Founders & Legends Jocks Machina

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hey everybody and welcome back to founders and legends so I'm Mike Murrells I am the franchise creative director on Dungeons & Dragons and I'll be DMing this the third and final D&D session of the day I wanted to take a quick second to basically shamelessly plug extra life we have a mentioned a few times today but I just wanna come around a bit point out that this little dungeon master screen I've got in front of me here I'm going to be making a custom vm screens for a very reasonable donation to extra life so if you feel like one you want to open your wallet I check out D&D wizards calm slash extra life extra life all one word and that'll give you details on my personal page if you're the other people taking part and event today and also give you some details on how you can take part in extra life too you don't just have to donate money you can also sign up play games and raise money for children's hospitals across the Neuse across United States and I think even across the world so this little Dungeon Master screen what's kind of cool about it you can see this I've got custom little pockets I built I have my monster stats here you can't really see players I don't want you guys to see it either but it's got a nice little thing now of course I as the franchise creative director in D&D I have to say our custom are our official DM screen is very awesome and perfect but I think my little custom screen I peed a little bit more perfect maybe just a little bit so the so this is an 18th level game high level game so hopefully forever about running something that's a the higher end of the scale for D&D that maybe that you'll take some pointers in this hopefully unless say I like crash and burn horribly is another monster we'll see you all who that one happened especially not on founders and legends day but the so enough about me enough about the basic situation on the game I think it now would be a good time to go over around our table starting to my left and introduce our players so take it away both rile what kind of carry I what what's your character's racing class hey human cleric of a life domain oh wow okay even that's the party hello I'm TJ storm and I am a ancient wood elf named Azrael of the long death with GOG axe and I'm playing mouth of the green arrow I had a much higher level this this round I'm Joe Manganiello and I will be playing Archon the cruel Oathbreaker paladin of Tiamat and I am David Baxter and are we playing a dwarf paladin named Griff grim elixir and this should be really interesting I'm Ashley Miller and I will be playing a half work fighter named Al Gore okay very nice the six of you all very powerful champions some of good some perhaps of not so good depending how we look at things have been called together by a powerful Archmage many of you might be familiar with the Archmage for the name of more didn't Kingdom warden Canaan has reached out to all of you and provided you with the Magic's necessarily necessary for the six of you to gather where you stand now on a low lonely Hill out in a distant plane in a world which you believe this is a world named earth some of you may have been here before some of you may hail from here yes others may have traveled to more distant realms morning Canaan seeks her help there's been a great disturbance in the negative energy Material Plane not long ago a being of great power was banished there this being vecna attempted to escape but was thwarted and one of our members bar one member of our party was there at the great battle in which vecna's expeditionary force was thrown back it seems a while Vecna has grown quiet in his journey deep into the negative flame to plot his next move the ripples and the fabric of the cosmos have reached far and wide and now a creature and entity long thought slumbering might be moving ever so slightly in its sleep Morden Kanan asked you to venture forth to a location which at one time was an important battleground and a great struggle between wolf the demon queen of the drow and the world of gray Hawk and one of her bids to dispatch her servants to overcome the surface world before you ahead of you get down to the base of the hill and out into the lonely Moor in front of you stands the ruin of what was once a steaming a wooden fortress constructed by hill giants there that from the hill giants gathered and at the behest of the drow raided the neighboring kingdoms many years ago these tales I interfered and by abend adventures not unlike yourselves we were put to the sword and the first threads of the drowse extravagant plot to spread their evil across the world was discovered Morden Canaan believes that somewhere within this ruin there's an ancient temple to some forgotten entity an entity that he believes is now starting perhaps not to awake but starting to move a bit things becoming growing becoming disquiet and its slumber he's charged you with finding this place and destroying its power he has assured you that this creature by no means is any anywhere near awakening this is merely uh without most caution I have gathered six powerful champions just in case anything should go wrong but I can assure you this will be perhaps the simplest and easiest of quests with which I could possibly charge you simply the the ruins have been abandoned for many years simply find within the dungeons beneath them this Chapel and destroy the altar and ensure that this entity does not push its way out of the strange dimensions that contain it and into this world Grayhawk is a world of great struggles of of petty kings and greed and treachery but it is my home and I would not wish to see it come to a dark end with those words he cast a spell of teleportation and sent you here to this hill we're even now you stand and look the last rays of the Sun as it starts to descend below their highs into the West cast upon what remains of the steaming of the hill a giant chief the seeding itself is a roughly square shaped edifice from your position top of the hill you can see there is a guard tower that still stands there is a open courtyard in the toward the back of the fortress relative to where you are what do you wish to do I say we go forward and investigate I will turn invisible ok and fly Melfi elf winks out of sight and takes to the air unseen and I'll be above these guys try to get up about 3 400 feet so I can maybe get a better a better view what's going on ok perhaps you should scout and let us know what is there help us back down and be like I think I'm gonna go forward and see what's going on be back in a second or else waiting is Mel fortunately I'm sitting on the back of a chimera so tracked unwanted attention I I'm back and I will hang away from the camara or understand was married once so is your approach you see that the steading is obviously long abandoned the great Timbers that form its outer wall started to fall into disrepair here and there the wall sags it's on the verge of collapsing but somehow retains just enough of its of its structure to avoid falling over the make great main gate that set just below the watchtower hangs open you can don't see anything moving you can see within that courtyard in the back with the the dying sunlight there's the faint white gleam of bones scattered about it the there's also two holes where it looks like it's peaked roof has fallen in there's one hole roughly about in the middle of the structure pretty large one and then a smaller one sort of on the front right side and it looks like the roof itself is it's of the years of rain and snow and the change of the seasons haven't been kind to it and Hill Giants are by no means master architects it's probably more just the weight and mass of this place that's kept it standing for me to fly down easily yeah okay you know I'll just fly down stay high you know go down enough to see and kind of take a quick circle around okay it's not levitation as fines I have to keep moving got it which one do you want to go through the large hole in the middle or electro in the middle right so looking in you as you fly over it and start to descend and look in your tree with a grim sight large t-shaped chamber filled with overturned tables and chairs there's a great throne but that that's minor details compared to the skeleton scattered all about this place atop the throne is a massive skeleton still clutching an enormous club a iron spear piercing through its ribcage perhaps where this his heart would have been it looks like it was a hill giant but one of enormous size there's a smaller second thrown next to it where there's a another smaller skeleton with like long string hair still clinging to its skull collapsed over there's signs of that epic battle here pillars that hold the ceiling up several them have been destroyed looks like by your a spell caster right clearly acid damaged cold fire someone unloaded a large number of powerful spells and destroyed what could looks like the bones just tumbled everywhere a couple dozen Hill Giants and perhaps other Giants too scattered about the the tables looked maybe once a fest hall all scattered about to tossed about by the power of the spells come back out go back land and up here so that they can talk to me more easily explain what what I saw a vast Hall has been abandoned for many years it's just skeletons and bones it was a sign of sight of a great battle obviously powerful evocations were used and there's the signs of much you know damage from various types of magics that are in there but the bones and dust looks like it's been undisturbed for some time it's been abandoned you know what the skeletons were oh yes humanoid science ah it was giant so fighting amongst themselves I'm not good unknown and the grounds out here are undisturbed the grass is high yeah it's been a long time yeah the there's no real sign of anyone having traveled here the hill Giants built this place quite away from any of the caravan routes or main roads so that their strikes could go undetected which is strange very old at the time that is what started tip off the realms that some other much more intelligent force was guiding the British Giants so place appears unused yes but Morden Keenan said that there's something deep within I believe so perhaps there is more than what appears here because I went to the center of it and I didn't see anything perhaps there's more there's more to it it's a beneath maybe we should wake that up and ask it questions and maybe it no hmm it's a smart phone arc mm-hmm smartest work I know so milf have you ever have you been to this region before have you didn't when there's old Giants are active did you adventure here I did not okay but not Otis I played Otis through here yes but not mouth milf came after this adventurer so so this is new to me [Music] so I'm trying not to mate a game Joe yeah let's let's go forward do your gods tell you that there are evil here I can try to sense it but hold that one guessing there probably is good night since you reach out with your sense of good and evil and as you project your force outward as it usually is with a 60-foot range or set of on stones you get the sense almost like you're in a dark room reaching out and you just brushed your hands against the scales of a great and massive creature that just stared and moved and as you go to reach you can't feel it there's something moving beyond the range of your power but its enormous I describe that to everyone just like you did and I turn on the aura of protection 30 foot radius around all of us so what we seek is here let's just be about it walk forward all right walking forward all right as you approach the steading it's decaying walls looming large above you 20 feet up obvious to accommodate Hill Giants the the massive main gate lies open and as you approach and look in again this the Sun now is setting in the West you're the door is set facing the east so it's pretty shadow but anyone with dark vision which at least mouth would have you can see that within the entry hall well it looks like it was a guard chamber are to Hill giant skeletons that look like they were hurled with great force against the far wall many of their bones shattered there was an overturned massive keg of ale long since emptied and scattered here and there I scavengers or looters giant sized capes and cloaks just tossed about you can see also as you look in to the west there's a set of double doors that stand open and Malph you recognize these look like double doors that headed into that main feasting chamber I share that knowledge these giant skeletons they're bigger than medium-sized much bigger than medium size they are size huge so they're like really big giants more than a mouthful for a chimera let's check out the double doors all right walking in you can see now as you enter as it comes within range of your dark vision there's a winding stair that heads up into the watch tower that's perched over the main the perched above this chamber there's also two smaller doors to the right and to the left of that main large door heading into the the feasting hall but looking into the feasting hall you can see as mouth described there are giant skeletons scattered a where massive bones thrown askew burn marks on the walls any of you who have spell casting ability notice the tell-tale signs of acid that's burned into the wood the lingering effects of like a cold magic being focused on wood turning it brittle and snapping it and popping it causing the the why is the water and the wood transforms to ice and caused it to burst outward it was must've been a great battle that took place here I'd like to use my divine sense the sense of their undead anywhere near this alright so as you reach out with your sense again it's like closing your eyes and reaching a hand out into an empty room but everything here is very cold and you feel a strange almost gravitational force pulling you down word and you get a sense of vertigo and then everything goes clear again is if you just touch something massive that just despite its bulk in size just nimbly move just beyond the reach of your your touch something scale like he described it always felt more cold wet dog good dog no yeah I fall down to one knee and I said there was something cold and white but I don't know what it is it's not quite like anything you've encountered before where do you feel this down I look for a way down is there anything obvious no there's a looking from here the the floor here is bare earth the hill Giants just built on top of it they're essentially the hillbillies of giant kind so the floor here is just dirt and you can see here the few plants growing in the hole sophisticated enough to hide no though this is only there are chambers beyond there the two side doors and from here you can see there are doors to the east and west from the fest hall there's another side door but it hangs open you can see it's just a side room that looked like it was also scoured with magic there's a few more Hill giant skeletons bones scattered about from the description that either of these gentlemen are con or the dwarf have have mentioned I explored the lost temple of wisdom before and I remember the cold isolation darkness this does this resonate does this feel familiar does it sound familiar or I'm not really sure did you miss demonic it's not quite who did you adventure with in the last temple aphorism I ventured Mel went with Arab the Savage and a few other other adventures if there was a cleric or a paladin your party they may have described and you would have seen also the magic yes the strange otherworldly nature of the Risdon and hearing the two of them describe different experiences and the cold and the bleak darkness and the massive something in distinguishing moving and Morden canons words though he did dance around the topic and perhaps knowing your background tried to avoid tipping his hand overly much to not perhaps scared he went off in this bus this m-state oh this reminds me much of the lost the lost nameless one digital slumber hopefully forever was birthed arisen very that didn't take ya when you sit when you whisper it it's almost as the words leave your mouth and here's it sounds like it's echoes let's not do it just seems like it's taking on a life of its own the name is swirling the echos around you through and then they darts to the right to the east let's go that way bring it out so we can kill it let's go that way that's I suggest going to these ten emails yeah let fall oh the sound and