#SoMEDnD Day 1 – Force Grey

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[Music] hello everyone to the first stream of the day My name is Matthew Mercer I'm the dungeon master for this leg the next leg of force Grey's adventure we have a fantastic set of players here to join us for this little endeavor so let's go ahead and do a quick round of introductions so you know who will be playing to the left we have hi I'm Joe Manganiello and I will be playing Touareg our steel fist aka Toro I'm Debra one I was playing Jamila my name is matthew lillard I'll be playing beetle my name is Ashley Johnson and I am playing Dagny halvor my name is Kate Welch I'm playing Rosie feasting her Rosie be stinger nice thanks we'll be ready all righty so let's go ahead and bring ourselves down into water team nearly six months have passed since the terrible machination zuv s eric and is so monger deep beneath the jungles of schultz were thwarted though a great cost the bodies that could be recovered from within the deadly tomb were returned to water deep and revived under the directive of the open Lord silver hand recovery following the resurrection was slow in the ranks of forced gray were disseminated back to the gray hands for the time being the weeks passed pleasantly leaving the sprawling streets of Waterdeep the city of splendor churning away at business as usual Jamilah in particular adapting to this urban environment has been a unique challenge having grown up in the dense southern jungles of colt you stumble through social nuance and the mysteries of this northern land failing to find any information about the few still missing compatriots that plucked you from port in Dan's aru and pulled you into this larger more dangerous world Dagny you've taken your time after the business with the Radha seven parts to return to the repairs were a warehouse in the seaboard alongside your host Ogden and his son Sebastian you housed internal conflict between the joys of the simple and tinkering life in the eyes of God with the wonder bringer and missing the rush of adventure you did not but a year ago now dusk has settled into the purples and blues of knights or reds and oranges as we now see on the stage and each of you individually feels something thrust into your palm by a cloaked figure you reach for them demanding context and reasoning but they vanish quickly as your eyes find the rolled parchment within the mostly bare missive contains the simple phrases cards room the green mask lodge trades ward within the hour the bottom is marked with a recognizable symbol of black staff tower keep that amongst yourselves now as you individually scatter into the now quickly darkening night time in the streets of Waterdeep you eventually find this green mask Lodge you were guided towards entering the rather crowded Tavern floor the smells of burnt candle wax an old perfume mingled with the stench of sweat rowdy shipping hands and shady patrons watch you pass out of the corner of their eyes before returning to their laughter and revelry you inquire would the Haggard barkeep about the cards room and are pointed toward a corner staircase that descends into a basement chamber fitted with a large game table a single oil oil Lantern hanging above it to cast long shadows across the back walls sitting on the other side of this chamber is a stocky halfling fellow his square chin matted with stubble he glances up and offers a nod and gestured to the first empty seat as you arrive rosy so do I know this halfling you have never met this halfling in your life but if you want to describe what rosy looks like oh absolutely so rosy is she enters this room and she has a quarter staff her staff of the master which is at least twice as tall as she is she's about a hundred years old she is a white haired little halfling but she is bound wrapped her arms and her legs clearly someone who has spent time in a monastery she moves with the prowess of someone who has done a lot of fighting but she leans heavily on the staff because she loves to pretend that she's real old and weak because it gets people right off their feet so she sees this halfling and she squints squeeze right back she's like oh yeah not one of mine so she'll go until 2:00 she'll take a seat all right as the hand gestures to your seat the door kind of swings open again and you watch as Jamila interests Jamila you see just like one of the largest women you ever see like six foot eight muscles like you've never seen before and I have this oil at my bottle at my hip that I take out and I pour a little on just a really make them pop and yeah and I come I see the halfling and I nod and yeah I'll just take the seat next year there there's a brief moment of probably a back and forth wonder at the two figures that have already made their entrance before they here behind the chamber these heavy thuds a giant dark hand slams on the side of the door frame and enters Toro Toro is seven feet tall [Laughter] he last time he weighed himself was about 343 pounds and he's got big giant horns and looks like a giant cow man or Minotaur yeah do you have any extra baby oil give us a cask of your strongest ale the halfling kind of points out the side you heard the man strongest ale please sit Toro the chair kind of creeps at the weight and there's a moment where you fear it might snap but then you watch the halfling kind of wave a finger and it writes itself yeah and he's wearing black plate armor with these two she's like they're they're scimitars they're the size of long swords these giant golden scimitars Jamila wears no armor coz armors for wins [Laughter] [Applause] oh did you cry no but that'll be a 25 okay she doesn't fall it's like slamming your hand into a very sick boy you pushed over a few small walls in your time this is one of the thicker variety doesn't budge it all rosy a smile Rosie's with the halfling in the corner and she's watching this and as soon as this happens she's like oh she hands over a gold piece the halfling takes it and suddenly puts into a pocket at this point you hear the strange whirring noise like a like gears grinding and some high-pitched words and you hear a kind of a voice gently curses something seems to have gone awry with it and enters you see Dagny fiddling with some sort of device yes so Dagny is a half-orc cleric grayish skin leather armor just all of the trinkets she is an inventor a tinkerer and a little uncomfortable with people and barrettes and her hair you know trying to pull it together a little bit yeah Dagny comes in has the seat at the halflings offering they're not but a moment later you see this shape kind of appear in the doorway with the sudden swiftness you weren't expecting those shorter and squatter than you expect as you see beetle entered the chamber you know unbelievably blithe long beards got a leather strap tying it together he's got a leather thing over his head like this he's building he said somebody said strongest a little like a flip into the chair and land perfectly can you do a roll you may have an automatic so that's an 18 you have the most majestic Ryker Michelin it's quite beautiful ladies at that point he watches the halfling kind of Wiggles of finger and these series of bail casks all kind of hover in independently and align themselves people who have not been served drink at this point the two strongest in front of those that requested it at which point the halfling waves a hand in the door slams shut behind you leaving just the five of you and this mysterious creature across the table from you with the low lit lantern light kind of hanging overhead almost giving an interrogation room type sense at which point you watch as the image of the halfling slowly dissipates from bottom up revealing below what appears to be a woman's form of dark hair indigo blue eyes olives skin and for those who have met them before you recognize this as the black staff Vajra hers her hardened expression shifts to a polite if forced smile welcome gray hands I'm grateful for your relative haste and answering my summons we have among us newer talents who have proved incapable in the eyes of the open Lord and myself gestures to rosy gestures to Toro and then to beetle with a bit of apprehension I call upon you now as whispers move with alacrity and I have not the patience for rumors or pleasantries tomorrow evening in celebration of the turn of the season a number of powerful figures across Waterdeep and beyond will be in attending an event called the lord's ball such a gathering promises to have its own layers of intrigue and devilry but what I require your aid in is regarding an out-of-town guest to arrive at this ball one merchant mage who goes by the name Adina's Ravens guard now Adina's visits from the forest kingdom of Cormier a fairly respected Arcanist and wealthy businessman within the land of the purple dragon however the trail behind his arrival strikes as dubious and weave within black staff tower have been unable to locate the origins of his otherwise legitimate looking invitation I met him once before and both his penchant for double-talk and well off you skated business ventures make me wary from the start and it doesn't help that he's apparently carried an infatuation for me as well [Music] he's arrived not but two days ago staying within the city-owned Quartermaine estate located in the heart of the northward he has invited me to dine with him tonight wishing to discuss some possible partnership or diplomatic business with the order of Majesties I have responded by accepting but sending a group of proxies in my stead until after the lords ball you are to be my proxies hmm I did not trust this man and I believe his ulterior motives to this visit must be discovered beyond that I had my theories regarding his business that require proof to confirm