Chris Perkins, Matt Mercer, Patrick Rothfuss and Amy Vorphal Play D&D

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That was wild.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tanj_redshirt 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

And also Peter Brett!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HurricaneSpell 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

True to Chris' word, the module found here on the DMsGuild makes a lot more sense than what we saw on stream.

I could have asked for more Expedition to the Barrier Peaks sci-fi fun, but it's still pretty neat. Three parts to the adventure, spanning 62 pages with no lengthy AL preface. Interesting antagonists, many monsters(some from Volo's or Mordenkainen's), magic and mechanical items, its own percentile trinket table, and some neat homebrew spells and an item in honor of /u/SomeHairyGuy by way of his character Galder.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AeoSC 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
you okay hi everybody welcome to our D&D game for  extra life it is 8 p.m. in Madison Wisconsin   I am Kris Perkins your Dungeon Master and I  am here with an illustrious group of doomed   player characters we are running an adventure that  was written for this event it's called The Lost   laboratory of koala SH and the characters have  been created with input from generous donors who   gave money to grant certain boons and abilities  to the crew and I'm gonna give everybody at the   table a chance to talk to introduce themselves  and to also introduce their characters so that   everybody knows who's playing I as the dungeon  master wanted to run this adventure as faithfully   as possible however I too received donations which  thrust upon me some narrative changes so I want   to apologize in advance to the designers of the  adventure I am not running it as it was written   and I want to apologize to the audience this is  going to make no narrative sense so let's start   closest to me and then move down the table  please tell us who you are and what you have   brought to the table in terms of your character  this evening hi I'm Peter V Brett I'm the author   of the demon cycle series from Del Rey books the  demon cycle is a completed 5 book fantasy series published in 26 languages worldwide  my mom says they're very good I will   be playing a groung arcane trickster named and so that's gonna do a lot of things to my voice   where I'm not gonna have to fake  the voice by the end of the night my Extra Life donors have been amazing so in  addition to purchasing my brand-new set of   metal dice and my character sheet I get one wand  wonder effects one magic item of to be determined   by the DM and they chose that name I just had  to pronounce so it's gonna be a good time you   get a potion of poison awesome I meant just  poison somebody drinks it and they take damage although next hi my name is Gaurav and I am  a producer and editor over at saving throw   show and I'm gonna be playing gompa  s-- Clavis and that name was chosen   by my amazing Extra Life donors and I am a  rock gnome druid of the 5th level who is a   little obsessed with cooking and finding  the best ingredients possible for all of   his meals and I believe the most like the  craziest thing they gave me was a rare item   which I chose to be a portable hole that  doesn't break anything you get to choose my character's name is Gambas clavata I am Amy for Paul and I am playing a oh boy this  is a level 5 druid war forged her name is Corp   C P spooky do I think it was around Halloween  and she is a war forged with a family and this   family is primarily mimes she has forgone this  background to find her own way but as accents   come forth when you're drunk so does her my memory  so if she is impassioned she will mime also she   has the character flaw of finally realizing that  the world does revolve around her and sometimes   she will just break into third-person monologue  as if in a film noir movie I also again thanks   to my extra life donors get to uncommon magic  items determined by Chris and a rare magic item   also determined by Chris and as I was asleep  that last night I got a wish spell which I'm   guessing phrasing will be important thank you  for everyone what were the rarities of your   items um one rare magic item and two uncommon  magic items oh good lord this is like homework   would you like a bag of holding yes would you  like a broom of flying yeah yes the rare mess   that's uncommon that's uncommon oh okay yeah I'm  just picking stuff at random off of D&D beyond   but please let's move on okay um hi everyone and  see my water bottles sorry about that my name is   ELISA Teague I am a game designer I design board  games and card games and I also write content for   the adventurers League and other upcoming stuff  I have awesome donors as well who have chosen for   me to be a yawn tea mystic they've also chosen  for me to be the only person on this in this   group to dress up to be the only bag of holding  I actually cleared it with the DM ahead of time   and two potions of healing thank you very much  and a bonus to my AC which I need very much well   not really cuz I'm like I am a mystic oh I'm  sorry um one of my donors did choose my name   except didn't actually make the choice she knows  who she is so I have named myself Sasha no heavy   onions so it's t your middle initial or is it  to twitch and thanks to our fantastic donors   tonight for extra life I'll be playing a Taback C  celestial warlock who is man a lot of interesting   backstory stuff some of it a minute I'm gonna  keep a secret but well I'll say like seems to   be wanting to strike out on their own because when  they were born one of their parents died and they   found out that it's the same soul and they don't  want to be boxed in by just being their parents   that'll be interesting couple of fun bits out  there my name is tava das and I was granted a   reroll to healing potions a rare magical item  and a wish spell Wow I will wish and I've   already decreed my wish spell will be used only  to undo Amy's wish unless I don't actually do it I just flipping through my dandy beyond a rare  magic item for a war forged that you might find   interesting as a docent which is a small metal  sphere studded with dragon shards that you can   basically attune to if you're a war forged and you  embed it in your chest when it comes to life and   it's an intelligent magic item that is designed  to advise and assist you so it's got a piece of   the dungeon master inside of it you've also got  a cloak of the manta ray good luck with that we never covered that oh they said bag of tricks  or wand of wonder effect or wild magic search so   what could go wrong it's just on you all the  time I don't know wow maybe I'll encounter a   wander during the game I said it's just  like a permanent Wanda wander effect or   something okay so a positive one that gives all  super powers oh okay so every time an orifice   opens up when your body butterflies come out  yeah pretty much it's right out of the chart yeah and and and sometimes sometimes maybe  when you do it there's like a small chance   that a rhinoceros comes this is going to make  iron shadows difficult you also turn blue for   no apparent or do I just turn blue randomly  for a little while maybe change yeah maybe   it's triggered by something some deep-seated  you know when I get it right yeah okay yeah or   something else maybe just being in proximity  to you know one of your friends triggers it   yeah which one of you makes me feel maybe  oh maybe you turn blue every time somebody   kisses you oh I'm I'm a giant frog I don't  think that's gonna be that much I don't know   those butterflies are alluring and I I do many  things and I do not do other many things mmm   the the lovely donors have put me in this  situation where I'm playing a half-orc bard by the name of a bard follow Mew I have a fear  of hair oh we're gonna be good friends yeah and   and I just so that I am not blamed for this  behavior I always have a song in my head that   I often hum or sing is it the Flash Gordon theme  song and with a Russian accent I would also like   to say hey everyone out there in TV land you  can donate to give me a new accent that isn't   rushing I'm gonna do my best my best would be  better if it was also I have an uncommon item   in a rare item and I also have a wish spell oh my  can you wish for butterflies enough fly out of my   bus and I can I wish to have a different accent  I wish I had accent give not strong like beer that's what you're in for if you don't get in and  donate for anyway so any ideas of items oh gosh I   will say I love me some like immovable rod okay  absolutely Pat is that the rare or the or the   uncommon one let me just check here you movable  rod what this goal with the player okay so it is   an uncommon item ooh and for my rare item could  I get another movable rod for your area but I'll   give you an immovable ten-foot pole oh it's like  a super long thank you you're welcome and and that   is me I feel like I cheated here by picking my own  item if you want to you could just no all right   roll initiative all right okay what did you roll  on your compass I also got a 15 all right you have   a +5 dexterity bonus no 315 B Corp C be spooky  dude he it's a P as in Peter she got it 21:21 tallied it was looked like apparently  I've rolled it's a nice consistent 22   Bartholomew thanks sweets and between  you and Sasha who's got the higher Dex all right you guys a purple worm erupts from the  ground for those who don't know is like an 80 to   100 foot long worm of immense proportions about  15 feet in diameter with a huge ma on one end   and a poisonous tail stinger on the other these  things grind their way through the earth rarely   surfacing unless they detect the presence of  overpowered adventurers so there were some   vibrations and then boom it exploded out of the  ground in front of you tabby das what do you do   I momentarily piss my fur but steel myself  yes I'm in mixed company and do not wish to   embarrass the people around me I will cast  invisibility of myself carefully back away   well played now we can't see if you're embarrassed  yep corpsing it was a dark and stormy what is this and with my eyes closed and my inner eye wide  open I might get an even skinnier night by calling   lightning I imagine the docent self-destructs 60  feet away from the warm on cold whitening it takes   3d points of their meds if it misses this deck  thing okay now you will provoke an opportunity   attack if I move away if you move away pass so  we want a deck save of 14 all right the worm is   the fastest worm you've ever met most dexterous  agile worm you've ever met and rolled even with   its dexterity penalty of minus 2 a 15 oh wow  okay um I think that means oh it's still half   so let's see 15 16 so eight as the lightning  strike that it surges through its weird core   and the eight points of damage all right I barely  even notices but little bits of flesh do fly off   as the Lightning carves through its flank and I'm  left with an emptiness in my heart yes truly and   rule I can leap 25 feet from from a standing  position and so I am going to GTFO keeping it   pg-13 and leap away and then also try and use my  I use my cunning action to try and hide you sure   can I'm gonna do that go ahead and make a stealth  check by the way you guys are in a sort of a dead   forest that's been scorched by fire 27 Wow 16 plus  and yeah so you just sort of disappear into cloud   of butterflies all right gothis at roughly the  same time that the grumble eeap's out and just   kind of disappears from your vision what do you  do how big is this rebel it is about 80 to 100   feet long think things taste like like you think  good like if I just get a piece of it from you   we can just share it you don't disappear like  everything including my heart did dark I'm not   gonna leave you I'll cast ice knife okay uh  range spell attack throw a tiny ice knife at   this gigantic eye man um so it's even tinier so  that