We Share Crazy Family Stories & Eat Beans On Toast, Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard - Afterdark #70

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Reddit Comments

I stand with Dan about the title choice. Seeing "Beans On Toast Extravaganza" had me immediately intrigued.

👍︎︎ 222 👤︎︎ u/Antonaros 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

I’m British and wondering what is in American Baked Beans to give them the sweet and smokey flavour Ethan was talking about? In the UK they don’t taste sweet or smokey, they’re in a tomato based sauce

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/generic-name3 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

just to add some context to beans on toast, its mostly popular in Britian because its super cheap to have so poor families can have a proper meal

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/ThaBarter 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

The episodes this week have been great. I loved the stories segment. The title discussion at the end had me wheezing with laughter.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/MotherHolle 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is the quietest megathread in months damn

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/foxesinsoxes 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Zach looks blasted from 4/20 still lmao 💀

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/donotgogenlty 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

This Erika Jayne person sounds exactly like a certain someone we know…

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/TsT2244 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really wish they would do a special story time episode where it’s just 2+ hours of them telling stories based on prompts like they did here or like the ab bongo thing

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/Fluffiest_RedPanda 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hila’s hair has been so bomb recently!!!

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/cherrytwilight 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
it is april 22 friday baby join oh yes yes yes yes yes oh i just kind of felt a little bit hawaii today so okay loving that for you thank you joined by ela of course which is why we love fridays so well ela how are you thank you i'm good now that i'm here forget all worries do you really no i was like wow you really love doing the show i do love it though all my worries are gone the minute dan pushed that live button yeah the minute i hear that two one well i'm happy to first of all thank our wonderful sponsors what what what what what what what what what what mint mobile thank you to mint mobile our one and only sponsor is saving more spending less is one of your top goals for 2022 why are you still paying insane amounts of money right every month for wireless switching to mint mobile is the easiest way to save this year as the first company sell premium wireless service online only mint mobile lets you maximize your savings with plans starting at just 15 bucks a month dan uses that it's the same stuff it works just as good it's just cheaper if you're using a major carrier you're being scammed true that's true you can use your own phone with any mint mobile plan and keep your same phone number along with all your existing contacts and with mobile choose the right amount of monthly data that's right for you and stop paying for data you never use it get your new wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month and get the plans shipped right to your door for free go to mobile.com slash after dark that's mintmobile.com cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at mintmobile.com after dark thank you thank you okay well done well done how far you come on those ad yeah you know wherever you are you know we used to do the ad reads were brutal back back back in the day 10 minutes if that remember when we started doing pre-recorded that's when it got real bad that was when it got real bad rewind time ethan would stumble and be like let's just start over and we'd do that like 10 times god yes sometimes we sit there for like 30 minutes right now it's brutal yeah you just blast through look at me i've come such a long way what's the title of this episode the title is johnny depp adams okay that's all we got that's all we got you want to call it beans on toast extravaganza that way i mean i feel like that's more interesting than johnny depp aiden ross kim k damn i can change it to beans on toast special the beans on toast extravaganza man we can think of a we can think of a title maybe uh don't actually do that dan oh beans on toast do you think that's a better title i didn't okay people want the fit check for ela not me right well not me i don't have a fit check but yeah show them off because you got that teddy fresh drip that looks yo that [ __ ] looks really good wait why do you have a pacifier necklace that's kind of weird it's a raver no remember like the little pacifier thing like as a necklace yeah what have you ever seen that trend people used to do that i've seen this pacifier candy no that was a very two thousand oh people used to do that i didn't know that i just i associate it with like ecstasy it's a little related it's not but it's a little like party i guess party attire something about adults with pacifiers just gives me an it because it reminds me of like age no sun like diaper [ __ ] no totally misread what's next a necklace with a diaper so i was gonna say now that i'm a mom kind of have a little like new meaning to it right that's that mom um it's mom bling that's kind of an interesting design nothing icky here i'm just saying it just i don't like seeing a mobile core like mom core aesthetic mom core okay i'm just saying like in general adults with baby stuff is an ick i'm not i think it's fine i'm just saying like if i see someone at a concert with a pacifier in their mouth i don't like it okay well this is pretty far from having it and then and then they're going like this yeah good time you know they're having fun though yep my jaw hurts just from that you do that for like hours oh so okay before we get started really interesting announcement so we made uh a little project with an artist called raptrading.co that's where they're located that's his website that's his website i don't know what's what's his well he just goes by rap trading right so yeah rap trading dot com his name's raptrading and we made h3 trading cards i'm trying to get the right angle and this is just a fun project we're not trying to make money or anything the price is super low everyone's going to make money from this it's but it's it's really just a fun project and we made we only made like 350 cards because it was just it was whatever well we posted it on twitter this morning and they already sold out so what we're going to do for everyone who wants to get their hands on it's only 25 bucks i don't know if i mentioned that and you get all these you get all these cards get all of or yeah there's a there's a a pack on the table too if you want to show what the the packaging looks like yeah i'll open that but yeah it's like a little booster pack it comes in a whole booster pack here and they're really cool it's like the whole tr it's pokemon cards but podcast you see the back of the pack what it says the back of the pack says five percent off you can't read it really on camera is there any rare like uh ethan mander uh special edition ethan charmander i think they're all foil so but the ethan is definitely that's a top tier card like if you get it if you get that one rated as like a 10 that'll be worth at least like 30 dollars well we're only going to do this one maybe maybe if you're lucky five percent um but but basically uh yeah it's just a one-time thing but we opened it up for because they sold out immediately and i want everyone to get one who wants one uh if you go to raptrading.com we're take we'll take pre-sales for how long how long are we going to do that for like a week or something i don't know yeah i think probably a week yeah so we'll leave it open for a week and it will take like four to six weeks to produce and ship them so if you don't mind waiting four to six weeks then you can still get a pack at uh rap trading dot co and i just added the link to the description which i should have done before and the whole gang's here i wish you uh i wish i could show a better a better angle on it uh i could you could post on socials but you know it's got everyone who's my favorite oh the ethan's feet i mean that's a collectible that one is my favorite your feet i'm glad we're able to monetize that image because i do love that and it's so sad that that i'm still sad the wikifeet war is over we lost i love cams wait a minute the uh cam just linked our instagram post it's got uh it shows them all oh you want to just show that yeah you sure because i'm holding this okay roll it i mean i mean you get the idea right you can see them all on the website i'm sure on rap trading but here you go they're shiny they're beautiful it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't right maybe right here's the pack they come in this there you go raptrading.com so fun it's a fun project isn't it then can you reply like that to in it it is it didn't it didn't i mean i mean sure yeah you can do anything you want coop uh oh bts thank you to members members members man what is this you have a trailer amy yeah i put together a little a couple minutes showing this is a little preview for this week's behind the scenes uh members get access to a exclusive bts it's for all of our lovely members this week we will have creators featured such as idubbbz anissa minx esfen michael reeves friend of the show eric from internet comment etiquette wanna get some nachos and some wine and much much more including some light sparring between me and idubbbz about to sparrow with items live on xband's stream no pressure just millions of people see this video amy said before this he's too much of a fan so he doesn't want to punch me in the head so you guys got a chant in the chat punch idubbbz did you really tell him that i told him don't get jealous the symptom though the symptom is real the symptom is a disease dumb [ __ ] [Laughter] some actual training footage of me for those who have been asking all day did you do all day all day baby anyway uh you guys get it it's all there it's all happening check it out thank you ab yes and i apologize that i don't have the other members of the squad in this one but yeah this one was a lot it's all a b all the time interesting oh i don't know just put it on a show three shows a week yeah they see it you guys were drunk the other day i couldn't record [ __ ] you were sober yeah i know but i mean what am i going to drunk hooligans that's awesome yeah what the [ __ ] yeah no you know what zach just wanted to keep grabbing the bottle and standing in front of the camera that bts wouldn't exist without a b so you if you want to film your [ __ ] and put it up there i don't care appreciate it just a close-up of your [ __ ] for 20 minutes i'd probably actually get more views yeah you have to become a member to find out a b only fans on uh h3 podcast members got big dick energy big dick energy but a small dick that's what he that's what he said maybe his words anyway whatever let's move on um yo yo yeah yeah yeah yo yo zack you got sick after our last uh guess who's drunk us who's high i was a hammer dude yeah it was rough it was a rough uh it's a rough evening yeah yes you watched that i loved that episode it was so much fun but zach got hammed up and um yeah i was uh the minute the camera stopped i could tell that he was already coming down hard yeah it was uh i was just wasted dude it was bad how'd you feel ian yeah like [ __ ] i felt so really god yeah we're all getting so old i was kind of trying to drink to match zach but zack's like a big dude and probably has a higher tolerance for me so um yeah i uh i could barely open my eyes whoa yeah you held it together well i didn't realize you were that trashed not at the time but that night i was like i i had like an ice helmet on and oh my goodness you did yeah it was killing me i had those spins when i got home really bad so that was fun jesus you know you know how i felt and you feel me completely [ __ ] fine wow daniel sword which is why weed is better than alcohol okay then okay dan i'm just saying just saying all these guys are hungover zach called in sick that didn't come in a workout that's fair enough because i mean it was for the show so yeah but uh but it was really fun um hearing about everybody's like dads and family and things like that and also sad uh to hear about kimmely kimmely cameron um it was a great episode yeah it was a great episode well we've got a great episode here today in fact you know we've had trouble with our sponsors we have one today which is great uh but actually a new one reached out to me on twitter last night around what when was this sent at 10 p.m what the [ __ ] is this steak.com the crypto the crypto gambling site that we're constantly uh talking [ __ ] about they're the ones who have a hut and barbados uh yeah i know i'm just well daddy uh they're the ones that have a hut and curacao and are sponsoring drake and all this nonsense they're they're like two weeks i mean maybe like two years away from being incarcerated and being on the run from the fbi they tweeted this out to me h3 podcast sponsored by steak from their fit i was just like is this how they're is this them like hitting back at us they're trolling you for sure but it's so bad it's like such a bad stupid meme you think if you're gonna swing back you do something more interesting than this i just think it's interesting um them posting this clearly means that that whole thing that we did bothered them it's on the radar you know what i mean like before this i would have assumed that they had no idea that that discussion was even happening but they know because the chances that peop the people who own steak are just they're running this like billion dollar company they're just some like mid 20 year old [ __ ] who stumbled into this from one from the previous scam to the next and it ended up getting bit like way too big and now they're like we own steak from a hut and curacao like tell me bad tell me whoever you are that owns steak.com i tweeted this did you tweet this from your hut and curacao or your [ __ ] penthouse in toronto or wherever the [ __ ] you live you know i'll be laughing when you go to jail though and by the way you got to work on your photoshop skills my dude yeah that's some dog [ __ ] right there so so but then did they also made a hut joke well i think isn't it behind you oh okay so that's the image but they do they are making a hot joke right wait did they edit that or was that from the episode we did oh they edited that yeah yeah so that's all i think they're good the whole thing is so odd [Music] yeah so guys go over to steak.com if you want to be able to never get your money out and have untraceable crypto deposits i guess now he's just having a big joke out of it yeah i would rather [ __ ] die than take your blood money to be honest not die let's not put it down partially i'd rather take money from who would i rather take money from god i'd rather take money from alpha brain hmm you know what i'm saying yeah i guess i guess so can we do a shitty sponsor like a a shitty sponsor tier list that could be the worst like there's alpha brain there's like um there's you know steak relative yeah or just triller trailer trailer's fine i mean that's it's honestly fine there's like nothing wrong with that you hear that trailer if you wanted to pay if ryan wanted to pay me i'd happily take his money be like yo apparently there's an app called triller could you imagine just one day you're suddenly pretending you've never heard of them before i just found out about this great new app guys there's a great new app called triller it's really exciting it's going to knock tick tock on its feet miller my thing's flipped well anyway what about fashion nova i would definitely never work with fashion nova but but steak fashion nova i think steak is worse i think it's worse okay what do you think hila um i'll just follow your lead because i don't know much about 801 well at least with fashion nova you get something for your money i mean that's not pro i mean i'm sure you can get your money from steak are you sure yeah i think the biggest well the biggest problem with steak is that they're clandestinely advertising to literal children on twitch why are you sure you can get your money out from because it's so i mean millions of people use it there would be people talking about that all the time a problem with drawing money from steak i'm sure it's fine stick your finger why are you so sure if who paid you who got to you dad i see dan playing the roulette sometimes i see check's in the mail right someone got today i i i i see him playing roulette he's like come on baby let's go let's go yo by the way 82 likes massive pull for this platform but don't you think like if you're following steak and you're like a fan of this huge casino and they're [ __ ] posting memes i just find that a little questionable like are they really going to pay you out if they're [ __ ] posting memes i don't know we're seeing a small amount of reddit posts saying they're having problems with drawing their money but okay like not that much no okay i mean the thing is that they don't have any money to withdraw they lose it all that's the point right it's rigged before that's a really good point love yeah who who's withdrawing money from gambling exactly steak now can we talk about some really interesting stuff you don't mind sure i wanted to give um the people an update that we have watched and still watching the real housewives of potomac right oh lots of housewives fans i guess in the in the go yeah they were heavily suggesting that one because that's the one that that won the poll that we did yeah which one we should watch so we've been watching it we watched like we're on season six now we started at one wow it's probably not been worth it it's been a lot of work it is there's been some payoff but i can't say it's been worth it salt lake city is just the best those ladies are so nuts i think potomac i mean these ladies are pretty crazy but those salt lake city ladies are on i don't know it's just it's a lot of investment you really gotta sit there and just listen to these women these vapid [ __ ] women talk about [ __ ] for a long time before they start pulling each other's hair which did happen that did happen one of them got into the actual fight and uh she started pulling her hair and they're they're black women so she like pulled her wig off and [ __ ] and they filed dueling police reports for second degree assault i mean this sounds pretty juicy no that was great but i'm telling you but it took like multiple seasons to get to this bro five okay yeah that's a lot of build up but like that moment was great like straight up pulling hair [Music] and then the producers break them up and then one of the girls runs around the back and tries to attack her again she's like oh give me that page okay that's pretty epic and like demonically possessed and they would never apologize to each other and um one of them got kicked off the show she just mysteriously disappeared after season five the one that attacked her that was good that was good so the biggest thing is that beverly hills comes back in may are we already in may it comes back in may no no yeah and that one is going to be fire i don't care about it yes you do always erica jane that's true i am interested so erica jane is one of the beverly hills housewives and she is she's in my opinion the most annoying of them from the beginning she's married to this big time super rich lawyer and she has this like horrible music career i mean she's like 40 and she's trying to become a pop star she has no talent and they're just pouring millions and millions of dollars into her absolutely failed musical career i know that yeah i know about it even i've never seen the show but yeah and the lawyer yeah i'm getting to that right it's like a crazy story right very crazy i think we may have already talked about it on the show but so it came out in the last season that her husband the super rich lawyer was actually so when he he's like he does like big settlement cases for people who get injured and stuff class actions and how it works is when you win a judgment for a big amount of money it goes into what's called like a settlement account or a it's like an escrow account where the lawyers aren't allowed to touch it there's like very strict rules set by the bar and he had developed this really elaborate devious scheme where he was convincing some people that he was going to invest the money for them and convincing him he was like this money manager yeah because one of the victims for example was a kid it was young so he was convincing them that he's for them will keep the money so that they have it like in a secure place and and not waste it all quickly or something and then the kid never actually got all the money he never got any of it and it was like and he ended up having stole like 100 million dollars from his victims and the thing that's so crazy about it is that erica his his dumb his dumb talentless wife is in the show living the most extravagant life every outfit is like full designer like 20 30 000 outfit she drives a rolls-royce they spend so much [ __ ] money on her music video this i cannot tell you how talented this this woman is i want to show you one of her videos but then all of a sudden it comes out that her husband is a horrific criminal and thief and now it's all going down on the show and what's interesting is there's like how much did she know how much she didn't know and even if she didn't know she's living fat on stolen money yeah even if she didn't know it's just like the the fact that it's all on video and you're