FULL SHOW - Burton US Open Men's Halfpipe Semi-Finals

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photo booth share your pic on social media attack Paul Mitchell us for your chance to win exclusive prizes alright DC right now we're gonna go down to the third member of our broadcast team Henry Jackson Henry down to the crowd what's going on with these semi finals well as you said we've got the flags flying I saw some signs tear it up j-dog which chain over here we go all our wonderful fans here welcome back to Vail Colorado day two of the US Open of snowboarding presented by Burton I'm Louie Vito I'm standing at the top of the super pipe and literally the top of the super pipe giving you guys an inside look from the riders point of view and today we have men's halfpipe semi-finals and when I say so many finals I really mean it's the final before the final the field is stacked we have so many young riders coming up all trying to chase the undefeated Scotty James so make sure you guys don't go anywhere men's super pipe semi-finals begins right now [Music] welcome to Vail Colorado the center of the Shred universe right now for the 2019 Burton US Open it is live in 2019 fans are fired up for our men's semi-final you just had a shot of the 600 feet of joy that is our super pipe Sal Masekela here we are joined by madam Astro press from semi-finals Tina Dixon Tom monterosso we are fired up for this event first up let's talk about the weather you ladies had pretty nice conditions now like kind of changing a little bit of wind what do you what do you make from what you can see right now hard to see the transition and the flat bottom for the boys but hopefully it cover has some pockets of Sun for them to make it a bit easier today indeed well they know that they have to meet or exceed the levels that the women's field already said you know we talked about the US Open this is the most historic event in all of snowboarding when you win this event your name is permanently legendary for snowboarding for years and years to come and while it is a fun event it means everything just have someone like Rai boo Katayama how much he wants to win the US Open I love this completion cause I had been dreaming I stand on the podium at this competition in the since I was a little kid so it's a my dream so [Applause] I got second praise in there I was happy but a little frustrated so I wanna get first praise at the US Open this year [Music] matter you've been in that same position as a runner up here it feels good to be on that podium but what with the win mean everyone always says it you're always like the best snowboarder as soon as you win the US Open and you're really a snowboarder when you win your first title is open so it just means a lot as to be a pipe rider or slope rider just to win that first title is open indeed and we have a absolutely perfect super pipe why don't we take take the field through this white Ben Ferguson I believe we are going on forward with ya what a perfect guy to watch ride through this 22 foot tall 600 foot long monstrosity I mean Tina I'm kind of afraid of heights I don't even like looking at 22 foot walls let alone area out of them oh no and if you ever get a chance to go stand on the wall of a halfpipe competition just stand on the side absolutely go and do it then really showing us just all the different really styles which riding backside Bernie I mean he's so talented and I never really know what line he's gonna throw someone like him and Danny Davis but the pipe itself I mean Maddie you just rode that it's in great condition yeah it's insane and Ben makes it look so easy every time you watch him ride and it's not easy but the pipe is in great condition so it makes that even easier we have a field of 32 riders in the men's field it will each get two runs so 64 runs of shred joy about to come at you and just like in the women's field this finally making it into the final will not be easy there will be no time to cruise for any of these riders today it's a pretty stacked field and it's pretty interesting too cos very similar to both men's and women's slope style semifinals there are a bunch of riders on this list that I'm not super familiar with there's none makes it really interesting it's kind of like anyone's game you don't know what some of these younger kids are gonna come out with no and there's some younger Japanese riders that are gonna come up towards the end that have been so dominant this year right now we get started with another Japanese rider who actually came through the Junior Jam earlier 12 years old to kick being started here at the burton US Open Ukiah Misaki when was your first open I did one on the East Coast I think I was 12 maybe even younger and I it was the best experience now what's it like being that young it's standing atop the US Open halfway it can be slightly intimidating you've got all these big dogs around you and like all the people you look up to but it's a pretty great atmosphere they have a big backside air yeah he does not seem to be too fazed young to you she Misaki this kid is sending it backside 540 into the inverted front 7 how is he 12 and then the Hawking flip he doesn't seem scared at all transition to transition like he's been here 10 times before he pieced it together so well there's something about I mean you look at the current fleet of Japanese halfpipe roads right now especially I mean the the cream of the crop is I you mover on oh it's where they land on the transition that separates them from the rest of the field from a really young age I think they really drive at home that you need to land high on that wall you need to hold your edge you need to not speed check and you're gonna boost because these kids are unbelievable coming out of Japan yeah Europe you're absolutely right and to drop into a 22-foot wall pipe is extremely intimidating 12 years old I mean if you kind of think about where you were a 12 it just helps put into perspective this kid's talent willing to see a 12 year old kid have the wherewithal to grab chicken I was just about to say I was like how are you twelve grab a chicken salad inverted yeah chicken salad was my lunch at reflex I didn't know if it was a grab another young buck and one that has sort of had a target on him as a name that we'll see emerging to be a big star in snowboarding is young Valentino Gisela first of all name alone that star power big-time Valentino to Sully Hollywood name yeah from Australia and likes to fly this kid yeah this kid won the junior jams just a couple days ago and you're about to see why looks like he landed a little flat there on the transition and lost a little bit of speed but he's gonna pick it up here real quick I would say that you could see he was coming in with a lot of hot energy yeah Maddy what's that like you know your first hit you land a little low a lot of people don't realize that even the slightest bobble on one of your hips will compromise your entire run yeah especially on the first it kind of get like that domino effect from the beginning if you make one mistake of the top and you just have to think about kind of like that recovery process afterwards yeah he started to do it there but just unfortunately on the scene just get it is it more of a mental correction from there on a physical correction or both it's definitely both you definitely have to mentally like figure out what you physically need to do and correct that get it going quickly as possible Valentina also a ripping surfer he's out whenever seems like night when you're gonna come down so put me after it like I don't know if I want to get shown up by a 13 next up from Osaka Japan Eko a 921 years of age oh I like that too you don't see that very often I don't think I've ever seen it no I'm down yeah that's the new one I'm from SoCal and I have received lots of weird stuff never seen that Steve's birthdays back in iron into the front 10 and you see Wow 1260 frontside 12 with a detail snatch all day I mean that was the third run that we have seen so far out of 32 yeah sure nice to see how the judges score this you know and we talked about this how they have to warm up as well but this was a great run I was really really technical too and he kept his amplitude a lot of times when you're doing those bigger spins you're landing a little farther down the wall because you're trying to go bigger and you lose a little bit of that amplitude but it almost seemed like eco and I gained an amplitude down his run so a lot of times too when you do these technical tricks very early on in a semifinal the judges are put in a little bit of a tricky situation because you can't go out there and score up in the 80s and 90s this early in the competition so this is really the bar setter that's going to inform the rest of the field where the judges are gonna are gonna flick now that was that was really I didn't see that coming as well sixty point eight that's a good bar for the rest of the field to work off of and he's gonna have plenty of room to improve incredible run if that's any indication of how this afternoon it's gonna be that kind of an afternoon folks buckle up strap in Leslie welcome in now Ryan Watkins offer [Music] [Applause] tip number 105 I was actually during the little break in between men's and women's and that his mom she came up to me and she was putting on the yaktrax crampons getting ready to hike right up to the pipe so she's done this before she's done it before she knows what she's doing yeah Ryan has been in it for a long time for 23 year old kid he's a really talented Rider the Michael Chuck into the frontside double cork 1080 so now back-to-back double cork tens and the double Michael Chuck Ryan walking door for came to play and if you were wondering why the judges were leaving room after eco and knives run you just saw it as this kid steps up and says I'm going to give you all of a huge melon backside melon five to start and then four double caps yeah that was insane well and you know you compared that run to eco and I and they're both equally impressive but vastly different yeah Madi this trick he does here at the bottom yeah I haven't really seen him throw this much I've seen it it's not that true yeah it's not that one he's in other than training I've we've seen him do it in training a fair bit and I think he's been working on it like just at other mountains leading up to this contest for this but for a competition I haven't really seen him throw that and he combines it with that double Michael Chuck keep those hands off yeah he also hasn't switched to so that will be exciting that is a huge trick that is a huge yeah score out of 75 fifty two point one and that's got to be such a confidence builder landing a trick that you kind of just fine tuned in run one especially out of two going in to run two he's feeling great yeah just put run down and getting your feet under you yeah those hands come off the wall it's a different situation Louie I know you're up there in the tent and what's the vibe as as we're only four runs in and people are going out so many hammer runs just to start and we're barely into the first run of semi final I mean people are celebrating and there's a I think a lot of people are just anxious to be riding they've had a few days of practice and now it's go time but everyone's pretty excited watching and contest runs are just gonna keep getting better and better well how about your point Matt loudly as I just commentator jinx Tim you know that's been dealing with some injuries had taken a couple years off really from competition but I was staying with him the first few nights here he was just excited to get back into it I feel like the fires lit back inside when I told him this is his comeback contest it's crazy to think that Matt loudly is like the one of the veterans of the field yeah because he's been around forever but he was he was little kid version for such a long time how about this method you know he's also I believe he won a junior Jam here years ago so he's on that list of Junior Jam riders that went on to do bigger and better things I mean is there any better representation of where we're at in pipe riding where Matt loudly does his first two hits a twenty-foot method into a frontside 12 that's where that's where we've come in the fact that he has a really really much pipe but that's just what he does or just he just goes out there and goes when that loudly does but it's great to see him out there competing and he's having a great time a big smile on his face Matthew rugged good looks lad Lee is back in the mix and this clearly is going to be a party I'm excited Taylor gold is another rider that you know he had an injury took him a couple years to get back saw him in December and he was boasting out of the halfpipe and just seemed to be back on Form he's won this event before he's won the US Open his name is up there yep he seems like he's in a really good head space right now - like the pressure isn't getting to him he's kind of riding for fun right now rather than has that competitive edge and I think it makes him really dangerous starting things off with an alley-oop McTwist into an air to fakie and you think about what he and the sister both went through in that 2014-2015 season that pressure the marketing of them as a family being a part of the Olympic team and getting that win here and it seemed like he had to go through a little bit of recovery from that yeah be able to ride a bit free yeah physically and mentally well and he also had a like coming off that injury he had a crazy slam at do tour where he kind of like flew out of his binding there and that was scary he was totally fine but I think he just blew out a binding right here yeah he was looking at his binding on that on the fall on that last wall so we'll take a look at that so he just does those so nice but this is the final trick for him frontside double cork 10 and watch the feet he just landed a little bit 90 there on his heel edge it looks like his binding she call that disco those Gold's are a little powerful of course we saw his sister Arielle gold in the women's semi-final Arielle was riding really well in semifinals we'll see her in the final X next up from Calgary Canadia it is Jack Collins the strong name right there Jack Cole I'm Jack Collins from Canada good ring I do stuff in the pipe yeah up there in Calgary they got the COP that's super pipe up there that's where this kid trained and that was gigantic that frontside 900 to the frontside seven you got a little squirrely coming off the lip there that's with a poptart now you see those dye lines Maddy how important are those dye lines when's the light is a little bit flatter yeah they're so important it helps you just get your feet like your vision and your feet all together and connect it just defines the wall and the pipe and it's a big help you'd be so lost without them so there's that frontside 900 [Music] and backside rodeo right there this is where things just got I don't think he was going for a cap five right there I think he wanted more and got got a little chattery coming off the lip of the pipe there yeah that was a it looked like a very strong save it looked like that top half of the wall met him when he didn't expect it Jack Collins favorite place to ride is Lake Louise if you've ever been there cold but fun see ope that mountain is really really fun for now he will sit in fourth place as we look forward to our next next rider see fan Berg and the riders be dropping pretty soon currently the largest gathering of insanely good competitive halfpipe riders in the world it has a lot of talent in that room right there from Telluride Colorado here's Lucas Bostick yeah new member the u.s. Snowboard Team Lucas is a really really talented kid says that his favorite riders Dani Davis who you will see coming up later on Dani yesterday and I asked him about that and he just says oh that means so much to me well you're a younger up-and-coming rider is there a cooler snow hoarder alive anyone better than Danny he said