#SoMEDnD Day 3 – Witch of Briarcleft

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Don't know if you all have seen this one, it's Deborah's first time DMing for an audience and we have Julia and Tommy playing Annabella and Veros! Maybe a prequel to Relics and Rarities?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SerVenz 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all for coming out to do this with us today I'm gonna be running a little original campaign that I've entitled the witch of Briarcliff these are my players please introduce yourselves and your characters hi yes My name is Matthew Mercer and today I'll be playing a female hairless Egyptian Tubac see you room of the inquisitive nature with a little one level of fighter hello my name is Marissa ray and today I am going to be running Glenda lucky who is a mountain dwarf cleric who worships the good lady luck herself time ora hi I'm Julia Dennis I'll be playing Annabella and I'm a bard who talks serious trash I'm Tommy Walker and playing Vero's who is a human fighter of noble blood and extreme masculinity and sexuality I'm Kate Welch I am playing a dragon born Ranger named Katherine are a copper dragon born who is alright uh so yeah like you alright guys so uh yeah we're gonna jump right in here you guys are an adventuring team you've been hired by kind of a small obscure boss you've never really heard from these people before they're from a small community called Twin Lakes passage and you know that they live off right on the edge of a kind of uh none traversed forest called briar cleft the people who have contacted you are named Jasper and Callie Mitchell and they've told you that a young girl young twelve year old girl has gone missing about a week ago and they are afraid that she got lost in the woods where they know - there's a where they note that there's a witch that lives there and they would like you to come and see if you can find her and rescue so you camped outside of where you on your way towards briar cleft and in the morning you walk down and you find that you have come to the passage and it really is a Twin Lakes passage you can see that there's one lake off to the west and one lake to the east and they kind of flow around the forest in the back and they've made their settlement right in this passage between the two lakes the other thing that you notice about this town is that they seem to have really built it into the landscape so that it's it's um it's very hard to see from any other angles unless coming right at the front and they've taken great care to be very zero-waste you even see that like they've dug into the ground and they're there their rooms have been covered in soil so the grass can go right up over the top there's lots of gardens and composting and everyone seems kind of very you know dressed very simply so you have entered briar cleft this community it's quite green conscious I don't see any maidens I'm bored perhaps we should just keep moving on moving through and we're looking for Jasper and Callie Mitchell these are the ones who have sent for us yes okay mm-hmm who who do we see in here you see that there's a couple of houses and huts you do see a few people walking around they're kind of looking at you you can tell that they're not used to strangers this is a very out-of-the-way place I stare back intently the smaller of the two couple literally runs away who disappears somewhere into some tall grass no no no I'm very charming come back the taller taller woman a woman walks over and she says um you wouldn't happen to be the adventurers that were sent for would you she's hilarious once again that's it that's a yes are you Callie I I'm not no I lives three houses down the path you should talk to her alright then let us go and I kind of push her out of the way as we walked by Katherine's like I am so sorry but she's this hulking Dragonborn tooth not better she faints on the spot on the ground in the dirt maybe she has a cat allergy you know it's very true very humid ok loot the body yeah yeah what you got what you got what are you I mean investigation I have zaption I have sleight of hand too what you don't need it alright it's the 16th mrs. Dean great um you noticed she has no money she does have like a bushel of carrots in this one side of her bag so you're welcome to take the carrots she has a handkerchief how many carrots there's a bushel like six six carrots there's a handkerchief yes is there anything on the trip it has late like embroidered lace edge it looks like it's handmade hmm look at this mmm I bet it's lucky but it means something that it's got lace on it you want it yes I do okay what's it my shirt one good sign from the lady Tamura this bodes well yes yes the innocent bystander the sign as they busied themselves robbing the first person they came who's so nicely gave us correct direction Dolas yeah approaches the house that we're guided towards and just gently he said it's a height is it hassled or does it has a door again it looks like it's been made with like pieces of bark that have been kind of kind of nailed together I reached out my claws and just slowly scrape them across the wood instead of knocking property damage I think you have the right to argue right now we do actually there's the door opens a crack Oh Jeff slam just kidding did you see her jump door slams shut at the noise as well as the vintage of a very large hairless cat man cat lady I'm sorry lady cat lady I would like to gently knock on the door and say that we come in peace and we're in search of a small girl and we believe that you hired us to help you uh the door opens again she looks at Jesus oh oh of course the adventures yes oh I'm not I've never done this before you'll have to pardon me yes we don't we don't get such interesting people here Larry I'll be gentle alright what pleased you you come in please do to come in um Jasper please put the tea on you enter this the hut it's very small really just a bed and a small sort of wooden stove her husband Jasper sort of both middle aged humans he does start to make some tea she says I can't thank you enough for coming and I regret to say I only feel it's fair to say that we have not much to offer here we do not use currency here in Twin Lakes passage however the community is is is so distressed at the loss of Aurora that they have brought out all of their heirlooms things that are very valuable to them and they would offer to them to you as payment what kind of heirlooms oh well we have some lovely things as you know many of the people in town create their own handiwork so we have a wonderful set of armor a leather armor that has been handcrafted and adorned we have some daggers we have a beautiful journal a painting done by our very own mr. Hewitt he's very very good do you see him he's got the big hair raise my hand lean forward from the back of the group of them as they're always things they would you mind seeing what the subject of this painting is oh well it would be of the Twin Lakes he very much likes to do landscapes of our own forest not everyone's an art fan I understand all right perhaps you'd be interested we have a beautiful necklace show me she pulls it out and it appears to be made of silver and it has almost like like a mica kind of flaky but like opalescent kind of gem on it that will suffice oh good I'm so happy to have made you happy scape though Oh wonderful yes that mr. Hugh it's a very talented artists cape on my back you know if we need a point of reference she says so I'm so pleased that you made it here safely um something else to tell you we have heard rumors that where the witch lives