LOST FOREVER | Abandoned Italian Golden Palace of an Exorcist Family (BREATHTAKING)

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Let me open up the gates of the "Golden Palace", and take you into the bewitching story of a vast and opulent Italian family that once had deep pockets by virtue of acres of rice crops within their region and beyond. You are about to watch a truly breathtaking deserted palace, dating from centuries ago. A building where numerous generations have passed and where prestigious families have led their lives in, little from knowing that they were seconds away from disappearing forever. Life's like a vapor: it's here today but could be gone tomorrow. Ever since that moment, mother nature has conquered and the glamorous property is solely left to decompose. As both its exterior, and interior, are crumbling apart, its artistic renaissance jewels within are still well preserved in time. Apart from being strictly Christian people, we come to another unexpected discovery while we interview some people on the streets. According to these local villagers, rumors even go, that the former residents were worshipers and believers of exorcism. Enjoy a tour, as I will unravel the mysteries in this palace that have remained hidden from the human eye for years on end. So, welcome back everyone on a brand new video! Currently, I'm standing in Italy and this will be one of the last videos of the Italy Series. I have 2 last places to show you, and this particular one absolutely took my breath away. As you can see, I'm standing at the backside, in the back garden, of a grand property that is entirely surrounded by vegetation. The facade is nearly not visible anymore. And this is not just a mansion or a house, but in Italy, they refer to this place as a "Palazzo". That's basically the translation of a palace. Once, a very dignified and important family lived inside of this place, but it has been abandoned for a long time already. Now, we've actually talked with some people on the street to ask them if they knew the story behind the property, and we've found out that the man, or actually the family, that lived inside of here earned a great fortune one day with all ricefields and rice farming. They were rice tycoons. And in this area, there's a lot of rice farming and people earn a lot of money with it. So, yeah, that's actually how they earned their cost to live here one day. It was also a big family, but why oh why is this place now just left to ruin?! That's a good question, but we actually also found out about that. Now, the thing is that the inheritance taxes were very high, and eventually, through the years, nothing went on inside of this place and it was just left for nature to decompose. And eventually, there were just prohibitive costs for the maintenance and renovation of this place. And it's just left to ruin, left to be withering away. It's very hard to believe because if you're going to see the inside, it's absolutely stunning. I have this place already for 2 years now, but I never had the chance to actually go here. That's a shame because recently this place has become quite a looter's paradise, and also a place for thieves, vandals, and burglars. But still, this place is undoubtedly worth showing you, so yeah, enjoy watching another marvelous place of the "Italy Series 2.0", as I am going to give you a tour. I'm going to take you along with me, and we're going to explore this place together! Let's go inside, right under the ivy here. It's so magical. Alright, here we go! And have a look over here: this was once the main portal to enter this place with cars and carriages. You can already see a little bit of paintwork on the sides of the wall. And firstly, we're going to enter this side of the building. By the way, today I'm not only just exploring this place, but I'm also on a mission. Because this place is left wide open on all sides, and I'm going to try my very best to close everything as much as I can, to prevent any further disintegration by the forces of nature, and also by entering vandals. So, yeah, let's start, and this is the first room. I will firstly slowly pan through it because there's also a beautifully painted fresco ceiling. This is going to be a very majestic property. As I told you in the intro, the people that lived here obtained much prestige in their time. Now, the strange thing is, and you're probably also able to hear that... A lot of cars are passing by, as this place is located in the middle of a city center! It is unbelievable that it has still, remained so well intact for being in such a central position with so much traffic and people. This is near to fall down. But I love the carvings on this cupboard. Inside there are still, a lot of plates left. You can also definitely tell that woodworm has manifested this cabinet. Some cutlery over here. I love these upholstered chairs. And over here we can also see some signs of religion. That was very essential back in those days. And you see this, people? We have our first window to close. It's just standing open. Those are only the shutters. Rain and everything is now just coming inside. Luckily, I'm wearing gloves because these windows are completely covered in cobwebs. So, I guess that's the first one. So, that's one and it's closed now. It's safe from any further degradation. And look right, left from me: there's this beautiful upright piano. from the German brand "Schwechten". It was made in Berlin. (playing piano) It still works quite sufficient, to be honest. Now, this place has already been abandoned for around 10 to 15 years. And that is a quite long time for a place, to be honest. This is a fake banana. Let's see... Wow. Still, some glasses are standing inside. Some porcelain work and some mugs. I think they are all emptied