it to God that was a double Crippler unlike any I've ever seen I can't wait to see the replay on that that was a wild I had some real hi-yah in it big old back five like that double hook at the top he was feeling it you know this first run - he seemed you know Maddie you could probably speak to this just those first runs you kind of get a little really excited and you can sometimes get overexcited yeah I call it getting the Wiggles out have to get your Wiggles out first run there's a crazy dope crib [Music] yeah I wasn't even during the correct I would have given them the make which is why I'm not a judge halfway across the flap out of make baked so they see they're being judged on amplitude trick difficulty in execution that equals seventy five percent of your score the other twenty five percent overall impression it's great to be able to see okay height right execution difficulty and then that overall flows formatted we've talked about it a lot this week what does it mean you guys to be able to know that that overall feel and appearance your style and flow counts for a quarter you school that's great I love being able to see the breakdown of it and really see where what the judges are looking at seeing and how they feel about everything and it's really great as an athlete to have that feedback and kind of clarification from them I think I love it it's such a big part of snowboarding to it's just the style aspect yes snowboarding I mean grabbing your board and and styling it out is probably one of the funnest things yeah totally is Jason wallet from tavern town a tabernac it's been awesome to see him progress over this season he's really made a lot of improvements in the snowboarding yeah that is evident this kid is sending it right now I actually saw a bunch of fans with some signs for him but yeah this is jason wale Jada fired up j-dog that's gotta feel pretty cool when you get down on the bottom and you see homemade signs yeah but you got a posse you got your friends there you got your family there nothing better than that starting now with the double Michael Chuck named after famed Canadian halfpipe pro Mike Michael Chuck who's probably watching right now and reasons well three recent friend of Sal Masekela yeah I hadn't seen him in a long time I think I told you I got a note from him randomly this week on Instagram and it was just so cool to see that name pop up was that just a legend yeah yes some of my earliest US Open memories were Michael Chuck and Terry a battling it out I almost feel like sometimes that wrap grab at the end was sick by the way I always feel almost feel like we have super pipe because of people like Michael Chuck because you remember he was competing in like 10 12 foot 15-foot pipes and it always looked so you felt bad for him yeah he was maxing it out like you could tell he wanted more transition at all times that run for Jason wall a throw-in him up in the third place j-dog gonna be looking to bring more in that second run as we come now to juice Nick Lee from two on seed snowboarding they love it yeah out there for the Olympics last year got a couple days to ride and I've just never seen such enthusiasm it didn't even matter you're just even when you loaded the lifts they there was an excitement and waving to you and I got a chance to go to the first snow Pro snowboarders delegation to Korea in 1998 we went to a place called Stang whoo if you call it the washed up Cup tell the rest of the story later on but it was really something seen people see snowboarding for the first time ever and this right here is the manifestation of that first meeting June simply this kid is putting together a burner frontside 1260 into the backside air that was an incredible run from Dickens sickly I think he might even thrown a little indie bonus at the end of that what six style those six he had a lot of good style in there and he had big tricks he starts out with this frontside 1080 and mind you this kid is 16 years old and then the double cork 1084 watch this had such big style on it yeah better how to mick twisty to it more so than a backside rodeo is kind of a mix of the tricks but a 1260 at the end grabbing towel what a killer I'm a big fan of yours young man we were just talking about overall impression right that plays into that maybe doesn't affect your trick score that much but the judges see a nice little double grab in there that's overall we are overly impressed to announce that Joong sik Lee is our new leader 16 years old I'll fire it up as he that morning's gonna be just fine t-bird Tina Maddie I mean this us open more so than any other in recent memory I've been introduced to more young talent at this open than in the last five six years it's been really amazing young really good talent and these are the kids you're gonna see for the next five or six years from Switzerland it's Viktor even off 19 years of age these Swiss kids who love to send it and they are really good paths like over there in Switzerland they got the national team coach Giacomo Trotter former Olympian in Salt Lake City the Italian stallion one of the true first rock stars yeah he was fast all right so that'll be a throwaway run for Victor even off but that is a darn fine looking method Addie what you see here on the front side of them is so big just kind of lacking that low-key rotation to the toes getting his body way over his board but I think he's got it next run for sure yeah when you're coming out of those big tricks do you want to land more flat based or do you want to land kind of on an edge sweet you're set up for the next wall right it's you're probably gonna lay on flat base set your edge in and I just hold it yeah you wanna uphill edge though here's another Swiss writer John Elias Collins about 17 years of age this is a silly question are you a pants inside your bindings or out person because I it's it's the big debate that no one noticed it's an inside the bindings kind of thing because that I don't have time that you shuffle up don't think about any type of thing on powder days it doesn't matter yeah like if my pan is inside the binding of hair I'm gonna strap yeah I don't know about you Tom but for me it's a STIs thing and the idea of like seeing my pant in my bindings I'm like yeah I just sacrilege but I'm seeing a lot of rippers running pants inside the body well I mean we in a day and age where it's a little more form-fitting hence when I was coming up it was outerwear all that stuff unfortunately Islands pot going down nice top half of the run by the way he was running outside of the bindings okay okay good to know that'd be an interesting poll question let us know folks at home stalefish favorite grab for me hardest grab all right it's one of my favorites it's a hard one to get to and make it look good [Music] backside nine looked really nice heel in it's real high up on that wall here's the cab double cork 1080 and yeah he just landed too hard on that heel edge unfortunately and washed it out but he's gonna have another run you will see him again and we'll take this opportunity to check in with the tiny dancer Louie Vito what's going on up there bud I'm just hanging out up here talking with all the riders we're having a good time what are you hearing well to be honest with you everyone is just pretty stoked on these runs cuz it's a semi final but like you cook what you're calling it all day it's final a pretty much and I'm excited to watch this young rider drop in kai Shu Hirano the youngest of the three Hirano brothers and I'll tell you one thing this kid loves to snowboard ride like it just looks like he does huge frontside 1080 right into the cab 1080 just getting it around right there I mean I was riding with him earlier the seasoning in Copper Mountain I think if he could snowboard 365 days out of the year he would and if he's not snowboarding he's skateboarding and putting down a hammer you can hear everybody up here clapping for that one Wow well he's like listen my brother won this thing last year he's on his skateboard this year so I'm going to represent for the family and you you you might have to understand that I might be able to win this thing look at the size of that backside 540 to get things started here speechless and he rides like that [Music] Madi I see you you just gobsmacked right now I was not expecting that at all and he laying so high on the transition since it on any DNA hitting getting lots of love for the hype judges looking for a little more an execution low score will be decent and really when it come when it comes down to halfpipe riding it's all about if you're a die-hard snowboard fan or you've never been snowboarding that is go big or go home well we've said it already Danny Davis is your favorite snowboarders favorite snowboarder just ask Scotty James you know I really admired people like Danny Davis I loved people like Diggy ruff and and if you really believe in what you're doing that much like those guys did then you can be successful like Danny has done that and that's a way as I feel it's been kind of the reason why he's being able to love snowboarding so long because he's hasn't been influenced by stuff that you didn't want to do Danny Davis style master extraordinary with a huge box out 360 to start things off here but also someone who continues to fight for the riders exactly for snowboarding as a whole he doesn't compromise his ideology for his profession and does not compromise the style sauce he's a great role model for just snowboard kids all around to have style and he's almost he's inadvertently transitioned through his riding in his ideology into an ambassador for snowboarding yes a professional snowboarder but he's the guy that we want speaking for us how is his back three oh so huge well in his switch riding I was talking to him yesterday and I'm like if you piece together your run and he's like you know that's kind of the fun aspect for me it's sometimes I just go down there and I do what I feel like doing at that moment you know during that day what's feeling good right he's got a spontaneity to him that is really fun to watch and you gotta remember to like he's been filming a lot of this season he's been riding a lot of powder Tahoe is out an amazing season where he'll is without McTwist just styles it out so he hasn't had a ton of time in the halfpipe leading up to this and I mean Danny is a type a rider that competes in a u.s. open pipe run and then goes on an alpha disc expedition in Bolivia it's so cool to watch so cool we have ourselves a new leader protect the moustache and the beard but just watching him grow up and seeing him decide to take the reins and be that outspoken person who's always going to make sure that snowboarding is protected and it comes from the riders first while still being the funnest guy in the room it's pretty special yesterday and I mean it was just the different hey let's talk about you know how's the powder riding been this year how's the filming been oh yeah we're gonna talk about the pipe - yeah it was just such a great vibe and energy that was brought to the room Maddie from Joshy mammoth legs and how what do you say we were riding with his boy I love him so much yeah tell us a little bit about Josh Brown failed to make me laugh and he's a solid snowboarder like he's got the most insane frontside spins and you'll see just watch out for his frontside spins so stoked to have Josh here at the US Open Josh Bowman dropping in for his first of two runs set that one a little bit flat look like he is going from 14 lost in it maybe just got a little bit to Cork in it it did look like he went a little you see the ski patrol medical staff right behind him regardless of how he's looking we'll see this in the replay he landed low and his body was pretty opened up but it's nice to see him that he's riding down on his own power yeah he's definitely one of the toughest kids I know he can take a slam and get right back and you know as competitive as everybody is you just don't want to see someone take a slam like that I never seen him drop his shoulder and like that I think maybe he just got lost in the rotation and just dropped it a little too soon what is that mindset do you um it depends on the person then you mean to be able to like handle it shake it off and be like I know what I'm doing and just muscle memory it kind of over again and go right back into it forget about it move forward hopefully he's able to do that next friend all right from Bend Oregon another person that would be classified as one of your favorite snowboarders favorite snowboarder Ben Ferguson I'm joyfully unpredictable I love watching Ben probably one of my favorite runs to watch [Music] big old air to fakie right there into the cab double cork 1080 and a little low but Ben has some of the best edge control in the game right into the double Crippler the backside three like it was nothing rodeo unfortunately not quite able I can't believe you cried out that can't believe even tried that unless he was going like three miles an hour still somehow made it happen and Ben's like like a way for the score to come in I'm getting back up there turns to make he does such great switch riding throughout his run here's the cab double cork 1080 and Ben's another one of the riders who this year he's only done including this contest three pipe contests yeah he's focusing on filming for joy he's been in Jackson Hole a lot of the season filming a really good you know I think balance for him just to get out there and do some free riding so hasn't been in the pipe a lot yet Ben is a really really talented and well-rounded snowboarder a lot of the kids that come out of Mount Bachelor you've ever ridden there it's a lot of natural terrain features and I think it just kind of teaches them how to control their snowboard in any environment and Ben is a personification of that you get a nice perspective of the now fairly gray skies here at Vail this afternoon our leaderboard as such Dani Davis setting the tone so far as we are about 17 riders in of our 32 person field what you guys think so far I'm loving the young guns I'm loving it the new blood in the US Open they they're killing it they're really impressing me well and we haven't even seen some of the top guys yet you know we we haven't seen you talk suka he's one of the young Japanese riders that I was talking about earlier Scotty James still hasn't come up yeah we've got a lot of big riders one that's a talking point - I mean Scotty James is undefeated right now oh yeah for five he's five for five there's also that we we've been loving the fact that people are communicating with us watching on Facebook Louie you got a question I do have a question I'm gonna make Maddie answer this one because you need to drop some knowledge but hear me okay what's the deal with all the spinning is it worth more points so drop some knowledge okay with all the spinning well it's how you do the spin if you do the spinning looking good worth more points if you do it looking yeah I don't know we're gonna have to see what the judges think about it but it could do it was the style on it can't really go wrong but I think someone like Danny Davis his run proves that you don't have to be doing a ton of exactly the key adds a lot of style and switch riding with just asmik twists and everything else that he does I think a lot of it too is just creativity right it's finding weird trick combos and doing them well like Danny does and that's what he does yeah those combinations that you don't normally see as a nice full pull for Christoph lechner from Germany 18 years of age and that's one thing I love about the the judging format here and about this judging panel you can spin all you want but if the execution is not there the flow is not there and the style to go to booth you're gonna get help out yeah I love that about this judging format well these judges know what they're talking about I mean one of the guys that's sitting in there has won this exact event before Gail Morissette is one of the judges he took the pipe