David Dobrik Sued By Jeff Wittek & James Charles Hasn't Changed At All - Off The Rails #40

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two [Music] well well well welcome everybody it's june 22 wednesday you know what that means we're off the rails [Music] knock it over my wife it's me it is wednesday shots are yes [Music] whoa that was intense more intense than gunfire i would say did you play that zach yeah that's it i knew that was you shredding bro that was insane that was all me man that tom hanks entry is is a solid one i enjoyed listening hearing that one you you asked for something a little different so i uh no i appreciate that yeah you brought you brought the you brought the heat that was awesome was that like ear r word for the people listening i knew that was that i don't think so it's loud for me i just want to make sure people aren't like oh [ __ ] he previewed it for me yesterday and it was your r word and i was like you need to pull this way back i'm not trying to blow people's eardrums as well good thank you thank you guys um so guys well there's a lot too anyway thank you zach that was beautiful uh there's a lot to address here obviously it is officially summer we are chilling with the new background rapids chilling at cedar rap and the bunny is having a pina colada i don't know if that's bunny friendly food but it is what it is it tastes great oh you like it cam all right i forgot the bunny's camera yes right also you guys you guys should check out the title of today's episode man it's like last year all over again but it's true there is good there's good we haven't done a drama title in a while and there really is good drama stuff today we're juiced david dobrik jeff whittick actually followed through and is suing daddy dobrik wow and james charles put out some insane new he he started this whole campaign to find a best friend in the dms it's outrageous guys we're back oh no so who's uh oh thank you to taylor brands for sponsoring today's episode thank you dan and um well we have a lot of really good stuff today to talk about one thing it is pride month um and we were thinking oh what happened the link doesn't work that you guys put in there uh one thing we were thinking is like what's tweet's been deleted oh we we reposted it with the well that's why different caption i got it we were thinking what's the best way to do a pride thing and i didn't want to do something that felt disingenuous and just you know like happy pride or whatever you know i don't know change the teddy fresh thing to a rainbow flag you know i mean come on so we we've sought out a special story and i think we found wait why does it say oh yeah we sat out a very special story i love this you guys heard of the homophobic dog yep so here let me pull up some memes that you guys may not know about homo phobic i put hobophobic that's what keemstar says oh yes that's right homophobic dog this shit's funny man it's a dog [Applause] who hates gay people what the hecking dog there's this one let's hope it's just a phase the really famous one the origin one is here um the one that started it all is this one not too fond of gay people which i guess is supposed to be like your aunt at dinner or something with a glass of red wine right but the funny story about this meme that you guys may not know is the owner of the dogs is a gay couple how epic is that that's and we teamed up with with homophobic dog and his lovely uh parents so cute oh my god he looks so good in that it's so adorable so i love the the face really conveys a lot and also he's white so it's just like he's had it with anything that's not right that's not to my taste damn it oh my god but here's the this is uh the dads of this beautiful homophobic dog and we wrote a little something about it which is really small let me try to open this up yes so this dog is the homophobic dog and anyway well basically what i said here you go we love that so many people have come to know and love whitney that's their dog as much as we do after memes of her went viral while we find most of them hilarious we also recognize many of them are phrases that most of us in the lbgt plus community have endured while whitney has been branded the homophobic dog homophobic she's actually the furthest thing from homophobic as most of her favorite humans are queer we thought it would be important to celebrate pride month with whitney logan and ben so we sent them some matching tf sets and got these amazing amazing photos back happy pride night i love this photo so there you go that was a nice little story right yeah i love wiener dogs i my family had wiener dogs growing up big fan of the dachshunds is that right they have good personalities i've never spent time around oh they're so cute i've never done anything weird with my dogs okay well no no no no no i'm suspicious that you brought that out of nowhere jordan uh we posted on instagram i think there's even more photos here because twitter has a limit oh i guess not but there you have it guys that was a fun little thing how nice is that so happy pride moth to all of our lgtb lgbtq plus keeps and to all and everyone else too because you know what we gotta we gotta fight together for people's rights inequalities and if if cis people don't stand up and speak out then they need they need everyone's support basically what i'm saying so cheers to them we love them folks we love the gays the gays are fantastic folks i'm telling you um i love it last week we talked about the remember that creeper shot of keemstar at the theme park with his daughter uh yes well and there was another photo i was trying to find but it was removed well the guy posted it so now we have this and it's actually quite good it's already spraying a lot of memes here it is he said i deleted the pic of keemstar running off the roller coaster because i didn't want anyone to think he was running away from me that's actually funny as hell i didn't even think about that there's no story other than he got off the ride and started running past his kids and girlfriend okay [ __ ] this is a powerful image man he's running to god really look at that big-ass cross there keemstar does need god that's kind of awesome in it so people started making uh running keemstar memes it's got an interesting kind of body in it why are you so cute when you talk [ __ ] i shouldn't talk i know my body's [ __ ] i have the i have the body of like a lunch lady you see me walk from the back dude my thighs and hips are so wide it's insane look at the body of the lunge lady it's true man you should donate your body to science when you pass i am an organ donor well there you go good good i've heard horror stories of people that donate their body to science and then they just end up like doing like insane [ __ ] with the body that's not scientific at all have you heard those stories yeah they donated to like the army for them to shoot at it or something oh yeah they just yeah dude oh i do take this body and they just shoot your [ __ ] dead body because that's that story is about some grandma's body being blown up or something yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm saying like you think you're going to help like you know humanity and you just your body just gets absolutely desecrated by the military saying what happens when you throw a body on a grenade or something that's still theoretically a science experiment i don't think what people are signing up for i mean what happens i don't think that's what people had in mind yeah probably not yeah here it is man horrified the army blew up mom's body after it was donated for research i know gruesome new details have emerged about the arizona body donation facility that told people their loved ones would aid medical science so there you go that was a lie anyone here for marriage sona they are she was so that's that's pretty interesting but anyway here's memes of him running and taking off on our subreddit god bless him when ethan mentions keemstar on the pod this is so true he's running into that youtube headquarters and i just think it's so funny that he somehow has created this this theory about me that i'm like in with youtube like bro you complain to them every [ __ ] time something happens i mean you're running in their headquarters there was more when there oh that was the best one yeah i saw one about drinking in the something about id yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so much keemstar stuff at the top of the show but it's pretty good i just sent it pov keem asks if you want a drink but he notices they accepted your idea right because they that that would mean they're too old for him correct yeah yeah he's audi terrorist yeah he's leaving the bar quickly that's what that shows to find someone younger right it's like a romeo juliet but um speaking of keemstar let's do this at the end of the show who gives a [ __ ] about keemstar nobody cares i do want to talk about that but at the end you know what i mean it's just him crying about ninja got his g fuel thing and i mean it's great don't get me wrong but we don't need to talk about that now um you so i was on howie uh mandel's show i guess i'll talk about that mm-hmm howie mandel deal no deal guy america's got talent bobby's world bobby's world i always associated with apparently apparently howie is famous for putting a glove over his head did you know that i did not we learned that yesterday we looked it up after we were watching the podcast this is this is what made him famous is he what he i guess is the first person to do this and he would do this on stage and it killed howie mandel fits like a glove vinyl record what do you think um not exactly cutting edge stuff well today but then it blew everyone's mind yeah nobody nobody would have dared to put a glove on his head yeah so that's actually an important kind of change in human trajectory i feel like it's very odd anyway it was kind of funny because i ran into him i was with ela and the kids and we were just having a nice day on the weekend down at malibu and um we were at the playground i was like oh that's howie mandel he was sitting across from us i didn't say anything though it's just kind of funny seeing him there by the way i see a ton of celebrities down in that malibu ball i saw jerry seinfeld there that would that blew my [ __ ] mind stop laughing it's not funny i'm not laughing i'm saying nice things jerry i think that's the only celebrity i've seen by the way where i went up and said like uh hey i'm a big fan oh you did that yeah simp sam but you know what's the point he gets that all the time everybody loves jerry seinfeld was that i had to say something was he called you or was he a dude no he was super nice he was super nice he was nice to everyone he was just chilling they they drive their cars he's in like a car club he's like one of these car guys well you know from that show yeah comedians and cars but they meet on the weekends in malibu and they all bring their like psychotic insane super expensive collector cars and show them off to each other so it's like a whole thing but yeah he was nice it was just cool crazy to see him in person i mean i love hit the show seinfeld was kind of a formative show for me um and hilo too but anyway i saw howie there and we started walking back to the car we were time to go and him and his daughter like i'm gonna he stalked us bro he followed us to our car he goes ethan i go oh [ __ ] what's up howie and anyway we talked a little bit him and his daughter have a podcast and they invited uh me to go on now i i usually don't do other people's shows just because one i'm busy i'm super busy right i mean we do we're working here all week and when i'm not working here all week doing four shows i'm with the family i generally don't don't do other people's podcasts but everyone convinced me that i should do it because how is a legend right um he is by the way let's pull up his podcast howie mandel does stuff is the name of his podcast he's just sitting but he does he do stuff also i got i just gotta i gotta laugh a little bit howie his icon is him backwards with glasses now now if you're famous you should show your face right it's just right i mean that could be anyone same with his thumbnails too he only shows that face in the thumbnails and it's triggering it's just a little odd i'm gonna but i love that for him i mean you know god bless it for some reason like i still think i would have known that like it looks like the same thing like yeah i mean he's got a recognizable dome he really does but i'm just saying this reminds me more of like you don't know jack or something it's like a bald man silhouette yeah but just turn around let's see that beautiful face that you spent your life making famous you know what i mean decades of work smile let's see his smile dang i feel like he's the epitome of the bald man though no offense dan but he's just when you think bald dare you howie mendel well you know what's interesting he actually isn't bald he shaves his dome because he has he's like a germaphobe and he feels cleaner when he's totally hairless i see he does bald well so he owns that [ __ ] [Music] but yeah that's what i do too we love that for you dan and listen i'm not gonna be my god how much do i say what do you mean without looking like an [ __ ] i could i could say some stuff okay go ahead baby you lead i noticed there's a lot of views on the episode with you thank you abe for noticing that compared to the other guests i wonder what that is thanks avery for saying that but one thing i noticed is like his last episode had like 4 000 views after a week yeah and i was like listen i love howie and stuff but i just i don't know i got to go there i've spent a whole day doing this podcast for 4 000 people to watch it i just i don't know yeah so there was like a whole thing but everyone was like dude it's how we so i said okay i'll [ __ ] do it i'll do the thing so i drove over to his place also if i may know go ahead third most viewed uh video is that right after one day or one day well that's nice it's nice that the food troopers care i didn't promote it at all and the reason being that i didn't and howie i love oh my god how much do i say i gotta say every time i see that thumbnail this is kind of an aside that photo in the middle of you yeah it's a drawing right no i keep thinking it's tim poole oh interesting let's look at that let's not bring that up yeah sorry to say isn't that the internalized oppression yeah yeah i look so different then 50 pounds i'm sorry i'm going to get pissed off about that yeah yeah and neither of us want to look like the other one so let's just leave that out but the reason is is that the title was uh something like ethan klein of h3 speaks on current relationship with trisha paytas in the return of frenemies and he was like you can't tweet that because they had to go for the title you know the juice so um okay but anyway here i'm talking promoting it now aren't i it was a banger app i got to say thank you bro you you really made it very entertaining thank you so much bro yeah we were cracking up we put it on here we were we were i'm so glad i was really nervous about this to be honest so anyway i went out to the i went out to where he records he's got a massive studio dude i was expecting uh i don't know what i was just expecting like a little one studio he has his own production company and there's like a huge massive studio it's like 30 000 square feet or something damn all kinds of stuff right there i mean yeah he's he's the host of america's got talent yeah they record a lot of the stuff there oh really he produces a lot of the stuff there he also has this really cool he showed me this insane thing he's invested in there and they're headquartered out of his office god was it called i can't remember the name but it's like a hologram thing where you stand in like a booth and it like shows your image anywhere in the world and the quality is like insane so you can have like a full body interactive thing with people i forget right in this booth but it looks amazing so it's probably the tech has probably evolved since i did this but i actually did that a couple times uh helped engineer doing that in fact i did it for eric andre uh years ago this was in like 2015 or 2016 where we had him in a studio here in la and we projected him as a hologram to oh wow this event in toronto oh yeah so it's one of those but like i'm saying it looks so good so it was really cool um that was cool yeah that's a but you know it's funny because i i was like all right here we go this is going to be the most produced show ever for 4 000 views because you know it's like howie and he everything got it's got to look good he's famous sure so he has this podcast with his daughter there's like 20 people there working you know it's like a huge uh production dude here let me pull this video up because it's pretty funny yeah we have some time stamps on the dock oh yeah personal favorites let's see so here i'll hit those up next but let me just click the video you guys can see but the studio is like insanely produced they have this massive command station back there with like 20 people right yeah you saw it in the in the show a couple times they showed their control and the biggest [ __ ] screen i've ever seen they don't show it but i'm facing out like that and before me is literally like a 20 by 20 foot this was probably a million dollar one of those epic [ __ ] full hd screens you know can we get some of those out of my budget probably i don't have highway money [ __ ] you're big enough love as it is i said you love bots new love bot that would be so funny no but seriously if we did a love bots it would be like the size of that whole back curve which would be pretty funny let's be honest that would be a funny way to spend money that would top the scorpion chair i would maybe just gonna lose it let's actually look into how much that would cost i'll look into it but it wouldn't be a million but i yeah hundreds of thousands probably if it was completely behind me at that point i just given to the meme at that point yeah okay with that just loves face dominating every crew shot i think it would suck the light out of every shot though and everything well everything we would be backlit heavily because it would be a giant scream behind all of us sorry love it doesn't make too much logistical sense we'll look into it okay but you know what's funny every time he pulled something up on the tv my face gets like blown the [ __ ] out with light right yeah that's that's so bright speaking of looking like a lunch lady you can really appreciate how bizarre my body is in this they show my full body at some point you got to see how [ __ ] putrid i am i mean i i don't i'm not going to [ __ ] on myself because people get uncomfortable when i do that but let's just say you look fine my body looks crazy dude what i will say oh yeah oh there you go he just sent uh oh you got me you got me still thanks bro it's not that