Framing Britney Spears | Ep 38

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i can hear myself how well do you want to hear yourself because however you hear yourself you always look great listen it's not about my looks no it is about your look are you kidding me no you look good and you always sound good thank you yeah if you just yell got windows behind here so it's just crack that open a little bit so you see uh quitting she's got windows behind here you're in my daughter's bedroom quitting and uh see a little bit yeah i don't know if that'll hurt the light but it's so cute that's what i love about this house it's got a little her little garden in the back but i also love that the drapes i put up we still need to make it look like a studio though no wait that's on the studio we're in my daughter's bedroom that's what's fun about the show it's also yeah moonlighting as a barbie studio what [Music] no it's fun that we do it in my house and we'll do my sod snacks which is unusual but this is how you know i designed this room for my okay well wait i mean let me just okay let me just introduce us yeah hey everybody and welcome to off topic with tom arnold and sasha boggs yeah we are here today in tom's daughter's room she's five quinn she is five it uh it's beautiful we have uh uh she you know i designed this room special for her it's uh got a lot of pink in it uh got these uh beautiful uh curtains and then you know got out right outside you can see uh i love what you can see outside it's a very old house and you got a little garden right outside there i don't know if you could tell and and it's good to see outside yeah i'm gonna shut this now her closet there's a skylight there which i i put a curtain to close up and put some stars up there then i got a star machine and their closet has a window it's unusual up top secret window yeah and uh put a lot of pink in here we'll show some pictures did a lot of work i used to have my austin powers uh movie poster up there with the the uh what are they the femme bots yes and uh austin powers in it just a giant really big joke but they had the pink and white well those are uh it matched the color of the room so i said let's do it have you ever had pink fur white fur well you will when you're older or you know i think whatever whatever you call it no i haven't had like a 1990s i know you shave your arms but do you shave your back that's what you have here i bleached my back hair yeah and shave your toes and you uh do you really bleach your back hair you know i shaved my shoulders as 40. it's funny you're mentioning that i did i was in there in the bathroom put my stuff on because i've been at the dermatologist getting stuff frozen and cut out and i was like oh i could do do the shoulders real quick but i don't do a good job i got to wait till the kids are back you got to get those whacks no woman wants i won't have that on top of her worse than grabbing a guy's shoulder and then just feeling all the prickly there's worse things i'll just tell you right now there's worse things you're grabbing a woman's shoulder and feeling it you know or a hump uh you know feeling their hump that's why and i've shaved a hump or two on a woman you know as they get uh you know as everybody gets older and especially a woman has big breasts you know people like oh that's so cute you know the old stereotypical man like i love that but it's a pain to have big breasts it's a it's hard on your back and you could develop a hump and uh and i you know you want is that why you would develop a hump because of big breasts i shaved those heads a few times that's not it that's that's i'm not saying that too uh i'm saying that because i was a good husband and it's probably something we talked about but you know then she got her breasts reduced and uh for for medical reasons because her back was hurting her and then of course after we got a divorce she had to build back up for for social reasons what yeah yeah but you know how you have them fixed up and i think she you know she had uh four children and uh and you know she was her last child was a later in life you know much like me having my kids later life i think she's taking him to do you know we both had uh liposuction at one time and the mistake was i had it when i was so fat i don't want to speak for her but you really should lose as much weight as you can before you do that why why well because what's uh you know the the point of it and i remember we stopped at uh at uh uh hardy's fast food threats on the way home but ate so much and you really should figure out what your body is supposed to look like you know if you're really going to get a lot of liposuction like we had yeah what's your goal you should get it down if you're going to have any kind of body sculpturing lose weight as much you can and then go in and tighten things up tighten it up yeah yeah but we really were just like what's the easiest thing to do yeah let's not forget to die as you possibly can then get the lights oh no we never got us fat we didn't go for the record stuff and that was something that chris farley and i always talked about you know well well instead of really losing the weight what is the record the other way yeah maybe maybe that's easier to go for that guy so anyway we're here in my daughter's bedroom uh which is uh uh mostly unused by my but and my son's never slept in his bedroom i have to yeah but it'll be cool when we see that yeah and you just have to know like this is the room of dreams like when i was a little girl if i had a room this beautiful this pink this magical i probably would have had a better life honestly so i just want you know like you did it you did it right you did it good you know she got who wanted to get murphy beds they chose those out and got those and then you could pull put it up and she put her tent or big tent there that you saw at jeff lewis's house and ordered and uh whatever she wants and she's got two of her little vanities and she you know she's amazing and got to you know do does her stuff in here it's you know once in a while she'll say i'll come in and she's doing a little stuff she get dad daddy i need a privacy okay okay which is good because i'm always concerned i'm not spending enough time with her and then you know then she'll come into i want you to play with me play whatever we'll play games for when she was younger she would want to be silly she want to be a baby again and then we'll do whatever but then you guys will be in here playing games and jack's the door slams open yeah from jackson he just wants to mess up stuff but he does but that's a brother that's a big brother and why are you guys could i play uh you know when you're playing something i'm gonna break something if nobody plays me right deadpool i'm okay that's what that's what big brothers do what did he play with me and then but but the secret is you just let him play for a little bit and he'll quit yeah and the secret with her with his stuff is the same because she really has no interest you know the video games that he loves once she starts playing she's better than him at all that so you know but they also she'll start hacking it yeah she does she'll make his uh avatars wear dresses yeah she does she'll do that from her mom's house yeah she does that she does that he's like she did she made my avatar a girl yeah she does have her mom says she stole all my whatever it is they have what's their roblox she took it she changed she tricked me into training her stuff and then she actually traded with other people and gave my stuff away but think about that that's like kid fights of the future isn't that crazy like we i never grew up having any of that stuff you didn't and now now the new fight is she made my avatar a girl she's still my robux but it's a save really the same younger brothers and and uh it's about stuff yes you know but it's as a younger kid and you know you had a younger sister they got to figure out ways to you know to mess with you and you get attention yeah yeah and uh edway said they usually require them being