Classic Baguettes - Martin Bakes at Home

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hi it's Martin dinar low and today we're filming at the King Arthur Studios no one's been here so it's safe for us to come over and do some baking and we need it because they have extra ovens and today we're going to make a pile of classic baguettes okay so let's do this and again thank you sir and again we're doing the classic baguettes these are classic French baguettes recipe is on the website so yesterday evening I started a poolish a poolish is a type of free permit if you're new to bread baking you may not have made bread with a pre firm it before there's a really good blog that I wrote on the King Arthur website about pre ferments and different types of pre ferments and why you should use them and all of those things so this is a little bit of flour and water and yeast that we mixed yesterday and you can see that you see all these bubbles in here you can tell that it's active right this is equal parts by weight flour and water so what that did overnight was the yeast begin to eat sugar which is in the flour and they produce flavor as a byproduct of that process so it's called fermentation right so we've been getting the fermentation okay so foolish in the bowl and I'm going to pour my water in water is lukewarm and I'm just gonna start a combined the recipe says put everything in the bowl and just go and that's another way to do it too but when I'm mixing by hand I have a tendency to break things up a little bit because I want to make sure that everything is homogeneous my hands in a mixer we tend to let it run for a while and it does some of the work for us but I'm being a little bit more cautious than that okay so I'm gonna put the east end and salt in salt and yeast are okay together it's a myth that they're not okay together they actually work just fine no one's gonna get hurt this dough will spend a much bunch of time with the yeast and the salt in the same place so it's okay if they begin that relationship right now it's not a big deal just mix to combine I'm using instant yeast I always use instant dry yeast it used to be that we had to sort of prove yeast or put it in water and let it begin you don't have to do that anymore it's been the processing has changed so that you don't have to do that which is nice okay I'm just stirring a baguette dough should be a soft dough it should be a pretty soft dough now what I will say about this recipe is that it is not as soft as a recipe that I might make in a bakery it's a little bit stiffer and that's okay because if you're new to baguettes and again I think I've said it many times before baguettes are not easy it's not an easy place to begin in fact if the first bread that you want to make is a baguette I would say let's wait let's let's make that you know let's hold that hold on hold off on that for just a little bit so now yet those should be a pretty soft dough but like I said this is a little bit stiffer and the reason for that is that it's a little bit easier for you to shake if you're new to the game it's a really wet dough it can be pretty challenging your shape now I gave myself a little bit of extra water because I have felt like this dough has been a little bit on the dry side and I think this one can take a little bit more water in my hands are happy shaping wetter dough so I have an additional about 40 50 grams of water that I'm gonna add all of that I think I could add all of it let's just go for it but I waited until I felt like I could kind of see where the dough was before I added that extra water in and now I'm just gonna need it in my hand this dough gets an hour and a half of full fermentation and it has one fold in the middle of that process and the folding is just like kind of like the folding is kind of like what we've done we we shape right you remember that yeah but I would say about adding the additional water it is try it as written first like really follow the instructions the first time and if you're happy with the resulting you don't need to do anything if you feel like the structure is a little bit tighter than what you want then I would say maybe add a little bit of water the next time if you're a musician you may know what tabular curious or even just musical notation a recipe is like musical notation in a way in that it's notes on the page and the notes on the page will get you close to the song but they're not the song they're not the song it takes time it takes practice to get to where you can interpret things and become a good musician a good singer a good banjo player or a good bread maker so it takes time in repetitions okay so this down is together and what I would say is go ahead and scrape your bowl down and then set a 45 minute timer and leave it covered do your fold at 45 minutes and then at an hour and a half or if it feels a little sluggish or it's a little cool in your house then maybe it two hours go ahead and go to your divide we're gonna clean up here and then I think we're ready to move to the next step yeah okay so I'm gonna start this divide and we already have some which are divided and Arlo is just rounding those up yeah yeah that looks really good so Arlo is taking a divided piece of dough and he's just folding the corners to the center and that's about it you don't have to do more than that that's perfect you don't even need to round it no that's good that's good you're just gonna sort of gather it and bring it together and then put it seem down yeah seam down on a floured surface and you keep going with that and I'm gonna start with this one the recipe on the website for the classic baguettes makes three and I have done I've done a fair amount more than that I've been a couple double batches so I should be able to get about six out of this these are scaled and about right around 300 grams so we're gonna get these divided and then we will come back for shaping so we have these divided and now we're going to let them relax for I'm guessing this is going to take about 