D&D Live 2019: The Descent, Part 1

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/monoblue 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] No welcome to the descent tonight and tomorrow night we are going to take you to hell we're going to do it over the course of four adventures the first of which is right now I am your dungeon master for this session Jeremy Crawford and with me is this illustrious group of players what I would like each of you to do starting with you Alex's go right down the row tell us your character's name your real name - and describe your character a little bit for everyone hello I'm Alex Lee I play meet the group the dragon friends ah Thank You dragon friends my character is called field she is a half-orc barbarian she's very very strong and very very stupid hi I'm Joe Manganiello and I play with the death slaves crew I am playing half-mad arson a mysterious jerk onyx sorcerer who during puberty realized he had the ability to control fire and couldn't find a shirt today hey everybody I'm Kelly Lin DeAngelo I'm playing Tuesday July is the very extra horse gnome druid it'll be good fun a cross between Eliza Doolittle and Bert from Mary Poppins hi I'm Serena Murray I play Urrea 15 year old adventurer the best adventurer that ever was and yeah she's a lot of dreams [Laughter] I'm talus and Jaffe I'm doing pretty cool this it's nice in here this is really cozy surprisingly cold it is freezing over I'm playing Quinta fell a sort of androgynous David Bowie meets meets nebula from guardians of the galaxy in the service of the Celestials but a NASA Muir and of course bounds to the Lord of fry flies as a warlock hello everyone my name is Taran Killam first-time long time very kind my friend Joe Manganiello got me into Dungeons & Dragons a little over a year ago now so I'm sort of I'm the noob and I am playing as Hall wind banana theour a high elf bard who comes from a family of politicians and went against his father's wishes to follow him in office and join the Bard College because he liked manipulating people through music as opposed to lies and words [Laughter] [Music] boom-boom-boom this booming continues in your minds and each of you one at a time wakes up you feel damp warm the smell of brimstone all around you that booming you think is the headache throbbing in your head but then you realize it's explosions as well one two three and then four and as your eyes flutter open you see that you are each lying on a riverbank next to strange greenish water whispers rising up from it and on the other side you see the two largest armies you have ever seen in your life battling under an ember sky one side howling mad demons and the others devils some blotting out portions of the sky with their bat-like wings others above the demons hovering vulture like hurling magic and weapons down upon their foes you don't have much time to contemplate this horrific battle in front of you because you realize immediately to your left is you gaze toward the river there is a crashed gondola perhaps the vehicle that carried you here slumped over the side of it appears to be a dead dwarf and running from a great monster is another one of these red capped dwarf figures heading toward a strange option which you players would recognize as a motorcycle but looming over that dead-looking red-capped dwarf is a frock a vulture like demon that is just now hold its beak out of the bleeding back of that dwarf and it turns its beady eyes counting each of you and it squawks in hunger I need you all to roll initiative and that sound is coming from our seventh player then looms from Silence gate [Applause] I've got a 20 whoo no big deal very nice half man oh my god yeah 19 all right ghost ain't seen myself hey which of you would like to go first what's your - howl at him go first Yuriy 16 Quinta fell 13 going down with each person howl 1:12 and appropriately enough I rolled even lower Filch Filch walks up to the vulture and says how am i birdy this this creature looms over you taller than a horse wings stretched out behind it and a horrible stench emanating from its body but especially from its gore covered she Pat's it on the fake it looks rather confused by smelling you and you hear from the red-capped dwarf like figure running in its iron boots to the motorcycle who's gonna die anything else on your term I'm just gonna back away respectfully it slashes at you all right it's talent comes sweeping in at you but it gets only a 10 to hit 14 so all right half Matt okay how far did she back away how hard did you back away the rest she's upon it stress how much damage does it do that is going to be 8 plus my fire damage bonus because of my drew conic heritage so that's going to be a14 all right as the flames course over its chest it looks as if it's scales and carapace like upper torso the orbs front some of the fire but it does take some of that damage well I have the ability to ignore resistance to fire if that's what it is well there you go all right Tuesday what do you do all right I'm real scared so I'm shaking and I like grab my sling real slowly and I know my sling and I just pop at it oh that's pretty good all right all right all right do you be on everybody's great I think it's all right so that would be a 21-2 it that's quite a bit full points damage all right Yuri Yuri wakes up and sees the scene she reaches into her pocket picks up what looks like would look like an inhaler but it's not an inhaler she puffs it grabs her morning star and charges towards the Beast yeah I'm trying to wipe it it's quacks blood spraying all over you filled as you come charging in that's really Carrie oh no for me that would be a 12 that is a Miss so as she runs toward it it sprays blood and I accidentally like I you I fear off all right quinta fell I sort of take a few steps to the left I pull one of the writhing maggots that create the cover of my book of spells and I crush it and then Eldridge blast sends forth the creature that's not my d20 that's uh so Eldridge Blastoise boobs thanks oh yes 1789 oh this is 25 to hit and I think 17 yeah so that's that's 13 points of radiant damage and he slowed 10 feet or taken off of his boots all right the arcane energy sparks over its body and into its wings and you can actually see it sort of slowing down as your magic courses through it it squawks louder than ever before and looks across the river across that whispering expanse and in response to its squawk you see several more rocks flying peel off from the demon army across coming in your direction since the red cap fellow says you're really gonna die I agree with that guy yeah Owen I pull out my flute just to get the bird's attention I lick my thumb I shine my silver pipes pinned to my cape I raise thanks Joe I raise Patrick Rothfuss I'm pretty excited I mean I thought I brought my book to get it sighs they got me a shark before back to the game I pull up my hand crossbow and I take aim right at its eye and I sort of shoot okay but with a 12 yeah you you hit the bridge of its eyebrow and bounces off yeah give it up for the sound Department it flaps its wings and as I put my crossbow back down and I do sort of like a sad whistle oh no it's like mm-hmm slimey of the pipe the flute becomes a slide whistle with that mess in unison with the slide whistle it moves its wings slowly and then these spores launch out of its wings filled and Urey you are both close enough for these spores to suddenly descend over you I need each of you to make a constitution saving throw 20 that is a 16 all right you both as as the spores descend upon you you instinctively hold your breath even close your eyes for a there is a stinging on your flesh but then it passes you both succeeded [Applause] vroom vroom you see the red cap is now on the motorcycle and takes a glimmering coin out of his vest drops it into a coin slot right near right near they they handlebars revs and suddenly purplish fire erupts out of the back of the motorcycle and he peels out to go