Frozenheim - (Viking Strategy Colony Builder)

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hello hello it's surprise livestream night are you surprised because if you're not then get out of here because this is only for surprised folks that's the kind of live stream this is dexter james surprisingly took down the gundyr who was who was dominating this thing for the mo the longest time sorry adam um but dexter james said no this is my surprise i shall be the king of the city of whatever this is i should probably go in here you know i should get in and i should draw some maps uh of my own for uh for a old goal emulator because i've got that one that i made and it actually looks pretty good uh compared with with cleaning glimmer later i can't i cannot say that word hey ellen how's it going okay okay hey randomgamer um so um here's the here's the idea um i um okay let's let's start from the beginning um there's a lot of city builders coming out this this year there's a lot there's a lot of city builders coming out this year why is there so many city builders there's a lot of city builders coming out this year um that's fantastic uh i'm i'm very excited about the numbers of city builders because uh that's kind of what i do um and so it's just sort of uh it's just feeding the um feeding the channel it's like like a like a tasty um cupcake of uh of city builders hopefully we'll get different flavors of cupcakes um that's what i really hope for we may get all the same flavor but maybe we'll get surprised we'll get some cream filling in the middle there maybe some sprinkles occasionally um we'll see but um we're gonna check out a new one uh the whole reason i'm talking about this is because i like to think of myself as being uh somewhat in the know of of what's coming out um i don't look too too far ahead i don't really like pay too much attention not to be surprised um i i don't i don't pay too much attention uh but i do usually like i hear a name i know the names i kind of think okay there's a cool city builder i keep my eyes on that one uh well yesterday i was uh just sitting here scrolling through some emails and well bam uh there was a cupcake of of a frozen heim city builder that i had never heard of before that was in my inbox saying hey we're coming out soon want to check it out um and so that's what we're doing today uh i i i was going to just do a video on this and i noticed i i watched a bit of splatter cat play it today um and i thought hey that looks like a pretty good thing i think i want to play more than 30 minutes of it so i thought it seemed like a good time for a livestream sound like playing that's that's what i'm thinking this is a frozen cupcake yes yes yes with a giant axe and um and uh historically accurate horns on its helmet that's what it is okay so that's the plan my voice is mostly back it's it's it's just still sort of a little bit uh a little bit wonky so um we'll go as long as we can uh um i i figured maybe a couple hours here or something like that we'll see how it goes looks like valheim got sim city blended with it i mean if if valheim is is generic viking i suppose yes a viking horned helm cupcake that's right i'd eat one of those washed down with mead from a goblet yes yes okay so um i'm gonna i'm gonna there's there was to be a way i could do okay let me play around things here just a minute just a minute i know what i'm doing here just just calm down um is that why is this i'm gonna look at a couple things real quick just to see if i can mess with some stuff um nope i don't know so there's ways of of like yeah never mind never mind behind the scenes things uh i don't know how these i don't know how this youtube thing works uh i'll figure it out eventually um but um maybe maybe this will work um no no no volume no we don't deal with volume volume around here nonsense nonsense i i prefer to have um poorly balanced volume controls while i do my videos so then everyone can yell at me in the comments and i increase my engagement engagement rates that's that's that's the secrets i play poorly i i adjust my volume levels poorly and then everyone yells at me profit submitting a bunch of projects for the other semester tonight i was looking for background noise and i caught my first nook stream well i will i will be as noisy as possible so there used to be a thing like i could like click a button and it would highlight my video so i wouldn't have to go in later and like edit things because it took away my youtube took away my way of cropping out bits of of my youtube streams real easy like so now i have to like yank them over from twitch and put them over here i could i could like separately record it but then it doesn't always work right and you know you know um i'm just being noisy here for max okay so so all my voices here let's play some frozen high okay so frozen heim it's coming out on may 20th which is just here in a couple days it's going to be in early access when it comes out so this is a pre-early access thing it is a norse city builder uh i think it i think it probably more uh it calls itself a north city builder a serene norse city builder thanks jojo perk thank you very much um a serene norse city builder with rts tactical combat um so yeah it's i think it leans more towards the rts part of the game than it does the city building part of the game now that i've played it just a bit um but we'll check it out and we'll see we'll we'll see how it goes so that's the plan tonight let's check this thing out and uh um you know get your uh tankards of of i don't know viking beverage of choice whatever um i'm looking for some sort of viking metaphor here i'm all out perfect streaming hours for me who lives in korea well i'm i'm here for you thank you oh thanks fire ground thank you very much that's my favorite sound my favorite sound it's a viking flavored edge advantage yeah that's basically what it is well you know i'm a long time viewer but first time chatter all right stick around cloud 7a stick around and uh and chat a bit or not whichever i'll do some talking for you um and we'll see how this thing goes um so i saw some of the bits that they sent me in this email about the game and you know typical rts we got a multiplayer in there it has a skirmish mode where you go in and you know you set your map up it doesn't really give you a good look over the map you can add in your players um what team they're on you know that kind of a thing change your color merge the name of our place here you know typical skirmish we may check this out um after the scenario i want to play a little bit of the campaign though just to get into it introduce so many games to your channel and miss remiss not to do that thanks fire ground yeah i appreciate that very much a lot of that uh youtube member thing has been kind of uh has been doing very well lately so thanks for everyone who has done that um okay anyway let's uh let's try the campaign so first mission here actually we may just have two we'll see what we can get into here um the first one here is kind of like tutorial land we get in and it kind of shows us the basics and then we go to the next one and we'll see what that next one's about for valhalla legend of a holy tree giving knowledge to those most worthy has spread among our people hopefully another don't cut it down tree decorations speaking of i think that was the one if we cut down the holy tree then it'll certainly be an axe involved said only the finest warriors may meet the gods and bring their generous blessings back to the lands okay there's our introduction um so here it's you know it's age of empires command conquer whatever you want to think of it's that um we got some warriors here each unit consists of five units you can see a health bar up top there um these guys are my observers or my axemen we have a couple different stances we've got we can throw them into a rage if we want to of course we're vikings of course we're gonna rage um it's also very important that we are bald very important to be bald if you want to uh be a viking uh but our job is to go walk and find our settlements let's go walk over and find our settlements this is gonna pop up a few times i want it to go away i'm gonna bounce over here let me know if it looks okay it looks a little bit a lot of these early access things you know aren't the most optimized of things so if it is a little wonky let me know on the stream okay we're gonna hack up some wolves here we swing in unison yes we shave our heads together in unison we swing our axes in unison that's the kind of vikings we are walk through some trees here the game has like a cover system if you walk through trees what what's the one i'm thinking of is it it's like company heroes um which one am i thinking of very medievally and you like sneak through the like walking through tall grass or whatever is like a is a it's a very way of being a very good way of being sneaky i don't remember which one it was i cannot remember ancestors legacy no that's not the one that's that's not the way it's an old one okay so we walked we hopped into our uh the hut here which explore which showed a bunch of new stuff to us um occasionally those things laying around like carts and stuff we'll go and we'll grab them and they do things for us this one gives us some sight we got bad guys over there it wants us to walk through here to avoid them uh it's an older one i don't remember i think there's an older one that was that was remastered recently i think consider looking at balram i don't recognize that one bow room look at remind me i'll i'll try to remember or if you're still hanging around here remind me and i'll remember to look at that one we'll make our way back back back home here and then we get to the city building part of the game or base building it's not really city building i have i i try to define my city building in certain ways right if you've got like a dozen people doesn't 20 folks whatever that's a colony