How Baguettes are Made Using the Poolish Method to Produce Incredible Texture and Structure

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[Music] so first up i'm making the poolish and in my bowl i've got 150 grams of room temperature water 3 grams of dried yeast and 150 grams of white flour and that's got a protein content of 13 i'm gonna mix this together with a bowl scraper you could use a spoon but the key is not to worry about getting the dough smooth at this point the thyme in the fridge is going to take care of that the measurements for this recipe are exact so i'd advise weighing in grams but for anyone who isn't familiar with this measurement i'll leave the volumes for the ingredients in the description box below now this just needs to be covered and popped in the fridge for anywhere between 12 to 18 hours the series of extended proofs we're going to give it in the fridge are going to give great color great texture and great flavor so here we are the next day and as we can see the poolish has fermented really well it's nice and bubbly and very active so now we can mix the final dough before again letting that rest in the fridge so i'm adding 220 grams of room temperature water to the bowl and that's going to help the poolish release sprinkle on 13 and a half grams of sea salt and 4 grams of dried yeast i'm going to add this to a bigger container as we need to make sure this can expand overnight in the fridge without creeping out of our bowl give this a quick mix together to disperse the salt and the yeast and then add in 380 grams of white flour again this has 13 protein content give the ingredients a good working together either in the bowl or on a work surface if it's easier the aim of the game is to incorporate the wet and the dry ingredients together cover the container and leave out at room temp for 30 minutes and my kitchen is 20 degrees celsius today that's 68 degrees fahrenheit come back and give it a quick two minute workout just to make sure there are no lumps we're not looking for a silky smooth dough here the next slow proof in the fridge is going to produce a really smooth and elastic dough so now just cover it pop it in the fridge for another 12 to 18 hours right here we are the next day and as you can see the dough has proved really well in the fridge overnight now this has come straight out from the fridge it's still cold and i'm going to tip it straight out onto the work surface then gently bring each side of the dough up and over itself and form it into a ball i actually proved a double quantity of this in the end so i could make some pizza tonight so i'll divide it into two so that i'm working with the same amount as the quantity in my recipe and if anyone would like to see the pizza recipe let me know in the comments now you should have about 900 ish grams of dough and this recipe makes four baguettes that are about 35 to 40 centimeters long weigh your dough out into four pieces which should be about 220 grams each now first we'll ball each piece up and we'll leave it to rest for a good 20 minutes covered at room temperature and this will allow the dough to relax and begin to come back to room temperature i've used a small drizzle of olive oil in each one of these baking trays just to stop the dough balls sticking working with two of the dough balls at a time will give you a little more room in your kitchen but of course if you've got the space then you could shape all four at once but just make sure they'll all fit in your oven lightly dust the work surface and shape the dough ball into a short sausage by gently rolling over the dough and pinching down the seam i'm not squeezing out the gases i'm trying to keep them encased in the dough as i roll and press repeat with both pieces and cover with a cloth and then leave for 10 minutes to rest out of room temperature the rest is really important as it will allow the dough to relax and make the next shaping process really easy and finally we'll repeat the same shaping process again making sure we seal the dough from tip to tip the dough will naturally extend while you do this and again be careful not to push out those gases now let's gently roll out the baguette to get an even size and to taper off the ends working from the center of the baguette gently roll your hands forwards and backwards and slowly extend them outwards once you reach the very end you can apply a bit more pressure and roll out the tips now baguettes are traditionally proofed on a couch a cloth used for baking but you can substitute this for a tea towel that's been well dusted with flour but here i'll show you how to proof them on baking paper i'm going to bake these on my baking steel and i've added a baking tray to the bottom of the oven and inside is a non-coated stainless steel chain this is preheated in the oven along with the baking steel for one hour at 250 degrees celsius that's 485 degrees fahrenheit i'll use the chain and baking tray combination to create steam but you could use a preheated baking tray in the bottom of the oven if you don't have a baking steel or a stone then you could proof these on a baking tray and then slide that straight into the oven to bake but i find i get a little bit better oven spring when baking on a steel or a stone now cover with a cloth and leave those baguettes to proof for about 45 minutes this will depend on the temperature of your kitchen and while these are proofing you can begin the shaping process on the last two pieces of dough test the dough by gently pushing it with your finger the baguettes are ready to bake when the dough slowly pushes back out it should feel gassy but still strong now as these haven't been proved on a floured couch i'll give the exterior a quick flour and gently brush it that'll give a really nice color contrast when baked right now it's time to score imagine two parallel lines running down the center of the baguette about one centimeter apart hold your blade at an angle and not straight this is going to help with the ear of the bread opening up now don't score an angle across the baguette score almost in a straight line working from the right side of the imaginary parallel lines to the left start the next cut just above the previous one and so on now using a peel or something flat slide the baguettes into the preheated oven give the top a quick mist and gently throw two ice cubes into the steaming tray bake for 20 minutes or until you've got a deep dark color on the outside this produces the best crust in my opinion now your other two baguettes should be shaped proofed and ready to bake [Music] so a super simple little baguette recipe really easy takes a bit of time but really really worth the effort now if you make this and you post a pick up on instagram then don't forget to drop me a tag that's it i'd like to say a huge thank you for watching i'll see you again very soon stay tuned
Channel: Culinary Exploration
Views: 291,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simple baguette bread recipe with easy to follow steps, How French Baguettes are Made, How to make French sticks, Easy baguette recipe, Pre fermented baguettes, Baguettes made using a poolish, Baguettes made with overnight proofs, Baguettes made with overnight proves, Extended proofing method to make baguettes, Baguette bread recipe, Easy baguette bread, Long fermentation baguettes, Beginners baguettes loaf recipe, baguettes loaf made by hand, Bakery style baguettes
Id: bO0KVVrUj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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