around this giant mound of skulls downriver from you a bit just as he does this you now hear more booms coming not just from the explosions across the river but also from the other side of this mound of skulls that he's going around filled what do you do I'm going to run on the other side of the skulls alright so you is you go on explosion side alright it's you clear so you're running up to the skulls yes but like part of the skulls here explosions there me like here on the other side alright so you are now in the shadow of these skulls yeah and as you get close you see that crawling all over them in the eye sockets and the mouths are strange greenish maggots mm-hmm and many of them as you come up look at you I look back at them hey what you looking at you hear many voices emerge as one from the maggots and the voice says ice continued sauntering past this the skulls as if I'm not worried at all by maggots as if they don't scare me half met what do you do how far away is this redcap dwarf on the motorcycle yes he is now 60 feet away from you 60 feet yep now he threw this coin into a hole and that looks like what started up this in the infernal contraption yes is there any did he turn something to start it or it is just this coin that yeah okay then I'm going to run I'm going to double move and hop on the back and grab them around the way alright alright so as you is you come running up I'm gonna need you to make a dexterity acrobatics check to see if you can leap on to this moving my motorcycle okay alright I'm somewhat dexterous now Gary didn't want me to hit that one it's the Gary Gygax die I just rolled in that one so dude you will thunder master the dices spoken yeah so you realize that what you were running on are the dried up carapace --is of the same maggots that Phil just saw but dead ones and as this motorcycle is peeling out in front of you and you just missed it it launches a bunch of these dried carapace is straight into your face [Music] are they protein rich are you gonna take some down seeing as how this is like the first probably the first level of hell I'm gonna say no I'm gonna spit him out all right or like fire like a little fire in my mouth I'm just gonna you know if I could fire bolt in my mouth you're gonna fire gargle in my mouth so it's up a little fire to get it out of your mouth yeah they're as they burn there's a strong been brimstone smell right in your nostrils well please the sinuses mmm Tuesday all right I don't know any of you but I can tell you on trouble so I look out I see you go chasin just eat eat so I like this is there clouds in the sky air there are clouds this way they look like amber clouds that are almost impossible to see because they're the same color as the sky but you see this rippling then just over the river in the opposite direction from the pile of skulls you see what you think as a cloud but then suddenly it's darting around and you realize it is innumerable insects flying in a cloud toward the great battle on the other side of the river all right well that doesn't look like a cloud so I'm going to like slowly look towards the Ambo one that looks a little bit more promising I'm going to use call lightning down on the thing trying to get away from us I'm the machine that I don't understand because I'm a simple I'm a simple person it's going to be a deck saving three or four all right and what DC am I trying to hit it in 14 doesn't matter because I rolled a 100 so many all right that's 23 points the lightning strikes the red cap right in the center of its skull and it falls straight backward off of the motorcycle which sobral d6 for me Aaron - - all right it starts to go up almost like it's going to flip but then it manages to land back and goes forward a bit and falls over on its side and the purplish fire that was shooting out of the back calms down a bit a bit but you can still see it flickering in the exhaust pipe well done Iori what do you do I went to I don't know if I'll be able to move far enough but I want to run towards the motorcycle because I want to walk it back yeah right so yeah I'm sprinting towards the motorcycle I want to try to grab leg push it over I'm a halfling so I don't know if that you're you're gonna get just shy of it but you get pretty darn close okay Quinta fell I'm gonna move I'm gonna put up a major armor and I'm gonna move towards the red capped person that we've knocked off the machine that's full action and movement URI when you get up close you see that the red cap is not dead it is sort of looking dazed up at the amber sky electricity still coursing over its beard and it sort of sits up I was trying to bring help Halloween what do you do I'm going to read bolt my crossbow and I'm gonna aim for the other eye this time and yeah I'm going to get 23 to right into the eye beautiful beautiful that's very very cool okay and in that eye it will take nine piercing damage alright there is a wet noise as black occurs shoots out of its eye cavity they don't have that one unless they receive that I guess they have a pop as something pops out of its eye and Wiggles around in the growth welcome to hell and just as you think we're making ground three more of those frogs are flying toward you from across the river and you hear a rumbling coming from around the mountain of skulls the rock now leaps toward you it's claws out its beak open and it comes right at you all then it snaps it with at you it could speak for a 16-2 hit does that hit it does all right you take ten the piercing damage and you see that inside the eye that you just pierced another eye is growing back and then it swipes at you with a Talon 21 to hit you're gonna take 14 slashing damage and then 25 to hit and you take 14 more damage where do you go when you die when you're already in hell yeah hopefully the red cap on its turn tries to get to its feet and it's iron boots still disoriented from the lightning that struck it looks at the rock on u-haul wind and that's less mad Maggie comes to help us better pray for whatever God you pray do if they'll hear you filled what do you do I'm gonna go I want to get on that motorbike and so I run towards it and I do sir all right what's your speed 40 feet you make it easily great and I can I do another move can I hope hop on and oh yeah hop on I try to start it use both of your you're gonna need to move twice to reach it okay okay wait you can clamber onto it yeah I clamber onto it all right half man okay how big it's a it's a rope and it's attacking my companion who else is within the vicinity of this giant bird meaning like is it it's his back large enough to say that like I could position myself in a way that I could explode something on this side of it that wouldn't hit him on that side of it you could but it would hit quinta fell instead in a meta I'm a big David Bowie fan I couldn't do that so I'm going to I'm going to try to divert get this thing's attention I'm going to cast ray of sickness at the bird all right at the rope so that's gonna be a con save which I imagine pretty good like whatever what's your DC my DC is 16 I've rolled a 16 okay then no I guess that's on a field so what did you do so that's nothing right everyone in the crowd that's nothing yeah that's nothing that would have been the sound he would have made if it would have worked Tuesday all right well I got the power of the clouds won't with me on my side now feels like home so I'm gonna use another cool lighting down on all them birds fine by me not my bird but those birds are you going for the one the ones furthest away from everybody here who doesn't look like a bird what's your range it is really far it's pretty far 120 feet they're out of range yeah 300 feet away still oh I'm so short and tiny I'm gonna like try to run with my 25 feet towards the direction of the birds then start dashing the other one is in range though the one that is nearly killing this stranger that you've ended up on this Beach alright I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it