out. Maybe they are even looted. Damn, also look at the cobwebs in between this. It's absolutely insane! It seems that there is not that much interesting stuff left inside here, to be honest. And I also, honestly, think that most of it has already been looted. There are some postal cards over here of the family "Nicola". I think it was an invitation to something. Wow, over here are still quite some plates left too. Okay, so we are continuing through this place with its nickname "the golden palace". You are soon going to find out why it was attributed this name. But first, we have their kitchen area. Look at the concave ceiling over here. That's very unique! But furthermore, there's not that much stuff left in the kitchen. Just a basic fridge and some gas furnaces. This one's empty, luckily. Also, a postal card over here. And these are the gas furnaces I was talking about. I guess they did their dishes over here and could also wash some clothes by hand. Oh, and by the way, I almost forgot it but we have another window to close. And you're so well able to hear the city ambiance here! Quite strange. How do I close this one? There we go! That made a lot of noise. There's a chance people on the street will hear us, and call the police. If that's the case, okay, but I do not feel that I'm doing something wrong at the moment. This place is wide open on all sides. A lot of people have already entered that do not have any good intentions as I do. I'm just also trying to save this place now. Now, the crazy thing is also that the owner of this place just lives right next to the palace. It is only like 1 minute away walking distance. Now, why is he not closing all these windows and shutters? It really doesn't seem that he's still caring. I think it doesn't bother him anymore, which I find a shame because this property is a true jewel, and you're soon going to find out why. This was just a little side room for some storage I guess. And then, right now, be amazed by the incredible artwork in this room! Firstly, the tiles. And then, have a look. Everything is painted: the walls, but also the ceilings. Very colorful. It's like an illusion. As if this is not even real, you know? I absolutely love it. I've got much admiration for the talent of the Italians and their painting skills. Wow! And it's sad to see how all the paintwork is just getting damaged because the property is neglected. Well, as you can see, I can close something up again. That's 1. And that's 2! I don't know where this used to go. Normally, you can put it somewhere. Maybe here. Definitely there, yeah. Alright, right now, this is closed properly again, and I'm very happy with that. Well, let's see what this is. Oh! Wow, look at this! There's still chinaware inside. A very old bottle of a pharmacy. Wow, some beautiful crystal. Let's see... this door seems broken. There's still, a very old receipt here. It's dating from 1942. Dang! That's a long time ago. 80 years, wow. Well, I also spotted two doors over here. This one seems very broken, so I'm going to try to do this carefully. What's over here? It's just a little room with some books. Not much. Wow. Well, the furnace over here. Still, a rosary is over here on top. A religious print. I think over here's a toilet, but because of a heavy stove right in front of it, I can't open that one. I also spotted a door on the other side right over here. I find it so cool how the paintings are just continuing and the doors are kind of hidden. Wow, what's this?! Dang. Look at it. Another very old receipt from an accident that happened. Again, I see the name "Nicola", so, I think the "Nicola" family lived inside of this place. It is dating from 1943. It's a paper from the police department for the insurance of an accident that happened. Dang. I love the tiles again. Wow, haha! Also, look at the columns over here at the entrance. And then, the contrast with the outside. It's completely well hidden in all this vegetation. I think this once used to be another entrance because you can also see the huge portal over here. Strangely enough, that one's well closed with a padlock. I also really like the chair over here, by the way. And I spotted another passage right over here, but it is just a toilet. So, right behind these doors, you're going to be surprised. But I'm going to walk to that room from the other side, and then you're going to find out why it was attributed the name "golden palace". Because have a look at this! Wow, wow! This is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous. Wow. Look at the paintwork. It's all carved out. It is painted in a golden and dark blue color. And then, there are these very luxurious high-end antique chairs and benches, which also have a little bit in common with the Portuguese and Spanish furniture. Wow! Also, look at the floor where I'm walking. And even on the walls, they've painted everything. Damn, my gosh! This is truly gorgeous. What a jewel! And right now, you probably understand why I still wanted to make a documentary of this place. Those were just some cabinets with shelves. There are no doors anymore. Over here I find a letter dating from 1992. That's interesting. It's the most recent date I've found so far, but I can't read anything of it. Oh my gosh! All the crystal is still standing here, or at least, most of it. Wow! As you can see, that's two other windows again. But I guess, I still have lots to go. At least, I'm happy that it's closed right now, at least, for a while. And just protected. Because it has been raining a lot in Italy the last few days, and I know that leakage damage is very harmful to a property like this. It has been already decaying for so many years, but still, if we can prevent all the degradation as much as we can, there will be a bigger chance this property will