To autolyse, or not to autolyse, that is the question

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this experiment definitely changed the way how i think about sourdough baking i really didn't expect this to happen and i will show you the results i can't believe it seriously this is amazing i wouldn't have expected that gluten talk i'm hendrick also known as the bread coat today i'm going to show you the effects of the autoleases that's a fancy word for just mixing flour and water and letting that sit over a longer period of time this creates a lot of dough strength for free and you have to need less simply by waiting now almost every recipe that you find on sourdough does this they would do a one hour autolysis two hours or sometimes even overnight and this is what i did i let this auto lease overnight now what i did is i was working on a whole wheat bread recipe after weeks of testing and a lot of failing i noticed that the long all leases actually had negative effects on my whole wheat flour so my piece of knowledge which i took for granted actually had negative impacts in that case now taking that knowledge i wanted to revert back to my regular dough which i like to make on a daily basis please also check out my full sourdough tutorial which is really the last recipe you ever need it covers everything on sourdough baking from start to finish which is 300 grams of bread flour and 100 grams of whole wheat flour per loaf and i really wanted to know what are the consequences so this one has been all released overnight and this one not at all over this video i'm going to be showing you how the all these dough behaves next to the non-orderly one and this is really interesting because this really visualizes the effects of the orderlies and overall i was really impressed with the results so bear with me let's have some fun let's do some baking action and now since this video contains a lot of information and i'm comparing the odd lease versus the non-allies though i figured i also add chapters to this video this way you can skip ahead to the chapters that interest you the most or you can re-watch the video whenever you want making it very convenient what really motivates me to keep going with this channel is you just like with the last experiments i figured i asked you how do you order lace and around 1 000 of you answered and while some of you told me to get lost i would say the majority auto leases for roughly an hour so yeah i'm very excited to see who's right this is my typical technique i'm going to be using 300 grams of bread flour and 100 grams of whole wheat flour in this case i'm opting for 80 hydration that's going to be 320 grams of water and now all i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be stirring this for roughly a minute making sure that the dough is nicely homogenized i don't want to create any dough strings i will just be letting this sit overnight at room temperature and right now the temperature in my kitchen is roughly 22 degrees celsius so this is the normal method that i always do and right now the dough can still be torn like this you see there's not a lot of dough strength but tomorrow morning this is going to be a completely different story just removing some of the flower here from the edges being a little bit of a stingy german i don't want to let any flower go to waste so just trying to clean this up a little bit i'm going to clean my hands a little bit but i'm going to be putting on the lid now and then this will be sitting at night overnight at room temperature and let's have a look at this in the morning good morning and here's our dough let's have a look you see that great window pane effect this developed a lot of strength now it's time to be adding the sourdough starter and the salt to this one then i'll also be setting up the next dough and i have one problem i want to make sure that i create enough those strengths the problem is my hands now you might be wondering what's wrong with my hands the problem is that i'm making two separate dolls and i can't really ensure that i do exactly the same amount of kneading so one of them is going to have more dough strength than the other and because i want to make this experiment as clean as possible i'm going to be opting for using my old kitchen machine to mix the dough i'll be doing two sets of kneading of each five minutes to me that always works best when using a stand mixer so do five minutes of eating wait a little bit probably around 15 minutes or so and then do another set of kneading that really creates an awesome dough this way i make sure that both of those have the same those strengths of course i mean this though after the orderlies you see how much strength this already has simply by waiting that's what i love about the auto lease but by using five minutes intervals i should make sure that both of them have roughly the same dose strength and that's exactly what i want to have a clean experiment just a small random side note i just made this whole wheat dough here for another video and i didn't auto lease this and just have a look at how well this dough also came together and this also initially gave me the idea because for this whole wheat though the overnight at least didn't create as great results as i hoped so yep let's set up our doughs and then let's continue now for 400 grams of flour i'm always using roughly eight grams of salt in terms of baker's math that's two percent it's always calculated based on the flour next up i'm going to be adding the sourdough starter that's 80 grams in terms of baker's math i like to use roughly 20 and of course this is also going to increase the hydration inside of the dough and that's actually a question many of you asked to be 100 scientific i always state 80 hydration so this dough here has 80 percent but now this sourdough starter has some additional water inside so the hydration is actually increasing a little bit but in large scale bakeries this is typically always already included in the base recipe and so do i it would be too complicated to measure dehydration and this hydration and then just do the math so this might be not a hundred percent scientific here but this is still a good way that works on a larger scale so i like to do that as well whenever you see a recipe from me um i already make sure that when i suggest