bad it's not bad wait did someone edit my head to make it look small or something dude that ain't dirt that doesn't make any sense beautiful you also do sit in like crazy positions right i remember when i started working here and i watched you and i i could like see it all i was like oh this is like different because i can see what his people are doing beautiful yeah like they just play around i feel like that's true they're they're wiggling right now here i sent a better one let's see thank you uh a.b what the [ __ ] dude that is such an insane shot that is such an insane shot beautiful what am i right dan i mean tell me this is tell me i'm this is an insane shot for just i mean the whole thing are you are you sure you're not shrunk in that one yeah i don't know you're you're dead i literally don't know i think these have been uh manipulated a little bit why are they doing this what does this mean but you know your fans to post the real screenshot on reddit yeah please if somebody uh could dig that up and post that to reddit yeah but actually i was watching the new obi wan super interesting homage to uh howie in the finale oh that was the surprise cameo yeah i don't remember this thing oh wait this is from this is from obi-wan the newest episode just dropped out she appeared with the glove on her head wow this character to come back there's a hunger well this character so is this one shrunk or not yeah is my head shrunk my body's weird enough i don't need you guys [ __ ] with my proportion the fact we don't know is kind of killing me the proportions in this photo are off i don't necessarily know if it's because someone edited it or because the camera did it welcome to my world dude this is what i go through every day are you comfortable sitting like that well it wasn't it was fine but okay now something's going on here what is going on here you have little leprechaun feet huge am i like 30 feet away from howie yeah i mean that was kind of what i was wondering is if it's just a trick of perspective that you're significantly further back than it seems you look like a hobbit dude yeah i don't know i don't know if it's edited or not it was a whole weird situation there yeah so anyway there's there i was there i was holy [ __ ] it's it's not an edit i found the exact way he looks even smaller in that one show it's definitely the wide lens if you go 11 seconds into the video 11 seconds okay let's watch it go to the store that just trippy room with everyone aren't you or at least it seems like it's yes yeah that we do we're all in the same way go get string you can get string cheese by the way i have a pet peeve when people start recording they don't tell me i just i hate when people do that oh yeah that sorry howie you know i'm just gonna i'm just gonna speak my mind but you guys are great you guys are lovely and uh but you know they do that i've that's happened before when i do podcasts and it's like you gotta tell me when we're recording you got to give me a countdown or something okay finally we got an accurate one okay this one this one actually looks fish this one looks really fishy right no i think that one's actually that's pulled straight from the episode there's no way that's real you guys no i think that's that's it that feels true to me yeah that's true to you guys it's proportional again it's a forced perspective thing to an extent but it looks [ __ ] up to me but okay if you guys say so beautiful beautiful do you want string cheese we're talking about string cheese and stuff which is like pretty compelling stuff to open the podcast to if i'm being honest because you know on youtube you want to capture their attention immediately i kind of like the little the the behind-the-scenes vibe of the opening well that's really kind of conflicts with how the podcast is sort of run because if you're doing that for like an authentic sort of vibe but then you're not able to say anything the whole time it kind of sets it off a little bit you're saying they're trying to be authentic in the beginning but he was very nervous about it in the show okay with peace and love of course go get string chief go get a string you can get string cheese do you want string cheese do you like it i mean there's too much with the string cheese cheese you want string cheese i have plenty of i consume a lot of string cheese at home with my yogurt it's not an edit it's one of my staple snacks but i'm good we have a lot here i like string cheese these people yeah we get it with the string cheese but anyway yeah that's real so there you have it this is straight from the uh the camel's sphincter as they say they did give me an arrowhead water by the way which is um natural spring water martin approved yeah i got the just quick side i got the shower head filter thing did you stalled it yeah last night it's [ __ ] great oh i bought it i haven't got it in yet i have one as well so how long have you had yours dan i guess like a week now so do you feel a difference yeah so i don't know if everyone will feel a difference with mine i feel like i definitely do because in the building i live in um they don't seem to have a soft water filtration thing or whatever those are called i don't think most people have that right and so well i don't know it's just it's always been the water in my building is like particularly uh harsh gotcha and so um i noticed a pretty immediate difference with it but if you already have soft water i i don't know if you would necessarily notice it but i agree with you dan it it's uh it's kind of night and day for me so because martin said it immediately improved his skin and hair quality because there's no chlorine right where are you feeling that well i only have 50 of those things so how's your head a lot of body hair so and it feels great well zach you've got a ton of hair you notice yeah well i to be fair i've only had it a day but i could tell it wasn't so it didn't feel so grainy if that makes sense yeah that's not yeah oh and that's that's that's great martin that guy is he's such a legend he really opened our minds but also fair warning and i didn't listen to dan on this i'm like ah how bad can it be when you install the thing there's like because it's a charcoal filter you didn't listen i didn't listen to you so you run like two minutes of water through it before you can like use it this [ __ ] like black charcoal [ __ ] just goes spewing all over it's just like black [ __ ] when you first turn it on oh really just for a second yeah cause just like have you ever had like the brita filtering they tell you you have to like soak it for a while before you actually oh i didn't know that i didn't know that either just use it supposed to suck though uh sorry i forgot my head oh yeah you're supposed to run cold water through it for a few minutes and yeah when you initially flip it on it like bursts out and they tell you in the instructions put a bucket under it to like catch that and open put in a bucket yeah and i was like that was what i said and then it just [ __ ] they were right it was [ __ ] got everywhere it sprung out of the shower god it was wild interesting well this one looks odd to me and guys you can't tell me this one's not edited you see oh that's not no i think that's legit i think that's it that's [ __ ] i think howie is edited in that one oh thank you they made it bigger yeah maybe that's what it is that's what's going on yeah so but this is the real one that must have been a comfortable couch though right it was fine but yeah the but look at this perspective now this is kind of an insane shot right dan back me up here this is sorry go ahead uh well i would have i mean they obviously have it framed for if they have multiple guests on that couch probably should let's get a second cam in there bro this is like so unflattering look at what a [ __ ] lunch ass lady looking as [ __ ] look at me dude amy go ahead you're gonna be more critical i like that about you well can i be critical of one thing here oh i'm going to like it though because you know i'm in it um no i i'm liking because i love that the podcast and the framing every time you wear that shirt i think it's because of your like salt and pepper hair um also having like a black and white shirt it just makes you seem like like naturally desaturated like even to the naked eye it's like you're just you're you're like a black and white cartoon all of a sudden that's interesting you think it [ __ ] up the white balance maybe i mean don't you look just kind of like yes zombie-ish yeah for sure you've worn that shirt on this sucking down water like it's the [ __ ] first drink i've had in weeks my legs are going all crazy pointing in different damn directions that was your choice i don't know people were looking at my legs so anyway we get down we get in the show and they immediately started here let me pull this up what was funny to me people said i bill bird them which is kind of funny i think maybe it was a light it wasn't as bad as a bill burr but it was a light bell bearing maybe playful with it it wasn't um [Laughter] very different dynamic too yeah i mean i i get why people are saying that but it wasn't really like that can you guys not mention bill burr please i get ptsd every time it takes me back to a dark time in my life yeah actually bill burr was on the show we should watch that one and see how is it but immediately out of the gate they hit start hitting me with the what tell me about why you're so controversial and it felt like i was being like kind of uh interrupted grilled a little bit interrogated yeah so but but here let me play a bit of it my kids don't eat string cheese you have a headset if you want okay you'll be able to hear us without it but maybe if they if they speak no or you don't have to no i'm not no i'm not like you know a pro i'm listen i'm not gonna say i'm the best podcaster in the world i am number 12 actually but i ca you know that's a being overly critical i usually don't wear it you don't have to well you're in like the room with everyone i didn't even know where it seems like it's yes yeah that we we we're all in the same room i find it odd oh okay how far into the video are you 48 seconds yeah and we've talked about string cheese and you hear yourself yeah if you should wear headphones or not you should wear headphones with peace and love i grew up watching howie you know we love howie we love how we if i give some friendly advice yeah yeah yeah start off with you know something strong have the cameras already adjusted you want to start off strong zach hit me with that off the rails intro that's unlistenable [ __ ] our strategy howie that i think you could learn from is lose as many people as possible as quick as possible that are on in on this very obscure inside joke oh no yeah just let's not go that's the taste yeah um let's see yeah you don't like to hear yourself no ethan klein is here uh this is so then he said that i was like oh my god we're we're doing one of those huh okay you know howie mandel does stuff i'm howie mandel i'm jacqueline schultz ethan klein my face was kind of locked you were like wait oh okay okay i guess we're starting yeah that's that was exactly that face i find it off oh okay you find it odd to wear i'm just not used to hearing myself you hear yourself yeah you don't like to hear yourself no ethan kline is here uh this is howie mandel does stuff i'm howie mandel where am i what's going on where's my camera that's basically i was trying to orient myself i didn't know we were live so i was trying to find my camera and stuff ethan klein is probably one of the um i think you've got some of the biggest as far as podcasts go are you ranked 12 oh in the usa for podcast or youtube yeah yes yeah well they started doing the edison um let me skip forward to where he starts asking me about my controversies which happens pretty quickly into the show uh yeah so i started saying like you know b word b word the nra like i got a billion times because it was making him super uncomfortable and it says banned yeah here oh yeah i got recently suspended i said jokingly that you know somebody should bomb the nra and now how do you tell me what's wrong with saying that because you're uh honestly what's wrong with that there's nothing what's wrong with that are you kidding me no i'd like that now i'm scared to say what's wrong with that because you have followers i was joking i was talking about the recent mass shootings no i get it i get what you're saying but and then you know it i kind of blurted it out we rolled it back and there was like a whole conservative kickback where like alex jones and don jr and everyone was you know parading me around as a domestic terrorist or something so youtube had to do something and we got suspended for a week am i going to be in trouble that you just said it on my podcast what the nra again stop saying that here's i said that one he didn't find funny at all i love saying that b word the white house because it's so outrageous right actually love can you pull up that clip uh that was really funny that the one that you pulled up i mean i get why he's uncomfortable yeah he's a dealer no deal guy he's not used to to bomb threats hilarious bomb threats bee threats they bleeped yeah b threat they bleeped the word trump they said donald bleep because i'm guessing because he's kicked off youtube they assumed they would get in trouble for saying his name that's so odd or they might just think they get demonetized automatically yes saying saying trump i don't know that's like baltimore so wait is this oh yeah he's a network tv guy he comes you know his whole like mindset is very safe content so you don't know my interject sure i do not think we should play this i just want to let that oh i said i said you don't think so no it's uncensored okay whatever i have all those like bad clips from my age out of context days that i can't use anymore because i'm scared anyway i it's just said i just said b word the white house simple as that we brought it up that's serious but yeah anyway they keep grilling me on this issue to you know that would be worse oh my god no you're in trouble you know that i'm starting to sweat i've had you've been here for like a minute this is you invited me on no i know but yeah i noticed that as well i didn't catch that why i mean the trump one i can understand there was a hard cut after you were you were introducing who your co-host was there was some very interesting i wonder what happened well there was one hard cut at the end when he was talking to ila too which we'll get to maybe because his last name is pecker packer so wait um i don't know why they bleeped his name that was odd oh people say maybe because because of the 9 11 controversy so what happened was uh whatever the president that that would be obviously no no no no how about don't anybody nobody don't you think that don't you think that it's are you not somebody would you not say nobody are you not all kidding aside you are you not concerned that somebody who is a huge fan of yours that has the exact same political leanings by the way this is five minutes in he's being like aren't don't you think that you might just be inciting terrorist acts and so i was like okay this is this isn't what i expected but let's go i guess right i mean after the show you were uh you were worried that it was like a disaster basically when i walked out i started texting everyone i was like that was so off the [ __ ] rails like they were we immediately started talking about the b word thing and then they they mentioned something later about how well why don't why aren't you banned but other people get banned like leafy is here i was like holy [ __ ] bro this is crazy the way and and i understand why you felt that way after watching it though i don't know i i i have a little bit of um more i think he's just trying to make it interesting yeah yeah and i think you know what i mean like i don't think they're it wasn't malicious exactly like it you know it was a recent controversy it was big news they wanted to talk about it i think no but there was certain take my problem was this he hadn't watched the clip and they and and so yeah he goes oh well you said this thing don't you think someone's going to go do it and i'm like well no you have to watch this if you watch it you'd realize yeah probably not but anyway because it is serious i i don't accept that accusation of like don't you think someone's going to go b-word the nra now it's like no of course not i felt like you did a good job of defending it so you know it's just so but then the other thing that kind of what i was like wow okay let's do this was uh well here let's watch this part first zoom might listen to it no and take if you saw the clip you'd understand it was like so it was like very light and the whole thing but don't you think that trump does that sometimes he's it's if if i could show you the clip you want to watch the clip it's banned can we watch the clip where's the clip uh no it's on youtube you can at one point someone in the back pulled up like keemstar's tweet that's what i was going to say and howie's defense when i watched it it seemed like it wasn't his fault but he was being fed him yeah no no no totally yeah but they're not malicious he's bringing up leafy leafy that was pretty wild right but howie mandel doesn't know the [ __ ] leafy no he got that intel from someone in the back but the whole narrative seemed like it was spun by one of those leafy fallen fan things exactly yeah that's what i suspected there was a fallen fan somewhere in the back maybe it was you know it was a fallen fan kind of situation but no howie and his daughter are lovely they're not malicious at all it was an interesting experience i mean it's it's a good watch so yeah we really enjoyed a good episode we put it on in the in the studio here the other day uh and all of us kind of were listening to it as we worked and uh we were cracking up it was funny that's good i'm relieved i was i was worried about this i really was i was like oh god i hope that this all doesn't cause problems oh then the other thing is i thought i broke the embargo right our internet just upside my ass don't they guarantee that well we have like about five seconds so that probably is 99. okay there you go we'll do it live we'll do it live sorry about that i see people saying we're back yeah i see that uh we just had a little a little blip on our internet there yeah i thought you were very respectful and you didn't i tried yeah yeah i didn't respect one you didn't say anything bad at all you know what's funny howie people were pointing this out and it's so true because howie made a comment at one point he's like trish is having a baby or i forget how he said it but it was something i'm gonna be a mother oh she's she's gonna be a mother yeah and i was like how is worried about me saying bum or b word yeah and but i was like bro you're playing you're playing with dark forces here the the bo word yeah it came off but that that's