Firearm Found In Abandoned Storage Unit/Storage Unit Auction/Storage Wars Auction

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hi welcome back to adventures with the Hudsons on Beth I'm Jim well we are heading out to our camper up at Lake Erie but we have a plan in mind so what are we doing we're gonna stop in lost in middle America and sit at Sam's because there's two auctions going off on storage treasures so we're gonna have a little competition his versus mine and we'll let you know how that turns out so we're getting ready to go away for the weekend but you know what the work never stops we're getting ready to head up there hopefully we can get some of these units online through storage treasures that are in Lima Ohio and we'll let you know how it goes but we want to thank you for watching our videos we want to thank them for subscribing subscribe it's a notification bill and hit the all bell when it comes up like don't share please share please share and we are just really trying to drive up our subscriber count' the goal is to hit a thousand that's our first milestone and we're gonna get there but we want to thank you all for watching and like share and just have a great time watching our videos with us and we thank you for watching them and we love you all love you hey Jim where are we for global stories in lost in Middle America whoa-ho and we bought this unit we're online at sam's club or on our way north we've left eight in Ohio we're lost in Middle America Lima Ohio we're on our way to Lake Erie to check on our camper and get some work done before it's so guess what we did we bought a couple units two in the same facility so let's see what we have here all right I know it looks like a little bit of a cluster but even though this car seat is very dirty I bid on this because Walmart has a deal going on with car seats through the end of the month that you can turn him in and get $30 so therefore I knew right away I had $30 back on this unit so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get this loaded we're in the direct Sun it's very hot out here today and then sort through this and show you all what we find anyway you got I got candy you got locker food locker food lockers challenge when I first saw it I noticed that these were all wrong on here oh my god gross we got a trash bag that's you're not doing new locker food challenge on that gym gross so was my Ricci cups well they weren't out of date and they weren't in a dumpster long been a para Air Max Plus yes what's nice is it's a they've been all very little bit very little we're okay we're we're swingers wait as a native per buck here lookie there what do you got well the route those are bigger say with any more air Griffey are they really in there oh look at guys we've never found shoes like this and here I thought we were just buying a unit for the car seat Wow wowzers wowzers wells or supplements use baby Jordan now did you find the other looking so is this just what we think is a diaper bag gotta stay down at her all right I'm sorry Jeremy I know how you feel Jim's going through this bag if we're getting it done Oh what is that honey it is planners built lawyers Stereo Headset how games are or made to sound right oh my gosh what do you think wait wait things are something there there's a third chord oh my gosh oh my gosh I hope we find the PlayStation yeah yeah oh my gosh they knew where to find us a lost to middle America can you believe it what's it say two hands can be used oh man fine place oh it's in there Oh - magnifier Oh we'll have to play that when we get to the camera maybe how that works well let's see that works it's magnifying glasses put on your head why'd you find now just pull this out well it's only ten and a half or something like it no guys but I'd rather have a dick color yeah the purple look at all of this they just threw stuff in here I would have never dreamed we'd be finding Nike shoes never ever ever and look there's a giant Crayola Ninja Turtle coloring we got a bag of boots here right boots and boots and more boobs wow that is something else I'm just beside myself I could I wasn't a figure there's this many put all the shoes out I'll show you at the end she's down here he moved that bag ready clean but they're 19 what are they here max plus well they're getting bigger 11 shuffle more sizes you might get some to fit you and I use a little script [Music] are these really it they say RC G at the second unit or a 70 again or in lost in Middle America looks like a recliner some kind of stand on wheels so we're gonna get this on look we're gonna load it in the trailer we are absolutely scorched in just dying from the heat so we'll recap you later getting through some more of this stuff from the first unit yesterday and I've got a couple bags here that had stuff in it it's Urban Outfitters and then a spider-man bag we have found a giant puzzle and a memory card match game we're gonna have to make sure we have all the pieces for that and I found a perfume if you can read that sauce I'm not even probably not saying it right but if anyone knows about this perfume go ahead and comment below its no.3 good I found some makeup that's brand new and some hair wax or edge wax for hair and that looks brand new this must go to some kind of perfume we'll keep it until we know but all of these miscellaneous items some construction paper some toys a Crown Royal bag and the Crown Royal bag has some change in it now we do have a baggie a change from yesterday so we'll count that up and see how much change we got now we save this jacket