in the forest is an old ruined elven City and there could possibly be treasure there we're not sure but you were welcome to anything that you find we have no claim to the woods what was the last circumstances in which she saw Aurora alive yes um well Aurora oftentimes goes for walks in the in the perimeter of briar cleft Forest we've often warned her against it it is very dangerous place to go but you see Aurora has a history with the forest when she was an infant there was a great fire deep in the forest and and we sent a troop in to investigate and only one of them returned unfortunately those of those that perished were both of her parents being orphaned very young lost yes it was a terrible tragedy however two kindly sisters that that live here they they took her in and have raised her with kindnesses as one of their own however of course she has been curious about what happened to her parents and so often takes these walks although we have all warned her against them about a week ago she did not return from one of these walks now we don't know much about the forest all we know is what that one survivor brought back and his brain is badly addled after the the trauma but he did mention a witch and so this is why we are so concerned what's the name of that survivor is he still around yes Bernhard you can find him in the town square he sits on a bench and he watches the world go by but very few of us have ever been able to get anything out of him we'll see about that if you can we would be they were being amazing to have a Bernhard backed into our into our community who do you have description of Aurora uh yes she's 12 years old long blonde hair a very nice girl um like I said she's been raised by the bright tree sisters they live on the other side of town they've made their home and a very lovely cave kind of built into the cliffside on that side as she's giving us information I'm just looking very intensely for facial tics physicality and even keeping an eye on Jasper what he's doing in the background is everything seemed kosher and up front we can roll the game not rolling an innocent though 19:19 um they seemed on the up and up they do seem nervous and you're pretty sure that's because this is this is a very scary new situation for them I feel like leaning for just a little bit too awkwardly I lean back the rest of the group checks a listen to the cat lady Jasper brings the tea and sets it out in front of you he says oh this is this is my own a ginger routine I hope that you [Music] [Laughter] say something calicos you have any ale I'm not to be rude oh no we produce everything here ourselves we do not make any ale oh well alright delicious well shall we go check out this Bernhard sure you said he's in the town square yes he'll be sitting on a bench there we do our bartering in times guys as you know here we we don't use any currency and so we trade the things that we can grow and make for whatever we need how much is and this is just top of my head yes how much is 6 carats worth 6 carats you could probably someone could make you a fine handkerchief with that Lucy is making some very fine handmade leaf paper well leaf paper yes she would gladly trade you some leaf paper thanks Karen alright ok yeah I would know Lucy yeah see the leaf paper okay I don't think leaf paper is a euphemism for what you think alright so sooner we get to a place that has some ale and burn it the better thank you both yes thank you your horns are like banging everything on their roof on the field yeah yeah all the herbs are falling down she goes it's it's alright just just careful oh good sorry about these two okay fine I leave as well alright or adore less yeah I'm with your to see where the time you just tell me where to go you make it to the town square and and again you do see there's you know half dozen people and they're sort of just chatting and every once in a while they do exchange something and yes sitting on a bench is an older man he sits with his fingers crossed over his chest and he just sort of looks like he's looking out into space Hey look at that man looking out into space maybe it's him Oh someone else talked to him before I do yeah can I can I use a cutting words to like help him feel more relaxed with us no cutting words would do something else it is like Barbic inspiration you can give an ally Bartek inspiration know whoever's talking with them yeah whoever's talking with him well I vote not me [Laughter] and I actually took some of that ginger tea from the house okay and I'm just gonna slide it over mm-hmm before you leave I'm gonna pull out the handkerchief I'm gonna say here in case he gets a little teary here I'm gonna warm enough there you go it's lucky okay and I I cast guidance on you which means you have an extra D for on an ability check for one minute okay so I sit down with him I give him the team mm-hmm and I say can you tell me about your experience with the witch [Music] he's too weird streams of words come out but none of them seem to make sense or or none of them seem to make sense and and his eyes get get a little teary and and wide and red and you can see that he's starting to tremble what does that indicate is he all right man get ahold of yourself no can I use a healing word you can yes okay I'd like to do that okay um I asked him again so you'll rub isn't your gonna give him like hip points in case he's been get reduced for some reasons so I'm reeling in d20 uh before to see how many you will that's at six you gonna add your spell-casting mm-hmm or your level here's a question about its sister charisma yeah four plus four so eight you do see that he kind of he kind of stills but he isn't coming out of it Oh can I kneel in front of him and try to do some kind of I don't know what it would be something to calmly speak to him and say when we're friends and we all we want to know is how to rescue this little girl who has been kidnapped by this which and you might have information that can help her persuasion [Music] 14:14 he sort of looks up and it's the first time he's locked eyes with anyone and you see a single tear kind of runs down his cheek and he says yes yes yes he reaches out and puts a hand on your shoulder he says look up my dear look up I look up you see nothing okay okay hey look up okay now what nothing I mean I don't see any mask I okay yeah should look directly into the Sun it's not healthy thank you you can see you're losing him a little bit again he's drifting back no look up where do you want me to look where is up is it is it in the woods yes he turns and he points into the dense dense thicket of the woods okay all right well thank you thank you bounine yeah he's starting to close off again okay and do himself in looking at him does it seem like he's sharing all the information he can is this an act possibly insight but that's what I do that is in 18 yeah you think he's got more that he could say but clearly there's something you think he's frightened he's - he's too frightened to really express everything that he remembers mm-hmm dodo if that's my specialty what if I intimidate him even more that's my specialty yeah I mean I've just taken what have I just threatened him no like you're missing something here should we just fight him I will say the cost you know I feel like a de bellas really like the sweetest of oh so it's just become just you got like a nice gentle touch I do but in this situation I'm wondering if we should just strap him to veer off his back head into the woods as you grab him he starts shaking even more violently [Music] get a grip man no me what is this guy's problem cat lady anything for the first