Coastal Raiding Economy is absolutely INSANE - Civ 6 Deity Norway Ep.1

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hey spuddies potato McCluskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 and today we are going to be doing something oh so devilishly devious recently I made a unique unit tier list where I talk about how kind of mediocre the Viking longship is and I will readily put my hands in the air and admit I was wrong because oh my god in the right hands with the right strategy this unit and the Berserker is incredibly powerful in all honesty I should probably have put the Berserker somewhere north of sea tier because in the very situational strategies that we're gonna be employing it is a ridiculously powerful unit Norway has been a bit of a joke civilization pretty much from launch and despite the fact that they've received numerous buffs I've kind of written them off without really paying too much attention to them however I really should not have been writing off those buffs because the major buff they received in Gathering Storm which allows them to get signs from pillaging coastal mines and culture from pillaging plantations past years quarries and camps is oh so ridiculously powerful to put it in perspective a single pillage of a mine can be worth around an entire turns worth of science so if you can pillage four of those you're now four turns ahead on science but I'd further adieu let's talk about the game settings we will be playing as Harald Hardrada of Norway on DD difficulty standard game speed with 16 city-states on apocalypse mode on an archipelago map with abundant resources here are the game and map seeds however if you don't want to input all that information the save file will be available in my discord linked in the description of this video this is fire from an ideal starting location however it's pretty okay we do have some good fishing resources nearby so if we do pick up the fishing both Pantheon which is what I plan to do is Norway it can be really valuable as well as if we can get our hands on a holy site now ideally I would place the holy site here because it would get plus-one adjacency from both these mountains as well as another adjacency from these two words bringing it to a total of +3 however the problem is I don't know if you've spotted it but there's an active volcano right here and we're playing on apocalypse mode which means that volcano is going to be erupting regularly pillaging anything within 2 tiles our volcano so I'm kind of prevented from building any infrastructure within two tiles of that volcano so the holy site will be popped right here adjacent to the harbor that I also plan to build in this city now the important thing about this strategy is I've done this a few times I've done this a few times and a lot of people say oh you just you know you get long ships and you start producing me send them out you start pillaging I think that's actually the wrong way to do things what you want to do is establish a little bit of a power base maybe settle for five six cities and then start mass producing long ships I think this is a far more sustainable way to actually do this strategy and so that's what I'll be doing today we're settling on a Plains hill so I'm happy enough with our starting location so we'll pop right down there and of course like any sieve game you always want to start with a scout even if you're planning on an island map it's good to get one scout because the islands can tend to be a little bit bigger than you would otherwise think now I haven't talked a huge amount about norway's bonuses but one of them is the stave church and the stave Church is not an amazing building but it can be a way to get value from getting a religion as Norway and then transitioning into getting production from your religion so I think a stave Church is a pretty good thing so we are gonna want to get a holy site early I don't know if I'm gonna try hard for a religion but I will at least go for an early holy site just see if I can get one we also have the Viking longship which again is a unique galley that has a little bit more movement and a little bit more combat strenght and I can pillage enemy coastal lands and capture civilians using the coastal raiding ability which is of course available to all Norwegian melee naval units we also have gnar which allows us enter into ocean tiles which means once we get a certain amount of technology like the shipbuilding tech we'll be able to spread our little noodley nor Viking longship tendrils all around the universe and sort of pillage every single player's coastline technically speaking I'm playing the barbarians this game because my plan isn't really to try to win it's the kind of just ruin everyone else's day now the reason why the Berserker is so good is because if you look at where naval techs are right I want to get shipbuilding shipbuilding is over here and eventually I'm gonna want to get something like mass production a cartography right let's say if we click on cartography there's eight techs on the way to cartography one of them is mathematics so it's very easy to kind of just go for mathematics and quickly grab berserkers now we will have to stop up for bronze working for iron but actually speaking these military tactics units are very good for coastal SIVs because I don't have to spend all my time researching all this bottom half of the tech tree I can almost exclusively focus my