes exactly coming she code no Tyson Bauer Bank Tyson underachieving for how good we know he is he's sitting in sixth place he's got a seventy four point three three champion what's he got for us now says Tyson Bauer break with 60 seconds on the clock he slipped into front nose but still so just not to be able to get into that is so difficult yeah his flip trick into slides and grind yeah it was effortless this was this was go to it's insane and now we're seeing some momentum being built right here this could be a big trick he needs to stop doing Impossibles down stuff because he needs to just do him over stuff when he does it down something he seriously pops it like two feet high and then it's like the impact no one's in that's a hard one to hold on to going down something and then try to back Smith big spin flip aha that's everything in this run has been psycho that was of an eighty plus point run thanks he's trying to put together that he's swinging for the fences he's trying to put together insane run that'll get him first he knows he can do it well and he also knows that I mean you know Chris Kohlberg came out with a crazy one look at that that's insane unbelievable the way he can do that will pivot either all the way around after two full runs from this 11 skater field work down to the third and final rung we're gonna go back to the top of the order starting with Maurice Jordan guys what are the surprises that we've seen here in the M Street Final Jam Jim honestly Chris Colburn being in the top spot is a surprise to me he definitely is unbelievable as a skater but you don't normally see him you know up in podium contention so awesome to see him in the top spot right now players for you yeah you don't think of cookie as a contest skater so it's insane that he just came out first run first starting skater he's still sitting there none of the other guys have really put together that flawless run yet so I think one of them has to be do one of them has to do it so we'll see if if it's enough to knock out cookie which one these guys can do it it's now or never here's how it has all gone down so far cookie is colder than eighty five point three three I'm curious if we're gonna see a repeat from am Park you know we had Gavin who got his highest score in his first run and then basically just kept going throughout the whole contest so we'll see if that happens with a third guy cookie and I feel like Chris Colburn still has room to improve like he put together about for him 70% of what he's capable of enough he adds a couple tricks absolutely uh we could be looking at score up in the 90s I hope he brings cookies into our booth after the contest no matter where he places when a win would be an epic delivery there's Yuto origami right there Yuto Yuto cor such a fan of him one of the one of the reasons why team blind has now become a dynasty here a detour no right all right where's Jordan backs back run numero tres third and final hang on he's always trying real difficult tricks to see if he can if he does it he can win oh yeah that's insanely hard cab the back lift good start and he makes it look really easy I also love that every single time I see him he looks like he's been skating his shoes for like two or three months that's his mainstay 35 seconds on the clock he's got a 77 point six six trying to get better than an eighty five point three three it's got time for a big finish so difficult I like that he just added the shot at the end just for some emphasis on the left side ten seconds to go he's got to stay on finish strong eight seconds mandatory flag around the mandatory flat three seconds left honestly that last few seconds up with the switch in the flat ground I just don't think he can hang up you know it's not gonna hold up to the stuff that Chris Colburn was doing when its first run without better than seventy seven six six I think I think so I mean the only thing is he didn't make a 360 flip lipslide which was his hardest trick from the pre which yeah but he but he threw in a shove it so yeah here's some highlight reel worthy right here let's give me vexing for the judges right now how do you score them yeah I'm curious to see where they judge them on this one [Music] you know that right there it looked like he was like he was gonna go for something else and then switch forward 360 flip score comes through it's enough to keep him in third for now and eighty point six six he stays on the podium but let's remember first place that's when you get that invite to skate in the pro division here at Dew Tour 2018 so from Maurice Jordan we're gonna go down to our current leader Chris cookie-dough Colburn out of Williston Vermont what will he do for this run this is uh this is exciting here because I don't think any of us thought that Chris Cole Burton would be your leader this deep into this contest but I'd say the creativity came through how is he gonna outdo that that angle 50/50 over the barrier here we go 60 seconds on the clock it's important to clarify to