the thing howie what abe you want to clarify i don't want people to think i was saying that he set off the [ __ ] because i said he said i thought you were oh my god av what the [ __ ] what did you just do what are you uh here why are you here we go again why are you acting like that dude [ __ ] a b do you understand what you just did come from you literally just started the nuclear chain reaction that was going to set this bomb off you just pushed it over the edge [Music] i i i do not associate with that terrible b word i'm strong wait what happened there though yeah just i was saying that he's the one that actually set off the beo word yeah yeah but i said he set off the b you misspoke you misspoke you used the wrong word that's miss speaking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] i i'm trying to help you you misspoke i misspoke jesus yeah so a b just pushed this over the limit and now and people are saying we'll miss you a b love i swear to god if you make a highlight of this [ __ ] oh yeah well don't worry he started all the drama channels already have clips online you're in trouble you're in trouble so but what i was joking is that howie and his daughter are playing everyone let's get rip a bee in the chat please guys let's get burritos oh it's already there's already going can we get some burritos in the chat please guys for a b thank you um what i was saying is that they're dealing in dark forces they don't understand they are asking about trisha and moses and he's trying to get me to call trisha he's calling ila and get trying to get her permission to call trisha and moses and i'm like howie is dealing in dark arts right now dude don't worry about b wording the nra this is the real bomb this is about to go off in your life like if trisha perceives you as sliding her this could be the bomb that sets everything off because if i put myself in trish's shoes this could be the perfect opportunity to make like a comeback drama video like howie mandel how dare you say i'm not going to be a mother oh boy we got to get the bomb defused moses is at home like this he's got like the full bomb body suit you know that they wear in war zones cut the red wire no no no no the blue first the whole [ __ ] blast shield anyway he kind of did you dirty with the click bait a little bit yeah and then the click bait was oh like you had no say in what they titled it dan you you what were you gonna say what you have no right that's kind of critique anyone on clickbait yeah some drama yeah it's true i mean he he included the name which i feel like is very that says right it's more it's evolved explicit i don't know it is accurate a little bit here you're right i don't i so you know what can you really say he did do his job yeah so but anyway um it's just i can't i i was like dude if howie gets pulled into like trisha drama that would be the best funniest tournament ever like how [ __ ] hilarious would that be very odd very odd yes she has a direct road in to make a video about howie crying on her kitchen floor that is like almost too good for her to pass up she said she's you know theoretically uh kind of stepped away from that sort of content though right i mean yeah yeah this this was in my opinion a true test for her to see if she if she takes the the juice well in the past i mean knowing trisha in the past if she was gonna make a video it'd be made by now it would have been made 20 minutes after that video very true so the fact that there isn't one by now i feel like is a good sign that she's you know you might be around a little bit you might be right this was a true test and so far maybe she is reformed you know right maybe maybe she is past all the drama she's graduated from the kitchen floor onto the nursery the nurse's the nursery the nursery floor there you go uh we are at 50 minutes already we should do 50 500. no [ __ ] way yes sir 50 videos i wouldn't lie to you what we're at 51 we do that 51. 50 videos we have one sponsor i'm going to thank real fast guys it's taylor brands starting a business is never easy but there's a company called taylor brands that makes it a bit easier what is taylor brands it's an online business builder made for freelancers entrepreneurs side hustlers and new business owners it's a one-stop shop that offers everything from high res logo design business websites branded merchandise to llc formation services and more it's super easy to use you just answer a few short questions and their automated platform gives you a customized business building experience built especially for your needs it's affordable secure and holds everything you need to start a business in one place now this is actually great because i remember the first time i 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was [ __ ] hilarious you can't pass that title dan nice try please do that everyone please tell me if i'm wrong weren't you the one who destroyed the original love bot and now you're trying to destroy me too damn and that's true you did kick it over he's trying to get his fans riled up to come at me i called him the fifa loves fans yeah his fans he has his own little fandom yeah they're called the fika fox the fika [ __ ] yeah you put [ __ ] in your fandom name love it's weird suck it for seo i didn't name it the figa fox oh yeah there they'd be horizontal i call them the fika ficus fecal foxes eco-photographers yeah guys uh also teddyfish.com you know what it is support your local skyrim merchants i'm playing skyrim this is not just a color block hoodie with beautiful colors it's actually reverse fleece which is a super cool technique where you do the back side of the fleece so you get this really interesting texture on it looks great and brown and black and so much more at teddyfish.com actually you know this one's really cool this suit is amazing you can't really tell again because it has these really incredible details and it looks so good these little teddy bears embossed on it and it looks so so good yeah this drop's got some great stuff there's one piece in particular i really like which one's that yeah this one oh that's dub dude how much gold does that cost look at that yo that belt is insane it's actually only like 100 gold pieces if you can believe that okay that's not bad and honestly you could just steal those i could feel that and you could find my stealth in just a second and then you know turn around and sit and buy it from the same person you just stole it i love that i really love that um when we had pet day at the office some of the teddy fresh employees modeled in the the new drop and uh sean taught this picture of chantal holding priscilla oh yeah wearing the pink uh actually let me pull that up since you bring it up but that that was such a fun photo shooting day we had all the kids and dogs over chantel on the front killing it yeah she looks bomb the cutest little puppy ever oh my god all the dogs are so nice i don't know why that dog looks scary but yeah the dog was so fun having all the doggies that's awesome look at this little yorkie i love your keys yeah that was fun anyway teddyfish.com thank you so where were we we were talking about um we were talking about howie but i think we're pretty much done with that i'm not done with that can we okay there's one time stamp i want to look at before we move on okay it's at 51 45. it is so funny i mean olivia we're dying really yeah let me see divorce time stamp yep yeah oh yeah i kind of like i knew you were i knew you were vanilla so all right let's see what's what's all the hubbub about oh i wanted to push it on i'm so [ __ ] up okay you're gonna love this oh i will yeah and don't worry we won we won this lawsuit too google ryan cavanaugh oh yeah we should do that actually that's a good idea for everyone at home because when i did it it was number three and i thought i had to scroll down and click number three and i thought dang for such an important website that's a little too far down the search result page don't you think love sure yeah no you you have a point here [Music] yeah so type rank kavanaugh into google and then because it's easier you don't want to misspell the url it's very long url you can also scan your screen right now well not right now but in three two one okay oh for real yeah oh does that work for the does that help love is that does that go to the google page or the website you want to go to the google page with that one there oh it might be a direct link yeah you know that's that that one's not gonna help that much just because because i also want them to type his name so that they can learn more there's more resources there i got you yeah no that's a great point going straight to the website is just kind of a mess but drive angry drive angry anyway here you go you know he paid for the house and the check went through oh by the way ryan kavanagh i've learned this was a crazy thing i started [ __ ] talking ryan cavanaugh of course because he's a piece of [ __ ] and how he starts sweating you know and apparently he knows ryan kavanagh he bought ryan's old house or howie's old house right how interesting is that yeah but that's that was probably how long ago was that alex how long ago did we sell that house he probably had money then he's broke now he's a loser he's divorced too or not that there's anything wrong with that but um i don't know why i said how many things are you throwing out there there's more there's more okay okay what i was trying to say i was going to the brad the bowl thing yeah and i i was like oh well there's i didn't mean to say it like that it's pathetic he's the worst there's that you know the best of us get divorced sorry yeah that's our website does ryan cavanaugh look like harvey weinstein oh my dude howie was so uncomfortable with all that it's actually usually number one there's nothing wrong i i didn't mean to say he got divorced uh that i just want to roll that back but this is the one thing so far that you've been talking about that you want to roll back well because there's nothing wrong with with getting divorced the thing i was getting at is that um there's this guy brad the bull who's like railing his wife but that's not here there look but don't they look similar and they're both producers they did seem to agree that they looked and i'm saying they do look similar so this is a public service we're doing and it's usually what does that have to do with anything that they look similar i'm sure that they're people are confused what do you mean this is everything it doesn't have to do with anything it is everything they're confusing because no longer [Music] yeah he was playing the straight man for me right exactly um yeah here's the moment where we found out that they knew kavakov like no i had a lawyer i'm being sued four times by this guy ryan cavanaugh maybe you know because you've been in show business enough a piece of [ __ ] that [ __ ] guy why is he you do too why why you guys know ryan cavanaugh yes she's dude that guy is a great demon bro oh my god he's suing alex none of that alex keep that in alex how do you know ryan kavanagh i mean at the top level not a you know ryan that big of a town yeah i'm not that surprised i had a feeling he would might know yeah who he was but the connection was even more yeah directly interesting than i thought i he bankrupted he was the ceo of relativity media and then i could just go on to educate them yeah yeah about brian cavanaugh uh there was one other thing oh here let's talk let's look at the okay the part about trisha where i start talking about that um that's not time stamped uh for i guess explicitly uh-huh yeah we don't have to i mean we already talked about it yeah so anyway the basically it was it was an interesting episode it was a little it was just a little more contentious than i expected i don't think they they intended for that to happen i'm sure they didn't i think they just wanted to have an interesting interview and we did have one yeah i thought it was good so shout out to howie and the team there and his daughter um and uh shout the [ __ ] out to the island man shout out to whatever employee of howie's is a leafy stand too by them well at one point i asked maybe you can find it where i go they go well what's with your channel you get you say all this crazy stuff and you never get banned but other channels get banned i said what are the channels get banned and they i said do you have a specific example and she goes well i do uh leafy is here yeah i was like oh okay this is interesting is there a leafy fan back there literally literally play that again literally bro he literally sounds like 15. that's crazy that people actually watched that well played again [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean literally it was literally was he 15 like when he was making videos like he's pretty young isn't he no he just looked like it okay literally i feel like we're like reviving him i feel like every time he's mentioned yeah he's starting to come back alive slowly well like uh like uh the dark like [ __ ] the more you thought yeah they even speak uh whatever i don't care he can do whatever he wants he's got nowhere to be he's banned everywhere yeah that's true but he can do whatever he wants i don't give a [ __ ] literally i think all of his fans grew up and moved on by now literally literally anyway so here is a leafy simp in the howie studio interesting huh but there was a channel where the channel that was banned total bull so bad i just i don't i don't at all okay abella bill that's what i'm saying but you also have that i'd like to call people out you guys are you could you could call me out it's fine i'm not calling you out howie why are you bringing on here to call me out you're so nice and malibu are you [ __ ] with me yeah i'm very sensitive don't [ __ ] with me oh my god i'm just i don't want you to worry about it okay but i think that's like i'll be honest with you that's kind of like the propaganda i think of some really bad people on youtube the same people that take like the 10 second clip and put it on youtube wait i keep missing the context sorry getting kicked off youtube well i think that let's stop talking about that joke is controversial i did i thank you what did i do that what did i do to warrant ah they'll say okay this is good and we're gonna greenlight it and now you know you can trust that your video is gonna stay up and it's monetized it's not going to get taken down and they'll give you notes they'll say well we're going to we're going to give this a mature rating and they'll tell you the notes so you can make changes and resubmit it so that's really good except we do our show live so sometimes we do whoopsies on the live show whoopsies yeah but they give you a little like the nra but they give there's something they're way more lacks with you than some other no no no i mean you're still on and you're pretty controversial what did i do that what did i do to warrant what you tell me no but i just won that kicked off youtube well i think that let's stop talking about that joke is controversial it is controversial yeah but i think that there's wait no you have to see the whole so this i was like you know it got a little contentious they said why are you even allowed on youtube and also you're dangerous yeah at a certain point it felt like you were in the principles i was like whoa okay this is interesting on text howie i think you're dangerous [Laughter] you're a menace to society a lot of other channels that you've called out too that have ended up getting their like channel taken down or blocked not a lot but you are also the that that was another thing that i noticed there's an intervention what's going on here no i'm not i'm i'm sorry i hope you're not offending you no i'm not no like i said i'll talk about anything well that's what i'm saying but you also had this i like to call people out you guys are you could you could call me out it's fine i'm not calling you out howie why are you bringing on here to call me out you were so nice he was calling me out though he said i'm dangerous come on howie let's do this well are you [ __ ] with me yeah i'm very sensitive don't [ __ ] with me oh my god i'm just i don't want you to feel bad i just i don't i don't at all okay oh but i think that's like i'll be honest with you that's kind of like the propaganda i think of some really bad people on youtube the same people that take like the 10 second clip and put it on youtube they have this like uh conspiracy theory that i'm best friends with susan wojcinski even though i met her once like three years ago maybe even longer and took a picture and that's the only time i've met her and there's this conspiracy theory that like oh ethan gets away with whatever he wants and everyone else gets banned it's just total [ __ ] i i've gotten two strikes i've been suspended twice uh you know i've gotten into trouble i don't know what else you want me to what what i don't i don't know what people want are they they they're pro they want more channels to get kicked off i don't get what's no i think what we're asking or what we're fascinated people always get in trouble like do you have an example of a channel that was banned that that you want to compare me to no i'm more well yes kind of okay i was talking to my brother ahead of time and he was saying brothers and i don't really know the back story behind that so i'm going to tell you ahead of time i don't have a lot of information but he was telling me which is always the issue right yeah but there was a channel where some guy was um making fun of or saying negative things about a woman in her picture i don't know if he is no he's saying no he's saying no yeah so this guy okay first of all that is just another guy that have nothing to do with made like 13 videos about a girl make calling her ugly and harassing her and all this [ __ ] and youtube said they they suspended his channel and he's been in trouble a bunch of times they thought it was egregious enough i got nothing to do with that i don't know why people need to compare what happened to me him to me it doesn't make any sense to me i'm not and i'm not that reckless okay like rarely you guys don't watch my show and that's no fine i actually do i don't know why they try to i don't know why they insist they're fans the first thing she did and it's fine you don't like you don't have to watch the show she uh i think yeah you watch friend of me yeah okay but like she goes she one of the first questions she asks she's like um so frenemies is coming back i was like no yeah that was just a troll on all of her treats well yeah but like you know it's okay not to be familiar with though i accept that i'm controversial but it's not like every episode i'm saying the nra no no that was a one-time thing right and that's a one time we were all kind of i was like someone needs to the nra i i had all these thoughts stewing in my head and that came out and then we kind of like we're like whoa walk that back nobody you know we