Found CASH! Envelope of money found inside the $4,300 locker we bought at the storage auction

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oh nope i thought jewelry box but nope that's somebody's okay hey mike this is definitely something for you add to your cremations collection end of a long day slicing your finger on a cheap one yeah it's got a ring box in it see what's in there uh yeah that looks pretty good nice exactly oh oh my look at this dude did you tweak it yes oh there we go oh first step is to separate what we got meaning silver 14k 10k 18k whatever the gold is in the costume all right here it is here is the full jewelry treasure load all laid out [Music] previously on locker nuts i teamed up with the storage auction pirate to buy this big 10 by 20 locker at the auction it cost us a whopping 4 300 we like the dust cobwebs and quality items we could see from the doorway but the fines have been outstanding and just getting better and better also the deeper we go critters are discovered including live cockroaches yuck in the last episode things got crazy with some epic silver and jewelry finds but one massive jewelry box by itself seems set to launch as well into the profit with the weather changing quickly and rain about to come we get through the last remaining boxes and then take a closer look at the treasures found in that jewelry box let's see what else we find all right got to the bottom of this box a bunch of changing here put that aside it's all adding up guys all adding up this is a big profit locker spent a lot luckily we're going to make a lot all right here's that box that looked kind of interesting let's see if it's got anything remotely exciting compared to what we just went through because that was off the hook that was crazy romeo and juliet some nice cigars see what they put in the box okay that's the kids stuff trust me it doesn't do anything all right well i've got some some more coins okay nice little wall decor it's a resin i think wow 40 bucks mark down to 27. okay we got some beanie babies it's been a while since i found any of these patriot but um man i think beanie babies might be making somewhat of a comeback i'm not sure i've been looking at sold listings and all of a sudden some very very high prices getting that they're getting for them i can't make headers or tails over it but it's something to pay attention to anyway okay there's a sock monkey this looks nice actually luckily it also looks intact what is this oh it's got a nice jewelry oh this is yardro la dro hey mike you need to take a look at this yes it is but look around the neck too this isn't part of it look at this is that silver yes it is oh my goodness that's crazy okay all right let's pack this lady up this little lady up very carefully what do we got here what do we have oh nope i thought jewelry box but nope that's somebody's okay hey mike this is definitely something for you that's your cremations collection like this open up your the little one but i'm i was hoping maybe we'd find a key but we're gonna have to figure something else out i don't think that's cremations that's something else okay boyd's collection handmade in china it's numbered though there's a bit another beanie baby oh my swampy there's a bottle of mickey's in the same box as all that other stuff that's just weird what's this guido oh this is another cremated pet look at that blunt sterling little sterling cup and then got some little tiny itty bitty eggs right here huh two of them very nice okay there's some sort of christmas warning maybe veronica's hallmark oh rain r-a-i-n-e that's funny we found a whole collection of these little shoes these are very collectible they come in the box so probably worth more in the box but these we have sold that are awful as well looks like i got three of them right here whoa what's on the bottom of this looks like a bunch of shark teeth those are all shark teeth huh that's creepy looking look at the hair on this thing whatever this thing is this numbered from 2002 oops diapers coming off oh man that thing is ugly in those last boxes i don't want to rip my finger there's something in there i'm afraid of cutting myself can you imagine at the random long end of a long day slicing your finger on a cheap one safe yeah it's got a ring box in it if you could speed this up when you do it make it look like it went faster sure let me make it look like you got on the first pole yeah it's like right there see what's in there uh yeah that looks pretty good nice that's exactly what i didn't want to do oh my goodness that does look good come on more okay that's where's the coins at world war ii stuff okay a little last minute something something yeah what else we got in here oh oh hey mike let me see this this is rare oh what's this this part of those balls yeah oh these are nicely let me send a picture to my good buddy here huh that's fine more good stuff storage locker business is crazy you never know what you're gonna find the hail mary sign of the cross that's interesting and then we have this kitty hats oh oh my look at this okay maybe it's nothing but here's what i got a couple old hats wrapped in bubble wrap okay i think i'll vlog dude in the freaking kid's hat hundred eighty ninety it makes you wanna go through everything you can 220 230 240. 250 265 265 bucks in cash in the kids hat and bubble wrap what the heck oh looks like it was originally 595 dollars back in 214 2014. wowza okay what the heck we found money i think i felt the range up which means we're almost out of time here folks which is a good time yeah because i almost got all the work done mike has definitely moved more boxes than i have what's this little girl doing here do we want to see frog is the oxy stuff to put in the car it's going to start raining on us and i'm really trying to rush to finish shoes okay those rain shoes we'll definitely put those in our options either our auction or mike saw so one of the two we'll go through the live auctions on youtube and a couple more of those shoes i'm not opening them guys just because of time we gotta move quick here all right we tried we tried and tried to get the lock the key easier than the last one huh yeah this is not really a high quality box but um when did you tweak it yes oh there we go oh anything um it's the kids stuff again is it or is it more of the uh