my suspicions he wards this person from divination well so more direct means are required I'm asking you to attend this dinner in my stead this evening ply our guests for information scour the premises as stealthily and carefully as you can without gathering his ire or suspicion and acquire what information in proof you can of his dealings and bring them back to me can I count on you what's in it for us well beyond being now under the watchful eye tutelage and the protection of the black staff herself you will be compensated in both gold influence and perhaps access to some of the more dubious elements of Waterdeep should you require it beetle leaning forward the shadows grow darker over her face as her intimidating presence pushes for the immense power the black staff holds kind of Wells out from beyond her visages sense that you're in the presence of someone who has been around and seen some yeah are we in agreement then well if you wanted a stealthy reconnaissance group you kind of recruited a strange collection here beggars can't be choosers in these times Rosie we do the best we can are you sure you don't want him dead preferably not but if it comes to that I leave the choice in your favor and the repercussions as well okay I'm in I step forward and I I'd kneel before her and say I owe you my life I will do this without money this we shall be we do we my debt is paid I'll take her money I appreciate that and there shall be remembered by both me and the open Lord thank you Jamila Dagny it's been some time are you up for the task yes I've I've actually been waiting for you guys to call upon me again very well I reinstate my Dominion as your overseer for this mission I thank you and do me proud once more for us gray she reaches back into a small satchel you see at her side and pulls out will appears to be a scroll that is tightly wound the leather strap that's kind of locked into it looks to be a small walking device this will probably prove helpful in this endeavor so use it wisely he can't read how about an hour before it's met I was a brief moment we see like the left eye of Ashura twitch realizing that maybe [Music] [Laughter] no honestly do I know it tends to be where a lot of the the nobles and the more upper-class members of society here in Waterdeep living so you know where it is though you haven't been a lot of time there necessarily for sure nom but if you want to go ahead and a let's see what make it a good one I'll go ahead and make it a just the general intellect 1616 okay you've heard of various clusters in the north war before and kind of acquired information in the past of where the where the elements of the local Nobles stay and where some that are kind of either lost power or empty estates are and so guiding the rest of the group if you all decide to follow your new dwarven leader make your way through until eventually you do come upon the Quartermaine estate the bustling city itself is kind of coming to live in the night you can feel the energy rising in preparation for this lords ball yeah in the following evening especially in the North Ward dodging carriages and odd high-end street vendors you push past until eventually you come upon the beautiful two-story home maybe ten or more rooms at first glance throughout its its construct the blue gray painted exterior and dark routing greet you as you approach the front door there's a heavy oak door right there that just kind of stands ominously preventing injury so as we go I mean do we want to talk plan before we actually show up and knock on the door we have an invitation without like with our names on you did yes very good okay as proxy to the black staff okay is this the kind of fall where we would need to pretend that we are fancier than we are no offense very this is a private dinner with this individual we're holding space until she shows up got or he shows okay okay but to to find information yeah and give someone information right yeah that's the mission okay yes to find out what his true purpose is okay so I mean I can go in I can go in stealth and I can go and invisible and see what I can find on my own I always think splitting ups such a fantastic idea yeah and right off the bat - yeah yeah [Music] we can go so I mean we can go in together and play nice sure he wants to sneak away sure well we've got him distracted okay all right that's a real shoddy plan but let's go I'll cast the I'll cast the spell she's given us okay it's an hour the last for an hour correct so there was a bit of a time that where you are unable to use this for communication so there was a little bit of haste but no now do we does it does he have to speak it out loud to cast it like what is it oh you you do have to speak it out loud they're not like volume you know in the space there but you can take a moment before you go ahead and mark or make a where your presence at the table right the location so you want to step off to the side for you I think so unrolled the scroll through kind of motor your way through the incantation go ahead make an arc on a check for okay you could just roll to create your right I know just a second ago I rolled it to you rolled it to so forth so it takes you a little longer to read through you you hear this this confident and dwarf is either reads over gets halfway through is like you start stuttering through the words and kind of pouring through it a bit you know I kind of look back and you're kind of start muttering you know Evil Dead style what you think it should be under your breath it manages to finally trigger thank you after about thirty minutes of you all finished casting at which point you can watch like occasionally on the street nearby you see like couples walking by arm and arm kind of glanced by the larger Minotaur is like scraping its foot on the ground impatiently pacing in front of these nice gardens that surround the exam as soon as you finish spell all your mind suddenly feel the strange saga which is just enough to distract Toro he gets thrown back slamming into the door of the chamber you see what kind of breaks and splintering a little bit son of a moment later the door slowly unlocks and you see is it looks to be somewhat got looking a half elven woman peek through in very formal silk blouse and long pants hello dad we're here to party I am to believe you are the proxies for the black staff correct yes it says it on this piece of paper let me see that please I handed over C proxies very well it just takes a moment to kind of individually look over each of you then cure stopping rosy going Equal Opportunity is opens the door entirely though it takes a moment for her actually drag it open as part of its now slightly off the hinge and grinding against the floor of the foyer enter and please wait here a moment I will go let the master know that our guests have arrived and as you enter the chamber you see immediately the beautiful interior the walls their off-white and detailed with goldleaf and the double staircase across the way with brass railing that twists up on both sides kind of extent the guide to the second floor in a hallway that descends further into the household the the servant turns around to the rest of you my name is Mona if you require anything do let me know continues up the stairway and vanishes down the hallway leaving you all alone for a few precious moments in this four year to discuss some interests of selves what you wish to do okay quick question would you maybe want to go invisible now well but when we see him he'll think there's only four of us are we too late I feel like that do I see any kind of indication of business paperwork laying around reception check no I think I'm indoors a five you go your your eyes try and zonah even that could be of useful information but instead are lost in the beautiful decor and for a moment there you start instead taking in and logging possible notes for how you can eventually use some of these spaces to better better decorate your own home you briefly lost their own hgtv world I have a belt of dwarven kind you do could I look from looking at the outside of the building could I look in this room to see where the doors are and if maybe there were rooms that are not connected like maybe there's a place where there was a secret door perhaps a room that wasn't connected it didn't have a make an investigation check ok this is you kind of like coming close to the edges of the wall while you have this moment to kind of inspect very very stealthily clomping through this for years the good work okay that's it - okay with them that's a - one was a three which I meant to you you used there - to the right and left side of this foyer there are two archways that lead into different chambers that are both not lit they're just dark inside you begin to look around the left side as you curve around you can see what looks to be a lightly furnished almost like a living room and then faint light in the distance to what appears to be a kitchen you do smell a little bit of food being being cooked and as you begin to approach you see one large shadow kind of shift right into that doorway over what looks to be the stove and countertop area of the kitchen what appears to be a large almost nine foot tall solid stone humanoid figure that grabs a pot and turns around and then heads out of the doorway lost into the kitchen like a construct a construct of some kind is apparently preparing dinner is there so it's gone now there's nothing in the kitchen that's in the kitchen but the but the room before it the kind of living room space it's dark is left open is the construct hot make a perception show okay hot 17:17 if you're into that kind of thing it's more live than your common construct you do notice that that it's it's the detailing and it is stone in nature but as opposed to a