Meghan Markle was in danger and people still disbelieve her

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So, what are we about to do right now? We are going to look into this Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview situation. And why it's terrible. For those of you who don't know, Oprah Winfrey, renowned television personality recently put out what people are calling a bombshell interview, where Meghan Markle and Prince Harry finally come clean and open up about leaving the Royal family. And boy, did they have a lot of things to say about that. Today's come and shout out goes to Neo who says, "You've got a nice voice. That's all I got to say." I appreciate it, and I'm aware. Now, before we get into that, let's get into today's sponsor Drop; a rewards program that gives you points when you shop, game, or take surveys. I just downloaded the app, made an account, linked my card, it takes debit or credit, and then bam, Drop keeps track of all your rewards automatically. 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You really are having- Hey. Why is Oprah dressed like me? What's going on here? What is this? Does Oprah's team have something they want to tell me? I just want to make it clear to everybody- This isn't my house. This isn't your house. This isn't my house; we're using a friend's house. There has not been an agreement, you don't know what I'm going to ask, and you are not getting paid for this interview. All of that's correct. The fact that they have to clarify that they finally ran out of those palace bucks, so they got to go do this interview for money. I will say I went into it naively because I didn't grow up knowing much about the Royal family- But you were certainly aware of the Royals. Of course. And if you're going to marry a Royal, then you would do research about what that would mean. Well I didn't do any research of that nature. Would you ever go with somebody without Googling them? I understand people consider that to be toxic, or weird, or stalking. I don't care because I am not setting myself up for failure. You were no more nervous than the regular person who goes to meet somebody as grandmother. You weren't that intimidated because it was the queen. Yeah, the idea of, I grew up in LA; you see celebrities all the time, but it's very easy, I think, especially as an American to go, "Oh, these are famous people." She treated Queen Elizabeth like she was Kim K. It was reported Meghan had left Kate in tears. Was there a situation where she might've cried or she could have cried? No, no. The reverse happened. I protected that from ever being out in the world. That's true, because did y'all ever hear anything about that until this interview? That wasn't even in the tabloids. Do you think there was a standard for Kate in general and a separate one for you? And if so, why? I don't know why. Oh, she knows. I see now what layers were at play there. But she's not going to say it. Everyone literally despises you when you say it, but I'm going to go ahead and say it: it was racism. It's a family business, right? So there's the family, and then there's the people that are running the institution. Those are two separate things, and it's important to be able to compartmentalize that because the queen, for example, has always been wonderful to me. I knew it, and do you know why? Because she literally dresses too well to be we problematic. I was like, if I watch this and I find out some garbage about Queen Elizabeth, that's not going to add up. You can't age like that and be bad at the same time. Y'all want to know how you age when you're problematic? You kind of be out there looking like this. Okay, I mean, to be fair, he's 99 years old, holy crap. She, 94; I don't see her out here looking like a corpse. In those months when I was pregnant, so we have in tandem, the conversation of, "You won't be given security. It's not going to be given a title" and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. Who is having that conversation? A bunch of white people grilling you about whether or not your baby's going to turn out dark. That's terrifying. What are you going to do if he was dark skinned? That's the kind of question you can ask only if you have bad intentions. I just didn't see a solution. Look, I was really ashamed to say it at the time, and ashamed to have to admit it to Harry, especially. I went to the institution, and I said that I needed to go somewhere to get help, and that I've never felt this way before, and I need to go somewhere. And I was told that I couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution. That went from sad to infuriating real quick. They didn't let her get professional mental help. Where do we go from there? Okay, first I was like, "Wow, this is heartbreaking. This is very hard to watch." But now I'm just like, "How are people like this?" Did you ever think about going to a hospital? I couldn't call a Uber to the palace. You couldn't just go. I mean, you have to understand as well, when I joined that family, that was the last time until we came here, that I saw my passport, my driver's license, my keys, all that gets turned over. So they were controlling her. I'm sorry, but that's abusive. And that's, I think so important for people to remember is you've no idea what's going on for someone behind closed doors. You have no idea. Even the people that smiled the biggest smiles, shine, the brightest lights, it seems, to have compassion for what's actually potentially going on. The only reason she's embarrassed is because we are so backwards in our treatment of mental health. People still went on to say that she's clout chasing. If you admit that Meghan Markle was really going through all of this, then you have to say, "Wow, the National Enquirer, Daily Mail, all these people are definitely super racist. There's a racism problem here. My biggest concern was that while we were in Canada, in someone else's house, I then got told short notice that security was going to be removed. By this point, courtesy of the Daily Mail, the world knew our exact location. So suddenly it dawned on me, "Hang on a second, the borders could be closed, we're going to have our security removed, who knows how long lockdown is going to be? The world knows where we are. It's not safe. It's not secure." I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say, I've never imagined, what if I was so powerful that people were out to get me? There's a reason that these tabloids have holiday parties at the palace; they're hosted by the palace. The tabloids are. That literally explains everything. I've always been like, "Why does the British press, the tabloids specifically act the Royal family can do no wrong?" They're fully getting paid off, if you know what I mean? Just in social capital. They were so attacking and inciting so much racism, really. I mean, it changed the risk level because it wasn't just catty gossip. Any regrets? I have one. My regret is believing them when they said I would be protected. And now, because we're actually on the other side, we've actually not just survived, but are thriving. She said, "Not me being in my bag. And y'all being mad." He ultimately called it and was like, "We've got to find a way for us, for Archie," and you made a decision that, well, certainly saved my life and saved all of us. So this is what Piers Morgan had to say. If it was said, perhaps in all innocence, "What color baby might you have?" Without any suggestion of it being a concern or a worry if it had darker skin, would that in itself, would the question be racist? The hoops, the lengths they go to, to justify any and all racism. Meghan just got it wrong. Archie hasn't been prevented from being a Prince. We're spending a lot of time talking about why she's wrong and no one was racist towards her then we are about the fact that she was pushed to the point of almost harming herself. She's explaining her experience of it, and do you know what? We've not walked in her shoes. So I wouldn't- I don't care what the experience is if the facts she's basing it on are wrong- "I don't care what your experience is if the fact that you're basing it off of is wrong." The urge that just rose up within me to like, turn this interview off. I just think that we need to all take a step back. And I understand that you don't- Okay. I'm done with this. No. Sorry. No. Do you know what? That's pathetic. See you later. I'm being s- Sorry. Can't do this. This is absolutely diabolical behavior. Embarrassing. That was jarring. If we've learned anything from this, I think one thing is clear: Piers Morgan is down horrendous and you hate to see it. Anyway, I'll be here all week folks at 2:00 PM central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday, that means manipulating a new video here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that means I'm going live over on Twitch, so basically what I'm saying is I'll see you tomorrow. Unless of course tomorrow is Sunday, in which case, just watch this video again. Okay. Bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 842,778
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Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: IhJB4fB7Z3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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