Four free AI tools for creating stunning presentations | Automation the presentation using latest AI

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hello folks hope you all are doing  great welcome to Guru Tech Solutions   are you tired of making presentation  manually if so this video is for you   stop working manually on your presentations  since we are living in the era of AI   in this video we're unveiling the future of  presentations with four Cutting Edge AI tools   whether you're a student professional or anyone  who wants to enhance their presentation creation   skills this demonstration is a must watch discover  how AI can revolutionize your presentations   unlock the potential of AI to elevate  your presentations to the next level   don't miss out on these game changing  tools watch the video now and take your   presentation skills to new heights without  further delay let's dive into [Music] first way using chat GPT and Microsoft Office  365. step number one open your web browser   and type chat GPT this will lead you to the  official page of this popular free AI tool   although chat GPT has launched its updated  version chat GPT for which is not free and   we have to pay for it but don't be  Panic we are using the free version in the prompt bar we will ask chat GPT to  generate PowerPoint presentation so my area   of interest is how mathematics improve  critical thinking skills and I ask it to   act as a professional to make PowerPoint  presentation on the given topic and will   last chat GPT to generate six slides besides we  will ask jgpt to fill the relevant tax as well   you can type your own topic by following the same  steps once you are done with the typing hit enter   now chatgpt is creating different slides and  filling the text as per it was instructed you can scroll down and see  the progress it has created   seven different slides around our area of Interest the very first slide is about introduction  and title would be enhancing critical thinking   through mathematics you can see the text which  we can include in our slides likewise the slide   number two is about interconnectedness  of mathematics and critical thinking   slide number four is about real  world application and likewise you   can see the other slides as well and text has  already been filled by this free AI tool and   the final flights will be about  the conclusion of our presentation   so far we are done with creating the slide titles  and relevant text to include in our presentation before we move to our next  step just copy the entire text here comes the step number two again in this will lead  you to the official page of Microsoft Office 365. you can log into toit by using your Gmail or  Outlook account like I have done using my ID from here click word then  you have to open a blank file once this blank document is opened The Next Step would be pasting the text  which has been generated by chat GPT for that I will use shortcut key Control Plus V  here you can see the entire text has been pasted now from here you have to click  keep Source formatting the same   let's dive into step number three go to home  and Export it as PowerPoint presentation once you click this pop-up will appear here  you can see various predefined templates   we can select as per our choice if you are not satisfied with the  given templates you can click see more   by clicking you will get more options for this time I am choosing this  template and then we'll click export here you can see that your text will be  including in presentation support for   image and tables is coming soon  it means that whatever we have   input in form of text this will  generate automatic presentation let's wait for a while boom see the magic and astonishing presentation  is ready don't skip the video more important   steps and features to discuss ahead you can  scroll down and check these slides one by one Here Comes slide number one to seven so far presentation is available online if you want to use this presentation offline  or in simple words you want to download for that you have to click here and  choose open in desktop app you just   have to wait for a while it will take a few  seconds and it will download to your system it's still processing this might take few  seconds and it depends on your connectivity once the process is over the presentation  will be opened in Microsoft Office here you go the PPT has been downloaded from here you can go in slides by  slides in order to make certain changes you can make further changes  by looking at different slides let's suppose I want to make some changes in  this slide I can cut the title from here and I   can paste over here to make it more professional  likewise you can make other changes if you want   once you are done with changes  you can check the final look   here comes the final look isn't it amazing  we just created this astonishing professional   looking presentation in few clicks let's  discuss the second way using gamma AI   first of all open your web browser  and in search bar type gamma AI then click the very first provided link this will take you to the  official page of this AI tool let me scroll down a bit here you  can see the interface looks like this   since we are using it for the first  time so we will click sign up for free by clicking this will take you here from  here we will click continue with Google then this will take us here  to choose our Gmail account I will use my Gmail account and then input my password then click next and this will lend us here  from here we can select our workspace name so it's already selected as its pervas alarms  workspace and I am using it for personal then hit enter then we have to tell this AI about us  and it asks how we plan to use gamma   since I am using it for personal  use therefore I will select this and from here I will select education educator the next it asks about how did we  hear about Gamma AI so I can write   from social media platforms or whatever you  want to write you can then click get start here is the final look of this AI tool  as it can be used for various purposes before we Embark upon I would like to share  that here we have given 400 credits for free   400 credits will be enough to create  various presentation documents and web pages   after that we need to pay to proceed for further  uses although this AI can be used for documents   and web page creation however today we will  discuss its one feature that is presentation   in next videos we will discuss other features  as well to begin with presentation feature click   presentation then we have this space to type the  topic around which you want to create presentation   using this AI tool here we have free predefined  topics that can be used to generate presentation   if you want to create presentation around your  area of interest just type in the given space so let's suppose I want to  create presentation around   technology and student achievement in mathematics once you are done with typing then hit enter this  AI will process and it might take a few seconds to   bring forth the result you can see it processed  and here is the outline of our presentation   as our presentation will start from introduction   