SoA - Tower of the Curator

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[Music] [Applause] that's the game one in a high note right everybody so we're gonna be playing the next hour and a half for I think eight players is the largest table that's been run today am I like taking on like the biggest group of players at once and the rowdiest and that's just Mike's a 90 minutes of Hassan's coming your way so I'm running a venture called the tower of the curator and I thought we'd start off by going on the table starting here to my left and doing some quick introductions for our players and their characters because I don't know about you with a people I'm going to forget everyone's name and just be pointing going you do what what are you doing next but hopefully maybe folks along and Falun Gong at home would be able to keep track of who's who but we shall see who survives the tower of the curator so I am Liam O'Brien and I'm playing old wind Taran tell he is a level two druid level four monk so I am doing you what I'm doing today and I'm gonna touch it up I am Joe Manganiello and playing Archon cool who is a Dragonborn Oathbreaker paladin of TMS strong like that Oh horse great artwork team and x2 archons adventure in the the temple of Sheamus yes he gained control of this guy Chango Here I am attuned your tunic on me but what happens here yeah yeah if he dies is gone afterwards yeah I am Rachael Ray and today I am playing a valor bard named Reggie aka Reginald when I'm gripped in some upper class bow-wow but normally Reggie and I just busted out of prison so let's go I am Matthew Mercer and today I am playing a level 6 dwarven cleric named the storm caller Theresa Bryan swallow of the brain swallow family known primarily for their fine ales but I don't follow that path I fall the path of the storm Lord oh listen to me I'm Chris Perkins I play a lizard folk wizard or a wizard folk lizard named Blizz my name is Matthew Lillard I am playing I'm picking up a character so I'm picking up a halfling rogue that I think I'm gonna name in a little bit we don't know that little battle well then don't say it too loud I'm gonna pick a bunch of voices yeah I'm dylan sprouse and I'm playing leá monde he is a warlock tabac see and he was once in a normal cat body and he was owned by an evil wizard and then he transferred his soul into a hairless to Baxi body and he immediately killed his owner and went on his own way good for necromancy necromancer's with allergies hypoallergenic cotopaxi there you go I'm Kim Hidalgo and I'm playing a fair agreed under bow and I'm 12 and I'm a halfling fighter and I'm really strong for my size and I'm a boy okay all right so the eight of you have been together at the behest of whom you suspect is one of the hidden Lords of Waterdeep you can't say for certain the Lords of Waterdeep are unknown they're masked but you received a mysterious summons up in the city of Waterdeep that was the first time they'd perhaps it have you met perhaps some of you know each other from prior adventures together and that was about two weeks ago and you were charged to head southward to chalte where you were to find a renegade wizard of red wizard if they named zanzibar master of the ten Zen's vars mysterious fellow he dwells in a floating tower that was sighted off the coast of colt and you have been dispatched there to acquire from him a magical mirror that your benefactor has purchased from Zanzibar you have been given a small wooden box but one feet long but about a foot long six inches tall six inches wide and we're instructed to not open it the pain of horrible death in fact I'm looking at it it looks like a little more than a cubic block of wood but any of you have any ability to view magic can see seams and invisible runes that dance around it there must be some sort of ritual to open that said read a complaint at this point about noticing that this is magical and the rather curious group of friends and keeping on this one I'm gonna hold on to that box for safekeeping of course to be safe now of course the tower floating up in the sky you provided with potions that allow you to fly and having quaff those potions and headed out having sailed to beneath the tower you see it looming above you about 200 feet above you unfortunately due to some rough weather you've arrived in the dead of night clouds obscure the stars above you but now and again they part to allow a little glittering starlight to come down shine upon the waves but it's still somewhat tumultuous from their storm earlier in the day but have largely calmed down but who can say in the seas in this region they're quite treacherous and it's any point under the storm could be could kick up so time is of the essence as you see above you the tower as little more than a block of stone that floats 200 feet above you all your potions will give you if you drink them you have three each will give you the ability to cast a fly spell upon yourself I don't like Heights you can stay here the ship creaks in shudders beneath you is the end the remnants of the storm from earlier in the day so the waves still splash against it I play my banjo to soothe jangled nerves whom I join in with my harmonica Oh God jump into the deep water two of the most melodic instrument I played pipes with my mouth oh the captain the ship an older human Karel ik well will you be off I don't like to get this business done as quickly as possible I don't like the looks of the clouds off in the distance or of that place you share got a penny now hello just take out a potion and down it immediately I'll go with them I cringe a little bit you know it's harder than alcohol you don't die I'll take mine yeah are we going up is it nokia that's the gaming games a real done yeah picked you rightly given the minute buffer I'm vibe is well ok yeah same as my drink down the potion you can feel suddenly feels light as air an act for a moment a sense of verdict a little bit of panic is the in is it hits you it feels like it's going to blow you away but then you're able to exert control or the magic that swirls around you it feels like there's a wind swirling around you that responds to your thoughts and carry you aloft an awesome potion I'm just on the back of my Manticore how is it up there should I come up to stay hey we don't need you that's not very nice you like you either estimate how strong am I just want your portion of the gold I want gold - I'm gonna drink my potion come on we're going to the big rock candy mountain let's go all right so all of you soar up either with the potions or on the back of your your trusty steed wait while we looking for again one more time I know we have the wind locks you're trading it for that is payment for a magical mirror wizard they drafted mirror or your for your patron so up you soar you feel the wind swirling around you the magic or the this strong back of your Manticore if you're lucky enough to have them out and you see now as you approach the black edifice there is what looks like the side of it it's been carved out a semicircle with a flat bottom almost like an amphitheatre just perfectly carved from the side of it perfectly smooth it's black stone and you see it's about 30 feet wide and at the base of it inside the 30 foot shell a shelf are two large stone double the words otherwise you don't there's no guard no sign of guards it's just flat plains stone this is my specialty stand back all gone fall over right okay make your way up to the door yeah and I'll see if I can check it over for traps yeah good work ah 11 so when you go to check the door um Holly enough it's it's ajar oh it's uh it's maybe it's the signal the two doors double doors the one on your right is open and there's maybe like a 1 foot gap and you can kind of see beyond there's a hallway just inside uh there are there's a statue of what looks like from from your knowledge of a red wizard of thing and the statue is sort of like it looks like the wizard like has his hands up in male bald turn very slowly it starts turning towards you and you hear a muffled noise coming from there like iron on I like a story yeah yeah I got a job I was looking for yeah perhaps sure that all the time very slowly just agonizingly slowly turning as if to know to look at you and there's another door that right there's two doors there are two guard as it did your sight right next to each other double doors you're like the two like two or tails I'm gonna wait until it fires the lightning bolts all right so you see your job as a little bit sort of hanging out by the door if you're watching it's like a minute goes by and it's just like it has moved its head like just this much and you hear this off like gargling noise coming from it as the mouse struggles to open and you hear more of that that gardening awful noise