crown in 2000 I've seen Guillaume in the halfpipe writing still got it still got it how was that switchback v V Graham unreal switch backside spins in the pipe our mind melters to me it just seems like the scariest trick that you can try in a 22-foot half light I think I'd take a firing squad I would too like I need you to go do something switch backside in the super pipe or [Laughter] Christoph fleckner whacking in the hype the pot Department look for more in his second run what's it like Maddie when you have a run that in your mind's eye was like kill that and then you look up and the judges they're like yeah can be a bit frustrating having that happen and then I think it's time to just like you look at it again and be like well I great that it's kind of it's a really frustrating situation to be in when you're like what you're doing isn't matching what the judges are seeing you know what I mean yeah and having the ability to take your ego and put it inside to do what it is that you have do from Calgary Canada here comes Shawn fair 17 years of age yeah this is another name this is the first time I've had the pleasure to watch Shawn fair drop in and he is not disappointing huge frontside 9 into the double Michael Chuck in the frontside double cork 10 he is linking together some cab double cork 10 and then the Crippler Willie sneaked in one more hit Madi talk about that you're at the bottom you run you're calculating in your head can I fit one more in do you go for it or do you yeah I had one of those on my first one I was like yeah you can buy it and ruin everything yeah it was like well I'm gonna make it work I'm gonna throw one and it's kind of thinking on the fly right then but he put together a really solid run start to see him land look at how much he traveled on that 900 and then does the back-to-back double cork 1080s and that's it just seems to be so routine and commonplace now must have is insane to think yep yeah I think this is gonna be a good score for Shaun fair that was a really really technical and big run yeah the flow was also really really strong I liked his choices at the bottom too was like this has gone pretty killer let me just put on this something there with the judges but he's got one more run to go up and clean it up I think what do you think they were looking for that's hard to say because that was a really solid run from start to finish with like these must have doubles so it's hard to say maybe they're wanting a little more creativity or style in there I did see the info too far maybe next run it goes it goes big around some of those bottom hits and then loses score by 1015 points it's where you got a second run you can always improve being pro in 2019 that's it's tough stuff next up from France it is Liam Torquay 19 years old this is the color by the way mustard and yellow very popular 2019 big fan I'm liking it I'm sporting it today they say mustard is a good color for hot doggin into play his t-bird he will be here all day for this frontside 1080 that was massive in the pipe and catching the deck right there and that right there is a pipe riders worst nightmare we just talked about squeaking in that last hit and that was one of those situations where I mean the transition it changes down there yeah it does once you get down into that cat paw it drops off it's a whole different ball the chicken salad so big there's your lunch top second one today backside 540 I feel like the backside five in the pipe is like the method like you can tell how good someone is it snowboarding's by their backside five it's such a staple trick what happened here early too little early and was starting to run out of transition yeah well he is fortunate that that was a board contact to deck first and not by lucky I remember reading an interview fusion years ago forget the Ryder but they were asked about you know when things go wrong and they said I always make sure to put my board down before my body yeah you and I were talking about that the other day though just a lot of things just learning how to adjust in the air when things don't go as yeah you have to you have to prepare for that but I think quick when you're like feeling something going wrong and gonna think to yourself how can I fix this how can I save this how can I be okay out of this yeah definitely just have to again think really quick yeah learning how to land but also the art of following is a big part of this sport thanks so all of you have decided to tune in this afternoon whether it's morning or night anywhere in the world where you're watching please be make sure make sure that you hit us up at Red Bull snow at Burt and snowboard to the hashtag is burton us Ben hit us up definitely via Facebook on the Red Bull and Burton given some questions we got Maggie math show here she wants to hear from you I want to hear some question wants to you some questions a thinkin and if you haven't yet download the ripple TV app you could be sitting at work right now on your phone looking looking like you're working while your laptop has the business the party is in your hand so get familiar that is as it is wonkey Lee from Korea backside air into the front nine and the fat sides by 40 and then the front side ten eighty just squeaking back into the pipe and the cab double cork ten that was a crazy rotation for that a bang the riders tent loves that see the way he fell out of the first one unbelievable so starting things off with that backside air [Music] that was huge 15 plus feet on that first hit into the front side 9 and then he just worked his way up from there someone's like they've seen at an anchorman where you're like wow that escalated quickly that just happened there's that frontside 1080 and he was far from done he's like watch this and then yeah just a frontside 1440 remember the first time I ever saw a 1440 attempt in the halfpipe US Open Stratton Vermont Brad Martin remember him yes last hit in the pipe I remember that and ladies and gentlemen we got ourselves a new leader Frankie Lee and just that combo at the bottom was the whole thing was mental and that last class the walls that was crazy that's what's incredible about the US Open - you look at Quang Keeley's run as opposed to Danny Davis's complete opposite runs there in 1 & 2 it's awesome Chace Blackwell coming in next grew up riding with chase love chase yeah chase is one of those one of those kids that I've seen for a long time now he's been in the game for a while and when things are really important unfortunately washing out down there in the flats I feel like chase is one of those kids it is gonna have that breakout season coming up pretty soon where everything is going to be working for him yeah he's gonna make a serious run it's gonna be I really feel like that's something like Scotty James he's been in this business a very long time and you know the last couple years is when it's really started clicking you put the work in and then it will click and that's the key right I mean I don't really remember the last time a pipe rider kind of came out of nowhere and started dominating you got to put your time in you gotta compete for years and years and then you just have that one breakout season like Scotty had to three years ago where you're like okay this kid he's the real deal it's clicking yeah it's gonna happen I've got this well for the member of the US snowboarding team he will have to rely on that second run for the opportunity to make it into our final ten riders that will make our final on Saturday once again the 3232 riders 2:10 there's no free pass at the US Open that is an insane cut I mean if you said there was 16 you'd be like that's still hard yeah 10 is like what district are you fighting for another Swiss writer David hobble itself and Dave hat is his big introduction to the scene right here at the US Open just a couple of years ago he has stirred on the podium of the US Open he's looking to get back up there with the frontside 12 catching his heel edge pretty bad there yeah that was a really really bad slam and this is definitely one of those moments where we rely on the fact that we have an incredible medical team that will be attending to him immediately what happens in a situation like this you know where you where you find yourself sometimes a little lost in the air you gotta just think what can I do and sometimes there's nothing you can do and just hope that whatever does happens you know how to fall and you can take the hit but it's good they've got a lot of good staff on here I'm seeing to help him out with this well and to be a professional snowboarder there has to be some assumed risk that that you guys know that you're getting into yeah you know what you're getting into you know you're gonna fall I had a I hit my head like this last season and just kind of have to you know like comes with the territory of snowboarding that there's gonna be Falls you're gonna get take crashes you can get hurt it's just it's gonna happen and what's incredible to is the community here the community is very supportive like if something happens to someone there's people there that will take care of you right away they're there it's incredible yeah you're not alone in it no not at all yeah these are these are the moments that remind you such the high level of athleticism that we're talking about you know we we sometimes you know when we're going through even our like our outline of the pipe and we say oh wow 22 foot walls I wouldn't want to be up there but you you realize that when you do when you execute a trick perfectly you're 35 40 feet in the air yeah you don't realize although it might look easier how high the consequences and how hard the Slams are sometimes you just kind of forget about that aspect with like the super pipe here yeah and that's it right the level of riding you're seeing is is so high and the riders are so good that every once in a while that reality does hit yeah these guys and girls are humans and it happens to riders like IU mu Hirano two years ago had a really bad crash on the first hit and there hype he went so big and then the next year he comes back any wins yeah you know I was talking with some of the the organizers of the event at the beginning here and they talked about how much they've really tried to work to evolve protocol when it comes to athletes taking slams yeah one of the stories that came up was I Emma's injury we're in a matte case two years ago he got up and he was kind of on on his own power and they could have made the choice to allow him to be on his own but there was a doctor who said no I saw something it took a closer look at him he ended up having some real internal issues with his liver that could have literally been the difference and so the the the protocol really is to make sure that we do everything they can to make sure that the riders are seen all the way through even if they get up on their own power while we wait to see what is going on with this injury and mr. Callister is attended to we're going to take you back to some of the highlights from earlier from the women's semi finals [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] a nice look back at the women's semi-final as David Havel itself is being attended to the Swiss rider that went down with an injury an incredible semi-final that you guys had and we were all wondering during the event and then when I heard you're coming as if we have to ask Maddie talk to us about your yes nameste your set up um it kind of differs every contest like this one it's like and I'm blowing it away it's like inhale blow all the bad juju away or whatever is forget about it and let's go that's kind of just like my just calms my mind and shuts everything else down and just clears it when did you start doing that I can't remember when I wasn't doing it really but I think I've been doing it for I was gonna say I'm like hi now when you said you'd do it differently I've noticed that too because there's times where you kind of just bring it in yeah I bring it in now it's like the blow away I don't know it's just kind of it evolves every season into something different but I don't remember a season where I wasn't doing the namaste calming of the mind thing is yoga part of you're off hill routine um it started to come more in play of my off hill routine because it's just a good way to calm your mind and just really focus and Center into your body and feel what's needing to be recovered or whatever it is strengthened and it's been coming more and more into my day to day thing very cool and also I think like you were talking to me earlier about just breath work breathing yeah I could breathing during a competition day and kind of keeping that even yeah it's become a big part of my thing you like before I drop you probably see me doing like five or six just deep breaths clearing my mind and just flowing my heart rate down and just being really in the moment getting focused Louie I know you want to chime in here are you up there but yeah I do Maddie I want to know how you how you figured out what works for you what really does clear your mind how did you find that process um it was a lot of trial and error there's a lot of like maybe this maybe five breaths four breaths now it's kind of a don't think just do take the breaths and go it just changes day-to-day of how we're I'm mentally it's a lot of trial and error all the time I think Luigi's hired you as his life coach okay okay I'll take it a sidekick Louie what's the tone like up there as David's been being attended to how to have them how's the mood affected up there in the tent you know of course everyone hates to see one of their fellow riders go down but as you guys mentioned you know it's it's all of it is a risky sport it's a calculated risk so everybody hates to see it but they understand it's part of it everyone's just happy to see him sitting up and now I'm moving on the energies building back up and people are getting hype for their runs that's great you know there is that that we had the same energy here where it's suddenly it's like okay this is that part that's that's not fun and it's no one wants to see anyone not have the ability to do their best with what they have there's no one who's wishing for for any injuries or anything of that sort and at an event like this you never want I never want anyone to get hurt you want to win when everyone's no one's hurt riding their best landing runs you never want you don't and I never wish injuries don't anyone it's just so hard to see well you know and that you know that comes with progression of any kind right there's going to be things that go wrong but it is a testament to the park builders who are building these jumps in these halfpipes they focus 100% on building them safe safer the bigger they are the safer they try to make it for these guys totally and this halfpipe it's so good it helps make it safer for us to do these big tricks and try the new tricks especially with the guys right yeah and it's same with the slopestyle course too like everything so calculated the take offs the landings the transitions the walls and so it's calculated to a point to where you know you can do your edge work and your your carving or whatnot and have that be such a big part of your riding versus just gonna hook the trick or just do the trick exactly and there were times you know the privilege of of calling these events now for two decades and I do remember the times when you know writers would show up to an event and one wall was clearly not reflective of the other and people would be like well that's just something that you'll have to deal with and that's not the case anymore we will get you an update on David ha Patel he's being attended to by medical it's good just to hear that there were sites of him at least moving around and we'll get you update but we will get back to competition right now with Kent Callister the Australian writer and when you've had to sit after an injury like this how does that affect if at all your mind so what do you have to do to sort