CelebriD&D with Joe Manganiello (Full Version)

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night after night the visions come sand and stone teeth and blood a relic long locked away by a zealot's hand a golden wreath of many gemstones ruby sapphire emerald diamond and onyx arkhan's dreams reveal these messages from his patron his divine mistress dreams that he believes reveal a holy imperative that she has gifted upon him i am joe manganiello and i'm arkhan the pool the red dragonborn oathbreaker paladin and worshiper of tmf i i was a hired killer who uh joined a monastery to try to stop the the drinking and killing and uh somewhere along the way i wound up breathing fire into a dark room which turned out to be a group of unsuspecting sleeping uh goblin soldiers and when i heard them screaming and running in flames i'd never felt so alive in my life and so started drinking and killing again and worshiping five-headed dragon goddesses and here we are there you have it it's very rock and roll it's just my life okay your research has brought you months of frustration until you crossed paths with the knowing monk of the cobalt reserve named duan extracting his understanding of ancient seals and forgotten artifacts of the gods this gave you the name of the cavern that bears your mark the vault of shumas within the agrod mountains of marquette knowing rumor of the dangers within you've hired a small band of mercenaries to accompany you into the depths of this fault jessica would like to introduce your character i am the head mistress a level five human monk my parents abandoned me at a monastery uh i'm really bitter about it super pissed actually don't want to be here i think all these [ __ ] suck and i'm pretty much just out for things for myself i'm percival frederick steinver muskolowski de rolo iii the human gunslinger and i'm out for a bit of inspiration free stream it's like an origins issue hi i'm keyleth of the arishari doing a bit of a time jump back to when i was good at level five i'd say percy and i are taking a little bit of a vacation it's a working vacation but it's a vacation and uh it's a little pre-stream adventure the names dupont dupont dwarven rogue if there's coin to be had i'll be there you might know me as mr steal your girl but you should know me as mr cut your purse after days of travel on the north side of the marquette desert and entering the crag agrad mountains a few days of camping finally bring you to what the maps tell you is the entrance way to the vault of shumas now you're now standing in the unforgiving sun of the marquette sky cloudless and angry before you is the great stone sand covered door of the vault there is no visible mechanism to open it well this seems to be my area of expertise uh being a dwarf i'm going to investigate being a rogue i'm going to see if there's some sort of hidden mechanism all right go ahead with investigation check see ten a big ten come on low dc double distance you push away some of the sand on the door revealing a faint detailed design carved across the entirety of its surface it resembles a mass of snakes snotting themselves together for feet and feet and feet until it reaches the top of the mountain deep within the center of this mess is a single human face male screaming and his mouth seems to be a small porthole of some kind about four inches across wow this looks awfully familiar in my teachings at the monastery what kind of church what you go to oh yeah it's just you know you said it it's good to know a lot of things yeah um can i can i yeah i'm trying to do it what are you trying to do i'm trying to i'm trying to i don't know really but i'm trying to open the [ __ ] door some sort of keyhole or perhaps does it look more like an inset goes into it it's roughly about that big around um it looks like either something can be placed into it or pulled out of it you're not entirely certain you just just now uh thanks to the ponte pont realize its existence it's a screaming snake face with a fist hole this is a this has got a very dangerous sort of goonies vibe to it you should put your fist inside see what happened all right that was easy don't stop that was dangerous he thought to himself clicks in my mind where he shouldn't put his hand in there like maybe this is more of a magical go ahead and roll an investigation check what do they teach about snacks you're i have played with joe before he's uh uh i didn't quite realize to an extent of how much of a dungeon dragon's uh lineage he comes from um a lot of people i get a chance to play with who you know in the human industry are either relatively new or wanting to be introduced to it uh he's from old stock he's been doing this for a while so uh no we had an absolute great time with the first time we had a chance to play and this is just a continuation of that awesome experience look you're you're paying the bills here you hired us i'll detect for traffic put your fist in the hole oh geez you guys hi roller over here uh looking at a big old seven currently it looks like this may be some sort of a mechanism to opening the door but it does not appear to be trapped look it seems safe to me i'm going to thrust thusly and i thrust as your hand reaches about six or seven inches into this small gap in the door you find that there's a singular iron rod maybe an inch in width that seems to act almost like a handle oh i'd like to pull all right as you wrap your fingers around and give a firm tug on the uh the metal rod you hear a strange shifting metallic sound and a series of small needles suddenly protrude and impale your hand on the inside of the opponent you take eight points of poison damage oh no and i need you to make a constitution saving throw all right where's my customers this is the worst door ever the immediate pain of the needles impaling into your hand it filters through your body and as you withdraw your hand as the needles retract you guys hear the door suddenly shift and begin to open as it lifts its way across the mountain surface the uh the venom does pulls through your hand as you feel it begin to course through your system you are currently poisoned but not like a cool bane way no not so much can i um can i do a medicine check and see if i can ascertain if this is like a natural poison sure go for go ahead is it a snake venom i bet it's a snake venom it's flying squirrel venom um oh that's poor good that's pretty good thanks what is my medicine these days um 21. 