Ciabatta bread rolls made at home

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hello again my name's John I'm a retired cook from the northeast of England in the UK and welcome to another one of my bread videos in this one I'll be making these delicious ciabatta bread rolls this recipe yields eight good-sized rolls but you can increase the ingredients to make more in the same timeframe providing you half the oven space and once again I'll be using the police or sponge method and if you're not familiar with that I'll explain as we go and here's a list of the simple ingredients needed to make this fantastic bread there's only four flour water salt and yeast and these ingredients also include the measurements for the police okiya felishj sponge bigger starter whatever you want to call it it's a pre ferment meaning setting the way a mixture of flour water and a tiny amount of yeast and letting it sit for a few hours before making the bread usually in the fridge overnight using this method greatly improves the structure texture and taste of the bread and it also gives the bread a longer shelf life okay I'll start the police by adding 200 grams of water to a bowl from the main ingredients list now I use digital kitchen scales to measure all of my ingredients as it's the only way to get exact measurements next I'll add the 200 grams that's 7 ounces of flour also from the main ingredients list and the final ingredient for the police is the quarter teaspoon of instant or active dried yeast and assure you how little this is a weird on my Joomla skills one gram that's all you need that lulz will be a good idea to test the yeast before you start the recipe I have a yeast test you can perform on my sandwich bread video I'll leave a link in the description box below okay give that a good mix make sure everything is amalgamated right once that's done cover the ball and get it under the top shelf of the fridge now the reason for the top shelf is it's the warmest part of the fridge sort retards or slows the fermentation down to a steady rate and it's that slow fermentation that gives this bread its fantastic flavor right and after 12 hours sitting at the top of my fridge this is what it looks like now all bubbly and ready to start making some fantastic bread now pour the remaining water from the ingredients list which should be 200 grams or 7 ounces into the police ball just a loose-knit of our Shawn for this recipe I'll be using my stand mixer if you are not using a mixer just combine the remaining ingredients with the police that's the rest of the water flour and salt give it all a good mix cover it and let it stand for two hours that's the only way you can do this without a mixer with the mixer this will take about five minutes right I'll add the combined water and police to the mixer bowl followed by the 300 grams that's ten and a half ounces of flour on the lusting gradient the eight grams that's one teaspoon of salt okay with the puddle attachment on I'll start the mixer off slowly at first for one minute and just out of interest I'll set the stopwatch to see exactly how long this will take to form the dough while that's going on for the first minute are quickly likely Oyler wide for only that a little later right after that minute I'll switch up to the next speed for a further minute and after that minute is elapsed I'll be switching up to the next and final speed which on my machine is number four and once the door starts releasing from the sides of the ball it's ready to go on to the next step what's happening here is the gluten strands are forming and bonding together accelerated by the motion of the mixer it's kneading the dough in other words for those without a mixer the CM is happening in your door only at a much slower rate and there it goes once it's all released from the sides of the ball I can stop the machine and then transfer it to the oiled Bowl are prepared earlier and that only took four minutes forty seconds now for safety reasons switch off the machine at the wall socket and clean down the puddle with wet hands you don't want your fingers in this thing if it's accidentally switched on right whether you've spent the last five minutes mixing the door or the last two hours waiting for the door we're all at the same point now and the next stage in making these ciabatta rolls is to let the door rest and rise for two and a quarter hours but it needs to be turned and knocked back a couple of times so I've set the timer for the first of three 45-minute rest periods [Music] right the first 45 minutes are up and with wet hands get the door five or six turns or make sure you have plenty water on or this door will stick to dry hands just copy my technique and you'll be fine now cover the ball and set the time away for the second 45 minutes and like the police these 45 minute rest and rise periods are very important for the structure texture and flavor of the bread okay the second 45 minutes are up just to exactly the same and turn the door few times with wet hands this is merely to knock the door back and distribute the temperature evenly throughout the door and I expect to be glad to hear this is the last time you'll be handling this wet door in the bowl right I'll cover that and set the timer away for the last 45 minutes okay while waiting for the door to rise I'll get a couple of things ready start him with the baker's couche all this is is a well floured piece of material to proof that your putter rolls on I use 100% cotton