watching her she's always dressed in like the drippiest drippiest [ __ ] yeah all brands high-end brands all the time and then the last season was really interesting because it was after everything was happening and and she was just so focused on herself still which was non-apologetic like just yeah she never talks about the victims it's just all about how poor erica she's the worst she's the worst i hate her and uh but it's really interesting to watch it all go down i have to say the housewives as far as reality show is pretty ester the [ __ ] that goes down there's always someone getting arrested for tax evasion somebody pulling someone's wig off i mean there's like literal [ __ ] felonies happening you know in salt lake city like we said like the fbi straight up came and picked one of the ladies up out of the party bus because her ass was committing like wire fraud she was like scamming old people it's nuts you want me to take their money she was doing like lead generation and then contacting old people and stealing their money like scamming old people it's [ __ ] crazy dude it's awesome so here here's erica jane by the way just [Music] go ahead and claim this would be your only revenue stream let's say we all yeah [ __ ] well here i'm just gonna cut forward [Music] no she's horrible she's disgusting she's horrible she's disgusting she has no talent the whole thing is about like i have money and it's like this money is stolen from victims it's just great well she never worked a day in her life and then the thing is she'll go on tour and she'll spend money because nobody's there there's not enough people buying tickets but she spends so much money to put on the show that every show she does she loses money so she spends it costs her money to go on tour and she does it because she wants to be this pop star awesome right how old is she she's got to be in her 40s 50s she's got to be mid-40s she's 50. there you go you gotta use your 50 year old trying to break in as a pop star you guys stop stop it oh look look i wonder this goes erica jane american singer hell no that is not what you are yeah i love it so there you have it you know is this kid's choice award damn oliver tree you got beat up by erica james mtv um oh in the same kind of a universe rudy giuliani was on the math singer you know yeah which is kind of fun it's like bringing out um char it's like you know if if uh you know charles manson came on or something and it's a sexual dance it's like nobody would see it coming uh he's such a disg why are they doing this why are they trying to make like these [ __ ] traitors cute is that a older clip it was during the height of [ __ ] it wasn't even it just aired but it was shot during like the outside the sex shop trying to overthrow the election era i think right then the i think so i'm trying to find exactly when it was recorded i know it was they were sitting on it for a good while before it erred disgusting yeah actually a few the judges walked off which i thought it was good really yeah you'll see it in this clip so they didn't know that it was gonna come well that's the whole point is you have to guess who's there okay i never watched this well who the [ __ ] would guess rudy giuliani my god well that show like keeps it so like secret like it it's very very intense on how secret they keep the contestant being on and today the mass singer is um a little nas doing a sexual dance a sexual sexual dance anal sex o.j simpson as stabby the knife [Applause] he's bailing he's like i'm done i'm done [Music] but you get the idea i don't know if he's walking out because it's rudy i think he's walking off because it was just [ __ ] i think he walked out because it's rudy yeah well yeah of course but he's like i'm done with this [ __ ] i just don't what the [ __ ] happened to television i stopped watching like five years ago that's kind of the truth isn't it like we have um we have directv or whatever but we never use it never who would be your favorite um mass singer contestant a housewife introducing from maximum security state penitentiary i would want your favorite sexual criminal what karen from potomac james charles and on his shoulders a 12 year old boy who is the the housewife that went to prison for i think it was tax evasion i think housewives in new jersey oh yeah we haven't watched new jersey yet oh god there's too much of this [ __ ] it's crazy her and her husband i think yeah i heard that yeah i heard he there went to jail yeah but yeah i heard they actually just went to the slammer and tax evasion happens and pretty much you can bet one character in every season is going to jail for for even in potomac like evasion didn't happen but two of the characters were having articles about them not paying taxes well and then they had to pay it but hey what's up hello uh what's up gabe let's go it's friday and we're cruising baby cruising cruising down the street in my sixth floor slapping the b words hitting the h's careful careful that's a vulgar song there buddy how you doing how you doing where are you driving to we're going to coachella really are you serious are you performing what is it are you performing i'm i'm watching oh you're watching i'm watching and partying what artist are you going there to see specifically i'm trying to see the weekend baby and baby okay okay is this your coachella outfit is that your drip because they're supposed to dress up all drippy for coachella is that your drip we got we got it it's in my um suitcase oh can you i want to make sure to see what outfits you wear when you go i want to see your drippy outfit yeah it's friday baby friday for coachella friday's for coachella baby are you gonna meet some girls there or are you just gonna take it easy hopefully someone i like oh yeah yeah well how far of a drive is it from i know you guys live in l.a how far is it it's in palm springs two and a half hours okay that's not bad markers of traffic that's not bad what do you drink to keep awake when you drive you chug reg bowls you like to coffee what do you do just a coke just a coke that's good you're a sweet man you're a good man diet or regular okay regular yeah good man good man yeah wow hell no hell no regular oak is kind of hardcore vadilla regular coke that's pretty hardcore yeah it is hardcore that i mean they're i i i'm past the days of my life where i can drink regular coke but gabe's hardcore gabe is hardcore that stuff keeps me awake i don't need coffee just just to cook and i'm good i think your feed died but we can still hear you oh gabe is headed to coachella he's always off that man is always up to something yeah always people in the chat pointed out of course he's going for the weekend he's all about weekends right it's a weekend baby that's a good observation yeah he lives for the weekend um so uh uh by the way before we move on um we have this little uh beans and toast uh taste test thing oh my god it's gonna take sam about ten minutes to prepare for putting this off okay why are you putting it off so bad well we were talking about how english bread breakfast is just horrid was that after the show or on the show it was on the show it was a little bit on the show but we had conversation continued we had a really in-depth conversation after the show about how disgusting english breakfast is and cam was looking at it like he thought it was a troll i was like bro that's serious as a heart attack like people act they eat that [ __ ] i said that's why they thought you are so against it because mexican food has been now that said the pictures of it look horrific this is these are this is picturesque look this is i just typed traditional english breakfast yeah i mean that looks good except for the blood pudding [ __ ] blood wait wait wait we were finding some really funny pictures um but look at this [ __ ] that that that's [ __ ] a plate of baked beans what did you call that pet as soldiers i don't know i kind of don't see it as bad as you are i think maybe it's because americans have this association with baked beans they're like sweet smoky beans and it just i can't imagine those flavors mixing it's just disgusting it's just weird to me when you're so about mexican food it's like this is how open-minded it is oh my god this is not this is nothing like mexican why would you even say that i like it but being beans and breakfast is very bizarre to begin with but you already do that this is baked beans this sweet it's disgusting see when i yeah because when i look at like that's everything yeah i mean that looks bomb and that's yeah not that that's violence it's beautiful it's it's the flavors are there it's not sweet nasty [ __ ] beans on white bread okay so one of the 10 eggs together it's kind of a fire combination not those beans so here's one of the things that they do okay that that we think is extremely great it's baked beans on toast i'm sorry but this is [ __ ] if you ever looked at an english person you're like look at this guy this is what that's why they look like that it's because they eat this and i what and i love my english fans so don't take me back i love i love the english look at this what the [ __ ] is that oh my god well anyway we've been talking a lot of [ __ ] about the english and we love the english don't we folks well i wish that i had an english accent you know it's like decent is interfering he's fighting back that's fine here what is he saying he's putting the english flag oh here okay queen the elizabeth pass the beans please darling oh i just [ __ ] my knickers [Music] um so anyway beans and toast is one of the most foul dishes in my opinion so we're going to test it out sam has prepared some beans on toast and we're going to try it out american breakfast is also kind of bizarre i mean it's disgusting but it's bomb it's like very unhealthy but it's both so unhealthy you guys eat pancakes for breakfast oh yeah we do and you know what how do pancakes taste amazing it's not breakfast food then why do you order it when we go you get on a birthday party then why do you order pancakes when we go out for breakfast because it's america called out i have no you're right you're you're right i mean listen no nobody gonna i always do yo how does that work breakfast how's that look right there boy beans on toast five stars that's a five star recipe israeli breakfast is the best breakfast what does that consist of usually probably the same thing yeah i was gonna say i feel the same middle eastern as best practice you know what's just confusing me is the english colonizer the english colonized the whole [ __ ] world and this and they and this is all they got out of that they picked up all the spices all the cuisines they could have been the perfect melting pot and no this is what racial supremacy looks like this is why you tell white supremacists you're wrong and you'll always be wrong because this is what you eat for breakfast you're [ __ ] in the head multiculturalism forever goodbye i am of course a white supremacist okay let me type israeli breakfast yes just to represent you let's represent it's just which is okay that's not a typical you mean like this no that's nice right yes what are you looking at billions yeah you open zoom in on that all right you get a solid if you guys heard about that salad for breakfast eggs with herbs some healthy yummy bread that is not dry some grape leaves some healthy tasty cheeses all kinds of them olives things healthy chee no i'm joe i'm just joking about how eela described it some healthy beautiful yeah like cottage cheese some wonderful enriching jam garlic cheese it is most it is much healthier though i'm just kidding way healthier than a pile of pancakes but that cheese ain't healthy come on but it's like part of a balanced meal it's balanced yeah it's part of a balanced meal but it is very nice you get like guacamole sour cream lemonade tabouli salad cottage cheese the cottage cheese in israel is way better by the way grape leaves love the herbs it's just the omelet in israel middle east it's not what we think when you order omelette they're like cheese [ __ ] bacon sausage let's go and in israel and probably all in the middle east omelette just means like egg it's just egg and then if you want herbs which is like cilantro and parsley and dill then they put it in there yeah it's a great meal i agree it's great so yes i am throwing shade at food in general and it might be because my mom just went back to israel and i'm very bitter about having nothing to eat again because she's been cooking for you guys the last couple months yeah that's fair i cook for you every night no you do but you know my mom's gone okay just saying somebody said british canned beans are not quite as sweet as the american version beans on toast is good get over it ethan well i'm gonna try it right now we're going to try it and we we got the the heinz the blue can that seemed to be we did a little bit of research and that seemed to be the definitive one for beans on toast i'm sorry if you disagree with that don't yell at me that's what we're working with here here's lebanese breakfast baby you were telling me about it you got the that's our stuff what is this uh that's why a cheese pie a cheese pie yeah ship new pie they're so good i love it olives vegetables mint yeah it's mediterranean you know it's like it's nice i agree the american breakfast is by far the most [ __ ] up but it is good it is good you see them them ihops are full as hell on sunday morning how full are they at like say 2 a.m ethan uh lena corrected me not they're empty which means which is why you nobody would see me there see that doesn't look bad but nobody eats that uh i mean i eat that that looks bomb no i would eat that but like that's not a dish you would get at a restaurant i'm telling you that that's like what i get when i go to denny's exactly that you get this is that denny's yeah what's this [ __ ] potatoes a side of green onion like it's just a garnish i mean yeah you don't get garnished now this is what i'm talking about people i would eat the [ __ ] out of that i would [ __ ] that actually this doesn't even look like in terms of the really disgusting calorie meals you can get at denny's that's not even that bad um oh my god back to the english breakfast look at this nightmare with those tomatoes what that's just like a pile of tomatoes piled tomatoes mushrooms and that it's not it's like this is not healthy this is not healthy yeah that's not right okay tell me which one would you rather know what i love american hash browns verse english um i i the the the whole thing of like so many tomatoes really throws me off what are you supposed to do with so many tomatoes and why are they on the vine so if you try to take them off they're just gonna pop those look cooked at least the the first picture just looked like a bunch of raw tomatoes i'm definitely going american on this just because i'm kind of with elon the pancakes thing i i used to eat pancakes a lot for breakfast when i was a kid but over the years it it has kind of occurred to me that this is sort of a bizarre thing to be it's so bizarre that's not something you should eat regularly yeah yeah well you know pancakes is probably one of the worst foods you can eat periods it's literally just flour and it's like the definition of empty it's like saying you eat chocolate cake every morning yeah and then you pour sugar syrup on it yeah and by the way and butter yeah hash browns though hashbrowns are bomb love that's an american invent i'm pretty sure um i don't know maybe look at that board yourself until you're on the verge of vomiting alrighty i do every day so anyway as we wait for our beans on toast tim polk's been coming after me hila did you know that no i'm off twitter yeah i know congratulations okay wait the beans on toast is coming so let's just get oh [ __ ] let's get this over i urge everybody okay the movement that then probably started and many other people just get off twitter just get off it delete it i've been dating a lot about it thank you sam so here you go oh we got t wait is there cheese under it or something what's that sauce oh butter okay so there's but it's a buttered toast yeah it looks like beans on it looks like the picture is that ian approved like is this ian yeah is this the real deal authentic i i think it is if the toast is a little crunch a little crunchy looks crunchy and butter yes yeah it's just the right beans because everyone goes oh they're not baked beans what are they uh again we got we got the blue canned beans that when i was looking into it it everybody seemed to indicate the right one the blue can yeah all right so here we go baby to the english to the english empire and and all the best it can produce [Music] i'm half scottish so i'm going to skip the pretty sweet the toast to the english but i don't hate it listen i wouldn't say i hate it but would you eat that would you want to eat that let me try going for one more time yeah really i've been talking [ __ ] i gotta say i think this is winning me over it was pretty good and it's actually just baked bean there's nothing these are good for you not these beans just like cooked in sugar and syrup and [ __ ] still beans the thing said it was in tomato sauce although i agree it tastes pretty sugary so probably that it's not that bad it's not that bad i'll leak grow a little bit i called my grandma before the show and asked her i was like what's what's the deal it's like you can get three cans for two pounds fifty it's quick it's a good snack it's filling and it's got a lot of vitamins that's what she said you see that's got a lot of vitamins that's why i like this actually because it's not just all bad for you well it's white bread and butter that's all bad and then the beans which is are healthy but they're cooked in in my head i'm comparing it to going out for breakfast here and what are my options usually on the menu a bunch of stuff i can't i won't eat like sausage and bacon and then what else is there on the menu usually you would never order this why okay next time we go for breakfast i tell them you know what i want some damn toast and beans they have this here maybe some places i'm sure do i don't think you're getting an identity away from me my dad said it's kind of like a thing of like you know when your parents are working all day and you don't you don't have a lot of cash lying around you just get this definitely a nice affordable feeling not some big delicacy or anything like that that makes sense you know it's a nice affordable kid friendly nice the earl grey is nice but overall i definitely think that it tastes pretty good [Music] yeah it's a nice snack yeah frankly i i'm gonna i'm gonna say that i was wrong it's really not that bad and especially i can i can see like if you grew up on it then it'd probably be even better i can definitely see that we're learning and growing here we're growing but aesthetically they can do better aesthetically it's not pleasing there's a problem there they can do better visually we have traveled the world your majesty we have traveled the whole world we have conquered half of it we have seen all the exotic foods in the world and today we serve to you baked beans on white toast your majesty oh hell yeah brother can you imagine serving that to like uh i don't know man it's just it looks weird okay can i tell you what's my next favorite breakfast um huevos rancheros oh hell yeah mexican well that's a great this year there's no problem with that it's a great dish the best yum all right well there you go guys beans on toast you sure you want me to change the title to the beans on toast criticism and uh thesis breakdown the truth about beans on toast tim poole when i said on the show that we lost sponsors by the way thanks to members and people who buying teddy fresh thank you thank you when i said we lost sponsors the right-wing weirdos went on like a victory lap like jordan peterson was right because he was like ethan what are you doing you're just you're just uh what was the jordan peterson tweet that was like i'm 14 and this is deep maybe you could pull it up because that's the context he was effectively saying that you're you're gonna reap what you sow yeah kind of thing agator you know flaming turd back which i i i think that statement by him was like basically i'm 14 and this is deep like obvious anyone could anytime anyone get mad at me they'll be like oh see you're reaping what you sell and it's always the kind of people that may spell it too you rape what you sell oh they spell so yeah interesting like so yeah interesting um but the thing is i've been canceled a billion times before i'm gonna get you canceled again you know what i mean but the weird thing that they keep interjecting that's just not true that i've continually said these guys are just about culture war narrative it's pathetic temple is such a pathetic loser so let's go back in time to january when ethan klein deleted episodes with he had with jordan peterson he clearly did this because he was panicking about getting canceled bro they're literally i can't i don't know what to tell you i deleted it because we [ __ ] on jordan peterson every day and i thought it was stupid to have those episodes on like and and i just don't like the guy i think he's trash i think he's [ __ ] weird i think he has horrible takes and i think he's a detriment to society and that's why i removed the interviews nobody had any expectation there was no demand nobody cared i did it because i don't [ __ ] like him and we regularly [ __ ] on him and i thought it was just stupid to have those up you [ __ ] beanie-headed bald-headed [ __ ] who by the way a light breeze will give him brain damage his head is literally open to the elements that's why he wears a beanie and i'm gonna get pissed off about it i don't know what's so hard to understand that or to imagine that basically you can like get to know someone over the years and decide you don't you just don't like them like what happened to us with peterson we just didn't really know him that well i don't think he was as bad then either and that too and ever since he had his benzo attacks he's bringing he's got a little couple