stick my head in that pathway alright never stick head in first it's Duke and Ian first you see a hill giant-sized passageways the monk the ones you've been walking along and there's a side door that has hangs open it's fallen off its frame long ago just just clattered to the floor there's more signs of combat here there's my skeleton slumped around the corner but poking down with a whisper seem to run there is a passageway narrow by 10 feet wide by human standard fairly cramped by giant standards heading down and you see while this area is its everything is fallen to disrepair the will the wood is rotting its falling apart the wall here to your right maybe a chamber between sort of where you are and them in that main festival is Britt in pristine condition and there is a door that is shut and shows no signs of decay or raw or where and the whisper seems to bounce in front of his you sequence and three centers so now you're a contractor on the cheap one wall are there any skeletons around that are not a huge size um yeah the actors a couple's you take a moment to sort of look it looks as if you look there orc skeletons and a couple of ogre ones or over there considered medium Cougars would be size large Orchestra size medium I'd like to animate dead alright rise from your grave the the skeletons shudder and they rise up and salute you and stand ready you were before your master they walk forward in the Attic step behind open the door they walk forward and as they approach the door they stop before it and reach out slowly as if a force is working against them and then they and then one hit knocks don't don't don't in a shrill hollow voice mistress from the skeleton visit the voice excellent send them in the matron will see you and the orc skeleton opens the door and it's almost cowering before you opens the door and you feel cold wash over you these words are in common it has been long since any have tread this ground it has been long since I myself have looked upon this place come in little ones come in puny runts come in and speak of your trespass and why I should forgive it there's not sound welcoming or flee I took that puny personally freely and speak not of this place to any else the Dead grow restless here can I cast holy weapon sure online plus three great acts all right your axle is at holy cow how far away is this door if I have 60 foot night-vision is can I see inside the room it's er it's down the hall and on the side so you they call the hallways only 10 feet wide so to get pretty close to it to try to take a peek in I am it light by the way for other people work is there so it goes down the hallway and then turns to the right is on although it's down the hallway no the doors on the side down on the side door yeah can your chimera watch in different directions at the same time around corner imagining of course good there are three heads yeah what do you think dwarf a divine sense lots of evil that's my guess is you reach out you feel evil but it's a spiteful acidic evil it's an evil that seeks revenge yeah it's not merely formless destruction or the evil of greed it is the evil of one who has been wronged and seized with hatred that can never be quenched it's like reaching into a pool of acid that's bottomless there's anger and hatred but it's not directed toward you you've just put your hand in there a feeling that it's reverse there's a righteous streak to it by its own eyes is righteous celestial fiend or Undead pundit well if it's a fight that we're getting then let's do some smiting it's not the worst thing that could happen for Jason's undead scale from one to ten how evil way wait 11 when you tell us to rest of that or just undead all right I expect tell him everything okay perhaps the enemy of our enemy is also our enemy no actually means the opposite Oh could be our friend right here suddenly a creaking noise of wood something moving back and forth it takes three alone and then you realize it's the sound of a rocking chair a large one I have to see it's time to go down the stairs let's go down to the Jewish and say into the dark okay sure I'll go first can we go to white to white oh yeah yes technically the orc just the eye dead of work is in the label okay is it still is it still stealing Stiller yeah nameless undead or Romero Romero right Natalia I will fly up if we see any bad guys I can just remove minority Christian can be his that is man thank you very much yeah yeah all right so Archon entering the room near chimera and you see in the room it's about 50 feet long 40 feet wide this looks like it was some sort of sitting room there's a table that's been thrown up up against the wall there are no skeletons in here but instead there is a desiccated he'll giant woman wearing what may have once been very fine clothes withered skin wrinkled shriveled long hair now white and she's sitting in a rocking chair Jairaj or giant rocking chair rocking back and forth and she has she looks upon he looks down on you a Dragonborn coming into this domain of giants if my son had listened to my with my counsel this insult never would have been never would have been endured this place never would have fallen but they were treacherous they would not listen to me they would not listen to the wisdom they would not abide by the ordinal they took cancer what else once our folk fought we fought with honor and we fought knowing our place in the ordinate and we would have defeated you if not not enough they have the old legends i have awoken and I sit amidst the ruins of my people and the room in which I was betrayed for mere baubles of gold who are you seeker and what do you want of this place for now wasn't it enough to imprison my queen no not until all five of her heads hanging upon the halls of the all-father then that shall be enough but in those times of legend now is perhaps a time of a new legend what do you seek perhaps we could unite our forces you speak of of elves perhaps who could help you in finding these elves they are long gone killed by the ones who slew me when my people betrayed me when the ladies-in-waiting of this place they called me cruel I merely spoke with the words of the old ways that they refused to heed when the puny ones such as yourself came they sided with them they turned against me the only one in this God's forsaken place who kept to the old ways and now look at upon all of them nothing but bones nothing but bones not much war I was not much more until the call from below the fame they found and then the elves came they have returned not the elves the power something from below what is this power you speak of and where is it it is here and it is beyond its slumbers but it stirs now something probz it drow [Laughter] so uh when you see below you mean like physical below like basement or you mean like metaphysical below yeah this is why we enslaved your people half or such thoughts I am sure paying your head unbearably but I am world greatest consulting detective I am sure it is in the basement below where we delved and found the accursed adulterer that drew the Dark Elves to this place and corrupted my son he still lays now upon his throne killed by puny mortals such as yourself who's gonna turn this creature to dust put her back where she belongs that is virtue so be it release me from the clutches of this earthly bond I slumbered for many years it's time for some more rest I pull my great axe which has been turned into a holy weapon and has many many pluses on it beyond my reckoning and I move forward to engage okay she makes no move to defend herself oh okay I take her head off all right one blow that's what about great leap in the air jumping jumping on the as it is it's rocking sort of catching it as it's on the bottom and it does the up and it's up you with one mighty blow you sever her head from a body sending it bouncing in the corner and clattering to the floor and where it lands perfectly positioning itself to look upon you her eyes still look upon you I am afraid it will take more than that to put me to my final sleep his power is great this is all the might you can marshal [Laughter] do what you will so long as the altar stands all right we got our work cut out for us you stay here honey we'll be back there's a rumble suddenly beneath you a tremor where is this basement entrance you shall find stays down in the kitchen I believe I do not know the slaves and she jesters are you perhaps they will remember somewhere back there assesses of their what left wood has left of them their bones may still remember you she points that one to skeletons fool fetch supplies from there from below you see the skeleton though despite your magic compelling it it can't help but cower before her and start to scuttle looks at you pleadingly as if seeking prolong its cuddles forward like a whipped dog both how many how many skeletons you have controlled just are just the ones okay yeah it's like a whip dog it stumbles forward and looks back over its shoulder and gestures to you the it leads you across the main fest hall through double doors and Beyond into it looks like a kitchen and it gestures and points to a door that stands open and you see what look like may have once been a storage room kitchens been thoroughly trashed looks like there's ones counters here a fire pit all of it smash destroyed looted thoroughly the stairs as you come around the corner you feel wafting cold breeze it feels like it just passes right through your bodies the hair if you have here the scales on the back of your neck all stand on end and you feel a strange sense of vertigo and massive great distance it's as if the stairway as you see it is just receding far far into the distance and then after a moment the illusions broken and it just stands there heading down into the darkness how big is this entrance its Tempe what good I call for the York skeleton chef first and it bounced down and scuttles down the steps and as you're watching it go it's almost as if it just disappears it goes into the darkness and is dastan can't penetrate it with my introversion now you realize there's a wall darkness about 20 feet down the steps I command it to come back it shambles back up [Music] chimeras can't speak for Connors whisper to it no I can't speak doing on dead skeleton oh damn the mindless yeah you want to say something to your kinda no no I just wanted to know I was hoping you could go through and come back and tell me what it saw I tell the chimera in my ability as a monk to speak all tongues he wishes you to go down to the darkness and return will you do this well I can command it no problem it's just a matter of it communicating with me once it went back through the void again I can understand it okay I dismount all right and I say oh so y'all know his name go down through the portal and then come back and tell this man what you saw all right it plunges Ford the lion head sniffing the dragon head growling looking the goat head just chilling being a goat head I don't know what an angry goat does but the but they'd scream like man it crawls down prowls down disappears into the darkness an after moaning the moment you hear a tumult and it comes charging back up snarling looking down and it says to you darkness darkness gray gray all gray all grays and I mean it's what's the income here's intelligence I'm trying to say it doesn't get like poetic I'll tell you three three okay okay so there's not that's more bad bad thing kids portal and not just you know magical darkness you expected it to describe Strawberry Fields portal it needs to die fine all right so you walk forward Enzi approach the darkness get you it's disconcerting you you're dark vision he just stops and these walk through it there's a sense of vertigo as if you're tumbling and you are in a passageway it looks like just a passenger urine but everything is just in shades of grey and everything's very cold it's a cold that feels like it's pushing against your skin with pork oh so y'all know on the back you push and you see the same thing so it's like follow behind the chamber you see before you looks like it it's of stone giant construction it's a large room 60 70 feet on each side there's if there's a passage to your right along with the door and two doors straight ahead everything here just washed out everything is just gray everything everything just pushing into you and then you see ripples and you can't see you can see the chamber but it looks like each the passageway to your right it's maybe 10 feet and then ends in darkness and melt you could have sworn as you kind of came in and look that something was moving and just darted into the darkness could you be a wisdom perception check 27 okay so you saw that's a natural 20 though yes so as you walk you're with your keen senses and finely honed sense of experience having adventured many dangerous places like this before the slightest movement catches your eye and you see what look looks like a tender like a tentacle being pulled back into the darkness as if something was watching and just retreated forever Bureau find me archive something after attend telling you I hate tentacles you have a bad day down that corridor there's a really nasty purplish black tentacle let's go let's do it alright the entire party shuffles in walking in on your guard as all of you into the so I assume you're moving in like tight Marshall formation you know I'm in the middle in order so that they are of protection got it collars whine buddy Carter is 21 there's 20 feet wide so I can have chimera with ya do ya anyone or of courage is also very good to keep from I also having our protection that's stackable yeah obviously the same or they're not that they're different ours they would stack what's your bonus it's 30 feet oh it's a +3 I have a class 4 but I'm 10 feet I also use the higher of the two how high are the ceilings here I ceiling here's 20 25 feet okay fly above these guys yeah all right I will I will be a second I'll be up higher than then these guys I think who's the next toughest fighter who wants to go and fine okay I'm a tank so you guys up there and I'll be mates on how much are back just in case yeah you're okay with me on the back okay um you know actually I've got a white board organism I posed a white board yeah I white board exactly my little so and so then I've got Arthur paladin up from fighter in the back the monk milf above all right worst nightmare it's very short making Yuri in this formation toward the hallway had done it yeah alright as your approach via the darkness tis it's not receding your dark vision just sort of stops there and as you're walking forward trudeau mouths keen eyes suddenly a number of tendrils without reaching out toward you let's roll initiative you're starting over here initiative zero zero the team that's our initiative to Melbourne six six sixteen sixteen Caldor would you get nine nine and Arcon ah so yah no nineteen okay and our con 1717 okay with a 22 the tentacles will strike first the highest party initiative is 19 those are these more than oh it's more than to be coming from every direction or in general direction just from the darkness I think it's not dumb so they reach out at toward you grasping at each of you so it's gonna be one attack against each of you is essentially one tentacle for each of you so I'll start over here these will be and they're just grasping at you blindly so I can start cleric does it 12 presumably misses put your armor on today yes it's our monk a 16 against milf 23 yes alright the hit again smells so that is going to be 22 necrotic damage and then could you give me a strength saving 20 okay that's dirty 20 so the tentacle reaches for you I grasps at you you feel in the chronic energy flow into you and it tries to pull you back but you're able to stand your ground with imagine your fly spell you able to just propel yourself back and break its hold on you attack against arc on me only a 16 no against the Chimera a natural one against Grif 13 and against Kaldor a 16 all right my dice not doing so well you guys gonna go on break alright so the tentacles reach out you melt struck necrotic energy flows into him injuring him and then we come around it is the chimera action 19 is gonna go first some 15 foot cone of fire how many tendrils can I hit well you can get to essentially the full mass of tentacles that are reaching out towards you what's my saving throw on that DC 15 15 it will make the saving throw as the fire roars toward its again the fire its color its gray and muted its knocking off any warmth but it does hurt it the