5 Homemade Candles For Emergencies

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in today's video we are taking a look at how you can make some emergency candles out of supplies you should have around the home [Applause] guys we've got an awesome new shirt this is limited edition so get yours now by clicking the link in the description below guys it's always good to be prepared even though we are in the age of technology and we always have phones and flashlights in our home sometimes there's a power outage there may be an emergency it might be nice if you knew how to make your own emergency candles and the good news is you can actually make it using some household supplies I have got a lot of supplies here today and we want to see what sort of candles and lanterns we can make with these so let's get started here's the basic idea we are going to try to make several different types of candles and lanterns using household materials and if those work try to make one giant candle out of the leftover supplies for our first emergency candle we are going to start with the simplest one and you may have seen this on the channel before we're gonna make a butter candle in the past you have seen grant make these butter candles they're pretty cool because they are so simple to put together he used butter and tissue paper and that's really all you need however I'm gonna try something different I'm gonna add one more thing to the mix very simple to find in your home toothpicks alright let's see eight tablespoons so technically this should be an eight hour candle but what we're gonna do we're actually just gonna split it right down the middle we're gonna try to different versions of this see which one burns better well it's not a perfectly even cut but that's okay the way grant shown you before you take a piece of tissue paper what we're gonna do is we're actually going to fold it into a triangle and then we're going to roll it that's gonna be our wick now he did use a toothpick for this one as well but in a different way than what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go ahead and take one of these toothpicks we're gonna poke a hole straight through the butter then we're gonna use the toothpick itself to poke this piece of tissue paper into that hole sort and drive it down now here's the difference we use the toothpick last time to simply poke that piece of tissue paper down into the center of the butter what I'm gonna do this time is I'm actually going to keep the toothpick in the butter itself I'm going to take a piece of tissue and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to grease it to make sure that it's kind of wax you'll see here I actually have some commercial candle wicks and they are waxed to begin with that keeps it from burning too fast burning out before the candle itself can melt so I'm going to use our butter to sort of wax this piece of tissue paper and we're going to wrap our wax quote-unquote tissue paper around it the reason I want to do this is because when butter melts it's going to start to slump and I'm concerned that with our little wick here what will happen is it will actually fall into the butter itself and it will go out I'm hoping that the toothpick will keep it steady [Music] grits method works phenomenally well I just want to see if this one will - so first off you can even see that the flame size is different yes you can get this one to light but it's not going to be as bright as our little toothpick one so we're gonna keep these going while we move on to the next one for our next super simple candle we are gonna be using things that you should be able to find in your kitchen pretty much always we need some vegetable oil and some salt so I have here some handy dandy super tiny little jars and they're incredibly useful they have a really nice glass body but they also have a plastic top so if we need to poke a hole through these we can we have our little jar and we are going to fill it with salt you don't need to fill all the way to the top next we're going to take our oil and we are going to make sure that that salt is fully saturated all right so you want this firm enough that if I was to put say a toothpick in here it's not just gonna slobber perfect but also you can sort of see this nice thin layer of vegetable oil at the top that's what you're looking for next what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our toothpick you might want to dip it in that the salt oil mixture just to make sure again it is nice and saturated and there's a few different ways that you can go about doing this next step if you have a cotton t-shirt has to be a hundred percent cotton or cotton balls or here I actually have 100% cotton dish towels you could use those too we're gonna go ahead and start with the cotton balls and this is super simple what we're gonna do you can sort of pull that cotton ball apart and we're gonna wrap it around our toothpick go ahead and saturate your cotton just like your toothpick the important thing here is to make sure that there aren't any gaps if you've got any gaps in that cotton while you're wrapping it just might not burn in the same way put into your candle a little bit more to size Matt took off immediately that's awesome salt and vegetable oil candle absolutely going to work in a pinch if you need a light source let's go ahead and try a few other types of material just to see if they work too now normally when you are making a candle with commercial candle wicks some people do this differently some people put a spot of glue at the bottom of their container and then fill it with like pieces of maybe soy flakes things like that around it or you wait until you have filled the container or a jar with molten wax before you dip them in and just make sure it stays this is gonna be a little bit harder I'm gonna go ahead and poke it down with a toothpick hopefully you'll stay if you have candle making supplies at home to begin with I'm not sure why this would be your go-to but let's see if it works [Music] now let's try with a piece of towel wick this is not a polyester blend or anything else this is 100% cotton otherwise it wouldn't know first what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and make sure this is nice and saturated with that vegetable oil as well and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna use a toothpick just like we did for the butter candle and we're gonna push that piece of fabric down this towel so here we've got toilet paper and a toothpick this one is our commercial wick and this one is a dish now all of these are simply salt and vegetable oil a very very simple way of making a quick candle and a patch so something I want to point out while we were making our little jar candles our butter candles actually did something kind of interesting the one that I wanted to test where I wrapped a piece of toilet paper around toothpick that went out grants style that he made right here this is simply toilet paper that