four or five succumbing from four or five or six locations on the side of the door and just and the face is great the face grimaces and already goodness I'm gonna back up that's enough of that madness I'll go back to the group and tell you exactly what I saw all right um I'm gonna pull in my torches out and just ignite it and kind of float up to the opening and very quickly just chuck it inside to see if it lights up the interior the room but also stepping out of the path of the opening in the door good do you the torch clatters down the hallway and you you hear that does that Gargan that that strange noise and you hear further down the hallway oi what's that who goes there hmm might be more more more folk come to parlay Pollitz that's boring when we got to cut folk in the kibbutz yeah they say we parlay here but we get him back in the back then we cut him ah good thinking tumble ha ha let's find the brains of the pair rumble it sound nice oh my gosh oh he said the word parley that's what a lot of bad people use I know I say parlay a lot when I want to try and sign smart yeah they don't sound like red wizards to me well the Wizards later grumbling yeah we could shut him up if he could I don't know how I'm making fresh again now with one thing the master could have done too bad you got it was stuck in the give it yeah I'm gonna land next to the dwarf how many gibbets what's the play here are we going in what do you want to do I figured if you wanted to go in we have to make a bit of a scene these are individuals don't sound like the most intelligent to me and their lack of respect for those of powerful magicks leads me to believe that they might balk at the sight of something frightening I glance over at our Dragonborn friend I [Laughter] can be very frightening too perhaps the both of you could go and make coitus II oh you make great bait yeah you're good tiny one if you think I'm good I'm proud to be good yeah what's the play our gun we make some noise all right head on in yeah just gonna have I command Shango to smash the doors open right heads busted the doors clatter open is you Thunder in and you see now by the light of the torch and further down there's a hallway 30 40 feet long and it will look like a throne room and sitting on the throne one of them one of us is on the throne sitting the other one is stood at the base of the throne are two stunted gnarled gnome like creatures wearing red caps uh iron boots and holding huge enormous sickles and they see you and go completely watch this who you we've come from Mira ah yeah yeah they're in it you want parlay for Mira you said that's correct ah this is where we parlay no slicing in here no lots of the buses only all in is everyone there one swooped in out for the manticore have you if you'd like to yeah I think so he's going in I'll go in and scurry to the side right yeah sure as you make your arrival to I use my vomiter G can trip to create a giant thunderous noise beneath him with each step he takes our eyes go oh you must be what about the Masters three important friends yeah great so here for them the thing where the mirror odd miracle is young master ah got part of him here I do and he reaches into a bell pouch and pulls out of hand it was a spell cast in hand hahaha and he lost it I told you they were bad man ain't now rumble says we should eat it but I think all the magic coursing through him something right terrible could happen to us so I just keep it as a memento fine years serving the master jabbed a lotta folk in the digits lot of screams on a lot of a lot of good times begging for mercy uh or the blood question because I also love a lot of blood and killing masters why have you killed him ah that uh well it's a little hard to explain we were going about our usual business and then well we just Rumble here and myself and the others and I just kind of got in our head would you kill him seemed like the right thing to do and then once he was dead kind of and they was kind of shrugged you know that this fair can but now and they point up and you can see there is a vault above you a hole in the ceiling about thirty feet wide and there's a glimmering blue field above it i closing it off and you can see through the field there looks like a massive orrery but now we can't get up to his lab now though but yeah can i can i do a but check to see if there actually is any magic in his hand sure yeah gopher yeah yeah are kind of told you what is it no great eight um you see there are some of the tattoos that are red wizard if they might have um but you don't I don't suspect it be magic and it just seems like a hand is like some dried blood on it did a couple pieces look like may have nibbled on a little bit there are other entrances into this room behind yeah actually uh when you came in there's also you see there's a door to the to the right and a door to the left so I will scurry as whereas therein I'll square use my my hiding ability to cover that door the right got it give me a stealth check oh you got it it's gonna be incredible don't worry about the roll are you guys close on the rolls how close are you ninety-nine okay so like like hey yeah like um and everyone every else can kind of see you're sort of crouched like a your tour like Endeca ninja stance by the door actually look pretty impressive if you're actually hiding I show my friends I got skills gosh dang it pulled the rug over your head yeah so what you got to offer for this mirror I mean you're gonna this is where we parlay you show us the mirror first then we parlay ah well show you in there I kind of look at each other smile I'll be right back oh and they head over to the door that's to your right sort of facing the pain and they open it up oi we got a mirror and then the door closes could honk behind you and you hear some kind of more yelling and commotion and stuff and the door opens back up again and you see now there's four of them come in ah this is what this is Hurley and barely some of our friends maybe rather than a mirror you would you'd like a cat he pulls out a cat that is quite clearly dead easy my friend you know he's easy my friend any interest I mean I will take it can't make good lunch uh just want to point that out we are here for a specific mission employed by one of the powerful masked Lords of Waterdeep you accept a contract from someone like that and don't conclude it and leave with the wrong spoils oh you're able to lined up worse than the wizard that actually used to occupy this tower I stand behind the dwarf looking down our enemies and start to flex it kind of look at each other and ah you say they're gnome like yeah no no something you need to know about me am i with in Tempe can i if I jump off the manticore am i close enough to grab one of them yeah great now we're doing it like that huh I grabbed one by the back in the neck mm-hmm them up and I'm gonna attempt to intimidate got it good work wait this is where we parlay okay it's 15 i glare out of me he kind of goes white and looks at what could I be assisted by my Manticore jerk yeah yeah he's looking at a somewhere else so I'm trying to get us a new smells is a new magic are the statues well we'll go get the head the head the head crusher we'll get him we'll get him he'll speak to you we'll see he'll he'll want to party with the likes of you yes yes oh you mean the head crusher or the head crusher both now that I think of it to put it that way well we've known to crush a dead end but he's also the head of the crusher yeah oh it's both we're waiting for them to bring the entire army out are we gonna do this let's let's get active are we gonna do what can I make an ark a no check to see if there's any sort of indication of how we get up farther into the tower before oh um where am i right now w we have wisdom intelligence yeah so I'm 12 I'm so looking up you realize it's the the obviously you could apply under that hole in the ceiling but looks it's a wall of force that's blocking it off okay um and with a result you realize I like a disintegration spell what would destroy it instantly uh as I often have on all these disintegration spells um desert desert look to be like a device down on the floor that's that's might be operating the big dome no it just the room is fairly austere there's just there's the there's the throne and just in the two doors you do notice now that the statues have been talking they stopped making noise but now all there's six of them all six of them are looking at you and they all have that hard like you're missed pain look on their face I won't have it detect on the statues I don't have to tick magic Ida grabbed a spell magic if it comes to it good to know that yeah I can detect it myself cool oh but I'm pretty sure there's something magical going on these statues but just just for your safety