tentacles rear back but you still catch it right half damage on a field on a successful city 78 so the fire roars are written despite the scent of the muted feeling of it the tentacles rear back and you can see they are taking damage smoke bills bills off of them and I have two characters on 17 Archon and yes three attacks oh he has that will take the place of the that takes the place of his horns god he still has a bite in the clock don't work okay great and it's gonna be a 14 and then in that 20 not 20 will hit they'll be a critical it so the 14 misses but the the crit you it's at the bite I want to buy two taxes grabs hold one of the tentacles of them ripping and tearing 16 plus 4 20 20 points of fighting damage piercing alright the tentacle pulls back into the darkness thick gray IKAR dripping from the wound and pooling on the floor below it so the none we have a tie for up next on 17 so either our common or our Mon court wants to go yeah okay I would like to rage all right and raid you shatter it so that's my bonus action I have to rage on the first turn now I'm going into I will I will reckless frenzied rage got it well that's going to be 29 to hit a little bit yeah great I'm going to anything about 20 will hit right you guys know okay when he's just give me the damage I'll give it a second level erase my so [Music] 46 all right so with the mighty blow as you and you you're you're riding c'mere right I'm riding the Camaro right so as your Mountain lunges forward the technical actually that it's a bike critten and grasped is just perfectly set up you to reach to with your weapon just cleave right through it and channel energy through it and then it just flows down the stump of the tendril and you hear a keening wail somewhere deep in the darkness the tentacles rear back there it's badly injured but it's all it's still fighting okay that's the brightening you going to do that again that's going to that's going to be a twenty-one so that's a hit let's channel we'll go with a we'll go with the first level designs tonight is this thing on dead no it's not it's a beam of negative energy okay that's gonna be 40 points of damage all right more of the tentacles it's like reaping we use your chopping through more tentacles as you start falling up your attack reach around and use your weapon 12 if I got an axe right it's radiant yeah yes yes an axe I'm hitting with the hand of Vecna so there's cold damage there's so it's just boom each blow sends a tentacle flying more tentacles that were merged from them from the darkness to threaten you but you're hacking your way through them there's several severed ones scattered about you anything else to attack bonus no I'm think I'm done okay so you see the creature now it's still reaching out but it doesn't have quite the same force and ferocity behind it it's almost like it's slowly trying to execute a defensive retreat what do you wish to do I am primarily guarding him because I don't think humans are meant to see these horrors and in doing so I'll only attack what comes near him so I'll wait for the attack and if there's something that comes then I'll deal with it got it so basically ready an action if he gets attacked you want it intercept exactly sounds great alright so that was on 17 on sick Steen over here to Griff so I have a holy weapon and so I would like to use as a bonus action I can dismiss the spell and cause the weapon to admit a burst of radiance on a failed save a creature takes 48 radiant damage and is blinded for one minute okay so that will be in addition to the two got it to normal attacks did you only do that first because if it is blinded you will have advantage yes attacks are bless or IED blast it with radiance of the holy okay what kind of saving care is that just says you must make a constitution sound okay so you channel the energy and it's it's like trying to walk into the face of a gale-force wind like the light reaches out and you see the darkness just pushing against it but your holy energy is Allah pierce through like a spear drive into it it will fail the seventh or the natural one so is their energy pierces through for a moment just for a moment you can see the darkness is pushed back and you see this horrid undulating sphere pure darkness with tentacles emerging from it and it tentacles like there's a TT intersection ahead of me it looks like it's at the base the intersection and they're just tentacles and meeting for it in every direction and then that's just an absolute split second but it's just seared into your mind's that image and then the light is devoured by the darkness but it is blind didn't go ahead and enroll your damage so that's 48 15 people at home there's complex math going on right now we were very high level there with us you played level 18 today one more there it's hard at level 18 we go hard to get there it's hard to stay and blinded mind and I've got my regular attack and these attacks be the advantage because you notice as the the energy blasts into it the tentacles go from just like they're pouring out reaching out towards you archons attack has forced them back but now it's it's as if they've lost track of you they're just reaching out correct great a flailing at the walls at the floors reaching out towards you at random so all of your attacks are advant advantage and it attacks with disadvantage now it's a guide make it to attacks okay so the first attack and this is with divine the improved divine smart yes okay yep anything above a 20 on this creature will hit it so good if you see you're getting into because when I just couldn't give you damage to begin with it's this plus 10 which is a 12 22 plus a total of 68 okay I'll just keep them take itself 36 all right and that's from the smite that's actually for those falling at home it's actually good it's a good idea if you're playing high levels to try to make make math math easier like to do the weapon damage separate and then do the effects so you can just do that math don't worry about it and then like I know if you notice like I said hey it's AC 20 or higher hits so you know you have to do the math real like a 15 you're gonna hit so anything you can do to get around the sort of calculus of exactly the price of power is you have to do a lot of math there's a lot of addition in this game sometimes we subtract alright so I was our first attack it is still here way tentacles are still you get your second attack is you hack through more of them there they can't they can't see you it's obvious so it's it's just like shooting ducks in a of shooting fish in a barrel that one would not protect their yeah that would be so I'm in advantage so I still get to do this door yep natural nineteen right that's got less sixteen that will help yet it's twelve then do another spike ice might they not as smite II as I might like twenty one plus three all right more plus nine thirty three thirty all right so is you stride forward hacking through these tentacles it's that they're trying to pull back and you notices your your your what kind of up you have a great great attacks sir hacking one after another you notice there's one larger one that's just trying to retreat back it's not making any effort to attack and just in a mood of inspiration you leap past the other lurking tenth tentacles slam your weapon into that one split it open and the entire thing shutters and collapses into dark black slime that covers the floor it just oozes out from the darkness yes that wall of darkness still still there you saw out with that the smite spell that dispelled it for just a brief moment there's a passenger heading a T intersection ahead of you you ought to walk through anyone anyways it is there enough room for a chimera to fly over um yeah the ceiling here's actually is pretty high okay it's sorry grab yourself well I make I'll make my undead orc walk through thank you so I'm gonna grab whoever's next to me I'm gonna do cure wounds for Celestine health thank you yeah I've got it okay you need you touch him I grab you grab you pick him up alright and we fly we didn't left him probably inside yeah the grand yeah but I'm late thank you the hill who needs right exactly all right so I think that means everyone cuz and you and you can fly even magic good okay cool so all of you fly down the the passage heading down toward the Chi over that sort of sludge you can see it's mainly sit up in the passenger heading down and once you get to the tea it clears up but you as you enter the darkness its it's as if essentially you have a short area around you that you can see once you're in the darkness you can look back over your shoulder and you can still see the chamber behind you after it's about ten feet away that while the darkness comes back into view you can only see about ten feet ahead of you in any direction so in this area with the high ceilings if you're flying you actually can't see the floor because it's a holy weapon even with the holy weapon how far can I see is only weapon the light from it it's just filling this sort of a year in a way in there's lincolnís out yep I want to say that I used this moment while we're flying to drink a potion of vitality to take away my exhaustion got it all right so you reinvigorated and fire shield or warrant for warmth it's kind of cool down here but yeah go ahead and fire shield warmth it's like something just has you like Anna frozen hand this is clutching you and you're slowly squeezing you it's not it's uncomfortable you're not taking any damage yet but you can feel it just pushing against you there's this sense of it's a cold unlike any you've felt it's not like the cold of winters day it's the cold of the void of just annihilation it's a little echoey a little tinny everything just feels off but it's still relatively directional we can find each other yeah yeah yeah everything just feels all your senses just feel like there's something in them the air smells are just strange you just can't quite place it it's as if it's something you know that that sense of deja vu lingering in the back of your mind like you think you can't ever quite place what this might be reminding you of and so you fly down and come to the t-intersection the passages here narrow the one had been 20 feet these two side passages are both 10 feet wide we tell whether it's north-south or just right left and I'll just do right in left okay got a divine sense sixty feet do I sense undead celestial fiend consecration desecration good evil you feel a great sense something has desecrated the world here as if something as just like punched a hole through reality and that hole is just drawing everything in and that might be that strange sense you're feeling of that cold it's hazardous group that's trying to crush you is there do i I mean is there any so our Khan has meditated with the hand of Vecna and visited vecna on this alternate plane where Vecna has attempted to pick his brain as our Khan tries to figure out how to unlock the power of the hand is there anything - am I getting any sort of sense when I use my device am I am I am I feeling anything that that might have be reminiscent of one of those mental tete-a-tetes yeah he reminds you once when you when you're there to have a vision of Vecna like as if you are talking to each other like anna yeah he shows up well I mean I've fought against Anna I mean he had a Fiat form obviously but but I'd meet him on this plane it's kind of like under the skin you see that movie no I said you should check it out it's just yeah it's it's great but anyway for people at home watching but but yeah it's like it's based like a black void okay like shiny like just there was one time you're speaking with him and you're going back and forth and he he's always blustering yeah he's Vecna he's the mightiest as far as he's concerned only a matter of time but there is one time when he was pontificating it may as he kind of sometimes he's he's old so you have to maybe kind of yeah he rambles sometimes he was listing off the different entities he had met and then he caught himself and just and there's the one that the chained one and then he got a look of fear maybe one of the very few times you have seen vecna display anything other than complete privado or courage or confidence and he quickly tried to cover it but you're able to pick it up from him the chained one which is the name when you mention it I know exactly what you're so he said the chained one recognizes the a concentrated in this divided sets you know the five heads of Tiamat come up and come out of my hand you know and then the spirit come the spirit of team that goes back in through my arm and I opened my eyes and I say the chained one and one has I fear anyone wants to make a intelligence religion check or an intelligence are kind of check pretty sure I know everything about this okay here we go our elf is a scholar though so thinking back and when your revelation you have heard stories so what you know of the inner planes if we were to go to the plane of Elendil fire there's the sea of burning oil there's the city of brass and what plainer travelers would call going deeper into the plane of fire it's not really a directional it's not like you just start going north and eventually you find it it's some it's like traveling through another dimension of time and space it's going into deeper into what the fundamental element of fire is if you go deep enough into it you eventually come into the elemental chaos where all the elements mingle unchecked some believe that that same principle applies to the plane of negative energy and the plane of positive energy that somewhere deeper beyond them there are other realms that you can count them on generously two hands the number of living entities that have ventured to either those realms and returned so the idea that there's something even further and deeper beyond and you have based on your past experience you suspect that and from what you're seeing that if he is here he may be coming from a place even deeper and far more view far more removed from this reality than where even vecna would dare did travel whatever you need that man so what you're saying is that there are these part like basically it's like if you break the particles down all of us it turns into a wave like it's it's a similar like if you if you go into the element of fire there's something beyond the fire or something that's fueling the fire there's a and there's something beyond that there's something beyond that and the further you get beyond the harder it is to come back Veck no can only go to a certain place or is only there's a certain race this thing will go further like a quantum level yeah which might some say you go deep enough in the immersion in even in different world at different cosmos there might be one of the bridges to other worlds and perhaps that is where there is didn't yah where he is kept or he slumbers is that a name that just popped into our hands well it had come up I did once ill-advisedly yeah that's what led to the echoes Dmytryk can you give us any more background what is this chain one this is a great and powerful deed that is strange and unknown and has left crafting sort of in its fortunes what is this mode crafty speak is there in that great via it is neither love nor crime and he seeks to destroy the world and engage in utter blackness and yes I must we must destroy it or run other direction yeah it said that every other end of the universe perhaps leads to the creation of a new universe but if Beckman had not Vecna if the chained one was to in the universe he would pull it reach his tendrils out and grasp all of it and pull it into his prison so he would not reach singularity yeah in space you are so like what Schwarzschild radius on Thursday I've ever seen well I did fumble my ball was what we fought I'm a partial manifestation of this I've never seen anything like that before they don't believe but it was ugly I don't understand it so well you got over 20 so it could be a creature it could just be a manifestation of the dimensions shifting and twisting and turning that it might just be like a localized phenomenon I mean it's impossible to say no one's no one's ever ventured to this for this Roman return it seemed sentient where we were fighting evil that's reacting to you yeah does it have a weakness did I discovered well very good acts helped determine determined good party here to slay it with the you know swords and spells of working the best as someone who yes looted the forgotten temple distant yes experienced yourself we