builder when you get into like the thousands that's that's a city builder but when you're doing like lumber camps and individual houses and you know i mean that's that's a colony builder anyway anyway uh we got a uh we have a a long house or a homestead right here uh we've got 14 workers that are available to do whatever we've got none of them doing anything right now none of them are building right now we've got some battle units which is our guys we just walked into town with as well as our scouts food we've got wood we got stone we've got steel um ore iron animal skins and clothes um a couple things around here we got a fisherman's hut over here we can assign it a couple people and they will hop out of the flower infested fields and make their way over to there and they're just going to trample those flowers that say well look at that they're just stomping all over the things and they're going away as they walk it gets the trails you know um make sure we get this cranked up so we get a couple folks doing some building here and let's go build a woodcutter's hut there and make sure we get rid of some of these trees over here because they're just obstructing my view right there age of empires is a colony but okay okay okay okay point made point made following your dnd adventure i'm really enjoying it thanks ben of here i've been been a va um yeah yeah i'm i'm i'm i'm into it um i've been playing dean a long time i'm i'm really enjoying that one the longest by far the longest d d campaign i've ever done um almost on three years now with that thing which is wrapping up it's about time to start up a new one so we'll have to see we ever get to an end of that one hey colin how's it going linked it in the discord oh thanks thanks burns okay um anyway so they're going over there to build the fishing hut or get to work there they're gonna come over here and build my lumber mill also and then we'll get to work on other things check out the vote i had a different thumbnail for this this game and i saw a picture on the steam page of the boats and i thought oh yeah that's that's a good thumbnail look at that thing that's nice you know i mean there's is there water in the boat i mean there's a little bit of water in the boat but don't don't worry about that don't worry about that we got buckets there we go we'll trample those flowers out of the way uh okay so let's go and get some other things made our main goal here is to get to the yarl's settlement so which is the yellow guy up there so we'll get our little thing built here for a minute and get some things rolling let's get some houses thrown in first off um northgard but more realistic let's build a couple more houses here so these get perks for being nearby we'll see that in a second happiness is a thing where um like units get re-uh population get repopulated um and um like this guy if he has a neighbor he gets happy he gets plus one that's not me for sure i like not how i would like to not have a neighbor uh um if it's if it's there's no water nearby or if there is water nearby he gets a perk he gets a plus if it's cold outside he gets a minus so there you go you see it just popped up one because there was another house built next to him um so you kind of kind of manipulate and work things together uh we get a well in here which also gives them water and most importantly helps them not burn down so we'll do some of that we'll get ourselves a collector's guild which is going to come over and grab these stone and iron bits sacred two i'm not going to sign peasants to do your chores in real life that's what i have kids for well that was true until they turned like six remember the good old days of uh my daughters well my daughter is stubborn my boys whenever they were like four or five years old like hey will you go go turn the light on okay they're so excited go get me a drink okay they're so excited to go to do anything anything and my daughter she's four and like hey hey uh hey river we go get you know whatever no you're like what you're four you're supposed to enjoy this kind of stuff i'll tell you what anyway anyway enough of that let's get some people at the collector's guild get some things collected up over here they got some scouts here they can do a couple things they have a bird uh and the bird can go explore things like um well like this and go fly over there there he goes there he goes there he goes and he explores for me yeah it's a very nice little bird we've got our warriors which came into camp here in a minute ago uh bringing them around here oh there's only three of them there we'll get five once we get rebuilt up we need someone to man the well so we'll throw him in there it should return every stop working properly i'm gonna play agent four when it comes out yeah i will that's yeah of course all right that guy's very excited uh all right so let's get what else we need um bloomery will turn that ore into steel we should probably go ahead and get that set up it's very snowy outside there's seasons as you can tell um we'll throw this guy like um like right over here yeah that seems like a good place for my bloomers right over there uh this guy's gonna collect the stone and all that as as he does his thing we've got so we got a couple more work man you don't need more than i have to find um you see the pads the snow gets kind of dug out it's kind of cool that's that's like a thing every game does now every game has this pathfinding thing or it's not pathfinding but this this trail making thing foundation i mean there's been a few that did it i don't know what the first one that did it but now everyone does it austria does it um stop by and spread some kindness to the most wonderful person wow oh koji thank you very much hope your day is extra better hope this kind of messes makes your day 5 000 times better thanks coco very nice of you that's some deep snow i mean it's you know it's it's cold up here um let's see oh fish oh it wants me another fish yeah let's read the let's read that so let's throw this guy in here and put him right in there so we get some more fish coming in australia's first foundation does it and yeah there's a lot of a lot of them do it now it's cool i like it they really he's really plowing down yeah and he's he's bald as well it's very important if you're living by village it's very important you'd be bald okay scouts let's go um let's go scout so come here there's there's a couple of camps we have to go clear out here and we'll uh we'll see what we can find there these uh these warriors can go scout around as well we have some that we saw before right these are the guys we walked by before we go take them out so we'll find like a little goodie huts these wagons that we can go scout and find some free free materials also again if the stream looks a little wonky let me know i can't this one's i actually had to turn down a little bit the graphics down because it just seemed like there was just too much going on but uh it may be it might be looking okay actually enemy oh i got dogs okay we found some wolves get him get him um okay we got him well done almost uh oh yeah fr yeah frost punk right frost punk head the path thing uh there's some folks over here hello good friend how are you our village has been raided by bandits who are hiding in the woods please help us get rid of them we will greatly reward the yarl lucky okay so we got some bands nearby that are that are harassing these folks which we'll we'll deal with in a minute uh let's go um finish scouting this place out oh my bloomery needs some people to turn that that this stuff into steel uh i need to get a i don't need a tanner i need a hunter i think to get uh hey thanks thanks been a benefit looks like a great game have fun man i will thanks or been a va one or the other thank you very much let's throw my hundreds up here where there's those deer at frostbite had snowpads but you had to build regular pads too that's right oh fisherman sorry okay so we need we need three houses constructed which i which i built already but i guess we'll build some more so let's throw some more houses and you also do like uh like a loop of houses can i hold shift and do more i all cannot we'll throw one in like um like over there and we'll put it over here yeah there we go nice little ring of houses everyone's all nearby so they get they get lots of happy perks look at this guy he loves being here uh oh training field right right right uh let me listen to this um tana would turn these these animal skins in the clothes which could be useful the training field set up over here we'll do what the game wants me to do first lack of that and scouts we're gonna figure out what these bad uh bad guys are at so let's go do that get some folks in the hunters oh huts there's all kinds of deer around here i can't really see him though they're hiding out in here somewhere we got freebies for building a training hall excellent excellent uh yeah let's do that let's get so the way this works is you basically choose one unit i build an archer and it creates a full unit of archers not just one hey steven how's it going uh yeah this will make it to youtube um most of the things i play most things i stream make it to youtube um i've been really picky lately and so um if it's ever a day where usually usually sunday night or monday morning is my is my play multiple games day and um a little more picky so if sometimes i'll find some of those that don't quite don't quite thrill me and so i don't put those on youtube but you always get to vod on twitch or if you um if you get the notification you just say this link i always leave this stream there i don't ever mess with that it's unlisted but it'll be there we gotta get two axemen oh i think we got him as you wish i'm just getting stronger yeah we gotta find someone to go fight oh actually we know where someone to fight is don't we let's go get these guys so i've got yeah you come here and you guys come here okay so