smarter than you because if i was bigger than my four younger brothers and and for if they got to be clever or funny or weird or because they'll get crushed otherwise yeah i was bigger and more creative with the way i started and ended fights but ariel was tougher yeah she could punch she could stay in a fight mentally and physically longer than i could yeah well you think you were you were creative don't you oh i was because i would do the thing in the morning where i would whisper little shitty things to her and then all my parents would hear was her screaming so they my parents knew what was going on but it was very diabolical very intentional i could tell you from my experience being around you and your family that maybe that's but you know she seems to have you know did the other night she say hey uh mom says you you should get a nose job or something and then you would just cave you came by office like oh man i came in like jackson jacks have a lot of guys i slammed the door and i was like tom and you look so like not frightened but you were concerned and you were like oh my god i thought something bad happened i i told my mom i was like i think it's time for a nose job some of the women in my family have like a contreras nose and i wanted to fix it my mom was like oh no don't do that and then i got the phone with my sister and my sister said yeah mom said your nose is getting big and now i'm saving up yeah i am researching surgeons yes i'm we're going through noses i want and noses i don't want because i'm not about to walk through this life having a crooked penis for a nose yeah yeah that's what you said but you also said this listen i know i got great tits at ass okay i get that i get that and then uh and then i said i said first of all you heard that you heard your mother said that from your sister now right there there's a huge problem and right there your sister is with you but you're like yeah i was the real smart one with the bucket with you know that i was smart yeah so there she got you because that's not a lie why would she lie about that because she's with you no she's not no she heard something she probably heard your mom say yeah sasha really wants to get he keeps talking about getting a nose job so finally i'm going to say well get a nose job because she keeps talking about it she doesn't need it but keep go you know because only when you mention a nose job do i actually look at your nose and i go the only thing i ever say is you know what's great about your nose you look like you're jewish because all these my israeli friends love you and then they go she jewish she looks like i go no they go perfect so that's what oh so it's like they want me to look juicy well you don't want to get a nose job and have your nose thinner for straight ahead no that ruins it and you got it looks a little ethnic which is great you don't want to be have be like everybody else it's tidy and so i said when you get to the point where you want to do it you got to fix your deviated symptoms that's what you go in there for an excuse a medical excuse yeah and then you say hey listen why i'm here yeah maybe if there's anything you could shave off a little bit so it's not like a vein because then you get trouble just fixing the bump but there's my grandmother had a nose job done a deviated septum done plus a nose job that was she did what you just said i did that's that's what i waited for because i had my grandpa's uh hump and i i'll tell you this yeah and i've showed you pictures of him but he got older he's this it i'm proud to be jewish i'm proud of but i'm telling you the nose at least to the men uh that they don't stop growing that's yes and his eyes got closer together keep on growing of course and i said well i'll be that and then but i got punched in the face so many times my nose you know was sideways and so i said listen yeah hey why you're there yeah if there's something you could do and uh but uh so they that's what they you have i would honestly i would bring a picture of your nose into the surgeon's office and say give me that oh no it's a great it'll be big it'd be big i'll donate when i die we're writing up my not my we got my will but then we're going to write what to do by barrel we have to do that still yeah zoom don't tell people that they're going to try and kill you before it's done well we know one person that would like to yeah yeah but but legalzoom we're doing that in my uh what do you call it my um living willow by trust yeah so well you could have my nose because they're they're gonna burn the rest of me again i don't know the only body part that i get well yeah you know my crooked penis i already have one of those on my face i don't need it that's not what a crooked penis looks like but by the way this is what i said no guy nobody cares you wanted a little crook it's not for men well you want a bird though when you put it in it goes a little to get you a little something only if you have a tilted uterus crooked penis tilted uterus you know mine's been known to tilt some uteruses you know that's why they say listen if you want to get a guy and i i assume you don't hey listen like that i just i've already stopped listening no no but i'm saying it it's not a big sale it's not a big sales thing that's going to go i got a lot of problems with your yeah before i meet you yeah i got a lot of criticisms about penises i just want you to know you know i'm just saying if you want to get a sensitive guy if you want to get a guy guys don't care they go oh great let's i am a big i'm a big fan of penises all different shapes inside well like the good news i don't want one on my face if you say my nose looks like a crooked penis sometimes you want to don't go like oh your nose is what one and a half inches nice nice her expectations are low yeah uh anyway so i just wanted to tell you something so my grandmother got a nose job done and she fixed the david accepted deviated zip yeah and then that's not a nose job though that's like it okay she did it you should do the thing you did yeah but hers got up and it up her breathing until the day she died and she went with a really famous surgeon someone i don't want to say debbie reynolds but some actress from back in the day was performing in vegas and like fell off the stage and then had to get her nose done and she went to that surgeon and that surgeon it up i wish i knew which you find out it seems like you would research that before we talked about it well it just popped in my head that's a big deal yeah yeah that what who who could who could give you the information i'm gonna text cora right now yeah who's cora my mom okay yeah they do that hey listen take take take all the time you need we're on the air what's our next subject what's our next deal um well you know i just wanted to go over the fact that you and i have been very domestic lately we did something that i was thinking about last night i was like if i ever get a husband i would like if you ever need decide you need but want to be a you know you can't you get a husband in his house again i always told you i'm going to susan sarandon but i want what we did last night which was oh yeah you watched rupaul with me we're doing that we've been doing that lately i watched bill maher with you we watched the first part you have bailly billboard you don't think i do but me my roommate watch it every every time i'm over there but it felt like i with my dad if my dad doesn't want to watch something he's either going to leave the room or make you change it or if he does watch it he's going to scoff the whole time yeah and you respected it i like the rupaul though i do and it's uh i wouldn't watch the after show you wouldn't watch the after yeah yeah i would what it was i got enough because then when they come in because i've also like you know yeah but i like to i love rupaul i love just the whole comic uh the whole thing and it's somebody i've met and i really respect and i love the way it's shot i love the the show itself and the colors and there were some really funny uh ladies i guess you