CelebriD&D with Terry Crews

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heroes of Azeroth : and today's celebrity indeed declare your allegiance as the horde and alliance take up arms in this special World of Warcraft's themed campaign I'm Terry Crews and today I'm fighting for the heart another modern folk hero enters our realm of adventure in celebrity nd the steam of the Alliance's attack on the Undercity of Lordaeron and the losses suffered there still steam the Horde is renewed with fury and need to gain the upper hand in this escalating conflict the times of peace are over now and with the wounded planets scattering the powerful resource as a right across the sea locked Islands east of the Maelstrom swift recovery of this material is the only means of gaining the upper hand in its conflict and preventing the Alliance from wiping you and your people out I'm Terry Crews don't act the blacksmith the magg ha orc warrior and we're gonna crush some Alliance skulls hi my name is Ashley birch and I am playing Elvis the undead mage who hates most things hello I'm Marisa Rea and I'm gonna be playing a goblin shaman named Ritz V Ritz and I'm gonna be putting it on you three were hand-picked by her WarChiefs Sylvanas having seen your talents for warfare firsthand in the Battle of the Undercity and sent under the leadership of your captain Phonak to scout and secure as much of this powerful as a right as possible and help bring victory to the Horde you helped establish the war camp at the ancient capital of the Zandalari empire in following rumors of a discovered landmass rife with azurite made for the distant waters to seek your glory your ship now emerges from a half a day in a dark storm battered but still seaworthy as your goblin navigator Sheldon man shouts from behind his by glass hey island ahead captain there at the front of the ship you can see as he is kind of pulling back and shrinking his spyglass pointing out there to the left similar size and let's say racial history we have the Ritz yeah that's right I turn and I say captain why'd you have to bring Sheldon everyone hates you hey don't give me any bull poop on this you don't know what you did leave me lasted me wearing on the out front I don't take this home we're Irish were on a mission alright I know your wife just keep that in mind they tell her anything kind of a ratty looking pinstripe tux no shoes though oversized top hat that's what they're called a little slouchy it's one side cuz you know it's hard to find out top hat fits this head on this tiny body they try to give you a child-size but it's just you know it just doesn't work out tall as you are told it's like the the three-quarters rule I'd say it's like 1/3 of myself so it adds like another head it's nice it's deceiving it makes me feel a little bit more powerful mm-hmm you know anything you guys want if you guys got any ailments you guys got a headache you guys got a little hot bun I can help you out there if you guys need to kick someone's ass that can help you out there two more a New Age spirituality shaman if you yeah a little aloe I'm going got some onion cream it's great I can help you out you keep anything in that big hat on the back end of the front of the ship cannot arms crossed in the corner watching this argument between the two goblins we have Elvis hi I'm Elvis and I feel nothing because I'm undead the only thing that even remotely sparks any sort of interest for me is killing things I also strangely even though I don't feel much I have I share hatred for Sheldon that's the only thing that I can feel I'm kind of like if Sid Vicious was mixed with an emo kid that's a lot of hot topics I'm very yeah yeah you know too much very oily hair that's like kind of weirdly spiked I think I'm cool I'm not actually I kind of like to hang back I look like Sid Vicious reanimated as the shouting match is transpiring and you're watching your loathing of Sheldon man it's gonna burning in your chest you hear the heavy footfalls of Captain though dak as he arrives at the front of the ship I am Bo gak the blacksmith I love saying it yes you guys are pretty small your undead you're tiny but I'm very very large I have arms full of burn marks from making weapons for years for all of my constituents but my favorite one is the one that I carry the great axe and I have dreadlocks that go down all the way through the middle of my back but I've got it all tied up in this big giant dreadlock ponytail and I'm ready the binders Azariah your mag artwork captain steps up muscular and ready staring off as the island slowly approaches close by Shelburne goes so I gotten well I would check see which direction you want to come in from this it looks like there's an inlet maybe a little bit to the north and what you want to do do we see any lights anywhere on that island at all make a perception check roll a d20 and okay roll 11 per session +4 4 so a 15 so even though Schulman had his spyglass he's like I don't know if I see anything out that way captain and midday by the way as the Sun is kind of reaching its zenith you glance off to the side and you can see already what looks to be a little spark of some light right on the shore where you're headed Sheldon classic gentlemen spyglass mean anything say anything tell me Anna what shut up don't listen it in there just trying to you know climb the ladder if you know what I mean captain well you know since we just came out of the storm and we're finally here we gotta go we're going keep it going at which point the ship makes its way closer and closer towards this Beach of which you signify you can see the blue ocean Inlet that surrounds this areas is currently held in by jagged rocks there's a very kind of a tight-knit squeeze to make it in there without damaging your boat the approach is somewhat dubious but you eventually lay down anchor bring out your smaller boats and row your way to shore they're meeting you is a shaded quite beautiful beach actually it's a fragment of paradise amongst the tense oceans you've been forwarding on the way here the jungle line is about 40 feet ahead of you and this secluded little Lagoon would make a perfect place for a little encampment at which point another boat comes up behind you and Sheldon comes out it's not too bad captain we set up camp here we're looking for another locale what do you guys I hate beaches really we can come back we can get ourselves to sangria after we go at the end of the day get our as the ride I think it's nice mm-hmm and what kind of sand are we talking about is this soft sand there's a rocky you reach down and kind of scoop your hand into it it's a very soft fine sand actually it's it's a it's very white bleached it's it's pretty comfortable for for what you expecting usually in a lot of these islands you've gone to before have been somewhat tumultuous and the times you've spent there so this is kind of a nice nice greeting to find such a fine Beach that's it well I say you know if we haven't had this a lot of this that let's careful hey I think it's a great idea I mean work vacation when I mix the two all right bag that his ships for bringing the supplies over Sheldon gets back on as you guys kind of begin to scope out the space they begin taking supplies off the ship and tents start going up barricades start being built just in case anyone tries to attack or assault from the actual jungle line in the meantime you glance up and you can see the ominous peak of a dark mountain that seems to loom over the center of this island in the distance by now it's a little past noon so the the hot Sun above you is starting to bleep down even though it is shaded in this area as the Sun Goes high the shadow retracts to some of the nearby rocks and trees and now you're starting to feel the heat particularly in your armor as you start putting it on to prepare for any sort defenses you can feel yourself swept beneath the metal but you've gone through worse this is nothing it doesn't smell good in here orcs aren't known for their pleasant smell sometimes in the battlefield again neither undead especially yeah yeah I like the Musk I see comparatively you should probably add more armor on for a more pleasant smell but alright ok so at this point they've set up most in the encampment what would you guys like to do well you know what I know about these islands is that the Sun sets pretty fast on the equator maybe we should get a move on maybe see if we can find a trail up to that mountain yeah I don't want to hang around here we should probably get to where we're going you know I agree I mean you know we have the camp if we ever need to just come back but I think we just should get started see if we find a trail establish it yeah I like it as you guys are about to head in you see as this Salo undead shipmate comes by he has a patch over one eye and a dark blue bandana tied around what remains of the flesh on his skull captain wood from the ship a lion spotted other side of the island it looks like we're not alone turns around and makes his way back towards the encampment does you guys look to the treeline not but 15 feet from you fish sticks so this isn't just a sojourn through this island this is now a race I hate time shelling me too uh they always stressed me out in the video game he's automatically if I played me too so someone else is already here doing their thing so it would seem at least from what this mates have said no there's a look there's a little bit of an idea that whoever gets the azurite first yeah probably it's gonna be the one who leaves with it no we got to get on it then all right we gotta move now yeah let's go are you guys with me yeah let's go all right so is the two of you flanked behind you're your well-armored axe wielding captain you breached the outside of the jungle and had immediately into the sweltering humid heat of this side of the island you can hear already the the buzzing of insects around you and as you step through the what was once and becomes hard dirt and root and then begins to get a bit soft as the humidity has left the area a little more muggy than you expected who's gonna be helming at this journey into the jungle who's leading you through which of you he's got it's gotta be me all right go ahead make a survival check for me you and your undead your little I got this bottle check how does that what so third act go ahead enroll a 20-sided dice and add your survival skill which should be at the bottom of your skin yes and twelve there we go 18 18 with a +4 around so in in following that this relatively easy to follow path that your massive captain is carving through this jungle your two tiny forms kind of skittering behind you just like shoving aside trees [Laughter] doesn't cut the tree or he just shouts out in the tree moves out of the way it's a very respectful of you if you're here but as you're moving forward there is a point where all of a sudden you come to a brief clearing and there's a tension in the air you hear no wildlife no insects and your sense of danger kind of clicks off as you kind of naturally put your hand up you see about a 20 foot period where there are no trees it looks like there's like soft undergrowth and as you're looking ahead you noticed that some of the vines kind of slowly pulled back they begin to kind of shift almost like slow moving snakes and you realize probably a good thing that you were keeping a good watch because you almost walked right into the center of that clearing but your old pretty good in your survival so you managed to avoid that pitfall so these things are moving it looks like some of these vines are slowly slithering around each other it's about 20-foot clearing ahead of you about 10 feet wide it's kind of a weirdly shaped area where none of the trees seem to have grown naturally and these vines are all over it or they were treating from this clearing they're moving through it almost like there's some movement nearby and begin to shift but it's easy enough to walk around it you managed to avoid that pitfall and with that you kind of nut to the rest of your party forward and you guys continue moving around a few moments later about another 15 minutes or so in travel you hear some loud screeching Birds up in the trees it's kind of you know causes your ear to to twinge a bit you get that a bit behind you and as humid as it is have you all roll a perception check please well do 20 hide your perception skills 1819 Oh what are you rolling in what are you reading I rolled a 12 and I'm adding six already I rolled a 15 and I'm adding I'm adding one of sixteen yep and I am a 15 and I'm adding one great all right those are all good rolls you guys all the same time kind of come to this realization that for the time of day and for his warmest this jungle what when you entered it the temperature seems to be dropping further and further within every 15 or 20 foot increment it seems to drop a few degrees and eventually as you captain kind of come to this realization and turn to look towards your two teammates you can see your breath in the middle of the jungle okay how are you reacting as you're already undead you don't feel in fact the only person spread through you can't see would be Elvises I'm cool like oh you know metaphorically then also actually is someone dead stuff is this place haunted can I do it would that be a Arcana well this would be actually a religion check it oh I'm in Hitchin check so go ahead and roll a d20 and add your religions okay mmm great six year old the six I rolled it to and then added four it's okay okay sue the rich turns to you and asks about if it's undead you take glanced around whether is weird I know where it's sometimes the weather changes as as your undead friend is giving this description youth attack watch slowly rising behind Elvis what looks to be a somewhat translucent faint glowing blue spectral form as it just rises up what looks to be formless for a moment radiates this cold temperature that you begin to feel even stronger at the back of your head Elvis you watch as the arms extend from it and you see what appears to be a spectral ghost-like entity of a troll you can see it's long kind of pointed nose you can see these large tusks emerging from its face you see it's long pointed ears and the hair kind of matted upward and almost a tribal war formation it has remnants of war paint strewn across its face and as it kind of rises up behind what do you do do we see this as well or