FOUND SEX TIPS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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first thing we got on the agenda who the Hales knows how I've even been alive this far on this tire lucky hasn't blown out yet so we got to change that first because there's ten units going up for auction tomorrow morning in Columbus and then we're gonna get straight back to the unboxing from the unit we bought yesterday and fill in Finley that's what it is this box says Thomas train on it let's open it up let's see what we got if it be a Thomas train that'd be a great way to start we got the St Ruffy sure what the Ruffy is haven't found Thomas the Train all that much but there's a bridge it's got interlocking puzzle pieces so pieces would go just like that this looks really cool see if we can find the engine or caboose or there's I don't know this is the train station so there's yeah there's the stop looks like you press on this huh doesn't look like Thomas is in there we got here like we got some blue books these are decorative boxes oh-ho uh-huh yep what do you hide in your decorative box yeah well we know what she was hiding and there it is by the way I did find paperwork she went to juvie her boyfriend's in jail as well my guess is he hasn't the storage unit owner yesterday told us he hasn't heard anything my guess is she's back in jail probably for possession well we'll see if we find any more now we've got a camera we gotta try and power that on see if it powers up nope not powering up we've got another one that one's empty we've got it make sure it's not a photo album no not a photo album this is actually a sticker book see the stickers don't discount stickers people collect stickers we all had a sticker book when we were little and stickers are worth some big money there's no doubt so I don't know about stickers on the pages or a full complete sticker book my guess is this would even sell on eBay but you can do a quick search and you could find out yourself and you would know in a hurry do you sticker book sell on eBay yes or no there you go there's one right there hey this what something just fell out of it - okay hold a second 350 of the best tips ever we got a new position coupon we got a we got a Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Oh yep see it's for Jeremy I'm reading upside down this coupon is good for a trip - whoo we're just gonna set that aside see we can find a good one mmm making love on the dryer during the spin cycle not joking that's number tip 48 okay we've got flex ease right there for the tummy and the thigh we've got oh look at this you know what that's for that's a weight that I bet you she's in jail for possession and selling there's a book of ponies we got a couple other books but the sign below there looks like broken bracelets twilight eclipse the movie book we've got a children's play and Esther a paper dau look listen let's see paper dolls were big money before Barbies came out this was the way that people played so you can see probably many of you had a paper doll I'll have to look that one up on eBay Care Bears don't ever discount Care Bears Care Bears again big money we would need to find a date this one came from Kmart this book see if we can find the date see if I can find it upside down to show you 1983 which I think Care Bears came out 82 83 did they come up by were those by hallmark like Strawberry Shortcake Barbie again this is a first grade workbook but it's got writing in it but it's still barbie themed so it could be worth something $19.99 hot girl silly monsters look at look at dates on these books some of the highest priced items I've sold on eBay have just been books Curious George more ponies Harry Potter here's a Betty Boop Calendar Betty Boop obviously sells I wonder if that's worth anything looks like we've got some boxes of DVDs which I love getting because I can sell these all day at the warehouse for two bucks apiece now you can see some of the titles there the other thing I'll do at the warehouse is if you spend 20 bucks or more you can get free DVD it just entices people to actually spend a little bit more money so we've got some other titles here and if I have a hundred and five DVDs then the entire unit paid for itself especially if Marketing of get a free DVD when spending 20 bucks helps well helps people spend more money at the warehouse everything is marketing right see we got loose ones there let's see if we have them in here yep at Hotel Transylvania - great one try and show you some more of the titles I'll just put some of these aside and lift that up for you and let you see what's going on in there let's see what we can find in here Oh looks like all kinds of treasure let's just take the gloves off actually we could probably just here we go now now I have better access to be able to feel there we go oh wait we got these cool dragon Z cards but look what's under it a truth or dare game let's play alright let's see alright here it is truth in the comments what's the biggest lie you ever told in the comments and don't let the one that you tell in the comments be the lie because you didn't tell us the actual biggest lie in the comments or I dare you to pick your nose in front of a group of people let us know if you did it in the comments truth or dare you're up let's see what you got biggest lie go pick your nose in front of some people okay we got a purse here with some puppies nothing in it we got a cell phone yeah okay when we're done with this box I'm going to show you how many cell phones I have just from storage units you're not going to believe it okay we got dragon z cards here umm Dragon Ball Z I guess she's I've never had them before I guess you scratch them off huh I have to look those up I don't know too much about those it looks like we got a a turtle filled with sand kind of cool another little purse thing heart it's a mary-kate and Ashley heart purse looks like leather feels like leather or pleather one or the other oh we got a got a like a Pocahontas Timex watch here that looks like George and not Jeremy let's not look at that anymore we've got another little pouch nothing in it got another little purse with frog eyes nothing in it we got another little pouch a little star nothing in it but it's attached to something let's see what it's attached to this looks like gunsmithing tools but I have a feeling now it's not salon care okay I have no idea what you would do with this in a salon what do you do with these in a salon and what could they be worth huh it's unusual another little purse get nothing in it here's a stone maybe it's that piece of granite potentially another little like keychain purse thing actually looks a little notepad in there it is it's a heart notepad it's kind of cool piece of jewelry set that aside we got something inside of look what we have here a Precious Moments this looks like it looks like it came undone I think that goes right there and this must be a little jewelry box I'll see what we got inside we've got some very very odd looking creations inside that's what we have inside like low voodoo little voodoo Ping's okay we got a snap bracelet Tiger pattern never ever ever or leopard pattern and it's gone we