say really the comedy on that show the comedy the competition and the just i don't i don't know there's some very sexy ladies on that show i know you want to always you always want to watch it from the dining room and eat and i'm like you should probably be close because you get confused no i i ate first so i didn't have to get that interfering there but i do come i do and i pay attention there's some talented talented uh uh ladies yeah on that show there's some funny stuff i just rupaul talks about pitching that show in the beginning like can you imag so forward thinking and like the empire here well they've also gotten better they've they've improved they've thought of new things you know those improv contests and i just have i know a little bit about shooting those shows they shoot the out of those shows they though those producers are excellent yeah you know they get a lot out of and they play it you know they they know they let people be very funny and then they gotta put a little want you know and they those and they also could some people could dance the you know they they the way they do the competition is where they get down to the last two and then somebody uh get you know somebody's going home and there's going to be tears but then they have to do a dance off and like you know it's they don't mess around and then you know rupaul they say well thank you for letting me you know they let the guard down is like thank you for letting me get here but they'd go back home and they did get some limelight yeah and uh but they got a battle royale like it's like here's the gloves man we're gonna put it on and that's the way it should be it's like a sport competition a comedy competition you know they're they're they're they're both they're holed up they're together you know they got their quarantine they're actors they got their uniforms on they got their their their costumes on and you know they're going at it man it's it is like a sport competition to me too yeah you know they're bringing it and they got to have all these different it's like mma where you got to be a wrestler a boxer jiu jitsu all these different styles all these different martial arts and different you can't just be good at one thing you gotta be good at a lot of things yeah and they've really taken the reality show to an art form it's a it's a next level because i don't watch reality shows that's the only one i watch so it's just yeah it encompasses so many things and it is an art form it's very true yeah and it's just it's judges i know i know who ross matthews is you know from uh from a long time but i'm not sure who the other the the other judges yeah there are people that have been in the drag queen okay are they uh what you call it can you say drag queens is that what you say yeah yeah you know you know i follow a bunch of i have a bunch of i think you know i was uh uh alaska i didn't know her last name is that the alaska for the show that i love yeah she's on twitter and uh you know because this britney spears doc these new york times puts out this great series documentary series on fx and i watch every year they'll you know they're usually about an hour long new york times right new york times uh they say new york times i don't know what they are on fx and uh you know i'm a big fan of the new york times and on their digital stuff or the doc stuff too and uh britney spears we saw that was trending at framing brittany and and so we watched it heartbreaking and uh heartbreaking and you know i lived brittany was my next door neighbor for a good period of time when i lived at uh 12 21 ocean and people in l.a that are going through a divorce uh know that building because people were uh yet a lot of people are in and out of there but we where our doors were right next to each other and uh and what'd you what did you think of this when she was with kevin and what was your what'd you think of that documentary called it was about the free brittany yeah movement i mean it was you know the whole it's an eye-opener because so many things that happen i mean there was no star bigger than britney especially for me when growing up i was like 12 years old like she was a god so to see her drag through the mud and see all those examples i mean the diane sawyer interview um she had a she had some issues you know it takes her from childhood growing up and the people around her was a kenworth uh louisiana small town and then she she makes it big she's talented she's on the ed mcmahon uh i love it but we had two basically just discovered on that show but even ed mcmahon was looked you got a boyfriend it was like from day one yeah well that's just a silly he's just being silly [Music] but it wasn't the sign of the times or was she being like emotionally abused and it was no no well that mcmahon was not emotionally abusive or just being a cute question about uh but her question her funny was like no they're mean but that's what you expect a kid to say yeah and that's hilarious so you know they gave him questions to go out there and ask it that made it very funny and uh because that's what girls say if yes you know quit you know or boys say that too no quinn has a very specific crush she does but she also said is it okay if i talk about getting married i finally had to tell her you can't she said i really want to marry jax she's always said that her brother and i said well that anybody really but him i i get it and then she asked me if she could marry uh a girl too because she has two she has that specific crush who i know from school the boy and then she asked me about uh this girl for two and i said absolutely you can marry anyone you want but don't rush into it if your dad as she knows your dad's been married four times does she know that oh yeah yeah but does she understand that well she does because she comes out to my office so we do spin the globe and then she'll put her finger somewhere because she'll say where where are you gonna live after your next wife and you break up and they show me you taught her that game yeah i want you to know yeah but she it's where you and i live being her and she's like she always says like daddy do i don't have to go to college do i i i i can always live here right and i go yeah of course you can and what about jax well jax will yeah i just don't see him going to college i always say they'll be in the backyard in the trailer you know in the trailer yeah where's my new ps5 game yeah um but yeah no she is uh you're right you're there's a little girl thing but like back to back to bernie spear yeah um i mean i i don't know i just did the whole justin timberlake thing and uh him blaming it on her and how everyone turned on her and then the worst thing that oh but you know he was young they were young so it was britney uh she goes on uh whatever that was the epic bad show star search yeah then she gets to disney uh series she's a mouseketeer yeah and then it made it sound like when that was over she went back home didn't know where she's going that happens to a lot of these kids you know christina aguilera was on that show there's a lot of and she didn't know yeah yeah it's hard to transition into adult uh yeah show business but then she started going to new york and her parents supported that and that and by then it looks like her dad's gonna end up being the bad guy this little documentary um and then she gets a break at a uh wonderful uh record executive uh i i'm sorry i can't remember her name but she's like took a shining to her and uh signed her and and it was this uh feminist uh and she says yeah this this i like the way that brittany stands up for herself and she also said and i never spoke to her father her father is not involved in her are you talking about the assistant that was basically no not the assistant the assistant was very uh home spun you know i talked about the record executive from her first label yes yes who's like i recognize something her this is how it is yeah and by the way her dad i'm not going to speak about him but i never thought yeah yeah yeah but i but she said i recognize