yeah so nice it waddles over at or half plate armor and kind of pulls out her holy symbol which appears to be like a thunderstorm with like a skull face on it and kind of holds it aloft was her eyes focusing to see if she able to detect any strong magical sense about the statues all six statues are very strong I have there innately magical and as you look at them instead of you know you see the aura begins to appear around them you realize that these are living creatures that have been transformed into stone but much worse than that normally when something's turned to stone it's just turned into rock but these are these whoever did this to them somehow with an expert flourish if it wasn't so cruel you might find it fairly artistic they cut off the spell about two-thirds of the way through so while their their bodies are stone their minds and spirits still occupy the statues and are are lay I'm going to detect good and evil if I can focusing on any evil sense from these statue creatures uh yes a lot of people coming from I can't run go let's leave them good do you detect good from the gnome creatures so please is full of bastards wait a second what do you mean doesn't continue I am going to turn the gnome that I'm holding upside down and shake him and see if anything comes out of his pockets Oh Holly you're getting close to violence we're not supposed to be violent in this room the master was quite and as he says that they all put masters dead and they pull out their blades and let's all roll fast rubbers Oh nineteen talks that be [Laughter] alright so since we have a larger group was only one group of monsters going I've rolled their initiative and I got a twenty one kind of van different if you got a 21 or higher we'll do that it's a kind of a group and then everyone got below it twenty-one we'll do that as a group that seems fine so just kind of keep things moving like did anyone get higher than a twenty one nope alright so the four of them but oh so in that case if you don't mind I'll just start and go around the table since I've run the bull monsters and Ruth is good alright so they all gleefully pick up their sides and one of them should go get the rest of them of the boys haha Tibbits and they start so one of them you're holding one of these fellows uh one of them charges towards you with his side and he's gonna take three hacks at you twenty-one in a 2003 Wow twenty-one is my armor class I run right he dashes in and haha and swings three times hitting you twice for nine points of damage each day and he starts dancing a jig and his boots clinking Clank and kick up sparks on the ground hahahaha we don't have to parlay we don't have to parlay let's see who else is sort of it oh you were trying to hide and like see you on the side by the door yeah and one like looks right at you oh he trying to hide are ya is so fun he did this is a great game oh I had a the 25 I assume will hit but does a 15 of you the 15 misses right so you take one hit for nine points of damage thank you the one you're holding try is wiggling free so go ahead give me a strength check I'm gonna pose it with his strength check to see if he can pop through oh man god yeah that's one guy so he got a sixteen so even is this this small note you realize he's like ol muscle and he's like that kind of gangly wirele and he just like twists around he actually bites your wrist which is causes just enough pain for you to lose some of your grip and he drops to the ground and springs away and grabs his blade and then the fourth one turns and dances out of the room boy blood to spill ha ha ha come one come on alright so start over here with one what he wish to do so there's the three of them one of them is attacking a little bit one of them is attacking Archon and there's another one of his feet who just dropped down to the ground and picked up his scythe okay what do you wish to do I'm gonna help big red and I'm feeling a little bit hungry so I clap my hands together and I turn into a giant toad alright ah natural and since I am circle of the moon that was a bonus action still use my action to run over and try to bite the bastard okay okay to go to doo dee doo no that's not too good uh Shh that is a 12 all right so you buried on it he barely just leaps out of the ways you can tap your jaws down shut your eyes are watching as when you're watching them you see these guys defense is not their strength like that that attack barely missed these are some more intent on just trying to draw blood so they hit hard but they don't see they seem like they're fairly easy to hit rule Archon uh chunko chunko is going to bite at the one grabbing for his sword at my feet got it Junko sick balls yeah that's the next Essure that's an 18 that'll hit crunch into a state because that's a d8 those are smiting dice I'm not gonna use the smiting guys my Congo dice that's gonna be six points of piercing damage all right he shrieks in pain as jungle draws blood okay and Chung go will then rake with his claws that's going to be a nine that will miss okay he's gonna rake again with this closet gets three attacks that's gonna be a 18 again that'll it great okay and claws rd6 so I'm gonna run roll my new Seattle SubPop record label die that I got at the airport yeah yeah uh not bad that's gonna be a seven all right he shrieks in pain great uh he's bleeding visibly uh and stumbling a bit from the bite in the claw as he rears back uh okay well then uh I'm going to take a swing at him not great that's gonna be a 12 that will just miss you take off like the as he's dodging to the side you take off the tip of his cap barely grazing the top of his scalp yeah I have one more attack left that's the 24 all right he looks stuck me hat and he stops dodging for a moment giving you a perfect opening to skewer him fantastic um I'm I'm not gonna spend a smite because I think there might be other dudes just gonna I do this all they have to offer this could be it yeah all right these are smiting guys I'm not he's well yeah um that is 11 points of damage all right he howls in pain as you slash into him but he's still standing still saying let's uh I rest my case that's all I got we're here to Reggie alright so I see what's going down where did the little one go with it's doing the tap dance he went to the door to the east alright alright and you can still see him I may see he had to like move away from where you were talking so you can see him through the doorway AM is he within 90 feet oh yes he is alright kind of right where he is and kind of bleeding back I want to throw down a stinking cloud okay Shh the vapors fill the area beyond the doorway and then uh I'm gonna take my bonus action to turn to Ark on him and be like our gun let's let's tear apart some little funk and I'm gonna give him a inspiration diet cool d6 right no you have a d8 ya go in with this stinking cloud does he make his saving throw in his turn he starts inside of it correct okay got it Constitution against poison cool you know I'm just gonna oh yeah I'll die cuz administering okay cool you can give their inspiration dice a barn I know right I don't look like it I'm actually pretty good with harmonica or dotrice are clear no you said that we were delayed because of bad weather what is the weather outside right now it's getting a little you candle get getting a little gusty er it looked like there was a storm coming in and there are a few ex you are the storm domain right yeah like so much remainder stormy conditions yes I would then I grabbed my holy symbol turn around and say bye to my to the storm Lord that guides me maybe Ren the small evil bus turns to ash and I cast call lightning nice uh washes as her kind of blondish turbine curls begin to rise it from the static electricity your eyes kind of glaze over glowing blue for a second you feel the air kind of static with the the smell and sense of of energy in the air and she points over to which one okay so there's the one that was over by the doorway there's one that you were tacking which is the one that's currently open and untouched that would be the one that's harassing the DOE the tote is attacking ya the totes attacking yet right right so this is the one that just turned to him in an attack like he'll be the first faint and as a point arc lightning from out just outside of the opening of the towers chief dexterity saving room dexterity saving throw and it's 4d ten damage because it's stormy conditions he only got any thirteen oh that's not gonna do my famous Tomatoes baby giant metal boots aren't so great when you're eight uh okay that's 24 and 26 points of lightning damage alright he does not look happy about that as the lightning arcs through him his eyes bulge out his hat goes flying back he looks he's looks pretty crispy he's still standing but he's teetering he's very