21. okay as you guys begin to walk towards the entrance way to this dark interior with no light from beyond the bit of sunlight that cascades within uh you check dupont's hand and sure enough the venom itself is coursing through the hand and beginning to find its way through his bloodstream it doesn't appear to be lethal but it is somewhat debilitating can i go ahead and immediately make like a rough tourniquet to kind of i hold her hands back i grab his hand and i use five points for my pool to stop the the poison you watch as uh as the large red skilled dragonborn rushes over i say rush casually strolls over in his armor grabs your pulsing uh currently endangered hand and you watch as a sudden burst of divine warm energy kind of glows from his claw you feel as if a sudden series of snake bites hit your hand almost matching the pain of the poison however these multitudes of tiny divine dragon mouths actually draw the venom out of your bloodstream and spit it onto the sand below before the energy dissipates you are no longer poisoned i prostrate myself before time matt you'll become a true believer i think um well i was the only healer in the group um it's always tricky to get somebody who wants to play a cleric that's always like a really specific thing but i yeah so uh dupont stuck his hand he had to take one for the team and uh stick his hand in and grab the lever and in doing so impaled himself with these poison needles that then poisoned his body and luckily um having some you know healer ability healed him quick quick check just because i'm curious what kind of other footprints in this in this hallway yet a human or snake prince investigation uh well that's lovely um uh that's uh 22 22. uh as you guys gonna make your way in uh your human eyes unfortunately are not well adapted to the dark lightness interior so you can only really check the area immediately around the entrance right here do you have a torch did someone say dark vision no i said torch sorry i did say basic standard of hearing which apparently is a problem uh you would have a torch on you yeah all right i'll kind of take a look around i wanted to see anything that would open the door that wouldn't mind the venom i'm just sort of curious if that was a trap if that was a test or maybe both maybe both uh looking around you find that there are a series of footprints that lead through here most of them humanoid um one or two that appear to be rather large and a consistent groove however these these tracks have been untouched for a very long time this set of dust that is begin to accumulate on top of these places and the atmosphere inside here which the smell already is of dry rot and burnt dust as you enter uh appears the interior has not been touched in quite some time okay so we're inside and what i mean what exactly like i guess so we're under the doorknob we're entertaining yeah you've moved underneath the door which is partially moved up to reveal about 10 feet uh of height to move within and on the inside you see a long natural rock cavern that is very smoothly chiseled on each side about 25 foot wide about 40 feet tall and as you progress forward you can see a series of columns that line about every 20 or so feet so the interior this does to be does appear to be intentionally crafted as some sort of a temple or a structure for living in worship okay and there's nothing else inside of this inside of this room or this this hallway this chamber not where you're standing now if you wish to progress further okay can we check for writing or hierarchy or anything like that sure make reception check yeah all right uh you begin to as you guys move deeper and deeper down this dark hallway you run your fingers along the wall ever so carefully to make sure it's not applied to much pressure but just feel the variations in the texture and as you get close enough uh the outskirts of percival's torchlight you gently brush off a bit of dust and see there are symbols not a long string but singular glyph-like symbols that seem to be occasionally set throughout the hallway what languages do you know i know common and elven okay you do not recognize the nature of these various symbols that doesn't appear have you found something head mistress yes i found some um writing along the walls here but unfortunately i don't know what it says anyone yeah i have draconics i've got you have draconic dwarven currently none of you are able to read damn this language it looks it looks old and the edges of the designs are very sharp um i want to say if you could go ahead and make a uh a history role history you know not even just joe but just matt i mean everybody they're really good and you don't realize how good they are until you are playing with them in a group and then it becomes really apparent how bad you are and how good they are i gotta admit i was extremely impressed and also very intimidated to keep up geez 2. it's all common to me obviously i didn't study well at school it's you're finding it difficult to ascertain the nature of this language directly um but it does appear to be very