just that right now it's modak and it's behind you it's behind me it's behind you now I gotta go with the shaman what is that yeah you turn around and right there before you you see and having your experience with the Zandalari tribe this is the spirit of a zandalari troll you know the whole thing I said about it not being undead I might have been wrong shaman know what this you know what this is right I've had you've had experience with spirits before some can be benevolent some not so much you know maybe he's a good guy sometimes they don't always want to attack you maybe we can talk go ahead say I want to attack him oh I hate ghosts yeah let's talk to it let's talk to him first it's so true oh yeah are you trying to talk and you're trying to attack which route of the cab okay fine I want to kill something soon no no no no no killing let's find out what he's about the the ghost troll that is like slowly crawling in your direction face kind of filled with anger and frustration glancing towards you who's gonna talk to it do we know what language and who's rikes I'll say oh great troll ghosty puh what am i I dropped to my knees we are not worthy we simply cross on your land let us pass please make a persuasion I'll say with advantage for dropping to your knees and making it purely prostrate okay I'll take that that's 16 plus what did you say persuasion yes I'm full so minus one okay that makes sense so as as the spirit that's been encroaching its arms kind of coming out and claw-like formations like it's it's hungry for your presence kinda stops at this display and goes I be without erased my the final moments hold me here stalking this land for warmth for life is he gonna make us do a thing that releases him from his eternal damnation thing cuz I don't want to do the eyes of the trolls spin over to you Kodak and say you are always so warm I wish to drink it in I can no longer eat your flesh but your spirit and there was a moment where you see like in the hunger there's also kind of a pull back there's there's like an internal struggle in the moment can we see what's going on with that but would that check be I make an insight check if you like you both could okay so rolling sides I have your instance I only got a four and where's my insight plus one so it's nice you don't speak ghost very well no and you're totally it's harder even beyond the hungry urge of his undead nature but you looking at it can see that and being being an undead yourself you're like oh he's he's dealing with the morality of you know killing and eating things or perhaps finding it out to his unending curse your worst nightmare can I talk to him yeah one day what do you say what do you men eat us or what I was with my people all right yeah uh-huh hunting there occurs when the jungle itself swallowed me if you can find me give me rest somewhere on the islands waters I would be free in his eyes go skyward to the brief bit of light that's breaking through the canopy he's really just wait we gotta find his body yeah but we all know we have to get the house all right like are we trying to do a thing and there's somebody already after the azurite did the vegetation have his body I mean did they it they attack him you can go back and check if you'd like because we are we past that is he in our way he's currently like kind of blocking your passage but you could continue to talk if you like maybe we tell them that we'll keep an eye out as we keep pressing on not that that sounds like a plan I mean he's not eating us oh yeah and we know now we know what he's about yeah so we can just continue on if we find your body we got you you know me if we find the body all right we'll bring it to him on the way to Deseret oh yeah so the spirit turns and looks towards you the captain of this group and just kind of waiting for you to say something yeah we'll get you later can we walk through you can we walk through cuz he's a ghost apparently right are we allowed to pass to make a persuasion check for persuasion kept-kept 15 plus 4 Hey with that the spirit kind of glances to you and you feel this kind of cold presence pressing again the outside of your or your skull and then it withdraws I see you caring much on then pass on with my blessing should you find my body please help me it's very lonely in this jungle the spirit kind of say it's over here what am i a pleasant Spectre let's go okay let's all remember this body thing okay okay fine if we find out that's right you can buy the body bring it back you know you guys that's why I need you guys cuz I just want to attack continuing forward into the jungle as you take your first step past this encounter you feel the ground suddenly quake you know I tell you I always announce you know this as having this argument throat ACK you kind of look in the direction of that sound and you glance past the small breaks in the canopy to see that ominous peak of the mountain and you watch the beginning of what looks to be a small column of smoke begin to emanate from its top mmm good no it's a small building it is but problem will just continuous so this is a mountain it's a mountain hmm not necessarily a volcano you don't know can I check like a nature check oh yes wait is my nature any good uh could be a volcano could be could be someone having a nice little cook-off what color is a smoke it is black oh I didn't sound like a campfire no campfire smoke usually white billowy so my accent black and dark gray yeah that feels volcanic to me very natural something out of the ground yourself first okay so so with that happening I think that that's not people that's something natural happening on the island we continue on I got some time hmm so you're leading on go ahead and make another survival check to lead into the next portion of the general office world inside here up to you that's heavy you prefer plus board for it that's a nineteen your captain has been in a few things in the past and while you two are lost amongst the natural splendor of the dangerous nature of the island though that knows exactly where to go and what to avoid and with that you managed to pass by two additional patches of the strange moving vines without issue you point them out to your group continue on without hindrance yeah the floor of the of the jungle gets softer and more wet the further and you go you start hearing the sucking sounds of your footfalls as it becomes more of a muggy swampy atmosphere the heat returns now that you're far from the the spectral pal you had made back then until eventually you come upon looks to be a localized lake very green with algae and overgrowth maybe 25 feet across 15 feet on the other side but it looks like there is a kind of muggy swamp Lake in the center of the space in front of you hmm I do have a question yeah with azurite is it is it mainly found near water or is it is it something buried it's something that's emerging specifically there was a horrible event that happened recently that wounded the planet and the azurite represents kind of the the bleeding of the planet from this wound so it's like an element that's begun to emerge in places and eranin reaction to this wounding but all of it seems to be mostly localized in this island cluster perhaps in fact if you want to make a perception check guys to look around for any sort of traces of azurite it's through around this Matty twin that's why okay so eight so you having this thought and kind of making the mention to your teammates glance out there and something gets in your eye and you're like while that's happening that flippin team work so as you're trying to focus your two teammates who previously been kind of following your guide through this jungle step out and using their super goblin undead vision can see there this like faint glow of light towards the base of this lake you see what looks to be a faint shimmer of blue that shifts almost to an orangish white to back and from these small shards you've seen that is very much the glimmer of azurite I felt a mild flicker of joyousness how do we get down there though well you actually don't have to breathe you can go as long yes don't worry you boy Elvis got you so diving all right so you watch as you kind of skitter to the edges into the water coming down through the surface from the surfaced underneath are you jumping I'm gonna catch some guidance on ya getting out of deep for doing ability check thank you alright as you make your way down kind of pushing through the muck under the water go and make a perception check I'm not gonna waste my guidance on that no great so as you push forward through the murky depths you see the single glimmer like there it is and you reach out and grab it it's stuck in something do they hear me can I talk to them for my too deep or deep underwater you have a you're about ten feet 15 feet we're in the shore just waiting I'm gonna use can I use my dagger to try to cut it free sure you pull your dagger mean and it's carving in and at that point it ships and it's you realize at that point it's attached to something it's jammed in something that begins to move what do you do okay let's see oh dear alright um you're underwater by yourself and all my things are fire yeah is the water does the water bubble you guys just at this moment begin to see a little bit of movement beneath but that's all for ours you're like yeah it's not too much yet okay um what are you doing all this what's what's your instinct let's see I guess I should try to shoot back up I got your help alright so you go ahead and start turn around start swimming you make yourself at the surface what's your armor class twelve weirdly enough rolled super low you feel this large push of force behind you it's the waters and you hear something snap together but you don't feel any impact and you quickly scramble to the surface you watch as Elvis cook comes out of the water and comes to the surface and you see us something that glow of azurite moves right afterward and with it emerging from the water you see this elongated snout of a scaled croc Alyssa a large crocodile like creature that has no coming after Elvis I made a friend guys we're and as a right isn't into like the top of its head right now I need your auto roll initiative twelve well for you sixteen feet six plus two so an eight for me so as it emerges kind of this low Gergely growl behind it Elvis you are the first to react on this as you spin around what do you do I'm on fireball his butt gun roll a d20 an edger you're plus seven spell attack okay natural one yeah it doesn't help you out fortunately you spin around and seeing this creature that you had unintentionally awoken you can freak out and fire your your blast that kind of just arcs often hits one of the trees in the distance to anyone back on the Crockett list turn as it comes up towards you and it's gonna go ahead and to bite you with its large jaws that's gonna be a 24 to hit I'm pretty sure that hits you with your armor class Oh and that'll be against you you take 15 points of piercing damage bites into you and you are currently grappled it is like latched down onto the body of an Elvis it's starting to kind of swing back and forth with its tail it's gonna spin around it and swing it out towards you throw it out as you're trying to go forward to either defend your ally or assault back on it and that's gonna be a natural one yes it swings back with its tail and it hits your armor you're just like whatever shrugged off its tail with that it's your turn product we got to kill this thing all right and we're sweat on I'm gonna take my great axe and I'm hacking all right go for you get two attacks so roll roll a d20 and then add your +7 attack modifier 20 that definitely hits - go ahead and roll your d 12 for damage okay will your attack is +4 so that's 13 points of slashing damages against the croc Allah so that sag oould first hit and you gain a range you have a second attack so go ahead and roll that and here we go 1111 +7 18 as well okay so 7 + 4 it's eleven points of damage nice so you watch this throw that comes forward and whack sure - giant swings of the great ax start carving into it leaving these large wounds in the side of the croc Aliss it spins around with Elvis still in its Malcolm you've got its attention okay that brings us to Ritz I'm gonna say yeah hey Elvis just duck your head a little bit and I'm gonna go singing into a lightning bolt all right go ahead and roll for attack again to tell you we're also in a ton eighteen plus my spell attack which is six so twenty four that hits go and roll damage for your lightning bolt which is 2d 801 that's lame and six or seven damage so reports of lightning damage as you pull back your little goblin hands and release this bolt of lightning it strikes into the side of it the arcs of energy can crawl across its body it shakes from the impact you feel a little bit of a that's gonna go ahead and end the combat round at the top again Elvis it's your turn you are currently grappled and technically restrained in its mouth you can still act but any roles that you make are at disadvantage ok break most of feeling a lot of shame because this is really screwing with my cool guy exterior we might have some okay so I am going to attempt a fireball again and hopefully not char fat this time throat all right so go ahead and roll with this advantage because you are restrained okay 7:17 okay so 11 you take the lower two plus seven that's still a team that still hits go ahead and roll damage for your fireball for one all right and a nice 12 points of fire damage you actually have one hand kind of pinned in the side of its mouth and you can just release it right into the top of its jaw what a burst of flames there shooting out of its nostrils comes back but it still holds you tighten its ground so that finishes your turn Elvis it's now the croc Alyssa turn angered by the burning pain that it now feels see really inside of its jaw it's gonna go ahead and bite down on you cool which has advantage on you because you're curler strands oh that's gonna be a 15-2 hit what's your armor class well that hits all right that is gonna be 12 points of piercing damage again tail attack is gonna swing around and this time because you damaged it so much last turn it still focused on you it's going to ignore the tiny Goblin and it's in to swing its tail back around to try and hit you that AK that's gonna be 11 your armor classes 18 team you actually struck it off no