we've got we've got an army now these guys we can replenish them with our skins and some people so there we go we got a couple folks gonna come out here and join up so now we've got a full group we've got 15 folks and there are how many over here billing under attack by what what oh under attack by a match okay next time i light a candle i'm shouting that out loud the candles don't attack all right okay now a couple things we can do so uh axemen can rage uh the archers can do a precise shot where it increases accuracy and lower speed i have not figured out yet if there is friendly fire or not it does seem like it seems like a lot of damage goes through when those areas go flying i haven't figured out yet we have neutral stance we have defense stance we have aggressive stance which we're going to do that and we're going to go in there and get them um fire that precise shot watch watch these arrows come in watch the health bars i mean i don't know i can't i can't tell it sure seems like sure seems like those arrows are doing some damage to me but i can't tell anyway we're gonna claim this place we're gonna take their clothes and um got that wagon i think the scouts have to do that and go find the next guy all right thanks max mountain blade released the updates um they've had a few i know there's one they're working on i was gonna play it all right um there was nothing they were working on to wear like when you enter into combat right it zooms you down into like a battlefield thing um and it's the the land of the battlefield zoom in was supposed to be the same as the overland terrain i don't know if that update is out yet or not though on my way i know pretty good size update came out back in like april or march so this is the gatekeeper yes my gatekeeper our bandit's hidden in the force nearby we won't let you pass until it's safe out there okay so this is to the yarl but we are maggots and we cannot pass the gatekeeper on my way sorry that's a very very strange reference that probably few folks will catch i don't know how popular that vcr game was but it's fantastic just go just go on youtube and search um what was it called just type in yes my gatekeeper and you'll find it was this of those yeah this is where those guys were at my peasants are my scouts are out here somewhere as well i got it what was the name of the game even um i don't remember i played it a couple times a friend of mine has it oh we found him let's get him let's get him let's get him based on the train of the map battlefield looks like they added a bunch more battlefields ah nice nice yeah i've been meaning to get into uh back into mountain blade but um i know if i get in there i'm gonna loss in there there's a lot of good stuff coming out here in the next few next few weeks anyway okay we claim that one stop shooting arrows they're all dead so we're a little bit wounded here we're gonna throw them back and get patched up um so i think if we don't all we need to do so let's get back here and we can go heal up and then we'll be all all right what are you doing over here what's that flag mean oh oh can i move that deposit depleted put the collection banner on a new deposit ah okay excellent does anyone else have a collection banner do you you do well that's handy oh you do as oh you do as well okay go get some deer buddy and i'm gonna make another axe archer and not actually any more people all right hey open heart just a board game yeah yeah let's go like um that way and we'll throw in one more over here can we keep you guys patching it's probably actually better to like really group them up if we can get them because we can get like this guy around like three houses it it will certainly give him a nice perk this kind of i mean it looked better as a circle but whatever um oh you guys need to get healed up so go ahead and do that and you guys as well patch up take my people with me get run out there and [Music] let's go we've got everything i never built a warehouse but i think it's fine uh druid and that's my my healer so we'll throw these guys in here atmosphere atmosphere is that what it's called atmosphere yeah i ruined the cul-de-sac i know i know you know you have those people that come in i think they own the place all right is that what it's called atmosphere i think i think it might be right okay uh anyway let's go say hello to the yarrow we love the yarl he is our favorite um i think we can go oh we didn't get that um over here did we grab this one yet let's go get that it's not sparkling though let me they sparkle whenever you uh haven't discovered them yet yeah vhs tape yeah this one all right hello sir maybe come in oh right let's cruise on over here and say hello another fire in town okay we got a well as you wish and then there was there was a couple of them wasn't there there was another there was like an atmosphere two maybe there's a three also on my way interestingly built bridge okay as you wish yeah hello sir what a pitiful town you have yeah campaign mode martin i look at target capture my bandits i was so excited to see the er we'll just push each other and shove each other out of the way lost control of the uh and something they can't take it out we got us to do it okay okay uh this one up here i got it okay we got it uh i want all of you to go okay let's take him down i think i do i'm back there okay got him uh light of the watch tower we'll keep hey fabian all right y'all erlang has betrayed you his troops are on their way to plunder your settlement and slaughter your people hurry to protect them what how dare he that guy i changed my mind he's the worst okay we're gonna run there real quickly we gotta pick up the free stuff oh there they go oh yeah okay let's go can i get there faster okay let's go uh i probably should build some troops axemen archer axeman and then station them i guess like right there can't you do it yeah yeah you got it okay oh you wanna fight him okay i don't feel real good oh that's good okay let's go let's go move why are you standing there why are you just standing there why are you just standing there yarl i thought we were friends oh man well that wasn't very nice at all man i think i need a druid okay um we got one out here here like there's so many of them okay where's my other guys at more more please okay they're coming in i need you guys a rage there you go there you go one guy left i need you to rage really hard come on buddy oh oh we almost did it okay okay we got him well we got a couple of them invaders been pushed back but we won't hold them much longer we need a stale sail away and find safe land so we get to use our boat oh yeah look at that look at the trails off that one okay let's go settlement before any of erlang's men arrive gather your party and venture forth all right come on come on come in i'm sorry peasants but um i like the trails but it's been nice knowing what happened here all right okay let's head on down here to our new boats which may or may not have a leak oh man i feel bad for the peasants okay we did it done now we get the next one right revival yeah very colder in the winter birth rate is lower this time of year all right our troops got dispersed during this storm we need to gather survivors and find a safe place to heal our wounds okay find the warriors lost in the storm and find shelter i guess these three let's go uh hey buddy because we found our brothers and sisters aren't attacking to protect the village from invaders who is that other guy isn't it you guys get up here and save them you go fight um scouts i guess do something go get those guys and you go go uh was that shield wall sure go do that are we coming bring your friends can you guys run a little faster what is all this kill them all hey william pick them out leave the other wolves alone no no leave the wolves alone and they really they really don't listen you tell them to stop fighting they they do not they don't care okay your friends are all dying they don't care there's dogs around okay let's get into them get in there before they destroy all of us can we like build probably can't time no worries go into that one and that one there you go there you go oh well i see i see it okay get that archer you why don't you move a little bit we won the fight but if we want to regain control of the land of these lands i had to gain favor with the gods okay we won the fight yeah only ours only the seer can show us the way all right all right all right see you where are you where are you at you're over there somewhere um i think we probably need to get some things up and running first though let's do that we got a couple houses here but we need to get like um probably a fisherman's hut do we have one of those we don't and let's get a collector so place we can get like two of these things yeah right about there and then we need a wood man we'll stash him right here is this someone we we missed i see a little blue speck there as if there's someone here let me oh there's that oh there they are hey i found you okay builders get to work uh let's get some houses thrown in here also no we need what we need a woodcutter's hat first okay um do i have a scout uh you guys why don't you come right over here and say hello to the druid where's this guy there's a wall there there's a cliff up there you go around this way i got it okay he's very excited to find this druid i am too buddy where is this guy i'm trying to be up there isn't he come on come on go say hello oh dogs don't do that not in front of the druid hello tell you about a place of great power for a small price exchange some goods for mead and meat for a good story you need i got 93 food yeah sure it's a place of special power hidden from the sight of mortal men face the enemies along the way hey ron okay okay we'll do it oh yeah it's not too far away i see it um yeah come on back that guy was very helpful okay let's go man let's man that's and then let's get that running up and uh go into what that what