old anybody else get in history uh really not my forte not mine um i'll give a role since i a i'm a reader um uh where's my new history history i think 23 23 not bad okay so uh looking at it and from your knowledge of uh celestial it lets it gives you the inclination because there are similar elements of these symbols though a bit twisted and reversed this is this is abyssal it's abyssal isn't it yeah oh what do we know about this place this is a little archon this is this is possibly more than we bargained for do you have any idea or have you done research before you brought us here i don't read so much yeah what do i know about this place what you've researched uh this vault acted as a a religious sanctum for an ancient civilization that existed right at the beginning of the age of arcanum however the individuals that originally lived within here were systematically slaughtered by an incursion another religious force that sense closed and locked the vault off um this happened right before a great war called the calamity or the divergence um and since then nobody really knows what resides within and the only thing that's drawn you to this location are the visions you've had you've seen the mountain escape you've seen the hot desert sun you've seen symbols that are similar to the glutes you've seen on the wall here and the doorway that you came through so you know you're at the right place but as to the actual nature of the interior you're kind of in the same place as the rest of your party okay and it's a 25 feet wide ish about 20 25 foot wide for the current tunnel okay and how far can we see down the tunnel there he is like what's up 60 feet as well so as you guys progress forward uh i think the humans will stand back with you yeah i'm hanging out with you we'll just stare as hard as we can thank you as you progress past these rows of crack pillars deeper deeper into the darkness uh we're stealthy by the way okay i want you guys to vote okay well as you carefully move forward you watch as uh which by the way number of these pillars you see are like cracked a few have fallen just through uh whether it be localized seismic activity or just general erosion over time some of these interior elements that were crafted have fallen um you notice this as dupont looking ahead has not realized that a large cluster of this broken marble uh or sandstone like substance smacks him in the shin with a single step and he tumbles over onto the ground with a loud yelp we're gonna need a yelp did you say something no no what did you say it was a stealth maneuver recovered as as you were you both quietly i look at you like what the [ __ ] i just started shaking my head the higher dwarf i believe was just accosted by a rock as you guys continue unnatural inclination towards stone i'm drawn to it i don't know about your personal life that's a bit distressing yes mr dupont progressing forward an additional 100 or so feet into this tunnel you begin to descend into a small decline where you see a faint hint of light ahead it appears to be sunlight in coloration it's warm yellow white and just barely touching the floor as it appears that this incline evens out to a lower level is the ceiling getting higher the ceiling appears to be rather consistent at this point in time it's still about 40 feet high all right this is making me nervous can i do like a nature check to try and discern how far underground we are sure why would we be seeing sunlight that's not great um 11. uh you've only progressed a few hundred feet and knowing at least the angle the mountain was in your the equivalent of maybe five to six hundred feet uh below the surface however where this alleyway would or this pathway would stop and the chamber where this light seems to be coming through would be close to probably a thousand feet beneath the mountain surface okay so probably not natural nope sunlight good to know all right i'd like to check for secret doors playing with joe was awesome he came prepared with his own dice and his own dice box and he had stories for each one and it's just you gotta love playing with those old school guys and they like always get into it immediately yeah he was great i mean he's welcome at the at my table anytime go for it okay make an investigation check hey six okay uh not so good but not a one i think you figured out you having a pocket on your belt as your stealthy duo progress forward steps four and begins to run his hand on the wall similar to the ways of the monk doing earlier keeping a watch for something that might uh click in or resemble an entrance to some other avenue uh nothing seems to find your grasp as your gauntlet fingers kind of scrape across the stone surface however you eventually catch up to these two [ __ ] slowly progressing as you reach the bottom of this decline and see the interior the next chamber what you now see is a rectangular chamber about 80 foot by 80 foot wide or 8500 feet in length uh and it's lit by a soft yellow glow universally within this chamber a wide stone about five foot in diameter uh appears to be set into the central ceiling portion of this chamber with three pillars in a triangular form around the surface of the ceiling that then come to the bottom hitting the floor of the chamber two of them appear to be relatively damaged and you get the sense from some of the impacts here that perhaps the battle of the original incursion that took this temple uh did take a bit of a toll on a number of the bits of architecture they're also at the base of these pillars three obelisks about eight feet tall just smooth no discerning symbols or markings that jut out of the ground at kind of various angles at the base of each of these pillars in between the three of them right at the center of where this stone is