did a whole kind of bit and it was funny and i get that i was banned but i'm just saying i'm not always saying the nra hallie but you realize that you should do that because this is live i'm probably gonna it's not live is it because this is not live yeah because this is not live i'm probably gonna like and i wouldn't do that you wouldn't edit a lot of you saying that what the nra stop saying it oh my god just because it could be taken out of context i don't know it's already been now it's fine um what else do you want okay sorry i'm gonna get over this but i guess there's some good moments here i'm enjoying watching it back you know um because it was definitely such a unique uh uh interview i don't know it just went so sideways it was kind of fun it was fun and crazy what was the other part you wanted me to watch the very end whenever they were trying to cut it off and you're telling them don't end it oh yeah yeah i was i was ready to keep talking but how we i guess they they're one hour it's one hour guys so he cut my ass off oh wait why am i more on i'm controlling it on my computer screen where nobody can see it idiot thank you yeah yeah that's a nice that's a nice tech you guys have there yeah so anyway it's a phone so will you plug it in she can hear me that's that that that you can't take that okay so she called ela and she's with theaters can i talk words in my mouth then they then i said can i talk to your sister you make me sound like an [ __ ] when you say it like that then i said and then to get some sort of just a conversation going she can hang up on me i will say that so this is how we he wants us to reconcile one of the most epic um he doesn't understand the gravity of this of this fallout right yeah so he's like let's get him everyone on the phone let's make up right now this is gonna you know and obviously it was never gonna happen and he again he doesn't understand the forces that he's playing with there he's in the dark arts man he just doesn't know what he's doing um so that's what he's talking about hang up on me he could hang up and say i don't want to talk you could say whatever i just want to call her and do that and it's very funny because uh your your uh husband has been very verbal and and uh not confrontational but i made them very uncomfortable he did make me really how he has been stressed because don't do that no but anyway he's made me really uncomfortable and i said don't say that he says the thing is i could say anything i can do it i didn't say that i'm honest no he goes i'm honest and i own what i do i didn't say i can do or say anything then i said can i talk about words in my mouth then then i said can i talk to your sister you make me sound like an [ __ ] when you say it like that then i said can i talk to your sister-in-law and he said well that i gotta ask my wife about yeah apparently you're that's actually a good observation by howard yes because there we were talking about like all this crazy [ __ ] and then the minute he brings up trisha i was like i can't do that i can't talk so yeah that was on top england's off limits that was a really funny observation it's a whole thing no i know but here's the thing okay i give up i give up i give up thank you for being on the podcast gila theodore you have been wonderful and ethan you're a treat um don't take anything to the nra uh ryan cavanaugh for all i know can you take guns to the nra you're not allowed to that's funny isn't it yeah it's not i'm not going to hold off yet i'm going to don't sign the [ __ ] off don't do it i'm doing it i have one more thing to say say it over the music oh [ __ ] ryan cavanaugh is a piece of [ __ ] and everybody [ __ ] knows it that guy [ __ ] sucks all right i love that that was just fine yeah but honestly overall i was really nervous about it coming out and the comments were like so so nice and supportive i really want to thank the fupa troopers out there for i don't know the comments were just so so nice and so gracious and uh it really made me feel like supported and loved and you know that's not a feeling that you get all the time especially online especially me yeah and uh it was it was honestly really nice so thank you guys for all the nice comments really really nice it's awesome really really nice uh so shout out to one of the weirdest interviews i've ever done and i don't do a lot so the i don't know the bar is not that low [Applause] oh wait here let's watch this this is howie mandel does stuff the trailer 3 000 views that's okay howie mandel welcome next door new podcast do you know when we were on lunch bring that's your boys let's go get the giant laptop bro and shoot his [ __ ] ridiculous podcast this is howie mandel does stuff oh my god by the way his guest list is insane he has had like some insane guess that's why i told you to do it yeah but okay we did it yeah there you have it folks how he freaking mandel this man is clouded up clouded the [ __ ] up yeah you wanted me to promote it so so here it is you're definitely going to be the most viewed by tomorrow too yeah probably super troopers man you guys are the best thank you guys family family family family family family family family family you know it really makes me think about um how deep the lore goes on this channel when you kind of go outside and it's like wow it's hard to explain some of the some of the story arcs that go on here the tricia one is is uh that's deep lore bro that is like you need like a three hour documentary on that one and they're out there trust me they're on youtube there's like an expanded universe for that yeah not to mention the hvh lore going even further back true it's pretty wild yeah thank you guys for for being here thank i really truly mean it it was so nice to read that i i really was touched and usually when i'm when i do other people's shows i'm always like ugh everyone's gonna [ __ ] hate me and um everyone in the comments is gonna just be like [ __ ] ethan but luckily howie doesn't have any fans and they're all of my fans so all the comments were really nice so that was a change of pace uh the four thousand people that how that do watch howie's podcast all hated it but they got drowned out by all the lovely fans who went there so thank you everybody we love you howie it's what it is he stalked me to my car and he got the show i actually told him i told him i texted him after i was like you should probably bleep the bomb so because i don't want you to get a strike because of my dumb ass so i'm glad that they bleep the the b word there well okay let's move on from howie we've got a lot of juicy gossip to talk about and also we have a call from a very distinguished uh person who's going to call in real fast now this is a guy that i have spoken very highly of i'm a huge fan should i get them uh set up yes get them set up and i'll just set them up here okay yeah so you guys have seen this guy his name is mikey and i just i'm such a fan of him he's such a talent look at this dang this one just dropped today [Music] dude what the [ __ ] his lip goes so fast when it starts turning up dude he is such a talent i [ __ ] love his videos oh god this is his uh most famous one this is the one that started it all that i just fell in love with 4 million likes so this this guy's internationally recognized dude he gets the timing so good his face is so [ __ ] funny uh i absolutely love mikey and so of course loving him i wanted to check in and hear from the man himself i'm sure he has so much to say here's another one two three million likes so this is a big deal for me but it doesn't want to play oh we got so we got him oh yeah we got mikey guys and it's like it's like the [ __ ] boy sexy eyes you know all right so are we ready for mikey or uh i'm getting them in right now i have more one second yeah let's keep watch one more so we actually we worked really hard to get mikey um we went through agents and managers and uh coordinators [Music] yo the sound effect he uses called hollywood studio hollywood studio sound effects 14. that's awesome what else is on here they used it too [Music] hollywood studio is like a big um like sound effect library like there you go you pulled it from the from the kings like a lot of sound designers use it as kind of like an industry standard [Music] all right [Music] so mikey is here the legendary huge fan mega talent uh coming up big time mikey legend i love you so much you are such a talent hell yeah oh oh yeah i mean we get an audio with the sound all right we're not hearing you oh yeah oh oh [ __ ] so whoa dude what the [ __ ] that's how he actually talks yo mikey i assume it's just a bit just to prove that this isn't a that this is live can you put up two fingers or something okay yeah so how'd you get started in all this [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] whoa okay interesting um i've never heard a story like that wow fascinating story there mikey i thought that was great he's like well well did you i feel like we we were asking you about how you do it and you said it doesn't take you very long at all to learn these sound effects and it's super super easy for you you might be some kind you might be like a human metronome like some kind of rhythm savant is that possible right thank you for that no that's yeah for real by the way mikey's on cameo which we love tell me you just do the sound effects on cameo please i'm begging don't talk [Laughter] guys mikey's on cam oh okay okay wait he's got more to say yeah i'm sorry i want to interrupt you yeah okay well mikey's on cameo guys uh mikey we'll put the link in the description but it's mikey k8 is that right mikey mikeyk8 okay great was there some was there some ones from the show we wanted to uh try out here or nah oh yeah we did provide him with some uh earlier um if uh you wanna show those off real quick where is this [Music] this should be wow i love this guy my you might be one of my favorite tip talkers so i'm just super happy to actually meet you and every time i see you on my homepage i get super stoked the new one you just dropped is straight fire cool awesome well i'm glad i'm glad yeah this is the new one by the way this was so good man how do you make your mouth go so fast yo that's insane straight fire mikey 88 on tick tock as well with two y's why do you have two wides all right i think we're having some connection issues oh is that right well mikey uh he's non-verbal or no he's not he's very verbal he doesn't use english oh okay there you are [Music] whoa bro damn you sense that oh [ __ ] wow well it was really nice meeting you too mikey is so nice and i just want to encourage everyone to go visit mikey on tick tock go to his cameo because he's going to be having i can imagine your cameos are insane right yeah i have an idea maybe someone could send you a sound effects or something for you to remaster for them or something like that would you do that on cameo yeah yeah yeah yeah okay great all right stop trying to seduce me mikey with that lip bite all right well mikey thanks for checking in it was so nice to meet you we're gonna have to bring mikey back for like his insight on you know well let me ask you this mikey um let's see well you know russia and ukraine obviously have been uh doing battle and there's really no end in sight and it's just such a tragedy what do you think is the best way to end this conflict uh peacefully and you know just just just wrap it up there with the best way possible huh [Music] right you know this maybe those are doves which is a a animal of peace that is interesting yeah the insight was was was an interesting one it was beautiful all right mikey thank you for that yeah we'll have to get your insight uh when if anything else comes up mikey uh mikey88 guys and i just added all of his info in the description his tick tock handle and a link to his cameo show some love the greatest the man wow wow all right take care mikey thank you so much appreciate you there how about that huh totally unexpected that was beautiful i really expected him to use words but but he didn't yeah he just why would you have sound bites why would you have that expectation well i don't i guess i don't know maybe i was [ __ ] up to expect anything else so funny though i love his ass all right let's move on to the juice shall we we shall um oh god the james friend application you guys this was so bad i just saw it this morning uh you know how james was trying to pick up boys and the dms of all the social medias oh i remember and so he in his big apology video he's like i'm not gonna use social media for uh dating apps anymore because obviously as a horrible way for james who has shown that he's a predator my for you page and explore page are not dating apps right that's what he said so like he promised the world he says okay i'm not gonna do this anymore but here's the crazy thing he literally can't help himself and that's what we were said from the beginning he's pathological this man is a predator so much so that he actually put out a video begging people to he he's looking for a new best friend like yeah you know i'm sure he's just looking for new best friends this is [ __ ] james doesn't want to hang out with some [ __ ] basic like pleb fan or whatever you know what i mean like james charles is a [ __ ] clout demon from day one bro he's not trying to hang out with any normies i'm just being real i was a little confused because by the end of this he mentions finding his soul mate yeah yeah so here check it go check this out guys you're going to love it real quick even the first second of the video james makes a noise oh yeah and i'm voting soundbite of the year right there man okay okay unreal man okay interesting let's let's see oh okay wait wait let me getchas oh i need more spontaneous now do you have it already oh oh oh that is good right dan hates it you don't like that dan what's wrong with that oh all right let's watch this well done well done your ears are trained my ears are so used to you're like neo you see the world in sound bites dude it's just such a no oh or maybe that was his intention i don't know it's gold so thank you james for that beautiful grunt [Laughter] oh no it'll lower it all right all right let's watch the [ __ ] let's watch the video i can't get out of it [Laughter] all right he says i need spontaneous friends get a load of this goddammit why would the sound work all right [Laughter] all right ready i need spontaneous friends oh where do i find these people all of my friends in my life are very much like scheduled in advance let's do next friday at 4pm type of people which is fine there's nothing wrong with that but i need people that are down for literally anything at any time you want her to go to dinner i'm ready you want to go to a movie which one do you want to see you want to do an escape room let's do two okay you want to go to the beach at night i'll bring my bathing suit i'll bring snacks so you can stop and get drinks on the way you want to go laser tagging [ __ ] i'm ready wanna go rock climbing thing oh you name it bro he literally wrote submit applications like there's nothing more natural than submitting an application to be someone's friend yeah absolutely that's what's up baby that's how you do it from everywhere in my room now uh now i'm seeing here you have uh you had five years of friend experience with the jeremy now can you tell me a little bit about that uh and and i see a gap in friendship here of about two years can you explain that to me oh man i'm there and i'm ready for a good time where are these people submit your applications because oh i'll have to pull that one too man different version oh [Laughter] really got me about this video guys is that he actually puts a call to action for people to email him applications uh-huh and i'm going to be writing i thought maybe he was just speaking like oh man i wish i had friends who were down to do anything anytime but no he really asked people to email him that's [ __ ] crazy and you know you know what he's really looking for let's be honest he's trying no he's not into older wrong directors you know what he's looking for and he's just trying to circumvent his oh no i'm not looking for partners on social media today so he goes no i'm looking for a best friend i can spend all my time with yes do everything together with this is insane for anyone that's his size with his amount of following but oh yeah specifically it's interesting that's so true aby like anyone in his size to put a call out for people to come be their friend is like michael jackson level weird and like that's basically what michael jackson did to little boys [Music] imagine a world where a known predator is getting tons of emails from young people around the world who are desperate to be his friend what the [ __ ] bro you are sick dude you are sick you're pathological you can't help it it's crazy and we we called this we said he can't help it and um i didn't expect that it would be this public and this uh soon after he got in trouble that's something that i can't turn off wow that's a good that's right on the nose we work on that so let's go to the next one there's a bomb i just checked my dms and i'm getting so many sweet messages from you guys being like let's hang out i'm in la let's do this let's do this activity i love the energy and i would love to hang out with you guys i'm sure you're all so [ __ ] fun i have a really interesting thought and maybe this is a conversation podcast in the future because i feel like this is not going to fit on my instagram stories and it's like very not deep but whatever um one thing that i like is really interesting and frustrating about being an influencer or a celebrity or whatever you want to call it is it is really really hard to meet new people and make new friends 10 year olds right away and the life that i live is abnormal right it's really hard to meet new people because you don't know what their intentions are you don't know you know by the way he's doing like such a flex with his house and backyard in the background he's clearly looking for a [ __ ] toy a fuckboy toy like it's so obvious bro it's disgustingly calculated this man is a predator bro he cannot help himself do you understand that yeah really sad that didn't sound genuine james you know ela said submitting my applications right now ela no don't do it well he's he's not into to whatever he's not into you so you can submit it hilda so um oh no let's continue the reason they're trying to get close to you and that really sucks did you just pick his nose bro he literally just picked his nose i would love to meet you i'm a very social person i love the friends that i have but i'm always down to you know hang out with new people and try new things i really wonder all the time if i was not in this position right i was not an influencer maybe i like i never became an influencer after high school i just checked my dms and i'm getting so many by the way so i'm gonna go to the next one obviously but you gotta realize how he's like