How To Make A Rocket Mass Offgrid Hot Water Heater DIY

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OffGridSecrets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wel I think I now have a summer project

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/timberwolf0122 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If roof space allows in still such a proponent of solar water heaters and furnaces (the ones made of cans) but this is neat too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wise_comment πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How do you clean/dispose of ashes in the bottom of the burn chamber?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eastlakebikerider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did you put sand in the copper pipe before circling?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/straylittlelambs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here's what we're trying to build we've got this sort of chair frame that we're putting it on it's gonna be a rough sketch base so we're gonna fill in the mud here until this is raised up a bit we're gonna have a hole here where the intake is going to come in we'll use a pipe or something to do that then we're going to step there any way to put the pipe that I've already got now here so these two are connected and then we're gonna start building this mud up and put the coil on and we're gonna build the mud up there but we still need a hole to come in here what we're gonna do as it goes up this is where we're gonna put the wood this is where the air comes in and this is the coil mmm sorry guys Wow bad handwriting coil that's the pipe that's the hot air coming out and this is where you actually can cook you can cook on the top of it we're gonna have the cold water pipe coming in and off the top that's going to be the hot and then we're connecting to a barrel over here so the cold water is going to constantly flow this way into the system go up the coil and then the hot water is going to come spilling into the top of the bucket and as the process continues it'll cycle through without any power electricity because the cold water will naturally sink because heat rises and the process will go it's actually called a thermal siphon so we're going to try to achieve here so I know that's a really rough sketch but that's what we're going for and stay tuned to watch it be built you you all right we got Brandon and Tyler helping out good job guys we're collecting the clay we're gonna fill this halfway up and then we're going to fill the rest of it with sand Tyler is being a good boy I'm not gonna make you do all the work I'm gonna help just seeing if you guys want to help a little bit Luna you can help too come on fill up the bucket remember just the top inch that's where the clay is some really good clay just on the top of here this is where all the water naturally settles so we get the fine silt which in compacts into some really nice clay we're gonna grab as much of that as we can before we start making maybe what there's a wet sofa plants yeah what don't don't get the plants just the dirt yeah just the mud yeah good job buddy all right hey Brandon was socially filling up the bucket hey Tyler what we building you don't even know well you're gonna have to find you can have to watch the video to find out huh good job buddy right so next we're gonna add a little bit of water to the bucket so we can work this mud and clay and try to make it all workable and then I've got this old chair that we're gonna use as a base so we can pick it up and make it mobile or mobile depending where you're from okay so that's it next step mixture just work it and until the mixture gets completely mixed Tyler's filming right now be very helpful to mix this for a few minutes and then we're ready to start using it [Applause] we're gonna put it into this chair the bottom of this chair we're gonna start building up this pipe right so we basically got a few more buckets of sand you got three there two there we're gonna add in here we're gonna need a lot more than we thought you can see that oil just in the top right there we'll let you know what that's for in just a minute we'll get to that but we're just going to have to add a few more layers here and stick this pipe on get moving okay so because this is just a little bit too wet we're gonna add a little bit more sand and clay so we can get the moisture a little bit more like a mud ball so it sticks together not too wet so then we can work with it a lot easier so about a bit more sand in here gonna keep adding it and a bit more clay here and to forget something that's a lot easier to work with what we're going to do is push these into big balls so we can stack them and work with them let me put this mud on top of it later on we can just slide this out more you lubricate it the better the parrot is to slide out yes the more you lubricate the better make it easier to slide out I'm gonna probably go ahead and do this one as well this is gonna be where we put in the actual wood at an angle a little bit of one more time to probably use it so we're gonna put this first half tube a half pipe here for the ventilation to get through and we're gonna put this pipe just on here so you can have a spot for the coil go on to put some oil on this pipe so it becomes easier to slide off [Music] put this on here and try to butt it up the best we can push it in just a little bit just so it stays and then what we're gonna do is uh pile the mud on here and then once we get to about here we'll put in this pipe and then put the coil above it so the last pipe is gonna go here but we're gonna wait to put a bit more mud around here to put it on the best way I've found when working with mud is to try to make these bowls because anything sort of you know flop them on and start building you smoothing out these edges a little bit try to get it a nice foundation for that next pipe to sit on just before we put on that last pipe it's gonna try to raise up this outside edge a little bit inside edge because this is where the copper pipes