the hydration of course you should figure this out on your own what works for you but then i already include that in the whole calculation of the recipe so everything added now and now this is going to go into my kitchen stand mixer is it stand mixer kitchen machine i guess for five minutes at the same time i'm already setting up the other dough [Music] oh and just based on how this dough feels it developed a good network but i didn't come together as much as i hoped it still feels overly elastic so this dough definitely needs to be needed a little bit more dough number two after the first set of kneading small side note i only wanted to knead this one for five minutes but then i realized it still didn't develop any window pane at all i wasn't able to stretch it it was just tear so i had to knead this one for roughly 10 minutes and now i think it roughly has the same consistency as the other dough i'm just going to round this up real quick then give this a small rest while i am going to be adding the other dough back to the kitchen machine and just to show you see how nice and elastic this dough is and it still holds together this is almost the kind of consistency that i want despite this dough featuring roughly 80 hydration i'm gonna let this now go back to the kitchen machine and now just five minutes inside one small side note on using the kitchen machine especially for it though which has high hydration i recommend you they do go for a little bit of a faster setting you want to have a little bit of the slap and full technique so you want to make sure that the hook here in this case i don't have the best kitchen machine it's a simple dough hook that's because this machine is just not made specifically for kneading dough you want to make sure that this hits the wall so slapping and folding it comes at a cost though because this is creating a lot of heat inside of dough as well i'll be measuring that in the end but yeah make sure it at some point is able to unstick itself here from the bottom and go on a high setting just so that it slaps and folds here against the wall and those are the two does after all the kneading on the left hand side the one which i order leased and on the right hand side the one which i mixed right away now i just wanted to test how they feel like in terms of consistency whether this one doe feels different than the other just making a nice round dough ball out of this then also out of this one to see which one is a little bit more elastic so i'm not just going to let them sit here for 15 minutes i'll make a small time lapse so that you can see the difference in terms of elasticity just making sure that they're nice and round and i think this is good so let's check out which one is more elastic very very very interesting this has me all excited the left hand though that was the one which we all released overnight and the right hand though i just mixed right away and you can see this dough here is more elastic than this one this one spread out quite a lot more now what does this mean the sourdough has an easier time inflating this dough in comparison to this dough since this is so elastic you will have larger pockets of air likely whereas this here here it's not so easy the crumb is likely not to be as open well at least that's the theory behind it and i'm really excited to see how this is actually going to turn out i never did something like this i typically always just did this overnight all these and yeah interesting so far to see the different dose i'm just going to be rounding this up now i like to use a dough scraper now in this case because i don't like to use some dough on the surface the stingy german in me pretty much dough number one and dough number two by the way this only works because i didn't use any flour on the surface this is because you're dragging the dough over the surface and it's stuck to it and that way you can create a lot of surface tension by rolling the dough over the surface this is not needed but as i said i just don't want to have things like this happen where i lose some parts of my dough this is also very interesting the temperature now of this dough is roughly 23.7 and i'm just checking the ambient temperature that's around 23. let me go here yep 23 and this dough now is warmer roughly two degrees warmer and this is one thing which i don't like too much about using the kitchen machine i end up having a dough which is slightly warmer than my environment and existing subscribers will know that i'll now be extracting a small dose sample the problem however is that this though it has more mass than the small sample which i put in here and so this small sample will cool down faster than this main dough which means that this sample will rise let me double think will rise slower than this though because this is warmer and two degrees difference in terms of uh fermentation times is a lot it can be three or four hours maybe and this dough is definitely going to ferment way faster than this though so that's a little bit hard when making two separate those they might have a different fermentation speed now i'm using this sample here but still it's not going to be 100 accurate because the dough is warmer than the actual room temperature and coming back to you have to develop a feeling for the dough i'll be using those two but still i also need to be very careful now i need to double check how the dough is fermenting and check the size increase of the dough and measure or not measure but feel how it feels when i touch it though is it elastic is it puffy and things like that those things are contributing now a good thing to probably do here would have been to take the dough and place it in a container which i just mark with a line or so that way that i could see directly inside of the container how much the dough increased in size however i don't have a container like that so this is the way how i have to do it oh and again have a look this dough is not flattening out as much as this dough so time to extract a small fermentation sample 40 grams i'll be using 40 grams each now since the dough is still not really relaxed because we just rounded it up it's going to be very hard to actually spread out the fermentation sample so what i like to do is just wait five to fifteen minutes and that makes it so much easier while doing