of push that out gotta mentally just get into your own zone forget about everything else what's going on around you and just focus on what you're doing what you can do and what you know to do and hopefully Kent is really good at just getting his mind in a right the right spot yeah it really is a mental game as much as it is a physical game we'll say the one thing Kent's got going for him right now is the light seems to it improved quite a bit this pot in the side yeah we got a little pocket of Sun here as pink Callister drops in for his first run was sick half double course 1080 right there coming out of the air to fakie into the double Crippler can't one of those taller riders that you know when you've got the style it looks even better wow that was a fantastic run from him it was a great run I love watching pac-man breakfast nothing I want more than all my friends to and their runs it seemed like he took a little bit of extra time at the top to did what you said that he your head get focused take a breath breathe it's amazing what breathing does for you this is a great run and what I liked about it is he had the cab double cork 1080s up at the top the back to back as well and then right into that double Crippler but the last hit I felt was one of the biggest hits that he did the entire run yeah then the judges do notice that if you maintain an amplitude throughout a full half pipe run you will get rewarded for it I gotta say the method to fakie those gorgeous beautiful was awesome he's pumped what a way to get the contest like back back on form back in zone judges taking their time yeah yeah they're deliberating right now they like the amplitude look at that bar 20 he's jogging off anymore seen enough 75 that's what you call a walk-up just walked off right into first place on a jog look I gotta keep this moment yeah I can't stop just keep moving into second runs can't stop can't stop we talk about mental the mental zone and breath work etc here's Jake pace on mindset it's absolutely crazy the riding level is through the roof which is insane and and yet yeah the level of just relaxation is crazy because everyone's chilling and just having a good time and no stress but still just throwing down so yeah it makes it makes a pretty cool event and on cue it comes Jake Jake is one of my favorite young Piper he goes so big if you if you look closely in the flat bottom he doesn't move in muscle his edge control is ridiculous he is one of the best riders that goes from wall to wall setting up for this trick get it yeah Jake so sick insane that was a great run that's that I'm just gonna say it's gonna be our new leader I think so yeah yeah incredible I don't think that's a stretch at all that was we were talking with Kelly in the women's semi-final about the work that you do in between wall the wall outside of the tricks and that was a classic example sup what that looks like he's so good at just holding his edge and getting the perfect line in the flat bottom it's incredible to watch right here says it he sets his edge and hardly any snow yeah he's probably just managing speed at this point cuz he's just going so fast reflective of someone that were used to see him dominating in one mr. Shawn white yeah this was one of the biggest but runs I've seen from him like in terms of out yeah if you see the little tweak at the end of that front five stale it's but it's the little interest intricacies of Jake's riding that I like so much there he just has a flair to him 55 [Applause] low score is going to be strong and it puts him might have gone a little bit shaky on the drive on the devil dub 10 which that's very easy for him to clean up that was it that wasn't anything run yeah very solid run I see a clerk him siding up there up top as we welcome in now Derek Livingston from Aurora Canada and out of the riders here he's he's been doing this a long time like he's a very experienced competitor he actually just finished up on the podium recently in his home country in Calgary at the World Cup so he's coming in with some momentum [Applause] [Music] huge fronts at 90 did land a little bit low on that transition tend to end things for Derrick Livingston that was a really good solid run there look like you landed just a little low on that first hit frontside nine and that might have just affected the back three but I'll be darned if that wasn't pretty that was a real nice looking trick and then look at this switch backside nine hundred he did that so well you really had to take a second look at that and realize that oh he's goofy foot yeah that was switch and then this frontside 1080 that thing was great that landing and you know he was maybe could have got one more hit I think you did the right thing pull the ripcord call it let that store come in if it's run one run two maybe a different story maybe there's a little more assumed risk I've seen it before where he's done one more hit and it's worked and I've seen it before where it hasn't yeah that's a coin flip there sometimes well I'm excited about it because there's only nine goofy footers in our field of 32 next tough tough for us to the right foot forward crew nice solid scores across the board it's a good score get up in that top bar remember we take ten riders out of these 32 their best score is counted out of two runs as we are in the back end of run one yon share from Switzerland 24 years of age and yawns having a great year he started off he had a really big win in December and he's learned a couple new tricks we probably won't see them in the semi-finals but he's just all in all he's come on really strong this season starting things off with the backside 900 into the double cork 1080 alley that was nice-looking so those last two tricks that last trick the Aleut seemed a little bit low yeah it did I don't know actually never seen him do that combo before and it was really cool I think if he can get that alley-oop a little bit bigger on the second run maybe more yep but that back nine first hit was a thing of beauty and then into this frontside double cork ten really nice landing on that into the cap 1080i love knows grabs who knows grabs and tail grabs yeah just adding that style but this is the alley-oop at the bottom and it just is a little low he misses the grab on that it's just off I've seen him do that way better so one more chance to clean that up and get that to where it needs to be and that might have cost him a wall as well as it stands right now it still has them in that 10 cut second run is gonna be so crazy though yeah it's just literally gonna be starting over well up next is Pat Burge in there you see him texting mom I didn't know he's about to rip his thoughts on the US Open what it means to be this special thing about this event is that every riders here you know and you get to see so many different styles so may different tricks and every year something new happens here you know the contest season is almost over and it's just time to just let it go and show your best almost exactly like you said it Madi have fun friends do what you got to do the sun's coming out that pipe is this is when you want to be riding high oh yeah there's little wind it's kind of cold it's sunny that was ridiculous that right there he calls it the burger flip and when he does it switch it's the vegan burger okay [Applause] writing that I think a lot of people don't know the double Michael Chuck in double court 1080 there was a little bit of a bobble in there but that is a really good first run from pat Burgener Madi what's it like when you when the from a light perspective the pipe is cut kind of 50/50 from wall to wall I mean since the sun's out with this it's you don't it doesn't affect it much because you've got this lighting coming from above in the shade only thing is the firmness you brought this one wall with a really firm texture and then you got a sunny wall that's super soft and kind of have to put that into account depending on how soft it is with how hot much you're popping but he did a great job with it but his run was packed yeah probably is only mistake right there at the end on that landing he's still through this trick and that was a switchback 9 up there it was this backside 9 no and he actually can do switchback sides 10 80s as well you see right there an execution that one bobble he was definitely penalized for just a little bit but a 73.3 is a great score nowhere to go but up from that and with a little bit of a bobble on that landing exactly so he's sit in 4th place right now that's a good place to be after run one but we got some heavy hitters yeah we're we're in the zone folks we are in the zone undefeated perfect season chase Josie excuse me sorry that's Scottie James I got too excited Jesse's not undefeated he could be though this kid is unbelievable he's one of the only snowboarders alive that can double cork double overhead on every single hit of the pipe and do it switch even other one of the riders you like he's he's regular foot right because his switch so on point and so good yeah check out some of these combos from wall to wall they are ridiculous frontside double for ten this switch Crippler and then the switch Michael Chuck and then the cab double cork ten eighty front side nine hundred let's he got for his final hit the double Michael Chuck that was ridiculous the technicality from wall to wall keeping your speed in order to have the amplitude to get those kind of combinations around only chase Jose you can do it and what I've always liked about kids riding too is when I first was introduced to this rider it was a red bull double pipe and he came out and won and I really liked it he just is creative and can put those combinations together someone like a danny davis but he does it so well switch back to fight unreal these tricks he knows the transitions of how to read them he's a cool kid too I heard when he won the snowmobile at Red Bull double piping you just ripped her started her up and just took it for a ride yeah first things first just alright thanks for the thanks for the sled later unreal I love it any grab chicken salad well you see that trick difficulty score for the rubric black Dan on all that switched technicality yeah I feel like you can get that amplitude up a couple feet every hit he's a top three contender clean up a few things and with all those singles with the switch singles he has them in doubles chair is grabbing taken yeah that was just cruise control right there Louie as we're about to welcome in Luca here on Oh chime on in but you know imagine when we started this contest we were making such a big deal about the first pole riders ago and we've continued to go up and up and up and these last like five riders that have gone have just been blowing the doors off of it and cannot take it easy in the semifinals I know chill there is no chill and just like that you know the judges are really rewarding amplitude and Ruka is definitely giving the judges to amplitude right there huge frontside 1080 the end is run right there you know I was pretty flawless from top to bottom landed high held their speed and amplitude cuz in a halfpipe you should be generating more speed by the time you get to the bottom so ending with a big hit is very important that's a great point and that's something that has definitely you've really been a consistency in the last five to six years whereas you know the last few walls you'd understand if someone wasn't going as big and now like that's not an option it is so hard to do that it's it's easy to go big on the first hit but to keep that amplitude throughout well in and there's a certain feeling at the bottom of a halfpipe with the crowd you know your last hit is 1618 feet out you stomp it the crowd goes nuts I think the judges everyone in attendance certainly us as the announcers you can feel that energy I think it does help you score the last hit up your pipe run is super important similar to in a surfing contest if the last thing you do is a huge ally you three land it in front of the crowd everyone goes nuts there you go well you saw the judges blacking the fat Toronto went consistently huge that Heights for up there well t-bird you got to remember that last hit also is the last trip that the judges remember because when they go down to write their score that's the last thing that's in their mind spoken from the man himself he's been there a lot guys taking a couple couple of laps oh boy put on your seat belts kids buckling up we are strapping in here are the guys of Japan rival katayama what are we gonna see Louie who's gone I thought you were still with us we come back come back I miss him anyway we're about to see some flying yeah we heard the sound bite from him earlier in the show this kid came here to win make no mistake about it he wants to stand at the very top of the podium here at the US Open that frontside 10 was gigantic into the cab double cork 10 knows it he feels it I like that no claim claim that was the no claim claims solid said it's his dream to not be the runner-up but to win be a goal at least look like 16 17 feet out on that method yeah that was the one of the biggest backside errors we've seen today right into the frontside 1080 taking all that energy and unloading it into this tab double core 1080 and then the front side nine I mean the combos that we're announcing today ridiculous back to back tens back to back nines and then a frontside double cork 1080 and they're like the must have two now two for the guys oh yeah that's your that's your stock like this is what it's been necessity and he's really that landing he's gotten so much better on bringing those landings around and setting up her body and his core a core that scores all around and just like that we have a new leader krabby patty Yama looking close to that dream runner-up last year making the case to win this thing he's got such great energy all the time it's awesome to hang out with them he's a funny funny guy yeah always laughing always having a great time well if you have never seen this rider before you toe tot suka just get ready because he's another rider Tom that when he drops into the halfpipe just boosts and makes everything look easy and we've been talking about this all week how the Japanese riders land high on the wall and he's an another example of that 17 years old out of yoga and coming in hot are you kidding me that was insane the inverted five into the back nine front side Kennedy look at how far he's traveling down he got in like two hits less than everybody else traveling so far down the pike a leaf are traveling high and I don't think he ever landed more than a foot into the pipe unreal absolutely incredible runs from you Toto suka I feel like moving forward when it's a Japanese rider we don't even need to try to throw the adjectives of an incredibly talented we just say we got another rider here he's from Japan take our word for it he's gonna rip watch where he lands off the wall and that's where you should be landing but there is something to be said about like they have such a culture now right the that they're known for that solid transition to transition riding you can't not be that guy yeah or that that that woman front like that becomes a part of your culture Tomasz lutely like brazilian surfers and and level of high performance as far as the air game is concerned like that's what we do yep and to finish off the way he did with that frontside double cork 1080 23 point one out of 25 we got a new leader yeah and our first score in the eighties yeah I've been waiting for it to come we're talking about her rituals energy rituals Scotty James mr. perfect he has some rituals of his own I only have a psych up don't really have a ritual I wear my boxing gloves that's kind of like my thing I've got these red mitts which I always use it's only on finals day there because people are like oh why don't you have your boxing gloves semi finals and I'm like no it's only when I'm coming in for finals that I wear them I like how I don't really have any rituals but I do have