then one slides will be around  overview of technology in education followed by Third slide around how  technology impacts mathematics achievement   then the fourth slide will be benefits of  using technology in mathematics classes and then this is followed by other three slides  and the final slide will be around conclusion   and future outlook so this is the outline of  our presentation which this AI has created   you can choose these outlines to create  your presentation and even you can edit   these by just selecting and editing them  with your own ideas similarly if you are   not satisfied with the results you can click  try again and it will change the entire outline   if you are satisfied with this outline then  you will click continue by clicking continue   you will get this here you can see this AI is  creating presentation for you in single click   this will take few seconds you  just have to wait for a while   see it's completed now from here you  have to choose your presentation design   here various designs have been provided so  let me click this design and it seems good and let me try this one this  is also attractive design   so by scrolling down you will get more options  once you decided then you can click continue   if you are unable to decide you will click  surprise me and it will automatically select   the slide design for you suppose I selected  this then I will click continue now we just   have to wait for a while this is creating the  final result of our input here we can see it   is creating different slides and filling those  slides with text as well as very relevant pictures here you can see the magic is happening you just  have to wait for a while until it's complete so here is the final slide around  conclusion and future outlook   so here we go the final presentation   you can see this is the first slide around  technology and student achievement in mathematics   the second slide you can see besides the third  one is around how technology impact mathematics   achievement and benefits of using technology in  math classroom additionally various benefits have   been given and some examples are also mentioned  and few challenges have been also mentioned in   different slides so you can click the text if  you want to make changes you can make changes   even you can change the pictures by just  clicking you can replace these images by   other images as well now let's open it in  presentation View for that I will click here   you can see this is the final look of our  presentation you can make changes as per your   needs since we have various options to make  some changes for instance we can format our   text by clicking here besides we can change the  layout as well as we can change visual templates   moreover we can add images and also we can add  videos in our presentation by just clicking   the relevant icon these are various other  features which can also be explored to make   our presentation more attractive and appealing  don't skip the video since we are not done yet   now the final step let's download this  presentation to our laptop or computer   since we want to use it offline for that I will  click here then from here I will choose export this will lead me to this these two options  the first one is export to PDF and second one   is export to PowerPoint I want this presentation  to download in Powerpoint so I will go with the   second option here we go wait since it's exporting  and this might take few seconds we just have to   bear for the ready-made fruit once it's done you  will get this pop-up message a download should   start automatically if not click here to download  it and you can see Automatic download started   let's open from the downloaded file let me click  it by clicking our PowerPoint presentation will   open in Microsoft PowerPoint software boom  here is the final downloaded PPT let me open   it in presentation View here is the final look  of our beautiful and appealing presentation   isn't it astonishing I really found it an amazing  AI tool to generate PowerPoint presentation more   importantly completely free let's dive into  the third way to create stunning presentation   first of all open your web  browser and type chat GPT   this will take you to the  official page of this free AI tool here you can see two options first one  is its version 3.5 which is completely   free and the second version required  a payment of twenty dollar per month   however don't be Panic we are using the  free version of chat GPT for this purpose   now in order to create auto presentation we  will be developing VBA code for this in this   prompt bar I will paste a prompt which I have  already copied by just pressing Ctrl V and   now I will take you through this prompt you can  type similar prompt in order to create VBA code   in this prompt I have asked chatgpt to create VBA  code for a PowerPoint presentation about six best   strategies to develop students mathematics  achievement besides I have asked chat GPT   to fill the text as per its knowledge and I have  asked to develop eight slides so in this way you   can input your prompt to develop Auto VBA code  around the area of your interest besides you can   also specify number of slides as well once you are  done with typing this prompt you have to hit enter boom chat GPT started creating VBA code  just wait for a while until it's complete   you can see its processing and in VBA  code it can be seen that it is developing   different slides with different heading  moreover number of slides can also be seen once it's done then the next step of  the auto presentation will be processed step number two for this open PowerPoint presentation click here to open blank slide now  in order to use this VBA code in this   PowerPoint presentation the developer  icon should be activated invisible   however at this point in time the developer  icon is not activated in my PowerPoint   if it is already available in your PPT  you are not supposed to follow this step   in order to activate the developer key I will  click file from here I will choose options from here I will choose customize ribbon the  next step is to check the developer key you   can see it's not checked just click here and  it will be activated and seen the icon here   here you can see it once it is  activated here comes the third step   now you just have to copy the VBA code and  you need to follow the process to paste click developer then click Visual Basic   from here you have to click here then click  module by clicking this window will appear   now you just have to press Ctrl V in order  to pass the VBA code here by pressing Ctrl   V the copied BBA code will be pasted here  here you go now sit tight to see the magic click play button here boom by clicking you can see an automatic  PowerPoint presentation with various slides and   auto text filled can be seen don't skip the video  since we are not done yet in order to make this   presentation more attractive I will click design  and for each slide I will choose specific design so let's suppose for the slide  number one I am using this design here you can make changes by just clicking for the second slide I can chose different  design to make my presentation