had to take some there were some items that we had to use to protect ourselves including there was a obviously a temple dedicated to the one who was chained and we had to dawn these heavy robes that covered all of our body and take thorough bowls with special incense in them and wave it before us to help condition the environments that we could survive great and you've got a bunch of that incense on you right or older than you seem I don't know well the temple we have to search whatever this altar yes we must find it we must press forward you sensed something left right yeah there's any direction for my divine sense it feels like it's to the left right [Laughter] so you make it right down the passage and again it just feels like that you have a sense of us as if that radius of light is shrinking with each step he's still cower still walking and keep sticking the looking back at he's moving ahead it's basically art saves us from trauma exactly okay it's a little trick I picked up in the tooth too far very good I like to use hobbits for that yeah hey Bob it's not across the ice that's a brown box yeah yeah hobbits so you make your way down we step you feels like the darkness grows closer and closer but you can see if you look at this flagstone you know that well that's bare earth floor here but it's it's it takes a moment to keep reminding yourself it's not coming closer but there's just that sense in the back of your mind you're all experienced warriors you haven't felt panic in years it's an old feeling that it's clawing at the back of your mind you feel like this made the first time you step in the battlefield if we remember the it's just coming back that but you know just you have to every few steps each of you trying to keep as calm as possible in front your comrades remember we are the order of courage is kind of healthy sustaining like a gentle hand on your back helping you keep moving forward the passages you head to the it's to the east then it turns you see how to be a collapsed passage but there is a side passage to the southeast continue down there a side passage you said to the southeast is that left or right ah let me to the right okay and the passage ahead is collapsed you see stone and rubble okay you dad taught you well all right so we'll return right yep and if you head down that passage again similar there's a side passage to your right and the straight ahead passage has collapsed melts your eyes he looks like someone must have thrown up a pretty powerful spell maybe fireball down this area and caused the passage to collapse ages ago it's dusty down here it feels as if that force that rent in reality is down this side past you can feel it pulling anyone with to the right again yeah ok ok let's head right all right heading down that passage you get that sense again of the darkness closing in around you that your tiny little globe of light maybe one of you feels like you're sitting in a fragile glass globe at any moment the pressure of the darkness on I could just shatter and devour all of you each step bringing you closer and closer deeper down the passage until the passage widens before you and you find yourselves in what looks like a temple from what you can see there's just sort of the globe of light in front of you but at this end you see to you the East which would be to your left as you enter the chamber a passage that curves around and then beyond sight into the darkness you see on the wall here thick robes including the hoods arranged on pegs and then there's the darkness beyond this looks very familiar to me looks very familiar these are the robes that you must wear that will protect protect you from the environment and we look there should be thorough bowls chains with these sconces on them that would light and wave yet did bring incense we don't have to say yes and if you do inspect you can see hanging next I'm sort of in the beat behind the robes now everything up to this point has been old battered worn down these robes look brand new they've been crafted recently many short ones yeah listen yeah dwarf sized ones anything wearing these robes won't survive in that room is that what you're saying if you don't wear these robes you yes you will the cold will kill you how many of them are there there's a tent ok no need to draw straws or fight over them ok I put one of them on my orc I put one on yeah well Don the rooms ok yeah load up some thorough bowls here and kind of what about your chimera and obviously the robes won't fit a feature that large if you tell no this isn't a situation where I can put a little robe over the drinks head you take them you take a specialty in weaving you can make you a second life give her enough seven eight nine ten there's one for each head oh that's an idea polymorph him into whatever you want something's swimming your back everyone Wow what should we probably more from into like saving it may the magic may not work if he's not intelligent cooperative don't you make him into it like a tiny dragon let's make him into uh see what God do I'm trying to remember and drive in Dragonlance do the drive when the dragons transform in a human form did they get did they have breath weapons and things like that no they're just yeah when you polymorph you lose you get you have the abilities of what you transform into you lose the ability but so like you don't get it you don't get a fire breath no matter what you polymorph into the arm the depends on nature the spell yeah so if you're using with this poly well we cannot I can't eighteenth weapons in it I think I'm a 1200 caster 12 so it would be a 12 level ortho spoke four times as well but it goes by level correct translates into CR this would be a higher level if it lets you give yeah you can get alright are you pulling out the animal list I'm not that cool too I'm a split class just tell me well tell me what's ER and I'll pick something so the fourth oral version let's see let's make it wisdom save me throw but you can order your that you're come here to just to fill the same the c2 the form new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to equal to or less than the targets so any beast what come here is challenge six I think yes everything is fixable oh yeah all right so something that would fit into all right now if it turns into one Medusa it does not get it cannot turn things in the stuff it has the abuse the beasts okay oh yes you couldn't go you couldn't go for a humanoid she said it's a six beast giant ape is seven have you doing like an ape or something it could go ahead can wear cloak yeah yeah goodnight yeah horrible Cyclops a giant yeah it's rider you know that's an awesome but that's monstrosity okay so you probably like a monoid yeah good for me okay that's you McKenzie so you felt like a like a chimpanzee yeah where's my glass like a great CH a.m. because it means the live room basically has to be a creature the beds this doesn't have any any magical varieties most beasts they just they don't have anything special like an animal yeah I've been given so we're talking like a chimpanzee yeah not even a gorilla gorilla yeah well yeah that should probably be under here looks strong car you could old the any beyond we can take a quick look let's see what beast we have it's there's 600 that's actually that's correctly unsettling but most beasts a pretty low challenge so six can probably get you and it has to be size medium to anything larger than that alright see something that size so you know how to do some filters here medium you can't swarm of creamy a cranium rats is technique sighs yeah I wouldn't fit so it looks like the one the best one that fit would be the a pit it's about its challenges only 1/2 1/2 yeah because the fact that you could get the robe on without it uh being exposed I'll say yeah I was gonna stay here there you go yeah that silly I don't want to keep my hair that might get Waker all right stay here if anything shows up breathe fire all over it okay all right donning the robes yeah all right it takes a bit but with Mel's guidance they're experienced in the past and gathering the thermals and you find this ain't the same strange block so black consents that believe what they burnt like the white strangers fire the and soon you are clad and ready to tell the deeper into this place as you are getting ready to take a couple minutes does anyone want to search around this room and try to like you all you're only seeing the corner that you're in because again you can only send within 20 feet I'd like to sail search yeah okay so go ahead and give me an intelligence investigation shell forget to take a minute 15 okay so pokey aren't you find there is this looks like a was a temple and it looks like there was at the far end it's about 60 80 feet long there was an altar there must have been but it's been moved there was a platform that and there's dust in here and there's just two blank spots where like a large stone table may have been standing with like - almost like a mini Truman here you like those stone slab and two stones it looks like something's been moved you also find looking down the other side that's that that side passage yeah there are stairs going down and it there's debris here boulders rubble that it looks like because you got a figure out of 15 or higher right yeah some thing or someone push that debris up the stairs something tunneled in from below to reach this place and this thing looks like it came from a stairway or a burro stairway like stuff someone was digging out like so it was the stairs it looks like some rubble clap right something on the other side of the rubble cleared it out came up the stairs someone try to collapse that rubble to eat something down there it came out and went upstairs and there under the left that's as you come in it's the east clubs all studies in target direction okay oh ah so it would have been to the east would have been left as he came into the room gun yeah pulling up zombie stats it's just a kiss I'm either using D&D beyond [Music] all right so in this altar do I notice where it looks like the the piece of the altar or the altar itself may have been moved to are their tracks it looks like it's was moved something carried it down the stairs down the stairs yeah I think aim broke out up altered down we need to destroy the salt yeah yes you've got to go after the altar so like sure something shaped some earth or clear that out dig something of that equivalent i don't well it looks like some something had has so the passages clear so it's clear yeah okay oh yeah that's no longer blocks saw something came in from below and cleared out the rubbish there's still rocks and dirt there it's all been pushed aside there's a path when you do try to do a locator object do you think we even need that that would work that'd be great yeah though that yeah I mean we're within a thousand feet of you okay you sense the direction of the objects occasionally I cast locate object all right so you is you cast the spell focusing on what this altar that was once here I feel a sense of vertigo and then in your mind you see a trail a pinke blackness that sort of wavers like a serpent heading from where that those those clear spots were it looks like the altar stood and heading eastward and then turning and heading down the slick leer downstairs follow me alright everybody is this passage safe door doubtful fun that dwarf going first but swarf going first so good enough for me pulse it I'm gonna bet ordnance going first yeah undead orc canary okay canary goes first there he goes first Raul no we remember arrow from Pittsburgh what do you want alright so you head down the steps go down with one step after another and now while before may have just been your mind playing tricks on you or that sense of panic clawing at the back of your mind now you can see that the darkness is closing in even against your divine radiance just pushing against it each step barely perceptible but truly but thicker undoubtedly there there the darkness is closing in as soon as you head down the steps when you finally find yourself at the base of the steps black volcanic rock smoothie polished whirls of grey through it though it's hard to say if that's the true color or just the weird washed out color of this place my family we we're warden Smiths we've seen every kind of rock there is is this anything this isn't like nothing we've seen before want to give me our intelligence our kind of check or challenges nature of choice nothing yeah yeah you've never seen anything like this before okay the your your vision is not restricted about ten feet and indirectly it's getting smaller yeah I've gained a little bit more experience since the last time I was here tonight just looking at this give me any ideas as to where yeah the the great stuff in there would get an idea of what where many is this sentient stuff around is this just this just rock because it actually swirling give me an intelligence are kind of check eighteen eighteen all right yeah remember back two years ago in the saddle mountains and you found that desolate temple yes the this feels similar but you've gained a lot of knowledge then since then yes and you suspect now as we look at the stone you can barely notice that those gray whirls seemed to just undulate they were so slightly and the the darkness closing in and even against that with the robes carefully wrapped around your hands and the hoods covering your face you still feel that crushing sense of the void you suspect that you're not on earth anymore you suspect that you may have entered the near negative energy plane okay that this is some sort of portal you've passed through yes I'll let them know that we've shifted and we are now outside of Earth this it's not Kansas anymore if I was Romero wearing he has the scraps book in an old torn shirt his uh pants they're tattered ragged looks like like something like a slave or servant would have worn I cast light on his shirt which is 20 feet of lighter than 25 dem after that does that help us at all you just it's the restriction just to those by ten feet it's almost like each each you know each individual source light though as you cast that you notice it's sort of because he's a bit of a head of where Grif is it does kind of like it looks like it's creates its own second like bulb of light orb of light this is almost like they're like like pockets of air in water so if you have separate light sources you couldn't Theory Alduin it a larger area okay like if I touch the link invite on a bit of everyone's armor cast lion-o what would that do for us the I think the light I think might be concentration spells so we know someone had some dancing lights the identified could do it cuz you could see could scatter them up we're at 18th level no one here has dancing oh so no yeah just as duration 1 hour touch and then it's a 20 foot oh yeah then radio you could cast it on multiple yeah I feel like it's wrong but who cares doesn't matter I'm good with it oh my god the other one I would call that yeah that's fine yeah okay yeah on everyone's I put it on my staff okay on your step I put it on my staff of healing as well alright so you've all got the amulet of TMF does it burn his hand all right so each of you have now you're a little 10 foot orb of light around you allow you to see more of this area in your marching order you can see the pass and just continues ahead of you I'm gonna keep using north-south but obviously you're polar directions don't mean much in the negative energy plane but just so our map or doesn't I sorry it was bending to the south so now you're heading south this there was a turn it went east then it turns then you went down the stairs okay alright we're hiding consciously but heading to the south all right continue ribeiro and front the as you march forward you step into a chamber with your marching order and with a light it looks to me of about 20 feet wide and that's Blackstone with the the gray world's it's startling like you just basically seen the world in like almost essentially black and white and just shades of grey for so long you've seen out some of the worlds they start to undulate and move they take on a purple color which just stands out like a glowing brand against just the the gray washed radiance of everything you've seen before and you see you're standing in an intersection there's a passage to the south and passengers to the east and west the and that the purple radiance seems to extend down each of these these odd sorry that the purple whirls in the stone seem to extend