on on the one in range that's alright and I just shout like don't worry I'll bring you back and I'm like yeah I'll talk to you later and then uh I'm gonna try it called lightning again so that's a deck Salem 14 it got only a six 19 yes it is a lot damage just like the fire some of that lightning is absorbed by its carapace and feathers and scales but it does take some of that damage and it squawks in pain and wheels away from you now to look at the snoo source of this sting URI you're welcome I glad that I did it in a good direction so URI I want to say that as she was running towards the bike she was stopped by the madcap so she's there instead of anywhere else and she goes who who are you gonna get that who were you gonna go to get help from my boss bad baguette who's that oh yeah but what do you do for her I don't need to that are you okay the sky bit me girl real good I thought you were dead I actually left left you for dead I just like gave up our deal it was gonna pass you but then you said something very important I'm glad I didn't die here this is hell you know spray about that you said that once and I wrote it I did do anything wrong I haven't done anything that's what they all say is are there can i oh I want to be his friend where could I find bad baggie I roast ina go right around that mountain of bones okay thank you and I get up very very majestically and I start running towards the motorcycle and I'm gonna try to go so filters on it oh no there's room for you to jump on back I'm gonna jump on ya all right put your fell how how damaged does this does this creature look at this point so is it pretty damaged but it still looks strong all right enough of this then let's just do I'm gonna keep walking towards it I'm gonna use command run so that is a wisdom save DC I got a 16 16 Oh just squint and set you how close am I now to the to the actual to the to the fight at this point in the rock yet I've been moving thirty feet around you've been moving alright so if you've been moving toward the rock or the motorcycle toward toward our a friend and you are as close then as you want to be uh alright I'm gonna be about fifteen feet away then at this point just trying to see if I can get its attention Hollen I'm going to move towards the red cap I'm gonna stumble and stagger and I say the rock takes this wiping but is I'm sorry I misunderstood then cuz I thought its attention was off of me but I'll use my action to disengage then it alright thank you I disagree much i disengaged hurry limp over to the red cap and I say how far away is this mad Maggie well unless she's dead she's right on the other side and heresy says that there's this boom this huge explosion from behind the bone Mountain and you see skulls and bones erupt into the sky and then some of them start tumbling down on this side and you can hear those strange green maggots inside going oh uh-huh maybe she's dead I pull out my head as a bonus action pull out my hand drum and I start beating a rhythm and I sing hey mad Maggie I think I got something to say to you [Applause] there's deadly vultures killing us and some help would be real cool and then I listen and I pray I might want you inspiration and possibly an answer to your your song you hear on the other side of this bone mountain a horn why she's alive the red cat says and you can hear the sound of an approaching machine and it gets louder and louder at first do you think it might be one of those motorcycles but then you think you hear multiple machines and it now sounds almost like an earthquake is coming the rock leaps at you Quinta fell there that is nineteen to hit all that is you take ten piercing damage as it bites at you and then it swipes at you with one of its talons for 11:11 to hit 11 to hit that does not hit alright 10 p.m. and it looks up at the other rocks which are now veering not toward you but toward that sound of that approaching thunder and as they start veering in that direction the redcap hubble's toward you guys on the motorcycle get it moving get it moving mad Maggie doesn't wait for anybody and as he says this you see coming from around the bone mountain three more of these motorcycles in a triangular formation each ridden by a redcap and behind them is this giant school bus sized war machine with a crane on the back you see attached to the crane there are ten or more demons being dragged over the ground with red caps up on top of the war machine firing crossbows at them and you can see up at the top of the war machine with goggles on and her black hair flowing in the wind and steering it with a raven on each shoulder mad Maggie and her voice rumbles over the desolate landscape around you and it says hey get up although you are brought treats my friends and she then turns the steering wheel to cause the rocks and back to roll over the landscape and slam into that bone Mountain which then starts crumbling down you've got 30 seconds and then we're out of here what do you do how far is she from same motorcycle area and from Rock area she just stopped 20 feet away from the motorcycle okay Filch what do you do I'm gonna start up the motorcycle and I'm gonna go around to a hole in it and scoop him up and then head towards med Maggie all right you to spy on me go along yeah there oh that's three what to several several of the red caps that are up on top of the war machine they hurl a rope ladder down from the top while several others are still firing crossbows at the rocks that are mangled that are attached to this crane in the back I do want to offer a hand to the red cap who told us about mag Maggie and help him along in any way as well what are you some kind of Incubus actor no nice I'm a musician I same difference I'm gonna meet you and I'm gonna shake your hand but he he takes your hand and you you two and the rest of you are y'all gonna head up sure all right he's engaged with the rock rapping game I'm gonna fire well I'm gonna fire a I'm gonna fire at that rough to try to get it try to get its attention all right as I'm moving towards the School Bus that's gonna be a 16 that hits okay let's go ten points of fire damage nan resisted fire damage it sizzles over it and it squawks in pain and as before like the beast beast eale creature that it is its attention is now on you Tuesday are you into anything special oh I'm gonna use my full action and my little legs to like run and run and run and run and run as far as I can full 50 feet and then I'm going to use my bomb in the summit court which is my bird pick that I use so I'm gonna take some of the Burpee for my a familiar which it's known as misty Diane and I'm gonna get some of that and I'm gonna fling it at you and I'm gonna heal you up for exactly thank you one point a duck [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] truly miraculous not worth it Yuri I am climbing aboard the ladder right so I'm going to climb all the way to the top and see what's up with the top you see mad Maggie yeah her skin is more wrinkly than the wrinkly ax Steve ever seen and as you come up she lifts her goggles up and you see that her eyes are as dark as night and you think she's a night hag and she looks at you and says I haven't seen someone your age long long time last time whoa that was some good evening from that Maggie but don't worry on it I mean yeah cuz I've our tastes terrible I can tell you twenty-five ways of how I would taste and they're not good have you ever tasted food in hell Oh probably no matter how bad you taste it's better than anything I can get but we need help and there's demons come get out of here quit you fell uh how far away am i friend from this machine they want me in a way the frock may or may not be distracted by your companion it's look it's looking toward you well alright I'll start to back up and see if it's cautiously back up and see if it if it notices doesn't alright once I'm ten feet away I'm going to go in a full run towards the towards the the battle machine with a thank