is a 21 oh yeah you're gonna be so cool uh   nine piercing damage all right that little ice  knight blink sticks in its side oh and then you   make a deck saving fan some goo comes out and  I sixty good for you I think that's a pass yeah and Bartholomew basically acting at the same time  I open my mouth and possible boys gonna spray then   and strike at the creature you name a constitution  that will be a 24v boy Constitution is its back   that would be seven points and as a bonus action  I am going to surge of speed right the link out of   there it does not provoke an opportunity attack  okay the aunty mystic is out of there leaving   Bartholomew to stare down the great worm I just  realized what kind of bard I am the drummer is   there any hair on this giant worm there probably  are strange protruding wiry hairs sticking out of   its segmented body I don't like that I wasn't  afraid before but now I am little cilia yeah I this this is the most fabulous we dressed  top of an orc ever rapier plumed hat and   and he he charges forth to do battle  with with the worm in classic fencers   stance and and that's that's what we're  gonna do yup with a rapier how about it Oh fifteen the week nothing his head and and  I hope opposed and I look around the worm   opens up its mouth wide and chops down on  you rolling a twenty eight for a total of   21 points of piercing damage and you are you  must succeed on a dexterity saving throw if I   have proficiency and dexterity saving throws  that means I get my bonus plus my proficiency   bonus so your your bonus may incorporate your  right so that's already but thirteen yeah but   you add your proficiency okay thirteen is  not good the rest of you see the half-orc   bard gets swallowed by this creature this was  my plan yes as you go tumbling down its gullet   you are blinded and restrained by constricting  muscle motions in its whatever the esophagus   you have total cover against the tax and so  that then the creature wheels around with   its tails stinger and I believe the war forged  is present and remember I'm invisible yeah I   said I didn't run and I should have it will  attack to be because it has blind sight Oh it's on you okay so this trailer comes down with  a 15 oh that is exactly what it required to hit me   oh my oh so you take 15 points of piercing games  Oh No and must make a constitution so you take an   extra 42 points of poison so this the delightful  calico warlock who joined during this journey   Dexter fully vanishes and in the reappears  bleeding the eyes kind of look at towards   you bloodshot and good like in you know when shal  obstacle it'll hobbit just comes bubbling out of   his mouth onto the ground all right who do I have  to thank for this monster by the way let me see   let me see Oh they paid good money for this purple  worm CJ blue yard and that brings us to the top of   the initiative order with heavy heed who gets  a death save yes I do Wow prepare for a success   excellent one success Corp see um how far away  how far away is toffee Oh like 10 feet not far   okay I'm a I'm a Healey baby um drew it so I will  actually I mean will I get a type of opportunity   if I go over to chub you'd only well no you  should be okay you'll be okay okay awesome I'm   going to use my balm of the summer court actually  I don't even need to be over there so this is my   bonus action and I have 5d6 I can heal so you  just tossed the paw becoming Harry Caray and 16 points back to you so you got all kinds  of healing yeah and I so yeah I still call   lightning that's still around yep you  need to make another yeah pretty much   yeah another deck same please this time  failed horribly yay all right yay so 10   and OH 20 20 points of lightning damage  alright it takes all of that and that's   the first serious damage that you feel  you've done and it it does not look happy our grown friend okay has a plan I am going to  cast mage hand I left 25 feet away Mei Chen has   a range of 30 feet am i still within 30 feet  of monster yeah I'm going to take my potion of   poison and I'm gonna just use the mage hand to  carry it over and just throw it down the worms   throat alright you just lob it into the worms  yeah what the hell whatever is tossed in its   mouth no problem there it will try to make a  constitution saving throw hm all right yes all   right unbeknownst to everybody in this room  this is like the world's worst poison I mean   the world's best poison it's the best poison  because it does the most damage okay that's   the best worst place I would like everybody to  roll every dice that they have on the table what   and add it up and I will tabulate the sums taking  all the dice out of my bag I'll roll one set over   one plus 40 40 plus 126 Wow I am prepared yeah  I'm just saying that percentile dice works out   when you roll 80 should have put more dice on  the table I got 42 42 oh my gosh 105 nice 137   but I'm immune to poison that's great this is all  damage that the worm is taking from your potion your potion does and the worm collapses dead  weight you have some movement left if you care   to use it you can do can I get out of the way  of the giant collapsing worm before it lands   on me you can do that now I would love to do  that all right roughly the same point Gambas   you see the worm expire before you okay so I'm  gonna go inside the word in the mouth into it   yeah tiny gnome I can make it in there may as  you crawl into its mouth that's not a problem   okay you can see that it's its throat has sort  of constricted a bit and if you want to go down   and look for your friend you're gonna have to  crawl pretty far deep down into this worm okay   I will actually then use wild shape to become  a squirrel okay this Worrell gerbil seems like scampering down this thing's throat to look for  your friends follow me where are you here I'm   waiting for an action give me a drum beat if you  can hear me yes you go scampering down down its   throat and since this creature is so long and  he's like 50 feet down its throat it's pretty   much gonna take all your movement to get down  there cool and you realize that your friend is   basically basking in the acidic juices of this  asking stomach and but you can see him okay and   he is at least in this moment alive okay all  right well that's good that's a good start well first I say to you I don't think it's  good to eat anymore I'm inside of this thing   so you got to think it's good to eat anymore oh  into its mouth and I've eaten worse we'll see I   will feel around for a large bump Bartholomew  late bump and take my dagger and see if I can   like maybe cuddle make a nature check to see  if you can ascertain where it is okay nineteen   yeah you you hear him he's in there you start  carving with your knife yeah just roll damage   for the knife Oh as if you had never been  a damage oh goody - there's a little slice   near your head where this blade comes out  any section ever oh the hole is quite big   enough for you to fit your whole body  through my head in the arm exactly yes so having used your action to cut that  hole somebody else can try to pull him   out if they have a turn before he does which  nobody does so Bartholomew you half of you is   still in sort of the acid stomach you take  21 points of acid damage are you conscious   yes great what do you would you like to do  a quarter of the way out of this thing now really posing for a statue I'm assuming I've  lost my rapier sure okay just and I'm assuming   also there's a lot of pressure in here so if  I if I just widen this hole enough with my   dagger I will be sort of sure and I'm assuming  also that that would be a performance check thanks to the secret donation you made no I'm afraid that we'll just you're just  trying to basically cut this a hole wider   yes just roll damage okay and if you do enough  you can you can floor out hmm it's a finesse   weapon so for okay that is enough to basically  make a hole big enough that you can just out   for you very elegant your attire is somewhat  parked and probably not not very becoming the   moment okay the miracle of childbirth you see  atabaque see you're sort of getting your life   back conscious but yeah I'm not doing but the  battle has ended so we are out of initiative   and nobody's in imminent danger would you I do  yes before I do can I extract any sort of vital   organ that might be good for cooking in the  worst poison ever it's a seasoning okay you   can also see that some of the refuse that this  creature has eaten in its other wheels yeah is   also sort of littering its gullet great so you can  make a reception check to see if there's anything   of value okay Oh an eighteen plus so twenty one  plan anyone yes like a shopping list here well   as it happens there are some items that I've  been asked to interject into the adventure Oh you find a glass sphere like a little like a  snow globe okay and inside it when you shake   it it actually has snow like a gentle Madison  Wisconsin okay and then but there is a tiny   figure of a creature inside that you recognize  as a displacer beast oh okay okay and it's not   even a little woodland scene and okay you can  push it small enough that you can push it out   as a squirrel okay cool I will do that a couple  inches to the side of where you see it stick it   in the hole cavity okay it just sits there does it  talk to me like the old one did no and okay so you   got the snowglobe displacer beast and you got the  organ that you want okay which is it might be some   sort of talks and producing okay gland gland cool  and what do you do next first off I would like to   presume that this period of time we could all just  sit for a second which is the rest like it's just   a nice solid short rest for an hour so I am very  much in the Beast but she also finds it important   to let them know but she set it up before please  wish the Salang care that your narration should   happen in that voice so you can spend hit dice  now to know I'm jinx I'm working on it guys I'm   really doing my best my best is not very good I  can use constants and bonus to hit dice when I   spend them in a short yes I didn't remember short  rest last time you poison me while you are resting   a figure saunters up to you basically coming out  of the forest may be drawn by all the chaos that   is just ensued this figure is a slender old man in  a sort of Sherlock Holmes style cape and dressed   very much in the Victorian flavor and he's got  white wispy hair and he's not a big fellow but   he carries himself well on the back of a goat of  terror a a smoldering black goat enormous muscular   with mean-looking horns and fire in its eyes and  a face like the skull of death himself I would   like to note that I never stopped hiding have you  seen such a creature like this before great this   is not like this before yes this is helpful and  know about it himself as dr. Rudolph van Rycke 10   vampire hunter and says he has a quest your Rudy  it's good to see you he says it's Rudy Rudy its   pleasure to meet you I am a Tavi das and these  are my kin patriots a compass oopsie Sacha and   Bartholomew perhaps took too many hits to the head  and he says come with me to live my god he is made   of catchphrase much of a choice come on he leads  you away from the carcass of the purple worm and   tells you on route that he is taking a bit of a  sabbatical from vampire hunting to seek out an   ancient valley that is said to hold possibly  the lost laboratory of a powerful wizard who   dabbled in such arcane magic the likes of which  people of this world seldom see a a wizard so   sort of advanced in his thinking that he built  things constructs that defy imagination and his   name is koala Sh you know who said that I also  defy imagination when I was constructed and he   says if we can find the last laboratory of  koalas we can obtain his journal and learn   all of his secrets and as a master craftsman  possibly repair that damage you've sustained would you marry me humans beyond me and yet what an  adventure a marriage should be suddenly due to donations van Rycke t'en unzips his van Rycke  