#SoMEDnD Day 3 – Jocks Machina

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And he’s pretty great in this! Very funny video. Wouldn’t mind an all WWE wrestlers game on UpUpDownDown, maybe?

Also sorry if you’re seeing this twice, accidentally posted the wrong video before... Deleted the other post.

Quick edit: Also please ignore that I botched the title

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/AltUniversalChamp 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

A sight I never I needed indeed.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Lowilru 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AnghellicKarma 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I honestly forgot how funny Show is

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheDman0310 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Fucking hell I sat here for 2 hours watching 4 buff guys, one being big show play DnD. Never watched anything DnD before but that was pretty cool not gonna lie, hilarious also.

Also I heard Big Show say with a straight face "The Unicorn is eating my ass now."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/qwertythe300th 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] there we go thank you everyone and here we are with tanks the last game of our stream of many eyes for mighty warriors assembled for a purpose that will soon be made obvious but not quite yet but why don't before we start why don't we introduce our champions starting down here at the end of the table I am a new character from the dark Sun yeah I am Locke Joe ton for those of you who don't know who Locke is outlaw and Joe ton is giant I am a giant I'm a half giant with some stone influence I'm 12 to 14 feet tall and I'm a rogue thief I just want to say obviously I'm very honored to be here and very thankful to be here and honored to be up here with these guys and if I make mistakes please help me out my character I'll be playing is Beiber MJ Timberlake he is a he is an azemar obviously six-two appears much larger just his presence is enormous incredible looking acting he is a paladin fifteenth level paladin with some battle master thrown in for good luck he worships the goddess Selene the radiance who came to him in a vision and he's followed her ever since blindly and will do anything for anything good person Celine Dion [Applause] my name is Grogg strong job or a barbarian of the highest order the brains of the group very small I am 1/16 level Bob with two levels of fighter the last time you saw me well I had hoped Volks machina defeat the terrible vecna and then some son of a took his hand and disappeared I mark on the cruise wielders of the hand of Vecna champion of the Battle of Vecna co-founder of Jaques machina one half of the bro barians I am a 15th level Oathbreaker paladin of the five headed dragon goddess Tiamat and with three levels of barbarian mixed in there for fun yeah red dragon born breathes fire nasty now give your Dungeon Master tonight all are a dungeon master tonight I'm Mike Murrells I'm the creative director on Dungeons & Dragons you didn't catch them we are playing all these characters our 18th level so expect the worst from me yeah where's every page of the monster manuals in play so with that let us begin each of you whichever realm you hail from whether it be the sun-blasted desert Sabattus or the other worlds the nine hells where Archon now keeps watch over t nights domain your sleep the past few nights has been troubled visions of ravens swirling through your mind each morning you awaken in a cold sweat the sound of a cawing raven echoing through your mind last night when each of you and your respective worlds went to sleep you now awaken each of you the four viewer raid on an empty gray plane a sudden a flock of Ravens bursting in the air above you and dispersing across a gray dull sky you see rolling hills before you and the faintest trace of a path leading ahead past here and there scraggly dead tree reaching up AGGA clawed hand that's been stripped of all flesh and in each tree bracketing this path a single Raven sits and looks at you in cause you recognize some of you with your experience being 18th level some of you who've travelled the plains immediately realize you are in the shadow fell the dark desolate realm of the Raven Queen the path extends before you in all four view feel in the back of your mind strange urge something pulling you forward into the hills ahead of you and of course with a quick look around you see each of your three companions fully armed and ready for battle well met well met my companions never before have I been such surrounded by such manliness I feel truly inspired to be here I'm Bieber please please call me Bebe's Bebe's what the your name first of all be real careful how you talk to me shorty [Applause] [Music] my name is Ulla beads and you what's your name Grogg you big Captain Obvious I would go where the did you go and where are we right now there's things it was just business it wasn't about you and it wasn't about me I serve a master like a friendly elf and don't tell me that if this hand didn't include a wish you wouldn't have done the same thing I did for your friend yeah that's true fair enough why are we here I have no idea no yeah me either I was riding my unicorn Walker dead figures and suddenly I was here Joey it sounded like you said unicorn oh I did pure white rainbow horns beautiful I like fried unicorn good with a little Chianti on the side some plum sauce yeah maybe some fried rice - where is your unicorn thank God not here path beckons Birkins it's a tree in front of us trees here and there almost as if this in a more verdant area would be a pleasant Boulevard but here each of the trees twisted bare of any leaves almost reaching up to the dead gray sky above you one Raven one Raven on the tree on each the path heads out winding between the trees and up hills maybe they have a half a mile or so from you that reach up to the dead grey sky obscuring anything beyond shall we I think we shall surely showers Road yep who would like to lead us who would like to guard the back you're asking who's the tank and whose nod we need to get out of the way right at the front I guess I guess I'll go first a few posters [Laughter] be my guess you know make sure he's good just letting you know I've got gas so enjoy you can go second if you want to I guess from moving forward right yes Michel going up the path marching along the path marching along the path eyes rope and I'm forward I'm looking for stuff but just keeping my eyes open staying on the path I'm not deviating from the bath got it only a gets off the path I start to sew on the four-four of you March it's oddly quiet here in the shadow fell everything's muffled your footfalls sounded everything is just slightly distorted here and there out of the corner of your eye you think he might see something moving each time you turn and look you see nothing just the Ravens looking down from each of the dead trees you pass as you head up the slope of them hills the steep hillside and as you finally reach its peak you see before you a gleaming white tower down a bowl-shaped Valley it reaches hundreds of feet into