I turned a book into a GPT (super learning method)

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the other day I was having a conversation with my brother and you may know my brother as productive dude here on YouTube or other words the king of notion but we were having a conversation about knowledge and he was telling me that he wanted to start turning his books that he was reading into gpts not only so that he could take notes easier but so that he could learn the book better and retain that information better as well so I got to thinking I'm like you know what this would be a great YouTube video idea and so that's what I'm doing in this video today I have this book called maximum achievement by Brian Tracy it's a great book and it gives you strategies and skills will unlock your hidden powers to succeed and I thought if I can find an online pdf version of this book which I did then I could upload that to chat GPT and interact with the entire book through a GPT custom to that book I could give it custom actions and I could have it do certain things whenever I ask certain questions run through certain protocols so that's what I'm going to show you in today's video I'm going to walk you through how I built this GPT uh for this book and I'm also going to show you some of the conditional logic that I added um so that when I hit an activation command it runs through a certain protocol uh based on this book and systems within this book it's very cool system and yeah thank you to productive dude for giving me this idea and I suggest you try it out now by no means do I want you to go and rip a free pdf um I actually have the book and if the PDF was paid for and it wasn't free online then I would definitely be buying the PDF uh as well so keep that in mind and yeah let's get into the rest of the video now before we jump into this video real quick I just wanted to mention that my chat gbt Mastery course is still for sale if you do want this in order to learn chat gbt a toz in depth with 45 plus modules in a growing community of over 300 members uh at the time of recording this video then I will be leaving a link in the description or the top pinned comment in order to access access this it's amazing because we can stay ahead of this AI Revolution together we can start these big group threads within the community and just give each other ideas and share each other's gpts when we head over to the classroom what you will notice is we have multiple categories with many modules in each one going in-depth on each feature of chat gbt that way you can maximize it to its full potential and start creating some amazing stuff speeding up your workflows and boring repetitive tasks and really start utilizing chat GPT to engineer your life after doing this course now let's get back into the video so let's go in here and let's get started I want to create a GPT based on maximum achievement so that's what I'm going to do first I'm going to select create a GPT and I can give this GPT a name I might just name it the book that I'm reading so maximum achievement and by the way I'm not sure if this is going to work on every book but I know this book has an online pdf um that I can download so that's going to be very useful and a big contributing factor factor to actually uh creating this GPT book and then I can give a description now I can go in here and I can create a quick image so I've emailed it to myself and now I am uploading the photo so I'm just going to hit open and now we have that nice little book title right there it looks kind of cool I can trim that down if I'd like to but I like how it's personal and I don't really want to use an AI generated picture I can just take the picture of the book right on my desk um I think that's kind of a good way to go about it and I get into adding the instructions but first I want to dive into the knowledge section of this GPT because that's the most important part how are we going to actually upload this book to uh this GPT well you need a PDF and this is the only way that I've thought about doing this and I know maximum achievement has a PDF so that's what I'm going to type in now that that's saved to my desktop what I can do is I can upload that knowledge to the file section of my GPT I can click in here open up this PDF just like that and it's a a whole book it's 258 Pages uh on a PDF and this has the ability to upload to chat gbt and chat gbt can reference this information anytime I have a question or anytime I want to run through one of the protocols within the books so now I can dive into my conversation starters and my instructions since I have the entire book right here within the GPT this is absolutely insane not only is it going to be a wonderful study buddy but it's also going to be a plethora of information that I could be forgetting within this book anytime I have a question about it I can come right back to it this is amazing stuff so right now what I have created is a general idea of what I want this book GPT to do I say you are a study buddy and guide for the book maximum achievement by Brian Tracy anytime a question is asked about the book reference the PDF uploaded under knowledge so anytime I have a question about this book or a statement that I want to create or make or maybe I want a an analysis of a certain section chat GPT using this GPT is going to reference set PDF that I've uploaded under the knowledge section and I say when other general questions are asked about goal setting mindset happiness greatness psychology philosophy business economics history metaphysics Etc I want you to also reference the knowledge book PDF and then I say lastly if the user ever needs help first reference the book and then based on the knowledge of the book give an answer use the strategies and techniques within the book to help the user so if I have a specific problem that I wanted to come to this book for instead of flipping through here trying to remember where I was at or looking back at my handwritten notes I can just go to chat gbt and get exactly what I want from this book now I'm going to customize this workflow a little bit and add some conversation starters that way I don't have to type out prompts every single time and then after I add the conversation starters I'm going to go in these custom instructions and add the logic for what this GPT needs to do whenever a certain conversation starter is selected so the first conversation starter I can add is I need help creating notes for a section of the book so this can be the first conversation stter creating notes for a certain section of the book that I can actually take in and apply to