more appealing for slide number three I can follow the same  process if you are not happy this design   you can click More Design to go for other  designs the same goes for slide number four let's suppose for slide number five I am not  satisfied with the provided designs so I can click   see more and by clicking more designs will appear  by scrolling Dawn you can see more design and   you can choose as per your need the same process  will be applied to the next slides until you get   complete satisfaction over your designs in this  way various designs for each light can be chosen once you are done with selecting your design let's see its final look so here is the first  slide it's more attractive and more appealing now   slide number two is also astonishing and appealing   you can see the text as well as it  talks about active learning strategies   second strategy talks about use of Technology  and the third talks about personalized learning similarly other slides with  autofilled text and design can be seen the final slide is about the  conclusion of the presentation   don't skip the video we are not done yet here comes the final step click file   from here click save then choose your folder  where you want to save this presentation then close all these windows  here comes the final look last but not least Tomei first of all open  your web browser and in search bar type Tomei   foreign then click the very first provided link this will take you to the  official page of this AI tool the interface looks like this since we are using it for the  first time so I will click tritome this will take me here where I have  to use my email account to sign up for that I am using my Google account so I will click here then this  will lead me to my Google accounts   since I have two accounts therefore I will  choose the one which I will use to sign up   then I will input my password it's processing  once the process is over you will get this option   from here you have to create your  profile since we are using it for the   first time therefore we need to make these  settings my name has already been written then you can choose your role so I am choosing  my role as educator and then click next you can create your workspace name   so let me type my workspace name Guru Tech  Solutions and then hit continue to workspace we have this option so right now we are using free this basic version can help us  to create numerous presentations   you can see it gives us 500 AI credits  and 500 AI credit is enough to generate   presentation and fulfill our needs  therefore I am going with basic then click continue and here is the final interface of this  AI tool here you can see it has already   given us 500 AI credits so using these AI  credits we can generate maximum presentations this is the final interface where we will  be working Now to create your presentation   you just have to click create although this  AI tool can be used for various purposes but   this time we are using it for the presentation  creation besides we have here multiple options   here we can select number of slides by dragging  this we can increase the number of slides   so for this time let's suppose I  want this AI to create eight slides   and here we have to type our topic around  which we want this AI to create presentation   here you can see other options as well by clicking  here you can change the theme let me choose this   one or this one it's up to your choice you can  choose various themes from here so let me choose   this one now we just have to enter our topic  around which we want to create presentation   and here in search bar I will type my area  of Interest let's suppose I want to create   stunning presentation around the pros and  cons of AI Tools in education once you are   done with the typing then hit enter and wait for  a while this will automatically generate outline   here you can see in your single click  the outline of the presentation is ready   the presentation will start from introduction the  second slide will discuss pros of AI in education   then the third slide will discuss improved  learning outcomes and similarly cons of AI Tools   in education will be discussed besides in slide  number six its privacy concern will be discussed   in this way this AI has created  the outline of your presentation   so by clicking here you can delete this  outline and you can include your own outline   editing the outline is single click away from you  so this time I am going with these suggestions   so I will click continue now we just have to  wait this AI is processing and it will generate   our presentation this AI is generating  different slides and filling the text   besides it is also adding various pictures  relevant to the topic you can check these slides   one by one if you are okay with these slides you  will click keep and in case you are not satisfied   with these slides then you can click try again  and the entire presentation will be created again   so I will keep these slides the  same without changing single text   now let me go back to each slide this is our  first slide this is the introduction or outline   of the entire presentation here we have the  introduction part of our presentation similarly   pros of AI in education has been discussed  further different slides have been created   moreover cons of AI tools and education privacy  concerns and other slides has also been created   if you want to make changes you can make  changes by just clicking in different slides   here we have multiple options you can add  titles as well as you can change the themes so we will go with this one in order to  open your presentation in presentation   mode you can click play and you will  be able to check your presentation   in order to share your slides with your  fellows and colleagues you can click here   then you have option to copy the link by copying  you can share the link via email or Whatsapp one   most disappointing point of this AI tool is that  it will not allow you to import your presentation   in order to download you  need to try the pro version   since I was using the basic and it  didn't allow me to import in PDF or PPT   in this way stunning presentations can be created  and can be shared via using the generated links   hope you found this video informative if  so kindly let us know by commenting on it   besides if you are watching this video for  the first time on this channel don't forget   to subscribe for more such ai-based educational  content see you in next video good luck [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 97,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools for presentation, free ai tools, ai tools, gamma ai presentation, use gamma ai to create presentations, how to create a presentation using gamma ai, ai presentation slides, presentation using free ai tools, ai for presentation, ai creating presentations, tome ai, ai presentation creator, create slides using gamma ai, create webpages using gamma ai, ai for powerpoint presentation, gamma ai, ai presentation maker, ppt on artificial intelligence, ppt ai bot
Id: J7d9gevXEus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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