screws loose people evolve and we're allowed to just not want to have those up also the whole narrative that like i cancelled jordan and so now i'm reaping what i sell how the [ __ ] did i i deleted episodes from my own podcast how the [ __ ] did i cancel jordan peterson you dumb bro you gotta screw the top half of your head on so you can think better god he doesn't want his business to fall apart so he's just like okay fine dude i'll do whatever i have to ethan what he's like just didn't happen never happened this whole [ __ ] insane uh scenario to justify either look at this comment i just saw he his set is literally an incel nice guy wet dream all he's missing is the anime body pillow and a dart board we actually do have an anime body pillow and tim's is cool alpha with a samurai sword and a pistol and a guitar that comment was directed it said him i think that's got to be directed at tim yeah i mean that's true oh because this is deaf noodles i get it yeah yes then that makes sense yes i agree his set is embarrassing bro just imagine what goes on and if you could just peer up under his beanie what goes on the top side of his head you should have just stood by your principles would i that's exactly just edgy comedy free speech and having conversations with people how about you [ __ ] worry about what your thing is and i'll worry about what my thing is we have never had one of our show sponsors cancel on us pull out on us in fact because they already know that you're a reactionary [ __ ] creep yeah that's what the only people that sponsor you are like uh who who sponsors temple like i can only imagine like some vpns or probably that kind of stuff maybe alpha brain yeah alpha brain insole brain intel brain uh we are sponsored by the uh white national socialism uh movement party and we have never lost a sponsor top half's of the head for america party the first sponsor that i had ever had on youtube virtual shield sponsors virtual shield who you call it i mean that sounds like a vpn yeah exactly they don't care vpns notoriously don't care they're like listen half of our clients are pedophiles and nazis so we don't care you know i'm not going to draw a line in the sand it is a vpn exactly vpn's never dropped also if i i had to guess i could be wrong on this but like i'm going to his podcast right now and um i'm not seeing very many sponsors well yeah many sponsors because he's a reactionary [ __ ] he's he's a giant piece of [ __ ] i mean i'm i'm just spot checking like random episodes right now going through and like none of these have sponsorship tags and well if he would have just stood by his principals maybe he would have sponsors i mean maybe they do on the audio side but i'm on his youtube page and i am so far i have not come across a single sponsor no issues despite all the controversies the lies the smears the manipulation and i will stand by what we believe in and what we say and i'm not gonna play these stupid games all right guys you know what to do that's all it takes is being like i've never lost sponsors it's like all right guys get to work here i just found one and it is a do not message this sponsor it's a keto powder oh i won't even say who the sponsor is yeah that's that's high that's yeah huge brand no that's not the name of the brand but no i know i'm joking he sells keto power powder of course they're not dropping you right the dumber the better that's what they're [ __ ] that's their whole [ __ ] they're like the dumber your audience the better for us let's not insult poor zach over here keto powder i wouldn't use that [ __ ] okay okay i'm just saying because i know he's an adam and keto guys it just sounds like keto powder i mix my kudo powder with my alpha brain my gorilla brain what the [ __ ] is keto powder it's probably a bulking formula that's that doesn't have any kind of it's probably way protein to be honest yeah i mean but what's the difference between whey protein and oh keto powder nice fine db thank you i had to verify that before i sent it okay i want to see here's another thing that he's sponsored by those [ __ ] buckets of slop sponsored by slop doomsday or slot buckets my sponsors have never dropped me of course they haven't the dumber the better what is that survival food survival slip starts yeah it's for the nuclear fallout it's a spark at a slop the race war that's big things yeah kicked off his tim cass irl podcast tonight with an advert for survival food i believe is the first time he's done an ad read on the podcast live he recently complained to me that he struggled to attract sponsors for it oh damn so this was amen beginning of last year and that was the first time he had had a sponsor on the thing so yeah i mean yeah i'm sure it is hard to get people to sponsor yo check it out you see on the bottom it says please limit two per household it's too it's in such a demand they can't even deliver more than two you guys jim baker which is not enough slop to go around jim baker food bucket right is that a jim baker food box well it's the same [ __ ] it's the same kind of thing yeah i'll tell you right now everything you're seeing right here is not what's in there no is it gonna look like you've seen pigs feed out of a trough that's what you're gonna be eating fact jesus is your source ethan started playing the games getting started what do you said you show the video of him eating the slop oh i would love to oh they made it to slop and you're complaining about my sponsors eating slop and then let's talk about our sponsors nobody made me eat slop i guess i got that premium [ __ ] where i don't have to eat slaw stuff about that i'll see if i can find it it's so awesome he chose to get into business business with these companies and now he is sitting there saying it sucks i have no sponsor well look man you got to stand up for yourself you can't let these people push you around so god he's standing up he's taking down jordan peterson episode because you look duplicitous you look like you're lying and you look desperate and so i i hope it works out but hey man he's such a dumb [ __ ] little [ __ ] he's just what does that even mean he's he's acting like i called him and was like i know what to do bro i got so much pressure to remove these jordan peterson things and they're coming after they're going to come after our sponsors i can only say i don't know what he means that i look like a liar duplicitous right with people who will who will uh push you off that uh metaphorical uh yes tim i am i am in favor of trans rights i don't know what to tell you bro i'm holding to my own principles temple was actually trending because he tweeted something yesterday like uh trans women are never gonna be biological females or something which was just rage bait like he's just trying to piss off trans advocates that's what he does he's like why can't i only get slot buckets to sponsor me anyway guys i'm tim poole and here i am eating my slot bucket did you find it dan i have not found it oh man i want to see that so bad cliff at any moment well then i can only say like you should have you should have prepared for this you should have expected it it's so easy to do a show when you can just make up any scenario you want and then like critique it you know he sounds so smart you knew was going to happen if imagine this imagine if ethan klein instead of deleting the jordan peterson episode came out and said they're telling me if i don't delete this episode they're going to pull my sponsors i will not take out a conversation out with dr peterson yeah imagine if that happened except nobody that dude you're such a car liar he's a liar he's just a disgusting liar and i've explained this on the show before too which makes it even worse slot bucket boy i mean i don't necessarily expect him to know that uh but he's talking like it's fact right that's the way he's presenting it yeah you don't i don't expect him to watch every episode and hear the explanation but also just don't make up your own explanation and then get mad about it that's what he does that's what his whole show is anyway speaking of tim's sponsors safeandreadymeals.com this is a post from his instagram he's got a whole closet full of slop guys he's ready to go each one is 30 days i don't think that's enough to get through the apocalypse i'll be honest with you guys yeah i don't know i mean that's like a year or two and then you're going down buddy look at me like some kind of prepper this is what our new work facility though we works bro are you able to read and write look at me like some kind of prepper that's the first sentence look at me like some kind look at i think it's like look at me like some kind of prepper okay this is for our new work facility though where we expect to have a lot of people so it's not just for one person okay abe just sent a link uh his grammar is just weird these are the meals i promote on my channel sometimes and buying supports my work yeah i'm sure you wait what do you got there it's the website of uh oh this looks [ __ ] bro look at it this look this looks like one of those [ __ ] pop-ups on like when you're on a porn site yes it's a very nostalgic pop-up it looks like a straight scam powered by my patriot supply oh yeah brother yo this deal will end 11 hours hurry buy it bye bye bye wait there's only three i can't get two the clock is ticking that's when the doomsday happens the nukes are falling in 11 hours you're telling me there's orange juice in that slot bucket probably well powder i guess powdered i was gonna say like uh what's it called the frozen stuff concentrate yeah but it you don't freeze this so yeah i don't know i kind of want to buy one of these and do and then open it up and see what's actually in there you can do that although it's deal 700 oh it's 7.50 nope what the [ __ ] what i mean i guess it's theoretically food why is it so expensive that's right isn't that the idea yeah that's but still damn but what's in there it's just some beans and stuff 750 apparently pudding and casserole and all kinds of things if you go by the picture the days of the greets the great reset look to be here we continue to see how fragile our nation's supply chains are now quickly shortages are appearing out of nowhere imagine if that happened at your local grocery store again shelves can be picked clean in a matter of hours we've all seen it happen repeatedly americans can see that the world is on fire they're ordering this emergency food like crazy which means and they're like and our shelves are being wiped out which means you too while you can coward if you uh open the link again in a different browser the deal clock happens to start over no way no way no no no no i doubt no way this guy is a manipulative library are they lying to me refresh is to go back no it'll save it but if you open it in a different way like if dan opens it sure yeah wait does that mean that tim poole's sponsor is lying no way lying con wait if you do you're saying like a totally different browser or a private browser so let me go incognito probably if you click control f5 it's going to refresh with let's go incognito you didn't do that you just opened a new you say did you did not here i'll just open it i said new incognito window you didn't click that you clicked the wrong button all right now it is you agree oh my god they're lying oh my god they're lying to me sponsors wow that is crazy guys can you imagine us ever working with this [ __ ] i like hell no doomday prepper slot meals that are even questionable if you'll get it or not because this is obviously like a scam landing page yo tim tim's actually live right now you're not gonna believe this screenshot oh he's got his jordan peterson uh a kawaii pillow oh congratulations you're the 999th visitor congratulations you want to slot bucket damn wait are those the tissues he uses to jerk off to his jordan pearson pillow oh i cannot say for sure it looks like it there's no waifu no no no waifu no life food true damn yo guys they have real testimonials here bro cam where did you get this [ __ ] image of peterson with the lobster around his neck guys here's a here's a genuine review from barb a in texas the food comes in six huge buckets i definitely feel safer knowing that my family and i now have a buffer of food in case of a shortage cool so it's 700 for how many of those one bucket my friend one or maybe i'm wrong no no no that's they probably send you like 10. how many buckets or 10 of these yeah yeah i mean this is for preppers these are for these people that think anything in the world in general who has that much space you say you need space and you need several hundred dollars yeah this is a website called my patriot supply what even is this website what else do they sell here well it goes in your bomb shelter that's right right you have to have it so you also need a bombshell 100 hour candle i mean it's survival gear it's all stuff that like but it's the the whole patriot angle makes me s makes me true patriot only true patriots understand that the united states is about to collapse only people that love their country think that it's on the verge of completely i'll tell you what that joe biden that's what the reset is coming what is the great reset oh that's way too much to get into right now you're muted sorry when you call the number for this company there's like some epic patriot music that plays i want me a dang i need a survival bucket because joe biden about to hit that reset button and we got to watch out for them gators in arizona duncan anyone here from arizona oh wait tim poole sent me i know you never you'll never drop tim poole dr wolfstar says ethan you're once again attacking youtuber sponsors and teaching your audience it's all right to do uh when youtubers don't share your opinions then you cry when you lose your sponsors how do you not understand well thanks for the ten dollars first of all that's a generous donation actually so thank you very much first of all nobody tapped the sponsors okay but i do think i'm just making a funny officer this is [ __ ] fun this is objectively funny i don't know what to say doctor won't start this listening this is a funny company temple made a claim specifically to me that none of my sponsors ever dropped me because i'm true to myself he lied about me i said okay who are your sponsors because you know oh hell yeah oh this is the slot bucket oh this is inspiring trust me no matter what i do no matter what i say or show the slot bucket people will never drop tin pool he's right so i th the this has nothing to do with anything we're just making fun of this yeah i'm not i'm not it's not that serious by the way i don't like so if you're into it go and buy it you know we're just making fun yeah go [ __ ] buy the stock bucket if you want the slot bucket and use code tim poole whatever i don't i don't think i don't think not that he's in any danger of losing uh patriot whatever the survival dot co no that's right they will never leave him yeah yeah they're gonna sponsor him more now yeah we're talking about them exactly maybe there's probably some people watching right now they're like i need a [ __ ] slot bucket yeah right we might have got them some business use a code pool yeah or whatever the [ __ ] his code is sloppy safe and ready meals dot com i'm really genuinely not this is [ __ ] funny am i crazy this is funny stool he called me out i looked at his monsters this is funny i don't want anyone to go write them emails and like you rarely think they would care if you did they would not have taken down the jordan at all by the way in actuality whose sponsors have i really gone after i mean the thing with keemstar was again just a joke where i was like hey look uh g fuel sponsors this guy who like bullies people into unaliving themselves that's pretty crazy because it was on his [ __ ] desk as he's telling uh etika why don't you just jump off her bridge then right i'm like and i made a joke this [ __ ] unaliving is sponsored by g fuel that's funny yeah it's funny thank you it's funny i don't [ __ ] care dude and then who else james charles like okay you are david dobrik like you guys really [ __ ] like some people shouldn't have sponsors well and we didn't you never went after sponsors i don't think i did so i'm an article i i i i i completely reject that notion i don't really go after people's sponsors maybe i've done it once or twice in the case of like james charles or someone really heinous like that but almost i don't think i ever genuinely say go after people's sponsors don't go after anyone's sponsors i don't [ __ ] care yeah only go after my sponsors please thank you which i i don't even need to tell you that you guys you guys got all the initiative right on your own go-getters all of you but you gotta admit that slop shit's funny it's funny it's an episode because you look duplicitous you i i feel like this is a guy who got started doing edgy comedy on reddit and youtube yes things like that and that bro that was like 10 years ago like can you [ __ ] move on how long ago was it that we even made edgy videos on h3 brushes it's literally i think it's almost been 10 years and it's like these guys they need to [ __ ] he's basically telling you who you are and what you're supposed to be doing yeah right like what yeah i'm sorry this is america mind your own business brah god damn breath but even if you watch those old videos i mean yeah maybe the way you phrased some things was not right or the language wasn't appropriate but if you watch them like how many times how much [ __ ] did you get for defending those um those black guys and joey salads video oh yeah like it's it's crazy if you watch any of those old videos like that people were unsubbing calling me a [ __ ] woke liberal [ __ ] and the only redeeming thing was that somebody actually leaked the video of joey faking it and i was like very satisfied you guys yeah exactly that was one of my big wake-up calls when i did um when i made that joey salads fake trump card thing that was super racist i was like this is so fake everybody knows this fake and and then so many people did it yeah the comments were like you know this is real ethan like this is totally real and i was like holy [ __ ] these [ __ ] racist freaks we were watching my videos yeah and so much that it became a meme you know this one's right yeah you know this one's real ethan that was one of the comments so it became a meme but it's like tim you know back in third maybe you know back in uh when you were three you used to [ __ ] in the [ __ ] floor so uh what kind of hypocrite are you using a toilet right you know and as times went on he thought i just better say what they're saying the problem is god he's like he knows me better than myself he knows everything about me yeah once again this is not mainstream america he is bending the knee to weirdos jordan peterson is popular among regular people yeah he's also [ __ ] weirdo sports conversion therapy his wife or his daughter dates a known human trafficker he just went to jail just arrested and he's a uh he's a [ __ ] weirdo and also he's cringe he's cringed yeah he's crazy i mean the worst crime of all of those things is that he's absolutely cringe posting cringe is it he's posting cringe yeah we're gonna do about men what are we gonna do about men they're eating out of slop buckets oh boy they're buying slot buckets at tim slot bucket dot com for 750 dollars they're probably one of my favorite of all times the what we can do without man what are we gonna do without tim paul the top head the top part of his head is missing he's loses brain cells every time he takes his beanie off we can't let the air reach his brain [Music] the man lives on slop buckets for christ's sake we need to get him real food we need to get this man a waifu he's got a sword and a gun behind him how insecure can you be man [Music] i love that overlay oh man i'm crying you know tim pool's head is like gepetto and pinocchio don't you know and uh when you know it's a real boy and tim paul wishes he had the a real top part of his head [Music] have you ever felt a light breeze on your brain tim pool does it's not good for you his brain is out there doing amazing things temple's brain is out there doing amazing things he's actually built calluses on his brain [Music] the people who don't like him are the fringe weirdos regular people do like him regular people don't know who the jordan peterson is are you kidding me like i'm sorry i'd know who he is well unfortunately he didn't honestly me too yeah unfortunately i think tim er doesn't realize that the people that watch his show are the fringe weirdos so right yeah know it's caught i think you got lost in the sauce there a little better started doing edgy comedy on reddit and youtube anyway i love that [ __ ] not have taken down yeah no uh tim poole says he isn't into uh i just make up [ __ ] about him yeah so tim he says he's not into like having sex with underage kids but like um i don't i don't even know how to spend that so let's go back in time i need to get my brain transplant down pop and clean up those brain sponsors yeah out there welcome to head head cap for people missing half their dome we screw it on like a plunger and you can take off your beanie and feel there that's that thank you tim pool and shout out to the swap buckets flop buckets ace family claims this is so good now ela i don't know if you saw we were did a whole poll and we were trying to guess what was going to happen with the ace family ace fest no i didn't see that because they so what happened with ace fest is that they said it was sold out after a day and somebody figured out this really intelligent way to figure out how many tickets they actually sold it wasn't a lot [Music] at all okay and so we were like roughly 500 right 500 to 600 600 yeah somewhere they sold 600 tickets yeah yeah each ticket is for like five people or five people yeah but they said oh we sold it out we're like so either they're gonna steal people's money you're going to cancel the event or they're going to open it up and try to like build hype and be like it was sold out but we're going to open more seats that to that