FOUND 26 GUNS UNDERWATER... Possible Murder Weapons?.. POLICE CALLED

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- His name is Jared Leisek and he calls what he does treasure hunting. This weekend in Lake Billy Chinook, the treasures he found were two stolen guns. - [Jared] Oh! I found a gun! - [Max] Today we're gonna be looking at the top gun finds of Adventures with Purpose and Exploring with Nug. Thanks for joining us and welcome to the video. Jared was diving at the Cline Falls swimming hole when he stumbled upon his first gun find. - [Jared] Oh! I found a gun! - [Max] A 22 caliber Phoenix Arms pistol. - [Jared] Oh! There's a gun! Look at that Kierra! I'm just sad that our dive is over, so I'm gonna get out, we're gonna call PD. - [Sheriff] What kind of gun is it? - It's a 22 caliber pistol. - [Max] Jared took correct action immediately by calling the sheriff. - I'm Jared - I'm Danny, nice to meet you man. - Pleasure to meet you. - It's like rusted shut. - [Max] In the state of Oregon, the law says you are not allowed to take possession of any found firearm. More times than not, these firearms are used in a crime. So if you stumble upon a firearm, make sure to contact your local PD or sheriff's office immediately. - I can't find a serial number on it. - [Jared] Ah, it's scratched up? - [Max] Just 30 days later, Jared got a call from the deputy saying that the gun had been used in a few crimes, but no further information was given. Jared was diving in Lake Billy Chinook when he discovered not one, but two AR-15s over 80 feet deep. (excited screams) - A gun! - Holy sh! - Not one, but two! - After finding these two guns, Jared contacted the sheriff immediately. - Once upon a time, I think that used to be a good scope on there - [Female Officer] Yep. - A couple weeks later, the sheriff reported that the two ARs had been stolen, and had been missing for over 12 years. While diving in the same area, Jared discovered a gun safe. The safe was riddled with bullet holes, and the contents were unknown, so it was nicknamed the body safe. Eventually, they got the safe floating by using an airbag and drug it to shore. Inside the safe was two decaying bolt action hunting rifles. The safe was reported to have been missing for over 27 years. - Oh that is a gun. - It is a gun! Two guns! Oh it's coming apart. Got battery, two batteries. This is a bolt action. Look at that, two guns today. - Jared was able to find the owner of these guns by watching an old VHS tape he found in the bottom of the old gun safe. - Look at that! There's the evidence right there as to what happened. - With a little bit of detective work and a lot of determination, Jared was able to find the owner by watching an old band concert. Surprisingly, the owner didn't want the guns, he just wanted the VHS tape. - That's an art piece, is what that is. - The sheriff would not be able to identify any further fingerprint or evidence on these weapons, so Jared was able to take them home the same day. - Look at that! I get new art pieces immediately today! Thanks senior deputy! - While diving in the same area, Jared found yet another gun. (whooping) This time it was a pump action shotgun 96 feet below the surface. Police reported the shotgun as not stolen. This meant they were able to go through the proper channels to claim this gun as their own. (whooping) This Mossberg pump shotgun is by far my favorite find due to the fact that it was actually restored. - Anyways, with a little bit of effort and going through the proper channels and processes, I was able to acquire this and have it cleaned up, and I would like to present this to Chris. Chris, come on over here. Check this out, here's your new Mossberg model 200 pump shotgun. - No way. - Now you can come shoot clay pigeons with us. - The shotgun was brought back to life and gifted to Chris, and is now in full working condition. (guns firing) When it comes to finding guns, Adventures with Purpose are amateurs. Exploring with Nug has found over 30 guns in the past year. If you're interested in seeing more gun finds, make sure to check out Jeremy Slide's channel, Exploring with Nug. Link is in the description below. Here's some of the coolest guns he's found so far, enjoy. - [Jeremy] Holy smokes you guys, like five minutes into my dive, I go down deep, find a gun. My first gun, I am so excited about this. It has been down there a long time. Wooden handle, completely gone. I'd almost guess maybe lever action, I don't know guns that much. This is easily a double barrel shotgun. Wow, my gosh. This is making me nervous. Why would there be these rifles down there? Ah, man. I gotta call somebody, this is a big one dude, look at that thing. I think it's another shotgun. Oh my gosh, I'm speechless, I gotta get out of the water. Gotta get out the water, get dressed, I gotta call someone cause this is making me nervous now. One gun is one thing, five guns in a row, oh my gosh. Guys, that's so cool. Oh dude, I knew it. There it is. I found another gun you guys, are you ready for it? Boom, look at that, another gun! Oh yes! God, sweet! Tiers, number 10. I knew there was another gun down here, I knew it! I am so excited, I found that one with a magnet. Is it a gun? It's hitting my legs whatever it is. It's another gun, dear god it's another one. Yes! Oh gosh I found another one you guys, that's two guns magnet fishing! I am in heaven! Ugh, I look like a crazy gun bug owner. Okay, let's see if you guys can help me out again, what kind of gun is this? Oh my gosh, you guys. I knew it! That is 11 guns total in the same spot. I didn't feel like showing you guys, just because this is the cream of the crop, and I found it all with the Brute Magnetic brand new 1500 pound pull. What do you think I found Faith? I found a phone. What else do you think I found? (children screaming) I found a gun! - [Woman] A 22, is that what that is? - It's a little baby. But that's what I came here for, so I call it a win. The gun did not get to come home with me. I did call the police. They came and they took custody of the gun. Why did I turn it over to the cops you are asking. Well, it is actually not a requirement to turn over guns to the cops, but it is smart practice. And why is it smart practice? Because there is no reason why a gun would be at the bottom of a river unless there was some suspicious activity behind it, and I wanted to make sure that if that gun was linked to a crime, they can figure it out. (relaxing music) Look at this! Yes! (lighthearted