science on this top half naval portion of the tech tree and then I'm really close to getting mass production which is also in lined with military tactics that's why I think the Berserker is really good however starting off we will just be grabbing astrology cuz I would like to get an early holy sight and I'll probably pick up sailing so that when I have enough gold I'll pop down a builder and grab myself couple of fishing boats on these tiles over here we discovered a barbarian encampment and what I think will be my next city I don't know if it'll be the next one we'll do a bit more exploring and see if there's better lands but I definitely want to settle here there's a really good harbor and potentially a decent holy site as well in this city adjacent to that Harbor that'll also boost all these fishing tiles one thing I want to talk about is that there's a bit of a knack to clearing barbarian encampments with a single warrior and the trick is to attack once and then heal for a couple of turns and then attack twice more promote and kill so I attacked it already and you can see here it would be a major defeat so I'll just take a couple of turds to recover a little bit of health one thing I want to talk about is the fact that this city has very low food income until we get these fishing tiles which means even though I would likely building a settler right now it's not really an option and since the city is growing in ninth and the monument will be finished in ten I'm gonna go ahead and get the monument because that will also lead to me picking up some of these nice cards earlier in the game and that'll make up for the fact that I'm having a bit of a slow start due to the lack of food now that I can see my warrior will have more than half of his health left on the next attack I will be able to attack again get up to ten experience and then attack one more time to get up to 15 promote and then killed this barbarian encampment like I said will attack one more time we'll get the promotion will promote next turn and then kill the turn after always take the battlecry promotion in the early game because if you look at this spearmen over here it will say +7 combat and it makes it much easier to clear barbarian encampments with a single warrior I did find a tribal village but because I managed to get a couple of hits on that enemy Scout I think I'm gonna wait for code of laws and just heal this guy up and then get the promotion from this ooh there is the mega colossal eruption I think there was a barbarian Scout around here that just got murked due to this eruption because it did say that a unit died and look at this citrus tile it's a beauty I cannot wait to start working that again this is a bit of a double-edged sword because it's gonna be killing population it's gonna be killing infrastructure however it will provide me with some really nice yields throughout the game which makes me pretty happy clear the barber camp grab ourselves military tradition as well as another tribal village beautiful I don't like to err on the side of caution just taking my time to heal my units upkeep always keep your warrior within a certain number of turns of your capital cuz in case a barbarian encampment appears nearby you need to be able to come back quickly and defend I managed to find mount kilimanjaro there's also a forest fire going on right here which finished astrology for me actually quite perfectly the turn that I finished my monument as well now I could go for a settler or I could go for the holy site and I'm trying to think what is the best return on investment nobody's earning a great profit just yet so I feel like the settler is the better return on investment now the holy site would be really nice to get my pantheon but I think I could just plug in god king and get my pantheon and then plug in survey as well to let my scout get a bit more experience from killing things oh I got a builder for free as well that's massive because normally a builder would cost me around um around 200 gold at this stage of the game but getting it for free is a really really big deal because that's 200 gold that I can put towards other things I think I'm gonna work on foreign trade because my goal is to get the early Empire relatively quickly this game to see if I can crack out a few extra settlers I've met Cahokia but I wasn't the first to meet them so I didn't quite get the envoy here however I should be able to get enough gold to purchase a trader in knit arose and send it to them and get that envoy so that'll be a really valuable trader especially since I don't need to buy a builder thanks to the fact that I found one with the with a tribal village that I picked up oh there's another tribal village right here and Mount Kilimanjaro is gonna be an amazing place to put a city so I'm thinking the closest I can put one is right there and I don't care if it's like right on this because this city will grow so incredibly quickly due to being attached to Kilimanjaro and all the food around here that I don't really care if it kind of struggles from getting hit by the volcano also I got another Scout which is really damn nice not the ideal unit that I would hope for but I'll take a scout any day of the week for free I can also just about see the borders of somebody who looks like maybe Germany um not sure yet oh we picked up an envoy I could send that to Cahokia right now but I think my plan is to get that with foreign trade and