didn't posture revealing his true form   as Matthew Mercer and yes he shakes his  tremendous mane of hair in this this is   good for you to back away I chained you  to a goat and offer offer my own offer Matt Mercer to write on my back instead okay  well so well phrase so yes so they seem to be   hitting it off what did the rest of you do well  I mean so we're going to this valley right you   know how to get there and then we're gonna  meet this wizard and we're gonna ask him for you're going to try to obtain his learn learn  what secrets he may have left behind college is   practically yeah what technological wonders  await one of the things that is rumored to   be there is a suit of powered armor hold  on hold on I now have an Incredible Hulk   accent delete every third word but I have a  catchphrase - well now you have two thirds   of a catchphrase now just keep saying it  we reclaimed this Marvel for Adrian Doran   of the daily gain lands so you travel for  some time with Matt Mercer and when he no   longer needs to ride his goat he can reduce  it down to its figurine form and just sort   of carry it with him this little tiny goat and  as you're walking along I have to look this up yeah yeah if this is to be an actual reunion  when we arrive I will let you know I am an   ordained minister under the watchful eye of the  great old ones my my bang so yeah I take my paws   and and place them on your chest in agreement  I will send you a telepathic message saying here you hear that in your voice with all the  essays possible oh the happiest go is like   bouncing and frolicking and I guess Matt Mercer  is holding on for dear life all right and so he   leads you to the mountains through some tunnels  into those mountains on the other side of which   you expect to find this Hidden Valley and he's  referring he's basically periodically just kind   of looking at a map and then tucks it away and  he tells you along the way that among the things   koala is known for is a contraption known as the  apparatus of koalas which is a submersible vehicle   that looks like a lobster and it sort of gives you  a little bit of mad insight into how this Wizards   brain works and you can also tell you things  that he has learned about koalas and I would   like everybody to roll let's see percentile dice  85 85 so one of the things he tells you is that   koalas is rumored to have disappeared in search of  a place called dowing Gloin a city of glass people   yeah which he believed had all had great wonders  that he could learn about and it is also rumored   he tells you that the way to reach this city is  to gain access to a machine of lum the mad which   can open a portal to this location and given that  this machine is a technological wonder in and of   itself it's possible College might actually have  it in his possession and may have even used it   to get to this city of glass people what did you  roll on your percentile dice girl I got a 74 74 you Matthew Mercer tells you that this  this is this lost city of glass people may not live far or may lie in some sort of  parallel dimension in sort of spatial location   to where Qualis built his lost laboratory so  you in going finding as a laboratory you may   also find the way to this city ami 9999 this  is where he tells you a little bit more about   this powered Armour that koala is rumored  to have built that whoever Don's the suit   can channel powerful magic but must fuel its  capabilities with their own body's vitality   that's not a glitter boy 96 he tells you the  exact same 4141 did you do do you you also   reveal that our Matthew reveals to you daveed  right that one of the things that koala schwoz   rumored to have done was take the brains out of  individuals and put them in containers where they   could survive indefinitely as just disembodied  intelligences Berwyn yeah so Patrick 35:35 and   he tells you the same thing now as little  talking to each thing you're all noticing   that among he doesn't have besides his goat  the other piece the other item that he has   on him is a small box tied to his belt which is  beautifully filigreed with mother-of-pearl and   gold and platinum it looks like a small flat  container like the size of a car deck box it   looks incredibly valuable like priceless  it has an almost irresistible allure for   those who don't know we are receiving donations  during the game and those donations are shaping I do want to point out that I took the ha now that  I've had a reason so the sparkling who cares - intelligence I'm the best so you think that  this deck that Matthew Mercer is carrying is   a incredibly powerful legendary artifact called a  deck of many things never heard of it what could   go wrong no matter Otto Braun going from this  deck can have world-changing possibly calamitous   or hugely beneficial nature I a person the back of  my brain thinks the reason Matthew has this is to   prevent players from having it and I don't think  it's going to do a very good job of it well III   couldn't whisper to the rest of the group as we're  passing along and moving away Mike so our guide   this strange person to me the descriptor strange  is not a bad thing um but nevertheless is carrying   something very valuable in this person I myself  not being yes you believe that it's essentially   you can just essentially pop slide the top off  okay and and just expose the deck inside it's   not a locked container all right well I feel like  fate has brought me to this moment and I have no   choice but to use my mage hand to steal a card out  of this deck all right cuz we go wrong what could   go wrong what indeed okay let's see we have got I  don't have a deck of cards so we go one two three   four five six seven eight nine ten to twelve and  four fifteen see seven eighteen nineteen Twenty   twenty one twenty nine twenty two cards well say  the two are missing roll a d20 to determine what   card you draw nine all right you draw the card  that looks like a side profile image of a Baudette   knight in full armor and with a visor down so you  can't tell the identity of this night at all just   this full helm visor with a plume coming off of  it and as soon as you see that image a knight   appears out of nowhere within 30 feet of you he  is the same race as you he is an armored groung   knight loyal to you unto death loyal to me yes  sweet yes believing that the fates have drawn   it to you and you control this character yeah  he's a growing stormy night heavy armor Clank   Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank comes over to you  and and pledges eternal obeisance does he have   a name how should I give him a grown name I will  let you choose his name and you can think about it   if you want or even I'm gonna give it a moment's  thought all right he he will he will take whatever   name you you deem fit for him or whatever name  you deem fitting whatever thank you so the rest   of you just see the card come out and then there  are different years and this groung Knight is   now with the party wide-eyed and kind of slowly  creeping this this curling cat smile on my face   like the Grinch my goodness this is a great boom  and the fair-haired one I'm sorry there's not   putting his to proper use I'm gonna go ahead and  cast invisibility on myself and then carefully   attempt to not pick a card but pilfer the deck  all right do I just put pet night under treasure   or how does that work yeah all right good night  all right make a sleight-of-hand check for your   character that is age 15 and make a perception  check for Matthew Mercer my wife just taught me   anything I have really low caste my special merit  is real bad but I rolled 17 all right so what   would NPC Matthew Mercer do realizing he's getting  his deck pilfered I think you would let it happen arches an eyebrow and let's the fates  determine the outcome of this event as   to bead seizes the deck yeah Matthew may even  pretend not to notice I am so good at this face   you can make like a friends for all of us  I mean what do we want to wait like we're   resting somewhere to do one's eyes just start  taking willy-nilly I like that one yeah let's   do that all right quick you first you just  rock art yeah roll it up winning way I got   a 19 oh my higher is better okay cool all  right interesting okay so you draw a card   that is a smiling kind of androgynous  figure holding a knife up to its lips   and that's when Matthew Mercer betrays you  all and attacks everybody roll initiative I will note that I stepped away before that  happened you did gothis like a six six nine   nine six five Wow solemn you 16 okay aren't  you like almost dead I'm better now okay   okay yes so out comes this magical vorpal  DMS guide he will come at you and make an   attack role so it's just like Amy's DMS  it's signed yeah it's got a bunch of   signatures from the DD tournament oh my god  Wow for the kids correction it turns into a   rapier of wounding no wait hold on oh cool  before he attacks Matthew cracks open his   rulebook utters a few words and Big B and  strawed Vaughn czarevitch appear by his side oh good alright and he just says get him  so this magical grasping hand appears   around you and now I can look up this Bell  excuse me yeah but I have made chant so   cool yeah I think he wanted that yes I'm  going to look up the Big B's hand spell all right Big B's hand that duh duh and it makes  an attack roll that will be an 18 against Dharma   class yeah it gets me all right it will slam  you with its clenched fist or 24 points of force   damage the vampire strawed and target probably not  the word I'm thinking Sasha he fixes his gaze upon   you and you have to make a wisdom saving throw  lest you succumb to his magical supernatural charm yes 15 you are under the vampires  spell and he he he sort of turns   you into his ally and asks you  telepathically to help dispatch   these fools and that's all that he's  doing on his turn besides okay great and then Big B hands Matthew Mercer a helm of  brilliance which Matthew puts on his head all   right and next up is Bartholomew I do have a  random effect suddenly afflict me or benefit   me potentially just to let you know that came in  random effect do I know that before I start my   turn I yes and so how how do you think we should  determine this just I I try just random role   should know we should okay and let's let's go to  the wild magic table all the socialize so you got   your a player's hand billiards on second edition  well go to the sorcerer I have go to the sorcerer   class description and role on the wild magic  really believe in magic I regain all my expended   sorcery points and at the same time I develop  a new accent ladies and gentlemen children of   all ages adventurers large small living and dead  and Undead shatter and I do shatter on that tight   cluster of enemies over there okay go ahead Oh Big  B is going to counter spell that since shatter is   a second level spell it's a wave a given person  would cast it but I have a bunch of source report   what you're worth totally vodkas yeah so your  spell goes fizzle pop fizzle pop and Big B says   bonus action I make the rudest gesture I can  imagine and as a drummer and a bard I'd like   to think that it's very rude as a reaction I go  and then our groung friend I tell my pet Knight   pretend to be me you know armored better so  I'm going to go hide okay he'll go with you   yes so he'll stand there and pretend to be you  we're going to fight unless they attack you all   right he'll just stand there in the place  that you were standing and await further   instructions and corpsey are you still a  goat I brought a section out right of my   goat and I am now the beautiful more forage  that you initially fell in love with and I approached my beloved and I look her in  the eyes I'm whatever you want me to be baby I don't want to fight he he seems to be a  completely different person like something has   completely turned him into you don't recognize  the the love I think my displays are based a   snow globe yeah a malfunctions in a wild magic  surge from chat pops forth um so do you