got shoved down into the piece of butter itself that one's still going so grant that one wins the next thing that we're gonna try is making a hundred our candle if you have an emergency kit at home you probably have one of these but we're gonna try and make one ourselves this is pretty simple what you're gonna use is any type of wax and a very simple store-bought candle start off with we've got Eve's Crisco different ways that you can make a hundred dollar candle like this you can actually get candle making supplies like those so Evie's we talked about before little pieces of wax or just melting candle wax pouring them into the jar before placing the candle I'm gonna try this a different way we're gonna go with Crisco which is disgusting as much as you can try to tamp down the Crisco or whatever thick wax or fat you're using to make sure that there aren't really any air bubbles all right so I'm gonna see the length here our Crisco ends about there I'm gonna make it just a little bit taller and I'll shave it down there's need be if you have a candle that is longer than your mason jar just be careful that you don't cut through the wick if you have to do this and I want to do a side-by-side comparison with this one and this one so I'm gonna make sure that I cut them down to the same length all right our two candles so we have the control test and the one that we're actually going to put in our hundred hour candle here's the really really difficult part just a piece of paraffin wax hold our candle in place grate your candle we're gonna like these at exactly the same time whoo all right we're gonna leave these burning back behind me we've got a GoPro set up so you can kind of see the time lapse of how these are gonna burn let's see what happens [Music] [Music] so for our last emergency flame we're actually going to try and make an oil lamp and this is incredibly simple all that we need is a mason jar something that is 100% cotton this can be a piece of t-shirt or if you have it cotton cord which is what I'm gonna use some wire and some oil here's the most complicated part about one of these oil lamps we actually have to put a hole straight through the top of the mason jar now in a pinch you can do this with even a rock if need be I've seen people do this with chisels with nails and an emergency you might not have this but there are other ways to do this we're to go ahead and use a chisel and Hammer if you decide that you're cutting a piece of flat fabric or if you even have a piece of flat fabric it's just sort of like you know a strip you can use a flat chisel because I've got some round cording here trying to make sort of a round hole for it to go through you want it big enough to be able to feed through not only the cord but the oil itself but not so big that it's gonna fall through if you make it too big that's okay and I'll show you why perfect should be able to feed through now I hammered it upside down those last few times the reason why is that means that the cord will be able to pull through you can trim the wick but it's not gonna slip back down into the jar all right so something that I want to point out while I have been working on these other different types of candles we actually lost a couple of others yes our butter candles went out but you look at our three here that we have got in salt and oil this was a commercially available wick there's a tiny flame but it's barely there this one here this is our toilet paper and toothpick now while that is still burning you'll notice that we have a lot of smoke you kind of see a burned edge around it and this one is our dish cloth all right we've got our jar we've got our cord we've got our oil we've got the hole in the jar so we're ready to go so if any of you have ever used an oil lamp before they have a pretty simple system you have a wick that goes down into the oil it gets sucked up by the material comes out the top and that oil is the few itself so that's kind of what we're replicating here make sure that you have more than the jars with itself the reason why is that with an oil lamp even though it is using the oil itself as a fuel you need to trim the wick from time to time that's why we have this hole here so that we can pull the wick out and then we can trim it down as it burns so a little bit to sort of stay wrapped around the bottom to make sure that our wick stays where we need it we're gonna go ahead and use our wire nice part about this is you don't have to have this as an exact science what we're gonna do with the wire is we're going to wrap it around our wick that way our wick will stay exactly where we put it and now we want to make sure this is thoroughly saturated in the oil itself so we're going to dip the whole thing in try and squeeze out the excess oil you don't want this to be so soaked that it drips everywhere now as you can see it's quite the opening there so what we're gonna do find the length that you want we'll trim it down to wherever we need use this wire and just sort of make a nice loose circle because this is attached to the rest of the wire that way it's not going to go anywhere so now we're gonna do is we're going to trim down that wire itself and we're gonna trim down our wick to where we need it [Music] and there you go a nice bright light easily brighter than anything else that we've got right now less smoke and this one is gonna last you the longest there's a few ways that you can make candles but I don't feel like we've explored all of the options here go big or go home [Music] I am so very proud of myself [Music] hey Nate yeah come here I made a thousand our candle what what is this it's a candle remember how I said I was gonna make emergency candles today what kind of emergency are you expecting I was expecting you know a bunch of dishware and other things to start seeing be our guest to us it appears to be made of toothpaste no Crisco oh okay well what should burn a little better than toothpaste Elise yeah how long do you think it'll burn for I don't have a good prediction that seems like a lot of fuel I could go for a while yeah but you're proud of me right very proud you should be proud [Music] guys that's not all you know we've always got more free to see go ahead and click that box up at the top for our latest video and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 1,066,199
Rating: 4.838594 out of 5
Keywords: candle making, giant candle, make it giant, 100 hour candle, diy oil candle, make a candle out of butter, diy candles, do it yourself, life hacks, useful things, how to make candle, diy oil candle burner, diy oil candle wick, paper towel and toothpick candle wick, what type of candle burns the longest, crisco candle, candle art, tissue paper wick, salt and oil lamp, how long does a crisco lamp last, survival hacks, thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, paraffin wax candle
Id: 7fFf-gtesH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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