the trader so I'll hold off on spending that envoy ferry right now oh and it was Egypt that I found okay it's an honor to meet you you can see here they're already skyrocketing in science and culture so we will have to spend a bit of time catching up but eventually when they build all their coastal infrastructure we will be using the Viking longship to take them out ah we also ran into Dido nice to meet you Dido she's over here in fact she's actually really close to Egypt I wouldn't be surprised if one or the other declared war on each other at this game and we bumped into a bumped into kagu Anna who can allow us to build Beatty's but that extra +2 culture is really nice it's like having an extra monument in our capital so that makes me very happy indeed the hard part is there's gonna be a bit of a loyalty problem over here so I might have to hold off on settling this city you know what by the time that I get my guy over there I should have enough to get a governor and maybe purchase a monument maybe I could skip buying the trader I know I'll make a decision on that I guess what I'll do is if I'm gonna skip buying the trader I will put one envoy into Cahokia to get that plus for gold immediately and instead I'll buy a monument in here to try to get to early Empire a little bit quicker and then place a governor in here to maintain loyalty now that I have my first settler I think it would be a good idea now to go for the holy site and the reason for that is I'm not too far off picking up early Empire so I'll be more efficient to wait until I produce more settlers there is sailing which allows us to build our fishing ships which is perfect because the city needs growth tiles and the only way we're gonna get growth tiles is on these coastal tiles all right sailing and astrology the next logical choice would be celestial navigation but I think I might head over here and grab animal husbandry just so I can get arches because I'm gonna want to declare war on Egypt fairly early into this game which means I'm gonna be at war with her early into the game so I'm gonna need a unit that can defend like the Viking longship is great don't get me wrong but it won't stop her from flooding this pass with Egyptian chariot answers there is the improved crabs we're not too far off getting our pantheon and hopefully I can get the fishing boat pantheon it would make me very happy if I could but now the city actually has growth trials and it'll grow in a reasonable amount of time though we bumped into the Marais as well nice to meet you Mari that's gonna be a bit of a problem for me because they might have settled some of the islands I was hoping to take advantage of the fact that Norway is really good at settling on coastal maps but it looks like the Mari might be beating me to that oh we also bumped into Jerusalem this is actually really annoying to the Maori in this game because my plan was to try to meet all the city-states in the game first but my boats but now that the marais are in the game that's as kind of a pipe dream for me so that really sucks let us settle the city by Kilimanjaro now you might say - fifteen loyalty that's insane you're crazy however this is a coastal city so we'll have enough housing to grow with tons of food which allowed to grow population we also have the to purchase a monument okay so you can see here yeah sure the city will be going disloyal very quickly seven turns however if I buy that monument kaboom now it should bring that down to quite a few less turns then I'm only six turns away from early empire which will you know when the city grows in three turns it'll get a bit more loyalty and then I'll plop a governor in here and it'll be fine it should be totally fine and also by about then or maybe I'll get a city over here to provide a bit of extra loyalty pressure and a couple of cities down here as well so this should I should be able to survive this without too many issues another fishing tile online this time this one gives me three food I will prefer to work the three food Tom because it'll allow me to grow just that little bit quicker looks like a barb camp spawned over here I'm gonna have to deal with that as soon as possible because if I don't it's gonna become a massive pain in my backside now looks like she already has some coastal infrastructure worth pillaging namely the Sphinx and holy sites but farms aren't really worth pillaging because they just heal your unit so not really massive amounts of value there I would like to pick up celestial navigation I think but I think I'm gonna go for archery so that I can get a couple of archers in Bergen to defend this city it looks like Egypt and Dido are already at war there's early Empire because they're seeming to attack each other which is good news for me because it means they'll be very distracted my only hope is that I can clear this barbed camp fast enough before whatever is gonna spawn from he responds now let's go ahead and grab ourselves Liang I think I think I'll grab Liang and plonk her into Bergen and that'll sort out the loyalty problem I have there at least for the short term and now I can start to work towards political philosophy for my tier two government in order to defend this ideally I'm about to get my pantheon so I think I can pull out God King now that I have a natural faith in Qom coming from my holy site I'm gonna plug in urban planning and I'm also gonna plug in discipline cause unfortunately