still   have that table of it yep we're ready all right  so a 1515 is for the next minute you regain 5   hit points at the start of each are you oh  heck yes okay so you don't need me right now   um so what I look I look into my beloved eyes  and um I I also have received the character   trait that I chew on items to process them and  like put it in my mouth to try to bite it well   I pride sure things to process them so yeah I  do okay so is it more like a like a nine like   I know I tend to pass it through my cavity  pg-13 okay I was a clinical of you so you're   trying to grapple him basically so go ahead and  make a strength athletics well and I also wrote   about 19 okay yes you take his hand and you  put it in your mouth and you bite down on it it's like looking into the side he's like wow as  you sink your metal clamp e ja around his hand   trapping his hand in your mouth and whose hand  wait right got it and at the same time yeah okay   everyone it's awesome I've got a plan really I  mean I kind of knew but it might get us all killed and at the same time our moments after  that happens gompa and Sascha you're kind   of acting more or less the same I'm gonna  start with Gambas okay cool so I am going   to go up to Stroud and say oh please let  me help you I have a portable whole it's   nice and dark in there why don't you just  go inside okay make a deception against his   insight deception and if you have any  rules don't forget that's a 20 not an   at 20 30 20 that's a dirty 20 that does not  get him convince him to jump into the hole I'm gonna jump in the hole alright you are  safely in your hole now looking up out of   it and I'm gonna close it it's possible it's a  thing that's I just can't I can breathe for ten   minutes it's okay guys I'll be fine okay somehow  I don't know how this works but he reaches out   to the edges of the hole and pulls himself it's  very much like the Looney tune yeah Sasha you are   still under the vampire sway of course I am um  so I am going to send you a telepathic message so you're casting a spell no I'm just placing  a suggestion and your mind telepathically so   from across the wherever we are okay does is it  something that she has to save against no it's   just me it's just in her that she should  be doing so you're you're good traveling   companion thinks is planting this seed in your  life and yeah oh yeah I I didn't I'm still me   can't you get all the masses so then it falls  since you're not under a compulsion Am I am i   under this so much that I would actually go and  attack my companion or how much yes oh well then   in that case I noticed I'm sorry like I forgot  how to pronounce your name Gompers no the drunk you know can she see me if I'm hiding  well she'd have to make a perception   check against your stealth role okay  I can use my precognition right mm-hmm   because that lets me basically see  everything before it even happens so   I knew he was going to hide okay so  I can sight I can spend those points she's known you long enough okay and I will go  in and do a stabby stab with my dagger okay now   do you want to attack you want to go after him  hiding or do you want to attack his knight who   is kind of standing and pretending to be me oh  um I'll go for the night not too many game but   I'll be nice oh that's my pet night you never  got a name right yep go ahead oh I'm probably   hitting you I'm sure even though sixteen that  does not get through its plate armor oh no I'm   sorry did I wrong 20 21 yes stats unlike pet  night oh I have those okay yeah okay so yeah   I deal him a minor wound doesn't seem to faze the  night terribly did tell him he could attack back   yes use attack yes and he doesn't know so I'll  make I'll resolve that role right now because   something Bad's gonna happen momentarily oh yeah  so it is he counter-attacks you and rolls a 15   that hits but I am going to force you to reroll  that I just need to figure out what it is that it   makes me do that but I know I have it forcing  you to reroll it I'll spend the points later   okay I shall so that is that definitely it's  that all right so he tries to run you through   with his little Lance and that is going to do  six points of damage to you and then Tiamat overhead you see a dark shadow fall upon you  and descending from the sky is a five headed   dragon of such enormous proportions it is  as though a rainbow mountain were falling   on your heads and Tiamat lands in the midst  of the battle at which point Big B says yeah   I'm out and we'll just leave it at that for  now I think I use my potion of poison and you   notice riding on Tia Matt's back is a drow  Priestess of love also in daylight also in   daylight wearing sunglasses um killer shades I'm  glad they made up yeah Paris Hilton sunglasses   and they and all six of their heads look  at you with dire foreboding and then it is okay lots happened you saw the deck of cards oh  don't worry Tavi who since childhood has been   blessed with this strange mark that is right next  to the blue yellow mermaid tattoo that he keeps   on his arse he calls dotty he's told to talk to  you about that many times but next that mark is   the mark of a star the star carries the power of a  great ancient magic that has yet been not unlocked   from within and using one of them I granted  the only granted wish that money in fantastic   donators came to me he that he looks up with fear  in his eyes and goes I wish that these summons and   creations that Matthew Mercer has brought upon  us are actually just made of paper mache and he   admits the deception okay so Matthew Mercer says  haha okay this this is a good one okay all these   creations are just products of my imagination  they look real but they're actually paper mache   you're looking at these creatures they look pretty  damn real and stuck in your mouth that's what he   says are we outside of combat order nope is to  be done to be back some 30 feet then let's see   we are back at the top Matthew Mercer will hmm  yeah I guess first he's gonna try to pull his   hand out of your mouth so make another strength  athletics check against his dexterity which is   what is Matthew Mercer's dexterity school based  on how clumsy I am I put it like a fresh 11 okay   okay you keep his hand lodged firmly in the mouth  so he will drop his book and pull out a rapier   of wounding and attempt to stab you with it he  rolled a let's call it a 17 straight or all no   bonus and oh gosh I gotta get there like this  got to get back to the wounding you're gonna   take four points of damage from the pointy  end of his weapon and I can't spell wounding there we go hitpoints lost of this weapons damage  can be regained only through a shorter long rest   so that damage will not heal what about my  weird for magic Serge Wild Magic search that   the donors so graciously bestowed upon me  only a shorter line and let's see and you   also feel like this weapon has kind of planted  in you some sort of necrotic made that could be   damaging cause you more damage in the future  you feel like the wound that left behind has   left you brittle in that part of your body and  this is like every relation will then I'll walk   over to Matthew and say would you like to  leave Matthew said now would be a good time   and Big B will teleport the two of them away  leaving Straub on burning face on fire burning   in the Sun and TMS you also see that straw it  seems to be burning a lot faster because he's at this point in time he just sort of goes down  to ashes before you and the effect on you is and so Big B Matthew argon and strawed is gone  as well and it is now Bartholomew's turn can   I made of paper I receive this in some way  yeah yeah you can see you start to see like   folds appear in her scaly flesh and kind of  weird lumps where it's their imperfections I like all good drummers I cast thunder  wave just out in front of me hoping to   flatten this paper paper dragon okay the drow  counter spells you is is using a wish and she   says I quintile Benway will not be ruined  will not allow this nonsense to persist destroy so that still eats my action yep oh by the way before Big B  left he shrunk to small B I can now put this piece paper is is using Bartok  inspiration a bonus action anyone yes can I assume   that I was like yep drumming up a storm that  did and then it fizzles with the Thunder way   but still it looked I was rock and roll right  yeah yeah and who's coming up so I think I think you were inspired and so you can and  what does she add two roles if what's really   88 okay thank you also it's a college of  valor so you can use that for an attack   role if you want as well thank you okay  that's the end of Bartholomew's turn it   is our grown friends turn okay TM at lumbers  fourth does Tiamat as steam at noticed me do   I feel like I've liked like I have a body  double I'm hiding has not us you like I'm   not okay yeah um can I light a candle and use  mage hand to just sort of like put it against   the paper mache yeah if you want to sneak up  there make a sleight of hand or not sleight of   hand like a stealth check still to sneak up  on the five headed paper mache dragon good   so I have to see within 30 feet of it and then I  can reach out with then with Mei Chen exactly 20 and you light the candle to this thing and  it starts to catch fire and just starts to   burn up on one side and revealing sort of a  hollow interior I the drow on top yeah hasn't   noticed yet okay yeah this is a big dress  okay that's humongous she's like 747 sized   and so this thing this big ass dragon starts to  burn as it lumbers toward you Bartholomew and   that's good yeah that's great what could go  wrong corpsey I learned almost nothing about   love and so with that I have nothing much to  lose except my new paper mache friends and   um I cast uh oh I don't know uh I actually  want to I I want to I want to I want no no   I want to cry I want to cry at the drought  priestesses feet and say you oh not made of   flesh surely you understand my predicament okay  so uh you're trying to what sort of reaction   are you hoping to get like I'm City pity so  you you're trying to persuade them not to do   you any harm yeah yeah I have lost enough I  think okay make a persuasion checker notion I'm adding my inspiration good so that is sorry  it was persuasion yep okay is a really good at   14 oh no it's not it's minus one so it's 13 okay  it doesn't seem to have any effect on either the   evil drow priestess of loft or the lumbering  dragon that's catching fire before your eyes   okay one last thing before you leave - do I take  it out and toss it away yeah I'd like just in a   random direction yeah not not trying to attack  anything when it hits the ground it shatters   mm-hmm and coming out of it magically is an actual  displacer beast is under your control I make it   hug me kitty comes over and wraps its big ten-foot  long tentacles his shoulder tentacle round lights   they are spiked and they just sort of a braid  against your instead of throwing it away you just   like purring very very loud leaving here in its  heartbeat pounding as it just lavishes love upon   you the kind of love only an animal can provide  I turn well-spent yes as the Tiamat continues to   burn and when Thor catches fire and she starts  to burn like some sort of paper mache pinata   creatures start to fall out of Tiamat Hollow and  what kind of creatures a flying monkey okay comes   tumbling out and takes to the air and it's a cute  little fluffy flying roll Nagin from the walking Henson and LeBron night oh oh that's his name  that's his name Oh Henson is my night now yeah   okay so I guess I'm not a groom may I'd like  to make clearly is how we'll say it yeah artist   Cimber who's a human a human is the ring of winter  on has the ring of winter on great comes tumbling   out and Minsk the Ranger and his is there is  there any indication that they are allies of   the pinata they fell out of it looks like they  may have been swallowed by Tiamat and they also   paper-mache I know they're real yeah so as she  turns away they come tumbling out yeah so Mintz   comes