time and all the 10 even works with the Dolas you see a smile enjoying the chaos he commits sleep can we all right let's go it's $5.99 no moonbase use that hanky I guess knocking okay all right I got it - come on seven mm-hmm three mm-hmm three fifteen to seventeen seventeen he immediately falls asleep as buros lifts them up I go ahead and pull the scarf out and just tie it around his mouth so he can't make any noise you can absolutely go through his pockets make an investigation for the best heroes I'm sorry twelve twelve a lot of lint Madeleine almost like he's been collecting how much Linds um I would say like a good like like two balls of lint like one from epochal wrapper like TJ thirteen ball the common Forgotten Realms unit I think as long as you are carrying him we probably have to do Constitution checks or something for exhaustion on man come on he's a full life twice the man though he's told me several times he is Constitution saving throw we'll just do it every hour or so okay not twelve plus five eighteen he's pretty proud yes eighteen that's virus whose taking point to scout into the forest for us I'll take point that way you guys can look at my landscape tell me what's direction to go wait just slow down on what trying to focus on one plastic I am a ranger scouting you can do something I don't want to remove myself as much as possible I I'd like to actually stealth off the path that they're on with my short swords out and just keeping an eye in the vicinity okay ambushes us so as you approach kind of the the forest it's it's you know sort of dense sort of low brush as you get closer you see that the thickets are thorny and very very thick so much though that these just little carving paths are available to you the canopy above is very dark so the whole forest you can't see much further than twenty thirty feet does anyone here have night vision do you have night vision I do can you go to the front you have night vision yeah you do in the front no right I also have lady Tamura on my side no the outer where do you want to be um I don't have dark vision so I will I guess I'm sticking near them at least so I could hear them crashing through these Braille so yeah you see that there are these very sort of distinct paths you right at the front of where the thickets get really thick you do notice on the floor there's a little cairn there's sort of a large rock with a little medium rock placed on top of it hmm hmm pick up the rock it's the top one anything happen nope just a regular old rock just a regular rock right do we hear anything uh you don't if anything it actually feels like the forest is so dense that there's kind of a hush it's very quiet that the canopy up above is misty and wet and moist same word can I get down close and inspect the rocks to see if there's any sort of carvings or markings on them yeah investigation that would be 14 uh no no carvings this may be some kind of trail marker like this might be the way that we know that we're on the right path to wherever this elven city is that's my guess mm-hmm I feel like which is like stacking rocks do you they do is that with witches it's a weird see rock stack the rock stack yeah all right before we go any further just because you do you hear how quiet it is it's untouched it's super unnerving you don't like it yes I mean I like hearing your mouth chatter about I'm gonna cast pass without a trace on everybody yeah yeah so everyone has +10 to our stealth check your word house at 10 minutes I think that lasts like an hour right let me actually let me check one hour yeah okay all right so let's let's progress a bit quieter if you don't mind I do um can I do a survival check to see if I can find any oh it's I think I can actually use primeval awareness mmm to see if I can detect any animals nearby uh yeah I don't know if I just did you just open your awareness yeah yeah yeah I think so the thing you can do that's I just do it um yeah I mean no no that's not for beasts no that's just that's none not beasts so I will check if you just do survive if there's animals yeah yeah yeah that's only a nine only an yeah you don't really sense anything nearby although that in itself is a little strange yeah you don't see any squirrels or anything running around okay okay and is the canopy so thick that the daylight is not penetrating it or is it actually night it's dim okay we're to say dim light most of you can can see but just not very far okay so things you know things will have pop out you know about 30 feet in front of you okay how deep are we in the forest at this you are just you're still just at the beginning there cuz I want a marching order as you go forward because this is a very very narrow little cut through these thickets unless you want to try and go through the thickets mm-hmm you know the more you describe it yeah well I don't mind taking point mm-hmm you know okay I've got Lady Luck yep you do I do oh yeah I'll be right behind her okay let's go next yeah alright you don't mind I'll go behind Cirrus with Bernard on tow there I'll take it through here the rear okay now sleep lasts ten minutes that's a minute just a minute all right okay yeah good old Bernard Walker's woken up however when he wakes up he seems and the way he's been sort of swaddled back around you can see the view so he's doing right he's not screaming maternal since wrapped up around father would suits you well thank you think about it sometime okay I'll think about it now oh yeah all right you walk for about 10 minutes then you come to where the paths split there are three ways you can go you can go right you can go forward you can go left sitting on the floor are two Karen's there's one with a medium rock and a large rock and a medium rock on top of it and then to the right of that another medium rock with a small rock on top of it do we have enough room to all be in a single-file line so he can turn around and show to show me Hareton baby there's a little clearing where this where these Cairns are okay we show him hey look at the rock stack man you get nothing out of burning or not hmm Oh what were the sizes of the rocks the first time that we saw it was at medium and small large and medium so this is a large and a medium next to a medium and a small mm-hmm I say we go large medium I think so too yeah consistent eh yeah you're gonna go left yes yeah all right your left Lido and barely one look at you walk another 10 minutes you see another little cairn in an in a clearing that has three directions right straight or four left this time it is a large rock with a medium rock on top of it and a small rock in front of it hmm does anyone here speak rock I could try and charm person the rock tell me what it going Rock that was my this is another three ways and this Karen is next to which path it's right in the center of this clearing oh so it's not indicating any facts not in indicating any paths right in the center there's a large with a medium like you're used to seeing and then a small rock in front of it in front of it ask the wrong so there's there's obviously there's a right there's a straight there's a left and then there's your way back oh I see so we should go down the center one I think so let's go alright alright you go down that path you see the same symbol again ten minutes later the same care and setup do we just go in a circle the exact same place or just the same can make a perception change nope next yeah you don't know everything it's all green and leaves and thickets it's all kind of the same stuff so it's hard to tell you know if this is the exact same place or not okay could you just flip a coin did you drop