messages i got so many message from you guys and i would love to hang out with you but like obviously i'm not i was waiting for the bug uh uh yeah well here let's go to the next one i got a normal job after that because i would have graduated last year and now it's like living a normal life i always think to myself in that scenario what would my friend group look like what would my inner circle look like and who have around me because i have no idea almost every single person in my life now who i love dearly i'm not complaining but are people that i have met either on the way up or at the top so there are other influencers or people that i've been able to build trust with over a very long period of time it's very hard for me to meet new people and to trust new people because there's a lot of factors right but i always think to myself in like a different universe if my path had went a different way would i be in a relationship would i have a you know amazing group of friends would i have a best friend's soul mate that's like you know my thing that i hang out with every single day but i've never met them because our path went a different way and if so how do i find them because i want to meet those people i don't care if they're regular or have zero followers like i want amazing people amazing people in my life like i haven't seen people in the knife but i want more amazing baby translation i always wonder if i wasn't famous would i have gotten away with it could have hooked up with these young boys and no one know about it yeah i mean and he's well yeah and also in other words i'm just a long a really long way of saying i'm trying to [ __ ] people in the audience again and i always wonder how could i get away with it thank you i can't say the application the use of word regular sorry for cutting off but the word regular hanging out with regular people i don't know something kind of weird yeah it's a little uh he's and yeah the way he talks about himself is just so ridiculous on my way up and when i was at the top like [ __ ] to the top god i made it to the top nobody more famous than me by the way people always say i pour my sodie so delicately i hate when it goes flat but sometimes when you pour it too fast all the carbonation goes out and then i can't drink it cheers cheers i don't think james is interested in like famous people though because he likes having the power and control over yeah and that that's why he likes to eat them young too i would mention that the absolute youngest and hitting on straight guys as well he gets a throw out of that yeah likes the thrill of the hunt my luggage got a normal job after that in our lives right so that's the thing is like i would love that but i just don't know how to find them or if i do find them how to like vet them and make sure that they are actually amazing people they can be yeah uh when we need your application we're gonna have to do five rounds of interviews with my lawyers managers uh we we need to vet you properly i think it's time that we bro it's not that serious dude what the [ __ ] my dm's right now saying hey james let's go bowling hey james let's go to the movies and i would just be scrolling past not having a clue in the world that like that person was destined to be a soul mate oh isn't that sad to think about i think people i've never thought about that in my life uh frankly it's never crossed my mind where'd that come from where did soul mate come from yeah i know i thought you were talking about friends and all of a sudden he had some soulmates some friends to go bowling with watch some movies i mean some rock climbing he said play some video games escape his bedroom or escape the room thank you escape the room yeah wait escape room escape the room i just i find this whole thing just genuinely depressing i mean here you have a predator in plain sight on youtube on instagram literally telling people to email him his young underage fans young fans to email him is this not insane i mean i think he needs to go to jail i think i think i i i don't know how to stop him he's already committed crimes they just didn't press charges that we know of yet but james needs to go to jail i'm dead serious he's going to be youtube's bill cosby or harvey weinstein when it comes down to it because he can't help himself i mean genuinely seriously you can't just let it slide please not this one buddy damn you got the whole chat tree down for james sack oh yeah we could call people with him yeah the james charles escape room would be pretty that alone would be scary as [ __ ] it's so sad what do we do about james charles i mean he's a menace to society there you have it that's the james scoop i don't know if people are care or angry or what but it's downright disturbing [Music] let me look up his channel what's he up to lately i always like to check in little kids paint my body challenge what the [ __ ] that ain't right hi sisters little kids play pinned the tail on the donkey on my body what the [ __ ] that is not right to be on youtube come on man bad actually his views are kind of slumping like 12 days ago 400 000 that's that's quite low eh love that for him he's going to be regular person real soon i mean i mean yeah you won't have to have this problem anymore buddy just give it another year and then you won't have to worry about it again 400 000 is a lot right but i have to remind you guys used to get like 20 million views per video yeah definitely let's see dream closet charles here and welcome back bro your sweater is half off your sweater's not on dude is that boomer of me but like what the [ __ ] is this look is this boomer olivia am i being a boomer um this [ __ ] has got his arm out is one of his arms straight out not in the sleeve what did he was he putting it on and then got distracted and forgot to put the other half on it was certainly a choice to not have it on i have seen people wear it like that but not as a blatant like choice of presentation you know what i mean he was too caught up in sending a snapchat yeah he got he got a dm from uh a young boy and he forgot to put on his sweater all the way exactly [Music] all right let's take a look at his closet [Music] do you think that's copyrighted oh no i'm saying this is the escape room james escaping james charles closet let me get this because i don't know damn bro where's the candy drawer i wonder how much money he made from his heyday and all his makeup stuff clearly he's ballin wow he does it all uh he's the first ac and my home which is crazy to think about it feels like yesterday that i bought this house and moved and of course when we did i posted my full house tour so you guys have seen this closet beforehand obviously you guys know i've been working on my fashion game pretty intensely over the past couple of years with my amazing stylist lina i went from wearing the same valenciaga sock shoes and adidas track pants every single a little bit more of an expanded fashion forward wardrobe and in today's video i want to take you guys along seven bags let's see what people watch right here it's the biggest moment what is this i really don't have that many like nice jewelry pieces i pretty much wear all of them at all times and the other ones are elsewhere but a lot of this stuff is just like fake it's just funny did you hear that i thought i heard the voice of a child screaming help yeah i thought did you hear that i thought i heard something weird there too what's this wave of you know accessories i'm going to show you guys my accessories i swear i heard a little boy screaming help yeah damn that's crazy though what the [ __ ] was that it's a it's like a dick dog sound you know accessories i'm going to show you guys my accessories drawer i keep a lot of my costumes yeah why is this okay [ __ ] you uh keep playing it okay yeah but let's listen listen now we have some products sorry lina we have these kind of ones you hear something play it again obsessed with these i just bought these in vegas a couple weeks ago hello can you see yourself in there can you see yourself i hear children screaming is that what i hear yeah i'm playing keep playing what the hell is going on over there that's weird hi that's you and then my favorite pair in the interview right there it was a little it was a moment of quiet there maybe if i go back we can hear it clearer to you guys is this pair of balenciaga runway glasses so these glasses are metal like apollo the bird tall all right what is this made of anyway stupid ass i hate that [ __ ] these are metal sunglasses they look so what has you got like a whole army of kids in there i don't know sounds like a whole gang of them it's really low but oh chic see if you can isolate that yeah wait let me try to find the quiet a quiet part here this part has no sound for videos and instagram photos oh my god yeah i'm trying to eq it a little bit sunflower print interesting oh disturbing that's weird well there you have it guys oh james charles is still a creep oh check this out real quick uh i'm on love boats i mean a creep is doesn't even go far enough you know oh yo those are the same specs yeah i mean i know that jimmy does ball so it's possible they both have the um well james charles clearly copied him right you know the jersey outlaw is always setting trends and i wouldn't be surprised jimmy better or not man they both live outside the law so it works right yeah they're both outlaws yeah jimmy should apply to be his friend yeah sign up by the way we have a really funny jimmy lee thing coming up on friday that i'm super excited about yeah it's all wrapped right i can talk about it um [ __ ] i mean there may be additional okay never mind yeah strike that from the record into w working progress walk out walk that one all right so then let's talk about obviously the whole david dobrik jeff whitic thing was a huge story and david dubrick as we know wait what's this holy if you pause it he gets really close to the camera if you pause it you can actually see in the reflection of his glasses there's kids in cages right behind the camera that is insane dude what what an oversight so embarrassing holy [ __ ] oh wow holy [ __ ] bro wow oops oh no actually i just want to say that was an amazing one cam i love that was really yeah clever and great yeah [Applause] [ __ ] love that [ __ ] dude it's so funny thank you cam just sent that and he said did you notice his sunglasses so yeah jeff as you guys know david dobrik uh dubrick took a excavator out to a lake and without any supervision or first aid or permits or any uh oversight he slammed jeff whitak into the excavator and almost killed him he got brain damage and his eyes one of his eyes is basically almost non-functional he's had like i don't know 12 surgeries or something on his eye and so you know jeff's this hard ass guy he never he doesn't want to be the snitch or sue anyone or anything but i kept telling him dude you should sue him this is why civil lawsuits exist like this is the reason this man [ __ ] your life up and it was completely negligent um and if you died he'd be in jail right now i'm sure of it so jeff actually did it tmz got i guess does that mean that jeff sent it to tmz that must mean that he tipped them off or something right yeah i'm not sure i was a little confused where they got the info from but they reached out to david and didn't get a response but i don't know where they got but tmz reported it so i'm pretty sure like i don't think they [ __ ] up they're they're pretty good with this stuff i think david dobrik uh jeff wood excuse for excavator stunt gone wrong claims he almost died um david dobrik should not have been behind the controls of a massive massive excavator used in a social media stunt gone wrong so says a youtuber now suing the influencer saying he's suffered serious injuries as a result in the lawsuit obtained by tmz he must have given it yeah i want it where's my copy jeff i'm gonna see that why would your best friend uh cut you out like that you guys are best buds wait what you used to always say that you were oh yeah oh okay yeah no we are besties yo should i should i dm she's pretty fast to respond okay let me see if he'll send me a version go to my dms jeffy boy i mean it's possible that tmz just got it uh via the court system i'm pretty sure they know can i monitor that [ __ ] i think if so someone would have the version of the lawsuit out by now because that'd mean everyone would have it i suppose right if it hasn't actually been filed yet yeah it seems like all the articles lead back to tmz's reporting so i don't think it's out or what when you okay when you file a lawsuit it does become public right so i guess it takes a couple days maybe to go up so but i'm still surprised it's not viewable well i said yo can i get a copy of the lawsuit let's see what jeffy boys got for me my bestie jeffy in the lawsuit obtained by tmz former vlog squad member jeff whitic says he traveled to utah lake in the summer of 2020 with david and a group of friends to shoot videos as part of dubrick's social media comeback i love that i just love that whole story it was part of his big comeback all right whitake says the plan for one video was to use an excavator operated by dobrik with one hand guys remember because he was filming on the other shot gotta get that shot and let me let me ask you this which one do you think he was more focused on driving the excavator or getting the shot i think he pulled a total of brant and just focus on the shot no i'm gonna go ahead and say it was 50 50. nope zach's right wrong answer dan he pulled a lebron my point is that 50 50 is probably still a low enough bar that is giving him way too much credit dude but the point is is that it should be a hundred percent of your focus on operating the giant piece of machinery that can kill people very easily zack's right they pull it a little bran yeah of course right they say you know they when you get like some kind of medicine they say do not operate heavy machinery right they don't have that on cameras but i guess it's self-explanatory do not drive a car while filming on this camera wedding says the plan for one video was to use the excavator and the water including a wake board we know all that however when it claims dilbrick then suggested people get swung around by the machine that he was operating by only only holding the rope whittake says when it was his turn david started to swing him around quickly the docks claimed dobrik noticed he was moving the excavator too fast and slowed down abruptly causing whatick to slam into the side of the excavator causing him serious injury while he doesn't list the specifics of his injury in the lawsuit whitic has previously discussed what happened that day saying he almost died he broke his foot hip tearing a ligament in his leg shattering his skull in eight places i didn't know it was that bad he broke his foot and hip that's insane oh yeah yeah because his foot was attached to the rope right i would probably just yeah oh my god all bad that's brutal he fell face first toward the water terrific and you can't really get a more you can't really get more injured than that i mean that's it's devastating that's a devastating injury yeah i missed the mark with that one you sure did buddy weddick says as a result of the accident he's suffered wage loss that's got to be true loss of earning capacity that's got to be true racked up hospital bills he's suing for general negligence and intentional tort intentional torah he's suing for more than 10 million okay we reached out to a rep for david so far no word back dude this is going to be so interesting to follow intentional tort uh means intentional swords are wrongful acts done on purpose a person does not need to actually mean harm but the other of the other person ends up hurt anyways such as a prank that's it yeah i mean that sounds that's right on the nose actually it's a prank bro david dobrik's defense in court will of course be play that again it's a prank bro the most common intentional tort for which people contact an attorney is battery assault and trespassing so it seems like it fits within the um realm wow 10 million dude he oh to be honest he owes jeff 10 million dollars like let's just be real he owes him more than 10 million dollars for what he did to him good for jeff i'm glad he overcame his like uh whole tough guy bravado and actually just stood up for himself the right way yeah look i i can we just take a moment and see how david's doing you know that's true this news got to be really heavy for david actually it does betrayal yeah right i can't i feel you know we i hope david's all right yeah i just hope david's all right through all these hard times hard times yeah just to recap it was the uh casey neistat documentary if i'm not mistaken that sparked uh jeff being like [ __ ] this you know he's gonna betray me a certain way in this documentary which isn't true that's true yeah i've been defending him this whole time you're right it was from the kc dock which by the way i wonder when it's going to do a full release because most people still haven't seen it i hope it goes i hope it goes to one of the big streaming apps that would be awesome uh yeah it looks like it doesn't yet have distribution which is surprising honestly i think most of these big networks are so burned on doing youtubers [ __ ] they're probably hesitant to pick it up they've i mean every network i don't know how people are able to pitch these executives are so out of touch and these managers who pitch these shows like the hype house and the [ __ ] the uh with that kid had a show on netflix what was his name um chasing he was a vine star oh cameron dallas yeah jason cameron dallas i mean every time an influencer has made a show on a traditional media platform it's been an absolute train wreck waste of money for them i feel like this one is so different from all of that though i agree i think i think it someone should pick this up but it seems like those executives are really clueless like why the [ __ ] would people want to watch the hype house like this documentary is obviously way better produced well david even after all this [ __ ] came out david had a show come out in discovery mm-hmm yeah isn't that crazy that's just mind-blowing like right right right but you know we feel for david and we hope he's you know doing okay yeah actually on discovery um they have a new show coming out this fall james charles is touring all of his favorite elementary schools in the country and he's going to be basically meeting all the kids and just telling which one has the best playground because you know so that's really interesting america's best playground is actually the name of james charles new discovery show ladies and gentlemen actually discovery i just heard is giving they're they're giving a g lane a show play maxwell yeah yeah my favorite my favorite places to find girls to traffic and it's it's really interesting so g lane everybody on discovery also thank you to beezy for 10 gifted