problem that brings it to your turn again though doc okay looking pretty hurt like you've done some serious points of damage to it in this past right like I said we might have uh some propolis tonight so I'm ready to hack at it again I'm going to attack go for it and you got to rage built up by the way oh I got two right because you've attacked each attack you build up a pointer rage oh okay so you have to yeah okay good good good ambu so I took the 20 and yep first attack first attack 25 go ahead and all damage damage 13 points of damage and then make your next attack you can use any rage points if you want you to boost your next attack okay you can all erase it they use two points to use your mortal strike if you want I'll use the mortal strike it's time to get rid of this thing yeah right and do it so I take two of these will take two of those off control your next attack a gumbo recipe 24 come to damage so that's two well if you look at the two plus four and you get to add ad eight damage for mortal strike that's that one there yes is it to again area says still 8 damage that'll still finish it actually how do you want to do this go ahead and describe your finishing blow as it's currently chewing on your teammates okay first of all I the with the finishing blow I grab it by its mouth put one foot in take my arm pull the other top of the jaw up free Elvis take my free hand with my great axe and come right down and chop it right through the jaw not missing the azurite but right through it's about right through the mouth of the head splits open further about two or three more feet it shakes in your grasp but then slowly loses the will and strength the fight as it falls limp in your hands and you toss it to the ground there the shards still embedded in the top of its head delicious it's gonna be good can we pull the ABS right out go ahead and make a make an athletics check so go ahead and roll a d20 and then add your athletics modifier take the 20 that would be 7 and athletics plus 7 14 that'll be enough to do it you managed to pull free the shard of as a right in the top of its head we didn't eyes alright that's the point that's the whole that's the first shard you've seen but apparently there's a lot more on this island somewhere and you're pretty heard I'm gonna reach over and give you a healing surge as Wendy 8 plus 3 good um man another 2 so 5 damage ok Mike or 5 hip points I mean I can also conjure refreshment right you can yeah are we taking a short rest it's up to you if you want right now is that cool I mean no one else is hurt though except I mean what do you think cab do you rest or what are we try and beat well yeah we need a little rest you're Undead you're almost really and now and again we just went through a very scary experience we have some as the right the goal has been met to a slight degree let's take a break all right so you take you take the next half hour to an hour to rest and tend to the wounds you can go ahead and use hit dice to heal up if you'd like to rate we make crocodile gumbo mm-hmm yes we did it that's what we'll eat a little bit there you go yeah the event made the mage conjure some refreshments all right the mage pass out the refreshments is you guys take a moment to kind of take a breather pull it together and write as you're about to continue the rest of your journey the ground begins to shake once more with more power than the last quake you had felt you glanced up once again at the top of the mountain you can see that that small plume of smoke has widened and grown much darker and much more ominous I think you were right about that volcano thing captain time is starting to run a little thin okay what time of day is this right now right now it's a few hours past noon so we looking at 3:00 3:00 4:00 in the afternoon okay question is do we have time to push ahead because we have the camp back there we had a little break but I say we try to get there before the board at sundown we gotta try to get so we're headed right there we continue Yeah right and we know something's happening but if we can get there before anything catastrophic we'll be okay all right as you get back to your feet freshly rested feeling the the ominous impact of this strange rumble you begin to head towards the dark shape of the mountain in hopes of finding the source of azurite that you were foretold would be waiting for you there that's we'll go ahead and fish this half of the session [Applause] the burning of the Second World Tree is still fresh in your memories as the sting of your defeat at the destruction of Sylvanas and the Horde called down upon the assault our Lord Iran still burns beneath your skin these acts of treachery and brutality of ushered in this new age of violent warfare a front now fought on the seas east of the Maelstrom in the islands surrounding coal terrace in the wake of the hordes unforgiveable actions the naval forces of the Alliance now prepare for retribution by claiming the open waters and the newly emerging mineral now known as azurite this material the very blood of Azeroth holds the power to sway this struggle in your favor and finally end the conflict in victory swiftly I'm Troy Baker but today I'm playing Captain our newest twin born a human priest for the Alliance death to the hora de one in particular my name is Jessica Chobot and I play Eddie dark hammer of desolation a dwarven paladin and we need better leadership I'm Telus and Jaffe playing a void elf rogue nullus deep river the alliance prevails but you know the Horde is seeking this powerful boon as well as such you three have been selected for your skill and bravery at Lordaeron to lead an expedition under the guidance of your captain our nost to a recently discovered island where a scouting ship claims to have spotted masses of azurite somewhere in the vicinity of this mountain that sits at the center of the landmass three days at sea now the choppy waters and stale provisions taking their toll on your stomach you hear those two wonderful long-awaited words learned Oh shattered from your dwarven shipmate atop the crow's nest now you see at the front of the ship as it's splashing over the waves the sea spray in their face we have no nois deep river she's a void elf she's got short hair and is gently scarred from whatever battle she came from to the point where when she sits still looks like she might just be made of marble and clothes with the strange black light indigo power of the void and no since you're sitting there looking for the side clutching the rope and kind of leaning over the edge you hear the familiar clanking of heavy armor coming up the stairs to the front glancing over you see your shipmate Eddie looks like he basically raided a medieval Hot Topic kind of goth goth kid really desperately wants to be accepted but doesn't think it's cool to look that way so you know it's just like whatevs until the opportunity comes up with a z' like maybe I can help this is why we got along yes so as you approach and join the side of nullus you glance port you can see kind of the shadowed landmass getting larger and larger as it approaches the looks to be one looming peak beyond that that kind of breaks the horizon at which point the dwarf who's coming down the rope ladder glances over and goes I heard only be a short time civil there where's the cotton yeah floor over there ed Zeke come on get with it copy and at that point you all turn and watch as stepping up the stairs you hear the footfalls of the heavy leather boots as captain Ernest approaches almost windmill well someone is almost too shackled almost the cold black raven hair tied back mostly flows like silver into his beard framing a jaw set and determination his eyes what's left of them color of Steel at the scabbard that hangs from his waist left eye is adorned with a small leather patch hide a dark scar goes from his brow middle of his cheek doesn't say much only what needs to be said when it needs to be said but his whisper carries at the rolling of distant thunder also typically a little drunk just a little she noticed as the the Lord jug dangles from the right hand of the captain as he plants himself on the front of the deck next to you ready to go stood with courage lads at that point the ship grows closer and closer until eventually you can see the crystal shore that awaits you the pebbled beaches are scattered with pieces of driftwood as small crabs crawl from the waves and into the rocky crevices a heavy jungle tree line meets you about 40 feet from the water the ship weighs anchor you step on to your small boats and make your way grinding up on the shore as you kind of take in the scenery around you the shadowed zenith of the mountain now looming over the treeline before you you look around captain and notice this is an open and fairly private piece of land to be a good place to set up a small camp before you go scouting the ador oven can Patriot gets off the boat behind you and goes alright so what's the plan Louis for the rest of the crew to remain on the boat other provisions as they may of course captain and Eddie just gonna I thought he goes and sits in Iraq and stares longingly down at the shoreline dulles you make your way back to the ship to stand begin helping provisions brought over to the shore over the next half an hour or so men begin to bring over the the makings of a small encampment tents are put up some of them started actually scavenging for food elements off the side of the shore setting up a small fishing arrangement there and blockades in case an assault begins to make its way out of the jungle in their direction I'm going to quickly just do a little round around the the edge of the jungle quietly just to see if there's anything inappropriate happening outside of our immediate field of view okay make a perception check for me Louise yeah you die ooh that's a 17:17 would you roll 14:14 suppose 317 okay so as you guys are any of the camping you're giving out orders the various men nois scoots along the treeline glancing in it's very dark on the inside the canopy is well meshed to the point where only beams of light seem to come through and even just a little bit of air that comes from that side of this warm breeze that's pushing through the trees causing this distant rustling sound has a very earthy and what smell to it you get the sense that is the Sun in the sky gets higher and higher and the temperature gets warmer you're in for a bit of a humid musky journey inward but nothing catches your eye specifically waiting for you directly beyond the tree line it's dark no it is it is about midday at this point okay I needn't remind everyone we are time is of the essence we've noticed the hold on the other side of the island we know they've made landfall we must make it to the middle of the mountain as quickly as possible going through the jungle seems to be the best course of action although dangerous just a straight straight line for the mountain then well we should hope so being that easy I'm sure nothing will get in our way whatsoever sir there won't be a sign saying this way to the azurite stranger then as you gather your supplies the encampment seems be mostly built and most of your ship men are able to stay behind to both watch over your transportation in case any horde decide to assert dominance around the opposite side of the shore line the three of you take up your weapons and begin to make your way deep into the jungles of this island who is leading this expedition I'll go in front if you like just for those I'm very quiet well then go to make a stealth check for - wow this is so exciting I've employed a rogue in the years make a decision that's a natural 20 the two of you watch as Noah smiles her kind of somewhat creepy grin and seems to van from site immediately in front of you just fade into nothing I'm secretly super impressed and I'm like whatever no more I'll hold a 30 all right go ahead and make a survival check mmm you guys watch carefully as you pay attention to this the division of various bits of vegetation than that of u6 okay so so you guys keep tabs enough as as an ally and having worked a bit with with Nellis previously you watch as she scouts ahead and kind of carves the path through the jungle along the way for the next hour or so you sense at this point the sound of heavy insects buzzing and the the sheer heat of the jungle now beneath this canopy it's cooking the interior of it you're sweltering beneath your clothing and your armor the sweat is beating across your forehead because you are leading nihlus I need you to go ahead and make a perception check okay that's a little better I actually have a bonus to that that's oh that's a little better that's a 10 at least you old attends I rolled a seven plus three seven plus three okay scooting ahead you feel confident that you are leading your team into a safe environment and what looks to be a clearing maybe 20 or so feet ahead you turn over your shoulder and give kind of a nudge of direction to the rest of your team and as you spin there's a moment where you hear this unfortunate sound in that brief minute your whole body freezes up your eyes closed as you realize this isn't good and you feel a sudden tug towards your leg and make it dexterity for saving throw for me please deck save deck save yes that's better that's a ten plus six at sixteen sixteen all right as you pull back just in time you see what looks to be a vine crafted lasso that have been placed in hidden him the floor of this jungle jab away and almost grabbed you and jackin you into the air however you managed to pull out of it just barely pull your foot beyond its grasp as it suddenly whips up into the sky the branch that was currently held taut now rocking it up and down with what appears to have been a bell attached to it now ringing didn't but anything before eventually coming to rest a few seconds later he walks I knew it close at this point there's a moment of silence as you all look at each other the the common look of oh sighs geez you don't hear birds even the buzzing of insects seems to fade for the moment and instead you hear all these howls in hooting seemingly directionless surrounding you you're not sure where it's coming from if it's coming from anywhere or everywhere but now you hear voices three four six who knows how many surrounding you what do you do I'm gonna hide behind a tree post office' question okay as you turned into it to give them the helis