We Found Loads Of Extremely Rare Supercars Hidden In A Basement Worth Millions of Pounds!

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this is the bristol fighter prototype this is the v10 viper engine that would have gone inside it look at the dust on this bentley how long do you think this has been here for look at this incredible mercedes-benz we've just found [Music] oh my god i've just found a formula one car [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel and welcome to today's video so me and aaron have just arrived at this location which is an abandoned building but it's not the building we're exploring today it's the underground car park now the underground car park has got a collection of vehicles apparently worth 30 million pounds it's from a liquidized company which has been seized by the tax man and all these vehicles everything in there are due to be auctioned off early september and 2020 this year so let's go and check it out and see what we can find in there so guys we've got about a 20-minute walk to get to this location at the moment we're just walking through this massive field and we've actually got a storm which has been with us most of the day but tonight i think it's getting even worse so we should hear some pretty freaky noises in there tonight hopefully nothing to worry about though okay so i think we're getting a bit closer i've just noticed this track that we're actually walking along it's like a plastic but it's designed to give vehicles better grip while they're driving on this sort of terrain but the trees are starting to close in on us now and it is getting darker so i'm gonna try and hurry up and get in there okay so we're definitely getting closer now we've just come across this massive lake i think it's a man-made lake it does look it you see where the wind's blowing it actually looks like it's got a current oh there we go we can see the building from here now look so that's where we're heading but we're actually going into the car park which is underneath the building so let's continue in this direction okay so we're very close now you can see the building just through there it's quite an unusual building actually a very strange design i'm not 100 sure what the building was actually used for but i do know it's been empty for quite a while i think if we go down this way we're probably a bit more hidden a bit easier to get in sadly we'll have to keep our torches off until we get in there okay guys this is where it starts getting exciting now we've got the remains of some cars here now i think they're probably bristol cars and bristol is a well-known car manufacturer actually dates back quite early i believe they used to make airplanes but this looks like a body shell from one and we've also got the chassis and a shell from another there crikey look at these i haven't got a clue what these date back to i think they're aluminium bodies cool this one's been outside for a long time again i'm going to try and keep my torches off until i get inside but i think you can pretty much see how good that car is how nice it is if any of you guys know exactly what car that is please drop it in the comments below because i'd love to know okay let's continue okay guys so we are very very close now so there's the main building the car park entrance is literally just there but before we get there we've got these jigs these jigs are actually used to build the cars and look this one here has actually still got a chassis in it so again sorry it's dark i really don't want to use my light just yet not until we get inside i have also noticed i don't think you're going to see it over here but there's a i don't know what they are they look like dialects from doctor who but they're basically a big tall um that was quite scary we've got acorns falling from the tree and one landed just behind us but now these things are actually they they leave them here in places like this where there's no security and they take pictures of you if you get too close to them they start screaming and stuff like that so we're not going to go anywhere near them this is insane right let's get inside this building let's go and find out what incredible things are in here okay guys we are now inside and i am absolutely blown away with what is in here i cannot describe to you how excited i am so all of these cars from what i've read on the internet are being auctioned off later this year but as it stands they've been here for months collecting dust just sitting here look at all of these unfinished cars now apparently so i've also read there is 30 million pounds worth of stuff in here that is a lot of money this is probably one of the most expensive car finds i'm ever going to explore that's the sign you just heard there it's so windy outside we've got a storm tonight so um yeah probably not the best night to come exploring for like getting spooked by noises but at the same time i couldn't miss the opportunity to come here and see these i'm afraid i don't know what model of cars these are but if you guys do know please pop it in the comments below i don't know this looks like a bmw engine i could be wrong v8 while aaron's taking pictures of those i need to look at this this is very special now i've told aaron that we shouldn't touch anything here so i'm not going to be pulling off any covers i'm not going to be touching anything literally nothing at all i'm purely here just to take pictures and make this video this is a very very special car absolutely incredible so we move on from these now i'm pretty sure i know what car is under that cover there that is a bristol 409 bullet speedster now i did have a look on the company's website and that is an opening bid starting at 175 000 pound for that car just that one car alone i couldn't tell you exactly how many cars are in here but there is a lot not just cars original moulds these moulds were handmade by wood to form the aluminium panels which went over them actually made the car but if you just look at the craftsmanship that's going into the work here this is phenomenal down here on the floor we've got all the old tools it's it's it's like tvr all over again when tvr sadly went into liquidation all of the stuff that was left in the factory was auctioned off and sold and this is exactly the same situation with bristol it's a shame that a car company with so much history ends up like this i've just noticed all the wood rot on this one that yeah see all the holes okay so as we move down further into the site we're passing more framework and tools that were used to build these cars strangely the lights are on so i'm guessing somebody's been here recently just to maybe keep an eye on it maybe set the place up for the auction look