AWESOME Firewood Alternative That SAVED OUR LIFE!

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thanks for joining us for this video we wanted to just share a quick tip with you in case you decide to start a home studying or an off-grid journey maybe late in the fall or even into the winter we were able to find some of these mill ends thanks to a neighbor and they've helped us get through the winter thus far we're happy to report it's actually pretty warm today and so we're if we had a good break from burning wood we haven't had to burn probably close to three weeks now partly because we figured out we could do fine down to about 20 degrees or so but also we haven't really needed to it's been warmer the last few weeks so above freezing at least um but we wanted to share this video with you because the reality is you probably won't be able to get the perfect firewood if you arrive to your property late in the year or even in the winter as in our case and so the conditions are just less than ideal if you rely on wood heat well we found out from a neighbor that we can actually get an alternative to firewood pretty readily in our area and what that means is you have other solutions to the problem you have alternatives and a lot of times with with this journey you kind of have to look at that you have to try to find another way to solve the problem because the way the general population would highly recommend you solve your problem well just isn't convenient doesn't mean you're going to fail you kind of have to just problem-solve so where I'm sitting right now we had a bunch of firewood about two months ago and part of our rookie mistake so we've burned a lot of it up without really needing to but we didn't really know that so here we are it's it's early February and we don't think that we're gonna need to burn a lot more this year but we don't really know and we do want to be prepared so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go get some fire logs I wanted to clear one thing up these particular fire logs we're actually not going to purchase from a retail store and the reason for that is because we kind of talked with some of our neighbors who offered some alternatives to our situation here some of them even offered us some firewood but it's not maybe that most ideal wood to burn right now because it's still pretty wet we actually have quite a bit of firewood it's on the ground but it's not ready to burn it's far too wet it's not seasoned at all so the heat would be terrible so what we did in that conversation with some of our neighbors we found out that there's actually a someone locally here who makes these fire logs and they have an opportunity to purchase them as seconds what that means is they're damaged during the manufacturing process so they're basically still a fire log but they're unable to ship them to a consumer and if we were to buy these fire logs at retail we could do it but it's definitely a considerable expense at that point it'd be neck-and-neck with trying to find somebody maybe who had some seasoned firewood for sale but as it is the seconds are available at a pretty good discount so that being said we should be able to get a pretty good value from these fire logs additionally we can keep these fire logs in storage which we plan to do instead of keeping them out here in the weather and that should keep them for a long time so even if we don't burn them this year we'll still have them for next year and if we for some reason don't end up with a wood stove we could use them for hot to fuel something like that so we want to share that journey with you and just again communicate that when you're in a situation like this look for alternatives there's usually a way in modern society to solve your problem yeah in different different ways so let's go on a journey let's go get some fire logs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we got ourselves some fire logs and if you're not familiar with them they're basically sawdust that is highly compacted but they also dry the sawdust so it has really low moisture content usually they're about this big or so and this one actually is a second to because it's got damage on the ends and things so what we ended up getting was a pallet of seconds which are damaged so may they look like this but for all intents and purposes that burns just the same they just can't sell them at retail so this pallet it's deceptive it's not very large but this pallet is heavy they're about eight pounds per log and there's 240 logs in here so whatever that is right at 2,000 pounds so there's almost a ton of burn material here they say statistically it's about a quart quart and a half or two cords of fire Li you have to kind of learn how to burn them because I think it's easy to burn them up really fast that was our experience we've been given instructions on how to burn them properly and hopefully we can get a little more burn at them we don't know if we're even gonna Niederman ah this was more like a precautionary step for us because it's been a little warm but we may end up needing more wood for the winter so we're actually going to put these in storage and part of the reason for that is we don't have a really great place to store these of the property they need to be kept dry and they need to be away from high humidity moisture rain snow not ideal to just put a tarp over them that probably wouldn't work really well so we're gonna put them in storage for now and if we need them we'll come get them again we paid a hundred and twenty-five dollars for this pallet and that's about half price I think it's really close to that normally a pallet of these things run so I think to 25 to 40 something like that so a little more than a price you will need a really heavy trailer I don't know if this is even something that would work for most people I guess the point of this video is that there's always options in fact we saw a video recently where a guy was using sunflower kernels or not the kernels the shells just to heat his house because that's a byproduct it's like a waste byproduct of these factories they have nowhere to get rid of it so he's getting massive amounts of energy for for very low money so this is an option for us and the way we found this again was we talked to neighbors we kind of networked and found out that we had somebody who actually produces a product like this in our area of course not everybody will have that convenience but if you just talk to people you might find out that there's options especially if you find yourself in a area where people are friendly which would help to get away from unfriendly areas anyway so we're gonna go ahead and put these in storage and that's that [Music] [Music] all right we made it we moved a ton of fire logs it's not pretty it's good enough for now though so we probably ought to come back and restock this or do something with it but maybe summer will come and or spring and we can fire up the hot tub or something who knows exciting stuff and we get this stuff burn up so anyway we wanted to share this experience with you hopefully it kind of gives you some ideas about how to tackle the crisis of heat or energy if you're starting your homestead or off-grid living in the fall or the winter and you don't have enough wood or other heat sources so thanks for joining us for this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see others please subscribe to our YouTube channel and we'll put a subscribe button right here right here and then also please follow us on our blog it's pure living four and if you'd like to we also have a Facebook and an Instagram and we post small things over there that don't make it to the YouTube channel or to the blog so if you like those please follow us over there and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 1,459,499
Rating: 4.2853456 out of 5
Keywords: firelogs, wood stove, compressed wood log, firewood alternatives, sawdust logs, energy logs, living off the grid, off-the-grid, wood burning stove, firewood, winter, energy, heat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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