because it is polo by Ralph Lauren a for 14 and it is very nice we're gonna have a garage so in a couple weeks and we have a bunch of coats and will advertise coats and there'll be a really good price for people that you know can get a coat for their children so we found all these shoes you know not all of them are high-end but you know they're all nice you know those are kind of wild with the feathers on them now these are bee bees and the tag says $64.99 that's not something I'd wear I'd break my neck but you know those that can do high heels they're awful pretty look at this table of shoes I'll show you them individually here in the minute now those are all Nike and then here's more women's shoes and boots I say someone had a little bit of a problem with a shoe bed each and here's some Nautica voit brand new in the box the box is a little damaged but it's all brand new product so here we go Jim what are these it says air Griffey max one and those are a ten and a half now yes they need clean and we're gonna go to the store and get some cleaning supplies for shoes they say air max plus a size 11 and they really do need a good scrubbing inside you know enter 10 and a half for the box is wrong okay so maybe those don't go in this box we do have an empty box somewhere but I think you said it wasn't those no is there here's a label here trying to call this up ten and a half Air Jordan 11 retro nine and a half what do you have there - figure about boxes is that a size nine the bottom in their hand okay the box isn't right there Jordan flight remix so let's start back down here okay this box says a size nine Air Jordan 14 retro you will be looking these all up that's 14 okay here's an Air Max + GS this box says five-and-a-half oh you got a bonus there a bonus five-hour energy is and it's full what it's been locker food locker injury it's been this is a six and a half said that's not the number here look at number up in the wall I knew sometimes they list you know UK size American size okay so I don't know what these are in a minute these are probably maybe box we'll figure that out I don't know what size they are so here's another Jordan you're kidding me hey and does this symbol mean it's an Air Jordan if we can find a size the size of ten and a half so those Jordans now here's some little Jordans that's okay these are 13c to bad day in the 13 adult yeah well we're still hoping to come across the baby Jordan we still have two suitcases to go through and these are just a cute little pair of sketches for a little girl which I can clean these up and look I don't know if you can see this it says twinkle toes so I'm gonna clean those up maybe some little girl could use those tennis shoes no I don't know if we told you previous but we are getting ready to go to Walmart because they have a thing going on for national I think it's baby safety month or two couple weeks this is good until the end of September that we can take this car seat actually turn it in and you get a $30 in-store gift card so it's one of the reasons I bought this unit and good on it steps at the camper so I can shoot down at him so what's your finding in the suitcase paperwork they never racers heist trash [Music] supplies to get them through the year my brand is that you got a brand new bed so those are earbuds those are earbuds in them for your phone [Music] what is it point it over just the feet that that's a neat bag bag let's see what we get in it that's bait pen pens or something I used to bake and I quit that right around Christmas and there's money but it got me off the cigarettes so money what kind of money and every other bag we're finding coins way so a bunch of paperwork get card now that's a wait a minute your nose plug baby Jesus you know the other part would just leave the money down on the table if you want earth it's all we're ready to open up the main part of the suitcase [Music] looks like some paperwork in there hard to moon okay I'm not shining on it I'll shine on the clothes so you make sure you don't have names showing so now this is the main suitcase what brand is that children's coat there's a car there's a nice Hirt jacket for 3t again we're having that garage sale the third of October and we will have yeah well advertise children's coats adult coats you know winners gonna be coming sooner than we think here I know my two old clothes even though it's hot and eighty some demonstrator today even at Lake Erie's all right we're gonna go through these all those but I do see some purses here Hubie unless maybe the nurses due to the fact that the clothes will go through the pockets and the clothes are gonna get done here right yeah they're all kind of stuff in this one right here let's do this o-over black and milds we found those in the unit last week to Michael Kors what is in Michael Kors and I don't see any names I don't see no names yes it's a debit card that looks like a fun card main event yeah it looks like it's um like a rewards card much more proof you know what Cosmo proof I think is for beauticians only yeah I have to ask our daughter-in-law there's a bunch of cards back here that's hard to see you as well business cards Easter okay there nothing we need so let's look for different boats no gift cards - I think about a real um let us hit out a villain that's a dollar we're close to this Oh for the hair is it silver no don't shoot him if you don't let set aside we were definitely needed here look what I just pulled out of there another point no it's flowing full I have move your fingers kind of squeeze are open there we go look at