in each direction ok divine sense sixty feet do I notice anything it's everything is just profoundly wrong you are it's like you feel T Matt's presence again a great great great distance your spell looking at the it is directing you toward the south ok yeah I tell them that whatever this is it's suggesting that we go south okay let's go please thank clendenon you push onward to the south the passageway starts to slope downward there's still those purple things in the rock passage narrows down to but it's what's been consisting about 10 feet wide how what's the angle how much should be able to figure that one out it's not too steep it's sewn like a yeah so like that it's enough that if you uh yeah you're not having any trouble with your foot right so we're not gonna stumble yeah exactly yeah exactly so there's something feel like like thirty percent no that's a crazy steep yeah yeah so yeah it's only pushing onward use as you're moving the win with that effect of only neon let's see 10 feet in front of you suddenly your light just it's still 10 feet but now the ceiling which was about 10 12 feet above you you could see it it's now just open void above you or at least beyond your light and you just get the sense you feel like if any of yous ever fought a dragon in an open field that sense of just being vulnerable that there's just nowhere to go nowhere to run to that you know or flying opponent of any sort you're just you just feel exposed as you walk out into it you feel like you interested in a massive open area they'll obviously can only see your small small corner I would like to I'm going to drink a potion flight ok last an hour ok the continuing onward or now you feel like you can Basin go in any direction I mean north to the wooden back right yeah north would be back to the passage and you can see it looks like the passage is caught cut into a stone wall obviously goes up beyond the 10 feet of your light you have no idea how far we feel like we're on a plane she like in just an open space a girl six boats welcome fly you can fly I can fly I can fly on the ground how high up where are Flyers going if you have the best scouting ability right ok yeah ok oh oh why I can't fly up 100 feet you could now we keep in mind as you guys will be able to see all right well fly up 100 feet okay and then I was gonna come back down I land and say I've went up a hundred by I don't know whatever ways yeah I guess it was about a hundred feet but it's hard to tell is the range limit and our site still 10 feet yeah ok so we can daisy-chain it so that really literally going stacking on top of each other I'm just observing is there are you flying out straight up just to try to stay close to the wall are you going out further I was gonna stay close to the wall just to check the height then come back down cuz it being pushed in anyway as he's going into being buff by now I'm going to stay 10 feet behind him got it so like right at the light I will I will stay so that's there as you see darken and melt this and ascend upward they quickly just are swallowed up by the darkness what you see is as you fly up you have to start angling out the wall is angling almost like a dome and you can see that that rock gives way to a strange like gnarled gray surface and here and there actually right in front of you above the door and so it looks like I mean it could be it it looks like a massive bone spine that just rises up and it's maybe you like well it's it's broader across than the area of your light at 10 feet and you seems fine I'd like to divine sense to west sense undead fiend celestial anywhere than shitty you sense ancient ancient fiend very dim echoes of life just but distant far far far we've just barely at the edge of your consciousness whatever this thing was it was a fiend but its life force is there just the bear there's no life force left within it there's just that whatever it was was incredibly powerful the nature of its of it of it as a fiend still echoes in just the physical remnants of its walking okay and that's after about 100 feet oh that's nothing like that 20 feet up though the wall starts curving into words you have to kind of start flying upward okay does that surface look like its it could you know sustain bipedal people walking up I mean is the pretty it's like it's a good dome took oh it's it don't okay all right so we fly up to the top and there's there's a ceiling yep that that's spine yeah continues up and it does after a bit levels off it seems to be going straight and then starts to after well this would be more than hundred feet it's Adana keep going or okay so as you keep going and arches up levels off and starch down new keep going yes I call out where are you guys yeah yellow oh hold it up oh yeah I'm out yeah yeah I cover you yeah you don't hear anything is it's not like you call out it's just sort of getting on this door muhfucka okay yeah but it looks as if the darkness around you before you starts that just shudders ever so slightly perhaps not yellow perhaps my mouth turn around why long the dome again but back the other way so we can navigate the rest to put a dark I get lost I moved the rest of us as a group 10 feet up to the left from where we yelled just a moment ago got and I leave my staff there so they can find the way that's lit all right okay doctor have a couple more minutes is waiting quietly the two of you land down in from the doorway and you see that your monk companion is arranged I assume you like your range it so it's pointing you see so the staff has been left behind but it's pointing off to a lot okay so basically we flew up went like this when Oliveira came back around it's symmetrical yeah but I we didn't go all the way down to the opening under the side cuz I'm sure but we can hoof it across if we want to okay what's doing okay there so come back and rejoin so you would join to come back out of the darkness so damaged that here's a question now can we dead reckon across or we drift one way or the other in this and this don't like to the door there I'd be a wisdom should I know how far did you feel you were flying for a couple minutes so that is a few thousand feet because your flies what you guys believe is sixty feet so assuming you're moving at a conscious pace rather than just rushing right so it's about 360 feet per minute and that was about five minutes roundtrip dose but a thousand feet all right let's give it a shot if not we'll be able to shift left or right so it's gonna all right so trying to miss just strike it straight across we if we hold onto each other is there some sort of advantage role that we can work together the definitely you can work together you can pick one person to party to navigate and then have others assist that'll just give that person advantage I have twenty wisdom this I would say twelve it would be a perception so wisdom perception check you can also have multiple characters attempt to the check in its use the highest result I can give you guidance before you check and that will give you a four you can over okay twenty five will do it so unless anyone beats of 25 I'm gonna be good 30 30 okay so you're able to actually have a very so your you might not have the highest intelligence but being the man's greatest yeah very high exactly we have a really great sense of experience the maybe you have experience working in the dark or like maybe you've been to plane like this before a sting brothel yeah so you were able to strike out and so you want to go straight across from where you were basically follow that spine across the floor so with with Kel Gore's help you get a real good sense of where you are in your mind you're able to orient the party and you start marching across he actually say this with that with that result you are able to actually kind of figure out there is a little bit of a pattern to the worlds here okay there's definitely so you're able to point out to us the party like oh here's it's as if the energy is coming from something across and so the way they're moving it's almost like waves on the ocean where if you're standing on the shore you can see the waves have a shape as they come in and crash against the shore so you can see they kind of undulate at a pattern and are moving towards you so following that pattern you're able to get a good sense of that sort of direction across this the floor here so with that in sight all you kind of have a sense of how to orient yourselves from where you are it's as if those whirls they're they're like waves hits splashing against the far wall well that board is so with that result at any point unless you get completely turned around you'd be able to find your way moving at a slow pace you'd be able to find your way back to the door to get back on the other side so the you start making reoccurring keeping the same marching formation as before cleric in the middle protected by the monk to door half open door from the back Paladin mouth up front sure have for work one point and I should be somewhere more in the middle just to make sure everybody's still got that protection got it so we're making way across the darkness just sort of parting before you that that ten foot range suddenly you notice the darkness on the floor when you get within 10 feet there's just a sharp divide is if there's darkness in the floor and then it takes a moment to realize it's a pit a chasm below you the stone is just like perfectly cut and drops downward the it's more than ten feet wide all you see is just darkness across okay oh yeah I'm where you're flying to yeah okay to you to fly across yeah yeah all right so you jet out across please don't tell the guys behind it take okay thank you very little yeah we just shouldn't blow advice about time to rest so hopefully they're gonna get some more these motions going to sprout like spectral dragon wings uncle so they would they would tell they can't see the flat Kalyan myself what are your passive perceptions I asked of wisdom perception yeah 17:13 I know that diem smile all right that bubble says TPK as they're flying across you head out the party disappears behind you seemingly engulf the darkness and as you're looking back you have their keen senses and having experiences before you see just in time to see tentacles emerging from beneath you reaching up toward you yeah I see dodge tentacles roll initiative everyone else you just kind of hear something like muffled in the darkness [Music] you don't attack you and Harold it one plus one plus fillet so okay so you got a five and what's our country I'll hit tunes okay so tentacles emerged in the darkness below you reaching up toward you what do you wish to do you get to go first I'm going to and now do I see anything ahead I wasn't adjust the ten feet you don't see every side the other side reg okay and how far away the tentacles they are just within the ten foot bubble in your yeah okay um bonus action fire okay breathe fire so I got a three mi saves like I fail you're not making it right okay good and that's that's seventeen points of fire damage okay and then I'm going to can we see in the other part no it's so it's off in the darkness you hear like a muffled something that's going on over there like you hear like a whoosh and I cry like a Google cried out in warning the that was your bonus actions I'm going to action now I'm gonna go a go reckless okay that's 3232 hit yeah anything over Twitter announced creature like last one will hit rail I'm just now it's not undead or fiend no okay I'll go first level device might that's 40 points of damage all right you hack apart a couple the tentacles but a couple more rise up to reach toward you okay go again second attack that's yeah that's 26 all right that'll do and I will I'll just go straight up we're gonna straight up hit it's gonna be 33 all right you hack away more the tentacles they fall away into the darkness there's still tentacles threatening you now what's the highest pass perception of our four characters we're still back on 17 20 okay anyone else 20 that's good so you can see is your students hearing on the darkness here what sounds like archons fiery breath when you puts you on guard so as you see tentacles like emerge trying to crawl up the sides of the chasm you spot them immediately it's in my staff's sideways so it's this way and I pulled everybody back as I point towards the tentacles got it straight below called it tentacles so you pull everyone back away from the edge they still they're reaching toward you so go ahead and roll initiative but you're all at least 10 15 feet away from the edge is the monk pulls you back away from danger and I'm in I am engaged with you just have deep okay this would be helpful right now 1201 slow right yeah he doesn't deck say it I didn't scare jazz sometimes the healer it's good to go ask people get beaten up in your face but all right so tentacles rising up now so piercing it almost though looks like as you see them as you pull everyone back it's almost as if like that wall of darkness the edge of your light it's almost as if that wall itself is just reaching out towards you it's like it takes a moment for you to realize it's just these more of these tentacles reaching out at you but it feels if the darkness is coming to life and reaching out to devour you that was on 18 we have two characters on 15 so buddy wants to go first between the two of you before you go oh yeah oh yeah that's right yeah I think I just erased it nope I didn't okay do we know who here of the 2d wants to go first or how do I that's providing all right so I'm gonna do dispel evil and good okay which should deal with anything originating from beyond the Material Plane okay Celestials and for the duration they have a disadvantage I'm attack rolls against his you're saving Thoreau or is it automatic uh tax a vis seventeen a chase no it's on me so I think okay so just as a Christmasy I said okay good okay it's not very good Christmas save because it's pretty much an empty thing at a twelve no means that means it didn't make the safe okay disadvantage okay it's on disadvantage as you channel holy energy I the thing recoils back everything around you just seems no one else ceases you're just you know getting ready to fight but you and your mind it feels as almost as like as if you're pushing yourself out of phase with this reality for a moment as you castigate the this unholy blight this strange creature but then everything snaps back in so it has been affected by your spells me a disadvantage on its attacks so I can't actually dismiss it because this is it's planned exactly yeah but you can't impose disadvantage of this manager okay so then I will yeah that's kind of the feel you got like as we went to push it back it like no it's here you almost push yourself out they kind of Xia rein in the magic I was at your action so that was my action and then attack I go ahead over here so your turn alright so uh it ugly Kilgore not understand it Soquel gore hit it a lot very good Kilgore not want to be friends in tentacle tentacle get fresh so let's see um anything about 21 okay cool so ever you are you're quitting on leaking the twins yeah that will get that will hit all right I'm so tempted to do an action surge and just be a Butthead you know what I've got to do an action surge and let me see mister would I get for being cocky okay that will hit and that will hit all right so so Kellogg or troubled up like a actress sweeping tentacles go flying the horn with its base damage is 40 and I'm gonna roll the I know right hear me roar you strong - OH to date Judy a good job - that was awesome um alright so let's see do I have another 12 I should thank you okay so just to make it and I'm gonna re-roll both of these okay oh God okay so one of them no that's a seven so that's good okay 1234 plus the 44th of 77 points total yeah all right now Christmas everyone Soquel north or ward strides forward hacking tentacles start trying to surround him for a moment it looks like the darkness has been interesting Gulf him with a mighty roar your axe spins and the darkness recoils as ten o'clock chemical is severed the creatures still alive but it's it sorely wounded that was on 15:02 12-under for a monk I checked to see is he relatively safe he looks say looks like everything's coming at you from that I wish to see the face of evil I run off at the edge and I die over oh nice print all right straight in the air fly oh yeah but my wings my winged boots take over and I sprint into it I can move all right now I'll move 35 feet to see if I can see anything yep