direction that was just oh that's me that's not great but that'll do that's a two plus nine so it's 11 did you know us think she's hiding [Laughter] strength in numbers notice to never ever abandon the group again I'm looking at him like instructions please back to back everyone we Circle ourselves around look into the jungle to see if we can make out any can we look around who are we starting to see where the house are coming from do we know the size of them at this point as you guys are all back to back your kind of weapons out defensive stance you begin to see these shapes these shadows moving you see the rustling of jungle leaves getting closer and closer louder and louder this this this this hollow ring and from there you see emerging surrounding you from different directions half a dozen of these creatures emerge these simian beasts and patchwork armor furred with long arms and the front wielding simple and axes they are very chimpanzee like but larger and muscular if live in their their upper torso area one of them appears to be larger than the others gray furred a female matriarch type warrior that is currently holding this heavy to intended spear in your direction and played by Andy Serkis go ahead always as they surround you they're not immediately making aggressive action but they have you entirely surrounded weapons drawn do we know for sure if these are enemies or not you don't you want to go ahead and make an insight check to get there their intent all right so these 20 t20 this would be my first role role that and then add your insight skill can we do it again because I rolled a five so my insight however is plus seven so that's twelve my insight is plus twelve so do I know if these are enemies if these are foes or not can an engaging the the physicality of them they're powerful they have intelligence to them and the one that you look at the matriarch specific that's stepping forward yes there is a wisdom behind the eyes where and them in the moment it's hard to read specifically but you don't feel like they're attacking yet can I use thaumaturgy to have my voice be present but calming and soothing in order to if I say we mean you no harm can I use that to echo through the jungle and peace soothing with thaumaturgy could you definitely can get attention but you can try it so as as you as you well it your your your thumb heard you can trip to to give your voice a deeper Basie resonance and to have it carry through the vicinity to have the weight of a person who demands attention what do you say we mean you know home go ahead and make a persuasion check please so the same thing with a pretty appreciation of the pony eighteen plus one a nineteenth pretty good idea the hollering now got goes quiet as the voice resonates out loud the actual jungle leaves almost quake and shipped slightly with the force of this blast of voice around you the matriarch spear drawn towards you puts her hand up and you watches some of the weapons draw down slightly she doesn't lower her spear kind of lumbers up to you and even though in her hunched older form is almost full to your human height glances at you with these very intense light blue sky eyes and goes you know what why why here make a gesture to my crew to lower their weapons as well I open palm look at her and say yes simply here looking for us right we mean you no harm we were passed by and you will remain unharmed what what I saw right so rock no use to you make a perception check I roll in 18 again oh damn so 18 no 19 as you're saying this no use to you you glanced down past her face to her armor and you can see there is jewelry affixed around her neck that are small stones of the same shifting blue to gold as a right material rough-hewn you know not not well placed but definitely worn as what looks to be a proud warrior jewelry as soon as she watches your gaze takes the spear and kind of tips it under your chin to bring your eyes back up to her mm no stone yes you call it glowstone we will bring back to you this glowstone we only need to keep a small portion the rest is yours make a deception check she leans forward and the eyes narrow as she seems to peer in and past you at which point lifts a hand and you watch as the weapons race once more no don't take no we've baked oka take no stone starts inspecting you now for all of your goods drop give and pass one of them use you feel behind you Eddie as one of the the blades being held kind of pokes into your armor and they come scrapes against the metal as you get shoved for in a few inches I'm like super pissed but then I turn I'm like whatever well so but I'm like super pissed super pissed that's not good for you at all hmm might be doing the lip thing do you guys ever get the lip thing when you're about to get spanked so you write another quiver chin you do like that Stern faces Stern faces Eddie um she tells me to drop what is it drop things your penis we keep you'll move on since that they're essentially robbing you what's this point what's that what's the ground like the ground is a tangled mass of tree vines and what seems like soft vegetation that is fallen from the trees and it's now in the process of decomposition this is a relatively soft jungle floor met with various hard pieces of roofing wood damn it damn it damn it that that's unfortunate okay I mean I can remove is there anybody in the group that's sick on their side because I can remove potential toxins and like say like maybe make them you can ask happy way better than what I was gonna do let's go to nuclear do we know is there an obvious like isn't weird for me to just be like yeah excuse me are any of you sick because I couldn't potentially hope you know what do you want to do whatever you want to do go for it yes let's do it yeah so there's like like no big deal or anything but maybe we could just like heal somebody that sick or whatever I could do that the one behind it kind of looks strangely at the matriarch looks for what what you he'll you know what you somebody else make a persuasion check yeah he's a roll a d20 hide your persuasion skill what - yeah two plus six plus six at this point they kind of glare at you I can do it I could do it I can do it one of the various pulls forward looking at you and is like the eyes are very thick with pus and it's like coughing a bit to make sure it goes I'll be like but but it's the guy who's the the one that looks you know I'm gonna do it anyway just to show that I can do it I've been over all right I would do it only thing I don't want to I don't want to undermine her we're all worried it's gonna be fun regardless we're gonna work we go to work I can I can pull the nuclear option we have to I would say absolutely go ahead and heal it do it just do it I need you to roll an initiative check for me please yeah a roadie 25 at your plus one initiative modifier I mean roll big baby I mean what's a what what's one for you this 18 18 okay that's a good thing you wrote that so so as you were rushing forwards towards the this sick ape creature the ones around see you suddenly shifting and you're not a very quick nimble entity with your like full plate armor yeah and shield so as you rush forward drag they all turning you hear this collective hmm gasp and we start rushing towards you as you go out hand first and what are you using Oh cleanse toxins I guess okay that can I do that you can you cleanse toxins or you can use your Leone hands to also oh yeah well which ones better I would say lay on him lay on hands well go with these five points of that to go ahead and cleanse disease or toxin how much is it yep you have 20 no out of 25 okay gotcha so I'll let everybody know that they're probably having a heart attack that I'm running with a pen its erasable there we go no no you know I'm running the depend you know why cuz that's how much I believe in my decision this game I don't can scratch it out so in a moment as as that the tension builds up the back here neck or manned the breath leaves you as this climactic moment of your tiny armor dwarven friend charges towards the edge and they'd all swarm her your hand reaches out and touches this sickly creature as it pulls back mm-hmm you feel this divine energy this flash of light from your hand that enters its body and the ones around are sure it's an attack so three of them three of them are going to make an attack against you that's too natural 20 that's that's a 16 total it's a 12 plus 4 what's your class nineteen oh yes so that his armor is deflected off in the final attack it's an natural one when unjustly it's on his facing gets run over by one of his friends thank God you do however suffer 14 points of bludgeoning damage as a giant hammer slams you in the side of the head and you fall to one knee however as soon as this happens and you guys see this assault swarm your dorvan can patriot the maitre I goes Shawn and they all kind of freeze and look back and she kind of hobbles up to the one sickly host and lifts it up off the ground looks it over nods okay here we mean you know power strong yes quite strong web she knows and points out into the into the deeper jungle you you - Oh Gus let go yes okay let go hey help you can think Oh Gus and the matrix steps away puts the spear down the other one slowly back up into the jungle leaving just the one that you healed behind is kind of like tapping its chest looks younger now a bit healthier kind of looks up into your dwarven eyes and buddy and then scampers off and within a few moments they've scattered back into the jungle leaving you there in the clearing I'm kind of alone I've already made a friend along the way I wanted to really make a friend and tell them there are others who are looking for the glowstone he can shout it if you want to buzz they're leaving yes so he shouts after him wait some of them continue something to stop the matriarch turns around over the shoulder and looks new yeah others looking for glowstone they knew you as you say that the matriarch glancing over her shoulder still before disappearing into the jungle makes eye contact with you captaining who's come in the dukkha and then disappears off into the jungle brush we set in the trap wait a plant that may be a trap all right this was the nut low stone right here let's really take a fight the glowstone of friendship so I took 14 hits yeah I'm 30 yeah that's fine one for the team y'all I'm super stoked with my decision you know you can you can that was evenly enhance that was foolhardy and beneficial at the same time the best choice is that fine yeah you're ballsy I didn't even think about that I immediately went for a Miss UNICEF thank you I have a pouch at ball bearings I would have just drop the ball bearings and just said run them without tripping do like yeah all right well in jungle when they stink yeah it's not really gonna do much I was like a heart of gold you just can't tell it's all buried underneath is like black trench coat I uh I don't want to owe so much eyeliner a little bit of information that we received that apparently ogres are in our future that's the thing that's gonna maybe there's small ogres maybe they're a kindly ogre I think even small orders are going to be a problem okay well almost takes a swig from his what does that captain nothing I'm teasing my hair back up a little bit all right who's who's leading this next leg of the journey into the jungle you're killing it so I think you should keep you guys agents yeah I'll keep going since my stealth is pretty high to having this insane stealth so go ahead and roll a stealth again and then roll a survival check to see how well you can lead them through the stealth is a fourteen plus nine so that's twenty three great and how long does your stealth last and until he does something that would reveal until I do something dumb if I found a bigger rock it would have been amazing like this is what this character is all about is is is d very low key jump I'll check to lead them through the next ones where are the things go this is where things go horribly wrong again with with a yet another two two plus two plus nothing oh yay it's just a - it's just - it's it's not quite the worst thing that could happen but it's the best aw I'm so glad you're leading this charge nobody has a good survival notice did some terrible things upon the ship and we're making them suffer for it now as you're having this conversation with Eddie making your way through this next heated portion of the jungle there's a period of time where the the jungle trees are tangled and the certain to grow in pairs almost in twisting you're having to step over heavier root and branch and what was like thorny natural tropical bushes that are getting to ingrain themselves at the base of these trees you know it says you curve around one corner you step down in just a minute softer so what you expect to be the hard floor of this part of the jungle the two of you don't notice it at first but you hear this sound god damn it as that is gonna be a 17-2 hit what's your armor class fifteen no okay you go both turn the corner and watch as Noah's steps down and it looks in a blur of green red and orange color the floor wraps up and completely engulfs nois as what looks to be a large mantrap like plant imagine like an Audrey - like creature just snap shut and nullus is nowhere to be seen entirely devoured by this creature I turn to you and say it should we just leave that's twice now just let's just let's just leave her know it's left behind I'm going to tap them on the shoulder behind them after using spatial rift oh don't think I don't hear everything the two of you say that's the trap slowly unfurled go back to a rest place you can see when it pulls open there are Springs of viscous acidic liquid left behind it seemingly if you could tell a plant was sad it didn't get a meal this is what it would look so sad it's any plant I've ever owned it's just very sad I step forward and sing because I'm the perfect amount of drunk captain will lead from yawn I take I try and take a go for it go for this wig of what you're yeah that's all right no I've got some pretty pretty ridiculous healing abilities so if I fall I fall I don't mean to expose or read over your shoulder but are your notes do they say it off you're worried actually do you know when someone like says you're like writing something in someone says another word and you end up writing that word it's a it's supposed to be up but someone's sick we go and take