giant burly you know protective golem if you will this one has thinner arms and seems to be more designed to be dexterous in fact you see as opposed to giant hammer fists while they could probably still do some damage they're very intricate and working and manipulating the tools of the kitchen much better than you'd expect a golden - and you Rosie are you a fan of culinary arts oh yes you are very attracted to this gold I like what he does with his hand at this point Mona appears at the top of the stairway I'm sorry for the weights right this way the master will see you now okay turns around and enters the long hallway kind of expectantly waiting for you to follow as you guys ascend the stairs you make your way to the top area that leads into the long hallway you cross two doorways closed doors one on the left then about ten feet ahead of that one on the right and the hallway curves or ends and curves to the left and immediately ends in what is a large arched door a doorway with two open doors that are opened internally into the hall I'll stand in them I'll go in the back I'll let everyone go in front the two giant people as we go by those doors I'm gonna stop and try to get it quick listen see if I hear anything on the other side make position right there in front of me she's moving seventeen so perception is a check as I get through the new fin dangled in 1919 stopping for a moment and placing the ear against the wood door you listen no noise how about blowing the right you go ahead and place here to that one no noise are there both are here to be perfectly silent and still on the opposite end of that doorway awesome thank you alright Mona sits there and awaits you all to eventually cross the threshold into the curve making your way into this next litter so looking up past these two doors you see what looks to be a somewhat gaudy dining chamber a long kind of rectangular table sits adorned with small candelabra and what appear to be some small place settings with high back chairs that are kind of flanking each side of this table across the way you can see a fireplace with a crackling flame light that is kind of burning up behind lighting what looks to be the silhouette of another high back chair well a number of these kind of slightly shifting glowing orange arcane light sources kind of stay locked in place just ever so faintly vibrating and shifting in the air above to keep the rest of the room lit Mona walks in before you and takes a chair on the far left of the chamber in the corner to just keep an eye on everything in the room and there you see sitting in the chair across the way from where these empty seats now are waiting for your arrival you see what appears to be the master the individual who had invited the black staff you see what looks to be a human man and mid 14th decade a combed mop of dirty blonde hair on the top of his head that shortens in the sides merging with a graying beard that frames his chin mustaches his hands are encrusted and bejeweled rings and bracelets folded across his dark blue and gold trim to vest and blue gray silk tunic from underneath his skin is tanned evenly and you swear you spent a lot of a spot of makeup at the corners of his features in fact as you approach he doesn't realize you're coming that good thing goes like Oh turns around [Laughter] slowly nodding to himself like his arms unfold and with his palms up towards you he kind of stands up from his chair goes welcome friends of the black staff to my temporary abode I am Lord Adina straighten scar representative at the house Ravens gar and the guild of loyal versions of cornea it is my honor to have you join me for dinner this evening so please do sit down or our feast should be prepared shortly have a seat have a seat you taste the food drink drink drinks drinks will be provided as well ah Mona and Mona ease up going special some drinks please while our friend prepares the muse I'll help you and I'll go with her I'll start to move out the room with her okay you cannot walk alongside Mona maasai I can very well get this for you sir look it I'll help you here look how big he is make a persuasion check Oh God [Music] well she goes I appreciate the offer but I'm a strong woman and can take care of myself please do sit down don't say I never offered loner leaves the chamber closing the doors behind as you all kind of take your seats around so I would like to parlay of conversation I would like know what you are about how how is it you have risen up to become the chosen proxies of such a majestic and beautiful figure is vajra herself I must say this is quite a motley distill a particular I am very fascinated and curious my friend what is your name and where do you hail from my name is torugaru steel fist my friends call me Toro but I don't have anything and how is it that you ever gain the privilege of working beneath the black staff I am a wealthy landowner and I was looking at buying some property in the North Ward area I was wondering if you could recommend a good realtor make a deception check every comp this is gonna work okay that's it that's it for that a ten Oh his fingers Riaan twine and the eyes narrow a bit with a bit of a smile as his head kind of in your direction interesting my friend I perhaps may have some contacts that can help you with that please do hold that thought interesting moving on you my dear you seem to be as mighty as your friend here what are you here from and by what you grace us with your presence first started to ask do I have any recognition or knowledge of this is it Ramaiya Cormier Cormier you go ahead make a history check if you'd like mmm just a 10-10 as a girl who grew up in the southern jungle you've heard it mentioned a couple times and like in your head you like wait purple dragons this purple dragons everywhere it's gotta be amazing you have no idea okay yeah I say um I think anybody say I believe that honesty is always always the best policy very nice I am new here to Waterdeep and I am fascinated by the cultures here and I thought maybe you could enlighten me as to sites in the city that I should take are within here well I myself have been a couple of times I've seen some very beautiful things there are great many parks you could see green trees there are it's a pretty blend here come you know so much more beautiful in my opinion however one of the things that is very interesting we are hoping to do some business regarding the the walking statutes you see within the city the gargantuan majestic stone people if you were somebody may be seen in some disrepair over the years and the business that I work in happens to perhaps be able to help in this endeavor so I am very interested in discussing with you folks and that perhaps the black staff how we could find a beneficial arrangement well you see the the guild of royal vessels which I'm a a co-founder of we are a number of major merchants and purveyors in the realm of constructing and in viewing arcane locomotion to otherwise inanimate objects the creation of constructs and such and we have come to believe that we have not only been able to maintain upkeep but to develop and perhaps sell off a number of protective entities as such to those who would be able to pay so if any of you happen to have quite a bit of coin and don't want to bother with whacking your enemies yourselves maybe not so much for you too but if you're so interested we can make that business deal for you I which point the doors open and Mona returns what it looks to be a bottle of nice heavy red wine like a big big old bottle good new bins going around and pouring each of your glasses yes any other questions you may have please feel free to ask I actually um I have to go to the bathroom and just wash my hands before eating is there is it close it is downstairs to the left of the foyer chamber it's a bit dark but I gather it's probably not difficult for you I'll find it I'll find it very well yes thank you so much so quick I have to go to the seat later rainbirds card I mean I'll be right back I'll take this sip of wine and I'll go right after very well do not be long their food should be arriving shortly that's okay all right be back quickly as you both leave the chamber Mona closes the doors behind them as he glances down at the the glasses that have been in place before areas like please enjoy drink the wine here is quite where actually it's a Lysander's red pulled from one of the casks salvaged after the fire that took the fenders light the temple enjoy it for that glass full you have cost more than probably your annual plane at which point is you guys are exiting into the hallway you make your way down to where the curvature turns to the right and as you do immediately the looming figure steps right where you are and you see before you the large stone golem two arms filled with covered dome metallic bladders just waiting for you to pass you're both kind of hit this moment where it's just unable to move until you go around it all right as you pull it up the scent comes to you and it's it's delightful it smells like spiced cooked duck roasted almost with with steamed vegetables kind of encased around the outside of it it's quite it smells quite nice oh well I'm gonna go wash my hands then I'm gonna get into that put that on the table and we'll be right back any kind of mussels back to you both ever kind of step out of the way is it makes its way down the rest of the chamber pushes past the doors with its elbows and enters you guys watch the golden enter meeting to set the platter or stands there in the center it kind of waits when I I see the golem enter it's like a choir of angels oh my god we can't keep meeting like this The Golem still stares straight forward acknowledging anything until eventually you watch as Lord the US Coast dries up and you watch