explanation didn't make a lot of sense to me because who would want to go to like an overcrowded right but that's not what they said well here here we got our answer it was basically just yesterday they put out a video and they answered our question and with the link it looks like it's back open guys let's see it's super exciting that it's back open oh no it's sold out again oh it's still sold out oh no it's sold out again [ __ ] scammed okay here it is friday if you are new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and join the family so before we get into today's video we just want to say thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for all of your love and support we are so excited to do ace fest this year like this is going to be an amazing time so going into this catherine you know we bought tickets right yeah we got a five packer yep i can't wait to see what happens there and it's in palmdale which is like desolate [ __ ] and it's in the middle of summer it's like a desolate desert we really didn't have an idea of how well we were gonna do we didn't know how many people would want to come to the a-spec so we kept it at like a smaller scale than trying to go too big if that makes sense like we want to keep it smaller scale and then hopefully grow it because it's our first time doing this so when tickets went on sale and we sold out we were sitting there like they they're lying they sold 500 tickets damn uh maybe we should win bigger maybe it's you know the right amount of people um i mean i'm really happy with the amount of people that are going yeah and i think it'll be amazing wait cameron found something interesting this is on their website still only 5 000 tickets available get one before it's too late so it says that despite being quote unquote sold out yeah that doesn't so did they close it already it's just so weird okay let me watch the video it'll be so much fun and like the video would look amazing but then again it's like the venue has the capability of holding a lot more people so with that being said we were looking at your guys's feedback and we noticed a lot of you were unable to get a ticket because of how fast it sold out knowing katherine and i and we told you guys this number of times it's very hard to please everyone but it's super hard to please everyone we try to please everyone it's just like but since we do have the capability of expanding it we're trying our best to do that for you guys so the people that were unable to get a ticket hopefully fingers crossed we literally just talked to them not too long ago and we're actually gonna go down and show you guys a little bit of the venue today and talk to them again for you guys and see if it's possible to make this happen because we really want to try to get everyone that's a part of the ace family who wants to come to be able to come alright guys so comment down below in the comment section let us know if you guys are still interested in going to ace fashion if you still do not it looks like it's not open yet maybe they didn't open it yet but let's see i s they sticky this i still don't have tickets and i want to come sticky that [ __ ] something's so weird with them i don't know there's always something fishy going on uh the only comment i see about the one they stick it is loki feel bad for any ace family fan who actually bought tickets to their fest thanksgiving fire festival yeah i don't see anyone being like yo i need those tickets what is the event supposed to be like what's supposed to be so it's a one day and it's supposed to be like a carnival where they have rides and presents and uh live performances it's just that the financials don't make any i just can't wait dude i know it's going to be such a [ __ ] show i just can't wait i'm so excited oh my god somebody just donated ten bucks said please send some love to the people in palmdale like me the antelope valley loves you shout out paul shut up palm dale palmer last time we talked about it was beautiful it's lush it's no it is it can be beautiful there's there's beauty in in the desolation of the desert you know yeah there's beauty and death sahara it can be it's there it's it's entropy and it's uh and it's life right yeah you know there's there's beauty in uh supernovas there's there's beautiful there's there's beauty and meteors hitting the earth and destroying life i mean yeah you can find beauty and stuff from death to life yeah everything's beautiful i'm so excited i think i'm most excited about ace fest this year because we got i just can't wait to see what a [ __ ] show this is so we also noticed that a lot of you guys would want to come to the ace fest by yourselves and you wouldn't be able to come with a group of people it's a family event who's going there by themselves to [ __ ] bring home a kid that ain't theirs nobody said that also the two ticket options is hard for you to commit to so we're gonna try our best dude it's a fam who would go to that by themselves genuinely that's demented that's sick if you're going to ace fest alone yeah that is depressing that is sad it's made for kids and their families not saying that we're going to feel bad now somebody out there that actually would do that want to come by themselves just know that individual tickets may not have the same benefits as the other tickets we're trying to make it as fair as possible guys we want to make it as fair as we want everyone to be happy like we're trying really hard to make everyone happy yeah um when we realized that so many people were saying like hey like i just have one person to go with or i i don't have anyone to go with like i want to go we realize okay like there is still oh say good stay at home just not for you leave your lonely ass at home don't be around kids you know this the two of them are so weird to me oh yeah i never understand what's their deal they're scammers and then they're getting away with it every damn [ __ ] year they do or every six months this boxing fiasco just happened and now they're selling it sticking to their next scam and people are buying it the vip pass for this event allows you access to all 2022 ace family events including a boxing match that he has not announced the opponent for i'm sure that's going to panic yeah i'm sure that's coming right up who would ever take him up on that after what just happened yeah like in one universe yeah guys do they think they can put a festival together in three months i just don't understand that in three [ __ ] months and then they're already like we want everybody to be happy but it's really difficult but why do you even do this why are you thinking that you can put together a festival we got lots of inquiries from the uh from the uh hospital for sexual deviants who want to come with one person so we're opening up to them and running a special promotion is there a hospital just for like p words it's got to be right it's that question what what well because i was like they'll run a special promotion for them for one ticket that's one of those questions where i start to type to fact check and i'm like why fact check it there's got to be what is it the ace family is running a special promotion you're saying there has to be a hospital specifically for p words yeah what why do you think that there has to be there's a pr because it's like a prison slash rehabilitation center for like essay work perhaps like okay an institution i feel like there's got to be that and i'm just i'm saying that maybe just hospitalizing the right to sell tickets they're trying to sell single rider tickets that's a good place to get some start he has he'll build a special room for with for them with one way class would be nice this place is called predators paradise somebody said it's called prison wait hold on predator the thing that you're asking for is called british oh you know what else is called prayer predators paradise ace fest why is it called predator's paradise no it's just the title of this article i'm reading it now it's about a mental hospital uh wow love said that kind of rehab usually happens in prison yeah yeah exactly that's what google said predators paradise aka ace fest andrew hart uh here oh sorry wait what happened 800 child m uh uh a child r words housed at a state capital in the central valley they were deemed too dangerous to release when the prison sentence ended oh yeah so they keep um indefinitely when the prison sentence ends but they deserve to have a nice fun day by themselves at ace fest so that's what i'm saying that's 800 tickets you could sell that's a that's a huge opportunity that'd be awesome the whole [ __ ] the whole the they all go on a day trip together to ace fast that's awful my god they have chaperones and [ __ ] they're all in like white with chained feet they're operating the ride just cruising through his fest that's awesome dude fun time good wholesome family event they're trying to make single tickets more accessible does that make sense i think that's good i think that's good of them to make single tickets more accessible you know a lot of people that are willing to just do that and since we can't sell too many more tickets we'll be able to keep track of individual tickets much easier than selling group tickets because that's a little more complicated one last thing for the people who bought tickets to answer some of your questions just know when you guys come to ace fest your parking is free your games are free your rides are free and there is unlimited you can play as many games as you want for as long as you want god i can't wait to see what these games are it's just gonna be cornhole or some [ __ ] probably yeah yeah probably exactly that you can ride as many rides as you want for as long as you roll you can ride the same ride a hundred times if you can but i just wanted to be clear some of you guys are asking do you have to pay for this pay for that no you guys already bought the ticket you just come to ace fest and enjoy yourselves and have fun and hang out with ace family so stay tuned for the tickets opening back up and the individual tickets coming because we are going to speak to the event coordinators and trying to figure this out because we really want everyone to go oh are they showing it no that looks like this is just their vlog no no no i think this is the i think this is where they're doing the event parking lot okay so this is wait is that the wait that's the parking lot this is where they're doing the event damn this is where they have like the biggest event in palmdale every year they hold i want to say like 50 to like 100 000 people and so originally katherine and i what the economics of this does not make any sense in a home depot park well that would make sense thinking of like only having it in a certain amount of section because we didn't obviously know how well we were going to do how many fan members were going to come out so we only got like a portion of what we needed and after the tickets went on sale we're like uh no yes we need more space yeah so then we talked to um our partners in this and we asked them basically oh god i can't wait they probably haven't even booked it they just went to a parking lot somewhere and they're like oh that's what we're gonna have it i just can't wait to see what happens i'm so excited in fact we're probably selling more tickets to ace fest than they are how many people are probably like damn i gotta see this [ __ ] am i by myself you know all the p words are coming all the foot soldiers are coming it's gonna be a hell of a crowd bro there's not gonna be any kids i can't wait super exciting but let's buy some merch um let's see what kind of merch they have wristband cloth blue cursive what is that great six dollar for a t-shirt what the hell you know what the [ __ ] for a t-shirt discounted from 25 bucks they're not making any money online dude i don't know what is that but what is with the bracelet i'm confused by that does it even say ace family on it or just some like stuff they got from it says the ace family okay [ __ ] this is interesting this is an idiot i'm gonna keep looking at this uh lane a lanyard what is a lanyard that's like where you wear a badge no they hold your keys i mean yeah anything like that who's buying that children that has kissed yeah kids okay yes okay i don't know evidently no one based off of the discounts they're offering this is the weirdest collection of merch i've ever seen what the f lanyards bracelets and six dollar t-shirts the ace family check out that wait did it did i see that that was a poncho you got an east family poncho oh for real all right poncho style last item last item on the list that's i thought it was a bat that was a tote bag poncho style pink that's a [ __ ] poncho i thought it was a tote bag dude what poncho style ace fam towel poncho style oh it's a towel got it wait can you wear it though i guess yeah okay yeah with the hood in the pocket no it says adult size oh i've seen those it's very strange all sales are final no exchange or refunds my man my man always on his [ __ ] do you not have to offer refunds no in america no you don't pretty sweet huh yeah seems nice i don't think so anyway i'm pretty sure there's lots of websites there's a lot of brands that are done yeah they do final sale surprising like that's crazy teddy fresh does we have excellent service we got refunds you can write an email and be like yo ethan's a piece of [ __ ] i don't like him he'll be like cool no problem refunded no questions asked oh i love ace family they're just such [ __ ] scum i love it i [ __ ] love it so now that we've gotten a little bit through this episode can we get to a better title please because i don't like the title what would you like to call it tim pool [ __ ] for brains [Music] dan don't don't even pretend the thing is [ __ ] for brains is a funny insult but with him with the top half of his head being open he actually could have someone could [ __ ] in his head and he would have [ __ ] for brains that would be pretty insensitive then so i guess we should off topic yeah zach you are chewing so loud that was that noise yes i thought it was a leak wait are you chewing it to the mic zach no he's closed okay what are you chewing gum okay nope it don't sounds like bother camel's behind me you start talking to my mic oh my god wait here's one of the single riders uh uh this is we just got some intel james is going by himself right yeah he's dripped out that was actually the comment that was the person who left the comment was like yo can i buy a ticket for myself was james charles and in the role of a lifetime in the role of a lifetime seeing a lot of calls for beans on toast title uh you guys want that beans on toasty trying to [ __ ] make beans on toast and uh a post-apocalyptic slop special [Laughter] all right so you guys don't want people to watch my video you're saying you're trying to destroy my career in other words well we just uh let's just let's do the app ethan ethan has a heart attack live on air right that'll get close ethan's anus prolapse is live yeah live on air maybe we finish the app and then we can decide that's what i'm saying and then everyone can vote we can do that so kim kardashian threatens to destroy roblox yeah johnny depp first let's do we have the story prompt too that was fun maybe we should do that eh let's do the kim thing because uh we we have a little edit for that even so so kim kardashian i don't even know if i can show this clip because it's from the keep up with kardashians and you know they don't [ __ ] let anything go get your [ __ ] her son it was a clip from keeping up with the kardashians her how was her son like seven eight something uh six younger yeah younger six so he was trying keeping up with he was playing roblox and i guess in roblox there was some clip of her sex tape it was just i don't think it was even a clip of it but it was a reference to it uh it was like an ad it was an ad in the game like a funny ad well roblox is like minecraft i think in that it's all player driven content right so so somebody else made it yeah in the game yeah the developers have nothing to do with that it's like ryan cavanaugh going to our reddit page and being like he's doing everything you know it's kind of an open platform so she's threatening to sue uh roblox after the game claiming to offer an unreleased sex tape of hers and her son found it let's see kim kardashian threatened to sue roblox uh roblox the gaming player yada yada i have all the time all the money and all the resources to burn them to the [ __ ] ground i don't think even her she's a i don't think she can touch roblox that's like a jug or not roblox is definitely a juggernaut like i'm sorry i'm sorry but you need to check yourself because you're up it doesn't sound like something you can sue over no isn't she studying the law in 20 questions in 2021 uh in the year 2021 the the game roblox revenue was just shy of two billion dollars wow so there you go there's the ego um lady you actually are not you have nothing on roblox they will destroy you okay 21 billion market cap on the company holy [ __ ] yeah they're a juggernaut i've never played roblox have any you guys uh i watched quite a bit of it yesterday because there was doing uh we did some investigative journalism on this whole controversy my one of my nieces is very sweet she won't talk to me unless i play roblox with her so that's the only way she'll it seems fun i mean it's kind of like a minecrafty type of thing right yeah i don't know how i'm doing uh yes it's similar to minecraft in that it it's very customizable uh and you can sort of people make games within games like when cam was playing with it the other day he was just playing like fortnight somebody just like recreated fortnite in roblox yeah so i feel like it's a lot like minecraft which it's really just about the ingenuity of the users that make it fun yeah the characters look like lego men and it has kind of like a lego aesthetic roblox has since banned the developer of the game and denied its platform ever featured the s tape yeah well i mean while i agree her it's messed up her son saw that but like didn't she i mean she's kind of i mean it's obviously inevitable no i mean when you become famous really for doing that everything is on the internet that's kind of the price you pay now yeah no it was inevitable i just uh it sucks that it happened so young you know well of course it was going i think the kid didn't actually understand uh what they were uh looking at she was just upset that they could have potentially come across it but yeah i mean uh you know i didn't listen and do kind of i feel bad and you know it's part of these kids are going to find out and they're going to find out young because you know that's just the way the world is our life now yeah i made a quick google and apparently you can set up like parental control on roblox too so yeah if she really wanted to i think i think that they're saying that uh some people have found ways around the uh filters and i think that's why she's saying that roblox should get in trouble from what i'm reading i just love that quote i mean she's so delusional i have all the time all the money and all the resources to burn them to the ground it seems like nobody wants to work these days look it she put it out knowingly right the s tape that was like a whole plan thing i don't know anything i think it was just a rumor i don't think it was oh really did the mom have something to do with it there was also another rumor profited big time from that wait i thought that was like their whole thing that they put it out her and ray j ray i think ray j put it out and then kim got a piece of it so there she did agree to put it out i believe okay well regardless so you guys want to do your thing it was far from the game's first controversy roblox was sued for 200 million last year over unauthorized song use you what do you guys got you want to play it oh there's a there's a video uh it's in the dark yeah cameron's correspondence here all right so we are in the game reporting live we are going all places virtual or or or uh unvirtual concrete but here we are those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable john f kennedy there is a revolutionary fire that lights the hearts of roblox everywhere users are gathering in mass to protest kim kardashian's recent latitude threats against the popular video game in no relation to gamestop marketing campaigns the chant power to the player is being spammed in chat rooms everywhere across multiple game levels this developer even created a kim kardashian monster to search and destroy protesters bloxblood paints the pixelated streets and tensions continue to rise i visited a more subtle level where jesus christ himself showed up in support of the game finally i paid a visit to the kardashian family themselves but it seems like this level was in need of updates it is friday baby ultimately they could not be reached for comment so it was time to call it a day [Applause] yo those game versions look sick so are those are those good job cam virtual reporting so are those real places in the game the kim [ __ ] yeah i mean right now if any foot soldiers are out there that have roadblocks i'm currently in the kardashian mansion level but yeah there's there's a few protests going on uh when you type in kim kardashian on the search yeah they should stand up for the rights that's their game roblox is their home a lot of chad is saying that kim uh did not give consent for that tape to come out um oh i'm not sure the real story but that's what chad is saying right now so okay well then then then i do feel worse then i do feel bad for her in that case but i'm curious did she ever try to stop the circulation did she actually get money she sued to prevent it from being released so how can you guys talk about how they're like these mastermind marketers and then say that was unintentional was denying their master marketers i mean we weren't specifically referring to the sex tape but like you said i know but you go oh she didn't consul consent but then when i say she says something dumb and everyone calls me a [ __ ] psycho