you know because you know we're saying we're surprised that he's in that spot but it's only because we're not used to seeing him come into contests like this but we know I mean his talent is unbelievable yeah and with that fall right there kind of the extended get up back on your board time only 35 seconds left to go and a second fall you know at this point Chris Colburn now is going to be hanging on to the 85 point three three will that stand more skaters to go we'll see just like Blair was saying we haven't seen anybody else really quit the run together which is which is honestly a little bit interesting yeah I'm curious if it's because it's warm out there oh but what it is but this this group of skaters usually at least one of them can put it together at this point what do you think the pros are gonna be what do think the pros runs are gonna look like on here that's what I'm thinking right now like if cookie dough advances like what is what's he gonna have to go against earlier it's that confidence that you see when the pros hit the course and that's really the big difference it's kind of you hit these sort of swagger but yeah then it fits there it's just that word but you know they've they know how to do this they've done this so many times like they've come up through the em ranks and they get into the pros and they're just ready you know all right so from Chris Culver he's gonna have to see what happens is he hangs on to an eighty five point three three coming up next Henry Gartland Henry Gartland is sitting in fifth place now the seventy five point three three here we go 60 seconds on the clock good start second trick critical I like the quick combo kicks the front lifts back when Etienne Oh almost I can't go fast enough 35 seconds still has time to clean this run up he's in fifth place now it's off is it over is it over well I think it's over for him to be in the top spot but you know he could still potentially make his way up the pub with the scores it just depends on what he can do he's got 10 seconds left so it's this last was critical final tricks and to get back noseblunt yeah what speed solid what is the most difficult blunt variation that's up that's tough to say I mean back knows when backs yeah I would go back nose-blowing that so a great way to specially defender Gartland yeah if you want to get an extended backside noseblunt like that when you slide it that far yeah and you can keep it up and it doesn't flap over this isn't the issue that Henry had is kind of mid portion of his run see play almost Prima coming up he almost wrote it out too you do not want to land primo on a Ledge that's disastrous alright so stay in a fifth place he's gonna hang on to his first score that's seventy five point three three flying the Corey O'Brien shirt representing Santa Cruz love that kid just stay tuned August more to come more to come from Henry Gartland there coming up next gabriel fortunado just getting out of Sao Paulo I really hope he can put it together on this run man this guy has such great style he's he's really a treat to watch out there as a skateboarder he's 360 splatling he's laying the bricks right now like he's Lana's foundation for what could be a song run 43 seconds ago switch from P what man just thought that his chamber that look that looked really cool ninja like pretty that was like that's a really good way to say it it truthfully did look a very ninja-like 30 seconds crook up give it a nice pop out hey we've got a run happening right here things are escalating quickly here for four to nine getting away yeah he was on his way to uh you know what sixteen seconds to go here that's enough time for a big finish here from for two nights back Smith if he's seven seconds and we will see let's see it so what have been cool yeah that's wild like a magic chain yeah it's crazy - could you just change her the rotating the front foot he basically like pops out and kind of like just kind of tap dances his body around yeah I almost have to guide the board first and then he can do the body varial really late front shove was perfect another look at that 360 kickflip that's like the best trick for me I think because everyone does three flips differently so when someone makes it look that good yeah you know they got something special last looks at Gabriel Fortunato now it's up to the judges currently sitting down in fifth place they are tabulating they are thinking well he went from nine to seven so jumped up two spots with a seventy three point six six that's it for Gabriel Fortunato solid result when you're skinny against eleven are the best abs in the world I mean that is that is a big finish coming up next wrong she keep almost a Royal Navy is no name's Royal it's a good middle name people pop out I could watch a Fievel pop out the oh she was going for the jugular yeah 43 seconds till halftime do it Wow now what now it's just kind of Hail Mary go crazy I mean he can't like if he goes laser flip and he gets right oh man he's got the hustle but the tricks