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how'd you do the governmental here again I got a really cool video for you guys today it's wintertime here I live in eastern Canada it's always freezing cold insides the best way to say that I think it's minus 22 or something relevant to that outside Celsius right now I'm gonna call it today this here is a fire log you buy these at the stores this is the cheap one it's the compliments brand but I mean it's just a straight-up fire log it's not one to clean you chimney out or any of that crap it's just one we like the corner of each side of the bag it lights the log up and boom it's supposed to burn for a while and create peat okay well that's all great fun let's do a way today to create heat for free forever okay this is woody people were discussing here clearly I've got the stove just a rare right now I need something always every day and that's junk mail always always always always junk mail every day you can't open your mailbox without having a bunch of crap in there you don't want so instead of throwing this in your garbage and then it goes to landfills and all that other stuff why not turn it into something that's free to you but creates heat for your family which saves you money okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take all this junk and when you bring it in the house set set aside a little bin or something that you can throw it in to take you down to the basement I've got a whole bunch of newspaper stuff I stockpile for the stove and some years I've got so much paper that we've collected over the summer it's just too much you can throw all that crap in there okay this is a great way you're gonna love it so let's jump right into it I'm gonna show that first thing you need to do is get buckets okay I got three buckets here that is the correct number for this equation you're gonna need a drill with a drill bit it don't matter what kind of drill bit you got as normally as its gonna poke holes okay you're gonna take it drill a bunch of holes now I've already pre done that so I don't have to make it much of racket on the camera I got a whole bunch of holes at the bottom and I've got some holes around the outside edge nothing crazy just some to help the water flow so step number one is put the holes in the box step number two regular bucket nothing about it you haven't touched it you haven't done anything to it and you want to take and take bucket number one and put it inside bucket number two so now the one that I put holes in is in here and the one that doesn't have holes in it is in the bottom now the idea behind this is that you're going to take all your paper and all your crap that you got and you're gonna dump it into the one that has the holes okay now you also need water in this that looks like a bill that I should be keeping but then for water in this too okay so I got a bucket here that I've already added some paper to and I've got water in it and I'm just gonna pour it into my bucket like I said I already put a bunch of paper in there and it's so a little bit so now I will give you a shot and show you what we got we've essentially got the makings for paper mache or pulp so pulp is gonna be all ground you're gonna grind this all up it's gonna create pulp or something that's comparable to paper mache and then we're gonna turn it into fire logs but I got another cool fact that we can put in this as well I have a whole bunch of sawdust we cut firewood on the farm so we always have hordes and hordes of hordes of this stuff I'm gonna add some of that too so if your hubby's outside and he's been cutting up some wood or something relevant to that tape some throw it in if not the paper works just fine but this is just me adding a little bit of extra something that's gonna make it happy because we all know that this is gonna burn and then the paper in there is gonna glue it all together with paper mache so throw a little bit of that in there just to make her happy okay the next step now this is optional so this here is the piece you can buy at any hardware store and usually on the bottom of this it has the mixer that you would use for mixing up concrete in buckets etc that'll work just fine for this as long as you let it soak overnight so if you throw your paper in give it 24 hours for it to really soak and then use that you're good to go so you don't do any kind of Mickey Mouse thing but this here I made this so this is a small skill saw blade and I just welded it on the end of the existing one that I cut off so this is gonna turn into my blender let's call it so that's our next step hook this up to the drill and we're gonna get into some light next step so as you can see we've got our pole attached to our drill you know this gear now with what I've got going on if you do this it's fairly dangerous but if you're handy enough to do something like that well the skill saw blade on the back I think you've got that covered we're gonna put this into our bucket and we're gonna blend it all up is what we're gonna do and the idea here is to turn the paper and everything into pulp so I'll save you the racket and I'll do it off camera and then I'll come back to show it to you okay here's one of the things to look out for as well if you start blending it and it's just really really jumbled up you got to remember there's gonna be a small gap at the bottom where water is dropped into because of the holes and the space in between the buckets so there is no right or wrong amount of water that you would add to this because we're gonna strain it so once we get through and we get it all mashed up where we want we're gonna strain it up to make our brick anyway so just make sure you've got enough water that works for you and in fact I'm just gonna give the whole thing why not right saves me from having to take that upstairs and dump it all right let's keep it I'll give you a shot of it so as you can see I've essentially turned it into the pulp so I just want to keep your drill against this here or your bar it gives you some stability you don't have to be freaking mashing it all around enough you know you're basically just turning it into a big old blender but clear as day you can see I've made some pretty good pulp there this is the concept behind making the bricks themselves this whole procedure has taken me what seven minutes now and you watch what's going to come out of this and how long I bless them like I said this is an easy easy procedure bucket okay if you don't have a piece of 2x4 or a 1 by 6 or something that you can put across the top of this the idea is we're going to take the bucket now that has the holes in it okay lift it up and we're gonna set it on top of this bucket so that it can drain a little bit more before we move on to the pressing step for me I don't want to use the two by six so I'm going to use something stable so I'm not screwing around with it Mill Creek you find them everywhere especially behind convenience stores that's right I grab this bad boy from it's all you're gonna do is just put it on top of your bucket and now move on the next one okay so your next step is you're gonna lift up on it okay so we're pulling it out we don't want to make a big mess so I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna go boom right over top of my bucket now that's why we put our holes in it right the reason for the holes was so that it can drain out now here's another good point okay I've got my other bucket behind it what should I do with all that soggy water that was in there well let's think about this this has got weight in it now right so the next thing I want to do