20 minutes to get to a place where we can shape it so we're gonna let them relax make sure that you cover them if your room is particularly dry you're gonna want more than just a towel or something on top you're gonna want a piece of plastic or something which prevents the skin from drying if the skin dries you will have problems when you go to shave so protect those baguettes okay so this dough has had 15 20 25 minutes I don't know somewhere in there to relax and it's starting to feel like we could shape it if you pick a piece up and it doesn't sort of easily and actually these might just be just a Titch young but it's okay we're gonna make them work if they feel tight and you can't stretch them in just your hands right here then you're probably gonna have a hard time shaping of them so anyway I think these are pretty close and let me see how they feel this is our linen let me fix this real quickly I'm gonna put a little bit of flour down before I go to shave thanks buddy put a little bit of flour down and smooth it out this is linen this type of linen is very good as well this is a flax linen you can also use somewhere around here you can also use a dish towel as long as it's a pretty tight weave it will be okay the nice thing about canvas or flax linen is that it has some rigidity to it and so when you go to load it makes it a little bit easier it also makes it so the dough doesn't stick quite as easily so I recommend linen I recommend flex slim it's like the industry standard okay I'm gonna shape a couple here and then I'll have anthem come around and have her shoot over my shoulder so that if you so that you don't have to look at this upside down okay so if you've watched our videos you might have seen the shaping video we did a video where I cover baguettes shaping but I'm gonna do it again today just to sort of helping people out I start with a letter I go half way down and then I come all the way to the leading edge and seal and press to seal now I go back and forth to get down to about the diameter that I want and then I elongate how much do i elongate good question martins this piece of parchment right here is exactly the length of my baking stone look 18 inches I keep this piece of parchment on the bench I can use that as a guide I can use that as a guide and it just so happens that that's the same as this is that 18 inches yes and it's the same width as this baking tray as well so I have a couple things to help me the right length I roll it through a little bit of flour that helps keep it from sticking as well and then I put it on to my baking tray and make a little pleat or I sort of gather some material in between then I go and do another one we do one more and then I'll have anthem come around and then I'm gonna have you show you some - okay you shaped some baguettes but all of us all of us could use practice all of us including myself so I'm basically making a letter and I like to have sort of straight ish edges and make a little divot in the middle come down once and then I come all the way to the leading edge you can do that a couple of different ways you can use your hands sort of working with paddles or you can come and you can use your hand to seal like that so then back and forth to the diameter that I want and I taper the ends go through the flower and then I put it over here and you'll notice that whenever I put it over here I always place it seam up it should be seam up all right come around here so let's see this again I pad it a little bit I fold it in thirds like a letter I want it to be straight as best as I can come down halfway and then I come all the way to the leading edge and press to seal go to the middle back and forth to about the diameter that I want and then I go to hands and I roll to the edges and as I get to the points I just apply a little bit extra pressure so that I get some taper in the flour over to the linen or what we call Koosh and I gather where is she yeah okay okay you want to do one side by side with me sure just do that by side okay so we'll do flour there you don't need much flour if I'm gonna flour the surface I like it to be near but not in where I'm shaking so I like to be near my shaking surface not in my shaking service and give it a little bit of an east/west type so it's a nice pesto side by side that's perfect yep perfect now Pat it again now down just a little bit yeah and seal with hands like paddles perfect and then turn around very good and see bring it just a little bit down that's very good hands on the paddle and hands like paddles and seal press it up to make sure you're not stuck to the bench does it feel like you're stuck at all or no feels pretty good yeah okay so then with like the karate chop boom boom boom boom in the middle like that now hold it just down a little bit like as little as you can yeah perfect perfect yep perfect and now see if you can come all the way to the leading edge like that looks better than mine so far I love it okay is it sealed okay yeah that's good now yep no this is where it may feel a little bit funny but what you're gonna do is with your right hand since you're right-handed make a cup like this and what you want to try and do this keep the palm of your hand and your fingers on the bench and listen for the sound yup like that very good yep and it's okay to let it go kind of back and forth a little bit like you don't want to just kind of like stay in one spot you want it to travel so let me see where you are there a little bit more yeah a little bit more of a divot in the middle yeah let me see yeah that looks good now in with two hands watch this and with two hands and just so don't be asked to start here and what you want to do is when you go in right here don't let that dough get past your hand as you slide to the outside don't let that big lumpy part get past you so look what I do here I'm not gonna let that dough get past me I'm like rolling it out of the way a little bit does that make sense it's good it's good so if you find yourself in this place where