This Free AI System Will Create Unique Content in Seconds!

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hi friends in this video I will show you how to build this automation workflow you click on run you enter any topic you want for example email marketing click okay and now in seconds what will happen is that this automation powered by AI will do a research on the internet read articles summarize them extract content from and then we'll create and generate a Blog full blog post and this is the final output not only that in this video you will get access free access to my custom application that I developed here which is a game changer as you will see also you'll get access to the advanced automation workflow this one will help you create almost anything from content ideas to social media post to blog post to research papers almost anything I'm so excited this video if you are ready let's get started so step number one is to understand the main automation workflow so what we are going to build or what we built here in this video is a workflow that will search the internet you enter a topic it will search the web and extract the top 10 20 30 50 results whatever you want then it will Loop through all these results all these link and extract the content it will read the blog posts then from each blog post it will extract the main ideas and topics that is required to write a blog for example or to create maybe a social media post or a research anything you want then we will use all the information collected from the internet all the ideas to create what you want we will combine them all with a powerful prompt and with the power of AI to generate the final blog post or the final output the idea is simple let's see how we can build this step two we need a no code automation platform and what's better than make I start using it recently and I really fell in love with this awesome platform it allows me to automate almost anything in my business anything you can get started for free and what's really awesome I partnered with make and now you can get free access to the pro version for one month so you can test everything for free in the description below you'll find the link just click and join make to get free access to the platform so free access with my free apps with the free workflow everything is free just go and test and see the power of AI Automation and make to help you save countless hours for you or your clients remember you can also sell this for your clients as a service so let's get started again click on the link and log into your new account if it's your first time it will ask you some questions just select what best fits you and let's get started here where the magic will begin step three is to install my free application inside make just copy the link in the description again and paste in your browser it's an app invitation it's called extract web content click install you will see how much this application is important in a in seconds select your organization and click install and perfect it's installed now super simple step number four is to build and configure the workflow this main workflow now when I build this it took me around 4 5 hours building the application and testing and creating the prompts and so on now to make things simple for you and save your time I will give you the workflow so you can directly Implement and configure again in your account click on create a new scenario you will see how simple is this and here is a scenario Builder or or the automation workflow Builder what you will do simply is click on these three dots click on import blueprint choose file and simply input the Json you downloaded from the description below that I shared with you it's called make automation D1 Open click on Save and boom you will have the full scenario imported in your account now you need to configure few things to make this work click on the first module and you will see here I am calling serper API what is serper if you go here to serer website it's simply a service allows you to search Google through an API and you can get 2,500 free queries so just sign up for free and go here to API keys and simply copy your key and go back and simply click on ADD and enter your API key here that's it okay next click on my application open it we see the API key here just make sure to enter Hassan 2024 hn 2020 4 this will give you free access to my app then open CH GPT or open AI module and connect with your API key again click on ADD and enter your open AI API key in case you don't know how just go here to open just log into your account and here you'll find the API Keys just create a new one copy it and paste here and we are done you will see the prompts are configured confed everything is configured for you and the last step is to configure Google Docs if you want to publish on Google Docs again you can click on ADD connection and log in with Gmail it's super simple just sign in and you'll be connected and that's it now when you click on run it will ask you for a topic how I added this input simply here we have something called scenario inputs and I added something called topic with type text it's super simple now when you click on run it will ask you the topic let's say automate email marketing any topic you want click okay and now the automation will run you can see it searched the web it converts to Json then it iterates over all the URLs and then using my awesome application start extracting web content so it reads the URL and extract the blog post this is super important so you can pass the blog post to open AI the AI analyze and extract ideas from you can see now open is working if you zoom in you see 5 six reading the Articles seven how many articles eight we have 10 URLs and now it's filtering out the ones that has content so we got eight articles we combined all this with tools then we passed everything to the final open ey module to generate the final article and if you click here here you will see the link to your Google doc you can open it to see the final output and here we are so this is how our first example Works our main example on generating blog posts using Ai and my web extract application and this awesome automation workflow now before I move on and give you the advanced automation workflow and show you how it works please give me one minute or maybe 30 seconds to explain few things here I think it will help you if you want to change things in the automation workflow if you want to build customized version or so on this module is calling server API searching Google for results using HTTP request then using this Json module we are reading the Json we are parsing the Json you can see here simply reading the data from this API we got the Json then we use something called iterator it simply loops Loops over the organic results coming from Json if you go here you will see in the Json we have organic results which are Google results so we looped through these results and then for each result we are extracting the blog content content the web page content using my free application this is why this is a game changer without it you need to scrape I don't know how you read the content so you are using this free application that I developed for you to read the content then pass it to chpt or open AI API so we provide the article one by one and using this prompt we are extracting the main ideas and information to be used in the final article and then we use something called text aggregator so you can see those four modules connected together and if you open this to you will see that the source module is the iterator please focus on this it's very important when you want to use a text aggregator select the iterator model so now it will combine everything came from the iterator the content and combine in one output the text content and then we can pass this output this one output as an input to our new open AI module you can see here we have the text the final notes that will be used to generate a comprehensive 1,500 blog post using this prompt also and and then publish on Google Docs you can even add here for example a module to publish a draft on WordPress you can see connect WordPress or anything you want you can update this workflow so what I want to focus on here is the iterator and the text aggregator so we are combining multiple outputs from different article into one piece of text to pass as an input for the final AI module to generate the article so this is our main workflow let's now move on to the advanced workflow and see what's going on here now the main difference in this Advanced workflow is instead of searching Google getting the top 10 articles and creating content directly from these articles what I'm doing here in this part I'm again searching Google getting the top 10 articles what I'm doing here is extracting topics from these articles and not using them to generate the content extracting topics and ideas then for each topic so we'll have like maybe 50 topics 50 ideas we will search Google for each topic and get 10 results so it's like doing a full research searching tons of Articles maybe hundreds of Articles then B based on that we will generate the final output you will see here if we run this automation for example let's say AI agents click okay it will take somehow a little more time because we have detailed research it's like an AI agent with no code built on make it's really awesome so in the first place here we are extracting the first 10 results you can see here reading the content and then extracting the topics and searching Google for each topic and for each topic we get the results and using open AI again we read the articles and create the final output let's wait a little bit to see the output we are here and now we are writing the final research paper let's see what we will get saving let's see open the result and you will see this final research remember that what decides the final output is your prompt here if you open this one you will see a very basic prompt now generate a full research paper you can here generate maybe Twitter post Facebook posts you can generate a YouTube script anything you want based on the research so this automation workflow is to do an intensive research about a certain topic and finally give it it to open Ai and with the right prompt you can generate anything you want this is why I told you with this automation workflow at the beginning of the video you can generate anything you want it's all about the final prompt you enter here and if you want to learn more about crafting and Engineering powerful prompts you can check my full free course here on my channel I hope you learned something new today if yes smash the like button and see you in the upcoming video
Channel: Hasan Aboul Hasan
Views: 121,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create website content with ai, ai tools, marketing automation tools, digital marketing automation tools, free marketing automation tools, marketing automation tool tutorial
Id: hlRf_v3g8JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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