badly I glanced over Toby's hey you're welcome great bless her soul over to Liz Liz is going to try to hop on the back of the giant toad because she's never ridden one before as you do yes and she'll start playing the banjo alright and cast a very small spell to exhale a poison spray at the one directly in front of the toad got it so I need you to make a constitution saving through these guys are pretty tough fourteen made it alright it's good he actually uh-hmm thank you they start dancing along with your music alright alright little bit what do you got you have the one guy in front of you he looks pretty roasted thoroughly yeah I am didn't really call it a head so I'm gonna assume I'm gonna pull the my short sword and dagger so this is a short sword so 19 okay so that's five plus so it's nine damage alright he's really badly hurt he's really so I'll take my dagger try to finish him off Oh crushing blow to D at44 so it's two plus four so there you go um that's six alright what snicker-snack with two quick blows he crumbles to the ground I couldn't call my shot yes yes like I go with a short sword low and I go back up I threw his jaw right through his jaw and his he and I staggers tip my hat to you he falls to the ground and then his body shudders and dissolves into a pool of blood oh that's so disgusting well I move action I'm gonna activate my boots of spider climb and climb up the side of the wall up you go alright that brings us some real good okay um so there's still some people who are alive right yeah so there's gonna be there's the one who tried running out to the room he's in the middle of the stinking cloud okay then there's two more who are sort of involved in the scrum over here okay so I have a familiar if I ask him to go and maybe go into the other room and just check it out is that possible right now with a bonus action or something he would he would have to try to navigate the stinking cloud because it is okay so I guess my kill enough yeah yeah it's so you can probably crouch down to the ground and sort of okay it'll be like squeaky come in please go into the other room and check it out for me uh and so he's going to say yes master and then the other and what does he see he sees what looks like um would be almost like a frat boys kind of hangout like there's some furniture but it's all really crappy and it stains all over it and there's like a couple like cast bail they're just like thrown in the corner yeah Mike spilled beer it's a it's a big dump but literally signs on the wall okay but there are how many other little there's the one guy and look but looks like he's running there's a door and the on the far side of the room rooms may about 20 feet wide or so and about 30 feet long it looks like he's trying to run for that room yeah that um okay so can i with my action I'd like to run into an area where I can see him yeah and then I'd like to use suggestion and tell him to just sit tight in that cloud okay the cloud he will fail that saving throw please kill yourself he just sits yeah you just dropped all right right he just sits his butt down in the cul de and there the stinking cloud right look very near this one guy who's over on icon who's actually yeah there's one on Archon there's one who is fighting Albin okay I'm gonna go and I got it I'm gonna save you I will do it and I'm gonna run at it with my super sword I'm dueling 9 Plus 8 is 17 that'll hit 11 all right he grunts in pain he looks pretty badly hurt he's teetering like one more hit my job I'm gonna do my second attack nice crushing blow and plus 8 15 that will hit hey holy smokes ah with another 12 damage alright he crumbles to the ground and it supposed as his gear clatters to the ground his body shudders and he turns into a thick viscous this viscous pool you wouldn't be my friend now snort smoke comes out of my nostrils when I turn back to the one to the other so the one in the cloud he just sort of sits himself down and he's just sort of coughing and gagging over there in the corner by himself but you know considering like that the state of the room he's probably used to this like it's probably just out home sweet home to him so he makes himself comfort on the couch and just takes takes a seat jung-hwan he was still fighting though he howls in fury um and let's see he's going to attack you guys got like three of you crowding around him I'll just kind of roll randomly he's pretty chaotic he's going to attack you he leaps over the pile of blood and slashes at you three times back and forth of that rule sharp scythe and he's going to get a 19 and a 20 I'm sorry a 16 and a 20 I can just went ahead great you take a 9 damage to the one slash in hit it was worth it chuckles haha I'm up on anybody kind of then looks around and sees the blood and he gets a little less enthusiastic about slashing wildly at you uh your turn uh he's still still going yep all right with Liz on my back I'm gonna go which means hold on and I'm gonna leap over at it try to fight again uh that time my gaiter getting hit a bit of a delivery this is awesome how it all right so he's gonna take ooh 10 plus 2 12 piercing damage plus a poison which is 17 so total of 17 damage and he's grappled unless he can beat my DC 13 do you make that right now yeah all right he's surprisingly strong he willeth haha we're the taste kind like mushrooms as you chomp down on him so to a soft and spongy it's the like and Alec all right over here are Ken and uh in company Chango okay Chango is going to actually how far up is that blue field it's about 40 feet above you 40 feet what I have to do for Chango to pick this guy up and fly him up to the top I sound like a strength check to me go like an opposed strength check not great can we get to six that's gonna be nope that's what that's a four that's terrible ah almost Hugo pushes back and is able to fend off chango's claws I won't use the inspiration dice crap um actually well not what it was the worst idea what that is but this poor child no look that's the end of the day if you're trying to bring this guy I literally I mean we're very honest so the inspiration in my mind I'm using the channel through Cheung goes nice that's it I the tiger you look at iam at yes we are well we are attuned through this through this wreath of the prism that I wear around my neck yeah yeah yeah baby okay belong the Dyson it did it alright so he almost pulls free but then shop inspired by your glare redoubles his efforts and grasps the holes it is a rising nurse and a bigger chamber flies up I have 50 feet of flying all right to the top and uh do I have can I let go of him yeah go ahead and drop him we're trying to spike him yeah oh yeah he's gonna spike all right whoo she goes flying down will take falling damage uh why don't you go ahead and roll 5d6 me for that five dishes sorry uh 46 46 okay not bad not bad that's 15 all right with the sickening thud he hits the ground and groans in pain he's horribly hurt but he is still struggling he's still up I'm we still conscious struggling to stand up great let me help you with that I come over swing that's gonna be a 27 to hit that will hitch okay great you know what I'm going to I'm sick of it I'm gonna smite them up I'm gonna use a first-level smite divine smite so I'm going to channel the powers of Tiamat through my axe and that's an extra to die eight so that's gonna be three nine eight seven so say 15 fifteen close eight that's 23 all right that is more than enough to finish him off as you stewar how many shudders and transforms into a pool of thick blood did I turn to my little halfling friendly friends hard string you so much - can we please now cover the doors yeah so with the full there's the one still sitting and is doing the country just 326 28 points damage all right it detonates in time one of the few instances where fireballs actually improved the decor and as it destroys everything burns away like the sticky spilled beer in the floor and incinerates him yeah well and you notice now as they sort of you know combat so yeah the fights over come in down a little bit you see one of the statues back of the entrance is pointing up at the glittery field so you said a disintegration bolt will dissolve the field okay maybe if we destroy all the enemies here they did disintegrate themselves as in the statues I reckon I hold my Chum go to come back down I get on his back and I go up and fly around is there any sort of lever any sort of device to Cicely feel you can see food now that you're up close looking through the field it looks like there's like an orrery of something you know like a you know has the different spheres eight of them they look like correspond to me to eat the different outer planes and it looks like it's a workshop there are shells everywhere alchemical gear are there's a skeleton of a