Two Gun Safes in a Storage Locker Auction Unit! Will it be a Boom or a Bust?

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well show you guys a little Walker here in town for sale on one of the online sites small Walker it's ten by ten and it's not very full but it's going to be very expensive I'll show you why I'll get a little bit closer to the pictures here and this picture here okay it looks like you got one safe big standing safe there and then it looks like you got another safe here behind it now it's hard to tell there's not a good view of these safes so it's hard to tell what's there if anything is there as far as if they're safes or if they're just locking filing cabinets you can see one lock right there which looks like the kind of lock you'd find them maybe like a cheap gun safe or something like that or it could just be a locking filing cabinet and there's not much else on this lock that's the lock uh pretty much looks like trash I mean you got that picture there this picture here it's not a very full unit so pretty much what you're buying is a couple of safes and I usually don't like bidding on lockers like this now i have bought lockers where the main thing and then has been a big safe and I've done really well quite well before in the past but I don't know it'll depend how much it goes for all right now it's sitting at 370 still just under a day left in the Compton morning so we'll see how this thing goes how much it goes for and if it goes for a price that I think we can take a gamble on it we'll do that and I'll see what those boxes what those safes having them I'm pretty excited I just bought that 10 by 10 Locker then I showed you guys earlier that had the safes in it I expect you to go for like an astronomical amount like over $1,000 and I got it for 510 dollars so I'm thrilled I got to unload our truck some so that we can go pick that up we'll probably do that later on maybe today maybe tomorrow but I think it'll be a pretty good locker I'm pretty excited that we got it I'm excited to see if those really are safes in there and what they have in them if they are so keep you guys posted right the gun safes there gun safes come with these some boxes out of this locker glasses keep what makes this worse that looks like crystal go get a pair of gloves that's that's actually pretty high-quality crystal so I'm gonna have to go through this which is too bad because that's disgusting those rheumatica gloves no the real Church Street Station it's actually kind of cool holding a walkie beer jack [Music] duffle bag it's pretty light like that's all's in there there another box here smart glasses cheap salts on these before this is Apollo 13 dirty we were just going through another box pull this out that's on there yeah dad baby mouse there's my finger for comparison in size this little guy that's disgusting crispy critter deep fry them yummy $5 I'm allergic to fish too I got them allergy this is a shotgun again this is rock with the gun safes in it see it's kind of a nice piece of furniture that came out of this locker I mean it's not in very good shape it's alright it's kind of cool it'll fine alright we found these keys which are for the gun safes fit which I am shocked in very very happy that they found these of the we've got several safes like this and we've never found the keys from before so you've always had a drill mount but this one has skis we found so that's exciting don't have to drill these clocks up alright there it is let's see if there's anything in there disappointment I know let's say yourself short there's no no guns in there caliber is that empty forty five seventy government except that all spent shells that's too bad forty five seventy got some gun that shoot that'd be nice empty empty thirty thirty Weaver rail [Music] this lever hammerlock it's kind of cool got a dollar 75 price tag on it there's some real money it's a puke let's feels heavy with like it's actually bullets alright that's 45 Auto that's bigger what it looks like 45 minutes 45 but if that's 45 I don't know what's that's a magazine for some sort of gun I don't know what though the grass 30/30 yeah all right well so not a lot of value there the most valuable thing is definitely going to be the same right no it's always exciting when you buy something like this you never know what's gonna be inside there I really wish there was some guns in there but what do you do what do you do this guy styling and profiling alright so it looks like the main thing that was in there was some forty five bullets forty five caliber all right get this sequel when we say more open these boxes we've got this thing going with a bunch of bullets in it oh man nah man how come we're gonna be a gun in their calibers its 357 yeah 357 Magnum ah me all right in the boat case this isn't very heavy but it could be like meat there's nothing in there soft case zippered shut but I can feel there's nothing in there's empty and another long gun case but there's nothing in it boomer anything underneath you know um no right well we'll get this other one turned around and open that up and see if there's anything in that one all right here we go got the keys now got this thing turned around all right I got three keys on this ring and I think only one of them works in the city the truth here yeah well it's even worse than the first one I was hoping better let's see maybe there's something there anything for you nothing there no yeah that's if you feel like every morning yep get up in the morning and you like to look in the mirror got a little expectation oh it's a different key for these two different doors all right let's see that's the last shot it's got to be here or there's not going to be not gonna be you killing you you can't there's nothing all right please forgot the keys to the safe will be I'll sell the safes and make your money back all right here's kind of that stuff organized a little bit scope mount for a pistol lock for co2 cartridges you muffs 45 caliber bullets there handful of 45s handful of 45s there this is a box magazine that came out of some sort of [Music] miscellaneous brass and fortune sometimes we sell brass but there's not enough there there's only a handful of different calibers all kinds of different calibers mixed together a couple of 16-gauge shotgun shells thirty out six what's it's 41 yeah 41 Magnum 41 caliber Magnum Oh 35 38 special then 357 Magnum so no a lot here it's a few handfuls of stuff I'll show you some other stuff that was gone in there there's a couple a couple of nights here John Wayne knives on eBay little jewelry pieces nothing no valuable there it's kind of cool it's a little knife but it looks like a bullet just a little knife blade in there it's kind of cool uh so yeah that's what you got unfortunately it wasn't you know big wasn't a big load of great stuff but is what it is yeah will do all right there's one last thing out of this locker I want to show you guys all right there look at that we good someone's bottom chief bottom half their dentures exciting is that
Channel: What's in the next box?
Views: 142,690
Rating: 4.0792685 out of 5
Keywords: storage locker, storage locker auction, storage treasures, auction, locker, storage, thrift, great deal, cool find, deal, treasure, sale, storage unit, storage unit auction, making money
Id: Afv8afAeQ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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