12 Ways to Save Money on Heating Bills

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[Music] hi i'm laura from capital Heating and Cooling and as a homeowner with a family of my own I know that every penny counts when it comes to saving money that's why I have 12 easy to do things that I do in my own homes to save money on heating bills and want to share those with you today one thing you can do is to close your blinds or a window treatment if you have curtains during the evening because it acts as a natural insulation barrier from preventing the cold air from coming into your home [Music] another real easy thing that you can do at home that could really help save on the heating bills is to prevent any unnecessary drafts from coming in your doors or windows so of course you can do storm windows weather stripping one thing that I like to do especially on these doors because we don't use them very often in the winter is roll up a towel or a blanket in this case tuck it down nice and tight here by the bottom and it helps prevent any unnecessary cold air from coming [Music] leaky ductwork is another culprit of high heat though what you want to do is go around where you see your ductwork just do a visual inspection and see if you see any poles leaky joints you know over the corners to come together are they tightly fitted if they're not what that means is the air that you are paying to heat is coming out of the duct works where it's not intended to and you'll want to call a heating and cooling company to repair those holes [Music] one thing I like to do in the wintertime when I can is I like to use the oven to cook instead of the microwave that way when I'm done cooking when I'm done cooking I leave the door open a little bit to let all that natural heat out it's every little bit counts [Music] furnace maintenance is also a very very important part of keeping your heating bills low this winter the furnace filter is something that they will check on every maintenance visit but it's also something in between maintenance or if you feel like you're having issues that you can do very easily on your own what you do and there's all different kinds of filters we have a media cabinet that this slides out if I just take a look sometimes I hold it up for the light if I'm not sure and I'll see if it has any dark spots or maybe any clogs if it's clogged right then very least if it's dirty what that means is your furnace is working a lot harder than it has to to push air through that filter to heat your home which means you are paying a lot more than you have to on your heating bills so making sure to have your furnace tune-up every fall is a good way to keep your heating bills low [Music] turning off your exhaust fan in your kitchen or your bathroom is another great way to keep heating costs low once the odors or the steam have been removed from the area it's best to keep it off not only is the steaming the odors going out of the room that says you're more in there one of the simplest things you can do is to go ahead open up your window treatments in the morning that way the Sun can do the heavy lifting so your furnace doesn't have to and that'll certainly help keep your heating bills low another thing you can do if you have a fireplace is to go ahead if you're not running the fireplace go ahead and close the flue that'll make sure none of the cold air seeps into your house when the fireplace isn't on [Music] another thing we recommend is go around your home check out all the vents make sure they're not blocked that way all the money that you're spending to heat your warm air makes it into your house something you may not think about but certainly can help is when you're running your ceiling fan in the wintertime put it on the low speed and run it in reverse that'll help bring the cool air up which can help reduce your heat bills another really easy and affordable thing you can do to help save money on your heat bills is to invest in a programmable thermostat the main idea of it is you can program it to be the ideal temperature for your home at the ideal time for you so for example you wouldn't need to pay to heat at home while you're away at work or on vacation maybe while you're sleeping and I've really found that that is one of the biggest ways that we've been able to save money on our heat bills in addition to a programmable thermostat there's a couple of things you can do with your HVAC system to really help keep your heating costs low this winter one is consider a whole home humidifier increasing the level of humidity in your home makes it seem like the air is warmer without actually having to turn the heat up so it's an easy affordable and effective way to keep your heating bills low this winter
Channel: Capital Heating & Cooling
Views: 3,150
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: capital heating and cooling, commercial hvac, residential hvac, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine, Ozaukee, Washington, WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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