you and running full speed for the ladder oh when I climb the rope ladder up to the top of the bus and I thank Matt Maggie and I asked for a place to sit and start to cast a prayer of healing for me for my because I'm doing a third-level spell we do 3d eight four six creatures so for myself for my companions who are on the bus including the red cap who fell off of his motorcycle I'll start - I'll sit and I'll start to pray the whole ten minutes No okay it's the whole Phoenix devotion we all get 3d what are you real the I'm not hurt so but it was great you rose oh really Roy we get the 17:17 right yeah three plus four seventeen healing points to all those who needed me the most look into your friend it'll be the return to yourself it's a weird mad Maggie just look see Thomas truck I've been riding around hell for centuries and I've never seen hurting nonsense like that thank you now everyone get secure no or any of you going to take the motorcycle down below are you all up on the war machine who's on the motorcycle I've had the motorcycle want to stay on it uh no I want to be with everyone else or I'm gonna what about if I read it and then D are you up there yet or are you still fighting this I'm on like the ladder like shooting okay but I could easily get down and get on a motorcycle grabs anyone want it going cheap I'll just go and then I throw it down to him oh yeah you hop on that's a comfortable seat oh oh oh the yeah the handles feel good and you see hang in there hang in there right near the coin slot there's a pair of goggles okay yeah goggles on anything unique about these girls there's sort of a greenish tint to them mhm but as you look through them you see that they help give contrast to this monochromatic area around you so you can actually make things out better than with your regular eyesight man so you can see clearly that that was a giant swarm of insects the other thing that you thought was a cloud you're not sure it is it actually looks like as you look up with these goggles you see what you think is a city on the other side of it upside down up in the sky almost like you're looking for a window to someplace else okay oh God how far away is that city that is hundreds like way way way up and let's get fine alright and so alright so I just fall in the line like right next to this giant war machine let's move it everybody all right mad Maggie she puts her goggles back on and the big war machine revs up and right as it does you see coming from behind what's left of that giant mountain of skulls and other bones a massive horde of demons charging at you mad Maggie yells release those suckers and the red caps immediately released some hooks on that crane in the back letting those rocks go she yells down to you I hope you know how to drive fast honey cuz mad Maggie doesn't wait for no slowpoke sucka and she she drops a coin in a slot that's in the middle of the steering wheel and there are six giant exhaust tubes at the back of this infernal engine and oranges fire just erupts out the back setting several of the rocks on fire and away her Caravan goes okay I cranked as hard as I can and even like pop my mage han and crank even harder alright so as as you start going and the dirt and these weird maggot Cara pisses start flying up into your face you're glad for the goggles but as you go I'm gonna need you to make a dexterity check to just see how well of a of a driver you are yeah let's try this again okay index yeah 13 good enough okay thank you are and you are you are able to keep pace with mad Maggie's big machine she looks over her shoulder at the Horde behind you all as she's steering it's one of those upright steering wheels that like a bus has but it's up on the roof essentially of this bus and if she's driving and she looks back she said old maglin is worse than I thought look at that and you see that in the midst of that giant demonic horde behind you there is a war machine that looks like a castle on wheels bearing down on you my honeys you ready for a nice race I've never been on one of these before just steer and shut your mouth unless you love eating all the crap in the hell's air yeah and as she says that some bug flies right in her mouth all right we're on a trip where are you from I don't get a talk turn on red caps very often and even though we're about to get eaten by a horde of demons mad Maggie like some conversation take it away originally now from the summerset isles my father was a politician Wow until they an opponent's politician framed him for treason corruption he was sent to prison and he was killed by an orc inmate why are you looking at me like that and I say to her because I only have trust half of you in orcish let me just save your life but we can take it away just as easy music guy was your daddy was he a bad man I'd like to think he's a good man who made bad choices what if they were bad enough you might meet him down here I sort of chuckle and lean back but then kind of look out the way where I need some I need some non Harrell denizens to give me some hell you look like you don't know your asses from your elbows what are those Yesi now I've got a job if you're willing to take it and you said it's for non hell people oh yeah so weird now I was gonna my red caps do it they're not from around here but you'll do even better your legs are longer you're probably much smarter and plus if you die I don't have to replace you what would the pay for this job what the payment what do you need this is he'll make me a deal whoa some of them coins could be handy you want soul coins on it yeah so cause like the souls of people Oh oh yes one second no not yet I need to uh get some more speed boys give me some of that demon yeah and one of the red caps brings up a flask with this bubbling green liquid inside she opens it this puff comes out forms a skull in the air for a moment and then dissipates she opens a circular hole right next to the key slot and pours it down Pat's the side of the steering column says oh here's a treat for you on air and as she does this there is a kind of go boom as the entire war machine shakes and now green fire shoots out of the back of the bus and you see that as this happens the red caps on the motorcycles take out similar flasks and pour them into their motorcycles and green fire shoots out of the back of their motorcycles and they all start speeding up what do you I'm looking around on the motorcycle is there anything like that a within the body of this thing yes you see over here on your left there is a like a saddlebag on the side and you see there are two of these flasks with this bubbling green liquid inside and then there is also a black velvet pouch and you can hear despite the machine noise the screaming of the demons behind you the booming on the other side of the river you hear whispering crying and screaming coming from that black bag okay well I'm gonna mage hand the bag open the bag just okay so I'm peering I'm riding peering inside the bag what's with what it looks like and you see inside there are these silver coins and the screaming and crying is coming from the coins and that these look like the coins that you've seen them drop into the machine okay velvet bag in my pouch my pack what's your alignment neutral I need you to make a constitution saving fur okay okay eighteen you almost force the mage Han to drop the bag like you resists the urge okay we're gonna even hear a voice inside your own head right now some fun with this later okay into the pouch its mage hand pull up green bottle you to feel this oh and the motorcycle almost roars like a lion as a green fire shoots out the back and suddenly it has speed that it did not have before okay great and so you you race across the waist now back up on top so you willing to work for me assuming we don't all die mad Maggie have you found a way out of hell in your time spent in this chaotic hellish wasteland and what do you got - hell did you just wake up there and - bleah or do you remember