at this one this one's actually got the aluminium body panels taped in place so it gives you some kind of idea what the car would look like i'm dying to know what cars are under these covers here but like i said before i'm not going to be taking any of them off because i don't want to risk damaging anything in here that is a really really long car i've only just noticed how long that car is it looks like we've got some old um i don't know what these are any idea what these are oh oh that actually looks like a leaf oh it does the net actually yeah so this must have been the original tools that we used to build these cars the torque wrenches there look at those god the size of that one there and again we've got some more equipment here this looks really really really old okay okay guys so while aaron's taking some pictures there i'm going to move on down a bit further oh my god that is a plane engine and what's that next to a little v8 look how tiny that v8 looks compared to that it's crazy that is a big big engine and it looks like there's a crate full of parts behind it to go with it oh it looks like we've got a book as well hercules slave valve engine okay you can really hear that wind outside tonight it's gonna be fun walking back through that forest these old axle stands i wonder if they were for holding up the chassis possibly something really heavy anyway they're massive oh my god i know exactly what this is a dodge viper v10 engine but it's actually got bristol's own stamp on the top of it and this engine would have belonged to this car here the bristol fighter prototype probably says it on there there we go fighter prototype car number triple zero for restoration wow very very similar to the mercedes sls with the goldwing doors in fact from a distance you'd actually think it was i am in my element right now it looks like it's been left outside for quite a long time to be honest there's quite a lot of rust in there obviously where the bare metal hasn't been treated kind of looks like it's just sort of tossed together a few screws and a bit of tape holding on i mean look at the world on that that is quite appalling to be honest with you that's really bad but nevertheless a very very rare car okay guys so let's move on a bit deeper we've got bits and pieces down we've got a carbon fiber air box there not sure what that would have come from we've got a oil cooler which is brand new a very interesting exhaust there yeah i don't know what that's coming from just random bits and pieces obviously they're going to be auctioning all this stuff off so this is probably going to be the cheapest stuff in the auction and we've actually got some bristol cars neon lights here i'm pretty sure i saw an opening before 3 000 pound each for those oh my god oh my god that is a bentley and what's that that's not a bentley looks like a bentley do you know what that's not even a real car that's a mold that is a mold you can see the polystyrene in there yeah it's absolutely solid that's not even a real car oh my god wow yeah it's solid it's not even a real car you can't even open the doors on it how peculiar wow there's actually a badge on the back of it never heard of that i have heard of this this is an absolutely stunning car look at the dust on it wow that has been down here for a very very long time but look inside it's absolutely pristine wow that is spotless in there i don't know if you can see the mileage on this no it's all digital so you won't be able to read it but it's a 2008 car i believe yeah 2008 so it's obviously got some miles on it but my god look at this we've got a holden right next to it again it's still got the cellophane on the seats absolutely pristine inside wow look at that these cars just keep on getting better and better and oh my god even better look at this that's a bloody formula one car or maybe not a formula one maybe it's a formula i don't know superleggera or superleggera 14th of the 10th 2008 oh my god i cannot believe i'm standing next to this right now it doesn't look like there's an engine in it no there's not there's no engine in there i couldn't even tell you if there's been one in there before to be honest this may just be like a demo car or a display car but nevertheless what an absolutely incredible find again it's covered in dust yeah i don't think those brakes have ever been used that's not even a real break is it tonight so this is a dummy car this isn't actually a real formula one but like i said before nevertheless an incredible fine now what is that i thought it was a smart car at first but i don't think it is i should know i've had two of them very similar to a smart car but forget that what is this oh my god it's eight wheel drive it looks like it's got electric motors on each wheel yeah it has so this is an electric eight-wheel drive something or other i don't know what it is see if we can get around go this way past this strange little golf caddy oh wow that looks really nice it looks like a mercedes it isn't all mercedes okay so have a quick look at this first very unusual little thing that looks fun to drive i must say not very safe but fun now now oh wow look at that oh my goodness me that is like brand new in there that is stunning what a beautiful car jeez can you what is it can you read it 7 000. really so aaron reckons it's 7 000 miles on this yeah he's right 7 000.93 miles wow this is gonna be worth a pretty penny i can tell you and we've got more stuff here i don't know what this is look we've got a little sewing machine now i wonder if this was used to actually stitch the seats up in the cars and it's still got a cotton rail on top yeah i reckon that these were used to actually stitch the seats in the cars back in the day these are original but you can see how much they've been used look at the wear on the side i can understand now why the figure that i read was so high because this kind of stuff is priceless it really is you know for the history that the bristol car company has got there's going to be a lot of enthusiasts out there who are going to be willing to pay a lot of money to have something like that got some carbon fiber bits and pieces here look at this we've got a crate full of brand new wiring loom wow and again here we've got loads and loads of bolts and nuts and hoses and all sorts look at that it's mostly brand new and it's never been used joe this is almost as exciting as walking around an abandoned ferrari garage or something can it like the history that's in here right now is just phenomenal okay guys well that's pretty much the lower half of this site done now i know there's another level up there so let's go and check that out now and see what more incredible things we can find okay so we're going to walk