whoever belonged in the military with that other stuff i just had to feel those kids oh there we go is it in germany no i don't have my portuguese badge combat infantry badge oh that one's kind of cool this one presidential wow and then okay well it's all right yeah this is all cool because we have a large collection of patches yeah all right locker nuts what's up mike and i got to split up that jewelry and the first step is to separate what we got meaning silver 14k 10k 18k whatever the gold is in the costume so right now that's what i'm gonna do let's take a look at the jewelry box right here all right we've got that jewelry box man it's a good looking box too probably the largest jewelry box ever found which makes sense because this is the largest score i've ever found yeah we got these three boxes too maybe this got some good stuff these ones and no gold there but all right then i'm set up over here on this table this is where we do our auctions it's also where i shoot like ebay items so the lighting is really good in here got all these different lights set up um but it's also good so we can see the jewelry more clearly i got my acid kit right here for testing the gold i've got a ring sizer i don't know if we'll need that notepad so i can take notes and of course loops magnifying glass magnet and the scale all right let's get started all right there it is empty jewelry box got everything out all right here it is here is the full jewelry treasure load all laid out and this as well all right so these right here i'll go through this guys if you're if you're wondering what we got um i have it all organized this is all bronze bronze pieces so some of it looks bronze like this very nice some of it is bronze with a coating like this i think silver plated this is gold plated i believe that's bronze so anyways i don't know there's a market for this bronze stuff and i don't know about value because i never actually sold it i've never found it before these are all watches i think these are all just like just regular watches there's some nice stuff in here this one right here actually looks pretty nice but um this one looks kind of nice too it's a little mother pearl behind many i'll take a closer look at these before we sell them over here i think these are just costume pieces these right here i'm going to have to have mike look at just to see if i missed anything like for example like this might be a silver i'm not sure um but nothing too too crazy this is all costume here all right over here we've got all the designer pieces this is swarovski right here and i'm not sure if it's gold plated could be right here some joan rivers pieces couple earrings they're nice she's got this bee theme apparently look at that that thing is really really nice looking a little pin there's another one right there liz palacios i think and these are numbered which is pretty pretty dang cool this one says jbk on it i'm not sure if that's a famous designer but it is mark jbk nikki butler made in france that's this piece right here looks like it might be missing something that's got the two hooks at the top maybe it's just a pendant i'm not sure this right here these pieces here are by kirk's folly and a couple pairs of earrings nice stuff and then a couple of necklaces with pendants this right here says nolan miller although i couldn't find the markings on the back usually nolan miller pieces say nolan miller so i'm not sure but these are they're pretty they're very very pretty so um whether or not they're nolan miller they're still pretty nice this necklace right here says graziano on it and it is really nice very fancy and you can see it's like just a lot of movement in it and yeah i don't know i don't know how to explain that really it's nice piece come over here now this is all sterling silver all right there's some beautiful stuff here really like i think every one of these pieces is really nice all of it marked nine two five there we have a nice selection of rings i don't think there's any diamonds here um probably cubic zarconians i'm not sure about some of the colored gems that's really pretty isn't it wow all right these this is nice stuff i don't think we really had any junk jewelry here we have some broken costume pieces very very few but most of this is like just outstanding look at that gorgeous rings really look at these bracelets so pretty all this silver this tray here all of this silver all of this is earrings look at this i think these are some jade earrings very nice this i think is also jade yeah yeah this over here is all broken or mismatched like one earring here's a what was a really nice ring but it has a missing stone and ah man so it's a heartbreaker there's a silver bracelet but broken so anyways that's just scraps over there but yeah all the other pieces very nice here's a little pendant with some stones in it it's cool silver back here we've got some of the 925 silver with the gold plating uh again just really nice stuff look at this earring oh man it's cool some earrings there's a ring with some nice gems in it and there's a mismatch earring but there's a little pendant right here nice stuff back there's a leather necklace with the little silver clasp and there's some silver earrings one of them's one of them is missing the mate okay look at this this tray right here also 925 silver beautiful pieces i mean i'm saying that about every single every single thing but they really are look at this i think this is all jade right here oh actually these match that oh wow those match that yeah those earrings match that wow so cool there's so much stuff like my my trays actually started getting crowded here's another 95 silver tray necklaces beautiful this one is really heavy it's got some significant weight it's missing the little clasp but the chain itself is really really nice and it's got girth over here we've got the 14k gold all of this is 14k look at this necklace right here isn't that gorgeous 14k gold these pieces over here i put damage because like these earrings right here missing a stone only one earring in that style there this is a broken chain one earring this one is this one actually might be worthy of getting fixed i think it has about three missing stones in it there's three missing diamonds but that's a nice bracelet this actually might sell for i don't know several hundred maybe