yes I was I was going to bed on the floor you won't believe as I often do is clean a clean floor so you need to you'd take any out job in need and so I was working and then I was just sleeping and I had good dream about tap dancing is a lot to do and then suddenly I woke up here yeah I was sleeping at the bottom bunk and my brother was on the top bunk and I woke up and I was here you do come over here okay how dangerous is this Oh flaps you both all right you're not dead I have to make sure you what goes how dangerous is this thing that you need us to do yeah I don't know for you non fiends might not be too bad I just need you to get for me the tier of Zarya it's nothing it's jewelry you'll love it now we can talk more about it after we get away from that army behind us hey boys into the star and you see on the horizon where she points with her gnarled clawed hand you see a wall of sand stretching up into the sky God knows everybody you folks if you don't have him close your eyes and she and the the red caps drive their vehicles straight into this sandstorm are there any bright red caps around me in my immediate vicinity so the red caps you see not only all put on greenish goggles but also strap themselves to the war machine Yin you see it all along on this on the roof there are these leather straps tied to various railings with little buckles that they're quickly putting on as you hurdle toward the sandstorm can I steal some goals from one of the red caps there are but you're welcome matter okay I'll go quickly I put some goggles on on I Chuck I grab some goals when I check them to my new friends and I strap myself to the war machine so you're not up there yeah and you can't you hear her yelling something hmm and you see them going straight toward a sandstorm good with this green fire shooting out the back of the vehicles okay so how far is this green flame and is there a way to draft there you go everybody drink is there a way to ride behind the green flames okay without getting burnt yes oh but you're gonna have to keep some distance oh yeah that's fun I'm going to run up and on the side of the machine once I have the goggles I'm going to catch the light spell in the corner of the mission of the vehicle and then message you in your head you're gonna hear very clearly just try to keep up it's going to get a bit rough okay so you're so correctly from Iran but you're riding in the wake of the big war machine right so that all the sand is kind of going over me I'm not no the flames are going there there there well he can because you don't get fire damage right aren't you immune to fire resistant no but there's there's there's fire space me on motor five question for you like Lord type question my character was raised in the streets of Baldur's Gate the city that's upside down do I recognize that city you don't okay all right colonel would I know what the tiers are always you've not heard of it okay and as you ponder that question you plunge into this sandstorm and it is howling all over you the sand starts tearing away at your flesh I need all of you to make a constitution saving my favorite everybody you have advantage on it because you're behind the warmish all right I got 24 here let's go down the line how did you get trifle you're fine I got a team with us if you say it without an accidents third team thank you about an eighth I got a 12 but then I hope then I added eight to it with demons Omar so I'm now at 20 great yeah three Yuri and hoenn the two of you unable to sort of steal yourself from the sand blasting all over you and also there's this sort of burning in the sand that the rest of you resist and you realize as you now feel some exquisite pain it isn't the sand doing the damage to you it's whatever is burning inside it and you hear little screams as as the sand dissolves into your skin and you each take eight acid damage and you see one of the red caps it looks almost like his face is melting from this hitting him in the face and he falls down onto the ground yes I have to get a new one and as man McGee says this suddenly the vehicle starts going as if you're going over innumerable bumps I need you in your motorcycle as you hit the first of these bumps to go ahead and make another dexterity check let's go alright proficiency with land vehicles it's worth a shot there's a horse count yeah no oh that's not good that's not good that's a six all right as you hit the first of the bumps it causes you to launch off course and then up slightly this way gives you actually some extra speed but as it does so some of the fire shooting out from behind them the war machine scorches all over you I need you to make a dexterity safe iru resistant tyre or immune to I'm resistance or I'm resistant um question for you how much can I take with a misty step if I'm on this motorcycle huh is it just me personally or can I pull things that are on my I pull things that are on my person does this yes anything you're carrying you can take with you when you miss good to know all right let's roll all right that's not good either that's gonna be you said it Dex yeah there Dex all right that's eight yeah I'm really terribly with that done you take ten fire damage halved because of your resist habit but alright fine and then the motorcycle keeps soaring and starts turning you have a split second are you gonna try to leap off it or do something else I'll miss you step it back to my position behind behind the bus so you can't bring any ideas ago no too big just me yeah just you anything on your person okay otherwise I'm landing into the sandstorm yes Anika with the motorcycle crash the motorcycle crashing here's the other here's the other arms the war machine the big one yeah it's 25 feet for ya I'm gonna miss the step on at the top of that fine alright there you go there is a silvery shimmer as that motorcycle and you think maybe you just lost him as it soars and crashes in sand behind you and suddenly he is standing on top it would have been too expensive to maintain anyway food says me think that metal horse is dead there is now as did war machine continues to shake as it goes over bump after bump after bump wet explosion noises and you can you start getting hit by some moisture and ride is this moisture splatters over you you emerge from the sandstorm and mad Maggie says it's it's lemurs and you see the bumps you've been going over is a horde of lemurs the lowest level of Devil's rolling over the sands of Hell and you are crushing them underneath the war machine and you are now covered with acre because of all the ones you have run over this is this lame is like the animal no ok alright I just thought that was like some evil acts that these animals had a good day these are these are Devils that sort of have a almost liquid quality to them they look like melting agonised people crawling over the landscape of Hell and you are just crushing them underneath this warmest you know this is a sad one is better than the orphanage but well they do do like wiping this so I'm panicking I'm covered in IKAR I'm starting to pace rapidly and I'm gonna walk over to the edge of the bishop and or the war machine and just see what I can see in front of us as far as I can look as we're right out of the sands a sandstorm yeah you see now before you couldn't because of this curtain of sand you see a mountain range ahead of you strange shapes some mountains that have been almost like hourglass shaped with stalagtites coming down off parts of them you can see ruins atop some of these in one place you see a crashed Citadel it looks like it fell from the sky and crashed on the side of one of these mountains and up ahead near the base of the mountains you see a series of great craters and out of one of them glimmers is silvery and light as you see that mad Maggie looks back I think we lost the army oh damn my nephew of my red caps and she says this only one of the red caps on motorcycles emerges from the sandstorm jumping off crushed lemur after