up now to the higher level well look at these look these are all brand new t-shirts probably every size you can think of wow maybe everyone who comes to the auction gets a free t-shirt look at this look we've got brand new exhausts over here now these ones here look like they've been used but probably where they've been stored for so many years they end up looking like that where they've been left out in cold conditions you know they got a bit rusty but i'm pretty sure most of those in there are brand new there's car parts everywhere we've got loads of wheels and tires here that actually looks like a citroen saxo ally will there doesn't it yeah look at this we've got brand new alloys here this one's still wrapped up goodness me yeah and on here look we've got glass brand new glass which has never been used again priceless look at the size of that tyre there okay let's see what up here has installed for us we've got some prop shafts there looks like there's a brand new steering column in that crate there yeah it is i've got some ducting in there some more carbon fiber bits body panels call that wind boxes row 26 to 30. oh wow look we've got engines v8s gearboxes oh my god there's loads there must be about 30 engines there look at the size of the balls on these they would have kicked out some serious power i just cannot believe i'm walking around this right now god this place is massive i can see some more cars over in that corner as well oh that wind is really creeping me out it's blowing something over in that corner looks like an old body panel it sounds like someone's opening the door quite aggressively god there's just so much stuff in here so much stuff oh look at this we've got original brochures here they're brand new as well bristol 600 series look at this 1946 the 1968 there's a tailgate there look brand new oh yeah look there's a wooden interior trim there there's a whole crate full of it look i got more exhausts i thought those were cherry bombs out there for a minute there's loads of shims there rocker cover gaskets steering wheel coil springs there's a whole crate full called the red diffs rear axles fuel tanks good god i just cannot believe this i really can't subframes there's like every part you can think of in here and stuff like this looks like it's been taken from cars that have been stripped down and just chucked in a box there's all sorts of stuff in these wiring looms indicated stalks brand new steering column there look blimey i've got all these gearboxes look at this one here's brand new absolutely gleaming if we can get round over that side and have a look behind oh it just doesn't disappoint every nook and cranny in this place has got something interesting we've got center cap in there confirmative wheels i have to be careful in there because there's some really sharp bits of metal sticking out from that box almost caught my leg on it i'm glad i'm wearing shorts look at these brand new unopened i've got some headlights small oil coolers fans motors oh my god look at these cars just look at these cars it looks like an old taxi look at that more crates full of cool springs exhausts clutches flywheels wow this is a very very special find just look at the dust on it as well must have been down here for a while well i like everything in here really yeah that's a taxi so is this look at this look how incredible is that little suitcases as well of course quite nice in there actually quite spacious this one's got small suitcases it's like something out of a dick tracy film in it yeah i'm making what they used no they really don't just tread over this carefully have a look around this side oh my god look carmen gear oh look at this on motorbike too oh it's leaking a bit of oil yeah bleeding i don't know what that is i can't read that it is russian or something hmm again look full higher that is so cool that really is what a beautiful car this is an austin i think am i right i am right this is lovely this is really really lovely i like this car this is a bit of me this is again it looks like it's ready for well assembling it's been painted looks brand new actually unbelievable and look we've got even more car parts panels there's all sorts in there look all this look a huge pile of carbon fiber car parts and they look like formula one car parts to be honest correct me if i'm wrong but that's what they look like looking at the ducks and the shapes all covered in dust i cannot believe how much stuff is in here we've got rubber seals brand new just old just where it's been here for so long or should i say where it's been stalled for so long i don't know how long it's actually been at this site for but it's obviously been on the showers for a long time some oil filters there cool gaskets engine mounts gear knobs brand new gear knobs crankshafts oh my colors even more yeah brand new so one in there too yeah it's all wrapped up so we've got here we've got some body panels here these look like really early ones too i think this is what we heard blowing around in the wind earlier some the wind's coming through up there somewhere and it's rattling a few of them around they've got some new doors there bumpers yeah they're all brand new aluminium body panels or is the americans say aluminum i know a few of you are american so um i do apologize for my prophetic humor there look at this is that the front or the back end of a car it's got a bit of front end in it would you say massive yeah huge in it yeah that's obviously the black yeah i know look at this we've got brand new moulds there oh there's a whole front end of a car there as well so that particular panel there is what would have been made on those wooden frames that we saw earlier all handmade got loads of leaf springs in there look this is one incredible sight look at all those boxes there oh it looks like they're full of christmas decorations actually not so interesting i've got some silicone hoses in there they're quite big in there 100 mil 102 mil on the top wow guys this site has absolutely blown me away it really has i think we've pretty much seen everything there is to see now so um i think we'll start heading out all right guys as you can tell we are back outside now and we're going to make a move hope you've enjoyed the video please like and subscribe please go check out the instagram which is the beard explorer underscore also go check out the facebook page like always i'll put 10 of the best on instagram i'll also link aaron's instagram in the description below and we will see you on the next explore soon
Channel: The Bearded Explorer
Views: 708,356
Rating: 4.8945446 out of 5
Id: E-23PF5QmE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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