her as a strong woman strong young woman and and she was very cool because she signed her so she goes she starts making this you know uh you know very empowering of uh young girls and people and then uh and then she gets involved just to timberlake and he's very cool and then they break up and it seemed like then all of a sudden things went it seemed like the media had to make her bad because she was showing sexuality and she was young and it was influencing young girls they said people started saying just awful things about her family feud scene was that's when like it hit me did you watch it oh yeah i got to catch up with that people just started saying awful things about her like the the governor of one state said publicly i wish i could shoot her and as she got finally you know after the breakup she goes on diane sawyer who's very respectable on abc prime time uh interview and says and she just hammers her hammers britney spears don't you feel responsible for all these young and she plays that clip and hey don't you can you blame this mother for wanting to shoot you she said and eventually britney spears cries that's what she's after he said don't you owe justin timberlake an apology like you know she's alleging that britney spears cheated on justin timberlake because jeff timberlake made a a video about a girlfriend cheating on him and and nobody you know all these boy bands are out there and nobody asks them well hey are you kind of being too sexy for the boys or and it was awful and she just they kept getting shaming her and shaving here and dab dye and sawyer do that on tv she's out there by herself and the thing i always felt about brittany was she was so vulnerable and i you know because i knew her because i saw how she lived and it was just awful and uh and then you know ed you know i don't know where her dad was early in her life you know i never saw him around i don't want to speak out of you know uh but you know so then she gets you know goes through all this stuff and then she marries kev federlin he's one of her dancers and she did seem very happy and uh and then she you know came back and then they had issues they she had two kids very quickly uh and right as the second boy was born they break up and somebody said she had a postpartum depression whatever and she's being stalked by the paparazzi but you know she goes out a lot and i can tell you this by living by her she just goes out a lot like she's very homesick she'll go you know doesn't wear shoes she doesn't she wanted to live like she did in kentucky or whatever kentwood yeah in beverly hills we live by and go to the store get her stuff and get a go get a coffee go to cyber and do she just did it uh you know she's done it very uh sophisticated which i mean that was a compliment yeah and that's how she and so she ends up having some issues and she probably always had issues like and nobody talked about mental illness or whatever i'm not a you know uh and it i will say this and i i regret that people were all bad-mouth here in the media and the uh the uh and so what ends up happening is uh she has uh and i i feel very badly about telling this story because i i you know i came up with the elevator one time uh and as i opened up the elevator our doors were next to each other in that part a condo building and i saw her on the floor and she at the time she stripped the uh she'd hurt her knee had an acl injury and she was on the floor with her crutches kind of her back up against the wall next to the elevator said and i'm like oh brittany oh my god are you okay can i help you get up and she goes no no no sir i go no no it's me tom arnold you know i live right there she goes yes sir i go well let me help you let me do you she goes i don't have my key i go oh i'll go back down i'll get your key i'll get you in the room no sir it's fine that's why i'll get in i'm waiting for somebody i go well man are you sure egg just yeah yes yes sir and i was like she seemed a little you know but she's very like shy whatever so i went in my place and i'm sitting there for 20 25 minutes and i said to my assistant or my third wife or whoever i was with you look out the people and see if britney spears is still on the on the ground there in the hallway and she said yeah she was and so i was like oh my god that's and then we saw our balconies were side by side look at dad we were on the 15th floor or something and i see light come in and and he goes up and i saw watch it out the hall and she waited until he got up in the halls like oh he's like oh a baby what happened she goes oh i fell so she waited intentionally for him to see her and it was harp and it was heartbreaking at a time i thought well that's that's clever you know that's a and then he helped her in and uh so but then i you know i told that story i don't know i told him tonight like that's a you know what i was telling a few stories about that at the time my my wife at the time was out of the balcony and she came in and goes oh my god the paparazzi's down there they're just taking pictures she had a bikini on it she was on our balcony like that's disgusting so i went back out to the balcony to look down and brittany was on her balcony like honestly her balcony is like five feet from ours i go come here shelby come here look i think they're taking pictures of her you know but uh my regret telling that because i saw in this documentary how everybody was telling stories about this was before brittany had her her breakdown yeah but you know then what happened is they they broke up uh uh right away with the second child was born and and then he tried she wanted full custody kids that he did and then she had a uh some kind of a break and uh he ended up getting custody of the kids she lost custody she went to the hospital this happened that happened and uh then she had the the break the famous breakdown where she first of all she shaved her head because she was so sick of being followed and the the tablet's like oh my god she's lost her mind well she shaved her head because she didn't want to be britney spears anymore and if you shave your head then you can't be that girl i get that and then they had a guy in the special who is a tabloid uh stalker photographer actually like oh i'm very i'm like friends with her but they chased her into a gas station with her cousin it stalked her stalker i mean they walk in that when she's in the bathroom they and her cousin said please she just been at kevin featherlights to get the kids he wouldn't let her in they do that they fold her up there he's ready to the gate and bad they don't let you see your kids man i can tell you you're that's a that's low yeah so you're not feeling good there you're being followed by all these men and you're a young girl and you're with your girl if girlfriend cousin and they're stalking you do you stop at a gas station to get whatever cigarettes or a slurpee and they follow you it's at night and they stalk you and the cousin's like please just give us a bit and they've come around the car they're putting the cameras to their face and say no just talk to us and she ends up getting out of the car get it get a umbrella and start beating on their car the the men the older men with the cameras and they use that they go well it's a bad day for uh said brittany well it's a good day for me that was i made a lot of money from that and it makes her look crazy and uh and he's like well you know usually our relationship was so good but you know just stalking this young and you still couldn't even admit it to that to this day it doesn't matter i mean you can just see it they don't him i know they're you know it's awful he interviewed in this documentary he had been like what i did was wrong but he couldn't no no but but it showed he was wrong you could see it of course and i know those guys you know i've had a you know i've gotten fistfights with some of those guys it's not worth it now i wouldn't now and uh you know but but this guy was the worst of the worst you know and she ends up the hospital she has um you know mental health issues