this one it's really big red gloves on finals day it's interesting because I never knew that because he's always makes the finals so you always see him in the finals with the red boxing blue like it's Tiger with the red shirt on Sunday when he's coming from behind mr. perfect has not lost an event this season which I would switch let's back 10 into the back nine into the front side ten eighty this is where it gets interesting ending things with a front side double cork ten eighty now the thing you need to watch with Scotty James is riding is that he almost goes bigger on every single hit gain speed he gains momentum and he ups his amplitude well how about this first wall just being that like hanging it all out with the switchback tenth and there's something to be said about that - I feel like the judges do reward you for the harder tricks higher up in the pipe because if you bobble if you fall your run is done so what's crazy is I think Scotty here is riding it like seventy percent yeah like he could ride - so much better than that run that's his mind-boggling third gear run he's got about six years he's an Australian sports car yeah I mean and like the front double cork 12 is casual and you're like oh that's not even that's not even look at these scores the highest we've seen all day all all in the twenties [Applause] and that is why he's undefeated this season he is riding better than I have ever seen him snowboard and you know he first started going to the US Open as a kid as a spectator competed at the junior jam at the age of 13 so now he's going for his very first US Open win he's never won this event before he almost feel like you expect him to be amongst those names and hasn't done so you can see the focus is making the charge remember we are only taking ten we have one more run to go thirty two riders Maddy thank you so much for coming through and hanging out with us thank you for having me I need to watch the boys like this all the time this is the best it is the best best like I'm loving the headset I'm loving the couch I'm like singing it I don't want to leave well you want well don't get too comfortable on the couch sal is actually lobbying to take all the furniture home oh yeah I want my living room isn't difficult because I live out of my suitcase like everyone else does here on this couch but now this has been been super fun this next round is going to be yeah that was just one run that's what's crazy is you've got those scores in the 80s by you total cyka Scotty James and that's just one run I mean Ryba katayama they loved that soundbite at the beginning of the show where he's like it's been a dream of mine since I was a kid and to win the US Open Yuto taught suka knocking on the door that kid is and I want to say and this is crazy he was even riding at like 80 percent he has so much more that he could do well and we've seen it time and again contests can have a snowball effect where the more people are landing the higher they're going it pushes the entire field it pushes the entire event to new heights so I think the second run is going to be ridiculous because the way that ended with Scotty throwing down that run 87 point - I gotta wait to see there's an energy about it even if you're not a professional rider but you've spent time hiking a halfpipe you know there's an energy about it when you see one do something great you're like alright now I'm gonna do it yeah alright well we are looking forward we're gonna welcome into a Hopkinson that's the only reason why Matty is leaving because the legend Hawken is coming in for these second runs stick with us here the US Open of snowboarding 2019 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the burn us open we just completed run number one of halfpipe semi-finals and I'm with the man that's on top of the leaderboard right now Scotty James now Scotty you took one of those Slams that you never really want to take all season and he took it right before practice ended how do you bounce back and get yourself ready mentally and physically for a run that you just put down yeah it wasn't an ideal setup for me coming into the contest I took one of my probably biggest slams I've had in about 12 months and shook my head a little bit but you know we're all pretty resilient guys up here and you know I wasn't gonna miss riding the US Open for anything so I went back up cleared my thoughts and you know I know what I had to do and just wanted to go out and do the best I could you know you've had an amazing season thus far undefeated you pretty much of the rider with the target on his back how do you deal with the pressure of everyone gunning for you yeah I got a big target on my back at the moment but honestly I'm kind of you know I enjoy it the pressure I don't really feel from exterior it's more interior for me and I just it's on myself and if anyone can understand that it would be you Louie so yeah you get it thank you man and good luck run number two and can't wait to watching the finals oh yeah guys thanks for tuning in that's some great perspective to get didn't realize that he had taken that badass slam and decides to rip that hard we replaced Matty Mastro with tear Hawkinson hello sir thanks for being here thank you for being here your first open was 1990 yes what do you remember about what that felt like for you to come to the open at that point it was I did it like won World Cup before I went over to the news open I went to the World Championships in Breckenridge a couple months later I mean a couple weeks later it was just amazing to see all the energy and all the different styles and yeah I was just like a swamp I was picking up everything I could yeah as we see young shimazaki 12 years old who's here picking up everything that he can then in 1992 you come back and you and you win the thing what does it mean to win that be open I think yeah like open is like one of the guy like contests where most of the best guys will come there and I think that's more important about like what title you're winning you can win World Championships European Championships but if you know that a couple guys are missing you don't value it that high so if there's a good pipe and you know everybody is there I think I value that more higher than like just a title and the US Open always had like it good you like group there's like really few guys are really missing to open yeah yeah this is gonna be like injuries normally I feel like every US Open I've been to two there's just something different with the crowd the energy out there has always been so high at US Opens even more so than it at some other events yeah for sure it's like the the snowboarding's snowboarder event and having it back in vermont to like that crowd was amazing and but I just remember being in a Breckenridge to the crowd this is amazing in the 90s yes yeah as we see the 13 year old from Australia Valentino Sally what do you think of this kid this is the future for sure he goes higher than most of their seniors you can see [Applause] you see the chest pound yeah before he dropped Maddie Master does anonymous date not Valentino and this run is so much better than that first or you could sit tell that first or he was just super excited to get into that half pipe and show us his stuff but I mean that run was the one that he wanted to do well in Valentino 2 was one of those kids that you know for a very long time he was kind of a little guy at the contest so you're like oh look at that little dude ripping and now he's a young man shut style I think he caught good trainers too that's how we can keep his amplitude that's I think that's separates the guys you know like the guys who can non-land too flat too often yeah and you can see he is catching good and he has a good amplitude all the way down them guarantee gonna see him in the final if you could widdle halfpipe riding down to one one thing that that people should remember like the one thing you need to do to be a good pipe rider Terry hey what would that be it's to get amplitude and catch the yeah and that's hard because you got a timing right you got to pop it right yeah and we got a couple of factors the light comes in flat light blue Sun and luckily the wind is really light so that's the biggest dangerous factor it seems like the light is kind of changing out there too it's sunny for a couple runs then the clouds kind of come in but as long as that wind holds off yeah I think it's gonna be pretty good yeah the Sun has been coming in and out throughout the day so what was he scoring here it was low is a sixty point six really yeah but here's the other another Japanese rider he was the one that really started kicking things off for the Japanese will you go and I what do you think of the helmet style over the hoodie well it's definitely fashion before a function eco and I backside 900 into the front side 1080 1080 and then the 1260 and value by 40 your favorite trick in the halfpipe well like McTwist and backside airs are my favorites and air to fakie on the front side wall it's pretty simple but yeah but what I think you know you say that and I feel like everyone else still emulates the style that you had with those backside hours and the McTwist you're talking about that important of transition writing and it seems like for the japanese japanese riders that's just a part of their culture now to be those have that outstanding ability on transition that's a pretty good I don't like it too when they you know you don't have to do that most spins you know you can do like 540 spins but we get style you know I think like actually one of the best tricks for Shaun White is his upside down 540 yeah front side wall yeah that's where he has good style that's kind of his signature trick yeah because that's the one trick that he's always kept and then he's added the bigger tricks around that you're exactly right he always does it in his run it's not really necessary who lost my spins because what a lot of people can do those its how amplitude and the style has a big factor I think how hard it is as we see Ryan walking doctor coming in he's just outside the cut so he put his hands down on that final trick so if he can keep his hands up off the wall yeah that would probably mean the lay back [Laughter] yeah Ryan possesses the skillset to get up into that top 10 he's a really good typewriter there's that frontside double cork 1080 into the cab double cork 1080 frontside 900 super inverted and then the double Mikael Chuck and not quite able to hold it together Ryan walking door 4 that is a heartbreaker on the last hit Terry what's that like you got a good run going you land all your stuff and you fall on the last hit well that sucks you know this for months doesn't really allow you to fall in the last trick yeah it was a little different format it might be like little easier to get away with the hands dragging or maybe they'd be a little sketchy but I think people should always get a reward for like if you send it really harder you risk a lot and you may be touched a little bit but you still should be compromised with like a good score because you really wonder if you would have done just something a little bit more toned down right yeah would that have been enough to build upon that sixty nine point four nine first runs four to get him up into that top ten Matt loudly struggled in his first run these guys coming back as we mentioned from some injury I've always enjoyed this kid style oh man time to kid anymore yeah it's not easy to like be away from the pipe that long and just drop in that's not easy I remember seeing footage of him from the Arctic challenge his last year at the Arctic challenge was going jeg antic and that's what got him on the first run that front side well you mentioned they said that it's it's not easy what is that difficulty like to come back to build a relationship with the piper do ya like yeah I just been here a few days and I notice myself you like you really nervous the first days a lot of speed and the pipes are big and you got to get used to the speed and though and when you start doing all the Cork's and stuff like that too you have a really hard coping here so it's a lot of risk I think the halfpipe compared to slope stuff Jerry let's talk about the hawk and flip tell us tell us how that came about who named it jeff brushie name do i like that and we're just kind of like trying to do the cab into McTwist but it let me kind of like popped off the nose and they turn more into like a so damn cab and I actually saw like a couple other guys try it first foot out I think I did it we're filming for Pocahontas back home on summer and them did it and then we're shooting some Hawk and shoot at the time [Laughter] she sings he's telling it right jeff brushie legend winner of this event in the past as well as taylor gold stomping his way in yin taylor has that fall on the very bottom hit brie said his binding moved nice I love that he starts his run off with him because a big air and unfortunately that is not going to be enough for Taylor gold but he's gonna have fun ripping down the rest of his second run here for sure I think Taylor's definitely gonna be someone that we will see a poaching in the half pipe comes final speaking of poaching will there be a Hocking poach I'll try it if it's not like I think the new snow made it a little more friendly - it's not that firm so I'll do some runs nice yeah you know you don't fly all the way - well but without Brian the buyer that's right I was impressed when I saw you the other night when you were checking in as a tailor throwing some slash in there I saw your luggage and I saw six bags of extremely healthy-looking food I was like this dude was still obsessed about what he puts in his body yeah well you run better on better fuel that's logical right simple have you always been that way when you were younger when you were traveling a lot not like from the beginning but like when I start traveling I start trying with all the people I'm with Craig Kelly and I met some servers doubler older and they always told me like yeah they brought me in to some health food stores and like this telling me the basic and everything is just really logical and but I stopped drinking coca-cola when I was 13 without anybody telling me because we did the experiment of putting stuff in coca-cola overnight Collins definitely went for it on that first wall used down there the second to last on this last run yeah not really easy to get into the top ten you really got it like he was talking about like Scotty was not really riding hundred percent but a few guys can take it a little easy but most of these guys got a really few hundred percent and that's how it was in in slopestyle semifinals two gone are the days of the qualifying run you you have to throw your your best worst run even to be in consideration for the finals and then you got to step it up from there yeah you you feel it or what's what's he saving yeah yeah what she what she saving there's no safe no no savings account seemed like the only riders that really are saving something is will reboot youto Scotty yeah just those top three to five guys because Scotty James you know just qualified first after after run one with at eighty seven point two but he could put down the school right now 97 point I wanted to yeah he's got three or four tricks in the pipe that he can improve upon Lukas Collins coming in next running that 101 [Applause] nineteen years old coming out of tell you like tell you that I'd Colorado riding the benedek throwback baby be a VP where are you backside 540 into the inverted front 7 cab 720 now in a backside 900 so Lucas foster putting down a good run currently not up in that top 10 he's back the bottom yeah I think he crashed in his first run I think that's the first one he's put to his feet all day today so it's gonna be yeah I think it crashed like over to the line though I would have given them to him in the first run give it to him oh that's what you know well said that there you go this guy that's exactly what