i just do nothing um you get up and running as well we're out of builders now but we've got a couple i think hanging out here here's one less there we'll get one over here let's get some houses built let me appear to wear hidden from the side of mortal men right and it's where where'd it go where is it it's right there it's certainly a bit phallic isn't it maybe we could which god are we talking to here there it is towering above the village okay let's uh let's add a couple fishermen in here because we need more food we had to feed that drew at all our stuff not really he look a little bit wow um you go out of the way let's go and make uh we got a woodcutter we should be people i think so um i can build a boat and a palisade excellent um i want houses we need wood for that okay okay more wood choppers he's gotta be yeah it's gotta be freya that's no good blew out the sound card i like that guy's dedication he's like another another day and another day in gualare folks with axes all right okay uh oh is there someone else out there i didn't find yet mary's isn't there is you i will find them eventually um let me get some more more houses in here so this number goes up it has to do with that there's a limit we can have but it i haven't found anywhere where it says like where our our growth rate is but like it like it pops up from there's some sort of meter in here that measures that based on um how happy people are okay okay happiness four so that i i don't know where that is measured though house increases the count of settlers fulfilling their needs increases the birth rates and the count of the household so yeah it comes in some way didn't like it cold so that goes down because of that um you guys can come and join us here though and then we can go run and find someone else yes it does that multiplayer um all right another house let's get this guy in here over here enemy has appeared somewhere yep here they are coming through the woods touch him down i'm gonna cut him down uh yeah do your best thing there you go there you go again okay archers hey andy how's it going thank you andy the archer's destroying me thanks andy hi andy how you been i haven't seen you in a long time pop one in like right there another house over here i'm gonna need some like soldiers here pretty soon do that and let's get our um where where's it at training field we need for this i need 25 wood okay um oh well that's gonna be a problem cancel that cancel cancel cancel um maybe we need a training field um that's not really what we want that that's uh can we get someone working the well please we got a problem here can you go hey buddy can you go uh uh can you can you do uh something about about this um please can i like like throw lightning at him or something okay can we get somebody please uh yeah yeah and once you guys go ahead and just come on over here whenever you're ready please quicker yeah can you train a little faster look that's not really needed you just all you need to do is run over there and just swing your axe around please come on come on it's a little a little faster we're not going to make it oh man someone but a candle uh where does it load at what was my auto save what time is it um i mean that was a while ago 14 minutes ago um this is all the way back there all right all right all right you know what i'm not much for campaign mode so i think maybe we maybe we just let's just try out a skirmish let's see what the game can do for us so let's go with like a nice four player yeah i'll take some medium folks in here uh the skull of izmir this my settlement name that's complicated no it's going to be um uh no chime of course what color do we want um that one oh hey chicken head over there we're kind of like that one i kind of like that one that's kind of nice uh yeah that's good it's good okay so let's see how skirmish works i'm sure this will end well thanks video village i appreciate your your enthusiasm um okay so let's go and uh and see if we can survive here so uh a new couple workers and we'll go ahead and get our wood cutter set up first because that's important right over here it does have a pause by the way you guys get to work us uh you guys can go scout around it's kind of a big map isn't it got some deer over there stream looking okay looks like it's all right my my preview thing on obs over here is a little bit janky so i'm very concerned about this but it looks alright hybrid rts town building i mean yeah but i mean that's as much as like age of empires right do you call age of empires a town builder i like it i mean i'm i'm all for it i like the rts kind of thing um i also like the more casually kind of things i think with this one though we can come in let's see here i suppose we put them like an easy difficulty whatever you can put yeah put palisades watch tower skates all that stuff is is in here we can do now so that's kind of cool um let's get the wood cutters up and running and let's get some houses built probably some food we got a bit of stockpile here so let's get uh houses can be uh you know what let's let's try not a cul-de-sac but vikings don't do cold attacks vikings do roads at least the nokian vikings do hey i know on a rod on a rod how's it going on your recommended list thanks youtube where these guys go i lost them oh they came back on my way i'm not playing the right build the druid it heals units as well as build that training academy too it reinforces your units oh it's not what you're supposed to do i know i i know i know i'm just you know um um what's what's the reason oh yeah i'm playing poorly so you buy the game that's what i'm doing uh let's go ahead and get that uh no reason let's go ahead and get that training field built in here throw him in there where the flowers are and we'll get the fishermen in as well like oh collector man collector man we got him in here too um is there a good place where i can get both i like i like being able to get both these i think that's that's stone stone stone i think that is iron they look the same that's stone we can get we can't get both of them so that's fine i always put two of these guys in here i suppose let's get the stone in first i think it's supposed to be the klingon what did the klingon say when doing his laundry it's a good day to dry fisherman's hut can go in there trees fall down that's kind of a nice animation i like it nice another house in there okay let's get our well set up because we don't want anyone lighting any candles uh we need stone for that first thing so we'll get to work on that let's go and scout about all right let's see if we can find some some uh carts oh we got new things we got spearmint we've got scouts we have shield bearers and archers what does the spearmint do i don't see what his he doesn't seem to have a perk okay well i want axemen because i know i know how to use them all right this is sort of peaceful land over here this is the edge of the map and in a corner okay um is there water between us and everything else it did show kind of islandy uh we didn't get a mini map but it just look a little islandy what colors are good i need to get that uh that well in here there's my fighters um let's get well set up no point yet there's gotta be a way around here i got it hello who are you bad guy bill's being raided by bandits hiding in the woods yeah we'll do what we can i said bad people but i didn't actually see them there they are there they are they're wolves cannot scare the wolves no no why yet okay freebies hello all right okay we found the bad guys okay so i'm back over here let's make some more hunger for who what items for all that um used up all your trees okay let's get look at the hunter set up that's an oldie brick okay i'll throw in another house can i squeeze one in here and not quite the one there i never got my well did i i still have a stone is is he not working is that oh i thought that was stone okay so i want you over here getting that one get the stone first and then we can come back the other stuff i suppose i could have two of these guys that would solve that problem get the well set up um as soon as we can we'll get one of these guys come in here we need clothes or something so you go hunt bring in some clothing some leather there you go um go back there please trees over there we got fighters over here let's keep them on this side i'm really curious about a boat and how that works so let's make one dispose of those bandits we'll do that you can probably do it with the five we have now but that might kind of might kill us off i'd like to have another one smith shipyard oh a farmhouse produces foods and skins hey like well it would have that'd be useful put him over there and we'll keep the druid put in here so we don't die what does that mean who's who's oh i'm out of food that's who's hungry i did not i did not see that at all i did not pay any attention to that okay can we get some food in here please no mr hunter can you uh can we take care of that please okay farmhouse needs some workers there we go okay and we probably need another fisherman that's why in the tutorial it hasn't built a fisherman like immediately windmill does what allows you to create wheat fields okay okay druid you heal things uh which i think actually you guys could use some healing you can as well do you have like a zone no you just stand next to you and you get healed there's my boat i'm not sure what that does we'll have to check that out where is my stone at he wants one stone please um they got they got healed they're full they're full up is he getting patched up dancing around there food's back back on the menu tanner does what tanner takes clothes the animal's going to mix clothes which we used to use for the house we'll go ahead and get in there while we're waiting for the other stuff throw him right in here uh build room to close to your houses increases happiness as same as this for oh oh how do you where do you see that i drew it through it heals