tumbling out except they saw it and looks  at his little buddy and says I told you to go   for the eyes I know she had ten of them but  Steve and that's the end of that turn corks   emic find yourself surrounded by strange beings  well I was in that hole but I'm gonna come out   because I think I feel you feel suddenly safe whoa  no I feel really bad because this is all my fault   because I pulled that card that's right so I'm  gonna come out and just see the ridiculousness   yeah six seconds yeah it's gone Matt's gone Big  B's gone mm-hmm this big-ass dragon is catching   fire before your eyes and just burning up this  drought woman you don't know also burning up and   then there's a bunch of strange people who just  appeared and corpses having a mess and gloves   having a flying monkey swoops down and tries to  carry you away I mean I am a tiny person oh yeah   that gets me as a fun turn also coming out of  Tiamat is Gilmore from Gilmore's glorious yeah   it's a Gilmore girl yes and so next up do you  want to do anything as your action I would like   to can I cast gust of wind towards those flames  to make them spread faster sure cool so it is a   strength saving throw I don't imagine a paper  mache dragons terribly strong so yes yes you   you blow these things and suddenly they just all  the two of them just completely burn out okay cool   we're getting somewhere yeah cool and so I then  quickly decide to delusion him in to see me as   Daryl and I pull out my crossbow in you my bolts  with faithful Archer and shoot him okay go ahead after so he doesn't have a lot of hit point well as the now mental compulsion that has  come to me is forces me to mimic those around   me I've been been paying complete attention  on Minsk in blue since they arrived I rushed   forward and say friends I've heard so much  of your turtles and a myself a quite a big   fan of all the great things you've done on  the sword coast if you would please sign   my chest so I bring him back and bring  him pen to me attach the pen all right means scan boo thank you sir I mean thank you  very much great and so we're all of the NPCs go   lately least the ones who are left don't have any  necessarily actions prescribed let's see Minsk is   already done his thing Gilmour would just look at  the Deaf corpse of negan and and back away from   you slowly artists Cimber studies the battlefield  like any seasoned adventurer and then seeing his   the creature of his dreams will walk over to Amy's  character over to the war forged and kneel before   you take you take you by the hand yes and takes  you by the hand sneezes because he's allergic   to cats and then proposes to you and says my my  dear giant robot would you please please be mine   we can be together I are December with this  ring wish us to live on immortal for all time   I I can't tell you how flattered I am number two  everything that has lost me has Paris should you   still wish to go forth with this you must assume  the final surname of spooky do anything in may I   say your voice is like the song of summer in my  heart I don't truly understand love yet but I   think a quick Chu on the head the voice comment  that was when I slipped 18:04 what really so he   seems he seems sincere like there's just something  about her it he says you know I I'm I have crossed   dimensions to find you no no this is okay as you  started that's fine it's very uncomfortable and   he says as long as I wear this ring I will  not die I will not perish of natural death   and so you who clearly do not age and wither  and me with me and I can be with you until the   end of time well I can't see how this won't go  badly do it right young boys like where are we yep Roy you're damaged seven points of them you kill the flying monkey  you fall take well you take this damage but I've   got some rerolls I've actually got four we're  also gonna use them on three use three of them   to rear roll these dice okay okay so you end up  taking 15 points of damage from the fall okay   I'm good I'm not good okay sorry about that  so a few seconds after he hits the ground alright now that we're out of initiative you  still remember everything you for dinner you   still remember everything that Matthew Mercer  told you about koalas in the Lost Valley what   would you like to do do we know how to get  there he conveniently dropped his map that   he was using I believe wedding ceremony  was about to anyone who could marry us okay he will stand with his hand in the mouth to be lovely wet here in the eyes of the  golf I like revert back to my training   and I I put myself in a bar real quick  and then I find a doorknob and I open it actually we're gonna take a break soon so let's  just turn on that so and he comes inside and   I'm I'm closing the door and I yeah I kind of  I'm leaning on a table for a hot second and I   I grab him some drinks of wine that are fake  and drinking together and and and then I say and corpsey kists and then no chewing this  time they the the ring of winter sparks and   they're just frozen together wait oh no I  know this I know this an act of true love   can melt the frozen heart yeah and they're  just sort of frozen in this beautiful moment   neither of them needing anything but themselves  now they seem happy the truth reaches for the   grouping pride then your random effect  goes off okay and an albino Triceratops   with a saddle and a bridle come sauntering  up to the party out of nowhere and stands   next to you where I don't like to ride not  right or like a wreath or like a bride okay like it wants me to ride it yeah all right  I'm gonna add to my pet night I also have   a pet albino Triceratops yes and that's gonna  need a name and here is where we're going to   take a 15-minute intermission okay we'll return  thereafter and hopefully you get to the adventure welcome back everybody to the continuing adventure  that I don't know what it's called anymore but   we're having fun so far and we have raised through  donations six thousand five hundred two dollars   for extra life and now we are going to continue  our adventure when last we left our intrepid   heroes you know I just occurred to me your party  doesn't have a name I don't know what to call you   boy a donation may determine what could garage  bring on the bad pun so when last we left the   party they were accosted by love love and drama  and flying monkeys and paper mache foes and an   Matthew Mercer now there are still some stray  NPCs learning around including mints kambou and   Gilmour and your groung night Herman and we have  our bio Triceratops and we have artist Cimber who   is locked in a frozen embrace with his beloved  artists Viki do artist spooky do locked in his   beloved locked with his beloved corpsey and the  shade of elminster or perhaps ed greenwood appears   before you and gives you an info dump to guide you  on the correct path he recaps everything that you   know about koalas whom he has spoken to in his  kitchen in Canada on many occasions and tells   you where you can find his lost veil but warns you  that he many things behind before he disappeared   in search of his long-lost city of glass people  and so with that the shade fades away after giving   you all a warm hug he also gave me the two rare  items that the chat room did when we came back   from break you probably steal those from his shady  pockets and I'll be happy to let you decide what   those wonders are oh he also warned that he comes  back actually Colombo style one more thing he says   one of my enemies Halla sir might appear at some  point and offer you a dinner invitation don't   trust it and then disappears okay so currently  artists and corpsey are frozen together I'd like   to use my wish spell and it has nothing to do with  me but I would like koalas to be spelled koa lah   and to be an anthropomorphic koala we have the map  yes we have the advice yes we go we have a frozen   well hold on we have a magical demon go right boys  racers anyone want to ride my Triceratops with me   I will I will be like just my knight have a mount  as well you mount at night he probably should   seems like a mountain night yeah the monkey want  to have what would a frog he's riding on a giant   frog probably also in you know metal barding and  oh yeah armored up the wazoo okay I need a frog   spear and a frog spear yes absolutely and yes  you have the map you probably don't have to go   cuz evil Matt Mercer probably took that with him  when he fled with small B which is Canon by the   way you're the only person that could say those  words the rest of the world shudders this is canon I will take this time to gather my rope and begin  to strap the two of the lovebirds frozen together   to the back of the Triceratops great done and  without further ado you head off and press your   way through the mountain chasms to this Lost  Valley and when you enter the valley you see   it's completely enclosed by sheer mountains on  all sides and you kind of emerge from a tunnel   that has steps leading down to a metal platform  that juts out over a sea of mist that hides the   floor of the valley so you can't really see how  far down and this valley goes you just know it's   kind of bowl shaped and very very big and floating  in the middle of this valley a little bit higher   than you are now is an immense chunk of rock that  looks like it's been ripped out of the ground and   there are sort of metal things coming out of the  bottom of it that I could describe in medieval   terms but let's just say they kind of look like  jet engines and they're putting out a lot of   fire and heat and they just sort of Rumble in this  whole thing just sort of rumbles as its suspended   there above the valley from your perspective  it looks like the it would be perfectly ovoid   except the top hat that's been sheared off at the  equator and there are structures on top of it so   it's kind of rough and rocky underneath but then  and it's topmost side it looks like there might be   something up there something more interesting  rock is melting me oh no they're too far away   there's a there's quite an expanse between  you and this floating rock but below you as I   said these rough hewn stairs lead down to a metal  platform that almost looks like a jetty or a dock   and there's a creature down there about 40 feet  below you basically lounging on the dock and it   doesn't look human it has feathered wings and is  almost horse sized so we should catch our ride they're wide enough that you can go down I  have the Triceratops with the Triceratops or   you know two or three character side-by-side  yep I forgotten how to play real D&D anymore   I'm also dreading the fact that my character  has Tourette's and my take is singing in the   style of Brian Johnson from ac/dc so just you  should all brace for that chat you're cruel the   creature below you stirs sensing your presence  it looks to be something about it gleams like   it's wearing metal armor or something and like  I said that's big sort of feathered wings folded   over its back put my hands up in a very kind of  non aggressive stance and just shout out to it   with my ruff kitten voice but now mimicking my  friend over here young T mystic we come to not   bring harm to you so let us parlay entreat with  me it says that dessert that was precisely what   I was going to say so yes yeah we're entreating  and she says if you wish to cross to the monastery   I mention any monastery but I mean technological  wonder we see that right I look forward to adding   whatever small knowledge you might possess to my  collection oh that sounds slightly threatening   all right let's do that okay so you go down the  stairs you come out onto this metal dock and the   creature appears to be a sphinx and definitely  a female face Leonin body feathery eagle wings   and you can tell that she seems to have suffered  some ancient injuries to her head and parts of   her body that have been now been replaced with  metal so she's sort of a half Sphinx half metal   construct and orbiting her head are tiny devices  metallic in nature that almost looked like planets   some