so as you leap off the side you can see what looks like a massive twisted gnarled or of Darkness with all these tentacles some of the McGrath's being on the side of the chasm others are reaching up to attack its spawning more of them as you dive down toward its main central body I'll have you advantage on your toe attacks it's not expecting one of these puny motes of life and its domain to charge straight into it I will first with a stunning strike I missed second setting strike I love you you have a vintage member oh then I hit okay I come on ah the damage for the first strike is six six okay but he saves it gets done yeah so let me just check something real quick when you're stunned I can't remember if you drop what you're holding no okay you don't that's if you're unconscious okay cuz I would be really bad for the think leaning to the side of the court alright it's saving Theroux is going to be and that's is that a wisdom saver Constitution save the Constitution it's gonna get an 18 and a con save and didn't need the 19 okay so that's all you said you need to nineteen yes it is stunned okay so it's it rears back and it seems almost like a lose some of its shape as you slam your fist down into it and yet you have stunned it instead of being cocky I have seen what I've come for I go back boom right to where I started you're good I'm good I pick up my staff and wait okay so you see the tentacles rather that over the frame if you all just go limp and just seemed to be moving like drunkenly the ones are fighting they're still aggressive they are still reaching up toward you you guys have advantage if you didn't before I think then correct yep it's done so it looks like you're fighting a separate creature though you would not know what's going to happen you just hear like muffled noises I didn't commit a conclusion but that was metagaming stays that was on 12 okay seven these two creatures now get to go so the one threatening you on the on the edge of the chasm how long does the stun last is it one one until the end of my next okay cool so it's stunt the tentacles are reaching at at you then suddenly you see the monk disappear in the darkness and it looks like the entire thing - shudders and then the tentacles just and the knee come you come sprinting back in out of the darkness it's that creature that one's done the one attacking the two of you let's me one attack against each of you so first against melt a technical reaches up at you and tries to grab you Wow okay this time you're back on the bench pal that's gonna miss unless you left your armor at home and again stark on I that I doubt a user AC over 20 yeah that's you guys back in the bench they had like an hour to cool all right and then you stunned the one that was on the on the edge of the chasm so it loses its turn that was on seven so then we come back over to five they'll be mouthing our zombie I was right skeleton it's Helen yeah it's been oh no flash oh yeah the zombie stats will distribute under my mera yeah Jack looks like have you been killed by eyeko Nicole's like that the flesh was still like all intact yeah it's like sacrified yeah come on I'll do it okay followed up with in attack got it so my attack anything over 20 hits I may have missed actually on that it's a see it's a it's a seize 18 if it just it's great actually I'm sorry I did hit okay all right so I do cold damage with the spear as well this time left right that's all right I did six plus eight so 14 points with the spear okay and then for g10 fire damage for the fireball use all four that is really cool and they don't were all that great all right 23 points so I neither reason wait that's everybody cancel right so you blast away some of the tentacles there's still a bunch of them left but between your spear strike you've carved away about a half the tentacles are emerging from Buddy through reaching out that was on five so our zombie okay cuz it's stunned oh man 21 nice all right way to go Romero yeah okay he's just gonna swing down and a I'm saying man manner great I'm gonna roll with my die that was baptized in Geneva he said that's seven seven points of bludgeoning damage alright the zombie just starts pounding away it one of the the instead of the the lurching tentacles yeah it's shudders and it has taken damage is just pounding into it it's not bruised and black starts to ooze a lot a Kurt loses out of it ferocity of a bug there poor guy forget when you adventure with Psychopaths the alright cleric on one super chance okay so here you go that guy oh hey there's a fight breaking out and get that oh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna cast a good flame on the clothes closest articles that happen to be a dexterity second throw of the night team yeah it will succeed I rolled the 19 on my die finally sorry yeah you mix these but it can't hit man attacks all right so the suckers on one anything else that was reaction okay no so it'll bring us back to our con okay up to me um okay I don't need to go reckless in order to get advantage or do I because those each button looks like it is not stunt but why not the cut the chasm edge is this one is not alright then let's do it let's go yeah I'll just I'll go I'll go reckless alright alright smile fortune smiles upon you I want to do this I mean I've always I have not been able to do this in game okay I'm gonna go we'll go fourth level device right I got it those dice were divine smite and it is so that's two plus second third fourth that's 5 d 8 you have improved plus my 48 of my axe which is 1 d 8 for the ax 1 d 8 for improved divides my to d8 cold damage from the hand of Vecna I also have feign eater which when I crit the target suffers an additional 2 d 8 necrotic so I'm gonna throw those in as well so that doesn't get double this is triggered on the Chris so everything else the dice doubled about 2 D 8uw dice then add those 2 D then I have to date on the crit does anything ok great so that's for attack that's 9 98 99 98 double so it's gonna be 18 dat okay so I roll them all twice correct yeah so if you want you just add it and I'll say I'll take that damage off and then you can see you not to try to juggle there's one scares me that you're like you know what go ahead and roll it and I'll get back to you with all the damage on 1888 that's 33 okay and that roll Plus and then I'll you want me to roll them again or no yeah here he's great yeah let's do this for real yep you know what that area we're already taking that on so great oh that's way better much behind can't attend his training 30 or 40 that's 41 plus 33 41 plus 33 plus the that's 10 okay so I said 41 plus 33 plus 10 plus yeah I'm a guy Ben Peck taking all the damage dude I'm sorry I don't know it's good 100 points of damage alright so as you look so down to strike this thing suddenly emerging the darkest is again that central undulating body and so you plant your axe directly into it and it's crushes slices right through it it's pulpy flesh just parting before you and then you feel a shudder as your axe strikes something in its center and you just pure cold just Jets down your arm and then it passes is the thing just winks out of existence the chasm we stopped tentacles so it's over to here to Griff there's still tentacles reaching up people are still intact do I mean how can I see where else this thing no it's gone to me alright so if I move back towards where they are the you would be let's see you'd have had to move down a little bit so it's hack it roll a d20 to see 16 are higher you can you can get close to everything over talk now let's say you start moving that direction but it's still just dark thick darkness and an empty space I'm not sure I want to let your dice make that roll from me very nice to you guys well then another creature all right so is on 18 so 15 is already here so by the hoary hosts of Glenfiddich I am going to attempt to banish this this thing it says that if it is native to the plane of existence that you're on you can banish the target to a harmless deme plane got it and it's a charisma with 17 it is not good at Christmas Eves oh yeah I keep my darling going I got a four total so we're all set existence goodbye dawn so after a moment we keep going back yeah you see check it out there be always there is the the darkness in make sure you anyway no I will check back on you suspect these are almost just like natural predators of whatever weird sword in this dimension okay so these creatures it's scuttle about alright sharks or the negative plane so the question is is there something on the other end that we need to get to the altar I think so are you still able to see yeah it just goes straight it goes straight across the chasm it's suspended in air actually false leaders do think we've cleared the way why can I do a dimension someone take me you wouldn't be able to you don't know how far so we would grab my zombie I can grab me thank you alright yeah he's dude seven points damage contributed alright you soar across the chasm and it's about a couple hundred two hundred feet across before you finally you see your path in your mind's eye sort of arcs across the chasm and comes to arrest you see actually when you went down below you could see sort of below they were like pillars or something up in the darkness like stone platforms I hear and they're down below into the darkness but it looks like these creatures must have crawled up them Qing out the soon enough you're on the other side continue onward going directly straight across kind of following that spine and following your trail okay see push onward and soon enough you see before you looming out of the darkness just emerging from it and it's only ten feet away so just suddenly coming out the darkness is a wall and in front of you another door similar to the one you saw before and Beyond it's tears going down so the doors open so yeah it's a doorway yeah we dropped a zombie on the ground stop it done yeah Romero alright so he it's the ledge or whatever the first steps is not disintegrated immediately okay so move down the stairs alright starts moving down and we just fall back in our order you head down the stairs and that feeling of cold just starts to push in even more even through the robes everyone give me a constitution saving throw you would have to save +3 yeah or a protective or + +4 and yet I yeah sounds good to me okay so my last 78 witty well what was your die roll well you got close for that did you use the + sorry save I've way higher than 20 okay goodnight I've yeah I guess that's a 24 alright so everyone's this gonna take half damage from this still straight with just you're getting deeper deeper I ever takes 12 points of damage and the best environmental damage of this level people come on you guys a hundred a point and that's cold 1200 coal damage oh yeah so if you any reason it's too cold it's not oh wait a second I may be immune yeah if you learn to hold your fun lot of immunities the level 18 native material plays off these extensive cheat sheets you have it's like it's like being in a cockpit of a plane exactly when you're playing at 18 DB on a chip you can put your brain and it will tell you what your needs are I like I like that idea like kind of having like the coach right like you'd have one like a seventh player right yeah it was like your coach was just like remember you can advantage you're like oh wait don't forget your potion right all right a potion that already yeah all right so down the steps descend into the darkness and then as you walk in you reach the base of the stairs and then as you step forward you're really in vertigo like you've been so used to having the darkness pushing in all around you that as you step forward it's as if reality just comes crashing in the darkness as you take a step just seems to explode out all around you and you can see you're in a massive chamber 200 feet across and there are strange torches glowing with purple light the ceiling here is 50 60 feet high hanging from the ceiling are chandeliers filled with hundreds of candles giving off this purple glow torches on the walls also giving off this purple glow it's sickening your minds real everyone give me wisdom saving throws and you choose the higher the supposed to be for you 9 Oh anyone I have a natural 20 oh that's all okay so 9 14 4 Oh hold on one second so it's 17 plus it's 21 25 okay so you're walking in the four of you who made this living through your minds real for a second like you just you've been so it's it's as if the entire world has been crushing in around you and you just have a sense of this must people at some of the agoraphobia might feel like it feels like the world is spinning everything is so massive you never imagined the world could be this big how could the world be this big it's been so tiny and everything crushing in it's almost now been comforting to have such a tight a tight little universe to live with him but as you finally recover as this is normal you see arkhan and melt racing across the floor this is a maybe mind affecting or charm charm it's one second see if they've got any sorry should set up this is not fear no compulsion is the energy against being charmed okay throw me an extra sulcus remember crazy yeah so are catching me yep just here yes I got a whole person being thrown any respiration well can I just use the cleansing touch myself yes you could oh wait no no sorry you couldn't cuz you are under the effect of the effect effect Sunday night yeah but you're filming restoration so he's doing whole person on him because it's he's moving you gotta you definitely hold an old person cuz like its touch yeah you have to initiate to see he might have to do if you'd be this initiative you really get up next to him okay so why don't you first through your whole your whole person so go ahead make your save your wisdom save against the whole person okay that's that's a wisdom saved that's nice it's 22 okay what are two to it now yeah my one of the two of you roll initiative just quickly off off just against each other to see if actually if everyone who wants to try to stop are concave let's all overall initiative this is anyone who beats are kinda hiding roll I'm rolling for for yourself yeah just because you're gonna be moving across the chamber okay anyone who b210 can try to stop our Khan okay so when whichever were you guys but did anyone not beat okay so so you were and you did nothing okay three okay so three of you beat a ten so you can try to stop our contents you okay so in a rush up go ahead and make it an attack with Cermak loss 23 I know sorry his over 25 25 25 you would get all three attacks though okay okay attack hits you have him grappled I don't suppose I have advantage for any reason whatsoever mm he's trying to defend themselves you trying to grow up on me yeah yeah the old you have non-magical grab okay my I despite absurd dragon plate great I miss him Oh Kleber you try it but yeah he's just rending in turns and the spikes less on you flying back without Twitter character so yeah you guys rolled under attend evil but don't be cool I'll try to get in front of them and really tribulation make him lose his balance around her Stacy's least 30 okay that'll hit so wham you put a kick across his shins let's see from there I believe let's make opposed athletics checks to see if you you're gonna stop him you're in his way and I just want to see if you get them prone so so opposed athletics Jackson an athletic check yeah - when I tell me yours first so I'll show you mine if you show me yours I can't use acrobatics can i ah no uh yeah a lot to talk about except aerobatic is 29:26 all right so down you go and okay so with a quick sweep of the leg you send our con tumbling down to the ground and it will pin him keeping rappelled keep them in place anyone else go yeah I went afterwards I'll just try to pile on and hold them so I managed your break grapples does that matter yeah so let's see if you try to break the grapple so it's me against your acrobatics check it's gonna use your action though so you won't be illegit too far away well I'm out of control right that's right on I would try to do exactly well subway yeah so that so it's that rule but then I roll again as an advantage I know it's it's a funeral now I'm rolling with advantage Jimmy bandage on on your net extract and you're making a cab out extractivism servant assist does that do anything you would you haven't acted yet so you can assist on on your turn 24 out of 24 all right so in a tenth of a tie these the situation remains the same so basically