nearby wears increases the level of happiness for nearby households ah check that out okay there we go the new new houses can go right in here it's gonna be kind of crammed we can leave that guy there too we got plenty of wood maybe throw some more houses over here too lots of people we got we got food now where's on iron no he's over there now he's good okay tanner bump him up yeah he's over on that stone um fisherman there we go okay drew it do your thing buddy um and don't forget wells so we want to kind of cover everything i can't quite get fit in here can i put these too close together all right one there and put them back here almost okay make me something so you're gonna make clothes right yeah he's getting on it we'll get some warriors here in a second lots of food now can you just get in that boat yeah you can but one group can't anyway all right let's sail around because that's kind of neat flotsam is that oh the well needs people yep okay well these people when you probably more food here you need to work um and we've got where's my clothes at what are you doing over here are you working really nice to get those clothes brought in here and then what else we want um i'm supposed to do a second collector's skill to get more more iron we need a bloomer to get some steel brought out let's set him up let's cram him back here in the back hey toads thanks for stopping by okay we got some now i'm gonna get there they're getting there i guess i guess it's cold the pigs don't work um let's get a warrior ideally uh brought in here let's see how this looks can we like put it like right against this little wall here you think now what do i need for it can we place on the palisades okay okay so we go like from the water oh does it have to be a circle sure i'll i'll do a circle we'll just encircle our camp here i mean i don't really want to go can you just take care of that fire please is that it catch oh okay so our gate can we can put one in there for the fisherman they need to place i guess put it put a gate over here we'll stick one back in the back all right that cost me anything to do that it's just like a what one would i don't know we have enough of it though interesting okay you worked that hey how's your spot going you got a little bit of wood left yep a little bit anyway as you wish okay did you guys find this oh what did you find cool looking boat on my way i'm going to go around this way just get out get a lay of the other island no not the frostpunk people it's a sale over there and then i want uh can you make me somebody yet we got ten clothes okay make me i don't want i don't want scouts i need iron i need iron for everything okay okay we'll wait we'll get some iron in here let me find let me get another collector i'll say him next to this guy and they can work different spots um i do not believe it upgradeable doesn't seem to be it's kind of cool looking though let's crank out a few more houses i suppose we have food for it this guy is out of places so we'll go ahead and take care of all that trees don't seem to regrow a new guy will work uh this one lots of clothes coming in we need some steel on the bloomery and then we're set we'll go take out whatever's over there what's this oh lots of stuff are you guys doing check out that one over there lots of wood coming in from that stuff so i'm gonna need like i'm gonna need a lot of boats or a shipyard maybe we can get like a big boat coming in set him up on that and then you need people working there you go okay i got tons of folks now so any iron yet no what is this guy doing besides nothing i'm tempted to build another one but if i do that i'm gonna have for too much so we'll let it sit for a minute we'll get we'll get folks out here eventually to find more more land find maybe like find our enemy oh for instance that there's three resources what'd you say which was got flooded by bands please help us prepare for the coming winter if i give you three steel i can get a boat okay so yeah give me some time to watch tower there too can i land oh you joined my army thanks buddy we got some enemies over here um i'm more concerned about the folks that were on the other side all right but we can do that so we can do this one too what there's five of them over there there's nine of us get him the rage okay done i got it the cart here that i almost missed good can only one of you use this boat is correct i can't seem to click the boat can you get in the boat and then can you get the boat no only one can go in there okay that's fine you're over there uh hey i got stuff for you i'll take it for a boat excellence okay um hop in there let's sail over here with a surprise attack uh but first let's make some things um i would like some things i'd like some archers yeah one of everything please okay and then and then train them and stick them over here and then i want to build uh a shipyard that's by well right no they got it still um i would like a uh uh where was it shipyard where do you go my palestinian way yeah it is it kind of has to go there but my palisades in the way what am i supposed to do about that there we go okay okay hang out over here stop having the shakes can someone come work at this thing i'm out i'm out of people okay um i would like uh i'd like a large one please um oh yeah i want a dragon or a wolf i want i want what changes it i'll take a dragon the dragon's fine sale uh i want a big one yeah i want one of those equipment you know why not give me a tent build it okay cool uh now i need some more houses stop catching your house on fire buddy there just hang around this druid guy because everyone loves the druid right there we got plenty of food looks like okay um let's go get these guys come here you guys have been hanging out here long enough coming in and say hello music doesn't like it but it's okay i'm gonna get you almost i think it's a little pathetic a little wonky okay no more peasant bothering happening anymore good let's let's walk around this way some wolves over there we'll go take out some walls real quick on my way have that almost again does not like uh super fast speed so i'll slow down a bit it is it is pretty early access so we'll give it a break all right uh you doing the boats why don't you come and sail just go down here see where that takes you what i maybe i should do is i should run over here and then like meet up with my uh with my boat friends they can come pick me up my big boat yeah there it is can you can you go now someone has to get in there all right all right all right i'll do that hey you give me a uh give me a spearman and i want you to go in and hop on that boat for me we're almost out of iron over here can you change your spots to go to i think that one is an iron deposit can i hit both of those oh i think you can yeah there you go okay here come the spearmint i'm gonna hop on that boat that warship okay even a nice little tint there that's pretty fancy okay let's let's go i got it yeah yeah cool neat the game knows it's kind of neat too because it has a where is it it has a photo mode so we can like zoom in here can i get rid of the frosty yeah i want uh no bloom's ridiculous get the bloom out of here uh i would like a um i don't know oh yeah yeah something like get that tower in the background can i zoom in a little bit oh it's all we got is is here we go there we go and we can vignette oh yeah that's nice and a little bit of chromatic aberration yeah check it out neat anyway okay i got it let's go find those guys what i'm more interested in though is finding my friends and picking them up over here so we can carry a bunch of people in this thing what is that something a traveling tradesman all right let's go say hello yeah pathfinding is yeah for sure as you wish as we start getting like the rainbow effects with the aberration thing yeah okay you guys hop in there how many of you can fit all of you uh a few of you the rest of you are gonna walk you can sail over here tell me what you find you found looks like a little camp there what do you want your rory's look like weaklings we can train them for a small price sure they are pretty weak to the tower first oh it's tiny island what you got um oh um well i mean i got lots of stuff i guess i could take some food though so i will give you some uh some wood for food what do you say deal okay go hop on your boat explore that real quick you guys come over this way you're good on food i think we just had a little bit of shortage there because winter just just rolled through shouting as if oh i think we found our opponent burn it down um i was gonna stand there and watch me excellent take that um okay hey go over here where is it go over here all right and you over there oh miss that one come down here real quick yeah right over here where's my boat at there it is you want to fight let's fight attack uh why don't you guys get off the boat put you on aggressive stance i mean you can oh you can shoot from the boat excellent get on the boat you get over here i got it we haven't quite figured out how to get off the boat yet can you guys get off the boat thank you appreciate it there you go there you go okay the boats aren't going to move though because someone needs to move the boats uh there you are come on over here um let's make some more people of course things are on fire let's make some uh some troops let's get i don't know a bunch of axemen yeah a bunch of guys any more people for this uh yeah okay i build some houses let's go take them out we don't we no longer build any sort of organization we just throw them up wherever there we go yeah right right there squeeze it in excellent maybe we should have a well back here oh oh oh come on there it is okay got it all right you guys come on down here you need some more trees do you okay uh there's a bunch over here all right so now we can get you guys on a boat but i think we can walk and just walk over there see that boat's a little confusing just walk on over there