crushing her as it comes after you so how you liking it this head it's a very bad day this is the worst day ever ever of my entire tire life yeah mad Maggie are you dead are you dead oh heavens no don't be you know how you got here of course I came here willingly what why would you come here willingly I'm a collector honey I love sorry l merchandise there is nothing more delicious than exquisite despair and there is no despair greater than an arc angel losing the holiness and diplomas hint oh so how can I cannot resist getting myself all sorts of Zarya doodads in cinema cinema dogs and in google's mine my garage is filled with them the dissent on sale all weekend this is REO as a fallen angel Daria she's the ruler of a furnace that's where you are the top layer of hair and we need to get her to cry okay she already did long time ago when she there saying a single tear fell off her holy cheeks and fell down and win when it hit the dark sand blast none of us even touch it and it's almost like my prayers if I prayed where Hanser here are some people who can go ride in and get me the tears are you what this tale look like hell if I know I've only seen a from a distance glimmer in there taunting me like that glass of water you can want but you can have ever get your hands up and you need someone who's good to retrieve it for you oh you don't need to be good my standards aren't that high you just can't be one of us folk well good thing is I know what tears look like so I could find them then I'll tell you what I have a soft spot in what is left of my heart for Refugees like you from other worlds who don't know what the hell they're doing in Hell so here's the thing you get me that tear oh it's real on the Shelf I'm gonna put it on oh you get it for me I'll fit you out with your own war machine not as nice as this one but it'll be good enough to get you I'll even give you some non rotting food and you just might make it somewhere where you can get out of hell what can you tell me about the soul coins why are you interested in so quiet just curious you got you got some Anya first answer my question you might be someone who's not gonna be maybe I don't want to leave you know there can be some delights and terrible places so here's the theme so coins each one that's the soul of some evil person minted and the lower levels of hell by Mammon himself bind up their soul essence into that coin and do you know what kind of power there is in souls it's what fuels these machines then you can do other things with it too but why would you when you can ride at high speed and run over form whatever that was what else can they do someone's really interested how many did you find this many you lifted that from one of my bags [Laughter] you're gonna give those back to mad Maggie oh I don't know what's it worth to you my boys were careless to leave that many on their bike let me see judging by its heft I think these ten in there may be more I like to keep one maybe two depending how much you want your soul to get corrupted the rest you give those to me I'll give you two more machines if you give me that tears re l deal to war machines to coins done and you should know since none of you know nothing about Hell deals they're for real down here these Devils they might be terrible but man do they believe how far away is this tear it's one of the only lights like that you'll find on a Vernis I hear them are some gleaming lights deeper down in hell but I wouldn't trust them lead you to some agony that's probably not so far well as we don't have either of our two war machines yet and this is the only one that I see an eye sight are you going to drive us to the location how are we to travel to this glimmer of light to retrieve your your jewel where do you think we're going oh okay right there and we got English tea hmm anyone got it it belonged to anyone like he's stealing it off someone or what it can't be that I don't know gods Oh why would someone be God I'm just a tear is it just a tear you did like a weird like should anything when you said that I believe you oh no oh my baby's hard to steer sometime I wonder can I roll an insight yes yeah great oh girl I that is a 13 she seems like she's full of it okay I'm not even disguising yeah well it'll help us if you tell us more information we can't do our best job if we don't know what we're supposed to be doing how old are you it's not a point yeah all right try tell them boys we kind of wanted to see what you see I tell you when we get there these are two pointed out and so the war machine approaches the crater and as you get near it you see that inside there is a lake but a lake of what looks like salt and up around the ridge of this crater is a host of spectral figures all of them kneeling clad in the armor of noble knights the visors of their helmets open kneeling forward each of these ghostly figures weeping and you see that as its ghostly tears falls from its face each ghosts tears turn into salt but then tumbles down into this crater there is an opening near where mad Maggie brings the war machine to a stop an opening in this ring of ghostly figures and two of them stand also crying but facing outward from the crater and behind them in the center of this lake of salt there is a pointed canopy of giant salt crystals and that light you saw glimmers from inside it so those those were the Knights who came here with Arielle but in there in that salt there's something move oh that's all oh oh that grief over such potential such holiness lost what here it is did you see something move under the surface as the salt ripples almost like a wave so that's all you have to watch out for good luck why does everybody always leave me I'm not going anywhere okay so I is mad Maggie gonna give us any cool gear to fight this sadness snake with or whatever do I look like I'm running a store may just gonna take this red guy off your hands he can be our guide oh when I pick him up they're not gonna like more tomorrow no no man Maggie will the ghosts let us by you gotta talk to them they won't let things like me get close we get burned too much holiness here in hell too much boo-boo-boo-boo I step off the bus and I walk up to the edge and I just get pinched my fingers into the sand and I feel the sorrow sands what do I feel here it is actually sand but even outside of the crater there is also some salt mixed in with it and you see actually as you look up at the - ghostly sentries where their tears hit the sand it's like two little streams of salt have formed winding their way down to your feet I place my hand in the center of the strange with the streams meet and I close my eyes and I just feel you feel immense sorrow coming up from the salt that you're touching I need you to make a wisdom saving throw five the rest of you see hoenn start crying like a baby she fell she fell from her glory what she betrayed everything that we were and now we're doomed to be here forever and I roll my eyes and I wish through a Half Men me betty gonna write a song about this [Laughter] [Applause] let's go mad Maggie watches you walk up need help oh here here she reaches into her coat and she throws a handkerchief from the top of the warmest I get a little nervous and whenever I do I I speak to my bird and I go hey hey misty do you think if I did pass without a trace at a hill and she's like and then I look I make sure she's not dead is she dead she's not okay because she was whistling so it makes sense all right hey everybody I got an idea I'm gonna use pass without a trace because what if they don't see us right Hey okay he's like cast pass without a trace on all of us I see one now you really looking down at you as you weep the two sentries who were looking out to the horizon now look down to you and they say in unison Halloween Madonna Thea sixth of his name and you can't resist no I I want to go after you see him raw about to learn a very valuable lesson [Laughter] you see hoenn trudged up the rise up toward the lip of