Stupid-Easy $1.00 CHAINSAW HACK That'll SAVE YOUR BACK
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Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 1,492,475
Rating: 4.5449805 out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, sawmill, tree felling, logging, chainsaw mill, stihl, husqvarna, rural property, land management, urban forestry, arborist, pine, blue pine, beetle kill pine
Id: zD1-q8JwnWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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Video is about cutting firewood to length.
This is it: pvc and a magnet: and again here:
NOTHING ELSE. Zero Work On The Movie Set
hmmm....obsessed with "processing firewood" for a woodstove or outdoor wood boiler that they don't have.
You can tell he doesn't actually heat with wood. We burn 5-6 cords a year, and something like this only slows down the process. Eyeball it and go.
Or you could cut one and use it as a template like people have been doing for years. But if you want to make one of the most dangerous saws you can buy all lopsided and unevenly weighted be my guest.
Nah, probably not.
There are a number of gauges like this. I don't reccomend any of them. I tried one that was a smaller profile. Magnet with a fiberglass stick attached. It worked Ok, but tossed it. Easiest I have found is a measuring stick and a hatchet. Go down whole log at once and whack your marks in with the hatchet. I have an actual fireplace insert too that I burn most the winter. Lol.
One thing I learnt about chainsaws is you don't fuck around with chainsaws.
This entire channel is a hack! What makes this silly piece of pipe and a magnet anything special?
Hmm, 16" bar cutting attached to the saw mean the bar bolt is between 17 and 18 inches depending on saw make. So I can measure 16 to 18 inches pretty accurately with just the bar on the saw itself. More specifically if you are holding the wrap around bar at the top and use it at the pivot point you are are getting the measurement of tip of bar to bar mount bolt(s) every time give or take 1/2 inch. I guess I am just an idiot for doing this all my life and my teachers are idiots for showing me this trick as well. Why did I not carry extra crap with me all these years? Cause I am smarter than Jerky boy for sure is why.
In one shot you can even read the stihl bar is labeled as 16". While I grant this idea is a neat trick if you are using 10 to 14 inch bar and need 18 inch logs (which I think I would figure out where on my saw that was) just don't see it as practical. Why take extra crap with you that you don't need.
Also who the F--- cuts (fire size) logs up in the woods? I bring long logs out of the woods to the house and do it there.