the air and within the dead sky and the dull Grey's of the shadow fell stands out like a great beacon of light and around it a verdant green forest lush with life birds flutter above it and it almost seems as if it's encased in some strange radiant glow that holds the grim reality of the shadow fell at bay your path leads down the dead grey hills and into the forest where you see a path that looks like it Wen's through the forest to the base of the tower and as you take that bizarre sight in you see beyond the tower another mile or so a great sheet of just complete blackness from ground up up up as far as you look it's an enormous wall of just a great boy let's check out the tower and something we can do to keep going for I sure as hell don't want going to the black abyss so let's go to the tower we're probably going into that black abyss not yet so is there a door to this tower is there an interest to this tower as you start making your way down the force is a few hundred feet across into the the tower so you're not able to quite make it out yet the trees here all verdant lush with leaves you hear the sound of birds as you get closer it's muffled and distant belief step it feels like you're walking miles miles closer to this forest when you see is the path whens into the trees a solitary human figure standing there clad in dull gray robes his eyes bound with a piece what looks like black metal that's been seared into his skull covering his eyes and covering his ears he's shaved bald his mouth it's been stitched shut and a similar piece of metal extends down from the band around his eyes completely blocking where his nose would be and he stands there and as you approach raises his hand and greeting all of you here in your mind's at once she's promised you would come and now you are here her champions come forth you all heard that right okay alright as you approach closer they figure boughs I am the speaker from the void it is my task to watch over this the barrier between the shadow fell and the plane of negative energy from which all Death Comes this tower watches over the thinnest of its crossings two of you may know of a great disturbance amongst the gods a being of great power passed through here fleeing from a battle and in passing beyond to the plane of negative energy sundered barrier mmm something on the other side stirs something is coming two of us might know you say all right who knows he's talking about us you have been marked you two a champion of light and a champion of dark here to bring balance to our cause in our battle I sit next to you thought I smelled over here follow me all will be made clear soon okay turns and walks it's still pretty spooky right now you gotta figure I was asleep chillin big pot of unicorn cooking yummy tasty unicorn now I'm here wait so you you know know you and I know who will pass through you said he's talking about back now oh yeah that guard right he's back here right now somewhere oh god okay we're in for a big fight great yeah okay no pressure the figure leads you along the path going through the forest into the tower itself there was no door just a great arch it opens in its base and you can see within there was a great radiant light some light source in the midst of the tower beaming down into its into the bottom he turns once morning your minds you hear his voice say once again this place is a spire of hopes defiance within this Tower rests the first light that was cast within the cosmos the Material Plane only its power keeps this passing in check and keeps those which are beyond in the void at bay your foes passage disrupted the balance of magic in this place soon they will come to fight soon they will come to claim the light you must stop them but I warn you before I lead you in the light will tempt you all who look upon it see what their heart desires above all else you champions have been chosen for all of the champions of the cosmos you perhaps are the ones who could most resist Itzler obviously haven't seen my career I think you've chosen amazingly I obviously should be here Beebe's you are super optimistic and I love it huh it's positive is kind of infectious i I have to kneel in front of the first light and just bathe in its glow just for a minute just feeling it upon my face taking it in it's inspiring as each of you walks in if you want to take a moment what might your characters see as you walk in and look up and you see something floating there bathing in light what do you see oh my god I'm troubled I see a doorway and I see armies of ancient dragons flying through it into green fields well burning it all the hell I see me full gallop on Moonwalker charging into battle and my sword blazing with my inner light giant smile on my face and possibly erection [Laughter] [Applause] as I see this night of goodness looking into the light with a boner we're stop right there look into the light I see a hope a dream that's I've never been able to have and I have a tear but I know I'm going forward these guys don't know why but there's a tear I see droves and droves of naked women all of them have and they're all over [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] we make it through this adventure we all go do his dream after deal deal first round on drug Grogg on Grogg so you see the chamber the tower is 50 feet wide circular in the middle hangs the light and you see within it each of your visions and there is a ramp that runs around the interior of the ha the top the tower itself is hollow up around the spire up to its top the light is about halfway up the spire so but a couple hundred feet above you and there are four great pillars of the base here that run up to the side each bracketing the light and extending all over the top and then combining to the roof of the tower far above the humanoid with the metal on his face turns to you keep remember this and call in your minds whether your visions are dark or light the all of them are at risk should he succeed in claiming this light if his minions could take it I know not what you may see for I am the keeper for I have within me only darkness no hope can spark within me that is why I watched this place there's a spiral staircase going up the inside of the tower there's nothing around our radio there's nothing for us to see obviously there's the trees just up this outside the tower and there's the four columns about like ten feet which from the Kabat from the wall with the ramp going up so there's no doorway on the other side from where we came in we just go one yep just the one archway yep one archway this light this tower we defend this tower that's why you've brought us here that is why Eve I've been brought oh Shannon the the binding will not be weak much longer he did not realize what he left in his wake but now that he does he has turned his eye toward this place and soon his minions will be upon us hold them off prevent him from seizing this this light how big is the game uh it reaches about 20 feet up 20 feet wide about 15 feet wide 10 15 feet and the space from the tower to the forest foliage is it's actually pretty close pretty close though somebody's doing that from the inside yeah yeah that's it who wants to go up to the top and