for thinking that it wasn't planned it's a statement versus sex tape i mean that's her son right now i mean the consequences i feel like are a lot more intense sure for for her son but don't you okay whatever i don't i don't need to get all these [ __ ] weirdo kim kardashian people don't abuse me again ethan i'm not i'm not asking i got nothing to do with you i got nothing to do with you wow this is just this just in uh i'm in roblox right now and the word kardashian is censored you can't even see i can't even say kardashian anymore really wow what that's a bad word but surely that's just going to make people want to type it out that's the thing this whole thing this whole thing is a uh what's the streisand effect we're witnessing it in real time because yeah she they put it in their show which got everybody talking about it and now it's a meme and roblox is just overrun with kim kardashian's stuff um which is just gonna exacerbate the whole thing yeah i mean i understand her being upset about it but um you know if they didn't want uh this kind of attention on the thing which is gonna inevitably wind up with her kids finding out about it uh probably shouldn't have put it in the show and that was probably a bad call because now it's now it's a meme and now you've got [ __ ] what we just saw we got whole rooms of roblox dedicated roblox v kardashians war of the century yeah okay well you know what sucks but at the end of the day i just can't find it in my heart to care that much about whatever the [ __ ] you're dealing with sorry is that too callous the quote is just [ __ ] about ray j and his manager holy [ __ ] um i mean there's a bunch of articles about this attributing that quote to her threatening roblox so people are saying that write a letter to uh the publication wait does she saying that quote is not real just somebody in the chat is saying that but i god people care so much about her it's like i can't even say [ __ ] without people i know losing my mind and she is i [ __ ] hate her so it's like not that that i think that stuff like this should happen to her but like just i hate the [ __ ] kardashians so i just think they're the most vapid people in the world so it's hard to uh it's hard to give a [ __ ] i don't care what am i supposed to care there's people dying every day i'm supposed to care about kim kardashian i'm supposed to care about her feelings there's [ __ ] do you know what i'm saying like i only have so much bandwidth to have for sympathy sorry kim kardashian is not on my [ __ ] list just saying just saying you know saying just saying uh well okay um you guys want to do the discussion prompt you can put this off for a long ass time basically we have a discussion prompt okay let's do a poll should i care about kim kardashian's feelings yes or no should i should i set aside bandwidth and my limited spectrum of sympathy amy says yes yes to caring about cancer yeah ab is a very soft spot in his heart for that i didn't i think the reason people get worked up is they're superimposing themselves like what if i had to deal with this with my kid and that's why they get worked up i can't hear you you're mike coming in quiet uh i was saying that i think people are passionate not because of kim as a figure or character but just they're superimposing themselves onto that situation like what what would i go through if that happened to me yeah you know in an x of mine so i think that's why people are sure and i have involved okay sympathy for that you know aspect of it like yeah obviously you don't want your kids seeing your sex tape that's horrible well i was actually under the impression that she was put it out but i don't think so that changes it that's what i think it just yeah from what i just briefly read it showed her crying face and when you clicked on it it said something like watch her new sex yeah he didn't actually it was like an exactly and it's like yeah it's just a joke the fact that she had a sex tip is just something that her kids will eventually find out and i guess this was how this kid found out you know yeah they're faint they're famous and it's just gonna happen it's unfortunate but that's the reality like with the internet it's just they're going to find out wait till they find out she's the one that killed harambe wow that's really getting disturbed uh what is the poll should i care about the cartage should i have the bandwidth in my delicate spectrum of sympathy okay that might be too many characters but but but in truth i thought she put out the sex tape so it does make me feel worse a little bit worse for her but at the end of the day why doesn't why doesn't kendall just give her a [ __ ] pepsi and tell her oh true that's not really her sister's the pepsi girl just [ __ ] deal with your [ __ ] whatever cancel the poll yeah let's just move on all right our discussion prompt for the day is infamous stories your family always tell you know within every family there's specific lore things that went down within your family that everyone always talks about i have one i'll tell it so within my family there's a certain phrase after my brother sean when someone brutally spoils a movie and it's called shauning a movie and my brother was notorious for this he he i he just would unintentionally just spoil the ending of movies and it has happened so many times the best example when this uh phrase was born now you guys remember the hype around the sixth sense i can't remember if it's i always remember six cents there's really five other senses smell taste vision hearing feeling okay yeah that seems like a lot maybe fact check that i know there's a lot to handle five senses [Laughter] but do you mean a lot to handle it's a lot of senses five of them oh that's a that's an all-timer right there there's really five different senses it just seems like a lot i thought you were saying it's not enough no no for christ's sake the sixth one is seeing dead people how much more do you need i'm overwhelmed sensory overload so anyway the sixth sense was out and it was like super hyped that movie was a cultural phenomenon yeah it was a great movie by the way i love that movie and it has this incredible twist ending you're going to forgive me for spoiling it for you now it's been about 20 years so i think the ship has sailed but if you don't want to be spoiled in the sixth sense i guess you don't want to be spoiled for a few minutes close your eyes uh but like it had in my opinion one of the best twist endings ever it was like oh [ __ ] my boy and if you find out the ending it basically ruins the whole movie because the whole movie is informed by your suspense of not knowing what's going on and if you get the ending spoiled it ruins the whole [ __ ] movie um so i go out to see this movie with my brother who's he's two and a half years old with me and he had already seen it and he loved it and so we went to go see it together and there's this one scene where [Music] it was so stupid uh bruce willis and the kid were on a swing and my brother leans over to me who's already seen the movie this is halfway through the movie and he goes hey you notice how um bruce willis doesn't have a shadow now what was so stupid about it is because i immediately understood that he had spoiled the movie i said oh he's dead my brother just spoiled it but what was so stupid is that he did have a shadow there was a shadow there it wasn't even a good observation so he spoiled it for me halfway through the movie with that dumb comment like why but that's not where the story ends so when we're home we go home and my dad's in the kitchen and i'm like he was like how's the movie whatever i was like it's shawn ruined the [ __ ] movie for me midway through he's turns to me and tells me literally the ending and then my brother goes in front of my dad who's really excited to see this movie too he goes i never told you he was dead oh nice and then my dad's like you just spoiled the [ __ ] movie for me and that's where the phrase shauning the movie was born he spoiled it for both of us separately incredible skill of spoiling the movie so there you go if it happens in your life you can always say shawnd the movie that's pretty it apologies to all other seans that have to bear that cross but there you have it all right who wants to go next anybody i guess i can go go ahead dan yeah so an infamous one in our family is um actually it's funny we're doing this today because just on wednesday's episode when you were grilling me uh like a cop with that stash uh we talked about um how my parents worked in animation and everything i mentioned that they worked on the muppet babies so when i was just a little baby i think i was only like three months old um my dad got some gig that required him to fly out to hawaii for a couple weeks and so my mom dad and little three-month-old danny went out to uh maui for a few weeks and while he was there they had already been working for uh marvel animation for a little bit but they had just recently started working as writers on the show it was like a big break for them it was a big deal for them at the time and a new season was happening and last minute the all the suits decided that they needed to be there for this meeting the only problem is the meeting was in toronto so my dad hops on a plane and flies out to toronto uh with the family like you know that that night well so he was in maui it happened to be winter time in toronto uh so it's like below zero and my dad shows up with nothing but like hawaii clothes shorts hawaiian shirt and sandals and they have this meeting at like seven in the morning it was super jet like so we had no time no time at all to get new clothes or business attire or anything so it's at this like fancy hotel they have like a conference room and it's all the suits he walks in he's like long table with like 30 guys and suits and jim henson is there who he had never met before but the man himself the legend jim henson is at this meeting my dad walks in wearing the shorts and sandals and everything he walks and i guess i guess because he was jet lagged or something he sits down on on a seat and tips back and immediately tips back too far oh it falls over backwards and he like kind of sheepishly gets up and he's like oh anything for a laugh and like everybody's just like who the [ __ ] is this guy but here's the thing apparently jim henson thought that was hilarious of course and he took a looking to my dad and my dad always said he was he was one of the sweetest coolest people he'd ever known um and uh yeah he i mean they still gave him the gig after that so i guess it didn't kill it but yes this uh this this story is infamous in our family of my doofus ass dad flipping over backwards in a hawaiian shirt in the dead of winter dude you know jim henson loved that though your dad cruising in and blistering cold in a hawaiian shirt that's awesome dude that's epic story yeah i love that for him love that for him who's your dad what's your dad's name uh you don't want to say you don't have to say i guess it doesn't his name's larry larry and your dad's gary larry and gary anyone else have a dad name that rhymes with that larry gary and terry our dads would probably get along pretty well my animal spirit dad larry david so i can write very larry and gary yes i feel like i can relate um do you think dave would be a good dad or you [ __ ] you up he would [ __ ] you up yeah yeah but still yeah no i know he's a dad i mean is his are his kids he has a daughter they actually seem pretty legit they seem nice yeah okay good family good probably fine good family um my story is not like funny or anything i wasn't sure what angle we're going but just i guess like i thought something that's like a lore in the family so in our family it's the fact that my dad built the house that we live in or i mean i don't no longer live there but that's where i live my whole life um so i don't have much to say about it but i have pictures well that he built it he he when they were i don't know he was like 30 something and he uh he made money for himself from like he was working in um what do you call it when you built the stones for oh he was a he was a masonry masonry is that what it's called yeah he built he built he did stone marble yeah marble work yep so you would work with marble and um he did it on his own independently and saved money and then eventually he bought a piece of land and he built the house and then here it is so when you say he built it he he he knew a lot of people like somebody who will lay the floors or somebody that will build the wall or paint you know but he kind of like put the whole thing together and he was there every day and this house looks epic it's very nice especially for israel but yeah it's really nice like three stories do you know how long it took of mila about like a year from what i've heard a little bit faster than lena's dead a year dana's dad is still building it's been 25 years 25 years but it's like a scarface like mansion overseas in lebanon 25 years was he building a cathedral it might as well be it's massive just slowly over the summers your dad looks badass though he's like i built this [ __ ] yeah look at that that's always kind of like the vibe like yeah what you're sitting in the house that i built that's even worse it's not like i own this house yeah this is my house i built this house you'll wear [ __ ] shoes when you come here not sandals right all right i'm sorry do you say your family still lives there now yeah that's awesome that's really cool i thought it was kind of cool but is there any funny stories about how like the house was kind of [ __ ] up because he built it because i feel like you told me that uh no oh no can you say the pipes are all [ __ ] up and [ __ ] because you built it well no no no it's what over time when he was younger he used to do everything like when he built the house you'll get everything the most expensive materials put in all the effort i don't know what happened over time as he was getting older but he just was not properly taken care of the house okay so that's what [Music] eventually now when my after i passed away and my mom is kind of left with the house she had to do a lot of work too to fix things but that's different shout out to yochanon who built a whole damn house what a man they don't make men like they used to huh folks what are we going to do about this what we would be without joking on he built a whole damn house himself isn't it crazy though like today you could never do that he wasn't like rich you know he worked he said right he was like he was of assaulted yeah a hardworking person but yeah that is crazy you're right allison my uh girlfriend her dad is a lot like your dad and they live back in idaho and they have a gorgeous huge house and yeah he straight up built the entire thing himself i guess you can if you live somewhere like idaho but even like this is 1984 i mean i wasn't even born yet yeah but like even in idaho i wonder i guess you could if you go to a remote area you could probably yeah they're fairly remote they're they're out in the prairie on the prairie i guess you can still it just depends where you live it's funny when your dad built that house alone was probably considered a remote now it's part of like the central area it's expensive now is that true do you think it's definitely way more expensive nowadays yeah back then yeah well there you have it exactly your stories about your dads let's hear about your debt exactly no stories about my dad's penis but um i i was going to share the story that my family always talks about well my friend i was thinking what what i could tell and i really nothing came to mind but whenever my best friend comes to dinner we always tell this story and that's of when him and i got arrested okay um which i feel like he does to piss my dad off which is pretty funny to be honest because they have a good relationship but he likes to get his get but uh yeah well i i was i guess detained would be the the proper term we uh we went to my other buddies went up to a missile silo abandoned in uh chatsworth and it's it's abandoned they used to hold bombs there and nukes there for world war two and things crazy it's creepy's all [ __ ] and the only way you can get up there is um going up a road that's locked so there was one day where we decided to find a back way up and we did took us about an hour to get up there we drove my buddy's truck and um we got up there and explored and you can actually go in the missile silo and we put on gloves we go down we get flashlights and it's creepy's all [ __ ] there's like graffiti you can look it up it's called like la-88 and um i'm about to go silo and i see an unmarked police car pull up and it was la's swat and this guy gets out of the car and he comes out gun blazing and he's like what the [ __ ] are you doing up here don't you know we do helicopter target practice i was doing a sweep of the area for one last time and um that's the story he put us in so that's not the final part of the story but he puts us in cuffs and he's like do you know how much [ __ ] trouble you're in and i was so scared what my dad was going to say you're the joker i belong in this assignment was there no warnings or anything how did you get there i mean it was our gate a fence we found a back trail back trail did you did you tell them yo there's a backdrop you'll need to mark that [ __ ] no no no we just did it we just went for it it took us about an hour to get up there and so why did you guys go there yeah why'd you go up there just because we were stupid but did you hear there was something there like whoa what is the yeah we we always knew there was a missile silo up there sorry muted um you're talking about the the missile silo up at in the valley in chatsworth yeah i snuck into that too yeah okay i didn't get arrested though yeah so you went to the bathroom but they were doing helicopter target practice and they were doing uh the final sweep so the guy puts us in cuffs and he's like do you know how much [ __ ] trouble you're in this trespassing blah blah blah and um he's like you know what you caught me on a good day i'm gonna get you i'm gonna give you 10 seconds to get the [ __ ] out of here so we run to my buddy's truck do a full 10 seconds pick it run did he shoot at you no no thank god but he was [ __ ] putting his hand on the holster and um we went down the way of the the paved road rather than the the uh the dirt road we took to get up there and um as we're coming down the road we just see about like 10 lapd swat just holding these [ __ ] guns and we start hearing helicopters and [ __ ] and so yeah that's my story they fire on you no did they stare at you they were like you guys are [ __ ] idiots yeah so wait did you go during the night or something dan because it seems like if they went in the middle of the night yes and you went in the middle of the day zach yeah yeah that was probably that was probably your first mistake but night would have been [ __ ] creepy as [ __ ] it was it was very creepy yeah so were your parents pissed yeah i don't know what they could have done i mean the force of the worst kind of happened but yeah we always tell that story whenever my buddy comes over for dinner interesting the silo story yeah missile silo be careful out there you think they would have used you for target practice dude [ __ ] if they started firing we'd have been so [ __ ] oh my god because they were doing a helicopter target practice yeah i remember when when i went uh there were empty shells like all over the place oh yeah covered yeah it was creepy yeah so you think they would have seen two guys down there and they're just like open fire i don't know if they would have seen us that was the thing though the guy was doing a final sweep so he kind of saved our life in a way was there bullet holes and is that thing all shot up to silo well the silo's in the ground yeah it's like an underground facility but there's like uh abandoned buses up there and um there's like other things that are just disheveled and [ __ ] it was the weirdest thing because did you go down into the silo dude yeah yeah yeah yeah was there arabic writing all over the walls i don't remember arabic i remember a [ __ ] ton of graffiti though there was arabic writing all over the walls and my assumption was that they were using it for like counter terrorism training simulation or something it was like very weird but honestly i don't know maybe look at you maybe you know anything about that you know anything maybe no thoughts maybe thoughts um ian go ahead um thank you zach by the way uh something that pops into my head this is a quick one it's not some big long story but i remember when i was really young um i was visiting my family over in england sorry to keep bringing it up but uh uh we went to the tower of london it's like a place um where they keep the crown jewels and lots of um museum stuff and outside in the courtyard is like where they would behead people um that's where they beheaded uh king henry viii's wife um two of them actually right and it's like it's kind of a serious place you know and we were walking around we're standing in front of where they would behead people very intense i was very young too and we were sitting there like this is where they would kill people that's pretty intense and there was a guy in front of us and as we were kind of sitting there sort of taking in this weird energy this guy like maybe he had too many beans on toast or something but this guy let out like the the nastiest loudest shart i've ever heard like in my entire life i've never heard one like this and it was dead quiet there was no one there in this courtyard except us this like guillotine zone and this guy yeah it was like that but like oh it kind of echoed yeah yeah except even worse and uh it was just a moment of silence and we were standing behind him and he was like facing back and he kind of went like are you guys staring at him in the eyes yeah he locked us he kind of went like you smile or laugh no and then he immediately went in the mic and then he ran off he just he ran yeah he wrote god oh maybe he did [ __ ] himself