this all the sigils on the gold flash and light up for just a second but he's sort of our guests at which point the golden moves forward sets the platters under the table lifts the domes off of the steam rises up and the smell permeates the chamber beautiful combination of cook vegetables and meats and what smells like it like a starchy almost garlicky potato paste it looks beautiful and one by one the Golem kind of comes binding and serving it onto each platter you start feeling like a child almost as all this is being presented before you as MCT at which point the Adina's goes I thank your endows Ren dose is one of my many creations we provide to the lords and ladies with the Dragons to pay for them of course it took some time to design the right enchantment alterations to impart culinary skills but overall I'm happy with the outcome try the food for yourself tell me whether or not you feel it is as impressive as I hope before we dig in here can you tell me a little bit about it where what cuisine is this would you bring it from going here I actually do not know part of the enchantment is that it kind of makes its own meal the idea is it you don't have to worry about it it's kind of a thing we're trying out so I literally very excited to see how you think it is because that would be important feedback Minotaur Z with their hands alright it's alright it's a little bland to be honest it looks a lot better than it tastes and actually a lot of it just seems to borderline become the same sense of spices like a heavy pepper almost like a like a cayenne spice to it but everything tastes like that the textures change but the food is pretty universal not some sort of poison okay all right so as you guys are beginning to dig into this meal he goes we could the the golden finishes serving and then sits there and just kind of stands there kind of in a vacant space of nothing Adina's kind of waits and goes that's up all the sigils light up once more and kind of comes life return to the kitchen and the romaine is my Sentinel please and the golden means to walk away I watch them go hey hey the seemly so as the golden exits the chamber the the the glyphs fading as he does so making his way into the darkness that closing the doors behind them so horrendous what is the what is the opinion of the meal provided you could use some spice okay oh I have detailed feedback for you it's over salted it tastes like the duck was cooked about ten minutes too long no one likes steamed vegetables I don't know why you would even program them just a moment please Mona Mona write this down please starts writing furiously continue I really could use a carb just just to balance it out love's love some fresh nuts look at some fresh veggies in here I just you know I can I can I can meet with what was it Ren dose I don't have a a thorough conversation if that's useful for you should Jewish as soon as you finish your meal of course I would be very interested I didn't know you were so intuitive both with the food and the the constructs in presentation hmm what is your background well I you know I'm just a grandma mm-hmm I just love to cook I don't love to cook for my kids my grandkids got hundreds of them so I've made my fair share of bad feels I know exactly where you're coming from right now don't even worry about this general charisma job she's okay that's 1717 yeah he smiles and it seems genuinely charmed and it's like wow that is hundreds that you have been a very busy woman I cannot imagine I hope to maybe have children one day but the experimentation we develop in sometimes does not make that quite so easy they're overrated my you were asking earlier what our relationship was to the vajra yes please and I wanted to mention now that now that it's just us I I wouldn't say this in front of everyone else but the thought and I have had some some dealings some under-the-table work and I don't know I'm I'm looking at you and I'm seeing a man who might work under the table am I right about that it's kind of like as I start shifting back towards Mona Mona sighs from him define further what kind of business I do not wish to break any laws here well present in water deep understand I am a very respectable businessman but to go on I'm interested well if I work hard I have to tell you I know not so I see no holes in your logic how could I possibly questioned if you'd ever I just I feel like we might be able to and correct me if I'm wrong you two you might be able to make some some money together hmm very well well let us see where this conversation takes it at which point we're gonna go ahead and head back to the interior the hallway where we have Dagny and beetle are currently making their way to the restroom so the Golem has passed you and is currently serving dinner what are you guys doing hey well okay go you want to go what do you want to go right you wanna go left I don't know you I'm gonna follow you I'm gonna make sure you're alright I need to wash my hands you go wash your hands we start to make our way towards them I'm sure they have a restroom in this place the commode there is it's downstairs into the lab so we're gonna go downstairs to laughs and as we're going through i'm trying every door okay the two doorways that you come across you can seen on the way in the first one it's locked give me a second open it I'll try to pick it all right go ahead and roll in add your next 30 modifier any proficiency modifier pretend like you're doing something else what your what's your dexterity my Dex is a +3 all right so they're wealthy bonus and then my paper I'm sorry I'm so it takes you a moment you're pulling out here at lockpicks near getting you feel the first tumbler the second time the third one kind of like sticks the sticks you like into the kitchen and be my Sentinel and you hear the steps can be louder and louder close to mine at that point the final tumbler hits yeah all right shut the door well you're downstairs washing your hand you're waiting for him to finish door do you never got to washing your hands that your hands are still filthy all right so you guys try and duck in rapidly yeah all right well if you make stealth check make sure you don't make any noise trying to rush in there quickly oh great okay it's a render and normally have honor proficiency at least the 1679 alright as you as you rush into the room Dagny comes rushing and in your foot catches the doorframe and actually a piece of wood splinters inward like it hurts your toe didn't you trying to hold back to pay me like oh you close the door and you hear the footsteps and stop just outside the door I'll cast what do you guys I will cast a minor illusion I'll cast the sound okay down from where if he was gonna continue I'll cast it down oh my gosh oh so I'll cast a young a small cry out down the hallway okay so they've been continued does the spell require a visual oh sorry uh no its verb component yeah so you should be fine okay so you glanced down kind of under the little gap of the doorway gonna like focus go ahead and make a deception to check for me nice 14 is my number okay and then deception plus two so 1616 good you heard the distance that going down in kind of the four-year area a moment passes nothing another moment he was gonna come in here I'm gonna go I just let's look around Oh we'll pick around you are in what appears to be a decent bedroom designed his guest quarters within this area looks like there are two beds in here the only one of them appears to been utilized recently and attempted to be put back in place but at the base of the bed is a travel trunk that is currently closed and a lot of the furniture in here has a coating of dust except for that bed I will check over the trunk real quick I'll go to the trunk and check it for traps real quick all right investigation check Oh 15 20 the trunk is tracked hey you hear you hear a voice in your head guys can talk to each other is the bathroom clear we haven't gone in there yet but I really really want to wash my hands but we're busy with some other stuff I'll let you know once I go in there to wash my hands all the towels and everything mashed potatoes are not that good smells super good it's not good help okay copy that over and out focus so go ahead go ahead and roll thieves tools check so roll again and then add three plus three so it's plus six to this rule okay so it's 12 I have luck so I can reroll d20 you can [Applause] hold on I don't think that you can it's only one per turn we get lucky ones this guy's not who wants to be a millionaire we'll just pull the crowd I need you to roll a constitution saving so as you as you can have lower yourself to this there's this leather trunk this travel trunk get down with your thieves tools and begin to find what seems to be the the mechanism that triggers when the trunk is opened without some sort of a specific key or a certain button is not held down in the process soon as you do your hand just fires off and you watches it opens up slightly in that moment there's a slight high whine sound there's a flash of light and this dark purple kind of cloud of powder just in to your face you back away for a second coughing and your lungs are on fire tend to be not an attack it's a hazard my friend okay you do suffer sixteen points of poison damage and are poisoned for the next 20 minutes what's in the trunk alright so as you open the trunk you make an investigation check to see what you can take care of it but you got to open this bag alright alright alright alright so go ahead and make an investigation check please as you begin to rummage through the contents of this trunk there's anything in here six here all the sticks as you can have come back to it straight poison managed to get most out of your system though your body's what kind of pulsing with this horrible