that i'm going to be rounding up my dose now then they will go into their container where they will bulk ferment in this case until this year doubled in size i'll be finishing a little bit earlier because i know this dough is warmer than the sample so the sample lags a little bit behind i'll probably be going for 50 to 75 size increase and cold germany it's likely going to take 10 to 12 hours i guess i'm kind of preferring this dough right now this one is also you see how it starts to stick to my hands i mean it's wet though 80 hydration but still this one here this is my favorite though so far oh yes even this test here this one here is just not as elastic i'm really curious now i'm really intrigued to see what's gonna happen with the final breads i'm also wondering if you can actually taste the difference okay to the containers now while the dough is now bulk fermenting i'm going to be applying a stretch and fold whenever i see that the dough flattened out quite a lot don't worry too much about it because we create a lot of those strengths anyways stretching and folding always comes at a cost you even out your crumb a little bit depends of course on what you prefer however it also creates additional toe strength so it depends on what you want really i would definitely advise you to do at least one but don't worry too much about doing too many stretch and folds i'm gonna be placing them as close as possible to the main container oh and here i just see i screwed this up a little bit so that they have the same temperature as the other dough just a few degrees in change in temperature mean that your dough ferments really a lot faster so keep them as close together as possible roughly eight hours pass at the dough on the left hand side that's the one which we always and on the right hand side knot and those parts are roughly the same size and look at this this dough is way less elastic than this one i've not been giving this any stretch and fold at all so far so this has just been sitting like this and even more interesting to me is almost remember this sample here from this though was a little bit warmer at the start even and this sample here was colder now if i compare the growth of these samples left hand side all these right hand knot then check this out it seems like the left hand doe okay it's hard to show like this in this rotation but the left hand dough has fermented more than the right hand dough so the fermentation on this one seems slower than on this dough and you can see how much it's spread out and i'm very curious now to test how the stretching and folding is going to be i'm just going to wet my hands and this is always a great indicator just to see how far you are with your fermentation okay the dough feels relatively puffy already nicely inflated i'm just gonna be lifting this upwards it comes out nicely out of the container rotate i'm using the coil fold technique which is very gentle on the dough we don't want to be destroying the crump now the more you stretch and fold the more you even out the crumb and i'm just as careful as possible here and just based on how the dough feels i would say this maybe has another two hours or so to finish the fermentation very elastic already so interesting you always want fermented faster despite this one here having a higher temperature at the start how can this be okay but this dough also already feels elastic not as much as this one though yeah that really nice dough as well but if i mean if you compare this one also looks a little bit more shiny than this one so yeah this one is definitely not in the same stage as the other one yeah this is i'm sorry if i'm overly excited about this but the oddly though which is also what i learned before that they always helps to break down the flower making it easier for your starter to enter a crazy munchy mode this one seems definitely to ferment faster than the right hand one so very interesting to see let's continue this experiment i'll just let that sit until my samples roughly doubled in size i explained before i have to be a little bit careful i'll aim for another two hours now and then check again do another stretch and fold to see the consistency and then we will proceed with shaping definitely a great experiment because i've always been doing it for this for a long time and i'm very curious to see whether this one which shortens the process by quite a lot could be better see for yourself now the left hand sample doubled in size and the right hand one is really lagging behind the left hand one was the one where i otherwise overnight and the right hand one where i didn't it seems as far as i can see that the fermentation with the always dough is happening way faster than on the non-autolist version very interesting what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna be shaping this one first and i will just let this one ferment for even a little bit longer because i'm not so happy yet with how the dough looks probably i'll give this another hour or so but yeah let me show you now how i shape this one and then afterwards i'll be shaping this one [Music] time to shape the next dough the size increases looking much better it's always a little bit hard to show from this angle but still just looking at this dough it's not as elastic as the previous one but maybe that isn't bad we're gonna figure out so i will be doing exactly the same thing pre-shaving letting that sit for a little bit and then do the actual [Music] shaping [Music] so [Music] wakey wakey my dough i let both of them proof for 30 minutes at room temperature and then i move them to the fridge overnight they have been inside of the fridge for roughly 16 hours so this dough is relatively cold and will be baked right away and we will be starting first with the oiliest one as it has a little bit of a head start to the other dough i added some semolina flour on top that really makes it very easy to dough it's not going to stick my oven has been pre-heated to the maximum because that's going to give me more oven spring right at the start so let's watch those two beauties big is it only me or is this really satisfying maybe i'm a weird person [Music] do a voila the two final breaths the left-hand one was the one which i released good looking ear here even some bubbles here on the crust great looking bread the left