sub appreciate you for that keep the keep the applause coming keep it coming thank you to psy 10 bucks do you think a guy like dobrik but think to use mounted gopros instead of a one-handed one-handing it incident probably wouldn't have happened that's true but he's got to be in control you know there was like there was 10 10 plus points where all of this could have been prevented with just a little bit of forethought totally having a medic on standby or how about just totally i mean was jeff even wearing a helmet no no like how about just we're doing something really [ __ ] crazy maybe just throw a helmet on like it would have still got hurt but not like shattered his skull most likely you know yeah if one even one precaution was taken of the you know multiple that should have then yeah it could have been prevented or like a bi like one of their friends as a bystander that weren't doing the the like tricks on the excavator why why didn't anyone say like excuse me so according to jeff they did say let's not do this it's too dangerous i know that karina got off and she was like oh my god no no it's too dangerous yeah but but like there was an entire crowd of people there it seemed to me that people were nervous about it but like i think the pro part of the problem right is that david's power has that whole thing where he gets people to do [ __ ] they're not comfortable with well he's learning a very expensive lesson about you know actually being the leader or you know owner of right content uh because you know coming from a youtube world in a vlog world in this very casual friends group or whatever um and i'm not making excuse for him it's obviously still really stupid but um i wouldn't doubt that he didn't really think that way he didn't have that mindset at all um which if he did it's like oh if something goes wrong it's on me because this is my content yeah yeah yeah even if it's somebody else that makes the mistake you know suddenly you you start to think a lot more in terms of safety 100 100 percent by the way thank you to bz for another tenth other ten yeah that guy's off on fire go pz there was a few others earlier uh brett c and first sorry if that's not how it's pronounced but they both uh gifted five a piece so thank you to you thank you my my dudes so anyway that that's gonna be really interesting to follow actually and i saw emily baker was talking about it so actually that would be cool to see her covering that all that yeah i wonder if she i want a public trial yeah we should stream that that'd be yeah for real uh the other cool thing or not cool crazy [ __ ] up thing that happened so mike matt mal by the way my okay mike matt maljek malek okay thank you i mean that's how i heard them say it on the podcast i was watching a few days ago i think you're right matt i always thought it was magic yeah magelac yeah wait what magelac magic you all are saying it differently mike i don't know the answer so i'm malibu big mike big mikey that's so funny because that's what you always say zach that he [ __ ] his pants he was right he said it on multiple occasions that's so crazy yes so he talks about how he just bought a 4.1 million dollar house and it's obviously sponsored by this huge crypto scam you i don't know if you guys heard about this uh crypto thing called celsius and it was a huge platform and the way it worked is that you would give them your crypto you would lend them your crypto and they would pay you 10 interest annually now if you know anything about 20 are you [ __ ] serious right love am i getting that right wasn't celsius offering twenty percent interest on deposit i never used cell here's some fortunately yeah that's that's actually important to know because twenty percent is like just i mean it's absurd ten percent is obviously this game twenty isn't is absurd too five percent means everything five percent is is a lot even tougher five percent difference is astronomical it is uh oh maybe okay maybe oh on some it's so it depended on the coin on certain coins yeah like this one they were offering up to eighteen point six percent it looks like most of them are closer to ten percent like you said so between ten and eighteen percent still you know yeah so if you know me if you know anything about equity and investing a guaranteed return of 10 is literally a scam i mean that's what bernie madoff offered and it just doesn't exist there's no such thing as a guaranteed uh return on anything the most you'll ever see a guaranteed return on is like maybe at max two percent where it's like uh trustworthy the thing is if you put yeah you can make 10 year-over-year on the stock market but the thing is as you guys saw now stock market goes up and down and you can lose 40 of your net worth or whatever you've gotten there overnight so what these guys are offering no risk baby it's just 10 so that's a scam right and so celsius had bill how much was that company worth it was like a huge well-trusted company and these people in crypto are just such suckers because this is so obviously a scam and it got yeah you guys want to see what what uh banks offer uh just just this is just for comparison you can get a whopping 0.09 from banks on uh money market accounts as opposed to ten percent [Applause] banks are [ __ ] though that's [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't know why banks are such scum like that it could be higher wait just in terms of how low it is yeah yeah but your money's insured and if the bank goes under uh you know you won't get screwed unlike well your money's not going to disappear which is what happened with celsius yes correct so yeah celsius just all of a sudden they pause withdrawals everybody lost their money and so what's happened now how much did people lose in celsius that was one of the big reasons for the crypto crash it was basically a whole big connect thing all over again yeah there's some similarities to the big connect thing for sure but people get keep getting and so mike my point is is out here shilling an obvious scam disguised as a cool thing he used to buy his new house he doesn't ever say it's sponsored we know it's sponsored because if you even click the link it has a tracking url you can see here it says campaign social media campaign it's all being tracked so he's definitely got some deal worked out with the company let's listen to this and it's just so scummy you know because mike i just get so [ __ ] sick of those two guys mike and logan they they propped themselves off as up as these great guys and they're open i'm just i can't express this enough they're openly scamming people dink doink which i always bring up was a open [ __ ] rug pull and now mike is doing a total [ __ ] scam company i cannot express this company is gonna you're gonna lose all your money if you put it in this watch this growing all i had to do was make a down payment of 1.2 million dollars in cash and the house was mine let me go back wow it's time to work because we got to go quick and just like that i was back in escrow and all i had to do was make a down payment of one sorry but this is obviously an ad just look at how he's talking about it should i go back further i want the whole context 1.2 million dollars and the house was mine there was just one problem i didn't have 1.2 million dollars he's on jeff's step by the way the sidelines oh i was wondering interesting they must use the same studio because yeah i know so much [ __ ] money so now we had an issue this really was my dream home but i didn't want to sell the ap either because i just made such a big deal about buying it and i really like the furry little [ __ ] here's where things get interesting through some mutual friends i got connected to a company called arcade that specializes in nft backed loans so the deal went like okay arcade nft backed loans if your scam alerts aren't tingling already then i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on uh but this is great mike you are such a dumb [ __ ] for doing this a piece of [ __ ] you know this is a scam mic stop this [ __ ] this i would lock my board ape nft into arcade's protocol they would then give me a loan of usd coin against it i could then convert that usd coin into american dollars to help pay my oh why are we even debating if it's sponsored that he got a whole he got a holographic infograph from them what the [ __ ] he never even discloses does he it's so small does he disclose that it's a sponsored not that i could see in the description yeah he just says check it out so that's illegal actually i mean check it out with the bitly link it kind of no why is that no no no you have to say explicitly that you are sponsored by them and actually you have to tell youtube too bro there's that check box in the back end this video is sponsored uh is there a way to see if that is on no if he did it would say it here it would say this is a sponsored video right like on all of our broadcasts you'll see underneath it says this podcast is sponsored content what's epic about that link too if you click on it it says campaign oh he pointed it out oh yeah i'm sorry you were like i love when you do that i'm sorry it's because i'm listening to other stuff it's not that i'm not i know i know i'm screaming you're in the zone you're in the zone you're digging and then people go oh but it is funny when you do that hilarious i literally just said that like a minute ago but yeah he's in the trenches guys he's the best thank you we love abe thank you we love baby he works zazardo thank you thank you very much why does mike's voice sound like he was mike's voice sounds like he i got a bad feeling about this for some reason what [ __ ] is no just where you're going with this you don't like where i'm going i i don't know where you're going i'll tell you what it's let's let's ride it out let's find out mike's voice sounds like he was throat [ __ ] see i i i i'm by a [ __ ] crackhead with like late stage genital herpes or it also sounds like a man that shits his gym shorts at a 24 hour fitness that's what that sounds like yep throw that in there too but you guys know what i'm saying when it go you've seen those in sex ed the late stays stds where they just look like they don't look foul it looks like a lion's mane and it's like it's just insane so it's like what happened to your voice bro did you get throat [ __ ] by late stage herpes yeah i think i might have [ __ ] in my pants anyway back to the scam my down payment on my traditional mortgage it would hold on to my nft until i was able to repay the loan and then i would get the eight back this was perfect and just like that the problem was solved and i was about to be the first person to ever leverage an nft to buy a [ __ ] house they were about to make the transfer when the unimaginable happened bitcoin is down more than 50 percent from the highest investors getting jolted by volatility rippling through the crypto world crypto obviously right now getting crushed [ __ ] who is throwing all these [ __ ] curveballs so yeah the crypto and nft market [ __ ] the [ __ ] bed but because apes were such a strong project i was still able to make the loan happen so again this is all part of the script i feel like to be like what are they trying to do are they trying to steal people's apes but he's like yo but just because the mark this is the way of the clever marketing way of saying just because the market [ __ ] doesn't mean you can't still give do this deal yeah um to be honest their business model is even more baffling than something like celsius because celsius you know they basically you deposit your money in there and they promise you this interest and then they take that money and they trade with it they get the money right like you give them your money and then while it's locked with them and they're paying you interest on it they're then taking that block of money and betting on the market with it to try and make more money and that's how they theoretically pay out the dividends which works fine when everything is going up but then ponzi scheme right but then the market crashes and all of a sudden they don't have the money to pay out uh all that stuff and people want to withdraw their money they don't have it because it's tied up in their investments that all like even though it it's it's scummy makes sense to me this thing that he's describing you lock and you give them your board your [ __ ] stupid monkey jpeg and they give you a pile of cash and then you pay it back over a year or whatever something is fishy are they making money off of a board eight like you can't that's not divisible somebody said coffeezilla made a video about them that could be interesting to watch yeah i agree it makes no sense there's got to be something in there where like because it's crypto too i wonder what kind of contract you sign because in reality you guys got scared by the way we got some great donations holy [ __ ] somebody did thank you two stocks go down i can't read your whole name but i'm sure it's funny gifted 20 subs thank you so much little subs and somebody also donated 100 bucks vandal vandal said thank you buddy i did some fan art of ethan up on my instagram you want to pull that up at vandal check it out it's just like let me guys pull that up just yeah but obviously the whole thing is fishy as [ __ ] it's it's not making any sense oh that's pretty cool that's me dreaming of b-wording buildings nice thank you oh another 20 gifted another 20. from stocks go down uh i wish i could see the whole name memberships go up remembers go up oh hell yeah that way that's the other stocks go down members go up woo so anyway i'm just trying to figure out yeah what's the business model here he's the first pers [Music] let's just keep watching dumbass mike and so i had the ape appraised at today's value and was able to pull a 200 000 usdc loan against it which was enough to scrape together the 1.2 million down payment to secure my mortgage and the keys to my dream home and that leads us to today you are now looking at the very first half so that was probably the end of the sponsored read right yeah the remainder of the video is him showing off the house and stuff so yeah that's that's the gist of it but yeah what probably happened is they just paid him 200 000 for that spot right or more i don't know yeah who knows let's go to the website um so it's arcade.xyz are you checking out coffee's uh video on it how long ago did he make that video so this from four days ago yeah oh okay yeah you know this is about celsius oh yeah we knew about the whole celsius yes celsius is really interesting i mean it's just a catastrophic loss and i feel bad for people i don't know how long it's going to take for people in the crypto space to realize they're just being scammed by everybody well i think a lot of people are realizing it now celsius i think in we're in the period of time but you're right i mean like the [ __ ] was years ago and these things happen in cycles you know people kind of forget i mean look it's still worth a lot bitcoin right now is worth 20 000. that that's that that's a lot yeah and it's easy to forget but early on in the run of the show uh in you know 2017 early 2018 was the last time that crypto was having like a big blow-up moment or whatever and people were freaking out because bitcoin was up to think it peaked at like 18k or something so it's actually still higher than it was before the last crash yeah in 2020 i'm looking at it in 2020 it was worth about 7 000 throughout the year so it's still way up that there's still way more money in this yeah but last time there wasn't all of these like [ __ ] coins like that's kind of like the new thing i mean some of them did exist but you know the the level of hype and investment going into all these so let's click mike's uh a partner app and let's see what kind of [ __ ] is it says calculator let's see the calculator it's just a normal bank wait this has nothing to do with nfts the way they make money is just interest and you lock up your nft so if you can't pay the interest they take that's the collateral right it's just like a bank yeah but that's the thing is like so he gives them his stupid monkey jpeg and they give him two hundred thousand dollars and then the whole market crashes and they've got collateral of this monkey jpeg that is definitely not worth two hundred thousand dollars no one would ever use that as collateral right well so like what incentive does mike actually have to pay it back i mean unless he really likes it that's what i'm saying too i mean how are you going to enforce a crypto can you do predatory loans with crypto i mean it's just what do you what do you owe me you're like yo you owe me this virtual money i don't see a court enforcing that you could set up smart contracts i mean that's a way to get the money back i can choose interest rate that's the best part i can choose my interest rate what does that mean well so you want to borrow some money how much interest do you want to pay five low as possible okay good choice what about if you were lending will interest you yeah why don't you lend them some money that's the you see that other let's lend them money so so this is the celsius thing by the way so let's say i'm gonna give you a hundred eighth that's a hundred thousand dollars yeah that's crazy you know a hundred eighth used to be like five hundred thousand dollars right yeah uh choose your interest what the [ __ ] are you talking about well i'm gonna lend them yeah twenty percent i mean if i were you i'd lend it at like a hundred percent okay so it says oh the duration okay so let's say nine months okay check this out here's how you know this website's a total [ __ ] scam i'm lending them 100 each i still don't understand what the [ __ ] i mean it's just a calculator so maybe it's just for argument's sake and why 60 interest rate yeah i mean why wouldn't i loan my money to them in 60 interest it's a good deal i i'm just i'm so confused is anything changing in this when the percent changes i'm going to guess that you just lock in the money for a longer period period of time okay so if you do 60 if you want 60 back it says yeah in nine months right in their calculator the longest duration is nine months so these are all short-term loans so in in nine months you can get 45 percent return and you can make 63 000 on 100 000 investment in nine months money glitch yeah i know it's money duping glitch i'm just duping my coins yeah so this is a scam this this this is in this is the same thing celsius was doing it's actually even more egregious um this this is just an outright total scam they're going to steal your money for sure or it's just going to go under what i mean effectively they're stealing yeah they'll go under with your coins yeah exactly yeah i mean again that's just the calculator so i mean i i doubt you would actually get those interest rates but it's kind of funny to me that they even you know give the 60 options like who's giving you 60 on a loan if we do 60 percent i'm so