a carrot yeah drop a carrot and yeah we do it again and see if it's a circle that's what I break it in half cause okay drop it okay okay so you drop the five point five carats okay how much loose paper you can get for that pointing so you continue down the straight path again you go another ten minutes you see the same Karen great no carat progress it has been ten minutes that's enough time for someone to come meet our carats bunny rabbits yeah and it was true with it I'll truck God no no we don't do another carrot you don't you don't think so no because if we didn't hear any creatures but that carrots gone something ate it or it's a new or it's a new place please so if you're gonna do anything I think we need to mark it and I got makeup so let's just go ahead and color one of the rocks in my red lipstick okay wonderful no and I didn't use much of the lips no we're good for makeovers later but how pretty is the rock now the rock is gorgeous if it could talk it would say I'm fabulous much does virus like this rough is not like this that was being sarcastic I can do that too [Laughter] where you got UN again going forward another 10 minutes you reach a clearing the same rock set up no lipstick okay so this is our fourth same rock situation correct since we've begun yes so it seems like we're going the right way then maybe it's a way it's also which is forest so this could be some kind of enchantment yeah what did we go backwards I don't know I just I'm getting tired of burning on myself when I beat something up not him let's go we're doing well I think no let's back up try it once see if there's a change if not we just trudge on the head like we were all right stay back backward through the reverse you got ten minutes back you see a rock with lipstick on it okay alright okay so keep going turn it so ten minutes forward yeah same Karen no lipstick no carrot okay where do you want to go now do you have any eyeshadow okay let's let's put some eyeshadow on this rock all right I have done a smoky eye and forward we go you put those two rocks together now you walk forward about three minutes in dead end we go back you go maybe I rock that should have been a different shade for the wrong for suresies like can I do it good cool thank you we'll see 12 12 yeah you don't see any other way through the thicket okay okay what is above is still the can of the canopy again it very kind of foggy there's like a low-hanging mist in amongst the trees does there appear to be any differences between the right and left path no again it's all thickets in trees and it's all green and you know mossy how tall are you ah big I think I'm probably like 7 feet tall and like strong can I hop on her shoulders just real quick see if I can see anything through this fog up to do you mind oh yeah how tall are you I'm on the shoulders okay you're up for the shoulders do I see anything um yeah I mean from here you can see again about the 30 feet that you can see that these paths they continue off into the woods there's no light coming anywhere there's no clearing of fog no there's no birds you do not see any birds no all right I'm coming down okay thank you you're welcome your assistance yep interesting should we take a left I think you have to back 10 minute and take a hard left so you're back to smokey eye rock smokey eye right I'm gonna go laughs mission sorry you hit another dead end at this point you hear bernhard starting to chuckle is that him laughing I will beat you soundly what Bernard okay what are you laughing for Bernhard reaches in his breast pocket where you previously did not check and who hands you a little piece of paper should have been invested in better light glad he thinks that this whole maze thing is funny laughing getting offended I just have a thing with Bonadies I'd be he's been on my shoulders for a long time I'm resenting it do you feel like you're making up for a missing leg day the other day though I do I know your workout schedule really intuitive yeah got me figure right out you drink a protein shake this more how did you know no come on penny you told me to be tight buddies all right bring this together thank you he laughs and he reaches in his breast pocket he pulls out this piece of paper which he hands to you nobody look at it Oh Oh Bernard is taking pity on us okay okay so what which one do we see in front of us right now you see large mochi a rock when smokey is a large rock with a medium rock on top of it and a small rock in front of it okay then we need to go backwards Thank You Barney right tell them I said thank you Burnett catharsis thank you all right so we go we need to go back back bernhard has given us a very explicit [Laughter] alright so we go back you're back I shout out rock it has this little piece you go back one you find your your lipstick Rock same configuration configuration you go back you see a little piece of carrot on the ground same configuration back one back one here your back at the start yes you see a large rock with us medium rock on top of it and to the right a medium rock with a small rock on top of it we go right do we have to give these rocks makeovers to mister we don't have to pay if you can make them look anything like smokey eye rock I mean okay over lean National Forest all right you go right you go right for ten minutes yes another clearing with a three-way fork here you see a lot of that first Karen so a large rock with a medium rock on top of it large rock with a medium that just says on-trail yeah yeah so we go on trail mm-hmm keep going yeah kidding me right yeah oh yes yes continue right okay yes you go right you now see a large rock with a medium rock on top of it and a third rock on top of that forward you go forward one yes okay great next you see a large rock with a medium rock next to it there is a large rock with a medium rock and a small rock to the left left you go left yes you go left ten minutes yes you see another of that very basic configuration a large rock of the medium left left again yes large rock with a medium left left again all right you now see a large rock with a medium rock and a smaller rock and an even smaller rock on top pile of four rocks Bernard wake up ah what's this one Bernard points to the center one here okay Thank You Bernard and then he says oh okay he's very helpful for all the time I'm starting to like you burn up regular old rock large with a medium board all right oh my god there's a clearing [Music] [Applause] however in this clearing you see ropes that are strung across in like a zigzag formation they are attached to the ground and then go all the way up into the canopy into the mist and you can't see where they attach up there but they are so tightly configured that we'd be hard to get anything larger than a small creature through any of the gaps do you want to climb up should we like roll something to make sure that if you touch this so like a spike doesn't come out that would be trap which is before you take off have a little bit of luck and I reach into my pocket and I pull out a candy wrapper it's got a little bit of chocolate left over and I say there we go and I give you a blessing of the trickster oh you have advantage on stealth dexterity Chuck thank you tuck the that's gonna be eight and eight yeah you think the ropes go up and probably attached to something up just go with me on this I think wait a minute say it again hold on right think yep okay I go what I'm gonna go ahead and gently like hug on one with a finger to see okay it's quite taut and when you do that you hear a rumble from way up in the canopy oh boy that's good is this any kind of configuration as a