I need to grab myself a unit here and I think I'll grab another slinger to try to keep things nice and safe now this Scout should not be in range to tell this city about my about my city in my opinion it should have to touch but if it can I'm gonna be super mad when they spawns barbs on me here comes my own Scout to save the day killing that little Scout and I should be able to clear this barb camp no problem in a couple of turns just do not spawn anything please okay brilliant there's the barb camp dead we pick up a little bit of gold I now have access to the turtles that's gonna give me even more loyalty keep me even safer I didn't need this slinger you know in like hindsight 2020 I didn't need that slinger oh well it'll form a part of my army dodo wants to buy my horses I don't remember where I got horses but I mean I'll sell them to you no problem I like that extra gold income although I'm not sure Dido is really gonna survive the next period of time alright let's pull out discipline we're gonna plug in maritime industry so that we can start producing Viking longships and I'm also gonna plug in colonization so I can start producing more settlers in my capital city there's our Pantheon let's grab God of this sea that'll be a nice little boost to these fishing tiles look at that +1 production on those very happy with that result looks like kty is it's not having a good time right now bro it is straight up not having a good time I'm curious as to why they started building a wonder here and then cancelled it when they're in the middle of like a massive siege hopefully they can survive because I don't want to have to try to liberate them there is the very first Viking longship which is gonna give us a golden age which makes me very very happy because I might be able to use that golden age to do or they're really interesting things I'm also gonna grab a settler in Bergen to try to fill out my land there's room for like what looks like three settlers maybe an extra one down here as well I just want to get that last bit of exploration in I'm kind of glad these guys are going to war with each other because it means they're grinding down each other is a diety advantage by wasting production fighting there's our tree I want to get to work on celestial navigation and then shipbuilding because those are my key sort of begin pillaging the world technologies oh hey we bumped into Singapore nice to meet you Singapore not sure they're gonna be super useful but the exploration has begun the first couple little Viking longships are just going to be explorers so that we can figure out where and where we won a pillage and the rest of them would eventually be the true pillaging force there's a state workforce giving us access to our next governor I could go for Pingala here RRR yeah I could go for pink Allah here I could also go for Magnus appoint him in tune it arose and then chop out my settlers but a builder purchase I'm not entirely opposed to that idea so I think getting those builders out sooner matters more than these forests being around because we'll be able to get production in here from our shipyard although now that I think about it without these tiles the city's gonna have really bad production whatever we'll do it anyway the moiré want open borders I don't know where I'm getting these horses from like I have no idea like did I settle on horses or something a catastrophic eruption that killed two population in Bergen but it did fertilize the tiles which makes me very happy oh yes look at these science tiles now in fact kind of tempted to buy this tile over here although I kind of want to save that for a builder well we have a golden age so this is actually gonna make things really interesting for me because I could go for free inquiry here and quickly build harbors for science however a lot of my production is gonna want to go into units so alternatively I could grab Exodus the evangelists and potentially grab myself a religion here there's three more religions to go and I think plus for great people points per turn is a huge amount so I think I'll grab Exodus Lee the evangelists here cuz it would be nice to have a religion one thing I plan to do for this series is to actually like keep count of everything that I pillage including tribal villages so there is knowledge the wheel which gave me susana diva city-state I'm not sure how or why I got those boosts but I'm not complaining I'm never season of kayak iguana I don't know how I'm gonna write that down but I'll keep track of things like faith gold and science from pillaging we're one turn away from Magnus being established in here so I'm gonna go ahead and purchase that builder to chop out my next settlers a little bit quicker it's always kind of scary when a giant super typhoon category 5 hurricane or whatever it's called just rolls across your territory oops I never researched mining I never researched mining to actually chop these settlers out so I guess I'm improving the horses well I mean it's still a good tile it's just like big dome on my part wait how did this get pillaged how did my holy site get pillage this isn't in range of the volcano oh that time third god damn hurricane floated through and ruined my holy site that is extremely triggering lovely there is political philosophy we are gonna be taking oligarchy to have better naval units so we'll be plugging in maritime industry and will also be plugging in urban planning for a