and then her father comes and says i'm taking over i'm getting the conservatory which is something easy well well it's something you do with uh a lot mostly elderly people mm-hmm and it's very it's boy it's a it's a do you know someone that's had that done yeah i do you know uh um i do uh uh you know quinn cummings a very good uh friend of mine nice people but you know someone came in with her mother and did it and pushed her out which is uh you know and it's usually a lawyer then the lawyer starts paying themselves that's the thing about it you know like brittany when they came in brittany pays for the not only her attorney representing her but the attorney representing her dad and the uh conservatory so it's a weird thing it's like so conservative conservative so it's a really weird thing like they could give themselves raises or they they could they could go i want to be have my pay tripled and and she's like oh no that's not yeah so but they have she has to pay for their lawyers too it's it's very uh you ever seen that movie uh jessica ling did about francis farmer oh yes yes i'm spitting as fast as i can or i'm dancing as fast as i can yeah something like that i mean it goes through her horrible but it's a real you they usually don't grant them and does certain but i'll tell you what once they're granted you can't it's hard to get very very hard to get and boy lawyers like to get involved with those because they pay for through perpetual what's up with that judge because it seemed like he was you know they were about to come to an agreement or that lawyer was like she's sane enough to ask for what she wants and what she doesn't want and then the judge was like no and then they go in a completely different direction no they had a new ruling thursday two days three two days ago and there really was when we were watching it the judge had ruled uh i'm not going to take it away from the father but i'm going to give him a uh a partner to represent her finances oh no i thought it was he can't represent her person but he can represent her finances uh no he uh he could do uh they he he added somewhat to the finances but we watched and then jamie the father refiled he wanted that person off and then thursday two days ago the judge ruled no that person is sticky with the finances so that just happened and uh and that's the beginning of the end for the father they do it you know at family court we bid to the courthouse that was yeah like pulled up stanley moth's courthouse and i was like yay which is very sad which i've represented myself you're my assistant uh and paralegal yes and um family court they don't like to make big you know they'll do they'll do small moves but those are big you know and uh and you know my friend uh charlie uh ebersol when i was making the the tv series uh sid city saints very famous uh for yahoo uh with uh andrew santino yes in vegas it was very fun but uh that was that was when she had a residency there and a buddy by charlie ebersole who's just a straight uh you know he's very fun but he's like so legitimate too always wears a suit always uh you know he his dad was uh dick ebersol and susan say james is his mom member from macmillan and wife and a bunch of stuff okay you know and uh uh dick was a head of nbc sports and he did saturday night live for five years he ran that very and charlie uh is like he's involved got part ownership of a football team and and uh just a really smart producer he's involved a lot of stuff the most recently he called me last year says like hey tom i got uh 10 million uh ppe's a mass when nobody could get them all said that the healthcare workers were able to use rags on their face and uh i think he was trying to tell me they were from china it was when trump was like i'm blaming china okay can you can you call schwartz today or so he could get because schwarzenegger was looking for to help the people the health care workers yeah uh can you get you because the trump administration will take him call schwarzenegger to see if he'll if he wants to you know get involved he'd broker some kind of deal might be 20 million god just out of the blue so that's who this man is he's harry but he's very legit very honorable okay but they were they were engaged he was engaged to britney spears yes and this was not that long ago and so i you know i would say he'd be there the whole time up at the hotel we were staying at the at uh what whatever hotel she's performing at with whatever you know and and so he'd be going we're going out with the kids we're going to take him here we're going to do that so if she could be engaged to charlie ebersole that's a big i'd go okay well that's a big check mark good uh you know a testament to what her intelligence yeah no her your competence you know because this is like you know i don't know how i feel about you saying that i mean i get it i i judge people on their partners and no just i'm saying on a relationship i'm just saying that you know i'm just saying you know i don't know i think she could still be like a bimbo and be no it's not about being a bimbo it's about being you know to have a a relationship of that caliber to with a a human being and to be a good mother and you know to have an ongoing i'm just saying that and even now her current boyfriend who's never spoke out before spoke out with her against her husband and you can't judge her by her teenage relationships or even the kevin featherlite thing no but you know she is a great mother people want to always go back in time we saw the matt lauer interview with her when she drove with her baby on her lap because paparazzi and it's funny to see matt lauer being judgmental on her when all these men are not in the picture anymore exactly so uh but but from my experience i mean she loved her children like you just worshiped them and and uh so i'm just saying as as one part of this you know uh she i've just said charlie ebersol is a solid straight a uh gem so he wouldn't take advantage of her and oh no no you no having a mom with uh two kids is a lot of work for a gentleman he's from a grade a solid okay the golden family now i understand he's not like a player either he's not like no but he's like so have so many they're dipped into so many different business opportunities they always kind of make me nervous no no he's not he doesn't like that at all it's like like he loved her yeah and then she has two kids so he just he doesn't have kids so he really loved being around yeah and from my experience the whole time i've known him he's just a great dude and his trust me his mom was a great so he was a compliment to her oh absolutely yeah absolutely and vice versa you know dating people in the entertainment business especially working she's doing a show every night there did you see her at all when you were in vegas i did i did well you got to that's one one small benefit of living in vegas for three months that is so cool that's the only thing i had that i was torn about because when her dad did take over they said like her comeback came she started doing the circus tweet that was a good thing she did that that was great so you can't all put go well the dad's all bad that's absolutely not true like he got her she was down low and he got things organized somebody had to save her you know uh and then he probably just got a little taste of power and then went well no i don't say that i'd say that she wanted to take back you know uh she wanted she you know it's tough to i don't working with your kids that's you know that's not you need somebody else so you could just be her dad maybe she just want to have a dad yeah yeah at some point it's not even a it's not about him it's about her you know you it's weird when your dad runs your i would know too my dad is a stage father but there's no stage that's it yeah but that's the family feud thing was a huge one okay yeah also they're running these clips of people making fun of her this is what she lost uh her kids or her whatever her career and what tell the family a few things john uh her her little yeah the topic was name things