that off and I wrote off oh okay but I think also that works too actual notes like if you tell someone to you know then you could also tell it out whatever just a real quick check-in with you is it does anyone have under you have the you just used this unless we take a short rest I don't get it back but it I'm sure I figure we'll take a short rest once we get to wherever we're gonna come to you does anyone have any skills that allows us to cover ground quickly I can I can we can run but beyond that but once you run you make noise yeah all mine are mostly um melee stuff how far from the motel we go ahead and make a make a survival check engagement distance survival check yeah that's not a it's just Boy Scout you know it's being able to look off and kind of gauge a distance based on the height of the mountain and where your placement is so you watches the captain too far as the captain finally takes charge and decides to go ahead and lead this next leg of the expedition you look up past the broken pieces in the canopy you can just see the top of the mountain and within that you could say it's maybe about a good two hours two and a half hours on foot until you reach the base of it and at that moment you feel on the ground this mild Rumble this bassy gravelly sound seems to echo into the sky above you and you hear a strange crack and the quaking grows heavier more powerful before subsiding and as you're watching this distance in the distance towards the top of this mountain you can see where once there was none there was a small plume of black smoke now beginning to emerge from the mountain Odia plume of black smoke on from the top of the mountain so go there mining maybe maybe or it's more import it's gonna be a long thing or have they already know we'd you felt the ground Rumble till the ground Rumble I think their blood you have to say volcano why did you have to say volcano I mean it wouldn't be my first of all came out okay I have a Piton where you were busy sexting to find out how about I just noticed that I had a Piton which allows me to once we get to the mountain climb faster however if it's a volcano changes some things is it a volcano can we determine if it's both from this distance you have no idea all right so I'm trying to figure out how we can close our distance because time is the essence we're running out of time just run I guess yeah that's it right is that is that an option - yes yes just just book it we can we can we can book it but it means we're gonna make a lot of noise going through this this German do we have the time I feel we don't have captain's taking guitar I go ahead this is a game of wrong decisions yes we can lightly step through this jungle and take all day oh we can simply be swift about it and risk the dangers we run all right all right with that picking up the pace you could charge him forward to go ahead make another survival check to try and quickly guide them for 25 plus the bottom one first for survival rank plus 7 to 12 okay so Edison in running through as fast as you can dodging around making sure that you're keeping an eye of head of your team that you don't and running into another man trap into any other dangerous plant matter that might be in your way you do a hatch out of this corner of your eye but looks to be a clearing of a natural caldera bowl like sink hole if you will that that towards the bottom is about 15 feet lower than the rest of the level ground of this jungle you glance off past the tree line and you can see what looks to be a small stone table or an altar of some kind that is partially overgrown with vines that are tending to reclaim this structure in the center of it maybe about four or five feet off the floor the ground it's about 35 feet from you where the trees stop and this strange little caldera is at that point you also notice sitting at the base of this stone table there's a small crackling mostly ember fire with what looks to be the mostly eaten remains of a boar stuck through a pike resting above it and they're clustered around it appear to be three large muscular ogres ogres one of them is standing and currently scratching the side of the face before jamming a finger it's squeaking it into one ear another one sitting there eating bits of this boar a third one appears to have two heads on its shoulders that are in the midst of an argument you can overhear the distance one going dirt no true had four bites I only had three okay final lunch and the other hangers you told um to count all right point your finger eat your bites and looking at five fingers in their hand four oh okay are not you fingers my bed and it goes and gives the last piece over you know they don't seem to have noticed you yet go ahead make perception check all three of you if you don't mind 20 right 17 plus 1 so 18 18 16 plus 3s and 19 mine's just straight 15 straight 15 no that's still a great series of rolls that's pretty solid well done team takes us figure from you know the three of you glance over there and notice one none of the ogres know that you're nearby you notice that on top of this stone tablet looks like there is a stone chest or box of some kind that is closed it has two vines currently kind of draped over it so it hasn't been opened it seems who knows what's inside but at the moment you have the decision of the choice to continue on or do you wish to try and make use of this moment to parlay to attack what do you want to do captain hour over something that can be reasoned with you just heard some of their conversation what do you think so okay so there's some diplomacy or a level of democracy trickery diplomacy they need more food so or we could get them to pit themselves against each other does anyone have any spell of deception or persuasion that you could cast or anything that we could tour we don't have to get involved I'm I'm really good at making things hurt that's pretty much yeah me too well well I can heal could you spell matter G to persuade them either way it can be a it's very delicate to persuade because it is a big booming you know if you bilbo baggins texting it's very useful for intimidation or to getting your point across what you do know is that they do not know they do not see you yet okay I don't wanna take too long I just want to understand they said I get the last bite because you've had four bites mm-hmm then what was the other ones response the other one says no I've been counting how many bites you had on my fingers and there's an argument over math and they're both wrong so you gather they're not the most intelligent creatures this there's something that says I want to just give them I want to just have a whole pack of ORS come forward hink go take your pick gentlemen don't have my summon board there's three of them so two of them are fighting what's the third one doing there's my kind of true they're eating there's the one the two heads right and then there's another one that's just quietly feasting on its its portion of the boar and there's a third one that has now moved on to the other ear and it's currently clearing it out good for him maybe since he's standing at his full height you see it's probably around 10 or 11 feet tall and is just made of muscle and blubber burgers known to be cannibals you don't know about these ogres you know some have been known to eat meat regardless of source why don't you want to try it what about Towson thought this up and it's brilliant zone of truth since one of them are like since they're kind of lying to each other if we cast that and then they're forced to be honest with each other they start infighting what's the range on the spell 15 foot radius sphere so it's around to you um so you'd have to know range 60 feet arranges your feet oh I'm sorry yes bad so yeah you could casted a residence if you'd like do you want to do that mmm take this wig let's do that we are the worst crew ever like how you say that keep in mind it only lasts ten minutes but that should be more than it's a lifetime 20 right so you walk up you kind of put out your your gauntleted palette and hand and concentrate there's a brief shimmer of energy around that group what's your spell DC should be under under your tax area of the spell DC is 1414 all right so for each nope that is a 12-1 yeah that is a 10-1 yes that's con that is a 3-1 off all three of them failed and so as they're there eating the other one turns healer and goes well I mean I'm really just saying what I want so I could eat this I find that very hurtful and the other head turns back and goes well you'll never pay attention to my needs and that one goes you'll need all my needs where the same body but I wish we weren't always always the same buddy dr. Phil standing off the side I think we understand what these people were they're not monsters at all so you lied to me I've never lied to you how often do you like all the time twice as much as you starts getting confused as to why this day lives is happening the other two ogres can I stand him go um boss well you being so honest you can't look tamela's you're quicker you dumber than rest and you the one with this thing in the air I only save you because you carry all that every Goods need that one looks back in this yeah makes sense and they go back to eating what else you gonna do you want to incite this you got to find something to trigger it I don't have anything that would work I think from a distance like to slap one of them or whatever you know like if with amongst the arguing does anybody have a spell that is okay I don't know if I wanna I have always is weird um I have a third-level spell psychic scream oh you protect a phantasmal image of a creatures worst fears it's a radius around you know between the honesty and now policing Roberts this let's do it these guys are gonna be like what kind of bet did we eat let's do it I'm gonna do a psychic scream this is the subdued Bernardo as the two heads you're drunk two heads are still arguing at this point the captain just takes a swig and charges in the middle the ogres turning go oh where are you come from stranger online as you charge in and they have to roll what's your spell DC my spell DC is plus smelly C's 15 no that's a 13 that is a 13 again don't want and that is another natural one all right so they all get up and pull their weapons free and go you just go running away from you just scattering into the woods they drop their boar behind and I want to know what the greatest fear was to be fair they just go vanishing off into the nearby the brush in this brief moment you guys managed to run up and kind of scavenge taking this the stone box can I'm pulling it free from the vines heading off to the side of the tree line in case they do come back you're not present opening the box you do find with inside what looks to be about a six-inch long very sharp pointed shard of azurite materials that you can decide what to do with it at which point you hear this sharp crack in the sky above and the ground rumbles even stronger and you glance up to see that little plume of smoke has grown whiter the smoke darker and time is running short as you quicken your pace and head towards the base of the mountain and that's we're going to finish this half of the session oh my god I take up the next moment oh that's cool [Music] as the rumbling of the mountain continues to occasionally pulse through the island the Alliance having made haste without rest managed to reach the base of the mountain in advance of the opposing side you guys have had the opportunity to survey the the land you've gained some information from the time that you've had here you notice as three figures emerge from the brush so first I would ask the Alliance you can place yourselves wherever you'd like on this battlefield this is the mountainside here the jungle line is beyond the board in that direction notice hide yourself here I'm gonna take right by the yeah and I'm gonna take a hide action and castel check that's 18 plus 9 so that's the 27 lovingly you guys have no idea that he exists place yourself yeah informally so place myself in the open here the foot before I go into hiding can I drop some ball bearings you may just that little pit between the two cliffs right next to lava right over here okay it doesn't make noise yeah so as you guys emerge from the jungle line you glance up you see some quick movement you watch as an armored stout dwarf with dark kind of fold over hair kinda Tobey Maguire spider-man 3 style goes very awkwardly climbing up the side of this portion of the rock and then yeah he's trying to hide around a rock and that's not you put me there I thought we had 20 minutes to be able to do that you had 20 minutes to look at the environment you didn't know when they were emerging into you do see up here on the edge of the mountain range amongst these large spiky veins of as a'right that you can see scattered amongst the base of this mountain this must have been the mother lode that had been whispered about throughout the various halls of the hoard across the islands near Ann Coulter us you begin to move ahead where you guys complaints yourselves where you'd like to be on the opposite end of the battlefield I say we stay together okay don't split up we have to stay together let's get on the opposite side right there since I we're sticking together we need each other right now yeah yeah stick together thanks for the easier target oh that dude still my style as you guys begin to approach you see the one clearly visible figure up here if you would mind describing what they see staring down with you with steel eyes I the left were covered with the patch scar flowing in the wind the waves of heat and the nating from the lava that stands between party and meals looks like a tool I think we can take recognizes you do throw dock actually clean up with this figure it's been a little bit of time but you recognize the attire you recognize the sense of self-importance and you recognize the familiar eyepatch no deck yes though deck if you would like to describe yourself hi I'm bill attack the blacksmith long dreadlocks going down to the middle of my back but tied up and a nice neat battle ready bow a ponytail in the back and very very big very large burn marks from me making my weapons and I have a great acts that I've fashioned myself in order to handle guys like you seems like I've already done that with you we've had this past before and it seems like I've taken out your eye so