the crater where the other ghostly knights are kneeling looking forward I'm gonna try to grapple him all right he is out stop he he is so zoned out by whatever is calling him that you have advantage on this okay all right let's go straight that Lenox no go in look it's his one of those days it's a one in two - oh I'll take the - well go ahead and make either you have disadvantage I didn't try it hard and so you see him kneel actually into the spectral form of one of the kneeling Knights there is this coldness that courses through your entire body make a constitution savings row as you and the spirit occupy the same space Creek because of that the spirit that you can feel all over your skin suddenly dissipates but you still feel yourself called to bend forward over the salt and cry I'm age hand underneath his eyes as the first of your tears were about to hit the sand and as your mage hand appears and catches the tears the rest of you saw that whatever was moving under the salt had started to move toward you but now veers away is he still holding the the tears in his hand I just wiped it on I'm wearing a shirt now I wiped it on I don't trust you in my hair No yeah I'm gonna run up and try and scoop him off the side grapple um can I add this with that make your roll yes and you can assist all right that's the grappling again sorry yes good yep fourteen six you were able to grab him you want to pull them away yep yep all right you're able to do it easily the two of you and what does he does he's still crying let me go let me go I didn't mad Maggie did a nice slap it's not the time you plant in your face and you hold your feelings in tight my wife does a slap awaken me do I feel I've shaken the the slap and the pep-talk allow you to make another wisdom saving throw this time with advantage okay seven you have it you have inspiration inspiration great so I had the you roll it again okay I'll use it yeah sixteen you snap out it I think I just leveled up thank you I'm sorry I such sadness such hopelessness I don't know how we're going to get through what did you do to make you so sad I could feel it in the sand and the salt salt 'its oh it carries all the woes all the hopelessness all yell at you know I guess it's by warm fire chocolate treats toffee sauce where's the snake now yes there's no movement on the salt anything that looks like is there's any build-up at all is it just these dashes there's no writing there's no there's no glyphs of any kind just these ghostly nights ringing the entire crater and the crystalline structure in the center delivering when I was sad I can feel doom I could feel that thing in inside they're drawn towards me I could feel it coming for me and I think at the very least that means we know how to lure it away we have to not be sad or one of us has to be various oh got it no I get it down all the others yeah yeah do you think it drawn by regular tears I'll have to beat the special ghosts tears well I could bring some things to test out the theory do you I was gonna say to you still have a handful of tears in the major and I wiped them off on my cloak but I'm sure our friend could whip some up if we made them pretty that or we could make you match the character arc art again very quickly and throw the cloak in there and see what happens unless it's a very nice cloak I can get another one through the cloaking but tear-filled cloak well it's not Philips here so many chairs just a double duty like full-on sobbing a little barely a gram wrong you know maybe the cloak lands on the salt slides down a bit from the edge of the crater down and as the part of the fabric has the tears on it and touches the salt there was a movement and then the salt ripples and suddenly this large crystalline mouth almost like that of a shark but made entirely out of Crystal raises up from the salt eats the cloak and begins to descend I woke up the whole and with my water skin and I say your father never respected your career choices oh gosh you get inspiration how many teens did I get is there an entrance you said there's two guards that are standing like on the edge of on the edge okay I'm gonna take his tears and dip them onto a piece of paper apartment I'm gonna slowly fold a parchment airplane get us a bit of distance should we try it out yeah we do to see if there they could be regular tears give me a dexterity sleight of hand because it requires just the right flick of the wrist 19 the paper airplane soars turns a bit catches a little bit of wind nothing's moving in and lands near the edge of the crater quite some distance away from you a moment another moment and then the salt moves and ripples over toward the paper what do you do I'm just gonna go for it maybe I'm going too [Music] take off full speed running towards the center and then I'm going to let my wings my I'm going to release a pair of giant white glowing wings and fly full speed towards where I think I can get to the whatever this tier is in the in center what is what is your flying speed 30 feet 30 feet and how long do you wings last one minute all right you leap up and soar over the salt the Holy Light of your wings causing the salt underneath you to glimmer like stars this actually causes a number of the weeping Knights to suddenly look and they watch you and the two centuries even turn who did nothing to stop you and they watch you and you come gliding in to the entryway of the crystalline structure right as the MA reaches up and eats the paper everything what do I see inside there are seven more of these ghostly Knights standing around in a circle and in the center of this crystalline chamber there is a pedestal and a little cavity in the center on the top and inside it looks like a diamond and it is the source of the silvery light that you could see from so far away and you see that its shape is the shape of a tear this is up off of the ground there's like a chamber of yes yeah like so it's up here chamber and the the floor that you're standing on is is of this hard large salt crystal not the fine salt I'm not standing on anything okay home I'm gonna cast fly and I'm gonna twin it my singing friend I we head up towards that chamber for back up all right I'm good are you still crying oh no nothing ever come at Maggie's handkerchief together as a dirty trick no it was for the best and Phil chills at make sure you keep it in the original packaging but here it's a collector's item don't make me explain my joke [Laughter] it was a good night the three of you back by the centuries you can see some distance away on top of the war machine mad Maggie has a bucket of something and it's gone are they green maggots have to wait for them to ripen the two of you arrive inside the crystalline chamber you to see the seven ghostly Knights and now they all look at the three of them - you dare one of them says approach and celestial I'll say I dare they all look at you and there is a glimmer of white light in all of their eyes and the one who spoke now speaks in celestial long has it been since I have heard the tongue of the holy mountain blessing upon you who brings its beautiful sound to this place of no blessings Oh fly up to it but beware lead with that if you dare take hurt here you must leave your tears in its place I [Music] float up beside him and I take out the handkerchief and I wring it out over the diamonds as your tears hit it they sizzle as if burned away and little black smoke rises up the ghosts that spoke switches back to the common tongue and says unworthy and and all all seven of them take a step forward starting to narrow in the circle you have chosen and switching back to celestial it says to you all your tears every tear you have ever cried every tear you will ever cry whether of sorrow or of joy you must leave here wait I pulled the black velvet bag out an aged hand dips inside and pulls out one of the coins the crying screaming and as you bring it out this the two of you hear this terrible whispering and crying coming from the coin