searing pain you watched agony just essentially barely touched it they kind of like looks in like the person who goes to their pantry and moves two things goes like now we're out of grata it's like there's nothing in here and you saw like four things she pushed past 21 all right okay first thing you notice a couple of interesting things you notice a small vial of purple liquid that is you do find 45 platinum pieces oh well gold and 15 silver in a small pouch I slide a hand I think it's like a hand check wait don't worry about it 79 make a perception check that's right all right and also just we move forward it's fine all right so 22 no would you oh you're going to stay tendency would have disadvantage on the investigation check earlier but it's fine here you've had a bet you've had about enough minute fine Danny would you roll for possession Tony ice coin is yours I mean thank you mom beyond that I'll split it with you that's not true beyond that you notice what are a number of different outfits of varying formality looking at them as you kind of pull them out they're fitted for a female and you get the sense this is probably the room that moment in reaching through you do find what looks to be a hidden pocket on the inside of this trunk where the interior kind of velvet material is supposed to cover it your fingers find the bottom bit and pull it up and there's a slight rip sound on the inside as a hidden pouch where it appears to be a folded piece of paper oh you pull it out and read it and what appears to be hastily written notes across this and you pull it apart there's actually two letters one is a partially written letter towards a Lord Magister of Suseo that speaks of evidence against Adina's and his dealings okay the other note is a long list of names and orders you can make a history check like these names mean nothing to you it's a bunch of names on my Jim give it a look-see yeah I hand it to it you got history checked Agni she can't read all right so you have a list of names and orders okay you pocket them and what appears to be that that letter to Lord Magister that is it is almost written like the actual specific attacks would be along lines of I found what I think is enough his business is more dire than we expected I'll continue collecting it's so I'll say I think Mona's on our side just so everyone knows when you killed kill Mona are you telling us this wait why are you making that noise with your mouth anything else in the room go ahead and make an investigation check is you're gonna scan through and start checking areas and corny already glancing through the room you find some linens that are dusty and well washed you find what looks to be a old pocket watch that may be been discarded from a previous tenant I'm gonna take it already and that's it it's it's a pretty bare chamber and this estate is used to house guests of Waterdeep when they're in from out of town so you sense the things you've found may even just left behind from previous guests but you've pretty much found what seems to be the important points to this chamber guys we found some letters and a really sweet pocket watch I'm gonna keep it myself it's all we found all right you guys head back the rest of you are in the chamber talking with him as he's taking bites of the food and like no this is actually not that bad no it's great delicious I got a few kinks to work out but Mona keep taking notes please it sounds like whispering over to her various things that kind of ended the breath Mona keeps taking notes rapidly in that point what're you guys doing I'm very curious about your second here Mona how did you two meet oh it's a simple story Mona was looking for work and had proven to be rapid at transcribing words being spoken and is very good at keeping company secrets so it is worth well for about two years at this point and lasts anything really terrible happens it has been a good arrangement where I just nods mmm dinner gets like strangely awkward at this point because you're all just kind of staring at each other over the table so um are you attending this Lourdes ball tomorrow we we are yes has been practicing my dance moves we come back in 13 because I will say I have never seen a Minotaur dance yes not would you be happy to perhaps give us a display of what you have been working on my friends I stand up put my hand down [Laughter] 14:10 what's interesting is Jamila takes the lead what was originally kind of that awkward first scene from dirty dancing becomes the amazing second later scene some dirty dancing but your baby [Laughter] you've never seen a grown woman dip a minotaur with such great as we're dancing around I I steer us a little bit over towards towards Mona and as I dip Toro very gracefully I catch her eye and I say um I will be attending the ball I need a new dress you look about my size could I borrow one - you make a charisma check to see if you can slightly get across your subtle contacts all right [Laughter] [Applause] even the short time you've spent here in Waterdeep the kind of like somewhat you know dank small sinister bars you spent time and you've learned a little bit of double-talk and you've been able to kind of slide this underneath Mona's eyes go wide for a second darts back to her master back to you it was actually I might be able to I brought a few extras perhaps we could look into this in a moment fantastic I twirl Toro back to yet there's something freeing about being manhandled in a moment you feel safe and protected I'm gonna start hitting dice rolls at some point at this point on the other side the doors open and you watches Dagny and beetle walk in just as you watch the ending flourish of this display putting a Toro back into his seat except for Jamila Jamila puts Toro in the corner that was incredible I I'm not going to lie I thought you were lying but Wow if if this is what water deeps great balls have a display I am so excited for tomorrow night Oh fantastic I had a foot has been prepared I'm sorry you missed it made me not be as warm as you hope but please sit and enjoy you were gone for quite some time do you have a difficult time discovering the bathroom yes no idea bathroom was great but it you know it was construct yeah we got stuck behind him and I'd like you both to make a deception check versus crit 17 all right you watch this his eyes tense as you approach and begin to give your tail but as you do he relaxes in his seat very well very well well please dig in as they would say here in what would be PS I believe there's an actual old adage here and there yes classic sort the coastal family seek Jamila write that down a little new wine having the poison still resonating in my this strong wine and it is delicious and is very rich it's poison the best one you've ever had amazing I love it alright at which point the steps begin to return and you watch the golem begins to to arrive just as you're getting ready to to leave to check up on it it arrives with what appears to be a small set of pastries the the master Adina's goes terraza the books flare up once more please serve the desserts goes around begins to set individual platters of various treats goes back to the chamber the rasa to the kitchen please the the good flare up again exits the chamber if you wish to inspect to see if perhaps you can improve my friend here now would be the time I would love to you what is this word that is a command word that you're saying to him for specific constructs we want to have a command word that is appropriate to making sure that they follow your instruction got it okay yeah I would love to to give him a thorough inspection by all means go ahead I will tell you however if your inquiry is these command words are changed and are specifically engineered per construct so it will not work on other such creatures if that's what you're thinking very good miss she writes did she like scribble something out and her cartographers no it's just like both that's not gonna do it so graça that that is not for you to worry about it is keyed into my vocal timbre oh very fascinating so yeah I will go inspect this this golem very well yeah so ah the both of you please tell me how you managed to to find yourselves under the employer so general that's so funny I was about to ask you the same thing well tomorrow you'll go into the ball no perhaps the reason for being here yes Ravens guard hmm you were invited were you I was it is a very esteemed offering to be brought to a sovereign cormier I was very happy to be chosen by the rest of our guild and I am very happy to be here to represent amazing did you bring a gift to bestow I do perhaps have a few gifts I was hoping to give it personally to Vajra so and I do see her perhaps during or after the ball I will be happy to present to her if you wish to tease when you see her that there is a gift coming I would greatly appreciate speaking of which what are vouchers interests if I might ask what does she do on their spare time you have no idea yeah but what does all right what does she hate like what is what is the the thing that she must hate right she's a fancy lady does does she like fishing with her bare hands is this celebrity yeah [Laughter] I love a good wine she loves a good wine that is good no I have plenty fantastic coins collected from all over fairness I will be happy to present that that can be done do you happen to know if she currently seeking a suitor of any kind does she take companions in her spare time perhaps she has a she has a big old boyfriend really oh yeah there they are so serious and it's I mean you've seen them together just love yes I forgot about that guy you might have a chance you don't mind Rosie 20 not natural funny yeah you watch as his expression goes somewhat browbeaten the face kind of hangs from it I see is that her type you think