it's I'm a little bit more narcissistic than you are so at that moment is you guys step forward kind of out into the open your eyes meet in that moment that visual eye mutual recognition hits and there's a moment of silence until one of you decides to break it I use thaumaturgy I'm ever gonna make an impression there's social interaction yeah do it now so doc we meet again come share a drink with me I think you might remember this gold of grog I gained it from you you also took something from me why I make no mistake I mean to take much more of that from you what is your name your intelligence is not improved since we last met Oh lost wind-borne met on the field of battle of course I wouldn't expect a delightful like you to remember just flailing your axe about its Nick you gave me you bruised my heel and I shall crush your head I remember you okay so what is this gonna be this week we are here to find us as Ryan are you looking for revenge or purse or we've been waiting so long hmm we are looking for revenge no no no conquest this is for everything this is not for meaning your battle we have that in our past with you however I shall make an exception this is personal the rest of this is professional you will take what is on the top of this mountain we will leave you here to do with it whatever you wish for our sales I'll be in the wind with all of this as I write well first of all I'm not leaving empty-handed and we've come all this way we've gone through all this stuff on the water we've got storms and we battle croc Alice's and first of all if we're gonna have to fight and let us let's get down oh let's make it up here I heard a small violin play trials and tribulations that you can do it they always want that conquest yes the Brooklyn wouldn't we met last in the battles the five boroughs taxi with you Ritz The Ritz The Ritz to put a name to a face good sir there's so many jokes flying through my head but of course I'm dizzy with wine the Ritz are you guys staying back there are you advancing as you're making vision we advance all right I turned my teammates and I say I'm gonna drop a healing totem if you're around it 15 feet it'll give you a little bit of hip points on each round thanks Oliver it's 15 points per round yeah just us kind of right here hidden behind okay you being undead I'm gonna let you talk to ya yep I need you to be kind of negotiate here negotiate that has arrived because apparently he wants to take it all and we have to have I already took out his eyes so I know he's trying to kill us but I need you to we have to work out some kind of sharing we have to work on an agreement here or everyone's gonna be dead you want to split it that's I think that would be the logical version you get at least no one will lose and we can get out of here if you want me to all right okay so let's describe yourself as you emerge from this whisper huddle Hey Argonaut honest Arnott earnest sure earnest hi Elvis uh I've been a sense to talk to you about you know splitting this maybe one out to fight about it maybe we can just split it and go on our merry way have a compassionate heart we shall take no charity from you I ain't sayin anything I'm what do you think I'm gonna be doing my own things I will see help staring down at Elvis coolly calmly I lift a finger and say Eddie yeah know what that was the q''-word you were supposed to oh yeah can I hit my potion really fast you got time for that right so I'll hit my potion so what does that put me up - well you got a role for plus four right twice yes that's so six oh that's 10 plus or 14 you heal 14 routine oh so I'm back up right back up hey can I use my hammer of the righteous to do a side attack but you can attack and then move back into it if you want to let's do that yeah well you kind of already announced the plan yeah no they're just seeing me sucking down some liquids they don't know what's going on oh my god we're Rainbow Brite villains the we're we're a limo ride I feel like all right at the moment of conflict beginning we all have to roll initiative to see where this goes so everyone here roll initiative 1915 and I'm 13 where'd that as soon as movement ships seems into an aggressive point you all immediately go into a defensive position top of the round Elvis you're up first I'm going to cast fire blast yeah on Eddie and Ernest that's what I'm going to do that creates three three limbs so two versus who two versus Ernest one versus Eddie alrighty so go ahead and roll for the attack on this one your armor class 12 so so rollin add to your +7 modifier for the first attack +7 oh there we go this might be time that this might be time for extreme all right so that's two hits on you and then roll over there one against six to extreme measures 21 really all right so all three hits are rule 46 against our nest and then roll 2d six against Eddie this is critical so seven times two that's 14 points of fire damage next one is four and roll again twos it's six ours it's 20 points of fire damage you took as these these arcing blasts of fire shoot out and slam into your body straight to the air and then roll to d6 again steady okay to four so six points of fire damage - you ready and you can move if you'd like I will move where should I go captain I stay gonna move in here yeah yeah that sounds good okay all right so you move and shift over behind this tree I'm getting into that space next to thee that's right all right as you move towards the azurite and kind of hold your position there there's this weird like surge of arcane power that cannon fills you like that all right that ends Elvis's turn now we have Eddie and throw at going at the same time because you guys both roll dexterity checks to see who goes first since you're on the same toilet so go ahead roll a d20 and add your next bonus which is zero for use just a straight roll there it is for you it's a 5 or plus one no I don't you get advantage on that roller now anybody check you do because you always roll again come on five more that's six that'll push you ahead of boudic so the process the proximity of the azurite instilling you with its energy gave you the ability to just push over there so you get to go just before throwback what are you doing I'm gonna go for sodac ok so you can move you got this cap there this dwarf rushes around the corner dark hair in the face a little bit of eyeliner with a shield and a large war hammer swing in your direction what are you doing I'm gonna do a hammer of the righteous all right so you use your bonus actually the cast hammer the righteous you watch as the dwarf turns around raises their hand and a flash of divine energy swirls around their Warhammer so go ahead and roll for an attack the first 1/8 your armor class is 18 no no the hammer goes like glut glides on snip up that tier 1s if you do not work I am literally gonna throw you across do this 11 Oh 17 just under the armored cars go to swing and just deflects off the blade no impact the spells still active you're still clustering so next attack you can still hit with it but I don't have anything these two times all right no I just pout full of frustration and inner hate Oh doc it's your turn okay now I'm going for it I got it I'm attacking so are you going after they let me know it is they're not listening let's go all right go ahead go ahead and make you have to tax again okay so we'll be yeah seven seven plus seven what's your armor class nineteen no so you guys trade blows again that's a flex the blow with the shield I can't do this but just no no just trading blows no impact weapons off armor dashing that I'm sure he looks super cool right like medieval times yes stay where you are do you want to try reeling around to the other side I wanna leave her I gotta get her charlie beat up with this man right there she will get a free strike against you if you move out of her melee range but it's up to you you get pretty high armor class yeah yeah I'm pretty high all right so you're moving where I got uh I'm gonna get up let me get right here all right so so you get the five it's about get out there okay swing yes you know so I'm making another attack come on come on thirteen was six nineteen that hit you feel the impact from behind as you try moves to go ahead and roll your damage for your Warhammer all right yeah seven plus three plus five is fifteen yeah so you take fifteen points of damage as the hammer slams in the back arm is a flash of Holy Light as you feel it see reven you're there back beneath the middle all right Eddie's turn rit's you're up captain between Eddie and earnest who do we not want to deal with the most Arnold I'm going to and I'm gonna cast hex there you go work your magic I have not had a chance to defend myself I'm gonna say captain do you like frogs and my turn our nest into a frog I need to make a constitution saving throw for me with advantage because you are in proximity to a c13 over US 114 what's the DC unit 14 so you succeed unfortunately ah so you feel this this measure impact your body feels it's going to shrink and kiss my + advantage because I'm by that is right yeah you can roll again if you want to be your I thought you said that she's succeeded I succeed you resist the effect you are not transformed into a frog which would have been bad that little bit of amazing still would have been devilishly handsome I'm very honest you're up I want to first heal from what Elvis did to me all right so I'm gonna take my potion of greater healing go for it so roll your 5 plus 44 plus 4 but right mm-hmm anything else that's it just does that to twice and Ruiz - yep that's three and then roll it again for five plus four so you heal 90 points nine hip points so I take a swig from the potion as if it's a whiskey I wipe my lips thanks for that I needed a drink okay all right and as a bonus action cast smite all righty against uh Elvis Elvis Elvis I need you to go ahead and make these at a wisdom the next dirty taster here we go fifteen that's eight with my upstairs I ain't trying to hire nobody man it feels like we're so evenly matched you want to move over stay put hi so let's go back to the 50/50 thing baby so now I do what you can move if you'd like what you want to say but um you have a large hulking armored ork rushing in your direction the only thing that I can do right now is either move or not move corrects the ex you've used your action in his office I choose to stay all right as as our nest holds his ground no it's your turn I'm going to just pop around just close enough to get close enough to the azurite on that corner right there not all the way around just gonna tap the azurite and I'm gonna take a shot at Ritz with my pistol okay so I get advantage on that shot it is your first attack that house all right that's an 18 so yeah 18 plus 6 that's that point 4 it's not much but let's take 7 points of piercing damage to Ritz oh it's make a concentration check to see if your healing stream totem ins maintains okay yes I'm good yes right no that's 2 plus my no it does not I guess I don't have that I'm now gonna try and curl around as far down I'm gonna try and hide it either like if I can manage to get to that tree trunk you can't if use a bonus action to - that's right I have a bonus action seal but you won't have a 1 to hide um I'll then is it possible to get into that bramble and hide or like pull off to the side and hide it's unfortunately that space is blocked so you're gonna have to either stay up here and hide over here try and hide it's up to you can I drop down one and ID right there yeah in that and the can try it'll be harder to go for it if I'm gonna hide there and go for a full stealth check all right that's 27 18 plus 9 that's 27 just as a hell of an old perception check yes you don't see you notice you sure they SunShot this go off out of nowhere hey let's get sick see some movement and then it's gone I'm also just gonna point out for the next for the next round that there are ball bearings directly where all right we'll see how that brings us to the top of the round nose back to Elvis's turns but as that's happening the ground quakes again oh and you watch as at the base of the mountain right here the rock begins to shift and move is the shield against a splinter and open as a hulking form emerges from the volcanoes as this elemental Lords with a giant chart of azurite protruding from its chest its eyes wild with madness it's gonna go ahead and take a swing with reach against you and it's gonna take a swing with reach against you okay that's that's gonna be a 19-2 hit against you what's your arm across 18 that hits eight points of damage and then attacking you that's gonna be a 23 - hit I'm pretty sure that hits you and you take that's another seven points of damage you've done the 22 okay you can you can see how like the azurite is protruding from it right now and it's it's just in the process of frenzied raging and everything in its vicinity that brings us to Elvis I'm going to move yeah yeah I guess you right up there on that right there that's 30 and I'm also next to the other right right so I'm going to try to freeze on with Frost using approximate yes it's a bonus section right yes yes all right soon so you watch as the undead mage kind of rushes scrambles up the cliff side of right almost near your face are nos before a blast of cold freezing energy radiates outward what is the effect of the spell uh let's see they have to make a dexterity saving throw so go ahead you do have an advantage because they take half of the damage right so roll damage and you take half of it so 1d8 and you're not we are not frozen in place it seems like would lock you into your current position but you managed to break free of it it doesn't have as much an impact so you take three points of cold damage so now I will throw a fireball at the dude in the middle okay big big bad boy go for a roll in attack okay nice 16 16 year-old +7 that hits good roll damage to the two d-10 fire damage to the earth elemental Lord 8mm 7s 15 points of damage after it's finished from raging and sweet its fist around she blasts it in the side with the fireballs it spins around it looks like a large part of its Chung just gonna blast it out as a crater that still kind of burning and embers from what you left behind okay that ends your turn that is my turn alrighty that brings us to Eddie you're on would you like to do oh no no no I'm the captain so choices in battle what do you want to go I am turning