of them have little rings around them  some of them are tiny orbs with even smaller   orbs circling around them and these things orbit  around her like she is a celestial solar system I've got a pretty good charisma at the bard if  anyone's gonna get negotiated of it I'll back you   up huh Alistair arrives and invites you to dinner  mister what are you intending to servants part   the Guru Milla he says you I mean unfortunately  I am allergic to me so are you turning me down   I am making it a rain check for later date make  it horizon check put this a natural oh okay you   can see Pallister is about to cast a spell oh  thank you you can see the sky above suddenly   thunder clouds just I'll pull in above you and  they turn flaming red and meteors begin to fall dinner yes dinner they're more like Jackie  more like giant ash clouds and then the   sinks goes not here and Pallister is just  blown back into some sort of gateway and   thrown out of this plane I entreat  you to come with me on a journey of   adventure with children of all ages - fabulous  adventure you could come just snap into this a circus ringmaster I as his hype man  I like yeah that's right you are them   it's a great invitation you take the four  of you I'd like to make perception checks   she's frozen you're frozen you don't get  to make I mean sorry don't do anything 19 excellent I got 11 Sasha you see  that Gilmore is using this chaos   to surreptitiously cast a mischievous  spell against the Sphinx RS against Oh I will telepathically let him know that something  is about to go down and like I'd be like look it   over here and then um what do I want to do  um that's great I have no attachment um I   will just um venom strike him okay how far away  you can see for me always like five feet away   Oh perfect okay what does he um he needs to  make a constitution saving throw I don't know   I'm learning this as I go I'm just letting  everybody know this what's your DC for your   abilities it's a plus your proficiency plus your  spell auto fire okay let's just no Madison yeah   it would probably be my intelligence if I was  13 yep okay so you cast the spell it seems to   affect him okay Constitution is bored oh good  well then um he is going to do take some poison   damage six poison damage times oh I'm sorry  times what did I want to suspend then I'll   say 420 for poison damage wow how much - twenty  four points poisoned damn it okay so he gags and   falls off the dock to his dad plenty donut with  having passed his spot with my friends which God man I just fired a character's name I'm  a terrible you need to bead the spell takes   hold of you when next you speak you are  forced to speak like poo moths all the   mercenaries sorry guys you desire knowledge I  will travel away with you if that's what you   wish on the condition that you accomplish  this one simple task you and if you fail   in this task I will be forced to exact him a  price and the task is this no riddles that is   so old-school no you have to I demand that  you ask a question that I can't answer and   know this I have access to the Internet I'm  gonna be a fan of this progressive Sphinx lady your friends can help you oh wait so it's one  question for the whole group ah let's see it is   one question for the whole group and you guys  can you know what to do I'm willing to bet she   can't pronounce my freaking news everyone  since I treat everything like a dramatic   newscast now did f years were supposed to come  up communally with some sort of a question that   even this Fink's cannot answer but respectfully  she has access to this inter thing yes it does   okay so basically you you're the frozen form  is basically you're in your War Forge it's   like a war Ford shell that you as an alligator  suddenly find yourself inside of and can break   out of breaking or December's heart well timbers  there she's still sort of frozen I'm an alligator   for a hot second and then I crack it out and  then I'm back to myself my beautiful words   though I have an idea what's your idea what is  something that one of our characters would know   that is going to happen in the future that  has not already happened yet because if some   things we know something's going to happen  in the future it wouldn't be on the Internet I have an intelligence at 12 so I  trusted you know what your technology know what I'm dodging right there go for it yeah  I'm all behind yeah now visually I'd love to still   know what love is that's actually something not  at the safety searches your question is what will   happen in the future well no I think we need to  ask something specific I'm just gonna be like how   many fingers are behind my back because I like one  in five chance right so but this is great how many   fingers no fingers so five right right Oh like on  your hand yes okay if you put your home there it's   to me five it would always be fine good for you  don't let yourself be gas-lit by that I'm still   willing to bet you can't pronounce my full name  hmm I'd vote for that I think I've got I've got   one too but but I mean let's hear them all yeah  put it on the table put him out will you both it might not work if I ask you first  Oh antenna Sphinx see the future baby   kicks house there's ass if you can  see the future can I think this I   can see just about into the future but  not into the far future I mean we can   take a leap by faith if you want to take a  try and how many scenarios do we win this yeah I'm mostly just curious what am I going  to have for dinner yeah mmm let me think   well what do you have on your character  sheet I set out on this adventure very   extemporaneously I'm assuming I like in  my pockets like some hard candy probably mmm what am I going to have for dinner strict shows up and cast a fireball okay and  apparently writing on her broom is also an   orcish Priestess of joaquín oh who is throwing  money at you yes a rain of gold coins I also   feel and I got a nine okay okay if you succeeded  and you'll need to roll a I don't have stresses   character sheet so I'm just gonna make this up  DC 15 you're gonna take 22 points of damage 11   I thought you're evil but you did make a  thousand gold pieces as they rain around   you you unconscious yeah I'm gonna go ahead and  have you been he'll be taking a short rest on our   journey the very least probably not go ahead since  I am a celestial warlock go ahead and use healing   light there go ahead and just heal you for a d6  to get you up and about that's five hit points don't know what you are going to have  for dinner I was really having a hard   time deciding I was hoping to get out  you know that work yes if you come   along with this you'll learn at least  one thing which is what I'm gonna eat she says the ferry is on its way and you  can see coming from a dock on that big   rock floating thing is a boat and it's  coming slowly toward you we didn't know   we just cast a fireball at us yeah but she  apologized of course she disappeared - flew   off on her broom and backfired and left  a big cloud of smoke okay okay just to   be clear yeah I'm gonna drink my potion of  healing that was donated by great I'm sure   what does thank you very much yeah can we  take a short risk are waiting for the first well that's going on you can see that artist  while he is trapped in the ice that his his ring   which is frozen in the ice with him is sort  of pulsating good pulsating a bad pulsating   wall is mine yeah this dock there water no  it's just sort of a metal dock that sticks   out over the rocks okay and below you is just  the mists of the valley below I am going to put   out my little tub and use my shape water to  fill it and and have a lie down yeah so you   know growing unfolds a portable tub fills it with  magical water and then back bathes and I'm going   to use this magic Serge wild magic surge that  just shows up somehow mm-hm probably my ring   misfiring or whatever 420 okay on the table  20 is you can't grease centered on yourself look at my believing ring I excite myself so much  that I grease myself I like where where where is   some black spandex for a hot second and you're  fine exactly breaking news it appears that our   friend over there has grease yourself your your  rings sort of the the pulsing accelerates a little   bit and then there is a spark that comes out of  your ring lies up in the air this balloon cold   spark and one comes out of artisan ring as well  shattering the ice around him so he sort of comes   to and these two sparks and turn into a child  made of ice this little ice Oh this ice ice baby young children changed oh you weren't babies  like like is there oil okay alright yeah um   I'll take care of this if you wish you can  ride on my Triceratops oh I love you already   know what he loves then yeah create like that  like like a crab on top of the Triceratops   saddle that we can sort of get the ice baby  in you totally keep that safe absolutely you   know any blankets around because in my  milk sure sure yeah let's do it again he just looks kind of exhausted yeah okay so this barge to do comes over to you  and you can see that there's some smoke trailing   behind this skiff which is piloted by a hooded  figure standing on its bow and as it comes over   to you it basically looks like a skeletal  emaciated mama almost mummified man dressed   in black robes very Charon like nothing's wrong  and it drifts over to the dock and just pulls up   alongside it and the Sphinx will you know offer  to join you on your journey to the monastery so   we get on the ferry and I say Henson pay the man  Mitch and also we had a thousand gold pieces from   the reign of gold it was just a thousand that  rained down on oh so wasn't believes 2000 total   yes exactly Minsk and boo don't care about  coins so they won't take any of it I don't   think they're anywhere in feces and forgetting  other than your handsome and and if there are that story to do now one thing you notice as the  skiff is pulling up is that it has an unusual   feature dangling underneath it is a chandelier  we don't know why it makes no sense no sense   whatsoever well the rest of you get on there  I'm just gonna go ahead and climb under the boat   as you do and hang hang from the swing okay the  chandelier is actually a mimic you become stuck   to it because it's sort of sticky and adhesive  and then it basically for sprouts a pseudopod and   starts to beat on you this game is so fabulous  so let us roll initiative as this mimic attacks wait it's for the children all right you hear her scream  as the chandelier acosta oh   I'm sorry Navid does a crit hit your armor class so that's gonna be a total of fourteen points  of bludgeoning damage okay and you continue to   be stuck to it and I'm sorry groung 14a McCrum and  what's your what I know what your initiative month   seven seven Gambas I got an eight 8-quart c99  Sasha 19 to be dead dead Bartholomew 20 splendid   nice what we'd like to do Bartholomew when you  hear below you the screams of your friend uh I   step off the ferry yes and drop okay and catch  myself with you moveable rod yes and is the very   moving it hasn't left yet okay and I go to bead  yeah are his arms free they are but you can see   that this creature he's actually kind of stuck  to it and they're like almost like gum like   strands between him and the chandelier that he is  currently riding on can I flip off this rod and   like get towards him and grab him yes for that  I'm gonna have you make a dexterity acrobatics   check okay Gavin or you can use strength athletics  if that's better for you uh uh who do dicks okay all right doing the math yeah 9:15 yeah okay yeah that's good enough I grabbed him  mm-hmm then is that enough wait big half work that   I am tear him tear him free huh I'm gonna have you  make an opposed or a stray a contested strength   check against the mimic so roll your strength  it will roll its strength and we'll see you 19:17 strength is +30 chance I don't and I rolled  super I can't roll higher than that without him   since you're there you can I will let you take  the reroll try to get here literally