about to go on set just above that if you're wondering why we're doing this inside it's because it's freezing in Spain right now for some reason little platform that's slightly raised up from here okay so from here we want to take this pipe on it no maybe Brandon you can help me with this okay I'm gonna push this in a little bit and I just need you to hold it right there just like that all right don't move it okay don't look just leave it just like that maybe even let go doesn't is it gonna stay okay you hold it right side up and don't move it push play around it so it holds it okay you pulled up for one second a little bit drier okay nice oh hi so we're gonna have to put something there while it dries for now just get some of the stronger clay well the problem standing up a geminus hard clay here and they didn't leak it out yes I do want the the wood to be fed in here at an angle which gives it it's burning power right well this dries I just hung a string on here I try to hold this into place so that's just gonna hold it there while it dries a little bit and then I'm gonna put that coil on top of it pretty soon put a little bit more oil on here before you put that coil on I built it up around here and built a bit of a lip for the oil let me put a coil put a coil to sit on you leave this up before we put it on to this any difficult to move it once the coils on here Sam the more you do this the easier something to take this off later on alright so this is going to be a little bit finicky because I have to somehow get these arms coming off it to be supportive to to not bow and now we start building up now the fun part I'm just gonna put this fight on as much as I can to pack it in keep adding layers go up as high as you can just over the top of this last coil and we should be good to start testing this they're gonna have to know you last little bit we shouldn't go a couple inches of both where the pipe ends and then maybe give it one more small finish we're going to keep patting as much as you can around the sides because this one's too light as it came to this pipe so much gonna build up this flue a little bit maybe two here so he's got this burn chamber keep it just in it so it doesn't doesn't go sideways you can adjust this at the end say you want this a little bit wider a little bit smaller once you pull this out you can get a stick in there and and fix it make it wider put more clay in there make it smaller with this one I'm when I take this out I'm gonna have to add a whole new layer the inside for sure because it is pretty big I don't think I need the chimney so wide [Music] just take your time okay I've through a couple more inches on made a nice little flat top here so they have a place to set a pen or a grill later on done the same thing down here nice little room just to make it look a bit nicer and one down here where the air intakes going to be if you remember from our drawing earlier and then of this sort of smoothing out this to make it uniform and pretty but it doesn't have to be but you've already gone this far you may as well make an ice sculpture out of it because this is a lot of clay I want to get this thing fired up and hardened so I'm probably not gonna put a fancy designer but that's pretty much it look around it good living a real structure so the last thing we got to do is just sort of slide these pipes out as gently as we can and hope that its form stays right and then we'll just dig out the back of that and dig out the back of the other tunnel the other pipe and then they're all gonna connect into one elbow piece I'll show you the next step see that steam coming off we put our little camping heater next to it so we can try to harden this thing a little bit quicker so you can take these tubes out but we're almost there just gonna get a little bit harder before we take these tubes out and we're ready to test it just trying to get rid of any excess weight you don't need in here to make just a little bit lighter because it's pretty heavy right now really hard to get out the house so slowly make our last adjustments before it dries as well so sorry starting to dry down here it is yeah this gonna set really really hard we were in the fire doing here taking the pipes out you're filming it's taking the pipes out and I was gonna dig a hole here for the air and dig this out they all connect and they're gonna take that final top pipe out how are you gonna do double crumble in it and you can stop it we'll come back in a second okay so as you can see I kind of use a bit of string here to hold it in place because as I was taking these pipes out a little bit early they started shifting around so I've delicately held them in place and added a lot of support built it up which I haven't been showing a lot of footage of but as you can see it's still steaming so still drying it's pretty it's solid enough now I think I can take this out so I'm gonna go ahead and try to start pulling the silent finishing the inside and then I'll finish connecting all three of these together this came a little bit sideways as you can see but I dug the hole so it goes straight at an angle so it's all gonna work out in the end but we're almost there and it's almost dry almost ready to be fired up so let's get this pipe out right so we're having a bit of trouble getting the two belts and add a little bit more oil you supposed to leave things up before you insert things inside them you didn't give it enough Lube did it suck the lube off it right so have a little bit of trouble getting this out so make sure you all it quite a bit we have actually gone from here to here so we've done up four or five inches so we're gonna keep cracking on and we're going to actually get this out and finish this I promise we're almost there let it come from here to here so we are getting there in the meantime you could push that subscribe button while you wait ah now I need your help almost say from here to here almost the way show me inside you know you have a copper pipes exposed a little bit we're gonna get in there put another layer support these walls a bit it's happy days yes moving