didn't come 23 seconds on the clock for Yoshi Tannenbaum currently in ninth place 71 point six six see what he's got for the crew there you go yeah good clean yeah he's got that he's got big spin flips there we go the finish for yellow for a fakie hardflip all right well he'll have to hang on to the seventy one point six six always a pleasure to watch us eat unabomb skate win lose or draw he is a skaters skater yeah he's just got a crazy bag of tricks I bet he's wishing there was the best trick contest next to his wild lasers and big spin flips cab flip the whole whole kit and kaboodle plenty of skateboarding coming up for all of you skate fans watching we've got the love and guts Jam with Pat no Steve Caballero soy Lance mountain steve olson selma naga men's and women's park pro and you get to see more of marcos Montoya from Broward County Florida 17 years old yes it has that every time so full 60 seconds to start only 10 seconds in so far two big tricks for montoya building right now you know the tail right there yeah I don't think he got into switch crew there's a back Smith all the way through the kink making it extra difficult all right now he knows he's got to stay on he's halfway to an eighty point rocker here some pasta he's going on yeah 15 seconds still could finish things up in wild fashion to improve on that score seven seconds for the nether regions on that rail which neither one of them hit so thankfully escaped that one he's made it out alive so he was in 10th place with the sixty three point three three you see what the judges throw out there can you saw that run starting to develop into something special momentum there but fell apart to the end there the back big spin just onto that maybe it's that new concrete that's steel and people getting stuck on that little spot that's stage two stair segments it's taking scalps it's just for the viewing audience the fans going straight back to like that I like when they just want to get that this one well was his best run so far a 75 so he jumps up a couple spots from onto a solid finish for more skaters to come five more skaters to come gonna be Gustavo Ribeiro next currently in second place in 81 point three three here we go 60 seconds on boom good start keeps him from bored this is this is one of the the guys that could do it if he stays on he wants to do it too I mean he's definitely determined nice frontside noseblunt down the long rail oh that was wild last 37 the hardflip though it's like you just pushes a button hanging on 360 kickflip lipslide 28 4 seconds to go for he Beto currently in second place will turn it better in eighty five point three three that was the trick that wasn't yeah that one definitely could be the end on it still going for that insane 360 flip to from boy it almost looks like he's just out of rail he keeps giving you and he's running out rail well that will be our last look at Gustavo he Beto currently in second place solid result there so far Chris Colburn still hanging on eighty five point three three the score to beat cookie dough just doing it for the crowd right there right now he's thinking maybe I'm in the pro content yeah his first run by all appearances he's in this is how he did it this is it just a quick look back at the benchmark that was set by Chris Colburn that new 5.33 still the score defeat after his very first run he's only the second second skater to drop [Music] it's not lucky first skater first round we've seen today all right we've got four riders yet to drop on their third and final run Roger silver Taylor McClung Mario McCoy and Tyson Bower Bank Chris Cole Vernon leave the eighty five point three three skaters are within striking distance nobody's really cracked this thing open [Applause] absolutely we just need we need somebody else to put it together fully maybe it is time though for a man from Brazil Barcelona [Applause] Roger Silva now my backside flip getting away from him that's a momentum killer right there second tricking you have time get things going in there we go now fire it up let's see it 43 seconds to go sell it you gotta sell this to the judges I'm gonna think of no you want it [Music] go on switch to 70 front board so Roger silver running into some of the same issues that he had on his previous two runs going down couple times already through the mid portion of this run twenty four seconds on the clock well before the homie so the rest of this run don't think this is gonna be an eighty five point three three probably got a lot of homies Barcelona Brazil I mean it's a lot of skateboarders yeah they're big skate scenes eight seconds left Holly boardslide back fifty getting away from him it's time right there for Roger Silva all right here we go we're getting down to the wire here there's Chris Colburn doesn't look stressed out he's sitting in the back there yeah what's he thinking right now he's still skating the course he's skating in between so coming up next we will see Taylor McClung one of three skateboarders who could