you can make landfall also um and then what about this what if i say when you guys come out just come over here you can figure that out it's a bit of a walk but you guys can handle it pretty game check it out i like that i have 65 free people now with all the houses i put in okay make some more i want some uh some archers you know it might be a good idea to throw just throw some archers in the um in the boat hunger for who fine let's just do a um just do a farm house a couple farmhouses okay keep them all fed the well wants uh some folks to work it and that's it okay bring it up here so we can get over there then we're all going to charge in there almost do we do we hit him in the winter time that's a good time to hit come on over here another guy coming in um you need some workers i'll get it to you okay there we go uh we are out of food now and it's winter time so we're not gonna get any food well that's a problem um um yeah uh mr trader can we uh we should have a talk with that guy what else can i do there with food though we've got to get i guess we can do another hunter because he brings in food i think maybe he's just skins produce food in it okay so foodie and amazing so yeah throw it into the hundred hopefully he'll do us some good for the wintertime anyway there you go springs here good there's a couple menus here i think it's this one yeah so it kind of gives you an idea who's oh more builders make sure everyone has builders that we want which i think we're all right what's that shipyard i don't care about you although it is kind of cool the ships anyway it's pretty neat um to my people remember that giant army i had as you wish everybody died of starvation so that what happened do we all uh whoops um yeah i got the shakes too buddy um he's not feeling too good is it the walk over here or is it just starvation that's killing you i think it's hard i think it's starvation all right a few more have got they've tried okay let's get over there oh we're all stuck come on come on okay and then hunger hits again we're all starving come on farms there we go now we're good now we're good i can't build any more fishing huts okay okay that's enough let's get in there okay now we're burning the gate down we're just charging straight in we're going uh aggressive break it down there you go yeah get the gate down and then uh and then do your shield wall or something despite spear we don't have any promoting this thing do some nasty damage though did you get him take that last guy get him you go there you go saw an arrow coming in what are you doing oh yeah i mean they are just like they don't care what kind of orders they give you break that wall can't get in here run over here nope okay okay you get him do your shield wall if you need to we're all going to die here yeah yeah we're all we're done for man those archers are nasty it's possible archers walked open and started destroying me um we're gonna get food under control before we do too much more that house is man that guy uh let's put in a whole bunch of farms i think lots of farms expanding my range here okay okay let's try that hey woody how's it going as far as we do go to the winter time but as soon as the winter time is over we can crank in a bunch of uh uh food in and then we can build ourselves an army and i think i don't know maybe we just go we just go all in on the uh i don't know archers are seem to be pretty pretty good probably getting melee though okay farms are loaded do i have like a um a thing that tells me temple unlock blessings marketplace for trade resources opens with unlock you know upgrades oh yeah yeah i forgot i had that didn't i weaponsmith oh yeah warehouse does it expand oh maybe elders hall marketplace exchange resources i should have had it there's the temple those afraid of the gods received blessings blessings can be unlocked by taking control of runestones neither elders hall first okay we'll do that okay weapon smith uh yeah how about some better armor there we go i forgot we hit a new stuff here that guy's burning again um what was the warehouse there it is resources are from production buildings so if you are over here ideally you'll just be faster at collecting stuff sorry over there um let's put in this guy as soon as we can i can't build over here almost seems like we can but i guess it's not in our yeah we'd be in our range here let me allow it to grow wheat sure sure let's let's do a windmill is it that same house on fire again what's wrong with you i'm out of wood now um oh you just just make food hey thanks john pryor thanks john i appreciate that thank you very much is that that's just it just just rolls in okay doesn't do we just slowly sort of rolls in the the food nice and i think that that house i think he just enjoys being on fire gonna have his very own well okay let's get that elders hall put in here we'll throw it over here somewhere would be right there and then we'll get the temple in next to it oh yeah someone's gonna work that okay what do you do oh oops i didn't i didn't i did not i didn't i don't know i cancelled i don't want to me i want to deal with the bar well i guess we're going to be deer clan giggling grants access to development and resource production abilities um i guess it's okay if you want to be mobilization allows you to gather nearby workers into a militia unit or allows you to double the productivity of a building for a month yeah i'll do that one and i wish i wish i'd click that right or not click that i should say if i need to click it to bring up the options grab that one how's that wood coming along that's about another one of you because you're slow now that i need you i had tons of wood a minute ago now that i need you i got nothing um orchard does not work during the winter food production increases over time or a trapper you know with the ability to place traps i'll take an orchard yeah thanks uh uh apple apollonius apollonius uh the big df steam release on these days get there and i want to make sure you you are are uh doing your thing other hunter i want you working these trees over here okay that'll bring in some more more wood uh which can then we can get our temple in it's big it's too big i gotta i gotta build it where's it gonna go i wonder if i can fit it in there maybe if i got if i got rid of this work that get rid of the rest of that iron maybe we can clear that spot up let's move some some pallets stuff out of the way yeah get the last of that and we said oh look who's on fire again that guy my candle maker is that the last one did you get them all like a temple um eight resources go pick them up then we'll be done hopefully we can squeeze into that otherwise i'm gonna have to delete um remove some things i can't remove a fisherman hut that's too important hey are you still working this still double productivity for a month sure there you go can i do that to anybody like you hunger again i don't think they want to get the last few pieces of stone here well i gotta build this thing where's it gonna go get rid of a few things over here and squeeze it in it's got i gotta get it built that's kind of in the water too probably won't work anyway um i'm gonna yeah i'll give all these things and it'll fit so i need you i'm gonna burn down a few things okay there we go temple goes there gonna well back over here in case the temple burns down and uh we just got rid of that was it enough farm right maybe i shouldn't build more houses um let's get that market brought in so we can get some trade going take control of runestones what does that mean let's find out what you got oh okay clears the sky and improves unit sights how do i do him brings a storm to the land and unleashes a wrath of gods destroying enemy settlements a place where villagers can pray to the gods and receive blessings blessings can be unlocked by taking control of rune stones uh i haven't seen any runestones i guess maybe whoa yes there's pigs underneath it yes yes [Music] now that's a temple i like that ah yeah yeah you see that's there we go all right let's build some units i got still got no food here though what are we gonna do about the food um i mean i guess it doesn't change anything but we've done no one here to eat i got no food to make units uh you know i don't know um here i would like some food please i will give you lots and lots of skins um i'm gonna give you every skin i got thank you okay now make some units i would like i don't i need skins for some of these guys but uh the the archers don't need them check out some of those guys um i'm gonna make them go hey let's let's meet up like right here that sounds like a good place good spot if you guys find a runestone along the way then um you know don't be shy let us know grab those trees there we are really deforesting this place what's over i wonder if we can walk this way and get to where we want to go i thought we could the boat's still there thanks killer cats yeah pretty good i like it uh yeah level two what do we get we can get ibex unlocks the ibex carving ship segment in shipyard meat or fertility 50 bonus to peasants birth rate uh i don't know that i want that um a cool looking boat though i i'm i think i'm on board with that what do we get next level tradesman decreases the resource exchange price in marketplaces could use that or spike pits 25 steel i'm almost there actually for level four we can see what this gives us i really wish i'd seen it once where we get one more steel we'll go look at that before we go um selecting something okay i would like um give me a um there's an axemen a couple axemen and some more archers still have food we are a little short on food we still got a little bit uh lumber man is just destroying those trees north guard dawn of man yeah yeah certainly oh but she's all my oh my steel okay we got we got a few that have made their way over here a couple more on on the way oh look who's on guess who's on fire oh he got his friend on fire for a minute i think he