hopefully, be restored one day. So, yeah, just doing the good thing, you know? Let's continue exploring now. Okay, and then I'm making my way to the outside again. To the back garden. I still have some outbuildings to show you that are quite special. So, yeah, I'm walking back for a little while. Today is very sunny again here in Italy, so that's very enjoyable! You just hear the pigeons in the background. They have become the new residents of this palace. They are all just chilling in the roof panels and everything. Well, right over here we have a shed I guess. So, wow! Oh my. There's a boat. Look at all the concave ceilings too. A bicycle is hanging there. You can still see the old blue paintwork on all the walls. And look over here: a lot of tools for horseriding. And believe it or not, but the owner is living right over there, behind these windows. So, haha, I'm getting out of here! Look over here: there's another door. And this one's leading to a little wine cellar. Wow! Have a look at this. There are still so many wine bottles. It's incredible. Some "Pinot" red wine. White wine. Wow. Some bottles were even never opened. They are still full of wine. They must be expensive right now because I think it's very old wine. Wow, there are so many. They are all just left under a thick layer of dust and spider webs. I think I saw even more. Yeah! Look at this. Wow! Those ones are all consumed. They are empty. They are hanging upside down. Even still, the corks over here. It's so cool. It's even going further over here. They had a large basement. Haha, you can hear all the people on the street right now. I'm doing this in ninja mode. Oh, la! Welcome to the city! Okay, well, that was actually really cool. I loved that wine cellar. Now, let's go back inside. Okay, well, we're going to the other wing of this palace. What?! Okay, believe it or not, but the electricity is still transmitting. Of course, I'm not going to turn the switches because this place can easily catch fire. And it would hurt me from the deepest bottom of my heart if this place would burn to the ground because it's a real renaissance gem. Do you see what I see? We can close something up again. Well, I think this was some storage of them. Just some shelves where they would store some food products. We even still have some canned pickles over here. Some other food. That's very moldy, so I can not even relate to what's inside. That's cauliflower right over there. Alright, this is a very dirty one. But, yeah, everything for this place and its protection. This one's very heavy. Oh, la. Be prepared for a marvelous room over here! I think this was once their main hall and main room, where they would also invite all their guests. And then, have a look at the ceiling. Oh my gosh! Hallelujah! Wow! As the Italians would say: "splendido", "fantastico"! Wow. Absolutely breathtaking, people. What a master-crafted paintwork. I absolutely love it. There's so much detail inside of it and so much grandeur. Angels and everything. Oh, this is incredibly sad. Once a beautiful fireplace has now collapsed almost entirely. You can see all the broken parts just laying on the ground here. What a shame. What a shame that they were never in time restoring this place. What a shame that the government did not subsidize them with some money to cover these inheritance taxes and save a historical landmark of Italy. I really hope someone will decide to breathe life in this place once again. Someone with sufficient money. I really really hope so. Oh, this was like a postal card of something they bought or something. Hmm, I think so. Haha. Also, look at the beautiful curtains everywhere. Wow, these windows are so tall! And then, the sitting corner over here with the very comfy and luxurious chairs. And also, a beautiful tapestry is hanging on the wall. So, I'm going to try to close those ones up right now. Okay, I closed them up. Let's continue. Right over here we have another dining room of them. Have a look. I really love the ceiling over here as well. This one is very different from the other painted ceiling we've just seen. I also really loved how they've made these door entrances leading to the next rooms. There are still some glasses over here. This is another kitchen. It's quite messy inside of here. I really can not believe so many windows are left open. Whoever left them open, has no respect. Oh, what's this?! An old photo of something? Yeah, I think so. I think this is the shed I just explored. Wow, look over here at the coatrack. Another little side part. Also, still a sewing box over here. All the buttons are laying on the ground. A little toilet area. Also, over there you can see some paintwork. Wow. What's this? I think it's another bill. Something of their car. Maybe car insurance or something, or taxes. "Ana Maria" is written on it. The name "Ana Maria". So, that could've been another member of this family as well. There are still some telephone numbers of friends and everything. Yeah, I think that's it for this wing. So, this floor was already incredible, but of course, a palace always consists of multiple floors. And have a look at the grand stairway over here going up. With the beautiful iron banister too. We can still see some remains of its green color. It looks like an oriental decorative doll. This used to be a very old photo, but it's completely blurry because of all the humidity. Over here's another access to the garden. Well, then, look over here. We even have some taxidermy: a stuffed bird. A little diary or agenda. Just have a look at how all the paint is crumbling apart. Over here were some other doors leading to the garden. You can see all the ivy now growing against it. And over here was their office part, where they arranged all their business for their rice production. But, as