guitar music) A piece to a gun, - [Woman] Much newer than the one's you've been finding. - Metal, that's definitely a rifle, drawback, boom, right, that's cool. But that doesn't compare to the gun. (cheering) That is nice, a real gun. - [Woman] Nug spelled backwards is gun! - It was right in front of me, I was dinking around, I saw a payphone, another payphone down there, and I was looking at it, and then I just happened to look up and it was just sitting right there, I was like "ah!", I freaked out. - [Woman] And that one's gonna have serial numbers. - Yeah that's not that old at all. Walther Arms fortsmith Arkansas, 22 caliber. - [Woman] So lucky number 14, yeah? I think you've already got 13. - Wow, this is number 14. - Second-hand gun, thirteenth gun I've found right here in this spot. (excited screaming) Ready for the grand prize of what I've found? - [Woman] What did you find? Ooh! - There you go. - [Woman] Awesome! - Nice, modern gun this time. It had a holster but it floated away. I definitely didn't plan on finding this today, it looks been sitting down here for a long time. How long do you think it's been sitting here for? Comment down below. (excited screaming) That is so old! Oh my god! I ended up finding two guns also at the bottom of the river that I got to keep and bring home with me. The first one is this little starter pistol. I did a little research online and found out that this could possibly date back to the 40s. This one still actually has the cartridge in it. The other gun that I found is a model 22K revolver. I couldn't put an exact date on it, but it does go back, I found one place online that was auctioning one of these off, obviously in better condition, for around 50 dollars. The cops looked at these and determined they're not gonna be able to do anything with these guns so they let me bring them home, which is really awesome. This is the first guns I got to bring home. I also found another gun. This is my 18th gun. This particular one is a Lorcin nine millimeter. It is a fairly cheap gun, and as you can see, it has been in the river for a very long time. Can't see any of the serial numbers, I talked to the local authorities and they said there's nothing they can do with it, so this is the third gun that I got to bring home with me, even though it's nothing more than some scrap. Woo hoo! Two handguns and a rifle. Let's take a closer look at that rifle. So I got onto the wonderful community that is Reddit, and they have helped me identify this gun. It is an M1 Carbine. I do not know if it's original, obviously this thing has been down in the river a long time, it is super rusty, there is no wood on it whatsoever, the stock is completely gone. This could be a replica, it could be an original, I do not know. But what I do know, it was an amazing find and I'm super glad that I got to find it. I also found not one, but two more handguns in the river. This one, the first one that I found, I thought was a toy and I didn't come to the realization that it was a real gun until I got home and realized all the information on the gun is stamped in the side, and this tells me the gun was real. This first gun was ranged from the 1960s to the 1980s. Roughly, it's a 1970s handgun. The other gun, I'm not so lucky with. It has also been in the river a long time. The stock must've been wood, it is completely missing or has broken off, no writing on it whatsoever. Other people on Reddit have also said it might be the exact same gun as this gun, just in really, really bad condition. Oh my god, dude. Look at that thing, definitely looks like a sawed off shotgun. Butt is gone, it seems to open, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen, still got a little bit of wood left on it. That is so cool. Ah, that is so cool! This the coolest thing to find right here. Ah, man, (excited screaming) Check this thing out dude! That's cool, found another one. First gun of the year. Looks like it says Jennings Firearms. Eh, little 22, it looks like. Ah dude, it's got the serial numbers on it, this is a good find. Cops are gonna want this one. Woo, that's awesome. Ah, so worth freezing my butt off for that one, sweet. (police siren) The feds took my treasure. It's all good though, cause I actually called them. This gun has the serial number showing, and I was told if I could see a serial number on the guns, to call the police so they can run it and see if it's linked to any crimes. This gun, however, was not linked to any crimes, technically I could have kept, but I don't want it, because it's obviously junk and I have no room for any more junk in my house. So the cops did take it, they probably threw it away, who knows? If you're curious, give them a call. Dude! - [Friend] Huh, what? - [Jeremy] This is nuts! - [Friend] Oh my gosh! (laughing) - [Jeremy] I'm at a loss for words on that one. Check out the gun that I found. This has got to be a civil war musket in amazing condition. Starting at the very top, you can see that the stock is gone and it looks like it was cut on purpose, but that could just be wear and tear from underneath the water that was rounded off. You can see the little pieces of brass. You can clearly tell this is where the trigger is. The loops a little broken. Right there is the flintlock, it is in some serious condition, so I didn't really go crazy with the cleaning. The wood is in amazing condition, for being, we'll say, 130 years old. All the metal is in really bad condition, I bet it's holding on by a thread, so I'm not gonna do much more with this gun. Even the rod is still there, this is an amazing find. Look at that, that is awesome right. - Thanks so much for watching, let me know what your favorite gun find is in the comment below. Remember to subscribe to Exploring with Nug in the description below. (upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,144,358
Rating: 4.8918414 out of 5
Keywords: found gun, pistol, gun, fishing, searching, snorkeling, river, water, lost, found, underwater, treasure, treasure hunting, exploring, swimming, rapids, danger, clear water, gear, lost valuables, adventure, submerged, river treasure hunting, finds, found in river, found in the river, found treasure, lost treasure, found lost treasure, river treasure, scuba diving, searching for river treasure, rifle, gun found, gun found in river, gun found underwater, found stolen gun, weapons
Id: H-N041bi_Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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