ranger with survival training is this something that I would recognize yeah sure make us okay 15 15 um yeah you feel like you've encountered something like this before you're pretty sure that if you disturb the ropes too much or cut them that this is that it's a trap that's something heavy and hard will fall from above okay and squish you okay but only a small creature could pass through them small creature could pass through it okay they could find a good child yes a child could potentially find their way through hmm interesting how small are you and of course I wasn't lucky enough to remember your name all right so how are you small enough I'm I'm like a 5-foot dwarf I'm medium medium yeah if I'm not small weak not quite especially with this landscape he's my question yes technically in the medium creature yes I'm about five foot as well and very light female cats with very flexible bone structure today maybe when I try and wiggle through Catherine zeta-jones it through entrapment me yeah everybody back but since you're not doing anything stealthy let me almost I'm here's another candy wrapper and I get your guidance thank you hold onto all my trash stretch for a second bar acrobatics indeed that's a 20 whoa it is so sexy all right because there's no hair nothing even like brushes against the ropes it's just like a shadow just yeah and he is through to the other side oh what a show what do you see that's my question look look inside yes you were through the other side and you have dark vision right I do yeah um you can see that a couple more maybe 50 feet ahead it does open up into kind of a square area again like a circular town square kind of area again the briars are real thick all over the tall trees you can see there are two buildings and from here even in the hush you hear in a distance kind of a kind of a noise but definitely you have found some sort of ruined City okay looking back on how thick with the ropes that I passed through it's a ten feet ten feet or so on this opposite end do I see any sort of triggering mechanism or anything that could possibly be used to disable or hold it at bay investigation 121 you do not see a triggering mechanism however you see steps that have been like like ladder steps that have been built into the backside of a tree that climb up right next to where this is all right I'm going to go ahead and climb that as quietly as I can and just keep a watch for anything that gets a secondary path or some sort of a an overarching walkway that goes over this whole issue cool you climb up to the top and you see way up in the canopy above the mist there is a net that has been strung out filled with boulders and those all of these ropes are attached to the criss-crossing ropes that go through so that if you are to cut any of them they would slide out and boulders would fall really the only way to get through as you can see there's no disarming trigger mm well sorry we take the helmet from the armor they gave us in dig a tunnel we can't go under dig a tunnel I could also we could stand back and trigger the trap and get the boulders and yes yeah okay who wants to do it I got a crossbow that's the golfers go across like the edge of the earth yeah you can reach out and touch touch the ropes that are underneath the boulder okay so I'll do is I'll come back down and as quietly as I can through the opening there be like back up into the previous owner I'll come from up top oh okay okay it says the area curve Ron climb back up come to the edge plot on my short swords and just how could harden awesome yeah one one rope goes away to you here and boulders fall to the ground pound pound that shake makes some of the other ropes go and more boulders fall there's a big crash and you notice that all of the boulders have now fallen to the ground they don't know we're coming I come back down and yes is there any like path between the boulders wrecking got its clamor over and blammo easily yeah so you guys can climb over fairly easily at this point what is the attitude of the man on the back of heroes he's getting pretty tranced out he's cool yeah he is not responded to this particularly I feed him a pumpkin carrot he's no like his teeth they're kind of old and I'm just met I'm really upset that we did this [Laughter] so definitely this one but also know he's a bargaining chip because he's been here before and he got out that's true so if we need to do a swap I'm thinking we could do there is a child that needs help this is you all crawl over you're all over safely joins the ride a little bit it's sort of a fun adventure Linda swipes a pebble keep a pebble yeah it's probably lucky it is crushed means something you step forward into this clearing very wide clearing and here you do you can now fully hear there is a waterfall somewhere in the distance the crash of water that comes down over the edge and and some more light some more the day light pierces through the under the canopy here on this clearing there are really only two distinct features there is a very large square stone building that is covered in vines and greenery that has grown up over the years and another round tower that has a they both have doors in them that also has vines kind of growing up around it yeah that's what you see any preference on pathways Ranger do I have do I can I can I do some kind of check here investigation I mean they just be perception okay what feels better yeah that's a - that's a - yeah you're like just happy to be hanging out with the group yeah like yeah just love my friends do you remember where you heard the shushing from if it was coming from a building or if it was just a session that like staticky sound yeah that was definitely only water yeah he's pretty sure it was that was before it was loud it was the water sort of quiet sound like a gentle distant it remains now a slightly louder [Laughter] we have to pay suiza there's like a there's a tower and there's a building that are sort of stone right and the vines are currently gathering around on those yes approaching the the smaller building or so very quietly is look like there's a window or any sort of opening to look at the interior no no windows what you do see up top is that the roof has collapsed you can see it probably was a much taller tower but now only appears to be 20 feet tall okay I'm gonna go ahead and very carefully and quietly clamour up the side using the vines to look over over the top and see what the interior of this partially collapsed out when you touch the vine it Pierce's you as well as you take for poison oh well have a for for poison as well as three piercing alright okay alright is that poison oak poison either you don't quite the vein in the vine camera will approach you and take a look at this wound mm-hmm and I'm not gonna roll for this I just like mmm yeah that's that's a hurtful vine but also do a cure wounds to give you some extras because she can't stand you get four hit points back thank you right in your little poll and like you see a really intense kind of glare trying to be defensive but you hear it's ever so faint unexpected purring noise [Laughter] yes all right so not the vines maybe we try and go through the building I just break the door down let's do what to me it is should we check for tryouts Oh before you go break it down all right perceptive me no I'm kidding I am okay investigate there's any other things beyond the terrible that would be twelve twelve you don't think that the door is trapped have this pebble it gives you strength from the Lady Luck and you get guidance Royal I have an apport mighty rappers ago it's not especially [Laughter] no duh oh thank