is that also this is another reason why I want to use a milk crate instead of the 2x4 I want to take and slowly put this in here I don't want water shooting out the sides all over the floor okay that's not what we're going for at all but you can see here we've got our bottom bucket we've got our milk crate we've got our bucket with holes and we've got our weight bucket with water and you can hear it it's draining so we're gonna let it do that for a little bit until it's kind of stopped draining on its own and we're also going to give it a little bit of a push so there's no need for us to be all day long with this as long as it's not squirting out the sides that's a big deal and you can hear the water Oh see that turns shooting into the hole right there that's why we don't want to push too hard nice and slow we also going to push the pulp out and you just keep doing this till it stops dripping so I'll come back when that's all done so just to give you an idea so it's it's done draining right now and you can see it's like a pulp or paper mache pancake at this point in time so now we're going to take it out you definitely want to move this into a less desirable area in the house I'm back in the wood room right now I'm a concrete floor because I've taken this out of the other bucket and I've got the holes exposed on the bottom here right last thing I want to do is piss water all over the hardwood I've got a knife all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna rim it around the outside I just want to make sure that when it comes time for me to flip it out which is what our next step is we don't want to have to be messing with anything so just take your knife you're just gonna go around the outside let's just show you that so you know what we're doing here sorry--but camera work you go yeah so I'm just bringing it down the sides you don't want to get cut you don't want to cut inside so you don't want to be doing a sawing motion and then you'll end up cutting actually into the log here you just want to take it out put it in this way you know you're making fresh cuts and you're getting the side to come apart and that's that so now I now have the whole thing nice and clean and all ready to go so the next stage I got Marko so we're just gonna take our bucket and the idea is just to flip it over and get it to pop out BAM whoops you're strapped you don't hook underneath and there it is so that right there ladies and gentlemen is my fire brick now here's the deal okay number one you can cut it now or you can cut it later so are you sorry you can cut it now but you can't cut it later so if you don't want to have to put the whole brick inside you're gonna want to cut this so let me just change this so I can see what's going on here there so you're gonna want to cut it otherwise you're going to throw this whole block in like this and also by cutting this it's gonna allow it to dry quicker so we're not looking to tear it all apart okay well I might need to use a serrated there we go it's not super easy to cut okay there's certain parts of this where the paper hasn't blended all the way through right and you don't want to mangle it like I'm trying to keep it all together as one and I put sawdust in this for me so makes it a little bit more rigid yep so that's it separate it into two and then we're gonna set it aside separate it into two so at this point in time I want to separate it and I would like like for me personally when I do this I actually try to mold it out into fire logs like that is what we're doing here is making fire bricks right so if I squish it all out square it off a little bit give her some like because that's what the other ones look like we're actually trying to make something that's comfortable to the fire log that I showed you when we started so squish it out to where you want it like I'm doing right here trying to expand it push it down and keep it compact so we're gonna do that to both of them and then we're gonna let this dry now these fire logs they're probably going to take something relevant to a week two weeks for it to be fully dried it's kind of like when you put the wood in your house you can't just throw it in the stove you got to give it a little bit of time to go to that happy place right so just space them out make your two logs give it a couple weeks and then these things here you're gonna throw this in the stove and it's gonna burn for two hours two and a half three hours and it's gonna provide great heat and we didn't pay anything for at all so once these are dried I'm gonna come back and show it to you and then we'll do a comparable with the one that I purchased okay so I'm back operation homemade fire log this year essentially is going to be free heat for the rest of your life I mean it's a little bit of work that you got to do with some miscellaneous that comes in the mail or some random people random paper scraps he's got around the house but it essentially is going to create fire logs for you okay this is the store-bought there's the dried version of what we made okay it looks like one of the fire loves it's got a little bit of weight to it like the fire logs and these things burn really really really good so I'm gonna open this up just to show you their fire logs are all dark and they look pretty like peat moss that's their fire log okay it's dark this is our fire log so ours is lighter obviously it's not gonna be the same thing I don't know what the hell they put in this but I know what we put in this so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna throw it in the stove and I'm going to show you that this here will keep the stove lit up and raring in a good good way so let's do that okay so I've got a little bit of coals going on the bottom of the stove I mean the easiest way to light this is just to throw it in there with coals and I got one and we had made two so we're gonna throw the second one in and we'll just close up the door and the letter you're going just remember it doesn't take a lot of heat a lot of firewood to create a lot of heat so we'll get those two burners and we'll come back and get a shot so you can see it just started to burn and already we're getting a good flame on that now it's about how long it's gonna burn for but this is gonna light right up it's gonna heat the whole basement and I literally made that innocent scrap newspaper and some junk that came in the mail you can see right there that's a great fire like I said it doesn't take much to heat the entire basement or if you've got your stove in the living room this really really does work and it'll save you a lot of money if you make a couple of these bricks once a week or once every whatever I mean stockpile them for the whole year it doesn't matter the point is you didn't pay a nickel for what's in there it just took a little bit of your time and a little bit of know-how and now you got a great fire that's gonna warm the whole basement up or your whole house and it's free that's the big word free heat forever it's forever as long as you keep making it it's forever and look at that that is burning great
Channel: Mr EastCoastMan
Views: 5,637,600
Rating: 4.5986772 out of 5
Keywords: Do It Yourself (Hobby), Home Improvement (Interest), paper logs, free heat, easy way, how to, Recycle (Award-Winning Work), recycle paper, heat, heat your home, how to heat your home, using a wood stove, makeing home made logs, Recycling (Industry), Hobby (Interest), Smart, Way, None, cool tricks, hacker, life hacks
Id: 5cnruhJbRnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 13 2015
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