only if you beat the winner gets determined if there's a tie so you're still got there oh right you're moving registers 30 feet so you be be 30 feet away so everyone who got less than attention now act to him and touch him and cast great arrested for a greater restoration and get rid of the track all right so you walk up and you see the monk as seem sort of pinned down this mat and you touch and suddenly you feel are kind it's like something it's like waking up from a dream like you're on the ground the monk has a grapple the clerics standing over you and everything is just exactly like getting drunk in college I know that sensation well will happen I step off you were charged into this room and it was as if everything there was it was a great weight was lifted off us and we're unbalanced and I had to fight struggle hard to to keep whatever this is out of my brain and when I came came out and I could see you were running across the room we had to tackle you alright well here puny mortals and you see in the far into the room enormous figure thirty feet tall like humanoid hunched over so be thirty feet of you stood straight up it's not standing straight up he's spent a lot of time walking through 20-foot tall passages lately you see a twisted creature look back over you bathed in the purple light twisted and gnarled one good eye looking at you another eye looking to the back standing before what to it is like a toy an altar that your magic is pointing to these about another 100 200 feet away from 150 feet away from you in the far end and as you break up you are in time to witness the end of an era in the beginning of a new time of darkness he comes there instead Echo's let's roll initiative yeah oh right my dice are warming up any one beat I got a twenty six all right I like that sound what we got over here eleven eleven hey double dudes yeah sorry if I give you a load X character fifteen fifteen eighteen eighteen seventeen seventeen and zombie NAT one so that's minus two dexterity negative one negative one he he phases out of existence and to a different game the game session next door 1616 and all right don't see it my dice if they're guys we use the three of you saving your best for last let's see all right the creature glares at you gives you a hateful look and the purple radiance and then smiles it is fitting that those of the old universe shall be here to witness the birth of the new when all is swept away in darkness yeah he walks forward toward you and looks at you and why isn't everyone roll a d20 for me let me know who got the lowest number let's see he doesn't know anything about you guys I'm 29 I'm gonna run nine four or thank you thank you okay all right arkhan give me a wisdom Simek there thirty all right so he attempts to force his will upon you but it's a puny effort it just slams into the iron fortress that is your faith in Tiamat and he looks back ha you shall be better sport than I suspected and he's gonna use his other action to I perhaps shall need allies you one of faith make wisdom saving there for me perhaps you shall bend knee that's 21 okay so suddenly you realize he's making sense what that sounds your rights it is doll though darkness you lose all hope what do you have like a flame strike or anything like that prepared now he's still under the 2525 okay so that breaks the spell you are and suddenly the aura world through your body your normal God shot of your mind your heart opens up to the five headed dragon god this is the magic of darkness is so it's only wakening now perhaps it is will only grow stronger very well then let the doctors devour you and he snaps his finger and the floor around your erupts with tentacles this would be an attack against each of you so starting over here twenty nine yeah take twenty eight damage 3100 twenty-eight damage only at twenty that it's o twenty-eight damage 30 28 damage what kind of damage it this is a magical bludgeoning damage house they just said 30 yeah 30 to hit for 28 damage 32 against Griff which we turn into against AC but am ia C's 21 yep that'll hit 28 damage and then finally against 34 28 more damage for AC 35 alright if magic will not work and violence shut do it it's 28th day and out of it alright so into our initiative order on 18 over to Mel alright how far away is this guy first ah he's about a hundred and fifty feet away from me alright so at you and I am going to try to fly as fast as I can towards him okay my goal is to do within 60 feet so I can cast a spell okay so that's getting 90 feet so if you - you'll be able to get through this round just with the regular movement you'll still be 90 feet away from him okay so I could do regular movement in cash though yeah it's like a regular movement maybe a lightning bolt which would be long enough to plan yeah I believe it is right oh I'll do that then alright so he's gonna have to make his dicks dirty saving her away he gets a 31 on that save yeah all right so that's just 86 yeah that'll be halved 18 plus 8 I think rent should I don't think oh yes right you right because it's the all right 25 right well Oh sorry bad so 33 so 16 all right you're letting bull arcs out and blasts in new him he does barely play pays any mind it just it hits him insid leaves a scorch marking as it disturbs his like massive he's wearing the massive losses good save really so that was on 18 on 17 our cotton your turn so he's about a hundred 150 feet off 150 yeah yeah this is a huge room he's back on the far side and when he attacked as he conjured up the tentacles it attacked you all right so it's gonna take a few turns for us all to get there okay um I'm going to go alright I'm just I'm gonna double move that I want to go I'm gonna go sixty so I'll get you within ninety and I'll be kind of marching that off each of your distances sixteen over to Griffin I can take somebody I was try contemplating using a dimension door and trying to get somebody else there with me but I have to be my size yeah who wants to go right yeah he can't move you know to bring you next to the enemy get a big bonus action rage yeah okay we're gonna dimension - all right nice to her well boom you're here right next to an attacker all right got it is the dimension n dimension door that's an action cast that uh it is one action yeah okay but I still be able to get to one attack down okay yeah that'd be it can be up to 200 feet straight straight forward so boom you pop it next one alright that was on 16 on 15 over to our monk I say is there any who's still back here you might here with him yep I'm 60 feet up yep six feet of you I flew 60 feet up with one that casts a spell these two dimensioned or 150 feet up so they're right next to him can you move safely I was gonna run up behind them and be 30 feet behind them very good I take off and walk 75 feet forward alright you close half the distance and at the same time I empty my body and become invisible and not gain resistance to all damage okay for a minute for a minute very well and that brings us over to our cleric on 11 I walk 33 30 feet forward and the three of them are within there right next to each other and then he's 15 feet ahead of them yep I'm gonna cast mask cure wounds 30 foot sphere right between them that's gonna hit all of them and heal all of you guys each for 44 all right and then that brings us over to our half Forks you are right up next to this guy okay we hit him very hard uh so I don't have advantage does a 20 hit 20 will miss okay good to know does a 30 hit 30 would ya then I would assume that a 31 will hit that's right so let's do the damage and see how our scores are working only 30 points of damage all right anything else hit him is like hitting a granite pillar okay like he just looks down you know you were making an impact he's despite his like just stoic look he is flinching a bit but it's like boom boom boom like just other than those his slight wince it looks like he's paying no mind to your attacks okay okay so that was on your turn it was on ten sets everyone the party is acted except for our zombie Romero is hundred fifty feet away shame lonely run like forty feet away he goes shuffling all right the Patriots down upon the two of you here Grif and Kel gore watch both make wisdom saves for me remember you now you just get the plus three for the RL okay 1313 oh but I also get plus four I just lost three yeah 19:19 alright the two of you you see the error in your ways yes all hope is lost why stand against this one is he locks eyes this is two eyes moving the pennant lock with each of you and you see only hope and darkness you as your four of you're approaching your two companions turn and snarl at you and British their weapons of course a ring of mine shielding but no and then tentacles will rise up and once again batter all four of you so against our eye are you more than 30 feet off the ground probably not yet okay yeah so they would it would be to get you I'm invisible oh you're visible kay so no attack against you 29 against our cleric that's the 28 damage Oh 21 against milf yes that's okay 28 more damage right and against Archon only at 21 no okay so that was his turn and that is that so that brings us on 18 to melt all right I will move forward okay and 60 feet so you're 30 feet away yeah I will go ahead and cast disintegrate okay the I was thinking actually that's a good question I'm thinking that altar is the vehicle that gets it there I'm just wondering if it's protected by the by that energy so he's some sort of yeah I think it's gonna I think it's gonna be protected somewhere to go for the dude look out for the creature you cast her spell he is gonna use his legendary resistance to make that saving curve so you still do your damage but he I gets an autosave alright I don't remember what the thing is for didn't have to look it up on your 30 feet away yeah who else is around we're we're next - I'm next but you're facing your near facing us we've turned they are they are right now you are 90 feet away so they are 90 feet away from you nice get away from me so they're back at the start no no they're just right it next to the guy oh they're right up next oh there you guys are right up next to the guy I mean they're both now glaring at you with their weapons I can't see him yep you're howling forward it behind ya thirty thirty feet behind me and you are how many he is he's now sixty feet ahead of you still ahead of any points of damage okay okay this is where the howls in pain as part of his uh finally showing some effect of the attack as part of his body is two turns two kissed I go ahead I do have a question for you as a bonus action is triggering like an item like a gem of elemental summoning is that an attack or could I use that I do that that's what I was cast ah it is an action so it's the item overcast I got it yeah this is but I have indomitable I could reroll my say nothing's happened since then Frank the only ins I will retract no no no I hate you people even more no you're fat cause you didn't wear it makes even angrier what I was just munching right I abandoned what I was just going to do I move 20 feet back so I'm 10 feet away from you yeah I raise the hand of vector and i teleport us up okay right next to him okay so that's behind us because we've turned to face them so he's you're still next to us okay so Jason you want to be next to these guys - or you want to end up on the opposite side looks like in touch let's go then we'll walk okay let's come on come on close yeah come on close to them about we'll come up with like 10 feet away okay okay now we're right an excellent and is that is that your action that's my action and you okay each use cast suggestion on me at DC 18 which is at your at your discretion yeah DC 18 week over so yeah back now takes me and this is a what type of table wisdom we can say [Music] 13:15 hello hi wisdom safety you feel the power of Vecna channel through you and you feel hate and anger does the hand have any like attack spells you can use I can't forget it sure does it's good finger of death sleeper you throw a finger of death at the sky beck nudge seizes control and uses the hand to cast finger death at this guy kill this one great miserable lizard half lizard half man neither I'll have my head back in this universe not in a realm of endless darkness so he is gonna use his legendary resistance soon when he sees that his eyes go wide it's a fact now so but that does conserv so he's gonna use his legendary resistance to make the same rank there automatically but that is knocks off he still takes half damage from this well okay so that's 78 plus 30 [Music] 33 plus 30 63 okay half of 63 alright so you're the finger of death reaches out getting them he draws his magic or Adam to partly dispel it but he still takes as you drain his bizarre eldritch life force from him he staggers in glares at all of you you will pay for that and he gestures using one of his legendary actions and conjures the tentacles to attack all of you again except you two because you're his buddies so you're invisible though so you won't attack you I can cast cleansing touch on myself Oh your charm so basically suppose you would have to choose to do that with your action all right so all right so against our cleric that is going to hit for 28 damage against milk that's also going to hit for 28 damage and against our con wow my dice are on fire that's gonna hit for 28 damage all right and then that brings us that was on that was all on 17 so 16 to our paladin why don't you take a swing and let's see archons up there you're up there take a swing at Archon and let's use a level 3 slice if he is if you've all three left before but I do have one did you need 21 I've got a plus 16 right now it's 20 and then go ahead and make another wisdom saving throw against the the term effect no okay you remain charmed that was on 16 15 or 12 is no monk I how does this will this invisibility break this monk invisibility it does it break if I attack I believe it does ah I read both things and I didn't let me actually know let's do a quick check because I think have that will affect things so let's go to DME beyond and do a quick look yeah I came off the top of my head oh no obviously the spill typically that is that from your bus yes the way of the long death it's called empty body so most of the arguments I saw this as it doesn't great but I do not know you know just to save time in roll a d20 on 11 or higher you stay in this little know it'll it'll break with the attack okay just so I gotta get this done um I am looking at that altar yes rights but about 20 feet behind him I'm going to go towards that so I'll move my full movement but I won't do anything yet I don't think I'll get it behind him but I'm gonna give myself nice and high so I can come down on it okay here so if you if you rush this turn you'll be able to do that to get within one move of the altar to attack in next door to do whatever you wanna do to it next to my normal movements another 75 feet so that's oh yeah so you can easily get there okay yeah the next time you're primed to drop on it cool alright so you are closed under put that down okay that was on 15 on 11 order are over to our cleric so they're both still under the effects yep [Music] I'm gonna how far away is he from me they are both right up close to you cuz me until open it up with our con you're within 10 feet for both of them I'm gonna touch heaven do agrestic and great a restoration on him and get rid of it alright so you walk up and suddenly your mind reels and you realize what what then you ya go back to normal and I'm gonna do how many people were within 60 feet you're within 60 feet everyone was in 61 60 feet you know well then I can't I can't heal it since he's not I guess I could he's not an ally right now yeah any creature oh then you can lose your choice oh yeah sorry nice he has a bonus action I'm gonna do mass healing word which is gonna be 19 everybody everybody race for everybody within 60 feet yeah he sees that it was gonna use another legendary action to conjure tentacles as he's offended heal your wounds you struggle like a swarm of ants against the rising tide of the sea your charms he's not gonna do against do but he's gonna attack you thank you so that's gonna be I toured as a twenty five hit you okay take take 28 damage 28 yep you say it's real for 28 no that's good it's our con that's gonna hit again for 28 damage to our con Mel does I assume a 29 hits you it does 28 damage the oh you're invisible and you're flying so you're safe against our cleric that's gonna be over 30 so 