you've got a little bit of them up just go back in the middle and don't let that thing get past your hand don't let your hand like just roll over it you've got to kind of push it out of the way yep like that keep that people kept on the bench yep yep keep that palm on the bench back and forth yep that's good to go one more time and make it and give it a little bit more travel there you go yeah like that like that it's okay it's okay it's really good now when you get out to the ends match it a little bit just match the tips just a little bit so that they point dude this is really good do you see that bubble right there it's like that's okay get out of the way now this is gonna be a good baguette I promise you and listen how many baguettes have you roll something like that it takes a long time to get to where you can roll that gets beautifully and evenly and it's the kind of thing that I have to practice everybody has to practice and with time it gets it gets easier but it takes time I have said it before and I'll say it again I always joke that the baguette is like you know it's like a figure-skating move make sure your fuchsias floured okay so we're going to shake a few more of these and then you can just keep on filming get it together east-west a little bit for it and we'll pick it up make sure that it's really square so if you're sticking a little bit yeah this one looks a little bit skinny this way right yeah so what you can do is you could actually take that and you can go all the way to the leading edge with it and just be done let's skip that intermediate yeah so give yourself that did it there you go there you go yeah yeah plus two steel very good now before you go let's see here for a second so you're really close okay now you're ready just how you're ready to do it look how even it is see how beautifully even it is into end yeah you know that if you start there you're gonna have a good back out okay that's good now both hands good good good good that's good and you can still see the scene right yeah that's right right here yeah there we go oh thank you these last two one fight over it viciously shaping becomes fun in the beginning it can be a little bit stressful and I I remember that but with experience it gives to where you get to where it's fun if you get a little bit of dough on your counter make sure you clean that because dough will stick to dough dough will stick to your baguette so if you have some no there so go have just as little as you can on us that's too much yeah that's good now to the leading edge now I move kind of quickly but don't feel like you have to move at that pace you just move the pace which feels comfortable to you yeah good now when you go to the site this time don't let that doe sneak out you know don't let that dose sneak past your hands you maintain your wall there yeah and it's gonna help flattening and spread the dough yep I mean hands a little bit powdery or I mean a little bit sticky just rub them on the for a second there you go good good good that just tapered a little bit there you go if it gets stuck if you feel like it's getting stuck a little bit just come over here this is gonna be a good bag you may think like us isn't it like exactly what I want it's okay I shape a lot I've shaped a lot more about what I want than you ever will unless you get started pretty soon okay so we're gonna let these proof and then we'll come back and make them so you want to start straight from the bench down and I'll put these in a place where we can free from something okay okay so I think that we are ready to load pubs are hot I tested backups in here the other day and I ran the oven at 525 which is pretty hot I think that might even be higher than what the recipe says but it's the temperature that I needed in order to get these up to where I felt like we were gonna get a nice oven spring from the back I have a baking stone then I had baking steel I have a cast iron pan which is empty preheating in the bottom of the stove can you bake baguettes on a baguette screen yes can you bake them on a sheet tray yes can you make them without steam yes but each one of those things has an effect on the bread right so if you make them in a steamy environment they can rise more fully because the crust stays nice and moist and allows it to expand if you bake them on a stone or a steel those hold heat very well and they push a lot of heat into the into the bread when you loaded it and so it expands well if you just put them on a sheet tray and put them in there they don't expand as well if you them in an oven without steam the crust dries and sets and they don't expand as well and so I'm doing everything I can to sort of emulate a baker a bakery masonry oven okay so I have parchment I'm gonna load these onto parchment then and slide them in I think that it's a little bit easier and I think that you at home will have an easier time with that so that's the way that I'm going to show you so the baguettes are proofing here let me show you like these are pretty well proofed if you can look and see they feel very marshmallowy to me so I think they're ready to go this was the first one that we shaped and so that's the first one that I'm going to load they are rising seam up the seam will be the bottom of the loaf so I need to I need to invert them so that's gonna be the top side of the load and then I just pop them on here and this is like your last chance to edit it also if there is anything that you want to change about the shape I look at them as I transfer them and I just make sure that they're nice and straight and they look good right yeah feel it although feel it and tell me what you think it feels like it's kind of puffy right yeah feels puppy I should say it just doesn't aside one note about these this recipe uses poolish but I will tell you that I set one poolish so half of these are foolish baguettes in the other half I seeded with a little bit of sourdough culture and so the other half are a more like sourdough or Levant flavoured again so that's up