potentially pull the last-second Hail Mary upset Chris Colburn now watching hoping this is not gonna be an eighty five point three three but Taylor McLellan currently sitting in ninth place with a 72 he's got room to grow room to improve [Music] go for that varial flip it's away hey that's not bad odds though two out of three yeah yeah 35 seconds it's got a great kickflip yeah you got there man 360 flip you're gonna be complimented on a trick having a great kickflip wait everybody can be picked live yeah that's a big compliment because it's one of the more common tricks in skateboarding if you can stand out in that realm you didn't something right yep well said 12 seconds left for McClung that's not gonna be it currently in 9th place will most likely stay at night place two skaters yet to drop one more for the fans for us for all of you watching this is from gnarly big clip would be insane that is time for Tailored McClung alright well so you're saying there's a chance Mario McCoy he could do it reading pennsylvania 22 years old representing santa cruz if anybody can do it he can do it because he's one of the last two bars that can possibly do this okay three lofty over the hip to fakie for a double I almost said the momentum comment but I didn't watch that's a make 33 seconds you've pretty much caught that primo okay no slide definitely wanted to go Creek but I'm sure he'll take a nose 19 seconds left here he's on pace to what could potentially be the kickflip briefcase out there he's fight hype that was a good run he's sitting on a 76 for his highest scoring run so far he's fun to watch skate I want to see more of him soon ASAP here's a quick look back this was so crazy landed up so far on his Bowl that's insane that'll make your guts go right up in your throat here's a switch flip that he catches pretty much primo huh yeah flip back over lucky skate fans there is one more skateboarder who could potentially take it all and check this out three point six six did enough to get himself up into second place Wow so Mario McCoy now jumps up in the second place now we only have one skater left to drop it's a big name Tyson power bank Salt Lake City Utah representing almost all he needs to do simply drop in 86 is that easy to do well I mean could do it here's the thing sometimes Tyson is his own worst enemy because he tries such difficult tricks that I mean he's not going for an 86 he's going for a hundred there we go second it looked a little crazy back 180 thank you five [Music] it's like oh don't want Tyson Barbie 30 seconds on the clock that's really a fall though I think it's a make and then a fall but that wasn't I mean the back three down that was definitely a make thirteen seconds and he's squeezing one more he's not gonna change that yeah it's not there he's not hungry enough mm-hmm and that's it Dido that is so bad and from his first run which had the coolest trick of the whole contest anyways yes yes a well-deserved win there from ow I guess we're looking at contests Chris Colburn yeah we're gonna have Chris Colburn in the booth here which is awesome that's so awesome yeah that tells me right there creativity rules supreme now we're gonna see Chris Colburn get the chance to skate again he will be skating in the Pro Street contest later on this weekend so congratulations to Chris cookie dough Colburn well-earned victory right there now the am crew other than Chris Colburn is officially on vacation in Long Beach not a bad place to be you've got agenda next door yeah concerts firing up skate parks open to the public beautiful weekend weather's perfect let's go down to the deck DC is with Chris Colburn there we go the mic works better when it's actually switched off Thank You Jimmy Thank You Lera Herbert Laird and hang it out down here with Chris Colburn who just won this am Street final it's doing it out of here for Mountain Dew let's go through your head right now yeah I'm just ecstatic to be here the sun's hot but I have a lot of friends around me supporting and everybody's ripping so with this being the Dew Tour and with you skating for Mountain Dew did your team manager Brandon put a lot of pressure on you like you better do something big today buddy no I actually haven't even seen Brendan today but he's always supportive and I'm just happy to be here at the Dew Tour right now well now you get a spot in the qualifiers with the pros you hyped on that that's insane I would have never imagined but I'm stoked and what do you got to say about everyone else out here everyone was skating so good today so now's your time to talk about your competition out there man everybody who has been skating this course today is just really really good it's hard to focus and break a sweat because I just want to watch everybody skate it talking about breaking a sweat you're coming out of Vermont houses skating in these California temperatures and weather well it's a little drier than Vermont but yeah I can't complain right on well Chris Goldberg congratulations we'll see you in