Sal said yep because he was sending it you know he's risking it he was like going for it and I think you should be a border for that and like if you have a little hand drag or whatever and he was like over to line yeah buckle a little bit yeah I feel like I feel like I maybe know a little bit of stuff now but I said the same thing I was like cross the line give it to him they people next door like really guys you really said you know we can hear you you know we're gonna see you at dinner tonight right yeah Louie I know that we got folks watching from around the world they're talking to you what are they saying Jessica from Alaska once wants to know what your favorite trick to watches I'm Andru at first because my favorite trick is I can air to fake you or an ally of something slow and smooth so what's your guys's favorite trick to watch my pet I'm with you favorite trick for me is probably air - faking my would be probably just a big McTwist I'm gonna go with oh it's a great question it is a good question I think just a method backside air yeah yeah what about you Louis mine's a tear to fit your an alibi just yet of the slow spinning tricks that you can really poke out and it is pretty difficult to land those aliens when you're spinning up the hill while traveling down I just like to watch it alright well next up is Jason wall a six feet tall you feel I feel like we've been saying like tall riders when they have good style almost can look better than everyone else yeah yeah there's probably less tall riders so I it's a little advantage so the pipe will be a little smaller for those guys right it's a mini pipe for that kind of forces you to go bigger you almost have to go bigger [Applause] nine hundred right there right that trains out at the copper pipe right side double for ten eighty not quite enough air time to put it wholly to his feet there for Jason wall a well out he's 19 years old we're gonna see him again at the US Open I can guarantee that it isn't showing today as interesting to see how people land on their toll on the heel even if it's like not the right way I just you sit they can go off the back side wall and still land on their heel before to switch to the toe yeah and then it's just I guess they're just different styles or techniques [Music] there's that frontside double cork 1080 and then here on the cab double cork 1080 how how important is it though to to get rid of those bad habits so that you're spending less time adjusting from wall to wall it's like the speed thing you know one thing is like you normally speech they because you don't want to go too fast or risk it too hard but you can see like some of the the top riders that you there's hardly any speed check they got a really good flow and that's how they can keep the amplitude all the way down if someone like Scotty James is so good at that yeah but also like if you want to do speed check and you might did a little too much and then you kind of messed it up yeah and I noticed to somebody people they wouldn't speak check in the middle but right after their Lance you just don't even see them speed check with it do a little slide right when they land yeah it's interesting when you start watching like the edge work from a rider and really start to see the frontside and how they land hillsides really look at that everything starts to make more sense in the halfpipe how they pop their rotation Jun sickly had a big run that had him in that qualifying position after his first run he's bumped down to 11 now but definitely showed us with tons of style what he's capable of just takes a bad one on that front wall yeah just caught his toe edge right there yeah like I think yeah less like less speed if you have more speed on that he would have caught the more yeah if you slow down too much and then you pop you're gonna land flat yeah you're gonna go into the pipe and that's exactly where you don't want to go well you saw ski patrol they were down there with him immediately and we'll get him attended to and like we said earlier with madam Astro as we saw the injury from David ha blood cell and his first one I do have an update by the way that he is in stable condition and they were taking him down to a local hospital for further tests but he is stable and we'll get some more information but this is this is a part of what you do it at this at this higher level yeah it's called the action sport and you know it's everybody's know that before they drop in or start doing it obviously you know like when you're in the competition you you push yourself all the people push you so the risk is a little hard and just like free riding or just free cruise so when you see the the level being what it is we talk about this field of thirty-two and how hard it is to make this cut of ten what's the thing that I guess gives you the most hope for the future of snowboarding at this level what are you seeing from from young riders that make you go like oh okay I'm excited for where the sports going when we talk to them I think is more like I think a lot of people want to get away from this kind of format it's been like staled I think the IOC in fist is really messed up the whole system because you know you have three runs the best count people have trick lists in their pockets and you can actually know what placing you get almost before you start you don't have that in surfing and skateboarding you obviously have different waves every time you go you have different winners different skate parks different some people gonna do good in that Park and and here in the snowboarding you always have the same thing it's time to change it up a little bit and I think he's also like bringing back like the medium pipes you know you have the small ones a lot of places but you don't have the medium ones yeah and I think the medium ones don't have to be that perfect because here if you have a little bumps in it you will feel it because you're going so fast and each team is there is a lot of people like the junior jams here it was like amazing like the impact was huge for those little guys and so hopefully I think we'll see more maybe like a little smaller pipes to to get more craved riding more style and stuff and not just like we did it testing without the challenge like five six years ago when we got some you know guys coming up to me I'm like this is the first concert it without a trick list in my pocket because you have to we had like channels and and gaps in the pipe and you can kind of like lose your speed but still get in some technical tricks with the features we had in there and that's that spontaneity and creativity in sort of responding to what the terrain is giving you yeah and that was like I did the same thing in the 90s I had like a couple of winning runs and I stuck with that for five years yeah and if that was the format sure yeah of course but I like the idea too of just smaller pipes or that medium pipe so that you can actually get into a pipe and figure it out and learn the transitions yes and learn how to work versus just dropping into a 22-foot pipe or I mean you talk about the speeds they're going so fast in that pipe oh yeah yeah it's hard for a resort to maintain a pipe like that too not a lot of places in the world house a big pipe like that yeah it's cost a lot of money to maintain it and it's hard even if you maintaining you gotta got good guys to maintain it to so there's a couple of factors in there but I see a lot of like smaller pipes come around the resort so yeah even here we have a nice little medium pipe yep and that makes it like you said far less intimidating just to the general public and for kids to get interested in riding halfpipe in general we saw that June sickly was getting tended to there at the bottom they are slipping the pipe and we will get back to competition shortly so nice to see that he is okay as we get back to it with Viktor even off from Switzerland currently sitting in 31st place right now so nowhere to go but up for Viktor even off 19 years old coming up Switzerland I've never understood the baseball bill on the helmet yeah I see a lot of it too I know it can rain sometimes you know [Laughter] as a really nice method from Victor even off into the front side 1080 into the cab double cork 1080 really sending it yeah we all like this angle there with the follow cam it gives it gives the audience a pretty good view of how it gargantuan that was his he's catching the whole way down he had good speed you know maybe like for the the judges not maybe like the most technical tricks but the style in the smoothness was I think he knew he were in the booty so let me make sure I hit this method as hard as I can frontside 1080 right there into the cab double cork 1080 he was sitting in 31st position after before this run I mean it's definitely gonna move him up into the standing through the frontside 12-6 detail hold on to the grabb on that one then the Crippler yeah that was a really good run from Victor it's definitely going to be an improvement from 31st the question is how much he's psyched score coming in for Victor moving off sixty two point eight so a good score and not enough moving mid-pack in the field and I kept saying like hey if you finish sixteenth out of like most of the best dudes in the world at the US Open like you had a nice week yeah yeah he definitely understand the boy riding prank though catching that in the right spot I don't get it like some people with this land flat for years then I'm I don't know how they can handle was there ever a time where you were nervous dropping into the US open pipe yeah today as John Elias Islands Baca [Applause] comes in you can put it starting things off with the stalefish on his front side wall go to the back side nine almost look like he was gonna stall it out and go fast seven one of my favorite tricks in the pipe backside seven they are crazy hard to do and those who can do him Elijah Teeter is to have an insane back seven yeah BJ Garin lianas - yeah you can forget Bjorn almost made the Olympic team yes he was an insane Danny Davis has won - Dani D absolutely I hear that someone's got a question for Tay I do have a question Terry a this is for you large ones to know where do you see the future of Norwegian snowboarding good question well the Federation has got rid of this our big pipe our super pipe so that's not really going the right direction with the Federation styles but you know there's a lot of talented guys there there's a lot of good resorts that has good park so I don't know we just have to wait and see well that's what's interesting about that is the slopestyle Norwegians are so good at slopestyle and right here we've got high shoe hirato why you lose younger brother part of the royal bloodline Japanese halfpipe riding somehow caught toeside and ended up bottom turning back up the pipe but in Norway that there's so many good slopestyle riders I feel like oh yeah well they have that Academy up in yellow yeah you can do snowboarding in schools for a long time you know and in tons of really good rock you know it's just really hard because there's not a lot of big pipes around the world yeah and pipes takes a long time it's it's it's more risky I think yeah and but the Federation's new move was is like they made two big ears where the pipe is supposed to be yeah and for me big ears just a showcase event for snowboarding it's like a fun little thing and you can have big ears anywhere in the resort and they just really took away this beautiful pipe with the lifts we're actually international riders came sometimes to this to ride it so a little backwards in Norway sometimes okay how long before they put you in charge yeah that'd be there hey sure would be fun there would be no lies told that's for sure and that's one of the things that we love and respect about you never afraid to travel truth and I feel like Danny Davis is definitely that person as well we've been we've been talking about that with his style also being that person like when it needs to be told he tells us switching it up from the first round [Applause] is a thing of beauty right there backside three into the switch method 60 at the bottom Wow Danny D going for the website well I mean you want to talk about just like the full platter of what snowboarding can be in a halfpipe but that's it and I think like a different format you can actually see with now it just completely changes run from the first run it's something different I love that for a no I don't know a spectator I want to see more different tricks more styles than yeah and people feed off each other a little more not that list in their pocket but yeah then you got a good styling he's into credit reporting and you can look at like skateboarding where the birds are over 40 and they're still ripping it you know yeah but it was if those conference would have the different format I think it would be less older guys because obviously you more acrobatic you do it's gonna be harder for older age but you can still do a lot of the basic with style and power to the older age like you have to master those tricks so you look at you mentioned skateboarding you look at someone like Bucky elastic like he still does and has like lip tricks that no one wants to touch yeah so Danny Davis now sitting in night position who makes it interesting yes very interesting I got that title right in T when did you get into halfpipe riding what were some of your earlier memories of riding halfway Wow we used to hand shovel this things for the holidays back at my local resort local restores really he had a son that snowboarders so they were just helping out the public a couple of walls together and was just a handshape it for a couple days and then we didn't I didn't know anything you know I didn't know the name so you know I didn't have a skateboard background you know I'm from the countryside but we have like skaters from the town riding at our resorts bringing all the names and the tricks and oh you can go only hands you know that's what you have to remember is it that yes completely blank canvas this is where all of that came mm-hmm Josh Bowman he's a tall guy yeah 20 years old yeah coming out of Mammoth Lakes California dropping in for his second and final run and that's the exact trick that gave him trouble in the first run when Matty wasn't yeah he popped really hard and landed flat on that first time going for the same trick you know I it brightened you know they're they're mostly known for their back country you know just million riding powder and stuff like that that they put in a mini pipe just get up there and ride it yeah it's so much fun yeah the thing I like about half of you get so many hits and short period and when you can always land in the Chinese it's better less you know I'm there you know I like going through the parks too you know but even like you could do 1015 jumps around you're gonna land pretty hard like I'm gonna feel it that's why I like I really yeah I like the the finders even with this free riding - you always look for a to land in flat Ben Ferguson yeah this kid is so fun to watch ride a snowboard you know I talked to him yesterday and he was just saying I mean what a great season though for him to be filming and doing other aspects of snowboarding you know hasn't really been riding a lot of the halfpipe but I think after that first run he's got the jitters out of the way getting his halfpipe run back but he's just been having a really fun season out in the backcountry yeah and Ben's one of those writers who he wants to of all his snowboarding year-over-year by learning new skill sets jumping into unknown territory you know and when someone first Henry was like hey you wanna go build a jump in the backcountry and jump on a snowmobile he's the first dude he's like yeah absolutely he's so good exactly into the cab double cork 1080 and then that dumper triple or just old falling out of the sky [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Danny Davis knows it he is psyched for his homey Ben Ferguson even yesterday like