set in the ceiling you see what appears to be a small quartz altar about three feet high from the floor there are three small concave indentations carved into the surface of this altar with one of them the one that's furthest away from you being roughly twice the size of the other two that was probably my most memorable moment other than just watching mercer do his dm-ing because he's so ridiculously talented i mean it's just stupid how good he is fascinating does you said there's a sort of stone hanging from the ceiling oh there's a there's a five foot wide kind of somewhat oval uh stone that is embedded in the ceiling that appears to be giving off this gentle glow okay is it enough to extinguish the torch or no is it worth extinguishing the toilet it would be considered low light throughout the chamber so you would be able to make out intense detail um and the quartz altar can you explain exactly what what was in the the top of the quartz altar so in the quartz halter you see it's it's it's built in a somewhat circular fashion like right underneath the oval right underneath the okay um you do see three small concave insets into the top of this altar two of which the ones that are closest to you are about the size of a little larger than a fist maybe about that big around yeah and then the one that's furthest from you is about that wide roughly the diameter of the basket can i am i allowed to roll a and just say epic go for a history check and see if i recognize this at all just by the imagery in the room history check for fun since we do know it's a whistle 11 11 yeah it's hard to tell the obelisks uh the design is different than the rest of the chambers architecture you've noticed everything here seems to have a very smooth cylindrical um almost gradual natural feel the obliques are very rigid and the stone appears to be of a different material okay so possibly from somebody else then whoever built the temple how big are they uh they're about eight foot tall and about four foot wide each i'm going to gingerly start moving towards them looking checking the ground force sigils trapped just looking around as i slowly make my way that's not good quite get in i'm not going to get under it or anything i'm going to stand right behind person uh wow that's a that's a number 14 14 okay very carefully stepping in the direction uh not directly to the altar which is in the center of these three options working my way and kind of coil around um you do not see any specific markings or portions of the ground that would make you feel that this would be dangerous or upsetting stains on the altar uh you do not see any stains in the alter the alter itself is coated with a very thick layer of dust in fact the quartz color of it you can see uh kind of at the base of it and the top is a gentle dull gray uh brown color from the sediment that's gathered you do notice of the obelisks the face of each one that is facing towards the altar does have a very very mild line across the front a giant square line i'd like to use divine sense i can sense good and evil uh type of fiend celestial undead or desecration or consecration okay you uh you take them you can sense any of those creatures the future types um fiend celestial undead um and and where they are i can also sense desecration and consecration and good and evil okay coming from inside the altar as you take a moment and close your eyes or khan you project your vision to ask for divine inspiration via tmat and you feel your essence expand through your closed eyes into the room in the chamber around you you sense no particular source of a fiendish undead a living essence that would fall into the spectrum of what you can sense however desecration does strongly emanate from the altar in the center of the room okay so you don't have like a detect can magic yes i can i can dispel magic i can make an arcana check on the altar can i assist him in any way uh yeah sure oh jesus christ that's cox that's in 12 it's 14. yeah well we'll say it gives you advantage on the check so go ahead and roll a second thank god come on did i roll let's just say it was an 11. okay so you you approach the altar focusing strongly on uh it's make to see there's some sort of magical essence to it as you can run your fingers along it to feel for any hidden grooves or any sort of uh inset glyphs that would mark the presence of an enchantment or some sort of element there you hear a sudden a large boom that echoes throughout the chamber you all glance around and you watch as the grooves these square-like insets and each of these obelisks suddenly fill with a cloud of dust that is set off as they all fall inwards slamming under the ground sending a cloud of dust swirling around you you instinctually begin to cough and kind of step back as you watch a series of humanoid figures step one out of each of these three obelisks two appear to be human though their features uh look somewhat serpentine their eyes are narrow with yellow iris slit pupils their teeth fanged and sharp and as they step forward the two the third one across the room opens this human you watch burly and covered in tattoos thick dark skin muscular and where the head would be one large serpentine snake head i need your water rolling damn oh that's pretty good that's pretty good 20. don't even know why they're bothered all right so all righty three three uh it's all right i'm just gonna kick back and watch everybody yeah 19. alrighty so as soon as the dust begins to settle the glow still uh coming from the ceiling you watch these creatures begin to stumble out uh they immediately draw these cemeteries blades from their side uh they're very tough they're on dupont you were the first to react what are you doing i'd like to pull my crossbow and shoot the snake