my life or that just helps me better remember this so when I say this conversation starter what do I want chat gbt to do I can get into that a little bit later first I need to find effective note taking strategies in order to create good notes and then I can give those note taking strategies to the instructions so that when I hit the specific conversation starter I can have chat gbt take me through a note-taking protocol that I know works every time I can get into that a little bit later but first I'm going to add some other conversation starters here so now I've added two more conversation starters I need an alternative perspective and I need help creating goals now within the book there are certain sections that I think would just be good to get an alternative perspective on you know CH have chat GPT play The Devil's Advocate kind of have it run through what a different uh route to get to what he's talking about would be and I can set up the custom instructions for that and then I also have I need help creating goals because within the book there's a 12-step process for creating goals and anytime I want to create a goal I can have chat gbt run through that 12-step protocol by just saying reference that in the book I don't have to put the entire um 12-step protocol within the backend instructions here I can just say reference that part of the book to help me create the goals and it will reference this PDF that I've uploaded on the book and it will help me pinpoint and create goals based on that 12-step system so now I need to implement all the instructions uh for these conversation starters so I can have ease of use when using this GPT so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find effective note taking strategies within chat GPT that way I can effectively create notes for when I'm reading this book so I'm going to ask chat gbt find me 10 unique and super effective note taking strategies for studying knowledge within books I can send that off and now I'm going to find a unique note taking strategy from chat gbt uh that sounds appealing to me that sounds like I would retain and learn information in a good way after reading through all of these not taking methods that chat gbt generated I really like the double entry journal it says divide the page into two columns on the left write down quotes or key Concepts directly from the book so that's what chat gbt can do it can write down those quotes for me and then I can on the right fill out in a numbered list or whatever it may be my own thoughts questions or interpretations of that book as well that will kind of help me remember what's in the passage and also help me give my opinion on what's actually happening in the book so this is the one that I'm going to use I'm going to copy that just so I have it and then I can X out of that Tab and now I'm back in my GPT and then I can get into the logic of these conversation starts so I can say when the user says I need help creating notes for a section of the book so now anytime I select this conversation starter anything I put after this uh little prompt in the instructions right here chat GPT will run through within this GPT so then I said run through this process and I paste it in the double entry journal I know that I want to do the double entry journal but since we're not using an actual paper we're using chat GPT I want to reframe this in a different way so instead of dividing the page into two columns I can say create a table the column on the left write quotes or key Concepts directly from the user specified section and then leave the right column of that table blank and prompt the user to write their own thoughts questions or interpretations for each point you provide so that's the idea of the double entry journal but first we need to have this GPT ask the user what section they need help on so I'll have this be step two and I'll say run through this process and then I need a step one of ask the user which section they need help studying and then I can give more instructions into this action so then I say when the user specifies a section of the book they need help with move on to step two so it's first going to ask the user which section they need help studying with uh after they send off this conversation starter and then they're going to move on to the double entry journal method and then I write a third step I say after the user writes down their thoughts for each question send the user completed version of the table with their notes included in the right column matching the left so this is the first logical uh run through that we have using one of the conversation starters so anytime now on the right here somebody sends off I need help creating notes for a section of the book it's going to run through that three-step process that we just created in the back end of the instructions so first it's going to have us specify which section of the book we need assistance with and then I will look through here actually and find a good section to get help from so I know this is going to be mirrored but I'm going to get a section from chapter 3 called homeostasis so then all I have to say is the section I need help with I can say the homeostasis section in chapter 3 because it asked uh which section of the book do you need assistance with I can just say the exact section in the exact chapter I can send it off and then it's going to start going through that note-taking process that we told it to uh after it finds that section through the PDF that we uploaded earlier in this video and then it does just as we asked it does this double entry journal method in order to uh help us fill out this section and better understand and interpret this section so right here I can list how I can apply this in my life or my thoughts on the person I currently am or anything that's going to help me better understand the section with note taking right and what you can do is you can actually upload multiple different strategies in here for this one command and you can have chat GPT decide which strategy is better based on the section but I'm not going to get that in depth right now so then I can fill out my thoughts and I'm just put some arbitrary information in here uh it's not stuff that I would actually put would actually sit down and think about this a little bit better um now this note taking method I'm not too sure about I think it's okay but I think I could definitely find a better way of taking notes but I'm just showing you this as an example of how you can run chat gbt through these protocols after selecting a certain conversation starter so now I can send off that message and