the sound a second this make sure you throw up for support these so yeah this is how we're moving it the only way you can move it is it's so heavy luckily we've got these plastic grates or just [Applause] I'm just getting this last layer on before we fire it so it's got loads extra protection I've done the inside doctor I shown the inside real quick we're gonna polish this make it nice and smooth okay so we've lit the first fire inside of it to try to start getting this hard put the final coat on which is almost finished and then it's ready to be plugged in we're gonna have the barrel there you start with a small one the worst of the swollen there on the big one so we're getting there almost done no it's gonna be nice getting so close got the fire blaze and there's a lot of pull my air pool coming through just having no trouble so just got a fire the final layer it's all around the outside all I need to do is smoothing it maybe polish it and also plug that into some water so we need to fill this up with some water let's do it [Music] yeah let's fill up this bucket with some water no not quite watch you'll see oh oh just trying to boil careful guys go slow all right this is about to boil you ready let's hear that whistle let me hear so baby oh no whistle come on whistle whistle for daddy whistle about to get our first cup of coffee oh boy Lin actually amazing because I've kind of accidentally from the side here made my air inlet crooked sideways it's now made of vortex so like there's a constant whirl and inside of it that just spinning I can't really see that well now you throw some more coal in there so I could I might even be able to call this the vortex rocket mass heater right so we didn't do it on camera but we just used this blowtorch to heat up this piece of the pipe once it was red-hot we just slipped it through this plastic barrel and slipped in nice and easy so hoping the second one is going to do the same thing and then this should be ready to be turned on I didn't want it you guys okay let me know if you see that barrel beating upper no Nathan changing yeah it's just starting to change color you're almost there hopefully slides a nice straight [Music] yeah perfecto grab a little piece of plastic yeah a little bit of a whole day but we can put some sealant in there it's all good ready for water all right we'll have in the water and we're already seeing steam come out the top five watch this ready look at that steam coming out the pipe but the bottom ones sucking it in and then give it a second you end up water coming out of steam hopefully okay we go just because I'm giving your steam oh that's you huh me and my mouth there's enough water in the system [Applause] so see how do this no not you guys daddy your hand up oh you know just spread out some water oh yeah I posit we'll wait a minute it was pumping out water can trace it cuz I was seeing oh hey look at that it's pumping it up can't really tell so this is 10 square meters of cover 5 so that's good that's it there should be a lot of water in there I've got the monitor saying 12 okay so we're gonna put it inside this barrel which is already steamy back so we're gonna put in that tip of the thermometer we're gonna watch it okay we'll look at that 14:16 well the outside water is like for at the moment the sixteen is a huge leap 17 raise yourself over 19 dude it bubbling the way it works Matt it works 22 come on 25 checking you towards the top 27 because eventually all the water will be this temperature if we keep this boiling it's on 29.4 dude and it's still going up a 30 point - I'll have you want to either hold this or hold the camera so it's just keep going up so then should I hold it steady - and keep the put some on there is here just on top of the water 31 tilt a little bit that way so we can see the numbers now I had 31 I had to mess about it's starting to like steady off I think yeah I think I'm just gonna slow down for a second yeah at 31 point 7 all right I guess we can call it about 32 fright now but it's only been on for 5-10 minutes we just started this thing up it's amazing it works and the longer you keep it on the harder this is gonna get clearly that's plenty for a shower what we're gonna do is get a submersible pump attached to a showerhead we throw that in there and you get yourself a shower hot shower yeah 32 degrees centigrade I'll translate that into Fahrenheit look at that you guys a hundred and two what that must be the bottom all right towards the middle of the barrel as we lift this up depending on where it is in the barrel goes back up the top of the barrel is gonna be pretty hot where the water's coming in but we have got over a hundred degrees and you want to push that out 104 almost gonna push out the centigrade and see sure our European people what a temperature we're missing wind put the old centigrades whoo 41 point oh yeah all right 42 oh my goodness now it's getting a bit too hot you actually can't use this anymore to bathe with or whatever it's a bit too hot but yeah this is great 40 degree yeah we're going to want to take measurements from the bottom eventually or just stir it just like stir the water - that's the bottom 36 let me give it a second assuming this yeah 27 oh how we should be stirring it I mean in the middle would be somewhere in the 30s whoo so I guess the average from 20 to 40 it's still average in 30 18 got the bottoms cold it's big difference huh alright well that's pretty much it we're just gonna pretty up the the actual rocket mass for a thumbnail and get this edited and show you what we've created unlimited hot water without gas or electricity just throw in some wood you know that it gets so hot you can barely use it booyaka [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Offgrid Secrets
Views: 480,185
Rating: 4.7598777 out of 5
Keywords: off, grid, off grid, off the grid, off-grid, heat, heater, water, hot water, hot, shower, no, electricity, without, propane, natural gas, natural, rocket, stove, living, lifestyle, trick, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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