got a me and my bag brand-new bag nothing in that either all right these gloves it's not cold outside would be all right Motorola not sure what these are you guys know what these are don't look like walkie-talkies but both have a plug inside we got another little purse here that a little dog purse and nothing in it but little keychains on it as well lighter let's see if it works yeah we got more than enough lighters I'll show you all the lighters at the end - looks like we've got some earrings and these look gold right here those do to have to check those out set those aside to check oh here's here's something else here's an just one earring based on that tarnishing I don't think that's gonna be any precious metal we got an essence of beauty it we got more more jewelry sure do more jewelry we got another purse this one feels like rubber and is that a piece of obsidian maybe I don't know huh okay looks like we've got a horn of an animal for something there's a hole drilled through there I don't know what that would be used for we've got a Skechers bracelet lots of jewelry in this one I thought we found the jewelry yesterday oh look at this we got a lady in the [ __ ] Disney stamp on the bottom and it's just lady that's cool we got like a Peter Rabbit egg there's something in there oh look at this look at this look at this oh we got a scan disc we got a memory card we've got another memory card look look look look we got a memory flash drive I wonder what is on here I wonder if that goes with that book okay we got some pins look we got scooby Doo Scooby Scooby Doo where are you can't have a show without you and then we have earplugs they might have just been listening okay we're gonna have to check the memory cards and the flash drive so we're going to set those aside those all get checked okay oh game boy look at that right there Tom and Jerry set that aside some more disney Chip and Dale it's like a little bag some jewelry doesn't look it just looks like costume jewelry earrings here we go we got a nice little Care Bear ten I don't see the year on it maybe you can see the year on it on your screen it's too small from where I'm looking and see if there's anything nope nothing in it but Care Bears again Care Bears are collectible I would definitely hold on to that looks like we got a lot of jewelry here George and I will have to go through that piece by piece oh there's a ring in there too let's just see if we can pull that ring out we go through it piece by piece we just do it all at once so all of this stuff this goes together and we test it all at once this is sterling silver see it look at that that's great see the nine-to-five see it hopefully you see it so the ring beautiful ring hopefully we got even more in here that's incredible oh that's great we got a secret a Lisa Frank secret and I don't think we got the key what do you think you think we ought to I don't know that's pretty it's pretty tough we might have to get the sledgehammer that are the chainsaw we got another Journal here with a lock on it Care Bears I think the better thing to do here instead of trying to open it and read it is to save it and sell it so we're gonna set that aside there we got a pajama Rama your guide to super sleepovers it's like a book of all kinds of activities and things we got an angel which this is normally where I would start singing earth angel oh it opens up let's see hmm nothing in it cool we got another we get lion king pin let's see we got a jewelry buy yeah yeah look at that okay let's see let's check Oh careful careful careful come on come on come on come on yep right there right there you guys see it 925 925 sterling silver right there good man we're doing so great with jewelry on this one we've been hitting the jackpot on jewelry okay I'm gonna man oh my goodness I can't believe how we keep getting lucky with all this there's definitely gold in here too look at this all intertwine definitely gold when you've handled it enough you found it enough you can tell the gold in the silver I love it okay we're gonna set that aside and that's just stuff else we got over here we've got got a ships ahoy button George will like that since it's a button now that she's in the buttons some kind of pencil topper thing and some kind of bracelet we've got a little a little scooter well sketch your scooter that's cool all right one more thing here we've got the moon and the stars out we got more jewelry okay let's see it looks like we have there's some stones in it too all right let's just check this does not feel like silver but just because I say it doesn't feel like silver doesn't mean that it's not silver or that the charm couldn't be silver I'm not seeing anything you know what this is pretty deep I bet you there's yep there's their compartment down there okay all right look we just whatever this stuff is we just took that now let's see what we got God sealed with love hope and sorrow I'm sorry sorry I got a peek that mean if it's to God okay dear God 12 605 please help me through all my problems could you please give me the gift of having straight teeth could you also please look this goes with the teeth thing yesterday could you also please watch over me and my family I'm really thankful for everything you do and God and God one more thing can you make all of my dreams come true and also my sis Imbros thanks and then I'm so sorry she says on the back huh this must be the secret compartment for the yes for the most important things look at this it's a yellow spongebob whoopee cushion i couple ants for this tonight when George gets home yes yes all right what else what else we got some more jewelry some more lip gloss things like that we'll have to check all of this individually I promise to show you how many cellphones I have cellphones pads it just goes on and on and if we were to dig we could dig deeper and deeper and deeper when these things are awful to the top only problem is this I don't know of any of them work don't have time to test them and lighters well this is my never-ending overflowing of lighters even a little gumball machine filled with them [Applause] back at the warehouse finishing up the day the weather is horrible absolutely horrible but I've got to get that trailer empty so that can get on the road first thing early in the morning to head to Columbus to go to the storage unit auctions so thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe hit the bell so you get the notifications if you don't know where the Bell is google it now don't google it YouTube ant YouTube videos can teach you anything how do I find the Bell and remember venture weights yeah go find it after all that work today see this tension pulling this thing supposed to spin not moved back and forth the metal snapped so now I don't have a serpentine belt so basically I've got no power no power steering no electric my engine won't cool not supposed to do that I'm not going anywhere tomorrow I have to start again Oh GoFundMe you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 27,261
Rating: 4.9355359 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 1TBfLl9-uL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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