you all right so I boss the door down Warhammer style oh yeah doesn't do it we can do it with your weapon or you can do it with your brute force I was gonna do with brute force so fast athletic yeah seventeen there's not even door and at the d40 and the d4 cluster and your guidance absolutely [Laughter] there's not even any door left he just like burst the shoulder into it and like splinters this is old soggy wood so it just kind of like folds in on itself and flops to the side you couldn't put it back right even if you wanted to did you want to scavenge some of the door yeah can I leave the door you can take the door it's heavy because it's a wood the woods all filled with water ya know it's like it's like a soft wet wood now yeah but you can have it if you want yeah how much soft wet wood [Applause] two balls and some socks a doors worth if you know it's kind of fantastic to the tower beyond the soft wet one here we go okay in front of you see you see this large round room along the walls you can see that there have been itching of some kind in there and in the very center of the room there's a circular crest made of gold and in the center there is a symbol of a moon made of silver does this look familiar to me look would I recognize it from history okay history that's not great no innate no no I don't think you would you would recognize her from history however you have a little thinking feeling that means I'm not sinking feeling you have a little inkling that it might be maybe more religious oh I am could I try it could I try and do religion maybe it's not historical actually it's still crappy I'm at seven you know mounish religion ii stuff you know not really into astrology yeah just kind of trust in things you do yeah that does it look like this has been abandoned or has this been taken care of yeah looking up you see that the roof has collapsed in and you do see like wood around the perimeter that probably belonged to stairs or an upper level at some point make a perception check good 11 um yeah you don't really know anything the etchings along the walls he said is it a language that perhaps one of us might recognize yeah you can make a intelligence check of some kind that's an 8 no they are not a language you're almost positive it's not a language it's definitely symbols or runes of some kind do the etchings on the walls seem to match the symbol in the floor they do not okay and now that you are looking at some so you know kind of circling around the room like that should we search for an iron pockets again we didn't do that with the rocks yeah I don't know maybe yes he recognized any of this is he comfortable in this room where he's still um not weird he does not he's not responded to this room though can I check it for any type of history or oil yeah go ahead and make an alert in the question see ya I have some religion I can trap do you on a good day I can try we need maybe the lady will guide you I give you guidance oh thank you you okay stern and that's gonna be the lady is not into me today it's a 10 it's a 10 yeah yeah you don't you don't see any historical significance have you any knowledge of specialty and things of the arcane nature 17 plus five plus five oh yes girl they're not magical however no they're not magically were you looking at the crest as well sure was you have noticed that interestingly of all the debris that has fallen down from from the roof from about 10 feet in it's very clean almost sort of magically clean take a small rock and just throw it on this on the little Stijl it clatters along the floor as though it were floor I've run up and pick up has you run forward into that space if you do not make it to the stone I make a dexterity saving it's not just straight dexterity which I don't have a 1200 throw saving still 12 still 12 yeah um as you as you take your first step past that 10 feet your foot hits nothing you stumble forward you're able to get your balance just to rear back however your foot hits something below and you take oh three piercings boom and for poison there's something bit me under the rock all right what did you say three and four three and four okay ouch Catherine does not attempt to cure your wounds and it's only because she you're not a cat yeah that's right I will do I'll do a healing I'll do a little healing on you oh goodness you're so kind like one time word most healing of words both ways before you cross the street that's a you're right I think you so a tubeless I'm good I'm good I'm good right I'm good do you tell us that your foot seemed to hit nothingness yeah it was like there was something like not there but it was like under there there was like something there I don't know okay so there's illusion - yeah it's lying on their heads so there's danger he's like you know what you are you go up the stairs in the middle of the night you think there's one more stair but there's not and you kind of like how about you show what's down there what you did to the door cat lady ownerless I like you I'm not sure about that kind of dope would it be poisoned or you know it's yes you know we can't see it none of us has this spell magic no don't so we do and I throw Bona at it I mean I like him now but I don't love him like the stones you know I didn't say I love the rocks I said I'd like the rocks all right I don't know how I feel about the rocks I'm still new it's fresh anything that the town offered us in our payment which we took mm-hmm could anything from that be of use in this situation like maybe the necklace up to you sorry instance we we just we took the payment in advance oh I guess are you kidding me I did all right I took I took the necklace the necklace okay journal journal it's the journal empty yeah it's it's just beautifully handmade leaf paper we could talk when this is done the rock that landed on top of the vestigial it still Tiananmen it's still standing there I didn't fall through it will fall through interesting then go reach forward can I scoop my hand almost as if to pass through the floor to pick up the pebble to see if it impedes my it does it stops you it looks solid go straight again oh I'm just you hmm I'm going to invoke duplicity hmm make a second maze second Glinda mm-hmm send her forth okay tell me about this Glenda she liked you in every sense she is she's just like me we're twinsies illusion I make her appear we have like a little secret handshake that okay and then I'm like all right go get me that rock cuz I'm pretty sure that rock is lucky you know what that rock uh yeah Galindo walks out she's Oh where's she saved no you both fantastic I don't know what to do that's all I got there's also the tower yeah yeah we're in this is the tower there's a slick rectangular building yeah the build the other one in the building yeah mm-hmm they're related yeah maybe there's a clue in there go check it out all right why not all right all right you walk out back through the clearing again this kind of the roar of the waterfall makes everything a little bit muffled as you come to the the the the front doors of this rectangular building you see more sort of moon iconography on the double doors there these are not impeded by vines for some reason the doors have been kind of left left alone let's write the doors for traps mm-hmm eight they don't yeah okay here's the thing I'm gonna use the handle first I know it's deep just stay with the ominous turn the handle opens I don't have to break the door down I think we're gonna say he's learning okay here we go next it'll be Forks I don't get ahead of yourself makes me nervous you touch the handle you turn it yeah the door open did you see that