confused by this calculator though i said they're they're just a middleman it looks like their peer-to-peer borrowing system where they trade nfts for coins yeah i mean yeah effectively but i don't know about peer-to-peer that would mean that there's somebody an individual not the company on the other side who's no they're not going to give mike 200 000 that's [ __ ] if you loan money it goes to them there's no period up here come on i mean they definitely get a caught either way yeah no they they're gonna hold the money there's no way they're just passing it to someone else that'd be mayhem that'd be chaos well i mean how the [ __ ] who's going to do that any payback no i mean they give money to someone else it doesn't specifically right they're a banker yeah peer-to-peer means you're lending someone else the money right right or or just that's what every bank does they give they use your money in the bank to give people loans it's our own business model right i guess maybe they're saying it's actually direct person to person rather than like i understand what you're saying it is at the end of the day right yeah well it's not to person-to-person um anyway so mike shield for this straight up uh scam so shout out mike but the other funny thing about the board apes that i've watched i watched that whole video by the way though nazi club i actually i didn't i i don't have it in the doc for today because i thought it'd be interesting to talk to hassan about it tomorrow because there is definitely a political slant to it too but if you want me to grab that real quick so we can shout it out um yeah i want to hey let me pull the board ape nazi club this guy made a video a youtube video that i really recommend everyone watch is by this youtuber named phillian and it's called board ape nazi club and he basically lays out indisputable proof in my opinion that this whole board ape yacht club is like a straight up nazi dog whistle it's crazy dude it's indisputable let me show you some of the basically this is the main like this one is is undeniable look at the watch this part here okay there's so many connections but there's a few that are like wow that's undeniable watch this part here prussia because that will play out later when we examine some of the bored apes both logos also have 18 teeth if you're unfamiliar the alt-right white supremacists and neo-nazis love that care hold on it's the exact day that hitler and board bia club was launched on april 30th which is the exact day that hitler died the launch of board ape yacht club was actually on the 23rd with a week-long pre-sale and they sold out before the 30th however they made it a point to tell the new yorker that it was the 30th i have shown this picture to various artists this is board ape yacht club's main logo that they use across all of their branding and social media accounts not too bad right how about now most of them laugh uncomfortably in sheer disbelief the audacity to do this is mind-blowing it does not take a genius to see that this board apiaclup logo is a direct copy of the toten cough the skull and bones represents death and was used by both prussia and nazi germany as a military emblem representing death heads i only mention prussia because that will play out later when we examine some of the board apes both logos also have 18 teeth if you're unfamiliar the alt-right white supremacists and neo-nazis love alpha-numeric code the number 18 is a symbol of yes so the logo is clearly there's no alternative explanation for that is there no it's obviously inspired by it and yeah i mean he sort of lays out the argument that um you know it may be that the people behind it are neo-nazis or maybe they're just [ __ ] 4chan trolls that think it's hilarious to you know ironically be super racist or whatever um either way i mean the end result is the same i don't think it really i don't know i think you have to be or not i think you have to be racist to do this because well let me go further down the rabbit hole so the name board ape yacht club comes directly from there's this saying in the alt-right like nazi uh people that originated on 4chan it was called um okay surfing this this was blew my [ __ ] mind surfing the kali yuga you've heard that right which that's actually uh not related to the board a name itself but it is i'll show you why to the name of the company yeah i know but right so i'm getting so anyway surfing the kali yuga is a phrase that's been used by like nazis and white supremacists on 4chan uh the kali yuga is like a phase of indian culture like the dark times and they're like just surf the kali yuga and pre embrace being the bad guy and so they go just surf the kali yuga or whatever so this is a known phrase yeah and it's all super anti-semitic and racist so the name of their company is yuga productions yugo labs yuga labs that's way too uh specific and then the other thing that blew my mind is that there's a telegram group in 2019 before board apes was made called it was a well-known group called cali yuga surfing club which featured alt-right anti-sjw and nazi-centric memes so listen to this kali yuga surfing club is literally the inspired it's like the same or a board eight yap club by cali or i'm sorry yoga labs yeah i mean cali yuga surfing club board abe yacht club so like um it's kind of weird it's crazy how the links that they went when you watch it um wait i just realized how he responded to me on twitter look at this yeah it's crazy the links they went to to pull this off and they have explanations to like they go oh yuga is the name of like a zelda boss and he's like dude that's like the most obscure boss in zelda ever but it's obviously racist dog calls and i actually found the whole thing disturbing this thing of them being like uh ironic racist [ __ ] posters didn't really buy it because they're just so intimately aware with this whole alt-right nazi neo-nazi memes and stuff i don't see how you can understand all that without believing it really disturbing stuff i said how he tweeted out makes me squirm and then i said let's go and he said uh howie said bro you tweet a lot let's go where so there you have it guys me interacting with highway let's go it's fun never mind what do you what should i say go just say it go for it tell them i have a certain building in mind that and i'll just say let's go to the nra don't do that why are you suggesting that it's a joke as a joke byob oh my god bring your own booze i got yes right of course i like chaos dan says one since i get a week off [Laughter] so anyway um it's really disturbing and then you get into the whole thing with the apes which is like super racists i mean let's be honest and you're like well maybe it's just a coincidence but it really is just racist it's so [ __ ] up i think uh you know wondering the point that he made which i think is is valid is it's you know one thing two thing maybe three things you can write off as a coincidence or as a stretch or whatever but this dude lays out a lot of connections like almost every single aspect of this entire project has these embedded messages and uh all kind of stuff um the one that i actually found the most slam dunk because it's so it's so specific is um you know all of the board apes are numbered and 14 the ape that is 1488 which is the uh you know sort of nazi yeah you know dog whistle uh of note um is wearing a jumpsuit with like the year that uh who was it it was like a famous nazi who was in jail um eventually died in that year uh and so the fact that um you know that particular number has this sort of nazi further nazi iconography contained within here it is ape itself it seems this is the board ape number 1488 if you guys don't know 1488 is like uh the 14 is kyle yeah the 88 is heil hitler yeah h is 14. and the 14 is the the 14 words which is sort of a message about uh that white supremacy so this is so this is the board ape 1488 and he has a jumpsuit with the number 19019807 right and so 1987 was the year that this famous nazi died in prison and is sort of like a um a uh icon amongst uh neo-nazis he was okay i thought that one maybe was a stretch because like lots of people die in prison yes but again the fact that you have multiple nazi references in the one that happens to be 1488 i mean it again and this is on top of logo looking like the ss symbol and all these guys having coded names for neon like so that was the point in the video that i was like all right yeah that that seems hard to what i was going to show you guys next is like these are the four founders and each one of their names is not as a nazi dog whistle and he explains how like each one of these names connects to some [ __ ] up nazi [ __ ] and he also shows that they're super into like cryptography and [ __ ] and they had this elaborate puzzle so where you had to like decipher codes for a for a prize and this is stuff that they do which i think he did a good job of proving that this is all intentional like in cryptography apparently you get rid of the zeros so it says 1987 but let me see 1987 nazi i don't know let's see what happens was his name rudolph hess it sure was okay interesting so it is a thing yep wow that's crazy yeah dude these dudes are sick and it's really [ __ ] up that like all these celebrities and [ __ ] got uh what the [ __ ] we got so many gifted subs which by the way ruff s wasn't just a nazi he was the deputy fuhrer he was you know essentially second in command of nazi germany so so yeah you guys should watch the video it's super super good i'm sure it's mature rated because there's like insane content throughout right also also they drop a f-bomb like second five and i always cringe when i see users do creators do that they just don't know you can't say the f-bomb in the first 30 seconds right just wait wait a minute nobody knows that yeah youtube should say that but yeah you guys should watch the whole thing it's a fillion and it's like people really need to know he's a great creator by the way i you know it wasn't until because he doesn't show his face in this video until very late in it and uh it wasn't until deep into the video where he popped up that i realized we actually knew him because he's done a lot of exposes um he was the one that did the big whizza expose um with the elk boys fake fake ferraris and stuff dude this guy's great yeah he's not out to him he makes some great content so this is a really important video i feel like and uh it just it's crazy how everything in the crypto space is either a straight-up scam predatory and now you're looking at the board eight club board yacht a club where the [ __ ] which is like the big successful thing that you think about on crypto and it's all literally nazi dog calls like [ __ ] nazi dog calls and they've built a whole empire they've tricked celebrities into talking about it i mean the whole thing is just embarrassing people just got absolutely it's it's it's it's disturbing and it's disgusting and like i really think people need to know more about this company it's so [ __ ] up um dude this guy gave this guy uh members go up wait is this the same one he changed his name holy [ __ ] one two three four five six how much do you give 100 100 oh my god thank you very much for gifted subs subs members go up my dude yeah he's making good on his name oh legend yeah we're a guy so i don't i found this whole video you should add like leaderboards for that kind of stuff yeah like twitch has that where like um isn't that a plug-in a third-party thing no it's just built in on twitch i went and a b was streaming like a week ago and i went uh and saw that zach was his number one gift suburb or whatever i was like that can't stand so i gifted one more than you zach so i took the plate on abs on abc's how much should zach give to you he gets it like five and i gifted like six it wasn't like the boys supporting boys yeah that's right sorry i think i'm number one on loves now this is a good race for a b you're right yes second i have a deal every time he does that i i shout out his song yeah well you scratch my back yeah i'll do it for freeze actresses so anyway there you have it it was really disturbing and i hope more people watch this this whole crypto space is just [ __ ] horrible from top down and uh that's crazy that's crazy this one what the [ __ ] psychos dude there you have it what else we got how long we've been going two hours 40 minutes let's see oh let's watch the keemstar one we waited okay now we're at the end everybody knows what we're here to do so keemstar is butthurt that ninja uh took his uh g fuel flavor cotton candy as you guys know g fuel and keemstar parted ways which was tragic and horrible the first time anyone's ever talked to a sponsor by the way yeah and uh you started that whole trend you monster i still feel like that whole thing was silly so silly nobody's ever lost a sponsor because of shitty things that they've done until you broke the seal well what was so funny is like him and a lot of channels so many channels were defending him just for that so [ __ ] dumb even like obviously even critical made a video being like ethan [ __ ] up she shouldn't have done that i love critical but i was just my point is that like that was an opinion that was echoed throughout the youtube space and they're like youtube is gonna change forever now when creators get in beef they're gonna call out each other's sponsors and ethan's open a can of worms and it's never gonna be the same fast forward like three years nothing [ __ ] changed nothing changed because it already was it was already like that obviously and always has been nothing [ __ ] changed like i didn't ruin youtube see you guys three years later we're all still here we're doing fine it's like god it's so annoying how they i feel like they all miss the [ __ ] point but anyway whatever uh i feel like i barely called out the g fuel thing too i thought it was just funny it was funny yeah thank you dan but okay whatever so he lost his g fuel sponsorship some would say because of me he would he would definitely and he had the i guess highly coveted cotton candy flavor now what does it mean that that's his flavor love you probably have an insight on this was that his idea or did they give him the cotton candy flavor right so as a g fuel connoisseur i can answer this uh so every creator gets to like the g fuel pitches a couple flavors and they get get to pick it and i guess keemstar picked the cotton candy uh i actually have it right here the old og one and it's honestly my favorite so i'm very glad it's back that's what i hear is everybody loves the cotton candy so i have a feeling that keemstar was making quite a bit of money certainly from that cotton candy one yeah but keem even if i even if that never happened i mean let's be honest the ninjas gonna make them a lot more money than you i mean hold on zach you don't deserve the cotton candy one anymore oh yes we have to he keeps playing that sound but there's no context what is that that's the point dude that's supposed to grow man it's a crime it's a little to not show this video it's a little inside joke we have around the office about ninja we all stand nina oh yeah i think it's time for for you all to come out of the ninja closet right now this is full of of nina stands so i love ninjas since love came to town yeah so can't so cam made this [Music] what is she freaking out about he uh he's he's it's promo for his master class and what [Music] [Music] what preceded this or i need the context of this i'll get the actual contact yeah i just want to see he was just excited like [Music] clearly like i don't even know but ever since love came to town in the states and he like expressed his love for nina that's all we talk about is nina and don't even say ninja we just say nina el nino anemia yeah love says it so it's like it's [ __ ] a ian sam abe like everyone just stands nina we get together in fortnite we all put on the ninja skin you know that's awesome it's rough wait can you talk in game in fortnight yeah so you guys should just dress as ninja and just make this sound can other players hear you no they can't hear you just oh you can imagine them yeah that's sad they don't let me play with them anymore because i didn't get the skin in time i did love that about pub g where you could talk to him oh yeah that was yeah yeah that was great dan maybe i won't out dan for this what that i'm not a ninja i'm i'm the i'm the hold out here i don't even play fortnite and i stan nina um but dan just i don't know he's not a fortnight stan nina dan hilter hater ass [ __ ] i don't have any problem with nina i have a problem with fortnite it's a little baby game okay so i wanna show us a thing oh is this called speaking of comments it's pinned tweet still to this day wait this is keemstar's pin tweet or cops yeah oh this was okay if this is what i think it is this is this is one of the great uh videos and another thing you did in this video is an absolute first for youtube you went after my sponsors you went after my sponsors today we're going to be looking at soar gaming now sword gaming isn't there like crazy slurs in this video closet oh yeah you're right yeah no no no no no no no no no he's right don't play this well i'll play up too but you guys get what you guys get words he says the unalive word uh he says he's racial actually yeah he's as the effsler a bunch yeah n-word yes something nina would never do man i don't know we stan nino right love yeah i want to show something though if you guys don't mind check this out what do you got the doc oh that's what it is tumblers yeah shaker but this is a rare one because when you flip this look at this look at this read the dock right boom what does it say now dog [ __ ] yeah wait does he know it says that no he's not on purpose it's an accident that is awesome how did you discover that uh i think like it went viral and i well i have that and dudes [Music] [Laughter] yeah uh what was i talking about i closed my browser oh yeah keemstar being a [ __ ] baby so anyway he's mad at ninja because he got the cotton candy flavor and he's he's mad because ninja uh didn't tell him beforehand because he thinks they're friends keemstar i think because he's an orphan he has like deep abandonment issues i'm just assuming i'm just making educated guess here right which is why he gets so i think i'm really identify the issue which is why he gets so crazy when he perceives people as like backstabbing or leaving him or going behind his back because he was abandoned by his parents where's your daddy when someone like me leaves a comment like um where's your daddy uh he doesn't know probably probably don't know where he is but um he probably has abandonment issues right so when i someone like me leaves a comment like oh yeah i know you guys don't like keemstar i don't either he freaks out because he perceives that as oh he's going to leave me he's going to backstab me and it's actually really sad because i think it really goes to a really unfortunate deep-seated trauma