back around I'm coming after you again alright so you move and climb over the top landing on the side can I see can I land in a way that gets me next to the for the bonus right there you can't yeah okay so your first strike has advantage as you swing down no no you wouldn't to it cuz you're right there alright yes you wouldn't wouldn't be able to you'd be there no no no no I'm just trying to figure out how we planted my feet lava yeah I'm dancin I could still know it's hot I could still chair maneuver what you got alright I'm gonna just try to strikes out at a third act go for it hammer of the righteous back on how do I write so you use another hammer the righteous Sabonis action yep and make your attempt how many oh wait so I'm down to one wait no I'm down to three right here we've done three yeses here you'd be using other ones you've done two - hmm shifting gears I'm gonna just gonna help the greater cause and go after him all right go ahead and make a swing eleven eleven eleven armor class that hit it's a very big creature it's not very hard to hit points so go ahead and roll your damage on that that's the d8 + 2d6 all that Lily plus three to this ten points of damage all right great no the Iseman and then that one again yeah and did just the DA yes that hits as well let's take six plus six is twelve so one da three so six points of damage so with both slams of your Warhammer don't use like carving away bits of it's harder kind of shale exterior it's taking damage and you can see it's it's it's not in danger or anything but it's you know it's definitely able to to be carved away over time that ends your turn your upper deck alright I see yeah let's get this big thing out of the way I'm swinging right at him all right you're just out of range to strike it cuz there's a little bit of lava so you have to move around and okay then I'll do some movement on speaker can I get behind him and get strike move up in the back there we go there we go you do get a swing on him as he moves out of your movement if you want to do take a little pot shot your are gonna lose a reaction that's okay that means that if the if the big guy tries to do anything else you don't have anything else you can do off your turn so there is that you do lose something this little reminding you team and that is to beat these guys so okay I on the prize yeah well six is 22 that hit Oh Oh your damage just 28 plus 3 does this guy again right you got it so right I got scary 598 points of damage to you again all right no back rest of your turn she's swinging at me I'm over here but I still want to get this creature out of the way all right seeping into attacks against it go for it okay here we go 11 that just barely hit okay roll down from that first strike and damage to two plus force that's six damage to it and all right and can make your next swing if you'd like here we go are you seeing that sorry so damage on the second strike before the damage five however you do have you should have charged up from the damage you can just and it hits you should have four rage oh yeah yeah yeah bye now yeah cuz I begin smashing hit yeah so that ends your turn Ritz you're up alright alright yeah 35 feet to go like here okay I still see [Laughter] all right captain's thirty feet with me yes I'm going to do a chain heel yeah first level damn first a captain and I'm going to bounce it to Elvis seasick all right eight points to captain so five hit points to you know this are your five can I do yes oh you get back you okay yep all right actually welcome and then um has my bonus action I'm gonna drop another totem I'll put it um sure it's not gonna get slowly eaten by the lava no not proximity okay good girl right so shoot another healing stream totem drops there on the edge of the lava I turn to the Alliance and I say if you guys are nice you can borrow it you can take advantage but only if you're nice to us yeah all right don't be so petty oh yeah bring me back up to speed with where I'm at right now cuz if I remember correctly I am NOT in a good way no you're just game you're you're right here standing where you were sure so I'm down to 17 correct well if we choose to be nice does that totem affect him where he's standing right now you're gonna join us and not attack us then you get an additional three hit points at the top of your checking out all our options uh-huh here's the thing he took my goodness is the only way there's a gigantic stone demon um yeah it's Phil Phil's fine [Laughter] everybody is so close to this stone golem in the middle I turned to my crew now say I'm open to suggestions we rule this ship by democracy tyrant could use some help everyone else is in good shape you're in good shape no one has even seen so my crews not in danger I think I wish they had and go to the totem and maybe it something I I love I look this is my favorite part of the game watching it just kind of especially in the beginning of watching sports and was this has always been his down blinded by passion it brings me to be enraged a cast hold person go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw though deck rolled you 20 and had your wisdom modifier and my wisdom one come on with them seventeen that's really good sir is this the whole person you feel your muscles begin to lock up and seize and you shrug off the effect plan sir another older older you see are nos their hand extended towards you looking a little sheepish yeah I get a bonus action but I don't get any bonus for being close to the door right against him no there's only four no I mean talk about the most impotent play ever I take the as a right shard hold it in the air as a bonus action I jammed the shard into my leg filling me with latent power okay and I laugh because it does it gives you an additional +10 movement mm-hmm so you have more movement speed you can move further and you have advantage on strength and dexterity saving throws as well as ability checks well so it helps you out situationally on certain things unavoidable and things that you have to jump out of the way but I was only suggesting it and you have 17 and it stops at 15 you have the shard in your leg so yeah put me there puts me still close to the eyes or right yeah okay that ends your turn on us know us you're up can I make it to the big creature are you gonna try and go in just straight straight try I'm gonna try it it's it's back is turned I'm gonna just gonna go in for a surprise you can if you use your bonus action to death I'll use my bonus action today are you gonna get on that fine gets you right in order to do it you have to get right now I know I'm gonna I'm just gonna and I'm gonna do a cheap shot I'm gonna take a cheap shot against the creature we had to be stealth to do so well that's my tech I was stuffed down there I was more actually yeah say what the - traction you get there and it hasn't cornered us your presence so alright so it's to make a constitution saving throw yep that is a 5 plus 5 so 10 your DC team 14 so you gain to combo points yes and it's done which means it cannot take any action on its next turn which is good because how much speed do I still have let do I have any speed left you have maybe 10 feet if this numbers we're seeing of him - yeah slapping the side yeah an elf and she looks like she's basically made of marble and a cloak with swords is just and just is obviously bored by her unhappy with this whole situation so you do have movement if you want to move somewhere although I yeah it's up to you um yeah it's your call no I'm good I'm good I'm gonna okay that finishes your turn it is now the elementals turn it is unable to move from being sat on the back of the head with its with the base of your rapier it loses its turn can't act and regains it after dance that's all it can do its kind of tack anybody Elvis you're up I'm gonna take a three healing a three hip points up which is great thank you the Ritz yep and I'm going to cast can i target what is your name kind of elf ladies nullus Millis so I'm gonna do a fire blast cool and I'm gonna go one two three okay one dh1 each so go ahead and roll first four notes all right so you take half damage so go ahead and roll and that's a roll roll to d6 to d6 so it would be 10 to 20 you uncanny dodge so it's back to ten so using ten points of fire damage roll against the elemental okay 12 plus 7 that definitely hits go ahead roll damage four three seven points of fire damage the elemental and then roll against maybe and either dwarf you seven fourteen that misses all right the elemental is starting to look pretty hurt alright I'm going to stay where I am alrighty so you're still right there writing in the proximity of the eyes are right and the totem gotcha alright Eddie you're up next with foe deck on deck I'll heal him okay yeah he's with us force or so you'll eight hit points I'm done that's your action you still have your bonus action in the movement if you wouldn't have anything um movement you know what I'm actually gonna come up around behind you guys if I can and attack is our we would I still be attacking from the back then on the golem you have two unfortunate those two spaces are taken yeah can I take this one this one you're not close enough to attack it you have to either move here or somehow get across okay move there you move there you get advantage because it's yeah okay we're here yeah yeah let's move there technically that's an advantage point right you're there like at the edge the lava is kind of there popping at your toes the heat in your face that ends Eddie's turn doc you're up this man right next to me he shows up these days out of nowhere I'm gonna drop them nice just the whole time they're not over here we go and then so what I do there's a rolled attack roll over 2013 13 minutes 20 whichever oh yeah that hits that hurts and I damage you spend rage if you want to I'm going to go with a hamstring all right so what are you used when you're a Jew's one rays go with a hamstrings overall your attack +1 d4 and then add that okay and then dove before thank yous 6 plus 3 so it's 9 points of damage you take all right your movement is halved until the end of your next turn your way through this and you have a second attack if it was okay make a recommendation that we use don't put it on the dude you don't have to hit him twice you could hit big boy oh he's hurtin right it's the second attack is on the on the big guy all right if you want slice across the back of the rope legs kind of hobbling its movement oblem hill and then turn the swing to the creature now walk for the creature yeah 10 plus 7 that hits that's 17 so you can you can either gain or age or spend Rachel use another ability I will go with mortal strike go for it so he spent 2 rage management rays are gone and then you get to roll both of these for them yes ok 6 plus 1 that's 7 plus 4 11 points to damage to the creature shoe garb after the accent watches it crumbles underneath Oh how do you want to finish it okay all right I see it crumble now I take that I take my axe one more time and I swing it back with this gigantic swing and both sinewy biceps yay I'm gonna really miss you watch it crumbles down its body just kind of falling apart the large chunks of stone and volcanic rock splashing into the lot oh you guys have to kind of take a step back Eddie is gonna splash around but the creature is no more leaving the battlefield now just the Horde and the Alliance [Applause] [Laughter] so as the elementals body crumbles and folds into piles of volcanic rock and shale splashing into the molten rock causing Eddie to have to step back a bit as it begins to spatter in the vicinity the rest of the battlefield is left bare of what seemed to be the elemental threat leaving nothing but the horde and Alliance to continue their clash ending your turn throw act that brings us to the Ritz if you've taken any damage you heal three cuz you're within 15 feet of your totem okay I'm gonna pop out from just behind a little bit okay um and I'm gonna say I'm gonna do a chain lightning strike first targeting Eddie and then jumping to nella yes and then jumping to respectable so dexterity check from you first which is a quality 20 and I'd hear that your dexterity saving through a half damage they're all damaged damaged oh okay so this is 5 D 6 6 3 4 9 one so it's 10 another 3 for 13 and another 6 for 18 thank you 1990 I have four taking it further so you take nine points of lightening image so mm-hmm okay and then it arcs three to six to the other - all right so - roll 3d six for them - five no that's five that's five total and then another three so it's eight damage to both of you both of you do they make saving codes as well yes Oh dc1400 you guys make Constitution saving throw up for them though okay nope I rolled one so no points 8 points of damage what's damaged and then you wouldn't run roll like sorry I cost you concentration natural 2004 points of damage how far are you from me I mean we'll see how things go alright that finishes rich turn our Knost you're up with Nellis on deck so I feel I'm in a better place I'm still half I have the start of as right which allows me to do some cool stuff like find it where is that the shard oh it's it's extra and and advantage on on pretty much saving throws and checks yeah for strengthen next 37 throws you ever been in try you have plus 10 movement yeah so Nellis you've always been my first mate you've always been great at steady council I turned to you in this moment to ask you I'm feeling that I want to throw penance but I want to level it up to second level mm-hmm all righty and then as my bonus action do shadow work that's really cool yeah you can do that's pretty cool so that's pretty cool my penance yeah well you oh I'm sure describe this so I leveled up my penance to the second level against which gives me one last second level slot gotcha okay so rule to hit with penance first who you targeting I think oh come on now because you are next to the odds right you have advantage on this attacker old way and ten plus since 17 and then roll one more time yeah I'll roll one more time if you like you oh that's a that's a plus seven to a 14 that's a 21 and that hits does so go ahead and roll your level your damage for penance which would be at second level it's 40 sighs d6 holy damage will see he's gonna roll some damage four seven six five eleven five sixteen you take 16 points a holy damage as this this burst of holy energy blasts into