dragon hanging from the ceiling but most notably directly above you directly above the the hole in the floor there's a sphere and from it comes ten tendrils of magical energy that reach up toward the domed roof of the chamber looks like this chamber kind of connects right up to the top the ceiling of the of the floating Tower so like almost like one of those electric key bowls yeah and you touch it it goes yeah exactly that's good wait uh with necrotic damage counters disintegration no that were just effect uh living creatures okay so wait are we all in agreeance that we want to take out these statues because I might have a plan no how you gonna take out the statute I've got an idea I snap my fingers and other both lighting strikes one of the far statues from behind and at the same time I go to another set I start sir playing my harmonica and I find I'm like her no her no and I find like the most discordant chord and go good and cache shatter okay on a couple of them so the lady ball hits one statue and it explodes and you see like the centerpiece of it must be like like blood or guts it there's some blood comes like and the other ones slowly start like shaking their heads and shrieking uh and you shatter one and the same thing like the same thing a kind of you know bursts out and they look terrified as they hold their hands up but one of them keeps pointing and he just like looks up at you and points again at the box the energy I feel like it's trying to tell us something and there Jesus tell me not to trust them but still the kind of the hair going and pull a box out and presented kind of glancing at our con yeah and I'm holding it in front of the one that has the hand up in front of it is there any reaction it despite the agony on its face it you barely get the hint of a smile a little bit of a nod and but it continues to point up and the other ones all kind of start pointing at that one and slowly start shaking their head there are six of them total you destroyed two of them so the other three are pointing at the one who's pointing up and kind of smiling and they're shaking their their heads very slowly saying don't do it no one is saying like yeah and the others are like no there's still another door that's right right yes and squeaky in there yeah sure quickie come in can you please going to go if you actually crawl into the door and as he does you get the sense you as your link them is a sense of like I rely callow me earthy smell and there's a stone staircase leading down it's a large open vaulted room and you could smell like like as if like you just walked into like a garden or like a like a hothouse or something you know it where it's very the air here is very warm and damp and a very thick low me smell and you can kind of like it's open like the stairs just go down likely they're open to the air and it looks like there's like these scraggly like tree like plants growing down below yeah this is happening some kind of trying to get an ID on this hole clutching the Box in my hand and still affected by the fly potion loss of you yeah I go ahead and glide up to where this barrier is and just take the box and press it against the field to see if there's any reaction I don't see any reaction okay hmm what if we open the box looked old literally know that and you say tendrils of energy just reaching the corners of the room yeah you can see the one up there they're moving around uh they seem to be like moving faster growing a little bit lighter like they seem to surge then fade with energy um and so as you're watching it seems like it's almost like that sphere that central sphere is moving oscillating back and forth and you didn't have I'm sorry go ahead okay did have any reaction as the Box approach was in terms of the sphere and undulation give me a perception I love it I'm gonna think it's a 19mm you notice as Teresa flies up you for a moment you want to I got maybe you're loosening it looks almost as if it was like waiting for it like there's a such special spherical figure with like one eye that like appeared from it and look down like angrily as Theresa and then fade it off and you feel the entire tower shudder oh no or shudder yeah good there's still one of those little known dudes right uh he got incinerated by them okay next time when fastest right she wasn't roars you say running - I remember seeing any sorts of openings windows at the top of the tower when you were approaching no there was just the one entrance that you came to the origin but there are more Alpha Gamma gnomes downstairs uh downstairs no you don't hear anything it's good it's a little in the garden like area you don't hear any noise or anything in front and he was going to get more yeah he was going to get yeah there is the one door on the far side of the room but that Liz blew up so okay I think I could misty steps for the bear um yeah yeah you want a ride what could possibly go wrong yeah so you jump off the Frog on yonder Chango like the greatest day ever okay so uh load them on the back of Chung go alright fly up line once the magical barrier yep and you can miss you style dearly missed a step three yeah cuz that's anywhere you can see so far so you step through the dimensional barriers and you find yourself yeah woman elation we're standing in a vast what's obviously in our own arcane lab of some sort there are tables all along the walls here cluttered with alchemical gear there is a mirror that looks like the mirror that your ascent to sign on one of the tables and as you you know you're looking about you see the ten tendrils of energy sort of writhing and lansing up against the the the sides of the the roof you see now that there's looking at the energy it seems coalesce into the shape of a spectral beholder it looks down upon yeah very quickly to grab the mirror give you wisdom saving know the worst things you could hear save okay so um wisdom you say was dumb that'll be a seventeen alright a seventeen don't make eye contact I believe it will you feel like a wave of sudden sympathy for the spirit this creature must be trapped the portrait but then it just it vanishes from your mind the Clower is down at you alright I do not stop until the mirror is mine okay you walk over and you pick up the mirror there it is I will use it as a shield as I run back okay great what's everyone else doing while this is happening are you just gonna hang out oh oh go by the I'll go up by the the mouth of the on the ceiling just some kind of support close to there I'm like boots got it girl is this me I look like it fits in a box uh no it's it's pretty big size ones like me look that big I'm glance about the seat you just took the armor man fairly damaged what did it smell yeah just taking the most daemon of this problem me probably that's a gay team I'm gonna keep an eye on these statues I said c9 but I'm not gonna keep on when I quit on okay so sweetie makes his way down the steps and as it gets down to like the thick loamy soil it looks like it's a garden but it's of dead dead plants like the trees there's like weird tree like creatures there bear they just sort of reaching up to the ceiling uh and you get the sense from him like it doesn't affect this place feels really weird like he feels kind of just out of it it's like cold and really scary like he's not happy about moving forward oh that squeaky come back here right so you grab the mirror and you're running over to the I'll give me a dexterity saving through mm-hmm saving toes the hard part of that stick yeah but going on hands on myself Wow oh you're gonna roll it 22 all right so the good news is when you disintegrate rate emerges link you only take 22 damage watching this happen I walk over to under bone like looks like you might need this and then cast a little one cure wounds on you okay I yield 18 points for mine that is really really awesome thank you or everyone's scrambling now to heal tenet yeah yeah and as that bolt streaks towards you you see the spectral beholder floats down from the center piece and glares at you with all Levitz eyes central eye staring straight at you I have not worked this hard to escape this bondage sled one pathetic is you ruined my plans put that mirror down or die like you stea I'm hovering on Chango like underneath where he's standing above the blue field like kind of like Millennium Falcon style Luke hanging on the weather antenna like we're like right underneath me and me and Chewie and I've had it behind him so it's like it's like 40 feet up and you can see now what's interesting old er the ghostly beholder is floating down he's not looking down at you he's just sort of glaring down at Liz mm-hmm how far away is Liz from us uh Liz's probability you ran over today it's about uh sleep if I'm at it's 10 20 30 40 feet so it's about 50 feet to the edge and