on that so I have enough room to bake 6 baguettes per oven we're in the studio today because no one's here and it's quiet and I wanted to be able to show you more than just a couple of I guess which is all my oven could handle I know right I think actually the new shape that which is pretty awesome okay so now it's time for for what we call scoring and we could spend a day talking about this I'll try and talk you through the broad details so the reason that we score is not only because it's pretty it's functional first and foremost scoring is functionally cutting the loaf tells it where to expand it tells it where to expand and it helps it expand more fully in the oven okay so that's why we're scoring so first and foremost you need to score well in order to make the most delicious bread because as the bread Rises it'll have a more open crumb structure with a better score now Baggett's are traditionally cut with five to seven slashes or scores what I like in the home oven is to do a single cut and so let me just do one and stop talking so come in your anthem maybe I'll talk for just another second sorry do you see how my fingers are almost drawing a channel down the middle on the highest part of this baguette do you see that that's basically where I want my cuts to land so I'm gonna start at one end and I'm gonna go to the other end I'm gonna start at one end and I'm gonna go to the other end like that if you go slowly you'll see some blade drag and I'm going slowly to try and show you but I but I should be going more quickly there are a lot of different lumps that you can use these are pretty good but once the blade is dull most of them you can't change the blade and then you just have to throw it away so I like this type a piece of metal with a blade that you can refill and then you only have to replace the blade okay so do you want to score sure okay so do you have a preference on Witchblade no okay so I want you to hold it like this like that and I want you to see if you can land it right in there and you can use your blade angle just you can go down just a little bit with your blade angle does that make sense and you're just cutting with the nicked corner of that blade you're just cutting with the corner of that blade and be careful because this will cut you okay and go down just a little bit you want to almost like get underneath just a little bit like that yep [Music] what dude that was amazing look perfect yeah really good really really good okay do another one and same thing just cutting with the tip of the blade and you can cut even a little bit deeper than that one yeah good perfect great when do the last one sure really good Wow okay and make sure you go right off the end mat right not the end listen blade angle there's a lot to talk about here blade angle is important the most important thing though is that your oven has good steam if your oven doesn't have good steam they won't open and it doesn't matter how you score so make sure you're baking with steam first and foremost we already have that discussion and then make sure that your cuts are good this might need to be just a little bit deeper so I'm just gonna hit it again just to make sure I think we're good okay so now I'm gonna load okay I made a little pizza what I did was I just took one of the baguettes and I just mashed the middle of it I didn't touch the sides but I just smashed the middle of it put a little bit of sauce cheese fresh parsley mozzarella and then a little bit of herbs in there I can tell which ones you shaped but just barely I tell you what I'm pretty impressed you come work for me in a bakery yeah takes times where you get there okay do you want to score yours I know that one's yours why don't you do that one straight give it a straight cut see if you can get the blade so right now you have it straight up and down and that's fine for some lows if if you can turn it just a little bit it'll be even better but the main thing is like try and get it into end and then if you can turn it some that'd be cool too yeah very good what I mean by turn it is and you could be just a little bit deeper just a little bit deeper so what I mean by turn it is instead of being straight up and down you get at an angle so like this see I'm like see I'm kind of like cutting it at an angle a little bit do you want me to score one with more than one on a more like yet we would in the bakery so I'll do let's try five one two three four fine let's do this 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 and why don't you do that last one straight be nice and strong with it fat yeah but still just use the tip there you go good now go yeah nice okay I think you did pretty well what do you think looks good all right so yeah mind the blade make sure that you always put your blade back where it goes and always in the container and keep track of it okay let's look it's a peak come here obviously not done far from done but looking pretty good yeah looking pretty good this oven tends to be very hot on the top so probably in the next couple minutes here I'm gonna shuffle them because if I don't I'm gonna end up burn on top and white on the bottom so we give them a little bit of a flip you know every oven is a relationship that you have to sort of develop there's no perfect oven there no perfect bakers so you have to sort of have this relationship where both of you get better okay okay what do you think it looks so good now we're really gonna smoke it crusty ears open nicely we've got a little snack here maybe with our baguette dough a little pizza baguette yeah so thanks for joining us today we hope that you learned something baguettes are a journey enjoy the journey eat your mistakes and we'll be back soon with another video good job thank you and really hopin Oh Oh
Channel: King Arthur Baking Company
Views: 142,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking, king arthur flour, flour
Id: fKRZOpHvcdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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