that britney spears has lost these people were like her hair her sanity her kids her mind and it was just it was one after another ding ding ding ding they're all laughing and it was brutal and i'm sure i probably watched that when it came out and thought nothing of it and it's just it was just it was awful it was the worst thing i mean the world i mean owes her an apology i just don't i i mean that damage is so i i told you i think about judy garland and how she was just deteriorated over the years and it's just and you know i don't even know she knows who she is in her own mind because brady spears i mean i think she does i hope it's hard for you to believe it people are happier not being you know i'm sure she loved performing yes but she doesn't want to be fa faith she wants to go places yeah she doesn't want me she's tried a lot of different things and it showed her out partying with uh paris and uh yeah lizzie lohan and stuff yeah that's fun to do once a while and but she's she's happy being you know southern girl mom and do it running around and yeah and and she and she seems to love her fans but not everybody wants to be in the spotlight you want to go places you enjoy a little bit of that and once you have kids your whole mind changes completely anyway so she like the paparazzi even said she just wasn't having it anymore because you have kids it's a whole different life people say they were like reborn when they have children again i have no idea no it's true and not everybody's like isn't it a shame that she's not doing blank well no because she's happier but you do want to control your lives i just have to say i mean i feel like stuff like this comes out especially now 2020 2021 it's like we look back at things and see how people were mistreated or how we have to speak properly and it always annoys me and i'm like oh you know hashtag me too or and i just never i have more annoyance than sympathy but this is one of the first times for me where i really it really hit me and it hurt and i did not want to watch it i told you i was like this is going to depress me but i'm glad you made me watch it because you know just seeing how we've transformed even in the past 10 years of how you know things need to change not just for people in the industry but for women it's just uh i never wanted my eyes open but they they are especially maybe it's just because britney spears again i mean for anyone in our generation guarantee i mean she was everything and i hear about you talking about people that you admired we talked about that like on our second podcast that she was i mean when i hear her see her i'm immediately like she's like sensory to me i feel 12 years old again i feel what it's like to to love and dream and and she was just everything and don't do some comedian was like screaming at an audience member being like britney spears raised you she raised you with her abs and it's so true so that was a very intense and and then hearing the stories that you had and you know that you had about her and knowing her personally i mean there was a part where you were just talking about where she had that surgery on her leg and they're showing her going in to the place where you listen and you're like yep that was it and i mean that's also a surreal thing for me always to watch anything with you and you'd be like oh i had a beer that guy so it was intense but i'm glad we watched it and it needs everyone needs to watch it and i'm going to be following this so much more quickly now because it's so sad yeah a lot of people lived that building uh uh ryde reynolds lived there and uh i i saw him on conan one night and he he was on cover men's fitness and he got buff so buff i did coda said hey show the magazine you know brian reynolds is one of the funniest human beings ever and he goes oh and the audience is like and he goes don't worry when i exhale i look like tom arnold and it's hilarious and the next day i was in the gym and i don't think you knew i lived there to go hey man sawyer coded hilarious and i did say another word to him and then i got uh so okay my door with a a a bottle of dom perignon and a note that said i'm sorry tom that was a classless thing to say and uh and i i sent it back to his to his room and said hey man i'm a recovering alcoholic but it is the it is the uh and then of course i i let that go and i went over to talk to him and i said i'm gonna keep this just in case but uh but he is the funniest uh oh you know and uh of course i love when people make funny jokes about me because that was funny and then to be able to do the joke and play it you know because he's genuinely he is genuinely you know he's a very he's a sweetheart but he's also genuinely hilarious yeah you know not a lot of actors are genuinely hilarious i know gary and i were just talking about how when we would go to open mics or go to shows and really good looking women or really good looking men go everyone's like all right let's see how funny you are and then when they are funny it's so painful because you're like how can you be this good looking and this funny i mean i'm sure he didn't like wasn't born gorgeous like he works out a lot and get his stylist now but well because he's funny he's he's looks better than he does probably yeah know he looks good too actually i know i my friend carter who's from canada his like older brothers knew him growing up and he was kind of a loser and nobody wanted to hang out with really yeah so that's why he's well the movie waiting was the first time i saw him that is so funny there's so many things in that that you know then we got that superhero or that guy what is the there's the uh deadpool oh my god that's so death proof but that was also deadpool is also a change in those kind of movies where that that's all of a sudden the kind of movie that my kids like because it was so and he had he was still himself yeah and he could really be himself he could be himself in huge movies and that is just hilarious yeah you know it's like being true lies i could just be myself and then you get busier so then you're just you know you're just having fun yeah just have fun hey listen i was on the by this uh brothers uh uh you know uh podcast this week yes you were yeah you know the guys i love it's uh uh you know when they first came out they make these also make these short uh make these political you know i met with these guys their exact objective well here's her first i i think uh getting laid no i'm totally teasing these three brothers uh uh uh ben brett and jerry jeff jess mo larry i don't know his name well you said he was the cute wood you looked it up right before we i know and then you were like that's not right do you remember no i did say it was right because i thought you met the young one and then you started looking at their pictures again but i i know you've come jordan jordy jordy that's it but then you look at brett's picture and you're actually like well wait a minute well now yeah they're the three brothers and uh and i saw they did they've done one what's a lawyer but you know ben's a lawyer well known yeah he worked with mark gargos a lot of people and then and then another one neil bratz does some some reality tv stuff but then he gave it up because he has a soul and then uh jordy's a younger brother and one you know they they're such a great mix of of evil once done ed one's an editor one done pr and one's a lawyer they started making these films that were political in nature yes and issue oriented when you first saw them wear one of those i saw them when they started moving i saw what their first one of their first films in short films on on twitter you know and i was like these guys are amazing it was a time when when the trump stuff had just gotten way out of control and you know there against things like what year roughly i've got maybe two years ago or something they're against things like white supremacy anti-semitism you know trump and they they were so effective and i just was amazed that you know i reached out to them and became an early supporter and uh and