see what they can see I'll go okay so I'll go up the spiral staircase is their window yeah at the top essentially there is almost like an observation deck up top the as the spiral reaches the top it basically hugs the top lip and then it's around so from there you can see and then it's there's like pillars you know it's like you know essentially like think of the top of the Space Needle maybe 60 degrees yeah zan so I can see the void yep how far away is that it's been a mile away okay and as you watch it you can see occasionally it seems to shutter and ripples am I feeling anything if I use divine sense yeah using divine sense you get an overwhelming sense of undeath just pure it's like when you reach out in your mind and there's you even from this great distance touching it you can feel it trying to pull you through I'm very anti undeath just alright I go to the top of the tower with Biebs and these aren't windows this is open its open young okay open how far okay and how high did you say so the from the top here the ceiling is about 15 feet it's a pointed ceiling okay and the the opening itself for human size creature is from your waist up which is about like five four feet okay all right would be a great place to defend if we had people who had ranged attacks anyone anyone I've got some sweet javelins got some a couple of volcano balls lava stones lava stones that's it I mean their volcano volcano yeah I do have some good stuff with this sword of cars it's got like really cool spells in it I'm not super familiar with spells though so I'm not exactly sure they work it's got like whole lightning and other stuff you like pointed stuff when it dies sounds right there's no bad keep that thing away from me [Laughter] so tower or ground what do you think top of the tower this is it the closest choke point I mean we can always back up if we get overrun I would I would hold that choke point it's best for the power stairwell yeah how far down is the stairwell it's about 400 feet from top to bottom and is it the kind of thing where only one can get up at a time it's pretty narrow yeah summer it is open space so if you were just it's just a ramp on this interior side of the tower with the four pillars so in theory if you could fly for instance you could just go straight down just just so I'm clear the the light that's in the Qatar is coming from somewhere it's one pinpoint looked right in the middle of the tower right in the middle of tower half way up yeah so that we don't want them to get past the halfway point or do we don't want them to sees the light that's what I'm grab the light before they even got to it yeah so we definitely don't want to let them get in so we have to defend it or all right okay and we somebody has to be above it in case they fly in who can fly reshawna and we've got flight potions ooh I have a flight but we brought Red Bulls I also have you you have wings not now but I'll take you at your word all right I'll be on the ground by the door with that's all right with everybody else so we're splitting the party great idea no no how big did you say this open is this one opening that's four or five feet yeah for the windows yeah for the stone windows yes okay okay I have a I have an ability called stone shape or I can manipulate stone like clay I would like to close that window okay all around stealing those shut all right I really let's do that shot noise will eliminate that point of entry all right that's awful it's gonna take some time to work on it but I'd say it would take you about 10 minutes I mean you're pretty skilled there's just more that the distance going around all right so you go to work and start you know that's what I'm doing I'm molding I'm closing the hole right all right you notice that it is gonna be look thinner than the rest of the walls do you have to work with the existing stone variable to seal them off right okay okay are the walls super thick at the bottom there pretty oh yeah yeah okay I've seen towers you know fall before just putting it out there fYI bt-dubs this is Joe I saw that episode oh good okay so we have the top closed off yep we've got the bottom to defend we can't let him get to the middle can they come in through the bottom I'll get it a big door yeah yeah well if we pull if I can close the top off and they can only come in through the bottom that makes it a lot easier if it's um I could break it I suppose I don't think so I'm pretty good what I do I know you don't know me you're all into unicorns but you know you're Angie's list's page was awesome all right so he's gonna seal up the top ceiling at the top meet us back at the bottom meet you back at the bottom okay the speaker while this is all going on has just been standing directly blood below the light at the base of the tower just sort of looking up watching you looking out toward the the archway leading out okay do you sense anything then in your mind you hear not yet how much time do you think we have minutes a minute to be in my head to you I'm sorry you head out to the tree no I just okay yeah I mean let's be real right we're in it I don't care I'm not looking cool okay should we buff somebody we all both oh should we Bob so we get pumped yeah pop it up how long am I still filling this hole up before I join them you're done by now I'm done by so we're all in the bottom guard in the home yep okay it's covered then you know what I will I'm gonna bless these three first level well as soon as we see somebody on the way as soon as they are within am a lay around I'm gonna cash bless got it any other buffs you guys win if they're off free before the dice start flying away from my turn to use mine oh when we're in combat but like right now I pretty much if there's anything you want to use you can go I don't want to do this and then like a much chipmunk show that would be great if it was world-ending chipmunk once your once your buffs wear off then they send in the monsters like that would be a dirty trick as you sit waiting momins pass moment by moment and the speaker suddenly your mind says they approach bark on you here in the distance hora blasphemy what should be the battle roar of a majestic noble red dragon sounds like one twisted and warped and forced into servitude its shrieks and pain and agony and servitude a mighty servant of Tiamat her most favored children forced to obey a dark power and you hear the great flap of wings approaching around coming toward the tower bearing down on you like a rolling into a thunderstorm rolling in and then around you see shadows outside in the golden radiance swooping around and landing in front of the doorway is a great shadow dragon and upon its back a warrior clad and played armor too hateful red eyes glaring through the visor of its full plate armor clutching a lance in one hand and a sword in the other roll for initiative okay and the blessed one off as they were on their way so you guys have d force to attack and save D fours d for blood okay all right and then a gift from Tiamat thank you well I wrote mine 20 so I got something so yeah I had like the classic paladin I an initiative roll get ready yeah super low a 821 Thebes 21 21 I'll let you guys fight up so either Thebes a Grogg who wants to