you laughing stops you're still moving but no sounds coming out my mind I'll say this dude is a problem I said oh you're quite right sir that was very disrespectful we will reprimand him what are you doing I say why are you doing that go along with it attack if you would like Mona and I could retire and find this dress I'll take him with me out of your sight no I wish to see him reprimanded now before me what's your an attack now it's an unarmed where's roldy 20 hide your shrink them on fire and you and any proficiency bonus because you are all right so that is a 13 yeah team Can I grab it sure you catch it in the middle of the air okay I know I'll just stare at you and I'll put I'll put your hair I'll put my hand down put it down um they say you can't you can't say listening you are listening yeah um I give another little I will I will take a drink and I will try I will bow to him to say as if to say I'm sorry flicks his hand and you kind of give this slang rapidly breathing your voice I apologize I thought you were making a joke I accept because I wish to be gracious to the proxies of your employer but please be respectful with your future conversation you wish to find out the rest go for it thank you please do see if you can do something about this chef's name once more I'm sorry Dagny magnet in Toro so you are skilled at dancing what is your skill I make things yeah I'm a pretty good builder of things of sorts show me what you have built if you have the capability take my little mechanical mouse put it on the table I just made this little guy is it kind of curves around and gonna do this also well I have some other things but I don't know if I feel comfortable showing them to you what do you mean what do you think I mean I am so very confused by this scenario look I am curious to see what perhaps you can work on but if it's not something you have to present that is fine then we will do about other business I mean I I build lots of things do you have a workshop in the town yeah hmm before I leave I would like to pay a visit perhaps and see what talent you have if you have quite a bit of talent perhaps I can offer you a better proposition than the black staff can it is always good to find fresh talent I will accept that offer come to see my shop but what I can do before the night is out we will swap information of where you are staying you will make them self Thank You Mona go aid this woman to find the proper dress something that can show an equal amount of grace and the splendor of which she has done in spinning around my large friend here as as Mona Jamila and Rosie leave the chamber leaving Dagny beetle and Toro here at the table you watch as the eyes of Venus come back Toro minotaurs they are not very common here in Waterdeep know what draws you to this place so far from your home well I was working as a bodyguard in the town of theatres it was good coin but the person who ran the club that I was protecting disappeared I followed his track to this town I am looking for him and I'm also looking for another space to open another column I figured perhaps you could help me find out there's not a business I ventured into but partnerships are possible as you guys are having this conversation what are you doing in the hallway I take Mona by the hand yes I say we we are we are friends good I'm glad to know that we have reason to believe that we might be able to help you this way and Mona heads over to the doorway or even with Rosie all right the two of you couldn't get pulled over to the left chamber just outside in the hallway she pulls the key out and goes to put it in with the door opens already oh sorry that was probably our friends step inside please closes the door you guys are into the chamber so you say friends what is your business here we were retained by the vajra to get information about your master very well well you're certainly making an interesting evening for him there has to be something in his room I haven't able to go into myself that keeps the key on his person if there's any way we could give the key off of him or kind of way to open his room that might be some sort of path to finding information that could in the right hands absolve myself and put him rightfully so behind some sort of chains which is his room about 10 feet down on the opposite side of the hallway we communicate this to upstairs yeah that Mona knows who we are and that we need to find a way into his room mmm but there may be information in there sorry Carl I think he likes you the key is on his person how seductive can you be right now I can get in the door we don't need the key but we do need a distraction do you need I do need to see that seduction I see no go ahead seduce I I grabbed the bottle of wine and I pour more wine into my goblet and into his and I say I will meet you under the table is an old saying from where I come from let's see what you're made of 1313 give us like a keen eye towards you and grasps his goblet mm-hmm very well I don't know I have a fascination with your kind so let us drink to that yes I [Music] if I may might I give myself a chance with my personal skill set be my guest takes a moment closes his eyes and begins to carve some sort of a sign in the air you washes this faint trace of blue kind of follows his fingertips and as soon as he finishes pressing his palm into it it flashes and you watch his physical body bulk up ever so slightly he opens his eyes now let us try this thank you thanks dad okay natural twenty [Music] [Applause] we got seen in the fly there in the bar there's a moment where he's like it's nothing to you you're just kind of letting them sit there for a minute under the table and Knox's goblet over spilling wine all over the carpet and all over the side of the table his wrist kind of pops into socket you watch as his hands kind of limply is laying in there 16 16 so 16 that's enough as he's doubled over not paying attention to the searing pain you rifle through his robe and quickly pull out what looks to be two small keys ones ones very tiny ones a little bit wider they're both made of some sort of a brass material you quickly pocket it unseen amazing who charged him into like the fireplace but by accident [Music] okay and what is it that's just liking it yeah I've just had your first in C modifier in your safe amount of fire that's good that's 18 you smack into him and he's thrown off the chair kind of falls back he lands his shoulders in the fireplace which team did catch he was like you know he's just big here I'm gonna cast cure wounds okay it's a good role for cure wounds on him I'll get your water and I'll bolt out okay he's not even paying attention to you as you bowled out he watches the door opening and very quietly Jamila Mona and Rosie come out into the hallway to catch you right there in the center you guys hear this loud commotion and screaming coming from the dining is it going his wrist to reset and just a bit of fun I am both extremely angry and gets very impressed sit down it writes his goblet and against the poor boy now you guys in the hallway what are you doing so I have the key I'll go up and I'll check the door for traps on the right yeah okay yeah go ahead make an investigation check mmm I have two key yeah this is no longer one do I have a percent can do a person take the longer because they need the shorter ones for something inside all right one slips in Mon okay as you enter this chamber you're stepping in immediately the smell incense hits your nose there's a round mattress that marks the far end of the room there's sheets of deep red and silk but it's all covered in dust unused you can see what looks to be a a cushion piled canopy over over the bed there there's red curtains that dominate the center of the room around of this canopy there's a heavy desk that occupies the far left corner beneath the window while large dark wood dresser marks the far right window the air the air is a little musty and stale once you get past that initial like burst of incense is there tracks the tracks on the floor make an investigation check 19 rolled there are it's pretty easy to see here this isn't so much a survival wilderness tracking skill this is literally in a chamber some of the investigation check you follow them they go straight to the dresser great all these is small I'll check it over for traps do you know anything that Mona's here Mona is like okay I'll take a shot real quick I rolled an 18 not trap actually great I'll open it okay good it opens up inside you can see what looks to be a number of long coats robes vests it's just a it's a closet of clothes where am I looking for I don't know I haven't been inside this chamber I'm not allowed in this okay investigation 2020 you push past and through in the back of the cupboard you see what looks to be a mirror of some kind it's just a mirror reflecting you it has kind of a simple brass you know surrounding mat to it but the mirror oh grab a dagger turn away from the side and going behind it okay you go behind these behind yeah Amir yep I'll look into the mirror anything there your reflections doing back edge how good-looking is it say at this point the poisons kind of worn off you guys have spent some time in the dinner party and make it a little easier okay I'm not a very magical person but maybe some kind of like do their usual or you can you do whatever the end game version of Rosie's saying can you do in our panacek could you good idea I'm hot 19:21 glancing over you can see around the faint edges of where the mirror matches the kind of exterior of it there was a very very faint blue glow and you sense this is an actual magically enchanted mirror of some kind of amazing it's about three foot by two feet I'll region pink it's out it's glass I stand in front of I say brazo you immediately see a chamber