man in the face go for it go ahead and roll and attack come on oh jesus uh yeah let's uh that's plus my dexterity that's a seven that's a seven i don't think that no no plus excuse me plus seven that's a ten a ten okay uh as you watch this creature emerge you instinctually apply your crossbow to fire but seeing such a terrible entity that resembles you of a time in your childhood you remember being being bit by a snake and the pain of the poison still pulses through your hand though memory and knowledge it there you suddenly realize snakes are scary and as you go to fire your hand shakes ever so slightly in the crossbow fires wide you see it splinter against one of the nearby pillars uneffective blast if i just summarize uh just a core theme for dupont it would just be failure the the freedom to fail repeatedly constantly in spite of all probabilities like he was spitting in the face of luck itself and then falling on his face because he slipped in his own spit all right are you gonna stay where you are you gonna move back i'd like to move back okay about 10 feet or so okay so you retreat further into the back of the the beginning of the chamber all right that brings us to headmistress all right who am i closest to am i close to him at all you're uh you could get close to the snakehead individual although you are pretty close to two of the other more humanoid uh creatures and one of them would get a strike on you should you rush past can i grab the two i'm gonna go for it here can i grab the two of them smash their heads together knock them out and throw them at the beast you can certainly try yeah yeah yeah so as that mistress ducks down and goes into a full sprint she darts right between the two creatures as they're beginning to pinch her towards the two of you uh you and uh uh dupont who has backed away you go ahead and reach how to grab both of them go ahead and roll an attack okay come on good sixteen where am i looking here uh v plus your attack modifier 16 so 17 18 9 20 2 2 3 okay roll the second attack god that's good 12 plus 7 19 yeah both of those hit so go ahead and roll damage twice plus eight any more d6s uh yeah thanks guys plus eight plus so 14 points of damage uh well should be two there should be two so six and eight to one so you reach out grab both them by the front of their ceremonial robes pull back and stand them both together their heads crack impacting on both knees hiss as they both retract from the pain um feeling the grasp on them they're both pretty heavy yeah and knowing in that moment that your strength and not quite being strong to chuck them you can then progress if you want to use your bonus action however you see fit uh oh one of these yes um i'm going to take my flurry of blows and are these two guys knocked out then no they they're still waiting they're stronger than you thought they were they're still standing and they're hurt but it looks like they are unhappy with the current circumstances i'm going to shove them over to dan no just kidding deal with it i'm going to use my uh i am going to use my flurry of blows against the two of them so one attack each since i've got right right so you're using three points one more time so one more two more two more okay 20. oh sorry oh [ __ ] all right six plus seven that still hits yeah hey second strike nice just like this level 14. yeah both hits go ahead and roll uh 2d6s once more minus 10 6. so after you knock them both their heads together you get down and then do a jumping spin kick clocking them both in the head in a full like hurricane kick ryu style attack as you land uh they're both looking a bit dazed but aggressively looking like they're ready to bear down on you with their scimitars uh you still have movement if you want to get away but they'll both get a strike on you ah come on um or you want to stay put and just fend them off as they come just just flex stay input all righty what brings us yeah what um okay how far away is snake creature the the head uh from you currently from where you're standing about 50 feet about 50 bites let me go ahead and um i'm going to move up a little bit okay and i want to cast fairy fire over where the snake creature is no one else is really around her right currently yeah okay so you go ahead and cast is there any way that i could also get the uh the humanoids in the cusp too i don't want to get head mysteriously how big is the space on ferry fire 20 feet 20 feet you might be able to get one not both you have to angle the cube at a point to catch okay i'll get another one you have a cube that shoots fairy fire i i have a a fairy egg yeah it's like the tesseract but it's sparkle bomb yeah all right it's like groot third actor are you saving throw from both would you spell dc um under the attacks area oh you put it under the attacks oh sixteen wait so we have four right now and no they both fail their dexterity saving throws so you watch us as kilos takes a few steps forward the uh the light in the central chamber kind of you know glowing on our form she puts her hands out and as she extends her fingers you watch a burst of purplish uh druid nature energy just scatter out like a burst of glitter as it coalesces around the form of these two creatures it sinks to them and as it does you see bright purple light emit from them making them both shining targets for anybody that wishes to strike them so all attacks against them have advantage tight i love fairy fire by the way it's a great spell but um yeah that was all she kind of just went you guys you guys go yeah that was it yeah it was just like a michael's craft store disaster that's all i was this is good okay all righty for as long against concentration tequila didn't you turn uh yes i'm now going to kind of step back a little bit towards