i'm pretty sure he shoot his pants wow the power of the of the guillotine in front of him and he just guillotined his gym shorts yeah that's awesome man i don't know his [ __ ] got possessed by one of those queen yeah yeah and uh that just that that lives on i just that guy i've never seen someone so scared that face haunts me you know i have a similar story when i it was the day of my bar mitzvah i was doing my whole ceremony i think i just finished i was feeling good i was feeling happy sean balog was with me in the bathroom we both had to go bathroom we were at the urinals peeing and just one solitary old dude comes in the empty bathroom and he's taking a piss and he rips the loudest gnarliest fart and you know some things just stick with you and it was so casual usually if you fart you look over you don't rip ass like that around other people you are more sly about it but he's old i was like okay you're all you don't care right it's interesting i'm more like that these days because i didn't understand it at the time but if i'm at the urinal i don't care who's around me i'm gonna [ __ ] rip the thought sure yeah i'll do it yeah if not then if not now then when and i feel like it's kind of interesting my evolution it's the bathroom if you're you going you're pissing it's time to rip ass i'm not gonna be all top secret about it this is where we do these things you're telling me you could be at like an event or something and there's a bunch of people in the bathroom and you gotta fart before you pee you'll just literally push out to make it loud stop i swear to god i will you take pride in it i started doing that why because it's more to me it's more satisfying when it comes out like that why so i don't like to subtly fart sometimes you get stuck you have to be satisfying sometimes you get stuck sometimes you need to force you sometimes you need to fart before you pee i get it no when you're at the urinal standing a pig it's time it's a fart time it's a fart time baby it's part time baby these stories do remind me one other story that's kind of like family lore is that uh one time there was uh when i was a kid there was like some kind of war going on and um the sirens were going off and we had to go to the we had a shelter like in the basement we had to all go to the shelter and put on this like mask and stuff and i was on the party i was going poop and the siren was going on and everyone's running downstairs and it's like oh my god i just remembered being on the on the toilet siren and everybody's like come on hussein was threatening to like chemical warfare on israel yeah and so what did you do did you were you choosing between i was like hold on hold on i i was a kid i barely remember it it's just like stuck in my memory sitting on the toilet and like having to go you don't really remember it it's just kind of told to you no i remember being on the toilet and the siren going and everybody's like come on we gotta go downstairs so did you pinch it off did you wipe i that like i don't remember those details no i don't know what i think i finished pooping you did the whole thing you wiped you flushed you washed your hands my mom was probably helping me i was a kid oh you were really young yeah you have a similar memory during the northridge earthquake that will rocked la i don't i don't know if this ever happened to you dan but taking a [ __ ] during one of those big after sharks was after shots it was so crazy it became an uh that may have happened i i don't specifically remember getting caught on so i've been on the [ __ ] during a fairly large after shock and the water's just like oh no it's great i mean here pull up a video of a toilet during an earthquake you could see it's just i don't know if i've ever seen that it's a gnarly starter here that's a good point i've never seen that before i bet i was on there i was on the [ __ ] during a large aftershock and it was just like a wave pool in there man with full of turds uh unfortunately not seeing many and the whole history of the world there's no damn video of a toyota caught that how about a bathtub or a swimming pool show a swimming pool during oh yeah that'll give you an idea i can visualize that the toilet like in fact we got a whole compilation so imagine this is the toilet with [ __ ] and these people are pieces of [ __ ] there you go whoa that's crazy oh yeah so that's what the toilet was like but it's sloshing on the sides dude that's so scary holy [ __ ] this is terrifying that is actually pretty wild yeah it doesn't look like they're very strong swimmers either oh my god someone helped that pork chop okay enough yeah anyway those are my shits splashing at my [ __ ] i did see some people saying can you guys show a video where like people are just drowning there's like fun videos i didn't embed it very well you have to watch people drown swimming pool during earthquake compilation they're fine your story about you farting freely um a lot of people are pointing this out it does seem to confirm uh this is not real i don't know this is the security footage apparently of me and denny's by myself people have absolutely framed me crazy footage you're just farting your ass off that looks photoshopped that looks edited [Music] it's pretty authentic to me would you rip in the denny's well apparently no no why not mean i wouldn't rip loud if i was in a restaurant i would fart but not loud well how can how many years until you uh i don't think i'll ever do that no you'll get there it depends how loud it is in the restaurant like if if theodor or el are next to me i would like them to hear it of course but i don't want the people next to us in the booth next to us it's part of the joy of sharing theodor loves when i fart by the way he [ __ ] loves it no he does not thinks it's so funny i go you're brainwashing him to think that it's fine i go theodore hold on i have something really important to tell you and he always looks at me super expect it and then i fart and it goes grubs but i get them every time it's awesome every time theodore hold on you want to know something really interesting every time it works it's awesome poor boy he wants to learn something new when he does he does like yes teach me something theodore hold on did you hear that i go do you hear that theodore every time it works so good it's so good um abe did you tell a story no i didn't not yet good so i was having trouble coming up with one um so i thought i'd just explain like some family lore you talking about a family meme thank you thank you zach uh i've explained on the show before that i come from like a really religious family not my parents but like my aunts and uncles especially my aunts my grandmother and i kind of [ __ ] up my cousins because they were told they're going to hell for everything so they sort of rebelled as they got older um so i put together just like a minute video showing uh showing this meme they act like they want to punch my aunt in the face when they see her like they see red their mom their mom oh see if they're going to a blind rage they never do and she ends up laughing but wait i got to see this let me see this [ __ ] roll it is it this one yeah oh i can click it i got it okay so these are my cousins tim and brandon we know tim of course this was lena's first time meeting him okay we paused for context thanks for watching i've already i made this right before the show by the way i've already explained this context about how they act like they're gonna hit their mom because of all the years of uh of being tortured told they're going to hell so they act like they hate her when they see her but okay it's just a meme am i muted is that why yeah does it oh yeah this is my cousin brendan act like he's gonna throw his mom off the roof this is my this is him acting like he's gonna kill my aunt selma oh my god wait is that tim he's so skinny though yeah this uh he's actually gonna kill my aunt but then lina comes out when he stops because he hides i walked in i'm gonna start doing that to my mom wow my grandmother was like really bad telling us we're gonna go to hell for everything so then me and my cousins just started to act crazy and just do random ass [ __ ] because she doesn't understand english so they would just make noises and stuff so yeah this is how it was with my grandma if you unpause it i had to blur her because she's not wearing a scarf there was a longer cut with tim messing with my grandma but i took that out because tim may be a little too far you took it too far with nana then we're just like tim would just like she'd just be like dozing off and tim would just like scream the [ __ ] i guess she's getting revenge i mean i mean we don't condone that me and me me and his younger brother the one that was doing the doctor strange and the forced lightning was we're more playful tim's a little out there um i'm gonna start doing that to my to my mom and put her headlock yeah tim used to go to my grandmother she as she got older started getting a little bit more senile and he thought it was so funny to give her like a big butcher knife and tell her stay protected and she like put it under the bed and she said give her a big butcher knife and tell her what stay protected that's insane or he like start chanting like some lebanese like political like chance and get her hyped up she's thinking she's like back in the war that's wow that's kind of [ __ ] nuts dude i'm surprised that she goes along with it she said he said she's senile or well the one she would yeah that sounds like elder abuse she would laugh i mean she she loved him she would always she liked him the most it was very interesting okay so elder abuse or no she's dead right well just kidding but uh clearly yes if it wasn't no but that's what you love that's why i took up tim's tim's part because i was like people may interpret that the wrong way we love cousin tim um i'm gonna do that to my mom i'll give her a butcher knife put her in a headlock you start telling we're being baited the chat saying abs tell the uh pissy story but what my cousins were so [ __ ] bad that they started calling their mom the p word there because she was like super religious and they were so [ __ ] bad that they were like they called the word or p word the p word which p like but but they said with an accent they call it pissy what's that piss they used to say like that like they were like oh like that they were not it's so [ __ ] i can't like i can't explain in a short amount of time so i'm just not because it sounds so [ __ ] bad it is so [ __ ] bad but but like it got to the point where like like they would be like i love you pissy and they were and she would like hug him like oh i love you too like you just look it's just like a nickname like that's crazy yeah it's wild it's wild and she couldn't tell any of the other adults because like she was embarrassed to say like oh my kids are this [ __ ] up and i was young and i was like i don't want to snitch on my cousins and yeah it was just a circus in that house that's wild who's malcolm in the middle uh real life nice there you have it love you got a story i love our camp uh i didn't really but zack didn't inspire me he kind of unlocked a childhood memory if i should tell that maybe with the whole like police chase and stuff like that uh so this requires a link i have a google drive link or a google maps got it uh so make sure that it doesn't show anything doxy on your end it's just a google maps right yeah okay exactly all right so if you show that yellow house right there i'm just looking around it's a nice neighborhood beautiful yeah it's all right yeah but anyway here's a yellow house so that house is clearly cursed right it looks [ __ ] yeah yeah it looks really first and it's like one off in the whole neighborhood there's this one creepy ass house and this is right by my school by the way so every time me and my friends walked home to do whatever we used to hang out every time after school we walked past this building every day and we never saw anyone but there was a rumor that the drapes on the upstairs level moved sometimes so me and my friends like just hunkered down and sat outside this house for maybe two hours and just looked at it and there was this in sweden because there's a lot of snow they put like small gravel super tiny gravel on the ground so we took this small gravel and just like threw like threw them at the window every now and then super dumb yeah i admit uh but maybe after one hour of doing that just randomly throwing a small rock on the window they come out there come out this like slender super tall old man with like super long creepy hair and just started chasing us you got slenderman dude you literally got literally slenderman did you not think that anyone actually lived there no no one did no even like the adults who i'll get to it later in the video but or in the explanation uh like even adult people thought it wasn't that weird that we did because there was no one living there everyone was under that impression and yeah so he came out he ran through that creepy as gate as you can see on the google maps thing and if you look to the left uh in google maps get the other way across the street no so the other way and follow this road straight down so the other way other way so at the bottom of this street if you go straight down yeah keep going keep going uh keep going uh and to the right up here that's a cemetery and one of my friend got split off my me and my friends ran left here one of my friends who was at the end ran straight uh so straight ahead into the cemetery and got chased by this old man into the cemetery yeah so so we later we were all like just running like super scared super much adrenaline and we realized where the [ __ ] is tim tim is gone we where's tim and we like ran back and looked for him and we like sat like walked people through people's yards and we noticed that tim was at the [ __ ] cursed house turns out he had been pulled back by this old man back into the house oh no now we had no clue what the [ __ ] to do uh but he caught him and then carried him back to his house yeah and he said he he said like super creepy stuff like he will kill him and [ __ ] in there yeah so oh my god turns out though he just called the police uh but we were like super scared like do do we tell our parents that we threw rocks at this house uh because we we need help to fetch tim like to get back to him so we were like this we were maybe nine and we were like trying to do the math do we tell our parents or is it let him die just let him die oh [ __ ] and well we ended up telling our parents and we walked back to the house with our parents and uh when we came back there with our parents the police was were there and to pick up your friend while we were super young so they just told us to not throw [ __ ] don't throw a rock on people's houses yeah you know that unlocked another memory for me great story by the way love yeah all right yeah i just want to add like all the parents all our parents involved were like all like super they were almost compassionate to us because they too were super surprised and by the way my friend tim is the only person i know that has been in that house except that old dude and there's like old boxes like super like creepy moldy and this dude apparently lives there and never leaves yeah what the heck in dogs um it looks like in the show dark totally totally a cursed like fairy tale that reminds me so another story about sean when we were in there was also like an abandoned [ __ ] up house by our school and it was across the street from our during recess we had like a big field but it was all gated off [Music] and during recess there was this abandoned house and unlike you guys with through little pebbles we were actually degenerate [ __ ] and we would get big ass rocks and huck it across the street at the house trying to break its windows nice so every recess we would go down to the gate get rocks and [ __ ] just love rocks at this house i don't know why we did that it's so stupid and crazy i mean we were probably about the same age you were well sean takes it upon himself this psycho i i he didn't tell anyone who's going to do this he didn't give us any warning he picks up a big ass rock not my brother sean your friend my friend um he he jumps the fence goes right up to the house and [ __ ] launches a rock right into the window point blank shatters the window everybody jets we're just like what just happened oh my god everyone spreads out sean jumps over the fence the principal comes out snitch and then sean snitched on all of us he did because we were so young wait the [ __ ] we're both sean's involved in this story what no it's sean balogue wait so he was the one who did it and then he snitched on you guys yeah but he was a kid he was a kid well no they you know just to give them up just to give they're like you need to tell us who else was throwing rocks and he's like hey they're like oh we're gonna [ __ ] call whatever they just shake you down but we all got suspended i got suspended which honestly was like the best thing ever for me i didn't care because you just skipped but i was like what are you wow we just blew our minds this [ __ ] kid and of course someone lived there and he had to pay for the window and [ __ ] of course someone lived there yeah okay yeah but before you call him a snitch he was like eight yeah fair enough still though um snitch behavior anyone else cameron you got one no i really couldn't think of any i mean i know we've had a lot of time to think about it like i didn't think of anything good to share all right that's all right anyone else sam anyone got one that i ever didn't call him i have one i think i could tell you want to come over here uh i can stay here it's fine okay uh so this is a super infamous one within my family uh on the fourth of july one year uh we were at a family gathering and my uncles were in charge of lighting the fireworks um we had a firework punk do you know what like a punk is mm-hmm it's like a big sparkler that you stick in the ground and it's meant like you can light fireworks quickly and then plant them so they can oh yeah yeah so during the grand finale one of my uncles was lighting them and turning them around super fast and he was like maintaining a squat the whole time he lost his balance squatting and he fell back onto the punk and he was wearing swim shorts uh we had to rush him to the er where they had to remove like melted nylon from his [ __ ] and he had he had like second and third degree burns no no no no no no so a pump i'm still don't punk it's uh here here's a picture of one um i'm gonna eat your ass it's so bad it was so bad in the moment but it's so funny now oh a lighter well no it's like it's like it looks like a big sparkler but it doesn't say oh a sparkler yeah kind of yeah yeah but it's meant for lighting fireworks quickly right okay so he felt like the other works he fell on the pump and his shorts like melted to his [ __ ] oh my god that is horrific happy fourth of july baby yep love that for him he's okay though right oh yeah yeah he's fine yeah so by the way i gotta i have to be so bad i'll be right back but i have some juicy gossip for you guys so hold on one sec ooh yeah for us or the audience everything oh i have no idea what he's talking about interesting all right dan can you show the picture i sent because i feel like i kind of [ __ ] talk to my father-in-law and i want to do him justice okay okay all right i mentioned that he took 25 years i wasn't trying to [ __ ] on him it's because he doesn't live in lebanon so he does he's been doing this on the side forever but what's insane to me yeah this is like a scarface mansion yeah and to put it lightly sorry lina it's not like lena's family's you know very wealthy we're just you know we're born small-time people you know so she has like us she has like six siblings and like a two-bedroom house a three-bedroom house where she's lived her whole life so after about a year two of us dating i saw this photo after i had came back from lebanon one so i was like holy [ __ ] this is yours it just it blew my mind but i guess it's normal for a lot of arabs where they like are building a house overseas for years um that's like a retirement plan or like that's the dream sure for the family to be left for the family that's crazy that looks so epic did you tell me there's no addresses there yeah there's no addresses my brother-in-law was telling me that like in lebanon i don't know if it's all areas or certain areas like if you're doing a delivery they'll be like go up the hill past the big tree and in between these two trees that's the house the wow whatever the name of the family is so how current is this picture this one is from last summer um lebanon is in a [ __ ] situation right now um and lena's dad's like it's time to cash in on that because everything is super cheap so they got that house decked out now with furniture and uh wow so a lot of people are going overseas right now to finish up these projects that they've been working on forever that is so epic yeah do you guys plan on ever going there um i would like to as long as i have a big group with me i the thought of being in a situation that i can't talk myself out of is very scary right like i i just i don't know being in a foreign country where i can't uh understand what's being told and everything what's being said english knowledge there it's not like i i think there's a good amount but i don't know i just i need to know more about it yeah especially because i look white but i have like a bunch of arabic tattoos on me and also i have my my parents names tattooed on me in arabic which is actually i don't wanna say their names but um actually i'm just gonna stop talking but anyways my parents names are related to two people in lebanon who are of high power and uh yeah that might cause me some problems in the wrong areas yeah interesting uh real quick there's a donation that i wanted to acknowledge from the export said hey ethan i'm the original creator of the joe biden video guys reacted to last show can you give me a shout out well here it is shout out to this small