go first you want to do yes matter of fact I right so you see on the other side of the ark filling it completely what was once are proud of majestic red dragon warped and twisted by the power of shadow magic it snarls and roars and a combination of rage and pain and the night the death knight on its back points at you with its blade what do you wish to do I can only assume that you would like to face me in combat I welcome that challenge how far on my way 2025 however close whoever wanted me to the arch he was just outside so you can kind of pick your own number I'll say please dismount and I will face you one-on-one he looks at you and he salutes you with his blade it looks like he's preparing to dismount okay alright guys if I go out and fight this guy you have to fight the dragon go go you fight the guy we fight the dragon you gotta help me out alright so he comes he comes off and he walks up yeah well we could go over the grog if you guys want to wait for him to come in but I can just kind of pull you out a mission and we'll wait I would wait for him to come with it I mean you can see other shadows overhead too so if you're waiting for him to come in he is going to go on initiative count eight so Arkin if you want to wait if you would you want to step in and do anything while waiting from outside or do I want to wait walking into the building it's come in here we do whatever you want yeah I don't I don't think there's anything I want outside there we want to hold this door and threw stuff flying around outside there hell no okay I don't want to wait okay I'm going to cast finger of death at the red dragon okay what's your save DC 18 okay Kanzi NAT 20 on the - are you can take half damage though okay yeah yeah okay that's a 78 plus 30 it's the hand of Vecna y'all okay that's an SN 8 that's 68 all right it roars in pain and rears back its eyes as your magic courses through it tearing into its form partially dissipating the necromantic magic that keeps it together but then the Recovery's looks at you hate-filled filling its eyes as the knight strides forward I also have a bonus section okay I would like to rage okay Oh rage you shall the night marches in directly towards Bebe's was anyone in between Thebes and or Z are you just basically right up front I'm standing somewhere in the door about the front okay you step forward we nudge him forward I'll take your unicorn the knight drops his Lance and hoisted splayed up in two hands wearing ancient armor cracked and dusty similar Burroughs carved in his breastplate he nods at you and then rears back and charges at you with his blade saw it might be he might be on speaking terms of song but that mean alright so here he comes he charges at you wielding his blade he slices at you three times I'm sorry two natural ones so my day sir off to him yes but my last text at 28 that hits that hits you take a total of ten slashing damage in 18 necrotic damage I am resistant to necrotic damage cut in half to nine so 10 and nine 19 20 as a blade bites into you can feel some of your strengths fading but your divine radiance counters the malign effect meanwhile behind the night you see two more shadow dragons land a second Knight wielding two leaps off and pulls out too long cruel curved blades and on the other one a strained robed figure with three skeletal head three skulls and its head one wearing a crown one wearing a circlet one wearing a helmet and as it Lent as it stands dismounts the dragon its head shifts and turns so the longer the circling is in front glares actually light erupts from its skull sockets ignore these fools take the light the Dragons also beginning but clearly with this archway they can't all obviously quite fit in so that was their turn their action the one death knight up front battling Bebe's we come back to the top of the order well since he struck at me I'm afraid I'm going to have to strike back regretfully 2222 will hit I would like to so I hit him with my sword is he is he a fiend he is not a fiend he is undead Undead fiend or Undead the sword that I carry does extra damage tours as were edge and I am also going to get this I'm going to do a first level divine smite when I divine smite as I strike down my axe hits the light of saline and her upper torso come out as she gazes longingly into his eyes and goes in for a hug of radiant damage and you here slightly coming out of the out of out of out of the abyss the my mama don't like you and she likes everyone [Laughter] [Applause] plus 14 is 30 okay damage says here you go in for the hug of energy he reads like he seems more hurt perhaps by the cruel words of the song you hear and whimper I thought but as he stumbles back under your attacks that was your first attack that was my first attack I will do my second attack with blast and 12 and 18 is 30 that was it and you guys worried that 3 death Knights might be too much much 12 2004 he stumbles back his armor smoking where your two mighty blows have cleaved into it leaving huge dents and you see some of the the dark necromantic energy that sustains him leaking out from his armor but he steadies himself and glares at you with his red eyes anything else okay yeah right so three Shadow Dragon with terrible things and three death Knights larger rage and I will also look over to oh I could do it to finger today one of the other ancient dragons cut off some d8s please know I have to count this is good take a wall oh God 6:31 plus 30 61 all right now making a con safe against this yes 31 30 15 to the back he is going to succeed him at save unless you have is your save DC is less than 20 me that's mr. Jordan so he does resist his spell but he still takes half damage Brooke 30 damage right he staggers back again and under the assault but still standing it looks like he still has more than half as hit points left cool alright anything else from grog does you unleash the magic the sword no it's a little bit more pee comes out all right look are half giant so you see the battle raging at the roof in the archway oh I thought you were to eat Oh your tendon oh sorry am I in your tent oh yeah my bad how far away there for me I can get to him right you can get to them yep I like to use my stone stomp okay which will knock them all pro okay you're saving throw or does it just needs a dogmatic ah yes there is Constitution saves d-21 right yep that sounds right that's good so you're actually you will be able to get with that the two death Knights the skull Lord and one of the dragons perfect oh not 20 but then a six so one fails and that will be the injured one is stunned and then the injured dragon will also have to make a saving it will succeed on that saving throw so the injured death knight is stunned injured death knight is done and in prone and he's prong are you gets knocked prone to all right so you collapses the ground and with melee attacks will have advantage against him yeah go ahead that was your yep bonus action okay I'll use my huge mall okay and I'm gonna go get go get me some so you'll have advantage means you get to roll twice reach attack and take the higher die roll you roll that pink one with the red one to twenties to 20s oh geez okay this yep it looks so small in your hand [Applause] well