which i get you know i mean i i really do sympathize with that experience of his because i mean that's just so sad and horrible and so i think that's what happened with ninja that ninja didn't grovel the keemstar for the cotton candy flavor he has a total meltdown watch this everybody agrees with me right ninja steal my flavor he's a wrap for that but to the few people there definitely everyone i get it right now just to remind you this his partnership with g fuel ended like three years ago yes and so ninja gets his flavor three years ago and this [ __ ] after three years is now like this is my flavor you should have kissed the ring i mean it's nuts everybody agrees with me two years right ninja steal my flavor he's a rat for that but to the few people that are thinking i'm being petty i get it right you're right to look at this on the surface level and be like keemstar is just being petty i get it you're right but you don't have the context all right i've been friends with this dude since 2017. every time he's in drama every time the internet is mean to him and over the top not being fair to him i stick up for the [ __ ] dude i love when keemstar admits to [ __ ] like that which is what i've always said about him which is why i've always thought he's a piece of [ __ ] is because if he doesn't like you he'll lie he'll slander he'll try to ruin your life i mean really make your life hell and if he's friends with you he won't report anything bad that's going on and like he's news i mean it's just it's it's just disgusting behavior and it's he's always been like that uh he's been on my podcast i didn't report when when bad things happen to you and you [ __ ] owe me i'm still not even sure why he's been it's been two years bro two years well let's hear him out because apparently everyone agrees with him everyone so he might have a good point here all right i'll stop pausing as i you know i don't know i've been tight with ninja forever the fact that you know he goes the g fuel and says i want cotton candy because like look look the manager his wife and him are looking at this and they're like okay what flavor should we do what makes business sense and because my fans have been asking for my flavor to return cotton candy forever they're like okay let's just take keems now wait did they discontinue cotton candy love once she got yeah when he got oh they stopped selling the flavor yeah that's why this is very very rare right here oh interesting so there's been a cotton candy shortage yes so they brought it back with ninja basically that's going to go back to the full version it's a variation so it's not even exactly the same flavor right they brought back the cans not the actual powder which they're selling in walmart yeah i gotta say i i've never wanted to drink more in my life and i called like five walmarts yesterday he's not goofing he really no no one could help me ninja we're all in the blevins brotherhood here like this has to be more accessible was it sold out or did they not get it yet none of them had it yeah he was serious he was working you gotta roll those out man this could be a huge partnership ninja x g fuel cotton candy right in every walmart we could be sipping them right now yeah and it's a shame we're not it's a [ __ ] travesty you know it's a real travesty that we didn't reach out to g fuel and get the cotton candy flavor now that well to be honest right after game got dropped i did reach out to g fuel for a partnership and what's funny is they were they've been hitting me up basically my whole time on youtube and i just thought it was so weird to partner with g feel like i was like i don't i don't get it uh maybe i should i probably should have uh they're popular talk to them but i always thought it was just kind of odd and i don't really drink that stuff so i don't know klein kiwi flavor kiwi climb kiwi climb that's pretty good yeah but after this happened i was like yo let's partner up now like maybe maybe not yet yeah yeah but maybe we should reach out again it's been a while let's get that cleaned key we gotta be so awesome dude we could probably still get the powder versions oh right there would it be i said you just fed the drama channels i'm curious of the thumbnails wait what did i say by saying that you reached out to g fuel after keemstar you think so we talked about trisha who cares about you feeling gives a [ __ ] yeah they already have their lights yeah nobody pays look i'm excited to try this klein kiwi i think it'll be good wait how did i contact them before hold on let me write an email we gotta get we gotta get on this deal [Laughter] are we dead set on kiwi no it's just coming up with names ah i see strawberry kiwi why you got a different idea uh key lime i'm thinking klein flavor tea flavor do you feel interesting here i think she's asking is g fuel even good it depends on how you ask if you ask love if you'll say absolutely lovely loves that he only lives on g fuel i tried it when he was out here he he hooked us up with some and um it was one of the sweetest drinks i've ever tasted in my life it looked really sweet it was very [ __ ] sweet gamer fuel bro you know love got me hooked i was it's a little too sweet for me but i understand why uh people is there no sugar in it love yeah no sugar oh ethan raspberry somebody suggested i like that ethan raspberry i'm eating raspberry love was my g fuel somalia when we were living together he showed me the perfect amount of uh right to put in it yeah yeah the right amount to mix he was the best you think martin knows [ __ ] love about g fuel yeah he is the man what is that sommelier yeah face up face up ethan klein speaking pesto oh no all right i just wrote an email that we're very we're very passionate about g-fill and want to get it going we could sell a lot of jeep fuel yeah i'll move g fuel like they never [ __ ] seen would you want to be in a walmart with it like nina or like just an online exclusive i'm direct to consumer yeah did you ever did you ever see keemstar as gpool commercial oh yeah we made it he went to the carnival yeah yeah yeah we did a funny edit of it back in the day yeah one of my greatest songs i feel like keemstar nibble on your cheese oh yeah of course of course right right only recently surpassed by holding my burden holding my oh here we go here play that as we watch game stores do you feel ahead yeah [Laughter] ninja should take this and just put his face over keemstar the whole video keemstar would go to a carnival by himself i know this is so sad this is some sad act [ __ ] you don't have one damn friend it works so good good let's get it were you going to say something though the song just works so good oh yeah it does it does sounds like if you go to carnivals by yourself drink yeah he was daydreaming the whole thing i guess that's the concept but it wasn't that you don't need to daydream going on carnival right i mean he was already there it's not like you're literally there yeah go just go do the things that you're fantasizing about yeah it was a huge loss for kim the cotton candy thing was big he'd continue ninja would've came to me and said keem can i bring cotton candy back i'd be it's been two [ __ ] years it doesn't [ __ ] belong to you yeah it's g fuels flavor dumbass you didn't make it you stupid ass this is so weird to even put this video out is so unhinged like yes you have my blessing you're my homie go ahead rock it rock it like that he would have the full blessings but that's he doesn't need to kiss your ring what don't you understand god leave me he wouldn't why would he even think to ask that totally after two years or even even not it's like i mean i don't need the i don't know the logistics of how it even happened they were probably like yo do you want here's options of flavors like what love said and he's like cotton candy what do we think well doesn't he say at the end of the video that jessica reached out let's just keep watching it's not what happened okay ninja didn't say [ __ ] to me his wife contacts me and says hey we just a woman you know that uh we're we're launching uh a cotton candy can all right that was actually really thoughtful i think that they gave him a heads up yeah and it's not just yeah but his wife is his manager right right she she's he's offended ninja himself didn't yeah oh ninja's wife yeah she's a woman you send your little messenger that's awesome didn't say [ __ ] to me his wife contacts me and says hey we just want to let you know that uh we're launching uh a cotton candy can so they did let you know like what the [ __ ] do you want they literally told you ahead of time which was way more than you deserved all right they gave him a heads up but didn't ask permission again to sell a product that he does not own two years after he got two years after he got dropped what is he the [ __ ] dawn or something yeah he thinks he really thinks he is didn't [ __ ] ask for my blessing she didn't ask for [ __ ] you come to me on the day that i lost my final hair and you you don't ask for my permission to sell the cotton candy i sit here bald before you with the bandana tightly fastened on my head i'm losing oxygen to my brain from the bandana tight so so tightly and you have the balls to send you a woman to tell me you send your brother's wife to me you said you said you send your brawless what and when she came she was wearing a bra if you're gonna send your wife to me make sure she's not wearing a bra and make sure she bring a sandwich to show me some respect i shouldn't have to ask for the sandwich it should be unasked for you ninja you breaking my heart the cotton candy flavor it's my flavor i know it was you freedom and how dare you send a woman be man enough to tell me yourself hi keemstar i'm taking the cotton candy flavor just like i took the teddy fresh and i sit here before you and you've got this long beautiful blue hair i have not even single hair on my head ninja and you disrespect me so [Music] what's that from spongebob squarepants movie play the gun jesus that's interesting did you pull that just for that image uh i i forgot what else we were talking about but uh i don't know i felt like it could be funny yeah yeah justin yeah so she just [ __ ] told me that they're doing it right this is like weeks before it was announced and i'm like dude i'm gonna [ __ ] say something that that's not [ __ ] cool i'm gonna [ __ ] say something so i'm like you know what i let it i i calmed down for a little bit i talked to many other [ __ ] creators about the situation yo i was so heated up i had to calm down talk to a bunch of creators i was having a total [ __ ] fit i was on a podcast with 12 views asking all those creators they all agreed with me as usual everyone agrees with me literally everyone i talk to who they everyone who owes their whole career to me agreed you're in trouble that g fuel [ __ ] that was [ __ ] that was good sounded just like him everybody agrees he's a rat for it and i'm like you know what let me talk to ninja himself so i call this dude multiple times no answer like so ghosted by ninja you know what's the truth team star that i called him man he's not answering nobody takes my calls it's so weird you know what's the the uncomfortable truth keemstar is that that i think you're you're afraid to confront the truth that you really lost all your clout i think he is famous and toothless and not many people watch dramaalert anymore and i don't think ninja has the time to or the interest uh to answer a call from keemstar i mean there's literally no incentive from the people probably after his wife got bitched out by keem yeah while trying to do something that they totally didn't need to do politely inform him like he said weeks before it was announced that hey this thing is happening yeah why am i owe you anything no but yeah i mean people i'm sorry keemstar but i don't i think the days of people answering your calls is is gone you know what i mean it's like i'm so i just i don't know it's like nina is like vito corleone or jessica's like vito keem's more like a fredo type he is he totally is we gotta take him back on the on the lake he's like alfredo and you know you just i don't know nina's he's the dawn be careful with the fredo though that is italian phobia oh i did not mean that's an offensive phrase forgive me i did not bring it like that rolled up did not mean in any way i was just comparing to the movie that i was making and thank you for that i'm sure everyone will appreciate that that kind of just made me sad after re-watching that i think keem just needs like a good will hunting like it's not your fault type hug it might it's a hug i actually agree in all honesty it's not your fault his upbringing sounds like it was really difficult and yeah um it's keemstar's fault no it's not games it's not it's not your fault it's not your fault it's keemstar's fault it's not your fault it's not your fault keemstar it's not your fault no you're not listening keemstar it's not your fault keepstar's fault it's not your fault it's not your fault no but on the real though i i feel like he really could benefit from therapy i don't think he would ever pursue it well we know not he's stated his opinions on that very publicly yeah three sips of beer that's all you need but he you know i feel i do feel bad you know and kudos to him for bringing his or giving his girlfriend the childhood upbringing he never got to you know that's true you know and it benefits both of them because now they get to uh he has someone with him at the amusement park so he's not alone anymore say that i'd be i said it benefits both of them too because he's not alone at the amusement park right right right right they have that yeah that's a really good point you make cameron you know he's paying it forward yeah it's not your fault boy [Laughter] cam really got me with that one it's not your fault game i really i actually do i really do think so keemstar's fault it's not bro it's not it's not your fault it's not bro it's really not all this [ __ ] here i love that scene by the way goodwill and thinks such a great movie one of the best he goes all this [ __ ] here well i want you to know something it's not your fault he goes i know i know no it's not your fault it's not your fault go ahead put it out man cut it out never go ahead with the the keemstar one keepstar's fault no no no no you're not listening uh it actually it's too real it's too real it's still on the nose yeah keemstar's fault that's such a great sound but holy [ __ ] it's not your fault all right let's [ __ ] you [ __ ] that blue haired freak i'm dying i hate him i unfollowed him and unfollowed his greedy little [ __ ] wife on everything why is he again he goes after his wife greedy little wife what did she do it sounded like he said it's not like he said grady she said greedy little wife let me play who haired freak i'm done i hate him i unfollowed him and unfollowed his greedy little [ __ ] what did he say it's not greedy crazy did he say crazy crazy okay wait wait let's let's let's listen carefully i'm done i hate him i unfollowed him and unfollowed his greedy little [ __ ] gravy is it just sounds like grady what is great it's not he's grady right like just grady he definitely said grady but maybe he meant to say greedy and just got tongue tied grade e grade e grade e chart a low rating look to be to be there are examples of him mispronouncing words write him right on drama dramaalert dramaalert homophobic hobophobic i'm trying to look in the chat people are saying grady but that that's not a word is it grady everyone's saying grady i think he meant to say greedy that's the only thing that makes sense gravy was he trying to combine crazy and greedy in a way maybe grody gross doing some like valley girl sling it seems like nobody in the chat knows what he said too so it's not just us i'm done i hate him i unfollowed him and unfollowed his grady little [ __ ] grade e could he have said that raid e oddly enough i think he just misspoke but if he did say something else i think it would be grade e what the [ __ ] is like he's yeah he's rated girl she's not even pretty dude yeah pokemons are terrible sorry is it two out of ten according to him that would be crazy if he said grady but i feel like there's a there's that's unlikely he rates on a on a numerical chart though not a uh true alphabet right scale so that would be inconsistent i think i think that's great the best theory i'm seeing is great crazy plus greedy he got confused and combined them that's what i'm thinking yeah maybe and he just let it go freak i'm done i hate him i unfollowed him and unfollowed his greedy little [ __ ] wife on everything when next time you guys are in trouble don't ask for my i'm not gonna help you [ __ ] off it was so disrespectful to do it the way you did it yeah aka now when i report the news i'm gonna do everything in my life to just everything in my power to destroy your life number one news source on the internet yes number one trusted news in the world we got your back ninia don't worry yeah don't worry i'm just looking at his twitter joe biden is the worst president i've lived through i mean that's facts that's a bit hyperbolic 66 agree everyone agrees well how many has he lived through well his audience has only lived through writing so well he's lived through at least like uh 15 right uh he would have been born during the reagan era um so you know you got reagan bush uh clinton second bush obama trump well what is he like fifth in 60 no he's 60 he's 40. 45 right so there you go i i put it at the back of the show because you know whatever but that there you have it a little bit of a fun uh keemstar update for you guys we're good very good and that's about it isn't it that's about it we've been going 310 here look at them go just let me see love again let's go you're a little delayed love you got to speed it up beat it up speed it up faster faster there it is it's like double there it is there it is you're locked in yes nicely done yes we love it can you yawn like that again okay me sir all right thanks for watching everybody it's been a fun episode eh yeah it's a good one thank you everyone for tuning in thank you to all the people have donated and are gifted members subscribed we love you all thank you to mikey our new uh political correspondent yes and thank you again about the howie thing thank you guys for all the really nice comments on there that was that was awesome super nice very heartwarming i really was i really appreciated it all right well we'll see you tomorrow morning for leftovers and then on to our usual friday after dark so have a good week guys we'll see you or have a good evening and see you in the morning thanks guys oh [Music] oh oh [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,314,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: ue2zpTPkthg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 40sec (11380 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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