a thousand dollars for this bracelet if we can get it fixed the rings here as well also gorgeous stuff gorgeous stuff i don't think there's any diamonds here i think these are mostly cubic zirconiums or other gems but i have to have them checked again my diamond tester doesn't seem to be too reliable with the larger stones like this one i'm saying is a diamond that's not a diamond it's light blue i'm not sure what it is but um doesn't matter they're still beautiful gorgeous looking stuff here's a 14k necklace it's a little tangled up i gotta fix that but this pendant i think might be diamonds i'm not sure that is spectacular isn't that pretty i think that might be a diamond in there i forget over here um these are some silver earrings made by this designer right here and what's cool about these they say israel on the back so they're made in israel two pairs very cool all right this ring right here is something special i think it's pretty beefy and heavy this is 925 or sterling silver with a little bit of gold on it see that right there i believe that's 14 or 18 karat i forget which all right yeah you see right there 925 and 18k that's 925 silver with 18k of those little flowers right there are 18k accents this is beautiful oh it's got a a maker mark on it what does that say huh i'm not sure but that's a man that's a designer mark in a big old stone that's a beautiful piece right there that's something a little bit different these are the two better watches i put aside this one dmq i'm not really sure if that's anything i don't know i don't know if that's anything this little mickey mouse is really nice it's got that mother pearl background there it just feels quality right there oh affinity diamonds disney this is a nice piece right here hmm very nice all right this right here says ralph lauren i think we're gonna have to take a little bit closer look at this it's too heavy i think it's probably just gold plated um not solid gold way too heavy for that it's a heavy piece it does feel nice though this right here sterling signatures by joseph esposito this is another piece that has silver and gold together another designer piece see that right there 14k and 925 it's pretty dang nice all right but this right here guys this right here is the money these are the 18 carat pieces look at this this is a little cat 18 karat italy wow that's nice it's not terribly heavy this is hollowed out but it's nice this right here is 18k there is um a marking on it you can see it right there it says k18 and then d025 i think that means it's a quarter carat of diamonds in 18 karat gold but i did gold test that just to make sure and sure enough it is and then this piece right here is also 18 karat and um again not terribly heavy because all these little loops are all hollow this reminds me of the 24 karat gold that we found not too long ago but these little dingle dingles right here with the gems in it these are very interesting i just wonder what kind of gems those are and if they're valuable because well they put them with 18 karat gold so this is not a cheap piece there's a lot of weight there also so let's take a look at all the gold that we pulled out of just this one jewelry box but i had to break the gold up into smaller sections because it was just too much gold for one little scale to handle but it also made it kind of fun we've got 14k we've got 18k i'm also showing you the scrap value so keep in mind these are not scrap pieces they're better than that these are retail pieces but as you'll see from the total that i've got running at the bottom this one box got us into the profit with just the gold alone okay all right mike's breathing i'm out of i'm overwhelmed jacket what do we buy storage units for to find the treasure treasure and what do pirates love gold silver silver and gems found all three here as well as collectibles and lots of other stuff too found a dinosaur tooth or something but the jewelry was of course the big the big big well to be honest in my opinion i don't like to be arrogant you might get this a lot in your videos but i know i do people say you're not very like you're appreciative but if you take away all the jewelry we found the cartier watch the jewelry gold silver itself this would have been we'd have been like damn we spent 43. but yeah oh in the silver sense man yeah we're gonna make money here guys but 4 300 is a lot of money to spend under anyone's measure um for us i mean i was a little bit nervous but i think you were almost out of 39 or four and a half oh i would i was like you're like you want to keep going i'm like i'm i'm good i honestly i i don't you can choose to put this on there or not but i i feel it when it's in there every end everyone's gold and silver there's just something in my body you have like that mother's intuition for storage lockers and it pays off when i partner with him this time it did for sure again so look for got to watch his channel for we only showed half the stuff on right here so go to his channel watch the videos also go to his auctions if you want to buy some of the stuff you saw coming out because we both do live auctions on youtube only on youtube so check our channels for the next one coming up mine's on mondays yours has been on saturdays but it just varies so make sure you yeah sometimes 24 hours a day sometimes it's once a week it is marathons all right like subscribe and hit that little bell notification if you're on youtube and make sure you're a good one share share please please it helps us that's how we get uh known that's how we get seen so thank you guys for watching until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts locking us in i didn't see that coming diddy oh no i didn't warm i had my shirt on the whole day it was just too cold so did i well which onesies can i just tell you right now this part never gets old it doesn't it's exciting [Music] i don't know i thought there'd be more boxes let's let me take out a little tour oh there's a light let me get that light on and let's look inside
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 112,593
Rating: 4.927907 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, fossils, dinosaur claw, dinosaur tooth, cockroaches, spiders, infested, bugs
Id: ZW67dbGHxSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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