I need big numbers really big numbers there's no whammies we've got a 19 oh that's yeah that's gonna hit plus 14 yep you are going to eat go ahead and roll your damage for 19 plus 4 plus 14 okay that's there for D 6 plus 8 damage from them all ok so now what I went into so roll your force exciters atom up and add 8 more sister's rethink 10 plus plus 14 okay there's 24 24 all right so that's gonna bring him down all right you still have two more attacks you have [Laughter] [Music] 312 natural one for its advantage you can take the higher one 12 so I took it 12 16 of us 14 16 plus 14 that's 30 that'll hit so go ahead and roll roll your damage again you're fired before today all right we got five five we got 10 plus 14 is 24 all right he shudders under the impact you see now his armor starting to splinter right but he's still moving final attack not to this time a huge mall again 'harry 17 is 20 that's going to hit 30 we got to 6 natural 6 and 2 8 6 14 plus 8 22 alright he staggers and sags as you just boom boom shattering you see his armor caving in but still that dark red light within surges up he staggers who see energy necromantic energy like smoke boiling out from his armor but he's still holding himself together just barely has it come to our constant okay let's go come on I talked with my battle ox that's 28 to hit that'll hit okay I got a good feeling about this I'm not gonna blow any divides mines here that's gonna be 34 that will definitely go to damage alright one mighty blow Jesus following up on a massive dense and the crushing blows from the half giant you slam your axe into the chest plate and it collapses in in a sudden flash of bright light washes over you as he disappears he said white light does that go back to our light in our archway does that help rebuild our or our light doesn't seem to so just as you can't evaporate any we go somewhere [Laughter] [Applause] I'd argue but you do have like one foot in several hundred pounds on me so sure what would you like to have I would like my little window upstairs to get stronger a hair I'll do this if you want if you expend one of the uses of your abilities you can capture that energy and funnel it into the tower but you have to pick one of your abilities to give like one of your uses of yourself one of my bills and maybe I'll get something it actually comes into my axe first oh well there you go when I bring a medium thanks member sir when I when you bring a medium or large or living creature to zero hit points with this weapon their life force comes into the axe and I have the option of using a channel divinity to gain hit points equal to my character level okay but since I haven't lost in it yet I won't need that you won't need that yet fair enough all right that being cocky now yeah that was only one of your attacks so yeah that's one how close is the shadow dragon hook closer to the others they are about twenty feet outside the archway right oh the guy you killed was one who was stunned everyone else actually made they made made their saves so they're still on top they're still on top a bit soon so they're on top of the Dragons there's another drag there's any pieces three dragons lined up glaring at you and then there's the skull Lord and the other deaf night with the two scimitars okay now the dragon that lost that with the guy that we just killed is that dragon freed doesn't look like it actually looks sexy but angries its glaring it okay then I am going to move back like I will I'm inside like I was in the doorway I'm gonna come up behind the side of the door and I'm I can't hold my action I'll just I'm gonna say okay this time so all of you you're standing there in the doorway looking after these dragons all three of them behind the Dallaire is like kinda to the side all of it the skull Lord with his actually the head shudder and turns for the the Helms head look at you not cool convenient out of Hayden's have to kill him myself he can die out my betrayal as the three dragons all breathe on you so so you moved around out of the doorway yes so the three of you please make each of you three dexterity saving throws each you have been are you that ability you have plus four you have plus four to save with the with with my blessing my paladin ability my art of protection you're plus four plus you have your d4 I have a stone form that I can help Oh plus four as well - what's your stone form on your turn transform into the stone form for one minute you gain plus four bonus to AC take half damage from attacks allies gain cover from you gain a +4 bonus to HC so that'll be on your on your turn you can use that it's a it's a in addition to attacking on your so basically on one your turn since use this the soldier because they're attacking me I can't use that now as a defensive measure because it's not kids about fried unicorn to and 19 and 14 though the dexterity saving throw would be your dexterity plus your proficiency if you're proficient yeah so she so he has a dexterity of 3 3 + 4 7 + oh yes rating 7 yeah plus the 3 which is 7 plus 10 so it's at 12:29 and at 24 alright so that's to success and 1 fail so in total you're gonna take 112 points of damage right next in line for saving through school I'm gonna cook me some dragon later I have very very bad news oh 11/12/12 oh okay so that's only 168 points of damage now it is that chronic chronic so it's half it's half so that would be so one more before I'd roll the 17 to 23 to 26 okay so you're good so you'll make all three saving throws so that led you with 26 78 points of damage from doing the math great it's fire damaged necrotic new product no bud yeah 84 points total and yours oh and you dr. Ahn's so you seen massive torrent of necrotic energy porn washing over your companion it looks like you're probably really hurt all right so that's the dragons turn and then the second death knight comes charging in and he is going to this is going to rush at one two three four five six he's gonna rush the Paladin nice so he howls and sweeps at you with his two blades another natural one 21 and 23 all myths all right and then one more all right that's all gonna miss so he swings that you furiously his blade clattering all your armor thank you so long silly [Laughter] meanwhile rarely let me down don't lie man you own them all and I told you that the skull Lord points at the group of you and begins chanting a spell cold energy or up some is extended hands a cone of cold washes all of you washes over all of you if everyone except for Archon could give me Constitution saving thirst please plus four plus D 14 all right take 18 cold 24 at 18 cold I got a 72 here plus to my 415 it's 15 yeah 15 all right that actually you'll take full damage take a 36 full damage how much damage you say day 36 36 cold yep good unicorn you were chewing on [Laughter] [Applause] where does the horn go this brings us back to our paladin beams you have three dragons that just unleashed an aprotic energy on you and one death knight in your face whirling around two scimitar is there one death knight left yep okay how far away's um just an end Matt he's right about your favor and who's in close combat but of the death knight he's right I am I don't know that I'm gonna make