the qualifiers with the pros for Street your winner out here for the and Street final and there's our winner Chris Colburn 11 - the best street skaters in the amateur ranks did battle on this epic Street course what a road at first run eighty five point three three he was the second skater to go so right from the get-go he got the early lead hung out to it all the way to the end I think he had everyone shook he got inside their heads Hey look at that tenth place finish for Yoshi Tana BOM that's kind of a shock to me he's so good and that just shows you it's I mean it's a matter of one trick that could throw off your entire run I have to reset everything let's take a look back at Chris Colfer how do you do it what what a great run yeah she's utilize the whole court there it is that crazy 50/50 yeah people are gonna be watching that all weekend correctly so [Music] so fun to watch stayed on [Music] yes oh is jen soto in the background like you did it no [Music] alright well we have a full four days of skateboarding ahead we've already seen an attack the street and attack the park a super exciting start to detour 2018 we let the m's take things off let's start with the am Park event an 11 year old took the win 11 11 years old high flying so many tricks I think he stands a chance against the pros and I feel like when we fired it up like that for the park maybe the street Em's got a little nervous seeing the level of performance over there it was kind of a slow burn through that AM Street event it was yeah Chris except for Chris Colburn who just came out guns blazing and then after that a lot of the guys that you expect to put together perfect runs just didn't do it so I'm really excited to see Chris against the pros this weekend they're stoked he won he was my pick he's my favorite dude yeah well your favorite one you know there's so much to do here at detour of course we have it's almost like we have 15 skate shops on the premises there's your do tour merch looking good we've got concerts here throughout the weekend we've got the glove and guts we had one of the best skateboarders ever right here on your shells break Advance mountain was here part of the love and guts show and here's a look at your schedule through the weekend we're gonna start it start strong tomorrow Men's Pro Park and Street qualifier some of the biggest names in skateboarder you'll be skating the street course tomorrow oh yeah it's gonna be incredible Saturday for the first time ever the women's Pro Street finals Sunday women's Pro Park finals at Men's Pro Park and Street finals that's a lot of skateboarding for three days we neglected the team challenge which happens on Saturday too and that is one of the coolest events I've ever seen and let me tell you there's no reason anyone on the planet shouldn't be watching there is 31 ways to watch this event all over the world basically if you turn your phone your TV or your computer on you can't miss do tour anything you type into your search bar you're gonna see it there we're gonna start at 11 a.m. tomorrow 25 of the world's best park skateboarders including Chris Colburn how do you think Chris Colburn's gonna fare against our big field of pros I mean I think he's gonna do good after what we saw today I don't know if he's gonna repeat that that sideways ollie onto the eye hoping the bear here or if you'll find something new but I mean yeah I don't even think he was trying to win I think he's out there cruising and I think that's why he he put all that in those insane tricks together so I'm really looking forward to see what he's gonna do we also have coming up this weekend the Boost Mobile switch Jim know about the Boost Mobile switch Jim it's it's winner take off it's where take it's winner take all switch all switch all the time from which is so cool I love that I love that it's all switch it's so yeah so what happens if you accidentally don't do a switch trick it doesn't count then you're fired you're fired out DQ'd no boost money for you when we come back we're gonna take a look at the medal ceremony we're going to give out some hardware we're gonna give we're gonna give Chris Culver in that golden ticket into his pro Park Pro Street final so do not go anywhere more to come we're live here from Long Beach this is do tour 2018 built five Mountain Dew [Music] we are back you're watching do tour of Long Beach 2018 and we've already seen couple champions come out of the mix Chris Cote or the Andrew cannon Blair alley you were live from Long Beach do Tour built by Mountain Dew then you see a quick revision of one of the public parts yet we have three public skate parks open to anyone that comes through these front doors that pumptrack will get your heart rate go super sweaty it's super fun until you realize you don't know how to slow down or stop all right let's go down a stage where DC is or he's already just he can't wait he wants to present immediately and this thing is locked and loaded in thanks to our presenter Remy as well thanks for at me