so proud of you so it opened boy the bar is low thank you all right you walk into this very large space this does have some windows along the side on the floor in front of you see a beautiful mosaic of this space that you've been in almost like a bird's-eye view there's sort of a circular clearing there's a rectangular building and a tower and then sort of a mosaic of the waterfall that is just beyond the cliff off to the north ish you see that on the floor and and written in elvish which you speak you can read okay I know languages you know like they're good those of you who spin speak elvish you see that it reads in Valona ahead of you there's sort of a sort of an altar with some some beautiful fabrics on it as you walk in this space Bernhard taps Kathrada are on the shoulder and points look up look up I look up you look up it's very dark unfortunately you can't really you can't really make anything out up there mm-hmm so you won't have like a light spell or something even with III don't have dark vision but even with Xia whoever has dark vision can you look up okay with just a little bit of light that's able to kind of pierce through and go up there you see that there are some tiles that are mirrored and reflect just a little bit of light that's coming through and you see these symbols written on the ceiling okay for those of you in the audience I'll describe to you always happen we have receive saying symbols so on the on the ceiling is it just those four just those four now this one appears to be this is by the door this is by the apse and these two are on the sides by the windows door windows okay all right I don't know okay they're all tactile is the ceiling this is very tall ceiling 40 feet okay I'm just to get the if I can to the space by each like underneath these symbols are to see if there's any sort of an interactive device or a stone that might signify something that we could connect or yeah investigation that would be twenty um yeah you don't think anything that kind of nomic it like device or anything like that however it does seem like this top symbol is over kind of by where the waterfall is the one on the left kind of is over the tempest like route the space that you're in now and this one appears to be kind of hovering over the tower this one here this is everybody this is where like where you are within this map it's right over the top of where this building and this is the door isn't it and that would be the door all right so what do you think we don't know what this one is though that's that's over the space like the representation of the building that you're in Oh current building okay so well I think it we should go check out the waterfall and see at least what that has Holden maybe that'll fill in the gaps a degree I think it's good that you collected that soggy door all right let's keep going I think it's gonna help a lot I think so so the actual waterfall the physical real okay so you walk towards that sound you do see that there have been steps that have been cut into the side of the cliff going down into the depths right next to the waterfall behind it not behind it next to it so that where the waterfall crests over you see there's sort of as like a step back and forth stairs that go down next to the water you're out so you're nodding like um you have an idea of what to do with these steps I know just stay with me ready I'm gonna roll with this I say we go down go on thank you all right can i I want to go Linda once and go down just a little bit and peek around and do like a stone cunning check to make sure that these stairs are still structurally intact it's not that's not good I'm not sure what I add to this but I rolled a natural four plus probably something that's not gonna get me above 1/10 very much more than that yeah um yeah they look okay to you okay look great yeah I don't mean to suggest anything I appreciated you know witches and Rock storms yeah riches in rock go down yeah I guess so I guess I'll go down all right you walked down nothing happens to you no great is it like pretty is it is it like Jungle Cruise style like this is behind yeah as you come down it is it is very sort of beautiful and pristine it's again this really overgrown kind of beautiful untouched forest as you reach the bottom there's a little landing you can see that where the mist of the water sort of permeates the air and the river continues is there what a boat a boat you don't see a boat do we see any more rooms man rolling like crap when I walk around to where the waterfall is landing in look behind it yeah absolutely investigate that's a 14 there's no particular way to get like around behind the waterfall however you can tell that there is empty space beyond it if I could and you're welcome to follow if you saw okay to jump into the water and swim beneath the waterfall to rank them up beneath the other side all right can we check for monsters jump into adventure might possibly go wrong exactly all right yeah all right he's gone he's a good point if RPGs have taught me anything it's it there's always something behind Walter always and it's illegal if a game developer doesn't put something that's the law 146 days yeah all right now let's go you decided it's actually not that difficult though the waterfall is not that it's not that high so it's not causing too much of a sort of undertow you're able to kind of slide underneath and you do come up in a small sort of pool looking into this space you see a mound of glittering gold just 15 feet tall filled with little sparkles of jewels as you scan over to the right you see cages made of thick tree wood logs they've all been sort of lashed together and they're heavy rocks put on top of the cages you see in most of them you see bones bones that are green covered in moss in two of them however you do see figures of of some kind are there any child footprints anywhere on the floor prints at all make an investigation track have we gone through yet if you got yes if you guys follow through yeah follow I thought torch out and light adjusting light into the chamber for my lesson claimed in the gardens friends I have a twelve you go over twelve you don't see any any footprints of children no but do we see any more with some light machine or any details of what these figures are in the cage yes you do you see that they appear to be humanoid they're both lying on the ground one of them is not moving the other does seem to stir a little at least again I run over and inspect this whoever this is okay the one that's moving yeah yeah yeah yeah as you approach you see that it is a young girl with blond hair whoa I asked her like Aurora she she twitches a little and kind of moves you can see that she's she's very gaunt as if she hasn't eaten in a few days and she kind of looks over at you and she goes can you ever great me out whatever excess chocolate we have um yeah she she reaches a hand out to you and says help me I pass her carrot don't eat that that garbage food [Laughter] [Applause] make healthy choices she takes both and and licks the wrappers and bite something she's just taking in whatever nourishment that she can she was just thank you as she says this the little bit of light that was coming in through the waterfall a shadow crosses a huge shadow you're not blocking out we still pass without trace and then you hide check you got plus ten you get plus T on right do I still have your blessing the trickster nagged you know what let me see how long that lasts twenty-four it lasts one hour so yes I think you do just okay yeah yeah now I'm sure 326 for Belinda 23 for me nice I don't know all right you all it's