it to another turn if I don't do a potion it's my action let me rephrase I won't make it to another return I may be good on I've lived in 130 points of damage so I am gonna take a potion of superior healing okay Tendai for at supreme supreme Entente for supreme can I roll five and double it or do I have to roll everybody for eighteen plus twenty thirty eight sorry 11:19 36 plus 20 is 56 okay anything else that'd be your action found yeah so with the remaining overturned I will go ahead and stuck around the corner okay final formation all right grog yeah I'll see this little bastard and I'll walk up and I'll smash the talking stone knuckles together with my bonus actually past your dogs and I will take the sword of cars two-handed and I will make two attacks against this undead bastard getting an extra two d-10 of damage or there okay so I'm gonna roll reckless that's 32 hit and I will it and then some at the second one that's probably also good that's 3100 that will hit and then some yeah cool all right that's ten eleven twenty two ports on the first one wait wait wait 21 23 31 points on the first one and 13 17 20 25 points on the second one it staggers back under the force of your assaults reeling ways you put two big dents in its chest plate but it's still standing to fiims it staggers back sweet I'm like [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] the death Knights standing in front of you you standing in front of me so you could use one of your psionic abilities and then you can make your three attacks I'll do this stone form okay I think right now help me out the best that I can what's uh when your ally is hit grant eight plus four bonus today C against the attack yeah so that'll give whoever when they get hit they get plus forward to their a see if that makes their AC go above the attack real result then the attack is now a Miss okay that's for someone else it's not for me you can also used on yourself all right I mean you suck at guardian huh okay and now I'm go after his ass with my mom yeah so it's this one in this one right yep he was staggered back but wasn't knocked down no that's right he's still sending so you don't have a bandage this time we got like really staggered back well we stagger back connecting I already called it so you get him yeah I'm gonna go I'm done all right 12 + 4 16 + 14 16 + 14 s 30 that hit [Music] five seven and sevens 14 plus 22 plus a 22 all right first one blow hits cracking his armor still standing Ryan I have one attack left right yeah about three tacks Turtles I think yeah but you won't get two more attacks aren't ya all right 10 11 plus 14 it's 25 that'll it thank God now I'm like almost the whole world all right four six six twelve twelve eight twenty plus twenty two twenty okay still standing what can I do my accent surge yes you'll get three more tax you can attack what if I don't kill him you don't worry about it you then you can go okay I'm not gonna use my accent Serge I pull it back I retract it I'm just gonna use my last attack when you get your last attack if then he's still standing and you want to attack again then you can choose ah that's smart ah see that's why I play with the pros want to use that action Serge put into this guy Serge I got three more given the Mitchell brothers chokeslam this [Applause] 904 14 plus before 18 plus 9 is 27 27 hits I don't hit anybody make money no whammy no whammy no whammy all right you got to be kidding me that's I rolled three natural ones and a four six seven plus eight let's say 15 15 15 counts all right I got a roll attack again it's an extra hit all right 14 to 16 and 14 30 that's a hit all right 9 11 13 821 all right he's pretty badly hurt badly hurt he's got about a quarter missed eight points left you got this you still have another job hit him again you can crit 16 to 32 it's a hit come on some stitches all right we got six fives 11 and 6 is 17 and 3 is 20 plus 8 all right he is badly injured so he's reeling back if I will let you make one more attack that put him away you'll be off balance and have disadvantage on saving throws until your next turn [Music] I got like 38 hit points left so you know it's either I really do the the martyr thing and try to kill this guy then you can then you can move back behind the wall can I throw it move back behind the wall stupid enough now the way these guys just fell hell no you can still move back to the wall yeah I'm way bucked up into that wall it's not used his opportunity attack just watching saving that reaction playing at home if a giant can be on your team take that yeah so ever just spread out out of fireball formation and now up against the wall reckless all right charging in okay that's gonna be a 32 hit okay let's give this guy let's give this guy a little Tiamat fun let's go second level divine smite okay so that's two plus three and seven plus one that's 8 d8 alright that's 61 he is very very very dead he's very bad now he's very badly no he's dead he's dead he's dead 61 brother then soul comes into the act another dead soul claimed we're female and I go charging out after that thing with that thing on its helmet alright okay no for you stub you to it you so the restroom or I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna go I'll go can I go friendly can I call that or do I have to call it before my turn frenzy no you you frenzied reckless I can take my extra okay girl why not hey let's go 29 a hit that's gonna hit okay and is this thing look undead oh yes it does [Laughter] let's go we'll go we'll go second-level divine smite second level let's go ii can actually know what let's go forth yeah no okay for so that's gonna be 48 plus 1/2 he's undead that's a three and a second level then huh okay great that's one four five six seven eight nine that's five plus six plus my four no there should be ten it should be 10 dat eight for the right yeah okay that's good that's gonna be ain't no party like a non non particles an Archon pot of gold star that's gonna be seventy weapon crashes into its armor putting a enormous dent into one sides it staggers back its rate how holding a staff I'm gonna hand that it raises up ineffectually trying to defend itself okay that's 31 hit 31 got it it's going to hit and let's yeah let's we'll just we'll give them a like a little love tap let's give him a first level divine smite we'll give him a little first there 48 it's alright 48 damage he's still standing okay terribly injured horribly turbulence daggers back any shifts is there turn over that it you moved and attacked yes I have so it's heads turn again that's also helmed head turning to one wearing the circlet and it glares at you and disappears in a burst of airs rushing in to displace and all of you can hear behind you up where it could see the ramp going up it appears there and starts running up meanwhile the Dragons one rushes through the archway and we'll attack do I get an opportunity really an opportunity tech yeah I'm gonna barrel past you so are these things considered undead yes these ones yeah okay that's um 25 to hit alright that will hit okay I'm in a first level divine smite on that dragon three four it's a lot of day I had to go get more das before I left today 53 okay alright you