might be a little bit broken timber okay keep on cranking those things out which i realize is taking away my steel it's okay actually i'm out of iron oh yeah i switched you over did you ever get that last bit switch over to he has that one can you do it like that and get both those maybe and that was that was right did we clear that out so we can put something here no there's eight resources that just won't go away can i make them go away go away oh my weapon smith where'd that guy go um long bows that seems reasonable i'll take some of those reinforced shields um i kind of i kind of want to save my steel that's a that's a unit speed sure sure steel arrow heads reinforced armor okay this one i can't just because i don't have oh maybe i already have it wolf clan grants access to battle abilities or the crow clan gives us exploration and mysticism abilities yeah let's go let's go fight quartermaster here you know recruitment does not require food excellence what was the other one increased recruited in training hall have level one experience might have been better let's just recruit bandits and traveling warriors or allow you to refill and heal units at bandit camps okay that's kind of cool um you are just tearing these trees up uh and food again is just it's just a problem um take that i need food desperately we are just just food is just not a problem um i don't really know we can crank in a few more windows windmills i guess windmills choppy choppy those because they do they do kind of crank out a little bit of food here it has a range i guess it does something for the nearby stuff i don't know how much food it brings in but i guess it brings in something hey hank how's it going hey blue zests zesty raid that's my favorite kind of raid hey blues that's how you been uh let's put some folks in the moon mill over here and uh hopefully we can you know have some food it is dropping fast man you guys just gotta stop eating i don't know what to tell you but whatever you're doing it's just not healthy yeah doesn't really surprise me i i didn't catch this one uh at all on um the uh uh i didn't i didn't realize this was coming out it sort of popped up so i got an orchard here which i i remember getting but i can't build it here because everything is so packed maybe i need less people we just eat too much we can get rid of a couple houses here let's do that sorry frank hans where else is there get ready put an orchard in there you go what does it do for us food i'm assuming maybe one of the pairs of farms i'm assuming it probably does um area for resource gathering um oh i do oh oh that's what you want like that and you create oh i get it okay so can i do something like look you know you don't like that thing being there but okay we sort of draw it out however we want that's close to the water so we can't go too close 11 effectiveness that doesn't seem very good but then we grow i get it i see how the windmill works okay so you're worthless um yeah you're not very good so i'm gonna get rid of you you need some people there we go it comes out in uh yeah six days the 20th it's supposed to be out i don't know how to expand my my my zone i have not seen where that how to do that or if it's even possible surely it's possible but i don't know how yeah i did yeah i just popped in my my inbox so you may check and see if it's there can i build out here outside i can't there you go okay um you just replace that one with that one over there but that works it's outside of my territory but it works okay let's bring it it's cranking a little bit of food now okay i wonder if i could put a windmill on the edge of town and then come out here and take it and that's all in the way yeah i think i don't know if i'm going to get a good spot for another one just just no room over here something something you would get at the elders hall some sort of like growing your lands or whatever uh oh i can get both i thought it was one or the other okay yeah i'll take this i can get endurance units are invulnerable to weather changes or battle rage last man standing from any unit fights with doubled effectiveness that seems yeah that seems very useful and i will take that thing as well okay we got some fighters now we got uh we got a little bit of food um let's trade and here you go you want furs you can have all of them just give me some food get to work on those trees wherever they may be buddy some over here for you uh and and let's get a couple more units no more starving well one of you can come in i'm not a steal because the bloomery is slacking actually both you guys are kind of slacking aren't you i'm gonna put one of you on where are they that one and then you yeah clearly you're not grabbing that one on the stone wherever that stone was did you get all the stone uh bog iron where's all the stone at i guess i'll need any right now but i'll need some eventually i think that okay steven hey joe bird how you been thank you very much okay we gotta we gotta remember that's well our sizable package just plummeted hasn't it i just can't build an army oh it's kind of suicide it's in the middle there's so wounded let's go run back and just say hello to the druid for a little bit and then we'll head back out we're just going to die if we go in there like that hmm oh that's i think the dash just i think that the weather has things to do you can see it popping up in here we have a thunderstorm coming in what it does i don't know but it affects things somehow i'm not entirely sure what it does though it's kind of a cool i like i like this this is kind of a cool thing that adds that into there get double your production buddy can we do that no all right wait that's kind of neat cool stuff planned for the future development posted some of the roadmap on this team okay you guys are back some of you died on the way back i guess i just don't know how to keep you guys alive um i need to get one of you actually i'm gonna take both of you um i'll take one one of you see if you can make it just that guy come over here and go hop in that boat i think he can do that no he says no okay come over here oh my god get on that boat and bring it back i need a lot more than that just to fight these people though oh yeah you know what i wonder farms are like that too no farms aren't like that farms just do the thing okay all right over here yeah we get real riled up and dogs are around all right do you see an enemy army somewhere see camp there they are here you go okay good job that's some steel we need it let's go march back over this way we got we have three opponents i think on this map as you wish oh that looks like a rune stone i know a room zone when i see one and that's one right there what do we got what's glowy and and loading and what is it blessing unlocked yeah okay okay um not you can i get that one i got loki's blessing clears the sky and improves unit sight um can i do i just do it okay i just just do it okay um somebody's over here there's there's those guys almost it's much faster to get to them so we should probably group up over here all right fighting over the same uh tree land and again we're out of food i just don't know how to i don't know how to do food we're going to start just bulldozing houses sorry i know you like living here but um not gonna happen get out i know you you love the view of the floating temple but you know what it's just that's life okay lowers this down to 42 hopefully we can get some food on the control here are you working i hope so hundred down to zero again um let's try to put in i think farm's gonna be the best one to put in there to try to take care of that i'm gonna assume farms are the thing to get which we can only fit one in there what if i can rearrange this a bit like i'm not using the shipyard thing maybe we just get rid of it it's really cool though it's really cool but i don't know it's really cool yeah that's something yeah i don't know there's very few games that get even even close to like trying to get farms i think austria is probably the closest to where like when you're building a medieval town you have to have a lot of farms you have pretty much about as much farmland as you do town which is still nowhere near necessary like it should be a lot of farms for a small town um yeah you get things like like this diesel these little huts supposed to be feeding all these people so we get 140 people in this town do you uh fertility is birth rate we might need that uh people keep dying better prices that sounds like a good thing to have let's do that as soon as it's done we'll go and talk with the merchant we'll trade away some of our skins done so i would like to give you all that there we go give me all the food i'll give away some of the armor as well okay now i want you guys to meet up in the field i was kind of wondering about that if i can build under here no i can't it would be nice wouldn't it squeeze a house or something underneath there that would be cool i got a thousand food unbelievable all right i got a really cool boat out there but we don't know what to do with it i really like to make a like if we can make a boat and make a proper landing you know with it that'd be that'd be really cool i really want to do that ram damage when do we do that when does that happen yeah i would like to ram some things um so it can have it can have four crew this guy says it can have two for the little guy um i gotta make one it's just it's just too cool to not have one of these not use one of these things yeah we're keeping up with a thousand now i think we'll also go ahead and talk about before we leave i'm gonna we're gonna have to go in when i did that video i talked about it a bit the um the scenario that lets you go in and so it's really it's a really i almost did it with um that video but you've got i don't know how many rows there is but you start out in the outer solar system or something uh and you've got i think it was two hours to you have all the text unlocked