28 more points it will just do 28 I did oh right and that was alleged his second legendary action for the round and we come over to our half work if you used action surgery I have one remaining Oh wonderful would you like me to fully unload on some I would like you to fully unload on someone in he's going to look around and see this pesky cleric who keeps healing the damage he's throwing up get him right so he's he wants you to attack three times and if the cleric is still standing he wants you to act in surgery twenty-eight yeah that an eighteen was that something then we'll 27 yeah okay so should I roll the damage yeah okay so he failed this to the same against the charm effect so private thirty-two points of damage hey you still okay in that case back to the mines I'm 31 it's I'm sure oh oh and does a 25 hit yeah okay so two hits in a crit that's gonna be really sorry 5d 12 plus yeah yeah so 24 plus 5b 22 to 12 so where's the support why are you so happy about [Laughter] we're gonna respect a good effort right well I really rolled great I am sorry I'm so 54 points of damage Oh healer is down he cackles Gillig or not proud of that yeah you do now get another wisdom station throw your indomitable ability I believe what it also applies what if Cal gourds say him really sorry yeah so let's see 20 to 22 I know just short well that will definitely miss him crazy after all these years alright so that was on episode we come back to well the good news is it's now his turn alright sorry it's Ramirez turn he's 100 K so now he's 70 feet away yeah alright like up around to view their cut to just dragging his feet super slow alright he is gonna focus he's gonna conjure more tentacles to attacks he's not gonna try using his magic tricks so two attacks against each of you okay I have a question right so I have a bonus action of channel divinity vow of enmity which will give me an advantage on attacks yeah you can you'd use that on your turn I use on my journey but I could do a lay on hands a completely the entire pool if I chose to one yep exactly 90 yep okay okay so two attacks coming here right technically some smaller but there's more of them so it's so what one's gonna miss the other one is going to hit 416 damage I guess Archon two attacks did a 32 - 2:16 point hits - 16 point hits yet higher both magical magical bludgeoning yep Oh Mel Merry Merry Christmas it is a critical hit the so that's gonna be 16 which would be 4 dice that's gonna be 124 hit the other one does miss though the second actually okay this is all still and you are unconscious so the good news is he can't attack he's not gonna bother attacking you okay so that was on his turn that was an initiative count 26 now we come over to Mel you were 30 feet away from the this weird twisted cultist of the Risdon all right so I think I'm going to go ahead and cast oh okay honest and probably action surge yeah take another action and I'm gonna drop a it's a water elemental summoning gem all right at six like max of six levels the sixth level spell equivalent and drop it activate that and get it to attack this okay we'll just use the elementals initiative as this initiative Council go ahead you have its stats you need me to pull when the in stats I'm sorry all I I can mention amazing and action you can take an attack action - disengage hide or use an object action all right Hey look why don't you give me two rules for it alright you got it not so good at 3 and 1/8 those we'll both miss yes rolls up next - it starts slamming industry but it's not able to connect with either attack 100 points the okay so that was on initiative count 18 yes 17 over to our hasted Dragonborn paladin of TMS oh okay it's on all right let's go on okay let's give me four attacks frenzied reckless rage murder out of the time viewer event crit alright fiend undead he would be a fiend you would cancel fiend great okay great then we're gonna go forth fourth level divine smite of Tiamat the five heads come up over my head he quails in fear isn't about is he's about to get critted so you can't he can't front any longer he's gonna have to take this goal of it okay that's gonna be it's for for the axe this is to first level second third fourth and I throw in another one for the fiend that's gonna be five six six plus four and that's 10 d8 and then I because I created I'll get another to d8 on the back end so we're starting to 22 d8 nice okay leave more space to track damage okay so that's 40 on the first floor alright I'll take Bob as a point so you don't need to wear but I mean you can roll it up just to track but I'm sure right that dance [Music] 41 okay so that's 81 plus 2 plus 81 91 plus 1607 107 he does not look too happy about that okay nice how many more decks three more that was the first thing first is that correct that's why number two that's gonna be a 30 to hit that lit okay let's go third level divine smite okay click on this guy yeah or that's 9 right yeah one less than before so four five six seven okay there's something funny 33 plus 16 49 49 - more tax okay attack three okay that's another 32 hit it I do I do I usually like to leave a third-level just in case we need to do anything funky so I'm going to go second level which will be eight dice I'm working on that it's twenty thirty four thirty four thirty six plus sixteen forty - fifty - fifty - fifty - fifty - okay what forth attack all right let's see you're at two hundred you're like any other another palette and we get another pile here at two hundred hit points of damage right now at this round you make lets consumer lucky punk all right um serious smiting that is four plus my 4 plus a fifth for the blue because I like that one better let's go yeah that's a lot okay that's yeah that's four seven so that's twenty eight that's thirty that's 40 46 on the first roll that's 46 plus that's good one that's my Jerry con 8 that's great that's sixteen sixteen plus twelve is twenty eight twenty eight thirty thirty plus 30 plus 11 is 41 so what was the first one 46 641 plus my to the the crit that's gonna be another 12 12 plus 16 that's plus 28 so that's 87 mmm 107 115 well is you deep into the air and if one mighty blow shear off one of his arms your first I was flying with the wing wing sprouts why just howls and beer as you have but as you're overcome with battle lust what the rest of you see is you you lop off the first arm like the tentacles burst out from within his body and as you hack there to regular hits you open up huge wounds and the final one he's staggering you swing your axe around and chop his head off and as you look and you see from the head it merges more tentacles good news for you is you are no longer charge because hey guys as he explodes in these moth tentacles that reach out everyone who is in close combat range which is everyone except the monk is gonna take two attacks oh you're down stare good to you okay so these are plus 17 Oh 22 and 24 when I miss one hit okay take 28 against Grif 22 and 32 those both okay take 56 total against our common double 15s again both 32 take 56 damage against Mel oh that's only going to be a 21 with one of them but the other one's gonna be much higher than that let's see what I'd like to hear but Oh 21 yeah 21 hates me Oh 50 56 damaged cable and that's that so ever and say and then as he falls and you see now the altar begins pulsing with purple energy what do you wish to do well actually that was on 17 so 16 is gonna be over to our cleric I'm sorry I wrecked paladin pehlivan I do two people at once and I'd have to be just one target I'll take care of everybody just do okay I'll give him ninety oh my god Glenn get would used to do it's time to break this altar I drop out of the sky and crush it with chiefest all right go ahead and roll roll the attack to see if you quit you're gonna hit and since you're invisible I guess the effect is every else is like well and then suddenly the altar of yeah I'm a quest 24 okay that will hitch go ahead and roll damage and it is an object if you have any benefits against objects no particularly ten points of damage alright a huge crack appears in it as you slam into it I'll do it again alright go ahead Wham so he appears just as Windrush and then bang crack I'm a class 26 hit nice thirteen points of damage okay it shudders and cracks again it is still um I will spin the point of key and go into flurry of blows and starts hitting the faster I register and faster I'm a class 28 old that'll definitely hit ten more points of damage alright so with your father it blows you reduce the altar to rubble and then you see so unwanted sweet but the altar has been destroyed mell few realize that the altar is what was anchoring this place in the negative Material Plane reality starts to warp and Shake around you so luckily effects like I like a 60s psychedelic movie everything is shifting linger rush out really wish to do I want to cast with you okay then take my staff and I slam it into the ground and I cast mass heal on everyone it's 700 health between all of us so you need a hundred and sixty-seven mph to be capped 49 caliber and there's you must be like one D really mean for like a Wow I need 125 take you yeah 125 okay thank you you're so that's how much you need mouth I was yeah it's not yeah that sounds about right I was wanting to be something but that's fine I'll take a hundred sixty 121 525 167 nice like a used six yeah you hurt your hand in six how much you need 48 she's doing this we're starting to feel that you're planning shifting things starting to shift out of out of phase of reality okay well I can plain it I can open with the spheres a gig I can open up like planar travel all there you go so I will open up a portal back to earth okay and I'll say let's go alright and now you know the spear open doorway we glanced around to see if there's anything around here that dropped near the altar or near the head whatever any cool as they're doing wait am i teleports back to the chimera okay get on his back use the other teleport to teleport back to where they are okay so you just jaunt pick up your ID which are two suggestions oh let's see so I bamp to the chimera make me wisdom save crap before the first the second he's just frustrated isn't 22 okay the oh no the second ones still make me another one yeah he's gonna try throwing team suggestions that you 25 okay uh so close to having fun if he failed that but you know what if you would have known what happened to lighters okay alright so um give me a wisdom perception check meanwhile cut to the zombie finally and anybody wants to look around before passed you wanna try to grab something give me wisdom section check okay well 1717 my passive is 20 okay yeah so you will use that did you use the result or your passive gerunds higher 28 alright 6 anyone with a 21 anyone her 20 or higher sees that and when his body collapse it left behind these small purplish gems if sort of discount like apartment so anyone he buddy perception pass a perception or check of 20 or higher may if they choose grab ones okay wrap my hand in the rule but grab job yeah alright and you emerge so who if anyone grab one just raise your hand okay do it again okay yeah and you were merged through the portal standing on the grass see more hopefully standing in warden came in yeah morning Morgan sanctum yes how are ya and he seems he's I'm a member of the red rampart guards okay yeah so there he and Rojo ah how many look sighs well you healed everyone who's like oh I trust this was the merest trivialities emissions you seem to not even a sustained the merest dis slightest tinge well done milf well done I hope that this little excursion wasn't too much of a bother but I have other matters pressing matters to attend to so you can show yourselves out rest well knowing though the balance from has remained intact though I why should I assume you simply went into the dungeons below and found the source and destroyed perhaps an altar an idol of some sort lots of evil pretty much something like that crazy where did you find such perhaps this excursion was not quite as simple or safe as I thought what the chamber very bed directly involved is as I suspected no it is I do not suspect everything you got who sent you this you can tell by these strange robes that we were oh yes is are you wearing the robes huh I suggest you hand those over to me those are remnants of the deep negative Material Plane bringing them here could cause you much more trouble then you may suspect I can my style anyway oh very well he takes them all from you I will keep these safe and see to it they're disposed of properly we may keep those as a memento of your of your deeds but I would suggest you do not share with with anyone what transpired today portal the chained ones followers are hidden well but they are like sharks the slightest scent of any lore or news relating to their master they will descend upon you and they will Harry your steps for so long as you live so in other words best best we keep this between ourselves Shanley I think I need a drink after that all right very well where now it's portable as you seek you'll have to seek them elsewhere please gentlemen oh I find you I you will be called upon again I can assure you outstanding well done well well done all right well done indeed and with that yeah I think we're 15 points in one round 315 that's amazing and haste didn't cast itself that was a great role in there once you were you know they were citing it's me yeah no I would have been I'd have been adamant down without the healing shows at least twice man so we've got just a few minutes remaining I think that if we can let's all gather who we can and go into the go into the other other room there yeah and let's say you say yeah I can hear you from over there you guys actually have incredible mics over there and this like beautiful room Thank You micros for running that last we are dream you guys are awesome look at all those amazing people we have a camera here so we're all actually looking at ourselves and everybody in the camera thank you guys for playing thank you guys for watching all the mics are on by the way we're all alive but yeah thank you thanks so much for being a part of the founders and legends day and it has been an incredible I know your mic is over there okay unless you want to talk like right here but yeah so come on so you could talk into his chest thank you so much for letting us be a part of this really amazing day and is the first annual I think so I think this will be the first annual founders and legends day this is wonderful I thank all of you for joining us I just have a long list of people I just want to I want I want to give a shout out to you Norse foundry for all the amazing dice for all our players black oak workshop for the die sets for our GM's iron win medals obviously for amazing figures thanks Mike dwarf and forge a beautiful time we've had a chance a shout out to Alex camera for his generous donation to help make this happen of course there was a lot of guys from Wizards who were involved in this yeah including Bart's team Mike I'm sure there's other folks back there in Seattle of course all the all the folks who came and played and ran it was amazing and this made has really made me happy I can't tell you how awesome it is to see my dad's work being celebrated like this being played so much so much love for the game that's out there and so much support that's being shown for me and and what my family is doing so thank you and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my dad's birthday than getting ready for this thing and doing it today the day after his 80th birthday week before at Gen Con so it really means a lot so thank you all sincerely from my heart thank you this is amazing thank you so much we had amazing thank you everybody and I think that is a wrap on our 12-hour adventure thank you for being a part of consciousness day we will see you the next time here on slash do you need don't forget to donate to extralife thank you everyone for donating to extra life today [Applause]
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 131,621
Rating: 4.9371362 out of 5
Keywords: D&D, roleplaying game, Ashley Miller, David Baxter, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Founders & Legends, Founders & Legends Day, Jason Liles, Jocks Machina, Joe Manganiello, Luke Gygax, Mike Mearls, TJ Storm
Id: eVRU9z5tI94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 3sec (10803 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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