there's   just a 5% chance I'll take it I believe can I  give myself Bartek inspiration no all right you   are now both just hanging on the chandelier okay  you had to do it to the rest of you sense I must   have not here to play and the next person up is  Sasha okay I'm gonna try something I'm going to   delusion the mimic into so I'm going to plant the  false belief that it is holding already holding on   to him so it holds on to the false belief and  lets go of him let's go of him although I'm a   little scared about that but they're right in  front of me right but hanging from this thing   yeah they're hanging under the boat like any of  them is just the the abyss how far from me oh   they're one if you sort of get off the boat  and look they're about ten feet okay I have   a plan okay I don't know if it's going to work  it's the best guy what could go wrong yeah okay   so you plant the delusion does it get a saving  throw no it doesn't no it doesn't i justi do it   huh mystics a developer so fair enough so  it you give it something else to grasp it   will do so it will untether itself from you  okay as a bonus action I giant form okay into   a giant snake person which gives me an extra  10 foot reach to grab them with my giant arms   and catch them before they fall your snake with  arms oh you're turning to what you'd like or you   want to I am beyond T arms are you're turning  into and how and so you got a 10-foot reach now   I have extra 10 feet oh so like 15 8 my reach  increases bite and there you go Wow and so you   got these and how would you describe your arms  or they like I turn into giant form of me right temporary hit points for the time being so I'm  doing you on T hand grabs you in its scaly fist   Thank You person and are you trying to grab  them both well to his foot okay Oh grab him   and you'll just go along with the ride so  you're grabbing on to them you drag them   over to the docks and and prevent them from  falling to their doom the chandelier begins   to swing toward you Oh God but the next  person up is Tavi das thank you many things it's always the time all right I would say  I'm gonna go ahead and cast suggestion okay   on the mimic yeah tell it abuse it doesn't  need to be a tad it's dangerous to try and   swing towards this well attached to that boat  so it needs to detach itself all swinging   okay and as they're saving throw there is  that's a dc-15a like not broken glasses okay it's for charity yes okay so you will know  if you that worked shortly all right next up is   corpsey um gorpley um Corky corpsey feeds  its new daughter it's um some of her nuts   and bolts okay students are carrying parts  off your solvent yeah and then just sort of   like try to stuff these down your child's  ice gullet baby seems have no interest in   in eating digesting so you're trying to  feed this baby and it lets out this sort   of I squeal and that's your turn gothis so I'm  on the deck of this ship and lore I will just   turn to my compatriot and say you know we've  been fighting a lot but have we just tried because I now feel that happiness can  only be found through interpretive dance always wanted to be a dancer but it sort  of been pigeon-holed to be a chandelier it's mine well it's pretty good I got 22  okay yeah now it's got conflicted singing   he's got part of it wants to detach I know  what I want to do but first I have to ask a   question do I feel that this baby isn't  even in danger by being force-fed nuts I can't believe what finally broken I am slain so  I'm gonna use shape shape water a little cube of   water that it follows me around I'm gonna shape  I'm gonna freeze the water into the shape of a   bunch of nuts and bolts made out of ice okay  and suggest to corpsey uh perhaps you should   feed these to the child you see the baby reaching  out for those cunning action turning that turn yes   so I have a climbing speed of 25 I'm a frog can  I just like crawl right under the the thing and   stick to it absolutely okay so long I'm gonna like  secure a rope and I'm gonna just crawl underneath   the ferry okay and like you know I guess I can't  get to them this round but true and you can see   well it looked it looks like they're no longer  underneath the boat when you come when you clamor   under there and you're just sort of stuck there  yeah you can see that they've been grasped and   taken back onto the dock by the gentleman they  are now safe all right so and the mimic but   he's like it's perfect you mimic is swinging  back and forth like a chandelier preparing to   detach itself as suggested oh I don't want any  part of that strix flies by again in fireballs that's there any saving throw 15  is the magic number okay so if you   rolled a commoner with Oh 15 or higher you  take 13 points of damage if you did not and the the orc priest of Joaquin is still  riding on the back of the broom and throws   another actually you know what I'm gonna say  that because you're under the boat you weren't   targeted sweet hmm before Strix disappears  yell back I was gonna gear that first time   I know this is on purpose I actually feel  calmer than I have maybe in years because   after two fireballs no one in the party has  hair anymore and I feel that that eases my   Tourette's I'm just gonna put that over there  all right then at this point in time the mimic   detaches sister chandelier sort of swings  up onto the deck are you still standing yeah   okay and we'll start dancing with you dance  yeah it takes you teach you by your by your   little hands and just you start to dance and  it's it's kind of sticking to the deck every   time it's like the world's worst dancer it's  this mimic has no coordination no idea what's   doing it's trying to and it's trying to turn  into something that can dance but only assume   like object forms so its Bartholomew as a drummer  I understand like rhythm right yes and so can I   as they're dancing can I can I time it so that  my Thunder wave will blow it off yeah start off hold on safe correct yeah against your oh that's  not gonna do okay so unless you probably have a   DC better than 12 right prude my spell yeah yeah  based on charisma yes yes okay it works so role   your damage mmm and you will end up blowing it  off the deck of the ship cool so that's three I   first where it's well that's I think 11 okay yes  so you blast it off the ship it goes tumbling off   the edge turning into like a parasol nope that  doesn't work to see if it can slow its fall I   feel really bad about Amelie this is gonna hide  or you were stuck to it now now I would like to   say I would like to say I was timing this but  it would have stuck to he did say that you can   either make a strength or dexterity saving  alright anyway it's a 20 okay you are able   to basically pry yourself loose as it falls off  the this is gone i granted group room the flying try to say I grabbed my broom of flying and  try to save the mimic yeah no more need for   more tears friends so corpsey hops on her  broom and sails down into the mist can I   give her a quick telepathic rescue mission  and stay with your child yes the boat I'll   reclaim my moveable rug oh good call can  we hear um how far down this drop is like   can we make a perception check if you want if  you cared I care that's why I asked 17 oh you   hear some splashing splat sound maybe like  I'm drinking 5,200 feet down splash splat it's more like something in a gelatinous  state basically slammed against something   hard okay so no water that's all I cared about  really okay yep yeah still sort of trying to   let's take this ride thanks for your patience  cloaked one things have been really weird today alright you can definitely hold all of you and  your compatriots now the Triceratops is a little   big to pack on this thing or you could leave  here in divine mind and make a little bit of   space or you could leave Minsk and bubi home  ah can can we ask the ferryman if he'll make   two trips we have we have thousands of I I like  come up with a big handful of coins it'd be like   would you make two trips the conversations are  only two fireballs alright so yes after a couple   trips you are all delivered onto this big rock  now on the top once you are up top you can see   that the dock attaches the the metal dock where  you are delivered attaches to the stone of this   big giant rock that you're on and you pour out  onto this wide stone shelf which it looks like   it's been sort of hewn and worked just kind of  flatten it out and the top of this rock actually   has multiple kind of shells or steps receding back  onto it but between these shelves there is kind of   like a smooth slope a ramp that you can follow  up onto the heart of this thing where there is   a small mountain rising atop this rocky island  and protruding almost like a prow from the front   of this mountain is a futuristic metal structure  tall spire like spindle shaped smooth reflective   metal spire does it look like a laboratory it  very well could be because you think it's it's   possibly inhabited it's a building of some kind  it's about 300 feet tall and sort of towards the   back of this rocky thing and it's the it's the  only real structure that you can see at this   point from where you are do we see any sentries  or anything that can be possibly guarding the   pathway to the front of the structure if they  are they're probably really tight standing in   front of it you actually do what closely look  see that there are creatures up near which of   the structure and you can also make out a figure  coming down from the structure toward you looks to   be humanoid in a robe okay yes you vanish into  the shadows same +11 so 13 all right you gotta   do a little dance and disappear into a butterfly  yeah probably you think you're well hidden what   are the rest of you doing is this lone figure  there are any other structures nearby that we   could hide behind and then not much now just to  click step I'm under the docks if you wanted to   just to clarify one path guy coming down yeah  guards wait with this I do have a wish all right   I can't I wish we didn't have to deal with this  to get inside okay you are now are you skip ahead   eight encounters and you now find yourself  in a room must be deep inside this complex all right it's just you 6oh this Fink's  is no longer with now oh my god the baby   wait so Harold has the baby right so  the baby's okay the Sphynx also our   handsome pension will take care of the  baby all right babies I'm nervous chug   my healing partners that's a good call I'm  gonna roll on the potion miscibility table let's see there's there we are roll  percentile dice for me Matthew bed 41 41 one potion chosen at random has the opposite  effect the second one does not function all right   this is a very spooky place I have complete faith  in our ability to survive this so who's with me I am dying I will I will I have cure wounds I  will cast it as a second level spell oh yeah   max and 12 points are restored back diverted need  to learn how to take care of a baby well I think   this is a good step in the right direction  you guys by the way you guys find your way   sir you're kind of in the heart of a maze of  damaged controls and broken machinery countless   wires twist their way across walls erupting  from control panels that have been pulled   apart to lay bare their internal components  but amid all this mess you see five clear   canisters connected by metal tubing and wires  align one wall and each of these canisters can   contains a brain floating in biskits fluid  one of the brain says telepathically to you what are you doing what kind of all whole can  break you know it's alright the adventurers   that they told this are coming what does make any  sense you looking at the future again stupid sod   alright again bombarded by now telepathic brain  talk alright sorry it's kind of rough insurance   didn't mean to spook you were the mercenaries  to play on words about a guy almost killed us   once again not usually explosive we're here  looking for this koala sky and we heard stuff   about brains I guess that's you um so