you have to build everything and you have to you have two hours to get to the rocket ship and launch it off and build to the next planet because that one's going to get blown up i think that was a kind of a pretty neat thing we'll try it out eventually anyway my my boat's here hey you guys hop on that boat all of you oh we're at level we got six of us now they're all they're they're like how do we get there how do we get there i don't know i don't know what do you think um what's what's the norse name um frank um they're very enthusiastic about it but they don't know how to just one of you needs to make it you can pick up the rest of them they can't figure it out come on come on you can do it you can do it oh pathfinding oh there you go you got it you got it on my way um i mean it's it seems like it's like it just kind of seems like it's running a little sluggish it doesn't seem to be though on the stream so it seems to be holding up okay it looked it's sort of i play a lot of these early access games that i just kind of have that look you know i kind of know like this is going to be kind of ugly but this one seems to be doing all right three of you get in that boats okay one more there we go okay okay i guess we could build more boats that's one way of doing it okay i need more people um let's get axemen okay that's all we can handle i think we don't have people for anymore hopefully you guys can survive we can go to my where is my weapon man there he is anything i can do we got these already we need to get that which is more steel and you need that which is more steel i suppose we could trade for it how much does steel cost probably a lot yeah i mean i got a lot of wood though okay let's buy that one and that one i think i noticed really i've been playing on pretty fast this is max speed here the only thing i really noticed is the music it's a little a little wonky but again it's it's pre early access so um you know they won't hold anything against them they got time to fix the things okay i want another one of these okay all right is that all my units i can handle i think it is okay so you guys are gonna go march you're gonna come over to here and then the boat is gonna go along hey you did you hear me say that i know you did there you go so it doesn't like the units moving and the music all right buddy right i've got some action going on over here what'd you find i found a okay come on over here let's take hang out by that oh another one all right hey um your ability is lift shield temporarily increase projectile resistance and decrease melee does it do anything raise shield no okay okay there we go get that rune yeah what do we get who is it blessing unlocked tell me who it is we got oh okay brings the wind that increases naval unit speed all right okay this one oh this is like a temporary i get it it's a temporary thing okay he did it doesn't want it doesn't want to hang out that long all right we're gonna do it we're going we're gonna hit um let me ship where where where that little boat i was getting ready to do it but we're gonna hang out we're gonna stop for a moment we're gonna look at the flotsam and then we go in okay thank you for the wood um let's do it we're going in we're charging in okay i do wish and i wish i wish for for blood okay there you go get in there oh yeah yeah that's how you do it get off the boat what are you doing kill them all please get off the boat there you go okay okay okay okay okay there we go we're breaking the mute we're breaking the music all right i do wish um break that oh there you go you got some friends we'll deal with those guys uh do your shield wall do your berserk thing they're kind of same colors i can't really tell who's here yeah they're very much the same color none of them yeah you scum that's a long house right there those guys don't mind and another day in uh in nokheim at least we get some warmth today okay no just walk through here look there's a there's an opening okay go get it go get it yeah throw those torches that's a cool effect pop out the marshmallows boom okay okay i got it there we go another boat right there for us let's go see i'm sure they're going to be so there's one night there there these um those first guys seem to be a lot more prepared than the second guys we're a little wounded but we're uh we're we're hopped up on on life here what's this yeah what you got uh being rated by bandits not on my watch yeah the the uh the ai seemed to to uh could probably use a little bit of help bottom right so this is a neutral stance defensive and and aggressive stance we've got a shield wall my sealed folks can be shield balls my axemen can do a rage and my archers have this sort of like uh shoot slower and more accurate button uh not there this is a replenish refill team if i'm near my home i can do that one on my way all kinds of things out here um yeah here you go buddy i'll take a boat craze one person yeah oh we got new people though okay perfect come on come on come on as you wish all right there's three other ai out here right yeah scout with his bird attack what'd you find were you attacking all right yeah get him up there you go okay very angry lost my axeman all right come on come on seems to be the problem here wolves hey havoc how's it going did i forget something no okay so those things back there on my way come on come on we're a little bit stuck here oh another runestone on my way um yeah again there you go where is oh you know what we uh let's go this way come on come on i think oh we figured out oh the snow is gone excellent oh i can't control the camera come on come on i got it find out the camp and destroy or lose and then call it a day almost i think we're almost there oh yep we found our other enemy sending scouts at us let's go get those archers please you're dying fast these archers are destroyed as other of the tower i don't have a tower and it took us down quickly there's yellow guy um they seem pretty much the same the other guy they got like a little a little fort here and they're all pretty but pretty limited anyway i think that's probably a good place to call it a day that's probably a good i could end spot but check out my fancy boat we never made a cool uh a cool wolf thing i i'm curious actually before we make that before we call here we'll wrap it up here a second what does an ibex do an ibex carving an ix carving ship segment in the uh in the ship what does that do we're gonna find out i really wish i'd seen what the other there's three options we took the the deer one that's a cat hurting simulator yeah it is basically all right i would like a ibex please one ibex please hurry up for the imacs where are you at there it is okay ibex when it explains ooh that's god that's nice what does it do gives me some durability a little bit of speed that's cool yeah look at that thing that's neat build it i wish we could move both without having to have people in it give me my scouts real quick and we'll run them over here hop in the boat okay we'll wrap this thing up um and we'll call it a day here and i will head to bed and then i'll be back uh well tomorrow's d d night we'll do a d stream and then uh back to normal stuff uh on uh the next day sunday morning saturday night check out my boat nice very nice this guy will be done in a second we put we put the tent on there and everything oh your your bird still works here oh it does nice we can go we can go check out there goes the bird flying out neat so i probably would be it probably would be a very good idea to have a boat and just load it full of archers oops let me alone there's the ibex very cool all right um let's wrap it up shall we so that's frozen heim uh it's out here on the 20th and um apparently there is a uh there's a there's a um a devlog in on steam and you can get an idea what's going on with it well i guess i guess it's already there so we can we can get a um multiplayer game going with it which is kind of cool anyway paranoid interactive and hyper strange is published in this one um and here on the 20th so i'm curious was that in in here um i'm sure somewhere somewhere in here you can hunt around for the plans for the future plans of this thing but anyway let's call it a day shall we so thanks for watching everybody thanks for hanging out on this uh this surprise live stream day and um yeah tomorrow is dnd and then next day is something else we're gonna play some er took at some point um which is something i need to be playing it's been a while since i played that one i gotta get back in some star sector and some kinshi so we'll get there eventually but there's a lot of stuff coming out next few days um kanga i think kanga is here isn't he um get that one here in a few days as well uh balram bauer let me take that out valram this one bow room old-school turn-based open arc world rpg with deep tactical combat oh right i know this game people like it um yeah i don't know oh yeah i know this game i haven't played it but yeah okay this is very familiar this is very similar to um uh what's the one none of those um yeah like exiled kingdoms that's oh is that the same no it's just a big group well excellent kingdom is one i played recently and all of those yeah okay interesting i like these kind of games it's my thing doesn't say questions next to an epic main quest grow your own crops build your own home craft your own custom items i will keep an eye on that one i'll probably have to check that one out all right thanks for watching everybody and um again back tomorrow nights in the next nights and uh of course youtube and all that thanks for watching and i will see you all next time have a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 32,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, livestream, youtube livestream
Id: fNo2eiV-HWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 28sec (8248 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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