so much for coming to helping us out go ahead and fire that thing up there we go that's your destroyer its own $500 trigger yeah - Gustavo cut off kinks later tonight a destroyer award that a Lexus of blown didn't got it years ago and she didn't take it back with her at my house those trophies are really cool those are rad just get it from Portugal taking third place in second place he went for it he came from all the way at tenth place all the way up to second place yeah some wild kick second place am street winner Chris cookie-dough cauldre's Colburn they want it skating the way he want he didn't change anything about his own skateboarding to win that contest he scared how he wants to skate and the judges loved it yeah and just did his brand of really cool tricks he did them all really well he feels bad for winning some Vermont sensibilities I'm excited to watch him skate against the pros I think that's gonna be great me too there your top three M Street finishers and we're gonna see Chris Cole burns getting into the pros this weekend we know the the depth of that field the pro ranks super stacked and there we go well this the parks are open for another hour for all the Long Beach heads that have made their way here to do tour today where's Friday Saturday Sunday chock-full of skateboarding men's and women's Park men's and women's Street so much skateboarding happening right here and of course we've have all these activities and fun stuff to do I've had 16 otter pups already there's free otter pups over there there's free otter pups over there everyone come down I mean even if you don't skate fire pups all the flavors they're frozen it's summertime new flavors it's incredible so of course we have team competition coming up a unique factor here going on at do tour the left the past three years the line team has been dominant so team competition will commence this weekend as well what are you most looking forward to you here do a weekend in Long Beach I mean I'm really looking forward to the Pro Street I can't wait to see that and in the women's like both of those to me and I mean it's I don't know I'm kind of excited about all yeah I mean it's gonna be not that answer watching player I want to see what the team's put together to try and unseat blind here from winning a third year in a row I think they they had to strategize you make okay we know what blinds come on with so we're gonna put this dude here and this dude here to try and win so everybody's trying it's gonna be the Tonya Harding to youto that's the question man because really I mean you tow is just this secret weapon of unbelievable yeah you can skate everything secret unbelievable Nashville we're gonna leave you guys with some highlights from today don't forget to 11:00 a.m. we're gonna fire this thing up this has been day one of detour 2018 it was I am day today in Long Beach in the ass put on a hell of a show an 11 year old right here that Gavin vodka taking the win 11 years old shredding the part putting the pose on notice yeah if you're a pro did you just saw that you go am I gonna be am I gonna get beaten by an 11 year old this weekend yeah he's gonna be a humbling experience was awesome he's hardly up into the barrier signing out of gas and high-fiving wasn't in the booth with us with Lance mountain no big deal yeah epic day for Gavin and he got to be on Transworld live which means that's huge for any young skateboarder he went over to the park and it was Chris culvert that that's the trick of the day incredible look big ship out of the nose of his board - you know what we have the youngest skater in the draw win in the park and one of the oldest skaters in the draw went on the streets interesting you know very very different that's for sure all right it's a day one in the books here from due to our long beach I can't believe it's already over oh it's quick action today so we will be here all weekend we're partnered up of course with agenda big concerts happening this weekend Long Beach is the epicenter of skateboarding as we know it from now until Sunday afternoon so Mountain Dew Boost Mobile the Mountain Dew ice - tour is brought to you by du Tour Mountain Dew do the dew Boost Mobile Boost Mobile makes it easy to switch switching makes it easy to save Mountain Dew ice a clear refreshing lemon lime deal alright everybody watching from Long Beach California we're gonna get a good night's sleep because we have a long weekend of scape we're gonna come this is due to our 2018 built by Qi beasts on behalf of myself Andrew cannon right alley we'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow tune back in 31 ways to watch detour find one of them do it we'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Transworld Skateboarding
Views: 1,852,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dew tour
Id: VHrjaYFfnaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 0sec (13620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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