on the opposite side of the room it's small its compact you can see a much nicer bed in there that's sound like dark green cloth you can see what looks to be a roller desk of some kind that is currently closed there's a small iron statue of a Minotaur about three feet tall that's sitting on a pedestal the the carpet of the floor itself is a series of designs that are like bending and shifting at angles like this massive series of strange designs that are tangling ending and splitting off in a different direction cast detect magic do you tell me this Toro don't come down here are you putting the paper I'll cast before I go in the chamber okay the mirror is very magical can I cast it past I mean don't you see if you enter into it and be able to see I do that so you peek through yes looking in the chamber you can see the bed has a very faces magic to it you feel in sense some magical aspects of the inside of that roller desk the the Minotaur statue has some magic essence to it and the tories in a minute ours get out of there [Music] 21:21 yes all right I understand that you have to use the restroom I'm not going to stay here at my dinner party by myself I'm here I'm here I what where are you why are you from here Dagny wasn't yes come with Toro and myself as we escort him to the restroom and got to try and catch up with the rest of your friends I said do not want people to be lost in this estate stands up from the chair and just kind of waits for you to exit to find the restroom [Laughter] please I would hate for you to be uncomfortable at my dinner table you're being very snarky with your tone of voice is there a reason for this no I just where are your friends my friends they went to find some kind of dress yeah you're gay you're a six foot eight woman wait here I will go make sure that they're all right and he starts leaving this we'll come with you because the bathroom is this way and now my hands are very warm join us well I just sit here and have like a really nice meal so did I but apparently people have other things to do I'm not angry just disappoint where are you go where are you going come with us and find out we're gonna look for your friends and continues to walk into the hallway all this has happened I move in behind him okay and while this is happening you guys are there he sent he told us he's coming this way we tried to stop him but dress dress okay so you're on the back talk to the goal yes so what I want to do I think when we get that message from Mauro is hop out of this chamber and get out in the hallway and be like I just can't I'm ready to intercept okay God talk about this : okay got it so as rosy makes the rain of the hallway to try it him off the pass with Toro and dog making their way you guys are right by the dresser right now with Mona are you entered the chamber or are you staying Mona go do you guys go try on something I will jump into the thing yes all right I'm come with me to the chamber real fast I'll port address so grabs Jamila the two of you go off head off in the Mona's room passing past Rosie and she begins to pull she looks inside and sees the trunk open it's like grab some of the dresses enhance it to your role fast pretty small all right well this is happening B as you enter the chamber yeah there you can see there's a roller desk there's the the statue you see the bed and there is the carpet there what do you do so the carpet it it covers the entire floor can I avoid the carpet the carpet covers the entire floor awesome I will wood panelled can I try to crawl crap well you do see as you look up it looks to be an iron circle chandelier maybe we'll take that all right could make an acrobatics check - go ahead and grab on to it in the air as you tried make one of my special feats is the plus 9 I have one more luck roll I couldn't do 218 as you leap up grabbing on to the side you hang in the air gonna swing back and forth in the chandelier you can now look you have you could if you wanted to you can try and push off and leave either under the bed or onto the desk I'll take the desk all right as you leap off and land onto the desk part of the wood code breaks in a bit but the Royal desk is probably still partially functional to pull open if you want I'll open away from me away from me so I'm on top of it right how do we pull it up and look down alright so there at the desk you see what looks to be a series of blank papers there's things for writing you see a number of strange books that upon just glancing through a faster written language that you cannot understand sure well they're just you know actually I don't know dwarf and I don't have it pick one elvish all right you do not know this language but but these tomes but the language itself the script seems very jagged and and ancient in its own right you do find a leather bind it looks to be a journal of some kind that is currently kind of partially open okay and the note has been partially written and left open in that space and there are a number of other books that are currently locked on the side okay I'll leave those be I'll grab the journal okay and I'm trying to incriminate him mm-hmm so I'm just gonna stay with the journal but I think he's gonna miss the journal can i well as you look in the journal it's the pages open - it has notes some use to be written saying whispers say the stone lies within the city right under their ignorant noses what we could accomplish with such a hoard of funding our endeavors ask around what the ball see whose lips are loose and then as you kind of turn the page back you see what looks to be a another letter that's gonna fold it into the paper huh saying sauron would be pleased with your progress a ru-un would be pleased with your progress and is signed with an O great with an O correct you also find line next to it looks to be a wax seal okay that looking at the shape of it it looks to be a a bull's head with seven pillars behind it okay I want to look for treasure and gold I feel like that's a mistake well are you taking anything weird leaving it there no I'm gonna leave now see it now I know his intention I'm gonna leave it there okay so you're leaving the journal there I am I don't want to betray or sort of what we've discovered okay no all right so what are you doing now in the - there you go is that a mistake okay well you broke the desk take a poll yeah what do you think I should do do I take the diary or do I leave the diary great thanks guys how big is it well as you grab the diary and put it on your shoulder and turn the minotaur you watch as his eyes read this this miniature 3-foot kind of a tiny Minotaur just something flared that's kind of great smoke from its nose and begins to bolt in your direction off of its pillar what are you doing I'm going to get out I'm gonna get out alright are you are you trying to get back to the are you just gonna run across the carpet or you gonna jump for I'm gonna try to do the same way acrobatics check plus 9 damn it so that's 13 13 okay you managed to just catch it oh you're hanging there the tiny golem beneath kind of releases from its nose this heavy angry palpable green smoke I need to make constitutional saving throw doesn't make any difference on this one it may cause pollution save me throw 2 plus 3 is 5 all right let's do is for you suffer I suffer 28 points of poison damage that's not a problem as it burns across your body and flesh you see if noses of it begin to peel back the poison itself just tearing into the outer layer of your skin and you kind of scream out in pain before you make one final leap for the mirror making your way through making acrobatics check 18 so you managed to make it but you tumble out loudly pull through and onto the ground at this point you guys in the hallway you watch as as Adina's turns the corner with Toro and Dagny interesting so we found one of your compatriot where the rest I wish pointed the door on the side Mona grabs you out into the hallway with you partially in a dress like we're just giving this wonderful woman into a dress oh that looks so nice because it's heavy noise inside penis the chamber goes what was that oh you've landed on the other side you're inside the bedroom now fast invisibility cast invisibility all right sure you cast invisibility out them out the mirror the tiny iron Minotaur runs out in your direction trying to give chase it's gonna go ahead and attempt to attack you three times however you are invisible has disadvantage on each of these strikes that's gonna be a 13-2 hit what's your armor class 14 so the first lamb attack misses you the next one that's going to be a 19 a hitch it's all right as you managed to dodge the first one unfortunately as you shift back your foot skids across the dust kind of revealing your position the red eyes flare mmmmmm it lunges with its other no it's gonna be 18 points of bludgeoning damage let me count real quick yes I'm going to dice at once so okay you drop jump all right I'm just gonna go ahead and try and Gore you with its horns yeah that's gonna be at 20 yards so you you lose a deft saving throw as you're unconscious and the bull tears into your guitar [Laughter] [Applause] you want to see the rules for death saves so as beetle is now on the ground bleeding out this iron Minotaur the door slightly ajar that side that you watch is Adina's his head turns and lutes to the back the rest of you what are you doing in my chamber and he begins to rush towards the room to push the door open looking inside you guys can look past the shoulders and you can see on the ground the unconscious beetle bleeding out as this tiny Minotaur construct begins to charge towards Adina's who steps out of the way and it heads into the hallway looking up at the rest of you Wow him in the Minotaur rolls really low alrighty sorry I got so 25 to 20 anybody 