that her more chains down in the bottom maybe we'll hit our $70 look familiar Mary Kay sample lipglosses how about it hot pocket you know these purse are just loaded with pockets more stuff in here doozy looks like it's a ring or something ring let's check it cause it's tarnishing but it could be cheap too but you don't throw anything away until you check it thoroughly money more money more money more money more money oh wait a minute okay there's a cameo Jim I think you're gonna need new gloves I'm getting there yes Jim are you going shopping you take notice we've got a new purse there could you get me some more money now you found your dollar or five or ten now let's see your 20 or how did you dump it there's any too much personal stuff pink shoot Victoria's Secrets hey Jim how much points do you have here how much you got there I see 40 what do you got sixty gosh wait a minute wait a minute we got a free locker we got a free storage unit twenty forty sixty one two I bid $60 that's all okay with with oh my god I can't talk with the fees tax it was like $70 so with the change we got a free unit an absolutely free unit never before we found that much money and I wanted ten all right what do you got here another purse you gotta find me some more cash and you know the haters I say we put that in there no no we didn't this came straight out of the back of a pickup truck out of that suitcase just don't forget to wash them because it can break your skin out if you're using yeah anything else what kind of um Olivia Miller is the name of this red bag and with some antibiotic wipes um silica oh that's the stuff to keep it all dry inside when you buy it so okay or change this is the purse that this came out of what's in your old bag huh pretty makeup all right everybody everybody we've opened that's point you see luggage head corner is that further in between the feminine products that we just found $62 okay so I'll look through that better you don't have to zip it that one felt really light and up they're not new bags huh that is acid reflux nothing don't worry about Oh makeup okay oh wow this is her makeup I've never used false eyelashes I'd probably have them on my chin this is all use makeup right all right no money no money no money money money money not see any so that is all gonna go in this trash bag sitting down here you found another bag over there do you want to get this shade miserable it's not supposed to be this hot at Lake Erie supposed to be cool breeze up there win won what no no way what do you got hmm is that a bullet no they were fake it's a drone why is that firearms it is a firearm it is a am 1500 caliber and let me double check keep your finger on safety I'm staying back now tell me what you're looking for there you're looking at a chamber is that what you're calling you're just nothing to make sure there's not a bullet in there there's nothing inside the chamber all right our brother-in-law is a guns dealer we're gonna have to talk to him Jim yep so tell me what what this is is it a pistol is it a gun is it this is a pistol sir Ector I know I can't see it there's too much shape trying not to give him a headache here huh and that's something okay you said what did you want to find this storage unit in any of them I want to find a gun cash and go hopefully sell integer we find gold jewelry but we found two three two of the items and we found stuff that we don't like to find we found drugs yes well those went to the trash those prescriptions so we did find something else in a little bottle and we got rid of that too yeah so that's just not something that we promote so oh my god you found a firearm I think everyone should keep their firearms and a bag called Jimmy Jazz want to take a little minute here and recap and share all of this change that we found in this unit it adds up to 27:54 there are two dollars and twenty four cents in pennies and we found one wheat penny only one we have three dollars in nickels seven dollars and thirty cents and dimes $13 in quarters and there is one susan b anthony which is here and then we have one Andrew Johnson so now I'm going to share our container that many of you saw when you saw the columbus video when we were with what the hell's in columbus ohio this is the Crayola blocks container that we found with a little bit of change in it so we keep adding to it and this 27:54 is going to go in there now remember that we found this $63 and going through this stuff and there were in between the feminine path 62 of it was when Jim found the first dollar bill he was teasing and we were joking and we did end up finding 63 so now that puts us up to 90 dollars and 54 cents but it gets better I can't show you the car seat because it's gone where's it at we took it to Walmart on Saturday that was the last day of their buyback for that the first year ever that they were by buying back baby car seats for a national baby I think awareness month or whatever it was but we got a $30 in-store gift card for Walmart that we took a little bit of it and bought some shoe cleaning stuff because we have all the Nike Air Jordans so now with that 30 that puts us up to 120 54 and we have $70.05 in this whole unit what a day and what a deal and water by were ecstatic
Channel: Adventures With The Hudsons
Views: 6,044
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: #Iboughtanabandonedstorageunit#Storagewarsauction#storageunitauction#Gunfoundinabandonedstorageunit, #storagewarsauction
Id: 5osjrO-q3mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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