your chest arcing off this wave so you mark that down and then also do shadow word pain and allied your choice gets to regain 1d6 head points which technically does is gonna be an illness windy fix for him so Noah's heals up one point not right this purple yeah it's not treating you well right you're bringing shadow weird pain shadow word pain 14 understood ACK all right so after that blast hits you watch as Arnage reaches out once more and summons this kind of shadow energy that clings to your body make a constitution saving throw for so roll a d20 yep add five to this natural one shadow word pain as you feel this kind of pulsing dark energy in your body it doesn't affect you yet but at the top of your turn you're gonna start taking damage ready wanna stay where I am alright that ends your turn no it's your up wow I'm just making a decision there's no way I can reach all this is there I mean you can get to Elvis you will part take an attack of opportunity from there I'm gonna burn a disengage for that then oh you can do that yeah so you can do that yeah must be five I can get up there that'll do I'm yeah so I'm gonna disengage because my slowly yours as you try and swing the rope is just too slippery and vanishes away from you you swing to nothing and as you all of a sudden operate next to the undead what are you doing I'm going to just take a Visser eight I'm going to use a finishing move okay spending how many points I'm gonna spend two points of eviscerate on this one oh come on for my first attack oh I have advantage don't I uh you do right now cuz you're your property but you also have advantage on a saving throw but this is to attack you ain't gonna help you so first tech now is wow that's amazing what is that a a 2 and a 1 yep ok so it's 2 plus that's 2 plus 6 plus 6 so yeah the first swing nothing you don't spend the point 6 it's actually it alright um so the first swing you're just barely in the last mate here this no he's a duck out of the way this swings wide no impact second second space there's offhand you're striking with here second rapier this one this one technically does not have an advantage because over the tech does then those every roller that's course no I was cogs that one's not cocked and it's 14 oh I think 14 plus 6 of 22 doesn't it can I can I spend my points on this one you can turn this rate I'm just gonna I'm gonna lay into them so that's not that's four points I'm going to add 46 to this attack correct all righty six for the strike so that's that's six 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 no and that 21 because it's off and 21 points of damage as this rapier destroyer harvester your body from behind all righty that finishes your turn those top of the round Elvis I'm going to blink all right so you just wink out of existence and here anywhere within 30 feet where do you want to appear I want to appear in the logo over here 15 20 25 30 that's as far as you can get okay I'll be next to cap all right blinking the heliport sorry that's a bonus action okay so that's my bonus action so now I'm going to do fire blast once more okay it's your third and final second level spell I will do dragon's breath on there captain so each creature but will blow they must make a dexterity saving throw you can make a dexterous turn with advantage because of your next to the eyes right it's a roll twice roll again it's not enough so you watch and suddenly they're Undead mage appears before you spins around takes a deep breath and releases this goat of flame that sprays in your direction so go ahead and all your damage 3d6 is six five seven 17 points of fire damage to you so you're not down all right [Applause] The Shard stuff shatters now off of the leg all right that finishes your turn unless you want to move still but I think okay okay you're okay there all right that finishes Elvis has turned Eddie you're up you just watched this this major pier and just flame breath their captain to within an inch of his life literally they aren't there now next to each other so anything you have that has any kind of double range you can hit both of them at the same time oh yes I can cast flash of light to captain you may using first-level to heal yes okay then okay we'll do it one at a time plus you get your gross ass dice off Oh yo 5 hit points leave your own a section still which is the hammer of justice then I'd like to do 30 feet so so I can it target either of those two you can pretty much target any of them except for the shaman you couldn't just because of what you did to my captain I'm aiming for you okay okay so what's it say it's just stunned until I just make a constitution saving throw go ahead and roll a d20 wait no creature you choose within range must make a constant yeah yeah 10 12 12 what's the DC or do you know you are stunned you Raja is this giant divine hammer of light Apple is in the air above you then she slams that on top your your world goes white and double vision and you you can't take any actions movement your next turn you can still move us don't move I'm gonna move myself right back up behind here already so ending your turn Eddie you're up third ech okay I'm already a little damaged - from my last three hit points point is you're near the other the totally I'm near to total oh I didn't know that okay yeah yeah so I got three okay seventeen okay um however he does take one d8 shadow damage of the biggie does so go ahead and roll when da you take three points of shatter damage so how's the right chart might as a right charge you got one - yes I shut this sucker into myself all right okay now what does that mean your speed has moved to forty feet so you can warning further so I I'm going to now you know I'm I don't want to go too far I'm gonna get next to Mum this is a Ernest right yeah or no I'm I'm moving over here to you you're sitting there you watches the hulking figure of third act starts charging up the side of the mountain accent hand I saw I have dreamt of this moment you have your age left you have two attacks yeah I'm attacking I'm attack you go for it so make your make your attack roll you want he's in your rage I can't get no razor gonna we use tax to see if you hit and then you can spend okay boo-boo 12 12 plus 17 that hit 12 plus 7 that hits go ahead and roll damage shows you this is damage 5 5 plus 4 is 9 points of damage [Music] you're unconscious you're not dead it's the captain falls to the ground unconscious and bleeding out so you still have 30 feet of movement and another attack okay I'm jumping all the way over to Eddie I'm trying to take care of you right now I'm playing on oh we hit ball bearings at that point you will actually make a dexterity saving throw okay with advantage because you have the shoreline you do it advantage because of the chard in you that's enough all right your feet kind of slip and glide over ball bearings but you managed to make it across try and get in to do another strike if you like I would love to do another strike I mean we warm down to the wire I'm gonna take you suckers out right here we go his captain tried to be merciful 13 plus 720 that'll hit with your request you it's been major not a few Albemarle spent some rage and we've got to go with the mortal strife mortal strikes we spend to rage go ahead and roll your damage yes here we go 15 plus 4 that is 19 points of damage and and until the end of your next turn any healing you receive is have strike I think your turn right accent Ritz you're up should I heal or attack okay are you feeling cap all right but let's attack wit is working down to the wire very down he's unconscious all right we're not the one out you gotta attack this guy I believe in you attack this guy I'll listen we got to take the offensive now I'm gonna use my last I'm gonna come once again can I move this way and kind of still Devin all right what I have advantage you're on spells for attacks only as long as you're adjacent to it so if you move beyond here there and I this guy needs to go 30 I think they will hit okay I'm gonna turn how much time is money friend I'm going to targets you who's facing off against my captain first and I'm gonna chain lightning and hit the road what's the range on that chain lightning it's 30 feet Hudson range go ahead and make it go ahead and make a dexterity say 20 okay 13 14 what's your DC it's 14 so you make it so you take a damage that's good go ahead and roll your 5d6 all one's okay first one second one two so that's eight third one nine four three twelve and last one come on from 113 so you take six points of lightning damage still up and I need a no let's go ahead and make a constitution saving throw as it arcs off in your direction also with advantage though correct yes because you're next to the eyes all right 13 13 under so you take damage on the arc 9 + 2 15 points of lighting - I'm out 5 feet man 5 feet would have done it interviewed so hard yeah kicked in the lava man I know also I think I still heal my three hit points - at the top of my turn that I didn't do no no you were been regulating six you get here again three alright so that finishes rich turn on Austin you make a death saving throw so roll a d20 21st failure so go ahead and just mark off a failure nois I need you to make it up saving throw that's a 10 it's a 10 all right so that's one success all right top of the round now Elvis you're up I'm stunned and you cannot move your stun with a hammer of Justice your turns over but you're no longer stunned you're up I'm going down I'm taking you down with me oh I'm going I'm going full attack can I use an extra attack yes you get to the tax go back and and you have advantage on the first attack because you're next to the ads right so go for it roll twice and take the higher guy was a pride 11 logo 6 that's 17 armor classes 18 it arcs off no no you're a vintage advantage that's right little advantage no you have one working okay yeah yeah so you roll one more time not this is not the day for the Alaia all Alliance is going down for Lee it's two strikes two strikes Eddie are you gonna stay where you are there's to be known as Eddie dark hammer of desolation 25 feet I'm gonna go like you're gonna take opportunity on you if you run but it's so that Ernestine I'm willing to risk that right so half like if I want to get hidden behind here so that I couldn't be anything that far okay and over here then like just just time just hide me 15 about the thing yeah you do get one tack of opportunity against the dwarf as they run away so go ahead and make an attack I am going to attack I am where is it yeah I think I broke my pinkie finger punching no across the armor no impact and he gets away from that however it is now your turn [Applause] I got 30g maybe you should take your potion before you do that cuz that's a bonus action right because there's bonus action that's how you do that how many uh points you have I'm only at 1400 I'm gonna take the potion I'm gonna take the potion of course the bonus action an extra attack bonus ah it's an extra attack roll 44 plus 4 so these are for you is he still next to me or did he know this we're gonna find out he's gonna drink the potion he's gonna run towards you across the ball bearings boom so that's five and then you roll over time okay for nine plus four so 13 you heal up 13 hip points pretty good and then you should make a deck sturdy saving throw again as you rush across those ball bearings that were dropped earlier by the road oh yeah I'm here to provide drunk you have provided as the hulking form of throat act comes around the corner accent hand you see the surprised look of Eddie going oh oh you have your attacks swing as hard as I can with great carved myself and the birds all of my arm and I swing through it Wow off with her head make an attack 13 and as he swings for the head it strikes the armored skitters are flying gonna go Eddie you have one more attack I'm going I'm going for it 15 plus 7 yeah go ahead damage not gonna go well point out damage [Applause] and you'll get your medal excited friendly on your boobs so having seen the Alliance fall before you the the elemental destroyed the volcano has come to rest the rumbling stop and the flow of lava comes to a trickle looking around you you have these unconscious and bleeding out bodies of the Alliance what do you choose to do a very compassionate captain what do you think I gave him the chance I did I gave you a shot I said we could work together we could share all the sports she didn't know you died I see they're gone the accident pillow one by one one by one finishes the surviving Alya murmurs and with that the rest of the hoard ship comes in behind sets up deeper encampments and begin mining the azurite soils from the uncharted island here the Alliance captain lost the ship is sent running back with a word of the fall on the battlefield of captain Arnold and as that word that that missive comes to the hand of the great lady Jaina Proudmoore she clutches in her grasp and angrily mutters beneath her breath oh don't worry horde your vengeance will come as soon and as swiftly and that's where finishing the adventure for today [Applause] [Music] though doc as you wait you glance off into the distance in you see is the soldiers part there in the center her alabaster skin glowing red eyes and cloak the familiar village of war chief Sylvanas Windrunner as she approaches to get the report from you about what is transpiring this island you present the bodies of the Alliance that nearly halted you one of the soldiers behind you shouts criminal lava and sivanna spots Brennan says no we may still have use for these soldiers as she raises her hand you watch as this spirit of a Valkyr emerges from behind term lighted wings and the helmet of the great female warriors the Valkyr raising her hands up causes these still corpses of the Alliance soldiers to shamble to life as you see them rise to their feet once more now awaken as Forsaken under the banner of the Horde it look amongst themselves anyone need a drink [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 1,710,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, terry crews, matthew mercer, critical role, dungeons & dragons, d&d, troy baker, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, celebrid&d
Id: 2IrM0zoDuSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 46sec (9406 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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