you dare bring that here a soul for the tear we have no use for the souls of the Damned and they all take another step forward one more step forward and they will all be within melee range this is fascinating all of them we accept then bow your hand over earth over our tear don't wear do you willingly do you give all of it I serve the celestial host as you bow your head over the pedestal and you give every tear you've ever shed and every tear you might have shed in the future you feel your deepest sorrows and your deepest joys believe you they all close their eyes and they say in unison it is God and there is an exhalation as if some great creature had been holding its breath for millennia and finally and they all vanish and the light of the crystal dims a bit but it continues to pulse with the light and outside the three of you see the entire ring of spectral Knights one after the other vanishes oh I conjure up some good berries and I meet in with Maggie what's going on what happened it's just mad Maggie yells out it's amazing just you know shoving berries in my mouth unable to explain can we say any movement in the Salt Lake of the yeah the Crystal shock not at the moment inside what do you guys do I take the I take the crystal it feels warm in your hand like the warmth that a freshly shed tear has and that warm sort of spreads up your hand and you have now inside you a sense of melancholy you have never had in your life before as you realize you couldn't cry even if you wanted to but the tier of Zara L is now in your hand fascinating as he picked as you pick it up outside the three of you see on the sand on the salt it is moving and you see that it is starting to circle around the central crystalline structure where your companions are I'm going to try to distract it I'm going to run towards because I can run through where the guards are they're not going to stop me they're got great I'm going to run to the like if it's a square I'm running to a corner and I'm going to think about a play that I saw that the true it was just about a dogs journey it was just so small and it was so cute and I start just weeping like flowing tears and I'm shaking give me a charisma performance all right that is a seventeen who you pull it off as soon as your tears as you think of that dog that little puppers as you think of it and the tear hits the salt that circling creature under the salt starts moving under it toward you what do you guys inside you I'm going to we should probably leave and I'm going to fly out sorry wait yes all right you fly out over the salt again with the glimmer of light underneath because of your Assam are wings you all notice something he doesn't that the light of those wings is greatly dimmed and the great MA starts coming right toward you URI what is Radio Oh God oh hi yes I'm hot I'm gonna conjure like a bunch of dogs cuz you're talking about him and then I'm just gonna like conjure like eight dogs and I'm gonna be like cry whether it's a sad play and I'm gonna try to pepper them all around so you're gonna dogs everywhere crying dog [Laughter] so druid yeah and you you were a conjurer country dogs dog on out on the salt everywhere thank you salt dogs that cry dogs appear on the salt there there is this roar from underneath it as the first dog is eaten like a piece of pop the crystalline mom and you are all able to get safely away to the crater as the great alien creature as a dinner a fighter I'll and can I go up I only have one thing to say when the buddy was mr. Monday was jump and as you come back to the war machine mag Maggie looks down she looks straight at you and says oh you want to join my war man oh I love you a little show you put on with the dogs tap dance number so like maybe maybe I'll do that more I could use some new blood in my crew you can go with these chuckleheads and go guy somewhere in hell or come with me and make bacon thank you wait no did you get it good thank you how do I feel about how this is interesting I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this I genuinely actually don't know I'm asking you don't know you find as you try to get in touch with your own feelings you can't hmm something is gone you left something back in that structure maybe I should try and do something I enjoy a little distracted where's our deal you give me the two you get two war machines with non terrible provisions and two so coy which war machines are they let me see Mac in my garage even let you pick I want that bad there I know it cost you dearly but everything in hell does now give it you the mad Maggie I don't think this is my domain she she produces from inside her coat this is almost like a ring box she opens up and there's black satin inside and it's empty and there's a spot just big enough for the tear just place about there and our deal will be sealed can you get off you're off but it's so loud message to the to the group silently I feel my judgment isn't been heard I don't trust her why don't we kick I think I can miss a team back quietly but I can't I just talk why don't you go to put it in and I'll hit her very hard on the head that's not gonna work yeah how much how much crews on this I was on this earth this I suggest use or there are more people you you see on this big war machine there are ten red cats enter uh Maggie this might seem like really out of line but it feels like there's a reason that I think you could get it out easier than a war machine are you the one who brought us here oh yeah I don't have that kind of power who does yeah who does who knows I don't know how you got yeah I think you need to go find out and I'll give you the equipment you need but only and she raises up one of her gnarly fingers with long talent on the end on the tip of it only if you're true to idea one question before we fulfill the deal there is a black tower somewhere in a furnace somewhere near the five headed dragon goddesses as well where is this tower [Music] Atkins tower I'd go by there from time to time point me in the right direction we will escort you there and I know you're having second thoughts this place is terrible and they're all evil and they're gonna betray us but a deal is a deal in Hell you already paid your price and you're gonna keep paying it for the rest of your life so why would I screw you over she makes a good point hand it down mage hand anyway that was my son yeah she quickly closes it puts it inside her coat I thought that was gonna get really ugly I'm gonna take you back to my garage it has been so long since somebody actually follow through with a deal with man Meggie you know hard it is for somebody to trust a night Hank I'm gonna put some vittles in your tummies I promise it won't make you throw up but it's not gonna be good and we're gonna take you to that tower but I want to find out why first since I'm not going into some crazy firefight with dragon fook maybe you can find out why it got to this terrible place and maybe you'll find a way out and so she drops a coin into the steering wheel there is a war of fire as the war machine rumbles back into operation she turns the wheel to move away from where the tear of deSario rested and toward the dark hellish horizon you ride and that's where we'll end [Applause] thank you so much for joining us in 15 minutes we have another game starting up where you get to see more adventures in a furnace so stay tuned [Applause]
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 1,012,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, DnD, The Descent, D&D Live 2019, #dndlive2019, D&D Live 2019: The Descent, Baldur's Gate: Descet into Avernus, Jeremy Crawford, Joe Manganiello, Kelly Lynne D'Angelo, Kelly D'Angelo, Taliesin Jaffe, Taran Killam, Alex Lee, Surena Marie, Baldur's Gate, Avernus, Nine Hells, The Descent Part 1
Id: onH65amYMPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 35sec (6995 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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