score with black jets from the moon is you slat hammer your accent to its side it just seems to ignore the wound there was a charges in to the chamber beyond and glares the three of you who are in there and rears back to attack whose would have been closest to the door or do want to roll randomly okay Grogg it turns and you would roars sorry it's gonna get a bite and two claws so first with its bite by 28 all right that is going to be with the bite 17 piercing and three necrotic okay so three and half 17 was a raging and then a crit and a 20 with a claw it's alright so the regular claw does 13 and the current one is going to do 20 so 33 so 20 and 13 the two attacks are there's others slashing Chris lose the slashing okay great alright Arcana dragon bears the two dragons that are outside and do belief upon you okay join us in service to a greater power and the false god is Tiamat 18 with a bite no then two claws 20 and 27 27 heads alright that's gonna be 13 slashing okay that's half because I'm because I'm an Oathbreaker hmm is it magical huh I know it's not my don't know then yeah so what is it 13 half yep six okay then the other one will bite once Jim I will miss you're gonna die any of the two it's two claws 13 and 19 No alright see you dr. dodge and twist using their size against them as they crash in each other and now we come back to beeps I have a question still I want to run up towards the death skull guy who disappeared by the lights how far would that be if I went around the stairs and ran to him could I get there in a turn and attack if you did nothing but move you could probably you can you could reach him cuz he teleported up and then moved so he's got to be quite have quite a head start on if I were to be flying could I go straight up and get there in one turn yes you could then I would like to channel my azemar ability to with my radiant soul where celestial wings will sprout out of my back you'll hear the angels sing and even a little bit more light comes on me and you didn't think it was possible for him to get better-looking and yet he did without a hair even going out of place browses wings and flies up to the skull okay where I would like to attach right we hear a syncopated beat it's possibly it's he always has one somewhere close 16 plus 18 is 34 34 will hit and then so I would like to do a level two divine smite yeah I have a rainbow and this time when Selene appears out of the top of the axe she just gives this is that that my heart will go on she's very excited 22 32 34 36 40 plus 14 is 54 all right 54 it staggers back almost dead but still clean to unlife is all three heads spins each one looking at you with Azure edge glowing 7 11 and 18 is 39 okay that will hit something have an armor class of 40 in D&D other than you guys yeah 12 13 16 19 and 14 33 all right with a mighty blow you shatter right across all three skulls smash them all and the for a moment like it's as if its spirit is still keeping it intact and you see a human face spectral resting with any armor the true target its yells and the Dragons alterna look do not forget for him and then it dissipates and falls to the ground I silently remind myself that I will remember him and I say out loud I will sing to you in my prayers tonight great warrior all right and that brings us over to draw I'm so inspired frenzied rage was the dragon that has come in I will take all three of my undead attacks at its ass a reckless that's 31 to hit right and that's 33 to hit no that's 35 give a D for you can add also and that's 2099 blows old free will oh great that's just wonder that's great news okay 10 21 23 Oh God 30 35 on the first one okay very great right 13 enlarged image 15 20 29 on the second and sixth 17 19 20 28 on the third one all right hack and hack into it its scale shattering with each blow dark and edgy and wafting out you see its form starts to shimmer but then with a roar it comes back into focus and glares at you it's glowing green sure let's go over to like our half chime would you like to do there's a jump there's the dragon inside the base of the tower that's battling grog your paladin pinon has soared up to defeat to the skull Lord and there to drag the surrounded hearken outside what do you wish to do Oh chug a potion big guy I don't have any potions a healing potion yeah everyone everyone has three yep just roll for what it's ten d fours so do you want to just roll the d 4 times a times 10 and add 10 d 4 plus 20 all right so all these numbers add up there's how many hit points um we get back yeah man if you guys want to just go ahead with all those flies yeah we'll just put our pens turn while you do your math true yeah okay some out there with this dragon - dragon um the one that he hurt ah the one here it is one inside the tower oh it's exciting so there's three total - I've got two out there with you got two they want to each side surrounding you one of them is the one that you tagged with the spell earlier so it's already her it's lost her in the 30 would simply okay great let's go reckless frenzy that's gonna be 27 that'll be okay let's go third level Devine some way and he is undead 6 9 [Applause] okay what's the damage second roll is gonna be a 28 and I'll just roll this third one that 28 and then a 32 all right okay great first one let's go with let's go at the second level divine smite 30 38 I love about 1644 no 38 plus 64 bit before all right it's staggers back badly wounded still up but oh just a little more look temperature of its points low one more one more oh no I actually hit on the last one yes sir I already wrote alright I did the critical role thing where you roll okay great I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go straight up fourteen thirty points of damage down it goes so there's two dragons left like this one on grog and that turning the other one and say you will become a true believer huh it looks at you you look at the dragon you see back over its shoulder the great curtain of darkness you see a great somewhere in that dark gray mist form appears skeletal face with one eye one gleaming its right eye and suddenly the darkness extends out toward the tower as you see the Dragons start to shimmer and Shake and disk or poori eight in front of your eyes as the hand begins reaching out that long mile and they shudder and pop and the dark energy coalescence swirls around you to form a single enormous towering creature and as the hand begins reaching out it turns and looks at all of you and suddenly you feel is if the tethers of your souls and your bodies being tugged on by this thing and it turns and points at grog it just reaches out to you could you oh let's make an attack here first you don't have to hide twenty-nine all of you see grog give me a Constitution saving throw your +4 + + d 4 + forward post it's not another one oh no he said you don't have +4 sorry I'm not next oh maybe there's be okay with in 2027 that's still enough so you take 28 necrotic damage 28 as all of you see it's almost his life force draining into this thing and it reaches out again toward grog there's other people here [Laughter] with a 20 that it's alright another con save okay and you'll take another 28 necrotic damage whoa look at that that