little bit of extra production and a plugin charismatic leader for now this will allow me to produce my boats just that little bit quicker now the eventual goal with tromsø is to make this to be be my internal trade route destination and the reason for that is everyone is going to hate me and so they're not going to want to trade with me so I'll settle Tromso and slowly build up things like a government Plaza in fact I want that immediately pretty much so I might start that right now although I think it's about time I started mass-producing my Viking longships so I'll need to get that underway now that we have political philosophy it's worth it to head towards theology to pick up our religion finally we have mining and we can chop out this settler and start moving them over to where he belongs now the question is do we want to get one more settler after this or like in my capital or do we want to just start mass producing Viking longships I will quickly repair the holy site however and I think 5 cities is enough for me this early into the game and a second that this city is settled I'll start like declaring war on people and pillaging their coastlines I'd rather not declare a war while I have like little settlers running around in the wild because that could potentially backfire on me now this everything is just erupting constantly look at this territory look at this land the city definitely needs a granary so I'll quickly swing by and pick a background before I head towards shipbuilding ooh Buenos Aires has a ton of coastal improvements that I can pillage immediately get that long ship over there right now this is exactly the kind of city-state that I've been looking for I can declare war on them pillage all their stuff and get a ton of value we also just unlocked celestial navigation which makes me very very happy oh I'm gonna have so much fun pillaging these guys look at all these tiles set the city of Oslo and I could go straight for a monument but I think I just want a couple of long ships out of each of these cities first I will of course be placing my harbors down to lock in the low price of a hundred production which is something I should really do in a lot of these cities Trump's I was gonna be different though because it's going for the government Plaza first and if I start to plan this city out what I want in here is to eventually have Magnus established in this city with the surplus logistics policy that'll give the city extra food trade routes again because I'm gonna be trading internally I'm gonna be limited on external trade routes because I'm gonna be at war with everyone and I don't want my boats getting pillaged in the water I'll definitely want a harbor in this city I don't want to build any districts within two tiles of this volcano so that's kind of a limiting factor I do think that a commercial hub would belong here eventually I do think a government Plaza I do think your government plasm belongs here and I think eventually there will be a encampment on this tile as well and these are all of the districts that provide production from trade routes which is what I'm trying to optimize this city for is when I send a trade route to it I want a good amount of food but I'm more interested in getting the districts that give production if you're wondering how you tell if a district will give you production from domestic destination trade routes all you have to do is search for the type of district you want to look at then come down here to trade yields it'll say domestic destination and it will give you plus one production from domestic trade routes if I take a moment for example to look at a campus you can see here that the domestic destination yield from a campus is food and the international one is science that means if you're trading to a city that has a campus you'll get plus one science if it's international and if its domestic ie within your own Empire you'll get plus one food from that trade route I'm gonna polish this past year we pick up 29 culture and 49 faiths now just to put that amount of culture in perspective that was like two and a half turns worth of culture for me right now it's basically a full turn of the marries culture which means I'm standing to catch back up even though I'm producing a Navy I'm not actually producing infrastructure I'm catching back up to the AR by building military units which is insane the hard thing is the city does have an archer in it so they will do a bit of damage to me but that's okay I can accept taking a bit of damage from them I have another two hundred and sixty gold in the bank and I think that's gonna go into monuments monuments are super super valuable as our granaries but I think monuments are more valuable because they allow me to do things like spread my borders research new technologies new civics all that sort of jazz oh that's really really unfortunate it looks like I didn't actually get a religion this game looks like I was sniped with only a few turns remaining not the end of the world I mean I'm still gonna invest in faith because it's gonna be useful at some point to do something with my faith namely soothsayers when I start creating units into volcanoes also it's probably a good idea to buy his orange tile because it's gonna make this city grow extremely fast in fact to the point where I'm gonna go ahead and place down this however to lock in its price and then slowly work on a granary in here oh I might even