then they've blown up just huge and everybody became aware and they started with no money and people started supporting that they just of them's a lawyer i'm sure they had some no but i mean in their company their their their midastouch dot com i don't know how it is but it costs money to put this stuff up they've just blown up huge now they have their own like podcast company i don't know but they're beloved and then they reach out they got young people like in on college campuses that are part of their thing and you know of all those people they've blown up the the biggest and but they're also so talented and they're tough they don't back down they're still doing it and they were so helpful with uh the senate races it it uh just the the the midterms i mean there's just been an amazing voice a strong voice and so i went they have a podcast that's huge and cool people go on it and i went on it and uh it was just a it was a and i i did exactly what i do on here basically and uh and yet people are like oh my god tom arnold's amazing but on here they're like oh my god is he annoying but because they're three cute popular boys they were like oh did you hear tom arnold and plus their podcast is number one or number two in america and canada every week congratulations they're like but they're like yeah now we like him it's you know it's like uh when i was a true lies they people hated me on roseanne and then i was at true lies the same year and they're like i thought you know what i come think of it i do like tom marshall no not because of it am i roseanne and their true lies is that what you're saying uh let me think what no but it was it was very a very cool experience and uh the one clip they put of you on instagram when you're talking about going to the playboy mansion with trump i mean it was funny because they had to do what i have to do sometimes because when you're on a roll you're telling the story you'll drop these like freaking easter eggs of like wealth or knowledge and you're like wait we got to go back so they had to reel you back no no they do exactly what they were familiar with what you do they had to do it a lot so they learned from me well also they go it's just gonna take 20 minutes and then when i got done i go oh no we've been out here for almost two hours yeah yeah well no that's not like because i had the lighting guys and they're like we need the vacuum we need to clean up the mess and i was like well he should be done 45 minutes i saw he wanted to talk to me and say a couple words uh but also i did uh this uh other really legitimate podcast gangster capitalism who said it was announced uh they're doing a series the first year they did they're very very legit hugely popular and they did the nra one year and this is their third year they did the college cheating scandal they broke a lot of stuff the nra filed for bankruptcy because of them and this year they're doing jerry falwell and so i had the honor of uh not only and when you think jerry falwell you think you do jerry falwell jr you absolutely do because uh if it wasn't for me humbly there's two things i i will go down in history for her hopefully more please but jerry fall because of michael cohen again for two things well for sure getting michael cohen uh to helping him to to completely turn on trump okay and then again and then recording him talking about jerry falwell and the and the uh naked pictures and then that caused jerry falwell to uh he's fired for his own university yeah if i if i hadn't got that on tape uh by hook or crook that to prove that uh uh and that started the whole and then got naked pictures by the way yes yes then he would still probably be at liberty university committee crimes yeah now he's committed crimes so now that you're gonna be known for is those two things those are two things well jerry well it's a huge thing it's a big thing naked pictures well by getting the president's lawyer to turn on him think about that the president of the united states what you said two things those are two things what give it getting the president of the united states me one guy me one guy going to new york yeah everybody in the world is trying and getting the president of the united states fixer yeah to flip on him yes the president is no longer the president yeah god yeah number one and then the second you tell me what you're doped for that did i get i got the guy two things i just wanted well that's the second one is getting jerry falwell jr fired from his own university and and now there's criminal charges because he stole money from his own university and getting who did i call the car make the the hero of this is is john carlo granda yes sweetheart he is a sweetheart and uh uh you know he he suffered so much that's the i guess the pool boy and he's the hero of this yeah because trump michael cohen went to prison trump uh jerry falwell jr scum and the guy that comes out is like a the hero that all all this stuff is collapsed exposed is john carlo granda who i've you as you know we're buddies and he's participating you know he's a guy that stood up to all these guys all their tough lawyers all the threats all the and the guy that comes out as the hero after all this wreckage is the the pool boy the guy that survived all the threats and you know he he's going to be the face of uh at all these all the followers are predators and he and he was threatened in every way possible and you know and these guys you know the fall wells were like ingratiate themselves and people's families and imagine standing up to jerry and becky falwell if you're a young guy and your family is like oh my god we're so in love with them oh we got this festive here for the from the south and these guys that he stood up and uh you know you know he's he's go through a lot right now because he's a you know he's a maryland they can't see his family because they're coveted his four dogs sick you know you heard me talking to him he's a very you know righteous he's doing his own thing about he's got a uh his old podcast about uh video game addiction which a real thing you know but he's going to be out there speaking at conferences about what happened the psychological stuff that powerful people do to other people to keep them in the he's they've kept him in this terrible position for so long by emotionally abusing him and and uh you know there's a there's a term by gaslighting him but he's got it all and then all these other guys are stepping forward now because of john carlo they read his story because he had the courage to speak up and all these other kids are like oh yeah i had sex with becky uh she my friends with her son i thought first i thought that'd be a cool thing now i've realized i've had all this shame for all these years i didn't want to do it i had to move out of out of virginia you know and because i got threatened and and now there's a uh you know there's jerry's having an affair with uh with his youngest son's uh friend this girl and his youngest son's wife's best friend and who's her boyfriend is a partner at deloitte the uh the big accounting firm who works with jerry and and and jerry said he'd naked pictures of this girl who graduated from liberty in in 2016. he said john cardell has one because he jerry says to everybody and and i even said to jack oh listen man this is she goes well she'll never talk because all the families are but jerry's sending pictures of this this young lady to everybody to show off like he did all the pictures of his wife like he does pictures of himself like he did when he threatened john carlo he said i'm going to send a picture of of you and my wife and uh to your girlfriend i'm going to threaten you with this recently if you talk or whatever he said it to other people and i said i said giancarlo he goes she'll never talk because she i said but this is the fact that jerry is sending out pictures of her she doesn't know it her dad doesn't know it her your her boyfriend doesn't know it and her boyfriend's dad who works with jerry falwell doesn't know it so i immediately tweeted that and i got