you move back so you're about like maybe 20 feet from the lip of the other pit going down okay is you where's Lewis close enough to where I can give inspiration um yeah you'd be the here because I'd say the wall of course you could hear everything for the wall for someone just do a little like hey Liz Tommy wait I'm gonna wait I'm in the way others coming away from that folder you can do it man I'd start dancing on the ceiling okay Congo starts moving around under me a little bit I hope it wasn't ain't back you know Kentucky bar bluegrass jig is what you wish to do I wish to get back to the pit as quickly as possible or rather to a point where I can misty step back to the underside even if I'm in the air what's your intelligence my intelligence is 15 realizer is one flaw in this plan what's up that beholder central eye is glaring straight anti-magic he's flirting straight giving intelligence are in our kind of truck okay oops through good sixties so good right now so yeah hi it's two things you have good news and bad news bad news centralized staring right at you which is an anti-magic fact that is going to shut down your spells good news is it also shuts down its own IRAs so as long as it's glaring at you in trying to keep you locked down mm-hmm it can't use its I raised against you okay uh what I'm going to try to do then since misty step is a bonus option is I'm gonna eat I know that just let go look at you yeah it's got any way to disengage yeah yeah we got doing this right a single poop lands on oh I'll try to use my blowgun to shoot it in the eye Oh long enough to make it blink holy I couldn't own a section out of there that's bananas and I'm dead oh I roll the ten inspiration inspiration oh yeah you are inspired 38 yes to add to that 10 a whopping 414 oh all right and is it it just been the literally the blink wound up point and sends it flying back just perfectly time there's no need for violence what when you could be my thrall why why struggle so hard little one so short-lived but while this is happening the satchel that the first little like bread cap we encountered had that have the hand inside I quickly fly over and start reaching in to see if there's any other remains and/or objects that the original red wizard may have left behind sure there's actually the second hand and an eyeball okay but you notice the hands interestingly enough are you proficient in history or are kind of I am in history you realize looking at the hands there are tattoos on the fingers of eyes on the fingertips of each hand which is not something that you'd normally find on red wizards yeah give me a history check or kind of check that is a 20 nice all right you realize that looking at it yeah this they are someone is taking the very careful to match like lit up the beholder these tattoos expertly matched the 10 top eyes I go ahead and I grab the hands and fly up underneath while this is happening and try and align the fingertips with the various placement of the eyes and never chamber all right as you fly up and do that you see that behold is uh if you would just choose to serve me and it is you notice it's not looking with any of its main eye but it's ten eyes are like this they look down and start fluttering like what I'm starts hitting the beholder in the side that's like what as you reach up now what you can do is that you realize if you can expend a spell slot through the eyes to activate one of the beholder eye effects one of which would be disintegrate right I will happily expend a level one spell slot to activate it all right a beam erupts from my hand and hits the wall of force and instantly causes it to dissipate all right it clatters down it is magical so it does not break luckily clatters dent in the beholder roars in fury which is an opening for the thrill appreciative okay maybe mr. rule isn't as good as last time now I only got a no you got help I know special trees - lura is oh man remember my legendary actions all right anyone beat an eight yes yes yes all right did anyone not beaten eight that was probably say if you guys don't mind we'll start me a look around this way this time and we'll do the beholder it but then we'll start Oh all right so we'll show you the beholder now uh since no longer about dispelling the wall of forest is now looking down at you a couple of the eyes looking over at Liz what do you wish to do everybody everyone you're flying potions are still fact so you can cool still as well I'm gonna shoot my short bow okay thanks go for it crit okay go to line up a shot and it tries to do the trick where it blinks just in time except oh it miss times at you good straight guy 611 + 314 alright and I have a second attack yep go go for it you can load and fire again another [Applause] crop for a run start never get rid of those dice ten uh blessing thirteen all right it roars in fury as you've done 27 points of damage to it with a short bow I do I'm an action surge yes you can okay you get two more attacks about it I'm Rick come on ya big money uh please car 620 that'll hit 2009 alright all this going again 616 that will miss so actually put three arrows in which means central I the last on there dodges out of the way stronger than yellow to do so that'll bring us over to a little bit I'm sitting on that don't go and I just look and give them mr. Miyagi like right here how so how far away am i from this action so it's about forty feet to the ceiling I'm on the ceiling only right right near cut and actually if you want to make me a stealth check why doesn't yes if you would be able to have a chance now I'm gonna say has to go in the box launch was for the camera if the aerial camera didn't see it uh yeah eighteen eighteen okay so you were like we're trying to hide yeah so you don't think it's noticed you because it's been just taken a few arrows to the eye and then it was also trying to Liz to come over to its side okay so and it doesn't it doesn't seem to suspect that like I mean it has written to respect that someone be crawling along the ceiling okay you don't think it's noticed you oh I'm going to change that right now how so can I get into melee I mean could I like conceivably jump on the back of this thing or is that insane I'm kind of people I should say rather he is saying than not I would like to like take my fly spell and just jump into a into a sneak attack from behind so here's what I'll do give it to me since it doesn't notice you I'll either say you can either jump on its back yeah then it's going to notice you see you won't get a sneak attack this round but you will definitely get on its back or you can make an athletics check but if you succeed to get on its back you will get your sneak attack but if you fail that check it's going to get a free blast that you with one of its randomized oh I'm going to take this knee okay it's an athletic or I go bad excuse yes yes plus seven Oh 23 I'm gonna flip before I do women pulled both weapons yes yeah directly back this thing go ahead and beat your tax game I've had the Denish because you are guys so there's my short-sword Oh with advantage you get to re-roll try a good avenge the weight but fifteen fifteen will not hit ah okay my second attacks are my dagger oh no you're dicing I get advantage on my second did you yeah okay I'm still no bueno 1717 will just miss here's the thing I want you to signal me in song as I die [Laughter] orchestrated about the banjo you swoop it and your perfect lap within the eyes they like again to kind of whack it on the head like a boss and then like they start like lunging at you trying to justify your check but you are on it you're right ride'em cowboy you're right up there okay over to Liz so you're standing there i right in front of it I does still have its central I focused I actually was looking down so that the sexualize no longer looking at you okay that's great so my magic is turned on then yep on its back now yeah but don't worry about me they're singing me in song it's been a fun I won't hurt me magic missle it and I will amp it up to third level for five missiles okay go yeah very Raceland measure with throw back 13 18 points of force damage okay and does not seem to like that and as you unleash your spell um are you moving or staying up there I'm gonna stay up there and just play my banjo okay it it's gonna use what it's legendary actions to activate a random IRA to try to swat you yeah okay uh could you please make me a dexterity see no problem Oh easy sixteen plus my Dax which is a seven should be a UH yeah it's a seven so Twitter all right all right one of this eyes turns turn straight in the it crackles with a sickly green energy and right up in front your face you turn just as it blasts and it boomed takes a huge blast a huge hole in the wall but would have lined up exactly where your head just