creator and uh yeah he reached out to me on the discord after the show the other day because remember we were speculating like is was this guy a fan he's he's a he's a trooper more so shout out yeah more more from the experts we'll keep showing him brilliant brilliant edit you did dude love you so much lina do you have any stories nani that i could think of right now all righty no problem all right you promised some juicy ass gossip okay so you guys might remember that faze blanks went on david dubrick's podcast and confronted him for this crypto scam that he was a part of the bunny thing what was it called uh they were called uh something bunnies um check it's in the dots i actually am not really aware of the story so okay i'll tell you i'll tell you from word bunnies board bunny board bunnies just one of these dumb lazy pump and dump nft crypto [ __ ] scams david was paid to promote a very good one you know speaking of that david had uh banks on the podcast and [ __ ] where's that episode you know uh well well who's from who's doing nft scams i mean we would never do nfc by the way it's just funny that uh he's talking to mike malik yeah about crypto scams and oh well he knows a few things about ding dong well you could tell he's like he even said he's like i'm staying out of this one yeah well anyway so faze blanks went on david dobrik's podcast and he confronted him he's like yo you partook in this big crypto scam and he called him out for it and why did banks i feel like he needs to call out david isn't he also doing stuff like that apparently not apparently banks is an investor banks is like a true believer he thinks this is going somewhere you know we can disagree on that but from all reports he's not really been involved in the shady stuff at least directly some phase people have but but he even punished them for being involved in that he's not been involved in any of the shady stuff as far as we know in fact he owns a lot of these big ones like uh the um board apes or whatever like he's an investor he believes he uh so here he called out david dubrick um and faze called him out he said they offered me 700 to 500 000 to 750 up front for story post follow i think it's worth noting i didn't make this mistake only because i've taken the time to educate so a lot of these influencers take deals brought to them by their management he's calling out dobrik for look at that did you see this video it's so embarrassing a little more wet with some nfts if you know what i mean so i kind of went to the tippy top of the nft world and check this out i got a board bunny and not only is a board bunny but it looks like me look at that we have the same hat it's so sick if you're young at night it's so sick it's so sick oh this is the best part listen to this so sick if you're young and naive just like my brother and want to get into nfts you should check out board bunny they have literally over 150 000 people in the discord so it's like a ginormous ass group chat um and yeah if you're interested at all just start it on the instagram page all right let me know so apparently he got paid like half a million bucks for that wow which tells you it's legit you know if you're dumb and impressionable you should get involved in this game i can't believe the yeah i mean the way he just spells it out like that if you're young and naive well anyway so so faze banks went on his podcast i guess david invited him on and face called him out they had a whole long discussion about it and that was like a month or two ago and it never came out so me and me and banks being best friends we are i dm'd him yeah and i said hey whatever happened with the dobrik podcast is it true that it just didn't air and here's what uh banks my best buddy told me he said it was unfortunately cut he told me his legal can't let it go out the way it is wow he says it sucks too because we had a candid interview about it but we're working on a reshoot he says he's been talking about it on his instagram um but so he says david said my legal team won't let me put this out wow which a tells me either one he's lying and he just looks like a [ __ ] or two if his legal team really doesn't want to let him put him out then you know it's bad so that's embarrassing and additional and special [ __ ] uh david dobrik thank you h3h3 humor thank you phase my best buddy with that intel what the [ __ ] are you saying does he mind you sharing that i don't know well no what i said was i says are you gonna comment on it or reshoot i said you want to call them to discuss he said i have covered it all on my instagram story so he says he's already talked about it got it okay so it's already public yeah he said it's already public so i'm assuming it's fine can you imagine that's crazy my lawyers won't let me put this out bro i'm so sorry that's what i should have told bill burr [Laughter] bro my lawyers won't let me put it out this way i'm so sorry so sorry that's funny that's funny um so that's pretty good gossip not bad thank you very much appreciate it wait cnn already ended there oh my god yeah it's already over one month cnn plus they start they've tried to have their own exposure which on face value it already is not that nobody wants that who wants that people who watch cnn it's like a transient channel you just put it on right to consume some news real fast you're not invested in the channel or the personalities at all so when they come out with this you know what was you know what it may have been a better investment than cm cnn plus cnn minus got interesting uh no actually you know what was even a better what was casey's company they bought oh yeah beam was a better investment than this [ __ ] well so here's some stats on it right amy you tell me which one's worse remember queebie in casey's hands it would have been good sure yeah but casey's hands did they [ __ ] what do you mean it wasn't i mean before he sold it if he would have stayed and hold on to him yeah maybe you're right very successful so creepy or quivi or whatever the [ __ ] yeah uh they spent 1.74 billion dollars on that and it lasted eight months right cnn plus is 300 million dollars they invested in it and it lasted one month how do you bail out how do you bail after one month than spending wait cnn dollars well cnn is um owned by is it time warner turner media oh it's turner right right it's turner so yeah they're i mean they're part of a big turning a loss media oh [ __ ] got him uh yeah according to this article uh yeah qibi with that one uh 1.74 billion that was 218 million per month whereas cnn spent 300 million for one month so wow this is actually a bigger failure than qibi apparently why did they spend so much money on that's a great question wait wait wait you guys no they sold at a cnn plus nft cnn commander commemorative nft to celebrate the launch as an important day in cnn history 50 bucks check this out 87 remaining 250 total they still haven't sold them i'm amazed they sold annie me too 300 million dollars later what's that i mean you would think that 250 is not a lot get it they're still for sale by the way so oh we could could buy all of them we got a discount now maybe now that it's uh now service lasted 23 days before being shut down yeah not even a month wow cnn plus a streaming service that was hyped as one of the most significant developments in the history of cnn will shut down cnn reporting on its own death just one month after it launched you're talking about yourself you know but yeah why did they quit after one month i guess it's that expensive well listen to this i'll tell you why according to the new york times there are four times as many people watching our stream right now than there were at any given time watching cnn plus fewer than 10 000 people at a time were using the service but then do they did they not count on like needing to build that audience over time they just want it from the get-go they thought they had gold it's gold who doesn't want to pay for cable okay when disney plus launched for example they got like millions of subscribers from the beginning so you need like when they it says last week a report detailed fewer than 10 000 people are using cnn plus on a daily basis it's not at once dan on a daily basis on a daily basis it's so good so if you have like 10 000 people who sign up to subscribe it's 50 bucks or 5 bucks you're doing 50 000 dollars a month revenue on a 300 million investment oh my god and the operational cost is probably insane too can't wait to report your death [Laughter] cnn plowed millions into the venture rating news executives and producers from places like abc news and nbc news cnn had also made some deals with talent for cnn plus that had to on that it had to unveil according to a person uh familiar with what were they planning on cnn plus that was supposed to be so interesting well so another uh i i'm not sure i yeah again i that whole model i can understand it for a premium you know uh service like disney plus or hbo max or something where they're putting out original content that you can only get there but it's like it's the news like you can get the news all over the place for free right now like cnn.com sure cnn yeah it's like you can't watch both at once cnn is already on 24 hours a day like when are you going to be watching cnn plus it's weird that they weren't able to pull it off to me apparently part of it is there was some corporate mergers the person whose like pet project it was setting it all up had been pushed out of the company prior to it launching so i think they already the new people were probably this is a stupid idea but let's just see where it goes and when they saw the subscriber numbers they were like just just kill this [ __ ] but i mean they were advertising all around town i've seen the billboards all over la like trying to get like you know they put money into marketing it would have to be like original like sometimes cnn has like documentaries or shows it would have to be like something not news related but yeah maybe that's what you're i'm surprised they weren't able to pull it out look if you're if you're warner media nobody's paying do it under a different brand i'm just yeah cnn is just not where i'm trying to get right a monthly subscription i think the nft shows that they're trying to dab in everything dan yeah that's that does indicate a scatter shot approach here where it's like let's just try and make some money however we can you know they paid some pr for a shitload of money for that nft idea uh yes actually in one of the articles i read i saw them referring to uh a um consulting firm that had supposedly projected the numbers and uh you know they fell like 20 times short of what the uh projections were so i love projections it's literally the most useless baseless [ __ ] like when you go to shark tank they go we project we'll do 20 million dollars next year it's like really well next i project next year i'll be announced as the pope i mean what the [ __ ] are you talking about bro you have a crystal ball it's so stupid um all right so now we're at the end of the episode so let's do a title what do you guys think uh you know my vote man it's it's all about beans and toasts extravaganza double triple triple down on that i do not think people will want to watch that i'll click it anyway all right let's talk about it disagree what's chad saying we didn't do oh we didn't do that people are talking about depp i don't know though it's we've been going for three hours i just have the funny kind of weird wild [ __ ] from depp i'm not familiar enough to know about the ins and outs of the depth thing i'm out of my depth you might say oh fire today [Applause] thank you you heard i've amber heard oh oh oh he did that yeah i took it there well um there's just a few moments that i thought were kind of funny or interesting without like delving too deep into the this is and that's of it are you dare i say the depths of it i think that's kind of pretty much the same thing i did wow well you know we're circling you know it's too soon to circle yeah we're circling we're circling work with me all right i'll work with you zach go and work with you all right here's a good moment from the uh johnny depp johnny depp position oh okay okay that's a new one this guy on a roll this guy's on a roll thank you i'm just saying well zach you did the same one i did put your hand away is there not sound what's happening or is he just so quiet is there what in god's [ __ ] what are we watching there's there should be audio on september 6 2013 you send miss heard a text that says thank you for your letter i love you yes scroll down she writes thank you for mine i read that right you did and then you write the only reason we go for the throat is love did i read that right you did and then she writes my throat is yours you're going to be the death of me but i don't care and then you write have other uses for your throat which do not include injury what a romantic other uses for your throat which do not include injury sorry could you read that again let's do your word sir right i read that right correct you did but he didn't threat he mean he didn't right he's just a romantic guy he wants to [ __ ] her mouth is so gross by the way yeah that's pretty disgusting but okay they have a different kind of relationship right okay they have the kind of relationship where they uh depose and subpoena each other in court that's just romance yes that's the kind of uh romance where you have to turn over all your text messages to court during a defamation case you wouldn't understand this is brutal it's brutal having having your your relation like with a toxic relationship like that having it aired out publicly it's being broadcast on tv millions of people watching it so i actually haven't been following at all and so this law should we do any kind of like so brief yeah i guess just to to give some context to what's going on now this lawsuit because there are is a multitude of them is him here in the united states suing her for defamation for she wrote an op-ed in i think it was the washington post during the beginning of the whole metoo thing claiming that he was an abuser and hit her and all this stuff um there's been all kinds of lawsuits back and forth it is worth noting uh you know he this suit is what what all the buzz is about is he's brought all of this evidence including recordings of her being abusive towards him so he's doing the old switch route like no you were the one who was abusive um but the trial isn't actually about whether or not she abused him it's about whether or not she lied uh when she wrote that article and so that's you know we're not actually going to get an answer from the court about whether or not she abused him we're just going to get an answer about whether or not she lied about it um this whole thing is like live broadcasted on yeah yeah that's crazy yeah so yeah people are people are watching it well apparently she's [ __ ] in his bed did you know that i haven't heard about that and there's all these pictures of johnny like just totally trashed like i don't know let's watch this one let's see johnny johnny yes papa eating sugar no papa telling lies no papa johnny johnny he says he looked at it on his foot on his phone i'll rule the objection as the photograph what was the photograph of mr depp [Music] it was a it was a it was a photograph of the bed our bed and on my side of the bed um was human fecal matter wait can you can you try that again johnny human fecal matter oh there's a soundbite he's doing a dramatic reading of the quartz [Music] why do you say it like that human fecal matter was human fecal matter [Music] by the way you gotta be really nuts to take a [ __ ] in someone's bed out of anger and i feel like that's not even disputed right like he has a picture of it her lawyer indicates that it was from the dog it's all disputed does it look like a human [ __ ] or a dog [ __ ] they're arguing over every inch of all of this so i mean you know that's awesome though [ __ ] in the bed out of anger yeah it was on twitter it was running yesterday amber turd yeah dude i just can't these people just like messy they've both destroyed each other's lives i feel like and like damn y'all could have just kept it all private and moved the [ __ ] on i guess she started with that op-ed right i don't know i don't know nothing about this whole thing is like i don't know man all i know is she apparently [ __ ] in the bed apparently i have seen pictures of it it's ambiguous it could have been a dog it could have been a human right have you guys seen it it was hard to tell from that i have not seen i did not know look just google amber turd and see if it shows up for your own sake don't put it on the screen yes i got it i understood why it wasn't a good time to go down there um oh there it is what do you what's your take here she put it up for ela but don't switch to it again oh oh i was gonna say it just depends on the dog but i'm seeing from this post that it was a yorkie uh yeah this doesn't i mean you guys have you working we'll tell you show me dorky poop but that looks like not a yorkie poop to me yeah this looks like a vintage poop it's really messy it's really messy little kind of diarrhea isn't it that's a nasty one it doesn't really look like a bigger poop though either it looks just like i don't know it's just like if they had a big dog i would say i can't tell no it's too big for a yorkie exactly yeah so and that does lean towards it it's like a big puddle i don't think i don't think shredder poops like that is there paper in there is this oh yeah is there one where you wonder if it's like taken from somewhere and thrown there no it could be could be interesting you didn't show that right hand okay thank you here's the dog oh and it's not just a yorkie it's like a toy cup yeah oh there's no shot that [ __ ] was like the size of his whole body there's no shot that that was the dog that was from the dog yeah that seems unlikely zero percent chance that's from the dog yeah yeah somebody in the chat said i know three women that have [ __ ] on their ex's belongings one hundred percent she [ __ ] on the bed three why did you do that i'm not calling we need to speak to you how do you know what three separate incidents women [ __ ] on what do you what do you what's your theory that women just got angry and [ __ ] all over the place well maybe it's just the crowd they're running with who oh my god is this a common tactic as far as i know i don't know any anybody that's i never heard anybody those emotional women yeah i tell you what man i'm tired women [ __ ] on my belongings it's the fourth time a woman [ __ ] on my belongings man my wife left a whopper poo on my bed there you go i think it's it was from when we talked about this like two years ago yeah when this first the story first broke that's how long this has been going through the courts so that's a text i guess john johnny do you feel he's a little too old to go by johnny i feel weird when i call him johnny johnny age independent really no you can be like it just seems like a little youthful what would it just jonathan yeah john jonathan death john john is like not johnny that he's not a johnny he's a genius johnny that it's a brand new [ __ ] johnny he's not just a giant like 50. i don't know he's not just a drunk i fart in the bathroom i've changed does anyone feel like johnny he's too old for johnny no just me no you're on your own he's definitely not a john jonathan weirdly weirdly jonathan depp doesn't bother me as much he's not a john john depp this is like jonathan it's time to be at a certain age you become jonathan depp is he's johnny johnny john what about johnny cassinator johnny cash johnny dab right what johnny cash yeah johnny cash i mean he's the heck he should have been jonathan too think so johnny knoxville jonathan his real name is john christopher depp the second that why can't he be that he's kind of badass the second there he is my actual response to that was i mean i laughed it was so outside it was so bizarre so so grotesque i could only laugh um oh man this is so weird why is she getting she's up there looking like hillary clinton or some [ __ ] i don't know the whole vibe is like giving me hillary laugh um and um so i did not go down there that day i did not go down there that day my friends there was a massive what did you call it human fecal matter no no the sound bite you played a whopper a massive whopper poo on my bed uh amber's lawyers accused johnny of being obsessed with elon musk uh oh guilty guilty okay can i ask who the what the [ __ ] is this that's two likes where'd you even find this you know how long the exact we're looking for our videos yeah all like pro johnny edits fan cam we're trying to keep it neutral because yeah the internet is flooded with like yeah johnny stands putting together meme edits that you know so finding just does seem like in general and again i'm not familiar enough to have an opinion honestly i haven't followed it at all but people hate amber and love johnny johnny yes papa at the moment he seems to be winning the battle in the court of public opinion definitely yeah but i feel like he has been for a while uh perhaps yeah i mean people hate her like hate her well the thing is is that you know what did she do other than the poop like what are we talking about well the the big incident that people point to was the one where she was it was like a wine bottle or something that she threw and it like deeply gashed his finger to the point that it almost like cut it off people hate her for ruining his life and they think she lied so they think she falsely accused him of something they falsely accuse him of of abuse and then they actually think he she abused him so people like hate her she allegedly cheated on him with elon musk yeah i heard that i don't think that i think that's real oh that's why he's obsessed with elon right because she she was with elon mm-hmm i heard elo moss is a witness or is it supposed to be oh my god no way really he's going to get calling i called to the stage elon musk that's wild yeah so so so basically uh yeah there's something she