be able to steal a builder here now the unfortunate thing is when you pillage a builder it stays on the land tile for some reason I don't know why but they might just take it back which would suck but if I can get this builder to jump into the water it now belongs to me you Inc let's pillage another pasture oh look at that finish my tag 29 culture 54 the really nice thing about the Vikings as well is that their units can heal outside their territory so I can come back here just continuously like healing over here then coming back to pillage running away to heal coming back to pillage and essentially use these guys as like a bank of resources that I can just dip into whenever I want and then I already stole a single bill Church and sure it's only one bill charge but it's a bill chair till I have to spend zero of my own resources to acquire settling are very very very last City at least in the early game means that it is time to declare war I will of course get my boats into position first so that I can actually get some good pillages off one will have to run all the way around here but I'm sure for example that these Sphinx will be really nice to pillage as well these holy sites anything else though doesn't look too great we're mostly gonna get faith from pillaging these guys which is fine it's not that big of a deal let us declare the surprise war well actually I can declare a formal war take slightly less grievances with Egypt now that's perfect and I can come in here and very swiftly kill some of these there's another 50 for faith I wonder what this thinks actually give 50 for faith so they give a pretty damn nice amount look at this we have like 200 faith purely just from pillaging well I mean I guess I earned a little bit of it myself but I mean I pillaged over here I got a bunch of faith I pledged over here I got a bunch of faith ah it's just like deliciously overpowered I I feel like I really have to say I want to take back everything negative I've ever said about Norway this is a fantastic civilization they're incredibly overpowered and they're a ton of fun to play ok hopefully that'll appease the comments section who've been whining at me for the last year or more and who I have been sadly ignoring ah don't mind if I kill your Fink's and steal another 54 faith from you they're shooting my longships now but I'm like right adjacent to their infrastructure and at this point I don't even care about the yields this is just about doing damage to Egypt to slow them down because they're kind of running away with the game in comparison to the other saves right now so if I can do damage there to their economy that'll leave me in a much better position to actually come back into the game one thing that really bothers me though is that you can't pillage land trade routes with coastal raiding but you can't steal another 54 faith thank you very very much oh my goodness it is so Oh P I have like 300 faith right now I could like buy great people if I wanted to I was supposed to keep this Archer but I'm kind of tempted to sacrifice it I would like to win this appease the gods because there's potentially some interesting forest fires that I could light on this island like over here for example which would fertilize 4 tiles over here at fertilize 5 there's also some potential here for me to snipe Memphis if I could grab Memphis that would be a huge feather in my cap so I'm gonna see if I can pull that off we have Shipbuilding which means we can start to build Quadra rims we're literally about to take Memphis essentially for free thanks for the free city Egypt as well as all the pillaging I'll quickly grab Liang and pop her over into Memphis to keep the loyalty hi what have been good to have the money to purchase a Archer to defend the city but not that big of a deal I mean I highly doubt I'll hold on to the city but that's not really the point the point is I was able to take a city for very little and now that I've pillaged all of the coastline that I essentially care because the rest is just farms I would actually like to get that aqueduct yes I could somehow grab that I could hook that be super happy but now I got just peace Egypt out move my Navy over to Dido although she's gonna be a bit harder because she has the Byram but if I can get over to Dido and pillage her lands like especially her harbors are being really really damn good shape Oh lovely I found a Mary city that I should be very happy to pillage once they finish this lighthouse this thing is just basically a giant Marian pinata waiting to explode with resources I think however I'm gonna end this on that little bit of a cliffhanger I am building a little bit of infrastructure in some why cities but I am still mass producing Viking longships cuz I produce one every one or two turns I want to thank you guys very much for watching and I hope you guys tune in for the insanity that will ensue the next episode when I start trying to find even more people and just continuously pillage their coastlines I love you all very much and I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 820,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6, Civ 6 Norway, Civ 6 Norway Pillaging, Civ 6 Norway Coastal Raiding, Civ 6 Deity, Civ 6 Deity Norway, Civ 6 norway raiding, Civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game
Id: XMnDke9xuuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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