dupont okay hello the first of the two more human of the creatures takes its turn uh the one that got bludgeoned by you uh and is not affected by fairy fire is going to uh attempt to strike at you with scimitar twice that is a 14 to hit what's your armor class uh which armor glass 17 17. you watch the blade come wide and get the duck low second strike does hit you i got a question good rule i have an invasion when an attack requires a dexterity saving throw you only take half damage instead take no damage correct that's only its effects that you require [Music] that's all good you do suffer seven points of damage from the cemetery striking you okay so what is that all righty uh the other one's gonna rush towards you to pond uh that is a 12 to hit what's your class 16 six this one rush has passed uh you do get an attack opportunity if you want to punch the one that's rushing yeah i'll take that punch can you use yours you gotta roll wait the 20 right yeah uh 10. that'll hit go ahead and roll 1v6 add four one plus four though that actually that actually kills that one as it goes rushing towards the pot you watch as it darts off you spin around and clock at the back of the head with the back fist as you do you watch you just go unconscious and go face down to the ground spitting on that dust perfect um so that ends that one against you that one's finished there no attack that brings us to percival all right um i'm going to spin around to the giant creature that just got hit by ferry fire droppings leave the head on one of them i'm going to want to dissect it later and i'm going to stick the stick the torch in the ground with my bonus action and take two shots at the heart of the big of the big creatures go forward and slow down advantage in these shots oh yeah oh in that case i got it fancy i'm gonna use fancy double so shot number one uh natural 20 on both rolls nice he's a witch what is a gun natural 20 on both rolls okay so i may have i may have had advantage on a shot thanks to some fairy fire that keyleth uh threw and i may have rolled two natural 20s on that i've never had that happen before i feel like i should that that should be something i feel like i may i may uh i may make a little plaque or something that felt very good it's all downhill from here life is downhill from here okay that was the first shot i feel like okay i feel like i should get a i want to i want to i want a bonus die in our other game later just for that one all right fair point okay second attack and second attack do it again do it again uh does not happen still a great uh uh a six and twenty six for the eight for the other yeah both hit the head roll damage for the first strike uh that's okay and that's double die double dice yeah wow oh this is adorable uh and that's uh seven that's 12 points for the for the for the first hit already and on uh 14 points for the other one nice this is against the largest snake he watches the gunfire that goes loudly causing this burst of fire and smoke out the front of the barrel um both of these wounds sink into the chest of the creature the blood spooled out of both parts of the impact um what did you see i mean no yeah that's a descriptive term i'm gonna suddenly realize that i'm very tiny i'm gonna slowly start backing up after doing that and i realized i'm a big target all right that ends your goal is now the snake preacher's turn it you watch now it's lower torso which was currently blocked by the dust you see it's also serpentine it just has the upper torso of humanoid it marks its way around uh and actually seeing you as the most dangerous entity in the room goes heading in your direction archon i'm flattered it's going to go for a bite attack against you that is a natural 20. you'll be fine you're going to be fine i'm happy with the 20. he's immediately like actually this is okay so you take that is nine points of piercing damage and and seven points of poison damage as the fangs dig into the side of your scales and you feel it pulls through your blood system okay uh and it's going to go ahead and take a swing of the simmitar as it backs up as well that is going to be a 21 to hit i have a 21 arm glass it just barely strikes you with a seven points of slashing damages it streaks across the front of your armor you see the sparks go flying off in the middle of metal clash not enough to actually physically wound you but enough to at least push you back and win you slightly okay it's now your turn now he's officially pissed me off well actually well he hit me and i'd like to hellish rebuke nice so i'm going to point my finger and the creature that damaged me is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames the creature must make a dexterity saving throw it will take 2 10 fire damage on a failed save half as much on a successful well uh it rolled a 9 on its dc so i don't think i don't think it succeeds so go ahead we'll damage them [Music] yeah on the internet that's going to be 12 points of fire damage nice all righty and now it's your turn now it's my turn as it rushes up you you throw your hand out the front and watch as flames suddenly burst around his body uh the infernal energy granted to you by tia matt causing the front of his torso to suddenly be singed it lands right in front of you you know pulls back to go for another strike what are you doing okay i'm going to swing bone cleaver my battle axe go for it uh that's like literally on my own yeah going against cocktail [ __ ] all right yeah it's just fun to say okay again another cocktail try that again ah okay that's going to be a 13. 