Gun Gripes Episode 94: "Fudds"

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all right welcome back everybody this is Eric and chad here from all spawn and gun today we have another gun gripe episode for you now this is one that we've been talking about for a couple of days like griping about for I would say griping about it and a term was brought to my attention the other day that I didn't know about and it's called Fudd's do you guys know what a Fudd is okay a Fudd is like a NRA member okay it can be a NRA member it can be a sportsman it can really be anybody that is a gun person but the difference between an average Second Amendment supporter and a Fudd is that a Fudd only cares about hunting rifles and nothing more so they might be the kind of person that oh don't take my double-barrel shotgun don't take my five shot bolt-action rifle don't tell me don't take my deer rifle don't take my duck gun yeah but everything else screw ya I mean I don't really care about other so there's also rifles yeah I don't we don't need those right honey it's just this just don't mess with my stuff they're the kind of people that will only go to bat on issues that involve sportsmanship and involve hunting and involve you know those types of conservation efforts but anything else be it a black rifle or anything that's a not a sporting type gun that are that is built specifically for sporting purposes they could give two craps less if you bend it or not and I found that the NRA has actually had a huge problem with Fudd's you know with the kind of guys that a lot of their constituents and a lot of their supporters now granted the NRA has been known to go to bat on some pretty rough issues for the gun community and yes I do have an NRA membership and yes I support the NRA of course we have to I mean they're the biggest gun lobby group out there they are stupid not to support a lot of their members are Fudd's well of course and I have never seen the NRA openly support black rifles well they're not in the sense of Wayne LaPierre holding up a scar heavy you know in a big meeting a big get-together big media press thing and I've never seen Wayne LaPierre hold up a freakin scar heavy I believe it when I see that you know but but anyways I mean the NRA has been working to you know kind of change their image as of late within the past couple of years you know they've brought on a lot of correspondents and they bought on a lot of a lot of young you know kind of hip people whatever that are into into guns into the Second Amendment and you know more and of like the black rifles and whatnot that are very prevalent nowadays with younger generation materials such as that some of the new firearms owners that are coming into the industry I mean they're trying to gear you know the the NRA is traditional values and such to this younger generation and they're having a very difficult time you know doing that running they really are a lot of it is because the youngsters you know they they portray the NRA or at least in their mind they think the NRA is a bunch of Fudd's much old men bunch of old guys hanging out with double-barrel shotgun shooting it crap in the air and nothing more you know when you see somebody from the NRA that supports black guns it does make you think a little bit that there may be trying a little bit too hard when it's very hard to just completely rebrand the whole idea of how you're trying to move forward as as an organization and as a gun lobbying group and I'm not saying they're doing it wrong or anything like that but it does seem a little johnny-come-lately when you know we've had black rifles around for a long time I mean look at all the stuff went down with the Clinton ban and how all of that's been portrayed now the NRA s went to bat on a lot of important issues and and they are an extremely important lobbying group you know here in the US and it's very important you know to support their efforts just because they are such a large group of people but it would be a little bit more refreshing to see more support of black rifles from the large groups like them well not only just support of the guns themselves but the the ideal of the gun you know the ideal of the Second Amendment not in the in the light of like a sportsman's ideal but is in a free man's or a free woman well I do the Second Amendment is not about sporting you know it's about defense from a tyrannical government and anything else that falls under that pretty much if I want to use it to hunt game in between the meantime that's fine well but that's not what it where the Second Amendment is about you know creating an equal playing ground between you know the citizens you know of this country and the government and that's all that it is meant for and that's what the that's what the founding father Saul you know and they and they designed weren't enough they may sign it that way right they designed it that way well the big issue too is that with with fuds okay and I'm not I'm not trying to tell anybody how to raise their kids or what's right or wrong because that that's up to each individual to know what's right for the children and everything like that but I think that a child that's raised by a FUD it also is only getting half the story pretty because you know if your dad if your dad's a Fudd and he always says oh yeah just get you you know a three-shot um you know Winchester whatever or you know that get some hunting rifle or hunting shotgun and and that's all you ever need you know if you if your dad is a Fudd and he never goes this is an air 15 this is an ak-47 this you know you may not go out and go hunting with this but hey it's cool it's your right child you know this is what you need to know this stuff is available hey check out this handgun you can put a suppressor on you know the Fudd's don't teach their kids that kind of stuff they just go oh well you don't need that that's all that if they leave and that kid is only getting half the second event well not only that but they're also creating a huge problem because the thing with Fudd's is as long as you know you don't mess with their guns they're okay with that but see you give a tyrannical government an inch they're going to take a mine I mean there's no doubt about that if they start banning say they start banning ar-15s ak-47s assault-style weapons if you will whatever the case may be we like to call them modern sporting rifles but the major media outlets out there they are still assault rifles which is an correct term so but anyways I digress if if they take away those guns it's only a matter of time before they're going to take away like the Remington 1100 okay and then they're going to take away the the Remington like 742 s the 74 hundreds because they're semi-automatic and then they're going to take away your Remington 700 or your 770 Ruger American and then there's going to keep on going down the line and see what else they can pick at and take away you're going to know inch and they're going to take a model exactly out and that's the problem with with fuds is that they don't look at it like that they go oh whoa they're never they're never going to take my double-barrel over-and-under shotgun that oh well I won jobs liquor stores with double-barrel shotgun okay Uncle Joe would that's all you ever need it's double-barrel shotgun boy yeah Uncle Joe no and here's another another side of the equation all right you've got Fudd's