to tweet a little wrong because i said her dad worked at deloitte the partner but but it but that should be that no first of all that's illegal and second of all it's not like well this is a private thing between her and jerry she's for the rest of her life is gonna go oh my god i had this weird relationship with the guy that's the head of you by university and and i was friends with my best friend was married to his son and we're at the house all the time and then he would get so weird with me and then i didn't even notice he was sending naked pictures of me out to everybody well i think that needs to be known and i think we're gonna have to get to the bottom of that that's what i do because then i'll just put it out there yeah and i'm figuring out who the guy the name is of the you know but uh but that's how but you know because giancarlo it took so much for him to come out and so long so he's here everybody else so those are the two things you know helping john carlo uh and uh michael cohen i assisted him well i am so happy but being a father is the biggest sake of course i'm so happy this episode's getting you so much well it's a serious thing it's a series it's a series but i got to think i got to get the uh david a company i said it to you did you read it from the announcement on uh can you read that it's a really the their gangster capitalism c13 originals sets jerry falwell junior story for season three of podcasts these guys are like peabody award level they had 22.5 million subscribers these guys are very very deep into this their research and uh you know like people from the fbi talk to them but they're into you know their friends they got law enforcement at uh lynchburg that's where the school is and these guys really posing this yeah this is great there's a lot of crime and then i gave him the you know gave them the old they're really genuinely good people they're there and i said and what i say is you got to take care of of uh of uh john carlo because you know he doesn't just want to talk he's got to be and he's going to have his book they're writing this book i've helped with that billy corbin is making a a documentary with him i'm helping obviously and then our buddy larry flint just died this week and larry king larry i wanted larry to buy john carlos 24.9 percent of the fall well uh their project the the gay youth hostel and john carter i'm going to be honest he i made a mistake on our show and i said it was his dream to buy a gay youth hostel and that's not true he wanted to buy a youth hostel jerry falwell jr wanted to buy a gay youth hostel and uh ed well those are john carter has never said anything like that corrections you know well good i'm glad you said although he is very good looking he is very good i know you're like i can set you up yeah yeah well no you you're you're probably a little old for him he probably likes swimming there a little you know i mean he's a very good looking time but that was great that was a great episode we're going to talk about how you've been slandering me over the internet but we can do that maybe we should do a dating show i mean even if he has a girlfriend you can print you know don't not for you for him nobody would buy yours but i mean he's really that would be a great let's sell that show i better talk to him first john carlos i mean even his girlfriend would have been like well you know this is for tv she probably like just makes money like when i would marrying tom arnold when i had that website for and when it brown had dates and yet i had a girlfriend and she was like well don't even wait for the dust to settle on all this just do it right now no i'm gonna call him you he's lonely man a lot of people would be on my dating show okay who how dare you oh no it'd be hilarious michael rosenbaum okay uh my time i love you so much i bet you do you even drink what's in the bottle before you you have to do one now too i'm going to send this to uptime well listen uh i love this because your wi-fi i love it first of all there's no calories in it and it works it doesn't make you jittery it's like it's got a good taste hey we gotta yes let's do this you know and since i've been using you got to put in the fridge without warm no i i've been drinking that listen yeah it's good but i like it cold let me tell you something man and also to uh yeah yeah they're very good they're very very good and there's no calories and they're effective and they're very very tasty got a little got a little kick in the giddyup you know extra hitch in your gideon yeah for sure yes with the guy that breathes the water accidentally brought something else once and then he brought this he's like hey why don't you guys try that and then we bid order it so it was a good sale yeah i was drinking a five hour energy and i was helping him get the water in and he's like what are you drinking yeah you need to try an uptime you were drinking a lot of five hours yeah i only need one up time to do me right but five are energies i needed like 13. so yeah let me say this uh leah black's uh skid care products we're going to figure out because i use them and she sends it to me you drink it all you know i use them so we're going to do a thing next time where we have a promo thing that you can buy them i will i will go through my you know because i use them you help me use them yeah they really work for to get me to use them you know and uh get you to do any type of routine it's hard i went to the dermatologist and she's like you got to keep using that and uh yeah i had some stuff cut off of my body you know you can't use them on my body but uh really i gotta keep my face same paragraph i gotta no i gotta be honest man no no she doesn't have a for the body those are for the face but it just tells me if i want to stay young and handsome i gotta keep use this stuff okay it's very good very sexy okay go ahead i just want to end it on a couple comments i found about you um on the internet um tom arnold is a better man than most people will ever realize and then that's the picture that's very nice oh that's a picture from uh that's very nice what was what what made that happen uh just from the midas touch stuff oh that's nice um i know a lot has been going on today but when you get the opportunity make sure you go check out at midas touch with tom arnold so that's nice yeah it was very good and then i want to say real quickly one more tom arnold will have seven rings if he gets married three more times no i've given out eight because i was engaged four times before i got married so i've given out eight engagement rigs um um but i used to say a joke i got four rigs just like shaq or three you know yeah was my next door neighbor you know yeah yeah you know stephanie wolcott uh winston or what i hope i'm saying her name right she went on by his touch after me right dex and she was uh melania's old assistant oh and she dropped another tape which she and i are buddies now you know and she dropped another tape where uh that bellati's talking about mark burnett and the uh uh inauguration getting paid from the inauguration they blamed uh uh they blamed th this young lady that uh uh belanger's old assistant and she it's all on there she uh melania says well what about mark burnett mark burnett we got a millions of dollars doing trump's inauguration in 2016 17 and uh committed all kinds of crimes uh but that they this this what this fine woman got played but that just came out because our goal might just touch us to get the the the uh out apprentice outtakes we're going to keep doing that yeah until they get it yay they're still protecting him he's still making money okay we never quit all right well listen garen got here at 11 a.m let's go it's now 2 38. so that means we have been off topic this is tom arnold i'm sasha boggs don't forget to listen on spotify and itunes and watch on youtube thank you very much thank you thank you uptime [Music] you
Channel: Off Topic with Tom Arnold
Views: 739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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