Epic NPC Man Supercut - Season 20 & 21

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Ah Hello, it's good. I'm so relieved that I even asked or Actually, it's quite impaired again. It's a pretty crucial thing to go Don't you think the makeup can you please just take him good look can you please not go it's a really rural jet No, no. No, this is good exceptionally. Well, let's go no You will not skip me I will not be skipped. I have important things to say. I'm important Skip Okay, we are sick and tired of all your shit What is it Vince resort ice and you request I have to give won't take it anymore It's fine. If you decline my Christmas, it's okay Please the courtesy to listen to say not if you understand If I ever see you skipping another quest giver I'll destroy everything you love I'll hunt you down span to the earth and open Not if you want to stay I'm gonna repeat my quest and you're gonna listen to every word They're gonna listen every syllable You're not if you understand okay man becoming My sheep I've run amok it's gonna take a brave adventurer like you to help me fine Except except I Knew that when I saw you from afar you had a brave spirit spirits exactly why we meet right? He's returned unto me unharmed not if you understand I understand Oh Oh Oh What happened? I blacked out for a second. Oh, well, I'm pretty sure I did nothing out of character Adventurer I need your aid my wife and child died recently in a fire and I need help getting to their graves Are you okay? You're aware that you're on fire, right? Hey Ventura I need your aid my wife and child died recently in a fire and I'm trying to get to their graves Are you sure you win in the fire? Okay, just for the record like I'm totally happy to help but I just want to make sure that you're okay I Mean okay, as long as you're happy then except quest Thank You adventurer the graveyards this way Quick site good lucky bitch today quick safe Quick safe Quick safe Quick safe, no quicksave. There's someone prowling around here Quick safe look safe Come on Ned quick safe quick sighs Quick save Oh look sighs whoa Oh Quick load Um quick load Oh Jimmy Quick load Oh serious Oh quick load Quick load quick large quit the hoses, ah quick load Load main save. Oh Ah hello new adventurer and welcome to honey wood. Ah Fuck legend has it that the entrance to the secret tomb is hidden somewhere in the cliffs of honey wood Nobody's been out to find it not for hundreds of years. Oh, wow. There it is Countless adventures have tried to find the interest of the secret to but all of fails it's almost as if it doesn't exist Well, it definitely exists goes right there. I wonder if one day we will Sorry, what did what the entrance of the term you're talking about is right there, what are you What are you What are you talking about? You seriously? Can't see it the entrance right there Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about the image of the tomb right there Nah Fuck follow me from right to live. Okay, no more looking curve. Yeah normal looking close Yeah normal looking curve here obvious to share crack rock class. I'm not normal. Yep Normal-looking cliffs not on working clothes. Okay, you can sit I yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about I think it's maybe a little bit confuse. You're seriously telling me you cannot see it Take this magical secret You should be true Wow, I'll prove it I'll prove it Normal piece of wall, yeah Adventurer you found the interest of the secret tomb? Adventurer, please help The Parsa money would have Bergdahl's go. No, please in French if you just go you can just take a moment Good, please sit bench forget I don't got a kit in dialogue your world What did you say It's your world - Okay, sure, the forest of honey wood has burned down what difference can I make well, you can replant a tree what difference is one tree gonna make well every little bit helps and who knows with more adventurers like You we could end up planting millions of trees. Look, I don't have the time or the tools to plant a stupid tree Okay, do you have a gold coin? Yeah, why if you buy a tree I can plant it for you Look if it gets you off my back you can have a super gold coin Thank You Hiro may not feel like it but that one tree may have just saved all the bathroom Yeah Yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah Huh no No Hi, oh Hello, how are you pretty good? Thank you. Yeah. You look new at this I'm playing on my girlfriend's account I want to surprise her by learning the game. That's cute Can I do anything to help actually? Yeah, I want to learn how to equip the sword. How do I do that? Well for that you'll need to open your inventory. Okay? Yep. How do I do that? Are you push I okay sweet There's a big window open with items in it right now list all of those to me Okay, there is the sword of the kindy. That sounds cool I mean, it's yeah, it's really good and also the shield of myrrh gold. Wow, that is really good. Okay, and I'm of gaga Yeah, amazing. No, they're all orange as well. What what's that that actually means that they're all legendary items. Yeah, really? Oh, wow. Sarah has such a good account Yeah, I do so click on it, okay drag it outside the box and then let go of the mouse button okay. Oh Oh That's on the ground. Now. Is that supposed to happen? Yes, that's good now to use it Yeah, you're gonna have to do the same thing again with your shield. All right, here we go. Oh No that no the shield's on the ground too. Is that right? Yep, that's normal. That's fine You're gonna need to do the same thing again, but for your helmet okay are dragging it over. Oh And the helmets down there as well now great. Good job, and once more just on your entire suit of armor Okay Really? Good job. Well done. Just checking. How much gold do you have? There's a little for golden says just over 400,000 that that seems like a lot right? So what are you gonna need to do with that is you're gonna have to drag all of that out as well Okay. Oh Now that's on the ground - really good job. Well done. Oh You you you took it all away. I had and here's why You seem like a really great guy and I thought that I would upgrade all of that stuff For free for you. Oh my god, that would be such a big surprise for Sarah. She would love that Yeah, she will be real surprised. Thank you. You're so welcome. So I'm gonna go see my guy. He's Over there somewhere and I'll be right back. Okay? All right. Thank you. See ya. Thank you Oh Oh No Oh Ha ha I don't look peasant or I have the high ground and a ranged weapon Ha lucky dodge, but this time you shall perish You dodged again now you shall draw your last breath What what are you doing I'm trying to hit you but you're getting very lucky Wait, wait, wait, are you playing on a console? Why? Yes the mighty Xbox? Yeah, they just open up cross-play didn't there yes prepare to bow down Before your xbox masters. Hey Yeah, you see thing is that I'm playing on PC stands still peasant I don't care what kind of game pain you go, cuz I'm on mouse and keyboard and it's just objectively better Look look in the interest of fairness. I'm actually gonna give you a free shot. Haha. Okay, you've just signed your death warrant Prepare to meet your maker Prepare to feel the kiss of death So close Welcome to cross-play pcmasterrace bitch This is as far as I can go adventurin, oh come now, the journey is up to you. Yeah. Yeah I got if you take the left path you will end up with the elvish Rangers Lead you to the would be capable of dark elves they roam these lands Merchant ship that was sailing up. The river was ambushed by orcs. Sorry. Sorry, what was that about pirates and All the treasures been lost I said one he remains at the Rangers field. It goes like this Special code you'll know what you mean missed all of that You must use their very specific potion for solace now. Listen carefully read my lips Oh You come there was a lot I saw hey, I don't know we can get two for the price of one the FA's ative you might contain the voice of one and ensure those give me alarm bells many would better go I hope you've got all of the crucial information. I Didn't hear a word of fact, I I know I can get two for the price of one dude. I don't hear anything else Ah, dude, the right path Ricky fingers crossed Hey guys, you enjoyed that video make sure you check out all the other videos on our channel like this one This plenty featuring less annoying guy Avenged
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 1,924,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech
Id: TNwb1l66Ze0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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