hand one was the one which i did not release not as much as an ear here interesting now this year i think shouldn't be a factor alone because of course sometimes if you don't score right that can easily happen i'm most interested in terms of oven spring and i would say this one has a little bit more vertical oven spring i mean those weigh exactly the same and to have a look at the final crumb so let's cut those open have a look at the crumb and then afterwards do a quick taste test [Music] number one beautiful wild crump here on this bread this one looks amazing [Music] let's see if this one can compete and number two oops number two also looking very wild looking great as well interesting i somehow created a super hole in there i don't know what happened let's check them next to each other so the right hand one which i always has more oven spring let's put them next to each other just to compare yep yep yep however with this i'm i'm never so 100 sure am i really a hundred percent shaping them exactly the same way i mean i try to do my best but i'm not the kind of person who shaves a thousand breaths per day just looking at the crump i mean there's this one super large pocket of air maybe i should have popped it during the shaping but based on the crump i can't say whether there is a clear winner or not which is very interesting in general because when i was making the doughs i felt that this one was definitely winning it just felt so much more stable than this dough here on the right hand side but now after the bake um yeah i would say this one is taking in the lead because of the nice oven spring which i don't have here on this one so yeah very interesting one thing though that i can say for sure after doing this that the autolyse didn't really help the crump i would say so i don't see uh except the oven spring which might be my shaping issue i don't see a clear winner in terms of the crumbs so i would say the long oddlies doesn't make a more open crumb this crumb looks equally as good as this one i'm very curious about the taste of this bread though does the oddly's win in terms of taste over the other bread or are they relatively similar one thing i need to ignore is here i got a better ear so i won't have that crispiness on this bread but yeah let's let's try i'm excited to see if there's a difference in terms of taste let's start with the one which i always eat so this is the my default bread overnight all these let's give this a shot perfect consistency good crust wet crumb good crust from the bottom slight sour note to it this to me is definitely the perfect sourdough bread and now next up the one which i always i'm also going to try this area just to give a fair comparison that's interesting this is really interesting so the one which i always has more of a tank to it than the one which i did not all these at all and this also confirms whether what i observed during the whole bulk fermentation that this one just was fermenting way faster than this one and it seems that the audience might also have an impact on the final tang the final sour note of the bread this one is a slight note more sour than this one i can't believe it seriously this is amazing i wouldn't have expected that okay final verdict time very very eye-opening and interesting experiment this one looks a little bit better in terms of shape although that might be my poor shaping which i did on this bread so i can't 100 say that this has an impact on it one thing is for sure which i noticed the long orderly spread definitely ferments faster than the right hand bread the oddly spread here has a more sour taste to it than the non-oddly spread so yeah the longer on the list seems to break down the flour making it easier for your star to go into a crazy munchy mode fermenting your dough definitely very interesting i learned something new one thing i wanted to say though in total my bulk fermentation time has been 12 hours in the current cold germany so that's one thing that should also be considered and maybe that would be another cool experiment just to check the all these timings at different temperatures because i feel that when you're just making your dough over let's say four or five hours while you're living in the tropics it might be that you have to do an old lease so it could be that the slow fermentation due to the cold temperature just does not require an odd release maybe that's the result of this experiment definitely more tests should be conducted i was just surprised to see how different the dose perform and also then now the difference in taste quite uh interesting so thanks a lot for watching this definitely changed my view on the auto leases and yeah very interesting i learned something new i hope you also learned something new now i would be very curious to read what your thoughts on this experiment are should i have improved my testing setup if so how could i have done that which awesome future experiments should i do please do drop a comment in the comment section i'm really excited to see what you have to say and now this experiment is another step towards creating the perfect whole wheat sourdough bread and i've been trying and for my whole wheat sourdough bread the autoleases definitely had a negative impact so yeah interesting here on this bread it's it has pros and cons i would say but on the whole wheat sourdough bread definitely i wouldn't at least but more on that in the recipe that's upcoming soon i'm so excited to finally release this because i've been working on it for a month so this is going to be a really awesome recipe you all rock this channel wouldn't be the same without you thank you so much let me end this by saying may the gluten be with you and happy baking
Channel: The Bread Code
Views: 191,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autolyse, autolyse dough, autolyse sourdough, autolyse pizza dough, autolyse method, autolyse dough overnight, autolyse method bread making, autolyse bread, autolyse sourdough bread, autolyse vs no autolyse, autolyse pizza, autolyse overnight, autolyse bread dough, autolysis dough, autolysis sourdough, autolyse whole wheat bread, autolyse overnight sourdough, sourdough bread autolyse time, autolyse overnight in fridge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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