was before yeah and you can see air rushes in as the last door I sort of scoff alright and we'll go over here to three so so holding the hands do I get any sense that the whatever magic rays that can be spent from these hands are already expended or can i maybe continue to put spell slots in you can continue to put spell slots in this I'm going to sit here with my new seven horrible severed hand toy you know huh all right this will be one for the books I'm gonna go ahead and plump another another spell slot into it okay so I'm you can your your menu today include there's a charm ray paralyzing ray fear ray slowing ray of the damaging ray I suggest the the death ray it's an excellent vintage this year is also the disintegration ray and the petrification ray sleep ray is great huh oh I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and take a little little appetizer to the death ray if you don't make so you're probably a little spell slide into it I'm gonna put this at a third level okay so it's going to have to make a dexterity saving throw as you turn the beholder Ziya ray again stitch let's see it will fail horribly enroll from e6 d-10 damn it yeah I need me some more details my friend here's the drought detent oh yeah yeah all right all right that's enough day thank you this is the sexiest thing oh okay ten twenty twenty eight and then two more yeah no weird okay this 28:36 uh 41 points for the rest of us into it so now unfortunately hit a live a good news bad news situation good news you just did 45 points of damage to this thing well done it looks horrible but Liz anyone else is sort of looking up notices those ten energy beams coming from that central thing begin to shudder and fade and you all feel free fall for me bill there's three four or five seconds as if the towers dropping from the sky or sort of catches itself ever make a tackle connecting who can I grab that you're flying and I tell Susan is there if anyone who's flying near you so I guess I'm physical physically flying do I have to roll I know you are but I'd like to try to grab somebody and Chango I think would like to grat I don't know if there's wait up trickle both grunting let me just pick two two people and give them my advantage on their saving careers do I get towed advantage okay I will uh yeah yeah I bet that's that's for me besties and uh from Chango I know you're on the floor you're on the ground uh I'm on the ground beneath would the thing Sam I'm who are essentially down it's just yeah everyone's rolling everybody it's everybody so everybody say if you could just pick two people who are close to each other you guys don't know one two uh Liz oh yeah all this is upstairs how lives is up okay so where am I I'm right below where the field is yeah you're right below yeah right here basically you could help anyone but Liz and a little bit basically like if you couldn't no because they're upstairs oh good okay one hmm - all right so you both get a advantage on your second girls and if you did d c---ten so it's not so bad okay if you make this living thirty able to catch yourself you're still on your feet it's kind of terrifying you just make you fell like 13 or 5060 feet if you feel the saving thorough take five damage and you fall prone what's what's the pale uh tied game engine you fall prone did you really yeah yeah I just did it excu Rach and as you see that magic starts like it starts cracking fading in and out and it do you feel the entire tower starting to shudder a bit and the beholder cackles as it uses another one its legendary actions it's gonna target you cuz you just gouged it for 45 years actively going nothing Constitution saving throw that I can not say 19 all right so the beam Lance's out hit soon for moment you suddenly feel yourself going rigid but you're able to focus and just sort of fight your way through it throw off the man like you long as I point to the other statues all right and we go with regi do we am i within 30 feet of him oh yeah he sort of was up there he's kind of float remember also you still my fly spell okay I'm gonna kind of low it up oh there my doggy paddle load up a little bit in the air and kind of get behind them and I'm gonna be like those eyes look like problem blindness I'm gonna try and catch blindness on him there it's a Constitution saving throw okay DC v DC 15 C so we go whose concert no whammies no whammies yeah six okay so here this bottom nine so go ahead and roll to D ten for me and coming with result oh he took my ten ona thank you I gave you back your Jan my tan mmm uh 8:00 to 5:00 so or thirteen so you see two of his eyes his innervation Rae I and his petrification I my milky-white with cataracts and they just are looking about panic cuz you shut down those two abilities good you're gonna make us statues right and that was ready uh Arkin and okay Chango all right so I'm gonna fly up to meet this thing all right uh how many feet away is it Otis action like he's four yo if you're on the floor or you might be closer you've been flying well so I've stabilized these two so would it be be be a forty feet above you so forty feet so Chung go can fly 50 feet so we can get up there with ten feet them to spare I'm on how many's my bonus action real quick to inspire you I'm going to say go Jean go go John go go go go go go Oh [Applause] go sprouts Hammer pants fluttering in the wind didn't you fly up there yep okay great I think I'm going to ok Chung goes gonna fly up and take a actually you know what our con will go fir can i no I can't do that Chung goes movement now Chango strikes right um how does that work I there's a work with these man of course as Li design the game I have no whatever it's fine split just everything right that's fine all roads broken inside someone's table but it here is fine alright Internet have at it then I'm going to no it can still see it's not there's not advantage gained because of blindness or anything it's just two of its eyes together blended okay great I'm gonna roll one of these brand-new dice given to me by my friend John castle let's go oh that's a 25 that will hit thank you John uh I'm in a second level divine smite alright is this thing a feed uh alas it is not no okay and it is not undead nope yes it's not the boss that's dead or whatever yeah okay grip um that would be that's gonna be for died eight two three four yep four am he said forty feet up yeah not great that sucks it's a bit sore believe that's Noble yeah that's horrible um well as banne uh that's gonna be fourteen terrible alright yeah I'm mad with it I rolled it I wrote two ones into twos ouch I'm starting to Marvin counts as he sort of roars back and Shane floats back and looks at you with all of his eyes and I've got another attack you did and that's gonna be a twenty-two that'll also hit great second level denying smite oh yeah come on this is I'm not to watch my dice let's go do it go to your home ah better okay since I'm a vile er bird you can also use your inspiration to add to damage if you want just throwing that out there I've died hate let's use the inspiration this is the inspiration [Applause] [Laughter] that's 35 oh right horribly injured but once again with that telling blow suddenly the magic above sputters and fades and the entire tower sets to fall and turn sideways make another dexterity saving so for me the DC this time is 15 good me with Cheung goes with the tower turning yeah like seconds flying at you on anyone who fails the saving throw has been a fall prone and take 15 damage oh cool this is a deck save the tower sort of falling down sideways how much damage 15 uh no fail if you made the saving throw you take five damage being bounced around but you're still standing and then the tower writes its own can I use oh you're okay because you're writing on the beholder oh that's awesome would I would I misty escaped now that I took damage as a reaction can i teleport to the mirror yes and I'd like to just grab that do I take do I roll for both myself and chunga yeah okay so Chango failed um and uh you said it's a ten ah good Santino so did I it's there to spiral up okay and then the beholder is going to use its last legend reaction to the turn to fire offer that you read it is mad at you are can you of like who write up to did a ton of damage wait it's gonna fire off a random Ray but there's a chance it's gonna try to fire off randomly one of its blinded eyes which means it'll have no effect great which the knee that's in me see for that's the slowing ray so it does hit could give me a DC 16's Dex saving through please Dex it okay am i off of the back of Chun go am I still holding on uh you'd still be holding on so we go on okay great DC 16 you said yeah and it and I add my what dexterity just straight-up Dex bonus 18 alright so firstly the ray hits you everything seems