the day of today, it's a huge mess. There are even some old photos over here. Well, some leaves. Some trees. I think they were into nature photography. Yeah, definitely. It's in a very dilapidated state over here, and also very ransacked, I think. But then, have a look from this perspective. Hahaha! We're going to go upstairs, guys. I'm going to stop teasing you because I know you're curious to see what's waiting for us there. And honestly, you'll be amazed. A beautiful chair. Let's check out this side. I've not seen it yet, but it's in a very bad state, so, I have to be cautious. I think it's a pigeon's paradise. Haha, I hear the pigeons right above me. Dang! There are even still some books on the ground about chemistry and organs. So, maybe one of the family members was a doctor as well or studying for it, at least. One of their sons or daughters. It's always crazy to see how nature is, literally, growing inside. It's like residential places and nature are just blending together, and slowly it is just becoming one. Of course, these videos are never in 4D, so, you're not able to smell what I smell, or sense what I sense, but there's a strong perfume smell over here. It's coming from this area. I think somebody sprayed perfume over here. Another tiny window. Boom! Alright, and there we are. We have a huge hallway. Let's just follow this side of the corridor first. On this floor, we're mostly going to find bedrooms. Now, you can clearly see what I'm talking about. All these vanities have clearly been looted. Look over here: a picture of one of the last owners, I think. I think it once was a part of a passport of him. "Duplicato". Oh, we can see another picture over here of this man. Some holiday photos. Over here, I see the name "Ferdinando". So, I've already seen 4 different names. That means they definitely had children. I really love the iron bed. Look at the paintwork on it as well. That's beautiful too, wow! Italians really know how to design and decorate their furniture and their rooms, including walls and ceilings, just in a beautiful manner. Haha, still some Christmas decoration here. Well, this room's a big mess. I'm not even going to walk in there. But look over here: we have another bedroom. Look: everything is just wide open here. I mean, nature conquered. Why did they even do this? Do they really want the shutters to stay open? I don't understand it. Honestly, it is quite heavy to close all these shutters. Most of them are really stuck and have not been moved for years and years. Argh, my gosh! Holy Mary. (trying forcefully to close the shutters and windows) Well, there used to be a violin inside of this case, but that one is sadly enough also just stolen. The mirror is smashed here. That's an old Jesus statue. And there's this religious print. Oh, it's actually not a religious print. It's a memory of somebody that passed away. I think it was a friend. He passed away in 1975. Oh, and there are still so many letters on the ground here too! But look: this mirror is still intact. It's beautiful how they've made this inside. Well, there's still a skirt inside. There are still, some clothes hanging here, surprisingly enough. They have not been thrown around. Wow! Look at the beautiful women's hat over here. I think it was worn when they went to funerals, back in these days. We can see an old photo over here taken at a religious meeting. It looks quite strange. And I think this was a part of an old grooming kit. The brush used to be inside of here as well. Well, connected to this bedroom they had a bathroom. A quite large one, honestly. And this is the room that was such a big mess, from the other side. Still, lots of coats are hanging up there. And over here it's still just completely filled with medicines, and also some holy water bottles right on top of there. So, I think we're already quite long in this video, but I always love to take my time for such beautiful and marvelous places like this. Most of the time, it's just a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you get to witness such a place. You know, I know the opinions are always very mixed about the length of the videos, but just leave your thoughts in the comment section, down below. Even more bullets over here. And this is what I mean with ransacked, people. What a shame! Dang. Everything is smashed around over here. All the doors and wardrobes have been pulled open. All the books are left on the ground. What a shame. Such disrespect for a place like this. I'll never understand why people do this. I hate it. This newspaper is dating from 1984. Woah! Okay, so, this is my favorite part of the palace, I think. It's one of the most unique bedrooms I've seen. Have a look at this. Carved inside of the wall, the curtains, and this one bed. We'll go there in a bit. Also, look at the walls over here. Oh! Still, plenty of religious photos over here. And also a photo of this woman. Haha, that's such a beautiful child picture over here. So adorable, look at what he's wearing too. A pipe. And then, let's go between these two grand curtains to show you this room in more detail. And I'm going to tell you something that might be quite surprising. For some people, it might be even shocking. Because one other thing that was told to me when I interviewed some residents on the street over here, is the following: the people that lived inside of this place were worshipers and believers of exorcism. It's the expulsion or attempted expulsion of evil spirits from a person or place. And it's still visible over here: look at this statue. This man is a priest. "Becheli". He was actually one of the main persons in exorcism. Apparently, also in this region of Italy, this exorcism belief was quite common and very popular. Dang! Over here the shutters and everything is just