just like it's just yeah something but you're all dirty and sweaty from the journey and you just kind of blend into the gross like dirtiness of it all as you blend into the into the the sort of walls at the back you do see a hornet head of a dragon pierce through the waterfall and step through walking very carefully she kind of looks over towards her cages and smiles a little at the corner one thing you noticed that is interesting about this dragon her wings appear to be useless they're burned and ragged with holes in them and they kind of they kind of lay against her back useless as well as one claw she drags it she can't really use it to walk she's sort of dragging that one claw limply along the ground she walks over and she settles herself on top of this mound of gold kind of pulling it in around her like a security blanket and closes her eyes what color dragon is she she's green I whispered to vero say thank you it's not great to have this conversation so I could learn did I have a connection the rocks deep anyway so do you wish to think we can outrun this creature grab her and go or do you want to use this moment for a bit of surprise well we just take a roar and go the dragons just gonna kidnap somebody else so with with lame leg not so sure and they could hire us again it's called a business planned obsolescence I like it at this moment you see the Dragons head lift a little bit Wow it turns stands up and starts to walk forward has not seen you but it starting to sense something was talking okay I feel like we're gonna fight can we put something Bernards mouth so he doesn't scream and take him off your bag so you're more like ready to go let's go help me handkerchief in the mouth yes winder goes down I take off my landscape and I hide bird as I'm counting down with my fingers I'm glaring at the creature can I go ahead and use my insightful fighting go for it ability so I use my insight versus its deception yes that's still a ten okay oh yeah twenty-three all right so however it doesn't over here so it right soon as that last one you goes down I just rush out both blades out and yeah all right trying to make an attack all right that is a 23 absolutely and a natural 20 [Applause] wood it knows something's around yes so buddy get sneak attack on this one yes absolutely okay and you're gonna have your advantage cuz you came at a hind yeah that's right so that would be advantage technically so the first hit is a critical thing with advantage that the critic alright so is that too that's free that is amazing it's almost the worst possible no shouldn't miss it the rapper's 7+3 10 points of piercing damage on the first crit and five six points on the offense Dre okay as this hits her she she turns and she sees you and she goes oh whose side are you on my own rest of you can take surprise rounds if you want yeah you're all hiding oh boy um oh my goodness means of what she was protecting the girl can I can I do a comma motions you can yeah it's a stun is this the dumb one to do we can we like to get over her down is in his own world right now I'm not like he's trying to kill her but I I mean I can talk Swan I mean speaks English it's a humanoid is a wingnut calm emotion okay great so then I say shatter shatter so you're gonna go ahead and shatter and her Tomatoes shatter all right good let me what do you do I save against I think right casting one action succeed we got two minutes when you can using this wasn't you damage the creases 1d8 for the slot level above the twos again let me look it up here shattered 3d 3d 800 damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one and I'm saving on a Constitution its constitution saving throw yep that's some real dandy right there yeah seventeen I think that's higher than yours but I take half correct okay so you're gonna roll your 3d H this one mmm-hmm - and then twice more eight yep ten-four fourteen here we go alright one thing you notice is that she's really she's taken it she's definitely not as tough as you expected this dragon to be when she takes her you're hit she turns to you he says leave the girl to me you can see she's rotten can't you know we're gonna trade I'm taking the girl get the old man [Applause] what we do the he's right under this toss in the painting for free he says no the old man is meaningless to me oh girl that is a danger you're about to see something really special I'm going to war hammer this go for it 9 yes 9 but plus plus you're plus 6 to 15 15 fortunately you miss yeah as you were coming up to attack it just bounces off her scales wherever you hit her is like the one place she's so strong and galinda go over and start trying to break the girl out of the stage she's gonna do I'm gonna go and get the rock off at the top of the cage push it off trying to push it off Frank Jack and let it wreck ya I'm gonna distract raggin at the same time uh-huh yeah we're over it I've got five minutes no one see from gelinda you push it off and not only does it does it fall off but as it does it breaks some of the tree logs as it falls creating a gap wide enough for her to crawl out Aurora crawls out she says thank you we have to go right now you go we'll take care of the dragon she starts to run out towards the the waterfall I try in garter new garden and running with her okay make sure she gets out you want to do something in a what I was gonna do is distract the dragon okay to try to make an opportunity for you okay but I think I will I think that Katherine will be like hey dragon dragon - dragon yes right I know I'm just so mad I I just I think that we can we can settle this with words my friends are terrifyingly insane first way isn't check with advantage okay okay hold on mistake that is going to be at 19 a 19 she stops and she looks at you and she says you are all foolish what you have done will wreak greater havoc than I ever could Oh take the girl but don't blame me if all goes wrong and she slips out of the waterfall and walks away into the forest the lady tomorrow will protect us we're fine all right all right you have the girl you go back through the woods this time remembering especially your your Ranger you find your way back very easily you get home you get back to Twin Lakes passage everyone is overjoyed to see you and they've set up a huge celebration not only for the rescue of the girl but also because it is her 13th birthday and you've returned her in [Applause] I know what that means really continue you all sit down to eat you meet the lovely godmothers that have taken her in the bright tree sisters Fifi and persimmon they're so generous to you they thank you graciously for bringing their daughter back that night at midnight in the middle of the revelry the two sisters stand the little girl stands both of their skins begin to melt and warp and change and three hags stand for you now with the power of 12th level spellcasters a coven ready to do you in done [Applause] look you know we're working it out but we're giving you the choice oh yeah you guys are really cute together thank you so much stop a hag so we still succeeded yeah 100% success rate [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 202,406
Rating: 4.9593039 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, D&D, Deborah Ann Woll, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Julia Dennis, Kate Welch, Marisha Ray, Matthew Mercer, SoME, SoMEDND, Tommy Walker, Waterdeep, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Id: PGfdJW_py7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 15sec (5655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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