is a 31 alright you make the same so it's just 28 necrotic damage and each time is it drains life you see the hate that enormous hand are reaching out to the tower as you see it it starts off with speed it seems to be gaining form as this creature looks down at all of you leads so how first could you give me a constitution saving third I would love to you my green you need a D for that do [Music] three is 12 Constitution 1818 all right you take 14 necrotic damage half if you have and you feel a weird sense of vertigo and you see within this creature everyone else just sees it standing there but you see it in your mind it looks at your locks eyes with you as if it's linked its soul to yours what do you wish to do my pride bonus just went up so I'm half up the tower I will fly down to the ground all right so that I can as far as I can get towards the door you can reach an attacker because when last time you flew up to attack so you can fly by oh it's the hand is reaching into the the doorway reaching out toward the tower and you see this enormous creature standing all right then I would like to attack okay another plus for this so it's 19 plus 3 plus 4 plus 14 I'm sorry 19 plus 3 plus this is 26 plus 40 that will hit do you create on the 19 no so I will do I will do a level two divine smite it is undead or a few days undead we're just talking about the hand as as he's swinging in of course it's you just hear this it's gonna be me right as it comes in 9 48 plus 14 is 62 all right I will attack it again 1721 1839 and we'll hit and then bonuses are good you were chosen for this mission 38 okay it's still standing well each blow it isn't quite standing upright quite so much now and you hear in your voice all of you to keep her the breach is almost sealed this is his last desperate gambit kill this thing before he can attune to it and reach into the tower and drag it into his realm kill this thing grog Oh Constitution state please Oh 22 all right that's enough you feel its life leeching energy swapped in their betrayal the resistance nice so I can like can I run up and swing on them if I need to if you need to okay run up and I'll take a frenzied three attacks with the sword at Giant Vecna bastard reckless 3100 no 22 and that's rule 20 that's gonna be all or die okay that's 18 21 22 25 25 for the first one 1216 24 for the second okay that's a lot of brutal coracle okay fifty-five sixty three sixty three all right you hack and hack three times it staggers back this 20-foot tall creature but it's staggers badly but then is still standing its form dissipating badly but still clinging to unlife stone stalk all right stunning stock yeah all right here we go that's looks I'm gonna make my saving throw against the 14 on the die and my bonus bonus bonus is plus 13 you still have your attacks that's an addition to your attacks so so I still have my attacks oh nice you saved yourself [Music] I'll try the volcano stones I'm gonna chunks on madam but I'm gonna get that close okay go so I'll go ahead and roll your damage I'll make a dictionary saving through that's if you want to action surge you can throw two of them what do we figure out the volcano stone it's 10 d6 it's 10 D sections alright I filled my saving 3rd pretty horribly with a three on the die for before I need six months here 6 all right I got three three shots of these right I know if you roll them all at once roll them all at once you just do the damage being all three gives you three attacks I think it says volcano stones three is three attacks three total so you can make one attack with it you can action surge to make two attacks with them okay 5 6 is 11 to 13 15 21 24 26 30 36 39 all right he's still standing all right here we go everyone to the 3 8 on the die that is going to fail the saving throw 6 12 14 17 18 18 20 24 29 32 33 your stone arcs through the air the first one detonates we'll rethink it in fires it staggers back leaving it vulnerable to your second one is it impact high in its chest and the fire washes over it and as all of you rear back the massive conflagration when your eyes clear you see the creature is gone as you see outside you hear from the Great Ville beyond Oh frustrated shriek as the dark energy propelling the hand for dissipates in fades to nothing and you hear in your minds the keepers voice well done return now to your worlds champions until you are called on again waves is a beauty but waves his hands suddenly know you're around you burst Ravens a flock of Ravens flutter ground you Yugi wakes up safe and Saul is safe and sound as it can be in hell or an APIs back in your native realms snowing you have saved the world this time [Applause] we close out I had an amazing weekend how did you guys you guys have fun we have fun here not ever you get to play an 18th level character so I think we're going over to Anna I think she's coming out on stage we hope you at home had a great time hanging out in Waterdeep as well and don't worry the great thing is that you don't have to stop hanging out in Waterdeep because we have so many fun adventures coming our way remember that Waterdeep dragon heist is in game stores September 6th and it'll be everywhere else September 18th and then that will be followed of course by dungeon of the mad mage in game stores November 11th and everywhere else everywhere else November 20th I for one can't wait what about you now there are so many people that go into making a stream like this happen so let's take a moment for some thanks first of all to all the D&D partners beam dog beetle and Grimm's Idol champions roll20 art and Arcana from ten speed press and Neverwinter let's hear it for the D&D partners [Applause] it won't be hard to get you to clap for all of these amazing streaming groups you can watch on Twitch right the streaming groups and wizards have asked me to give some special thanks to Jenner and Bill Reilly Pelham green Lauren Greenberg Dustin Fletcher Lauren Matusik from castlecore Satori Lisa least Steven huff and creative Kombat Steven Lee on gentle and gentleman adventures all of the amazing cosplayers Tyler Curtis Funko creative Aaron Burr oude Robert Watts Dirk Wallace Ivan Van Norman Alisa Teague Emmett Fury Jason Charles Miller library bards Lauren Urban and Ed Greenwood aka elminster let's hear it for all I think from all of us in the DND community all of you and all of you watching at home we want to say thank you to Wizards of the coast and Dungeons & Dragons right gathering around this hobby that we all love Iran these stories that we all love thank you so much for being a part of it and now as we say good night from the field of triumph please welcome back to the stage sirens of the realms [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 545,010
Rating: 4.9669929 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Arkhan the Crule, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Grog Strongjaw, Jocks Machina, Joe Manganiello, Mike Mearls, Paul Wight, Ron Mathews, SoME, SoMEDND, Stream of Many Eyes, The Big Show, Travis Willingham
Id: -blGAjzL3yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 46sec (6106 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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