pillowcase for mine it's a lot cheaper than the proper baker's couche material and it does exactly the same job next job is to flour the work area try to arrange these sorts next to the couch cloth it's just so you don't have far to transfer the door to okay once the last 45 minutes are up I need to get it out of the ball without touching it as at Doremon and knock any of that Gus out of the door and the best way is to tip the ball upside down and let gravity do the work as Shawn just simply hold the ball a couple of inches from the floured surface for a few seconds and simply let it flow out all by itself and there it goes easy-peasy now this is a high hydration door eighty percent in fact sorts of very wet door sought to shape it you'll need plenty of flour on don't be afraid to use it as any added flour at this point is only external and can be simply brushed off after the rules are baked right once shaped into a rectangle with the scraper and eyeball it into two pieces there now divide each of those pieces into four rolls [Music] use the scraper to help move each one over to the Koosh once you get a rule completed fold up the cloth as shown to support the rolls this is why Baker's use a Koosh especially with wet dough if you just lay a DS on a baking tray to proof they will just spread out and you'd end up with flat pancakes don't worry about them being perfect shapes just get them as close as you can at the end of the day these are homemade who not mass-produced [Music] once all the rolls are tucked up nicely on the couch cover them with a dry lightweight cloth and set you timer for 20 minutes [Music] okay one is about 10 minutes left set your oven to 230 degrees Celsius that's 450 degrees Fahrenheit or gas mark 8 I'm set in mind to 210 Celsius because mine is fun assisted and it runs approximately 20 degrees Celsius hotter than indicated on the dial just after you turn on the oven place a pan of hot water on the bottom shelf this will create a steamy atmosphere in the oven which shall make the ciabatta rolls crispy know these chapattis are traditionally baked on a stone but most people don't have one of those so I'll be baking my rolls on the underside of a couple of baking trays turning these trays upside down just makes it easier to slide the rolls on and off as you'll see a little later and to transfer the rolls on to the hot trays of using my homemade feel board lined with parchment paper but you can buy these fairly cheaply online and you can however use a heatproof cutting board lined with parchment paper like I did a my ciabatta loaf video here is a short clip from that video sure what I made sorry about the steam [Music] okay the 20 minutes are up and it's time to get these into the hot oven right remove the cover cloth and carefully lift them over to whatever peel you're using I can get four to time on my board we shall be able to handle these quite easily but be as gentle as possible right I'll carefully but confidently slide the first four in and then I'll quickly get the door closed while I load up the second four once they're all safely in the oven I'll give the inside a few quick sprays of water this will make the ciabatta rolls even crispier right once the door shut I set the timer for 18 minutes I would normally swap these around halfway through for even cooking but the trial run I did on these the other day they were fine so I'll just leave them as they are right the time's up so I'll slowly open the oven door to avoid a blast of steam and check to see if they're done these could do with a little longer so I'll get them back in for a further minute okay I'm happy with these now so I'll take them out if you want yours a bit darker than this just give them a little longer notice how much they've risen since I put them in this is called oven spring and that is caused by the carbon dioxide gas and alcohol that the yeast produced while it was fermenting during those forty five minute rises and that gas expands with the heat in the oven and that's why you get those classic bubbles in ciabatta bread and don't worry about alcohol that's burned off during the cooking process and it's been about 10 minutes in such a phlegm out of the oven so I've got one oven and let you see what they're like on the inside and there's that classic chapati crumb or bubbles I was prattling on about a few seconds ago all I gotta do now is get some of my homemade butter on and give it a try I like the caption says if you want to know how to make this butter I'll leave a link in the description box below okay all I can say about this bread is that you have got to try it this is without a doubt one of the tastiest breads you'll ever eat it is seriously good and of course and gets the thumbs-up well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting the circle above if you do subscribe activate the bell icon next to the subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that he'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other videos and playlists that you may wonder watch so until the next time be safe in the kitchen and bye for now
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 547,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ciabatta, bread, flour, yeast, salt, water, mixer, Ciabatta bread, Ciabatta rolls, Strong white bread flour, bread flour, Poolish, Biga, starter, sponge, Ciabatta bread rolls
Id: _Iod0m7rDyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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