are you  we are the enlightened ones says one of the   brains that's very sure yourself alright and  this point they are curious to know more about   why you've come they tell you they say that they  were koalas companions as his companions did you   undergo this rather gruesome transformation  of your own accord after they were killed he   managed to harvest their brains and basically  preserved them where's your master well after   promising a means to restore them to their  bodies they tell you he went off on some   escapades and never returned and since then  a devil has moved into the complex and kind   of taken over as Grandmaster whoa what can you  tell us about this devil well he's back that way devil yeah they're pretty sure he's a literal  devil yeah you bite you basically skip past him   a bone devil now wearing a robe made of the faces  of all the people who he's flayed like oh I'm so   glad we skipped over that yeah so but the brains  basically they tell you that they control the   functioning of the mechanical systems in this  complex oh do me and I and I put my like hand   inside a wall all right make a constitution  saving you 42 points of lightning damage how many points did you have 21 21 oh that's not  my so yes she she then just sort of is now kind   of welded can we hold down her power button  and like the center button like you're just   gonna try to like pop it in her yeah and she's  not conscious so you might have to preach ooh   it for her is there like a crank to like make  her chew so what's the effect of the good Barry   a good Barry I believe just heals you one hit  points okay I think you're right so you awaken   fused to the wall with your little gnome friend  beside you turning your crank oh wow all right   brainy boys that was tough and you can feel like  you've sort of burnt out this section of wall oh   well some sparks sure are we doing to every  wall I do have one more rare magic item has   yet undefined it in this empire of weird the T  is there anything just laying on a table that   one might use to somehow deal with or preserve or  heal disembodied brains looking for any healing   thing I just make a investigation or perception  if you prefer as you look around seeing for any   anything that could be salvaged and put to use  oh okay drink out of the brain you drink some   ancient cerebral fluid and then sort of wander  off down sort of a maze of corridors until you   come to a small office where apparently I am  sitting behind a desk and I say can I help you while he wanders off and and meets me what are  the rest of you up to and I'm sorry you said it   was a rare item Patrick yeah I'm gonna get down  to business and ask the brains if they know where   koalas went they think he might have gone through  a gateway of his own creation is it perhaps where   maybe the city of glass people resides maybe and  the Gateway was created in his little throne room   central Nexus which the Grandmaster the devil is  currently occupying do you all know where that   lobster ship of cuales is oh yeah that's that's  in the vault in the Treasury by the master boss   fight' if we can find your boss and get quality  here which we're looking for them anyway that   means he should have the means of restoring  your bodies and that's such we are a lie okay my rare item Hey look at that I'd like to take  my hand or just like kind of retract my hand   and maybe still this whole section of wall I  was like manifest something attached something   else to me but I think this is better okay it's  jagged around the edges too so you could probably   impale somebody I'd like to ask the brains one  more question absolutely using my my keen mind   I'd like to be able to read my own handwriting  from earlier in the adventure and find out about   a machine of love the mad am I reading this  right yes okay they don't know what Qualis   did with that but he probably kept a record of  it in his journal which is also in the Treasury   so behind you gateway with devil and they can  tell you where the Treasury is and how to get   there let's do that all right which is not that  direction correct let's go ahead and find our   wandering brain drinking friend and yeah do  that first we go over and try and find find   our buddy bartholomew would you like a cloak of  displacement yeah done hey we're on back this   oh hey who is this guy hi what's your name I'm  Chris I work with Wizards of the coast I far   from the coast here this is uh pretty landlocked  yeah I'm not sure how I got here but apparently   it was apparently it was like a $25 trip I'm  gonna say wow you know it's it's really hard   to get around here you would it would probably  help us both if you were to aid us and finding a   way to escape okay um well he sent roll okay  46 and take the best three that will be my   wisdom are you sure you want me to be rolling  these yeah you said the four best or the world   for and take the best three oh that's not too  bad 15 okay well okay all right I will I will   go over to a wall push some buttons and open  up and suddenly it's sort of the walls part in   this Court this triangular corridor forms ahead  of you and lights to sort of flick on ten feet   at a time all the way down its length to a set  of two a triangular set of doors at the far end yeah great oh yeah if you want to kill  the devil I have a statistics right here phone devil I'm sorry I can't type what's a Bobo  devil Bobo devil yeah so bone Devils are cr9 so   you know they have 142 hit points and I'm class of  19 which is pretty bitchin they can see in magical   darkness they're magically resistant magically  delicious and they make claw and sting attacks   there's the attack nasty and this particularly  one is wearing a robe of faces cuz that's a thing   yeah and if you don't have magical weapons what  you know that can also be frustrating but I will   lead you down the end of the corridor and again  more buttons to open the doors at the far end   real life beyond that you see we're outside again  we've come out the back side of the mountain and   there is a a rocky slope down to a hole through  the heart of this rocky island this hole is big   it's about 200 yards across and there is a  floating diamond-shaped black spindle in the   middle of it and 10 disks of magical energy like  tensors floating disks spaced out five feet apart   to forming a bridge to it it's a it's an it's  a not a complete bridge because it's got the   gaps in between the disks so 10 of these forced  disks to get across and then I will point and say   that is the way across at which points tricks on  her broom flies overhead and hits us all with a   third fireball only to have inside nowhere else  we're just outside we're in the entrance leaves   back outside only to have small be appear in a  puff of smoke counter the spell and make nothing   happen smokey thank you this would have killed  me all right and so you've got these disks of   energy between you and the vault entrance which  is a sealed doorway flush with the side of the   spindle when you say flush it's like here yeah  you can just it's a slightly different color so   you can tell by its shape that it's a door but  there's nothing to grab on to I run straight   towards it all right dupa dupa do run across  the disks where are you there you are okay so   Fung hung and as you're about to leap onto the  fourth disc it disappears a multiple rods you're   now hanging I'm like I found the one that it goes  away sorry was the third when you get to the ninth   one or it disappears just before you land on it  I've got a movable ten-foot pole it doesn't work because you are now I'm just I'm saying the  command word over and over as I point it does   give inflection yes you get out of the area  eventually and it suddenly kicks in and then   I need you to make a strength saving throw  yeah to hang on with a suddenness in the   velocity with your Starling is high good  yes oh then sixteen okay you managed to   hang on you're about a hundred feet below  thus the spindle in the shaft of the rock it just occurred to me that you do look a lot like  Brian Blessed that should have been your voice   anyway you're going down so the laptop spirals  down into the mist you're racing down after it   just make a perception check to see if you can  keep tracking it through the mist 18 okay yes and   make a let's call it a dexterity check to catch  it yep 819 yeah you catch oh my god now go get the   people people fit on my broom oh come on it's safe  as Kennedy weasel greased up yeah okay the broom   goes mm-hmm like all the way yeah you're dropping  the two of you it's too much well I might turn   into a spider real quick and went okay okay spider  and I'm I want to be like I get on the broom   okay little spider on the broom now the weight  isn't a problem okay it stops falling can you everything that I have on me you have that  choice I choose it I choose the home oh I   choose I choose the laptop you absorb my laptop  yes very good you sail back to your friends then   do you assume your normal form when you return  yes yeah I'm how my laptop is fused itself into   your body as your new docent or any sort of  items that first off how to get into the vault   okay an item in the vault that can be used  to rapidly destroy the devil done and done yes and you also discover that there so you  you figure out how to get into the vault and   you know I'm gonna tell you so I don't spoil  the event huh yeah so you get into the vault   you find a cuales journal which has the secret  of how he you how he basically opened the gate   inside his laboratory there's all of his  treasure and gems gold stuff other things   he collected magic items a manual of golems  which is kind of nice little prize and then   this big-ass suit of power armor standing there  oh you don't need to do that I've it back holding how like how what sort of person would fit  in this power armor you it it's uh it looks   basically human a skin shape so like a gnome  might a problem but it could be magical in   which case I might resize with this power armor  be the machine of um how am i writing love the   mat I know but as you're flipping through  koalas journal you can see that there is   a picture of the machine of lung the mad and  also little arrows pointing to various levers   and buttons on it telling you what they do or  what they might do um it also tells you that   it's it's in another place in his laboratory  basically incorporated it into his laboratory I do have one I'm gonna go  ahead and use a level three   cure wounds on yes I can do that as a Celeste you eighteen points to you nineteen thank you can  we find where in the adventure it says where   the Lum the mad is that yeah make a also make  an insight check for sixteen you discover as   you're going through and checking the adventure  for all the secrets and and ways to sort of get   around everything that you can actually edit it oh  let's just delete this the phone devil delete look   can we put something in its place a hundred  kitty there are now six sets of power armor you just put X after the so thank you everyone for sticking up for  the evening and thank you all we raised eight   thousand two hundred and forty seven dollars this  this marks the conclusion of our game hall extra   life extravaganza all of all of these games that  we've been running for extra life raising money   for a great cause thank you to everybody who made  donations in this room and beyond and thank you   all for joining us in the flesh I know this room  is very warm right now made all the warmer by   the hysterical laughter I hope everybody has a  great rest of their show while they're here and   you know maybe we'll do this again sometime  you guys have my CPU going a million miles you
Channel: D&D Beyond
Views: 586,721
Rating: 4.920702 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Chris Perkins, Mathew Mercer, Patrick Rothfuss, Amy Vorphal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 48sec (12168 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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