open. This was another bathroom. Alright, I'm going to close everything up over here as well. It's oh so dirty. Look at my gloves. Alright, over here I have to be careful. Man, it is impossible to close this. Alright, I will just quickly close the windows because if people see me on the street right now standing on the side, police will be here in no time. I can not close this one up. It is just too stuck. I will try the best I can. Over here they even had a balcony. (trying to close the doors) Oh! This is so stuck, people! This is as much as I can do. Okay, let's squeeze my way through this door over here. Well, if it's true that they believed in exorcism, they actually also had a chapel over here where they would pray and think about it. But they also certainly were Roman Catholic. That's very evident. As many people are in Italy. This is so beautiful, and still so pristine with all the things here. Wow! Their own cute little private chapel. I love it very much. You can clearly see how all the roots are just growing inside. It's going to be hard to close these shutters and windows later. But let's first show you this bedroom. Wow oh wow! Again, some minimal paintwork. On the ceilings as well. Even still, some music. That was probably for the piano. And an old photo over here. It's unbelievable. You can clearly see that the ceiling has just collapsed over there. A lot of damage to the property throughout all these years of vacancy. Over here's the name "Nicole". It maybe was a friend of theirs. The old clothes hook. And then, we can also make our way to the next room, and this one is unbelievably gorgeous. Have a look at the ceiling at first sight! Oh, oh, oh. Wow! Wow oh wow. It's so well-detailed. The curtains over here are also very Spanish, by the way. We've seen this a lot in Spain. And then, the beautiful Italian bed. I've got no other words for it. And I always love these Italian beds. I've seen similar ones to this one before. They are typically Italian. Haha, these once were doors but they've bricked it now. Well, this room is quite empty. I think it used to be another bedroom one day. And it was a very big room too. Maybe this is the family tree. Oh, it's about doctors in medicine. So, I definitely think that some of the family members were an important head in medicine. Wow! And look over here: we have a very old picture on the wall of another religious man, maybe a priest. He could've been within the family. Some very old potion over here from a local pharmacy. And a beautiful Mary statue in this glass bulb. And then, finally, I think I have one other thing to show you, and after that, I think we explored this place as a whole. Right now I'm going to close everything up I just walked past by, and after that, I will show you the last feature inside of this amazing palace. And then, the last area, people, it's right over here. Also, at this point, you can clearly see that nature just conquered this battle. The windows are just broken by the roots that are growing inside. Unbelievable, Woah. I can probably not even close this one up, but I'm going to give it a go. At least, it's something. I think this is just another toilet. Yep. And then, lastly, have a look at the beautiful stairway. With the stained glass over there. The beautiful painting ceiling, haha, wow oh wow! A lot of sheet music is laying on the ground over here. An old sleigh. Wow, look over here! There are some more old photos. The room is very messy. I love those screens. They were probably used for dressing. And then, lastly, we have a room that's very dilapidated. I really have to be careful, but I think I'm just going to show it like this. Have a look. A room full of books. I think this was their library one day. Dang! So many books. Also, a very old portrait of one of their family ancestors. Beautiful. And then, that's where I want to close another unforgettable exploration here in Italy. I've got no words for this place. As I mentioned before, I find it incredibly sad that everything is just left like this. That is was never saved. Sometimes this world is unfair, you know? Everything is about money. If there's no money, you can not do what you want. It really makes you think sometimes when you walk through these abandoned places. But anyway, I really hope you enjoyed one of the last episodes of the "Italy Series 2.0". Stay tuned for next week because you'll see one of the most touching explorations I've ever done. And I think it will also be the longest video ever. I'm really excited to share this place and show it to you. I've already filmed it but I've not published it yet. I wanted to wait for it for the grand final of the "Italy Series 2.0". But, yeah, you're all going to want to see it, so, stay tuned for next week. And if you enjoyed this particular video, you know the drill: LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT down below. Also, hit the BELL NOTIFICATION button to be always notified when we post new videos. And I want to send you much love, peace, and blessings from Italy and we'll see you on our next adventure! Peace-out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 358,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned palace, palace, abandoned italy, italy, italian, italian palace, abandoned italian palace, abandoned mansion, mansion, abandoned castle, castle, golden palace, golden, italian golden palace, lost, lost glory, lost forever, exorcist, the exorcist, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, urban, explore, exploring, urban exploring, explomo, breathtaking, family, millionaire, everything left behind, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, of, an, IT
Id: SePVslE-3Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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