20 oh nice Rosie's up top alright 2015 Jamila 16 16 16 alright Jamila Wow alrighty 10 12 12 for Dagny util do you want me to roll for my death we have the roll to see when you would seven alright alrighty so top of the round Rosie your reflexes put you in a position where as Adina's turns around and begins to warp his hands into what seems to be a trailing magical incantation what are you doing so a dienes is now also attacking us Adina's has turned with the Minotaur by his side seeing what has transpired and looks like he's ready to defend himself magically ok Rosie's gonna give the monk sauce she's going to strike Adina's attempt to stun him with stunning strike and then if that doesn't work I don't think she's gonna try to kill him but she could the rest of those hits will go toward trying to disable this Minotaur alrighty so go ahead and go for the first strike against the Dena okay 24 that'll hit go and roll damage on that one nice point for sending strike yes and he has to do a Constitution say this I'll be 8 points of damage on him 8 points of damage already and and as you watch slam with your you're a grandma fist into his abdomen pool you watching a little bit of the duck from earlier kind of his mouth he rolls a 14 what's the DCP or setting straight DC is also 14 so he just barely saved yeah you're not stunned okay like ticks away the fist from the middle of the stomach as you spin around the Minotaur make the rest of your strike okay so many strikes so the next one will be a another quarter staff attack which is not gonna hit anything and then the a bonus attack just rolling twos we're hitting the Minotaur nice but the iron exterior of it it's too strong and off of it it's too well armored yeah that finishes your turn bring tutorial Jamila what're you guys doing okay you know okay I'm going to swing at so Adina's has not made a swing in anybody at her not yet no you're pretty low in the initiative charge okay and he's in danger because he just got gored by the little Minotaur yes he's filled one death saving through okay I go after her the little Minotaur tiny what do I need to declare action Church before or after action yeah so what you're going after the Minotaur all right go for the tiny going I'm gonna try the Minotaur 25 to hit that hits go to little damage okay 1313 already seen damage strike two strike two 17 17 hits roll damage 1313 alrighty off hand dual-wielding already jogging the Europe next 14 14 is not hit does not the third strike scrapes across it's our America you managed to carve a few times you see the metal kind of splitting with each impact the third one just Koreans off at shoulder okay alright that finished strike four and yeah 14 working carbs off again not making impact on the goldens body strike five that's 28 that hits roll Daniel 11 11 nice okay final bit of damage roll it up Dagny what are you doing I'm going oh 17 sorry you got it cool alright yeah this makes me really mad so I'm gonna pull my tight little dress that doesn't fit little skinny Mona and just pieces of it go flying the tears off there's just like a little shredding it over load self go for um and I'm and I'm I'm gonna lock and load my frenzy I can't use it now but I'll use it on the next one so two attacks against against Edina I'm gonna deenis I'm gonna go right over there go for it get right into him okay all right that is a 17 17 hits it's alright so that's the first one second one oh I don't 12 was the 700 1919 it's as well for two damages first one 9 plus 4 is 13 the second one six-six points with your played back and forth you watches each strike carbons across there's some sort of a barrier or magical bear that's trying to protect him but your mark managed to cut through each blow that you know you seen like a little trickle blood at the corner of his mouth he's not very well armored though he was also not expecting to be surrounded in the middle this hallway definition is your turn exactly your turn all right I am going to get over to a beetle mm-hmm and I'm going to cast cure with seven levels all righty okay 14 copy that thank you so beetle you come back to consciousness you're on the ground looking up and the first thing you see is Dagny and she steps back you see the back of Adina's and the Minotaur standing right in the doorway of the bedroom facing away from you say your turn Degnan yeah I'm gonna just prepare I'm gonna put my hand on my holy symbol and get ready for for melee okay beetle it's so perfect for a back attack I just don't think we want to kill this dude I'll say should I kill him yeah I'll take a back okay so you get up from drone but thankfully there's not a lot of space between you and him in this bedroom so even the last year movement you get up right behind Edina so them not noticing your approach with Jamila on the other side to be and distracted go for your attack I really feel bad about this first time he's ever felt bad about anything don't feel bad all right so so 12 well we know that's not sure that's a total lie I know that's 12 that's right well unfortunately does not hit as you swing with your blade it manages to looks like Pierce is back but some sort of flash of blue shields his is the back portion of his shoulders in your blade careens off not making an impact I think if you okay okay all right I know all right that finishes your turn it is now the golems turn the golem is gonna go ahead and now it's kind of locking arms with you Toro it's gonna go ahead and make all of its strikes against you first it's gonna see if there's a charges no but it's not recharge its poison breath the first strike against you is a it's 22 yes you hit all right you take 15 points of bludgeoning damage from that strike the next one is a 16 the hit 16 does not hit it's not hit this one you managed to bring your axe up and deflected it secondary slam with its fist kind of knocking it off kilter for a second mmm it turns around in attempts to get you with its horns horn horn action 25:25 that hits all right yes yep just locked in come in that's gonna be 12 points of piercing damage it's nothing and at this point Adina's who's the bit of blood at the corner of his mouth seeing himself kind of surrounded here in the doorway kind of pins from all of you on all sides it's kind of taking in America's leading calculations in his head reaches out and puts his hand on the Minotaur if I scored it I skate and you watch this only there's a flash of energy in his form begins to vanish with the Minotaur in his words the last thing you hear before he vanishes in the center of this chamber is how to find you he and the Minotaur are gone you're all left standing there in the quiet still chamber of the leaving these large gash marks in the doorframe to the chamber where he was on the ground you can see the spattering of blood kind of the last remnants of where he was curses I gather the blood and keep thinking clonus as you guys are all like Angry you watch this rosy the ground scraping up real fast and gathering the mirror yeah I also don't like the the the floor can you heal me again if I fall yeah all right good oh I'll sir I'll start I'll step on the carpet what happens okay you step onto the carpet and your foot hits it it's fine I take the good journal from him first sure so you take the journal can I keep it safe didn't you didn't tell us oh yeah so you the carpet and the more you look at it now you can see the carpet is a maze of lines some that and some that curves oh this sounds like a terrible idea I bounced back out okay all right I don't trust the carpet and quite frankly I don't want to go in there I'd go and stand on the carpet okay you standing on the carpet mm-hmm I get out it's a maze it the carpet itself is a series of gray and black lines that form a maze is there anything familiar about I mean you're a Minotaur [Laughter] go ahead roll in investigation checking I start trying to sketch the maze okay like like you know I do not like this maze that maze it's not your speed no all right just make a sketch of the maze mm-hmm is is it a flying carpet do you move the carpet yeah all right as you shift the carpet from place you watch as the lines begin to glow what the room it gets beginning to get hot extremely hot get out start taking fire damage you take three points of fire damage a moment later you take six points of fire all right the point I stand on the desk all right you drove into the desk yeah you suffer twelve points of fire the entire chamber is heating up like a furnace okay I grabbed on the chandelier and swing all right as Toro exits the mirror and you gather yourselves there seemingly feeling like you have the information you require to possibly implicates Adina's when you return you managed to complete the necessities of this particular mission though you lost your quarry who is now out there and probably knows who you are you feel you have what you need and return to black staff in hopes that this was exactly or at least enough of what Basha required that's we're in this I [Applause] was like bring a Minotaur to a dinner party this'll be interesting thank you guys for playing that was great all right and we'll see what else rushed the craziness this event has for the next couple days and the rest of the evening so stay tuned stick around a lot of fun things coming
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 426,936
Rating: 4.9431968 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Ashley Johnson, D&D, Deborah Ann Woll, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Force Grey, Joe Manganiello, Kate Welch, Matthew Lillard, Matthew Mercer, SoME, SoMEDND, Stream of Many Eyes, Waterdeep, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 3sec (6603 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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