101% tested method to Bypass AI detectors || Plagiarism free writing using ChatGPT | No ai detection

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hello folks welcome to Guru Tech Solutions are you  frustrated because your creative work made with AI   is detected by various AI detectors are you tired  of getting detected when you do your assignments   or research work using various AI tools including  chat GPT many students and content creators have   the same problem your excellent AI generated  work is restricted by these algorithms and   it's holding back your creativity and ideas but  here here's the exciting part we have a solution   in this video we'll show you a trick that will  remove the barriers between you and the unlimited   possibilities of AI content creation you won't  face obstacles anymore instead you'll have a clear   way to use your creativity you can say goodbye to  these frustrating limits and hello to a world of   potential this video is your key to making your AI  content creation Journey better and solving those   detection problems without further delay let's  dive [Music] into first of all in order to create   content using AI I am using chat GPT since chat  GPT is the most pervasive free AI tool which can   be used to write articles assignments and research  papers therefore I will open chat GPT and we will   use the free 3.5 version of it in the search bar  I will type my prompt here I will ask chat GPT to   write an article around how mathematics learning  can be improved using technology and I will also   instruct chat GPT to cite various academic  research studies to make the argument strong   enough besides and I want this AI to write the  article in under 400 words in this way you can   instruct this AI to generate text for you once  you are done with typing then you will hit enter and you will see this AI will write  an article around the area of your interest here you can see this AI has  completed the writing task chat GPT has   suggested the title enhancing mathematics and  learning through technology a research-backed   approach moreover it starts from introduction of  the article then it moved towards highlighting   various ways that can facilitate to improve  mathematics learning using technology for   instance it talks about personalized learning  then it talks about interactive and engaging   content and so on so you have your article in  your hand now without changing single word I   am going to save this entire text as Word  file and I will check for its plagiarism   for that I will copy this entire text by  clicking here and then we will open a word file here in blank file I will paste  the entire selected text from chat GPT here we will make some basic formatting once we are done with the basic  formatting we will save this document as by   labeling it as chat GPT content before  checked and I will choose desktop then   I will click save once we saved this file it's  time to check its plagiarism although we have   various online AI detectors available but I am  not satisfied with their performance since the   results varies if you check for plagiarism  but we are using the most authentic and most   genuine software which can be used to detect  plagiarism in any content that is turntin   yes we are using turntin to check whether it  detects our content or not first let me open   the turn ittin and I will input my password  and ID once signed in I will go to Quick submit then I will click submit  and check all these three options and I want to submit this article in  no repository because once you submit this   in repository it will be plagiarized when  you next time upload the file so be careful   with this always submit in no repository  then click submit and here I will write my   first name as gutch and last name Solutions  and I will label my file name is chat GPT   content before since we haven't applied any  particular trick yet now I will choose that   particular article which I have created  using chat GPT let me select that here it   is the file chat GPT content before checked  so let me open it once you select then click upload now it's processing and will upload  the entire file on turntin here you can   see it has uploaded now click confirm this  will process further and here you can see   the pop-up message will appear congratulation  your submission is complete now you will click   go to to assignment inbox and here you can see  your file name Guru Tech solution the last one   let me open the result and explore it  a bit here you can see it depicts 14% similarity now you must note that the turntin  has updated its feature to detect AI content you   can see it here you can see this AI feature shows  its 100% plagiarized content let me open it first   and explore it a bit the article which I have  just created using chat GPT has been detected   100% plagiarized since I didn't change any single  word of this article I have just copied the entire   text from chat GPT and created this article and  turntin has detected it correctly as this is 100%   AI created Article therefore you must be very  careful when comes to submit your assignments   or various tasks since turn it in surely detects  AI created content don't be Panic here comes the   magic to reduce this 100% plagiarism to 0% don't  skip the video If you do so you might miss some   essential steps if you like the content so far  please hit the Subscribe button now again open   chat GPT and this time I will instruct chat GPT  in particular way I will type this prompt as I am   going to give you some information before asking  you to write an article do you understand this   time I am instructing chat GPT in particular way  before giving it any task therefore I just want   to confirm whether it understood or not once  done with typing then you have to hit enter   you will see this will generate the response as  of course I understand please provide me with   the information you would like to include in the  article and I will be happy to help you write it   so chat GPT has agreed upon my instruction now  I will ask chat GPT about two basic things which   are perplexity and burstiness as we know that  perplexity measures the complexity of text and   burstiness compares the variation of sentences so  I will further instruct chat GPT as human tends   to write with great burstiness for example with  some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter   sentences moreover I will type AI sentence tends  to be more uniform therefore when writing the   following content I'm going to ask you to create  I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness in this way you have to properly  instruct chat GPT to create content with higher   perplexity and burstiness once you are done  with typing this particular prompt hit enter   see it says I understand your requirement  for creating content with good balance of   perplexity and burstiness so it further says  please provide me with topic or subject you   like the content to be about and any specific  information ideas or details you want to include   in the article this will help me generate the  text with desired characteristics mentioned   above now further I will guide chat GPT with  a prompt to use the concept written previously   about perplexity and burstiness to rewrite  the article with high degree of perplexity   and burstiness then I will copy the entire  article which I have just created using chat   GPT which was 100% plagiarized as per turnit in  and paste in the prompt bar here you can see it   starts with a prompt to rewrite the article and  then in next line the entire copied article once   you are done with pasting press enter as per our  instruction chat GPT will rewrite the previously   100% detected article with higher perplexity  and burstiness here you can see the final version now we will repeat the same process to create a  separate Word file we will do some formatting and   save on the desktop as chat GPT bypass trick  then again we will open turn it in and upload   the file to check the plagiarism here is our  uploaded file I will click it to explore its   plagiarism here you can see it shows 0% similarity  previously it was 14% more importantly you can see   the AI detection feature here let me open it you  can see it shows the AI detection astonishingly   the previously 100% plagiarized article has been  reduced to 0% using a few steps with some useful   prompts as you can see we have demonstrated  the 100% workable method with a proof to bypass   AI detectors it means using this method you can  reduce the plagiarism to 0% I hope you understood   the process properly to bypass AI detectors  using very short and handy trick if you found   the content informative and appealing please  let us know by commenting on it don't forget   to show your love by subscribing to Guru Tech  Solutions see you in next video stay tuned with [Music] us [Music] n
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 79,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bypass ai detection, how to bypass ai content detection, bypass ai content detection, bypass ai content detector, ai detector, ai detector bypass, bypass ai detectors, ai detection, ai detection bypass, ai content detector, ai content detection bypass, how to bypass ai content, how to bypass ai content detector, ai content detection tool, bypass originality ai, how to bypass ai generated content, ai content detection bypass tool, 101% tested method to Bypass AI detectors
Id: e_cJHe4scnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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