which you know a Fudd is not an anti-gun person no no it is a gun person they might come from family who does upland duck hunting or they do deer hunting and the shoot mule deer that you elk they're hunters they're outdoorsmen and we're not certainly not saying that those folks are not supporters of the Second Amendment but there also is a double-ended sword where they also heard it at the same time they're they're chipping at the same block from two different angles and it's dangerous because you know on one end is the anti-gun and one end is the pro-gun but when you're Fudd you're really you're helping and hurting and you're almost like you're almost like a gun moderate very much like you know the the political field where you have conservatives liberals then you have moderates that kind of bridge between the two a gun moderate is a dangerous type of person because you know that would be considered a food and you don't wholly support the Second Amendment because that's the only topic you know that that we're discussing here you don't wholly support it so what you do is you let the government come in and chip away at the rights of others that may not impact you but if you give the government an inch they're going to take a mile so if they start with modern sporting rifles you know semi-automatic standard capacity guns like ARS a k47 such as that like Saiga 12 peppers anything which is already happening which is already happening by executive action thank you very much but if you start letting them chip away at those those rights if people that you know you may not really have any association with with them or that type of person you know like the competitive shooter or just the person maybe he was a prepper or whatever he's got kind of a prepping mindset he wants to have the same weapons at the the military and the police use just in case he's got to pick up ammo in some kind of crazy situation but you have all manner of people that use those type of guns on a daily basis so they take away those well what's to say they're not going to start taking away your Remington 1100 your 1187 well they're send me on Mac they hold a lot of shells saying those things are powerful I mean you can really hurt somebody with those how about Remington you know 7400 742 s little 4 shot semi-automatic 30 out 6 rifles I mean those things are held a lot more powerful than a 2 to 3 you're a little 5 5 6 gun but oh wait a minute will those are dangerous - those will send me out of my you can fire more than one shot you know in a few seconds oh no we can't have that we're going to take those away too but now then the funds are going to be affected so only when they are affected are they really going to start to fight by that time it'll be too damn late right right you know and that's well it can really go a lot of different directions on that you know to support what Chad saying of course you know he's certainly right in that regard but we also have a lot of new gun owners that are kind of johnny-come-lately to the gun industry and I'm not saying that's a bad thing okay you've got a lot of people that got a big wake-up call because of Sandy Hook alright there's all these things going on and they're like oh my gosh you know they're going to ban semi automatics they're going to ban ar-15 they're going to ban all this stuff and they started going out and buying all these guns because they were afraid that they were going to be taken away now in the big scheme of things I don't know whether to call that good or bad for one thing I guess it's good if someone gets wet woken up and they realize holy crap I need to get off my butt to do something but it's also kind of bad it's like well where were you yep where were you what you know where were you on the boat 15 years alia and wanted to take a situation like what happened to Sandy Hook - to bring that that feeling out you know I mean right everybody come everybody becomes patriotic when they talk about taking it away well pretty much in the event of some kind of national disaster where the case may be but yeah it's a slippery slope guys it really is and in this video is something we thought about really hard as to how we wanted to approach it because there are a lot of people that watch our videos that are probably in the food category to some degree now we're not saying it's a negative thing guys I mean being a FUD is something that we can cure all right we can get we can get you in some fun guns that will turn you very quick if you're a gun person that's into hunting and you get on a m107 barrett or you get on a ma deuce or you get on some cool guns you're going to come to the dark side the black side the evil black side but don't worry you know it's okay there is a cure guys it's a gun prescription with 30 round magazines and 75 round drums and that will brighten your day so don't worry there is a cure if you guys know someone that's you know fits the description of someone that we taught to say you got a gun-toting buddy that's that's a foot okay for whatever reason invite him and his son and him and his kids out to come shoot with you and take him out there and show them some tactical guns show them some ARS show them a caves show them that they're just cool they're cool to play with they're great for defense good for defending the home and that's just all-out fun I mean it doesn't have to be for any other reason it just because it's fun why not just go out and have a fun time and remember too that there are a lot of calibers out there for ARS and some that are very suitable for hunting purposes and a lot of people use them for hunting exactly take your you know a magazine of appropriate capacity to use for hunting purposes go out and use a 308 AR to take down dear throw on your your long-range you know bull barrel thousand-yard barrel or a thousand-yard upper to go you know have fun in a thousand yards take your gun out to a thousand play with it so remember it doesn't have to be hunting or or sporting purposes I mean the Second Amendment encompasses a wide variety of different that you know things that benefit you as an American and you know your Second Amendment is about defense it's about defending yourself well as I've said before I don't remember the exact person but you know if you own a gun you're a citizen if you don't own a gun then you're a subject yeah it's very true it's very true well guys we're going to wrap this video up we want to know your comments suggestions opinions do you have an idea for a gun gripe do you agree with us do you disagree with us all of the above are fine but if you if you want to say something leave it in the comment section below we'll read your comments we'll try to respond to as many of them as we can we do appreciate the support guys we have a lot more videos in the pipeline please subscribe stay tuned make sure you're following us and we'll catch you next time take it easy you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 200,806
Rating: 4.8627453 out of 5
Keywords: reelmen8888, walking dead, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, mall ninja, fps russia, eric and barry, eric and berry, prepper hillbillies, game of thrones, zombies, moss pawn, moss shop, Moss Group Securities, 88 industries, Fudds, Fudd, Gun Gripes, Gun Fudd, Fud, Fuds
Id: ZjL1aiZoeOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 07 2014
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