to slow down around you and everything it is everything actually everything I do seems to speed up tremendously for a moment but then you're able to throw off the magic is it has no effect on you then we come over here odds anything else for chunko chunko has three attacks over John goes yeah gnarly dude yeah he's the best he's the best he's really good yeah it's really great what you get them all yeah okay do he's going to bite and that's gonna be that's a 24 that will hit nice hmm it's gonna be seven points of damage on the bite okay um he's gonna fly backwards ten feet away mm-hm and use his tail spiked attacks sounds good which he has 24 of in a 24-hour period yeah that's just a zoom I think it's a yeah so get enrolled right tell spike number one that's going to be a 21 hit hit it's gonna be six points of damage okay and nine that will miss okay Chango that's good right and then we come over to old one all right well I'm not gonna swallow this meatball so he's bonus action to drop the toad and I'm gonna fly up at the beholder in three-point land back to back with my other halfling friend here and I'm gonna like I'm in tall grass amongst these stalks I'm gonna thunder wave through the eye stalks mm go ahead that's a saving throw the beautifully beholder that's right and my CC he blew it I rolled the three on the die okay so - well saving throws okay holder's having a tough time throw home is edited by billions like they always screen for us I'm not gonna play fight again this will holder finish last a total of ten and I'm pushing him 10 feet in some direction you could push him straight down yeah I'm gonna push him downward right you said I'm flying down down into the central chamber it's roars in pain and then looks about anything else I have a little bit of movement so I'm going to push away from him as I do that got it - Jen - go 20 feet for the wrath of God is Bob where are you going see you later haha he gets his threes in a blast with three eyes let's see first which one I never so I got rid of the petrification in though which ones he was hmm I don't can't use one time petrifying okay so the pet trying doesn't work cuz it's blinded yeah ray ray is going to work uh so let's see paralyze and disintegrate why does it every one roll a d20 let's see who rolls what Louis I hope I go smash your uh I roll the - oh yes I rolled it - oh there are two rays so no this to raise is one for each of you no no like so good alright so um let's see I'll roll randomly see if he gets there the disintegrate race so Jesus here oh jeez to be over here so alright could give me a dexterity saving 302 ssin saving it's good I'm very good at those Lundy doors a 1900 no 9 no no no you are paralyzed women agree this yeah 22 damage okay that's all out cheese Wow better than the 45 UTS that we made it through that round those kid yeah yeah do anything with his movement I know he's just sort of floating there looking at this blasting away at all of those fool she should have done more okay um so I'm invisible currently because of misty escape how now that he's pushed down how close is he to where the mirror was he's about like 10 10 feet away from it okay okay cuz I'm still kind of up in the air like it wasn't enough movement to bring him down to the floor the mirrors down on the floor so you're like kind of directly below him okay that sounds good so could i potentially do a sneak attack from where I am yeah because you can't see you so yeah awesome so what give me a stealth check real quick so you see even though you're invisible you're still making noises you move around there like that but it idea oh you were down there so okay I'm at 21 all right so he does not seem to seem to realize you are there okay so I'm going to in very cat-like grace I'm going to hunker down and then spring up with my dagger and I have a sickle too which I think that's just for dramatic effect so I'm just really cool to tell ya and sometimes I like to make some meat so I jump up and and I use one hand to try and stab and then I use my other paw to give a high-five to little bits huzzah nice very classy okay invisible so you're like and Sully does yeah so you have advantage any attacks or we were well roll twice take the highest okay oh it's not great um there's complete focus yeah I'm so distracted about the sickle um so I think I'm looking at 13 in total that will miss celebrating too early oh yeah I'm still up there high five really connected yeah everyone's writing to beholder it so many people characters we can get a half head of my ass so I'm just going to say oh come on there okay so then we'll come back around over to here have them I have a blast oh we carry your fellows decide to play Tyrell did 20 a natural 20 on initiative is it possible I could jump in right before her if no one objects that set works for me is that okay as soon as soon as the Ray hits me and kind of the dust knocks off the armor and I can see bits of my flesh kind of just torn from the array I look over and watch as the child sorry big enough to float locked in place after the Ray hits angle no today I fly over towards in cast lesser restoration on her to try and remove the paralyze effect and say no I prove your strength child can on a meatball hey nice that's my turn alright and does that put a pull off less restoration just the double check here it just pulls it right off you need the card yeah that's right now there yeah condition me blinded deafened paralyzed or poison you are free and you have my big chunky spicy meatball floating in front of it making a big target I'm I'm gonna pull out my short sword and attack don't worry nine plus eight seventeen well just miss oh okay going again separatist wearing off yeah quick all right oh hey for you 19 finisher a little tear by kirtana okay 1010 damage you've got a cord injury across its side as it sort of turns and starts to sag don't roll it twice I forgot okie-doke retro like it is it's down to I just rolled one number four tip points single digits in a while oh it's still up one single digit hip points so you saw shoot horribly wounded back and is it sort of sags it turns one of its eyes towards you and uses one of its legendary actions to try to blast you all right I'm gonna put my comes of it uh that's the disintegrate raid give me dexterity saving 30 G's if he dies he died in honor oh wait was it really hi Dex 37 through a third of saving throat uh 13 that will not do it that's gonna be 45 Winston I'm I'm uh unconsciously oh you're not good yeah hey man I'm so wait that bountiful Don about the series of events for me as I rush you over and save the child as you guys flying through the dust so right back into your [Applause] it chunko chunko let's out of a muddy tears take his moment to vanquish this beast in the name of the child oh yeah move oh I'm gonna jump on all of it and try to drag my short-sword through its iron down and yes come on come on yeah you sneak attack any all got a little points I'm going to just oh I'm gonna take you never better yeah that will hit I blip I drag it in I do something grander duty to do song [Music] duck a four-time five million after you it's yesterday's I could could I ask you for an assist here as the one dungeon master to another and her your uh you you as if you had no no no you said he's killed it sorry that says Oh got you oh I see I see what I do how do you want to do this I take the short so as I'm going down I driving the thing and I've roll it all the way down [Laughter] but egg yolk let's get out of here yes tower starts to drift down into the ground and this is perfect timing because we've just hit ten o'clock so we're able to make your way out and escape with the mirror we're playing till two here I think you'll see yeah well what if he playing they start yeah thank you so much for playing [Applause] you gotta wait for the recipe Jing oh yeah we really how hard the tower hit I guess what I'm saying it's floating and luckily it is sort of a steady but increasing range feathering it does not look like it's quite seaworthy when it does hit the water it's ready to do like within a minute or three it's going to foosh wait to get all that magic in three minutes [Laughter] now with that investigation check we're not yeah all that knows well we'll take care of iljin here we're gonna throw it upstairs for the next segment in our show [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 88,555
Rating: 4.927978 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Mike Mearls, Chris Perkins, Matthew Lillard, Kim Hidalgo, Liam O'Brien, Joe Manganiello, Marisha Ray, Matt Mercer, Stream of Annihilation
Id: XlAEYxu8L84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 15sec (5355 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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