13 still hits even with a four whoa and um i'm going to tack on divine smite divine smite so additional 2d8 nice um so that would be plus another gotta borrow a diet first yeah i probably want this here okay um actually um yeah no sure that's going to be 25 points again 20 wow jesus all right so as you are down with your bone cleaver axe you watch as the energy that splits off the front of the blade starting white passes through all the chromatic colors as tiamat's anger now forces itself to the blade as well it smacks into the chest of the snake creature as it does the rib cage seems to crack before it even touches the blade the energy actually separating the flesh and bone you hear it screech out into the cavern air how far am i from the other guy uh you're about 10 feet from him oh perfect okay let's let's go for it all right you rush up to the last standing humanoid snake individual get it get it no cocktail 18 plus nine that's 27. 27 go roll damage okay this one has already been punched a [ __ ] by our monk [Music] 17 17. and with that as as this this other yeah this other creature's been hearing the monk you rush up and just cleave its head off at an angle taking off part of the shoulder as it kind of turns around just in time to employment to the ground no longer moving i'm standing here i think i'm feeling that poison i saw a bunch of lights and everything turned into a fine red mist oh that actually happened dupont what i know the chamber shutters once more nothing this is useful you watch as the the convex sections on the altar all of a sudden begin to fill with the green fluid with each death of these creatures as they all come to fruition you watch as the altar shutters and begins to lower below you kind of stem up and look off the side and you watch there's a cylindrical chamber below with four additional pillars that travel about 60 feet down to the base uh looks like the interior there is pitch black however as it just dissipates beyond the glowing light of the stone above you okay i'd like to peer into the darkness and make a perception before you do that can i just uh i'm going to pray to tiamat to heal my uh heal 13 points of my damage go for it but you have to use hit dice yeah i can use your hit dice to heal yourself so you can just use a couple of those there's nothing salvageable in any of those bodies wait what am i doing currently no other than the scimitars they had unfortunately they weren't really cool right so two yep so two plus two is four okay oh yeah yep there you go nice straight all right as you guys complete your rest take a moment to bandage your wounds uh kind of take the essence of what you have at your disposal the darkened chamber lies below you um over a short time you managed to find your way to the base using whatever rope and items you have your disposal in your general traveling pack down inside you now see those strange symbols that you saw scrolled on the wall earlier completely surround this chamber from top to bottom it is just an endless display of these uh abyssal symbols and singles um the somewhat cool air of the chamber suddenly grows chilled and you all witnessed as the air begins to shimmer in an apparition of a white-haired mature woman in crimson sleeveless robes appears drifting roughly 10 feet above you in the room well hello there milady you do get the essence of undead strongly from this entity um as the apparition floats there above you see it stared down and saying uh the voice seemed to emanate from a sourceless place in the air around you you enter here and beyond the domain of the serpent you wander these hallowed halls at the behest of the scaled tyrant and you are not welcome what business have you in our nesting chambers oh geez there's so many there's gonna be so many if you have any questions go ahead because i'm about to pull something out of the hat unless you want to ask a question first i'm just hoping we live to get paid the moment we were told to retrieve histina aguilera's treasure roll constitution saving throughout thank you you're getting uh punished okay uh you watch as the spirit turns the eyes that was suddenly uh went from like a cold darkness to a bright vibrant white lock onto dupont raises a hand and suddenly you feel this dark energy cascade through your body as your muscles suddenly wither and you fall to one knee um you are weakened at the moment i feel like this is something do you know who this is do you how big is this room uh it's about 25 feet across on all sides of cylindrical okay i'm going to attempt to control the undead okay up to 30 feet to wisdom safe wisdom safe this will be interesting that is a 12. what is your spell dc come on i'm pretty sure it's a 13. she was mine for 24 hours good thing i distracted her the uh the spirit's hand drops the the weakened curse still crackling through your dwarven friend but the eyes go from the vibrant bright burning white to a dull blue as the head turns towards you i am the caregiver long watching the globe serpent's children sleep until our epoch begins i am at your service we heard there's something of great value in this vault take us to it you watch as the eyes the blue turns to a dark purple and you feel the essence reaching just past your brow and it would bother you if you didn't know that this creature was bound to your surface through your divine chains uh as it withdraws i see the golden wraith the ghost seems to snap the fingers and you hear rustling chains from above in the darkness the top of the chamber in a slight smear the wind begins to kick up and the sand and dust the room swirls around you you kind of guard your eyes momentarily as you watch a large wing and creature land on the ground you see its long muscular line-like body combined with two giant other wings the head humanoid with the jaw wide open drooling with rows and rows of teeth and there around its throat you see the large golden thorned wreath of gems that you saw in your dream the creature