it will finish that step-by-step system by providing me with a completed version of this table as you can see right up here it's just putting your thoughts here and it gives us a space to put our thoughts down that second column but now it's actually filling out this entire table for us to either uh copy and paste screenshot or put anywhere within our notes so this is kind of a fun way you can take notes on a book with chat gbt I gave it a specific section with my GPT and accessed its knowledge database which is the PDF of the book and then it took me through a custom note taking method that I set up in the back end now I'm actually going to go through here and figure out what I want to put for these other conversation starters so now I'm done providing instructions I've added two more protocols for this to run through after those conversation starters are selected I have an I need an alternative perspective where the user can actually input a section and then after the user inputs a section uh this GPT will give two alternative perspectives that differ from the main point that the author is trying to get across and it offers a fresh perspective or a different way of going about that General topic and then the second set of instructions I added where I need help creating goals so there's a section in the book found in chapter 5 called the 12-step system for creating goals and I told it to reference that 12-step system and to guide the user through that process one step at a time until the final result is achieved and all 12 questions SL activities are complete and once the user answers all 12 questions and does the activities to compile everything the user wrote in regards to creating that specific set of goals so they can reference everything in a nice list so now this GPT is complete I have my three conversation starters I could even go as far is adding different actions in order to have this saved to my notion account or have this emailed to me or have a Google dot created of my notes Etc I could have it do all that but for now what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit save to only me and then I'm going to hit confirm and you can't really see the confirm button right now because it's behind my head me talking so I'm going to hit that and then it's going to save this GPT and I can test it out just like that we have a nice book GPT that I can go into I can uh ask questions about the book it doesn't have to be using just these conversation starters remember uh this is my study buddy so I can ask about certain questions of the book get insights take notes I can do whatever I need when I'm reading and I can use chat GPT uh as my knowledge retention SL learning Tool uh as I'm as I'm going through this book it's a great way of expanding on your knowledge and also just utilizing chat GPT to its maximum potential so I can select I need help creating goals and it's going to run me through that 12 step step system that I wanted it to reference within a specific part of the book so I can come back and if I found that goal setting method successful then I can always come back here and I can keep creating goals using this exact system that I used to find success and then it starts to say it's been reviewing the book but it's been taking a little bit longer than expected to find that 12-step system but it's running me through another Brian Tracy goal setting process and it says it's going to continue searching for that 12-step process and it's still going to walk me through the principles of this book for goal setting which is the main idea of it now I could make this a little bit easier Easier by just laying out the 12ep system so it doesn't have to go through 40 pages worth of PDF in order to figure out what it is but I've was kind of pushing it to its limits to see if it could actually do that and I'm sure it could with a little bit more time and a little bit more refining but then I can go back here I can hit new chat and then I can say I need an alternative perspective and I can kind of go through that protocol and it's going to use those custom instructions that I prompted in the back end in order to walk me step by step through this so it says which section of the book uh maximum achievement do you need an alternative perspective for I can say something like why people don't set goals in chapter 5 I can send that off and I spelled chapter wrong but that's no big deal and now this GPT is going to go through that process search the knowledge and offer two alternative perspectives on the matter so now it's diving into the section that I referenced and then it's giving two alternative perspectives on this topic which is very cool so this part of the GPT is working exactly how I want it to and this is just one example of how you could utilize a book GPT and getting alternative perspectives so this has been a fun idea for a GPT that I hope you can take some notes from I hope you can utilize in your own workflow once again thank you to productive dude for giving me this idea I did not come up with this on my own I give full credit to productive dude I just wanted to bring it to life in the video to show all of you how it's possible and some different techniques you could use for super learning with chat GPT with that being said if you want to learn how to create good gpts from start to finish and you want to also just learn chat GPT from start to finish and everything to do with prompting and Advanced Techniques then I highly recommend joining my chat gbt Mastery course which I will be leaving in the description below or the top pinned comment that being said I have a ton of free content here on YouTube you can learn and take value from so if you did draw value from this video please drop a like and comment below letting me know your feedback on this GPT and also subscribe if you're new and hit that Bell icon so you never miss a new upcoming video with that being said I will see you in the next one
Channel: AI Foundations
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Keywords: chatgpt, gpt, chatgpt update, gpt store, gpt store launch, how to make money with chatgpt, how to make money with gpts, gpt store money, openai update, openai gpt store, how to make money in chatgpt, how to earn money with gpt store, how to earn money with gpts, how to earn money in ChatGPT, chaatgpt new update, chatgpt new features, new chatgpt features, new gpt store, new gpts, chat gpt, new chatgpt update, artificial intelligence, make money with ai, how to make gpts
Id: MBGRWn3Jsn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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