I don't know if I can get my run back it's been a while since I've been in the halfpipe but take a look at this run that first air was so nice I feel like there's a lot of similarities between between Danny and Ben in their in their approach to halfpipe riding you know the tricks choices you know like faking McTwist and you switch method like switch method is not really a hard trick but the way they do it that's hard because they have amplitude and the poke yeah I like the goggle adjustment straight into the switch McTwist yeah I can't wait this I don't know how he gets two rolls from that little error [Music] pretty much I'm not yes I'm not enough he was definitely risking it and like you know there's a couple of squirrels not catching the train and all of them but still the risk factor in like the the trick choices should have come way up there well so Danny Davis still in ninth place and Darren Livingston is the Bubble Boy right now at 10 spot as we are [Music] just past the halfway mark so how many others we actually are through yet we have 16 more to go how many out of those guys are not in the top ten although out of those 16 that's a good question I think there's a couple there's a handful in there that can shake up that top 10 so it's gonna get interesting here in the second half of these runs and well also David Roberts Hill is out so that's one less yeah we're at 15 but we'll figure out you know it's that run was interesting you mean you saw Danny Davis literally get up he got so excited that he got him up out of his seat to be like yeah yeah yeah that's where the flow score is supposed to come in and the overall impression right like we were talking about that just how does it make you feel I thought he was gonna get a bigger number I did too well we're not judges that's right yeah thank God Christoph Buckner and that's the nice thing about here like if you actually have a problem you can actually go up and talk to those guys yeah and and women and they will they'll tell you what they're a diplomatic bunch too they're open to constructive criticism for sure at the open it's nice to see from Germany it's Christoph left knee 18 years of age he's in the down at the bottom of the pack right now backside 900 into the frontside 1080 nice manual yeah he loaded a little back seat on that one but held on [Applause] he's keeping his amplitude he's boosting in the bottom of the pumpkin he decided to pull the ripcord he said you know what I want to see what this score is I feel good about it not trying to sneak in that last in final hit because as we said that it could be a coin flip it can work for you or against you is that backside 900 into the frontside 1080 watch this landing here just holding on and then this switch broadside 900 [Music] to switch back five that's a hard spend that is a really hard spin yeah anything going on the heelside on the front side well it's hard yeah who were who were some of your favorite halfpipe riders when you were you know competing at the open who were you excited to drop in next to or do almost like it out with obviously brushy yeah you know I rode with him a lot we were each other together a lot and Palmer Palmer what was he like up in the open the rider tent he was actually like really nice compared to like some other guys to try to get in your head like Jimmy Scott was always trying to get in their head I've heard stories you know like he was always like even like new guys when I remember when to say when Alexa came and almost like tried them but Palmer told me like when Jimmy dropped in he's like just go right behind him just go bigger [Laughter] Swami's now even to this day still trying to get everybody Jimmy it's okay yes but I give the credit to Jimmy he would like all of us try to make the pipe the baskets that came out and shovel the kinks away and really wanted to have a good pipe yeah yeah super competitive you inside Richards had some battles when that ice cream pens in your line your wine oh man I remember the last thing had really good runs too he was switching it up like with chicks I didn't see from other guys the simple like fake you have caps and like more to stuff like actually Ben and Dan is doing early stage yeah you know what's interesting is going back to that Danny Davis was telling me that he's been watching some of the older movies and films and kind of trying to watch guys like Noah silastic and in you and watch the combinations that you did and start to emulate that now and when you watch the little Isaac video part you just got excited cuz it was gonna be a bunch of stuff that you never would have even dreamt up and he made it look simple well a mini took it to like big mountain stuff and just blew - that guy was unreal yeah like Noah - though like he was a really good free rider backcountry Rider yeah super good from France here is Liam pokey on his second run currently in that 25th spots dropping into the pipe now look at them pump that transition wall and take all that speed into his first hit backside there got a little bit squirrely there's something through him for a loop in front side nine back side five traveling about 45 feet down that half pipe in the front side ten ten eighty I don't think that's the run that Liam wanted but he kept it kept it on its feet so I think it's gonna be an improvement from his first run score by how much yeah I popped it popped a little early on that first one how hard is it to regain your like momentum when you have a bad first wall yeah really mess up your speed and stuff and I'm sure like when I'm riding I'm just doing basic tricks I don't really have to recap anything but for these guys have their tricks in and stuff it's not easy if it messes up the flow for sure well because they practice it in succession over and over and over that if one thing gets thrown up just a little bit they can mess up the entire Terry how was Japan you know just in Japan pretty recent yeah well Japan is always nice yeah you know you don't get the premium powder every day but even if you don't get the premium it still gives yeah yeah this year I feel like I've just been summoned through my Instagram feed and it's all Japan Oh I feel like I have to go and do it now is easy to have a good time over there the train is not really the most radical but you guaranteed a good time yeah we will welcome in Quang ki Lee with the bright orange like even the light of the light is keeping up its little Sun her in there yes this rider is currently sitting in that sixth position he had a big run yeah it's so so far pretty good for him yes sixth is good when you're talking about able to put it all the way to is beat sit in that pressure cooker right there six play spot semi sit semi save said he said now if your Scottie James you're safe you're gonna see Scottie James in the final six place and there's a couple riders coming up that are still out of that top ten Terry was asking about this earlier chase Blackwell who will be coming up next chase Josie is still sitting out of that tenth position yeah that's a bit of a shocker and Ana Yan share yep so those three could really get up there Lily you down the bottom oh you know what I'm hanging out down here you guys ready for some social agent orange wants to know how the heck are they scoring these run for Agent Orange we're judging an amplitude trick difficulty and execution and then we have a group of judges that are judging the flow which is the overall impression how smooth the run is top to bottom is their bobbles are they double edging are they landing high on the wall or low on the wall so a lot of things go into it but mostly look at the execution so it's dropping in switch here chase Blackwell with that cab cab 1080 double grab right into the front side double cork 1080 no I love the double grab it just separates him from the rest of the riders are just grabbing one spot he's grabbing twice at the same time he's coming in here holding on right into the backside 900 the last hit what have you got for the judges oh just sitting down and unfortunately could it put the run together but that first hit was beautiful I love seeing that person I can't wait to watch the replay on that right here there's that frontside 1080 right into the cab 1080 so things started off really well beautiful shells a strap I like that the double grab into the frontside 5 and it looks like he just lost a little bit of speed before that front 5 we've got a little squirrely on that air to fakie Japan's a poptart pocket our and then the switch back nine we have ten so I'm fortunate for chase Blackwell [Music] only 19 plenty more those for him to go [Applause] here comes Kent Callister from Australia spends his time up at Mount Bachelor he's in a nice spot here in in fifth yeah fifth is a pretty good place to be he's good and a lot of the riders that are coming after him are already in that top 10 - just a select few like your chase josie and your jaan share so then is still in there right yeah Danny still at night Danny is currently in 9th place yeah [Applause] and so Kent Callister starting things off with an air to fakie and he just landed a little bit not a little bit on the planning this is the deep end he popped a little too hard so Ken Callister you can toss that one aside though currently sitting in fifth place I could pretty much to your point though how much do those those deep flat landings start to take their toll yeah I think yeah and unless I used to have like shin splint inflammation on the sides but we had really soft boots and the thing too is like our strap just cuts the blood circulation and you keep banging it with the flat landings let me get sore calves definitely I don't know yeah eels bruised hills so that's like yeah well I got footprint insole so I don't get bruised heels Jake pay its texting with his mom what do you know he's about to that everything is good in this next run will just be for fun hey mom yeah I still here at the US Open about to drop in for run two but again you know we talked about this in the women's semi-final like not treating chicken treating each run like an opportunity to improve towards your goal absolutely and especially now I mean Jake is one of those riders where if he didn't make finals would be a surprise he's currently sitting in seventh place you want to get up into that kind of top five right now to really feel comfortable that you're gonna make it into finals and so I think Jake is gonna go for it right here [Applause] backside 540 frontside double cork 1085 was insane that was a great run and you know what I liked to is he actually toned down the number of rotations he does on some of those tricks yeah but he did them so much better yeah that first hit backside five was really really nice yeah I was doing an Indy grab that is a lot harder than a mute yeah it was not like really hold but he got a poke in there so yeah the distance between the grabs is love like like harder than like you can see a lot of people just go in for to stock the tail or the mute it's like the easiest one that was a and I was saying in his first friend that salhan Tina he just has a little something else in his riding like just a flare to it that he's got great style he's really fun to watch Jake Paige ride a snowboard police he's fluid exactly yep this might be a big score here for Jake Bates currently sitting in seven seventy eight point seven so he is gonna improve all the way up to fourth and he's officially safe didn't get exactly what you said he needed to do ten vibes you've been up in the tent yet yeah have some water up and time how is it up there it's nice and gentle are you talking to the kids are you asking them how they're feeling watching the screen I don't know she was talking going on there so Derek Livingston dropping in next he is in that 10th bubble position at this point so Sal you've said this before with the riders he really like he kind of has the final say right now from Derek Livingston into the cab double cork 1080 insane combinations from Derek Livingston and then a frontside 1080 yeah he was not holding back he wasn't no well yeah you do not want to be sitting in 10th place with about a dozen riders left - pure - well there's actually not that I think the only person with the jump I'll knock him out is Yann sure and chase Josie I'd say Josie okay but still like that those that's a that's a check that's knocking you out from 10:00 to 11:00 yeah you're at 10:00 so will this make a difference we switch spot the top of that ride was really nice but he had this bobble this is so nice to watch the landing on this that looks painful so is that a better run than Danny Davis so the trip difficulty score is huge muy interesante so the only person left outside of the car is chase Josie correct and yon sheriff actually up right now yep I'm more nervous and Danny right now all right only two can take out your favorite snowboarders favorite snowboarder I want to see if Louie - you know maybe after this run we could talk to them you to see where Danny is actually standing down there backside 900 from yawn share into the that was like double alike front late front 180 but unfortunately started really good off though as a kid backside 9 that backside 9 looked good but young chair thoroughly not stoked thoroughly not stoked that will not do it that will not affect the top 10 which now means only chase Josie yeah he started off nice with his backside 900 and he's actually I feel like the beginning of this year he was riding really really well and then comes around on this and just not enough rotation and goes down not enough amplitude to do that rotation you can see that he was popping like really early on the wall to Lily what's one of the people saying here with our few runs left well I just got the shout out from around the world we got a leg from Ukraine we got Louise from Argentina and we have Jorge from Mexico it's crazy to see how many people from around the world watching this event we have a huge international field and an international viewership that's insane to me I love to see people enjoying this from all over yeah we have people checking in this morning from South Africa I want to know if someone like where what's the craziest time for them like it's about 2:30 for us look at the time but what time is it where you are yeah is it 3:00 a.m. yeah somebody yes somebody's probably doing like the 3:00 a.m. dance right now well pepper dinner is in a is safe Jose is the only person left who's out what is he gonna do with this run oh thank you what do you think of that trick the burger play you I think that's one of the coolest pipe tricks being done right now double Michael Chuck into the double cork frontside 1080 AB double cork 10 Wow that was a really good run so Pat Burgener is not settling for top ten you know and Pat every contest he's mixed up his line yeah with some contests he'll do the switch backside 10 on the bottom hit I'm really impressed how much you know about the hopper Freddie has seen as the most incredible photogenic memory of runs of anybody in snowboarding it's incredible Danny's catching good Trenton is here too and I was given the amplitude in the and this keeps also a very talented musician Pat Burgener amazing guitar player he just put out his I think his first record about a year ago yeah super talented musicians he's one of those riders that can kind of sneak up out of nowhere and and upset that podium look at that trick difficulty score Wow and execution they were second place and what's scary too though is that he missed a couple of his hardest tricks he didn't include them so Pat Burgener officially came to play at the US Open eight place to second place and now it gets very interesting on and do it oh yeah fully 100% capable he has all the switch tricks it's the first run it just seemed lacking the amplitude well some of the last person that could send Danny Davis into the viewership column one side double cork 1085 and the switch double Evo into the cab double cork 1080 run side 900 and he's gonna call it