Free heat from Sawdust + Vegetable oil .. No Tools Needed

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so i get asked all the time can you burn waste oil with saltest i'm going to show you how i do it here we go [Music] hello you're very welcome to jerry's diy if you'd like to learn how to make stoves like this one waste oil burners and lots and lots of other diy projects you could start now by subscribing and click on the bell notification so you don't miss anything okay here we go so this is probably going to be a very short video this is what waste oil and sawdust mix looks like now i'm going to show you how i mix it but this is what it looks like when it is mixed so it's like that when i squeeze it you know nothing comes out all right it's kind of got the consistency of fairly dry porridge oatmeal that sort of thing you know so anyway look i'm not for vacuuming up this is um you know a dyson right and it's got a ton of sawdust in it because i've been using it for collecting salt as you can see it's absolutely packed it's got sawdust and you know fluff and dust and whatever else was around the place so what i'm going to do is just split it and throw the sawdust into the pre-mixed you know stuff all right so that's it now as i said this thing is packed if i get some in the bucket that'd be great okay so there we go there's dust and solders but mostly sawdust okay and literally all i'm going to do is throw the sawdust in on top of this this stuff is fairly liberal you know there's no hard and fast rule so look whoa so there's dust and sawdust in this now the things i do all right so here we have this is white waste vegetable oil this is just ordinary vegetable oil that's been used and it's finished with okay this is two liters now i'm not going to get two liters in on that but we should get at least a liter in so just now i'm asked all the time is this safe you know will it oil up the chimney now i do use it down again inside you know in the main house in my house and um if you burn it hot enough so that you're not making a ton of smoke if i you know like get this going um and choke down the fire so i'm just producing smoke well then you know there's a good chance it's a bit like creosote but if you burn your fire nice and hot um yeah i haven't had any trouble with it when i got my uh my chimney i just get you know dry ash so and that's it so look i've cut that in there i'll just get a bit of a stick okay i'm actually burning this stuff this is just all rotten timber screws and all and that's what's going on in there at the moment so and maybe you can see into the stove but that's all i'm boring so i'll just try that one in and get one well i was trying to get one without nails or screws okay here's here's a better one all right so we throw that one in and we'll just close over the door for now right so i'm just using this to mix what's in here with the oil now you could put this in the battery drill you know the mixer in a battery drill and spin it no problem but i'm just trying to show you so we've put about i don't know a quarter of a liter now the stuff in the bottom of this was already mixed so i'm really only wetting up what's what's in the top of it okay we've over a litre in there now i think i'll get a better stick okay so i have a nail bar here i suppose the next question i'm asked is how long you get out of it it depends on how much you put in um you know i'm going to put this in a bag there we go we're a fair bit through this now and as i said you don't want it going in you know dripping wet okay so that's probably it it's a bit like mixing sand and cement or something i'll just show you the setup now okay so that's it still moves around and it's not you know it's not going to pour out of the bucket all right so how do you use it there's a few ways of doing this all right we've got a small bag here just came out of the chipper you know for for fries okay so just literally trolled in the bag [Applause] i'll show you another way of doing it now in a sec okay so it's probably about a kilo in there about two pounds in weight all right i can actually smell the chips out of it and that's it look now we've probably got about two pounds of weight a kilo in that and uh and that's it you know you don't have to throw it in and wait for a big wash there won't be any big wash make sure it's vegetable oil you can even use motor oil this way but make sure there's no petrol or anything like that and no gasoline okay so look and that's it now give you a look in there you know as i said you don't have to close the door really fast and you can see what's going on the paper bag is beginning to burn so i don't know if you can see it but just after pulling the paper off the the heat log if that's what you want to call it now i know it's not compressed it's just sawdust and oil so i've left the door open for a few minutes now and you can see it born it doesn't burn instantaneously it just burns away you know mellow sort of a burn and that's with the door open when i close the door you can see the flames diminish when they open the bottom door you can see them pick up can you hear that jesus there's a ton of heat out of this thing now i built the stove so that i could convert it to run on waste oil uh be it vegetable oil or mold or oil or anything else if i want to but um i'm going to do a couple of simple conversions i've done all this before but with other stoves and um but this one i made from you know obviously an oil drum and this was a cast iron door off an old stall i have in videos years ago and you can see that and then i built a kind of a frame and the idea is that it can burn out the barrels over time you know they don't last forever but certainly you get years out of them i could burn out the barrels or decide that the barrels beyond service take this part off it and bolt it on and it kind of made it as a kid as a door you know a draft or a you know cleaning door and it also regulates the draft and i've got it you know the part that the flu connects to on the back and those three items come off this particular barrel and i'd have them on another barrel with with new rope new fiberglass rope very quickly but there is a ton of heat it's actually quite cold at the moment it's about five degrees c here at the minute um i don't know what that is in fahrenheit but it's quite cold zero c is freezing so we're only five degrees above that and it's windy it's about 20 25 mile an hour winds again so we're just beginning to get into the heating season i just did some uh stair treads i could allow the stair treads for a stair project i'm doing where i'm renovating this building next door and um and i'll let you know that as well but look there you go can you burn waste oil with sawdust and the answer is yes um can you do it at home in your house i don't know that's that's up to you but i do i try now and again i i'll make kind of these logs put them into the fire and they work so that's all i'd say be careful you know you can hear that roar in the bottom of it when i open that now i made it that way specifically for a burning waste oil and i'll show you what i did in the next video when i'm doing um the conversion so another handy way of doing these logs is literally just to dump some of it on the paper so i've got some newspapers there you can see what's going into it okay so now active parliament here and literally if i can wrap it it's going in so that's it [Applause] i think you could you could pre-make these for an evening or something but uh i'm just in the shed here at the moment now just to show you this this is just some newspaper with about a kilo two pounds three pounds of sawdust in it with some waste oil and literally just going to throw that in now it didn't hold together very well so you could make better parcels it was the only newspaper i could find and it's more like a magazine it's quite small but there you go look burning away no problem no big wash it just burns a bit like coal somewhere between coal and a log so uh pretty good and if i open the bottom one you can hear that roar you can probably see it on the flame as well and that's it that's how i regulate the the draft going into this stove not a little bit of cleaning up to do but no big you could do this on a table you could make proper parcels out of stuff it was just rough and ready for me so i need a lot of heat in this shed and i managed to heat it every winter for free and um yeah so it's more than possible you can be as warm as you like but um anyway lots more videos to come um if you have any suggestions that sort of thing you know um in the comments below and uh if you liked the video please thumbs up subscribe and i'll see you all the next video bye for now good luck you
Channel: GerrysDiy
Views: 775,681
Rating: 4.7651167 out of 5
Keywords: Free Heat, Vegetable oil and sawdust logs, free heat from sawdust, veggie oil and sawdust mix, waste oil heater, waste oil burner, homemade waste oil burner, waste oil stove, waste oil burner design, waste oil space heater, cheap shed heater, prepper, off grid, cooking on waste oil, heating your home for free, homemade waste oil heater, living off grid, rocket stove, homemade stuff, heat your home for free, FREE HEAT from sawdust and vegetable oil, Free Heat Simple
Id: 8TNueNfDJTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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