FREE Animated Twitch Overlays setup with Streamelements and OBS Studio

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hey guys Gael Level here and today i'm going to  show you how to set up your twitch stream with   obs studio and stream elements now there  are many advantages to go with obs studio   and also stream elements the main thing here is  performance obs studio is known to not use as   much cpu as other broadcasting software and  with stream elements you can actually have   overlays that are a browser source so they're  not stored on your computer allowing things to   run a little smoother i'm going to be covering  everything from creating your scenes to getting   free overlays from the stream elements website  in case you didn't know i also stream on twitch   so go follow me there at right  before we start a quick message from our sponsor   hey you are you looking for emotes then  you need to check out own3d emote maker   check this out in a couple of clicks i create  one character and then own generates the rest all you gotta do is go to hover  over sub emote in badges and click emote maker   so try it out that is now when  you first install obs it should look like that if   you didn't go to the auto configuration wizard  you can still click on tools auto configuration   wizard which is what we're gonna do in my case  i'm just gonna create a new profile and call it   stream elements click ok and now it's gonna run me  through the auto configuration wizard so i want to   optimize this for streaming this is the theme of  the video so we're gonna click next base canvas   resolution is going to be the actual resolution  of your monitor so if you have a 4k monitor pick   4k fps either 60 or 30 but prefer 16 when possible  click next and then the service here is going to   be twitch i recommend you connect your account it  will make things way easier it will allow you to   display your chat and you will also have access to  a part of your dashboard so just enter your twitch   name and password okay from here you can click  next and it will run basically a test on your   computer to see what are the best settings really  a few inches later keep in mind that this will   really really depend on your internet connection  and your hardware in my case video bitrate is   going to be at 500 because i'm on adsl right now  and my internet really really sucks so in your   case you will probably have way better settings  than this one click apply settings and this should   be enough for you to have a stream that doesn't  lag if you have a bad internet connection and   some bad hardware the stream might not look great  you might have to stream at a lower resolution   but overall with the auto configuration wizard  you shouldn't be dropping frames for example   on the right as you can see there's my chat i  can click accept and you can drag and drop this   wherever you want i'm going to put it to the  side here and then on the right this is like   my dashboard so if i want to change the stream  title or anything i can do it here all right   so we're going to create our four scenes that's  what i said starting soon intermission gameplay   be right back we're going to rename the first  one by right clicking rename call it starting   click the plus to create a new one intermission  third one is gameplay and fourth one will be   brb and inside those scenes we will have sources  that will be like layers and this is the source   list right now my audio mixer is not picking  up anything two things that we usually want is   desktop audio and your mic audio desktop audio  will pick up anything that goes through your   headset or your speakers and then the mic is  your mic so let's go to settings and let's go   to audio so as you can see here desktop audio is  disabled we actually want this to be default if   that's what you want but if you have a specific  headset you can pick that so everything that goes   through the default this is the windows default  right your viewers will be able to hear it mic   auxiliary i suggest you pick the exact mic that  you're gonna use just to make sure that windows   default doesn't mess it up in my case i'm using  the mic mauno right here i can click apply and   magically they will appear right here and as you  can see it is totally picking up my mic right now   since there's no videos playing or no gameplay  in the background there's no desktop audio   all right before we start with stream elements  one thing that you need to know is for sources   you can add them here and you have different types  of sources usually from here as i talked about in   a full tutorial on obs studio you can actually  set up all of your overlays without necessarily   needing stream elements but those will be files  and and stuff that will be straight from your   computer the advantage that we have with stream  elements here is that everything can just be from   one single source called a browser source so it's  basically your animated overlays everything your   alerts is all coming from this one link from the  internet lowering the resources from your computer   basically so we'll come back here and we're  going to go on stream elements and try to find   a free starting soon overlay for our stream so  you go to stream of course you log   in with your twitch account click authorize and  on the left under alerts and overlays you should   find theme gallery or my overlays if you already  have overlays this is where you'll find them and   theme gallery is all the overlays that stream  elements will propose to you basically so here   super themes are a full package for multiple  scenes using a super theme will create five   overlays that you can use in different scenes in  obs so technically you can create one super theme   and you're set uh there's a violent one right here  it's uh seems to be animated so just click create   we can name it let's name it valorant and  boom create my overlay it just gave you   a preview of everything and now it gives  you a link so technically i could go in   every single one of my scenes just copy this and  add it as a browser source and my overlay would be   set we can we can actually try that let me click  on this go to obs studio my starting student   screen is selected click plus click browser i'm  not even sure that's the that's the starting   uh call this one starting overlay press enter  replace this link by that new one width and height   we want this to be 1920x1080 remember that's our  canvas resolution and click ok see what happens   wait a couple seconds and that was actually the  gameplay in link but don't worry you can see this   is animated but also uh there are customizable  stuff here so we're gonna delete this and make   sure that we're actually adding it to the  right one or something i could do here is   copy and just add it to the gameplay right  click paste reference and then just delete   it from the first scene remove boom we're also  going to rename it in order to avoid confusion   so this is game overlay it actually says it  right here i just didn't see it animated talk   this is usually the intermission  screen let's do this fast so browser same thing 1080p that's the intermission and this is the starting soon   there's an animated be right back let's  click on this and add it to the be right back okay that was easy the only thing we have left now  is to customize