that's chained to the dangling and broken turns it snarls but the ghost holds its hand up take your charge i approach the creature and i take the wreath from around its neck as your hands reach out and touch you watch its eyes the side lits sliding close and open it growls but it does not seem to assault or attack as you pull the wreath around its neck it withdraws a few feet i place the wreath around my neck as you set it down the uh the spirit begins to grin and you feel suddenly the thorns much like the device that entered this temple extend and pierce into the sides of your throat your clavicle jus some of it actually going past the neck armor you suffer 12 points of piercing damage but you feel also at the same time this cold essence kind of curl over your spine as it does you close your eyes and open them and the colors of the chamber are twice as vibrant you look around in each of your compatriots you can actually see the essence of warmth off their body it gives you snake eyes you glance around and turn you guys you guys look and you can see the the eyes of your companion archon now have even a further confirmed genuine black slit a greenish yellow color within them and the gemstones begin to pulse as you feel the energy of team that glow within each section of the wreath and as it does the strength fills you and your breath grows warmer the air seems more alive and you feel rejuvenated instilled with the essence of your deity am i do i feel out of control at all you've been in control this is just you're on you're not fully aware of what has been imparted upon you okay it does not feel but i don't feel a compulsion to attack anyone in my party no no okay oh thank god oh [ __ ] do i sense that there's any sort of control over this creature or is the creature through this undead that i've taken control of so you turn towards and exert your will on the manticore yes okay as you go ahead and focus towards it the creature it's giant spiked tail swinging behind it comes up towards you and lowers its head right below you to the ground i get on its back grabbing the chain that is dangled around its throat and it lifts up now fully its torso okay there were a number of situations uh that were handled in ways i didn't expect for one the manticore is intended to be an actual boss encounter once they had uh talked to and and spurred the ire of the ghosts or proven worthy to try and earn the use of this thorned wreath however i didn't consider the oathbricker power to be able to control undead to roll just uh under the dc for the spell and then command it to present it to him so that was uh a perfect example of why i love d d i feel like you you got your money's worth good sir so i just get poisoned he gets a manticore you got a door you're just gonna have to get it home we also got like a few hundred gold pieces just snake blood yeah now in terms of the rest of the mission is there someone waiting for this wreath no the divine images the divine images these are in the just retrieve this you have nothing that's come to you before i had these dreams these visions yes and here i am sitting on top of a mana core yep in control of a ghost for the next 24 hours let's party dreams do come true but for me the big highlight was i controlled the undead i mean i i wound up controlling this specter that had control of the manticore so because of that i then was able to take the wreath off the manocor's neck and stuck it on my neck which initially i thought it was gonna kill me but um but after the initial bleeding i took control of this beast so um it was kind of a weird like lucky lucky roll weird sort of string of abilities and then wound up um with this great beast so this is definitely a memorable one oh and also i i'd be headed to the um the auntie serpent people so that was fun let's not forget about that um how many people can fit on the back of a man uh actually you can thanks thankfully you have a rather diminutive and uh lightweight party you can uncomfortably get your compatriots onto the back of the creature as it lifts up its wings flapping and pot falls off it slams into the stone of the ceiling as the chamber entrance for the altar was not quite large enough to get all of you through um but it does manage to break through the stone from underneath as it goes up it travels down the hallway of which you guys came bursting out from under the front doorway leading out to the sunlight of the ankarel desert over the sands the warmth of the sunlight is welcome as you now look the spiritual entity trailing behind you trying to keep up as there are heads on top of the manticore spring break 12 13. and with that you found the attributed artifact sent in your way by tiamat and apparently a new friend yes [Applause] well done that was unexpected yeah most of the powers of manticores don't go that well no that that was that was a completely bypass boss fight there yeah oh really yeah you could control undead i feel like you basically got the how do you want to do this essentially but like like the friendly [Music] his mercenary companions carefully ride the manticore over the hot desert sands of marquette what does the future hold for keeping such a monstrosity under control and what is the essence of this artifact that tiamat has brought archon to [Music] you
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 693,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, Nerdist, Joe Manganiello, Archenemy, Magic Mike XXL, Justice League, Critical Role, Matthew Mercer, Dungeon Master, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Dan Casey, Jessica Chobot, D&D, CelebriD&D, TTRPG, RPG, Role Playing Game
Id: qYrp6qfXrBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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