right there he's gonna hedge his bat see this is gonna get pretty interesting here yeah what do you think Terry if I was the judge that you kind of like I I don't like you when they cut the last jump you know like when we rolled we were like trying to get most hand as possible yeah even have that like you had a wall that was like a 1 meter high will still try to do in hand plan on it yeah but now that here they're like you know they will do the biggest trick and then grab their boot and then they will come the last one and there was just claimed it that's like he's supposed to ride the whole pipe yeah so here's that last trick he did and then he could have gotten one more hit in like you said it looked like it was an active choice to be like yeah a lot of people do it I've seen the score is 72 point eight seven seventy one point two not nuts and Danny Davis reads the sigh of relief and you got to ask the question did that last wall choosing to not take it that last wall make a difference even if he went in and just did a backside air I think so don't skip the last hit chase Josie was visibly not happy with that with that score yeah but Ben Ferguson was not happy either right yep you know and you know there's always gonna judge me support yep you're never gonna get everybody happy in jerking sports all right so Ruka Hirano in the pipe is frontside nine to start out with and he is in the top ten so this is a fun run for him imagine that was a fun run for Pat burger tune he hates the second exactly a really good run yeah frontside double cork 12 to end it and maybe maybe with you know Pat Berg and or maybe that's a strategic thing because when they drop in in the finals they're dropping in reverse order so as it stands right now if no changes are made to the top ten Scotty James has a huge advantage dropping last in the finals right because you get to see what everyone else does and then you adjust your run from there that's not a good format because for a spectator you're gonna have those what do you call the victory runs and stuff like that we always did it the Artic challenge we had like the guy who was leading before the last one he has to go first and he has to be at the bottom and sit everybody else trying to take him down and he couldn't do an easy run he was like I know I'm leaning but I can't just do the victory run I got to do my hardest because it's gonna be ten guys or nine guys after me trying to take me down right and I don't know why we're not having that here yeah but it's like now is like yeah it's easy for them to like you can like for him like it like you to Scott it was leading he had to like ride to the fullest to the end yeah yeah and you would say I think to at that point like such a high standard oh yeah Rai boot Katayama sitting in fourth place right now so how does he treat it you think we know he wants to win I think you boost I think you go for it I think you put down your best run he has said that he wants to win the US Open so I thought you great sound bite I think he's gonna go for it I think he's gonna try to dethrone Scotty James here in semifinals and and try to be the last rider to drop in finals I love how just like you know I've been dreaming of this since I was a little kid being here and second place was cool but like that win doesn't win the US Open yeah they're the win have either way on this kid that's not good it's gonna slow them down yeah and you got to factor that in I mean when you're boosting 1618 feet out of a 22 foot tall super pipe you do not want to have a wind Baptist double cork 1080 into the frontside 900 so really similar line to what he did on the first round on the last wall it's arguable that his last hit was his biggest that was crazy yeah first line first run he did the frontside double cork 10 on that there he added a 1260 everything else up top was the same as his first run frontside 1080 gets it all the way around takes all that speed into his next wall cab double cork time what's the mute still efficient not quite sure what that is a great question and there's that backside 900 and that sets himself up for this last trick where he goes for the 1260 comes around lands it that's is where he did the frontside double cork 10 I think you should have done the handplant at that bottom there another even if it wouldn't be like a big trick one more hit yeah why not well it's official Terry Hawkinson wants you to ride the entire half but I like it all six were like all 600 feet they built it that long for a reason every bit of transition well we all have the hip entrance to you loose a lot of the walls and top oh you taught us sukkah what is he going to do yeah Yuto is the final rider to shake up that top 10 yes after him and Scotty james-scott he's currently in first so you told he could make Scotty work for the money today you know in Utah's finish second next to Scotty in so many events this year not that this is the finals but right yeah I'm pretty sure Utah's gonna send it right here and for the field like as much as Scotty James is a really likable dude after he's won five events in the world in a row I'm sure the whole field is like let's get this dude let's get him yeah let's deeper on the can well he is riding like that's exactly what he wants to do and he added that 1260 at the bottom hit and this this just speaks to like that elite level in the field the yuto's the Scotty James like you said earlier Tina they're still sitting on tricks there yeah they're pulling out tricks for run two of the semifinals to kind of jockey that top three around yeah these top guys they're not riding a hundred percent right now and they do keep that level of secrecy that they always have one or two tricks that other people may not know about and they're just waiting for the right time to unveil them a funny name suppose that a front side still in do they called it it's not important but it's funny does that take out pepper does this runt take out Pat B it might what is what's Pat burgers second run score there it does more than that it does more than that that I told you that they were chasing him all the way down and just like that we got a new leader Wow yuto's been fighting for this all year I've seen him finish second next to Scottie and he's not happy with that the only qualification okay I know still exciting though it's just I love the fact that they're like we're not gonna let you just slide in and there is something nice about being the number one qualifier absolutely so now you're Scotty James are you chilling on second place or are you trying to regain that top spot tear you well because it's only this image we're all different I don't know like I remember like starting loss was not always to benefit you know he might get more nervous and you have to watch everybody else yeah so I mean Scotty is a tried and true competitor though he won I think he wants that number once I think he's gonna try and get that number one let's hope so we can get some entertainment going they're [Laughter] [Applause] starting things out with that switch double cork back 10 into the backside 900 1080 Scotty James is just pure power in the half pipe and the frontside double cork 12 Hugh so back-to-back ko punches from Yuto and Scotty James yeah what do you call that first trips he would in the switch the switch the switch back 10 yeah yeah a lot of guys do that at home does it burger yeah but he was doing the switch backside 1260 right he's changed up its line a little bit this year does he oh he missed the grabbing and I think we grabbed it yeah I was just about to say for me execution-wise Otsuka he was at all all those grabs were just yeah yeah it's gonna be interesting to see where this where this I don't think it's gonna take up that suka so Scotty's first run score amazing run is eighty-seven point two four in Renault Udo top suka has an eighty nine point three seven so Scotty needs to get into the 90s I don't think it's gonna do it sixty six point three out of 75 that is eight well Sal maybe you should open your mouth or you should Wow okay two different I don't know about you but I saw this appointment in his face like he wanted that number one qualifier spot and I think that if you if you're gonna have a chance to beat him try and get getting this at getting his head early this dude is undefeated all season absolutely Wow so if I'm totes iike Mitch's the champ mission accomplished Danny Davis gets in there with that tenth place finish [Music] yeah and then you see some of the names like chase Josie Ben Ferguson not up in that top 10 that is quite a surprise and then some of the newer names didn't make it up into that top 10 but great showings from them it's always awesome to come to the US Open and see that next generation of halfpipe and slopestyle riders that you're gonna be seeing for years to come yeah the 12 and 13 year olds dropping in and really setting the tone for today's event yeah the semi-finals especially those last few runs were I think just you know an indication of what we're gonna see tomorrow or in the finals in two days I'm exhausted pleasantly such cell needs to rest 192 runs of snowboarding we've had in the last two days and one of the big ones of course that we didn't see coming you thought suka saying I will not be chill on my last run he is with Louie so you toe you qualify in first place with that second run how do you feel some faithful pom and that so happy face yeah so good man it was amazing to watch or you have some different run for finals yeah perfect we can't wait to watch I know you have bigger tricks so it's going to be exciting going down on Saturday so good luck and congratulations thank you thank you Louie and we are going to have because this is such a massive international field and obviously there will be a full Japanese broadcasts for slopestyle finals and halfpipe finals available on Red Bull TV for our Japanese audience very cool great and you know he didn't obviously wasn't able to express himself and the way that he wanted to be like I'm very happy about first place I had fun that was his first response today clearly having the most fun let's take a look at our top three qualifiers starting with Pat Virgina yeah this was incredible I mean he was sitting in in hates bodies at the time and yeah we were like I think Pat's gonna go for it and check this out the only guy in the world doing that trick right now finger burger flip and then just right there does a switch backside five he also does a search backside nine or ten eighty there yeah this was an insane run from Pat Burgener it's almost like you took the volume button and just cranked it for his second run he knew he had nothing to lose he was pretty safe in that eighth place spot but he just threw down a hammer run jumped all the way up that put him in second until you top cyka dropped in and here is Scotty James on his second run this scored him in an eighty nine point one two tenths of a point a switch backside 1080 to start things off with the very first hit that is a ridiculous combo it's a to your point about like you like to see risk that's risk I don't have letters you don't put them Tina you mentioned he can up that oh yeah take that to switch back once yeah and he can also add he was going to the 1080 to the back nine he could take that to a 12 yeah listen you're talking about of like 12 in numbers whatever but yes zoom remember like the amplitude and the stop how we do to all these numbers is really important you know and then this kid right here you tota suka putting down the highest scoring run up today and let me Scottie James no he's not gonna go quietly into that good night how critical the chick was the grabs were held and boned out it's like t just sec amplitude and style and that was the dip that was a real difference making yeah well now here's the question under the pose knowing what we know about Scotty James and the finals run that he has and seeing what you taught suka did today and being a little less familiar with what he's gonna throw down on finals day is Scotty James still the favorite going into Saturday he's definitely not like off the chart of course he's a favorite the tricks we know he has you know first 5 or 5 even if he was 6 today he would be like the favorite until he until he doesn't win but I like that he's gonna have a little bit of a chip on his shoulder coming in as opposed to it's like just the ease and that's gonna up obviously up the drama and he has tomorrow to kind of take a day off as well and sort of reset for that final well and the other thing to mention about Scotty too is he's he's a physically strong rider but he's also mentally strong I feel like that's where he's gained the most ground because he's always gone this big he's always had the tricks but it's the mental toughness that he's really focused on the last 3-4 years and I think that's what's made him such a threat mr. Hawkinson it has been a pleasure every day all day thank you guys for tuning in and hanging out with us remember to stay social communicate with us you can do so at Red Bull snow at Burton Snowboards the hashtag is Burton u.s. open continue to tune in with us for the next two days and especially if you watch on Facebook via Red Bull and Burton you can actually communicate ask questions let us know how you're feeling where you're watching from etc oh I know 192 runs of snowboarding and we're just getting started and if you love winter sports in general well as you already know ripple TV is the perfect place for you download the Red Bull app for free and discover plenty of exciting films shows you can log in you can save your favorite content and you can watch those offline download it already you'll be happy and be a part of the Red Bull experience we will be back tomorrow to play on the slopes top horse I ran into reg Roger earlier at lunch taking lap through the course feeling pretty happy is our number one qualifier it's gonna be fun to see what with that event yields tomorrow yeah there was an insane top ten in slopes ah me and seeing names like Luke Winkleman lion Ferrell Brock Crouch it does feel like a lot of changing of the guard but it's an introduction to the new generation and the women's field the women's field really set that standard yeah with someone like Zoe sadowski's so not having to figure out that new feature the transition feature and then we've got in the men's Mark McMorris who's won twice and then didn't win and then once he's won twice again but has never done the three times never done the three-peat yeah I'm sure he wants that guy he said in that piece that it is something that he wants that it means something to him actually to get 3p and it sounds like from everyone that we've spoken to that's a multiple winner here that it never gets old the opportunity to win a US Open like just because you've won one before doesn't mean anything it gets better you know yeah yeah for sure it's like yeah you can win early goals but then you can come back and win again right yeah it's better yeah this is the one that's events cements your names in the books of snowboarding forever thank you guys for hanging out Terry thank you seriously for hanging out and just do nothing but tell the truth it was great thank you and we will see y'all tomorrow at 10 a.m. Mountain Standard time for the women's final on behalf of our entire crew here at rebel TV thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 140,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, extreme sports, burton us open 2019, burton us open livestream, burton us open live, halfpipe show, snowboarding, snowboard, burton halfpipe, mark mcmorris, anna gasser, x games, burton, burton snowboards, youtube live, sports, halfpipe, us open, snowboards, winter, snow, marcus kleveland, slopestyle, red bull tv, red bull burton us open livestream, half pipe, travis rice
Id: xI2fp4Q3X74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 3sec (10383 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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