it a little bit and add a couple   of sources for example the gameplay we would  want a game capture and also our webcam here   intermission with our camera we want the game  but let's go check it out so back to the stream   elements website you can click see themes in my  overlays and those are old overlays that i have   but if we scroll down we actually see the valorem  a theme that it installed if we go to edit the   starting soon for example we can click edit and  we can see the separation between all the elements   right to the left we have the layers and they are  smartly named as here you can see social edit here   this is where you actually edit your social so  text facebook instead of having facebook you will   have you will be able to put your actual tag uh  for example twitch here we're gonna click it once   now if you double click you're just gonna change  the name of the layer and not the actual text   so you click it once and then under here you gotta  click on settings and this is where you can change   the actual message so i'm gonna put my own twitch  and as you can see it's updating to the right   one thing you need to remember is to save every  single time you click save and this would be   updated on our obs so if we go back to our obs you  can see it says Gael Level here all right i'm not   going to do it for all of them i think you get  the point you will have to do it on every single   scene though now let's add our camera let's go to  the information scene here and let's click plus   we're going to click video capture device because  that's what our camera is you can name it whatever   you want uh this is the wrong camera let's  click the right camera could appear here   and this is where we're basically gonna be using  obs studio first of all i don't like the way it's   uh facing so i'm gonna right click on my  camera click transform go to flip horizontal   so i'm facing this way it's just more  natural if i'm facing towards the gameplay   and the chat and i'm going to drag and drop it  underneath my overlay see how it's transparent   in order to not accidentally click on the overlay  because we don't want that to move anymore we're   going to lock it right here and now i only have  control over my camera which i'm going to drag   into place if you want to zoom in or anything  like you can you know make it bigger and just   make it fit if it doesn't fit you can hold alt  on your keyboard in order to crop for example i   can do this right and there you go you can hold  shift to stretch but you shouldn't be stretching   your camera and for the game capture it would  be plus game capture click ok and you can either   capture any full screen application or capture  a specific window i don't have a game up now   but it will be the exact same setup as the camera  so you'll click ok it will be full screen you'll   drag it underneath the overlay that is transparent  and then you'll size it to be over there just for   the example what i'm gonna do is pull up like  some videos of gameplay and here you can learn   how to set up a video just a random video it's  gonna be media source so plus source media source   i'm gonna loop this click okay so don't  get confused this is not a game capture   this is a media source because i'm playing  a video so i'm gonna drag it underneath the   overlay as we like we talked about  i'm gonna size it to fit in place   just like that okay another huge advantage with  using the free themes from stream elements is that   all your widgets are pretty much  already there if i type in chat   for example can see that my chat actually appears  here first it took a while there i was kind of   scared it wasn't going to show up so if we go  back to layers i just want to make sure i have an   alert box i do so i'm going to click down here on  emulate and follow event to see what will happen   and just like that basically my follower alert  will show up here you heard it twice because it   it's actually showing but also  on obs so for your gameplay you do the exact   same thing we're gonna go ahead and find  a video capture device now we already have   it we already have our webcam so we can click  add existing pick the one that we already added   and uh just put it in place we see that that's the  webcam overlay i can still right click and flip it   all right it still needs to go underneath it just like that as you can see there's a spot  to put your name i showed you how to edit those   and once again you can hold alt on your keyboard  and drag the sides in order to crop so it matches   perfectly for your gameplay you can add a game  capture source the same game capture source that   you have on the intermission for example in my  case it's a video playing it's not a game capture   so i'm going to add it add existing click ok it's  going to be full screen i'm going to drag it all   the way down now because i want my camera to be  on top of my gameplay right crop this a little   bit more and there we go now the only disadvantage  that you will have with stream elements is that   everything is on one browser source so while  i'm streaming if i want to move the social   media or turn it off i would have to go to the  website find it and then turn it off from there   which can be annoying but it's such an advantage  to be able to edit all the specific parts and also   have all of it be in one single browser source  that is not playing from your computer where you   would have like a huge file and that is how you  get a full twitch overlay setup in just a couple   of minutes with you're starting soon with all  your widgets with your chat box with your alerts   with your stream labels and even your social media  already set up in one source now i'm kind of new   to stream elements so if i did any mistakes or  if there's any better ways of doing that please   let me know in the comment section below but i  do believe that right now it is the fastest way   of having a full full full setup that looks this  good for live streaming now if you would like to   know how to set up obs studio with streamlabs  as your service provider i also have a video on   that subject in that video i also show you how  to set up obs studio with every single overlay   basically your sources will be separate and will  be coming from your computer so if you want to   download other overlays for free or very very  affordable you can go to   as i mentioned i also stream on twitch i'm mostly  playing apex arenas right now so feel free to   check me out but that's it top right youtube  will show you which video you should watch   next and at the bottom of it you will see my most  recent video so go check him out keep on learning   about live streaming and i will see you guys next  time go out there make me proud Gael Level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 13,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, obs studio, obs, streamelements, streamelements tutorial, streamelements to obs, streamelements overlay to obs, streamelements themes, streamelements obs setup, streamelements overlays tutorial, streamelements obs settings, streamelements or streamlabs 2021, streamelements setup, streamelements settings, streamelements alerts, free animated overlay, free animated overlays for obs
Id: nVuuI4EsGyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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