punched him and hit him all the time yeah well there's a recording of it where she admits to hitting him and she's like don't be a baby don't be a baby that's not a hit comments are she is the abuser she absolutely abused and lied about him people there's been a lot of character uh testimony in favor of johnny all this a lot of his exes came out and made character statements saying that he was never violent he never abused them they amicably part ways and that's crazy so he has a lot of character testimony from his exes because usually when people are violent there's a there is a pattern right people are saying she punched him threw pans at him so in the chat people are well if that's all true she is really evil then right i don't see anyone here supporting johnny let's do a pull no amber you mean nobody's supporting her right right yeah who do you support amber turd or johnny johnny yes papa i'm gonna do a third option that they are both abusive to each other to uh both just say both yeah right equal blame whose side are you on johnny amber yeah we gotta end the podcast soon [Music] let me ask you a different question i can't listen to music here let me watch this way you guys vote y'all found this two-like post you'll find out we've got eighty-one percent johnny there it is second place both to blame at sixteen perc or actually just jumping there's twenty nobody in amber turkey yeah we got three percent on amber only three percent are in amber turds corner it's pretty wild so no there is a fact about this that i should point out yeah there already was one case where he sued the sun in the uk for libel or definite i guess it's libel because it was written right because they published an article saying that uh you know that he was like a wife beater and he sued them for libel and he lost that so in that previous case it was found that it was you know at least true enough that they had not libeled him by labeling him a wife beater um i don't think that means anything no and again it's just like the con these are very narrow that's why i was pointing out with this case is it's not actually even this trial isn't determining whether or not she abused him it's determining whether or not she lied about him abusing her i mean he's suing her for defamation right but the fact that he lost his case doesn't mean that it doesn't mean anything i don't know what's the defamation libel laws in the uk but they're pretty intense actually losing doesn't doesn't mean anything but anyway what's this clip in addition to that she also was dating elon musk by this time you'll find out that mr dev is obsessed with elon musk but she's dating him so he gives 500 000. that's it what's that do for me that's going viral with music that one because it's funny that he just laughed at her defense attorney saying that uh he's going viral for what he's just saying a version of that with like goofy music yeah it has gone viral he found one that didn't have the music for you know copyright reasons okay very good uh oh here's the pro johnny edits you just add these awesome i want to see them oh these are these all have music though that's the one i sent discord was one of those i want pro johnny edit objection yeah okay i can't hear it it's just him laughing and being like oh amber heard says that johnny would hang out with old people playing guitar is that a bad thing and those old people happen to be like alice cooper keith richards it's just a rolling stone you know even without the context it's still not a bad thing sure yeah but i like how she just described justin say about feeling insecure she told me she didn't like hanging out in his house with his friends because it it was boring and they were all old men playing guitars and it wasn't interesting to her what else did miss heard say that's it interesting johnny speaking with opposing counsel yes papa yes papa texted paul bettany correct can you not put music this is why we're finding two like versions of these clips because so many of them have like goofy music on it well anyway you guys get the idea where yeah so there you go free johnny depp or whatever or skit or kill johnny depp free him whatever you whatever you guys say awesome didn't read what's the one copy no but free johnny depp you know amber turd those of you guys who found the vlog to be offensive i'm sorry you did for those of you who didn't find it to be offensive i'm sorry they did worst apology ever yeah well 97 are in favor of johnny so so [ __ ] amber turd i hope she burns in hell i'm just saying that too please don't you know just leave me out of it yes the i'm going to end the poll 76 johnny 21 both to blame yeah three percent uh um [ __ ] amber turd and people are joking that the three percent is their their finger slip when they went to go vote apparently there's a lot of like he's got all these tags and audio recordings he has a lot more hard evidence than she does from from my understanding and stuff so yeah that definitely uh [Music] yeah so i hope she dies no oh no not too far i'm just i listen i just don't want people to be mad at me just tell me what to say johnny depp forever amber turd i hope she [ __ ] perishes in a burning fire no too far too far i hope she gets what's coming to her uh i hope someone shits in her bed yeah exactly see how you feel there you go no of course i don't wish death on her but something slightly worse than death uh a sleeping with keemstar oh no no no no two too hard worse than that too far worse than death cruel and unusual your punishment is you have to spend the evening with keemstar in his basement bar kill me no daddy i'll take the electric carrier on her oh can you find that tweet uh show me before we go this is the last thing keemstar's got this tweet pin that it's just so funny i just want to acknowledge that it's like the funniest thing ever people have been circulating this fake tweet of keemstar i'm pretty sure people know it's fake and they're just [ __ ] with them but keemstar is panicking he pinned this is this still pinned yeah so he pinned this this was on white people twitter and it's been going all over the place it was like really it was it's circulating it's on reddit so the fake tweet of keemstar's it says i don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says sex with younger and less experienced girls is always better the problem with when i've been with lots of men is that they're far more prone to say mean things about your dick and how bad you are at sex now what's funny about this tweet is that although he never wrote that you know that that's what he feels and that's why it's so funny or at least it seems plausible enough to enough people that they continue to circulate it yeah people look at that and be like yeah that seems so whatever you guys do do not spread this fake tweet around the internet yeah this is not real he did not actually say that but so do not spread this around the internet you guys because it really bothers keemstar and the last thing we want is to spread this fake tweet all around the internet ride my [ __ ] dick yes totally so keemstar uh he had to pin it and he said i can't believe i even have to address this be but someone made this fake tweet of me on reddit a few weeks ago and i just assumed most people knew it was fake every single day keeps getting more viral and now it's taking over tick tock for the record i never tweeted exactly he never tweeted this so don't spread it all over the internet i'm sorry i made a mistake because we don't want keemstar to get bothered by this fake tweet that everyone's spreading around the internet that he never said but even though we know that that it's true what we know it's that he thinks that but he never wrote it i'm busted it's so funny though do people actually think that this is real like who would write the problem with women people i think that says more about keemstar but just imagine the problem with women who have been with boston is that they're more prone to saying things about your dick and how bad you are in sex why would you write that that's [ __ ] hilarious bro people say stop touching your face i have a headache i have like a pressure point here when i have a headache i i push here in it i don't know why it alleviates my [ __ ] pain how did you guys think it was real that's so funny that you thought it was real that's awesome i think when i first saw it i was like oh my god i have to go check if this is real kind of like that was my reaction well the first part is believable i don't give a [ __ ] if anyone says sex with younger and less experienced girl is always better that i mean he he had such like crazy tweets in the yeah not that hard to believe like the one about the women over 40 that are people unattractive to him yeah it sounds like a fake tweet if i saw that i might think that was so dumb yeah um people a lot of people saying that uh they thought it was real i thought it was real well there you go so it's not fake so sit do not you guys understand not real it's not a real tweet but so don't post it to tick tock don't post it to twitter don't post it to reddit don't post it to instagram youtube whatever wherever you post wherever you think people would enjoy this fake tweet do not post it there because it really bothers keemstar you're right you know what i'm saying right right romeo and julia yeah don't spread it guys come on it seems like it does really good on tick tock so don't spread it there [Music] someone said i i physically know in my being that keemstar is bad at sex somebody said something fresh and fit would say yet unironically they probably would oh yeah for sure like that really that's like straight out of their playbook oh it's so fun wait so wait wait before we go we have to decide on a title so this isn't serious keemstar if keemstar tweet that's totally 100 fake the one time we have to defend keemstar no yeah yeah totally defending him don't post it i should post it on tick tock and be like this is 100 not a real tweet i mean that's exactly what he did when he any controversy he's in with the whole leafy thing or uh saying that he's theodore's father or whatever dirty [ __ ] he said he goes i'm not the father i didn't sleep with this person i didn't do this that's his uh that's his go-to that's a fake tweet yeah that's not what i'm doing i'm trying to defend her yeah i actually love that we have nothing to do with it i got nothing to do with this tweet that was dreamed up by somebody else you know a 10 year old fan right away say that again what a 10 year old fan right away whoa what does that mean keem any more context to that can you elaborate we do need to um head back all right title so we talked about keemstar we talked about johnny depp amber turd we told stories and we did ace family ace family we did uh at the top of the document what do we do kim kardashian kim k we did a little taste test of some beans on top beans on toast so what are you guys feeling here for a title what's the most compelling top topic i mean a lot of people beans on amber turd someone suggested yeah a lot of people want us though yeah i think keep that one in the title amber turret yeah free johnny depp and amber like actually amber turd oh and tim poole someone said tim stool and amber turd yo that's good but it's good but like it nobody's gonna click that as good as it is keemstar ace family and johnny depp walk into a bar nobody cares about gaming i'm just reading comments yeah i mean people are liking tim still on amber turd that is pretty epic but i don't know that people are gonna click that i mean it's a big storm then at least that amber part's a big story all right but just let's do topics let's narrow it down so top one is amber johnny depp v amber turd second one is tim pool third ace family i don't give a [ __ ] about i think kim kardashian kim k beans and toast no because people are going to vote for that and i'm not doing beans and toast you're asking me to put up a poll for them oh we do yeah for a while we get that we're gonna get i wanna see what the people think we can just put all those three yeah just put all of those in the turtle that's great okay cool we're on a roll there okay cool then do that so we got and then uh what else do we do temple kim kay beans on toast am i actually writing amber turd or am i writing her name what about just just do a real name okay what about me and face banks become friends and i defend keemstar [Laughter] it's pretty good that's so [ __ ] angry i'm so [ __ ] angry keemstar l team start another alpha game star right [Music] so what do you got dan johnny depp versus amber hurd uh kim k [Music] beans on toast no b boom wait what about tim stool nobody cares about tim's stool beans on toast says more pull than tim stool yes unironically we talked about it for a long time on wednesday amber turd defending keemstar people like that because it's so unexpected at the very [ __ ] last second of a three hour podcast though simple as throats tim pool is the roast wow kim shartatian and amber turd surro box kim shart [Music] oh god we're still alive yeah we are yeah we are alive okay all right put it in the put it in the uh discard let me see the title that you wrote out okay by the way this is the real tweet that he wrote which is pretty nuts yeah you guys keep telling me to date someone my own age i googled 39 year old woman i will not be listening to you guys if you remember where you were on 9 11 i'm not interested and then the pictures she showed were from missing women it is it is this is totally equivalent it is so i guess i can see why people think it was real right but these and then the best part is these are all missing women not all or two of them are somewhere what holy god i send it to you by the way if you want to peep that nice rod that crypto [ __ ] johnny depp versus amber heard kim k defending keemstar kim k [ __ ] kim k just do defending keemstar all right after that nobody cares about kim k right i mean who cares i don't know i wouldn't i'm curious about this exactly you wouldn't either no you want to put defending keemstar no i personally i don't no i think it's good not good why isn't it good because just the off chance that one person will not know that it's a joke is not worth it good point i would like to change my mind and there's my case there's and there's some some people are just hate him to the point of not even wanting to laugh at him and just don't want to hear about it you know what i mean yeah i'm even seeing no keem stop okay there it is remove key kardashian just kim kardashian vs roblox keem kardashian kim shartashian shartashian tim turd or tim amber turd timpu all right let's just go for it and then beans on toast which is basically johnny depp versus amber heard kim no no we need a scat play on johnny depp uh number two that's not good johnny deff the kate johnny definitely all right the [ __ ] we're talking about johnny depp i guess johnny depp versus amber turd tim stool kim shartashian and beans and toast johnny poop how does that help kim he's trying he's trying johnny dupe johnny depoop johnny duke johnny john johnny dookie does anyone have any ideas i'm sure the chat's going to throw some on yeah johnny johnny dump and johnny dump he's like a weird scat granny dump versus amber [Laughter] johnny deuce johnny dew it's interesting that i feel like that's i think dump is funny okay so we have johnny dump versus amber turd or johnny duke johnny dookie tim stool kim shartashian and beans and toast beans and toast after dark number seven sunny fecal matter are we gonna get yellow for all the [ __ ] references most likely so then let's then i'm out oh why it's not worth it bro we got yellow in the last episode i have no sponsors and all my episodes are getting yelled at job someone said johnny depp oh johnny defecation case against amber turd oh the deposition just beans on toast yes the beans on toast special extravaganza no really no not really thank you just do the regular version all right someone said go back we're doing the boring here we got here's the thumbnail eula that's fire that's fire i clicked that is not fire that is fire no that will not be something i would like the meme shirt [Laughter] all right what's the title working title it's i guess johnny depp versus amber heard tim poole kim kardashian beanzone wait write out a new one because look write it write it in discard i feel like we could get away with stool turd is a it's not worth it we're gonna get yellow i can run into business here not worth it about amber took a massive steamer [ __ ] [ __ ] oh amber juicer like that ember yeah all right new title johnny depp versus amber heard tim poole kim kardashian's beans on toast yes there we go oh so boring it's so much worse [Music] all right fine [Laughter] johnny dumper's amber turd is so much better you guys think anyone gives a single [ __ ] about temple on kim kardashian though no not well kim k yeah but temple now what do you guys think yeah temple no you can take him out [ __ ] him i like well then just put kim kardashian vs roblox nobody cares about that either johnny depper's amber turd beans on toast [ __ ] bonanza do a poll do a poll if nobody cares about these topics why didn't we we only talked about johnny depp at the very end that's what i'm saying it's dudu all right do a pull dan would do you care in the title do you think it's helpful to include tim poole you do tim paul kim kardashian or both or none and now be honest we're doing this is a serious survey we need to know if having this in the title is interesting to you this is high level market research i think if you want to be involved in youtube in any way this is great research like to actually see how much goes into it i'm sure a lot of people are grateful i'm grateful for the market research for the real everybody says neither some people say kim k maybe that's enough people interested in kim k nobody gives a [ __ ] about tim pool in his slot buckets yeah [Music] well some people say both give him kids kim k is looking like it's worth today yeah so let's do kim k vs roblox you do realize we spend so much time talking about temple and nobody cares about him well it's funny but nobody's [ __ ] we didn't actually talk about tim pool as much as we talked about slot buckets for which the slot buckets were funny i love people go you're going after sponsors i'm like the slot buckets going after the slot buckets they're not dropping him he's the only one that will [ __ ] promote that [ __ ] are you kidding me you know you know they pay temple for the slot bucket spots in swamp bucket exactly that's why he has somebody in his home yeah exactly oh god all right johnny depper's amber heard no remove the tin pool yeah it's gone kim jong-un is on toast oh my goodness just copy paste somewhere i am i am i am there you go johnny that versus amber heard kim kardashian vs roblox roblox beans take the beans on toast up for christ's sake what do you mean that's the best part nobody's even reading them all right leave the beans on no take it out oh my god all right what harm could it do what the [ __ ] is even this i want the beans on toast i'd rather see no i'd rather see amber heard than a beans on toast [Laughter] but like three minutes ago you wanted it to be funny now you don't want to be funny anymore yeah because i can't well it's not funny what's funny about beans on toast you just want poop in the title yeah it's fun beans on toast is funny after all the scat references on it's by itself it's not without that you're right a lot of people said both though so if you include both you're a lot of people it's the third one it's at the bottom of the poll i'm saying if you include both and simple together that's seventeen percent it's not no okay so um so what's the new title and remove the [ __ ] beans on exactly what i just sent to you minus the beans on toast so get the hell get the beans on toast out of there and let me see amber turn my god you wait in the thumbnail cam copy that cam [Music] what the hell is going on around here cam do you hear me he said got it ian has the thumbnail today because uh oh that was ian i was doing the movie how are you switching and making a thumbnail and he's got he's pretty monitored baby he's the great he's the goat what the goat how's that possible i mean he's got three monitors he's got vmix on one and photoshop on the other side what are you afraid of don't you have this okay this the camera's just on you it's impressive a little cut little f5 little impressive he's like the guy from spirited away he was in the engine with eight arms and that's right and the little soot creatures i want to see that fan art somebody somebody give me ian is the uh doctor guy from the united way all right so i think we're settled then johnny depp versus amber turd kim kardashian vs roblox it's all in the thumbnail this is so awesome okay we gotta go okay this is epic what happened that we figured out the [ __ ] title yeah it's great i'd agree i just said it was epic yeah one final shout out to the cards that we're selling very limited edition will never be sold again right forever ever the h3 link in the description trading oh i didn't know we had a trailer yep made by cameron wait why didn't we show this we're trying to told you to no well amy's put the phone in my hand and then like we're all set up later it's fine i'm just going to then set it and you're like whose hand was that it's already here that was sam oh this hand i don't know that's right no that's that's a rap traitor bro yeah well there was a woman's hand i wasn't sure who's here that was sam that's um yeah okay there it is grab trader is the ghost dude the goat the freaking [Applause] all right we got to go we're all good we got our thumb i hope you guys have fun we'll see you on monday everybody everybody have a great great weekend it's friday baby oh [Music] i'm [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,731,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: Q_GoixIfwoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 50sec (12950 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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